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new file mode 100644
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+# Specify files that shouldn't be modified by Fern
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-**/*.php -lf
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-name: Bug report
-about: Create a report to help us improve Square SDKs
-title: ''
-labels: ''
-assignees: ''
-This issue template is for **bugs** or **documentation** errors in this SDK Repo. Please direct all technical support questions, feature requests, API-related issues, and general discussions to our Square-supported developer channels. For public support, [join us in our Square Developer Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/squaredev) or [post in our Developer Forums](https://developer.squareup.com/forums). For private support, [contact our Developer Success Engineers](https://squareup.com/help/us/en/contact?panel=BF53A9C8EF68) directly.
-**Describe the bug**
-A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
-**Expected behavior**
-A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
-**To Reproduce**
-Steps to reproduce the bug:
-1. (step 1)
-2. (step 2)
-3. (step 3)
-4. ...
-If applicable, add screenshots to help explain the bug.
-**Square SDK version**
-For example: 17.2.x
-**Additional context**
-Add any other context about the problem here.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
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@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-blank_issues_enabled: false
- - name: Square Developer Forums
- url: https://developer.squareup.com/forums
- about: Public discussion threads for technical support, feature requests, api discussion, and all things related to square development.
- - name: Square Developer Discord Server
- url: https://discord.com/invite/squaredev
- about: Community slack channel for real time support and conversations about building with square.
- - name: Developer Support
- url: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/contact?panel=BF53A9C8EF68
- about: Private support directly with Square Developer Success Engineers.
diff --git a/.github/labeler.yml b/.github/labeler.yml
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/.github/labeler.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# configuration settings for labeler
-version: v1
- - label: "automerge"
- sync: true
- matcher:
- title: "^Generated PR for Release:"
- - label: "automerge-author"
- sync: true
- matcher:
- author:
- - square-sdk-deployer
- - label: "automerge-branch"
- sync: true
- matcher:
- branch: "^release"
diff --git a/.github/pull_request_template.md b/.github/pull_request_template.md
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-This repository **cannot** accept Pull Requests. If you wish to proceed with opening this PR, please understand that your code **will not** be pulled into this repository. Consider opening an issue which lays out the problem instead. Thank you very much for your efforts and highlighting issues!
-Please direct all technical support questions, feature requests, API-related issues, and general discussions to our Square-supported developer channels. For public support, [join us in our Square Developer Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/squaredev) or [post in our Developer Forums](https://developer.squareup.com/forums). For private support, [contact our Developer Success Engineers](https://squareup.com/help/us/en/contact?panel=BF53A9C8EF68) directly.
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..258bf33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+name: ci
+on: [push]
+ compile:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repo
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Setup PHP
+ uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
+ with:
+ php-version: "8.1"
+ - name: Install tools
+ run: |
+ composer install
+ - name: Build
+ run: |
+ composer build
+ - name: Analyze
+ run: |
+ composer analyze
+ unit-tests:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repo
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Setup PHP
+ uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
+ with:
+ php-version: "8.1"
+ - name: Install tools
+ run: |
+ composer install
+ - name: Run Tests
+ run: |
+ composer test
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/php.yml b/.github/workflows/php.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 53565070..00000000
--- a/.github/workflows/php.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-name: PHP Composer
- push:
- branches: [master]
- pull_request:
- branches: [master]
- build:
- env:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- strategy:
- matrix:
- php-versions: ["7.4", "8.0", "8.1"]
- phpunit-versions: ["8.5.8"]
- steps:
- - name: Checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - name: Setup PHP
- uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
- with:
- php-version: ${{ matrix.php-versions }}
- tools: phpunit:${{ matrix.phpunit-versions }}
- - name: Cache Composer packages
- id: composer-cache
- uses: actions/cache@v2
- with:
- path: vendor
- key: ${{ runner.os }}-php-${{ matrix.php-versions }}-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.lock') }}
- restore-keys: |
- ${{ runner.os }}-php-${{ matrix.php-versions }}-
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: composer install --prefer-dist --no-progress
- - name: Run test suite
- run: composer run test
- labeler:
- needs: build
- if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: automerge-labeler
- uses: fuxingloh/multi-labeler@v1
- automerge:
- needs: labeler
- if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- steps:
- - name: automerge
- uses: "pascalgn/automerge-action@v0.14.2"
- env:
- GITHUB_TOKEN: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
- MERGE_LABELS: "automerge,automerge-branch,automerge-author"
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1d2fc34b..31a1aeb1 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.phan/config.php b/.phan/config.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bef4850b..00000000
--- a/.phan/config.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- '7.2',
- // A list of directories that should be parsed for class and
- // method information. After excluding the directories
- // defined in exclude_analysis_directory_list, the remaining
- // files will be statically analyzed for errors.
- //
- // Thus, both first-party and third-party code being used by
- // your application should be included in this list.
- 'directory_list' => [
- 'src',
- $vendor_dir . '/apimatic/unirest-php',
- $vendor_dir . '/apimatic/jsonmapper'
- ],
- // A directory list that defines files that will be excluded
- // from static analysis, but whose class and method
- // information should be included.
- //
- // Generally, you'll want to include the directories for
- // third-party code (such as "vendor/") in this list.
- //
- // n.b.: If you'd like to parse but not analyze 3rd
- // party code, directories containing that code
- // should be added to both the `directory_list`
- // and `exclude_analysis_directory_list` arrays.
- 'exclude_analysis_directory_list' => [
- $vendor_dir
- ],
- 'plugin_config' => [
- 'infer_pure_methods' => true
- ],
- 'plugins' => [
- 'AlwaysReturnPlugin',
- 'DuplicateArrayKeyPlugin',
- 'PregRegexCheckerPlugin',
- 'PrintfCheckerPlugin',
- 'UnreachableCodePlugin',
- 'InvokePHPNativeSyntaxCheckPlugin',
- 'UseReturnValuePlugin',
- 'EmptyStatementListPlugin',
- 'LoopVariableReusePlugin',
- 'RedundantAssignmentPlugin',
- 'NonBoolBranchPlugin',
- 'NonBoolInLogicalArithPlugin',
- 'InvalidVariableIssetPlugin',
- 'NoAssertPlugin',
- 'DuplicateExpressionPlugin',
- 'WhitespacePlugin',
- 'PHPDocToRealTypesPlugin',
- 'PHPDocRedundantPlugin',
- 'PreferNamespaceUsePlugin',
- 'StrictComparisonPlugin',
- 'EmptyMethodAndFunctionPlugin',
- 'DollarDollarPlugin',
- 'AvoidableGetterPlugin'
- ]
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 034dc1e0..00000000
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
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-# Change Log
-For general API and SDK changelogs, see [Square APIs and SDKs Release Notes](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/changelog/connect).
-## Version (2022-05-12)
-- Fixed [Op Cache can break response types](https://github.com/square/square-php-sdk/issues/80)
-## Version (2022-03-16)
-### Added
-* Now supports PHP 8.1
-## Version (2021-12-15)
-### API updates
-* **Invoices API:**
- * The Invoices API now supports seller accounts in France. For more information, see [International availability and considerations.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#international-availability-invoices)
- * France only: [`Invoice`](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/Invoice) object. Added a new `payment_conditions` field, which contains payment terms and conditions that are displayed on the invoice. This field is available only for sellers in France. For more information, see [Payment conditions.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#payment-conditions)
- Square version 2021-12-15 or higher is required to set this field, but it is returned in `ListInvoices` and `RetrieveInvoice` requests for all Square versions.
-* **Cards API**
- * Added the `CARD_DECLINED_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED` error code to the list of error codes returned by [CreateCard](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/cards-api/CreateCard).
-* **Catalog API:**
- * [CreateCatalogImage](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/catalog-api/create-catalog-image) endpoint
- * Updated to support attaching multiple images to a [Catalogbject](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogObject) instance.
- * Added `is_primary` option to let the caller choose to attach an image as the primary image on the object for display with the Square Point of Sale and other first-party Square applications. For more information, see [Upload and Attach Images.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/upload-and-attach-images)
- * [CatalogObject](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogObject) object
- * Retired the `image_id` field, used to hold a single image object attached to an image-supporting object of the `ITEM`, `ITEM_VARIATION`, `CATEGORY`, or `MODIFIER_LIST` type, in Square API version 2021-12-15 and later, which supports attachment of multiple images. The `image_id` field is still supported in Square API version prior to 2021-12-15. For more information, see [Work with Images: Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/cookbook/create-catalog-image#overview)
- * [CatalogItem](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogItem), [CatalogItemVariation](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogItemVariation), [CatalogCategory](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogCategory) or [CatalogModifierList](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogModifierList) object
- * Added `image_ids` list to hold attached image objects. The first element of `image_ids` list refers to the primary image attached to the catalog object. For more information, see [Work with Images: Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/cookbook/create-catalog-image#overview)
- * [UpdateCatalogImage](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/catalog-api/update-catalog-image) endpoint
- * Added to support replacing the image file encapsulated by an existing [CatalogImage](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogImage) object. For more information, see [Replace image file on a CatalogImage object.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/manage-images#replace-the-image-file-of-a-catalogimage-object)
- * [CatalogPricingRule](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogPricingRule) object
- * Added [minimum_order_subtotal_money](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-12-15/objects/CatalogPricingRule#definition__property-minimum_order_subtotal_money) field to require that the minimum order subtotal be reached before the pricing rule may be applied.
-### Documentation updates
-* Added a new top-level node for Developer Tools. This node includes such features as Sandbox, API Logs, and Webhooks.
-* Added [Webhook Event Logs (beta)](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/devtools/webhook-logs) documentation to the Developer Tools node.
-## Version (2021-11-17)
-## API updates
-* **Cards API.** The [Card](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/objects/card) object and webhook response body for all webhooks are updated updated with fields.
- * Added the [Card.merchant_id](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/objects/Card#definition__property-merchant_id) field to identify the Square seller that stored the payment card on file.
- * Added a [Card](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/objects/Card) object to the response bodies of all [Cards API webhooks](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/webhooks/v2webhook-events-tech-ref#cards-api). The `Card` is added as a child of the `data.object` field in all webhook responses.
-* **Bookings API.** The new [ListBookings](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/bookings-api/list-bookings) endpoint supports browsing a collection of bookings of a seller. For more information, see [Use the Bookings API: list bookings.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bookings-api/use-the-api#list-bookings)
-* **Subscriptions API.** Introduced the new [actions framework](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/overview#subscriptions-actions-overview) representing scheduled, future changes to subscriptions.
- * The new [PauseSubscription](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/subscriptions-api/pause-subscription) endpoint supports temporarily pausing a subscription. Calling this endpoint schedules a new `PAUSE` action.
- * The new [SwapPlan](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/subscriptions-api/swap-plan) endpoint supports changing the subscription plan associated with a single customer. Calling this endpoint schedules a new `SWAP_PLAN` action.
- * The new [DeleteSubscriptionAction](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/subscriptions-api/delete-subscription-action) endpoint supports deleting a scheduled action.
- * The [ResumeSubscription](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/subscriptions-api/resume-subscription) endpoint has been updated to support resuming a paused subscription. Calling this endpoint schedules a new `RESUME` action.
- * The [CancelSubscription](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/subscriptions-api/cancel-subscription) endpoint now schedules a new `CANCEL` action.
- * Added an optional `include` body parameter to the [SearchSubscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-11-17/subscriptions-api/search-subscriptions) endpoint. Include `actions` in the request to return all [actions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/overview#subscriptions-actions-overview) associated with the subscriptions.
-## Documentation Update
-* **Migration Guides.**
- * [Migrate from the Connect V1 Refunds API.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/migrate-from-v1/guides/v1-refunds) The topic is updated to include information to migrate from the v1 ListRefunds endpoint to the appropriate Square API counterparts.
- * [Migrate from the Connect V1 Payments API.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/migrate-from-v1/guides/v1-payments) The topic provides developers information to migrate from the Connect V1 Payments API to the appropriate Square API counterparts.
- Code that relies on these V1 API endpoints must be updated to avoid breaking when these APIs reach retirement.
-## Version (2021-10-20)
-## API updates
-* **Transactions API.** Three previously deprecated endpoints (`ListRefunds`, `Charge`, and `CreateRefund`) in the [Transactions API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/transactions-api) are removed from Square API version 2021-10-20 and later. These endpoints will work if you are using Square API versions prior to 2021-10-20. However, these endpoints will eventually be retired from all Square versions.
- * Instead of the Transactions API `Charge` endpoint, use the Payments API [CreatePayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/payments-api/create-payment) endpoint.
- * Instead of the Transactions API `CreateRefund` endpoint, use the Refunds API [RefundPayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/payments-api/refund-payment) endpoint.
- * Instead of the Transactions API `ListRefunds` endpoint, use the Refunds API [ListPaymentRefund](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/payments-api/list-payment-refunds) endpoint.
-* **Payments API:**
- * [Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment) object.
- * Added the [device_details](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-device_details) read-only field to view details of the device used to take a payment. This `Payment`-level field provides device information for all types of payments. Previously, device details were only available for card payments (`Payment.card_details.device_details`), which is now deprecated.
- * Added the [team_member_id](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-team_member_id) that applications can use to view the ID of the [TeamMember](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/TeamMember) associated with the payment. Use this field instead of the `Payment.employee_id` field, which is now deprecated.
- * Added the [application_details](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-application_details) read-only field to view details of the application that took the payment.
- * These `Payment` fields have moved to the [general availability](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle) (GA) state:[tip_money](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-tip_money), [delay_duration](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-delay_duration), [statement_description_identifier](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-statement_description_identifier), [delay_duration](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-delay_duration), [delay_action](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-delay_action), [delayed_until](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-delayed_until), and [statement_description_identifier](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-statement_description_identifier).
- * The [ACH Bank Transfer Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/ach-payments) feature has moved to the GA state. Accordingly, the [bank_account_details](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Payment#definition__property-bank_account_details) field (and its [BankAccountPaymentDetails](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/BankAccountPaymentDetails) type) are moved to the GA state.
- * [CreatePayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/payments-api/create-payment) endpoint.
- * Added the [team_member_id](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/payments-api/create-payment#request__property-team_member_id) request field to record the ID of the team member associated with the payment.
- * The [accept_partial_authorization](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/payments-api/create-payment#request__property-accept_partial_authorization) request field has moved to the GA state.
- * [CompletePayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/payments-api/complete-payment) endpoint. Added the `version_token` request field to support optimistic concurrency. For more information, see [Delayed capture of a card payment.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/card-payments#delayed-capture-of-a-card-payment)
-* **Refunds API:**
- * [RefundPayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/refunds-api/refund-payment) endpoint.
- * Added the `team_member_id` request field to record the ID of the team member associated with the refund.
- * Added the `payment_version_token` request field to support optimistic concurrency. For more information, see [Refund Payment.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/refund-payments#optimistic-concurrency)
-* **Customers API:**
- * [Customer](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Customer) object. Added a new `tax_ids` field of the [CustomerTaxIds](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/CustomerTaxIds) type, which can contain the EU VAT ID of the customer. This field is available only for customers of sellers in France, Ireland, or the United Kingdom. For more information, see [Customer tax IDs.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-tax-ids)
- * [UpdateCustomer](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/customers-api/update-customer) endpoint. The Customers API now returns a `400 BAD_REQUEST` error if the request body does not contain any fields. For earlier Square versions, the Customers API will continue to return a `200 OK` response along with the customer profile. For more information, see [Migration notes.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#migration-notes)
-* **Invoices API:**
- * [InvoiceRecipient](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/InvoiceRecipient) object. Added a new, read-only `tax_ids` field of the [InvoiceRecipientTaxIds](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/InvoiceRecipientTaxIds) type, which can contain the EU VAT ID of the invoice recipient. This field is available only for customers of sellers in Ireland or the United Kingdom. If defined, `tax_ids` is returned for all Square API versions. For more information, see [Invoice recipient tax IDs.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#recipient-tax-ids)
- * Square now sends emails for test invoices that are published in the Sandbox environment.
-* **Catalog API:**
- * [CatalogSubscriptionPlan.name](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/CatalogSubscriptionPlan#definition__property-name) can be updated after the subscription plan is created. The change is retroactively applicable to prior versions of the Square API.
-* **Subscriptions API:**
- * The new [SubscriptionSource](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/SubscriptionSource) data type is introduced to encapsulate the source where a subscription is created. The new `SubscriptionSource.name` value is propagated to the `Order.source` attribute when an order is made on the subscription. The new feature is retroactively applicable to prior versions of the Square API.
- * The new [Subscription.source](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/Subscription#definition__property-source) attribute is introduced to indicate the source where the subscription was created. This new feature is retroactively applicable to prior versions of the Square API.
- * The new [SearchSubscriptionsFilter.source_names](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-10-20/objects/SearchSubscriptionFilter#definition__property-source_names) query expression is introduced to enable search for subscriptions by the subscription source name. This new feature is retroactively applicable to prior versions of the Square API.
-## Version (2021-09-15)
-## API updates
-* **Invoices API:**
- * [Invoice](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-09-15/objects/Invoice) object. Added a new, optional `sale_or_service_date` field used to specify the date of the sale or the date that the service is rendered. If specified, this date is displayed on the invoice.
-* **Orders API:**
- * [CreateOrder](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-09-15/orders-api/create-order). The endpoint now supports creating temporary, draft orders. For more information, see [Create a draft order.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/create-orders#create-a-draft-order)
- * [CloneOrder](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-09-15/orders-api/clone-order). The Orders API supports this new endpoint to clone an existing order. For more information, see [Clone an order.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/create-orders#clone-an-order)
- * These fields have moved to the [general availability (GA)](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#general-availability) state: [OrderLineItem.item_type](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-09-15/objects/OrderLineItem#definition__property-item_type), [OrderServiceCharge.type](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-09-15/objects/OrderServiceCharge#definition__property-type), and `catalog_version` field on every order type that contains this field.
-* **Team API:**
- * [SearchTeamMembersFilter](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-09-15/objects/SearchTeamMembersFilter) object now has an `is_owner` field that when set, causes a team member search to return only the seller who owns a Square account.
-* **Terminal API:**
- * [TerminalCheckout](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-09-15/objects/TerminalCheckout) object. The `customer_id` field is now GA.
-## Documentation updates
-* **OAuth API:**
- * Revised API descriptions for the ObtainToken and Authorize endpoints. Clarified that the Authorize endpoint is not a callable API but is used to direct the seller to the Square authorization page. For more information about the Authorize endpoint, see [Create the Redirect URL and Square Authorization Page URL.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/oauth-api/create-urls-for-square-authorization)
-## Version (2021-08-18)
-## API updates
-* **Customers API:**
- * [Customer](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-08-18/objects/Customer) object. The `version` field has moved to the [general availability](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#general-availability) (GA) state. This field represents the current version of the customer profile and enables optimistic concurrency control. For more information, see [Customer profile versions and optimistic concurrency support.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-profile-versions-and-optimistic-concurrency-support)
- * [ListCustomers](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-08-18/customers-api/list-customers) endpoint. The new, optional `limit` query parameter can be used to specify the maximum number of results in a paginated response.
-* **Customer Groups API:**
- * [ListCustomerGroups](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-08-18/customer-groups-api/list-customer-groups) endpoint. The new, optional `limit` query parameter can be used to specify the maximum number of results in a paginated response.
-* **Customer Segments API:**
- * [ListCustomerSegments](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-08-18/customer-segments-api/list-customer-segments) endpoint. The new, optional `limit` query parameter can be used to specify the maximum number of results in a paginated response.
-* **Invoices API:**
- * Square Invoices Plus is a monthly subscription plan that allows access to premium invoice features. After Invoices Plus is launched in September 2021, a subscription will be required to create invoices with custom fields and installment payments. For more information, including how to handle new errors, see [Premium features available with Invoices Plus.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#invoices-plus-subscription)
-* **Loyalty API:**
- * [LoyaltyAccount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-08-18/objects/LoyaltyAccount) object. Added a new `expiring_point_deadlines` field that specifies when points in the account balance are scheduled to expire. This field contains a list of [LoyaltyAccountExpiringPointDeadline](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-08-18/objects/LoyaltyAccountExpiringPointDeadline) objects. For more information, see [Expiring points.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/overview#expiring-points)
-## Documentation updates
-* [App Marketplace.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/app-marketplace) Added the following topics:
- * [How to apply.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/app-marketplace#how-to-apply) Documented the process to list an application on the Square App Marketplace.
- * [App Marketplace API Usage Requirements.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/app-marketplace/requirements) Added a topic that describes a set of API usage requirements and recommendations for partner applications.
-* [Automatic communications from Square about invoices.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#automatic-communication-from-square-to-customers) Documented the invoice-related communications sent from Square to customers and sellers.
-* [Snippets best practices.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/snippets-api/overview#best-practices) Documented best practices and additional requirements for snippets and applications that integrate with the Snippets API.
-## Version (2021-07-21)
-## API updates
-* **Orders API:**
- * [OrderServiceCharge](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderServiceCharge) object. Added a new field, `type`. It identifies the service charge type.
- * [OrderQuantityUnit](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderQuantityUnit),
- [OrderLineItem](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderLineItem),
- [OrderLineItemDiscount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderLineItemDiscount),
- [OrderLineItemModifier](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderLineItemModifier),
- [OrderLineItemTax](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderLineItemTax),
- [OrderServiceCharge](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderServiceCharge),
- [OrderReturnLineItem](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderReturnLineItem),
- [OrderReturnLineItemModifier](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderReturnLineItemModifier),
- [OrderReturnServiceCharge](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderReturnServiceCharge),
- [OrderReturnTax](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderReturnTax), and
- [OrderReturnDiscount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/OrderReturnDiscount) objects. Added a new field, `catalog_version`.
-* **Locations API:**
- * [Location](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/Location) object. Added a new field `tax_ids` of type `TaxIds`. In the current implementation, sellers in Ireland and France can configure tax IDs during the onboarding process. They can also provide the information later by updating the location information in the Seller Dashboard. These tax IDs appear in this field.
-* **Loyalty API:**
- * As of July 15, 2021, the country in which the seller’s Square account is activated determines whether Square uses pretax or post-tax purchase amounts to calculate accrued points. This change supports consumption tax models, such as value-added tax (VAT). Previously, point accrual was based on pretax purchase amounts only. This change does not affect the existing point balance of loyalty accounts. For more information, see [Availability of Square Loyalty.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/overview#loyalty-market-availability)
-* **Payments API:**
- * [UpdatePayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/payments-api/update-payment). The endpoint has moved to the [general availability](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#general-availability) (GA) state. Also, you can now update gift card payments (similar to card, cash, and external payments).
-* **Subscriptions API:**
- * The [Subscriptions API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/overview) has moved to the [general availability](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#general-availability) (GA) state.
- * [CatalogSubscriptionPlan](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/objects/CatalogSubscriptionPlan) object. The `name` and `price` are now write-once fields. You specify these values at the time of creating a plan. After the plan is created, these fields cannot be updated. This makes a subscription plan immutable.
-* **Inventory API:**
- * [RetrieveInventoryTransfer.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/inventory-api/Retrieve-Inventory-Transfer) This new endpoint is introduced to support the retrieval of inventory transfer.
- * [RetrieveInventoryChanges.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/inventory-api/Retrieve-Inventory-Changes) This endpoint is deprecated. Its support ends when it is retired in about 12 months.
- * The following endpoints have updated URLs to conform to the standard REST API convention. For more information about migrating deprecated URLs to updated URLs in your application, see [Inventory API: Migrate to Updated API Entities.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/inventory-api/migrate-to-updated-api-entities)
- * [RetrieveInventoryAdjustment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/inventory-api/Retrieve-Inventory-Adjustment)
- * [BatchChangeInventory](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/inventory-api/Batch-Change-Inventory)
- * [BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/inventory-api/Batch-Retrieve-Inventory-Changes)
- * [BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/inventory-api/Batch-Retrieve-Inventory-Counts)
- * [RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-07-21/inventory-api/Retrieve-Inventory-Physical-Count)
-## Documentation updates
-* **Webhooks.** Revised the steps and descriptions for creating and using webhooks. For more information, see [Webhooks Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/webhooks/overview)
-## Version (2021-06-16)
-## New API releases
-* **Gift Cards API and Gift Card Activities API.** Gift card support is integrated in the [Square Seller Dashboard](https://squareup.com/dashboard/) and the [Square Point of Sale](https://squareup.com/us/en/point-of-sale) application. Sellers can sell, redeem, track, and reload Square gift cards. Now developers can use the [Gift Cards API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/gift-cards-api) and the [Gift Card Activities API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/gift-card-activities-api) to integrate Square gift cards into third-party applications. For more information, see [Gift Cards API Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/gift-cards/using-gift-cards-api)
-* **Cards API.** The [Cards API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/cards-api) replaces the deprecated `CreateCustomerCard` and `DeleteCustomerCard` endpoints and lets an application save a customer payment card on file along with other card management operations. For more information, see [Cards API Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/cards-api/overview)
-## API updates
-* **Catalog API:**
- * [CatalogPricingRule](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/CatalogPricingRule). Support of the [customer group discount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/CatalogPricingRule#definition__property-customer_group_ids_any) becomes GA. For more information, see [CreateCustomerGroupDiscounts.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/configure-customer-group-discounts)
- * [CatalogItemVariation](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/CatalogItemVariation). Offers Beta support of the [stockable](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/CatalogItemVariation#definition__property-stockable) and [stockable_conversion](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/CatalogItemVariation#definition__property-stockable_conversion) attributes to enable sales of a product in multiple measurement units.
- * [UpsertCatalogObject](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/catalog-api/upsert-catalog-object) and [BatchUpsertCatalogObjects](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/catalog-api/batch-upsert-catalog-objects). Support creating an item with stockable and non-stockable variations with a specified stock conversion between the two. For more information, see [Enable Stock Conversion.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/inventory-api/enable-stock-conversion)
- * [UpsertCatalogObject](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/catalog-api/upsert-catalog-object) and [BatchUpsertCatalogObjects](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/catalog-api/batch-upsert-catalog-objects). Require that an item be created with at least one variation. Otherwise, an `INVALID_REQUEST` error is returned.
-* **Customers API:**
- * Using the Customers API to manage cards on file is deprecated:
- * The [CreateCustomerCard](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/customers-api/create-customer-card) endpoint is deprecated and replaced by the [CreateCard](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/cards-api/create-card) and [LinkCustomerToGiftCard](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/gift-cards-api/link-customer-to-gift-card) endpoints.
- * The [DeleteCustomerCard](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/customers-api/delete-customer-card) endpoint is deprecated and replaced by the [DisableCard](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/cards-api/disable-card) and [UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCard](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/gift-cards-api/unlink-customer-from-gift-card) endpoints.
- * The `cards` field in the [Customer](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/Customer) object is deprecated and replaced by the following endpoints:
- * [ListCards](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/cards-api/list-cards) to retrieve credit and debit cards on file.
- * [ListGiftCards](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/gift-cards-api/list-gift-cards) to retrieve gift cards on file.
- For more information, see [Migrate to the Cards API and Gift Cards API.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/integrate-with-other-services#migrate-customer-cards)
- * [Customer](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/Customer) object. In the `cards` field, the IDs for gift cards now have a `gftc:` prefix followed by the card number. This is a service-level change that applies to all Square API versions.
-* **Disputes API:**
- * The Disputes API is now GA.
- * `RemoveDisputeEvidence`. Renamed to [DeleteDisputeEvidence](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/DeleteDisputeEvidence).
- * [CreateDisputeEvidenceFile.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/CreateDisputeEvidenceFile) The URL is changed from `/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence_file` to `/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence-files`.
- * [CreateDisputeEvidenceText.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/CreateDisputeEvidenceText) The URL is changed from `/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence_text` to `/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence-text`.
- * [ListDisputeEvidence.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/ListDisputeEvidence) The endpoint now returns a pagination cursor and accepts a pagination cursor in requests.
- * `DISPUTES_READ` and `DISPUTES_WRITE` permissions are required for all Disputes API endpoints instead of `PAYMENTS_READ` and `PAYMENTS_WRITE`.
- * [DisputeEvidence.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/DisputeEvidence) The `evidence_id` field is deprecated and replaced by the `id` field.
- * The `dispute.state.changed` webhook is renamed to `dispute.state.updated`.
- * [Dispute](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/Dispute) object. The following breaking changes are made:
- * The `dispute_id` field is deprecated and replaced by the `id` field.
- * The `reported_date` field is deprecated and replaced by the `reported_at` field.
- * The `evidence_ids` field is deprecated with no replacement.
- For more information about the GA release of the Disputes API, see [Disputes Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/disputes-api/overview)
-* **Inventory API:**
- * [CatalogStockConversion](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/{SQUARE_TECH_REF}/objects/CatalogStockConversion) (Beta). Enables selling a product in multiple measurement units and lets Square sellers manage inventory counts of the product's stockable and a non-stockable variations in a self-consistent manner. For more information, see [Enable Stock Conversion.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/inventory-api/enable-stock-conversion)
-* **Invoices API:**
- * [CreateInvoice.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/invoices-api/create-invoice) The `location_id` field is now optional and defaults to the location ID of the associated order. If specified in the request, the value must match the location ID of the associated order. This is a service-level change that applies to all Square API versions.
-* **Loyalty API:**
- * [LoyaltyProgramAccrualRule](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/LoyaltyProgramAccrualRule) object. New `excluded_category_ids` and `excluded_item_variation_ids` fields that represent any categories and items that are excluded from accruing points in spend-based loyalty programs.
-* **Subscriptions API:**
- * [Subscription.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/objects/Subscription) The `paid_until_date` field is renamed to `charge_through_date`.
- * [UpdateSubscription.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/subscriptions-api/update-subscription) The `version` field is now optional because it can update only the latest version of a subscription.
- * [CreateSubscription.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-06-16/subscriptions-api/create-subscription) The `idempotency_key` field is now optional in the request. If you do not provide it, each `CreateSubscription` assumes a unique (never used before) value and creates a subscription for each call.
-## Documentation updates
-* [Order fee structure.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-pricing#orders-api-fee-structure) Documented the transaction fee related to using the Orders API with a non-Square payments provider.
-## Version (2021-05-13)
-## New API releases
-* **Sites API.** The [Sites API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-05-13/sites-api) lets you retrieve basic details about the Square Online sites that belong to a Square seller. For more information, see [Sites API Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/sites-api/overview)
-* **Snippets API.** The [Snippets API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-05-13/snippets-api) lets you manage snippets that provide custom functionality on Square Online sites. A snippet is a script that is injected into all pages on a site, except for checkout pages. For more information, see [Snippets API Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/snippets-api/overview)
-The Sites API and Snippets API are publicly available to all developers as part of an early access program (EAP). For more information, see [Early access program for Square Online APIs.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/online-api#early-access-program-for-square-online-apis)
-## API updates
-* **Payments API.**
- * [CreatePayment.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-05-13/payments-api/create-payment) The endpoint now supports ACH bank transfer payments. For more information, see [ACH Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/ach-payments).
-* **Loyalty API:**
- * The [Loyalty API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/overview) has moved to the [general availability](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#general-availability) (GA) state.
- * The [ListLoyaltyPrograms](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-05-13/loyalty-api/list-loyalty-programs) endpoint is deprecated and replaced by the [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-05-13/loyalty-api/retrieve-loyalty-program) endpoint when used with the `main` keyword.
- * [LoyaltyAccount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-05-13/objects/LoyaltyAccount) object. The `mappings` field is retired and replaced by `mapping`.
- * [LoyaltyAccountMapping](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-05-13/objects/LoyaltyAccountMapping) object. The `type` and `value` fields are retired and replaced by `phone_number`.
- Starting in Square version 2021-05-13:
- * `mappings` is not accepted in `CreateLoyaltyAccount` requests or returned in responses.
- * `type` and `value` are not accepted in `CreateLoyaltyAccount` or `SearchLoyaltyAccounts` requests or returned in responses.
- For more information, see [Migration notes.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/overview#migration-notes)
-## Documentation updates
-* **Getting Started** Added step that shows how to use the API Logs to examine a transaction.
-## Version (2021-04-21)
-## New API releases
-## Existing API updates
-* **Subscriptions API:**
- * [ResumeSubscription.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/subscriptions-api/resume-subscription) This new endpoint enables applications to resume [deactivated subscriptions.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/overview#deactivated-subscriptions) After a subscription is created, there are events that can make a subscription non-billable, causing Square to deactivate the subscription. A seller can also resume deactivated subscriptions in the Seller Dashboard. Applications can call [ListSubscriptionEvents](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/subscriptions-api/list-subscription-events) to determine why Square deactivated a subscription.
-* **Customers API:**
- * [Customer](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/Customer) object:
- * New `version` field (beta). This field represents the current version of the customer profile. You can include it in your `UpdateCustomer` and `DeleteCustomer` requests to enable optimistic concurrency. For more information, see [Customer profile versions and optimistic concurrency support.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-profile-versions-and-optimistic-concurrency-support)
- * The `groups` field and corresponding `CustomerGroupInfo` object are retired.
- * [Customer webhooks](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/customer-webhooks) have moved to the [general availability](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#general-availability) (GA) state. Event notifications now include the `version` field (beta).
-* **Invoices API:**
- * The [Invoices API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview) has moved to the GA state.
- * [Invoice](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/Invoice) object:
- * A new required `accepted_payment_methods` field that defines the methods of payment that customers can use to pay an invoice on the Square-hosted invoice page. Valid values are defined in the new [InvoiceAcceptedPaymentMethods](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/InvoiceAcceptedPaymentMethods) enum. For more information, see the [migration notes.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#migration-notes)
- * A new `subscription_id` field, which is included in invoices created for subscription billing.
-* **Loyalty API:** (beta)
- * [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/loyalty-api/retrieve-loyalty-program) endpoint. This new endpoint accepts a program ID or the `main` keyword and returns the loyalty program in a seller's account. For more information, see [Retrieve a loyalty program.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/overview#retrieve-loyalty-program) This endpoint is preferred over the `ListLoyaltyPrograms` endpoint.
- * Introduced a new mapping implementation for loyalty accounts:
- * [LoyaltyAccount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/LoyaltyAccount) object. Added the `mapping` field (of type `LoyaltyAccountMapping`), which is used to associate the loyalty account with a buyer. This field is recommended over the `mappings` field.
- * [LoyaltyAccountMapping](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/LoyaltyAccountMapping) object. Added the `phone_number` field to represent a phone number mapping. This field is recommended over the `type` and `value` fields.
- * A new [loyalty.program.created](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/webhooks/loyalty.program.created) webhook. Square now publishes an event notification when a loyalty program is created in the Square Seller Dashboard.
-* **Inventory API:**
- * [InventoryChange](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/InventoryChange) can now have its own measurement unit.
-* **Catalog API:**
- * [CatalogItem](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/CatalogItem) introduces the `sort_name` attribute that can take Japanese writing scripts to sort items by. When it is unspecified, the regular `name` attribute is used for sorting.
- * [CatalogPricingRule](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/objects/CatalogCatalogPricingRule) has the new `customer_group_ids_any` attribute included to support automatic application of discounts to specified product set purchased by members of any of the customer groups identified by the `customer_group_ids_any` attribute values.
-* **Team API**
- * New [Team webhooks](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-04-21/team-api/webhooks): `team_member.created`, `team_member.updated`, `team_member.wage_setting.updated` to notify on created and updated team members and wage settings.
-## Version (2021-03-17)
-## Existing API updates
-* **Payments API:**
- * [CreatePayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-03-17/payments-api/create-payment). Until now, the `CreatePayment` endpoint supported only taking card payments. In this release, the API now supports cash and external payments. For more information, see [Take Payments.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments)
- * [UpdatePayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-03-17/payments-api/update-payment). This new endpoint enables developers to change the payment amount and tip amount after a payment is created. For more information, see [Update Payments.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/update-payments)
-* **Invoices API:**
- * [InvoiceDeliveryMethod](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-03-17/enums/InvoiceDeliveryMethod) enum. Added the read-only `SMS` value.
- * [InvoiceRequestMethod](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-03-17/enums/InvoiceRequestMethod) enum (deprecated). Added the read-only `SMS`, `SMS_CHARGE_CARD_ON_FILE`, and `SMS_CHARGE_BANK_ON_FILE` values for backward compatibility.
- These values direct Square to send invoices and receipts to customers using SMS (text message). SMS settings can be configured from first-party Square applications only; they cannot be configured from the Invoices API. Square does not send invoice reminders when using SMS to communicate with customers.
-* **Terminal API:**
- * [TerminalCheckout](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-03-17/objects/TerminalCheckout). Previously, `TerminalCheckout` only supported tapped, dipped, or swiped credit cards. It now supports manual card entry and e-money. Added the `payment_type` field to denote a request for a manually entered payment card or an e-money payment.
- * [TerminalCheckoutPaymentType.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-03-17enums/TerminalCheckoutPaymentType) A new enum for the Terminal checkout payment types that can be requested.
- * [E-money support](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/terminal-api/e-money-payments) is now available for Terminal checkout requests in Japan.
-## SDKs
-* **Square Java SDK:**
- * Updated the OkHttp dependency to version 4.9.0.
- * Fixed a `NullPointerException` when passing an empty order ID to the `UpdateOrder` method.
-## Documentation updates
-* **Multi-language code examples.** Previously, various topics showed only cURL examples for the REST API operations. These topics now show examples in multiple languages. You can use the language drop-down list to choose a language.
-* [When to Use Connect V1.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/using-connect-v1) Content is revised to reflect the most current information about when to use the Connect V1 API.
-## Version (2021-02-26)
-## Existing API updates
-* **Customers API:**
- * [New webhooks](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/customer-webhooks) (beta). Square now sends notifications for the following events:
- * [customer.created](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/webhooks/customer.created)
- * [customer.deleted](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/webhooks/customer.deleted)
- * [customer.updated](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/webhooks/customer.updated)
-* **Orders API:**
- * [CreateOrder](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/orders-api/create-order). Removed the `location_id` field from the request. It was an unused field.
-* **Payments API:**
- * [Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/objects/Payment). This type now returns the `card_payment_timeline` [(CardPaymentTimeline](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/objects/CardPaymentTimeline)) as part of the `card_details` field.
-* **v1 Items API:**
- * The following endpoints are [retired:](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle)
- * `AdjustInventory`: Use the Square Inventory API [BatchChangeInventory](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/inventory-api/batch-change-inventory) endpoint.
- * `ListInventory`: Use the Square Inventory API [BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/inventory-api/batch-retrieve-inventory-counts) endpoint.
-* **v1 Employees.Timecards:**
- * The following endpoints are retired:
- * `CreateTimecard`: Use the Square Labor API [CreateShift](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/labor-api/create-shift) endpoint.
- * `DeleteTimecard`: Use the Square Labor API [DeleteShift](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/labor-api/delete-shift) endpoint.
- * `ListTimecards`: Use the Square Labor API [SearchShift](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/labor-api/search-shift) endpoint.
- * `RetrieveTimecards`: Use the Square Labor API [GetShift](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/labor-api/get-shift) endpoint.
- * `UpdateTimecard`: Use the Square Labor API [UpdateShift](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/labor-api/update-shift) endpoint.
- * `ListTimecardEvents`: No direct replacement. To learn about replacing the v1 functionality, see the [migration guide.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/migrate-from-v1/guides/v1-timecards#endpoints)
-* **v1 Employees.CashDrawers:**
- * The following endpoints are retired:
- * `ListCashDrawerShifts`: Use the Square CashDrawerShifts API [ListCashDrawerShifts](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/cash-drawers-api/list-cash-drawer-shifts) endpoint.
- * `RetrieveCashDrawerShift`: Use the Square CashDrawerShifts API [RetrieveCashDrawerShift](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/cash-drawers-api/retrieve-cash-drawer-shift) endpoint.
-* **v1 Transactions.BankAccounts:**
- * The following endpoints are retired:
- * `ListBankAccounts`: Use the Square Bank Accounts API [ListBankAccounts](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/bank-accounts-api/list-bank-accounts) endpoint.
- * `RetrieveBankAccount`: Use the Square Bank Accounts API [GetBankAccount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/bank-accounts-api/get-bank-account) endpoint.
-## SDKs
-* **All Square SDKs:**
- By default, all SDKs send requests to Square's production (https://connect.squareup.com) or sandbox (https://connect.squareupsandbox.com) hosts based on the client's `environment` parameter.
- You now have the option to use a custom URL instead. To use a custom URL, follow the example for your language to set the `environment` parameter to `custom` and the `customUrl` parameter to your URL:
- - Java
- ```java
- new SquareClient.Builder()
- .environment(Environment.CUSTOM)
- .customUrl("https://example.com")
- ```
- - .NET
- ```csharp
- new Square.SquareClient.Builder()
- .Environment(Environment.Custom)
- .CustomUrl("https://example.com")
- ```
- - Node.js
- ```javascript
- new Client({
- environment: Environment.Custom,
- customUrl: 'https://example.com'
- });
- ```
- - PHP
- ```php
- new Square\SquareClient([
- 'environment' => Environment::CUSTOM,
- 'customUrl' => 'https://example.com',
- ]);
- ```
- - Python
- ```python
- Client(
- environment = 'custom',
- custom_url = 'https://example.com',)
- ```
- - Ruby
- ```ruby
- Square::Client.new(
- environment: 'custom',
- custom_url: 'https://example.com'
- });
- ```
-* **Square .NET SDK:**
- Square has overridden the `Equals` and `GetHashCode` methods for models:
- * In the `Equals` override, Square has implemented a field-level comparison.
- * The Square `GetHashCode` override now ensures that hashes are deterministic and unique for each object.
-* **Square Node.js SDK:**
- Endpoints that return 64-bit integers now return a `BigInt` object instead of a `Number` object.
-* **Connect Node.js SDK:** (deprecated)
- The deprecated Connect Node.js SDK is in the security [maintenance state.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#maintenance) It does not receive any bug fixes or API updates from the Square version 2021-02-26 release. However, the SDK will receive support and security patches until it is retired (end of life) in the second quarter of 2021. For more information, including steps for migrating to the [Square Node.js SDK,](https://github.com/square/square-nodejs-sdk) see the [Connect SDK README.](https://github.com/square/connect-nodejs-sdk/blob/master/README.md)
-## Documentation updates
-* **Catalog API:**
- * [Update Catalog Objects.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/update-catalog-objects) Provides programming guidance to update catalog objects.
-* **Inventory API:**
- * [List or retrieve inventory.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/migrate-from-v1/guides/v1-items#list-or-retrieve-inventory) Migrate the retired v1 endpoint of `ListInventory` to the v2 endpoint of `BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts`. Compare and contrast the programming patterns between the v1 endpoint of `ListInventory` and its v2 counterparts of [BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/inventory-api/batch-retrieve-inventory-counts) or [RetrieveInventoryCount](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/inventory-api/retrieve-inventory-count).
- * [Adjust or change inventory.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/migrate-from-v1/guides/v1-items#adjust-or-change-inventory) Migrate the retired v1 endpoint of `AdjustInventory` to the v2 endpoint of `BatchChangeInventory`. Compare and contrast the programming patterns between the v1 endpoint of `AdjustInventory` and its v2 counterparts of [BatchChangeInventory](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-02-26/inventory-api/batch-change-inventory).
-* **Get Started topic.** Revised the [Get Started](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/get-started) experience. In addition to clarifications, it now includes the use of the Square Sandbox and API Explorer. These are the tools and environments developers use to explore Square APIs.
-## Version (2021-01-21T00:00)
-## Existing API updates
-* **Invoices API:** (beta)
- The `InvoicePaymentRequest.request_method` field is deprecated, and its current options are separated into two new fields that better represent their scope:
- * `Invoice.delivery_method` specifies how Square should send invoices, reminders, and receipts to the customer.
- * `InvoicePaymentRequest.automatic_payment_source` specifies the payment method for an automatic payment.
- As part of this change, the [InvoiceDeliveryMethod](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-01-21/enums/InvoiceDeliveryMethod) and [InvoiceAutomaticPaymentSource](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-01-21/enums/InvoiceAutomaticPaymentSource) enums are added and the `InvoiceRequestMethod` enum is deprecated.
- The Invoices API will continue to accept `request_method` in create and update requests until the field is retired, but starting in this version, `request_method` is not included in returned `Invoice` objects. For more information, see the [migration notes.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#migrate-InvoicePaymentRequest.request_method)
-* **Locations API:**
- * The [Locations.MCC](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2021-01-21/objects/Location#definition__property-mcc) field is now updatable (beta). You can use the `UpdateLocation` endpoint to update the merchant category code (MCC) associated with a seller location. For more information, see [Initialize a merchant category code.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api#initialize-a-merchant-category-code)
-## SDKs
-* **Connect Node.js SDK:** (deprecated)
- The deprecated Connect Node.js SDK is in the security [maintenance state.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle#maintenance) It will not receive any bug fixes or API updates from the Square version 2021-01-21 release. However, the SDK will receive support and security patches until it is retired (EOL) in Q2, 2021. For more information, including steps for migrating to the [Square Node.js SDK,](https://github.com/square/square-nodejs-sdk) see the [Connect SDK README.](https://github.com/square/connect-nodejs-sdk/blob/master/README.md)
-## Documentation updates
-* **Catalog API:**
- * The [Use Item Options to Manage Item Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/item-options-migration) topic is added. It demonstrates how item variations are usually used and how item options can be used to enable random access to item variations.
-* **Inventory API:**
- * The [Inventory API](inventory-api/what-it-does) content is updated. It provides clearer guidance about how to use the API, with a task-oriented TOC and improved code examples.
-## Version (2020-12-16T00:00)
-## Existing API updates
-* **Orders API:**
- * [OrderLineItemPricingBlocklists.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/OrderLineItemPricingBlocklists) You can explicitly specify taxes and discounts in an order or automatically apply preconfigured taxes and discounts to an order. In addition, you can now block applying these taxes and discounts to a specific [OrderLineItem](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/OrderLineItem) in an [order](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/Order). You add the `pricing_blocklists` attribute to individual line items and specify the `blocked_discounts` and `blocked_taxes` that you do not want to apply. For more information, see [Apply Taxes and Discounts.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/apply-taxes-and-discounts) For example walkthroughs, see [Automatically Apply Discounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/apply-taxes-and-discounts/auto-apply-discounts) and [Automatically Apply Taxes.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/apply-taxes-and-discounts/auto-apply-taxes)
- * [OrderPricingOptions](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/OrderPricingOptions). Previously, the `pricing_options` field in an [order](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/OrderPricingOptions) supported only `auto_apply_discounts` to enable the automatic application of preconfigured discounts. Now it also supports `auto_apply_taxes` to enable the automatic application of preconfigured taxes. For more information, see [Automatically apply preconfigured catalog taxes or discounts.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/apply-taxes-and-discounts#automatically-apply-preconfigured-catalog-taxes-or-discounts)
- * [OrderLineItemTax](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/OrderLineItemTax). It now includes the new `auto_applied` field. It indicates whether the tax was automatically applied using a preconfigured [CatalogTax](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/CatalogTax).
-* **Bookings API:**
- * The [CancelBooking](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/bookings-api/cancel-booking) endpoint supports canceling an accepted or pending booking.
- * The [booking.created](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/webhooks/booking.created) webhook event notifies when a new booking is created by calling the [CreateBooking](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/bookings-api/cancel-booking) endpoint.
- * The [booking.updated](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/webhooks/booking.updated) webhook event notifies when an existing booking is updated.
-* **Catalog API:**
- * [ListCatalog](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/catalog-api/list-catalog), [RetrieveCatalogObject](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/catalog-api/retrieve-catalog-object), and [BatchRetrieveCatalogObjects](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/catalog-api/batch-retrieve-catalog-objects) now support the `catalog_version` filter to return catalog objects of the specified version.
-* **Customers API:**
- * [SearchCustomers](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/customers-api/search-customers) endpoint. The `email_address`, `group_ids`, `phone_number`, and `reference_id` query filters are now generally available (GA).
- * The [Customer Groups](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/customer-groups-api) API is now GA.
- * The [Customer Segments](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/customer-segments-api) API is now GA.
-* **Invoices API:** (beta)
- * [Invoice](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/Invoice) object. Added the `custom_fields` field, which contains up to two customer-facing, seller-defined fields to display on the invoice. For more information, see [Custom fields.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#custom-fields)
- As part of this change, the following objects are added:
- * [InvoiceCustomField](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/InvoiceCustomField) object
- * [InvoiceCustomFieldPlacement](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/enums/InvoiceCustomFieldPlacement) enum
- * [InvoiceRequestMethod](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/enums/InvoiceRequestMethod) enum. Added the read-only CHARGE_BANK_ON_FILE value, which represents a bank transfer automatic payment method for a recurring invoice.
-* **Loyalty API:** (beta)
- * [LoyaltyProgramRewardTier](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/LoyaltyProgramRewardTier) object. The `definition` field in this type is deprecated and replaced by the new `pricing_rule_reference` field. You can use `pricing_rule_reference` fields to retrieve catalog objects that define the discount details for the reward tier. For more information, see [Get discount details for a reward tier.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/overview#get-discount-details-for-a-reward-tier)
- As part of this change, the following APIs are deprecated:
- * [LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinition](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/objects/LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinition) object
- * [LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinitionScope](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/enums/LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinitionScope) enum
- * [LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinitionType](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-12-16/enums/LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinitionType) enum
-## New SDK release
-* **Square Node.js SDK:**
- The new [Square Node.js SDK](https://github.com/square/square-nodejs-sdk) is now GA and replaces the deprecated Connect Node.js SDK. For migration information, see the [Connect SDK README.](https://github.com/square/connect-nodejs-sdk/blob/master/README.md)
-## Documentation updates
-* [Get Right-Sized Permissions with Down-Scoped OAuth Tokens.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/oauth-api/cookbook/downscoped-access) This new OAuth API topic shows how to get an additional reduced-scope OAuth token with a 24-hour expiration by using the refresh token from the Square account authorization OAuth flow.
-## Version (2020-11-18T00:00)
-## New API releases
-* **Bookings API** (beta). This API enables you, as an application developer, to create applications to set up and manage bookings for appointments of fixed duration in which selected staff members of a Square seller provide specified services in supported locations for particular customers.
- * For an overview, see [Manage Bookings for Square Sellers](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bookings-api/what-it-is).
- * For technical reference, see [Bookings API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-11-18/bookings-api).
-## Existing API updates
-* **Payments API:**
- * [Payment.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-11-18/objects/Payment) The object now includes the `risk_evaluation` field to identify the Square-assigned risk level associated with the payment. Sellers can use this information to provide the goods and services or refund the payment.
-## New SDK release
-* **New Square Node.js SDK (beta)**
- The new [Square Node.js SDK](https://github.com/square/square-nodejs-sdk) is available in beta and will eventually replace the deprecated Connect Node.js SDK. For migration information, see the [Connect SDK README.](https://github.com/square/connect-nodejs-sdk/blob/master/README.md) The following topics are updated to use the new SDK:
- * [Walkthrough: Integrate Square Payments in a Website](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payment-form/payment-form-walkthrough)
- * [Verify the Buyer When Using a Nonce for an Online Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payment-form/cookbook/verify-buyer-on-card-charge)
- * [Create a Gift Card Payment Endpoint](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payment-form/gift-cards/part-2)
-## Documentation Updates
-* The **Testing** topics are moved from the end of the table of contents to the top, in the **Home** section under [Testing your App](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/testing-your-app).
-* [Pay for orders.]](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/pay-for-order) Topic revised to add clarity when to use Payments API and Orders API to pay for an order. The [Orders Integration]](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments?preview=true#orders-integration) topic in Payments API simplified accordingly.
-## Version (2020-10-28T00:00)
-## Existing API updates
-* **Terminal API.** New endpoints to enable sellers in Canada refund Interac payments.
- * New endpoints:
- * [CreateTerminalRefund](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/terminal-api/create-terminal-refund)
- * [GetTerminalRefund](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/terminal-api/get-terminal-refund)
- * [CancelTerminalRefund](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/terminal-api/cancel-terminal-refund)
- * [SearchTerminalRefunds](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/terminal-api/search-terminal-refunds)
- * New webhooks:
- * `terminal.refund.created`. Notification of a new Terminal refund request.
- * `terminal.refund.updated`. Notification that a Terminal refund request state is changed.
- * New topic [Refund Interac Payments.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/terminal-api/square-terminal-refunds). Describes how to refund Interac payments.
-* **Loyalty API (beta):**
- * [SearchLoyaltyAccounts.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/loyalty-api/search-loyalty-accounts) The endpoint supports a new query parameter to search by customer ID.
-* **Locations API:**
- * [Location](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/objects/Location) object. Has a new read-only field,[full_format_logo_url](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/objects/Location#definition__property-full_format_logo_url), which provides URL of a full-format logo image for the location.
- * [Webhooks](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/webhooks-api/subscribe-to-events#locations) The Locations API now supports notifications for when a location is created and when a location is updated.
-* **Orders API:**
- * [RetrieveOrder](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/orders-api/retrieve-order), new endpoint. For more information, see the [Retrieve Orders](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders#retrieve-orders) overview.
-* **Invoices API (beta):**
- * [Invoice](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/objects/Invoice) object. The [payment_requests](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-10-28/objects/Invoice#definition__property-payment_requests) field can now contain up to 13 payment requests, with a maximum of 12 `INSTALLMENT` request types. This is a service-level change that applies to all Square API versions. For more information, see [Payment requests.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#payment-requests)
-## Version (2020-09-23)
-## Existing API updates
-* Invoices API (beta)
- * [InvoiceStatus](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-09-23/enums/InvoiceStatus) enum. Added the `PAYMENT_PENDING` value. Previously, the Invoices API returned a `PAID` or `PARTIALLY_PAID` status for invoices in a payment pending state. Now, the Invoices API returns a `PAYMENT_PENDING` status for all invoices in a payment pending state, including those previously returned as `PAID` or `PARTIALLY_PAID`.
-* Payments API
- * [ListPayment](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-09-23/payments-api/list-payments). The endpoint now supports the `limit` parameter.
-* Refunds API
- * [ListPaymentRefunds](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-09-23/refunds-api/list-payment-refunds). The endpoint now supports the `limit` parameter.
-* [DeviceDetails](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-09-23/objects/DeviceDetails#definition__property-device_installation_id). The object now includes the `device_installation_id` field.
-## Documentation updates
-* [Payment status.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments#payment-status) Added details about the `Payment.status` changes and how the status relates to the seller receiving the funds.
-* [Refund status.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/refund-payments#refund-status) Added details about the `PaymentRefund.status` changes and how the status relates to the cardholder receiving the funds.
-* [CreateRefund errors.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/error-codes#createrefund-errors) Added documentation for the `REFUND_DECLINED` error code.
-## Version (2020-08-26)
-## Existing API updates
-* Orders API
- * [Order](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-08-26/objects/Order) object. The `total_tip_money` field is now GA.
- * [CreateOrder](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-08-26/orders-api/create-order), [UpdateOrder](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-08-26/orders-api/update-order), and [BatchRetrieveOrders](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-08-26/orders-api/batch-retrieve-orders). These APIs now support merchant-scoped endpoints (for example, the `CreateOrder` endpoint `POST /v2/orders`). The location-scoped variants of these endpoints (for example, the `CreateOrder` endpoint `POST /v2/locations/{location_id}/orders`) continue to work, but these endpoints are now deprecated. You should use the merchant-scoped endpoints (you provide the location information in the request body).
-* Labor API
- * [Migrate from Employees to Team Members.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/labor-api/migrate-to-teams) The Employees API is now deprecated in this release. Accordingly, update references to the `Shift.employee_id` field to the `Shift.team_member_id` field of the Labor API.
-* v2 Employees API (deprecated)
- * [Migrate from the Square Employees API.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/migrate-from-v2-employees) The v2 Employees API is now deprecated. This topic provides information to migrate to the Team API.
-* v1 Employees API (deprecated)
- * [Migrate from the v1 Employees API.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/migrate-from-v1/guides/v1-employees) The v1 Employees API is now deprecated. This topic provides information to migrate to the Team API.
-## Documentation updates
-* Point of Sale API
- * [Build on iOS.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/pos-api/build-on-ios) Corrected the Swift example code in step 7.
-* Team API
- * [Team API Overview.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/overview) Documented the limitation related to creating a team member in the Square Sandbox.
-## All SDKs
-SDK technical reference documentation:
-* Nulls in SDK documentation example code are replaced with example values.
-## .NET SDK
-Bug fixes:
-* The `APIException.Errors` property was not set on instantiation. Behavior is now corrected to instantiate the class with an empty `Errors` list.
-## Version (2020-08-12)
-## API releases
-* Subscriptions API (beta):
- * For an overview, see [Square Subscriptions.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions/overview)
- * For technical reference, see [Subscriptions API.](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-08-12/subscriptions-api)
-## Existing API updates
-* Catalog API
- * [CatalogSubscriptionPlan](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-08-12/objects/CatalogSubscriptionPlan) (beta). This catalog type is added in support of the Subscriptions API. Subscription plans are stored as catalog object of the `SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN` type. For more information, see [Set Up and Manage a Subscription Plan.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/setup-plan)
-## SqPaymentForm SDK updates
-* [SqPaymentForm.masterpassImageURL.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/api/paymentform#masterpassimageurl) This function is updated to return a Secure Remote Commerce background image URL.
-## Documentation updates
-* Locations API
- * [About the main location.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api#about-the-main-location) Added clarifying information about the main location concept.
-* OAuth API
- * [Migrate to the Square API OAuth Flow.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/oauth-api/migrate-to-square-oauth-flow) Added a new topic to document migration from a v1 location-scoped OAuth access token to the Square seller-scoped OAuth access token.
-* Payment Form SDK
- * Renamed the Add a Masterpass Button topic to [Add a Secure Remote Commerce Button.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payment-form/add-digital-wallets/masterpass) Updated the instructions to add a Secure Remote Commerce button to replace a legacy Masterpass button.
- * [Payment form technical reference.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/api/paymentform) Updated the reference to show code examples for adding a Secure Remote Commerce button.
-## Version (2020-07-22)
-## API releases
-* Invoices API (beta):
- * For an overview, see [Manage Invoices Using the Invoices API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview).
- * For technical reference, see [Invoices API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/invoices-api).
-## Existing API updates
-* Catalog API
- * [SearchCatalogItems](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/catalog-api/search-catalog-items). You can now call the new search endpoint to [search for catalog items or item variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/search-catalog-items), with simplified programming experiences, using one or more of the supported query filters, including the custom attribute value filter.
-* Locations API
- * [Locations API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api). Introduced the "main" location concept.
- * [RetrieveLocation](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/locations-api/retrieve-location). You can now specify "main" as the location ID to retrieve the main location information.
-* Merchants API
- * [RetrieveMerchant](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/merchants-api/retrieve-merchant) and [ListMerchants](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/merchants-api/retrieve-merchant). These endpoints now return a new field, `main_location_id`.
-* Orders API
- * [PricingOptions](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/objects/Order#definition__property-pricing_options). You can now enable the `auto_apply_discounts` of the options to have rule-based discounts automatically applied to an [Order](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/objects/Order) that is pre-configured with a [pricing rule](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/objects/CatalogPricingRule).
-* [Inventory API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/inventory-api)
- * Replaced 500 error on max string length exceeded with a max length error message. Max length attribute added to string type fields.
-* Terminal API (beta)
- * [TerminalCheckout](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/objects/TerminalCheckout) object. The `TerminalCheckoutCancelReason` field is renamed to `ActionCancelReason`.
-## Documentation updates
-* Catalog API
- * [Search a catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/search-catalog). New topics added to provide actionable guides to using the existing [SearchCatalogObjects](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/catalog-api/search-catalog-objects) endpoint, in addition to the [SearchCatalogItems](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-07-22/catalog-api/search-catalog-items) endpoints.
-* Orders API
- * [Create Orders](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/create-orders). Updated existing content with the new pricing option for the automatic application of rule-based discounts.
-## Version (2020-06-25)
-## New API release
-* Team API generally available (GA)
- * For an overview, see [Team API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/overview).
- * For technical reference, see [Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-06-25/team-api).
-## Existing API updates
-* Catalog API
- * [Pricing](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-06-25/objects/CatalogPricingRule) is now GA. It allows an application to configure catalog item pricing rules for the specified discounts to apply automatically.
-* Payments API
- * The [CardPaymentDetails](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-06-25/objects/CardPaymentDetails) type now supports a new field, [refund_requires_card_presence](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/square_2020-06-25/objects/CardPaymentDetails#definition__property-refund_requires_card_presence). When set to true, the payment card must be physically present to refund a payment.
-## Version (2020-05-28)
-## Square SDK - PHP
-Square is excited to announce the public release of customized SDK for PHP
-To align with other Square SDKs generated for SQUARE API version 2020-05-28, the initial version of this PHP SDK is
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-# Contributing to Square SDKs
-Thank you for your willingness to help improve the Square SDKs. Your feedback and expertise ultimately benefits everyone who builds with Square.
-If you encounter a bug while using Square SDKs, please [let us know](#bug-reporting). We'll investigate the issue and fix it as soon as possible.
-We also accept feedback in the form of a pull request (PR), and will follow up with you if we need more information. However, any code changes required will be perfomed by Square engineering, and we'll close the PR.
-## Bug report
-To report a bug:
-* Go to the **[Issues](../../issues)** page.
-* Click **New issue**.
-* Click **Get started**.
-## Other support
-For all other support, including new feature requests, see:
-* Square developer forums: [https://developer.squareup.com/forums](https://developer.squareup.com/forums)
-* Square support center: [https://squareup.com/help/us/en](https://squareup.com/help/us/en)
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
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@@ -1,10 +1,21 @@
-Copyright 2024 Square, Inc.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2025 Square.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
\ No newline at end of file
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-# Square PHP SDK
-[](https://github.com/square/square-php-sdk/actions/workflows/php.yml)
-[](https://badge.fury.io/ph/square%2Fsquare)
-[](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
-Use this library to integrate Square payments into your app and grow your business with Square APIs including Catalog, Customers, Employees, Inventory, Labor, Locations, and Orders.
-* [Requirements](#requirements)
-* [Installation](#installation)
-* [Quickstart](#quickstart)
-* [Usage](#usage)
-* [Tests](#tests)
-* [SDK Reference](#sdk-reference)
-* [Deprecated APIs](#deprecated-apis)
-## Requirements
-Use of the Square PHP SDK requires:
-* PHP 7.4 through PHP ^8.0
-## Installation
-For more information, see [Set Up Your Square SDK for a PHP Project](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/sdks/php/setup-project).
-## Quickstart
-For more information, see [Square PHP SDK Quickstart](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/sdks/php/quick-start).
-## Usage
-For more information, see [Using the Square PHP SDK](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/sdks/php/using-php-sdk).
-## Tests
-First, clone the repo locally and `cd` into the directory.
-git clone https://github.com/square/square-php-sdk.git
-cd square-php-sdk
-Next, make sure you've downloaded Composer, following the instructions [here](https://getcomposer.org/download/)
-and then run the following command from the root of the repository:
-composer install
-Before running the tests, find a sandbox token in your [Developer Dashboard] and set environment variables:
-export SQUARE_ACCESS_TOKEN=mytoken
-export SQUARE_ENVIRONMENT=sandbox
-Run the tests:
-composer run test
-All environment variables:
-* `SQUARE_TIMEOUT` - number
-* `SQUARE_CUSTOM_URL` - string
-* `SQUARE_ENVIRONMENT` - string - one of production, sandbox, custom
-## SDK Reference
-### Payments
-* [Payments]
-* [Refunds]
-* [Disputes]
-* [Checkout]
-* [Apple Pay]
-* [Cards]
-* [Payouts]
-### Terminal
-* [Terminal]
-### Orders
-* [Orders]
-* [Order Custom Attributes]
-### Subscriptions
-* [Subscriptions]
-### Invoices
-* [Invoices]
-### Items
-* [Catalog]
-* [Inventory]
-### Customers
-* [Customers]
-* [Customer Custom Attributes]
-* [Customer Groups]
-* [Customer Segments]
-### Loyalty
-* [Loyalty]
-### Gift Cards
-* [Gift Cards]
-* [Gift Card Activities]
-### Bookings
-* [Bookings]
-* [Booking Custom Attributes]
-### Business
-* [Merchants]
-* [Merchant Custom Attributes]
-* [Locations]
-* [Location Custom Attributes]
-* [Devices]
-* [Cash Drawers]
-* [Vendors]
-### Team
-* [Team]
-* [Labor]
-### Financials
-* [Bank Accounts]
-### Online
-* [Sites]
-* [Snippets]
-### Authorization
-* [Mobile Authorization]
-* [OAuth]
-### Webhook Subscriptions
-* [Webhook Subscriptions]
-## Deprecated APIs
-The following Square APIs are [deprecated](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/api-lifecycle):
-* [Employees] - replaced by the [Team] API. For more information, see [Migrate from the Employees API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/migrate-from-v2-employees).
-* [Transactions] - replaced by the [Orders] and [Payments] APIs. For more information, see [Migrate from the Transactions API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/migrate-from-transactions-api).
-[//]: # "Link anchor definitions"
-[Square Logo]: https://docs.connect.squareup.com/images/github/github-square-logo.svg
-[Developer Dashboard]: https://developer.squareup.com/apps
-[Square API]: https://squareup.com/developers
-[sign up for a developer account]: https://squareup.com/signup?v=developers
-[Client]: doc/client.md
-[Devices]: doc/apis/devices.md
-[Disputes]: doc/apis/disputes.md
-[Terminal]: doc/apis/terminal.md
-[Cash Drawers]: doc/apis/cash-drawers.md
-[Vendors]: doc/apis/vendors.md
-[Customer Groups]: doc/apis/customer-groups.md
-[Customer Custom Attributes]: doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md
-[Customer Segments]: doc/apis/customer-segments.md
-[Bank Accounts]: doc/apis/bank-accounts.md
-[Payments]: doc/apis/payments.md
-[Checkout]: doc/apis/checkout.md
-[Catalog]: doc/apis/catalog.md
-[Customers]: doc/apis/customers.md
-[Inventory]: doc/apis/inventory.md
-[Labor]: doc/apis/labor.md
-[Loyalty]: doc/apis/loyalty.md
-[Bookings]: doc/apis/bookings.md
-[Booking Custom Attributes]: doc/api/booking-custom-attributes.md
-[Locations]: doc/apis/locations.md
-[Location Custom Attributes]: doc/api/location-custom-attributes.md
-[Merchants]: doc/apis/merchants.md
-[Merchant Custom Attributes]: doc/api/merchant-custom-attributes.md
-[Orders]: doc/apis/orders.md
-[Order Custom Attributes]: doc/api/order-custom-attributes.md
-[Invoices]: doc/apis/invoices.md
-[Apple Pay]: doc/apis/apple-pay.md
-[Refunds]: doc/apis/refunds.md
-[Subscriptions]: doc/apis/subscriptions.md
-[Mobile Authorization]: doc/apis/mobile-authorization.md
-[OAuth]: doc/apis/o-auth.md
-[Team]: doc/apis/team.md
-[Sites]: doc/apis/sites.md
-[Snippets]: doc/apis/snippets.md
-[Cards]: doc/apis/cards.md
-[Payouts]: doc/apis/payouts.md
-[Gift Cards]: doc/apis/gift-cards.md
-[Gift Card Activities]: doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md
-[Employees]: doc/apis/employees.md
-[Transactions]: doc/apis/transactions.md
-[Webhook Subscriptions]: doc/api/webhook-subscriptions.md
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index 175da7bb..1755ebd5 100644
--- a/composer.json
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@@ -1,58 +1,48 @@
- "name": "square/square",
- "description": "Use Square APIs to manage and run business including payment, customer, product, inventory, and employee management.",
- "version": "",
- "type": "library",
- "keywords": [
- "Square",
- "API",
- "SDK"
- ],
- "homepage": "https://squareup.com/developers",
- "license": [
- "MIT"
- ],
- "authors": [
- {
- "name": "Square Developer Platform",
- "email": "developers@squareup.com",
- "homepage": "https://squareup.com/developers"
- }
- ],
- "prefer-stable": false,
- "require": {
- "php": "^7.2 || ^8.0",
- "ext-json": "*",
- "apimatic/unirest-php": "^4.0.0",
- "apimatic/core-interfaces": "~0.1.5",
- "apimatic/core": "~0.3.12"
- },
- "require-dev": {
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.5",
- "phan/phan": "5.4.5",
- "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.5 || ^8.5 || ^9.5"
- },
- "autoload": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Square\\": "src/"
- }
- },
- "autoload-dev": {
- "psr-4": {
- "Square\\Tests\\": "tests/"
- }
- },
- "scripts": {
- "test": "phpunit",
- "test-coverage": "phpunit --coverage-html=coverage",
- "lint-src": "phpcs --standard=phpcs-ruleset.xml src/",
- "lint-src-fix": "phpcbf --standard=phpcs-ruleset.xml src/",
- "lint-tests": "phpcs --standard=phpcs-ruleset.xml tests/",
- "lint-tests-fix": "phpcbf --standard=phpcs-ruleset.xml tests/",
- "analyze": "phan --allow-polyfill-parser -p",
- "lint": [
- "@lint-src",
- "@lint-tests"
- ]
+ "name": "square/square",
+ "version": "0.0.350",
+ "description": "Use Square APIs to manage and run business including payment, customer, product, inventory, and employee management.",
+ "keywords": [
+ "square",
+ "api",
+ "sdk"
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "require": {
+ "php": "^8.1",
+ "ext-json": "*",
+ "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^7.4",
+ "apimatic/unirest-php": "^4.0.0",
+ "apimatic/core-interfaces": "~0.1.5",
+ "apimatic/core": "~0.3.12"
+ },
+ "require-dev": {
+ "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.0",
+ "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "3.5.0",
+ "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.12"
+ },
+ "autoload": {
+ "psr-4": {
+ "Square\\": "src/"
+ },
+ "autoload-dev": {
+ "psr-4": {
+ "Square\\Tests\\": "tests/"
+ }
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "build": [
+ "@php -l src",
+ "@php -l tests"
+ ],
+ "test": "phpunit",
+ "analyze": "phpstan analyze src tests --memory-limit=1G"
+ },
+ "author": {
+ "name": "Square Developer Platform",
+ "url": "https://developer.squareup.com",
+ "email": "developers@squareup.com"
+ },
+ "homepage": "https://squareup.com/developers"
\ No newline at end of file
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-# ApiException
-Thrown when there is a network error or HTTP response status code is not okay.
