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File metadata and controls

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Kepler Product Requirements Document

Authors: Wayne Chang [email protected]

Date: October 9th, 2020

Kepler is a decentralized data storage system built as a network of storage nodes and data overlays called orbits. Orbits can be replicated, permissioned, and accessed according to their own policies.

Many decentralized networks rely on centralized storage providers such as AWS S3, GitHub, or IPFS instances hosted by a single company. They do this to meet file hosting expectations of high public availability, low latency, reasonable cost. With Kepler, we seek to achieve decentralization through local consensus, with each orbit adhering to flexible governance criteria, for example:

  • A group of friends agree to collectively host an orbit.
  • An enterprise uses legal contracts to bind partners to orbit SLAs.
  • A decentralized network binds orbits to cryptoeconomic validation models, such as by using Filecoin or Sia.

Furthermore, it is necessary to provide controls across the entire network to govern deletion of select data to comply with regulations such as GDPR or to redress spam attacks. We imagine an add-on accounting and billing system built to support key-based authentication, cryptocurrencies, and/or GNU Taler to allow for long term sustainability.


  • Owners of decentralized service accounts (federated networks, blockchains, secure scuttlebutt, etc.) require public data stores that are highly available, affordable, reasonably censorship resistant, and supporting locally hosted instances if desired.
  • Decentralized ecosystems prefer a sustainable ecosystem of reliable storage nodes over a single centralized service provider.
  • We need to comply with regional regulations with respect to PII and illegal data across the entire network of nodes.
  • We need a way to allow nodes to permissionlessly enter and leave the network and manage incentives so that the network is stable as it grows.

User Profiles

  • dApp developer who needs to host their dApp, store additional assets used in their dApp such as user-submitted NFT images, publish their source code, or host a PDF of passing software audits.
  • Digital asset issuer who wants to attach publicly-facing information to their pegged tokens, such as deposit receipts for a gold bar or an audit report for a fiat reserves backing stablecoin issuance.
  • Issuer of Verifiable Credentials who needs storage for publicly-facing data schemas and verifiable credentials in both human and machine readable formats, revocation lists, or evidence related to verifiable credentials such as large binaries that can be evaluated to reproduce results.

MVP Requirements

  • A keypair should be all you need to get started with data storage. The user should be able to use this storage service with just a wallet and dApp without ever leaving the dApp, even if you haven’t used the service before.
  • Kepler should work fine with regular Web 2 applications too, such as taking the form of a storage module in Rails or SDK usable by a Go microservice.
  • The nodes must be permissioned with authentication and authorization for storage, and we should figure out how to prevent basic spam attacks such as generating a billion keypairs and uploading 5 MB each from a few IP addresses.
  • We need a way to remove PII and illegal content from the network to comply with laws.
  • It should be straightforward to run a federated Kepler node on standard cloud hosting.
  • We should be able to grant people additional storage due to certain status in the community, for example:
    • They have a certain number of mainnet blockchain transactions (Query an indexer)
    • They present W3C Verifiable Credentials by the correct issuer and data values (Spruce to provide libraries that can handle this)
    • Their account has deployed or used a popular and well-used smart contract (Query an indexer)

Long Term Considerations

  • Users should also be able to pay for storage with cryptocurrencies such as XTZ, eventually to be collected by the people who run nodes.
  • Kepler should be equipped with different "orbits" which are file overlays and software-enforced policies for a specific community. For example, there may be a dApp Orbit dedicated to hosting dApp assets, or a Public Records Orbit which hosts copies of S1 filings from the SEC’s website among other public documents of note. A Kepler node can belong to one or many orbits, and as a result adopts the rules and economic reward structure of that orbit.
  • We should have tooling to deploy, monitor, and manage Kepler nodes and orbits. Ideally, a cloud subaccount API key would be all that is required to stand one up, and orbits may be selected from the administration panel.
  • We should support partial orbits, in which only a fraction of the files from an orbit are stored due to space constraints. The asset durabilities should be examinable when analyzing orbits.
  • We should explore "copy-on-write" orbits which resolve to another orbit upon file requests, but are able to keep a running list of changes versus the reference orbit.
  • We should explore "composed" orbits which are represented by a list of rank-ordered orbits where file resolution proceeds sequentially until a hit or list end.
  • We should support Bittorrent-style downloading across many peers at the same time.
  • We should be able to use a DAO to govern orbits to delete or deactivate illegal files, sticklers of censorship resistance can run their own nodes in "no-delete" mode and host the files at their own risk, but it will not be officially recognized by the orbit.

Integration Considerations

  • Kepler should support a gateway where an orbit can be designated as public and then exposed to anyone on the internet, like a Tor exit node. The gateway should eventually be able to load balance requests across nodes in the orbit.
  • A cryptocurrency wallet such as Kukai or Temple be able to authorize CRUD requests against orbits, such as by using the Tezos Signed Message functionality of the wallets. This allows dApps to access Kepler storage.
  • W3C Verifiable Credentials or Verifiable Presentations may be presented to the nodes to authenticate or authorize.
  • We should support a variety of storage and replication backends, including IPFS, S3, NFS, and RocksDB. These should be modular and selectable by the end user.
  • For discovery of orbit hosts and latest content versions, we should consider the use of a DHT and smart contracts to anchor the launch data. DHTs may be permissioned in the case of a private orbit. Launch data contains the latest content version, perhaps a Merkle Patricia trie root hash, and active nodes in the orbit that can serve requests.

MVP Scoping

We will not satisfy all requirements above on the first pass. Instead, we should figure out how to deploy something by the Q1 of 2021 that can be used in production with the major use cases above. The most important objective is usable storage that community members can rely on for their projects. We will describe the minimal “happy case” user workflow that must be implemented first, then possibly iterated upon to eventually meet all requirements.

Kepler Node Administrator

A Kepler Node Administrator is typically the CTO or senior engineer at a small engineering firm such as TQ, Baking Bad, ECAD Labs, or Spruce, that wishes to run and use the Kepler storage network. They are technically sophisticated but have limited time and developer resources to spend setting up a node and making it run reliably.

For the MVP, they want to be able to

  • Run an instance of Kepler on their cloud provider of choice in an isolated but Internet-connected environment, such as on AWS, Azure, GCP, or Digital Ocean.
  • Not have to worry about cloud security settings, data storage abuse, takedown notices, or skyrocketing costs.
  • Be able to access their Kepler node through an administration panel and monitor statistics such as peering, storage usage, uptime, bandwidth, and more.

Kepler Storage User

A Kepler Storage User has a Tezos account and wants to store files on the Kepler storage network (KSN). For the MVP, they want to be able to:

  • Deploy their dApp to KSN including its frontend web assets.
  • Store files on KSN from a dApp without leaving the dApp.
  • Store arbitrary files on KSN from the command line.
  • Receive statistics on their hosted files, such as durability (redundancy), bandwidth statistics, and more.
  • Login to their KSN management portal and view their data and storage quotas.
  • View the reasons for increases in storage quota, such as having a certain number of mainnet transactions associated with their account.

Kepler Network Administrator

The Kepler Network Administrator responds to takedown requests and fights spam on behalf of all nodes. It is the centralized governance actor that we hope to eventually decentralize with BaseDAO. We expect a single party, possibly whoever builds the system, to play this role for now with oversight from the network members. Specifically, they:

  • Respond to DMCA takedown requests, GDPR requests, or similar and proactively fight spam attacks/illegal content.
  • Set up and maintain the core software projects.
  • Monitor network-level health, including file durability.
  • Run a node cluster of last resort to add to high availability guarantees.