Input: 200,000 integers.
Output: 2 integers
Tests: 7-12, 16 and 21-24
Tags: sorting and searching, large input, small output
Input: 200,000 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 6-10
Tags: sorting and searching, large input, small output
Input: 2,000 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 6-11, 13 and 15
Tags: dynamic programming, small input, small output
Input: 400,000 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 5-8 and 12
Tags: sorting and searching, large input, small output
Input: 10 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 2-3 and 4 (?)
Tags: mathematics, small input, small output
Input: 1 integer
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 11-15 and 17
Tags: mathematics, small input, small output
Input: 1,000 integers
Output: 4 integers
Tests: 9-14, 17-19, 23 and 26
Tags: sorting and searching, small input, small output
Input: 200,000 integers
Output: 100,000 integers
Tests: 1-2
Tags: introductory problems, mathematics, large input, large output
Input: 200,000 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 4-8, 10-15
Tags: sorting and searching, large input, small output
Input: 400,000 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 5-8, 13-17
Tags: sorting and searching, large input, small output
Input: 100 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 4-5, 8-9 and 11
Tags: dynamic programming, small input, small output
Input: 100 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 4-5, 8 and 11-12
Tags: dynamic programming, small input, small output
Input: 100 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 4-5, 8-9, 11-12
Tags: dynamic programming, small input, small output
Input: 10,000 caracteres
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 6-11 and 15
Tags: dynamic programming, reasonable input, small output
15. 1140 - Projects
Input: 600,000 integers
Output: 1 integer
Tests: 6-12
Tags: dynamic programming, large input, small output