-## Methods
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| getHttpRequest() | [`HttpRequest`](http-request.md) | Returns the HTTP request. |
-| getHttpResponse() | ?[`HttpResponse`](http-response.md) | Returns the HTTP response. |
-| hasResponse() | bool | Is the response available? |
diff --git a/doc/apis/apple-pay.md b/doc/apis/apple-pay.md
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Apple Pay
-$applePayApi = $client->getApplePayApi();
-## Class Name
-# Register Domain
-Activates a domain for use with Apple Pay on the Web and Square. A validation
-is performed on this domain by Apple to ensure that it is properly set up as
-an Apple Pay enabled domain.
-This endpoint provides an easy way for platform developers to bulk activate
-Apple Pay on the Web with Square for merchants using their platform.
-Note: You will need to host a valid domain verification file on your domain to support Apple Pay. The
-current version of this file is always available at https://app.squareup.com/digital-wallets/apple-pay/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association,
-and should be hosted at `.well_known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association` on your
-domain. This file is subject to change; we strongly recommend checking for updates regularly and avoiding
-long-lived caches that might not keep in sync with the correct file version.
-To learn more about the Web Payments SDK and how to add Apple Pay, see [Take an Apple Pay Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/web-payments/apple-pay).
-function registerDomain(RegisterDomainRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`RegisterDomainRequest`](../../doc/models/register-domain-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RegisterDomainResponse`](../../doc/models/register-domain-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = RegisterDomainRequestBuilder::init(
- 'example.com'
-$apiResponse = $applePayApi->registerDomain($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $registerDomainResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/bank-accounts.md b/doc/apis/bank-accounts.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/apis/bank-accounts.md
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@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# Bank Accounts
-$bankAccountsApi = $client->getBankAccountsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Bank Accounts](../../doc/apis/bank-accounts.md#list-bank-accounts)
-* [Get Bank Account by V1 Id](../../doc/apis/bank-accounts.md#get-bank-account-by-v1-id)
-* [Get Bank Account](../../doc/apis/bank-accounts.md#get-bank-account)
-# List Bank Accounts
-Returns a list of [BankAccount](../../doc/models/bank-account.md) objects linked to a Square account.
-function listBankAccounts(?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null, ?string $locationId = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Use it in the next `ListBankAccounts` request to retrieve the next set
of results.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | Upper limit on the number of bank accounts to return in the response.
Currently, 1000 is the largest supported limit. You can specify a limit
of up to 1000 bank accounts. This is also the default limit. |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Location ID. You can specify this optional filter
to retrieve only the linked bank accounts belonging to a specific location. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListBankAccountsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-bank-accounts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $bankAccountsApi->listBankAccounts();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listBankAccountsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Bank Account by V1 Id
-Returns details of a [BankAccount](../../doc/models/bank-account.md) identified by V1 bank account ID.
-function getBankAccountByV1Id(string $v1BankAccountId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `v1BankAccountId` | `string` | Template, Required | Connect V1 ID of the desired `BankAccount`. For more information, see
[Retrieve a bank account by using an ID issued by V1 Bank Accounts API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bank-accounts-api#retrieve-a-bank-account-by-using-an-id-issued-by-v1-bank-accounts-api). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetBankAccountByV1IdResponse`](../../doc/models/get-bank-account-by-v1-id-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$v1BankAccountId = 'v1_bank_account_id8';
-$apiResponse = $bankAccountsApi->getBankAccountByV1Id($v1BankAccountId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getBankAccountByV1IdResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Bank Account
-Returns details of a [BankAccount](../../doc/models/bank-account.md)
-linked to a Square account.
-function getBankAccount(string $bankAccountId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bankAccountId` | `string` | Template, Required | Square-issued ID of the desired `BankAccount`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetBankAccountResponse`](../../doc/models/get-bank-account-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bankAccountId = 'bank_account_id0';
-$apiResponse = $bankAccountsApi->getBankAccount($bankAccountId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getBankAccountResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md b/doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c8b06bf..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-# Booking Custom Attributes
-$bookingCustomAttributesApi = $client->getBookingCustomAttributesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Booking Custom Attribute Definitions](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#list-booking-custom-attribute-definitions)
-* [Create Booking Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#create-booking-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Delete Booking Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#delete-booking-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-booking-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Update Booking Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#update-booking-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Bulk Delete Booking Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-booking-custom-attributes)
-* [Bulk Upsert Booking Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes)
-* [List Booking Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#list-booking-custom-attributes)
-* [Delete Booking Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#delete-booking-custom-attribute)
-* [Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-booking-custom-attribute)
-* [Upsert Booking Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#upsert-booking-custom-attribute)
-# List Booking Custom Attribute Definitions
-Get all bookings custom attribute definitions.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function listBookingCustomAttributeDefinitions(?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-booking-custom-attribute-definitions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->listBookingCustomAttributeDefinitions();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Booking Custom Attribute Definition
-Creates a bookings custom attribute definition.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function createBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-booking-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-booking-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->createBookingCustomAttributeDefinition($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Booking Custom Attribute Definition
-Deletes a bookings custom attribute definition.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function deleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-booking-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->deleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute Definition
-Retrieves a bookings custom attribute definition.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function retrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting application
is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-booking-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->retrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Booking Custom Attribute Definition
-Updates a bookings custom attribute definition.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function updateBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/update-booking-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/update-booking-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->updateBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Delete Booking Custom Attributes
-Bulk deletes bookings custom attributes.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function bulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-booking-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-booking-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => BookingCustomAttributeDeleteRequestBuilder::init(
- 'booking_id4',
- 'key0'
- )->build(),
- 'key1' => BookingCustomAttributeDeleteRequestBuilder::init(
- 'booking_id4',
- 'key0'
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->bulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Upsert Booking Custom Attributes
-Bulk upserts bookings custom attributes.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function bulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => BookingCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'booking_id4',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build(),
- 'key1' => BookingCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'booking_id4',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->bulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Booking Custom Attributes
-Lists a booking's custom attributes.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function listBookingCustomAttributes(
- string $bookingId,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListBookingCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-booking-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookingId = 'booking_id4';
-$withDefinitions = false;
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->listBookingCustomAttributes(
- $bookingId,
- null,
- null,
- $withDefinitions
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listBookingCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Booking Custom Attribute
-Deletes a bookings custom attribute.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function deleteBookingCustomAttribute(string $bookingId, string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteBookingCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-booking-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookingId = 'booking_id4';
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->deleteBookingCustomAttribute(
- $bookingId,
- $key
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteBookingCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute
-Retrieves a bookings custom attribute.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function retrieveBookingCustomAttribute(
- string $bookingId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-booking-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookingId = 'booking_id4';
-$key = 'key0';
-$withDefinition = false;
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->retrieveBookingCustomAttribute(
- $bookingId,
- $key,
- $withDefinition
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveBookingCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Upsert Booking Custom Attribute
-Upserts a bookings custom attribute.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function upsertBookingCustomAttribute(
- string $bookingId,
- string $key,
- UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match the `key` of a
custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not
the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `body` | [`UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest`](../../doc/models/upsert-booking-custom-attribute-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpsertBookingCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/upsert-booking-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookingId = 'booking_id4';
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $bookingCustomAttributesApi->upsertBookingCustomAttribute(
- $bookingId,
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $upsertBookingCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/bookings.md b/doc/apis/bookings.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c27d287..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/bookings.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-# Bookings
-$bookingsApi = $client->getBookingsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Bookings](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#list-bookings)
-* [Create Booking](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#create-booking)
-* [Search Availability](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#search-availability)
-* [Bulk Retrieve Bookings](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#bulk-retrieve-bookings)
-* [Retrieve Business Booking Profile](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#retrieve-business-booking-profile)
-* [List Location Booking Profiles](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#list-location-booking-profiles)
-* [Retrieve Location Booking Profile](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#retrieve-location-booking-profile)
-* [List Team Member Booking Profiles](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#list-team-member-booking-profiles)
-* [Bulk Retrieve Team Member Booking Profiles](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#bulk-retrieve-team-member-booking-profiles)
-* [Retrieve Team Member Booking Profile](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#retrieve-team-member-booking-profile)
-* [Retrieve Booking](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#retrieve-booking)
-* [Update Booking](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#update-booking)
-* [Cancel Booking](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#cancel-booking)
-# List Bookings
-Retrieve a collection of bookings.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function listBookings(
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $customerId = null,
- ?string $teamMemberId = null,
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?string $startAtMin = null,
- ?string $startAtMax = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results per page to return in a paged response. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the results. |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The [customer](entity:Customer) for whom to retrieve bookings. If this is not set, bookings for all customers are retrieved. |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The team member for whom to retrieve bookings. If this is not set, bookings of all members are retrieved. |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The location for which to retrieve bookings. If this is not set, all locations' bookings are retrieved. |
-| `startAtMin` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the earliest of the start time. If this is not set, the current time is used. |
-| `startAtMax` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the latest of the start time. If this is not set, the time of 31 days after `start_at_min` is used. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListBookingsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-bookings-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->listBookings();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listBookingsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Booking
-Creates a booking.
-The required input must include the following:
-- `Booking.location_id`
-- `Booking.start_at`
-- `Booking.AppointmentSegment.team_member_id`
-- `Booking.AppointmentSegment.service_variation_id`
-- `Booking.AppointmentSegment.service_variation_version`
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function createBooking(CreateBookingRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateBookingRequest`](../../doc/models/create-booking-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateBookingResponse`](../../doc/models/create-booking-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateBookingRequestBuilder::init(
- BookingBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->createBooking($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createBookingResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Availability
-Searches for availabilities for booking.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function searchAvailability(SearchAvailabilityRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchAvailabilityRequest`](../../doc/models/search-availability-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchAvailabilityResponse`](../../doc/models/search-availability-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchAvailabilityRequestBuilder::init(
- SearchAvailabilityQueryBuilder::init(
- SearchAvailabilityFilterBuilder::init(
- TimeRangeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build()
- )->build()
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->searchAvailability($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchAvailabilityResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Retrieve Bookings
-Bulk-Retrieves a list of bookings by booking IDs.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function bulkRetrieveBookings(BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-bookings-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkRetrieveBookingsResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-bookings-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkRetrieveBookingsRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'booking_ids8',
- 'booking_ids9',
- 'booking_ids0'
- ]
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->bulkRetrieveBookings($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkRetrieveBookingsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Business Booking Profile
-Retrieves a seller's booking profile.
-function retrieveBusinessBookingProfile(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveBusinessBookingProfileResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-business-booking-profile-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->retrieveBusinessBookingProfile();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveBusinessBookingProfileResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Location Booking Profiles
-Lists location booking profiles of a seller.
-function listLocationBookingProfiles(?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a paged response. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the results. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListLocationBookingProfilesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-location-booking-profiles-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->listLocationBookingProfiles();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listLocationBookingProfilesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Location Booking Profile
-Retrieves a seller's location booking profile.
-function retrieveLocationBookingProfile(string $locationId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the location to retrieve the booking profile. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLocationBookingProfileResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-location-booking-profile-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->retrieveLocationBookingProfile($locationId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLocationBookingProfileResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Team Member Booking Profiles
-Lists booking profiles for team members.
-function listTeamMemberBookingProfiles(
- ?bool $bookableOnly = false,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $locationId = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookableOnly` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to include only bookable team members in the returned result (`true`) or not (`false`).
**Default**: `false` |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a paged response. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the results. |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to include only team members enabled at the given location in the returned result. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-team-member-booking-profiles-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookableOnly = false;
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->listTeamMemberBookingProfiles($bookableOnly);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Retrieve Team Member Booking Profiles
-Retrieves one or more team members' booking profiles.
-function bulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfiles(BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-team-member-booking-profiles-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-team-member-booking-profiles-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'team_member_ids3',
- 'team_member_ids4',
- 'team_member_ids5'
- ]
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->bulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfiles($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Team Member Booking Profile
-Retrieves a team member's booking profile.
-function retrieveTeamMemberBookingProfile(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the team member to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfileResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-team-member-booking-profile-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$teamMemberId = 'team_member_id0';
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->retrieveTeamMemberBookingProfile($teamMemberId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveTeamMemberBookingProfileResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Booking
-Retrieves a booking.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function retrieveBooking(string $bookingId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [Booking](entity:Booking) object representing the to-be-retrieved booking. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveBookingResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-booking-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookingId = 'booking_id4';
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->retrieveBooking($bookingId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveBookingResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Booking
-Updates a booking.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function updateBooking(string $bookingId, UpdateBookingRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [Booking](entity:Booking) object representing the to-be-updated booking. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateBookingRequest`](../../doc/models/update-booking-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateBookingResponse`](../../doc/models/update-booking-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookingId = 'booking_id4';
-$body = UpdateBookingRequestBuilder::init(
- BookingBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->updateBooking(
- $bookingId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateBookingResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Booking
-Cancels an existing booking.
-To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
-For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
-or *Appointments Premium*.
-function cancelBooking(string $bookingId, CancelBookingRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [Booking](entity:Booking) object representing the to-be-cancelled booking. |
-| `body` | [`CancelBookingRequest`](../../doc/models/cancel-booking-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelBookingResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-booking-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$bookingId = 'booking_id4';
-$body = CancelBookingRequestBuilder::init()->build();
-$apiResponse = $bookingsApi->cancelBooking(
- $bookingId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelBookingResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/cards.md b/doc/apis/cards.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d8838b5..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/cards.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-# Cards
-$cardsApi = $client->getCardsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Cards](../../doc/apis/cards.md#list-cards)
-* [Create Card](../../doc/apis/cards.md#create-card)
-* [Retrieve Card](../../doc/apis/cards.md#retrieve-card)
-* [Disable Card](../../doc/apis/cards.md#disable-card)
-# List Cards
-Retrieves a list of cards owned by the account making the request.
-A max of 25 cards will be returned.
-function listCards(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $customerId = null,
- ?bool $includeDisabled = false,
- ?string $referenceId = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Limit results to cards associated with the customer supplied.
By default, all cards owned by the merchant are returned. |
-| `includeDisabled` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Includes disabled cards.
By default, all enabled cards owned by the merchant are returned.
**Default**: `false` |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Limit results to cards associated with the reference_id supplied. |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | Sorts the returned list by when the card was created with the specified order.
This field defaults to ASC. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCardsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-cards-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$includeDisabled = false;
-$apiResponse = $cardsApi->listCards(
- null,
- null,
- $includeDisabled
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCardsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Card
-Adds a card on file to an existing merchant.
-function createCard(CreateCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateCardRequest`](../../doc/models/create-card-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateCardResponse`](../../doc/models/create-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateCardRequestBuilder::init(
- '4935a656-a929-4792-b97c-8848be85c27c',
- 'cnon:uIbfJXhXETSP197M3GB',
- CardBuilder::init()
- ->cardholderName('Amelia Earhart')
- ->billingAddress(
- AddressBuilder::init()
- ->addressLine1('500 Electric Ave')
- ->addressLine2('Suite 600')
- ->locality('New York')
- ->administrativeDistrictLevel1('NY')
- ->postalCode('10003')
- ->country(Country::US)
- ->build()
- )
- ->customerId('VDKXEEKPJN48QDG3BGGFAK05P8')
- ->referenceId('user-id-1')
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $cardsApi->createCard($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Card
-Retrieves details for a specific Card.
-function retrieveCard(string $cardId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cardId` | `string` | Template, Required | Unique ID for the desired Card. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCardResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$cardId = 'card_id4';
-$apiResponse = $cardsApi->retrieveCard($cardId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Disable Card
-Disables the card, preventing any further updates or charges.
-Disabling an already disabled card is allowed but has no effect.
-function disableCard(string $cardId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cardId` | `string` | Template, Required | Unique ID for the desired Card. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DisableCardResponse`](../../doc/models/disable-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$cardId = 'card_id4';
-$apiResponse = $cardsApi->disableCard($cardId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $disableCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/cash-drawers.md b/doc/apis/cash-drawers.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a6fdc318..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/cash-drawers.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-# Cash Drawers
-$cashDrawersApi = $client->getCashDrawersApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Cash Drawer Shifts](../../doc/apis/cash-drawers.md#list-cash-drawer-shifts)
-* [Retrieve Cash Drawer Shift](../../doc/apis/cash-drawers.md#retrieve-cash-drawer-shift)
-* [List Cash Drawer Shift Events](../../doc/apis/cash-drawers.md#list-cash-drawer-shift-events)
-# List Cash Drawer Shifts
-Provides the details for all of the cash drawer shifts for a location
-in a date range.
-function listCashDrawerShifts(
- string $locationId,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?string $beginTime = null,
- ?string $endTime = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Query, Required | The ID of the location to query for a list of cash drawer shifts. |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | The order in which cash drawer shifts are listed in the response,
based on their opened_at field. Default value: ASC |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The inclusive start time of the query on opened_at, in ISO 8601 format. |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The exclusive end date of the query on opened_at, in ISO 8601 format. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | Number of cash drawer shift events in a page of results (200 by
default, 1000 max). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Opaque cursor for fetching the next page of results. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-cash-drawer-shifts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$apiResponse = $cashDrawersApi->listCashDrawerShifts($locationId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCashDrawerShiftsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Cash Drawer Shift
-Provides the summary details for a single cash drawer shift. See
-[ListCashDrawerShiftEvents](../../doc/apis/cash-drawers.md#list-cash-drawer-shift-events) for a list of cash drawer shift events.
-function retrieveCashDrawerShift(string $locationId, string $shiftId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Query, Required | The ID of the location to retrieve cash drawer shifts from. |
-| `shiftId` | `string` | Template, Required | The shift ID. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCashDrawerShiftResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-cash-drawer-shift-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$shiftId = 'shift_id0';
-$apiResponse = $cashDrawersApi->retrieveCashDrawerShift(
- $locationId,
- $shiftId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCashDrawerShiftResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Cash Drawer Shift Events
-Provides a paginated list of events for a single cash drawer shift.
-function listCashDrawerShiftEvents(
- string $locationId,
- string $shiftId,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Query, Required | The ID of the location to list cash drawer shifts for. |
-| `shiftId` | `string` | Template, Required | The shift ID. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | Number of resources to be returned in a page of results (200 by
default, 1000 max). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Opaque cursor for fetching the next page of results. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-cash-drawer-shift-events-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$shiftId = 'shift_id0';
-$apiResponse = $cashDrawersApi->listCashDrawerShiftEvents(
- $locationId,
- $shiftId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/catalog.md b/doc/apis/catalog.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1409f9..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/catalog.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,980 +0,0 @@
-# Catalog
-$catalogApi = $client->getCatalogApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Batch Delete Catalog Objects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#batch-delete-catalog-objects)
-* [Batch Retrieve Catalog Objects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#batch-retrieve-catalog-objects)
-* [Batch Upsert Catalog Objects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#batch-upsert-catalog-objects)
-* [Create Catalog Image](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#create-catalog-image)
-* [Update Catalog Image](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#update-catalog-image)
-* [Catalog Info](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#catalog-info)
-* [List Catalog](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#list-catalog)
-* [Upsert Catalog Object](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#upsert-catalog-object)
-* [Delete Catalog Object](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#delete-catalog-object)
-* [Retrieve Catalog Object](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#retrieve-catalog-object)
-* [Search Catalog Objects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-objects)
-* [Search Catalog Items](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-items)
-* [Update Item Modifier Lists](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#update-item-modifier-lists)
-* [Update Item Taxes](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#update-item-taxes)
-# Batch Delete Catalog Objects
-Deletes a set of [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md)s based on the
-provided list of target IDs and returns a set of successfully deleted IDs in
-the response. Deletion is a cascading event such that all children of the
-targeted object are also deleted. For example, deleting a CatalogItem will
-also delete all of its [CatalogItemVariation](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md)
-`BatchDeleteCatalogObjects` succeeds even if only a portion of the targeted
-IDs can be deleted. The response will only include IDs that were
-actually deleted.
-To ensure consistency, only one delete request is processed at a time per seller account.
-While one (batch or non-batch) delete request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
-delete requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
-function batchDeleteCatalogObjects(BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-delete-catalog-objects-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-delete-catalog-objects-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->objectIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->batchDeleteCatalogObjects($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Batch Retrieve Catalog Objects
-Returns a set of objects based on the provided ID.
-Each [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) returned in the set includes all of its
-child information including: all of its
-[CatalogItemVariation](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md) objects, references to
-its [CatalogModifierList](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-list.md) objects, and the ids of
-any [CatalogTax](../../doc/models/catalog-tax.md) objects that apply to it.
-function batchRetrieveCatalogObjects(BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-catalog-objects-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-catalog-objects-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- ]
- ->includeRelatedObjects(true)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->batchRetrieveCatalogObjects($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchRetrieveCatalogObjectsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Batch Upsert Catalog Objects
-Creates or updates up to 10,000 target objects based on the provided
-list of objects. The target objects are grouped into batches and each batch is
-inserted/updated in an all-or-nothing manner. If an object within a batch is
-malformed in some way, or violates a database constraint, the entire batch
-containing that item will be disregarded. However, other batches in the same
-request may still succeed. Each batch may contain up to 1,000 objects, and
-batches will be processed in order as long as the total object count for the
-request (items, variations, modifier lists, discounts, and taxes) is no more
-than 10,000.
-To ensure consistency, only one update request is processed at a time per seller account.
-While one (batch or non-batch) update request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
-update requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
-function batchUpsertCatalogObjects(BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-upsert-catalog-objects-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-upsert-catalog-objects-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequestBuilder::init(
- '789ff020-f723-43a9-b4b5-43b5dc1fa3dc',
- [
- CatalogObjectBatchBuilder::init(
- [
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM,
- '#Tea'
- )
- ->presentAtAllLocations(true)
- ->itemData(
- CatalogItemBuilder::init()
- ->name('Tea')
- ->taxIds(
- [
- '#SalesTax'
- ]
- )
- ->variations(
- [
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM_VARIATION,
- '#Tea_Mug'
- )
- ->presentAtAllLocations(true)
- ->itemVariationData(
- CatalogItemVariationBuilder::init()
- ->itemId('#Tea')
- ->name('Mug')
- ->pricingType(CatalogPricingType::FIXED_PRICING)
- ->priceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(150)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->categories(
- [
- CatalogObjectCategoryBuilder::init()
- ->id('#Beverages')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->descriptionHtml('
Hot Leaf Juice
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM,
- '#Coffee'
- )
- ->presentAtAllLocations(true)
- ->itemData(
- CatalogItemBuilder::init()
- ->name('Coffee')
- ->taxIds(
- [
- '#SalesTax'
- ]
- )
- ->variations(
- [
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM_VARIATION,
- '#Coffee_Regular'
- )
- ->presentAtAllLocations(true)
- ->itemVariationData(
- CatalogItemVariationBuilder::init()
- ->itemId('#Coffee')
- ->name('Regular')
- ->pricingType(CatalogPricingType::FIXED_PRICING)
- ->priceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(250)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM_VARIATION,
- '#Coffee_Large'
- )
- ->presentAtAllLocations(true)
- ->itemVariationData(
- CatalogItemVariationBuilder::init()
- ->itemId('#Coffee')
- ->name('Large')
- ->pricingType(CatalogPricingType::FIXED_PRICING)
- ->priceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(350)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->categories(
- [
- CatalogObjectCategoryBuilder::init()
- ->id('#Beverages')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->descriptionHtml('Hot Bean Juice
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::CATEGORY,
- '#Beverages'
- )
- ->presentAtAllLocations(true)
- ->categoryData(
- CatalogCategoryBuilder::init()
- ->name('Beverages')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::TAX,
- '#SalesTax'
- )
- ->presentAtAllLocations(true)
- ->taxData(
- CatalogTaxBuilder::init()
- ->name('Sales Tax')
- ->calculationPhase(TaxCalculationPhase::TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE)
- ->inclusionType(TaxInclusionType::ADDITIVE)
- ->percentage('5.0')
- ->appliesToCustomAmounts(true)
- ->enabled(true)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->batchUpsertCatalogObjects($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Catalog Image
-Uploads an image file to be represented by a [CatalogImage](../../doc/models/catalog-image.md) object that can be linked to an existing
-[CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) instance. The resulting `CatalogImage` is unattached to any `CatalogObject` if the `object_id`
-is not specified.
-This `CreateCatalogImage` endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data requests with a JSON part and an image file part in
-JPEG, PJPEG, PNG, or GIF format. The maximum file size is 15MB.
-function createCatalogImage(
- ?CreateCatalogImageRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `request` | [`?CreateCatalogImageRequest`](../../doc/models/create-catalog-image-request.md) | Form (JSON-Encoded), Optional | - |
-| `imageFile` | `?FileWrapper` | Form, Optional | - |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateCatalogImageResponse`](../../doc/models/create-catalog-image-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$request = CreateCatalogImageRequestBuilder::init(
- '528dea59-7bfb-43c1-bd48-4a6bba7dd61f86',
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::IMAGE,
- '#TEMP_ID'
- )
- ->imageData(
- CatalogImageBuilder::init()
- ->caption('A picture of a cup of coffee')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ->objectId('ND6EA5AAJEO5WL3JNNIAQA32')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->createCatalogImage($request);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createCatalogImageResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Catalog Image
-Uploads a new image file to replace the existing one in the specified [CatalogImage](../../doc/models/catalog-image.md) object.
-This `UpdateCatalogImage` endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data requests with a JSON part and an image file part in
-JPEG, PJPEG, PNG, or GIF format. The maximum file size is 15MB.
-function updateCatalogImage(
- string $imageId,
- ?UpdateCatalogImageRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `imageId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the `CatalogImage` object to update the encapsulated image file. |
-| `request` | [`?UpdateCatalogImageRequest`](../../doc/models/update-catalog-image-request.md) | Form (JSON-Encoded), Optional | - |
-| `imageFile` | `?FileWrapper` | Form, Optional | - |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateCatalogImageResponse`](../../doc/models/update-catalog-image-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$imageId = 'image_id4';
-$request = UpdateCatalogImageRequestBuilder::init(
- '528dea59-7bfb-43c1-bd48-4a6bba7dd61f86'
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->updateCatalogImage(
- $imageId,
- $request
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateCatalogImageResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Catalog Info
-Retrieves information about the Square Catalog API, such as batch size
-limits that can be used by the `BatchUpsertCatalogObjects` endpoint.
-function catalogInfo(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CatalogInfoResponse`](../../doc/models/catalog-info-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->catalogInfo();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $catalogInfoResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Catalog
-Returns a list of all [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md)s of the specified types in the catalog.
-The `types` parameter is specified as a comma-separated list of the [CatalogObjectType](../../doc/models/catalog-object-type.md) values,
-__Important:__ ListCatalog does not return deleted catalog items. To retrieve
-deleted catalog items, use [SearchCatalogObjects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-objects)
-and set the `include_deleted_objects` attribute value to `true`.
-function listCatalog(?string $cursor = null, ?string $types = null, ?int $catalogVersion = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The pagination cursor returned in the previous response. Leave unset for an initial request.
The page size is currently set to be 100.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. |
-| `types` | `?string` | Query, Optional | An optional case-insensitive, comma-separated list of object types to retrieve.
The valid values are defined in the [CatalogObjectType](entity:CatalogObjectType) enum, for example,
If this is unspecified, the operation returns objects of all the top level types at the version
of the Square API used to make the request. Object types that are nested onto other object types
are not included in the defaults.
At the current API version the default object types are:
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The specific version of the catalog objects to be included in the response.
This allows you to retrieve historical versions of objects. The specified version value is matched against
the [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md)s' `version` attribute. If not included, results will be from the
current version of the catalog. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCatalogResponse`](../../doc/models/list-catalog-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->listCatalog();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCatalogResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Upsert Catalog Object
-Creates a new or updates the specified [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md).
-To ensure consistency, only one update request is processed at a time per seller account.
-While one (batch or non-batch) update request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
-update requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
-function upsertCatalogObject(UpsertCatalogObjectRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`UpsertCatalogObjectRequest`](../../doc/models/upsert-catalog-object-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpsertCatalogObjectResponse`](../../doc/models/upsert-catalog-object-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = UpsertCatalogObjectRequestBuilder::init(
- 'af3d1afc-7212-4300-b463-0bfc5314a5ae',
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM,
- '#Cocoa'
- )
- ->itemData(
- CatalogItemBuilder::init()
- ->name('Cocoa')
- ->abbreviation('Ch')
- ->variations(
- [
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM_VARIATION,
- '#Small'
- )
- ->itemVariationData(
- CatalogItemVariationBuilder::init()
- ->itemId('#Cocoa')
- ->name('Small')
- ->pricingType(CatalogPricingType::VARIABLE_PRICING)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- CatalogObjectBuilder::init(
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM_VARIATION,
- '#Large'
- )
- ->itemVariationData(
- CatalogItemVariationBuilder::init()
- ->itemId('#Cocoa')
- ->name('Large')
- ->pricingType(CatalogPricingType::FIXED_PRICING)
- ->priceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(400)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->descriptionHtml('Hot Chocolate
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->upsertCatalogObject($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $upsertCatalogObjectResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Catalog Object
-Deletes a single [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) based on the
-provided ID and returns the set of successfully deleted IDs in the response.
-Deletion is a cascading event such that all children of the targeted object
-are also deleted. For example, deleting a [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md)
-will also delete all of its
-[CatalogItemVariation](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md) children.
-To ensure consistency, only one delete request is processed at a time per seller account.
-While one (batch or non-batch) delete request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
-delete requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
-function deleteCatalogObject(string $objectId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `objectId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the catalog object to be deleted. When an object is deleted, other
objects in the graph that depend on that object will be deleted as well (for example, deleting a
catalog item will delete its catalog item variations). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteCatalogObjectResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-catalog-object-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$objectId = 'object_id8';
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->deleteCatalogObject($objectId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteCatalogObjectResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Catalog Object
-Returns a single [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) as a
-[CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) based on the provided ID. The returned
-object includes all of the relevant [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md)
-information including: [CatalogItemVariation](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md)
-children, references to its
-[CatalogModifierList](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-list.md) objects, and the ids of
-any [CatalogTax](../../doc/models/catalog-tax.md) objects that apply to it.
-function retrieveCatalogObject(
- string $objectId,
- ?bool $includeRelatedObjects = false,
- ?int $catalogVersion = null,
- ?bool $includeCategoryPathToRoot = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `objectId` | `string` | Template, Required | The object ID of any type of catalog objects to be retrieved. |
-| `includeRelatedObjects` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | If `true`, the response will include additional objects that are related to the
requested objects. Related objects are defined as any objects referenced by ID by the results in the `objects` field
of the response. These objects are put in the `related_objects` field. Setting this to `true` is
helpful when the objects are needed for immediate display to a user.
This process only goes one level deep. Objects referenced by the related objects will not be included. For example,
if the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItem, its associated
CatalogCategory objects, CatalogTax objects, CatalogImage objects and
CatalogModifierLists will be returned in the `related_objects` field of the
response. If the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItemVariation,
its parent CatalogItem will be returned in the `related_objects` field of
the response.
Default value: `false`
**Default**: `false` |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Query, Optional | Requests objects as of a specific version of the catalog. This allows you to retrieve historical
versions of objects. The value to retrieve a specific version of an object can be found
in the version field of [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md)s. If not included, results will
be from the current version of the catalog. |
-| `includeCategoryPathToRoot` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Specifies whether or not to include the `path_to_root` list for each returned category instance. The `path_to_root` list consists
of `CategoryPathToRootNode` objects and specifies the path that starts with the immediate parent category of the returned category
and ends with its root category. If the returned category is a top-level category, the `path_to_root` list is empty and is not returned
in the response payload.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCatalogObjectResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-catalog-object-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$objectId = 'object_id8';
-$includeRelatedObjects = false;
-$includeCategoryPathToRoot = false;
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->retrieveCatalogObject(
- $objectId,
- $includeRelatedObjects,
- null,
- $includeCategoryPathToRoot
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCatalogObjectResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Catalog Objects
-Searches for [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) of any type by matching supported search attribute values,
-excluding custom attribute values on items or item variations, against one or more of the specified query filters.
-This (`SearchCatalogObjects`) endpoint differs from the [SearchCatalogItems](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-items)
-endpoint in the following aspects:
-- `SearchCatalogItems` can only search for items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects` can search for any type of catalog objects.
-- `SearchCatalogItems` supports the custom attribute query filters to return items or item variations that contain custom attribute values, where `SearchCatalogObjects` does not.
-- `SearchCatalogItems` does not support the `include_deleted_objects` filter to search for deleted items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects` does.
-- The both endpoints have different call conventions, including the query filter formats.
-function searchCatalogObjects(SearchCatalogObjectsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchCatalogObjectsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-catalog-objects-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchCatalogObjectsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-catalog-objects-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchCatalogObjectsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->objectTypes(
- [
- CatalogObjectType::ITEM
- ]
- )
- ->query(
- CatalogQueryBuilder::init()
- ->prefixQuery(
- CatalogQueryPrefixBuilder::init(
- 'name',
- 'tea'
- )->build()
- )->build()
- )
- ->limit(100)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->searchCatalogObjects($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchCatalogObjectsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Catalog Items
-Searches for catalog items or item variations by matching supported search attribute values, including
-custom attribute values, against one or more of the specified query filters.
-This (`SearchCatalogItems`) endpoint differs from the [SearchCatalogObjects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-objects)
-endpoint in the following aspects:
-- `SearchCatalogItems` can only search for items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects` can search for any type of catalog objects.
-- `SearchCatalogItems` supports the custom attribute query filters to return items or item variations that contain custom attribute values, where `SearchCatalogObjects` does not.
-- `SearchCatalogItems` does not support the `include_deleted_objects` filter to search for deleted items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects` does.
-- The both endpoints use different call conventions, including the query filter formats.
-function searchCatalogItems(SearchCatalogItemsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchCatalogItemsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-catalog-items-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchCatalogItemsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-catalog-items-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchCatalogItemsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->textFilter('red')
- ->categoryIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->stockLevels(
- [
- SearchCatalogItemsRequestStockLevel::OUT,
- SearchCatalogItemsRequestStockLevel::LOW
- ]
- )
- ->enabledLocationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->limit(100)
- ->sortOrder(SortOrder::ASC)
- ->productTypes(
- [
- CatalogItemProductType::REGULAR
- ]
- )
- ->customAttributeFilters(
- [
- CustomAttributeFilterBuilder::init()
- ->customAttributeDefinitionId('VEGAN_DEFINITION_ID')
- ->boolFilter(true)
- ->build(),
- CustomAttributeFilterBuilder::init()
- ->customAttributeDefinitionId('BRAND_DEFINITION_ID')
- ->stringFilter('Dark Horse')
- ->build(),
- CustomAttributeFilterBuilder::init()
- ->key('VINTAGE')
- ->numberFilter(
- RangeBuilder::init()
- ->min('2017')
- ->max('2018')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- CustomAttributeFilterBuilder::init()
- ->customAttributeDefinitionId('VARIETAL_DEFINITION_ID')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->searchCatalogItems($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchCatalogItemsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Item Modifier Lists
-Updates the [CatalogModifierList](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-list.md) objects
-that apply to the targeted [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) without having
-to perform an upsert on the entire item.
-function updateItemModifierLists(UpdateItemModifierListsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`UpdateItemModifierListsRequest`](../../doc/models/update-item-modifier-lists-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateItemModifierListsResponse`](../../doc/models/update-item-modifier-lists-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = UpdateItemModifierListsRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- ]
- ->modifierListsToEnable(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->modifierListsToDisable(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->updateItemModifierLists($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateItemModifierListsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Item Taxes
-Updates the [CatalogTax](../../doc/models/catalog-tax.md) objects that apply to the
-targeted [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) without having to perform an
-upsert on the entire item.
-function updateItemTaxes(UpdateItemTaxesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`UpdateItemTaxesRequest`](../../doc/models/update-item-taxes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateItemTaxesResponse`](../../doc/models/update-item-taxes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = UpdateItemTaxesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- ]
- ->taxesToEnable(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->taxesToDisable(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $catalogApi->updateItemTaxes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateItemTaxesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/checkout.md b/doc/apis/checkout.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dbae027..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/checkout.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-# Checkout
-$checkoutApi = $client->getCheckoutApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Create Checkout](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#create-checkout)
-* [Retrieve Location Settings](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#retrieve-location-settings)
-* [Update Location Settings](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#update-location-settings)
-* [Retrieve Merchant Settings](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#retrieve-merchant-settings)
-* [Update Merchant Settings](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#update-merchant-settings)
-* [List Payment Links](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#list-payment-links)
-* [Create Payment Link](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#create-payment-link)
-* [Delete Payment Link](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#delete-payment-link)
-* [Retrieve Payment Link](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#retrieve-payment-link)
-* [Update Payment Link](../../doc/apis/checkout.md#update-payment-link)
-# Create Checkout
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Links a `checkoutId` to a `checkout_page_url` that customers are
-directed to in order to provide their payment information using a
-payment processing workflow hosted on connect.squareup.com.
-NOTE: The Checkout API has been updated with new features.
-For more information, see [Checkout API highlights](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api#checkout-api-highlights).
-function createCheckout(string $locationId, CreateCheckoutRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the business location to associate the checkout with. |
-| `body` | [`CreateCheckoutRequest`](../../doc/models/create-checkout-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateCheckoutResponse`](../../doc/models/create-checkout-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$body = CreateCheckoutRequestBuilder::init(
- '86ae1696-b1e3-4328-af6d-f1e04d947ad6',
- CreateOrderRequestBuilder::init()
- ->order(
- OrderBuilder::init(
- 'location_id'
- )
- ->referenceId('reference_id')
- ->customerId('customer_id')
- ->lineItems(
- [
- OrderLineItemBuilder::init(
- '2'
- )
- ->name('Printed T Shirt')
- ->appliedTaxes(
- [
- OrderLineItemAppliedTaxBuilder::init(
- '38ze1696-z1e3-5628-af6d-f1e04d947fg3'
- )->build()
- ]
- )
- ->appliedDiscounts(
- [
- OrderLineItemAppliedDiscountBuilder::init(
- '56ae1696-z1e3-9328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4'
- )->build()
- ]
- )
- ->basePriceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(1500)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- OrderLineItemBuilder::init(
- '1'
- )
- ->name('Slim Jeans')
- ->basePriceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(2500)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- OrderLineItemBuilder::init(
- '3'
- )
- ->name('Woven Sweater')
- ->basePriceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(3500)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->taxes(
- [
- OrderLineItemTaxBuilder::init()
- ->uid('38ze1696-z1e3-5628-af6d-f1e04d947fg3')
- ->type(OrderLineItemTaxType::INCLUSIVE)
- ->percentage('7.75')
- ->scope(OrderLineItemTaxScope::LINE_ITEM)
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->discounts(
- [
- OrderLineItemDiscountBuilder::init()
- ->uid('56ae1696-z1e3-9328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4')
- ->type(OrderLineItemDiscountType::FIXED_AMOUNT)
- ->amountMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(100)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->scope(OrderLineItemDiscountScope::LINE_ITEM)
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->idempotencyKey('12ae1696-z1e3-4328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4')
- ->build()
- ->askForShippingAddress(true)
- ->merchantSupportEmail('merchant+support@website.com')
- ->prePopulateBuyerEmail('example@email.com')
- ->prePopulateShippingAddress(
- AddressBuilder::init()
- ->addressLine1('1455 Market St.')
- ->addressLine2('Suite 600')
- ->locality('San Francisco')
- ->administrativeDistrictLevel1('CA')
- ->postalCode('94103')
- ->country(Country::US)
- ->firstName('Jane')
- ->lastName('Doe')
- ->build()
- )
- ->redirectUrl('https://merchant.website.com/order-confirm')
- ->additionalRecipients(
- [
- ChargeRequestAdditionalRecipientBuilder::init(
- '057P5VYJ4A5X1',
- 'Application fees',
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(60)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )->build()
- ]
- )->build();
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->createCheckout(
- $locationId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createCheckoutResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Location Settings
-Retrieves the location-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
-function retrieveLocationSettings(string $locationId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the location for which to retrieve settings. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLocationSettingsResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-location-settings-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->retrieveLocationSettings($locationId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLocationSettingsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Location Settings
-Updates the location-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
-function updateLocationSettings(string $locationId, UpdateLocationSettingsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the location for which to retrieve settings. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateLocationSettingsRequest`](../../doc/models/update-location-settings-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateLocationSettingsResponse`](../../doc/models/update-location-settings-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$body = UpdateLocationSettingsRequestBuilder::init(
- CheckoutLocationSettingsBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->updateLocationSettings(
- $locationId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateLocationSettingsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Merchant Settings
-Retrieves the merchant-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
-function retrieveMerchantSettings(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveMerchantSettingsResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-merchant-settings-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->retrieveMerchantSettings();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveMerchantSettingsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Merchant Settings
-Updates the merchant-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
-function updateMerchantSettings(UpdateMerchantSettingsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`UpdateMerchantSettingsRequest`](../../doc/models/update-merchant-settings-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateMerchantSettingsResponse`](../../doc/models/update-merchant-settings-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = UpdateMerchantSettingsRequestBuilder::init(
- CheckoutMerchantSettingsBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->updateMerchantSettings($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateMerchantSettingsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Payment Links
-Lists all payment links.
-function listPaymentLinks(?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | A limit on the number of results to return per page. The limit is advisory and
the implementation might return more or less results. If the supplied limit is negative, zero, or
greater than the maximum limit of 1000, it is ignored.
Default value: `100` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListPaymentLinksResponse`](../../doc/models/list-payment-links-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->listPaymentLinks();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listPaymentLinksResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Payment Link
-Creates a Square-hosted checkout page. Applications can share the resulting payment link with their buyer to pay for goods and services.
-function createPaymentLink(CreatePaymentLinkRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreatePaymentLinkRequest`](../../doc/models/create-payment-link-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreatePaymentLinkResponse`](../../doc/models/create-payment-link-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreatePaymentLinkRequestBuilder::init()
- ->idempotencyKey('cd9e25dc-d9f2-4430-aedb-61605070e95f')
- ->quickPay(
- QuickPayBuilder::init(
- 'Auto Detailing',
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(10000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build(),
- )->build()
- )->build();
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->createPaymentLink($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createPaymentLinkResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Payment Link
-Deletes a payment link.
-function deletePaymentLink(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the payment link to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeletePaymentLinkResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-payment-link-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->deletePaymentLink($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deletePaymentLinkResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Payment Link
-Retrieves a payment link.
-function retrievePaymentLink(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of link to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrievePaymentLinkResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-payment-link-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->retrievePaymentLink($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrievePaymentLinkResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Payment Link
-Updates a payment link. You can update the `payment_link` fields such as
-`description`, `checkout_options`, and `pre_populated_data`.
-You cannot update other fields such as the `order_id`, `version`, `URL`, or `timestamp` field.
-function updatePaymentLink(string $id, UpdatePaymentLinkRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the payment link to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdatePaymentLinkRequest`](../../doc/models/update-payment-link-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdatePaymentLinkResponse`](../../doc/models/update-payment-link-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$body = UpdatePaymentLinkRequestBuilder::init(
- PaymentLinkBuilder::init(
- 1
- )
- ->checkoutOptions(
- CheckoutOptionsBuilder::init()
- ->askForShippingAddress(true)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $checkoutApi->updatePaymentLink(
- $id,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updatePaymentLinkResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md b/doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f0fe8785..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-# Customer Custom Attributes
-$customerCustomAttributesApi = $client->getCustomerCustomAttributesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Customer Custom Attribute Definitions](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#list-customer-custom-attribute-definitions)
-* [Create Customer Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#create-customer-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Delete Customer Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#delete-customer-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-customer-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Update Customer Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#update-customer-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Bulk Upsert Customer Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes)
-* [List Customer Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#list-customer-custom-attributes)
-* [Delete Customer Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#delete-customer-custom-attribute)
-* [Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-customer-custom-attribute)
-* [Upsert Customer Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#upsert-customer-custom-attribute)
-# List Customer Custom Attribute Definitions
-Lists the customer-related [custom attribute definitions](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) that belong to a Square seller account.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attribute definitions
-that are visible to the requesting application, including those that are created by other
-applications and set to `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that
-seller-defined custom attributes (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function listCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitions(?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-customer-custom-attribute-definitions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->listCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitions();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Customer Custom Attribute Definition
-Creates a customer-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) for a Square seller account.
-Use this endpoint to define a custom attribute that can be associated with customer profiles.
-A custom attribute definition specifies the `key`, `visibility`, `schema`, and other properties
-for a custom attribute. After the definition is created, you can call
-[UpsertCustomerCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#upsert-customer-custom-attribute) or
-to set the custom attribute for customer profiles in the seller's Customer Directory.
-Sellers can view all custom attributes in exported customer data, including those set to
-function createCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-customer-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-customer-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->key('favoritemovie')
- ->name('Favorite Movie')
- ->description('The favorite movie of the customer.')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_HIDDEN)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->createCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Customer Custom Attribute Definition
-Deletes a customer-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-Deleting a custom attribute definition also deletes the corresponding custom attribute from
-all customer profiles in the seller's Customer Directory.
-Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
-function deleteCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->deleteCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute Definition
-Retrieves a customer-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
-setting must be `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function retrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting application
is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-customer-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->retrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Customer Custom Attribute Definition
-Updates a customer-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) for a Square seller account.
-Use this endpoint to update the following fields: `name`, `description`, `visibility`, or the
-`schema` for a `Selection` data type.
-Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition. Note that sellers can view
-all custom attributes in exported customer data, including those set to `VISIBILITY_HIDDEN`.
-function updateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/update-customer-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/update-customer-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->description('Update the description as desired.')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->updateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Upsert Customer Custom Attributes
-Creates or updates [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for customer profiles as a bulk operation.
-Use this endpoint to set the value of one or more custom attributes for one or more customer profiles.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which is
-created using the [CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#create-customer-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.
-This `BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
-requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
-and provides a customer ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
-of the corresponding request.
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function bulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesRequestCustomerCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'customer_id8',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build(),
- 'key1' => BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesRequestCustomerCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'customer_id8',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->bulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Customer Custom Attributes
-Lists the [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a customer profile.
-You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
-in the same call.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
-visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
-function listCustomerCustomAttributes(
- string $customerId,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCustomerCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-customer-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$withDefinitions = false;
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->listCustomerCustomAttributes(
- $customerId,
- null,
- null,
- $withDefinitions
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCustomerCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Customer Custom Attribute
-Deletes a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a customer profile.
-To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-`VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function deleteCustomerCustomAttribute(string $customerId, string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteCustomerCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->deleteCustomerCustomAttribute(
- $customerId,
- $key
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteCustomerCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute
-Retrieves a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a customer profile.
-You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
-in the same call.
-To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-`VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function retrieveCustomerCustomAttribute(
- string $customerId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCustomerCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-customer-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$key = 'key0';
-$withDefinition = false;
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->retrieveCustomerCustomAttribute(
- $customerId,
- $key,
- $withDefinition
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCustomerCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Upsert Customer Custom Attribute
-Creates or updates a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for a customer profile.
-Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specified customer profile.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which
-is created using the [CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#create-customer-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function upsertCustomerCustomAttribute(
- string $customerId,
- string $key,
- UpsertCustomerCustomAttributeRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match the `key` of a
custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not
the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `body` | [`UpsertCustomerCustomAttributeRequest`](../../doc/models/upsert-customer-custom-attribute-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpsertCustomerCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/upsert-customer-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpsertCustomerCustomAttributeRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $customerCustomAttributesApi->upsertCustomerCustomAttribute(
- $customerId,
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $upsertCustomerCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/customer-groups.md b/doc/apis/customer-groups.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b1543472..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/customer-groups.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-# Customer Groups
-$customerGroupsApi = $client->getCustomerGroupsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Customer Groups](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#list-customer-groups)
-* [Create Customer Group](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#create-customer-group)
-* [Delete Customer Group](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#delete-customer-group)
-* [Retrieve Customer Group](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#retrieve-customer-group)
-* [Update Customer Group](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#update-customer-group)
-# List Customer Groups
-Retrieves the list of customer groups of a business.
-function listCustomerGroups(?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the limit is less than 1 or greater than 50, Square returns a `400 VALUE_TOO_LOW` or `400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH` error. The default value is 50.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCustomerGroupsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-customer-groups-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $customerGroupsApi->listCustomerGroups();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCustomerGroupsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Customer Group
-Creates a new customer group for a business.
-The request must include the `name` value of the group.
-function createCustomerGroup(CreateCustomerGroupRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateCustomerGroupRequest`](../../doc/models/create-customer-group-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateCustomerGroupResponse`](../../doc/models/create-customer-group-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateCustomerGroupRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomerGroupBuilder::init(
- 'Loyal Customers'
- )->build()
-$apiResponse = $customerGroupsApi->createCustomerGroup($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createCustomerGroupResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Customer Group
-Deletes a customer group as identified by the `group_id` value.
-function deleteCustomerGroup(string $groupId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `groupId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer group to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteCustomerGroupResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-customer-group-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$groupId = 'group_id0';
-$apiResponse = $customerGroupsApi->deleteCustomerGroup($groupId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteCustomerGroupResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Customer Group
-Retrieves a specific customer group as identified by the `group_id` value.
-function retrieveCustomerGroup(string $groupId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `groupId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer group to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCustomerGroupResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-customer-group-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$groupId = 'group_id0';
-$apiResponse = $customerGroupsApi->retrieveCustomerGroup($groupId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCustomerGroupResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Customer Group
-Updates a customer group as identified by the `group_id` value.
-function updateCustomerGroup(string $groupId, UpdateCustomerGroupRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `groupId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer group to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateCustomerGroupRequest`](../../doc/models/update-customer-group-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateCustomerGroupResponse`](../../doc/models/update-customer-group-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$groupId = 'group_id0';
-$body = UpdateCustomerGroupRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomerGroupBuilder::init(
- 'Loyal Customers'
- )->build()
-$apiResponse = $customerGroupsApi->updateCustomerGroup(
- $groupId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateCustomerGroupResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/customer-segments.md b/doc/apis/customer-segments.md
deleted file mode 100644
index da841992..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/customer-segments.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# Customer Segments
-$customerSegmentsApi = $client->getCustomerSegmentsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Customer Segments](../../doc/apis/customer-segments.md#list-customer-segments)
-* [Retrieve Customer Segment](../../doc/apis/customer-segments.md#retrieve-customer-segment)
-# List Customer Segments
-Retrieves the list of customer segments of a business.
-function listCustomerSegments(?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by previous calls to `ListCustomerSegments`.
This cursor is used to retrieve the next set of query results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the specified limit is less than 1 or greater than 50, Square returns a `400 VALUE_TOO_LOW` or `400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH` error. The default value is 50.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCustomerSegmentsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-customer-segments-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $customerSegmentsApi->listCustomerSegments();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCustomerSegmentsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Customer Segment
-Retrieves a specific customer segment as identified by the `segment_id` value.
-function retrieveCustomerSegment(string $segmentId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `segmentId` | `string` | Template, Required | The Square-issued ID of the customer segment. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCustomerSegmentResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-customer-segment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$segmentId = 'segment_id4';
-$apiResponse = $customerSegmentsApi->retrieveCustomerSegment($segmentId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCustomerSegmentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/customers.md b/doc/apis/customers.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 36fabf8a..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/customers.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,799 +0,0 @@
-# Customers
-$customersApi = $client->getCustomersApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Customers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#list-customers)
-* [Create Customer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#create-customer)
-* [Bulk Create Customers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-create-customers)
-* [Bulk Delete Customers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-delete-customers)
-* [Bulk Retrieve Customers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-retrieve-customers)
-* [Bulk Update Customers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-update-customers)
-* [Search Customers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#search-customers)
-* [Delete Customer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#delete-customer)
-* [Retrieve Customer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#retrieve-customer)
-* [Update Customer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#update-customer)
-* [Create Customer Card](../../doc/apis/customers.md#create-customer-card)
-* [Delete Customer Card](../../doc/apis/customers.md#delete-customer-card)
-* [Remove Group From Customer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#remove-group-from-customer)
-* [Add Group to Customer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#add-group-to-customer)
-# List Customers
-Lists customer profiles associated with a Square account.
-Under normal operating conditions, newly created or updated customer profiles become available
-for the listing operation in well under 30 seconds. Occasionally, propagation of the new or updated
-profiles can take closer to one minute or longer, especially during network incidents and outages.
-function listCustomers(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $sortField = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?bool $count = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the specified limit is less than 1 or greater than 100, Square returns a `400 VALUE_TOO_LOW` or `400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH` error. The default value is 100.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `sortField` | [`?string(CustomerSortField)`](../../doc/models/customer-sort-field.md) | Query, Optional | Indicates how customers should be sorted.
The default value is `DEFAULT`. |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | Indicates whether customers should be sorted in ascending (`ASC`) or
descending (`DESC`) order.
The default value is `ASC`. |
-| `count` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the total count of customers in the `count` field of the response.
The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListCustomersResponse`](../../doc/models/list-customers-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$count = false;
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->listCustomers(
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- $count
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Customer
-Creates a new customer for a business.
-You must provide at least one of the following values in your request to this
-- `given_name`
-- `family_name`
-- `company_name`
-- `email_address`
-- `phone_number`
-function createCustomer(CreateCustomerRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateCustomerRequest`](../../doc/models/create-customer-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateCustomerResponse`](../../doc/models/create-customer-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateCustomerRequestBuilder::init()
- ->givenName('Amelia')
- ->familyName('Earhart')
- ->emailAddress('Amelia.Earhart@example.com')
- ->address(
- AddressBuilder::init()
- ->addressLine1('500 Electric Ave')
- ->addressLine2('Suite 600')
- ->locality('New York')
- ->administrativeDistrictLevel1('NY')
- ->postalCode('10003')
- ->country(Country::US)
- ->build()
- )
- ->phoneNumber('+1-212-555-4240')
- ->referenceId('YOUR_REFERENCE_ID')
- ->note('a customer')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->createCustomer($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Create Customers
-Creates multiple [customer profiles](../../doc/models/customer.md) for a business.
-This endpoint takes a map of individual create requests and returns a map of responses.
-You must provide at least one of the following values in each create request:
-- `given_name`
-- `family_name`
-- `company_name`
-- `email_address`
-- `phone_number`
-function bulkCreateCustomers(BulkCreateCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkCreateCustomersRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-create-customers-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkCreateCustomersResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-create-customers-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkCreateCustomersRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- '8bb76c4f-e35d-4c5b-90de-1194cd9179f0' => BulkCreateCustomerDataBuilder::init()
- ->givenName('Amelia')
- ->familyName('Earhart')
- ->emailAddress('Amelia.Earhart@example.com')
- ->address(
- AddressBuilder::init()
- ->addressLine1('500 Electric Ave')
- ->addressLine2('Suite 600')
- ->locality('New York')
- ->administrativeDistrictLevel1('NY')
- ->postalCode('10003')
- ->country(Country::US)
- ->build()
- )
- ->phoneNumber('+1-212-555-4240')
- ->referenceId('YOUR_REFERENCE_ID')
- ->note('a customer')
- ->build(),
- 'd1689f23-b25d-4932-b2f0-aed00f5e2029' => BulkCreateCustomerDataBuilder::init()
- ->givenName('Marie')
- ->familyName('Curie')
- ->emailAddress('Marie.Curie@example.com')
- ->address(
- AddressBuilder::init()
- ->addressLine1('500 Electric Ave')
- ->addressLine2('Suite 601')
- ->locality('New York')
- ->administrativeDistrictLevel1('NY')
- ->postalCode('10003')
- ->country(Country::US)
- ->build()
- )
- ->phoneNumber('+1-212-444-4240')
- ->referenceId('YOUR_REFERENCE_ID')
- ->note('another customer')
- ->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->bulkCreateCustomers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkCreateCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Delete Customers
-Deletes multiple customer profiles.
-The endpoint takes a list of customer IDs and returns a map of responses.
-function bulkDeleteCustomers(BulkDeleteCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkDeleteCustomersRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-customers-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkDeleteCustomersResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-customers-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkDeleteCustomersRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- ]
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->bulkDeleteCustomers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkDeleteCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Retrieve Customers
-Retrieves multiple customer profiles.
-This endpoint takes a list of customer IDs and returns a map of responses.
-function bulkRetrieveCustomers(BulkRetrieveCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkRetrieveCustomersRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-customers-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkRetrieveCustomersResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-customers-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkRetrieveCustomersRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- ]
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->bulkRetrieveCustomers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkRetrieveCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Update Customers
-Updates multiple customer profiles.
-This endpoint takes a map of individual update requests and returns a map of responses.
-You cannot use this endpoint to change cards on file. To make changes, use the [Cards API](../../doc/apis/cards.md) or [Gift Cards API](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md).
-function bulkUpdateCustomers(BulkUpdateCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpdateCustomersRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-update-customers-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpdateCustomersResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-update-customers-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpdateCustomersRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- '8DDA5NZVBZFGAX0V3HPF81HHE0' => BulkUpdateCustomerDataBuilder::init()
- ->emailAddress('New.Amelia.Earhart@example.com')
- ->phoneNumber('phone_number2')
- ->note('updated customer note')
- ->version(2)
- ->build(),
- 'N18CPRVXR5214XPBBA6BZQWF3C' => BulkUpdateCustomerDataBuilder::init()
- ->givenName('Marie')
- ->familyName('Curie')
- ->version(0)
- ->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->bulkUpdateCustomers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpdateCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Customers
-Searches the customer profiles associated with a Square account using one or more supported query filters.
-Calling `SearchCustomers` without any explicit query filter returns all
-customer profiles ordered alphabetically based on `given_name` and
-Under normal operating conditions, newly created or updated customer profiles become available
-for the search operation in well under 30 seconds. Occasionally, propagation of the new or updated
-profiles can take closer to one minute or longer, especially during network incidents and outages.
-function searchCustomers(SearchCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchCustomersRequest`](../../doc/models/search-customers-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchCustomersResponse`](../../doc/models/search-customers-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchCustomersRequestBuilder::init()
- ->limit(2)
- ->query(
- CustomerQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- CustomerFilterBuilder::init()
- ->creationSource(
- CustomerCreationSourceFilterBuilder::init()
- ->values(
- [
- CustomerCreationSource::THIRD_PARTY
- ]
- )
- ->rule(CustomerInclusionExclusion::INCLUDE_)
- ->build()
- )
- ->createdAt(
- TimeRangeBuilder::init()
- ->startAt('2018-01-01T00:00:00-00:00')
- ->endAt('2018-02-01T00:00:00-00:00')
- ->build()
- )
- ->emailAddress(
- CustomerTextFilterBuilder::init()
- ->fuzzy('example.com')
- ->build()
- )
- ->groupIds(
- FilterValueBuilder::init()
- ->all(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->sort(
- CustomerSortBuilder::init()
- ->field(CustomerSortField::CREATED_AT)
- ->order(SortOrder::ASC)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->searchCustomers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchCustomersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Customer
-Deletes a customer profile from a business. This operation also unlinks any associated cards on file.
-To delete a customer profile that was created by merging existing profiles, you must use the ID of the newly created profile.
-function deleteCustomer(string $customerId, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer to delete. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the customer profile.
As a best practice, you should include this parameter to enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency) control. For more information, see [Delete a customer profile](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#delete-customer-profile). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteCustomerResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-customer-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->deleteCustomer($customerId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Customer
-Returns details for a single customer.
-function retrieveCustomer(string $customerId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveCustomerResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-customer-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->retrieveCustomer($customerId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Customer
-Updates a customer profile. This endpoint supports sparse updates, so only new or changed fields are required in the request.
-To add or update a field, specify the new value. To remove a field, specify `null`.
-To update a customer profile that was created by merging existing profiles, you must use the ID of the newly created profile.
-You cannot use this endpoint to change cards on file. To make changes, use the [Cards API](../../doc/apis/cards.md) or [Gift Cards API](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md).
-function updateCustomer(string $customerId, UpdateCustomerRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateCustomerRequest`](../../doc/models/update-customer-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateCustomerResponse`](../../doc/models/update-customer-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$body = UpdateCustomerRequestBuilder::init()
- ->emailAddress('New.Amelia.Earhart@example.com')
- ->phoneNumber('phone_number2')
- ->note('updated customer note')
- ->version(2)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->updateCustomer(
- $customerId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Customer Card
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Adds a card on file to an existing customer.
-As with charges, calls to `CreateCustomerCard` are idempotent. Multiple
-calls with the same card nonce return the same card record that was created
-with the provided nonce during the _first_ call.
-function createCustomerCard(string $customerId, CreateCustomerCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The Square ID of the customer profile the card is linked to. |
-| `body` | [`CreateCustomerCardRequest`](../../doc/models/create-customer-card-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateCustomerCardResponse`](../../doc/models/create-customer-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$body = CreateCustomerCardRequestBuilder::init(
- ->billingAddress(
- AddressBuilder::init()
- ->addressLine1('500 Electric Ave')
- ->addressLine2('Suite 600')
- ->locality('New York')
- ->administrativeDistrictLevel1('NY')
- ->postalCode('10003')
- ->country(Country::US)
- ->build()
- )
- ->cardholderName('Amelia Earhart')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->createCustomerCard(
- $customerId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createCustomerCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Customer Card
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Removes a card on file from a customer.
-function deleteCustomerCard(string $customerId, string $cardId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer that the card on file belongs to. |
-| `cardId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the card on file to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteCustomerCardResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-customer-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$cardId = 'card_id4';
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->deleteCustomerCard(
- $customerId,
- $cardId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteCustomerCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Remove Group From Customer
-Removes a group membership from a customer.
-The customer is identified by the `customer_id` value
-and the customer group is identified by the `group_id` value.
-function removeGroupFromCustomer(string $customerId, string $groupId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer to remove from the group. |
-| `groupId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer group to remove the customer from. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RemoveGroupFromCustomerResponse`](../../doc/models/remove-group-from-customer-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$groupId = 'group_id0';
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->removeGroupFromCustomer(
- $customerId,
- $groupId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $removeGroupFromCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Add Group to Customer
-Adds a group membership to a customer.
-The customer is identified by the `customer_id` value
-and the customer group is identified by the `group_id` value.
-function addGroupToCustomer(string $customerId, string $groupId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer to add to a group. |
-| `groupId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the customer group to add the customer to. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`AddGroupToCustomerResponse`](../../doc/models/add-group-to-customer-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$customerId = 'customer_id8';
-$groupId = 'group_id0';
-$apiResponse = $customersApi->addGroupToCustomer(
- $customerId,
- $groupId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $addGroupToCustomerResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/devices.md b/doc/apis/devices.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ce8e2141..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/devices.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Devices
-$devicesApi = $client->getDevicesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Devices](../../doc/apis/devices.md#list-devices)
-* [List Device Codes](../../doc/apis/devices.md#list-device-codes)
-* [Create Device Code](../../doc/apis/devices.md#create-device-code)
-* [Get Device Code](../../doc/apis/devices.md#get-device-code)
-* [Get Device](../../doc/apis/devices.md#get-device)
-# List Devices
-List devices associated with the merchant. Currently, only Terminal API
-devices are supported.
-function listDevices(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $locationId = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | The order in which results are listed.
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The number of results to return in a single page. |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If present, only returns devices at the target location. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListDevicesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-devices-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $devicesApi->listDevices();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listDevicesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Device Codes
-Lists all DeviceCodes associated with the merchant.
-function listDeviceCodes(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?string $productType = null,
- ?string $status = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If specified, only returns DeviceCodes of the specified location.
Returns DeviceCodes of all locations if empty. |
-| `productType` | [`?string(ProductType)`](../../doc/models/product-type.md) | Query, Optional | If specified, only returns DeviceCodes targeting the specified product type.
Returns DeviceCodes of all product types if empty. |
-| `status` | [`?string(DeviceCodeStatus)`](../../doc/models/device-code-status.md) | Query, Optional | If specified, returns DeviceCodes with the specified statuses.
Returns DeviceCodes of status `PAIRED` and `UNPAIRED` if empty. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListDeviceCodesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-device-codes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $devicesApi->listDeviceCodes();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listDeviceCodesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Device Code
-Creates a DeviceCode that can be used to login to a Square Terminal device to enter the connected
-terminal mode.
-function createDeviceCode(CreateDeviceCodeRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateDeviceCodeRequest`](../../doc/models/create-device-code-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateDeviceCodeResponse`](../../doc/models/create-device-code-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateDeviceCodeRequestBuilder::init(
- '01bb00a6-0c86-4770-94ed-f5fca973cd56',
- DeviceCodeBuilder::init()
- ->name('Counter 1')
- ->locationId('B5E4484SHHNYH')
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $devicesApi->createDeviceCode($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createDeviceCodeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Device Code
-Retrieves DeviceCode with the associated ID.
-function getDeviceCode(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique identifier for the device code. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetDeviceCodeResponse`](../../doc/models/get-device-code-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $devicesApi->getDeviceCode($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getDeviceCodeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Device
-Retrieves Device with the associated `device_id`.
-function getDevice(string $deviceId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `deviceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique ID for the desired `Device`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetDeviceResponse`](../../doc/models/get-device-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$deviceId = 'device_id6';
-$apiResponse = $devicesApi->getDevice($deviceId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getDeviceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/disputes.md b/doc/apis/disputes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bcda1099..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/disputes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-# Disputes
-$disputesApi = $client->getDisputesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Disputes](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#list-disputes)
-* [Retrieve Dispute](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#retrieve-dispute)
-* [Accept Dispute](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#accept-dispute)
-* [List Dispute Evidence](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#list-dispute-evidence)
-* [Create Dispute Evidence File](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#create-dispute-evidence-file)
-* [Create Dispute Evidence Text](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#create-dispute-evidence-text)
-* [Delete Dispute Evidence](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#delete-dispute-evidence)
-* [Retrieve Dispute Evidence](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#retrieve-dispute-evidence)
-* [Submit Evidence](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#submit-evidence)
-# List Disputes
-Returns a list of disputes associated with a particular account.
-function listDisputes(?string $cursor = null, ?string $states = null, ?string $locationId = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `states` | [`?string(DisputeState)`](../../doc/models/dispute-state.md) | Query, Optional | The dispute states used to filter the result. If not specified, the endpoint returns all disputes. |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The ID of the location for which to return a list of disputes.
If not specified, the endpoint returns disputes associated with all locations. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListDisputesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-disputes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->listDisputes();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listDisputesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Dispute
-Returns details about a specific dispute.
-function retrieveDispute(string $disputeId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute you want more details about. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveDisputeResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-dispute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->retrieveDispute($disputeId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveDisputeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Accept Dispute
-Accepts the loss on a dispute. Square returns the disputed amount to the cardholder and
-updates the dispute state to ACCEPTED.
-Square debits the disputed amount from the seller’s Square account. If the Square account
-does not have sufficient funds, Square debits the associated bank account.
-function acceptDispute(string $disputeId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute you want to accept. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`AcceptDisputeResponse`](../../doc/models/accept-dispute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->acceptDispute($disputeId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $acceptDisputeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Dispute Evidence
-Returns a list of evidence associated with a dispute.
-function listDisputeEvidence(string $disputeId, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListDisputeEvidenceResponse`](../../doc/models/list-dispute-evidence-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->listDisputeEvidence($disputeId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listDisputeEvidenceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Dispute Evidence File
-Uploads a file to use as evidence in a dispute challenge. The endpoint accepts HTTP
-multipart/form-data file uploads in HEIC, HEIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, and TIFF formats.
