Releases: spotbugs/spotbugs-maven-plugin
Releases · spotbugs/spotbugs-maven-plugin
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
- Resolve #549 auxclasspath regression introduced from release
- Bump base-parent usage to 38 resolving recursive issue with m2e (or more generally with maven itself) introduced from release
- Add new integration tests to test that files are not left open (verify-clean) and test to ensure we do not reintroduce auxclasspath issue (check-no-missing-classes).
- Resolve #236 - inner classes links fixed
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
- Still supports spotbugs 4.7.3
- Updated to Groovy 4.0.7
- Fixes for doxia updates to support maven 4 reporting
- Remove invalid usage of 'auxclasspathFromInput' from inception of findbugs maven plugin. This surfaced when running parallel builds and possibly other related issues as it was causing spotbugs to rely on
- Support running xml and sarif reports at same time
- Add support to run html reports (htmlOutput parameter). Can be ran along side xml and sarif as well.
- Fixed integration tests for maven 3.3.9 confirmed support level.
note: Groovy 4.0.8 / 4.0.9 are broken for this project. Groovy fixed issue which will come with 4.0.10. Therefore, if overriding groovy, do not upgrade currently beyond 4.0.7. Other versions should be otherwise fine.
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
- Supports spotbugs 4.7.3
- note: was released and actually included 4.7.3 by default. All items in are in this release with only change being to denote underlying spotbugs.
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
- Bumps groovy to 4.0.5
- Bumps asm to 9.4
Build Related
- For reproducible builds, timestamp is now more accurate to the release.
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
- support for spotbugs 4.7.2
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
Patch Release
- Validate Spotbugs report even if only test sources exist fixing #454
- Moved javaparser-core to project level to resolve issues with site releases
- Code cleanup throughout
- General build updates
- Fixed l10n on site documentation
Spotbugs Maven Plugin
- Support spotbugs 4.7.1
- Add support for multiple bug inclusion, excusion, and baseline files. See PR #436
- Build Updates including usage of asm bom, groovy bom, and adjustment to asm to ensure it works after maven changes
- Invoker plugin set to groovy 3 while project is groovy 4 as invoker needs older groovy.
- Support spotbugs 4.7.0
- Fix #68, note still requires use of a separate plugin, see [here}(
- Fix #114 by introducing verify mojo to allow split of analysis and verification into lifecycle phases of one's choosing. One use case for that is running multiple code analyzers at once and only failing the build at a later stage, so that all of them have a chance to run. Verify then in this case just uses an existing file.
- Updated readme with various information about groovy, security manager, and m2e specific to this application considerations that are often asked about.
- Spotbugs 4.6.0 support
- Groovy 4.0.1 based
note on groovy: If using groovy with same group id (already existing condition), an error may occur if not on same version. To alleviate that, make sure groovy artifacts are defined in dependency management in order to force the loaded version correctly on your usage.
note on no change, not released. Issue with site distribution via maven release plugin only that is being tested, use only.