-function createDisputeEvidenceFile(
- string $disputeId,
- ?CreateDisputeEvidenceFileRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute for which you want to upload evidence. |
-| `request` | [`?CreateDisputeEvidenceFileRequest`](../../doc/models/create-dispute-evidence-file-request.md) | Form (JSON-Encoded), Optional | Defines the parameters for a `CreateDisputeEvidenceFile` request. |
-| `imageFile` | `?FileWrapper` | Form, Optional | - |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateDisputeEvidenceFileResponse`](../../doc/models/create-dispute-evidence-file-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->createDisputeEvidenceFile($disputeId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createDisputeEvidenceFileResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Dispute Evidence Text
-Uploads text to use as evidence for a dispute challenge.
-function createDisputeEvidenceText(string $disputeId, CreateDisputeEvidenceTextRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute for which you want to upload evidence. |
-| `body` | [`CreateDisputeEvidenceTextRequest`](../../doc/models/create-dispute-evidence-text-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateDisputeEvidenceTextResponse`](../../doc/models/create-dispute-evidence-text-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$body = CreateDisputeEvidenceTextRequestBuilder::init(
- 'ed3ee3933d946f1514d505d173c82648',
- '1Z8888888888888888'
- ->evidenceType(DisputeEvidenceType::TRACKING_NUMBER)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->createDisputeEvidenceText(
- $disputeId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createDisputeEvidenceTextResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Dispute Evidence
-Removes specified evidence from a dispute.
-Square does not send the bank any evidence that is removed.
-function deleteDisputeEvidence(string $disputeId, string $evidenceId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute from which you want to remove evidence. |
-| `evidenceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the evidence you want to remove. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteDisputeEvidenceResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-dispute-evidence-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$evidenceId = 'evidence_id2';
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->deleteDisputeEvidence(
- $disputeId,
- $evidenceId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteDisputeEvidenceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Dispute Evidence
-Returns the metadata for the evidence specified in the request URL path.
-You must maintain a copy of any evidence uploaded if you want to reference it later. Evidence cannot be downloaded after you upload it.
-function retrieveDisputeEvidence(string $disputeId, string $evidenceId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute from which you want to retrieve evidence metadata. |
-| `evidenceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the evidence to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveDisputeEvidenceResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-dispute-evidence-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$evidenceId = 'evidence_id2';
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->retrieveDisputeEvidence(
- $disputeId,
- $evidenceId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveDisputeEvidenceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Submit Evidence
-Submits evidence to the cardholder's bank.
-The evidence submitted by this endpoint includes evidence uploaded
-using the [CreateDisputeEvidenceFile](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#create-dispute-evidence-file) and
-[CreateDisputeEvidenceText](../../doc/apis/disputes.md#create-dispute-evidence-text) endpoints and
-evidence automatically provided by Square, when available. Evidence cannot be removed from
-a dispute after submission.
-function submitEvidence(string $disputeId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the dispute for which you want to submit evidence. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SubmitEvidenceResponse`](../../doc/models/submit-evidence-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$disputeId = 'dispute_id2';
-$apiResponse = $disputesApi->submitEvidence($disputeId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $submitEvidenceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/employees.md b/doc/apis/employees.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a6f18aff..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/employees.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Employees
-$employeesApi = $client->getEmployeesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Employees](../../doc/apis/employees.md#list-employees)
-* [Retrieve Employee](../../doc/apis/employees.md#retrieve-employee)
-# List Employees
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-function listEmployees(
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?string $status = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | - |
-| `status` | [`?string(EmployeeStatus)`](../../doc/models/employee-status.md) | Query, Optional | Specifies the EmployeeStatus to filter the employee by. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The number of employees to be returned on each page. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The token required to retrieve the specified page of results. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListEmployeesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-employees-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $employeesApi->listEmployees();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listEmployeesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Employee
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-function retrieveEmployee(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | UUID for the employee that was requested. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveEmployeeResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-employee-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $employeesApi->retrieveEmployee($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveEmployeeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/events.md b/doc/apis/events.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f497258..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/events.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-# Events
-$eventsApi = $client->getEventsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Search Events](../../doc/apis/events.md#search-events)
-* [Disable Events](../../doc/apis/events.md#disable-events)
-* [Enable Events](../../doc/apis/events.md#enable-events)
-* [List Event Types](../../doc/apis/events.md#list-event-types)
-# Search Events
-Search for Square API events that occur within a 28-day timeframe.
-function searchEvents(SearchEventsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchEventsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-events-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchEventsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-events-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchEventsRequestBuilder::init()->build();
-$apiResponse = $eventsApi->searchEvents($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchEventsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Disable Events
-Disables events to prevent them from being searchable.
-All events are disabled by default. You must enable events to make them searchable.
-Disabling events for a specific time period prevents them from being searchable, even if you re-enable them later.
-function disableEvents(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DisableEventsResponse`](../../doc/models/disable-events-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $eventsApi->disableEvents();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $disableEventsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Enable Events
-Enables events to make them searchable. Only events that occur while in the enabled state are searchable.
-function enableEvents(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`EnableEventsResponse`](../../doc/models/enable-events-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $eventsApi->enableEvents();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $enableEventsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Event Types
-Lists all event types that you can subscribe to as webhooks or query using the Events API.
-function listEventTypes(?string $apiVersion = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `apiVersion` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The API version for which to list event types. Setting this field overrides the default version used by the application. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListEventTypesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-event-types-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $eventsApi->listEventTypes();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listEventTypesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md b/doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 389b35dc..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activities
-$giftCardActivitiesApi = $client->getGiftCardActivitiesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Gift Card Activities](../../doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md#list-gift-card-activities)
-* [Create Gift Card Activity](../../doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md#create-gift-card-activity)
-# List Gift Card Activities
-Lists gift card activities. By default, you get gift card activities for all
-gift cards in the seller's account. You can optionally specify query parameters to
-filter the list. For example, you can get a list of gift card activities for a gift card,
-for all gift cards in a specific region, or for activities within a time window.
-function listGiftCardActivities(
- ?string $giftCardId = null,
- ?string $type = null,
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?string $beginTime = null,
- ?string $endTime = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `giftCardId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If a gift card ID is provided, the endpoint returns activities related
to the specified gift card. Otherwise, the endpoint returns all gift card activities for
the seller. |
-| `type` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If a [type](entity:GiftCardActivityType) is provided, the endpoint returns gift card activities of the specified type.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns all types of gift card activities. |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If a location ID is provided, the endpoint returns gift card activities for the specified location.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns gift card activities for all locations. |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The timestamp for the beginning of the reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
This start time is inclusive. The default value is the current time minus one year. |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The timestamp for the end of the reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
This end time is inclusive. The default value is the current time. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | If a limit is provided, the endpoint returns the specified number
of results (or fewer) per page. The maximum value is 100. The default value is 50.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-| `sortOrder` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The order in which the endpoint returns the activities, based on `created_at`.
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListGiftCardActivitiesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-gift-card-activities-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $giftCardActivitiesApi->listGiftCardActivities();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listGiftCardActivitiesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Gift Card Activity
-Creates a gift card activity to manage the balance or state of a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
-For example, create an `ACTIVATE` activity to activate a gift card with an initial balance before first use.
-function createGiftCardActivity(CreateGiftCardActivityRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateGiftCardActivityRequest`](../../doc/models/create-gift-card-activity-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateGiftCardActivityResponse`](../../doc/models/create-gift-card-activity-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateGiftCardActivityRequestBuilder::init(
- 'U16kfr-kA70er-q4Rsym-7U7NnY',
- GiftCardActivityBuilder::init(
- GiftCardActivityType::ACTIVATE,
- )
- ->giftCardId('gftc:6d55a72470d940c6ba09c0ab8ad08d20')
- ->activateActivityDetails(
- GiftCardActivityActivateBuilder::init()
- ->orderId('jJNGHm4gLI6XkFbwtiSLqK72KkAZY')
- ->lineItemUid('eIWl7X0nMuO9Ewbh0ChIx')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $giftCardActivitiesApi->createGiftCardActivity($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createGiftCardActivityResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/gift-cards.md b/doc/apis/gift-cards.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c81676e..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/gift-cards.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Cards
-$giftCardsApi = $client->getGiftCardsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Gift Cards](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#list-gift-cards)
-* [Create Gift Card](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#create-gift-card)
-* [Retrieve Gift Card From GAN](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#retrieve-gift-card-from-gan)
-* [Retrieve Gift Card From Nonce](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#retrieve-gift-card-from-nonce)
-* [Link Customer to Gift Card](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#link-customer-to-gift-card)
-* [Unlink Customer From Gift Card](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#unlink-customer-from-gift-card)
-* [Retrieve Gift Card](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#retrieve-gift-card)
-# List Gift Cards
-Lists all gift cards. You can specify optional filters to retrieve
-a subset of the gift cards. Results are sorted by `created_at` in ascending order.
-function listGiftCards(
- ?string $type = null,
- ?string $state = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $customerId = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If a [type](entity:GiftCardType) is provided, the endpoint returns gift cards of the specified type.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns gift cards of all types. |
-| `state` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If a [state](entity:GiftCardStatus) is provided, the endpoint returns the gift cards in the specified state.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns the gift cards of all states. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | If a limit is provided, the endpoint returns only the specified number of results per page.
The maximum value is 200. The default value is 30.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If a customer ID is provided, the endpoint returns only the gift cards linked to the specified customer. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListGiftCardsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-gift-cards-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $giftCardsApi->listGiftCards();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listGiftCardsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Gift Card
-Creates a digital gift card or registers a physical (plastic) gift card. The resulting gift card
-has a `PENDING` state. To activate a gift card so that it can be redeemed for purchases, call
-[CreateGiftCardActivity](../../doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md#create-gift-card-activity) and create an `ACTIVATE`
-activity with the initial balance. Alternatively, you can use [RefundPayment](../../doc/apis/refunds.md#refund-payment)
-to refund a payment to the new gift card.
-function createGiftCard(CreateGiftCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateGiftCardRequest`](../../doc/models/create-gift-card-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateGiftCardResponse`](../../doc/models/create-gift-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateGiftCardRequestBuilder::init(
- 'NC9Tm69EjbjtConu',
- '81FN9BNFZTKS4',
- GiftCardBuilder::init(
- GiftCardType::DIGITAL
- )->build()
-$apiResponse = $giftCardsApi->createGiftCard($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createGiftCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Gift Card From GAN
-Retrieves a gift card using the gift card account number (GAN).
-function retrieveGiftCardFromGAN(RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest`](../../doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-gan-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveGiftCardFromGANResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-gan-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequestBuilder::init(
- '7783320001001635'
-$apiResponse = $giftCardsApi->retrieveGiftCardFromGAN($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveGiftCardFromGANResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Gift Card From Nonce
-Retrieves a gift card using a secure payment token that represents the gift card.
-function retrieveGiftCardFromNonce(RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest`](../../doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-nonce-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-nonce-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequestBuilder::init(
- 'cnon:7783322135245171'
-$apiResponse = $giftCardsApi->retrieveGiftCardFromNonce($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveGiftCardFromNonceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Link Customer to Gift Card
-Links a customer to a gift card, which is also referred to as adding a card on file.
-function linkCustomerToGiftCard(string $giftCardId, LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `giftCardId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the gift card to be linked. |
-| `body` | [`LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest`](../../doc/models/link-customer-to-gift-card-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`LinkCustomerToGiftCardResponse`](../../doc/models/link-customer-to-gift-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$giftCardId = 'gift_card_id8';
-$body = LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequestBuilder::init(
- 'GKY0FZ3V717AH8Q2D821PNT2ZW'
-$apiResponse = $giftCardsApi->linkCustomerToGiftCard(
- $giftCardId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $linkCustomerToGiftCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Unlink Customer From Gift Card
-Unlinks a customer from a gift card, which is also referred to as removing a card on file.
-function unlinkCustomerFromGiftCard(string $giftCardId, UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `giftCardId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the gift card to be unlinked. |
-| `body` | [`UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest`](../../doc/models/unlink-customer-from-gift-card-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardResponse`](../../doc/models/unlink-customer-from-gift-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$giftCardId = 'gift_card_id8';
-$body = UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequestBuilder::init(
- 'GKY0FZ3V717AH8Q2D821PNT2ZW'
-$apiResponse = $giftCardsApi->unlinkCustomerFromGiftCard(
- $giftCardId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $unlinkCustomerFromGiftCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Gift Card
-Retrieves a gift card using the gift card ID.
-function retrieveGiftCard(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the gift card to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveGiftCardResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $giftCardsApi->retrieveGiftCard($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveGiftCardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/inventory.md b/doc/apis/inventory.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a3b90f9e..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/inventory.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-# Inventory
-$inventoryApi = $client->getInventoryApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Deprecated Retrieve Inventory Adjustment](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#deprecated-retrieve-inventory-adjustment)
-* [Retrieve Inventory Adjustment](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#retrieve-inventory-adjustment)
-* [Deprecated Batch Change Inventory](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#deprecated-batch-change-inventory)
-* [Deprecated Batch Retrieve Inventory Changes](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#deprecated-batch-retrieve-inventory-changes)
-* [Deprecated Batch Retrieve Inventory Counts](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#deprecated-batch-retrieve-inventory-counts)
-* [Batch Change Inventory](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#batch-change-inventory)
-* [Batch Retrieve Inventory Changes](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#batch-retrieve-inventory-changes)
-* [Batch Retrieve Inventory Counts](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#batch-retrieve-inventory-counts)
-* [Deprecated Retrieve Inventory Physical Count](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#deprecated-retrieve-inventory-physical-count)
-* [Retrieve Inventory Physical Count](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#retrieve-inventory-physical-count)
-* [Retrieve Inventory Transfer](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#retrieve-inventory-transfer)
-* [Retrieve Inventory Count](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#retrieve-inventory-count)
-* [Retrieve Inventory Changes](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#retrieve-inventory-changes)
-# Deprecated Retrieve Inventory Adjustment
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Deprecated version of [RetrieveInventoryAdjustment](api-endpoint:Inventory-RetrieveInventoryAdjustment) after the endpoint URL
-is updated to conform to the standard convention.
-function deprecatedRetrieveInventoryAdjustment(string $adjustmentId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `adjustmentId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the [InventoryAdjustment](entity:InventoryAdjustment) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveInventoryAdjustmentResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-inventory-adjustment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$adjustmentId = 'adjustment_id0';
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->deprecatedRetrieveInventoryAdjustment($adjustmentId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveInventoryAdjustmentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Inventory Adjustment
-Returns the [InventoryAdjustment](../../doc/models/inventory-adjustment.md) object
-with the provided `adjustment_id`.
-function retrieveInventoryAdjustment(string $adjustmentId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `adjustmentId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the [InventoryAdjustment](entity:InventoryAdjustment) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveInventoryAdjustmentResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-inventory-adjustment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$adjustmentId = 'adjustment_id0';
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->retrieveInventoryAdjustment($adjustmentId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveInventoryAdjustmentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Deprecated Batch Change Inventory
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Deprecated version of [BatchChangeInventory](api-endpoint:Inventory-BatchChangeInventory) after the endpoint URL
-is updated to conform to the standard convention.
-function deprecatedBatchChangeInventory(BatchChangeInventoryRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchChangeInventoryRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-change-inventory-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchChangeInventoryResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-change-inventory-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchChangeInventoryRequestBuilder::init(
- '8fc6a5b0-9fe8-4b46-b46b-2ef95793abbe'
- ->changes(
- [
- InventoryChangeBuilder::init()
- ->type(InventoryChangeType::PHYSICAL_COUNT)
- ->physicalCount(
- InventoryPhysicalCountBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('1536bfbf-efed-48bf-b17d-a197141b2a92')
- ->catalogObjectId('W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI')
- ->state(InventoryState::IN_STOCK)
- ->locationId('C6W5YS5QM06F5')
- ->quantity('53')
- ->teamMemberId('LRK57NSQ5X7PUD05')
- ->occurredAt('2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->ignoreUnchangedCounts(true)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->deprecatedBatchChangeInventory($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchChangeInventoryResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Deprecated Batch Retrieve Inventory Changes
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Deprecated version of [BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges](api-endpoint:Inventory-BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges) after the endpoint URL
-is updated to conform to the standard convention.
-function deprecatedBatchRetrieveInventoryChanges(BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-changes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-changes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequestBuilder::init()
- ->catalogObjectIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->locationIds(
- [
- 'C6W5YS5QM06F5'
- ]
- )
- ->types(
- [
- InventoryChangeType::PHYSICAL_COUNT
- ]
- )
- ->states(
- [
- InventoryState::IN_STOCK
- ]
- )
- ->updatedAfter('2016-11-01T00:00:00.000Z')
- ->updatedBefore('2016-12-01T00:00:00.000Z')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->deprecatedBatchRetrieveInventoryChanges($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchRetrieveInventoryChangesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Deprecated Batch Retrieve Inventory Counts
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Deprecated version of [BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts](api-endpoint:Inventory-BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts) after the endpoint URL
-is updated to conform to the standard convention.
-function deprecatedBatchRetrieveInventoryCounts(BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-counts-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-counts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->catalogObjectIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->locationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->updatedAfter('2016-11-16T00:00:00.000Z')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->deprecatedBatchRetrieveInventoryCounts($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchRetrieveInventoryCountsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Batch Change Inventory
-Applies adjustments and counts to the provided item quantities.
-On success: returns the current calculated counts for all objects
-referenced in the request.
-On failure: returns a list of related errors.
-function batchChangeInventory(BatchChangeInventoryRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchChangeInventoryRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-change-inventory-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchChangeInventoryResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-change-inventory-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchChangeInventoryRequestBuilder::init(
- '8fc6a5b0-9fe8-4b46-b46b-2ef95793abbe'
- ->changes(
- [
- InventoryChangeBuilder::init()
- ->type(InventoryChangeType::PHYSICAL_COUNT)
- ->physicalCount(
- InventoryPhysicalCountBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('1536bfbf-efed-48bf-b17d-a197141b2a92')
- ->catalogObjectId('W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI')
- ->state(InventoryState::IN_STOCK)
- ->locationId('C6W5YS5QM06F5')
- ->quantity('53')
- ->teamMemberId('LRK57NSQ5X7PUD05')
- ->occurredAt('2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->ignoreUnchangedCounts(true)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->batchChangeInventory($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchChangeInventoryResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Batch Retrieve Inventory Changes
-Returns historical physical counts and adjustments based on the
-provided filter criteria.
-Results are paginated and sorted in ascending order according their
-`occurred_at` timestamp (oldest first).
-BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges is a catch-all query endpoint for queries
-that cannot be handled by other, simpler endpoints.
-function batchRetrieveInventoryChanges(BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-changes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-changes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequestBuilder::init()
- ->catalogObjectIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->locationIds(
- [
- 'C6W5YS5QM06F5'
- ]
- )
- ->types(
- [
- InventoryChangeType::PHYSICAL_COUNT
- ]
- )
- ->states(
- [
- InventoryState::IN_STOCK
- ]
- )
- ->updatedAfter('2016-11-01T00:00:00.000Z')
- ->updatedBefore('2016-12-01T00:00:00.000Z')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->batchRetrieveInventoryChanges($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchRetrieveInventoryChangesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Batch Retrieve Inventory Counts
-Returns current counts for the provided
-[CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md)s at the requested
-Results are paginated and sorted in descending order according to their
-`calculated_at` timestamp (newest first).
-When `updated_after` is specified, only counts that have changed since that
-time (based on the server timestamp for the most recent change) are
-returned. This allows clients to perform a "sync" operation, for example
-in response to receiving a Webhook notification.
-function batchRetrieveInventoryCounts(BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-counts-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-inventory-counts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->catalogObjectIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->locationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->updatedAfter('2016-11-16T00:00:00.000Z')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->batchRetrieveInventoryCounts($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchRetrieveInventoryCountsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Deprecated Retrieve Inventory Physical Count
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Deprecated version of [RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount](api-endpoint:Inventory-RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount) after the endpoint URL
-is updated to conform to the standard convention.
-function deprecatedRetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount(string $physicalCountId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `physicalCountId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the
[InventoryPhysicalCount](entity:InventoryPhysicalCount) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCountResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-inventory-physical-count-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$physicalCountId = 'physical_count_id2';
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->deprecatedRetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount($physicalCountId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveInventoryPhysicalCountResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Inventory Physical Count
-Returns the [InventoryPhysicalCount](../../doc/models/inventory-physical-count.md)
-object with the provided `physical_count_id`.
-function retrieveInventoryPhysicalCount(string $physicalCountId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `physicalCountId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the
[InventoryPhysicalCount](entity:InventoryPhysicalCount) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCountResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-inventory-physical-count-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$physicalCountId = 'physical_count_id2';
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->retrieveInventoryPhysicalCount($physicalCountId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveInventoryPhysicalCountResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Inventory Transfer
-Returns the [InventoryTransfer](../../doc/models/inventory-transfer.md) object
-with the provided `transfer_id`.
-function retrieveInventoryTransfer(string $transferId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `transferId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the [InventoryTransfer](entity:InventoryTransfer) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveInventoryTransferResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-inventory-transfer-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$transferId = 'transfer_id6';
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->retrieveInventoryTransfer($transferId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveInventoryTransferResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Inventory Count
-Retrieves the current calculated stock count for a given
-[CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) at a given set of
-[Location](../../doc/models/location.md)s. Responses are paginated and unsorted.
-For more sophisticated queries, use a batch endpoint.
-function retrieveInventoryCount(
- string $catalogObjectId,
- ?string $locationIds = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) to retrieve. |
-| `locationIds` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The [Location](entity:Location) IDs to look up as a comma-separated
list. An empty list queries all locations. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveInventoryCountResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-inventory-count-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$catalogObjectId = 'catalog_object_id6';
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->retrieveInventoryCount($catalogObjectId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveInventoryCountResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Inventory Changes
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Returns a set of physical counts and inventory adjustments for the
-provided [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) at the requested
-You can achieve the same result by calling [BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges](api-endpoint:Inventory-BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges)
-and having the `catalog_object_ids` list contain a single element of the `CatalogObject` ID.
-Results are paginated and sorted in descending order according to their
-`occurred_at` timestamp (newest first).
-There are no limits on how far back the caller can page. This endpoint can be
-used to display recent changes for a specific item. For more
-sophisticated queries, use a batch endpoint.
-function retrieveInventoryChanges(
- string $catalogObjectId,
- ?string $locationIds = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) to retrieve. |
-| `locationIds` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The [Location](entity:Location) IDs to look up as a comma-separated
list. An empty list queries all locations. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveInventoryChangesResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-inventory-changes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$catalogObjectId = 'catalog_object_id6';
-$apiResponse = $inventoryApi->retrieveInventoryChanges($catalogObjectId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveInventoryChangesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/invoices.md b/doc/apis/invoices.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c343b20..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/invoices.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-# Invoices
-$invoicesApi = $client->getInvoicesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Invoices](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#list-invoices)
-* [Create Invoice](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#create-invoice)
-* [Search Invoices](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#search-invoices)
-* [Delete Invoice](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#delete-invoice)
-* [Get Invoice](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#get-invoice)
-* [Update Invoice](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#update-invoice)
-* [Create Invoice Attachment](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#create-invoice-attachment)
-* [Delete Invoice Attachment](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#delete-invoice-attachment)
-* [Cancel Invoice](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#cancel-invoice)
-* [Publish Invoice](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#publish-invoice)
-# List Invoices
-Returns a list of invoices for a given location. The response
-is paginated. If truncated, the response includes a `cursor` that you
-use in a subsequent request to retrieve the next set of invoices.
-function listInvoices(string $locationId, ?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Query, Required | The ID of the location for which to list invoices. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of invoices to return (200 is the maximum `limit`).
If not provided, the server uses a default limit of 100 invoices. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListInvoicesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-invoices-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->listInvoices($locationId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listInvoicesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Invoice
-Creates a draft [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md)
-for an order created using the Orders API.
-A draft invoice remains in your account and no action is taken.
-You must publish the invoice before Square can process it (send it to the customer's email address or charge the customer’s card on file).
-function createInvoice(CreateInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateInvoiceRequest`](../../doc/models/create-invoice-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateInvoiceResponse`](../../doc/models/create-invoice-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateInvoiceRequestBuilder::init(
- InvoiceBuilder::init()
- ->locationId('ES0RJRZYEC39A')
- ->orderId('CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY')
- ->primaryRecipient(
- InvoiceRecipientBuilder::init()
- ->customerId('JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4')
- ->build()
- )
- ->paymentRequests(
- [
- InvoicePaymentRequestBuilder::init()
- ->requestType(InvoiceRequestType::BALANCE)
- ->dueDate('2030-01-24')
- ->tippingEnabled(true)
- ->automaticPaymentSource(InvoiceAutomaticPaymentSource::NONE)
- ->reminders(
- [
- InvoicePaymentReminderBuilder::init()
- ->relativeScheduledDays(-1)
- ->message('Your invoice is due tomorrow')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->deliveryMethod(InvoiceDeliveryMethod::EMAIL)
- ->invoiceNumber('inv-100')
- ->title('Event Planning Services')
- ->description('We appreciate your business!')
- ->scheduledAt('2030-01-13T10:00:00Z')
- ->acceptedPaymentMethods(
- InvoiceAcceptedPaymentMethodsBuilder::init()
- ->card(true)
- ->squareGiftCard(false)
- ->bankAccount(false)
- ->buyNowPayLater(false)
- ->cashAppPay(false)
- ->build()
- )
- ->customFields(
- [
- InvoiceCustomFieldBuilder::init()
- ->label('Event Reference Number')
- ->value('Ref. #1234')
- ->placement(InvoiceCustomFieldPlacement::ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS)
- ->build(),
- InvoiceCustomFieldBuilder::init()
- ->label('Terms of Service')
- ->value('The terms of service are...')
- ->placement(InvoiceCustomFieldPlacement::BELOW_LINE_ITEMS)
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->saleOrServiceDate('2030-01-24')
- ->storePaymentMethodEnabled(false)
- ->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('ce3748f9-5fc1-4762-aa12-aae5e843f1f4')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->createInvoice($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createInvoiceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Invoices
-Searches for invoices from a location specified in
-the filter. You can optionally specify customers in the filter for whom to
-retrieve invoices. In the current implementation, you can only specify one location and
-optionally one customer.
-The response is paginated. If truncated, the response includes a `cursor`
-that you use in a subsequent request to retrieve the next set of invoices.
-function searchInvoices(SearchInvoicesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchInvoicesRequest`](../../doc/models/search-invoices-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchInvoicesResponse`](../../doc/models/search-invoices-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchInvoicesRequestBuilder::init(
- InvoiceQueryBuilder::init(
- InvoiceFilterBuilder::init(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->customerIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->sort(
- InvoiceSortBuilder::init()
- ->order(SortOrder::DESC)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->searchInvoices($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchInvoicesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Invoice
-Deletes the specified invoice. When an invoice is deleted, the
-associated order status changes to CANCELED. You can only delete a draft
-invoice (you cannot delete a published invoice, including one that is scheduled for processing).
-function deleteInvoice(string $invoiceId, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoiceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the invoice to delete. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The version of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to delete.
If you do not know the version, you can call [GetInvoice](api-endpoint:Invoices-GetInvoice) or
[ListInvoices](api-endpoint:Invoices-ListInvoices). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteInvoiceResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-invoice-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$invoiceId = 'invoice_id0';
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->deleteInvoice($invoiceId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteInvoiceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Invoice
-Retrieves an invoice by invoice ID.
-function getInvoice(string $invoiceId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoiceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the invoice to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetInvoiceResponse`](../../doc/models/get-invoice-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$invoiceId = 'invoice_id0';
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->getInvoice($invoiceId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getInvoiceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Invoice
-Updates an invoice. This endpoint supports sparse updates, so you only need
-to specify the fields you want to change along with the required `version` field.
-Some restrictions apply to updating invoices. For example, you cannot change the
-`order_id` or `location_id` field.
-function updateInvoice(string $invoiceId, UpdateInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoiceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the invoice to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateInvoiceRequest`](../../doc/models/update-invoice-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateInvoiceResponse`](../../doc/models/update-invoice-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$invoiceId = 'invoice_id0';
-$body = UpdateInvoiceRequestBuilder::init(
- InvoiceBuilder::init()
- ->version(1)
- ->paymentRequests(
- [
- InvoicePaymentRequestBuilder::init()
- ->uid('2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355')
- ->tippingEnabled(false)
- ->reminders(
- [
- InvoicePaymentReminderBuilder::init()->build(),
- InvoicePaymentReminderBuilder::init()->build(),
- InvoicePaymentReminderBuilder::init()->build()
- ]
- )->build()
- ]
- )->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('4ee82288-0910-499e-ab4c-5d0071dad1be')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->updateInvoice(
- $invoiceId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateInvoiceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Invoice Attachment
-Uploads a file and attaches it to an invoice. This endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data file uploads
-with a JSON `request` part and a `file` part. The `file` part must be a `readable stream` that contains a file
-in a supported format: GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, or PDF.
-Invoices can have up to 10 attachments with a total file size of 25 MB. Attachments can be added only to invoices
-in the `DRAFT`, `SCHEDULED`, `UNPAID`, or `PARTIALLY_PAID` state.
-function createInvoiceAttachment(
- string $invoiceId,
- ?CreateInvoiceAttachmentRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoiceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to attach the file to. |
-| `request` | [`?CreateInvoiceAttachmentRequest`](../../doc/models/create-invoice-attachment-request.md) | Form (JSON-Encoded), Optional | Represents a [CreateInvoiceAttachment](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#create-invoice-attachment) request. |
-| `imageFile` | `?FileWrapper` | Form, Optional | - |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateInvoiceAttachmentResponse`](../../doc/models/create-invoice-attachment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$invoiceId = 'invoice_id0';
-$request = CreateInvoiceAttachmentRequestBuilder::init()
- ->idempotencyKey('ae5e84f9-4742-4fc1-ba12-a3ce3748f1c3')
- ->description('Service contract')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->createInvoiceAttachment(
- $invoiceId,
- $request
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createInvoiceAttachmentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Invoice Attachment
-Removes an attachment from an invoice and permanently deletes the file. Attachments can be removed only
-from invoices in the `DRAFT`, `SCHEDULED`, `UNPAID`, or `PARTIALLY_PAID` state.
-function deleteInvoiceAttachment(string $invoiceId, string $attachmentId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoiceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to delete the attachment from. |
-| `attachmentId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [attachment](entity:InvoiceAttachment) to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteInvoiceAttachmentResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-invoice-attachment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$invoiceId = 'invoice_id0';
-$attachmentId = 'attachment_id6';
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->deleteInvoiceAttachment(
- $invoiceId,
- $attachmentId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteInvoiceAttachmentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Invoice
-Cancels an invoice. The seller cannot collect payments for
-the canceled invoice.
-You cannot cancel an invoice in the `DRAFT` state or in a terminal state: `PAID`, `REFUNDED`, `CANCELED`, or `FAILED`.
-function cancelInvoice(string $invoiceId, CancelInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoiceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to cancel. |
-| `body` | [`CancelInvoiceRequest`](../../doc/models/cancel-invoice-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelInvoiceResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-invoice-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$invoiceId = 'invoice_id0';
-$body = CancelInvoiceRequestBuilder::init(
- 0
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->cancelInvoice(
- $invoiceId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelInvoiceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Publish Invoice
-Publishes the specified draft invoice.
-After an invoice is published, Square
-follows up based on the invoice configuration. For example, Square
-sends the invoice to the customer's email address, charges the customer's card on file, or does
-nothing. Square also makes the invoice available on a Square-hosted invoice page.
-The invoice `status` also changes from `DRAFT` to a status
-based on the invoice configuration. For example, the status changes to `UNPAID` if
-Square emails the invoice or `PARTIALLY_PAID` if Square charges a card on file for a portion of the
-invoice amount.
-In addition to the required `ORDERS_WRITE` and `INVOICES_WRITE` permissions, `CUSTOMERS_READ`
-and `PAYMENTS_WRITE` are required when publishing invoices configured for card-on-file payments.
-function publishInvoice(string $invoiceId, PublishInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoiceId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the invoice to publish. |
-| `body` | [`PublishInvoiceRequest`](../../doc/models/publish-invoice-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`PublishInvoiceResponse`](../../doc/models/publish-invoice-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$invoiceId = 'invoice_id0';
-$body = PublishInvoiceRequestBuilder::init(
- 1
- ->idempotencyKey('32da42d0-1997-41b0-826b-f09464fc2c2e')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $invoicesApi->publishInvoice(
- $invoiceId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $publishInvoiceResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/labor.md b/doc/apis/labor.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f76b2b3..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/labor.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-# Labor
-$laborApi = $client->getLaborApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Break Types](../../doc/apis/labor.md#list-break-types)
-* [Create Break Type](../../doc/apis/labor.md#create-break-type)
-* [Delete Break Type](../../doc/apis/labor.md#delete-break-type)
-* [Get Break Type](../../doc/apis/labor.md#get-break-type)
-* [Update Break Type](../../doc/apis/labor.md#update-break-type)
-* [List Employee Wages](../../doc/apis/labor.md#list-employee-wages)
-* [Get Employee Wage](../../doc/apis/labor.md#get-employee-wage)
-* [Create Shift](../../doc/apis/labor.md#create-shift)
-* [Search Shifts](../../doc/apis/labor.md#search-shifts)
-* [Delete Shift](../../doc/apis/labor.md#delete-shift)
-* [Get Shift](../../doc/apis/labor.md#get-shift)
-* [Update Shift](../../doc/apis/labor.md#update-shift)
-* [List Team Member Wages](../../doc/apis/labor.md#list-team-member-wages)
-* [Get Team Member Wage](../../doc/apis/labor.md#get-team-member-wage)
-* [List Workweek Configs](../../doc/apis/labor.md#list-workweek-configs)
-* [Update Workweek Config](../../doc/apis/labor.md#update-workweek-config)
-# List Break Types
-Returns a paginated list of `BreakType` instances for a business.
-function listBreakTypes(?string $locationId = null, ?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Filter the returned `BreakType` results to only those that are associated with the
specified location. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of `BreakType` results to return per page. The number can range between 1
and 200. The default is 200. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pointer to the next page of `BreakType` results to fetch. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListBreakTypesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-break-types-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->listBreakTypes();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listBreakTypesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Break Type
-Creates a new `BreakType`.
-A `BreakType` is a template for creating `Break` objects.
-You must provide the following values in your request to this
-- `location_id`
-- `break_name`
-- `expected_duration`
-- `is_paid`
-You can only have three `BreakType` instances per location. If you attempt to add a fourth
-`BreakType` for a location, an `INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR` "Exceeded limit of 3 breaks per location."
-is returned.
-function createBreakType(CreateBreakTypeRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateBreakTypeRequest`](../../doc/models/create-break-type-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateBreakTypeResponse`](../../doc/models/create-break-type-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateBreakTypeRequestBuilder::init(
- BreakTypeBuilder::init(
- 'CGJN03P1D08GF',
- 'Lunch Break',
- 'PT30M',
- true
- )->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('PAD3NG5KSN2GL')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->createBreakType($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createBreakTypeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Break Type
-Deletes an existing `BreakType`.
-A `BreakType` can be deleted even if it is referenced from a `Shift`.
-function deleteBreakType(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `BreakType` being deleted. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteBreakTypeResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-break-type-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->deleteBreakType($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteBreakTypeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Break Type
-Returns a single `BreakType` specified by `id`.
-function getBreakType(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `BreakType` being retrieved. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetBreakTypeResponse`](../../doc/models/get-break-type-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->getBreakType($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getBreakTypeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Break Type
-Updates an existing `BreakType`.
-function updateBreakType(string $id, UpdateBreakTypeRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `BreakType` being updated. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateBreakTypeRequest`](../../doc/models/update-break-type-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateBreakTypeResponse`](../../doc/models/update-break-type-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$body = UpdateBreakTypeRequestBuilder::init(
- BreakTypeBuilder::init(
- '26M7H24AZ9N6R',
- 'Lunch',
- 'PT50M',
- true
- )
- ->version(1)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->updateBreakType(
- $id,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateBreakTypeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Employee Wages
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Returns a paginated list of `EmployeeWage` instances for a business.
-function listEmployeeWages(?string $employeeId = null, ?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Filter the returned wages to only those that are associated with the specified employee. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of `EmployeeWage` results to return per page. The number can range between
1 and 200. The default is 200. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pointer to the next page of `EmployeeWage` results to fetch. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListEmployeeWagesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-employee-wages-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->listEmployeeWages();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listEmployeeWagesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Employee Wage
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Returns a single `EmployeeWage` specified by `id`.
-function getEmployeeWage(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `EmployeeWage` being retrieved. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetEmployeeWageResponse`](../../doc/models/get-employee-wage-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->getEmployeeWage($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getEmployeeWageResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Shift
-Creates a new `Shift`.
-A `Shift` represents a complete workday for a single team member.
-You must provide the following values in your request to this
-- `location_id`
-- `team_member_id`
-- `start_at`
-An attempt to create a new `Shift` can result in a `BAD_REQUEST` error when:
-- The `status` of the new `Shift` is `OPEN` and the team member has another
- shift with an `OPEN` status.
-- The `start_at` date is in the future.
-- The `start_at` or `end_at` date overlaps another shift for the same team member.
-- The `Break` instances are set in the request and a break `start_at`
- is before the `Shift.start_at`, a break `end_at` is after
- the `Shift.end_at`, or both.
-function createShift(CreateShiftRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateShiftRequest`](../../doc/models/create-shift-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateShiftResponse`](../../doc/models/create-shift-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateShiftRequestBuilder::init(
- ShiftBuilder::init(
- '2019-01-25T03:11:00-05:00'
- )
- ->endAt('2019-01-25T13:11:00-05:00')
- ->wage(
- ShiftWageBuilder::init()
- ->title('Barista')
- ->hourlyRate(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(1100)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->tipEligible(true)
- ->build()
- )
- ->breaks(
- [
- MBreakBuilder::init(
- '2019-01-25T06:11:00-05:00',
- 'Tea Break',
- 'PT5M',
- true
- )
- ->endAt('2019-01-25T06:16:00-05:00')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->teamMemberId('ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI')
- ->declaredCashTipMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(500)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('HIDSNG5KS478L')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->createShift($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createShiftResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Shifts
-Returns a paginated list of `Shift` records for a business.
-The list to be returned can be filtered by:
-- Location IDs
-- Team member IDs
-- Shift status (`OPEN` or `CLOSED`)
-- Shift start
-- Shift end
-- Workday details
-The list can be sorted by:
-- `END_AT`
-function searchShifts(SearchShiftsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchShiftsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-shifts-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchShiftsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-shifts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchShiftsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- ShiftQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- ShiftFilterBuilder::init()
- ->workday(
- ShiftWorkdayBuilder::init()
- ->dateRange(
- DateRangeBuilder::init()
- ->startDate('2019-01-20')
- ->endDate('2019-02-03')
- ->build()
- )
- ->matchShiftsBy(ShiftWorkdayMatcher::START_AT)
- ->defaultTimezone('America/Los_Angeles')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->limit(100)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->searchShifts($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchShiftsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Shift
-Deletes a `Shift`.
-function deleteShift(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `Shift` being deleted. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteShiftResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-shift-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->deleteShift($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteShiftResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Shift
-Returns a single `Shift` specified by `id`.
-function getShift(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `Shift` being retrieved. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetShiftResponse`](../../doc/models/get-shift-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->getShift($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getShiftResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Shift
-Updates an existing `Shift`.
-When adding a `Break` to a `Shift`, any earlier `Break` instances in the `Shift` have
-the `end_at` property set to a valid RFC-3339 datetime string.
-When closing a `Shift`, all `Break` instances in the `Shift` must be complete with `end_at`
-set on each `Break`.
-function updateShift(string $id, UpdateShiftRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the object being updated. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateShiftRequest`](../../doc/models/update-shift-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateShiftResponse`](../../doc/models/update-shift-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$body = UpdateShiftRequestBuilder::init(
- ShiftBuilder::init(
- '2019-01-25T03:11:00-05:00'
- )
- ->endAt('2019-01-25T13:11:00-05:00')
- ->wage(
- ShiftWageBuilder::init()
- ->title('Bartender')
- ->hourlyRate(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(1500)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->tipEligible(true)
- ->build()
- )
- ->breaks(
- [
- MBreakBuilder::init(
- '2019-01-25T06:11:00-05:00',
- 'Tea Break',
- 'PT5M',
- true
- )
- ->id('X7GAQYVVRRG6P')
- ->endAt('2019-01-25T06:16:00-05:00')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->version(1)
- ->teamMemberId('ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI')
- ->declaredCashTipMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(500)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->updateShift(
- $id,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateShiftResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Team Member Wages
-Returns a paginated list of `TeamMemberWage` instances for a business.
-function listTeamMemberWages(
- ?string $teamMemberId = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Filter the returned wages to only those that are associated with the
specified team member. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of `TeamMemberWage` results to return per page. The number can range between
1 and 200. The default is 200. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pointer to the next page of `EmployeeWage` results to fetch. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListTeamMemberWagesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-team-member-wages-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->listTeamMemberWages();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listTeamMemberWagesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Team Member Wage
-Returns a single `TeamMemberWage` specified by `id`.
-function getTeamMemberWage(string $id): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `TeamMemberWage` being retrieved. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetTeamMemberWageResponse`](../../doc/models/get-team-member-wage-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->getTeamMemberWage($id);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getTeamMemberWageResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Workweek Configs
-Returns a list of `WorkweekConfig` instances for a business.
-function listWorkweekConfigs(?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of `WorkweekConfigs` results to return per page. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pointer to the next page of `WorkweekConfig` results to fetch. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListWorkweekConfigsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-workweek-configs-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->listWorkweekConfigs();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listWorkweekConfigsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Workweek Config
-Updates a `WorkweekConfig`.
-function updateWorkweekConfig(string $id, UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Template, Required | The UUID for the `WorkweekConfig` object being updated. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest`](../../doc/models/update-workweek-config-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateWorkweekConfigResponse`](../../doc/models/update-workweek-config-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$id = 'id0';
-$body = UpdateWorkweekConfigRequestBuilder::init(
- WorkweekConfigBuilder::init(
- Weekday::MON,
- '10:00'
- )
- ->version(10)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $laborApi->updateWorkweekConfig(
- $id,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateWorkweekConfigResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md b/doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index abfc0735..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-# Location Custom Attributes
-$locationCustomAttributesApi = $client->getLocationCustomAttributesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Location Custom Attribute Definitions](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#list-location-custom-attribute-definitions)
-* [Create Location Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#create-location-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Delete Location Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#delete-location-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Retrieve Location Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-location-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Update Location Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#update-location-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Bulk Delete Location Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes)
-* [Bulk Upsert Location Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes)
-* [List Location Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#list-location-custom-attributes)
-* [Delete Location Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#delete-location-custom-attribute)
-* [Retrieve Location Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-location-custom-attribute)
-* [Upsert Location Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#upsert-location-custom-attribute)
-# List Location Custom Attribute Definitions
-Lists the location-related [custom attribute definitions](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) that belong to a Square seller account.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attribute definitions
-that are visible to the requesting application, including those that are created by other
-function listLocationCustomAttributeDefinitions(
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Query, Optional | Filters the `CustomAttributeDefinition` results by their `visibility` values. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-location-custom-attribute-definitions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->listLocationCustomAttributeDefinitions();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Location Custom Attribute Definition
-Creates a location-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) for a Square seller account.
-Use this endpoint to define a custom attribute that can be associated with locations.
-A custom attribute definition specifies the `key`, `visibility`, `schema`, and other properties
-for a custom attribute. After the definition is created, you can call
-[UpsertLocationCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#upsert-location-custom-attribute) or
-to set the custom attribute for locations.
-function createLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-location-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-location-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->key('bestseller')
- ->name('Bestseller')
- ->description('Bestselling item at location')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->createLocationCustomAttributeDefinition($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Location Custom Attribute Definition
-Deletes a location-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-Deleting a custom attribute definition also deletes the corresponding custom attribute from
-all locations.
-Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
-function deleteLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->deleteLocationCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Location Custom Attribute Definition
-Retrieves a location-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
-function retrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting application
is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-location-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->retrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Location Custom Attribute Definition
-Updates a location-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) for a Square seller account.
-Use this endpoint to update the following fields: `name`, `description`, `visibility`, or the
-`schema` for a `Selection` data type.
-Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition.
-function updateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/update-location-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/update-location-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->description('Update the description as desired.')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->updateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Delete Location Custom Attributes
-Deletes [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for locations as a bulk operation.
-To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-function bulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'id1' => BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequestLocationCustomAttributeDeleteRequestBuilder::init()->build(),
- 'id2' => BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequestLocationCustomAttributeDeleteRequestBuilder::init()->build(),
- 'id3' => BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequestLocationCustomAttributeDeleteRequestBuilder::init()->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->bulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Upsert Location Custom Attributes
-Creates or updates [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for locations as a bulk operation.
-Use this endpoint to set the value of one or more custom attributes for one or more locations.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which is
-created using the [CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#create-location-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.
-This `BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
-requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
-and provides a location ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
-of the corresponding request.
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-function bulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesRequestLocationCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'location_id4',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build(),
- 'key1' => BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesRequestLocationCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'location_id4',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->bulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Location Custom Attributes
-Lists the [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a location.
-You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
-in the same call.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
-visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
-function listLocationCustomAttributes(
- string $locationId,
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [location](entity:Location). |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Query, Optional | Filters the `CustomAttributeDefinition` results by their `visibility` values. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListLocationCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-location-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$withDefinitions = false;
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->listLocationCustomAttributes(
- $locationId,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- $withDefinitions
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listLocationCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Location Custom Attribute
-Deletes a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a location.
-To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-function deleteLocationCustomAttribute(string $locationId, string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [location](entity:Location). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteLocationCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->deleteLocationCustomAttribute(
- $locationId,
- $key
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteLocationCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Location Custom Attribute
-Retrieves a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a location.
-You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
-in the same call.
-To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-function retrieveLocationCustomAttribute(
- string $locationId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [location](entity:Location). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLocationCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-location-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$key = 'key0';
-$withDefinition = false;
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->retrieveLocationCustomAttribute(
- $locationId,
- $key,
- $withDefinition
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLocationCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Upsert Location Custom Attribute
-Creates or updates a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for a location.
-Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specified location.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which
-is created using the [CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#create-location-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-function upsertLocationCustomAttribute(
- string $locationId,
- string $key,
- UpsertLocationCustomAttributeRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [location](entity:Location). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match the `key` of a
custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not
the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `body` | [`UpsertLocationCustomAttributeRequest`](../../doc/models/upsert-location-custom-attribute-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpsertLocationCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/upsert-location-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpsertLocationCustomAttributeRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $locationCustomAttributesApi->upsertLocationCustomAttribute(
- $locationId,
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $upsertLocationCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/locations.md b/doc/apis/locations.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 206ec9ad..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/locations.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-# Locations
-$locationsApi = $client->getLocationsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Locations](../../doc/apis/locations.md#list-locations)
-* [Create Location](../../doc/apis/locations.md#create-location)
-* [Retrieve Location](../../doc/apis/locations.md#retrieve-location)
-* [Update Location](../../doc/apis/locations.md#update-location)
-# List Locations
-Provides details about all of the seller's [locations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api),
-including those with an inactive status. Locations are listed alphabetically by `name`.
-function listLocations(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListLocationsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-locations-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $locationsApi->listLocations();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listLocationsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Location
-Creates a [location](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api).
-Creating new locations allows for separate configuration of receipt layouts, item prices,
-and sales reports. Developers can use locations to separate sales activity through applications
-that integrate with Square from sales activity elsewhere in a seller's account.
-Locations created programmatically with the Locations API last forever and
-are visible to the seller for their own management. Therefore, ensure that
-each location has a sensible and unique name.
-function createLocation(CreateLocationRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateLocationRequest`](../../doc/models/create-location-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateLocationResponse`](../../doc/models/create-location-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateLocationRequestBuilder::init()
- ->location(
- LocationBuilder::init()
- ->name('Midtown')
- ->address(
- AddressBuilder::init()
- ->addressLine1('1234 Peachtree St. NE')
- ->locality('Atlanta')
- ->administrativeDistrictLevel1('GA')
- ->postalCode('30309')
- ->build()
- )
- ->description('Midtown Atlanta store')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $locationsApi->createLocation($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createLocationResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Location
-Retrieves details of a single location. Specify "main"
-as the location ID to retrieve details of the [main location](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api#about-the-main-location).
-function retrieveLocation(string $locationId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the location to retrieve. Specify the string
"main" to return the main location. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLocationResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-location-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$apiResponse = $locationsApi->retrieveLocation($locationId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLocationResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Location
-Updates a [location](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api).
-function updateLocation(string $locationId, UpdateLocationRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the location to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateLocationRequest`](../../doc/models/update-location-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateLocationResponse`](../../doc/models/update-location-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$body = UpdateLocationRequestBuilder::init()
- ->location(
- LocationBuilder::init()
- ->businessHours(
- BusinessHoursBuilder::init()
- ->periods(
- [
- BusinessHoursPeriodBuilder::init()
- ->dayOfWeek(DayOfWeek::FRI)
- ->startLocalTime('07:00')
- ->endLocalTime('18:00')
- ->build(),
- BusinessHoursPeriodBuilder::init()
- ->dayOfWeek(DayOfWeek::SAT)
- ->startLocalTime('07:00')
- ->endLocalTime('18:00')
- ->build(),
- BusinessHoursPeriodBuilder::init()
- ->dayOfWeek(DayOfWeek::SUN)
- ->startLocalTime('09:00')
- ->endLocalTime('15:00')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->description('Midtown Atlanta store - Open weekends')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $locationsApi->updateLocation(
- $locationId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateLocationResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/loyalty.md b/doc/apis/loyalty.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f4a0aa..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/loyalty.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,943 +0,0 @@
-# Loyalty
-$loyaltyApi = $client->getLoyaltyApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Create Loyalty Account](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#create-loyalty-account)
-* [Search Loyalty Accounts](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#search-loyalty-accounts)
-* [Retrieve Loyalty Account](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#retrieve-loyalty-account)
-* [Accumulate Loyalty Points](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#accumulate-loyalty-points)
-* [Adjust Loyalty Points](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#adjust-loyalty-points)
-* [Search Loyalty Events](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#search-loyalty-events)
-* [List Loyalty Programs](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#list-loyalty-programs)
-* [Retrieve Loyalty Program](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#retrieve-loyalty-program)
-* [Calculate Loyalty Points](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#calculate-loyalty-points)
-* [List Loyalty Promotions](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#list-loyalty-promotions)
-* [Create Loyalty Promotion](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#create-loyalty-promotion)
-* [Retrieve Loyalty Promotion](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#retrieve-loyalty-promotion)
-* [Cancel Loyalty Promotion](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#cancel-loyalty-promotion)
-* [Create Loyalty Reward](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#create-loyalty-reward)
-* [Search Loyalty Rewards](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#search-loyalty-rewards)
-* [Delete Loyalty Reward](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#delete-loyalty-reward)
-* [Retrieve Loyalty Reward](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#retrieve-loyalty-reward)
-* [Redeem Loyalty Reward](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#redeem-loyalty-reward)
-# Create Loyalty Account
-Creates a loyalty account. To create a loyalty account, you must provide the `program_id` and a `mapping` with the `phone_number` of the buyer.
-function createLoyaltyAccount(CreateLoyaltyAccountRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateLoyaltyAccountRequest`](../../doc/models/create-loyalty-account-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateLoyaltyAccountResponse`](../../doc/models/create-loyalty-account-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateLoyaltyAccountRequestBuilder::init(
- LoyaltyAccountBuilder::init(
- 'd619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd'
- )
- ->mapping(
- LoyaltyAccountMappingBuilder::init()
- ->phoneNumber('+14155551234')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- 'ec78c477-b1c3-4899-a209-a4e71337c996'
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->createLoyaltyAccount($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createLoyaltyAccountResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Loyalty Accounts
-Searches for loyalty accounts in a loyalty program.
-You can search for a loyalty account using the phone number or customer ID associated with the account. To return all loyalty accounts, specify an empty `query` object or omit it entirely.
-Search results are sorted by `created_at` in ascending order.
-function searchLoyaltyAccounts(SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-accounts-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchLoyaltyAccountsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-accounts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequestLoyaltyAccountQueryBuilder::init()
- ->mappings(
- [
- LoyaltyAccountMappingBuilder::init()
- ->phoneNumber('+14155551234')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->limit(10)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->searchLoyaltyAccounts($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchLoyaltyAccountsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Loyalty Account
-Retrieves a loyalty account.
-function retrieveLoyaltyAccount(string $accountId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `accountId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLoyaltyAccountResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-loyalty-account-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$accountId = 'account_id2';
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->retrieveLoyaltyAccount($accountId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLoyaltyAccountResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Accumulate Loyalty Points
-Adds points earned from a purchase to a [loyalty account](../../doc/models/loyalty-account.md).
-- If you are using the Orders API to manage orders, provide the `order_id`. Square reads the order
- to compute the points earned from both the base loyalty program and an associated
- [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md). For purchases that qualify for multiple accrual
- rules, Square computes points based on the accrual rule that grants the most points.
- For purchases that qualify for multiple promotions, Square computes points based on the most
- recently created promotion. A purchase must first qualify for program points to be eligible for promotion points.
-- If you are not using the Orders API to manage orders, provide `points` with the number of points to add.
- You must first perform a client-side computation of the points earned from the loyalty program and
- loyalty promotion. For spend-based and visit-based programs, you can call [CalculateLoyaltyPoints](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#calculate-loyalty-points)
- to compute the points earned from the base loyalty program. For information about computing points earned from a loyalty promotion, see
- [Calculating promotion points](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-promotions#calculate-promotion-points).
-function accumulateLoyaltyPoints(string $accountId, AccumulateLoyaltyPointsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `accountId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount). |
-| `body` | [`AccumulateLoyaltyPointsRequest`](../../doc/models/accumulate-loyalty-points-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`AccumulateLoyaltyPointsResponse`](../../doc/models/accumulate-loyalty-points-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$accountId = 'account_id2';
-$body = AccumulateLoyaltyPointsRequestBuilder::init(
- LoyaltyEventAccumulatePointsBuilder::init()
- ->orderId('RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY')
- ->build(),
- '58b90739-c3e8-4b11-85f7-e636d48d72cb',
- 'P034NEENMD09F'
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->accumulateLoyaltyPoints(
- $accountId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $accumulateLoyaltyPointsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Adjust Loyalty Points
-Adds points to or subtracts points from a buyer's account.
-Use this endpoint only when you need to manually adjust points. Otherwise, in your application flow, you call
-to add points when a buyer pays for the purchase.
-function adjustLoyaltyPoints(string $accountId, AdjustLoyaltyPointsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `accountId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount). |
-| `body` | [`AdjustLoyaltyPointsRequest`](../../doc/models/adjust-loyalty-points-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`AdjustLoyaltyPointsResponse`](../../doc/models/adjust-loyalty-points-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$accountId = 'account_id2';
-$body = AdjustLoyaltyPointsRequestBuilder::init(
- 'bc29a517-3dc9-450e-aa76-fae39ee849d1',
- LoyaltyEventAdjustPointsBuilder::init(
- 10
- )
- ->reason('Complimentary points')
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->adjustLoyaltyPoints(
- $accountId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $adjustLoyaltyPointsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Loyalty Events
-Searches for loyalty events.
-A Square loyalty program maintains a ledger of events that occur during the lifetime of a
-buyer's loyalty account. Each change in the point balance
-(for example, points earned, points redeemed, and points expired) is
-recorded in the ledger. Using this endpoint, you can search the ledger for events.
-Search results are sorted by `created_at` in descending order.
-function searchLoyaltyEvents(SearchLoyaltyEventsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchLoyaltyEventsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-events-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchLoyaltyEventsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-events-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchLoyaltyEventsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- LoyaltyEventQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- LoyaltyEventFilterBuilder::init()
- ->orderFilter(
- LoyaltyEventOrderFilterBuilder::init(
- 'PyATxhYLfsMqpVkcKJITPydgEYfZY'
- )->build()
- )->build()
- )->build()
- )
- ->limit(30)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->searchLoyaltyEvents($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchLoyaltyEventsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Loyalty Programs
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Returns a list of loyalty programs in the seller's account.
-Loyalty programs define how buyers can earn points and redeem points for rewards. Square sellers can have only one loyalty program, which is created and managed from the Seller Dashboard. For more information, see [Loyalty Program Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview).
-Replaced with [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-RetrieveLoyaltyProgram) when used with the keyword `main`.
-function listLoyaltyPrograms(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListLoyaltyProgramsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-loyalty-programs-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->listLoyaltyPrograms();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listLoyaltyProgramsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Loyalty Program
-Retrieves the loyalty program in a seller's account, specified by the program ID or the keyword `main`.
-Loyalty programs define how buyers can earn points and redeem points for rewards. Square sellers can have only one loyalty program, which is created and managed from the Seller Dashboard. For more information, see [Loyalty Program Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview).
-function retrieveLoyaltyProgram(string $programId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `programId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the loyalty program or the keyword `main`. Either value can be used to retrieve the single loyalty program that belongs to the seller. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLoyaltyProgramResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-loyalty-program-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$programId = 'program_id0';
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->retrieveLoyaltyProgram($programId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLoyaltyProgramResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Calculate Loyalty Points
-Calculates the number of points a buyer can earn from a purchase. Applications might call this endpoint
-to display the points to the buyer.
-- If you are using the Orders API to manage orders, provide the `order_id` and (optional) `loyalty_account_id`.
- Square reads the order to compute the points earned from the base loyalty program and an associated
- [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md).
-- If you are not using the Orders API to manage orders, provide `transaction_amount_money` with the
- purchase amount. Square uses this amount to calculate the points earned from the base loyalty program,
- but not points earned from a loyalty promotion. For spend-based and visit-based programs, the `tax_mode`
- setting of the accrual rule indicates how taxes should be treated for loyalty points accrual.
- If the purchase qualifies for program points, call
- [ListLoyaltyPromotions](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#list-loyalty-promotions) and perform a client-side computation
- to calculate whether the purchase also qualifies for promotion points. For more information, see
- [Calculating promotion points](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-promotions#calculate-promotion-points).
-function calculateLoyaltyPoints(string $programId, CalculateLoyaltyPointsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `programId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram), which defines the rules for accruing points. |
-| `body` | [`CalculateLoyaltyPointsRequest`](../../doc/models/calculate-loyalty-points-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CalculateLoyaltyPointsResponse`](../../doc/models/calculate-loyalty-points-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$programId = 'program_id0';
-$body = CalculateLoyaltyPointsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->orderId('RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY')
- ->loyaltyAccountId('79b807d2-d786-46a9-933b-918028d7a8c5')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->calculateLoyaltyPoints(
- $programId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $calculateLoyaltyPointsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Loyalty Promotions
-Lists the loyalty promotions associated with a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md).
-Results are sorted by the `created_at` date in descending order (newest to oldest).
-function listLoyaltyPromotions(
- string $programId,
- ?string $status = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `programId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the base [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram). To get the program ID,
call [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-RetrieveLoyaltyProgram) using the `main` keyword. |
-| `status` | [`?string(LoyaltyPromotionStatus)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-status.md) | Query, Optional | The status to filter the results by. If a status is provided, only loyalty promotions
with the specified status are returned. Otherwise, all loyalty promotions associated with
the loyalty program are returned. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 30. The default value is 30.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListLoyaltyPromotionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-loyalty-promotions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$programId = 'program_id0';
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->listLoyaltyPromotions($programId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listLoyaltyPromotionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Loyalty Promotion
-Creates a loyalty promotion for a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). A loyalty promotion
-enables buyers to earn points in addition to those earned from the base loyalty program.
-This endpoint sets the loyalty promotion to the `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status, depending on the
-`available_time` setting. A loyalty program can have a maximum of 10 loyalty promotions with an
-`ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status.
-function createLoyaltyPromotion(string $programId, CreateLoyaltyPromotionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `programId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram) to associate with the promotion.
To get the program ID, call [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-RetrieveLoyaltyProgram)
using the `main` keyword. |
-| `body` | [`CreateLoyaltyPromotionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-loyalty-promotion-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateLoyaltyPromotionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-loyalty-promotion-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$programId = 'program_id0';
-$body = CreateLoyaltyPromotionRequestBuilder::init(
- LoyaltyPromotionBuilder::init(
- 'Tuesday Happy Hour Promo',
- LoyaltyPromotionIncentiveBuilder::init(
- LoyaltyPromotionIncentiveType::POINTS_MULTIPLIER
- )
- ->pointsMultiplierData(
- LoyaltyPromotionIncentivePointsMultiplierDataBuilder::init()
- ->multiplier('3.0')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- LoyaltyPromotionAvailableTimeDataBuilder::init(
- [
- ]
- )->build()
- )
- ->triggerLimit(
- LoyaltyPromotionTriggerLimitBuilder::init(
- 1
- )
- ->interval(LoyaltyPromotionTriggerLimitInterval::DAY)
- ->build()
- )
- ->minimumSpendAmountMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(2000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->qualifyingCategoryIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build(),
- 'ec78c477-b1c3-4899-a209-a4e71337c996'
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->createLoyaltyPromotion(
- $programId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createLoyaltyPromotionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Loyalty Promotion
-Retrieves a loyalty promotion.
-function retrieveLoyaltyPromotion(string $promotionId, string $programId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `promotionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty promotion](entity:LoyaltyPromotion) to retrieve. |
-| `programId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the base [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram). To get the program ID,
call [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-RetrieveLoyaltyProgram) using the `main` keyword. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLoyaltyPromotionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-loyalty-promotion-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$promotionId = 'promotion_id0';
-$programId = 'program_id0';
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->retrieveLoyaltyPromotion(
- $promotionId,
- $programId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLoyaltyPromotionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Loyalty Promotion
-Cancels a loyalty promotion. Use this endpoint to cancel an `ACTIVE` promotion earlier than the
-end date, cancel an `ACTIVE` promotion when an end date is not specified, or cancel a `SCHEDULED` promotion.
-Because updating a promotion is not supported, you can also use this endpoint to cancel a promotion before
-you create a new one.
-This endpoint sets the loyalty promotion to the `CANCELED` state
-function cancelLoyaltyPromotion(string $promotionId, string $programId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `promotionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty promotion](entity:LoyaltyPromotion) to cancel. You can cancel a
promotion that has an `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status. |
-| `programId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the base [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelLoyaltyPromotionResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-loyalty-promotion-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$promotionId = 'promotion_id0';
-$programId = 'program_id0';
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->cancelLoyaltyPromotion(
- $promotionId,
- $programId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelLoyaltyPromotionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Loyalty Reward
-Creates a loyalty reward. In the process, the endpoint does following:
-- Uses the `reward_tier_id` in the request to determine the number of points
- to lock for this reward.
-- If the request includes `order_id`, it adds the reward and related discount to the order.
-After a reward is created, the points are locked and
-not available for the buyer to redeem another reward.
-function createLoyaltyReward(CreateLoyaltyRewardRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateLoyaltyRewardRequest`](../../doc/models/create-loyalty-reward-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateLoyaltyRewardResponse`](../../doc/models/create-loyalty-reward-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateLoyaltyRewardRequestBuilder::init(
- LoyaltyRewardBuilder::init(
- '5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd',
- 'e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f'
- )
- ->orderId('RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY')
- ->build(),
- '18c2e5ea-a620-4b1f-ad60-7b167285e451'
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->createLoyaltyReward($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createLoyaltyRewardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Loyalty Rewards
-Searches for loyalty rewards. This endpoint accepts a request with no query filters and returns results for all loyalty accounts.
-If you include a `query` object, `loyalty_account_id` is required and `status` is optional.
-If you know a reward ID, use the
-[RetrieveLoyaltyReward](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#retrieve-loyalty-reward) endpoint.
-Search results are sorted by `updated_at` in descending order.
-function searchLoyaltyRewards(SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-rewards-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchLoyaltyRewardsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-rewards-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequestLoyaltyRewardQueryBuilder::init(
- '5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd'
- )->build()
- )
- ->limit(10)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->searchLoyaltyRewards($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchLoyaltyRewardsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Loyalty Reward
-Deletes a loyalty reward by doing the following:
-- Returns the loyalty points back to the loyalty account.
-- If an order ID was specified when the reward was created
- (see [CreateLoyaltyReward](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#create-loyalty-reward)),
- it updates the order by removing the reward and related
- discounts.
-You cannot delete a reward that has reached the terminal state (REDEEMED).
-function deleteLoyaltyReward(string $rewardId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `rewardId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward) to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteLoyaltyRewardResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-loyalty-reward-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$rewardId = 'reward_id4';
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->deleteLoyaltyReward($rewardId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteLoyaltyRewardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Loyalty Reward
-Retrieves a loyalty reward.
-function retrieveLoyaltyReward(string $rewardId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `rewardId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveLoyaltyRewardResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-loyalty-reward-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$rewardId = 'reward_id4';
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->retrieveLoyaltyReward($rewardId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveLoyaltyRewardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Redeem Loyalty Reward
-Redeems a loyalty reward.
-The endpoint sets the reward to the `REDEEMED` terminal state.
-If you are using your own order processing system (not using the
-Orders API), you call this endpoint after the buyer paid for the
-After the reward reaches the terminal state, it cannot be deleted.
-In other words, points used for the reward cannot be returned
-to the account.
-function redeemLoyaltyReward(string $rewardId, RedeemLoyaltyRewardRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `rewardId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward) to redeem. |
-| `body` | [`RedeemLoyaltyRewardRequest`](../../doc/models/redeem-loyalty-reward-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RedeemLoyaltyRewardResponse`](../../doc/models/redeem-loyalty-reward-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$rewardId = 'reward_id4';
-$body = RedeemLoyaltyRewardRequestBuilder::init(
- '98adc7f7-6963-473b-b29c-f3c9cdd7d994',
- 'P034NEENMD09F'
-$apiResponse = $loyaltyApi->redeemLoyaltyReward(
- $rewardId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $redeemLoyaltyRewardResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md b/doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 06e070a4..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-# Merchant Custom Attributes
-$merchantCustomAttributesApi = $client->getMerchantCustomAttributesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Merchant Custom Attribute Definitions](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#list-merchant-custom-attribute-definitions)
-* [Create Merchant Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#create-merchant-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Delete Merchant Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#delete-merchant-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Update Merchant Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#update-merchant-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Bulk Delete Merchant Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes)
-* [Bulk Upsert Merchant Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes)
-* [List Merchant Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#list-merchant-custom-attributes)
-* [Delete Merchant Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#delete-merchant-custom-attribute)
-* [Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute)
-* [Upsert Merchant Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#upsert-merchant-custom-attribute)
-# List Merchant Custom Attribute Definitions
-Lists the merchant-related [custom attribute definitions](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) that belong to a Square seller account.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attribute definitions
-that are visible to the requesting application, including those that are created by other
-function listMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitions(
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Query, Optional | Filters the `CustomAttributeDefinition` results by their `visibility` values. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-merchant-custom-attribute-definitions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->listMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitions();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Merchant Custom Attribute Definition
-Creates a merchant-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) for a Square seller account.
-Use this endpoint to define a custom attribute that can be associated with a merchant connecting to your application.
-A custom attribute definition specifies the `key`, `visibility`, `schema`, and other properties
-for a custom attribute. After the definition is created, you can call
-[UpsertMerchantCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#upsert-merchant-custom-attribute) or
-to set the custom attribute for a merchant.
-function createMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->key('alternative_seller_name')
- ->name('Alternative Merchant Name')
- ->description('This is the other name this merchant goes by.')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->createMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Merchant Custom Attribute Definition
-Deletes a merchant-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-Deleting a custom attribute definition also deletes the corresponding custom attribute from
-the merchant.
-Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
-function deleteMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->deleteMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute Definition
-Retrieves a merchant-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
-function retrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting application
is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->retrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Merchant Custom Attribute Definition
-Updates a merchant-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) for a Square seller account.
-Use this endpoint to update the following fields: `name`, `description`, `visibility`, or the
-`schema` for a `Selection` data type.
-Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition.
-function updateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/update-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/update-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->description('Update the description as desired.')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->updateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Delete Merchant Custom Attributes
-Deletes [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for a merchant as a bulk operation.
-To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-function bulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'id1' => BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesRequestMerchantCustomAttributeDeleteRequestBuilder::init()->build(),
- 'id2' => BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesRequestMerchantCustomAttributeDeleteRequestBuilder::init()->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->bulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Upsert Merchant Custom Attributes
-Creates or updates [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for a merchant as a bulk operation.
-Use this endpoint to set the value of one or more custom attributes for a merchant.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which is
-created using the [CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#create-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.
-This `BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
-requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
-and provides a merchant ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
-of the corresponding request.
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-function bulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesRequestMerchantCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'merchant_id0',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build(),
- 'key1' => BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesRequestMerchantCustomAttributeUpsertRequestBuilder::init(
- 'merchant_id0',
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->bulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Merchant Custom Attributes
-Lists the [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a merchant.
-You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
-in the same call.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
-visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
-function listMerchantCustomAttributes(
- string $merchantId,
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant). |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Query, Optional | Filters the `CustomAttributeDefinition` results by their `visibility` values. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListMerchantCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-merchant-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$merchantId = 'merchant_id0';
-$withDefinitions = false;
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->listMerchantCustomAttributes(
- $merchantId,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- $withDefinitions
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listMerchantCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Merchant Custom Attribute
-Deletes a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a merchant.
-To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-function deleteMerchantCustomAttribute(string $merchantId, string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteMerchantCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$merchantId = 'merchant_id0';
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->deleteMerchantCustomAttribute(
- $merchantId,
- $key
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteMerchantCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute
-Retrieves a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a merchant.
-You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
-in the same call.
-To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-function retrieveMerchantCustomAttribute(
- string $merchantId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key` of a custom
attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not the
definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveMerchantCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$merchantId = 'merchant_id0';
-$key = 'key0';
-$withDefinition = false;
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->retrieveMerchantCustomAttribute(
- $merchantId,
- $key,
- $withDefinition
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveMerchantCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Upsert Merchant Custom Attribute
-Creates or updates a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for a merchant.
-Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specified merchant.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which
-is created using the [CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#create-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-function upsertMerchantCustomAttribute(
- string $merchantId,
- string $key,
- UpsertMerchantCustomAttributeRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant). |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match the `key` of a
custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not
the definition owner, you must use the qualified key. |
-| `body` | [`UpsertMerchantCustomAttributeRequest`](../../doc/models/upsert-merchant-custom-attribute-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpsertMerchantCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/upsert-merchant-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$merchantId = 'merchant_id0';
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpsertMerchantCustomAttributeRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $merchantCustomAttributesApi->upsertMerchantCustomAttribute(
- $merchantId,
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $upsertMerchantCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/merchants.md b/doc/apis/merchants.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 28b26e02..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/merchants.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# Merchants
-$merchantsApi = $client->getMerchantsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Merchants](../../doc/apis/merchants.md#list-merchants)
-* [Retrieve Merchant](../../doc/apis/merchants.md#retrieve-merchant)
-# List Merchants
-Provides details about the merchant associated with a given access token.
-The access token used to connect your application to a Square seller is associated
-with a single merchant. That means that `ListMerchants` returns a list
-with a single `Merchant` object. You can specify your personal access token
-to get your own merchant information or specify an OAuth token to get the
-information for the merchant that granted your application access.
-If you know the merchant ID, you can also use the [RetrieveMerchant](../../doc/apis/merchants.md#retrieve-merchant)
-endpoint to retrieve the merchant information.
-function listMerchants(?int $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The cursor generated by the previous response. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListMerchantsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-merchants-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $merchantsApi->listMerchants();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listMerchantsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Merchant
-Retrieves the `Merchant` object for the given `merchant_id`.
-function retrieveMerchant(string $merchantId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the merchant to retrieve. If the string "me" is supplied as the ID,
then retrieve the merchant that is currently accessible to this call. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveMerchantResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-merchant-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$merchantId = 'merchant_id0';
-$apiResponse = $merchantsApi->retrieveMerchant($merchantId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveMerchantResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/mobile-authorization.md b/doc/apis/mobile-authorization.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8979f13f..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/mobile-authorization.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Mobile Authorization
-$mobileAuthorizationApi = $client->getMobileAuthorizationApi();
-## Class Name
-# Create Mobile Authorization Code
-Generates code to authorize a mobile application to connect to a Square card reader.
-Authorization codes are one-time-use codes and expire 60 minutes after being issued.
-__Important:__ The `Authorization` header you provide to this endpoint must have the following format:
-Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
-Replace `ACCESS_TOKEN` with a
-[valid production authorization credential](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/access-tokens).
-function createMobileAuthorizationCode(CreateMobileAuthorizationCodeRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateMobileAuthorizationCodeRequest`](../../doc/models/create-mobile-authorization-code-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateMobileAuthorizationCodeResponse`](../../doc/models/create-mobile-authorization-code-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateMobileAuthorizationCodeRequestBuilder::init()
- ->locationId('YOUR_LOCATION_ID')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $mobileAuthorizationApi->createMobileAuthorizationCode($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createMobileAuthorizationCodeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/o-auth.md b/doc/apis/o-auth.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c0f767..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/o-auth.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-# O Auth
-$oAuthApi = $client->getOAuthApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Revoke Token](../../doc/apis/o-auth.md#revoke-token)
-* [Obtain Token](../../doc/apis/o-auth.md#obtain-token)
-* [Retrieve Token Status](../../doc/apis/o-auth.md#retrieve-token-status)
-# Revoke Token
-Revokes an access token generated with the OAuth flow.
-If an account has more than one OAuth access token for your application, this
-endpoint revokes all of them, regardless of which token you specify.
-__Important:__ The `Authorization` header for this endpoint must have the
-following format:
-Authorization: Client APPLICATION_SECRET
-Replace `APPLICATION_SECRET` with the application secret on the **OAuth**
-page for your application in the Developer Dashboard.
-:information_source: **Note** This endpoint does not require authentication.
-function revokeToken(RevokeTokenRequest $body, string $authorization): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`RevokeTokenRequest`](../../doc/models/revoke-token-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-| `authorization` | `string` | Header, Required | Client APPLICATION_SECRET |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RevokeTokenResponse`](../../doc/models/revoke-token-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = RevokeTokenRequestBuilder::init()
- ->clientId('CLIENT_ID')
- ->accessToken('ACCESS_TOKEN')
- ->build();
-$authorization = 'Client CLIENT_SECRET';
-$apiResponse = $oAuthApi->revokeToken(
- $body,
- $authorization
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $revokeTokenResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Obtain Token
-Returns an OAuth access token and a refresh token unless the
-`short_lived` parameter is set to `true`, in which case the endpoint
-returns only an access token.
-The `grant_type` parameter specifies the type of OAuth request. If
-`grant_type` is `authorization_code`, you must include the authorization
-code you received when a seller granted you authorization. If `grant_type`
-is `refresh_token`, you must provide a valid refresh token. If you're using
-an old version of the Square APIs (prior to March 13, 2019), `grant_type`
-can be `migration_token` and you must provide a valid migration token.
-You can use the `scopes` parameter to limit the set of permissions granted
-to the access token and refresh token. You can use the `short_lived` parameter
-to create an access token that expires in 24 hours.
-__Note:__ OAuth tokens should be encrypted and stored on a secure server.
-Application clients should never interact directly with OAuth tokens.
-:information_source: **Note** This endpoint does not require authentication.
-function obtainToken(ObtainTokenRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`ObtainTokenRequest`](../../doc/models/obtain-token-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ObtainTokenResponse`](../../doc/models/obtain-token-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = ObtainTokenRequestBuilder::init(
- 'authorization_code'
- ->clientSecret('APPLICATION_SECRET')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $oAuthApi->obtainToken($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $obtainTokenResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Token Status
-Returns information about an [OAuth access token](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/access-tokens#get-an-oauth-access-token) or an application’s [personal access token](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/access-tokens#get-a-personal-access-token).
-Add the access token to the Authorization header of the request.
-__Important:__ The `Authorization` header you provide to this endpoint must have the following format:
-Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
-where `ACCESS_TOKEN` is a
-[valid production authorization credential](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/access-tokens).
-If the access token is expired or not a valid access token, the endpoint returns an `UNAUTHORIZED` error.
-function retrieveTokenStatus(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveTokenStatusResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-token-status-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $oAuthApi->retrieveTokenStatus();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveTokenStatusResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md b/doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fd68ee29..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,608 +0,0 @@
-# Order Custom Attributes
-$orderCustomAttributesApi = $client->getOrderCustomAttributesApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Order Custom Attribute Definitions](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#list-order-custom-attribute-definitions)
-* [Create Order Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#create-order-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Delete Order Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#delete-order-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Retrieve Order Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-order-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Update Order Custom Attribute Definition](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#update-order-custom-attribute-definition)
-* [Bulk Delete Order Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-order-custom-attributes)
-* [Bulk Upsert Order Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-order-custom-attributes)
-* [List Order Custom Attributes](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#list-order-custom-attributes)
-* [Delete Order Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#delete-order-custom-attribute)
-* [Retrieve Order Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-order-custom-attribute)
-* [Upsert Order Custom Attribute](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#upsert-order-custom-attribute)
-# List Order Custom Attribute Definitions
-Lists the order-related [custom attribute definitions](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) that belong to a Square seller account.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attribute definitions
-that are visible to the requesting application, including those that are created by other
-applications and set to `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that
-seller-defined custom attributes (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function listOrderCustomAttributeDefinitions(
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Query, Optional | Requests that all of the custom attributes be returned, or only those that are read-only or read-write. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-order-custom-attribute-definitions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->listOrderCustomAttributeDefinitions();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Order Custom Attribute Definition
-Creates an order-related custom attribute definition. Use this endpoint to
-define a custom attribute that can be associated with orders.
-After creating a custom attribute definition, you can set the custom attribute for orders
-in the Square seller account.
-function createOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-order-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-order-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->key('cover-count')
- ->name('Cover count')
- ->description('The number of people seated at a table')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES)
- ->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('IDEMPOTENCY_KEY')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->createOrderCustomAttributeDefinition($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Order Custom Attribute Definition
-Deletes an order-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
-function deleteOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->deleteOrderCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Order Custom Attribute Definition
-Retrieves an order-related [custom attribute definition](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) from a Square seller account.
-To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
-setting must be `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function retrieveOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | To enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency)
control, include this optional field and specify the current version of the custom attribute. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-order-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->retrieveOrderCustomAttributeDefinition($key);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Order Custom Attribute Definition
-Updates an order-related custom attribute definition for a Square seller account.
-Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition. Note that sellers can view all custom attributes in exported customer data, including those set to `VISIBILITY_HIDDEN`.
-function updateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute definition to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest`](../../doc/models/update-order-custom-attribute-definition-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse`](../../doc/models/update-order-custom-attribute-definition-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$key = 'key0';
-$body = UpdateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeDefinitionBuilder::init()
- ->key('cover-count')
- ->visibility(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility::VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY)
- ->version(1)
- ->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('IDEMPOTENCY_KEY')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->updateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(
- $key,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Delete Order Custom Attributes
-Deletes order [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) as a bulk operation.
-Use this endpoint to delete one or more custom attributes from one or more orders.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account. (To create a
-custom attribute definition, use the [CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#create-order-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.)
-This `BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual delete
-requests and returns a map of individual delete responses. Each delete request has a unique ID
-and provides an order ID and custom attribute. Each delete response is returned with the ID
-of the corresponding request.
-To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function bulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-order-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-order-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'cover-count' => BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesRequestDeleteCustomAttributeBuilder::init(
- '7BbXGEIWNldxAzrtGf9GPVZTwZ4F'
- )->build(),
- 'table-number' => BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesRequestDeleteCustomAttributeBuilder::init(
- '7BbXGEIWNldxAzrtGf9GPVZTwZ4F'
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->bulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Upsert Order Custom Attributes
-Creates or updates order [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) as a bulk operation.
-Use this endpoint to delete one or more custom attributes from one or more orders.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account. (To create a
-custom attribute definition, use the [CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#create-order-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.)
-This `BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
-requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
-and provides an order ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
-of the corresponding request.
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function bulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-order-custom-attributes-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-order-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesRequestUpsertCustomAttributeBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build(),
- 'order_id4'
- )->build(),
- 'key1' => BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesRequestUpsertCustomAttributeBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build(),
- 'order_id4'
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->bulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributes($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Order Custom Attributes
-Lists the [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with an order.
-You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
-in the same call.
-When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
-visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
-function listOrderCustomAttributes(
- string $orderId,
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [order](entity:Order). |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Query, Optional | Requests that all of the custom attributes be returned, or only those that are read-only or read-write. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom attribute,
information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListOrderCustomAttributesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-order-custom-attributes-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$withDefinitions = false;
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->listOrderCustomAttributes(
- $orderId,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- $withDefinitions
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listOrderCustomAttributesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Order Custom Attribute
-Deletes a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with a customer profile.
-To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-`VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function deleteOrderCustomAttribute(string $orderId, string $customAttributeKey): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [order](entity:Order). |
-| `customAttributeKey` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the key of an
existing custom attribute definition. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteOrderCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$customAttributeKey = 'custom_attribute_key2';
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->deleteOrderCustomAttribute(
- $orderId,
- $customAttributeKey
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteOrderCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Order Custom Attribute
-Retrieves a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) associated with an order.
-You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
-in the same call.
-To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
-`VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function retrieveOrderCustomAttribute(
- string $orderId,
- string $customAttributeKey,
- ?int $version = null,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [order](entity:Order). |
-| `customAttributeKey` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the key of an
existing custom attribute definition. |
-| `version` | `?int` | Query, Optional | To enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency)
control, include this optional field and specify the current version of the custom attribute. |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom attribute,
information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`.
**Default**: `false` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveOrderCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-order-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$customAttributeKey = 'custom_attribute_key2';
-$withDefinition = false;
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->retrieveOrderCustomAttribute(
- $orderId,
- $customAttributeKey,
- null,
- $withDefinition
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveOrderCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Upsert Order Custom Attribute
-Creates or updates a [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) for an order.
-Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specific order.
-A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account. (To create a
-custom attribute definition, use the [CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/order-custom-attributes.md#create-order-custom-attribute-definition) endpoint.)
-To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
-must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
-(also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
-function upsertOrderCustomAttribute(
- string $orderId,
- string $customAttributeKey,
- UpsertOrderCustomAttributeRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the target [order](entity:Order). |
-| `customAttributeKey` | `string` | Template, Required | The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match the key
of an existing custom attribute definition. |
-| `body` | [`UpsertOrderCustomAttributeRequest`](../../doc/models/upsert-order-custom-attribute-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpsertOrderCustomAttributeResponse`](../../doc/models/upsert-order-custom-attribute-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$customAttributeKey = 'custom_attribute_key2';
-$body = UpsertOrderCustomAttributeRequestBuilder::init(
- CustomAttributeBuilder::init()->build()
-$apiResponse = $orderCustomAttributesApi->upsertOrderCustomAttribute(
- $orderId,
- $customAttributeKey,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $upsertOrderCustomAttributeResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/orders.md b/doc/apis/orders.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0194fc4b..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/orders.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
-# Orders
-$ordersApi = $client->getOrdersApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Create Order](../../doc/apis/orders.md#create-order)
-* [Batch Retrieve Orders](../../doc/apis/orders.md#batch-retrieve-orders)
-* [Calculate Order](../../doc/apis/orders.md#calculate-order)
-* [Clone Order](../../doc/apis/orders.md#clone-order)
-* [Search Orders](../../doc/apis/orders.md#search-orders)
-* [Retrieve Order](../../doc/apis/orders.md#retrieve-order)
-* [Update Order](../../doc/apis/orders.md#update-order)
-* [Pay Order](../../doc/apis/orders.md#pay-order)
-# Create Order
-Creates a new [order](../../doc/models/order.md) that can include information about products for
-purchase and settings to apply to the purchase.
-To pay for a created order, see
-[Pay for Orders](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/pay-for-orders).
-You can modify open orders using the [UpdateOrder](../../doc/apis/orders.md#update-order) endpoint.
-function createOrder(CreateOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateOrderRequest`](../../doc/models/create-order-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateOrderResponse`](../../doc/models/create-order-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateOrderRequestBuilder::init()
- ->order(
- OrderBuilder::init(
- '057P5VYJ4A5X1'
- )
- ->referenceId('my-order-001')
- ->lineItems(
- [
- OrderLineItemBuilder::init(
- '1'
- )
- ->name('New York Strip Steak')
- ->basePriceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(1599)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- OrderLineItemBuilder::init(
- '2'
- )
- ->catalogObjectId('BEMYCSMIJL46OCDV4KYIKXIB')
- ->modifiers(
- [
- OrderLineItemModifierBuilder::init()
- ->catalogObjectId('CHQX7Y4KY6N5KINJKZCFURPZ')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->appliedDiscounts(
- [
- OrderLineItemAppliedDiscountBuilder::init(
- 'one-dollar-off'
- )->build()
- ]
- )->build()
- ]
- )
- ->taxes(
- [
- OrderLineItemTaxBuilder::init()
- ->uid('state-sales-tax')
- ->name('State Sales Tax')
- ->percentage('9')
- ->scope(OrderLineItemTaxScope::ORDER)
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->discounts(
- [
- OrderLineItemDiscountBuilder::init()
- ->uid('labor-day-sale')
- ->name('Labor Day Sale')
- ->percentage('5')
- ->scope(OrderLineItemDiscountScope::ORDER)
- ->build(),
- OrderLineItemDiscountBuilder::init()
- ->uid('membership-discount')
- ->catalogObjectId('DB7L55ZH2BGWI4H23ULIWOQ7')
- ->scope(OrderLineItemDiscountScope::ORDER)
- ->build(),
- OrderLineItemDiscountBuilder::init()
- ->uid('one-dollar-off')
- ->name('Sale - $1.00 off')
- ->amountMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(100)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->scope(OrderLineItemDiscountScope::LINE_ITEM)
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->idempotencyKey('8193148c-9586-11e6-99f9-28cfe92138cf')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->createOrder($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createOrderResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Batch Retrieve Orders
-Retrieves a set of [orders](../../doc/models/order.md) by their IDs.
-If a given order ID does not exist, the ID is ignored instead of generating an error.
-function batchRetrieveOrders(BatchRetrieveOrdersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BatchRetrieveOrdersRequest`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-orders-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BatchRetrieveOrdersResponse`](../../doc/models/batch-retrieve-orders-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BatchRetrieveOrdersRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'CAISEM82RcpmcFBM0TfOyiHV3es',
- ]
- ->locationId('057P5VYJ4A5X1')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->batchRetrieveOrders($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $batchRetrieveOrdersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Calculate Order
-Enables applications to preview order pricing without creating an order.
-function calculateOrder(CalculateOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CalculateOrderRequest`](../../doc/models/calculate-order-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CalculateOrderResponse`](../../doc/models/calculate-order-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CalculateOrderRequestBuilder::init(
- OrderBuilder::init(
- )
- ->lineItems(
- [
- OrderLineItemBuilder::init(
- '1'
- )
- ->name('Item 1')
- ->basePriceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(500)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- OrderLineItemBuilder::init(
- '2'
- )
- ->name('Item 2')
- ->basePriceMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(300)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->discounts(
- [
- OrderLineItemDiscountBuilder::init()
- ->name('50% Off')
- ->percentage('50')
- ->scope(OrderLineItemDiscountScope::ORDER)
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->calculateOrder($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $calculateOrderResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Clone Order
-Creates a new order, in the `DRAFT` state, by duplicating an existing order. The newly created order has
-only the core fields (such as line items, taxes, and discounts) copied from the original order.
-function cloneOrder(CloneOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CloneOrderRequest`](../../doc/models/clone-order-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CloneOrderResponse`](../../doc/models/clone-order-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CloneOrderRequestBuilder::init(
- 'ZAISEM52YcpmcWAzERDOyiWS123'
- ->version(3)
- ->idempotencyKey('UNIQUE_STRING')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->cloneOrder($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cloneOrderResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Orders
-Search all orders for one or more locations. Orders include all sales,
-returns, and exchanges regardless of how or when they entered the Square
-ecosystem (such as Point of Sale, Invoices, and Connect APIs).
-`SearchOrders` requests need to specify which locations to search and define a
-[SearchOrdersQuery](../../doc/models/search-orders-query.md) object that controls
-how to sort or filter the results. Your `SearchOrdersQuery` can:
-Set filter criteria.
-Set the sort order.
-Determine whether to return results as complete `Order` objects or as
-[OrderEntry](../../doc/models/order-entry.md) objects.
-Note that details for orders processed with Square Point of Sale while in
-offline mode might not be transmitted to Square for up to 72 hours. Offline
-orders have a `created_at` value that reflects the time the order was created,
-not the time it was subsequently transmitted to Square.
-function searchOrders(SearchOrdersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchOrdersRequest`](../../doc/models/search-orders-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchOrdersResponse`](../../doc/models/search-orders-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchOrdersRequestBuilder::init()
- ->locationIds(
- [
- '057P5VYJ4A5X1',
- '18YC4JDH91E1H'
- ]
- )
- ->query(
- SearchOrdersQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- SearchOrdersFilterBuilder::init()
- ->stateFilter(
- SearchOrdersStateFilterBuilder::init(
- [
- OrderState::COMPLETED
- ]
- )->build()
- )
- ->dateTimeFilter(
- SearchOrdersDateTimeFilterBuilder::init()
- ->closedAt(
- TimeRangeBuilder::init()
- ->startAt('2018-03-03T20:00:00+00:00')
- ->endAt('2019-03-04T21:54:45+00:00')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->sort(
- SearchOrdersSortBuilder::init(
- SearchOrdersSortField::CLOSED_AT
- )
- ->sortOrder(SortOrder::DESC)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->limit(3)
- ->returnEntries(true)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->searchOrders($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchOrdersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Order
-Retrieves an [Order](../../doc/models/order.md) by ID.
-function retrieveOrder(string $orderId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the order to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveOrderResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-order-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->retrieveOrder($orderId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveOrderResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Order
-Updates an open [order](../../doc/models/order.md) by adding, replacing, or deleting
-fields. Orders with a `COMPLETED` or `CANCELED` state cannot be updated.
-An `UpdateOrder` request requires the following:
-- The `order_id` in the endpoint path, identifying the order to update.
-- The latest `version` of the order to update.
-- The [sparse order](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders#sparse-order-objects)
- containing only the fields to update and the version to which the update is
- being applied.
-- If deleting fields, the [dot notation paths](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders#identifying-fields-to-delete)
- identifying the fields to clear.
-To pay for an order, see
-[Pay for Orders](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/pay-for-orders).
-function updateOrder(string $orderId, UpdateOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the order to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateOrderRequest`](../../doc/models/update-order-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateOrderResponse`](../../doc/models/update-order-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$body = UpdateOrderRequestBuilder::init()->build();
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->updateOrder(
- $orderId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateOrderResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Pay Order
-Pay for an [order](../../doc/models/order.md) using one or more approved [payments](../../doc/models/payment.md)
-or settle an order with a total of `0`.
-The total of the `payment_ids` listed in the request must be equal to the order
-total. Orders with a total amount of `0` can be marked as paid by specifying an empty
-array of `payment_ids` in the request.
-To be used with `PayOrder`, a payment must:
-- Reference the order by specifying the `order_id` when [creating the payment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#create-payment).
- Any approved payments that reference the same `order_id` not specified in the
- `payment_ids` is canceled.
-- Be approved with [delayed capture](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/card-payments/delayed-capture).
- Using a delayed capture payment with `PayOrder` completes the approved payment.
-function payOrder(string $orderId, PayOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the order being paid. |
-| `body` | [`PayOrderRequest`](../../doc/models/pay-order-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`PayOrderResponse`](../../doc/models/pay-order-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$body = PayOrderRequestBuilder::init(
- 'c043a359-7ad9-4136-82a9-c3f1d66dcbff'
- ->paymentIds(
- [
- 'EnZdNAlWCmfh6Mt5FMNST1o7taB',
- '0LRiVlbXVwe8ozu4KbZxd12mvaB'
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $ordersApi->payOrder(
- $orderId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $payOrderResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/payments.md b/doc/apis/payments.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0180708b..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/payments.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,402 +0,0 @@
-# Payments
-$paymentsApi = $client->getPaymentsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Payments](../../doc/apis/payments.md#list-payments)
-* [Create Payment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#create-payment)
-* [Cancel Payment by Idempotency Key](../../doc/apis/payments.md#cancel-payment-by-idempotency-key)
-* [Get Payment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#get-payment)
-* [Update Payment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#update-payment)
-* [Cancel Payment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#cancel-payment)
-* [Complete Payment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#complete-payment)
-# List Payments
-Retrieves a list of payments taken by the account making the request.
-Results are eventually consistent, and new payments or changes to payments might take several
-seconds to appear.
-The maximum results per page is 100.
-function listPayments(
- ?string $beginTime = null,
- ?string $endTime = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?int $total = null,
- ?string $last4 = null,
- ?string $cardBrand = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?bool $isOfflinePayment = false,
- ?string $offlineBeginTime = null,
- ?string $offlineEndTime = null,
- ?string $updatedAtBeginTime = null,
- ?string $updatedAtEndTime = null,
- ?string $sortField = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the start of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format.
The range is determined using the `created_at` field for each Payment.
Inclusive. Default: The current time minus one year. |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the end of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format. The
range is determined using the `created_at` field for each Payment.
Default: The current time. |
-| `sortOrder` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The order in which results are listed by `ListPaymentsRequest.sort_field`:
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Limit results to the location supplied. By default, results are returned
for the default (main) location associated with the seller. |
-| `total` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The exact amount in the `total_money` for a payment. |
-| `last4` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The last four digits of a payment card. |
-| `cardBrand` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The brand of the payment card (for example, VISA). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value. If the provided value is
greater than 100, it is ignored and the default value is used instead.
Default: `100` |
-| `isOfflinePayment` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Whether the payment was taken offline or not.
**Default**: `false` |
-| `offlineBeginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the start of the time range for which to retrieve offline payments, in RFC 3339
format for timestamps. The range is determined using the
`offline_payment_details.client_created_at` field for each Payment. If set, payments without a
value set in `offline_payment_details.client_created_at` will not be returned.
Default: The current time. |
-| `offlineEndTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the end of the time range for which to retrieve offline payments, in RFC 3339
format for timestamps. The range is determined using the
`offline_payment_details.client_created_at` field for each Payment. If set, payments without a
value set in `offline_payment_details.client_created_at` will not be returned.
Default: The current time. |
-| `updatedAtBeginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the start of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format. The
range is determined using the `updated_at` field for each Payment. |
-| `updatedAtEndTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the end of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format. The
range is determined using the `updated_at` field for each Payment. |
-| `sortField` | [`?string(PaymentSortField)`](../../doc/models/payment-sort-field.md) | Query, Optional | The field used to sort results by. The default is `CREATED_AT`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListPaymentsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-payments-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$isOfflinePayment = false;
-$apiResponse = $paymentsApi->listPayments(
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- null,
- $isOfflinePayment
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listPaymentsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Payment
-Creates a payment using the provided source. You can use this endpoint
-to charge a card (credit/debit card or
-Square gift card) or record a payment that the seller received outside of Square
-(cash payment from a buyer or a payment that an external entity
-processed on behalf of the seller).
-The endpoint creates a
-`Payment` object and returns it in the response.
-function createPayment(CreatePaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreatePaymentRequest`](../../doc/models/create-payment-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreatePaymentResponse`](../../doc/models/create-payment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreatePaymentRequestBuilder::init(
- 'ccof:GaJGNaZa8x4OgDJn4GB',
- '7b0f3ec5-086a-4871-8f13-3c81b3875218'
- ->amountMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(1000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->appFeeMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(10)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->autocomplete(true)
- ->customerId('W92WH6P11H4Z77CTET0RNTGFW8')
- ->locationId('L88917AVBK2S5')
- ->referenceId('123456')
- ->note('Brief description')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $paymentsApi->createPayment($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createPaymentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Payment by Idempotency Key
-Cancels (voids) a payment identified by the idempotency key that is specified in the
-Use this method when the status of a `CreatePayment` request is unknown (for example, after you send a
-`CreatePayment` request, a network error occurs and you do not get a response). In this case, you can
-direct Square to cancel the payment using this endpoint. In the request, you provide the same
-idempotency key that you provided in your `CreatePayment` request that you want to cancel. After
-canceling the payment, you can submit your `CreatePayment` request again.
-Note that if no payment with the specified idempotency key is found, no action is taken and the endpoint
-returns successfully.
-function cancelPaymentByIdempotencyKey(CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyRequest`](../../doc/models/cancel-payment-by-idempotency-key-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-payment-by-idempotency-key-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyRequestBuilder::init(
- 'a7e36d40-d24b-11e8-b568-0800200c9a66'
-$apiResponse = $paymentsApi->cancelPaymentByIdempotencyKey($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Payment
-Retrieves details for a specific payment.
-function getPayment(string $paymentId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `string` | Template, Required | A unique ID for the desired payment. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetPaymentResponse`](../../doc/models/get-payment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$paymentId = 'payment_id0';
-$apiResponse = $paymentsApi->getPayment($paymentId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getPaymentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Payment
-Updates a payment with the APPROVED status.
-You can update the `amount_money` and `tip_money` using this endpoint.
-function updatePayment(string $paymentId, UpdatePaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the payment to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdatePaymentRequest`](../../doc/models/update-payment-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdatePaymentResponse`](../../doc/models/update-payment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$paymentId = 'payment_id0';
-$body = UpdatePaymentRequestBuilder::init(
- '956f8b13-e4ec-45d6-85e8-d1d95ef0c5de'
- ->payment(
- PaymentBuilder::init()
- ->amountMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(1000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->tipMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(100)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->versionToken('ODhwVQ35xwlzRuoZEwKXucfu7583sPTzK48c5zoGd0g6o')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $paymentsApi->updatePayment(
- $paymentId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updatePaymentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Payment
-Cancels (voids) a payment. You can use this endpoint to cancel a payment with
-the APPROVED `status`.
-function cancelPayment(string $paymentId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the payment to cancel. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelPaymentResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-payment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$paymentId = 'payment_id0';
-$apiResponse = $paymentsApi->cancelPayment($paymentId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelPaymentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Complete Payment
-Completes (captures) a payment.
-By default, payments are set to complete immediately after they are created.
-You can use this endpoint to complete a payment with the APPROVED `status`.
-function completePayment(string $paymentId, CompletePaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique ID identifying the payment to be completed. |
-| `body` | [`CompletePaymentRequest`](../../doc/models/complete-payment-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CompletePaymentResponse`](../../doc/models/complete-payment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$paymentId = 'payment_id0';
-$body = CompletePaymentRequestBuilder::init()->build();
-$apiResponse = $paymentsApi->completePayment(
- $paymentId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $completePaymentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/payouts.md b/doc/apis/payouts.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a2a106de..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/payouts.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# Payouts
-$payoutsApi = $client->getPayoutsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Payouts](../../doc/apis/payouts.md#list-payouts)
-* [Get Payout](../../doc/apis/payouts.md#get-payout)
-* [List Payout Entries](../../doc/apis/payouts.md#list-payout-entries)
-# List Payouts
-Retrieves a list of all payouts for the default location.
-You can filter payouts by location ID, status, time range, and order them in ascending or descending order.
-To call this endpoint, set `PAYOUTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function listPayouts(
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?string $status = null,
- ?string $beginTime = null,
- ?string $endTime = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The ID of the location for which to list the payouts.
By default, payouts are returned for the default (main) location associated with the seller. |
-| `status` | [`?string(PayoutStatus)`](../../doc/models/payout-status.md) | Query, Optional | If provided, only payouts with the given status are returned. |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The timestamp for the beginning of the payout creation time, in RFC 3339 format.
Inclusive. Default: The current time minus one year. |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The timestamp for the end of the payout creation time, in RFC 3339 format.
Default: The current time. |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | The order in which payouts are listed. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
If request parameters change between requests, subsequent results may contain duplicates or missing records. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value. If the provided value is
greater than 100, it is ignored and the default value is used instead.
Default: `100` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListPayoutsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-payouts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $payoutsApi->listPayouts();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listPayoutsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Payout
-Retrieves details of a specific payout identified by a payout ID.
-To call this endpoint, set `PAYOUTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function getPayout(string $payoutId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payoutId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the payout to retrieve the information for. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetPayoutResponse`](../../doc/models/get-payout-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$payoutId = 'payout_id6';
-$apiResponse = $payoutsApi->getPayout($payoutId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getPayoutResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Payout Entries
-Retrieves a list of all payout entries for a specific payout.
-To call this endpoint, set `PAYOUTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
-function listPayoutEntries(
- string $payoutId,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payoutId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the payout to retrieve the information for. |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | The order in which payout entries are listed. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
If request parameters change between requests, subsequent results may contain duplicates or missing records. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value. If the provided value is
greater than 100, it is ignored and the default value is used instead.
Default: `100` |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListPayoutEntriesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-payout-entries-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$payoutId = 'payout_id6';
-$apiResponse = $payoutsApi->listPayoutEntries($payoutId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listPayoutEntriesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/refunds.md b/doc/apis/refunds.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a85341b..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/refunds.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# Refunds
-$refundsApi = $client->getRefundsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Payment Refunds](../../doc/apis/refunds.md#list-payment-refunds)
-* [Refund Payment](../../doc/apis/refunds.md#refund-payment)
-* [Get Payment Refund](../../doc/apis/refunds.md#get-payment-refund)
-# List Payment Refunds
-Retrieves a list of refunds for the account making the request.
-Results are eventually consistent, and new refunds or changes to refunds might take several
-seconds to appear.
-The maximum results per page is 100.
-function listPaymentRefunds(
- ?string $beginTime = null,
- ?string $endTime = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?string $status = null,
- ?string $sourceType = null,
- ?int $limit = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the start of the time range to retrieve each `PaymentRefund` for, in RFC 3339
format. The range is determined using the `created_at` field for each `PaymentRefund`.
Default: The current time minus one year. |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Indicates the end of the time range to retrieve each `PaymentRefund` for, in RFC 3339
format. The range is determined using the `created_at` field for each `PaymentRefund`.
Default: The current time. |
-| `sortOrder` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The order in which results are listed by `PaymentRefund.created_at`:
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Query, Optional | Limit results to the location supplied. By default, results are returned
for all locations associated with the seller. |
-| `status` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If provided, only refunds with the given status are returned.
For a list of refund status values, see [PaymentRefund](entity:PaymentRefund).
Default: If omitted, refunds are returned regardless of their status. |
-| `sourceType` | `?string` | Query, Optional | If provided, only returns refunds whose payments have the indicated source type.
Current values include `CARD`, `BANK_ACCOUNT`, `WALLET`, `CASH`, and `EXTERNAL`.
For information about these payment source types, see
[Take Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments).
Default: If omitted, refunds are returned regardless of the source type. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
If the supplied value is greater than 100, no more than 100 results are returned.
Default: 100 |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListPaymentRefundsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-payment-refunds-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $refundsApi->listPaymentRefunds();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listPaymentRefundsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Refund Payment
-Refunds a payment. You can refund the entire payment amount or a
-portion of it. You can use this endpoint to refund a card payment or record a
-refund of a cash or external payment. For more information, see
-[Refund Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/refund-payments).
-function refundPayment(RefundPaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`RefundPaymentRequest`](../../doc/models/refund-payment-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RefundPaymentResponse`](../../doc/models/refund-payment-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = RefundPaymentRequestBuilder::init(
- '9b7f2dcf-49da-4411-b23e-a2d6af21333a',
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(1000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- ->appFeeMoney(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(10)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->paymentId('R2B3Z8WMVt3EAmzYWLZvz7Y69EbZY')
- ->reason('Example')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $refundsApi->refundPayment($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $refundPaymentResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Payment Refund
-Retrieves a specific refund using the `refund_id`.
-function getPaymentRefund(string $refundId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `refundId` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique ID for the desired `PaymentRefund`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetPaymentRefundResponse`](../../doc/models/get-payment-refund-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$refundId = 'refund_id4';
-$apiResponse = $refundsApi->getPaymentRefund($refundId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getPaymentRefundResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/sites.md b/doc/apis/sites.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b5ae9d9f..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/sites.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Sites
-$sitesApi = $client->getSitesApi();
-## Class Name
-# List Sites
-Lists the Square Online sites that belong to a seller. Sites are listed in descending order by the `created_at` date.
-__Note:__ Square Online APIs are publicly available as part of an early access program. For more information, see [Early access program for Square Online APIs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/online-api#early-access-program-for-square-online-apis).
-function listSites(): ApiResponse
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListSitesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-sites-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $sitesApi->listSites();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listSitesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/snippets.md b/doc/apis/snippets.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b8e039..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/snippets.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Snippets
-$snippetsApi = $client->getSnippetsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Delete Snippet](../../doc/apis/snippets.md#delete-snippet)
-* [Retrieve Snippet](../../doc/apis/snippets.md#retrieve-snippet)
-* [Upsert Snippet](../../doc/apis/snippets.md#upsert-snippet)
-# Delete Snippet
-Removes your snippet from a Square Online site.
-You can call [ListSites](../../doc/apis/sites.md#list-sites) to get the IDs of the sites that belong to a seller.
-__Note:__ Square Online APIs are publicly available as part of an early access program. For more information, see [Early access program for Square Online APIs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/online-api#early-access-program-for-square-online-apis).
-function deleteSnippet(string $siteId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `siteId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the site that contains the snippet. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteSnippetResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-snippet-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$siteId = 'site_id6';
-$apiResponse = $snippetsApi->deleteSnippet($siteId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteSnippetResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Snippet
-Retrieves your snippet from a Square Online site. A site can contain snippets from multiple snippet applications, but you can retrieve only the snippet that was added by your application.
-You can call [ListSites](../../doc/apis/sites.md#list-sites) to get the IDs of the sites that belong to a seller.
-__Note:__ Square Online APIs are publicly available as part of an early access program. For more information, see [Early access program for Square Online APIs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/online-api#early-access-program-for-square-online-apis).
-function retrieveSnippet(string $siteId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `siteId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the site that contains the snippet. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveSnippetResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-snippet-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$siteId = 'site_id6';
-$apiResponse = $snippetsApi->retrieveSnippet($siteId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveSnippetResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Upsert Snippet
-Adds a snippet to a Square Online site or updates the existing snippet on the site.
-The snippet code is appended to the end of the `head` element on every page of the site, except checkout pages. A snippet application can add one snippet to a given site.
-You can call [ListSites](../../doc/apis/sites.md#list-sites) to get the IDs of the sites that belong to a seller.
-__Note:__ Square Online APIs are publicly available as part of an early access program. For more information, see [Early access program for Square Online APIs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/online-api#early-access-program-for-square-online-apis).
-function upsertSnippet(string $siteId, UpsertSnippetRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `siteId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the site where you want to add or update the snippet. |
-| `body` | [`UpsertSnippetRequest`](../../doc/models/upsert-snippet-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpsertSnippetResponse`](../../doc/models/upsert-snippet-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$siteId = 'site_id6';
-$body = UpsertSnippetRequestBuilder::init(
- SnippetBuilder::init(
- ''
- )->build()
-$apiResponse = $snippetsApi->upsertSnippet(
- $siteId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $upsertSnippetResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/subscriptions.md b/doc/apis/subscriptions.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cbfaa5c..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/subscriptions.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-# Subscriptions
-$subscriptionsApi = $client->getSubscriptionsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Create Subscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#create-subscription)
-* [Bulk Swap Plan](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#bulk-swap-plan)
-* [Search Subscriptions](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#search-subscriptions)
-* [Retrieve Subscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#retrieve-subscription)
-* [Update Subscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#update-subscription)
-* [Delete Subscription Action](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#delete-subscription-action)
-* [Change Billing Anchor Date](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#change-billing-anchor-date)
-* [Cancel Subscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#cancel-subscription)
-* [List Subscription Events](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#list-subscription-events)
-* [Pause Subscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#pause-subscription)
-* [Resume Subscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#resume-subscription)
-* [Swap Plan](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#swap-plan)
-# Create Subscription
-Enrolls a customer in a subscription.
-If you provide a card on file in the request, Square charges the card for
-the subscription. Otherwise, Square sends an invoice to the customer's email
-address. The subscription starts immediately, unless the request includes
-the optional `start_date`. Each individual subscription is associated with a particular location.
-For more information, see [Create a subscription](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions#create-a-subscription).
-function createSubscription(CreateSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateSubscriptionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-subscription-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateSubscriptionRequestBuilder::init(
- 'S8GWD5R9QB376',
- ->idempotencyKey('8193148c-9586-11e6-99f9-28cfe92138cf')
- ->planVariationId('6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H')
- ->startDate('2023-06-20')
- ->cardId('ccof:qy5x8hHGYsgLrp4Q4GB')
- ->timezone('America/Los_Angeles')
- ->source(
- SubscriptionSourceBuilder::init()
- ->name('My Application')
- ->build()
- )
- ->phases(
- [
- PhaseBuilder::init()
- ->ordinal(0)
- ->orderTemplateId('U2NaowWxzXwpsZU697x7ZHOAnCNZY')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->createSubscription($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Swap Plan
-Schedules a plan variation change for all active subscriptions under a given plan
-variation. For more information, see [Swap Subscription Plan Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/swap-plan-variations).
-function bulkSwapPlan(BulkSwapPlanRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkSwapPlanRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-swap-plan-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkSwapPlanResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-swap-plan-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkSwapPlanRequestBuilder::init(
- 'S8GWD5R9QB376'
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->bulkSwapPlan($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkSwapPlanResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Subscriptions
-Searches for subscriptions.
-Results are ordered chronologically by subscription creation date. If
-the request specifies more than one location ID,
-the endpoint orders the result
-by location ID, and then by creation date within each location. If no locations are given
-in the query, all locations are searched.
-You can also optionally specify `customer_ids` to search by customer.
-If left unset, all customers
-associated with the specified locations are returned.
-If the request specifies customer IDs, the endpoint orders results
-first by location, within location by customer ID, and within
-customer by subscription creation date.
-function searchSubscriptions(SearchSubscriptionsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchSubscriptionsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-subscriptions-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchSubscriptionsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-subscriptions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchSubscriptionsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- SearchSubscriptionsQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- SearchSubscriptionsFilterBuilder::init()
- ->customerIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->locationIds(
- [
- 'S8GWD5R9QB376'
- ]
- )
- ->sourceNames(
- [
- 'My App'
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->searchSubscriptions($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchSubscriptionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Subscription
-Retrieves a specific subscription.
-function retrieveSubscription(string $subscriptionId, ?string $mInclude = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to retrieve. |
-| `mInclude` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A query parameter to specify related information to be included in the response.
The supported query parameter values are:
- `actions`: to include scheduled actions on the targeted subscription. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->retrieveSubscription($subscriptionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Subscription
-Updates a subscription by modifying or clearing `subscription` field values.
-To clear a field, set its value to `null`.
-function updateSubscription(string $subscriptionId, UpdateSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateSubscriptionRequest`](../../doc/models/update-subscription-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/update-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = UpdateSubscriptionRequestBuilder::init()
- ->subscription(
- SubscriptionBuilder::init()
- ->canceledDate('canceled_date6')
- ->cardId('{NEW CARD ID}')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->updateSubscription(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Subscription Action
-Deletes a scheduled action for a subscription.
-function deleteSubscriptionAction(string $subscriptionId, string $actionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription the targeted action is to act upon. |
-| `actionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the targeted action to be deleted. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteSubscriptionActionResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-subscription-action-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$actionId = 'action_id6';
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->deleteSubscriptionAction(
- $subscriptionId,
- $actionId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteSubscriptionActionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Change Billing Anchor Date
-Changes the [billing anchor date](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/subscription-billing#billing-dates)
-for a subscription.
-function changeBillingAnchorDate(string $subscriptionId, ChangeBillingAnchorDateRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to update the billing anchor date. |
-| `body` | [`ChangeBillingAnchorDateRequest`](../../doc/models/change-billing-anchor-date-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ChangeBillingAnchorDateResponse`](../../doc/models/change-billing-anchor-date-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = ChangeBillingAnchorDateRequestBuilder::init()
- ->monthlyBillingAnchorDate(1)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->changeBillingAnchorDate(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $changeBillingAnchorDateResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Subscription
-Schedules a `CANCEL` action to cancel an active subscription. This
-sets the `canceled_date` field to the end of the active billing period. After this date,
-the subscription status changes from ACTIVE to CANCELED.
-function cancelSubscription(string $subscriptionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to cancel. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->cancelSubscription($subscriptionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Subscription Events
-Lists all [events](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/actions-events) for a specific subscription.
-function listSubscriptionEvents(string $subscriptionId, ?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to retrieve the events for. |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | When the total number of resulting subscription events exceeds the limit of a paged response,
specify the cursor returned from a preceding response here to fetch the next set of results.
If the cursor is unset, the response contains the last page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The upper limit on the number of subscription events to return
in a paged response. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListSubscriptionEventsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-subscription-events-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->listSubscriptionEvents($subscriptionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listSubscriptionEventsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Pause Subscription
-Schedules a `PAUSE` action to pause an active subscription.
-function pauseSubscription(string $subscriptionId, PauseSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to pause. |
-| `body` | [`PauseSubscriptionRequest`](../../doc/models/pause-subscription-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`PauseSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/pause-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = PauseSubscriptionRequestBuilder::init()->build();
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->pauseSubscription(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $pauseSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Resume Subscription
-Schedules a `RESUME` action to resume a paused or a deactivated subscription.
-function resumeSubscription(string $subscriptionId, ResumeSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to resume. |
-| `body` | [`ResumeSubscriptionRequest`](../../doc/models/resume-subscription-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ResumeSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/resume-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = ResumeSubscriptionRequestBuilder::init()->build();
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->resumeSubscription(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $resumeSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Swap Plan
-Schedules a `SWAP_PLAN` action to swap a subscription plan variation in an existing subscription.
-For more information, see [Swap Subscription Plan Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/swap-plan-variations).
-function swapPlan(string $subscriptionId, SwapPlanRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the subscription to swap the subscription plan for. |
-| `body` | [`SwapPlanRequest`](../../doc/models/swap-plan-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SwapPlanResponse`](../../doc/models/swap-plan-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = SwapPlanRequestBuilder::init()
- ->newPlanVariationId('FQ7CDXXWSLUJRPM3GFJSJGZ7')
- ->phases(
- [
- PhaseInputBuilder::init(
- 0
- )
- ->orderTemplateId('uhhnjH9osVv3shUADwaC0b3hNxQZY')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $subscriptionsApi->swapPlan(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $swapPlanResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/team.md b/doc/apis/team.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 396765db..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/team.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-# Team
-$teamApi = $client->getTeamApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Create Team Member](../../doc/apis/team.md#create-team-member)
-* [Bulk Create Team Members](../../doc/apis/team.md#bulk-create-team-members)
-* [Bulk Update Team Members](../../doc/apis/team.md#bulk-update-team-members)
-* [List Jobs](../../doc/apis/team.md#list-jobs)
-* [Create Job](../../doc/apis/team.md#create-job)
-* [Retrieve Job](../../doc/apis/team.md#retrieve-job)
-* [Update Job](../../doc/apis/team.md#update-job)
-* [Search Team Members](../../doc/apis/team.md#search-team-members)
-* [Retrieve Team Member](../../doc/apis/team.md#retrieve-team-member)
-* [Update Team Member](../../doc/apis/team.md#update-team-member)
-* [Retrieve Wage Setting](../../doc/apis/team.md#retrieve-wage-setting)
-* [Update Wage Setting](../../doc/apis/team.md#update-wage-setting)
-# Create Team Member
-Creates a single `TeamMember` object. The `TeamMember` object is returned on successful creates.
-You must provide the following values in your request to this endpoint:
-- `given_name`
-- `family_name`
-Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#createteammember).
-function createTeamMember(CreateTeamMemberRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateTeamMemberRequest`](../../doc/models/create-team-member-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateTeamMemberResponse`](../../doc/models/create-team-member-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateTeamMemberRequestBuilder::init()
- ->idempotencyKey('idempotency-key-0')
- ->teamMember(
- TeamMemberBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('reference_id_1')
- ->status(TeamMemberStatus::ACTIVE)
- ->givenName('Joe')
- ->familyName('Doe')
- ->emailAddress('joe_doe@gmail.com')
- ->phoneNumber('+14159283333')
- ->assignedLocations(
- TeamMemberAssignedLocationsBuilder::init()
- ->assignmentType(TeamMemberAssignedLocationsAssignmentType::EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS)
- ->locationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->wageSetting(
- WageSettingBuilder::init()
- ->jobAssignments(
- [
- JobAssignmentBuilder::init(
- JobAssignmentPayType::SALARY
- )
- ->annualRate(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(3000000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->weeklyHours(40)
- ->jobId('FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P')
- ->build(),
- JobAssignmentBuilder::init(
- JobAssignmentPayType::HOURLY
- )
- ->hourlyRate(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(2000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->jobId('VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF')
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->isOvertimeExempt(true)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->createTeamMember($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createTeamMemberResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Create Team Members
-Creates multiple `TeamMember` objects. The created `TeamMember` objects are returned on successful creates.
-This process is non-transactional and processes as much of the request as possible. If one of the creates in
-the request cannot be successfully processed, the request is not marked as failed, but the body of the response
-contains explicit error information for the failed create.
-Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#bulk-create-team-members).
-function bulkCreateTeamMembers(BulkCreateTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkCreateTeamMembersRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-create-team-members-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkCreateTeamMembersResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-create-team-members-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkCreateTeamMembersRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'idempotency-key-1' => CreateTeamMemberRequestBuilder::init()
- ->teamMember(
- TeamMemberBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('reference_id_1')
- ->givenName('Joe')
- ->familyName('Doe')
- ->emailAddress('joe_doe@gmail.com')
- ->phoneNumber('+14159283333')
- ->assignedLocations(
- TeamMemberAssignedLocationsBuilder::init()
- ->assignmentType(TeamMemberAssignedLocationsAssignmentType::EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS)
- ->locationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- 'idempotency-key-2' => CreateTeamMemberRequestBuilder::init()
- ->teamMember(
- TeamMemberBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('reference_id_2')
- ->givenName('Jane')
- ->familyName('Smith')
- ->emailAddress('jane_smith@gmail.com')
- ->phoneNumber('+14159223334')
- ->assignedLocations(
- TeamMemberAssignedLocationsBuilder::init()
- ->assignmentType(TeamMemberAssignedLocationsAssignmentType::ALL_CURRENT_AND_FUTURE_LOCATIONS)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->bulkCreateTeamMembers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkCreateTeamMembersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Update Team Members
-Updates multiple `TeamMember` objects. The updated `TeamMember` objects are returned on successful updates.
-This process is non-transactional and processes as much of the request as possible. If one of the updates in
-the request cannot be successfully processed, the request is not marked as failed, but the body of the response
-contains explicit error information for the failed update.
-Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#bulk-update-team-members).
-function bulkUpdateTeamMembers(BulkUpdateTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpdateTeamMembersRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-update-team-members-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpdateTeamMembersResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-update-team-members-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpdateTeamMembersRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'AFMwA08kR-MIF-3Vs0OE' => UpdateTeamMemberRequestBuilder::init()
- ->teamMember(
- TeamMemberBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('reference_id_2')
- ->status(TeamMemberStatus::ACTIVE)
- ->givenName('Jane')
- ->familyName('Smith')
- ->emailAddress('jane_smith@gmail.com')
- ->phoneNumber('+14159223334')
- ->assignedLocations(
- TeamMemberAssignedLocationsBuilder::init()
- ->assignmentType(TeamMemberAssignedLocationsAssignmentType::ALL_CURRENT_AND_FUTURE_LOCATIONS)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build(),
- 'fpgteZNMaf0qOK-a4t6P' => UpdateTeamMemberRequestBuilder::init()
- ->teamMember(
- TeamMemberBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('reference_id_1')
- ->status(TeamMemberStatus::ACTIVE)
- ->givenName('Joe')
- ->familyName('Doe')
- ->emailAddress('joe_doe@gmail.com')
- ->phoneNumber('+14159283333')
- ->assignedLocations(
- TeamMemberAssignedLocationsBuilder::init()
- ->assignmentType(TeamMemberAssignedLocationsAssignmentType::EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS)
- ->locationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->bulkUpdateTeamMembers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpdateTeamMembersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Jobs
-Lists jobs in a seller account. Results are sorted by title in ascending order.
-function listJobs(?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The pagination cursor returned by the previous call to this endpoint. Provide this
cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more information,
see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListJobsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-jobs-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->listJobs();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listJobsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Job
-Creates a job in a seller account. A job defines a title and tip eligibility. Note that
-compensation is defined in a [job assignment](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md) in a team member's wage setting.
-function createJob(CreateJobRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateJobRequest`](../../doc/models/create-job-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateJobResponse`](../../doc/models/create-job-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateJobRequestBuilder::init(
- JobBuilder::init()
- ->title('Cashier')
- ->isTipEligible(true)
- ->build(),
- 'idempotency-key-0'
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->createJob($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createJobResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Job
-Retrieves a specified job.
-function retrieveJob(string $jobId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `jobId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the job to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveJobResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-job-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$jobId = 'job_id2';
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->retrieveJob($jobId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveJobResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Job
-Updates the title or tip eligibility of a job. Changes to the title propagate to all
-`JobAssignment`, `Shift`, and `TeamMemberWage` objects that reference the job ID. Changes to
-tip eligibility propagate to all `TeamMemberWage` objects that reference the job ID.
-function updateJob(string $jobId, UpdateJobRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `jobId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the job to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateJobRequest`](../../doc/models/update-job-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateJobResponse`](../../doc/models/update-job-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$jobId = 'job_id2';
-$body = UpdateJobRequestBuilder::init(
- JobBuilder::init()
- ->title('Cashier 1')
- ->isTipEligible(true)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->updateJob(
- $jobId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateJobResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Team Members
-Returns a paginated list of `TeamMember` objects for a business.
-The list can be filtered by location IDs, `ACTIVE` or `INACTIVE` status, or whether
-the team member is the Square account owner.
-function searchTeamMembers(SearchTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchTeamMembersRequest`](../../doc/models/search-team-members-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchTeamMembersResponse`](../../doc/models/search-team-members-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchTeamMembersRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- SearchTeamMembersQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- SearchTeamMembersFilterBuilder::init()
- ->locationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->status(TeamMemberStatus::ACTIVE)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->limit(10)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->searchTeamMembers($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchTeamMembersResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Team Member
-Retrieves a `TeamMember` object for the given `TeamMember.id`.
-Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#retrieve-a-team-member).
-function retrieveTeamMember(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the team member to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveTeamMemberResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-team-member-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$teamMemberId = 'team_member_id0';
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->retrieveTeamMember($teamMemberId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveTeamMemberResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Team Member
-Updates a single `TeamMember` object. The `TeamMember` object is returned on successful updates.
-Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#update-a-team-member).
-function updateTeamMember(string $teamMemberId, UpdateTeamMemberRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the team member to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateTeamMemberRequest`](../../doc/models/update-team-member-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateTeamMemberResponse`](../../doc/models/update-team-member-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$teamMemberId = 'team_member_id0';
-$body = UpdateTeamMemberRequestBuilder::init()
- ->teamMember(
- TeamMemberBuilder::init()
- ->referenceId('reference_id_1')
- ->status(TeamMemberStatus::ACTIVE)
- ->givenName('Joe')
- ->familyName('Doe')
- ->emailAddress('joe_doe@gmail.com')
- ->phoneNumber('+14159283333')
- ->assignedLocations(
- TeamMemberAssignedLocationsBuilder::init()
- ->assignmentType(TeamMemberAssignedLocationsAssignmentType::EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS)
- ->locationIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->updateTeamMember(
- $teamMemberId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateTeamMemberResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Wage Setting
-Retrieves a `WageSetting` object for a team member specified
-by `TeamMember.id`. For more information, see
-[Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#retrievewagesetting).
-Square recommends using [RetrieveTeamMember](../../doc/apis/team.md#retrieve-team-member) or [SearchTeamMembers](../../doc/apis/team.md#search-team-members)
-to get this information directly from the `TeamMember.wage_setting` field.
-function retrieveWageSetting(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the team member for which to retrieve the wage setting. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveWageSettingResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-wage-setting-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$teamMemberId = 'team_member_id0';
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->retrieveWageSetting($teamMemberId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveWageSettingResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Wage Setting
-Creates or updates a `WageSetting` object. The object is created if a
-`WageSetting` with the specified `team_member_id` doesn't exist. Otherwise,
-it fully replaces the `WageSetting` object for the team member.
-The `WageSetting` is returned on a successful update. For more information, see
-[Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#create-or-update-a-wage-setting).
-Square recommends using [CreateTeamMember](../../doc/apis/team.md#create-team-member) or [UpdateTeamMember](../../doc/apis/team.md#update-team-member)
-to manage the `TeamMember.wage_setting` field directly.
-function updateWageSetting(string $teamMemberId, UpdateWageSettingRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the team member for which to update the `WageSetting` object. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateWageSettingRequest`](../../doc/models/update-wage-setting-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateWageSettingResponse`](../../doc/models/update-wage-setting-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$teamMemberId = 'team_member_id0';
-$body = UpdateWageSettingRequestBuilder::init(
- WageSettingBuilder::init()
- ->jobAssignments(
- [
- JobAssignmentBuilder::init(
- JobAssignmentPayType::SALARY
- )
- ->jobTitle('Manager')
- ->annualRate(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(3000000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->weeklyHours(40)
- ->build(),
- JobAssignmentBuilder::init(
- JobAssignmentPayType::HOURLY
- )
- ->jobTitle('Cashier')
- ->hourlyRate(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(2000)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- ]
- )
- ->isOvertimeExempt(true)
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $teamApi->updateWageSetting(
- $teamMemberId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateWageSettingResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/terminal.md b/doc/apis/terminal.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa5a4b9..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/terminal.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-# Terminal
-$terminalApi = $client->getTerminalApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Create Terminal Action](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#create-terminal-action)
-* [Search Terminal Actions](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#search-terminal-actions)
-* [Get Terminal Action](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#get-terminal-action)
-* [Cancel Terminal Action](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#cancel-terminal-action)
-* [Dismiss Terminal Action](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#dismiss-terminal-action)
-* [Create Terminal Checkout](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#create-terminal-checkout)
-* [Search Terminal Checkouts](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#search-terminal-checkouts)
-* [Get Terminal Checkout](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#get-terminal-checkout)
-* [Cancel Terminal Checkout](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#cancel-terminal-checkout)
-* [Dismiss Terminal Checkout](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#dismiss-terminal-checkout)
-* [Create Terminal Refund](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#create-terminal-refund)
-* [Search Terminal Refunds](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#search-terminal-refunds)
-* [Get Terminal Refund](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#get-terminal-refund)
-* [Cancel Terminal Refund](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#cancel-terminal-refund)
-* [Dismiss Terminal Refund](../../doc/apis/terminal.md#dismiss-terminal-refund)
-# Create Terminal Action
-Creates a Terminal action request and sends it to the specified device.
-function createTerminalAction(CreateTerminalActionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateTerminalActionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-terminal-action-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateTerminalActionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-terminal-action-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateTerminalActionRequestBuilder::init(
- 'thahn-70e75c10-47f7-4ab6-88cc-aaa4076d065e',
- TerminalActionBuilder::init()
- ->deviceId('{{DEVICE_ID}}')
- ->deadlineDuration('PT5M')
- ->type(TerminalActionActionType::SAVE_CARD)
- ->saveCardOptions(
- SaveCardOptionsBuilder::init(
- )
- ->referenceId('user-id-1')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->createTerminalAction($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createTerminalActionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Terminal Actions
-Retrieves a filtered list of Terminal action requests created by the account making the request. Terminal action requests are available for 30 days.
-function searchTerminalActions(SearchTerminalActionsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchTerminalActionsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-terminal-actions-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchTerminalActionsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-terminal-actions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchTerminalActionsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- TerminalActionQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- TerminalActionQueryFilterBuilder::init()
- ->createdAt(
- TimeRangeBuilder::init()
- ->startAt('2022-04-01T00:00:00.000Z')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->sort(
- TerminalActionQuerySortBuilder::init()
- ->sortOrder(SortOrder::DESC)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->limit(2)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->searchTerminalActions($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchTerminalActionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Terminal Action
-Retrieves a Terminal action request by `action_id`. Terminal action requests are available for 30 days.
-function getTerminalAction(string $actionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `actionId` | `string` | Template, Required | Unique ID for the desired `TerminalAction`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetTerminalActionResponse`](../../doc/models/get-terminal-action-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$actionId = 'action_id6';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->getTerminalAction($actionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getTerminalActionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Terminal Action
-Cancels a Terminal action request if the status of the request permits it.
-function cancelTerminalAction(string $actionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `actionId` | `string` | Template, Required | Unique ID for the desired `TerminalAction`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelTerminalActionResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-terminal-action-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$actionId = 'action_id6';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->cancelTerminalAction($actionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelTerminalActionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Dismiss Terminal Action
-Dismisses a Terminal action request if the status and type of the request permits it.
-See [Link and Dismiss Actions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/terminal-api/advanced-features/custom-workflows/link-and-dismiss-actions) for more details.
-function dismissTerminalAction(string $actionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `actionId` | `string` | Template, Required | Unique ID for the `TerminalAction` associated with the action to be dismissed. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DismissTerminalActionResponse`](../../doc/models/dismiss-terminal-action-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$actionId = 'action_id6';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->dismissTerminalAction($actionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $dismissTerminalActionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Terminal Checkout
-Creates a Terminal checkout request and sends it to the specified device to take a payment
-for the requested amount.
-function createTerminalCheckout(CreateTerminalCheckoutRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateTerminalCheckoutRequest`](../../doc/models/create-terminal-checkout-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateTerminalCheckoutResponse`](../../doc/models/create-terminal-checkout-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateTerminalCheckoutRequestBuilder::init(
- '28a0c3bc-7839-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003',
- TerminalCheckoutBuilder::init(
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(2610)
- ->currency(Currency::USD)
- ->build(),
- DeviceCheckoutOptionsBuilder::init(
- 'dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003'
- )->build()
- )
- ->referenceId('id11572')
- ->note('A brief note')
- ->build()
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->createTerminalCheckout($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createTerminalCheckoutResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Terminal Checkouts
-Returns a filtered list of Terminal checkout requests created by the application making the request. Only Terminal checkout requests created for the merchant scoped to the OAuth token are returned. Terminal checkout requests are available for 30 days.
-function searchTerminalCheckouts(SearchTerminalCheckoutsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchTerminalCheckoutsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-terminal-checkouts-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchTerminalCheckoutsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-terminal-checkouts-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchTerminalCheckoutsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- TerminalCheckoutQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- TerminalCheckoutQueryFilterBuilder::init()
- ->status('COMPLETED')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->limit(2)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->searchTerminalCheckouts($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchTerminalCheckoutsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Terminal Checkout
-Retrieves a Terminal checkout request by `checkout_id`. Terminal checkout requests are available for 30 days.
-function getTerminalCheckout(string $checkoutId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `checkoutId` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique ID for the desired `TerminalCheckout`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetTerminalCheckoutResponse`](../../doc/models/get-terminal-checkout-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$checkoutId = 'checkout_id8';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->getTerminalCheckout($checkoutId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getTerminalCheckoutResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Terminal Checkout
-Cancels a Terminal checkout request if the status of the request permits it.
-function cancelTerminalCheckout(string $checkoutId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `checkoutId` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique ID for the desired `TerminalCheckout`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelTerminalCheckoutResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-terminal-checkout-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$checkoutId = 'checkout_id8';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->cancelTerminalCheckout($checkoutId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelTerminalCheckoutResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Dismiss Terminal Checkout
-Dismisses a Terminal checkout request if the status and type of the request permits it.
-function dismissTerminalCheckout(string $checkoutId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `checkoutId` | `string` | Template, Required | Unique ID for the `TerminalCheckout` associated with the checkout to be dismissed. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DismissTerminalCheckoutResponse`](../../doc/models/dismiss-terminal-checkout-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$checkoutId = 'checkout_id8';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->dismissTerminalCheckout($checkoutId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $dismissTerminalCheckoutResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Terminal Refund
-Creates a request to refund an Interac payment completed on a Square Terminal. Refunds for Interac payments on a Square Terminal are supported only for Interac debit cards in Canada. Other refunds for Terminal payments should use the Refunds API. For more information, see [Refunds API](../../doc/apis/refunds.md).
-function createTerminalRefund(CreateTerminalRefundRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateTerminalRefundRequest`](../../doc/models/create-terminal-refund-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateTerminalRefundResponse`](../../doc/models/create-terminal-refund-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateTerminalRefundRequestBuilder::init(
- '402a640b-b26f-401f-b406-46f839590c04'
- ->refund(
- TerminalRefundBuilder::init(
- '5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY',
- MoneyBuilder::init()
- ->amount(111)
- ->currency(Currency::CAD)
- ->build(),
- 'Returning items',
- 'f72dfb8e-4d65-4e56-aade-ec3fb8d33291'
- )->build()
- )->build();
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->createTerminalRefund($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createTerminalRefundResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Terminal Refunds
-Retrieves a filtered list of Interac Terminal refund requests created by the seller making the request. Terminal refund requests are available for 30 days.
-function searchTerminalRefunds(SearchTerminalRefundsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchTerminalRefundsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-terminal-refunds-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchTerminalRefundsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-terminal-refunds-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchTerminalRefundsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->query(
- TerminalRefundQueryBuilder::init()
- ->filter(
- TerminalRefundQueryFilterBuilder::init()
- ->status('COMPLETED')
- ->build()
- )
- ->build()
- )
- ->limit(1)
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->searchTerminalRefunds($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchTerminalRefundsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Get Terminal Refund
-Retrieves an Interac Terminal refund object by ID. Terminal refund objects are available for 30 days.
-function getTerminalRefund(string $terminalRefundId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `terminalRefundId` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique ID for the desired `TerminalRefund`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`GetTerminalRefundResponse`](../../doc/models/get-terminal-refund-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$terminalRefundId = 'terminal_refund_id0';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->getTerminalRefund($terminalRefundId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $getTerminalRefundResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Cancel Terminal Refund
-Cancels an Interac Terminal refund request by refund request ID if the status of the request permits it.
-function cancelTerminalRefund(string $terminalRefundId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `terminalRefundId` | `string` | Template, Required | The unique ID for the desired `TerminalRefund`. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CancelTerminalRefundResponse`](../../doc/models/cancel-terminal-refund-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$terminalRefundId = 'terminal_refund_id0';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->cancelTerminalRefund($terminalRefundId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $cancelTerminalRefundResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Dismiss Terminal Refund
-Dismisses a Terminal refund request if the status and type of the request permits it.
-function dismissTerminalRefund(string $terminalRefundId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `terminalRefundId` | `string` | Template, Required | Unique ID for the `TerminalRefund` associated with the refund to be dismissed. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DismissTerminalRefundResponse`](../../doc/models/dismiss-terminal-refund-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$terminalRefundId = 'terminal_refund_id0';
-$apiResponse = $terminalApi->dismissTerminalRefund($terminalRefundId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $dismissTerminalRefundResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/transactions.md b/doc/apis/transactions.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 05f616a3..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/transactions.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-# Transactions
-$transactionsApi = $client->getTransactionsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Transactions](../../doc/apis/transactions.md#list-transactions)
-* [Retrieve Transaction](../../doc/apis/transactions.md#retrieve-transaction)
-* [Capture Transaction](../../doc/apis/transactions.md#capture-transaction)
-* [Void Transaction](../../doc/apis/transactions.md#void-transaction)
-# List Transactions
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Lists transactions for a particular location.
-Transactions include payment information from sales and exchanges and refund
-information from returns and exchanges.
-Max results per [page](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination): 50
-function listTransactions(
- string $locationId,
- ?string $beginTime = null,
- ?string $endTime = null,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the location to list transactions for. |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The beginning of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
See [Date ranges](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity.
Default value: The current time minus one year. |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The end of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
See [Date ranges](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity.
Default value: The current time. |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | The order in which results are listed in the response (`ASC` for
oldest first, `DESC` for newest first).
Default value: `DESC` |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListTransactionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-transactions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$apiResponse = $transactionsApi->listTransactions($locationId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listTransactionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Transaction
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Retrieves details for a single transaction.
-function retrieveTransaction(string $locationId, string $transactionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the transaction's associated location. |
-| `transactionId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the transaction to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveTransactionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-transaction-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$transactionId = 'transaction_id8';
-$apiResponse = $transactionsApi->retrieveTransaction(
- $locationId,
- $transactionId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveTransactionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Capture Transaction
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Captures a transaction that was created with the [Charge](api-endpoint:Transactions-Charge)
-endpoint with a `delay_capture` value of `true`.
-See [Delayed capture transactions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments/transactions/overview#delayed-capture)
-for more information.
-function captureTransaction(string $locationId, string $transactionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | - |
-| `transactionId` | `string` | Template, Required | - |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CaptureTransactionResponse`](../../doc/models/capture-transaction-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$transactionId = 'transaction_id8';
-$apiResponse = $transactionsApi->captureTransaction(
- $locationId,
- $transactionId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $captureTransactionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Void Transaction
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Cancels a transaction that was created with the [Charge](api-endpoint:Transactions-Charge)
-endpoint with a `delay_capture` value of `true`.
-See [Delayed capture transactions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments/transactions/overview#delayed-capture)
-for more information.
-function voidTransaction(string $locationId, string $transactionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | - |
-| `transactionId` | `string` | Template, Required | - |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`VoidTransactionResponse`](../../doc/models/void-transaction-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$transactionId = 'transaction_id8';
-$apiResponse = $transactionsApi->voidTransaction(
- $locationId,
- $transactionId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $voidTransactionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/v1-transactions.md b/doc/apis/v1-transactions.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 53182d71..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/v1-transactions.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-# V1 Transactions
-$v1TransactionsApi = $client->getV1TransactionsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [V1 List Orders](../../doc/apis/v1-transactions.md#v1-list-orders)
-* [V1 Retrieve Order](../../doc/apis/v1-transactions.md#v1-retrieve-order)
-* [V1 Update Order](../../doc/apis/v1-transactions.md#v1-update-order)
-# V1 List Orders
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Provides summary information for a merchant's online store orders.
-function v1ListOrders(
- string $locationId,
- ?string $order = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $batchToken = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the location to list online store orders for. |
-| `order` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | The order in which payments are listed in the response. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of payments to return in a single response. This value cannot exceed 200. |
-| `batchToken` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your
original query to the endpoint. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`V1Order[]`](../../doc/models/v1-order.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$apiResponse = $v1TransactionsApi->v1ListOrders($locationId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $v1Order = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# V1 Retrieve Order
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Provides comprehensive information for a single online store order, including the order's history.
-function v1RetrieveOrder(string $locationId, string $orderId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the order's associated location. |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The order's Square-issued ID. You obtain this value from Order objects returned by the List Orders endpoint |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`V1Order`](../../doc/models/v1-order.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$apiResponse = $v1TransactionsApi->v1RetrieveOrder(
- $locationId,
- $orderId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $v1Order = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# V1 Update Order
-**This endpoint is deprecated.**
-Updates the details of an online store order. Every update you perform on an order corresponds to one of three actions:
-function v1UpdateOrder(string $locationId, string $orderId, V1UpdateOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Template, Required | The ID of the order's associated location. |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Template, Required | The order's Square-issued ID. You obtain this value from Order objects returned by the List Orders endpoint |
-| `body` | [`V1UpdateOrderRequest`](../../doc/models/v1-update-order-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`V1Order`](../../doc/models/v1-order.md).
-## Example Usage
-$locationId = 'location_id4';
-$orderId = 'order_id6';
-$body = V1UpdateOrderRequestBuilder::init(
- V1UpdateOrderRequestAction::REFUND
-$apiResponse = $v1TransactionsApi->v1UpdateOrder(
- $locationId,
- $orderId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $v1Order = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/vendors.md b/doc/apis/vendors.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 09e0740e..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/vendors.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-# Vendors
-$vendorsApi = $client->getVendorsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [Bulk Create Vendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-create-vendors)
-* [Bulk Retrieve Vendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-retrieve-vendors)
-* [Bulk Update Vendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-update-vendors)
-* [Create Vendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#create-vendor)
-* [Search Vendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#search-vendors)
-* [Retrieve Vendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#retrieve-vendor)
-* [Update Vendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#update-vendor)
-# Bulk Create Vendors
-Creates one or more [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) objects to represent suppliers to a seller.
-function bulkCreateVendors(BulkCreateVendorsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkCreateVendorsRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-create-vendors-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkCreateVendorsResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-create-vendors-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkCreateVendorsRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => VendorBuilder::init()->build(),
- 'key1' => VendorBuilder::init()->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $vendorsApi->bulkCreateVendors($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkCreateVendorsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Retrieve Vendors
-Retrieves one or more vendors of specified [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) IDs.
-function bulkRetrieveVendors(BulkRetrieveVendorsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkRetrieveVendorsRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-vendors-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkRetrieveVendorsResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-retrieve-vendors-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkRetrieveVendorsRequestBuilder::init()
- ->vendorIds(
- [
- ]
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $vendorsApi->bulkRetrieveVendors($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkRetrieveVendorsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Bulk Update Vendors
-Updates one or more of existing [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) objects as suppliers to a seller.
-function bulkUpdateVendors(BulkUpdateVendorsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`BulkUpdateVendorsRequest`](../../doc/models/bulk-update-vendors-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`BulkUpdateVendorsResponse`](../../doc/models/bulk-update-vendors-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = BulkUpdateVendorsRequestBuilder::init(
- [
- 'key0' => UpdateVendorRequestBuilder::init(
- VendorBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build(),
- 'key1' => UpdateVendorRequestBuilder::init(
- VendorBuilder::init()->build()
- )->build()
- ]
-$apiResponse = $vendorsApi->bulkUpdateVendors($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $bulkUpdateVendorsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Vendor
-Creates a single [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) object to represent a supplier to a seller.
-function createVendor(CreateVendorRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateVendorRequest`](../../doc/models/create-vendor-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateVendorResponse`](../../doc/models/create-vendor-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateVendorRequestBuilder::init(
- 'idempotency_key2'
-$apiResponse = $vendorsApi->createVendor($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createVendorResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Search Vendors
-Searches for vendors using a filter against supported [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) properties and a supported sorter.
-function searchVendors(SearchVendorsRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`SearchVendorsRequest`](../../doc/models/search-vendors-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`SearchVendorsResponse`](../../doc/models/search-vendors-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = SearchVendorsRequestBuilder::init()->build();
-$apiResponse = $vendorsApi->searchVendors($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $searchVendorsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Vendor
-Retrieves the vendor of a specified [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) ID.
-function retrieveVendor(string $vendorId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `vendorId` | `string` | Template, Required | ID of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveVendorResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-vendor-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$vendorId = 'vendor_id8';
-$apiResponse = $vendorsApi->retrieveVendor($vendorId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveVendorResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Vendor
-Updates an existing [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) object as a supplier to a seller.
-function updateVendor(UpdateVendorRequest $body, string $vendorId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`UpdateVendorRequest`](../../doc/models/update-vendor-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-| `vendorId` | `string` | Template, Required | - |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateVendorResponse`](../../doc/models/update-vendor-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = UpdateVendorRequestBuilder::init(
- VendorBuilder::init()
- ->name('Jack\'s Chicken Shack')
- ->version(1)
- ->status(VendorStatus::ACTIVE)
- ->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('8fc6a5b0-9fe8-4b46-b46b-2ef95793abbe')
- ->build();
-$vendorId = 'vendor_id8';
-$apiResponse = $vendorsApi->updateVendor(
- $body,
- $vendorId
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateVendorResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
diff --git a/doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md b/doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 651a9d25..00000000
--- a/doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-# Webhook Subscriptions
-$webhookSubscriptionsApi = $client->getWebhookSubscriptionsApi();
-## Class Name
-## Methods
-* [List Webhook Event Types](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#list-webhook-event-types)
-* [List Webhook Subscriptions](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#list-webhook-subscriptions)
-* [Create Webhook Subscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#create-webhook-subscription)
-* [Delete Webhook Subscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#delete-webhook-subscription)
-* [Retrieve Webhook Subscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#retrieve-webhook-subscription)
-* [Update Webhook Subscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#update-webhook-subscription)
-* [Update Webhook Subscription Signature Key](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#update-webhook-subscription-signature-key)
-* [Test Webhook Subscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#test-webhook-subscription)
-# List Webhook Event Types
-Lists all webhook event types that can be subscribed to.
-function listWebhookEventTypes(?string $apiVersion = null): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `apiVersion` | `?string` | Query, Optional | The API version for which to list event types. Setting this field overrides the default version used by the application. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListWebhookEventTypesResponse`](../../doc/models/list-webhook-event-types-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->listWebhookEventTypes();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listWebhookEventTypesResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# List Webhook Subscriptions
-Lists all webhook subscriptions owned by your application.
-function listWebhookSubscriptions(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $includeDisabled = false,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?int $limit = null
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Query, Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). |
-| `includeDisabled` | `?bool` | Query, Optional | Includes disabled [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription)s.
By default, all enabled [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription)s are returned.
**Default**: `false` |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Query, Optional | Sorts the returned list by when the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) was created with the specified order.
This field defaults to ASC. |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Query, Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value.
Default: 100 |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`ListWebhookSubscriptionsResponse`](../../doc/models/list-webhook-subscriptions-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$includeDisabled = false;
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->listWebhookSubscriptions(
- null,
- $includeDisabled
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listWebhookSubscriptionsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Create Webhook Subscription
-Creates a webhook subscription.
-function createWebhookSubscription(CreateWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `body` | [`CreateWebhookSubscriptionRequest`](../../doc/models/create-webhook-subscription-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`CreateWebhookSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/create-webhook-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$body = CreateWebhookSubscriptionRequestBuilder::init(
- WebhookSubscriptionBuilder::init()
- ->name('Example Webhook Subscription')
- ->eventTypes(
- [
- 'payment.created',
- 'payment.updated'
- ]
- )
- ->notificationUrl('https://example-webhook-url.com')
- ->apiVersion('2021-12-15')
- ->build()
- ->idempotencyKey('63f84c6c-2200-4c99-846c-2670a1311fbf')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->createWebhookSubscription($body);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $createWebhookSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Delete Webhook Subscription
-Deletes a webhook subscription.
-function deleteWebhookSubscription(string $subscriptionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | [REQUIRED] The ID of the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to delete. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`DeleteWebhookSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/delete-webhook-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->deleteWebhookSubscription($subscriptionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $deleteWebhookSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Retrieve Webhook Subscription
-Retrieves a webhook subscription identified by its ID.
-function retrieveWebhookSubscription(string $subscriptionId): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | [REQUIRED] The ID of the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to retrieve. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`RetrieveWebhookSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/retrieve-webhook-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->retrieveWebhookSubscription($subscriptionId);
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $retrieveWebhookSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Webhook Subscription
-Updates a webhook subscription.
-function updateWebhookSubscription(string $subscriptionId, UpdateWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | [REQUIRED] The ID of the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateWebhookSubscriptionRequest`](../../doc/models/update-webhook-subscription-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateWebhookSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/update-webhook-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = UpdateWebhookSubscriptionRequestBuilder::init()
- ->subscription(
- WebhookSubscriptionBuilder::init()
- ->name('Updated Example Webhook Subscription')
- ->enabled(false)
- ->build()
- )
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->updateWebhookSubscription(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateWebhookSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Update Webhook Subscription Signature Key
-Updates a webhook subscription by replacing the existing signature key with a new one.
-function updateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKey(
- string $subscriptionId,
- UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyRequest $body
-): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | [REQUIRED] The ID of the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to update. |
-| `body` | [`UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyRequest`](../../doc/models/update-webhook-subscription-signature-key-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyResponse`](../../doc/models/update-webhook-subscription-signature-key-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyRequestBuilder::init()
- ->idempotencyKey('ed80ae6b-0654-473b-bbab-a39aee89a60d')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->updateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKey(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $updateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-# Test Webhook Subscription
-Tests a webhook subscription by sending a test event to the notification URL.
-function testWebhookSubscription(string $subscriptionId, TestWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
-## Parameters
-| Parameter | Type | Tags | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscriptionId` | `string` | Template, Required | [REQUIRED] The ID of the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to test. |
-| `body` | [`TestWebhookSubscriptionRequest`](../../doc/models/test-webhook-subscription-request.md) | Body, Required | An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
See the corresponding object definition for field details. |
-## Response Type
-This method returns a `Square\Utils\ApiResponse` instance. The `getResult()` method on this instance returns the response data which is of type [`TestWebhookSubscriptionResponse`](../../doc/models/test-webhook-subscription-response.md).
-## Example Usage
-$subscriptionId = 'subscription_id0';
-$body = TestWebhookSubscriptionRequestBuilder::init()
- ->eventType('payment.created')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $webhookSubscriptionsApi->testWebhookSubscription(
- $subscriptionId,
- $body
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $testWebhookSubscriptionResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
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-# OAuth 2 Bearer token
-Documentation for accessing and setting credentials for global.
-## Auth Credentials
-| Name | Type | Description | Setter | Getter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| AccessToken | `string` | The OAuth 2.0 Access Token to use for API requests. | `accessToken` | `getAccessToken()` |
-**Note:** Auth credentials can be set using `BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder::init()` in `bearerAuthCredentials` method in the client builder and accessed through `getBearerAuthCredentials` method in the client instance.
-## Usage Example
-### Client Initialization
-You must provide credentials in the client as shown in the following code snippet.
-$client = SquareClientBuilder::init()
- ->bearerAuthCredentials(
- BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder::init(
- 'AccessToken'
- )
- )
- ->build();
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-# Client Class Documentation
-The following parameters are configurable for the API Client:
-| Parameter | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| `squareVersion` | `string` | Square Connect API versions
*Default*: `'2025-01-23'` |
-| `customUrl` | `string` | Sets the base URL requests are made to. Defaults to `https://connect.squareup.com`
*Default*: `'https://connect.squareup.com'` |
-| `environment` | `string` | The API environment.
**Default: `production`** |
-| `timeout` | `int` | Timeout for API calls in seconds.
*Default*: `60` |
-| `enableRetries` | `bool` | Whether to enable retries and backoff feature.
*Default*: `false` |
-| `numberOfRetries` | `int` | The number of retries to make.
*Default*: `0` |
-| `retryInterval` | `float` | The retry time interval between the endpoint calls.
*Default*: `1` |
-| `backOffFactor` | `float` | Exponential backoff factor to increase interval between retries.
*Default*: `2` |
-| `maximumRetryWaitTime` | `int` | The maximum wait time in seconds for overall retrying requests.
*Default*: `0` |
-| `retryOnTimeout` | `bool` | Whether to retry on request timeout.
*Default*: `true` |
-| `httpStatusCodesToRetry` | `array` | Http status codes to retry against.
*Default*: `408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524` |
-| `httpMethodsToRetry` | `array` | Http methods to retry against.
*Default*: `'GET', 'PUT'` |
-| `additionalHeaders` | `array` | Additional headers to add to each API call
*Default*: `[]` |
-| `userAgentDetail` | `string` | User agent detail, to be appended with user-agent header. |
-| `bearerAuthCredentials` | [`BearerAuthCredentials`](auth/oauth-2-bearer-token.md) | The Credentials Setter for OAuth 2 Bearer token |
-The API client can be initialized as follows:
-$client = SquareClientBuilder::init()
- ->bearerAuthCredentials(
- BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder::init(
- 'AccessToken'
- )
- )
- ->squareVersion('2025-01-23')
- ->environment(Environment::PRODUCTION)
- ->customUrl('https://connect.squareup.com')
- ->build();
-API calls return an `ApiResponse` object that includes the following fields:
-| Field | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `getStatusCode` | Status code of the HTTP response |
-| `getHeaders` | Headers of the HTTP response as a Hash |
-| `getResult` | The deserialized body of the HTTP response as a String |
-## Make Calls with the API Client
- BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder::init(
- 'AccessToken'
- )
- )
- ->squareVersion('2025-01-23')
- ->environment(Environment::PRODUCTION)
- ->customUrl('https://connect.squareup.com')
- ->build();
-$apiResponse = $client->getLocationsApi()->listLocations();
-if ($apiResponse->isSuccess()) {
- $listLocationsResponse = $apiResponse->getResult();
-} else {
- $errors = $apiResponse->getErrors();
-// Getting more response information
-## Square Client
-The gateway for the SDK. This class acts as a factory for the Apis and also holds the configuration of the SDK.
-## API
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| getMobileAuthorizationApi() | Gets MobileAuthorizationApi |
-| getOAuthApi() | Gets OAuthApi |
-| getV1TransactionsApi() | Gets V1TransactionsApi |
-| getApplePayApi() | Gets ApplePayApi |
-| getBankAccountsApi() | Gets BankAccountsApi |
-| getBookingsApi() | Gets BookingsApi |
-| getBookingCustomAttributesApi() | Gets BookingCustomAttributesApi |
-| getCardsApi() | Gets CardsApi |
-| getCashDrawersApi() | Gets CashDrawersApi |
-| getCatalogApi() | Gets CatalogApi |
-| getCustomersApi() | Gets CustomersApi |
-| getCustomerCustomAttributesApi() | Gets CustomerCustomAttributesApi |
-| getCustomerGroupsApi() | Gets CustomerGroupsApi |
-| getCustomerSegmentsApi() | Gets CustomerSegmentsApi |
-| getDevicesApi() | Gets DevicesApi |
-| getDisputesApi() | Gets DisputesApi |
-| getEmployeesApi() | Gets EmployeesApi |
-| getEventsApi() | Gets EventsApi |
-| getGiftCardsApi() | Gets GiftCardsApi |
-| getGiftCardActivitiesApi() | Gets GiftCardActivitiesApi |
-| getInventoryApi() | Gets InventoryApi |
-| getInvoicesApi() | Gets InvoicesApi |
-| getLaborApi() | Gets LaborApi |
-| getLocationsApi() | Gets LocationsApi |
-| getLocationCustomAttributesApi() | Gets LocationCustomAttributesApi |
-| getCheckoutApi() | Gets CheckoutApi |
-| getTransactionsApi() | Gets TransactionsApi |
-| getLoyaltyApi() | Gets LoyaltyApi |
-| getMerchantsApi() | Gets MerchantsApi |
-| getMerchantCustomAttributesApi() | Gets MerchantCustomAttributesApi |
-| getOrdersApi() | Gets OrdersApi |
-| getOrderCustomAttributesApi() | Gets OrderCustomAttributesApi |
-| getPaymentsApi() | Gets PaymentsApi |
-| getPayoutsApi() | Gets PayoutsApi |
-| getRefundsApi() | Gets RefundsApi |
-| getSitesApi() | Gets SitesApi |
-| getSnippetsApi() | Gets SnippetsApi |
-| getSubscriptionsApi() | Gets SubscriptionsApi |
-| getTeamApi() | Gets TeamApi |
-| getTerminalApi() | Gets TerminalApi |
-| getVendorsApi() | Gets VendorsApi |
-| getWebhookSubscriptionsApi() | Gets WebhookSubscriptionsApi |
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-# HttpRequest
-Represents a single Http Request.
-## Methods
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| getHttpMethod() | string | The HTTP method of the request. |
-| getQueryUrl() | string | The endpoint URL for the API request. |
-| getHeaders() | array | Request headers. |
-| getParameters() | array | Input parameters for the body. |
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-# HttpResponse
-Http response received.
-## Methods
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| getStatusCode() | int | The status code of the response. |
-| getHeaders() | array | Response headers. |
-| getRawBody() | string | Raw body of the response. |
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-# Accept Dispute Response
-Defines the fields in an `AcceptDispute` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `dispute` | [`?Dispute`](../../doc/models/dispute.md) | Optional | Represents a [dispute](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/disputes-api/overview) a cardholder initiated with their bank. | getDispute(): ?Dispute | setDispute(?Dispute dispute): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "dispute": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "brand_dispute_id": "100000809947",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "created_at": "2022-06-29T18:45:22.265Z",
- "disputed_payment": {
- "payment_id": "zhyh1ch64kRBrrlfVhwjCEjZWzNZY"
- },
- "due_at": "2022-07-13T00:00:00.000Z",
- "id": "XDgyFu7yo1E2S5lQGGpYn",
- "location_id": "L1HN3ZMQK64X9",
- "reason": "NO_KNOWLEDGE",
- "reported_at": "2022-06-29T00:00:00.000Z",
- "state": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2022-07-07T19:14:42.650Z",
- "version": 2,
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id8"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Accepted Payment Methods
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `applePay` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether Apple Pay is accepted at checkout. | getApplePay(): ?bool | setApplePay(?bool applePay): void |
-| `googlePay` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether Google Pay is accepted at checkout. | getGooglePay(): ?bool | setGooglePay(?bool googlePay): void |
-| `cashAppPay` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether Cash App Pay is accepted at checkout. | getCashAppPay(): ?bool | setCashAppPay(?bool cashAppPay): void |
-| `afterpayClearpay` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether Afterpay/Clearpay is accepted at checkout. | getAfterpayClearpay(): ?bool | setAfterpayClearpay(?bool afterpayClearpay): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "apple_pay": false,
- "google_pay": false,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "afterpay_clearpay": false
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-# Accumulate Loyalty Points Request
-Represents an [AccumulateLoyaltyPoints](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#accumulate-loyalty-points) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `accumulatePoints` | [`LoyaltyEventAccumulatePoints`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-accumulate-points.md) | Required | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ACCUMULATE_POINTS`. | getAccumulatePoints(): LoyaltyEventAccumulatePoints | setAccumulatePoints(LoyaltyEventAccumulatePoints accumulatePoints): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies the `AccumulateLoyaltyPoints` request.
Keys can be any valid string but must be unique for every request.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The [location](entity:Location) where the purchase was made. | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "accumulate_points": {
- "order_id": "RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY",
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 118
- },
- "idempotency_key": "58b90739-c3e8-4b11-85f7-e636d48d72cb",
- "location_id": "P034NEENMD09F"
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-# Accumulate Loyalty Points Response
-Represents an [AccumulateLoyaltyPoints](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#accumulate-loyalty-points) response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `event` | [`?LoyaltyEvent`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event.md) | Optional | Provides information about a loyalty event.
For more information, see [Search for Balance-Changing Loyalty Events](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-events). | getEvent(): ?LoyaltyEvent | setEvent(?LoyaltyEvent event): void |
-| `events` | [`?(LoyaltyEvent[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event.md) | Optional | The resulting loyalty events. If the purchase qualifies for points, the `ACCUMULATE_POINTS` event
is always included. When using the Orders API, the `ACCUMULATE_PROMOTION_POINTS` event is included
if the purchase also qualifies for a loyalty promotion. | getEvents(): ?array | setEvents(?array events): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "events": [
- {
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "order_id": "RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY",
- "points": 6
- },
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:41:12Z",
- "id": "ee46aafd-1af6-3695-a385-276e2ef0be26",
- "location_id": "P034NEENMD09F",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "source": "LOYALTY_API",
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 90
- },
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "reward_id": "reward_id2",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- },
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "points": 96,
- "reason": "reason2"
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "event": {
- "id": "id0",
- "type": "ADJUST_POINTS",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 118,
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 90
- },
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "reward_id": "reward_id2",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- },
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "points": 96,
- "reason": "reason2"
- },
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id0",
- "source": "SQUARE"
- }
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-# ACH Details
-ACH-specific details about `BANK_ACCOUNT` type payments with the `transfer_type` of `ACH`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `routingNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The routing number for the bank account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getRoutingNumber(): ?string | setRoutingNumber(?string routingNumber): void |
-| `accountNumberSuffix` | `?string` | Optional | The last few digits of the bank account number.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `4` | getAccountNumberSuffix(): ?string | setAccountNumberSuffix(?string accountNumberSuffix): void |
-| `accountType` | `?string` | Optional | The type of the bank account performing the transfer. The account type can be `CHECKING`,
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getAccountType(): ?string | setAccountType(?string accountType): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "routing_number": "routing_number6",
- "account_number_suffix": "account_number_suffix6",
- "account_type": "account_type8"
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-# Action Cancel Reason
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `BUYER_CANCELED` | A person canceled the `TerminalCheckout` from a Square device. |
-| `SELLER_CANCELED` | A client canceled the `TerminalCheckout` using the API. |
-| `TIMED_OUT` | The `TerminalCheckout` timed out (see `deadline_duration` on the `TerminalCheckout`). |
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-# Activity Type
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ADJUSTMENT` | A manual adjustment applied to the seller's account by Square. |
-| `APP_FEE_REFUND` | A refund for an application fee on a payment. |
-| `APP_FEE_REVENUE` | Revenue generated from an application fee on a payment. |
-| `AUTOMATIC_SAVINGS` | An automatic transfer from the payment processing balance to the Square Savings account. These are generally proportional to the seller's sales. |
-| `AUTOMATIC_SAVINGS_REVERSED` | An automatic transfer from the Square Savings account back to the processing balance. These are generally proportional to the seller's refunds. |
-| `CHARGE` | A credit card payment capture. |
-| `DEPOSIT_FEE` | A fee assessed because of a deposit, such as an instant deposit. |
-| `DEPOSIT_FEE_REVERSED` | Indicates that Square returned a fee that was previously assessed because of a deposit, such as an instant deposit, back to the seller's account. |
-| `DISPUTE` | The balance change due to a dispute event. |
-| `ESCHEATMENT` | An escheatment entry for remittance. |
-| `FEE` | The cost plus adjustment fee. |
-| `FREE_PROCESSING` | Square offers free payments processing for a variety of business scenarios, including seller
referrals or when Square wants to apologize (for example, for a bug, customer service, or repricing complication).
This entry represents a credit to the seller for the purposes of free processing. |
-| `HOLD_ADJUSTMENT` | An adjustment made by Square related to holding a payment. |
-| `INITIAL_BALANCE_CHANGE` | An external change to a seller's balance (initial, in the sense that it causes the creation of the other activity types, such as a hold and refund). |
-| `MONEY_TRANSFER` | The balance change from a money transfer. |
-| `MONEY_TRANSFER_REVERSAL` | The reversal of a money transfer. |
-| `OPEN_DISPUTE` | The balance change for a chargeback that's been filed. |
-| `OTHER` | Any other type that doesn't belong in the rest of the types. |
-| `OTHER_ADJUSTMENT` | Any other type of adjustment that doesn't fall under existing types. |
-| `PAID_SERVICE_FEE` | A fee paid to a third-party seller. |
-| `PAID_SERVICE_FEE_REFUND` | A fee refunded to a third-party seller. |
-| `REDEMPTION_CODE` | Repayment for a redemption code. |
-| `REFUND` | A refund for an existing card payment. |
-| `RELEASE_ADJUSTMENT` | An adjustment made by Square related to releasing a payment. |
-| `RESERVE_HOLD` | Fees paid for a funding risk reserve. |
-| `RESERVE_RELEASE` | Fees released from a risk reserve. |
-| `RETURNED_PAYOUT` | An entry created when Square receives a response for the ACH file that Square sent indicating that the
settlement of the original entry failed. |
-| `SQUARE_CAPITAL_PAYMENT` | A capital merchant cash advance (MCA) assessment. These are generally proportional to the merchant's sales but can be issued for other reasons related to the MCA. |
-| `SQUARE_CAPITAL_REVERSED_PAYMENT` | A capital merchant cash advance (MCA) assessment refund. These are generally proportional to the merchant's refunds but can be issued for other reasons related to the MCA. |
-| `SUBSCRIPTION_FEE` | A fee charged for subscription to a Square product. |
-| `SUBSCRIPTION_FEE_PAID_REFUND` | A Square subscription fee that's been refunded. |
-| `SUBSCRIPTION_FEE_REFUND` | The refund of a previously charged Square product subscription fee. |
-| `TAX_ON_FEE` | The tax paid on fee amounts. |
-| `THIRD_PARTY_FEE` | Fees collected by a third-party platform. |
-| `THIRD_PARTY_FEE_REFUND` | Refunded fees from a third-party platform. |
-| `PAYOUT` | The balance change due to a money transfer. Note that this type is never returned by the Payouts API. |
-| `AUTOMATIC_BITCOIN_CONVERSIONS` | Indicates that the portion of each payment withheld by Square was automatically converted into bitcoin using Cash App. The seller manages their bitcoin in their Cash App account. |
-| `AUTOMATIC_BITCOIN_CONVERSIONS_REVERSED` | Indicates that a withheld payment, which was scheduled to be converted into bitcoin using Cash App, was deposited back to the Square payments balance. |
-| `CREDIT_CARD_REPAYMENT` | Indicates that a repayment toward the outstanding balance on the seller's Square credit card was made. |
-| `CREDIT_CARD_REPAYMENT_REVERSED` | Indicates that a repayment toward the outstanding balance on the seller's Square credit card was reversed. |
-| `LOCAL_OFFERS_CASHBACK` | Cashback amount given by a Square Local Offers seller to their customer for a purchase. |
-| `LOCAL_OFFERS_FEE` | A commission fee paid by a Square Local Offers seller to Square for a purchase discovered through Square Local Offers. |
-| `PERCENTAGE_PROCESSING_ENROLLMENT` | When activating Percentage Processing, a credit is applied to the seller’s account to offset any negative balance caused by a dispute. |
-| `PERCENTAGE_PROCESSING_DEACTIVATION` | Deducting the outstanding Percentage Processing balance from the seller’s account. It's the final installment in repaying the dispute-induced negative balance through percentage processing. |
-| `PERCENTAGE_PROCESSING_REPAYMENT` | Withheld funds from a payment to cover a negative balance. It's an installment to repay the amount from a dispute that had been offset during Percentage Processing enrollment. |
-| `PERCENTAGE_PROCESSING_REPAYMENT_REVERSED` | The reversal of a percentage processing repayment that happens for example when a refund is issued for a payment. |
-| `PROCESSING_FEE` | The processing fee for a payment. If sellers opt for Gross Settlement, i.e., direct bank withdrawal instead of deducting fees from daily sales, the processing fee is recorded separately as a new payout entry, not part of the CHARGE payout entry. |
-| `PROCESSING_FEE_REFUND` | The processing fee for a payment refund issued by sellers enrolled in Gross Settlement. The refunded processing fee is recorded separately as a new payout entry, not part of the REFUND payout entry. |
-| `UNDO_PROCESSING_FEE_REFUND` | When undoing a processing fee refund in a Gross Settlement payment, this payout entry type is used. |
-| `GIFT_CARD_LOAD_FEE` | Fee collected during the sale or reload of a gift card. This fee, which is a portion of the amount loaded on the gift card, is deducted from the merchant's payment balance. |
-| `GIFT_CARD_LOAD_FEE_REFUND` | Refund for fee charged during the sale or reload of a gift card. |
-| `UNDO_GIFT_CARD_LOAD_FEE_REFUND` | The undo of a refund for a fee charged during the sale or reload of a gift card. |
-| `BALANCE_FOLDERS_TRANSFER` | A transfer of funds to a banking folder. In the United States, the folder name is 'Checking Folder'; in Canada, it's 'Balance Folder.' |
-| `BALANCE_FOLDERS_TRANSFER_REVERSED` | A reversal of transfer of funds from a banking folder. In the United States, the folder name is 'Checking Folder'; in Canada, it's 'Balance Folder.' |
-| `GIFT_CARD_POOL_TRANSFER` | A transfer of gift card funds to a central gift card pool account. In franchises, when gift cards are loaded or reloaded at any location, the money transfers to the franchisor's account. |
-| `GIFT_CARD_POOL_TRANSFER_REVERSED` | A reversal of transfer of gift card funds from a central gift card pool account. In franchises, when gift cards are loaded or reloaded at any location, the money transfers to the franchisor's account. |
-| `SQUARE_PAYROLL_TRANSFER` | A payroll payment that was transferred to a team member’s bank account. |
-| `SQUARE_PAYROLL_TRANSFER_REVERSED` | A payroll payment to a team member’s bank account that was deposited back to the seller’s account by Square. |
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-# Add Group to Customer Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [AddGroupToCustomer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#add-group-to-customer) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Additional Recipient
-Represents an additional recipient (other than the merchant) receiving a portion of this tender.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The location ID for a recipient (other than the merchant) receiving a portion of this tender.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the additional recipient.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `receivableId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique ID for the RETIRED `AdditionalRecipientReceivable` object. This field should be empty for any `AdditionalRecipient` objects created after the retirement.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getReceivableId(): ?string | setReceivableId(?string receivableId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "description": "description2",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id8"
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-# Address
-Represents a postal address in a country.
-For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `addressLine1` | `?string` | Optional | The first line of the address.
Fields that start with `address_line` provide the address's most specific
details, like street number, street name, and building name. They do *not*
provide less specific details like city, state/province, or country (these
details are provided in other fields). | getAddressLine1(): ?string | setAddressLine1(?string addressLine1): void |
-| `addressLine2` | `?string` | Optional | The second line of the address, if any. | getAddressLine2(): ?string | setAddressLine2(?string addressLine2): void |
-| `addressLine3` | `?string` | Optional | The third line of the address, if any. | getAddressLine3(): ?string | setAddressLine3(?string addressLine3): void |
-| `locality` | `?string` | Optional | The city or town of the address. For a full list of field meanings by country, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getLocality(): ?string | setLocality(?string locality): void |
-| `sublocality` | `?string` | Optional | A civil region within the address's `locality`, if any. | getSublocality(): ?string | setSublocality(?string sublocality): void |
-| `sublocality2` | `?string` | Optional | A civil region within the address's `sublocality`, if any. | getSublocality2(): ?string | setSublocality2(?string sublocality2): void |
-| `sublocality3` | `?string` | Optional | A civil region within the address's `sublocality_2`, if any. | getSublocality3(): ?string | setSublocality3(?string sublocality3): void |
-| `administrativeDistrictLevel1` | `?string` | Optional | A civil entity within the address's country. In the US, this
is the state. For a full list of field meanings by country, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAdministrativeDistrictLevel1(): ?string | setAdministrativeDistrictLevel1(?string administrativeDistrictLevel1): void |
-| `administrativeDistrictLevel2` | `?string` | Optional | A civil entity within the address's `administrative_district_level_1`.
In the US, this is the county. | getAdministrativeDistrictLevel2(): ?string | setAdministrativeDistrictLevel2(?string administrativeDistrictLevel2): void |
-| `administrativeDistrictLevel3` | `?string` | Optional | A civil entity within the address's `administrative_district_level_2`,
if any. | getAdministrativeDistrictLevel3(): ?string | setAdministrativeDistrictLevel3(?string administrativeDistrictLevel3): void |
-| `postalCode` | `?string` | Optional | The address's postal code. For a full list of field meanings by country, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getPostalCode(): ?string | setPostalCode(?string postalCode): void |
-| `country` | [`?string(Country)`](../../doc/models/country.md) | Optional | Indicates the country associated with another entity, such as a business.
Values are in [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm). | getCountry(): ?string | setCountry(?string country): void |
-| `firstName` | `?string` | Optional | Optional first name when it's representing recipient. | getFirstName(): ?string | setFirstName(?string firstName): void |
-| `lastName` | `?string` | Optional | Optional last name when it's representing recipient. | getLastName(): ?string | setLastName(?string lastName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "address_line_1": "address_line_18",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_28",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_34",
- "locality": "locality8",
- "sublocality": "sublocality8"
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-# Adjust Loyalty Points Request
-Represents an [AdjustLoyaltyPoints](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#adjust-loyalty-points) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `AdjustLoyaltyPoints` request.
Keys can be any valid string, but must be unique for every request.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `adjustPoints` | [`LoyaltyEventAdjustPoints`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-adjust-points.md) | Required | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ADJUST_POINTS`. | getAdjustPoints(): LoyaltyEventAdjustPoints | setAdjustPoints(LoyaltyEventAdjustPoints adjustPoints): void |
-| `allowNegativeBalance` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to allow a negative adjustment to result in a negative balance. If `true`, a negative
balance is allowed when subtracting points. If `false`, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error when subtracting
the specified number of points would result in a negative balance. The default value is `false`. | getAllowNegativeBalance(): ?bool | setAllowNegativeBalance(?bool allowNegativeBalance): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "adjust_points": {
- "points": 10,
- "reason": "Complimentary points",
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "bc29a517-3dc9-450e-aa76-fae39ee849d1",
- "allow_negative_balance": false
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-# Adjust Loyalty Points Response
-Represents an [AdjustLoyaltyPoints](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#adjust-loyalty-points) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `event` | [`?LoyaltyEvent`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event.md) | Optional | Provides information about a loyalty event.
For more information, see [Search for Balance-Changing Loyalty Events](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-events). | getEvent(): ?LoyaltyEvent | setEvent(?LoyaltyEvent event): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event": {
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "points": 10,
- "reason": "Complimentary points"
- },
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:42:32Z",
- "id": "613a6fca-8d67-39d0-bad2-3b4bc45c8637",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "source": "LOYALTY_API",
- "type": "ADJUST_POINTS",
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 118,
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 90
- },
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "reward_id": "reward_id2",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Afterpay Details
-Additional details about Afterpay payments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | Email address on the buyer's Afterpay account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "email_address": "email_address2"
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-# Application Details External Square Product
-A list of products to return to external callers.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `OTHER` |
-| `RETAIL` |
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-# Application Details
-Details about the application that took the payment.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `squareProduct` | [`?string(ApplicationDetailsExternalSquareProduct)`](../../doc/models/application-details-external-square-product.md) | Optional | A list of products to return to external callers. | getSquareProduct(): ?string | setSquareProduct(?string squareProduct): void |
-| `applicationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square ID assigned to the application used to take the payment.
Application developers can use this information to identify payments that
their application processed.
For example, if a developer uses a custom application to process payments,
this field contains the application ID from the Developer Dashboard.
If a seller uses a [Square App Marketplace](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/app-marketplace)
application to process payments, the field contains the corresponding application ID. | getApplicationId(): ?string | setApplicationId(?string applicationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "square_product": "APPOINTMENTS",
- "application_id": "application_id2"
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-# Application Type
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
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-# Appointment Segment
-Defines an appointment segment of a booking.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `durationMinutes` | `?int` | Optional | The time span in minutes of an appointment segment.
**Constraints**: `<= 1500` | getDurationMinutes(): ?int | setDurationMinutes(?int durationMinutes): void |
-| `serviceVariationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation) object representing the service booked in this segment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getServiceVariationId(): ?string | setServiceVariationId(?string serviceVariationId): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [TeamMember](entity:TeamMember) object representing the team member booked in this segment.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `32` | getTeamMemberId(): string | setTeamMemberId(string teamMemberId): void |
-| `serviceVariationVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the item variation representing the service booked in this segment. | getServiceVariationVersion(): ?int | setServiceVariationVersion(?int serviceVariationVersion): void |
-| `intermissionMinutes` | `?int` | Optional | Time between the end of this segment and the beginning of the subsequent segment. | getIntermissionMinutes(): ?int | setIntermissionMinutes(?int intermissionMinutes): void |
-| `anyTeamMember` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the customer accepts any team member, instead of a specific one, to serve this segment. | getAnyTeamMember(): ?bool | setAnyTeamMember(?bool anyTeamMember): void |
-| `resourceIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the seller-accessible resources used for this appointment segment. | getResourceIds(): ?array | setResourceIds(?array resourceIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "duration_minutes": 36,
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id0",
- "service_variation_version": 204,
- "intermission_minutes": 210,
- "any_team_member": false
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-# Archived State
-Defines the values for the `archived_state` query expression
-used in [SearchCatalogItems](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-items)
-to return the archived, not archived or either type of catalog items.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ARCHIVED_STATE_NOT_ARCHIVED` | Requested items are not archived with the `is_archived` attribute set to `false`. |
-| `ARCHIVED_STATE_ARCHIVED` | Requested items are archived with the `is_archived` attribute set to `true`. |
-| `ARCHIVED_STATE_ALL` | Requested items can be archived or not archived. |
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-# Availability
-Defines an appointment slot that encapsulates the appointment segments, location and starting time available for booking.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `startAt` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the beginning time of the slot available for booking. | getStartAt(): ?string | setStartAt(?string startAt): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location available for booking.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `appointmentSegments` | [`?(AppointmentSegment[])`](../../doc/models/appointment-segment.md) | Optional | The list of appointment segments available for booking | getAppointmentSegments(): ?array | setAppointmentSegments(?array appointmentSegments): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 136,
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id0",
- "service_variation_version": 48,
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ]
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-# Bank Account Payment Details
-Additional details about BANK_ACCOUNT type payments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bankName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the bank associated with the bank account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getBankName(): ?string | setBankName(?string bankName): void |
-| `transferType` | `?string` | Optional | The type of the bank transfer. The type can be `ACH` or `UNKNOWN`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getTransferType(): ?string | setTransferType(?string transferType): void |
-| `accountOwnershipType` | `?string` | Optional | The ownership type of the bank account performing the transfer.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getAccountOwnershipType(): ?string | setAccountOwnershipType(?string accountOwnershipType): void |
-| `fingerprint` | `?string` | Optional | Uniquely identifies the bank account for this seller and can be used
to determine if payments are from the same bank account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getFingerprint(): ?string | setFingerprint(?string fingerprint): void |
-| `country` | `?string` | Optional | The two-letter ISO code representing the country the bank account is located in.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `2` | getCountry(): ?string | setCountry(?string country): void |
-| `statementDescription` | `?string` | Optional | The statement description as sent to the bank.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `1000` | getStatementDescription(): ?string | setStatementDescription(?string statementDescription): void |
-| `achDetails` | [`?ACHDetails`](../../doc/models/ach-details.md) | Optional | ACH-specific details about `BANK_ACCOUNT` type payments with the `transfer_type` of `ACH`. | getAchDetails(): ?ACHDetails | setAchDetails(?ACHDetails achDetails): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "bank_name": "bank_name4",
- "transfer_type": "transfer_type8",
- "account_ownership_type": "account_ownership_type8",
- "fingerprint": "fingerprint6",
- "country": "country4"
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-# Bank Account Status
-Indicates the current verification status of a `BankAccount` object.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `VERIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS` | Indicates that the verification process has started. Some features
(for example, creditable or debitable) may be provisionally enabled on the bank
account. |
-| `VERIFIED` | Indicates that the bank account was successfully verified. |
-| `DISABLED` | Indicates that the bank account is disabled and is permanently unusable
for funds transfer. A bank account can be disabled because of a failed verification
attempt or a failed deposit attempt. |
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-# Bank Account Type
-Indicates the financial purpose of the bank account.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CHECKING` | An account at a financial institution against which checks can be
drawn by the account depositor. |
-| `SAVINGS` | An account at a financial institution that pays interest but cannot be
used directly as money in the narrow sense of a medium of exchange. |
-| `INVESTMENT` | An account at a financial institution that contains a deposit of funds
and/or securities. |
-| `OTHER` | An account at a financial institution which cannot be described by the
other types. |
-| `BUSINESS_CHECKING` | An account at a financial institution against which checks can be
drawn specifically for business purposes (non-personal use). |
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-# Bank Account
-Represents a bank account. For more information about
-linking a bank account to a Square account, see
-[Bank Accounts API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bank-accounts-api).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | The unique, Square-issued identifier for the bank account.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `30` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `accountNumberSuffix` | `string` | Required | The last few digits of the account number.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getAccountNumberSuffix(): string | setAccountNumberSuffix(string accountNumberSuffix): void |
-| `country` | [`string(Country)`](../../doc/models/country.md) | Required | Indicates the country associated with another entity, such as a business.
Values are in [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm). | getCountry(): string | setCountry(string country): void |
-| `currency` | [`string(Currency)`](../../doc/models/currency.md) | Required | Indicates the associated currency for an amount of money. Values correspond
to [ISO 4217](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217). | getCurrency(): string | setCurrency(string currency): void |
-| `accountType` | [`string(BankAccountType)`](../../doc/models/bank-account-type.md) | Required | Indicates the financial purpose of the bank account. | getAccountType(): string | setAccountType(string accountType): void |
-| `holderName` | `string` | Required | Name of the account holder. This name must match the name
on the targeted bank account record.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getHolderName(): string | setHolderName(string holderName): void |
-| `primaryBankIdentificationNumber` | `string` | Required | Primary identifier for the bank. For more information, see
[Bank Accounts API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bank-accounts-api).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getPrimaryBankIdentificationNumber(): string | setPrimaryBankIdentificationNumber(string primaryBankIdentificationNumber): void |
-| `secondaryBankIdentificationNumber` | `?string` | Optional | Secondary identifier for the bank. For more information, see
[Bank Accounts API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bank-accounts-api).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getSecondaryBankIdentificationNumber(): ?string | setSecondaryBankIdentificationNumber(?string secondaryBankIdentificationNumber): void |
-| `debitMandateReferenceId` | `?string` | Optional | Reference identifier that will be displayed to UK bank account owners
when collecting direct debit authorization. Only required for UK bank accounts. | getDebitMandateReferenceId(): ?string | setDebitMandateReferenceId(?string debitMandateReferenceId): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | Client-provided identifier for linking the banking account to an entity
in a third-party system (for example, a bank account number or a user identifier). | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location to which the bank account belongs. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `status` | [`string(BankAccountStatus)`](../../doc/models/bank-account-status.md) | Required | Indicates the current verification status of a `BankAccount` object. | getStatus(): string | setStatus(string status): void |
-| `creditable` | `bool` | Required | Indicates whether it is possible for Square to send money to this bank account. | getCreditable(): bool | setCreditable(bool creditable): void |
-| `debitable` | `bool` | Required | Indicates whether it is possible for Square to take money from this
bank account. | getDebitable(): bool | setDebitable(bool debitable): void |
-| `fingerprint` | `?string` | Optional | A Square-assigned, unique identifier for the bank account based on the
account information. The account fingerprint can be used to compare account
entries and determine if the they represent the same real-world bank account. | getFingerprint(): ?string | setFingerprint(?string fingerprint): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the `BankAccount`. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `bankName` | `?string` | Optional | Read only. Name of actual financial institution.
For example "Bank of America".
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getBankName(): ?string | setBankName(?string bankName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "account_number_suffix": "account_number_suffix6",
- "country": "TT",
- "currency": "MVR",
- "account_type": "OTHER",
- "holder_name": "holder_name8",
- "primary_bank_identification_number": "primary_bank_identification_number0",
- "secondary_bank_identification_number": "secondary_bank_identification_number2",
- "debit_mandate_reference_id": "debit_mandate_reference_id2",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "creditable": false,
- "debitable": false,
- "fingerprint": "fingerprint8"
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-# Batch Change Inventory Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A client-supplied, universally unique identifier (UUID) for the
See [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) in the
[API Development 101](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/buildbasics) section for more
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `changes` | [`?(InventoryChange[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-change.md) | Optional | The set of physical counts and inventory adjustments to be made.
Changes are applied based on the client-supplied timestamp and may be sent
out of order. | getChanges(): ?array | setChanges(?array changes): void |
-| `ignoreUnchangedCounts` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the current physical count should be ignored if
the quantity is unchanged since the last physical count. Default: `true`. | getIgnoreUnchangedCounts(): ?bool | setIgnoreUnchangedCounts(?bool ignoreUnchangedCounts): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "changes": [
- {
- "physical_count": {
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "occurred_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "quantity": "53",
- "reference_id": "1536bfbf-efed-48bf-b17d-a197141b2a92",
- "state": "IN_STOCK",
- "team_member_id": "LRK57NSQ5X7PUD05",
- "id": "id2",
- "catalog_object_type": "catalog_object_type6"
- },
- "type": "PHYSICAL_COUNT",
- "adjustment": {
- "id": "id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id2",
- "from_state": "IN_TRANSIT_TO",
- "to_state": "SOLD",
- "location_id": "location_id8"
- },
- "transfer": {
- "id": "id8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "state": "RESERVED_FOR_SALE",
- "from_location_id": "from_location_id0",
- "to_location_id": "to_location_id0"
- },
- "measurement_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 184
- }
- }
- ],
- "idempotency_key": "8fc6a5b0-9fe8-4b46-b46b-2ef95793abbe",
- "ignore_unchanged_counts": true
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-# Batch Change Inventory Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `counts` | [`?(InventoryCount[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-count.md) | Optional | The current counts for all objects referenced in the request. | getCounts(): ?array | setCounts(?array counts): void |
-| `changes` | [`?(InventoryChange[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-change.md) | Optional | Changes created for the request. | getChanges(): ?array | setChanges(?array changes): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "counts": [
- {
- "calculated_at": "2016-11-16T22:28:01.223Z",
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "quantity": "53",
- "state": "IN_STOCK"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [],
- "changes": [
- {
- "type": "TRANSFER",
- "physical_count": {
- "id": "id2",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id6",
- "catalog_object_type": "catalog_object_type6",
- },
- "adjustment": {
- "id": "id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id2",
- "from_state": "IN_TRANSIT_TO",
- "to_state": "SOLD",
- "location_id": "location_id8"
- },
- "transfer": {
- "id": "id8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "state": "RESERVED_FOR_SALE",
- "from_location_id": "from_location_id0",
- "to_location_id": "to_location_id0"
- },
- "measurement_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 184
- }
- }
- ]
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-# Batch Delete Catalog Objects Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `objectIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the CatalogObjects to be deleted. When an object is deleted, other objects
in the graph that depend on that object will be deleted as well (for example, deleting a
CatalogItem will delete its CatalogItemVariation. | getObjectIds(): ?array | setObjectIds(?array objectIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "object_ids": [
- ]
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-# Batch Delete Catalog Objects Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `deletedObjectIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of all CatalogObjects deleted by this request. | getDeletedObjectIds(): ?array | setDeletedObjectIds(?array deletedObjectIds): void |
-| `deletedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The database [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) of this deletion in RFC 3339 format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | getDeletedAt(): ?string | setDeletedAt(?string deletedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "deleted_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "deleted_object_ids": [
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Batch Retrieve Catalog Objects Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `objectIds` | `string[]` | Required | The IDs of the CatalogObjects to be retrieved. | getObjectIds(): array | setObjectIds(array objectIds): void |
-| `includeRelatedObjects` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the response will include additional objects that are related to the
requested objects. Related objects are defined as any objects referenced by ID by the results in the `objects` field
of the response. These objects are put in the `related_objects` field. Setting this to `true` is
helpful when the objects are needed for immediate display to a user.
This process only goes one level deep. Objects referenced by the related objects will not be included. For example,
if the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItem, its associated
CatalogCategory objects, CatalogTax objects, CatalogImage objects and
CatalogModifierLists will be returned in the `related_objects` field of the
response. If the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItemVariation,
its parent CatalogItem will be returned in the `related_objects` field of
the response.
Default value: `false` | getIncludeRelatedObjects(): ?bool | setIncludeRelatedObjects(?bool includeRelatedObjects): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The specific version of the catalog objects to be included in the response.
This allows you to retrieve historical versions of objects. The specified version value is matched against
the [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md)s' `version` attribute. If not included, results will
be from the current version of the catalog. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `includeDeletedObjects` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to include (`true`) or not (`false`) in the response deleted objects, namely, those with the `is_deleted` attribute set to `true`. | getIncludeDeletedObjects(): ?bool | setIncludeDeletedObjects(?bool includeDeletedObjects): void |
-| `includeCategoryPathToRoot` | `?bool` | Optional | Specifies whether or not to include the `path_to_root` list for each returned category instance. The `path_to_root` list consists
of `CategoryPathToRootNode` objects and specifies the path that starts with the immediate parent category of the returned category
and ends with its root category. If the returned category is a top-level category, the `path_to_root` list is empty and is not returned
in the response payload. | getIncludeCategoryPathToRoot(): ?bool | setIncludeCategoryPathToRoot(?bool includeCategoryPathToRoot): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "include_related_objects": true,
- "object_ids": [
- ],
- "catalog_version": 190,
- "include_deleted_objects": false,
- "include_category_path_to_root": false
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-# Batch Retrieve Catalog Objects Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `objects` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | A list of [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject)s returned. | getObjects(): ?array | setObjects(?array objects): void |
-| `relatedObjects` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | A list of [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject)s referenced by the object in the `objects` field. | getRelatedObjects(): ?array | setRelatedObjects(?array relatedObjects): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "objects": [
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "ordinal": 0
- }
- ],
- "description": "Hot Leaf Juice",
- "name": "Tea",
- "tax_ids": [
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "name": "Mug",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 150,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "AA27W3M2GGTF3H6AVPNB77CK",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "ordinal": 0
- }
- ],
- "description": "Hot Bean Juice",
- "name": "Coffee",
- "tax_ids": [
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "AA27W3M2GGTF3H6AVPNB77CK",
- "name": "Regular",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878
- },
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "AA27W3M2GGTF3H6AVPNB77CK",
- "name": "Large",
- "ordinal": 1,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 350,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "related_objects": [
- {
- "category_data": {
- "name": "Beverages"
- },
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Batch Retrieve Inventory Changes Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `catalogObjectIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The filter to return results by `CatalogObject` ID.
The filter is only applicable when set. The default value is null. | getCatalogObjectIds(): ?array | setCatalogObjectIds(?array catalogObjectIds): void |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The filter to return results by `Location` ID.
The filter is only applicable when set. The default value is null. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `types` | [`?(string(InventoryChangeType)[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-change-type.md) | Optional | The filter to return results by `InventoryChangeType` values other than `TRANSFER`.
The default value is `[PHYSICAL_COUNT, ADJUSTMENT]`. | getTypes(): ?array | setTypes(?array types): void |
-| `states` | [`?(string(InventoryState)[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | The filter to return `ADJUSTMENT` query results by
`InventoryState`. This filter is only applied when set.
The default value is null. | getStates(): ?array | setStates(?array states): void |
-| `updatedAfter` | `?string` | Optional | The filter to return results with their `calculated_at` value
after the given time as specified in an RFC 3339 timestamp.
The default value is the UNIX epoch of (`1970-01-01T00:00:00Z`). | getUpdatedAfter(): ?string | setUpdatedAfter(?string updatedAfter): void |
-| `updatedBefore` | `?string` | Optional | The filter to return results with their `created_at` or `calculated_at` value
strictly before the given time as specified in an RFC 3339 timestamp.
The default value is the UNIX epoch of (`1970-01-01T00:00:00Z`). | getUpdatedBefore(): ?string | setUpdatedBefore(?string updatedBefore): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The number of [records](entity:InventoryChange) to return.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 1000` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- "C6W5YS5QM06F5"
- ],
- "states": [
- ],
- "types": [
- ],
- "updated_after": "2016-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "updated_before": "2016-12-01T00:00:00.000Z"
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-# Batch Retrieve Inventory Changes Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `changes` | [`?(InventoryChange[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-change.md) | Optional | The current calculated inventory changes for the requested objects
and locations. | getChanges(): ?array | setChanges(?array changes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset,
this is the final response.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "changes": [
- {
- "physical_count": {
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "created_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "id": "46YDTW253DWGGK9HMAE6XCAO",
- "location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "occurred_at": "2016-11-16T22:24:49.028Z",
- "quantity": "86",
- "reference_id": "22c07cf4-5626-4224-89f9-691112019399",
- "source": {
- "application_id": "416ff29c-86c4-4feb-b58c-9705f21f3ea0",
- "name": "Square Point of Sale 4.37",
- "product": "SQUARE_POS"
- },
- "state": "IN_STOCK",
- "team_member_id": "LRK57NSQ5X7PUD05"
- },
- "type": "PHYSICAL_COUNT",
- "adjustment": {
- "id": "id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id2",
- "from_state": "IN_TRANSIT_TO",
- "to_state": "SOLD",
- "location_id": "location_id8"
- },
- "transfer": {
- "id": "id8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "state": "RESERVED_FOR_SALE",
- "from_location_id": "from_location_id0",
- "to_location_id": "to_location_id0"
- },
- "measurement_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 184
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [],
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# Batch Retrieve Inventory Counts Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `catalogObjectIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The filter to return results by `CatalogObject` ID.
The filter is applicable only when set. The default is null. | getCatalogObjectIds(): ?array | setCatalogObjectIds(?array catalogObjectIds): void |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The filter to return results by `Location` ID.
This filter is applicable only when set. The default is null. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `updatedAfter` | `?string` | Optional | The filter to return results with their `calculated_at` value
after the given time as specified in an RFC 3339 timestamp.
The default value is the UNIX epoch of (`1970-01-01T00:00:00Z`). | getUpdatedAfter(): ?string | setUpdatedAfter(?string updatedAfter): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `states` | [`?(string(InventoryState)[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | The filter to return results by `InventoryState`. The filter is only applicable when set.
Ignored are untracked states of `NONE`, `SOLD`, and `UNLINKED_RETURN`.
The default is null. | getStates(): ?array | setStates(?array states): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The number of [records](entity:InventoryCount) to return.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 1000` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- ],
- "updated_after": "2016-11-16T00:00:00.000Z",
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "states": [
- ]
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-# Batch Retrieve Inventory Counts Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `counts` | [`?(InventoryCount[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-count.md) | Optional | The current calculated inventory counts for the requested objects
and locations. | getCounts(): ?array | setCounts(?array counts): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset,
this is the final response.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "counts": [
- {
- "calculated_at": "2016-11-16T22:28:01.223Z",
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "location_id": "59TNP9SA8VGDA",
- "quantity": "79",
- "state": "IN_STOCK"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
diff --git a/doc/models/batch-retrieve-orders-request.md b/doc/models/batch-retrieve-orders-request.md
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--- a/doc/models/batch-retrieve-orders-request.md
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Batch Retrieve Orders Request
-Defines the fields that are included in requests to the
-`BatchRetrieveOrders` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location for these orders. This field is optional: omit it to retrieve
orders within the scope of the current authorization's merchant ID. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `orderIds` | `string[]` | Required | The IDs of the orders to retrieve. A maximum of 100 orders can be retrieved per request. | getOrderIds(): array | setOrderIds(array orderIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "order_ids": [
- "CAISEM82RcpmcFBM0TfOyiHV3es",
- ]
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-# Batch Retrieve Orders Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `BatchRetrieveOrders` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orders` | [`?(Order[])`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | The requested orders. This will omit any requested orders that do not exist. | getOrders(): ?array | setOrders(?array orders): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "orders": [
- {
- "id": "CAISEM82RcpmcFBM0TfOyiHV3es",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Awesome product",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "945986d1-9586-11e6-ad5a-28cfe92138cf",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Another awesome product",
- "quantity": "3",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 6000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "a8f4168c-9586-11e6-bdf0-28cfe92138cf",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "reference_id": "my-order-001",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 7599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Batch Upsert Catalog Objects Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this
request among all your requests. A common way to create
a valid idempotency key is to use a Universally unique
identifier (UUID).
If you're unsure whether a particular request was successful,
you can reattempt it with the same idempotency key without
worrying about creating duplicate objects.
See [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `batches` | [`CatalogObjectBatch[]`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-batch.md) | Required | A batch of CatalogObjects to be inserted/updated atomically.
The objects within a batch will be inserted in an all-or-nothing fashion, i.e., if an error occurs
attempting to insert or update an object within a batch, the entire batch will be rejected. However, an error
in one batch will not affect other batches within the same request.
For each object, its `updated_at` field is ignored and replaced with a current [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates), and its
`is_deleted` field must not be set to `true`.
To modify an existing object, supply its ID. To create a new object, use an ID starting
with `#`. These IDs may be used to create relationships between an object and attributes of
other objects that reference it. For example, you can create a CatalogItem with
ID `#ABC` and a CatalogItemVariation with its `item_id` attribute set to
`#ABC` in order to associate the CatalogItemVariation with its parent
Any `#`-prefixed IDs are valid only within a single atomic batch, and will be replaced by server-generated IDs.
Each batch may contain up to 1,000 objects. The total number of objects across all batches for a single request
may not exceed 10,000. If either of these limits is violated, an error will be returned and no objects will
be inserted or updated. | getBatches(): array | setBatches(array batches): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "batches": [
- {
- "objects": [
- {
- "id": "#Tea",
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "id": "#Beverages"
- }
- ],
- "description_html": "Hot Leaf Juice
- "name": "Tea",
- "tax_ids": [
- "#SalesTax"
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "id": "#Tea_Mug",
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "#Tea",
- "name": "Mug",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 150,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION"
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 164,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "#Coffee",
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "id": "#Beverages"
- }
- ],
- "description_html": "Hot Bean Juice
- "name": "Coffee",
- "tax_ids": [
- "#SalesTax"
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "id": "#Coffee_Regular",
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "#Coffee",
- "name": "Regular",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION"
- },
- {
- "id": "#Coffee_Large",
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "#Coffee",
- "name": "Large",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 350,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION"
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 164,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "category_data": {
- "name": "Beverages"
- },
- "id": "#Beverages",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 164,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "#SalesTax",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "applies_to_custom_amounts": true,
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 164,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "idempotency_key": "789ff020-f723-43a9-b4b5-43b5dc1fa3dc"
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-# Batch Upsert Catalog Objects Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `objects` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The created successfully created CatalogObjects. | getObjects(): ?array | setObjects(?array objects): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The database [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) of this update in RFC 3339 format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `idMappings` | [`?(CatalogIdMapping[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-id-mapping.md) | Optional | The mapping between client and server IDs for this upsert. | getIdMappings(): ?array | setIdMappings(?array idMappings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id_mappings": [
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Tea",
- "object_id": "67GA7XA2FWMRYY2VCONTYZJR"
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Coffee",
- "object_id": "MQ4TZKOG3SR2EQI3TWEK4AH7"
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Beverages",
- "object_id": "XCS4SCGN4WQYE2VU4U3TKXEH"
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#SalesTax",
- "object_id": "HP5VNYPKZKTNCKZ2Z5NPUH6A"
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Tea_Mug",
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Coffee_Regular",
- "object_id": "GY2GXJTVVPQAPW43GFRR3NG6"
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Coffee_Large",
- "object_id": "JE6VHPSRQL6IWSN26C36CJ7W"
- }
- ],
- "objects": [
- {
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "ordinal": -2251731094208512
- }
- ],
- "description": "Hot Leaf Juice",
- "description_html": "Hot Leaf Juice
- "description_plaintext": "Hot Leaf Juice",
- "is_archived": false,
- "is_taxable": true,
- "name": "Tea",
- "product_type": "REGULAR",
- "tax_ids": [
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "67GA7XA2FWMRYY2VCONTYZJR",
- "name": "Mug",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 150,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
- "sellable": true,
- "stockable": true
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "version": 1701372275400
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "version": 1701372275400,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "ordinal": -2251662374731776
- }
- ],
- "description": "Hot Bean Juice",
- "description_html": "Hot Bean Juice
- "description_plaintext": "Hot Bean Juice",
- "is_archived": false,
- "is_taxable": true,
- "name": "Coffee",
- "product_type": "REGULAR",
- "tax_ids": [
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "MQ4TZKOG3SR2EQI3TWEK4AH7",
- "name": "Regular",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
- "sellable": true,
- "stockable": true
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "version": 1701372275400
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "id": "JE6VHPSRQL6IWSN26C36CJ7W",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "MQ4TZKOG3SR2EQI3TWEK4AH7",
- "name": "Large",
- "ordinal": 1,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 350,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
- "sellable": true,
- "stockable": true
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "version": 1701372275400
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "version": 1701372275400,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "category_data": {
- "category_type": "REGULAR_CATEGORY",
- "is_top_level": true,
- "name": "Beverages",
- "online_visibility": true,
- "parent_category": {
- "ordinal": -2250837741010944
- }
- },
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "version": 1701372275400,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "applies_to_custom_amounts": true,
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T19:24:35.4Z",
- "version": 1701372275400,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "updated_at": "updated_at6"
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-# Booking Booking Source
-Supported sources a booking was created from.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `FIRST_PARTY_MERCHANT` | The booking was created by a seller from a Square Appointments application, such as the Square Appointments Dashboard or a Square Appointments mobile app. |
-| `FIRST_PARTY_BUYER` | The booking was created by a buyer from a Square Appointments application, such as Square Online Booking Site. |
-| `THIRD_PARTY_BUYER` | The booking was created by a buyer created from a third-party application. |
-| `API` | The booking was created by a seller or a buyer from the Square Bookings API. |
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-# Booking Creator Details Creator Type
-Supported types of a booking creator.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `TEAM_MEMBER` | The creator is of the seller type. |
-| `CUSTOMER` | The creator is of the buyer type. |
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-# Booking Creator Details
-Information about a booking creator.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `creatorType` | [`?string(BookingCreatorDetailsCreatorType)`](../../doc/models/booking-creator-details-creator-type.md) | Optional | Supported types of a booking creator. | getCreatorType(): ?string | setCreatorType(?string creatorType): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the team member who created the booking, when the booking creator is of the `TEAM_MEMBER` type.
Access to this field requires seller-level permissions.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer who created the booking, when the booking creator is of the `CUSTOMER` type.
Access to this field requires seller-level permissions.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "creator_type": "TEAM_MEMBER",
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id4",
- "customer_id": "customer_id2"
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-# Booking Custom Attribute Delete Request
-Represents an individual delete request in a [BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-booking-custom-attributes)
-request. An individual request contains a booking ID, the custom attribute to delete, and an optional idempotency key.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getBookingId(): string | setBookingId(string bookingId): void |
-| `key` | `string` | Required | The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key` of a
custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is not
the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getKey(): string | setKey(string key): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking_id": "booking_id0",
- "key": "key6"
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-# Booking Custom Attribute Delete Response
-Represents a response for an individual upsert request in a [BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-booking-custom-attributes) operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [booking](entity:Booking) associated with the custom attribute. | getBookingId(): ?string | setBookingId(?string bookingId): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred while processing the individual request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking_id": "N3NCVYY3WS27HF0HKANA3R9FP8",
- "errors": []
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-# Booking Custom Attribute Upsert Request
-Represents an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes)
-request. An individual request contains a booking ID, the custom attribute to create or update,
-and an optional idempotency key.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getBookingId(): string | setBookingId(string bookingId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this individual upsert request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking_id": "booking_id2",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
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-# Booking Custom Attribute Upsert Response
-Represents a response for an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes) operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [booking](entity:Booking) associated with the custom attribute. | getBookingId(): ?string | setBookingId(?string bookingId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred while processing the individual request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking_id": "booking_id6",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Booking Status
-Supported booking statuses.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | An unaccepted booking. It is visible to both sellers and customers. |
-| `CANCELLED_BY_CUSTOMER` | A customer-cancelled booking. It is visible to both the seller and the customer. |
-| `CANCELLED_BY_SELLER` | A seller-cancelled booking. It is visible to both the seller and the customer. |
-| `DECLINED` | A declined booking. It had once been pending, but was then declined by the seller. |
-| `ACCEPTED` | An accepted booking agreed to or accepted by the seller. |
-| `NO_SHOW` | A no-show booking. The booking was accepted at one time, but have now been marked as a no-show by
the seller because the client either missed the booking or cancelled it without enough notice. |
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-# Booking
-Represents a booking as a time-bound service contract for a seller's staff member to provide a specified service
-at a given location to a requesting customer in one or more appointment segments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID of this object representing a booking.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The revision number for the booking used for optimistic concurrency. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(BookingStatus)`](../../doc/models/booking-status.md) | Optional | Supported booking statuses. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the creation time of this booking. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the most recent update time of this booking. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `startAt` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the starting time of this booking. | getStartAt(): ?string | setStartAt(?string startAt): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [Location](entity:Location) object representing the location where the booked service is provided. Once set when the booking is created, its value cannot be changed.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [Customer](entity:Customer) object representing the customer receiving the booked service.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `customerNote` | `?string` | Optional | The free-text field for the customer to supply notes about the booking. For example, the note can be preferences that cannot be expressed by supported attributes of a relevant [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) instance.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4096` | getCustomerNote(): ?string | setCustomerNote(?string customerNote): void |
-| `sellerNote` | `?string` | Optional | The free-text field for the seller to supply notes about the booking. For example, the note can be preferences that cannot be expressed by supported attributes of a specific [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) instance.
This field should not be visible to customers.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4096` | getSellerNote(): ?string | setSellerNote(?string sellerNote): void |
-| `appointmentSegments` | [`?(AppointmentSegment[])`](../../doc/models/appointment-segment.md) | Optional | A list of appointment segments for this booking. | getAppointmentSegments(): ?array | setAppointmentSegments(?array appointmentSegments): void |
-| `transitionTimeMinutes` | `?int` | Optional | Additional time at the end of a booking.
Applications should not make this field visible to customers of a seller. | getTransitionTimeMinutes(): ?int | setTransitionTimeMinutes(?int transitionTimeMinutes): void |
-| `allDay` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the booking is of a full business day. | getAllDay(): ?bool | setAllDay(?bool allDay): void |
-| `locationType` | [`?string(BusinessAppointmentSettingsBookingLocationType)`](../../doc/models/business-appointment-settings-booking-location-type.md) | Optional | Supported types of location where service is provided. | getLocationType(): ?string | setLocationType(?string locationType): void |
-| `creatorDetails` | [`?BookingCreatorDetails`](../../doc/models/booking-creator-details.md) | Optional | Information about a booking creator. | getCreatorDetails(): ?BookingCreatorDetails | setCreatorDetails(?BookingCreatorDetails creatorDetails): void |
-| `source` | [`?string(BookingBookingSource)`](../../doc/models/booking-booking-source.md) | Optional | Supported sources a booking was created from. | getSource(): ?string | setSource(?string source): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "version": 92,
- "status": "PENDING",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
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-# Break Type
-A defined break template that sets an expectation for possible `Break`
-instances on a `Shift`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The UUID for this object.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the business location this type of break applies to.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `breakName` | `string` | Required | A human-readable name for this type of break. The name is displayed to
employees in Square products.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getBreakName(): string | setBreakName(string breakName): void |
-| `expectedDuration` | `string` | Required | Format: RFC-3339 P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S. The expected length of
this break. Precision less than minutes is truncated.
Example for break expected duration of 15 minutes: T15M
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getExpectedDuration(): string | setExpectedDuration(string expectedDuration): void |
-| `isPaid` | `bool` | Required | Whether this break counts towards time worked for compensation
purposes. | getIsPaid(): bool | setIsPaid(bool isPaid): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | Used for resolving concurrency issues. The request fails if the version
provided does not match the server version at the time of the request. If a value is not
provided, Square's servers execute a "blind" write; potentially
overwriting another writer's data. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "break_name": "break_name4",
- "expected_duration": "expected_duration0",
- "is_paid": false,
- "version": 236,
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
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-# Bulk Create Customer Data
-Defines the customer data provided in individual create requests for a
-[BulkCreateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-create-customers) operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `givenName` | `?string` | Optional | The given name (that is, the first name) associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `300` | getGivenName(): ?string | setGivenName(?string givenName): void |
-| `familyName` | `?string` | Optional | The family name (that is, the last name) associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `300` | getFamilyName(): ?string | setFamilyName(?string familyName): void |
-| `companyName` | `?string` | Optional | A business name associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getCompanyName(): ?string | setCompanyName(?string companyName): void |
-| `nickname` | `?string` | Optional | A nickname for the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getNickname(): ?string | setNickname(?string nickname): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `254` | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number associated with the customer profile. The phone number must be valid
and can contain 9–16 digits, with an optional `+` prefix and country code. For more information,
see [Customer phone numbers](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#phone-number). | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional second ID used to associate the customer profile with an
entity in another system.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | A custom note associated with the customer profile. | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `birthday` | `?string` | Optional | The birthday associated with the customer profile, in `YYYY-MM-DD` or `MM-DD` format.
For example, specify `1998-09-21` for September 21, 1998, or `09-21` for September 21.
Birthdays are returned in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, where `YYYY` is the specified birth year or
`0000` if a birth year is not specified. | getBirthday(): ?string | setBirthday(?string birthday): void |
-| `taxIds` | [`?CustomerTaxIds`](../../doc/models/customer-tax-ids.md) | Optional | Represents the tax ID associated with a [customer profile](../../doc/models/customer.md). The corresponding `tax_ids` field is available only for customers of sellers in EU countries or the United Kingdom.
For more information, see [Customer tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-tax-ids). | getTaxIds(): ?CustomerTaxIds | setTaxIds(?CustomerTaxIds taxIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "given_name": "given_name4",
- "family_name": "family_name4",
- "company_name": "company_name8",
- "nickname": "nickname8",
- "email_address": "email_address0"
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-# Bulk Create Customers Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in requests to the
-[BulkCreateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-create-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customers` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-create-customer-data.md) | Required | A map of 1 to 100 individual create requests, represented by `idempotency key: { customer data }`
key-value pairs.
Each key is an [idempotency key](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency)
that uniquely identifies the create request. Each value contains the customer data used to create the
customer profile. | getCustomers(): array | setCustomers(array customers): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customers": {
- "8bb76c4f-e35d-4c5b-90de-1194cd9179f0": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "note": "a customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-4240",
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "company_name": "company_name8",
- "nickname": "nickname8"
- },
- "d1689f23-b25d-4932-b2f0-aed00f5e2029": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 601",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "email_address": "Marie.Curie@example.com",
- "family_name": "Curie",
- "given_name": "Marie",
- "note": "another customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-444-4240",
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "company_name": "company_name8",
- "nickname": "nickname8"
- }
- }
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-# Bulk Create Customers Response
-Defines the fields included in the response body from the
-[BulkCreateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-create-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `responses` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/create-customer-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual create requests, represented by
key-value pairs.
Each key is the idempotency key that was provided for a create request and each value
is the corresponding response.
If the request succeeds, the value is the new customer profile.
If the request fails, the value contains any errors that occurred during the request. | getResponses(): ?array | setResponses(?array responses): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any top-level errors that prevented the bulk operation from running. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "responses": {
- "8bb76c4f-e35d-4c5b-90de-1194cd9179f4": {
- "customer": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2024-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "note": "a customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-4240",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "updated_at": "2024-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "version": 0,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "d1689f23-b25d-4932-b2f0-aed00f5e2029": {
- "customer": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 601",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2024-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "Marie.Curie@example.com",
- "family_name": "Curie",
- "given_name": "Marie",
- "id": "N18CPRVXR5214XPBBA6BZQWF3C",
- "note": "another customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-444-4240",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "updated_at": "2024-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "version": 0,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Bulk Create Team Members Request
-Represents a bulk create request for `TeamMember` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMembers` | [`array`](../../doc/models/create-team-member-request.md) | Required | The data used to create the `TeamMember` objects. Each key is the `idempotency_key` that maps to the `CreateTeamMemberRequest`.
The maximum number of create objects is 25.
If you include a team member's `wage_setting`, you must provide `job_id` for each job assignment. To get job IDs,
call [ListJobs](api-endpoint:Team-ListJobs). | getTeamMembers(): array | setTeamMembers(array teamMembers): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_members": {
- "idempotency-key-1": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "email_address": "joe_doe@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "id": "id6",
- "is_owner": false,
- "status": "ACTIVE"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
- },
- "idempotency-key-2": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "email_address": "jane_smith@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Smith",
- "given_name": "Jane",
- "phone_number": "+14159223334",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_2",
- "id": "id6",
- "is_owner": false,
- "status": "ACTIVE"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
- }
- }
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-# Bulk Create Team Members Response
-Represents a response from a bulk create request containing the created `TeamMember` objects or error messages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMembers` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/create-team-member-response.md) | Optional | The successfully created `TeamMember` objects. Each key is the `idempotency_key` that maps to the `CreateTeamMemberRequest`. | getTeamMembers(): ?array | setTeamMembers(?array teamMembers): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_members": {
- "idempotency-key-1": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "email_address": "joe_doe@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "id": "ywhG1qfIOoqsHfVRubFV",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "idempotency-key-2": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "email_address": "jane_smith@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Smith",
- "given_name": "Jane",
- "id": "IF_Ncrg7fHhCqxVI9T6R",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159223334",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_2",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Bulk Create Vendors Request
-Represents an input to a call to [BulkCreateVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-create-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `vendors` | [`array`](../../doc/models/vendor.md) | Required | Specifies a set of new [Vendor](entity:Vendor) objects as represented by a collection of idempotency-key/`Vendor`-object pairs. | getVendors(): array | setVendors(array vendors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "vendors": {
- "key0": {
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4",
- "name": "name8",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- }
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-create-vendors-response.md
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@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Create Vendors Response
-Represents an output from a call to [BulkCreateVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-create-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `responses` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/create-vendor-response.md) | Optional | A set of [CreateVendorResponse](entity:CreateVendorResponse) objects encapsulating successfully created [Vendor](entity:Vendor)
objects or error responses for failed attempts. The set is represented by
a collection of idempotency-key/`Vendor`-object or idempotency-key/error-object pairs. The idempotency keys correspond to those specified
in the input. | getResponses(): ?array | setResponses(?array responses): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "key0": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- }
- }
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Delete Booking Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-booking-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/booking-custom-attribute-delete-request.md) | Required | A map containing 1 to 25 individual Delete requests. For each request, provide an
arbitrary ID that is unique for this `BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes` request and the
information needed to delete a custom attribute. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "booking_id": "booking_id4",
- "key": "key0"
- }
- }
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Delete Booking Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-booking-custom-attributes) response,
-which contains a map of responses that each corresponds to an individual delete request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/booking-custom-attribute-delete-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual delete requests. Each response has the
same ID as the corresponding request and contains `booking_id` and `errors` field. | getValues(): ?array | setValues(?array values): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "values": {
- "id1": {
- "booking_id": "N3NCVYY3WS27HF0HKANA3R9FP8",
- "errors": []
- },
- "id2": {
- "booking_id": "SY8EMWRNDN3TQDP2H4KS1QWMMM",
- "errors": []
- },
- "id3": {
- "booking_id": "SY8EMWRNDN3TQDP2H4KS1QWMMM",
- "errors": []
- }
- }
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-# Bulk Delete Customers Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in requests to the
-[BulkDeleteCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-delete-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerIds` | `string[]` | Required | The IDs of the [customer profiles](entity:Customer) to delete. | getCustomerIds(): array | setCustomerIds(array customerIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_ids": [
- ]
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-# Bulk Delete Customers Response
-Defines the fields included in the response body from the
-[BulkDeleteCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-delete-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `responses` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/delete-customer-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual delete requests, represented by
key-value pairs.
Each key is the customer ID that was specified for a delete request and each value
is the corresponding response.
If the request succeeds, the value is an empty object (`{ }`).
If the request fails, the value contains any errors that occurred during the request. | getResponses(): ?array | setResponses(?array responses): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any top-level errors that prevented the bulk operation from running. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "responses": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "category": "INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR",
- "code": "NOT_FOUND",
- "detail": "Customer with ID `2GYD7WNXF7BJZW1PMGNXZ3Y8M8` not found.",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-request-location-custom-attribute-delete-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-request-location-custom-attribute-delete-request.md
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-# Bulk Delete Location Custom Attributes Request Location Custom Attribute Delete Request
-Represents an individual delete request in a [BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes)
-request. An individual request contains an optional ID of the associated custom attribute definition
-and optional key of the associated custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | The key of the associated custom attribute definition.
Represented as a qualified key if the requesting app is not the definition owner.
**Constraints**: *Pattern*: `^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,60}$` | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "key": "key8"
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-# Bulk Delete Location Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-request-location-custom-attribute-delete-request.md) | Required | The data used to update the `CustomAttribute` objects.
The keys must be unique and are used to map to the corresponding response. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "id1": {
- "key": "bestseller",
- "location_id": "L0TBCBTB7P8RQ"
- },
- "id2": {
- "key": "bestseller",
- "location_id": "L9XMD04V3STJX"
- },
- "id3": {
- "key": "phone-number",
- "location_id": "L0TBCBTB7P8RQ"
- }
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-response-location-custom-attribute-delete-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-response-location-custom-attribute-delete-response.md
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-# Bulk Delete Location Custom Attributes Response Location Custom Attribute Delete Response
-Represents an individual delete response in a [BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location associated with the custom attribute. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred while processing the individual LocationCustomAttributeDeleteRequest request | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "location_id": "L0TBCBTB7P8RQ"
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Delete Location Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes) response,
-which contains a map of responses that each corresponds to an individual delete request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-location-custom-attributes-response-location-custom-attribute-delete-response.md) | Required | A map of responses that correspond to individual delete requests. Each response has the
same key as the corresponding request. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "id1": {
- "errors": [],
- "location_id": "L0TBCBTB7P8RQ"
- },
- "id2": {
- "errors": [],
- "location_id": "L9XMD04V3STJX"
- },
- "id3": {
- "errors": [],
- "location_id": "L0TBCBTB7P8RQ"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-request-merchant-custom-attribute-delete-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-request-merchant-custom-attribute-delete-request.md
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-# Bulk Delete Merchant Custom Attributes Request Merchant Custom Attribute Delete Request
-Represents an individual delete request in a [BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes)
-request. An individual request contains an optional ID of the associated custom attribute definition
-and optional key of the associated custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | The key of the associated custom attribute definition.
Represented as a qualified key if the requesting app is not the definition owner.
**Constraints**: *Pattern*: `^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,60}$` | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "key": "key0"
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-# Bulk Delete Merchant Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-request-merchant-custom-attribute-delete-request.md) | Required | The data used to update the `CustomAttribute` objects.
The keys must be unique and are used to map to the corresponding response. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "id1": {
- "key": "alternative_seller_name",
- "merchant_id": "DM7VKY8Q63GNP"
- },
- "id2": {
- "key": "has_seen_tutorial",
- "merchant_id": "DM7VKY8Q63GNP"
- }
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-response-merchant-custom-attribute-delete-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-response-merchant-custom-attribute-delete-response.md
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-# Bulk Delete Merchant Custom Attributes Response Merchant Custom Attribute Delete Response
-Represents an individual delete response in a [BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred while processing the individual MerchantCustomAttributeDeleteRequest request | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "merchant_id": "DM7VKY8Q63GNP"
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-# Bulk Delete Merchant Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes) response,
-which contains a map of responses that each corresponds to an individual delete request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-merchant-custom-attributes-response-merchant-custom-attribute-delete-response.md) | Required | A map of responses that correspond to individual delete requests. Each response has the
same key as the corresponding request. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "id1": {
- "errors": [],
- "merchant_id": "DM7VKY8Q63GNP"
- },
- "id2": {
- "errors": [],
- "merchant_id": "DM7VKY8Q63GNP"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-delete-order-custom-attributes-request-delete-custom-attribute.md b/doc/models/bulk-delete-order-custom-attributes-request-delete-custom-attribute.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-delete-order-custom-attributes-request-delete-custom-attribute.md
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-# Bulk Delete Order Custom Attributes Request Delete Custom Attribute
-Represents one delete within the bulk operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the key
of an existing custom attribute definition.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Pattern*: `^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:)?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,60}$` | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the target [order](entity:Order).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getOrderId(): string | setOrderId(string orderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "key": "key2",
- "order_id": "order_id6"
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-# Bulk Delete Order Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a bulk delete request for one or more order custom attributes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-delete-order-custom-attributes-request-delete-custom-attribute.md) | Required | A map of requests that correspond to individual delete operations for custom attributes. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "cover-count": {
- "key": "cover-count",
- "order_id": "7BbXGEIWNldxAzrtGf9GPVZTwZ4F"
- },
- "table-number": {
- "key": "table-number",
- "order_id": "7BbXGEIWNldxAzrtGf9GPVZTwZ4F"
- }
- }
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Delete Order Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a response from deleting one or more order custom attributes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-response.md) | Required | A map of responses that correspond to individual delete requests. Each response has the same ID
as the corresponding request and contains either a `custom_attribute` or an `errors` field. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "cover-count": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "table-number": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-retrieve-bookings-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-retrieve-bookings-request.md
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-# Bulk Retrieve Bookings Request
-Request payload for bulk retrieval of bookings.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookingIds` | `string[]` | Required | A non-empty list of [Booking](entity:Booking) IDs specifying bookings to retrieve. | getBookingIds(): array | setBookingIds(array bookingIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking_ids": [
- "booking_ids8",
- "booking_ids9",
- "booking_ids0"
- ]
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-# Bulk Retrieve Bookings Response
-Response payload for bulk retrieval of bookings.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookings` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/retrieve-booking-response.md) | Optional | Requested bookings returned as a map containing `booking_id` as the key and `RetrieveBookingResponse` as the value. | getBookings(): ?array | setBookings(?array bookings): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "bookings": {
- "sc3p3m7dvctfr1": {
- "booking": {
- "all_day": false,
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "any_team_member": false,
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "VG4FYBKK3UL6UITOEYQ6MFLS",
- "service_variation_version": 1641341724039,
- "team_member_id": "TMjiqI3PxyLMKr4k"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2023-04-26T18:19:21Z",
- "customer_id": "4TDWKN9E8165X8Z77MRS0VFMJM",
- "id": "sc3p3m7dvctfr1",
- "location_id": "LY6WNBPVM6VGV",
- "start_at": "2023-05-01T14:00:00Z",
- "status": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2023-04-26T18:19:21Z",
- "version": 0
- },
- "errors": []
- },
- "tdegug1dvctdef": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "category": "INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR",
- "code": "NOT_FOUND",
- "detail": "Specified booking was not found.",
- "field": "booking_id"
- }
- ],
- "booking": {
- "id": "id4",
- "version": 156,
- "status": "CANCELLED_BY_SELLER",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
- }
- },
- "tdegug1fqni3wh": {
- "booking": {
- "all_day": false,
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "any_team_member": false,
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "VG4FYBKK3UL6UITOEYQ6MFLS",
- "service_variation_version": 1641341724039,
- "team_member_id": "TMjiqI3PxyLMKr4k"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2023-04-26T18:19:30Z",
- "customer_id": "4TDWKN9E8165X8Z77MRS0VFMJM",
- "id": "tdegug1fqni3wh",
- "location_id": "LY6WNBPVM6VGV",
- "start_at": "2023-05-02T14:00:00Z",
- "status": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2023-04-26T18:19:30Z",
- "version": 0
- },
- "errors": []
- }
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Bulk Retrieve Customers Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in requests to the
-[BulkRetrieveCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-retrieve-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerIds` | `string[]` | Required | The IDs of the [customer profiles](entity:Customer) to retrieve. | getCustomerIds(): array | setCustomerIds(array customerIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_ids": [
- ]
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-# Bulk Retrieve Customers Response
-Defines the fields included in the response body from the
-[BulkRetrieveCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-retrieve-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `responses` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/retrieve-customer-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual retrieve requests, represented by
key-value pairs.
Each key is the customer ID that was specified for a retrieve request and each value
is the corresponding response.
If the request succeeds, the value is the requested customer profile.
If the request fails, the value contains any errors that occurred during the request. | getResponses(): ?array | setResponses(?array responses): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any top-level errors that prevented the bulk operation from running. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "responses": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "category": "INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR",
- "code": "NOT_FOUND",
- "detail": "Customer with ID `2GYD7WNXF7BJZW1PMGNXZ3Y8M8` not found.",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "customer": {
- "id": "id0",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4",
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ],
- "given_name": "given_name2"
- }
- },
- "customer": {
- "birthday": "1897-07-24",
- "created_at": "2024-01-19T00:27:54.59Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "New.Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "note": "updated customer note",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "updated_at": "2024-01-19T00:38:06Z",
- "version": 3
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "customer": {
- "created_at": "2024-01-19T00:27:54.59Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "family_name": "Curie",
- "given_name": "Marie",
- "id": "N18CPRVXR5214XPBBA6BZQWF3C",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "updated_at": "2024-01-19T00:38:06Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Bulk Retrieve Team Member Booking Profiles Request
-Request payload for the [BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfiles](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#bulk-retrieve-team-member-booking-profiles) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberIds` | `string[]` | Required | A non-empty list of IDs of team members whose booking profiles you want to retrieve. | getTeamMemberIds(): array | setTeamMemberIds(array teamMemberIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member_ids": [
- "team_member_ids1",
- "team_member_ids2"
- ]
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-# Bulk Retrieve Team Member Booking Profiles Response
-Response payload for the [BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfiles](../../doc/apis/bookings.md#bulk-retrieve-team-member-booking-profiles) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberBookingProfiles` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/retrieve-team-member-booking-profile-response.md) | Optional | The returned team members' booking profiles, as a map with `team_member_id` as the key and [TeamMemberBookingProfile](entity:TeamMemberBookingProfile) the value. | getTeamMemberBookingProfiles(): ?array | setTeamMemberBookingProfiles(?array teamMemberBookingProfiles): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "team_member_booking_profiles": {
- "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "category": "INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR",
- "code": "NOT_FOUND",
- "detail": "Resource not found.",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_booking_profile": {
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id2",
- "description": "description2",
- "display_name": "display_name2",
- "is_bookable": false,
- "profile_image_url": "profile_image_url8"
- }
- },
- "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9": {
- "errors": [],
- "team_member_booking_profile": {
- "display_name": "Sandbox Staff 1",
- "is_bookable": true,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9"
- }
- },
- "TMtdegug1fqni3wh": {
- "errors": [],
- "team_member_booking_profile": {
- "display_name": "Sandbox Staff 2",
- "is_bookable": true,
- "team_member_id": "TMtdegug1fqni3wh"
- }
- }
- }
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-# Bulk Retrieve Vendors Request
-Represents an input to a call to [BulkRetrieveVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-retrieve-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `vendorIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | IDs of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor) objects to retrieve. | getVendorIds(): ?array | setVendorIds(?array vendorIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "vendor_ids": [
- ]
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-# Bulk Retrieve Vendors Response
-Represents an output from a call to [BulkRetrieveVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-retrieve-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `responses` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/retrieve-vendor-response.md) | Optional | The set of [RetrieveVendorResponse](entity:RetrieveVendorResponse) objects encapsulating successfully retrieved [Vendor](entity:Vendor)
objects or error responses for failed attempts. The set is represented by
a collection of `Vendor`-ID/`Vendor`-object or `Vendor`-ID/error-object pairs. | getResponses(): ?array | setResponses(?array responses): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "responses": {
- "key0": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- },
- "key1": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- }
- }
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-# Bulk Swap Plan Request
-Defines input parameters in a call to the
-[BulkSwapPlan](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#bulk-swap-plan) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `newPlanVariationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the new subscription plan variation.
This field is required.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getNewPlanVariationId(): string | setNewPlanVariationId(string newPlanVariationId): void |
-| `oldPlanVariationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the plan variation whose subscriptions should be swapped. Active subscriptions
using this plan variation will be subscribed to the new plan variation on their next billing
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getOldPlanVariationId(): string | setOldPlanVariationId(string oldPlanVariationId): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location to associate with the swapped subscriptions.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "new_plan_variation_id": "FQ7CDXXWSLUJRPM3GFJSJGZ7",
- "old_plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H"
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-# Bulk Swap Plan Response
-Defines output parameters in a response of the
-[BulkSwapPlan](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#bulk-swap-plan) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `affectedSubscriptions` | `?int` | Optional | The number of affected subscriptions. | getAffectedSubscriptions(): ?int | setAffectedSubscriptions(?int affectedSubscriptions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "affected_subscriptions": 12,
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Bulk Update Customer Data
-Defines the customer data provided in individual update requests for a
-[BulkUpdateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-update-customers) operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `givenName` | `?string` | Optional | The given name (that is, the first name) associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `300` | getGivenName(): ?string | setGivenName(?string givenName): void |
-| `familyName` | `?string` | Optional | The family name (that is, the last name) associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `300` | getFamilyName(): ?string | setFamilyName(?string familyName): void |
-| `companyName` | `?string` | Optional | A business name associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getCompanyName(): ?string | setCompanyName(?string companyName): void |
-| `nickname` | `?string` | Optional | A nickname for the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getNickname(): ?string | setNickname(?string nickname): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address associated with the customer profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `254` | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number associated with the customer profile. The phone number must be valid
and can contain 9–16 digits, with an optional `+` prefix and country code. For more information,
see [Customer phone numbers](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#phone-number). | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional second ID used to associate the customer profile with an
entity in another system.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An custom note associates with the customer profile. | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `birthday` | `?string` | Optional | The birthday associated with the customer profile, in `YYYY-MM-DD` or `MM-DD` format.
For example, specify `1998-09-21` for September 21, 1998, or `09-21` for September 21.
Birthdays are returned in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, where `YYYY` is the specified birth year or
`0000` if a birth year is not specified. | getBirthday(): ?string | setBirthday(?string birthday): void |
-| `taxIds` | [`?CustomerTaxIds`](../../doc/models/customer-tax-ids.md) | Optional | Represents the tax ID associated with a [customer profile](../../doc/models/customer.md). The corresponding `tax_ids` field is available only for customers of sellers in EU countries or the United Kingdom.
For more information, see [Customer tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-tax-ids). | getTaxIds(): ?CustomerTaxIds | setTaxIds(?CustomerTaxIds taxIds): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the customer profile.
As a best practice, you should include this field to enable
[optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency)
control. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "given_name": "given_name4",
- "family_name": "family_name4",
- "company_name": "company_name8",
- "nickname": "nickname8",
- "email_address": "email_address0"
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-# Bulk Update Customers Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in requests to the
-[BulkUpdateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-update-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customers` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-update-customer-data.md) | Required | A map of 1 to 100 individual update requests, represented by `customer ID: { customer data }`
key-value pairs.
Each key is the ID of the [customer profile](entity:Customer) to update. To update a customer profile
that was created by merging existing profiles, provide the ID of the newly created profile.
Each value contains the updated customer data. Only new or changed fields are required. To add or
update a field, specify the new value. To remove a field, specify `null`. | getCustomers(): array | setCustomers(array customers): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customers": {
- "email_address": "New.Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "note": "updated customer note",
- "phone_number": null,
- "version": 2,
- "given_name": "given_name4",
- "family_name": "family_name6",
- "company_name": "company_name8",
- "nickname": "nickname8"
- },
- "family_name": "Curie",
- "given_name": "Marie",
- "version": 0,
- "company_name": "company_name8",
- "nickname": "nickname8",
- "email_address": "email_address0"
- }
- }
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-# Bulk Update Customers Response
-Defines the fields included in the response body from the
-[BulkUpdateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-update-customers) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `responses` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/update-customer-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual update requests, represented by
key-value pairs.
Each key is the customer ID that was specified for an update request and each value
is the corresponding response.
If the request succeeds, the value is the updated customer profile.
If the request fails, the value contains any errors that occurred during the request. | getResponses(): ?array | setResponses(?array responses): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any top-level errors that prevented the bulk operation from running. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "responses": {
- "customer": {
- "birthday": "1897-07-24",
- "created_at": "2024-01-19T00:27:54.59Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "New.Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "note": "updated customer note",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "updated_at": "2024-01-19T00:38:06Z",
- "version": 3,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "customer": {
- "created_at": "2024-01-19T00:27:54.59Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "family_name": "Curie",
- "given_name": "Marie",
- "id": "N18CPRVXR5214XPBBA6BZQWF3C",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "updated_at": "2024-01-19T00:38:06Z",
- "version": 1,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-update-team-members-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-update-team-members-request.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-update-team-members-request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Update Team Members Request
-Represents a bulk update request for `TeamMember` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMembers` | [`array`](../../doc/models/update-team-member-request.md) | Required | The data used to update the `TeamMember` objects. Each key is the `team_member_id` that maps to the `UpdateTeamMemberRequest`.
The maximum number of update objects is 25.
For each team member, include the fields to add, change, or clear. Fields can be cleared using a null value.
To update `wage_setting.job_assignments`, you must provide the complete list of job assignments. If needed,
call [ListJobs](api-endpoint:Team-ListJobs) to get the required `job_id` values. | getTeamMembers(): array | setTeamMembers(array teamMembers): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_members": {
- "AFMwA08kR-MIF-3Vs0OE": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "email_address": "jane_smith@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Smith",
- "given_name": "Jane",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159223334",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_2",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "id": "id6"
- }
- },
- "fpgteZNMaf0qOK-a4t6P": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "email_address": "joe_doe@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "id": "id6"
- }
- }
- }
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-update-team-members-response.md
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@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Update Team Members Response
-Represents a response from a bulk update request containing the updated `TeamMember` objects or error messages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMembers` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/update-team-member-response.md) | Optional | The successfully updated `TeamMember` objects. Each key is the `team_member_id` that maps to the `UpdateTeamMemberRequest`. | getTeamMembers(): ?array | setTeamMembers(?array teamMembers): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_members": {
- "AFMwA08kR-MIF-3Vs0OE": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:00Z",
- "email_address": "jane_smith@example.com",
- "family_name": "Smith",
- "given_name": "Jane",
- "id": "AFMwA08kR-MIF-3Vs0OE",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159223334",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_2",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:18:00Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "fpgteZNMaf0qOK-a4t6P": {
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:00Z",
- "email_address": "joe_doe@example.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "id": "fpgteZNMaf0qOK-a4t6P",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:18:00Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-update-vendors-request.md
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@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Update Vendors Request
-Represents an input to a call to [BulkUpdateVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-update-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `vendors` | [`array`](../../doc/models/update-vendor-request.md) | Required | A set of [UpdateVendorRequest](entity:UpdateVendorRequest) objects encapsulating to-be-updated [Vendor](entity:Vendor)
objects. The set is represented by a collection of `Vendor`-ID/`UpdateVendorRequest`-object pairs. | getVendors(): array | setVendors(array vendors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "vendors": {
- "key0": {
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- },
- "key1": {
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- },
- "key2": {
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- }
- }
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-update-vendors-response.md
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@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Update Vendors Response
-Represents an output from a call to [BulkUpdateVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#bulk-update-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered when the request fails. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `responses` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/update-vendor-response.md) | Optional | A set of [UpdateVendorResponse](entity:UpdateVendorResponse) objects encapsulating successfully created [Vendor](entity:Vendor)
objects or error responses for failed attempts. The set is represented by a collection of `Vendor`-ID/`UpdateVendorResponse`-object or
`Vendor`-ID/error-object pairs. | getResponses(): ?array | setResponses(?array responses): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "responses": {
- "vendor": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "202 Mill St",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NJ",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "Moorestown",
- "postal_code": "08057",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "contacts": [
- {
- "email_address": "annie@annieshotsauce.com",
- "name": "Annie Thomas",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4250"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2022-03-16T10:21:54.859Z",
- "name": "Annie’s Hot Sauce",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-16T20:21:54.859Z",
- "version": 11
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "vendor": {
- "account_number": "4025391",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "505 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "contacts": [
- {
- "email_address": "joe@joesfreshseafood.com",
- "name": "Joe Burrow",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4250"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2022-03-16T10:10:54.859Z",
- "name": "Joe's Fresh Seafood",
- "note": "favorite vendor",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-16T20:21:54.859Z",
- "version": 31
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-request.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-request.md
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@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Booking Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/booking-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md) | Required | A map containing 1 to 25 individual upsert requests. For each request, provide an
arbitrary ID that is unique for this `BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes` request and the
information needed to create or update a custom attribute. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "booking_id": "booking_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
- },
- "key1": {
- "booking_id": "booking_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
- }
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-response.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes-response.md
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@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Booking Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-booking-custom-attributes) response,
-which contains a map of responses that each corresponds to an individual upsert request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/booking-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual upsert requests. Each response has the
same ID as the corresponding request and contains either a `booking_id` and `custom_attribute` or an `errors` field. | getValues(): ?array | setValues(?array values): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "booking_id": "booking_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "key1": {
- "booking_id": "booking_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "key2": {
- "booking_id": "booking_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Customer Custom Attributes Request Customer Custom Attribute Upsert Request
-Represents an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes)
-request. An individual request contains a customer ID, the custom attribute to create or update,
-and an optional idempotency key.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCustomerId(): string | setCustomerId(string customerId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this individual upsert request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key8"
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request.md
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@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Customer Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-request-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md) | Required | A map containing 1 to 25 individual upsert requests. For each request, provide an
arbitrary ID that is unique for this `BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes` request and the
information needed to create or update a custom attribute. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id8",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
- }
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md
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-# Bulk Upsert Customer Custom Attributes Response Customer Custom Attribute Upsert Response
-Represents a response for an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes) operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer profile associated with the custom attribute. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred while processing the individual request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "customer_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8362ad5a..00000000
--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Customer Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes) response,
-which contains a map of responses that each corresponds to an individual upsert request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-customer-custom-attributes-response-customer-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual upsert requests. Each response has the
same ID as the corresponding request and contains either a `customer_id` and `custom_attribute` or an `errors` field. | getValues(): ?array | setValues(?array values): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id8",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "key1": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id8",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "key2": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id8",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request-location-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request-location-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 99585fe5..00000000
--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request-location-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Location Custom Attributes Request Location Custom Attribute Upsert Request
-Represents an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes)
-request. An individual request contains a location ID, the custom attribute to create or update,
-and an optional idempotency key.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the target [location](entity:Location).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this individual upsert request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Location Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-request-location-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md) | Required | A map containing 1 to 25 individual upsert requests. For each request, provide an
arbitrary ID that is unique for this `BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes` request and the
information needed to create or update a custom attribute. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
- }
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response-location-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response-location-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response-location-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Location Custom Attributes Response Location Custom Attribute Upsert Response
-Represents a response for an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes) operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location associated with the custom attribute. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred while processing the individual request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response.md
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--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Location Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes) response,
-which contains a map of responses that each corresponds to an individual upsert request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-location-custom-attributes-response-location-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual upsert requests. Each response has the
same ID as the corresponding request and contains either a `location_id` and `custom_attribute` or an `errors` field. | getValues(): ?array | setValues(?array values): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md
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index 43bc39fd..00000000
--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Merchant Custom Attributes Request Merchant Custom Attribute Upsert Request
-Represents an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes)
-request. An individual request contains a merchant ID, the custom attribute to create or update,
-and an optional idempotency key.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getMerchantId(): string | setMerchantId(string merchantId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this individual upsert request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id8",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request.md
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index d9df80e0..00000000
--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Merchant Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-request-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-request.md) | Required | A map containing 1 to 25 individual upsert requests. For each request, provide an
arbitrary ID that is unique for this `BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes` request and the
information needed to create or update a custom attribute. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id0",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
- },
- "key1": {
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id0",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
- },
- "key2": {
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id0",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
- }
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md
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index 99482af9..00000000
--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Merchant Custom Attributes Response Merchant Custom Attribute Upsert Response
-Represents a response for an individual upsert request in a [BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes) operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the merchant associated with the custom attribute. | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred while processing the individual request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id0",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a9588a76..00000000
--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Merchant Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes) response,
-which contains a map of responses that each corresponds to an individual upsert request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-merchant-custom-attributes-response-merchant-custom-attribute-upsert-response.md) | Optional | A map of responses that correspond to individual upsert requests. Each response has the
same ID as the corresponding request and contains either a `merchant_id` and `custom_attribute` or an `errors` field. | getValues(): ?array | setValues(?array values): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id0",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "key1": {
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id0",
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-order-custom-attributes-request-upsert-custom-attribute.md b/doc/models/bulk-upsert-order-custom-attributes-request-upsert-custom-attribute.md
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index afdedc2d..00000000
--- a/doc/models/bulk-upsert-order-custom-attributes-request-upsert-custom-attribute.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Bulk Upsert Order Custom Attributes Request Upsert Custom Attribute
-Represents one upsert within the bulk operation.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the target [order](entity:Order).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getOrderId(): string | setOrderId(string orderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "order_id": "order_id2"
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-# Bulk Upsert Order Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a bulk upsert request for one or more order custom attributes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/bulk-upsert-order-custom-attributes-request-upsert-custom-attribute.md) | Required | A map of requests that correspond to individual upsert operations for custom attributes. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6",
- "order_id": "order_id4"
- },
- "key1": {
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6",
- "order_id": "order_id4"
- },
- "key2": {
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6",
- "order_id": "order_id4"
- }
- }
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-# Bulk Upsert Order Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a response from a bulk upsert of order custom attributes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `values` | [`array`](../../doc/models/upsert-order-custom-attribute-response.md) | Required | A map of responses that correspond to individual upsert operations for custom attributes. | getValues(): array | setValues(array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "values": {
- "key0": {
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
- }
- }
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-# Business Appointment Settings Alignment Time
-Time units of a service duration for bookings.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SERVICE_DURATION` | The service duration unit is one visit of a fixed time interval specified by the seller. |
-| `QUARTER_HOURLY` | The service duration unit is a 15-minute interval. Bookings can be scheduled every quarter hour. |
-| `HALF_HOURLY` | The service duration unit is a 30-minute interval. Bookings can be scheduled every half hour. |
-| `HOURLY` | The service duration unit is a 60-minute interval. Bookings can be scheduled every hour. |
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-# Business Appointment Settings Booking Location Type
-Supported types of location where service is provided.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `BUSINESS_LOCATION` | The service is provided at a seller location. |
-| `CUSTOMER_LOCATION` | The service is provided at a customer location. |
-| `PHONE` | The service is provided over the phone. |
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-# Business Appointment Settings Cancellation Policy
-The category of the seller’s cancellation policy.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CANCELLATION_TREATED_AS_NO_SHOW` | Cancellations are treated as no shows and may incur a fee as specified by `cancellation_fee_money`. |
-| `CUSTOM_POLICY` | Cancellations follow the seller-specified policy that is described in free-form text and not enforced automatically by Square. |
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-# Business Appointment Settings Max Appointments Per Day Limit Type
-Types of daily appointment limits.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PER_TEAM_MEMBER` | The maximum number of daily appointments is set on a per team member basis. |
-| `PER_LOCATION` | The maximum number of daily appointments is set on a per location basis. |
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-# Business Appointment Settings
-The service appointment settings, including where and how the service is provided.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationTypes` | [`?(string(BusinessAppointmentSettingsBookingLocationType)[])`](../../doc/models/business-appointment-settings-booking-location-type.md) | Optional | Types of the location allowed for bookings.
See [BusinessAppointmentSettingsBookingLocationType](#type-businessappointmentsettingsbookinglocationtype) for possible values | getLocationTypes(): ?array | setLocationTypes(?array locationTypes): void |
-| `alignmentTime` | [`?string(BusinessAppointmentSettingsAlignmentTime)`](../../doc/models/business-appointment-settings-alignment-time.md) | Optional | Time units of a service duration for bookings. | getAlignmentTime(): ?string | setAlignmentTime(?string alignmentTime): void |
-| `minBookingLeadTimeSeconds` | `?int` | Optional | The minimum lead time in seconds before a service can be booked. A booking must be created at least this amount of time before its starting time. | getMinBookingLeadTimeSeconds(): ?int | setMinBookingLeadTimeSeconds(?int minBookingLeadTimeSeconds): void |
-| `maxBookingLeadTimeSeconds` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum lead time in seconds before a service can be booked. A booking must be created at most this amount of time before its starting time. | getMaxBookingLeadTimeSeconds(): ?int | setMaxBookingLeadTimeSeconds(?int maxBookingLeadTimeSeconds): void |
-| `anyTeamMemberBookingEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether a customer can choose from all available time slots and have a staff member assigned
automatically (`true`) or not (`false`). | getAnyTeamMemberBookingEnabled(): ?bool | setAnyTeamMemberBookingEnabled(?bool anyTeamMemberBookingEnabled): void |
-| `multipleServiceBookingEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether a customer can book multiple services in a single online booking. | getMultipleServiceBookingEnabled(): ?bool | setMultipleServiceBookingEnabled(?bool multipleServiceBookingEnabled): void |
-| `maxAppointmentsPerDayLimitType` | [`?string(BusinessAppointmentSettingsMaxAppointmentsPerDayLimitType)`](../../doc/models/business-appointment-settings-max-appointments-per-day-limit-type.md) | Optional | Types of daily appointment limits. | getMaxAppointmentsPerDayLimitType(): ?string | setMaxAppointmentsPerDayLimitType(?string maxAppointmentsPerDayLimitType): void |
-| `maxAppointmentsPerDayLimit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of daily appointments per team member or per location. | getMaxAppointmentsPerDayLimit(): ?int | setMaxAppointmentsPerDayLimit(?int maxAppointmentsPerDayLimit): void |
-| `cancellationWindowSeconds` | `?int` | Optional | The cut-off time in seconds for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule an appointment. | getCancellationWindowSeconds(): ?int | setCancellationWindowSeconds(?int cancellationWindowSeconds): void |
-| `cancellationFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getCancellationFeeMoney(): ?Money | setCancellationFeeMoney(?Money cancellationFeeMoney): void |
-| `cancellationPolicy` | [`?string(BusinessAppointmentSettingsCancellationPolicy)`](../../doc/models/business-appointment-settings-cancellation-policy.md) | Optional | The category of the seller’s cancellation policy. | getCancellationPolicy(): ?string | setCancellationPolicy(?string cancellationPolicy): void |
-| `cancellationPolicyText` | `?string` | Optional | The free-form text of the seller's cancellation policy.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getCancellationPolicyText(): ?string | setCancellationPolicyText(?string cancellationPolicyText): void |
-| `skipBookingFlowStaffSelection` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether customers has an assigned staff member (`true`) or can select s staff member of their choice (`false`). | getSkipBookingFlowStaffSelection(): ?bool | setSkipBookingFlowStaffSelection(?bool skipBookingFlowStaffSelection): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_types": [
- ],
- "alignment_time": "SERVICE_DURATION",
- "min_booking_lead_time_seconds": 88,
- "max_booking_lead_time_seconds": 98,
- "any_team_member_booking_enabled": false
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-# Business Booking Profile Booking Policy
-Policies for accepting bookings.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACCEPT_ALL` | The seller accepts all booking requests automatically. |
-| `REQUIRES_ACCEPTANCE` | The seller must accept requests to complete bookings. |
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-# Business Booking Profile Customer Timezone Choice
-Choices of customer-facing time zone used for bookings.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `BUSINESS_LOCATION_TIMEZONE` | Use the time zone of the business location for bookings. |
-| `CUSTOMER_CHOICE` | Use the customer-chosen time zone for bookings. |
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-# Business Booking Profile
-A seller's business booking profile, including booking policy, appointment settings, etc.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sellerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the seller, obtainable using the Merchants API.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getSellerId(): ?string | setSellerId(?string sellerId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the booking's creation time. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `bookingEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the seller is open for booking. | getBookingEnabled(): ?bool | setBookingEnabled(?bool bookingEnabled): void |
-| `customerTimezoneChoice` | [`?string(BusinessBookingProfileCustomerTimezoneChoice)`](../../doc/models/business-booking-profile-customer-timezone-choice.md) | Optional | Choices of customer-facing time zone used for bookings. | getCustomerTimezoneChoice(): ?string | setCustomerTimezoneChoice(?string customerTimezoneChoice): void |
-| `bookingPolicy` | [`?string(BusinessBookingProfileBookingPolicy)`](../../doc/models/business-booking-profile-booking-policy.md) | Optional | Policies for accepting bookings. | getBookingPolicy(): ?string | setBookingPolicy(?string bookingPolicy): void |
-| `allowUserCancel` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether customers can cancel or reschedule their own bookings (`true`) or not (`false`). | getAllowUserCancel(): ?bool | setAllowUserCancel(?bool allowUserCancel): void |
-| `businessAppointmentSettings` | [`?BusinessAppointmentSettings`](../../doc/models/business-appointment-settings.md) | Optional | The service appointment settings, including where and how the service is provided. | getBusinessAppointmentSettings(): ?BusinessAppointmentSettings | setBusinessAppointmentSettings(?BusinessAppointmentSettings businessAppointmentSettings): void |
-| `supportSellerLevelWrites` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the seller's subscription to Square Appointments supports creating, updating or canceling an appointment through the API (`true`) or not (`false`) using seller permission. | getSupportSellerLevelWrites(): ?bool | setSupportSellerLevelWrites(?bool supportSellerLevelWrites): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "seller_id": "seller_id8",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "booking_enabled": false,
- "customer_timezone_choice": "BUSINESS_LOCATION_TIMEZONE",
- "booking_policy": "ACCEPT_ALL"
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-# Business Hours Period
-Represents a period of time during which a business location is open.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `dayOfWeek` | [`?string(DayOfWeek)`](../../doc/models/day-of-week.md) | Optional | Indicates the specific day of the week. | getDayOfWeek(): ?string | setDayOfWeek(?string dayOfWeek): void |
-| `startLocalTime` | `?string` | Optional | The start time of a business hours period, specified in local time using partial-time
RFC 3339 format. For example, `8:30:00` for a period starting at 8:30 in the morning.
Note that the seconds value is always :00, but it is appended for conformance to the RFC. | getStartLocalTime(): ?string | setStartLocalTime(?string startLocalTime): void |
-| `endLocalTime` | `?string` | Optional | The end time of a business hours period, specified in local time using partial-time
RFC 3339 format. For example, `21:00:00` for a period ending at 9:00 in the evening.
Note that the seconds value is always :00, but it is appended for conformance to the RFC. | getEndLocalTime(): ?string | setEndLocalTime(?string endLocalTime): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "day_of_week": "SUN",
- "start_local_time": "start_local_time2",
- "end_local_time": "end_local_time4"
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-# Business Hours
-The hours of operation for a location.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `periods` | [`?(BusinessHoursPeriod[])`](../../doc/models/business-hours-period.md) | Optional | The list of time periods during which the business is open. There can be at most 10 periods per day. | getPeriods(): ?array | setPeriods(?array periods): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "periods": [
- {
- "day_of_week": "WED",
- "start_local_time": "start_local_time4",
- "end_local_time": "end_local_time6"
- },
- {
- "day_of_week": "WED",
- "start_local_time": "start_local_time4",
- "end_local_time": "end_local_time6"
- },
- {
- "day_of_week": "WED",
- "start_local_time": "start_local_time4",
- "end_local_time": "end_local_time6"
- }
- ]
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-# Buy Now Pay Later Details
-Additional details about a Buy Now Pay Later payment type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `brand` | `?string` | Optional | The brand used for the Buy Now Pay Later payment.
The brand can be `AFTERPAY`, `CLEARPAY` or `UNKNOWN`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getBrand(): ?string | setBrand(?string brand): void |
-| `afterpayDetails` | [`?AfterpayDetails`](../../doc/models/afterpay-details.md) | Optional | Additional details about Afterpay payments. | getAfterpayDetails(): ?AfterpayDetails | setAfterpayDetails(?AfterpayDetails afterpayDetails): void |
-| `clearpayDetails` | [`?ClearpayDetails`](../../doc/models/clearpay-details.md) | Optional | Additional details about Clearpay payments. | getClearpayDetails(): ?ClearpayDetails | setClearpayDetails(?ClearpayDetails clearpayDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "brand": "brand6",
- "afterpay_details": {
- "email_address": "email_address4"
- },
- "clearpay_details": {
- "email_address": "email_address4"
- }
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-# Calculate Loyalty Points Request
-Represents a [CalculateLoyaltyPoints](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#calculate-loyalty-points) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The [order](entity:Order) ID for which to calculate the points.
Specify this field if your application uses the Orders API to process orders.
Otherwise, specify the `transaction_amount_money`. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `transactionAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTransactionAmountMoney(): ?Money | setTransactionAmountMoney(?Money transactionAmountMoney): void |
-| `loyaltyAccountId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the target [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount). Optionally specify this field
if your application uses the Orders API to process orders.
If specified, the `promotion_points` field in the response shows the number of points the buyer would
earn from the purchase. In this case, Square uses the account ID to determine whether the promotion's
`trigger_limit` (the maximum number of times that a buyer can trigger the promotion) has been reached.
If not specified, the `promotion_points` field shows the number of points the purchase qualifies
for regardless of the trigger limit.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyAccountId(): ?string | setLoyaltyAccountId(?string loyaltyAccountId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_account_id": "79b807d2-d786-46a9-933b-918028d7a8c5",
- "order_id": "RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY",
- "transaction_amount_money": {
- "amount": 64,
- "currency": "ANG"
- }
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-# Calculate Loyalty Points Response
-Represents a [CalculateLoyaltyPoints](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#calculate-loyalty-points) response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `points` | `?int` | Optional | The number of points that the buyer can earn from the base loyalty program. | getPoints(): ?int | setPoints(?int points): void |
-| `promotionPoints` | `?int` | Optional | The number of points that the buyer can earn from a loyalty promotion. To be eligible
to earn promotion points, the purchase must first qualify for program points. When `order_id`
is not provided in the request, this value is always 0. | getPromotionPoints(): ?int | setPromotionPoints(?int promotionPoints): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "points": 6,
- "promotion_points": 12,
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Calculate Order Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Required | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): Order | setOrder(Order order): void |
-| `proposedRewards` | [`?(OrderReward[])`](../../doc/models/order-reward.md) | Optional | Identifies one or more loyalty reward tiers to apply during the order calculation.
The discounts defined by the reward tiers are added to the order only to preview the
effect of applying the specified rewards. The rewards do not correspond to actual
redemptions; that is, no `reward`s are created. Therefore, the reward `id`s are
random strings used only to reference the reward tier. | getProposedRewards(): ?array | setProposedRewards(?array proposedRewards): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "b3e98fe3-b8de-471c-82f1-545f371e637c",
- "order": {
- "discounts": [
- {
- "name": "50% Off",
- "percentage": "50",
- "scope": "ORDER"
- }
- ],
- "line_items": [
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 1",
- "quantity": "1",
- "uid": "uid8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 2",
- "quantity": "2",
- "uid": "uid8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "D7AVYMEAPJ3A3",
- "id": "id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- },
- "proposed_rewards": [
- {
- "id": "id0",
- "reward_tier_id": "reward_tier_id6"
- }
- ]
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-# Calculate Order Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-18T16:30:49.614Z",
- "discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "50% Off",
- "percentage": "50",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "zGsRZP69aqSSR9lq9euSPB"
- }
- ],
- "line_items": [
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "zGsRZP69aqSSR9lq9euSPB",
- "uid": "9zr9S4dxvPAixvn0lpa1VC"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 1",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "ULkg0tQTRK2bkU9fNv3IJD",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "zGsRZP69aqSSR9lq9euSPB",
- "uid": "qa8LwwZK82FgSEkQc2HYVC"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 2",
- "quantity": "2",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "mumY8Nun4BC5aKe2yyx5a",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "D7AVYMEAPJ3A3",
- "net_amounts": {
- "discount_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "state": "OPEN",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2020-05-18T16:30:49.614Z",
- "version": 1,
- "id": "id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Booking Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique key to make this request an idempotent operation.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `bookingVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The revision number for the booking used for optimistic concurrency. | getBookingVersion(): ?int | setBookingVersion(?int bookingVersion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key0",
- "booking_version": 224
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-# Cancel Booking Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `booking` | [`?Booking`](../../doc/models/booking.md) | Optional | Represents a booking as a time-bound service contract for a seller's staff member to provide a specified service
at a given location to a requesting customer in one or more appointment segments. | getBooking(): ?Booking | setBooking(?Booking booking): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking": {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2020-10-28T15:47:41Z",
- "customer_id": "EX2QSVGTZN4K1E5QE1CBFNVQ8M",
- "customer_note": "",
- "id": "zkras0xv0xwswx",
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "seller_note": "",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T13:00:00Z",
- "updated_at": "2020-10-28T15:49:25Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Cancel Invoice Request
-Describes a `CancelInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `int` | Required | The version of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to cancel.
If you do not know the version, you can call
[GetInvoice](api-endpoint:Invoices-GetInvoice) or [ListInvoices](api-endpoint:Invoices-ListInvoices). | getVersion(): int | setVersion(int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 0
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-# Cancel Invoice Response
-The response returned by the `CancelInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoice` | [`?Invoice`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Optional | Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview). | getInvoice(): ?Invoice | setInvoice(?Invoice invoice): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "invoice": {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "created_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "id": "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "reminders": [
- {
- "message": "Your invoice is due tomorrow",
- "relative_scheduled_days": -1,
- "status": "PENDING",
- "uid": "beebd363-e47f-4075-8785-c235aaa7df11"
- }
- ],
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": true,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-18T18:23:11Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Loyalty Promotion Response
-Represents a [CancelLoyaltyPromotion](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#cancel-loyalty-promotion) response.
-Either `loyalty_promotion` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `loyaltyPromotion` | [`?LoyaltyPromotion`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md) | Optional | Represents a promotion for a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). Loyalty promotions enable buyers
to earn extra points on top of those earned from the base program.
A loyalty program can have a maximum of 10 loyalty promotions with an `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status. | getLoyaltyPromotion(): ?LoyaltyPromotion | setLoyaltyPromotion(?LoyaltyPromotion loyaltyPromotion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_promotion": {
- "available_time": {
- "start_date": "2022-08-16",
- "time_periods": [
- ],
- "end_date": "end_date8"
- },
- "canceled_at": "2022-08-17T12:42:49Z",
- "created_at": "2022-08-16T08:38:54Z",
- "id": "loypromo_f0f9b849-725e-378d-b810-511237e07b67",
- "incentive": {
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "multiplier": "3.000",
- "points_multiplier": 3
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
- },
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "minimum_spend_amount_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Tuesday Happy Hour Promo",
- "qualifying_category_ids": [
- ],
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "trigger_limit": {
- "interval": "DAY",
- "times": 1
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-08-17T12:42:49Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Payment by Idempotency Key Request
-Describes a request to cancel a payment using
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | The `idempotency_key` identifying the payment to be canceled.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "a7e36d40-d24b-11e8-b568-0800200c9a66"
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-# Cancel Payment by Idempotency Key Response
-Defines the response returned by
-On success, `errors` is empty.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Payment Response
-Defines the response returned by [CancelPayment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#cancel-payment).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `payment` | [`?Payment`](../../doc/models/payment.md) | Optional | Represents a payment processed by the Square API. | getPayment(): ?Payment | setPayment(?Payment payment): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_id": "sq0ids-TcgftTEtKxJTRF1lCFJ9TA",
- "square_product": "ECOMMERCE_API"
- },
- "approved_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "auth_result_code": "68aLBM",
- "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-Hxim77tbdcbGejOejnoAklBVJed2YFLTmirfl8Q5XZzObTc8qY_U8RkwzoNL8dCEcQ",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_payment_timeline": {
- "authorized_at": "2021-10-13T20:26:44.364Z",
- "voided_at": "2021-10-13T20:31:21.597Z"
- },
- "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
- "entry_method": "ON_FILE",
- "statement_description": "SQ *EXAMPLE TEST GOSQ.C",
- "status": "VOIDED"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T20:26:44.191Z",
- "customer_id": "W92WH6P11H4Z77CTET0RNTGFW8",
- "delay_action": "CANCEL",
- "delay_duration": "PT168H",
- "delayed_until": "2021-10-20T20:26:44.191Z",
- "id": "1QjqpBVyrI9S4H9sTGDWU9JeiWdZY",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "note": "Example Note",
- "order_id": "nUSN9TdxpiK3SrQg3wzmf6r8LP9YY",
- "risk_evaluation": {
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T20:26:45.271Z",
- "risk_level": "NORMAL"
- },
- "source_type": "CARD",
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T20:31:21.597Z",
- "version_token": "N8AGYgEjCiY9Q57Jw7aVHEpBq8bzGCDCQMRX8Vs56N06o"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Subscription Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-[CancelSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#cancel-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-| `actions` | [`?(SubscriptionAction[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-action.md) | Optional | A list of a single `CANCEL` action scheduled for the subscription. | getActions(): ?array | setActions(?array actions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "canceled_date": "2023-06-05",
- "card_id": "ccof:qy5x8hHGYsgLrp4Q4GB",
- "created_at": "2022-01-19T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "910afd30-464a-4e00-a8d8-2296e",
- "invoice_ids": [
- "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "inv:0-ChrcX_i3sNmfsHTGKhI4Wg2mceA"
- ],
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "paid_until_date": "2023-12-31",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2022-01-19",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 3
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "actions": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "type": "RESUME",
- "effective_date": "effective_date8",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 186,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "type": "RESUME",
- "effective_date": "effective_date8",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 186,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "type": "RESUME",
- "effective_date": "effective_date8",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 186,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Terminal Action Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `action` | [`?TerminalAction`](../../doc/models/terminal-action.md) | Optional | Represents an action processed by the Square Terminal. | getAction(): ?TerminalAction | setAction(?TerminalAction action): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": {
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "cancel_reason": "SELLER_CANCELED",
- "created_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:07.476Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
- "id": "termapia:jveJIAkkAjILHkdCE",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "save_card_options": {
- "customer_id": "CUSTOMER_ID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1"
- },
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "type": "SAVE_CARD",
- "updated_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:29.511Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Terminal Checkout Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `checkout` | [`?TerminalCheckout`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout.md) | Optional | Represents a checkout processed by the Square Terminal. | getCheckout(): ?TerminalCheckout | setCheckout(?TerminalCheckout checkout): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "checkout": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 123,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "cancel_reason": "SELLER_CANCELED",
- "created_at": "2020-03-16T15:31:19.934Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_options": {
- "device_id": "dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
- "skip_receipt_screen": true,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": true,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "collect_signature": false,
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- },
- "id": "S1yDlPQx7slqO",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "reference_id": "id36815",
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-16T15:31:45.787Z",
- "note": "note8",
- "order_id": "order_id6",
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Cancel Terminal Refund Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refund` | [`?TerminalRefund`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund.md) | Optional | Represents a payment refund processed by the Square Terminal. Only supports Interac (Canadian debit network) payment refunds. | getRefund(): ?TerminalRefund | setRefund(?TerminalRefund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refund": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "CAD"
- },
- "app_id": "sandbox-sq0idb-c2OuYt13YaCAeJq_2cd8OQ",
- "cancel_reason": "SELLER_CANCELED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "INTERAC",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-B1fP9MNNmZgVVaPKRND6oDKYbz25S2cTvg9Mzwg3RMTK1zT1PiGRT-AE3nTA8vSmmw",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "created_at": "2020-10-21T22:47:23.241Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "42690809-faa2-4701-a24b-19d3d34c9aaa",
- "id": "g6ycb6HD-5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "location_id": "76C9W6K8CNNQ5",
- "order_id": "kcuKDKreRaI4gF4TjmEgZjHk8Z7YY",
- "payment_id": "5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "reason": "reason",
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "updated_at": "2020-10-21T22:47:30.096Z",
- "refund_id": "refund_id2"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Capture Transaction Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [CaptureTransaction](api-endpoint:Transactions-CaptureTransaction) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Card Brand
-Indicates a card's brand, such as `VISA` or `MASTERCARD`.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `VISA` |
-| `JCB` |
-| `INTERAC` |
-| `EFTPOS` |
-| `FELICA` |
-| `EBT` |
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-# Card Co Brand
-Indicates the brand for a co-branded card.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `UNKNOWN` |
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-# Card Payment Details
-Reflects the current status of a card payment. Contains only non-confidential information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | The card payment's current state. The state can be AUTHORIZED, CAPTURED, VOIDED, or
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `card` | [`?Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): ?Card | setCard(?Card card): void |
-| `entryMethod` | `?string` | Optional | The method used to enter the card's details for the payment. The method can be
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getEntryMethod(): ?string | setEntryMethod(?string entryMethod): void |
-| `cvvStatus` | `?string` | Optional | The status code returned from the Card Verification Value (CVV) check. The code can be
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getCvvStatus(): ?string | setCvvStatus(?string cvvStatus): void |
-| `avsStatus` | `?string` | Optional | The status code returned from the Address Verification System (AVS) check. The code can be
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getAvsStatus(): ?string | setAvsStatus(?string avsStatus): void |
-| `authResultCode` | `?string` | Optional | The status code returned by the card issuer that describes the payment's
authorization status.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getAuthResultCode(): ?string | setAuthResultCode(?string authResultCode): void |
-| `applicationIdentifier` | `?string` | Optional | For EMV payments, the application ID identifies the EMV application used for the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getApplicationIdentifier(): ?string | setApplicationIdentifier(?string applicationIdentifier): void |
-| `applicationName` | `?string` | Optional | For EMV payments, the human-readable name of the EMV application used for the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `16` | getApplicationName(): ?string | setApplicationName(?string applicationName): void |
-| `applicationCryptogram` | `?string` | Optional | For EMV payments, the cryptogram generated for the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `16` | getApplicationCryptogram(): ?string | setApplicationCryptogram(?string applicationCryptogram): void |
-| `verificationMethod` | `?string` | Optional | For EMV payments, the method used to verify the cardholder's identity. The method can be
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getVerificationMethod(): ?string | setVerificationMethod(?string verificationMethod): void |
-| `verificationResults` | `?string` | Optional | For EMV payments, the results of the cardholder verification. The result can be
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getVerificationResults(): ?string | setVerificationResults(?string verificationResults): void |
-| `statementDescription` | `?string` | Optional | The statement description sent to the card networks.
Note: The actual statement description varies and is likely to be truncated and appended with
additional information on a per issuer basis.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getStatementDescription(): ?string | setStatementDescription(?string statementDescription): void |
-| `deviceDetails` | [`?DeviceDetails`](../../doc/models/device-details.md) | Optional | Details about the device that took the payment. | getDeviceDetails(): ?DeviceDetails | setDeviceDetails(?DeviceDetails deviceDetails): void |
-| `cardPaymentTimeline` | [`?CardPaymentTimeline`](../../doc/models/card-payment-timeline.md) | Optional | The timeline for card payments. | getCardPaymentTimeline(): ?CardPaymentTimeline | setCardPaymentTimeline(?CardPaymentTimeline cardPaymentTimeline): void |
-| `refundRequiresCardPresence` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the card must be physically present for the payment to
be refunded. If set to `true`, the card must be present. | getRefundRequiresCardPresence(): ?bool | setRefundRequiresCardPresence(?bool refundRequiresCardPresence): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "status": "status6",
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "entry_method8",
- "cvv_status": "cvv_status4",
- "avs_status": "avs_status6"
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-# Card Payment Timeline
-The timeline for card payments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `authorizedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the payment was authorized, in RFC 3339 format. | getAuthorizedAt(): ?string | setAuthorizedAt(?string authorizedAt): void |
-| `capturedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the payment was captured, in RFC 3339 format. | getCapturedAt(): ?string | setCapturedAt(?string capturedAt): void |
-| `voidedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the payment was voided, in RFC 3339 format. | getVoidedAt(): ?string | setVoidedAt(?string voidedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "authorized_at": "authorized_at2",
- "captured_at": "captured_at2",
- "voided_at": "voided_at6"
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-# Card Prepaid Type
-Indicates a card's prepaid type, such as `NOT_PREPAID` or `PREPAID`.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `PREPAID` |
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-# Card Type
-Indicates a card's type, such as `CREDIT` or `DEBIT`.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `CREDIT` |
-| `DEBIT` |
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-# Card
-Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
-details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | Unique ID for this card. Generated by Square.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `cardBrand` | [`?string(CardBrand)`](../../doc/models/card-brand.md) | Optional | Indicates a card's brand, such as `VISA` or `MASTERCARD`. | getCardBrand(): ?string | setCardBrand(?string cardBrand): void |
-| `last4` | `?string` | Optional | The last 4 digits of the card number.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4` | getLast4(): ?string | setLast4(?string last4): void |
-| `expMonth` | `?int` | Optional | The expiration month of the associated card as an integer between 1 and 12. | getExpMonth(): ?int | setExpMonth(?int expMonth): void |
-| `expYear` | `?int` | Optional | The four-digit year of the card's expiration date. | getExpYear(): ?int | setExpYear(?int expYear): void |
-| `cardholderName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the cardholder.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `96` | getCardholderName(): ?string | setCardholderName(?string cardholderName): void |
-| `billingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getBillingAddress(): ?Address | setBillingAddress(?Address billingAddress): void |
-| `fingerprint` | `?string` | Optional | Intended as a Square-assigned identifier, based
on the card number, to identify the card across multiple locations within a
single application.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getFingerprint(): ?string | setFingerprint(?string fingerprint): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | **Required** The ID of a customer created using the Customers API to be associated with the card. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the merchant associated with the card. | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional user-defined reference ID that associates this card with
another entity in an external system. For example, a customer ID from an
external customer management system.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `enabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether or not a card can be used for payments. | getEnabled(): ?bool | setEnabled(?bool enabled): void |
-| `cardType` | [`?string(CardType)`](../../doc/models/card-type.md) | Optional | Indicates a card's type, such as `CREDIT` or `DEBIT`. | getCardType(): ?string | setCardType(?string cardType): void |
-| `prepaidType` | [`?string(CardPrepaidType)`](../../doc/models/card-prepaid-type.md) | Optional | Indicates a card's prepaid type, such as `NOT_PREPAID` or `PREPAID`. | getPrepaidType(): ?string | setPrepaidType(?string prepaidType): void |
-| `bin` | `?string` | Optional | The first six digits of the card number, known as the Bank Identification Number (BIN). Only the Payments API
returns this field.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `6` | getBin(): ?string | setBin(?string bin): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | Current version number of the card. Increments with each card update. Requests to update an
existing Card object will be rejected unless the version in the request matches the current
version for the Card. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `cardCoBrand` | [`?string(CardCoBrand)`](../../doc/models/card-co-brand.md) | Optional | Indicates the brand for a co-branded card. | getCardCoBrand(): ?string | setCardCoBrand(?string cardCoBrand): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "card_brand": "INTERAC",
- "last_4": "last_42",
- "exp_month": 240,
- "exp_year": 56
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-# Cash App Details
-Additional details about `WALLET` type payments with the `brand` of `CASH_APP`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `buyerFullName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the Cash App account holder.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getBuyerFullName(): ?string | setBuyerFullName(?string buyerFullName): void |
-| `buyerCountryCode` | `?string` | Optional | The country of the Cash App account holder, in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format.
For possible values, see [Country](entity:Country).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `2` | getBuyerCountryCode(): ?string | setBuyerCountryCode(?string buyerCountryCode): void |
-| `buyerCashtag` | `?string` | Optional | $Cashtag of the Cash App account holder.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `21` | getBuyerCashtag(): ?string | setBuyerCashtag(?string buyerCashtag): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "buyer_full_name": "buyer_full_name0",
- "buyer_country_code": "buyer_country_code0",
- "buyer_cashtag": "buyer_cashtag2"
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-# Cash Drawer Device
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The device Square-issued ID | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The device merchant-specified name. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "name": "name2"
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-# Cash Drawer Event Type
-The types of events on a CashDrawerShift.
-Each event type represents an employee action on the actual cash drawer
-represented by a CashDrawerShift.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `NO_SALE` | Triggered when a no sale occurs on a cash drawer.
A CashDrawerEvent of this type must have a zero money amount. |
-| `CASH_TENDER_PAYMENT` | Triggered when a cash tender payment occurs on a cash drawer.
A CashDrawerEvent of this type can must not have a negative amount. |
-| `OTHER_TENDER_PAYMENT` | Triggered when a check, gift card, or other non-cash payment occurs
on a cash drawer.
A CashDrawerEvent of this type must have a zero money amount. |
-| `CASH_TENDER_CANCELLED_PAYMENT` | Triggered when a split tender bill is cancelled after cash has been
A CashDrawerEvent of this type must not have a negative amount. |
-| `OTHER_TENDER_CANCELLED_PAYMENT` | Triggered when a split tender bill is cancelled after a non-cash tender
has been tendered. An OTHER_TENDER_CANCELLED_PAYMENT should have a corresponding
OTHER_TENDER_PAYMENT. A CashDrawerEvent of this type must have a zero money
amount. |
-| `CASH_TENDER_REFUND` | Triggered when a cash tender refund occurs.
A CashDrawerEvent of this type must not have a negative amount. |
-| `OTHER_TENDER_REFUND` | Triggered when an other tender refund occurs.
A CashDrawerEvent of this type must have a zero money amount. |
-| `PAID_IN` | Triggered when money unrelated to a payment is added to the cash drawer.
For example, an employee adds coins to the drawer.
A CashDrawerEvent of this type must not have a negative amount. |
-| `PAID_OUT` | Triggered when money is removed from the drawer for other reasons
than making change.
For example, an employee pays a delivery person with cash from the cash drawer.
A CashDrawerEvent of this type must not have a negative amount. |
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-# Cash Drawer Shift Event
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The unique ID of the event. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `eventType` | [`?string(CashDrawerEventType)`](../../doc/models/cash-drawer-event-type.md) | Optional | The types of events on a CashDrawerShift.
Each event type represents an employee action on the actual cash drawer
represented by a CashDrawerShift. | getEventType(): ?string | setEventType(?string eventType): void |
-| `eventMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getEventMoney(): ?Money | setEventMoney(?Money eventMoney): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The event time in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | An optional description of the event, entered by the employee that
created the event. | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the team member that created the event. | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "event_type": "OTHER_TENDER_PAYMENT",
- "event_money": {
- "amount": 148,
- "currency": "SDG"
- },
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "description": "description6"
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-# Cash Drawer Shift State
-The current state of a cash drawer shift.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OPEN` | An open cash drawer shift. |
-| `ENDED` | A cash drawer shift that is ended but has not yet had an employee content audit. |
-| `CLOSED` | An ended cash drawer shift that is closed with a completed employee
content audit and recorded result. |
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-# Cash Drawer Shift Summary
-The summary of a closed cash drawer shift.
-This model contains only the money counted to start a cash drawer shift, counted
-at the end of the shift, and the amount that should be in the drawer at shift
-end based on summing all cash drawer shift events.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The shift unique ID. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(CashDrawerShiftState)`](../../doc/models/cash-drawer-shift-state.md) | Optional | The current state of a cash drawer shift. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `openedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The shift start time in ISO 8601 format. | getOpenedAt(): ?string | setOpenedAt(?string openedAt): void |
-| `endedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The shift end time in ISO 8601 format. | getEndedAt(): ?string | setEndedAt(?string endedAt): void |
-| `closedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The shift close time in ISO 8601 format. | getClosedAt(): ?string | setClosedAt(?string closedAt): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | An employee free-text description of a cash drawer shift. | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `openedCashMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getOpenedCashMoney(): ?Money | setOpenedCashMoney(?Money openedCashMoney): void |
-| `expectedCashMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getExpectedCashMoney(): ?Money | setExpectedCashMoney(?Money expectedCashMoney): void |
-| `closedCashMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getClosedCashMoney(): ?Money | setClosedCashMoney(?Money closedCashMoney): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The shift start time in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The shift updated at time in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location the cash drawer shift belongs to. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "state": "CLOSED",
- "opened_at": "opened_at8",
- "ended_at": "ended_at2",
- "closed_at": "closed_at2"
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-# Cash Drawer Shift
-This model gives the details of a cash drawer shift.
-The cash_payment_money, cash_refund_money, cash_paid_in_money,
-and cash_paid_out_money fields are all computed by summing their respective
-event types.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The shift unique ID. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(CashDrawerShiftState)`](../../doc/models/cash-drawer-shift-state.md) | Optional | The current state of a cash drawer shift. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `openedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the shift began, in ISO 8601 format. | getOpenedAt(): ?string | setOpenedAt(?string openedAt): void |
-| `endedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the shift ended, in ISO 8601 format. | getEndedAt(): ?string | setEndedAt(?string endedAt): void |
-| `closedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the shift was closed, in ISO 8601 format. | getClosedAt(): ?string | setClosedAt(?string closedAt): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The free-form text description of a cash drawer by an employee. | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `openedCashMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getOpenedCashMoney(): ?Money | setOpenedCashMoney(?Money openedCashMoney): void |
-| `cashPaymentMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getCashPaymentMoney(): ?Money | setCashPaymentMoney(?Money cashPaymentMoney): void |
-| `cashRefundsMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getCashRefundsMoney(): ?Money | setCashRefundsMoney(?Money cashRefundsMoney): void |
-| `cashPaidInMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getCashPaidInMoney(): ?Money | setCashPaidInMoney(?Money cashPaidInMoney): void |
-| `cashPaidOutMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getCashPaidOutMoney(): ?Money | setCashPaidOutMoney(?Money cashPaidOutMoney): void |
-| `expectedCashMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getExpectedCashMoney(): ?Money | setExpectedCashMoney(?Money expectedCashMoney): void |
-| `closedCashMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getClosedCashMoney(): ?Money | setClosedCashMoney(?Money closedCashMoney): void |
-| `device` | [`?CashDrawerDevice`](../../doc/models/cash-drawer-device.md) | Optional | - | getDevice(): ?CashDrawerDevice | setDevice(?CashDrawerDevice device): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The shift start time in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The shift updated at time in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location the cash drawer shift belongs to. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `teamMemberIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of all team members that were logged into Square Point of Sale at any
point while the cash drawer shift was open. | getTeamMemberIds(): ?array | setTeamMemberIds(?array teamMemberIds): void |
-| `openingTeamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the team member that started the cash drawer shift. | getOpeningTeamMemberId(): ?string | setOpeningTeamMemberId(?string openingTeamMemberId): void |
-| `endingTeamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the team member that ended the cash drawer shift. | getEndingTeamMemberId(): ?string | setEndingTeamMemberId(?string endingTeamMemberId): void |
-| `closingTeamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the team member that closed the cash drawer shift by auditing
the cash drawer contents. | getClosingTeamMemberId(): ?string | setClosingTeamMemberId(?string closingTeamMemberId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "state": "OPEN",
- "opened_at": "opened_at4",
- "ended_at": "ended_at8",
- "closed_at": "closed_at8"
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-# Cash Payment Details
-Stores details about a cash payment. Contains only non-confidential information. For more information, see
-[Take Cash Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/cash-payments).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `buyerSuppliedMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getBuyerSuppliedMoney(): Money | setBuyerSuppliedMoney(Money buyerSuppliedMoney): void |
-| `changeBackMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getChangeBackMoney(): ?Money | setChangeBackMoney(?Money changeBackMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "buyer_supplied_money": {
- "amount": 114,
- "currency": "XTS"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
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-# Catalog Availability Period
-Represents a time period of availability.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `startLocalTime` | `?string` | Optional | The start time of an availability period, specified in local time using partial-time
RFC 3339 format. For example, `8:30:00` for a period starting at 8:30 in the morning.
Note that the seconds value is always :00, but it is appended for conformance to the RFC. | getStartLocalTime(): ?string | setStartLocalTime(?string startLocalTime): void |
-| `endLocalTime` | `?string` | Optional | The end time of an availability period, specified in local time using partial-time
RFC 3339 format. For example, `21:00:00` for a period ending at 9:00 in the evening.
Note that the seconds value is always :00, but it is appended for conformance to the RFC. | getEndLocalTime(): ?string | setEndLocalTime(?string endLocalTime): void |
-| `dayOfWeek` | [`?string(DayOfWeek)`](../../doc/models/day-of-week.md) | Optional | Indicates the specific day of the week. | getDayOfWeek(): ?string | setDayOfWeek(?string dayOfWeek): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "start_local_time": "start_local_time6",
- "end_local_time": "end_local_time8",
- "day_of_week": "WED"
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-# Catalog Category Type
-Indicates the type of a category.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `REGULAR_CATEGORY` | The regular category. |
-| `MENU_CATEGORY` | The menu category. |
-| `KITCHEN_CATEGORY` | Kitchen categories are used by KDS (Kitchen Display System) to route items to specific clients |
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-# Catalog Category
-A category to which a `CatalogItem` instance belongs.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The category name. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters, and its value length is of Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `imageIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of images associated with this `CatalogCategory` instance.
Currently these images are not displayed by Square, but are free to be displayed in 3rd party applications. | getImageIds(): ?array | setImageIds(?array imageIds): void |
-| `categoryType` | [`?string(CatalogCategoryType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-category-type.md) | Optional | Indicates the type of a category. | getCategoryType(): ?string | setCategoryType(?string categoryType): void |
-| `parentCategory` | [`?CatalogObjectCategory`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-category.md) | Optional | A category that can be assigned to an item or a parent category that can be assigned
to another category. For example, a clothing category can be assigned to a t-shirt item or
be made as the parent category to the pants category. | getParentCategory(): ?CatalogObjectCategory | setParentCategory(?CatalogObjectCategory parentCategory): void |
-| `isTopLevel` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether a category is a top level category, which does not have any parent_category. | getIsTopLevel(): ?bool | setIsTopLevel(?bool isTopLevel): void |
-| `channels` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of IDs representing channels, such as a Square Online site, where the category can be made visible. | getChannels(): ?array | setChannels(?array channels): void |
-| `availabilityPeriodIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the `CatalogAvailabilityPeriod` objects associated with the category. | getAvailabilityPeriodIds(): ?array | setAvailabilityPeriodIds(?array availabilityPeriodIds): void |
-| `onlineVisibility` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the category is visible (`true`) or hidden (`false`) on all of the seller's Square Online sites. | getOnlineVisibility(): ?bool | setOnlineVisibility(?bool onlineVisibility): void |
-| `rootCategory` | `?string` | Optional | The top-level category in a category hierarchy. | getRootCategory(): ?string | setRootCategory(?string rootCategory): void |
-| `ecomSeoData` | [`?CatalogEcomSeoData`](../../doc/models/catalog-ecom-seo-data.md) | Optional | SEO data for for a seller's Square Online store. | getEcomSeoData(): ?CatalogEcomSeoData | setEcomSeoData(?CatalogEcomSeoData ecomSeoData): void |
-| `pathToRoot` | [`?(CategoryPathToRootNode[])`](../../doc/models/category-path-to-root-node.md) | Optional | The path from the category to its root category. The first node of the path is the parent of the category
and the last is the root category. The path is empty if the category is a root category. | getPathToRoot(): ?array | setPathToRoot(?array pathToRoot): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "object": {
- "category_data": {
- "name": "Beverages"
- },
- "id": "#Beverages",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY"
- },
- "name": "name2",
- "image_ids": [
- "image_ids7",
- "image_ids6",
- "image_ids5"
- ],
- "category_type": "REGULAR_CATEGORY",
- "parent_category": {
- "id": "id4",
- "ordinal": 114
- },
- "is_top_level": false
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition App Visibility
-Defines the visibility of a custom attribute to applications other than their
-creating application.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `APP_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN` | Other applications cannot read this custom attribute. |
-| `APP_VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` | Other applications can read this custom attribute definition and
values. |
-| `APP_VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES` | Other applications can read and write custom attribute values on objects.
They can read but cannot edit the custom attribute definition. |
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition Number Config
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `precision` | `?int` | Optional | An integer between 0 and 5 that represents the maximum number of
positions allowed after the decimal in number custom attribute values
For example:
- if the precision is 0, the quantity can be 1, 2, 3, etc.
- if the precision is 1, the quantity can be 0.1, 0.2, etc.
- if the precision is 2, the quantity can be 0.01, 0.12, etc.
Default: 5
**Constraints**: `<= 5` | getPrecision(): ?int | setPrecision(?int precision): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "precision": 208
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition Selection Config Custom Attribute Selection
-A named selection for this `SELECTION`-type custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | Unique ID set by Square. | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | Selection name, unique within `allowed_selections`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "name": "name4"
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition Selection Config
-Configuration associated with `SELECTION`-type custom attribute definitions.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `maxAllowedSelections` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of selections that can be set. The maximum value for this
attribute is 100. The default value is 1. The value can be modified, but changing the value will not
affect existing custom attribute values on objects. Clients need to
handle custom attributes with more selected values than allowed by this limit.
**Constraints**: `<= 100` | getMaxAllowedSelections(): ?int | setMaxAllowedSelections(?int maxAllowedSelections): void |
-| `allowedSelections` | [`?(CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionSelectionConfigCustomAttributeSelection[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-selection-config-custom-attribute-selection.md) | Optional | The set of valid `CatalogCustomAttributeSelections`. Up to a maximum of 100
selections can be defined. Can be modified. | getAllowedSelections(): ?array | setAllowedSelections(?array allowedSelections): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "max_allowed_selections": 124,
- "allowed_selections": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "name": "name0"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "name": "name0"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "name": "name0"
- }
- ]
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition Seller Visibility
-Defines the visibility of a custom attribute to sellers in Square
-client applications, Square APIs or in Square UIs (including Square Point
-of Sale applications and Square Dashboard).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SELLER_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN` | Sellers cannot read this custom attribute in Square client
applications or Square APIs. |
-| `SELLER_VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES` | Sellers can read and write this custom attribute value in catalog objects,
but cannot edit the custom attribute definition. |
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition String Config
-Configuration associated with Custom Attribute Definitions of type `STRING`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `enforceUniqueness` | `?bool` | Optional | If true, each Custom Attribute instance associated with this Custom Attribute
Definition must have a unique value within the seller's catalog. For
example, this may be used for a value like a SKU that should not be
duplicated within a seller's catalog. May not be modified after the
definition has been created. | getEnforceUniqueness(): ?bool | setEnforceUniqueness(?bool enforceUniqueness): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "enforce_uniqueness": false
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition Type
-Defines the possible types for a custom attribute.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `STRING` | A free-form string containing up to 255 characters. |
-| `BOOLEAN` | A `true` or `false` value. |
-| `NUMBER` | A decimal string representation of a number. Can support up to 5 digits after the decimal point. |
-| `SELECTION` | One or more choices from `allowed_selections`. |
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Definition
-Contains information defining a custom attribute. Custom attributes are
-intended to store additional information about a catalog object or to associate a
-catalog object with an entity in another system. Do not use custom attributes
-to store any sensitive information (personally identifiable information, card details, etc.).
-[Read more about custom attributes](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/add-custom-attributes)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`string(CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-type.md) | Required | Defines the possible types for a custom attribute. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The name of this definition for API and seller-facing UI purposes.
The name must be unique within the (merchant, application) pair. Required.
May not be empty and may not exceed 255 characters. Can be modified after creation.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | Seller-oriented description of the meaning of this Custom Attribute,
any constraints that the seller should observe, etc. May be displayed as a tooltip in Square UIs.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `sourceApplication` | [`?SourceApplication`](../../doc/models/source-application.md) | Optional | Represents information about the application used to generate a change. | getSourceApplication(): ?SourceApplication | setSourceApplication(?SourceApplication sourceApplication): void |
-| `allowedObjectTypes` | [`string(CatalogObjectType)[]`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-type.md) | Required | The set of `CatalogObject` types that this custom atttribute may be applied to.
Currently, only `ITEM`, `ITEM_VARIATION`, `MODIFIER`, `MODIFIER_LIST`, and `CATEGORY` are allowed. At least one type must be included.
See [CatalogObjectType](#type-catalogobjecttype) for possible values | getAllowedObjectTypes(): array | setAllowedObjectTypes(array allowedObjectTypes): void |
-| `sellerVisibility` | [`?string(CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionSellerVisibility)`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-seller-visibility.md) | Optional | Defines the visibility of a custom attribute to sellers in Square
client applications, Square APIs or in Square UIs (including Square Point
of Sale applications and Square Dashboard). | getSellerVisibility(): ?string | setSellerVisibility(?string sellerVisibility): void |
-| `appVisibility` | [`?string(CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionAppVisibility)`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-app-visibility.md) | Optional | Defines the visibility of a custom attribute to applications other than their
creating application. | getAppVisibility(): ?string | setAppVisibility(?string appVisibility): void |
-| `stringConfig` | [`?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionStringConfig`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-string-config.md) | Optional | Configuration associated with Custom Attribute Definitions of type `STRING`. | getStringConfig(): ?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionStringConfig | setStringConfig(?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionStringConfig stringConfig): void |
-| `numberConfig` | [`?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionNumberConfig`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-number-config.md) | Optional | - | getNumberConfig(): ?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionNumberConfig | setNumberConfig(?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionNumberConfig numberConfig): void |
-| `selectionConfig` | [`?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionSelectionConfig`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-selection-config.md) | Optional | Configuration associated with `SELECTION`-type custom attribute definitions. | getSelectionConfig(): ?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionSelectionConfig | setSelectionConfig(?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionSelectionConfig selectionConfig): void |
-| `customAttributeUsageCount` | `?int` | Optional | The number of custom attributes that reference this
custom attribute definition. Set by the server in response to a ListCatalog
request with `include_counts` set to `true`. If the actual count is greater
than 100, `custom_attribute_usage_count` will be set to `100`. | getCustomAttributeUsageCount(): ?int | setCustomAttributeUsageCount(?int customAttributeUsageCount): void |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the desired custom attribute key that can be used to access
the custom attribute value on catalog objects. Cannot be modified after the
custom attribute definition has been created.
Must be between 1 and 60 characters, and may only contain the characters `[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `60`, *Pattern*: `^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$` | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "STRING",
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "source_application": {
- "product": "BILLING",
- "application_id": "application_id8",
- "name": "name2"
- },
- "allowed_object_types": [
- ],
- "seller_visibility": "SELLER_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "app_visibility": "APP_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "string_config": {
- "enforce_uniqueness": false
- }
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-# Catalog Custom Attribute Value
-An instance of a custom attribute. Custom attributes can be defined and
-added to `ITEM` and `ITEM_VARIATION` type catalog objects.
-[Read more about custom attributes](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/add-custom-attributes).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the custom attribute. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `stringValue` | `?string` | Optional | The string value of the custom attribute. Populated if `type` = `STRING`. | getStringValue(): ?string | setStringValue(?string stringValue): void |
-| `customAttributeDefinitionId` | `?string` | Optional | The id of the [CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition](entity:CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition) this value belongs to. | getCustomAttributeDefinitionId(): ?string | setCustomAttributeDefinitionId(?string customAttributeDefinitionId): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(CatalogCustomAttributeDefinitionType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition-type.md) | Optional | Defines the possible types for a custom attribute. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `numberValue` | `?string` | Optional | Populated if `type` = `NUMBER`. Contains a string
representation of a decimal number, using a `.` as the decimal separator. | getNumberValue(): ?string | setNumberValue(?string numberValue): void |
-| `booleanValue` | `?bool` | Optional | A `true` or `false` value. Populated if `type` = `BOOLEAN`. | getBooleanValue(): ?bool | setBooleanValue(?bool booleanValue): void |
-| `selectionUidValues` | `?(string[])` | Optional | One or more choices from `allowed_selections`. Populated if `type` = `SELECTION`. | getSelectionUidValues(): ?array | setSelectionUidValues(?array selectionUidValues): void |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | If the associated `CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition` object is defined by another application, this key is prefixed by the defining application ID.
For example, if the CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition has a key attribute of "cocoa_brand" and the defining application ID is "abcd1234", this key is "abcd1234:cocoa_brand"
when the application making the request is different from the application defining the custom attribute definition. Otherwise, the key is simply "cocoa_brand". | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name2",
- "string_value": "string_value6",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id0",
- "type": "NUMBER",
- "number_value": "number_value2"
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-# Catalog Discount Modify Tax Basis
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `MODIFY_TAX_BASIS` | Application of the discount will modify the tax basis. |
-| `DO_NOT_MODIFY_TAX_BASIS` | Application of the discount will not modify the tax basis. |
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-# Catalog Discount Type
-How to apply a CatalogDiscount to a CatalogItem.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `FIXED_PERCENTAGE` | Apply the discount as a fixed percentage (e.g., 5%) off the item price. |
-| `FIXED_AMOUNT` | Apply the discount as a fixed amount (e.g., $1.00) off the item price. |
-| `VARIABLE_PERCENTAGE` | Apply the discount as a variable percentage off the item price. The percentage will be specified at the time of sale. |
-| `VARIABLE_AMOUNT` | Apply the discount as a variable amount off the item price. The amount will be specified at the time of sale. |
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-# Catalog Discount
-A discount applicable to items.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The discount name. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters, and its value length is of Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `discountType` | [`?string(CatalogDiscountType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-discount-type.md) | Optional | How to apply a CatalogDiscount to a CatalogItem. | getDiscountType(): ?string | setDiscountType(?string discountType): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The percentage of the discount as a string representation of a decimal number, using a `.` as the decimal
separator and without a `%` sign. A value of `7.5` corresponds to `7.5%`. Specify a percentage of `0` if `discount_type`
Do not use this field for amount-based or variable discounts. | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `pinRequired` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether a mobile staff member needs to enter their PIN to apply the
discount to a payment in the Square Point of Sale app. | getPinRequired(): ?bool | setPinRequired(?bool pinRequired): void |
-| `labelColor` | `?string` | Optional | The color of the discount display label in the Square Point of Sale app. This must be a valid hex color code. | getLabelColor(): ?string | setLabelColor(?string labelColor): void |
-| `modifyTaxBasis` | [`?string(CatalogDiscountModifyTaxBasis)`](../../doc/models/catalog-discount-modify-tax-basis.md) | Optional | - | getModifyTaxBasis(): ?string | setModifyTaxBasis(?string modifyTaxBasis): void |
-| `maximumAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getMaximumAmountMoney(): ?Money | setMaximumAmountMoney(?Money maximumAmountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "object": {
- "discount_data": {
- "discount_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
- "label_color": "red",
- "name": "Welcome to the Dark(Roast) Side!",
- "percentage": "5.4",
- "pin_required": false
- },
- "id": "#Maythe4th",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "DISCOUNT"
- },
- "name": "name8",
- "discount_type": "VARIABLE_PERCENTAGE",
- "percentage": "percentage6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "pin_required": false
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-# Catalog Ecom Seo Data
-SEO data for for a seller's Square Online store.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `pageTitle` | `?string` | Optional | The SEO title used for the Square Online store. | getPageTitle(): ?string | setPageTitle(?string pageTitle): void |
-| `pageDescription` | `?string` | Optional | The SEO description used for the Square Online store. | getPageDescription(): ?string | setPageDescription(?string pageDescription): void |
-| `permalink` | `?string` | Optional | The SEO permalink used for the Square Online store. | getPermalink(): ?string | setPermalink(?string permalink): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "page_title": "page_title6",
- "page_description": "page_description2",
- "permalink": "permalink0"
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-# Catalog Id Mapping
-A mapping between a temporary client-supplied ID and a permanent server-generated ID.
-When calling [UpsertCatalogObject](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#upsert-catalog-object) or
-[BatchUpsertCatalogObjects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#batch-upsert-catalog-objects) to
-create a [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) instance, you can supply
-a temporary ID for the to-be-created object, especially when the object is to be referenced
-elsewhere in the same request body. This temporary ID can be any string unique within
-the call, but must be prefixed by "#".
-After the request is submitted and the object created, a permanent server-generated ID is assigned
-to the new object. The permanent ID is unique across the Square catalog.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `clientObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The client-supplied temporary `#`-prefixed ID for a new `CatalogObject`. | getClientObjectId(): ?string | setClientObjectId(?string clientObjectId): void |
-| `objectId` | `?string` | Optional | The permanent ID for the CatalogObject created by the server. | getObjectId(): ?string | setObjectId(?string objectId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "client_object_id": "client_object_id8",
- "object_id": "object_id0"
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-# Catalog Image
-An image file to use in Square catalogs. It can be associated with
-`CatalogItem`, `CatalogItemVariation`, `CatalogCategory`, and `CatalogModifierList` objects.
-Only the images on items and item variations are exposed in Dashboard.
-Only the first image on an item is displayed in Square Point of Sale (SPOS).
-Images on items and variations are displayed through Square Online Store.
-Images on other object types are for use by 3rd party application developers.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The internal name to identify this image in calls to the Square API.
This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters
using the [SearchCatalogObjects](api-endpoint:Catalog-SearchCatalogObjects).
It is not unique and should not be shown in a buyer facing context. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `url` | `?string` | Optional | The URL of this image, generated by Square after an image is uploaded
using the [CreateCatalogImage](api-endpoint:Catalog-CreateCatalogImage) endpoint.
To modify the image, use the UpdateCatalogImage endpoint. Do not change the URL field. | getUrl(): ?string | setUrl(?string url): void |
-| `caption` | `?string` | Optional | A caption that describes what is shown in the image. Displayed in the
Square Online Store. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters
using the [SearchCatalogObjects](api-endpoint:Catalog-SearchCatalogObjects). | getCaption(): ?string | setCaption(?string caption): void |
-| `photoStudioOrderId` | `?string` | Optional | The immutable order ID for this image object created by the Photo Studio service in Square Online Store. | getPhotoStudioOrderId(): ?string | setPhotoStudioOrderId(?string photoStudioOrderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name0",
- "url": "url4",
- "caption": "caption4",
- "photo_studio_order_id": "photo_studio_order_id2"
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-# Catalog Info Response Limits
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `batchUpsertMaxObjectsPerBatch` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of objects that may appear within a single batch in a
`/v2/catalog/batch-upsert` request. | getBatchUpsertMaxObjectsPerBatch(): ?int | setBatchUpsertMaxObjectsPerBatch(?int batchUpsertMaxObjectsPerBatch): void |
-| `batchUpsertMaxTotalObjects` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of objects that may appear across all batches in a
`/v2/catalog/batch-upsert` request. | getBatchUpsertMaxTotalObjects(): ?int | setBatchUpsertMaxTotalObjects(?int batchUpsertMaxTotalObjects): void |
-| `batchRetrieveMaxObjectIds` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of object IDs that may appear in a `/v2/catalog/batch-retrieve`
request. | getBatchRetrieveMaxObjectIds(): ?int | setBatchRetrieveMaxObjectIds(?int batchRetrieveMaxObjectIds): void |
-| `searchMaxPageLimit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results that may be returned in a page of a
`/v2/catalog/search` response. | getSearchMaxPageLimit(): ?int | setSearchMaxPageLimit(?int searchMaxPageLimit): void |
-| `batchDeleteMaxObjectIds` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of object IDs that may be included in a single
`/v2/catalog/batch-delete` request. | getBatchDeleteMaxObjectIds(): ?int | setBatchDeleteMaxObjectIds(?int batchDeleteMaxObjectIds): void |
-| `updateItemTaxesMaxItemIds` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of item IDs that may be included in a single
`/v2/catalog/update-item-taxes` request. | getUpdateItemTaxesMaxItemIds(): ?int | setUpdateItemTaxesMaxItemIds(?int updateItemTaxesMaxItemIds): void |
-| `updateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToEnable` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of tax IDs to be enabled that may be included in a single
`/v2/catalog/update-item-taxes` request. | getUpdateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToEnable(): ?int | setUpdateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToEnable(?int updateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToEnable): void |
-| `updateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToDisable` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of tax IDs to be disabled that may be included in a single
`/v2/catalog/update-item-taxes` request. | getUpdateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToDisable(): ?int | setUpdateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToDisable(?int updateItemTaxesMaxTaxesToDisable): void |
-| `updateItemModifierListsMaxItemIds` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of item IDs that may be included in a single
`/v2/catalog/update-item-modifier-lists` request. | getUpdateItemModifierListsMaxItemIds(): ?int | setUpdateItemModifierListsMaxItemIds(?int updateItemModifierListsMaxItemIds): void |
-| `updateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToEnable` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of modifier list IDs to be enabled that may be included in
a single `/v2/catalog/update-item-modifier-lists` request. | getUpdateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToEnable(): ?int | setUpdateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToEnable(?int updateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToEnable): void |
-| `updateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToDisable` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of modifier list IDs to be disabled that may be included in
a single `/v2/catalog/update-item-modifier-lists` request. | getUpdateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToDisable(): ?int | setUpdateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToDisable(?int updateItemModifierListsMaxModifierListsToDisable): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "batch_upsert_max_objects_per_batch": 206,
- "batch_upsert_max_total_objects": 122,
- "batch_retrieve_max_object_ids": 54,
- "search_max_page_limit": 144,
- "batch_delete_max_object_ids": 40
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-# Catalog Info Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `limits` | [`?CatalogInfoResponseLimits`](../../doc/models/catalog-info-response-limits.md) | Optional | - | getLimits(): ?CatalogInfoResponseLimits | setLimits(?CatalogInfoResponseLimits limits): void |
-| `standardUnitDescriptionGroup` | [`?StandardUnitDescriptionGroup`](../../doc/models/standard-unit-description-group.md) | Optional | Group of standard measurement units. | getStandardUnitDescriptionGroup(): ?StandardUnitDescriptionGroup | setStandardUnitDescriptionGroup(?StandardUnitDescriptionGroup standardUnitDescriptionGroup): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limits": {
- "batch_delete_max_object_ids": 200,
- "batch_retrieve_max_object_ids": 1000,
- "batch_upsert_max_objects_per_batch": 1000,
- "batch_upsert_max_total_objects": 10000,
- "search_max_page_limit": 1000,
- "update_item_modifier_lists_max_item_ids": 1000,
- "update_item_modifier_lists_max_modifier_lists_to_disable": 1000,
- "update_item_modifier_lists_max_modifier_lists_to_enable": 1000,
- "update_item_taxes_max_item_ids": 1000,
- "update_item_taxes_max_taxes_to_disable": 1000,
- "update_item_taxes_max_taxes_to_enable": 1000
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "standard_unit_description_group": {
- "standard_unit_descriptions": [
- {
- "unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_MILLILITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_STONE"
- },
- "name": "name4",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation6"
- },
- {
- "unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_MILLILITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_STONE"
- },
- "name": "name4",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation6"
- }
- ],
- "language_code": "language_code6"
- }
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-# Catalog Item Food and Beverage Details Dietary Preference Standard Dietary Preference
-Standard dietary preferences for food and beverage items that are recommended on item creation.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `HALAL` |
-| `KOSHER` |
-| `NUT_FREE` |
-| `VEGAN` |
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-# Catalog Item Food and Beverage Details Dietary Preference Type
-The type of dietary preference for the `FOOD_AND_BEV` type of items and integredients.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `STANDARD` | A standard value from a pre-determined list. |
-| `CUSTOM` | A user-defined custom value. |
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-# Catalog Item Food and Beverage Details Dietary Preference
-Dietary preferences that can be assigned to an `FOOD_AND_BEV` item and its ingredients.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`?string(CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetailsDietaryPreferenceType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-food-and-beverage-details-dietary-preference-type.md) | Optional | The type of dietary preference for the `FOOD_AND_BEV` type of items and integredients. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `standardName` | [`?string(CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetailsDietaryPreferenceStandardDietaryPreference)`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-food-and-beverage-details-dietary-preference-standard-dietary-preference.md) | Optional | Standard dietary preferences for food and beverage items that are recommended on item creation. | getStandardName(): ?string | setStandardName(?string standardName): void |
-| `customName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of a user-defined custom dietary preference. This should be null if it's a standard dietary preference. | getCustomName(): ?string | setCustomName(?string customName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "standard_name": "GLUTEN_FREE",
- "custom_name": "custom_name4"
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-# Catalog Item Food and Beverage Details Ingredient Standard Ingredient
-Standard ingredients for food and beverage items that are recommended on item creation.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `CELERY` |
-| `EGGS` |
-| `FISH` |
-| `GLUTEN` |
-| `LUPIN` |
-| `MILK` |
-| `MUSTARD` |
-| `PEANUTS` |
-| `SESAME` |
-| `SOY` |
-| `TREE_NUTS` |
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-# Catalog Item Food and Beverage Details Ingredient
-Describes the ingredient used in a `FOOD_AND_BEV` item.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`?string(CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetailsDietaryPreferenceType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-food-and-beverage-details-dietary-preference-type.md) | Optional | The type of dietary preference for the `FOOD_AND_BEV` type of items and integredients. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `standardName` | [`?string(CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetailsIngredientStandardIngredient)`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-food-and-beverage-details-ingredient-standard-ingredient.md) | Optional | Standard ingredients for food and beverage items that are recommended on item creation. | getStandardName(): ?string | setStandardName(?string standardName): void |
-| `customName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of a custom user-defined ingredient. This should be null if it's a standard dietary preference. | getCustomName(): ?string | setCustomName(?string customName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "standard_name": "GLUTEN",
- "custom_name": "custom_name6"
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-# Catalog Item Food and Beverage Details
-The food and beverage-specific details of a `FOOD_AND_BEV` item.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `calorieCount` | `?int` | Optional | The calorie count (in the unit of kcal) for the `FOOD_AND_BEV` type of items. | getCalorieCount(): ?int | setCalorieCount(?int calorieCount): void |
-| `dietaryPreferences` | [`?(CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetailsDietaryPreference[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-food-and-beverage-details-dietary-preference.md) | Optional | The dietary preferences for the `FOOD_AND_BEV` item. | getDietaryPreferences(): ?array | setDietaryPreferences(?array dietaryPreferences): void |
-| `ingredients` | [`?(CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetailsIngredient[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-food-and-beverage-details-ingredient.md) | Optional | The ingredients for the `FOOD_AND_BEV` type item. | getIngredients(): ?array | setIngredients(?array ingredients): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "calorie_count": 36,
- "dietary_preferences": [
- {
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "standard_name": "VEGETARIAN",
- "custom_name": "custom_name8"
- }
- ],
- "ingredients": [
- {
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "standard_name": "MILK",
- "custom_name": "custom_name8"
- },
- {
- "type": "STANDARD",
- "standard_name": "MILK",
- "custom_name": "custom_name8"
- }
- ]
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-# Catalog Item Modifier List Info
-References a text-based modifier or a list of non text-based modifiers applied to a `CatalogItem` instance
-and specifies supported behaviors of the application.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `modifierListId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the `CatalogModifierList` controlled by this `CatalogModifierListInfo`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getModifierListId(): string | setModifierListId(string modifierListId): void |
-| `modifierOverrides` | [`?(CatalogModifierOverride[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-override.md) | Optional | A set of `CatalogModifierOverride` objects that override whether a given `CatalogModifier` is enabled by default. | getModifierOverrides(): ?array | setModifierOverrides(?array modifierOverrides): void |
-| `minSelectedModifiers` | `?int` | Optional | If 0 or larger, the smallest number of `CatalogModifier`s that must be selected from this `CatalogModifierList`.
The default value is `-1`.
When `CatalogModifierList.selection_type` is `MULTIPLE`, `CatalogModifierListInfo.min_selected_modifiers=-1`
and `CatalogModifierListInfo.max_selected_modifier=-1` means that from zero to the maximum number of modifiers of
the `CatalogModifierList` can be selected from the `CatalogModifierList`.
When the `CatalogModifierList.selection_type` is `SINGLE`, `CatalogModifierListInfo.min_selected_modifiers=-1`
and `CatalogModifierListInfo.max_selected_modifier=-1` means that exactly one modifier must be present in
and can be selected from the `CatalogModifierList` | getMinSelectedModifiers(): ?int | setMinSelectedModifiers(?int minSelectedModifiers): void |
-| `maxSelectedModifiers` | `?int` | Optional | If 0 or larger, the largest number of `CatalogModifier`s that can be selected from this `CatalogModifierList`.
The default value is `-1`.
When `CatalogModifierList.selection_type` is `MULTIPLE`, `CatalogModifierListInfo.min_selected_modifiers=-1`
and `CatalogModifierListInfo.max_selected_modifier=-1` means that from zero to the maximum number of modifiers of
the `CatalogModifierList` can be selected from the `CatalogModifierList`.
When the `CatalogModifierList.selection_type` is `SINGLE`, `CatalogModifierListInfo.min_selected_modifiers=-1`
and `CatalogModifierListInfo.max_selected_modifier=-1` means that exactly one modifier must be present in
and can be selected from the `CatalogModifierList` | getMaxSelectedModifiers(): ?int | setMaxSelectedModifiers(?int maxSelectedModifiers): void |
-| `enabled` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, enable this `CatalogModifierList`. The default value is `true`. | getEnabled(): ?bool | setEnabled(?bool enabled): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | The position of this `CatalogItemModifierListInfo` object within the `modifier_list_info` list applied
to a `CatalogItem` instance. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "modifier_list_id": "modifier_list_id6",
- "modifier_overrides": [
- {
- "modifier_id": "modifier_id8",
- "on_by_default": false
- },
- {
- "modifier_id": "modifier_id8",
- "on_by_default": false
- }
- ],
- "min_selected_modifiers": 170,
- "max_selected_modifiers": 66,
- "enabled": false,
- "ordinal": 204
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-# Catalog Item Option for Item
-An option that can be assigned to an item.
-For example, a t-shirt item may offer a color option or a size option.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemOptionId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique id of the item option, used to form the dimensions of the item option matrix in a specified order. | getItemOptionId(): ?string | setItemOptionId(?string itemOptionId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_option_id": "item_option_id4"
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-# Catalog Item Option Value for Item Variation
-A `CatalogItemOptionValue` links an item variation to an item option as
-an item option value. For example, a t-shirt item may offer a color option and
-a size option. An item option value would represent each variation of t-shirt:
-For example, "Color:Red, Size:Small" or "Color:Blue, Size:Medium".
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemOptionId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique id of an item option. | getItemOptionId(): ?string | setItemOptionId(?string itemOptionId): void |
-| `itemOptionValueId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique id of the selected value for the item option. | getItemOptionValueId(): ?string | setItemOptionValueId(?string itemOptionValueId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_option_id": "item_option_id0",
- "item_option_value_id": "item_option_value_id2"
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-# Catalog Item Option Value
-An enumerated value that can link a
-`CatalogItemVariation` to an item option as one of
-its item option values.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemOptionId` | `?string` | Optional | Unique ID of the associated item option. | getItemOptionId(): ?string | setItemOptionId(?string itemOptionId): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | Name of this item option value. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | A human-readable description for the option value. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters. | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `color` | `?string` | Optional | The HTML-supported hex color for the item option (e.g., "#ff8d4e85").
Only displayed if `show_colors` is enabled on the parent `ItemOption`. When
left unset, `color` defaults to white ("#ffffff") when `show_colors` is
enabled on the parent `ItemOption`. | getColor(): ?string | setColor(?string color): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | Determines where this option value appears in a list of option values. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_option_id": "item_option_id6",
- "name": "name4",
- "description": "description4",
- "color": "color8",
- "ordinal": 198
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-# Catalog Item Option
-A group of variations for a `CatalogItem`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The item option's display name for the seller. Must be unique across
all item options. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `displayName` | `?string` | Optional | The item option's display name for the customer. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters. | getDisplayName(): ?string | setDisplayName(?string displayName): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The item option's human-readable description. Displayed in the Square
Point of Sale app for the seller and in the Online Store or on receipts for
the buyer. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters. | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `showColors` | `?bool` | Optional | If true, display colors for entries in `values` when present. | getShowColors(): ?bool | setShowColors(?bool showColors): void |
-| `values` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | A list of CatalogObjects containing the
`CatalogItemOptionValue`s for this item. | getValues(): ?array | setValues(?array values): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name2",
- "display_name": "display_name2",
- "description": "description2",
- "show_colors": false,
- "values": [
- {
- "type": "IMAGE",
- "id": "id0",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6",
- "version": 116,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "IMAGE",
- "id": "id0",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6",
- "version": 116,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
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-# Catalog Item Product Type
-The type of a CatalogItem. Connect V2 only allows the creation of `REGULAR` or `APPOINTMENTS_SERVICE` items.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `REGULAR` | An ordinary item. |
-| `GIFT_CARD` | A Square gift card. |
-| `APPOINTMENTS_SERVICE` | A service that can be booked using the Square Appointments app. |
-| `FOOD_AND_BEV` | A food or beverage item that can be sold by restaurants and other food venues. |
-| `EVENT` | An event which tickets can be sold for, including location, address, and times. |
-| `DIGITAL` | A digital item like an ebook or song. |
-| `DONATION` | A donation which site visitors can send for any cause. |
-| `LEGACY_SQUARE_ONLINE_SERVICE` | A legacy Square Online service that is manually fulfilled. This corresponds to the `Other` item type displayed in the Square Seller Dashboard and Square POS apps. |
-| `LEGACY_SQUARE_ONLINE_MEMBERSHIP` | A legacy Square Online membership that is manually fulfilled. This corresponds to the `Membership` item type displayed in the Square Seller Dashboard and Square POS apps. |
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-# Catalog Item Variation
-An item variation, representing a product for sale, in the Catalog object model. Each [item](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) must have at least one
-item variation and can have at most 250 item variations.
-An item variation can be sellable, stockable, or both if it has a unit of measure for its count for the sold number of the variation, the stocked
-number of the variation, or both. For example, when a variation representing wine is stocked and sold by the bottle, the variation is both
-stockable and sellable. But when a variation of the wine is sold by the glass, the sold units cannot be used as a measure of the stocked units. This by-the-glass
-variation is sellable, but not stockable. To accurately keep track of the wine's inventory count at any time, the sellable count must be
-converted to stockable count. Typically, the seller defines this unit conversion. For example, 1 bottle equals 5 glasses. The Square API exposes
-the `stockable_conversion` property on the variation to specify the conversion. Thus, when two glasses of the wine are sold, the sellable count
-decreases by 2, and the stockable count automatically decreases by 0.4 bottle according to the conversion.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the `CatalogItem` associated with this item variation. | getItemId(): ?string | setItemId(?string itemId): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The item variation's name. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters.
Its value has a maximum length of 255 Unicode code points. However, when the parent [item](entity:CatalogItem)
uses [item options](entity:CatalogItemOption), this attribute is auto-generated, read-only, and can be
longer than 255 Unicode code points. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `sku` | `?string` | Optional | The item variation's SKU, if any. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters. | getSku(): ?string | setSku(?string sku): void |
-| `upc` | `?string` | Optional | The universal product code (UPC) of the item variation, if any. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters.
The value of this attribute should be a number of 12-14 digits long. This restriction is enforced on the Square Seller Dashboard,
Square Point of Sale or Retail Point of Sale apps, where this attribute shows in the GTIN field. If a non-compliant UPC value is assigned
to this attribute using the API, the value is not editable on the Seller Dashboard, Square Point of Sale or Retail Point of Sale apps
unless it is updated to fit the expected format. | getUpc(): ?string | setUpc(?string upc): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | The order in which this item variation should be displayed. This value is read-only. On writes, the ordinal
for each item variation within a parent `CatalogItem` is set according to the item variations's
position. On reads, the value is not guaranteed to be sequential or unique. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-| `pricingType` | [`?string(CatalogPricingType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-pricing-type.md) | Optional | Indicates whether the price of a CatalogItemVariation should be entered manually at the time of sale. | getPricingType(): ?string | setPricingType(?string pricingType): void |
-| `priceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceMoney(): ?Money | setPriceMoney(?Money priceMoney): void |
-| `locationOverrides` | [`?(ItemVariationLocationOverrides[])`](../../doc/models/item-variation-location-overrides.md) | Optional | Per-location price and inventory overrides. | getLocationOverrides(): ?array | setLocationOverrides(?array locationOverrides): void |
-| `trackInventory` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, inventory tracking is active for the variation. | getTrackInventory(): ?bool | setTrackInventory(?bool trackInventory): void |
-| `inventoryAlertType` | [`?string(InventoryAlertType)`](../../doc/models/inventory-alert-type.md) | Optional | Indicates whether Square should alert the merchant when the inventory quantity of a CatalogItemVariation is low. | getInventoryAlertType(): ?string | setInventoryAlertType(?string inventoryAlertType): void |
-| `inventoryAlertThreshold` | `?int` | Optional | If the inventory quantity for the variation is less than or equal to this value and `inventory_alert_type`
is `LOW_QUANTITY`, the variation displays an alert in the merchant dashboard.
This value is always an integer. | getInventoryAlertThreshold(): ?int | setInventoryAlertThreshold(?int inventoryAlertThreshold): void |
-| `userData` | `?string` | Optional | Arbitrary user metadata to associate with the item variation. This attribute value length is of Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getUserData(): ?string | setUserData(?string userData): void |
-| `serviceDuration` | `?int` | Optional | If the `CatalogItem` that owns this item variation is of type
`APPOINTMENTS_SERVICE`, then this is the duration of the service in milliseconds. For
example, a 30 minute appointment would have the value `1800000`, which is equal to
30 (minutes) * 60 (seconds per minute) * 1000 (milliseconds per second). | getServiceDuration(): ?int | setServiceDuration(?int serviceDuration): void |
-| `availableForBooking` | `?bool` | Optional | If the `CatalogItem` that owns this item variation is of type
`APPOINTMENTS_SERVICE`, a bool representing whether this service is available for booking. | getAvailableForBooking(): ?bool | setAvailableForBooking(?bool availableForBooking): void |
-| `itemOptionValues` | [`?(CatalogItemOptionValueForItemVariation[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-option-value-for-item-variation.md) | Optional | List of item option values associated with this item variation. Listed
in the same order as the item options of the parent item. | getItemOptionValues(): ?array | setItemOptionValues(?array itemOptionValues): void |
-| `measurementUnitId` | `?string` | Optional | ID of the ‘CatalogMeasurementUnit’ that is used to measure the quantity
sold of this item variation. If left unset, the item will be sold in
whole quantities. | getMeasurementUnitId(): ?string | setMeasurementUnitId(?string measurementUnitId): void |
-| `sellable` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether this variation can be sold. The inventory count of a sellable variation indicates
the number of units available for sale. When a variation is both stockable and sellable,
its sellable inventory count can be smaller than or equal to its stockable count. | getSellable(): ?bool | setSellable(?bool sellable): void |
-| `stockable` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether stock is counted directly on this variation (TRUE) or only on its components (FALSE).
When a variation is both stockable and sellable, the inventory count of a stockable variation keeps track of the number of units of this variation in stock
and is not an indicator of the number of units of the variation that can be sold. | getStockable(): ?bool | setStockable(?bool stockable): void |
-| `imageIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of images associated with this `CatalogItemVariation` instance.
These images will be shown to customers in Square Online Store. | getImageIds(): ?array | setImageIds(?array imageIds): void |
-| `teamMemberIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Tokens of employees that can perform the service represented by this variation. Only valid for
variations of type `APPOINTMENTS_SERVICE`. | getTeamMemberIds(): ?array | setTeamMemberIds(?array teamMemberIds): void |
-| `stockableConversion` | [`?CatalogStockConversion`](../../doc/models/catalog-stock-conversion.md) | Optional | Represents the rule of conversion between a stockable [CatalogItemVariation](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md)
and a non-stockable sell-by or receive-by `CatalogItemVariation` that
share the same underlying stock. | getStockableConversion(): ?CatalogStockConversion | setStockableConversion(?CatalogStockConversion stockableConversion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_id": "item_id4",
- "name": "name4",
- "sku": "sku0",
- "upc": "upc2",
- "ordinal": 76
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-# Catalog Item
-A [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) instance of the `ITEM` type, also referred to as an item, in the catalog.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The item's name. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters, its value must not be empty, and the length is of Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `512` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The item's description. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters, and its value length is of Unicode code points.
Deprecated at 2022-07-20, this field is planned to retire in 6 months. You should migrate to use `description_html` to set the description
of the [CatalogItem](entity:CatalogItem) instance. The `description` and `description_html` field values are kept in sync. If you try to
set the both fields, the `description_html` text value overwrites the `description` value. Updates in one field are also reflected in the other,
except for when you use an early version before Square API 2022-07-20 and `description_html` is set to blank, setting the `description` value to null
does not nullify `description_html`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4096` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `abbreviation` | `?string` | Optional | The text of the item's display label in the Square Point of Sale app. Only up to the first five characters of the string are used.
This attribute is searchable, and its value length is of Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `24` | getAbbreviation(): ?string | setAbbreviation(?string abbreviation): void |
-| `labelColor` | `?string` | Optional | The color of the item's display label in the Square Point of Sale app. This must be a valid hex color code. | getLabelColor(): ?string | setLabelColor(?string labelColor): void |
-| `isTaxable` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the item is taxable (`true`) or non-taxable (`false`). Default is `true`. | getIsTaxable(): ?bool | setIsTaxable(?bool isTaxable): void |
-| `availableOnline` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the item can be added to shipping orders from the merchant's online store. | getAvailableOnline(): ?bool | setAvailableOnline(?bool availableOnline): void |
-| `availableForPickup` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the item can be added to pickup orders from the merchant's online store. | getAvailableForPickup(): ?bool | setAvailableForPickup(?bool availableForPickup): void |
-| `availableElectronically` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the item can be added to electronically fulfilled orders from the merchant's online store. | getAvailableElectronically(): ?bool | setAvailableElectronically(?bool availableElectronically): void |
-| `categoryId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the item's category, if any. Deprecated since 2023-12-13. Use `CatalogItem.categories`, instead. | getCategoryId(): ?string | setCategoryId(?string categoryId): void |
-| `taxIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A set of IDs indicating the taxes enabled for
this item. When updating an item, any taxes listed here will be added to the item.
Taxes may also be added to or deleted from an item using `UpdateItemTaxes`. | getTaxIds(): ?array | setTaxIds(?array taxIds): void |
-| `modifierListInfo` | [`?(CatalogItemModifierListInfo[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-modifier-list-info.md) | Optional | A set of `CatalogItemModifierListInfo` objects
representing the modifier lists that apply to this item, along with the overrides and min
and max limits that are specific to this item. Modifier lists
may also be added to or deleted from an item using `UpdateItemModifierLists`. | getModifierListInfo(): ?array | setModifierListInfo(?array modifierListInfo): void |
-| `variations` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | A list of [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation) objects for this item. An item must have
at least one variation. | getVariations(): ?array | setVariations(?array variations): void |
-| `productType` | [`?string(CatalogItemProductType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-product-type.md) | Optional | The type of a CatalogItem. Connect V2 only allows the creation of `REGULAR` or `APPOINTMENTS_SERVICE` items. | getProductType(): ?string | setProductType(?string productType): void |
-| `skipModifierScreen` | `?bool` | Optional | If `false`, the Square Point of Sale app will present the `CatalogItem`'s
details screen immediately, allowing the merchant to choose `CatalogModifier`s
before adding the item to the cart. This is the default behavior.
If `true`, the Square Point of Sale app will immediately add the item to the cart with the pre-selected
modifiers, and merchants can edit modifiers by drilling down onto the item's details.
Third-party clients are encouraged to implement similar behaviors. | getSkipModifierScreen(): ?bool | setSkipModifierScreen(?bool skipModifierScreen): void |
-| `itemOptions` | [`?(CatalogItemOptionForItem[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-option-for-item.md) | Optional | List of item options IDs for this item. Used to manage and group item
variations in a specified order.
Maximum: 6 item options. | getItemOptions(): ?array | setItemOptions(?array itemOptions): void |
-| `imageIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of images associated with this `CatalogItem` instance.
These images will be shown to customers in Square Online Store.
The first image will show up as the icon for this item in POS. | getImageIds(): ?array | setImageIds(?array imageIds): void |
-| `sortName` | `?string` | Optional | A name to sort the item by. If this name is unspecified, namely, the `sort_name` field is absent, the regular `name` field is used for sorting.
Its value must not be empty.
It is currently supported for sellers of the Japanese locale only. | getSortName(): ?string | setSortName(?string sortName): void |
-| `categories` | [`?(CatalogObjectCategory[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-category.md) | Optional | The list of categories. | getCategories(): ?array | setCategories(?array categories): void |
-| `descriptionHtml` | `?string` | Optional | The item's description as expressed in valid HTML elements. The length of this field value, including those of HTML tags,
is of Unicode points. With application query filters, the text values of the HTML elements and attributes are searchable. Invalid or
unsupported HTML elements or attributes are ignored.
Supported HTML elements include:
- `a`: Link. Supports linking to website URLs, email address, and telephone numbers.
- `b`, `strong`: Bold text
- `br`: Line break
- `code`: Computer code
- `div`: Section
- `h1-h6`: Headings
- `i`, `em`: Italics
- `li`: List element
- `ol`: Numbered list
- `p`: Paragraph
- `ul`: Bullet list
- `u`: Underline
Supported HTML attributes include:
- `align`: Alignment of the text content
- `href`: Link destination
- `rel`: Relationship between link's target and source
- `target`: Place to open the linked document
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65535` | getDescriptionHtml(): ?string | setDescriptionHtml(?string descriptionHtml): void |
-| `descriptionPlaintext` | `?string` | Optional | A server-generated plaintext version of the `description_html` field, without formatting tags.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65535` | getDescriptionPlaintext(): ?string | setDescriptionPlaintext(?string descriptionPlaintext): void |
-| `channels` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of IDs representing channels, such as a Square Online site, where the item can be made visible or available. | getChannels(): ?array | setChannels(?array channels): void |
-| `isArchived` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether this item is archived (`true`) or not (`false`). | getIsArchived(): ?bool | setIsArchived(?bool isArchived): void |
-| `ecomSeoData` | [`?CatalogEcomSeoData`](../../doc/models/catalog-ecom-seo-data.md) | Optional | SEO data for for a seller's Square Online store. | getEcomSeoData(): ?CatalogEcomSeoData | setEcomSeoData(?CatalogEcomSeoData ecomSeoData): void |
-| `foodAndBeverageDetails` | [`?CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetails`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-food-and-beverage-details.md) | Optional | The food and beverage-specific details of a `FOOD_AND_BEV` item. | getFoodAndBeverageDetails(): ?CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetails | setFoodAndBeverageDetails(?CatalogItemFoodAndBeverageDetails foodAndBeverageDetails): void |
-| `reportingCategory` | [`?CatalogObjectCategory`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-category.md) | Optional | A category that can be assigned to an item or a parent category that can be assigned
to another category. For example, a clothing category can be assigned to a t-shirt item or
be made as the parent category to the pants category. | getReportingCategory(): ?CatalogObjectCategory | setReportingCategory(?CatalogObjectCategory reportingCategory): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name6",
- "description": "description6",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation8",
- "label_color": "label_color8",
- "is_taxable": false
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-# Catalog Measurement Unit
-Represents the unit used to measure a `CatalogItemVariation` and
-specifies the precision for decimal quantities.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `measurementUnit` | [`?MeasurementUnit`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit.md) | Optional | Represents a unit of measurement to use with a quantity, such as ounces
or inches. Exactly one of the following fields are required: `custom_unit`,
`area_unit`, `length_unit`, `volume_unit`, and `weight_unit`. | getMeasurementUnit(): ?MeasurementUnit | setMeasurementUnit(?MeasurementUnit measurementUnit): void |
-| `precision` | `?int` | Optional | An integer between 0 and 5 that represents the maximum number of
positions allowed after the decimal in quantities measured with this unit.
For example:
- if the precision is 0, the quantity can be 1, 2, 3, etc.
- if the precision is 1, the quantity can be 0.1, 0.2, etc.
- if the precision is 2, the quantity can be 0.01, 0.12, etc.
Default: 3 | getPrecision(): ?int | setPrecision(?int precision): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 78
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-# Catalog Modifier List Modifier Type
-Defines the type of `CatalogModifierList`.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `LIST` | The `CatalogModifierList` instance is a non-empty list of non text-based modifiers. |
-| `TEXT` | The `CatalogModifierList` instance is a single text-based modifier. |
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-# Catalog Modifier List Selection Type
-Indicates whether a CatalogModifierList supports multiple selections.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SINGLE` | Indicates that a CatalogModifierList allows only a
single CatalogModifier to be selected. |
-| `MULTIPLE` | Indicates that a CatalogModifierList allows multiple
CatalogModifier to be selected. |
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-# Catalog Modifier List
-For a text-based modifier, this encapsulates the modifier's text when its `modifier_type` is `TEXT`.
-For example, to sell T-shirts with custom prints, a text-based modifier can be used to capture the buyer-supplied
-text string to be selected for the T-shirt at the time of sale.
-For non text-based modifiers, this encapsulates a non-empty list of modifiers applicable to items
-at the time of sale. Each element of the modifier list is a `CatalogObject` instance of the `MODIFIER` type.
-For example, a "Condiments" modifier list applicable to a "Hot Dog" item
-may contain "Ketchup", "Mustard", and "Relish" modifiers.
-A non text-based modifier can be applied to the modified item once or multiple times, if the `selection_type` field
-is set to `SINGLE` or `MULTIPLE`, respectively. On the other hand, a text-based modifier can be applied to the item
-only once and the `selection_type` field is always set to `SINGLE`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the `CatalogModifierList` instance. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters, and its value length is of
Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | The position of this `CatalogModifierList` within a list of `CatalogModifierList` instances. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-| `selectionType` | [`?string(CatalogModifierListSelectionType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-list-selection-type.md) | Optional | Indicates whether a CatalogModifierList supports multiple selections. | getSelectionType(): ?string | setSelectionType(?string selectionType): void |
-| `modifiers` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | A non-empty list of `CatalogModifier` objects to be included in the `CatalogModifierList`,
for non text-based modifiers when the `modifier_type` attribute is `LIST`. Each element of this list
is a `CatalogObject` instance of the `MODIFIER` type, containing the following attributes:
"id": "{{catalog_modifier_id}}",
"type": "MODIFIER",
"modifier_data": {{a CatalogModifier instance>}}
``` | getModifiers(): ?array | setModifiers(?array modifiers): void |
-| `imageIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of images associated with this `CatalogModifierList` instance.
Currently these images are not displayed on Square products, but may be displayed in 3rd-party applications. | getImageIds(): ?array | setImageIds(?array imageIds): void |
-| `modifierType` | [`?string(CatalogModifierListModifierType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-list-modifier-type.md) | Optional | Defines the type of `CatalogModifierList`. | getModifierType(): ?string | setModifierType(?string modifierType): void |
-| `maxLength` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum length, in Unicode points, of the text string of the text-based modifier as represented by
this `CatalogModifierList` object with the `modifier_type` set to `TEXT`. | getMaxLength(): ?int | setMaxLength(?int maxLength): void |
-| `textRequired` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the text string must be a non-empty string (`true`) or not (`false`) for a text-based modifier
as represented by this `CatalogModifierList` object with the `modifier_type` set to `TEXT`. | getTextRequired(): ?bool | setTextRequired(?bool textRequired): void |
-| `internalName` | `?string` | Optional | A note for internal use by the business.
For example, for a text-based modifier applied to a T-shirt item, if the buyer-supplied text of "Hello, Kitty!"
is to be printed on the T-shirt, this `internal_name` attribute can be "Use italic face" as
an instruction for the business to follow.
For non text-based modifiers, this `internal_name` attribute can be
used to include SKUs, internal codes, or supplemental descriptions for internal use.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `512` | getInternalName(): ?string | setInternalName(?string internalName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name4",
- "ordinal": 226,
- "selection_type": "SINGLE",
- "modifiers": [
- {
- "type": "TAX",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 210,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "image_ids": [
- "image_ids9"
- ]
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-# Catalog Modifier Override
-Options to control how to override the default behavior of the specified modifier.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `modifierId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the `CatalogModifier` whose default behavior is being overridden.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getModifierId(): string | setModifierId(string modifierId): void |
-| `onByDefault` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, this `CatalogModifier` should be selected by default for this `CatalogItem`. | getOnByDefault(): ?bool | setOnByDefault(?bool onByDefault): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "modifier_id": "modifier_id2",
- "on_by_default": false
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-# Catalog Modifier
-A modifier applicable to items at the time of sale. An example of a modifier is a Cheese add-on to a Burger item.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The modifier name. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters, and its value length is of Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `priceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceMoney(): ?Money | setPriceMoney(?Money priceMoney): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | Determines where this `CatalogModifier` appears in the `CatalogModifierList`. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-| `modifierListId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the `CatalogModifierList` associated with this modifier. | getModifierListId(): ?string | setModifierListId(?string modifierListId): void |
-| `locationOverrides` | [`?(ModifierLocationOverrides[])`](../../doc/models/modifier-location-overrides.md) | Optional | Location-specific price overrides. | getLocationOverrides(): ?array | setLocationOverrides(?array locationOverrides): void |
-| `imageId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the image associated with this `CatalogModifier` instance.
Currently this image is not displayed by Square, but is free to be displayed in 3rd party applications. | getImageId(): ?string | setImageId(?string imageId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "object": {
- "modifier_data": {
- "name": "Almond Milk",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "MODIFIER"
- },
- "name": "name6",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- },
- "ordinal": 70,
- "modifier_list_id": "modifier_list_id2",
- "location_overrides": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- },
- "sold_out": false
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- },
- "sold_out": false
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- },
- "sold_out": false
- }
- ]
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-# Catalog Object Batch
-A batch of catalog objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `objects` | [`CatalogObject[]`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Required | A list of CatalogObjects belonging to this batch. | getObjects(): array | setObjects(array objects): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "objects": [
- {
- "type": "PRODUCT_SET",
- "id": "id6",
- "category_data": {
- "object": {
- "category_data": {
- "name": "Beverages"
- },
- "id": "#Beverages",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY"
- }
- },
- "tax_data": {
- "object": {
- "id": "#SalesTax",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "fee_applies_to_custom_amounts": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX"
- }
- },
- "discount_data": {
- "object": {
- "discount_data": {
- "discount_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
- "label_color": "red",
- "name": "Welcome to the Dark(Roast) Side!",
- "percentage": "5.4",
- "pin_required": false
- },
- "id": "#Maythe4th",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "DISCOUNT"
- }
- },
- "modifier_data": {
- "object": {
- "modifier_data": {
- "name": "Almond Milk",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "MODIFIER"
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 164,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
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-# Catalog Object Category
-A category that can be assigned to an item or a parent category that can be assigned
-to another category. For example, a clothing category can be assigned to a t-shirt item or
-be made as the parent category to the pants category.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the object's category. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | The order of the object within the context of the category. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "ordinal": 8
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-# Catalog Object Reference
-A reference to a Catalog object at a specific version. In general this is
-used as an entry point into a graph of catalog objects, where the objects exist
-at a specific version.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `objectId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the referenced object. | getObjectId(): ?string | setObjectId(?string objectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the object. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "object_id": "object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 84
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-# Catalog Object Type
-Possible types of CatalogObjects returned from the catalog, each
-containing type-specific properties in the `*_data` field corresponding to the specified object type.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ITEM` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) type and represents an item. The item-specific data
must be set on the `item_data` field. |
-| `IMAGE` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogImage](../../doc/models/catalog-image.md) type and represents an image. The image-specific data
must be set on the `image_data` field. |
-| `CATEGORY` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogCategory](../../doc/models/catalog-category.md) type and represents a category. The category-specific data
must be set on the `category_data` field. |
-| `ITEM_VARIATION` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogItemVariation](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md) type and represents an item variation, also referred to as variation.
The item variation-specific data must be set on the `item_variation_data` field. |
-| `TAX` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogTax](../../doc/models/catalog-tax.md) type and represents a tax. The tax-specific data
must be set on the `tax_data` field. |
-| `DISCOUNT` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogDiscount](../../doc/models/catalog-discount.md) type and represents a discount. The discount-specific data
must be set on the `discount_data` field. |
-| `MODIFIER_LIST` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogModifierList](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-list.md) type and represents a modifier list.
The modifier-list-specific data must be set on the `modifier_list_data` field. |
-| `MODIFIER` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogModifier](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier.md) type and represents a modifier. The modifier-specific data
must be set on the `modifier_data` field. |
-| `PRICING_RULE` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogPricingRule](../../doc/models/catalog-pricing-rule.md) type and represents a pricing rule. The pricing-rule-specific data
must be set on the `pricing_rule_data` field. |
-| `PRODUCT_SET` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogProductSet](../../doc/models/catalog-product-set.md) type and represents a product set.
The product-set-specific data will be stored in the `product_set_data` field. |
-| `TIME_PERIOD` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogTimePeriod](../../doc/models/catalog-time-period.md) type and represents a time period.
The time-period-specific data must be set on the `time_period_data` field. |
-| `MEASUREMENT_UNIT` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogMeasurementUnit](../../doc/models/catalog-measurement-unit.md) type and represents a measurement unit specifying the unit of
measure and precision in which an item variation is sold. The measurement-unit-specific data must set on the `measurement_unit_data` field. |
-| `SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN_VARIATION` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogSubscriptionPlan](../../doc/models/catalog-subscription-plan.md) type and represents a subscription plan.
The subscription-plan-specific data must be stored on the `subscription_plan_data` field. |
-| `ITEM_OPTION` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogItemOption](../../doc/models/catalog-item-option.md) type and represents a list of options (such as a color or size of a T-shirt)
that can be assigned to item variations. The item-option-specific data must be on the `item_option_data` field. |
-| `ITEM_OPTION_VAL` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogItemOptionValue](../../doc/models/catalog-item-option-value.md) type and represents a value associated with one or more item options.
For example, an item option of "Size" may have item option values such as "Small" or "Medium".
The item-option-value-specific data must be on the `item_option_value_data` field. |
-| `CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition.md) type and represents the definition of a custom attribute.
The custom-attribute-definition-specific data must be set on the `custom_attribute_definition_data` field. |
-| `QUICK_AMOUNTS_SETTINGS` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogQuickAmountsSettings](../../doc/models/catalog-quick-amounts-settings.md) type and represents settings to configure preset charges for quick payments at each location.
For example, a location may have a list of both AUTO and MANUAL quick amounts that are set to DISABLED.
The quick-amounts-settings-specific data must be set on the `quick_amounts_settings_data` field. |
-| `SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogSubscriptionPlan](../../doc/models/catalog-subscription-plan.md) type and represents a subscription plan.
The subscription plan specific data must be stored on the `subscription_plan_data` field. |
-| `AVAILABILITY_PERIOD` | The `CatalogObject` instance is of the [CatalogAvailabilityPeriod](../../doc/models/catalog-availability-period.md) type and represents an availability period.
The availability period specific data must be stored on the `availability_period_data` field. |
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-# Catalog Object
-The wrapper object for the catalog entries of a given object type.
-Depending on the `type` attribute value, a `CatalogObject` instance assumes a type-specific data to yield the corresponding type of catalog object.
-For example, if `type=ITEM`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ITEM-specific data set on the `item_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `CatalogItem` instance.
-In general, if `type=`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ``-specific data set on the `_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `Catalog` instance.
-For a more detailed discussion of the Catalog data model, please see the
-[Design a Catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/design-a-catalog) guide.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`string(CatalogObjectType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-type.md) | Required | Possible types of CatalogObjects returned from the catalog, each
containing type-specific properties in the `*_data` field corresponding to the specified object type. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | An identifier to reference this object in the catalog. When a new `CatalogObject`
is inserted, the client should set the id to a temporary identifier starting with
a "`#`" character. Other objects being inserted or updated within the same request
may use this identifier to refer to the new object.
When the server receives the new object, it will supply a unique identifier that
replaces the temporary identifier for all future references.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | Last modification [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) in RFC 3339 format, e.g., `"2016-08-15T23:59:33.123Z"`
would indicate the UTC time (denoted by `Z`) of August 15, 2016 at 23:59:33 and 123 milliseconds. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the object. When updating an object, the version supplied
must match the version in the database, otherwise the write will be rejected as conflicting. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `isDeleted` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the object has been deleted from the database. Must be `false` for new objects
being inserted. When deleted, the `updated_at` field will equal the deletion time. | getIsDeleted(): ?bool | setIsDeleted(?bool isDeleted): void |
-| `customAttributeValues` | [`?array`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-value.md) | Optional | A map (key-value pairs) of application-defined custom attribute values. The value of a key-value pair
is a [CatalogCustomAttributeValue](entity:CatalogCustomAttributeValue) object. The key is the `key` attribute
value defined in the associated [CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition](entity:CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition)
object defined by the application making the request.
If the `CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition` object is
defined by another application, the `CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition`'s key attribute value is prefixed by
the defining application ID. For example, if the `CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition` has a `key` attribute of
`"cocoa_brand"` and the defining application ID is `"abcd1234"`, the key in the map is `"abcd1234:cocoa_brand"`
if the application making the request is different from the application defining the custom attribute definition.
Otherwise, the key used in the map is simply `"cocoa_brand"`.
Application-defined custom attributes are set at a global (location-independent) level.
Custom attribute values are intended to store additional information about a catalog object
or associations with an entity in another system. Do not use custom attributes
to store any sensitive information (personally identifiable information, card details, etc.). | getCustomAttributeValues(): ?array | setCustomAttributeValues(?array customAttributeValues): void |
-| `catalogV1Ids` | [`?(CatalogV1Id[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-v1-id.md) | Optional | The Connect v1 IDs for this object at each location where it is present, where they
differ from the object's Connect V2 ID. The field will only be present for objects that
have been created or modified by legacy APIs. | getCatalogV1Ids(): ?array | setCatalogV1Ids(?array catalogV1Ids): void |
-| `presentAtAllLocations` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, this object is present at all locations (including future locations), except where specified in
the `absent_at_location_ids` field. If `false`, this object is not present at any locations (including future locations),
except where specified in the `present_at_location_ids` field. If not specified, defaults to `true`. | getPresentAtAllLocations(): ?bool | setPresentAtAllLocations(?bool presentAtAllLocations): void |
-| `presentAtLocationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of locations where the object is present, even if `present_at_all_locations` is `false`.
This can include locations that are deactivated. | getPresentAtLocationIds(): ?array | setPresentAtLocationIds(?array presentAtLocationIds): void |
-| `absentAtLocationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of locations where the object is not present, even if `present_at_all_locations` is `true`.
This can include locations that are deactivated. | getAbsentAtLocationIds(): ?array | setAbsentAtLocationIds(?array absentAtLocationIds): void |
-| `itemData` | [`?CatalogItem`](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) | Optional | A [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) instance of the `ITEM` type, also referred to as an item, in the catalog. | getItemData(): ?CatalogItem | setItemData(?CatalogItem itemData): void |
-| `categoryData` | [`?CatalogCategory`](../../doc/models/catalog-category.md) | Optional | A category to which a `CatalogItem` instance belongs. | getCategoryData(): ?CatalogCategory | setCategoryData(?CatalogCategory categoryData): void |
-| `itemVariationData` | [`?CatalogItemVariation`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md) | Optional | An item variation, representing a product for sale, in the Catalog object model. Each [item](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) must have at least one
item variation and can have at most 250 item variations.
An item variation can be sellable, stockable, or both if it has a unit of measure for its count for the sold number of the variation, the stocked
number of the variation, or both. For example, when a variation representing wine is stocked and sold by the bottle, the variation is both
stockable and sellable. But when a variation of the wine is sold by the glass, the sold units cannot be used as a measure of the stocked units. This by-the-glass
variation is sellable, but not stockable. To accurately keep track of the wine's inventory count at any time, the sellable count must be
converted to stockable count. Typically, the seller defines this unit conversion. For example, 1 bottle equals 5 glasses. The Square API exposes
the `stockable_conversion` property on the variation to specify the conversion. Thus, when two glasses of the wine are sold, the sellable count
decreases by 2, and the stockable count automatically decreases by 0.4 bottle according to the conversion. | getItemVariationData(): ?CatalogItemVariation | setItemVariationData(?CatalogItemVariation itemVariationData): void |
-| `taxData` | [`?CatalogTax`](../../doc/models/catalog-tax.md) | Optional | A tax applicable to an item. | getTaxData(): ?CatalogTax | setTaxData(?CatalogTax taxData): void |
-| `discountData` | [`?CatalogDiscount`](../../doc/models/catalog-discount.md) | Optional | A discount applicable to items. | getDiscountData(): ?CatalogDiscount | setDiscountData(?CatalogDiscount discountData): void |
-| `modifierListData` | [`?CatalogModifierList`](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier-list.md) | Optional | For a text-based modifier, this encapsulates the modifier's text when its `modifier_type` is `TEXT`.
For example, to sell T-shirts with custom prints, a text-based modifier can be used to capture the buyer-supplied
text string to be selected for the T-shirt at the time of sale.
For non text-based modifiers, this encapsulates a non-empty list of modifiers applicable to items
at the time of sale. Each element of the modifier list is a `CatalogObject` instance of the `MODIFIER` type.
For example, a "Condiments" modifier list applicable to a "Hot Dog" item
may contain "Ketchup", "Mustard", and "Relish" modifiers.
A non text-based modifier can be applied to the modified item once or multiple times, if the `selection_type` field
is set to `SINGLE` or `MULTIPLE`, respectively. On the other hand, a text-based modifier can be applied to the item
only once and the `selection_type` field is always set to `SINGLE`. | getModifierListData(): ?CatalogModifierList | setModifierListData(?CatalogModifierList modifierListData): void |
-| `modifierData` | [`?CatalogModifier`](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier.md) | Optional | A modifier applicable to items at the time of sale. An example of a modifier is a Cheese add-on to a Burger item. | getModifierData(): ?CatalogModifier | setModifierData(?CatalogModifier modifierData): void |
-| `timePeriodData` | [`?CatalogTimePeriod`](../../doc/models/catalog-time-period.md) | Optional | Represents a time period - either a single period or a repeating period. | getTimePeriodData(): ?CatalogTimePeriod | setTimePeriodData(?CatalogTimePeriod timePeriodData): void |
-| `productSetData` | [`?CatalogProductSet`](../../doc/models/catalog-product-set.md) | Optional | Represents a collection of catalog objects for the purpose of applying a
`PricingRule`. Including a catalog object will include all of its subtypes.
For example, including a category in a product set will include all of its
items and associated item variations in the product set. Including an item in
a product set will also include its item variations. | getProductSetData(): ?CatalogProductSet | setProductSetData(?CatalogProductSet productSetData): void |
-| `pricingRuleData` | [`?CatalogPricingRule`](../../doc/models/catalog-pricing-rule.md) | Optional | Defines how discounts are automatically applied to a set of items that match the pricing rule
during the active time period. | getPricingRuleData(): ?CatalogPricingRule | setPricingRuleData(?CatalogPricingRule pricingRuleData): void |
-| `imageData` | [`?CatalogImage`](../../doc/models/catalog-image.md) | Optional | An image file to use in Square catalogs. It can be associated with
`CatalogItem`, `CatalogItemVariation`, `CatalogCategory`, and `CatalogModifierList` objects.
Only the images on items and item variations are exposed in Dashboard.
Only the first image on an item is displayed in Square Point of Sale (SPOS).
Images on items and variations are displayed through Square Online Store.
Images on other object types are for use by 3rd party application developers. | getImageData(): ?CatalogImage | setImageData(?CatalogImage imageData): void |
-| `measurementUnitData` | [`?CatalogMeasurementUnit`](../../doc/models/catalog-measurement-unit.md) | Optional | Represents the unit used to measure a `CatalogItemVariation` and
specifies the precision for decimal quantities. | getMeasurementUnitData(): ?CatalogMeasurementUnit | setMeasurementUnitData(?CatalogMeasurementUnit measurementUnitData): void |
-| `subscriptionPlanData` | [`?CatalogSubscriptionPlan`](../../doc/models/catalog-subscription-plan.md) | Optional | Describes a subscription plan. A subscription plan represents what you want to sell in a subscription model, and includes references to each of the associated subscription plan variations.
For more information, see [Subscription Plans and Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/plans-and-variations). | getSubscriptionPlanData(): ?CatalogSubscriptionPlan | setSubscriptionPlanData(?CatalogSubscriptionPlan subscriptionPlanData): void |
-| `itemOptionData` | [`?CatalogItemOption`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-option.md) | Optional | A group of variations for a `CatalogItem`. | getItemOptionData(): ?CatalogItemOption | setItemOptionData(?CatalogItemOption itemOptionData): void |
-| `itemOptionValueData` | [`?CatalogItemOptionValue`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-option-value.md) | Optional | An enumerated value that can link a
`CatalogItemVariation` to an item option as one of
its item option values. | getItemOptionValueData(): ?CatalogItemOptionValue | setItemOptionValueData(?CatalogItemOptionValue itemOptionValueData): void |
-| `customAttributeDefinitionData` | [`?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/catalog-custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Contains information defining a custom attribute. Custom attributes are
intended to store additional information about a catalog object or to associate a
catalog object with an entity in another system. Do not use custom attributes
to store any sensitive information (personally identifiable information, card details, etc.).
[Read more about custom attributes](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/add-custom-attributes) | getCustomAttributeDefinitionData(): ?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinitionData(?CatalogCustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinitionData): void |
-| `quickAmountsSettingsData` | [`?CatalogQuickAmountsSettings`](../../doc/models/catalog-quick-amounts-settings.md) | Optional | A parent Catalog Object model represents a set of Quick Amounts and the settings control the amounts. | getQuickAmountsSettingsData(): ?CatalogQuickAmountsSettings | setQuickAmountsSettingsData(?CatalogQuickAmountsSettings quickAmountsSettingsData): void |
-| `subscriptionPlanVariationData` | [`?CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation`](../../doc/models/catalog-subscription-plan-variation.md) | Optional | Describes a subscription plan variation. A subscription plan variation represents how the subscription for a product or service is sold.
For more information, see [Subscription Plans and Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/plans-and-variations). | getSubscriptionPlanVariationData(): ?CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation | setSubscriptionPlanVariationData(?CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation subscriptionPlanVariationData): void |
-| `availabilityPeriodData` | [`?CatalogAvailabilityPeriod`](../../doc/models/catalog-availability-period.md) | Optional | Represents a time period of availability. | getAvailabilityPeriodData(): ?CatalogAvailabilityPeriod | setAvailabilityPeriodData(?CatalogAvailabilityPeriod availabilityPeriodData): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "TIME_PERIOD",
- "id": "id4",
- "category_data": {
- "object": {
- "category_data": {
- "name": "Beverages"
- },
- "id": "#Beverages",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY"
- }
- },
- "tax_data": {
- "object": {
- "id": "#SalesTax",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "fee_applies_to_custom_amounts": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX"
- }
- },
- "discount_data": {
- "object": {
- "discount_data": {
- "discount_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
- "label_color": "red",
- "name": "Welcome to the Dark(Roast) Side!",
- "percentage": "5.4",
- "pin_required": false
- },
- "id": "#Maythe4th",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "DISCOUNT"
- }
- },
- "modifier_data": {
- "object": {
- "modifier_data": {
- "name": "Almond Milk",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "MODIFIER"
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 186,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
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-# Catalog Pricing Rule
-Defines how discounts are automatically applied to a set of items that match the pricing rule
-during the active time period.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | User-defined name for the pricing rule. For example, "Buy one get one
free" or "10% off". | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `timePeriodIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of unique IDs for the catalog time periods when
this pricing rule is in effect. If left unset, the pricing rule is always
in effect. | getTimePeriodIds(): ?array | setTimePeriodIds(?array timePeriodIds): void |
-| `discountId` | `?string` | Optional | Unique ID for the `CatalogDiscount` to take off
the price of all matched items. | getDiscountId(): ?string | setDiscountId(?string discountId): void |
-| `matchProductsId` | `?string` | Optional | Unique ID for the `CatalogProductSet` that will be matched by this rule. A match rule
matches within the entire cart, and can match multiple times. This field will always be set. | getMatchProductsId(): ?string | setMatchProductsId(?string matchProductsId): void |
-| `applyProductsId` | `?string` | Optional | __Deprecated__: Please use the `exclude_products_id` field to apply
an exclude set instead. Exclude sets allow better control over quantity
ranges and offer more flexibility for which matched items receive a discount.
`CatalogProductSet` to apply the pricing to.
An apply rule matches within the subset of the cart that fits the match rules (the match set).
An apply rule can only match once in the match set.
If not supplied, the pricing will be applied to all products in the match set.
Other products retain their base price, or a price generated by other rules. | getApplyProductsId(): ?string | setApplyProductsId(?string applyProductsId): void |
-| `excludeProductsId` | `?string` | Optional | `CatalogProductSet` to exclude from the pricing rule.
An exclude rule matches within the subset of the cart that fits the match rules (the match set).
An exclude rule can only match once in the match set.
If not supplied, the pricing will be applied to all products in the match set.
Other products retain their base price, or a price generated by other rules. | getExcludeProductsId(): ?string | setExcludeProductsId(?string excludeProductsId): void |
-| `validFromDate` | `?string` | Optional | Represents the date the Pricing Rule is valid from. Represented in RFC 3339 full-date format (YYYY-MM-DD). | getValidFromDate(): ?string | setValidFromDate(?string validFromDate): void |
-| `validFromLocalTime` | `?string` | Optional | Represents the local time the pricing rule should be valid from. Represented in RFC 3339 partial-time format
(HH:MM:SS). Partial seconds will be truncated. | getValidFromLocalTime(): ?string | setValidFromLocalTime(?string validFromLocalTime): void |
-| `validUntilDate` | `?string` | Optional | Represents the date the Pricing Rule is valid until. Represented in RFC 3339 full-date format (YYYY-MM-DD). | getValidUntilDate(): ?string | setValidUntilDate(?string validUntilDate): void |
-| `validUntilLocalTime` | `?string` | Optional | Represents the local time the pricing rule should be valid until. Represented in RFC 3339 partial-time format
(HH:MM:SS). Partial seconds will be truncated. | getValidUntilLocalTime(): ?string | setValidUntilLocalTime(?string validUntilLocalTime): void |
-| `excludeStrategy` | [`?string(ExcludeStrategy)`](../../doc/models/exclude-strategy.md) | Optional | Indicates which products matched by a CatalogPricingRule
will be excluded if the pricing rule uses an exclude set. | getExcludeStrategy(): ?string | setExcludeStrategy(?string excludeStrategy): void |
-| `minimumOrderSubtotalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getMinimumOrderSubtotalMoney(): ?Money | setMinimumOrderSubtotalMoney(?Money minimumOrderSubtotalMoney): void |
-| `customerGroupIdsAny` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of IDs of customer groups, the members of which are eligible for discounts specified in this pricing rule.
Notice that a group ID is generated by the Customers API.
If this field is not set, the specified discount applies to matched products sold to anyone whether the buyer
has a customer profile created or not. If this `customer_group_ids_any` field is set, the specified discount
applies only to matched products sold to customers belonging to the specified customer groups. | getCustomerGroupIdsAny(): ?array | setCustomerGroupIdsAny(?array customerGroupIdsAny): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name6",
- "time_period_ids": [
- "time_period_ids8"
- ],
- "discount_id": "discount_id4",
- "match_products_id": "match_products_id4",
- "apply_products_id": "apply_products_id0"
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-# Catalog Pricing Type
-Indicates whether the price of a CatalogItemVariation should be entered manually at the time of sale.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `FIXED_PRICING` | The catalog item variation's price is fixed. |
-| `VARIABLE_PRICING` | The catalog item variation's price is entered at the time of sale. |
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-# Catalog Product Set
-Represents a collection of catalog objects for the purpose of applying a
-`PricingRule`. Including a catalog object will include all of its subtypes.
-For example, including a category in a product set will include all of its
-items and associated item variations in the product set. Including an item in
-a product set will also include its item variations.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | User-defined name for the product set. For example, "Clearance Items"
or "Winter Sale Items". | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `productIdsAny` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Unique IDs for any `CatalogObject` included in this product set. Any
number of these catalog objects can be in an order for a pricing rule to apply.
This can be used with `product_ids_all` in a parent `CatalogProductSet` to
match groups of products for a bulk discount, such as a discount for an
entree and side combo.
Only one of `product_ids_all`, `product_ids_any`, or `all_products` can be set.
Max: 500 catalog object IDs. | getProductIdsAny(): ?array | setProductIdsAny(?array productIdsAny): void |
-| `productIdsAll` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Unique IDs for any `CatalogObject` included in this product set.
All objects in this set must be included in an order for a pricing rule to apply.
Only one of `product_ids_all`, `product_ids_any`, or `all_products` can be set.
Max: 500 catalog object IDs. | getProductIdsAll(): ?array | setProductIdsAll(?array productIdsAll): void |
-| `quantityExact` | `?int` | Optional | If set, there must be exactly this many items from `products_any` or `products_all`
in the cart for the discount to apply.
Cannot be combined with either `quantity_min` or `quantity_max`. | getQuantityExact(): ?int | setQuantityExact(?int quantityExact): void |
-| `quantityMin` | `?int` | Optional | If set, there must be at least this many items from `products_any` or `products_all`
in a cart for the discount to apply. See `quantity_exact`. Defaults to 0 if
`quantity_exact`, `quantity_min` and `quantity_max` are all unspecified. | getQuantityMin(): ?int | setQuantityMin(?int quantityMin): void |
-| `quantityMax` | `?int` | Optional | If set, the pricing rule will apply to a maximum of this many items from
`products_any` or `products_all`. | getQuantityMax(): ?int | setQuantityMax(?int quantityMax): void |
-| `allProducts` | `?bool` | Optional | If set to `true`, the product set will include every item in the catalog.
Only one of `product_ids_all`, `product_ids_any`, or `all_products` can be set. | getAllProducts(): ?bool | setAllProducts(?bool allProducts): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name6",
- "product_ids_any": [
- "product_ids_any8"
- ],
- "product_ids_all": [
- "product_ids_all7"
- ],
- "quantity_exact": 222,
- "quantity_min": 100
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-# Catalog Query Exact
-The query filter to return the search result by exact match of the specified attribute name and value.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `attributeName` | `string` | Required | The name of the attribute to be searched. Matching of the attribute name is exact.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getAttributeName(): string | setAttributeName(string attributeName): void |
-| `attributeValue` | `string` | Required | The desired value of the search attribute. Matching of the attribute value is case insensitive and can be partial.
For example, if a specified value of "sma", objects with the named attribute value of "Small", "small" are both matched. | getAttributeValue(): string | setAttributeValue(string attributeValue): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name4",
- "attribute_value": "attribute_value6"
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-# Catalog Query Item Variations for Item Option Values
-The query filter to return the item variations containing the specified item option value IDs.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemOptionValueIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A set of `CatalogItemOptionValue` IDs to be used to find associated
`CatalogItemVariation`s. All ItemVariations that contain all of the given
Item Option Values (in any order) will be returned. | getItemOptionValueIds(): ?array | setItemOptionValueIds(?array itemOptionValueIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_option_value_ids": [
- "item_option_value_ids0",
- "item_option_value_ids9",
- "item_option_value_ids8"
- ]
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-# Catalog Query Items for Item Options
-The query filter to return the items containing the specified item option IDs.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemOptionIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A set of `CatalogItemOption` IDs to be used to find associated
`CatalogItem`s. All Items that contain all of the given Item Options (in any order)
will be returned. | getItemOptionIds(): ?array | setItemOptionIds(?array itemOptionIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_option_ids": [
- "item_option_ids5",
- "item_option_ids6"
- ]
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-# Catalog Query Items for Modifier List
-The query filter to return the items containing the specified modifier list IDs.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `modifierListIds` | `string[]` | Required | A set of `CatalogModifierList` IDs to be used to find associated `CatalogItem`s. | getModifierListIds(): array | setModifierListIds(array modifierListIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "modifier_list_ids": [
- "modifier_list_ids8",
- "modifier_list_ids9",
- "modifier_list_ids0"
- ]
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-# Catalog Query Items for Tax
-The query filter to return the items containing the specified tax IDs.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `taxIds` | `string[]` | Required | A set of `CatalogTax` IDs to be used to find associated `CatalogItem`s. | getTaxIds(): array | setTaxIds(array taxIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "tax_ids": [
- "tax_ids9",
- "tax_ids8"
- ]
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-# Catalog Query Prefix
-The query filter to return the search result whose named attribute values are prefixed by the specified attribute value.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `attributeName` | `string` | Required | The name of the attribute to be searched.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getAttributeName(): string | setAttributeName(string attributeName): void |
-| `attributePrefix` | `string` | Required | The desired prefix of the search attribute value.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getAttributePrefix(): string | setAttributePrefix(string attributePrefix): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name8",
- "attribute_prefix": "attribute_prefix6"
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-# Catalog Query Range
-The query filter to return the search result whose named attribute values fall between the specified range.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `attributeName` | `string` | Required | The name of the attribute to be searched.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getAttributeName(): string | setAttributeName(string attributeName): void |
-| `attributeMinValue` | `?int` | Optional | The desired minimum value for the search attribute (inclusive). | getAttributeMinValue(): ?int | setAttributeMinValue(?int attributeMinValue): void |
-| `attributeMaxValue` | `?int` | Optional | The desired maximum value for the search attribute (inclusive). | getAttributeMaxValue(): ?int | setAttributeMaxValue(?int attributeMaxValue): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name0",
- "attribute_min_value": 184,
- "attribute_max_value": 94
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-# Catalog Query Set
-The query filter to return the search result(s) by exact match of the specified `attribute_name` and any of
-the `attribute_values`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `attributeName` | `string` | Required | The name of the attribute to be searched. Matching of the attribute name is exact.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getAttributeName(): string | setAttributeName(string attributeName): void |
-| `attributeValues` | `string[]` | Required | The desired values of the search attribute. Matching of the attribute values is exact and case insensitive.
A maximum of 250 values may be searched in a request. | getAttributeValues(): array | setAttributeValues(array attributeValues): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name0",
- "attribute_values": [
- "attribute_values8"
- ]
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-# Catalog Query Sorted Attribute
-The query expression to specify the key to sort search results.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `attributeName` | `string` | Required | The attribute whose value is used as the sort key.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getAttributeName(): string | setAttributeName(string attributeName): void |
-| `initialAttributeValue` | `?string` | Optional | The first attribute value to be returned by the query. Ascending sorts will return only
objects with this value or greater, while descending sorts will return only objects with this value
or less. If unset, start at the beginning (for ascending sorts) or end (for descending sorts). | getInitialAttributeValue(): ?string | setInitialAttributeValue(?string initialAttributeValue): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name2",
- "initial_attribute_value": "initial_attribute_value4",
- "sort_order": "DESC"
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-# Catalog Query Text
-The query filter to return the search result whose searchable attribute values contain all of the specified keywords or tokens, independent of the token order or case.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `keywords` | `string[]` | Required | A list of 1, 2, or 3 search keywords. Keywords with fewer than 3 alphanumeric characters are ignored. | getKeywords(): array | setKeywords(array keywords): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "keywords": [
- "keywords1"
- ]
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-# Catalog Query
-A query composed of one or more different types of filters to narrow the scope of targeted objects when calling the `SearchCatalogObjects` endpoint.
-Although a query can have multiple filters, only certain query types can be combined per call to [SearchCatalogObjects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-objects).
-Any combination of the following types may be used together:
-- [exact_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-exact.md)
-- [prefix_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-prefix.md)
-- [range_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-range.md)
-- [sorted_attribute_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-sorted-attribute.md)
-- [text_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-text.md)
-All other query types cannot be combined with any others.
-When a query filter is based on an attribute, the attribute must be searchable.
-Searchable attributes are listed as follows, along their parent types that can be searched for with applicable query filters.
-Searchable attribute and objects queryable by searchable attributes:
-- `name`: `CatalogItem`, `CatalogItemVariation`, `CatalogCategory`, `CatalogTax`, `CatalogDiscount`, `CatalogModifier`, `CatalogModifierList`, `CatalogItemOption`, `CatalogItemOptionValue`
-- `description`: `CatalogItem`, `CatalogItemOptionValue`
-- `abbreviation`: `CatalogItem`
-- `upc`: `CatalogItemVariation`
-- `sku`: `CatalogItemVariation`
-- `caption`: `CatalogImage`
-- `display_name`: `CatalogItemOption`
-For example, to search for [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) objects by searchable attributes, you can use
-the `"name"`, `"description"`, or `"abbreviation"` attribute in an applicable query filter.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sortedAttributeQuery` | [`?CatalogQuerySortedAttribute`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-sorted-attribute.md) | Optional | The query expression to specify the key to sort search results. | getSortedAttributeQuery(): ?CatalogQuerySortedAttribute | setSortedAttributeQuery(?CatalogQuerySortedAttribute sortedAttributeQuery): void |
-| `exactQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryExact`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-exact.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the search result by exact match of the specified attribute name and value. | getExactQuery(): ?CatalogQueryExact | setExactQuery(?CatalogQueryExact exactQuery): void |
-| `setQuery` | [`?CatalogQuerySet`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-set.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the search result(s) by exact match of the specified `attribute_name` and any of
the `attribute_values`. | getSetQuery(): ?CatalogQuerySet | setSetQuery(?CatalogQuerySet setQuery): void |
-| `prefixQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryPrefix`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-prefix.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the search result whose named attribute values are prefixed by the specified attribute value. | getPrefixQuery(): ?CatalogQueryPrefix | setPrefixQuery(?CatalogQueryPrefix prefixQuery): void |
-| `rangeQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryRange`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-range.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the search result whose named attribute values fall between the specified range. | getRangeQuery(): ?CatalogQueryRange | setRangeQuery(?CatalogQueryRange rangeQuery): void |
-| `textQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryText`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-text.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the search result whose searchable attribute values contain all of the specified keywords or tokens, independent of the token order or case. | getTextQuery(): ?CatalogQueryText | setTextQuery(?CatalogQueryText textQuery): void |
-| `itemsForTaxQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryItemsForTax`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-items-for-tax.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the items containing the specified tax IDs. | getItemsForTaxQuery(): ?CatalogQueryItemsForTax | setItemsForTaxQuery(?CatalogQueryItemsForTax itemsForTaxQuery): void |
-| `itemsForModifierListQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryItemsForModifierList`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-items-for-modifier-list.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the items containing the specified modifier list IDs. | getItemsForModifierListQuery(): ?CatalogQueryItemsForModifierList | setItemsForModifierListQuery(?CatalogQueryItemsForModifierList itemsForModifierListQuery): void |
-| `itemsForItemOptionsQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryItemsForItemOptions`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-items-for-item-options.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the items containing the specified item option IDs. | getItemsForItemOptionsQuery(): ?CatalogQueryItemsForItemOptions | setItemsForItemOptionsQuery(?CatalogQueryItemsForItemOptions itemsForItemOptionsQuery): void |
-| `itemVariationsForItemOptionValuesQuery` | [`?CatalogQueryItemVariationsForItemOptionValues`](../../doc/models/catalog-query-item-variations-for-item-option-values.md) | Optional | The query filter to return the item variations containing the specified item option value IDs. | getItemVariationsForItemOptionValuesQuery(): ?CatalogQueryItemVariationsForItemOptionValues | setItemVariationsForItemOptionValuesQuery(?CatalogQueryItemVariationsForItemOptionValues itemVariationsForItemOptionValuesQuery): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "sorted_attribute_query": {
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name0",
- "initial_attribute_value": "initial_attribute_value8",
- "sort_order": "DESC"
- },
- "exact_query": {
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name4",
- "attribute_value": "attribute_value6"
- },
- "set_query": {
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name2",
- "attribute_values": [
- "attribute_values6"
- ]
- },
- "prefix_query": {
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name6",
- "attribute_prefix": "attribute_prefix8"
- },
- "range_query": {
- "attribute_name": "attribute_name0",
- "attribute_min_value": 208,
- "attribute_max_value": 138
- }
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-# Catalog Quick Amount Type
-Determines the type of a specific Quick Amount.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `QUICK_AMOUNT_TYPE_MANUAL` | Quick Amount is created manually by the seller. |
-| `QUICK_AMOUNT_TYPE_AUTO` | Quick Amount is generated automatically by machine learning algorithms. |
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-# Catalog Quick Amount
-Represents a Quick Amount in the Catalog.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`string(CatalogQuickAmountType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-quick-amount-type.md) | Required | Determines the type of a specific Quick Amount. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `amount` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmount(): Money | setAmount(Money amount): void |
-| `score` | `?int` | Optional | Describes the ranking of the Quick Amount provided by machine learning model, in the range [0, 100].
MANUAL type amount will always have score = 100. | getScore(): ?int | setScore(?int score): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | The order in which this Quick Amount should be displayed. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "score": 12,
- "ordinal": 200
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-# Catalog Quick Amounts Settings Option
-Determines a seller's option on Quick Amounts feature.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `DISABLED` | Option for seller to disable Quick Amounts. |
-| `MANUAL` | Option for seller to choose manually created Quick Amounts. |
-| `AUTO` | Option for seller to choose automatically created Quick Amounts. |
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-# Catalog Quick Amounts Settings
-A parent Catalog Object model represents a set of Quick Amounts and the settings control the amounts.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `option` | [`string(CatalogQuickAmountsSettingsOption)`](../../doc/models/catalog-quick-amounts-settings-option.md) | Required | Determines a seller's option on Quick Amounts feature. | getOption(): string | setOption(string option): void |
-| `eligibleForAutoAmounts` | `?bool` | Optional | Represents location's eligibility for auto amounts
The boolean should be consistent with whether there are AUTO amounts in the `amounts`. | getEligibleForAutoAmounts(): ?bool | setEligibleForAutoAmounts(?bool eligibleForAutoAmounts): void |
-| `amounts` | [`?(CatalogQuickAmount[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-quick-amount.md) | Optional | Represents a set of Quick Amounts at this location. | getAmounts(): ?array | setAmounts(?array amounts): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "option": "AUTO",
- "eligible_for_auto_amounts": false,
- "amounts": [
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "score": 116,
- "ordinal": 48
- },
- {
- "amount": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "score": 116,
- "ordinal": 48
- }
- ]
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-# Catalog Stock Conversion
-Represents the rule of conversion between a stockable [CatalogItemVariation](../../doc/models/catalog-item-variation.md)
-and a non-stockable sell-by or receive-by `CatalogItemVariation` that
-share the same underlying stock.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `stockableItemVariationId` | `string` | Required | References to the stockable [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation)
for this stock conversion. Selling, receiving or recounting the non-stockable `CatalogItemVariation`
defined with a stock conversion results in adjustments of this stockable `CatalogItemVariation`.
This immutable field must reference a stockable `CatalogItemVariation`
that shares the parent [CatalogItem](entity:CatalogItem) of the converted `CatalogItemVariation.`
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getStockableItemVariationId(): string | setStockableItemVariationId(string stockableItemVariationId): void |
-| `stockableQuantity` | `string` | Required | The quantity of the stockable item variation (as identified by `stockable_item_variation_id`)
equivalent to the non-stockable item variation quantity (as specified in `nonstockable_quantity`)
as defined by this stock conversion. It accepts a decimal number in a string format that can take
up to 10 digits before the decimal point and up to 5 digits after the decimal point.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `16` | getStockableQuantity(): string | setStockableQuantity(string stockableQuantity): void |
-| `nonstockableQuantity` | `string` | Required | The converted equivalent quantity of the non-stockable [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation)
in its measurement unit. The `stockable_quantity` value and this `nonstockable_quantity` value together
define the conversion ratio between stockable item variation and the non-stockable item variation.
It accepts a decimal number in a string format that can take up to 10 digits before the decimal point
and up to 5 digits after the decimal point.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `16` | getNonstockableQuantity(): string | setNonstockableQuantity(string nonstockableQuantity): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "stockable_item_variation_id": "stockable_item_variation_id2",
- "stockable_quantity": "stockable_quantity0",
- "nonstockable_quantity": "nonstockable_quantity2"
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-# Catalog Subscription Plan Variation
-Describes a subscription plan variation. A subscription plan variation represents how the subscription for a product or service is sold.
-For more information, see [Subscription Plans and Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/plans-and-variations).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The name of the plan variation. | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `phases` | [`SubscriptionPhase[]`](../../doc/models/subscription-phase.md) | Required | A list containing each [SubscriptionPhase](entity:SubscriptionPhase) for this plan variation. | getPhases(): array | setPhases(array phases): void |
-| `subscriptionPlanId` | `?string` | Optional | The id of the subscription plan, if there is one. | getSubscriptionPlanId(): ?string | setSubscriptionPlanId(?string subscriptionPlanId): void |
-| `monthlyBillingAnchorDate` | `?int` | Optional | The day of the month the billing period starts.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 31` | getMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(): ?int | setMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(?int monthlyBillingAnchorDate): void |
-| `canProrate` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether bills for this plan variation can be split for proration. | getCanProrate(): ?bool | setCanProrate(?bool canProrate): void |
-| `successorPlanVariationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of a "successor" plan variation to this one. If the field is set, and this object is disabled at all
locations, it indicates that this variation is deprecated and the object identified by the successor ID be used in
its stead. | getSuccessorPlanVariationId(): ?string | setSuccessorPlanVariationId(?string successorPlanVariationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name2",
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "cadence": "QUARTERLY",
- "periods": 112,
- "recurring_price_money": {
- "amount": 66,
- "currency": "ZMW"
- },
- "ordinal": 78,
- "pricing": {
- "type": "STATIC",
- "discount_ids": [
- "discount_ids5",
- "discount_ids6"
- ],
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id0",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 38,
- "can_prorate": false,
- "successor_plan_variation_id": "successor_plan_variation_id2"
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-# Catalog Subscription Plan
-Describes a subscription plan. A subscription plan represents what you want to sell in a subscription model, and includes references to each of the associated subscription plan variations.
-For more information, see [Subscription Plans and Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/plans-and-variations).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The name of the plan. | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `phases` | [`?(SubscriptionPhase[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-phase.md) | Optional | A list of SubscriptionPhase containing the [SubscriptionPhase](entity:SubscriptionPhase) for this plan.
This field it required. Not including this field will throw a REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING error | getPhases(): ?array | setPhases(?array phases): void |
-| `subscriptionPlanVariations` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The list of subscription plan variations available for this product | getSubscriptionPlanVariations(): ?array | setSubscriptionPlanVariations(?array subscriptionPlanVariations): void |
-| `eligibleItemIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The list of IDs of `CatalogItems` that are eligible for subscription by this SubscriptionPlan's variations. | getEligibleItemIds(): ?array | setEligibleItemIds(?array eligibleItemIds): void |
-| `eligibleCategoryIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The list of IDs of `CatalogCategory` that are eligible for subscription by this SubscriptionPlan's variations. | getEligibleCategoryIds(): ?array | setEligibleCategoryIds(?array eligibleCategoryIds): void |
-| `allItems` | `?bool` | Optional | If true, all items in the merchant's catalog are subscribable by this SubscriptionPlan. | getAllItems(): ?bool | setAllItems(?bool allItems): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name6",
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "cadence": "QUARTERLY",
- "periods": 112,
- "recurring_price_money": {
- "amount": 66,
- "currency": "ZMW"
- },
- "ordinal": 78,
- "pricing": {
- "type": "STATIC",
- "discount_ids": [
- "discount_ids5",
- "discount_ids6"
- ],
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "cadence": "QUARTERLY",
- "periods": 112,
- "recurring_price_money": {
- "amount": 66,
- "currency": "ZMW"
- },
- "ordinal": 78,
- "pricing": {
- "type": "STATIC",
- "discount_ids": [
- "discount_ids5",
- "discount_ids6"
- ],
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "cadence": "QUARTERLY",
- "periods": 112,
- "recurring_price_money": {
- "amount": 66,
- "currency": "ZMW"
- },
- "ordinal": 78,
- "pricing": {
- "type": "STATIC",
- "discount_ids": [
- "discount_ids5",
- "discount_ids6"
- ],
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_variations": [
- {
- "type": "MODIFIER",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 208,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "MODIFIER",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 208,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "eligible_item_ids": [
- "eligible_item_ids8",
- "eligible_item_ids7"
- ],
- "eligible_category_ids": [
- "eligible_category_ids5",
- "eligible_category_ids6",
- "eligible_category_ids7"
- ],
- "all_items": false
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-# Catalog Tax
-A tax applicable to an item.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The tax's name. This is a searchable attribute for use in applicable query filters, and its value length is of Unicode code points.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `calculationPhase` | [`?string(TaxCalculationPhase)`](../../doc/models/tax-calculation-phase.md) | Optional | When to calculate the taxes due on a cart. | getCalculationPhase(): ?string | setCalculationPhase(?string calculationPhase): void |
-| `inclusionType` | [`?string(TaxInclusionType)`](../../doc/models/tax-inclusion-type.md) | Optional | Whether to the tax amount should be additional to or included in the CatalogItem price. | getInclusionType(): ?string | setInclusionType(?string inclusionType): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The percentage of the tax in decimal form, using a `'.'` as the decimal separator and without a `'%'` sign.
A value of `7.5` corresponds to 7.5%. For a location-specific tax rate, contact the tax authority of the location or a tax consultant. | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `appliesToCustomAmounts` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the fee applies to custom amounts entered into the Square Point of Sale
app that are not associated with a particular `CatalogItem`. | getAppliesToCustomAmounts(): ?bool | setAppliesToCustomAmounts(?bool appliesToCustomAmounts): void |
-| `enabled` | `?bool` | Optional | A Boolean flag to indicate whether the tax is displayed as enabled (`true`) in the Square Point of Sale app or not (`false`). | getEnabled(): ?bool | setEnabled(?bool enabled): void |
-| `appliesToProductSetId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of a `CatalogProductSet` object. If set, the tax is applicable to all products in the product set. | getAppliesToProductSetId(): ?string | setAppliesToProductSetId(?string appliesToProductSetId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "object": {
- "id": "#SalesTax",
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "fee_applies_to_custom_amounts": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX"
- },
- "name": "name2",
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "percentage": "percentage0",
- "applies_to_custom_amounts": false
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-# Catalog Time Period
-Represents a time period - either a single period or a repeating period.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `event` | `?string` | Optional | An iCalendar (RFC 5545) [event](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.6.1), which
specifies the name, timing, duration and recurrence of this time period.
Only `SUMMARY`, `DTSTART`, `DURATION` and `RRULE` fields are supported.
`DTSTART` must be in local (unzoned) time format. Note that while `BEGIN:VEVENT`
and `END:VEVENT` is not required in the request. The response will always
include them. | getEvent(): ?string | setEvent(?string event): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event": "event8"
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-# Catalog V1 Id
-A Square API V1 identifier of an item, including the object ID and its associated location ID.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `catalogV1Id` | `?string` | Optional | The ID for an object used in the Square API V1, if the object ID differs from the Square API V2 object ID. | getCatalogV1Id(): ?string | setCatalogV1Id(?string catalogV1Id): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the `Location` this Connect V1 ID is associated with. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id2",
- "location_id": "location_id2"
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-# Category Path to Root Node
-A node in the path from a retrieved category to its root node.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `categoryId` | `?string` | Optional | The category's ID. | getCategoryId(): ?string | setCategoryId(?string categoryId): void |
-| `categoryName` | `?string` | Optional | The category's name. | getCategoryName(): ?string | setCategoryName(?string categoryName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "category_id": "category_id0",
- "category_name": "category_name0"
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-# Change Billing Anchor Date Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-[ChangeBillingAnchorDate](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#change-billing-anchor-date) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `monthlyBillingAnchorDate` | `?int` | Optional | The anchor day for the billing cycle.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 31` | getMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(): ?int | setMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(?int monthlyBillingAnchorDate): void |
-| `effectiveDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date when the scheduled `BILLING_ANCHOR_CHANGE` action takes
place on the subscription.
When this date is unspecified or falls within the current billing cycle, the billing anchor date
is changed immediately. | getEffectiveDate(): ?string | setEffectiveDate(?string effectiveDate): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 1,
- "effective_date": "effective_date8"
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-# Change Billing Anchor Date Response
-Defines output parameters in a request to the
-[ChangeBillingAnchorDate](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#change-billing-anchor-date) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-| `actions` | [`?(SubscriptionAction[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-action.md) | Optional | A list of a single billing anchor date change for the subscription. | getActions(): ?array | setActions(?array actions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "actions": [
- {
- "effective_date": "2023-11-01",
- "id": "f0a1dfdc-675b-3a14-a640-99f7ac1cee83",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 1,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "subscription": {
- "created_at": "2023-06-20T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "9ba40961-995a-4a3d-8c53-048c40cafc13",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 20,
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "E6oBY5WfQ2eN4pkYZwq4ka6n7KeZY",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "plan_phase_uid": "C66BKH3ASTDYGJJCEZXQQSS7",
- "uid": "98d6f53b-40e1-4714-8827-032fd923be25"
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "FQ7CDXXWSLUJRPM3GFJSJGZ7",
- "price_override_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 3,
- "start_date": "start_date8"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Change Timing
-Supported timings when a pending change, as an action, takes place to a subscription.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `IMMEDIATE` | The action occurs immediately. |
-| `END_OF_BILLING_CYCLE` | The action occurs at the end of the billing cycle. |
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-# Charge Request Additional Recipient
-Represents an additional recipient (other than the merchant) entitled to a portion of the tender.
-Support is currently limited to USD, CAD and GBP currencies
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The location ID for a recipient (other than the merchant) receiving a portion of the tender.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `description` | `string` | Required | The description of the additional recipient.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `100` | getDescription(): string | setDescription(string description): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "description": "description2",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
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-# Charge Request
-Defines the parameters that can be included in the body of
-a request to the [Charge](api-endpoint:Transactions-Charge) endpoint.
-Deprecated - recommend using [CreatePayment](api-endpoint:Payments-CreatePayment)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this
transaction among transactions you've created.
If you're unsure whether a particular transaction succeeded,
you can reattempt it with the same idempotency key without
worrying about double-charging the buyer.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `192` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `cardNonce` | `?string` | Optional | A payment token generated from the [Card.tokenize()](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/sdks/web/payments/objects/Card#Card.tokenize) that represents the card
to charge.
The application that provides a payment token to this endpoint must be the
_same application_ that generated the payment token with the Web Payments SDK.
Otherwise, the nonce is invalid.
Do not provide a value for this field if you provide a value for
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCardNonce(): ?string | setCardNonce(?string cardNonce): void |
-| `customerCardId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer card on file to charge. Do
not provide a value for this field if you provide a value for `card_nonce`.
If you provide this value, you _must_ also provide a value for
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCustomerCardId(): ?string | setCustomerCardId(?string customerCardId): void |
-| `delayCapture` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the request will only perform an Auth on the provided
card. You can then later perform either a Capture (with the
[CaptureTransaction](api-endpoint:Transactions-CaptureTransaction) endpoint) or a Void
(with the [VoidTransaction](api-endpoint:Transactions-VoidTransaction) endpoint).
Default value: `false` | getDelayCapture(): ?bool | setDelayCapture(?bool delayCapture): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID you can associate with the transaction for your own
purposes (such as to associate the transaction with an entity ID in your
own database).
This value cannot exceed 40 characters.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note to associate with the transaction.
This value cannot exceed 60 characters.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer to associate this transaction with. This field
is required if you provide a value for `customer_card_id`, and optional
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `billingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getBillingAddress(): ?Address | setBillingAddress(?Address billingAddress): void |
-| `shippingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getShippingAddress(): ?Address | setShippingAddress(?Address shippingAddress): void |
-| `buyerEmailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The buyer's email address, if available. This value is optional,
but this transaction is ineligible for chargeback protection if it is not
provided. | getBuyerEmailAddress(): ?string | setBuyerEmailAddress(?string buyerEmailAddress): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the order to associate with this transaction.
If you provide this value, the `amount_money` value of your request must
__exactly match__ the value of the order's `total_money` field.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `additionalRecipients` | [`?(ChargeRequestAdditionalRecipient[])`](../../doc/models/charge-request-additional-recipient.md) | Optional | The basic primitive of multi-party transaction. The value is optional.
The transaction facilitated by you can be split from here.
If you provide this value, the `amount_money` value in your additional_recipients
must not be more than 90% of the `amount_money` value in the charge request.
The `location_id` must be the valid location of the app owner merchant.
This field requires the `PAYMENTS_WRITE_ADDITIONAL_RECIPIENTS` OAuth permission.
This field is currently not supported in sandbox. | getAdditionalRecipients(): ?array | setAdditionalRecipients(?array additionalRecipients): void |
-| `verificationToken` | `?string` | Optional | A token generated by SqPaymentForm's verifyBuyer() that represents
customer's device info and 3ds challenge result. | getVerificationToken(): ?string | setVerificationToken(?string verificationToken): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 20,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1"
- }
- ],
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 200,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "card_nonce": "card_nonce_from_square_123",
- "delay_capture": false,
- "idempotency_key": "74ae1696-b1e3-4328-af6d-f1e04d947a13",
- "note": "some optional note",
- "reference_id": "some optional reference id",
- "shipping_address": {
- "address_line_1": "123 Main St",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "CA",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "postal_code": "94114"
- },
- "customer_card_id": "customer_card_id0"
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-# Charge Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [Charge](api-endpoint:Transactions-Charge) endpoint.
-One of `errors` or `transaction` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `transaction` | [`?Transaction`](../../doc/models/transaction.md) | Optional | Represents a transaction processed with Square, either with the
Connect API or with Square Point of Sale.
The `tenders` field of this object lists all methods of payment used to pay in
the transaction. | getTransaction(): ?Transaction | setTransaction(?Transaction transaction): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "transaction": {
- "created_at": "2016-03-10T22:57:56Z",
- "id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "product": "EXTERNAL_API",
- "reference_id": "some optional reference id",
- "tenders": [
- {
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 20,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "receivable_id": "ISu5xwxJ5v0CMJTQq7RvqyMF"
- }
- ],
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 200,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-03-10T22:57:56Z",
- "id": "MtZRYYdDrYNQbOvV7nbuBvMF",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "note": "some optional note",
- "transaction_id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "type": "CARD"
- }
- ],
- "refunds": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Checkout Location Settings Branding Button Shape
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `SQUARED` |
-| `ROUNDED` |
-| `PILL` |
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-# Checkout Location Settings Branding Header Type
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
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-# Checkout Location Settings Branding
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `headerType` | [`?string(CheckoutLocationSettingsBrandingHeaderType)`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings-branding-header-type.md) | Optional | - | getHeaderType(): ?string | setHeaderType(?string headerType): void |
-| `buttonColor` | `?string` | Optional | The HTML-supported hex color for the button on the checkout page (for example, "#FFFFFF").
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `7`, *Maximum Length*: `7` | getButtonColor(): ?string | setButtonColor(?string buttonColor): void |
-| `buttonShape` | [`?string(CheckoutLocationSettingsBrandingButtonShape)`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings-branding-button-shape.md) | Optional | - | getButtonShape(): ?string | setButtonShape(?string buttonShape): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "header_type": "FULL_WIDTH_LOGO",
- "button_color": "button_color2",
- "button_shape": "ROUNDED"
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-# Checkout Location Settings Coupons
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `enabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether coupons are enabled for this location. | getEnabled(): ?bool | setEnabled(?bool enabled): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "enabled": false
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-# Checkout Location Settings Policy
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID to identify the policy when making changes. You must set the UID for policy updates, but it’s optional when setting new policies. | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `title` | `?string` | Optional | The title of the policy. This is required when setting the description, though you can update it in a different request.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getTitle(): ?string | setTitle(?string title): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the policy.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4096` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid0",
- "title": "title6",
- "description": "description0"
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-# Checkout Location Settings Tipping
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `percentages` | `?(int[])` | Optional | Set three custom percentage amounts that buyers can select at checkout. If Smart Tip is enabled, this only applies to transactions totaling $10 or more. | getPercentages(): ?array | setPercentages(?array percentages): void |
-| `smartTippingEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Enables Smart Tip Amounts. If Smart Tip Amounts is enabled, tipping works as follows:
If a transaction is less than $10, the available tipping options include No Tip, $1, $2, or $3.
If a transaction is $10 or more, the available tipping options include No Tip, 15%, 20%, or 25%.
You can set custom percentage amounts with the `percentages` field. | getSmartTippingEnabled(): ?bool | setSmartTippingEnabled(?bool smartTippingEnabled): void |
-| `defaultPercent` | `?int` | Optional | Set the pre-selected percentage amounts that appear at checkout. If Smart Tip is enabled, this only applies to transactions totaling $10 or more. | getDefaultPercent(): ?int | setDefaultPercent(?int defaultPercent): void |
-| `smartTips` | [`?(Money[])`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Show the Smart Tip Amounts for this location. | getSmartTips(): ?array | setSmartTips(?array smartTips): void |
-| `defaultSmartTip` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getDefaultSmartTip(): ?Money | setDefaultSmartTip(?Money defaultSmartTip): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "percentages": [
- 192,
- 193
- ],
- "smart_tipping_enabled": false,
- "default_percent": 72,
- "smart_tips": [
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- },
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- },
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- }
- ],
- "default_smart_tip": {
- "amount": 58,
- "currency": "KWD"
- }
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-# Checkout Location Settings
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location that these settings apply to. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `customerNotesEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether customers are allowed to leave notes at checkout. | getCustomerNotesEnabled(): ?bool | setCustomerNotesEnabled(?bool customerNotesEnabled): void |
-| `policies` | [`?(CheckoutLocationSettingsPolicy[])`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings-policy.md) | Optional | Policy information is displayed at the bottom of the checkout pages.
You can set a maximum of two policies. | getPolicies(): ?array | setPolicies(?array policies): void |
-| `branding` | [`?CheckoutLocationSettingsBranding`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings-branding.md) | Optional | - | getBranding(): ?CheckoutLocationSettingsBranding | setBranding(?CheckoutLocationSettingsBranding branding): void |
-| `tipping` | [`?CheckoutLocationSettingsTipping`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings-tipping.md) | Optional | - | getTipping(): ?CheckoutLocationSettingsTipping | setTipping(?CheckoutLocationSettingsTipping tipping): void |
-| `coupons` | [`?CheckoutLocationSettingsCoupons`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings-coupons.md) | Optional | - | getCoupons(): ?CheckoutLocationSettingsCoupons | setCoupons(?CheckoutLocationSettingsCoupons coupons): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the settings were last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
Examples for January 25th, 2020 6:25:34pm Pacific Standard Time:
UTC: 2020-01-26T02:25:34Z
Pacific Standard Time with UTC offset: 2020-01-25T18:25:34-08:00 | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "customer_notes_enabled": false,
- "policies": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "title": "title4",
- "description": "description8"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "title": "title4",
- "description": "description8"
- }
- ],
- "branding": {
- "header_type": "FULL_WIDTH_LOGO",
- "button_color": "button_color2",
- "button_shape": "PILL"
- },
- "tipping": {
- "percentages": [
- 246,
- 247
- ],
- "smart_tipping_enabled": false,
- "default_percent": 46,
- "smart_tips": [
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- },
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- }
- ],
- "default_smart_tip": {
- "amount": 58,
- "currency": "KWD"
- }
- }
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-# Checkout Merchant Settings Payment Methods Afterpay Clearpay Eligibility Range
-A range of purchase price that qualifies.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `min` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getMin(): Money | setMin(Money min): void |
-| `max` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getMax(): Money | setMax(Money max): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
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-# Checkout Merchant Settings Payment Methods Afterpay Clearpay
-The settings allowed for AfterpayClearpay.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderEligibilityRange` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpayEligibilityRange`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings-payment-methods-afterpay-clearpay-eligibility-range.md) | Optional | A range of purchase price that qualifies. | getOrderEligibilityRange(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpayEligibilityRange | setOrderEligibilityRange(?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpayEligibilityRange orderEligibilityRange): void |
-| `itemEligibilityRange` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpayEligibilityRange`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings-payment-methods-afterpay-clearpay-eligibility-range.md) | Optional | A range of purchase price that qualifies. | getItemEligibilityRange(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpayEligibilityRange | setItemEligibilityRange(?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpayEligibilityRange itemEligibilityRange): void |
-| `enabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the payment method is enabled for the account. | getEnabled(): ?bool | setEnabled(?bool enabled): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "item_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "enabled": false
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-# Checkout Merchant Settings Payment Methods Payment Method
-The settings allowed for a payment method.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `enabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the payment method is enabled for the account. | getEnabled(): ?bool | setEnabled(?bool enabled): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "enabled": false
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-# Checkout Merchant Settings Payment Methods
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `applePay` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings-payment-methods-payment-method.md) | Optional | The settings allowed for a payment method. | getApplePay(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod | setApplePay(?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod applePay): void |
-| `googlePay` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings-payment-methods-payment-method.md) | Optional | The settings allowed for a payment method. | getGooglePay(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod | setGooglePay(?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod googlePay): void |
-| `cashApp` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings-payment-methods-payment-method.md) | Optional | The settings allowed for a payment method. | getCashApp(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod | setCashApp(?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsPaymentMethod cashApp): void |
-| `afterpayClearpay` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpay`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings-payment-methods-afterpay-clearpay.md) | Optional | The settings allowed for AfterpayClearpay. | getAfterpayClearpay(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpay | setAfterpayClearpay(?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethodsAfterpayClearpay afterpayClearpay): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "apple_pay": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "google_pay": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "cash_app": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "afterpay_clearpay": {
- "order_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "item_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "enabled": false
- }
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-# Checkout Merchant Settings
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentMethods` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethods`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings-payment-methods.md) | Optional | - | getPaymentMethods(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethods | setPaymentMethods(?CheckoutMerchantSettingsPaymentMethods paymentMethods): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the settings were last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
Examples for January 25th, 2020 6:25:34pm Pacific Standard Time:
UTC: 2020-01-26T02:25:34Z
Pacific Standard Time with UTC offset: 2020-01-25T18:25:34-08:00 | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_methods": {
- "apple_pay": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "google_pay": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "cash_app": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "afterpay_clearpay": {
- "order_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "item_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
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-# Checkout Options Payment Type
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CARD_PRESENT` | Accept credit card or debit card payments via tap, dip or swipe. |
-| `MANUAL_CARD_ENTRY` | Launches the manual credit or debit card entry screen for the buyer to complete. |
-| `FELICA_ID` | Launches the iD checkout screen for the buyer to complete. |
-| `FELICA_QUICPAY` | Launches the QUICPay checkout screen for the buyer to complete. |
-| `FELICA_TRANSPORTATION_GROUP` | Launches the Transportation Group checkout screen for the buyer to complete. |
-| `FELICA_ALL` | Launches a checkout screen for the buyer on the Square Terminal that
allows them to select a specific FeliCa brand or select the check balance screen. |
-| `PAYPAY` | Replaced by `QR_CODE`. |
-| `QR_CODE` | Launches Square's QR Code checkout screen for the buyer to complete.
Displays a single code that supports all digital wallets connected to the target
Seller location (e.g. PayPay) |
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-# Checkout Options
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `allowTipping` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the payment allows tipping. | getAllowTipping(): ?bool | setAllowTipping(?bool allowTipping): void |
-| `customFields` | [`?(CustomField[])`](../../doc/models/custom-field.md) | Optional | The custom fields requesting information from the buyer. | getCustomFields(): ?array | setCustomFields(?array customFields): void |
-| `subscriptionPlanId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the subscription plan for the buyer to pay and subscribe.
For more information, see [Subscription Plan Checkout](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api/subscription-plan-checkout).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getSubscriptionPlanId(): ?string | setSubscriptionPlanId(?string subscriptionPlanId): void |
-| `redirectUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The confirmation page URL to redirect the buyer to after Square processes the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2048` | getRedirectUrl(): ?string | setRedirectUrl(?string redirectUrl): void |
-| `merchantSupportEmail` | `?string` | Optional | The email address that buyers can use to contact the seller.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `256` | getMerchantSupportEmail(): ?string | setMerchantSupportEmail(?string merchantSupportEmail): void |
-| `askForShippingAddress` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to include the address fields in the payment form. | getAskForShippingAddress(): ?bool | setAskForShippingAddress(?bool askForShippingAddress): void |
-| `acceptedPaymentMethods` | [`?AcceptedPaymentMethods`](../../doc/models/accepted-payment-methods.md) | Optional | - | getAcceptedPaymentMethods(): ?AcceptedPaymentMethods | setAcceptedPaymentMethods(?AcceptedPaymentMethods acceptedPaymentMethods): void |
-| `appFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppFeeMoney(): ?Money | setAppFeeMoney(?Money appFeeMoney): void |
-| `shippingFee` | [`?ShippingFee`](../../doc/models/shipping-fee.md) | Optional | - | getShippingFee(): ?ShippingFee | setShippingFee(?ShippingFee shippingFee): void |
-| `enableCoupon` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to include the `Add coupon` section for the buyer to provide a Square marketing coupon in the payment form. | getEnableCoupon(): ?bool | setEnableCoupon(?bool enableCoupon): void |
-| `enableLoyalty` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to include the `REWARDS` section for the buyer to opt in to loyalty, redeem rewards in the payment form, or both. | getEnableLoyalty(): ?bool | setEnableLoyalty(?bool enableLoyalty): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id0",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url4",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email0"
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-# Checkout
-Square Checkout lets merchants accept online payments for supported
-payment types using a checkout workflow hosted on squareup.com.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | ID generated by Square Checkout when a new checkout is requested. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `checkoutPageUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL that the buyer's browser should be redirected to after the
checkout is completed. | getCheckoutPageUrl(): ?string | setCheckoutPageUrl(?string checkoutPageUrl): void |
-| `askForShippingAddress` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, Square Checkout will collect shipping information on your
behalf and store that information with the transaction information in your
Square Dashboard.
Default: `false`. | getAskForShippingAddress(): ?bool | setAskForShippingAddress(?bool askForShippingAddress): void |
-| `merchantSupportEmail` | `?string` | Optional | The email address to display on the Square Checkout confirmation page
and confirmation email that the buyer can use to contact the merchant.
If this value is not set, the confirmation page and email will display the
primary email address associated with the merchant's Square account.
Default: none; only exists if explicitly set. | getMerchantSupportEmail(): ?string | setMerchantSupportEmail(?string merchantSupportEmail): void |
-| `prePopulateBuyerEmail` | `?string` | Optional | If provided, the buyer's email is pre-populated on the checkout page
as an editable text field.
Default: none; only exists if explicitly set. | getPrePopulateBuyerEmail(): ?string | setPrePopulateBuyerEmail(?string prePopulateBuyerEmail): void |
-| `prePopulateShippingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getPrePopulateShippingAddress(): ?Address | setPrePopulateShippingAddress(?Address prePopulateShippingAddress): void |
-| `redirectUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL to redirect to after checkout is completed with `checkoutId`,
Square's `orderId`, `transactionId`, and `referenceId` appended as URL
parameters. For example, if the provided redirect_url is
`http://www.example.com/order-complete`, a successful transaction redirects
the customer to:
If you do not provide a redirect URL, Square Checkout will display an order
confirmation page on your behalf; however Square strongly recommends that
you provide a redirect URL so you can verify the transaction results and
finalize the order through your existing/normal confirmation workflow. | getRedirectUrl(): ?string | setRedirectUrl(?string redirectUrl): void |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the checkout was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `additionalRecipients` | [`?(AdditionalRecipient[])`](../../doc/models/additional-recipient.md) | Optional | Additional recipients (other than the merchant) receiving a portion of this checkout.
For example, fees assessed on the purchase by a third party integration. | getAdditionalRecipients(): ?array | setAdditionalRecipients(?array additionalRecipients): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "checkout_page_url": "checkout_page_url4",
- "ask_for_shipping_address": false,
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8",
- "pre_populate_buyer_email": "pre_populate_buyer_email2"
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-# Clearpay Details
-Additional details about Clearpay payments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | Email address on the buyer's Clearpay account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "email_address": "email_address6"
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-# Clone Order Request
-Defines the fields that are included in requests to the
-[CloneOrder](../../doc/apis/orders.md#clone-order) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the order to clone. | getOrderId(): string | setOrderId(string orderId): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | An optional order version for concurrency protection.
If a version is provided, it must match the latest stored version of the order to clone.
If a version is not provided, the API clones the latest version. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this clone request.
If you are unsure whether a particular order was cloned successfully,
you can reattempt the call with the same idempotency key without
worrying about creating duplicate cloned orders.
The originally cloned order is returned.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency). | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "UNIQUE_STRING",
- "order_id": "ZAISEM52YcpmcWAzERDOyiWS123",
- "version": 3
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-# Clone Order Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [CloneOrder](../../doc/apis/orders.md#clone-order) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": {
- "created_at": "2020-01-17T20:47:53.293Z",
- "discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 30,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "catalog_object_id": "DB7L55ZH2BGWI4H23ULIWOQ7",
- "name": "Membership Discount",
- "percentage": "0.5",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "membership-discount"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 303,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Labor Day Sale",
- "percentage": "5",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "labor-day-sale"
- },
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Sale - $1.00 off",
- "scope": "LINE_ITEM",
- "type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "uid": "one-dollar-off"
- }
- ],
- "id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 8,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "membership-discount",
- "uid": "jWdgP1TpHPFBuVrz81mXVC"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 79,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "labor-day-sale",
- "uid": "jnZOjjVY57eRcQAVgEwFuC"
- }
- ],
- "applied_taxes": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 136,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_uid": "state-sales-tax",
- "uid": "aKG87ArnDpvMLSZJHxWUl"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "New York Strip Steak",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 87,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1648,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 136,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "8uSwfzvUImn3IRrvciqlXC",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 22,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "membership-discount",
- "uid": "nUXvdsIItfKko0dbYtY58C"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 224,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "labor-day-sale",
- "uid": "qSdkOOOernlVQqsJ94SPjB"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "one-dollar-off",
- "uid": "y7bVl4njrWAnfDwmz19izB"
- }
- ],
- "applied_taxes": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 374,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_uid": "state-sales-tax",
- "uid": "v1dAgrfUVUPTnVTf9sRPz"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 2200,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "catalog_object_id": "BEMYCSMIJL46OCDV4KYIKXIB",
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 4500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "modifiers": [
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 50,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "catalog_object_id": "CHQX7Y4KY6N5KINJKZCFURPZ",
- "name": "Well",
- "total_price_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "Lo3qMMckDluu9Qsb58d4CC"
- }
- ],
- "name": "New York Steak",
- "quantity": "2",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 346,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 4528,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 374,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "v8ZuEXpOJpb0bazLuvrLDB",
- "variation_name": "Larger",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 4400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "net_amounts": {
- "discount_money": {
- "amount": 433,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_money": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 6176,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "reference_id": "my-order-001",
- "source": {
- "name": "My App"
- },
- "state": "DRAFT",
- "taxes": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "State Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "9",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "type": "ADDITIVE",
- "uid": "state-sales-tax"
- }
- ],
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 433,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 6176,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2020-01-17T20:47:53.293Z",
- "version": 1,
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Collected Data
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `inputText` | `?string` | Optional | The buyer's input text. | getInputText(): ?string | setInputText(?string inputText): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "input_text": "input_text8"
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-# Complete Payment Request
-Describes a request to complete (capture) a payment using
-By default, payments are set to `autocomplete` immediately after they are created.
-To complete payments manually, set `autocomplete` to `false`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `versionToken` | `?string` | Optional | Used for optimistic concurrency. This opaque token identifies the current `Payment`
version that the caller expects. If the server has a different version of the Payment,
the update fails and a response with a VERSION_MISMATCH error is returned. | getVersionToken(): ?string | setVersionToken(?string versionToken): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version_token": "version_token8"
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-# Complete Payment Response
-Defines the response returned by[CompletePayment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#complete-payment).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `payment` | [`?Payment`](../../doc/models/payment.md) | Optional | Represents a payment processed by the Square API. | getPayment(): ?Payment | setPayment(?Payment payment): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_id": "sq0ids-Pw67AZAlLVB7hsRmwlJPuA",
- "square_product": "VIRTUAL_TERMINAL"
- },
- "approved_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "auth_result_code": "2Nkw7q",
- "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-Hxim77tbdcbGejOejnoAklBVJed2YFLTmirfl8Q5XZzObTc8qY_U8RkwzoNL8dCEcQ",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_payment_timeline": {
- "authorized_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:33.680Z",
- "captured_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:34.340Z"
- },
- "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "statement_description": "SQ *EXAMPLE TEST GOSQ.C",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:33.524Z",
- "delay_action": "CANCEL",
- "delay_duration": "PT168H",
- "delayed_until": "2021-10-20T19:34:33.524Z",
- "employee_id": "TMoK_ogh6rH1o4dV",
- "id": "bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "note": "Test Note",
- "order_id": "d7eKah653Z579f3gVtjlxpSlmUcZY",
- "processing_fee": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "effective_at": "2021-10-13T21:34:35.000Z",
- "type": "INITIAL"
- }
- ],
- "receipt_number": "bP9m",
- "receipt_url": "https://squareup.com/receipt/preview/bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "source_type": "CARD",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "team_member_id": "TMoK_ogh6rH1o4dV",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:34.339Z",
- "version_token": "56pRkL3slrzet2iQrTp9n0bdJVYTB9YEWdTNjQfZOPV6o",
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 190,
- "currency": "TWD"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Component Component Type
-An enum for ComponentType.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `BATTERY` |
-| `WIFI` |
-| `PRINTER` |
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-# Component
-The wrapper object for the component entries of a given component type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`string(ComponentComponentType)`](../../doc/models/component-component-type.md) | Required | An enum for ComponentType. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `applicationDetails` | [`?DeviceComponentDetailsApplicationDetails`](../../doc/models/device-component-details-application-details.md) | Optional | - | getApplicationDetails(): ?DeviceComponentDetailsApplicationDetails | setApplicationDetails(?DeviceComponentDetailsApplicationDetails applicationDetails): void |
-| `cardReaderDetails` | [`?DeviceComponentDetailsCardReaderDetails`](../../doc/models/device-component-details-card-reader-details.md) | Optional | - | getCardReaderDetails(): ?DeviceComponentDetailsCardReaderDetails | setCardReaderDetails(?DeviceComponentDetailsCardReaderDetails cardReaderDetails): void |
-| `batteryDetails` | [`?DeviceComponentDetailsBatteryDetails`](../../doc/models/device-component-details-battery-details.md) | Optional | - | getBatteryDetails(): ?DeviceComponentDetailsBatteryDetails | setBatteryDetails(?DeviceComponentDetailsBatteryDetails batteryDetails): void |
-| `wifiDetails` | [`?DeviceComponentDetailsWiFiDetails`](../../doc/models/device-component-details-wi-fi-details.md) | Optional | - | getWifiDetails(): ?DeviceComponentDetailsWiFiDetails | setWifiDetails(?DeviceComponentDetailsWiFiDetails wifiDetails): void |
-| `ethernetDetails` | [`?DeviceComponentDetailsEthernetDetails`](../../doc/models/device-component-details-ethernet-details.md) | Optional | - | getEthernetDetails(): ?DeviceComponentDetailsEthernetDetails | setEthernetDetails(?DeviceComponentDetailsEthernetDetails ethernetDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "BATTERY",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
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-# Confirmation Decision
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `hasAgreed` | `?bool` | Optional | The buyer's decision to the displayed terms. | getHasAgreed(): ?bool | setHasAgreed(?bool hasAgreed): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "has_agreed": false
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-# Confirmation Options
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `title` | `string` | Required | The title text to display in the confirmation screen flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getTitle(): string | setTitle(string title): void |
-| `body` | `string` | Required | The agreement details to display in the confirmation flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `10000` | getBody(): string | setBody(string body): void |
-| `agreeButtonText` | `string` | Required | The button text to display indicating the customer agrees to the displayed terms.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getAgreeButtonText(): string | setAgreeButtonText(string agreeButtonText): void |
-| `disagreeButtonText` | `?string` | Optional | The button text to display indicating the customer does not agree to the displayed terms.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getDisagreeButtonText(): ?string | setDisagreeButtonText(?string disagreeButtonText): void |
-| `decision` | [`?ConfirmationDecision`](../../doc/models/confirmation-decision.md) | Optional | - | getDecision(): ?ConfirmationDecision | setDecision(?ConfirmationDecision decision): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "title": "title0",
- "body": "body0",
- "agree_button_text": "agree_button_text8",
- "disagree_button_text": "disagree_button_text8",
- "decision": {
- "has_agreed": false
- }
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-# Coordinates
-Latitude and longitude coordinates.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `latitude` | `?float` | Optional | The latitude of the coordinate expressed in degrees. | getLatitude(): ?float | setLatitude(?float latitude): void |
-| `longitude` | `?float` | Optional | The longitude of the coordinate expressed in degrees. | getLongitude(): ?float | setLongitude(?float longitude): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "latitude": 200.94,
- "longitude": 52.86
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-# Country
-Indicates the country associated with another entity, such as a business.
-Values are in [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ZZ` | Unknown |
-| `AD` | Andorra |
-| `AE` | United Arab Emirates |
-| `AF` | Afghanistan |
-| `AG` | Antigua and Barbuda |
-| `AI` | Anguilla |
-| `AL` | Albania |
-| `AM` | Armenia |
-| `AO` | Angola |
-| `AQ` | Antartica |
-| `AR` | Argentina |
-| `AS` | American Samoa |
-| `AT` | Austria |
-| `AU` | Australia |
-| `AW` | Aruba |
-| `AX` | Åland Islands |
-| `AZ` | Azerbaijan |
-| `BA` | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
-| `BB` | Barbados |
-| `BD` | Bangladesh |
-| `BE` | Belgium |
-| `BF` | Burkina Faso |
-| `BG` | Bulgaria |
-| `BH` | Bahrain |
-| `BI` | Burundi |
-| `BJ` | Benin |
-| `BL` | Saint Barthélemy |
-| `BM` | Bermuda |
-| `BN` | Brunei |
-| `BO` | Bolivia |
-| `BQ` | Bonaire |
-| `BR` | Brazil |
-| `BS` | Bahamas |
-| `BT` | Bhutan |
-| `BV` | Bouvet Island |
-| `BW` | Botswana |
-| `BY` | Belarus |
-| `BZ` | Belize |
-| `CA` | Canada |
-| `CC` | Cocos Islands |
-| `CD` | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
-| `CF` | Central African Republic |
-| `CG` | Congo |
-| `CH` | Switzerland |
-| `CI` | Ivory Coast |
-| `CK` | Cook Islands |
-| `CL` | Chile |
-| `CM` | Cameroon |
-| `CN` | China |
-| `CO` | Colombia |
-| `CR` | Costa Rica |
-| `CU` | Cuba |
-| `CV` | Cabo Verde |
-| `CW` | Curaçao |
-| `CX` | Christmas Island |
-| `CY` | Cyprus |
-| `CZ` | Czechia |
-| `DE` | Germany |
-| `DJ` | Djibouti |
-| `DK` | Denmark |
-| `DM` | Dominica |
-| `DO` | Dominican Republic |
-| `DZ` | Algeria |
-| `EC` | Ecuador |
-| `EE` | Estonia |
-| `EG` | Egypt |
-| `EH` | Western Sahara |
-| `ER` | Eritrea |
-| `ES` | Spain |
-| `ET` | Ethiopia |
-| `FI` | Finland |
-| `FJ` | Fiji |
-| `FK` | Falkland Islands |
-| `FM` | Federated States of Micronesia |
-| `FO` | Faroe Islands |
-| `FR` | France |
-| `GA` | Gabon |
-| `GB` | United Kingdom |
-| `GD` | Grenada |
-| `GE` | Georgia |
-| `GF` | French Guiana |
-| `GG` | Guernsey |
-| `GH` | Ghana |
-| `GI` | Gibraltar |
-| `GL` | Greenland |
-| `GM` | Gambia |
-| `GN` | Guinea |
-| `GP` | Guadeloupe |
-| `GQ` | Equatorial Guinea |
-| `GR` | Greece |
-| `GS` | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
-| `GT` | Guatemala |
-| `GU` | Guam |
-| `GW` | Guinea-Bissau |
-| `GY` | Guyana |
-| `HK` | Hong Kong |
-| `HM` | Heard Island and McDonald Islands |
-| `HN` | Honduras |
-| `HR` | Croatia |
-| `HT` | Haiti |
-| `HU` | Hungary |
-| `ID` | Indonesia |
-| `IE` | Ireland |
-| `IL` | Israel |
-| `IM` | Isle of Man |
-| `IN` | India |
-| `IO` | British Indian Ocean Territory |
-| `IQ` | Iraq |
-| `IR` | Iran |
-| `IS` | Iceland |
-| `IT` | Italy |
-| `JE` | Jersey |
-| `JM` | Jamaica |
-| `JO` | Jordan |
-| `JP` | Japan |
-| `KE` | Kenya |
-| `KG` | Kyrgyzstan |
-| `KH` | Cambodia |
-| `KI` | Kiribati |
-| `KM` | Comoros |
-| `KN` | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
-| `KP` | Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
-| `KR` | Republic of Korea |
-| `KW` | Kuwait |
-| `KY` | Cayman Islands |
-| `KZ` | Kazakhstan |
-| `LA` | Lao People's Democratic Republic |
-| `LB` | Lebanon |
-| `LC` | Saint Lucia |
-| `LI` | Liechtenstein |
-| `LK` | Sri Lanka |
-| `LR` | Liberia |
-| `LS` | Lesotho |
-| `LT` | Lithuania |
-| `LU` | Luxembourg |
-| `LV` | Latvia |
-| `LY` | Libya |
-| `MA` | Morocco |
-| `MC` | Monaco |
-| `MD` | Moldova |
-| `ME` | Montenegro |
-| `MF` | Saint Martin |
-| `MG` | Madagascar |
-| `MH` | Marshall Islands |
-| `MK` | North Macedonia |
-| `ML` | Mali |
-| `MM` | Myanmar |
-| `MN` | Mongolia |
-| `MO` | Macao |
-| `MP` | Northern Mariana Islands |
-| `MQ` | Martinique |
-| `MR` | Mauritania |
-| `MS` | Montserrat |
-| `MT` | Malta |
-| `MU` | Mauritius |
-| `MV` | Maldives |
-| `MW` | Malawi |
-| `MX` | Mexico |
-| `MY` | Malaysia |
-| `MZ` | Mozambique |
-| `NA` | Namibia |
-| `NC` | New Caledonia |
-| `NE` | Niger |
-| `NF` | Norfolk Island |
-| `NG` | Nigeria |
-| `NI` | Nicaragua |
-| `NL` | Netherlands |
-| `NO` | Norway |
-| `NP` | Nepal |
-| `NR` | Nauru |
-| `NU` | Niue |
-| `NZ` | New Zealand |
-| `OM` | Oman |
-| `PA` | Panama |
-| `PE` | Peru |
-| `PF` | French Polynesia |
-| `PG` | Papua New Guinea |
-| `PH` | Philippines |
-| `PK` | Pakistan |
-| `PL` | Poland |
-| `PM` | Saint Pierre and Miquelon |
-| `PN` | Pitcairn |
-| `PR` | Puerto Rico |
-| `PS` | Palestine |
-| `PT` | Portugal |
-| `PW` | Palau |
-| `PY` | Paraguay |
-| `QA` | Qatar |
-| `RE` | Réunion |
-| `RO` | Romania |
-| `RS` | Serbia |
-| `RU` | Russia |
-| `RW` | Rwanda |
-| `SA` | Saudi Arabia |
-| `SB` | Solomon Islands |
-| `SC` | Seychelles |
-| `SD` | Sudan |
-| `SE` | Sweden |
-| `SG` | Singapore |
-| `SH` | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
-| `SI` | Slovenia |
-| `SJ` | Svalbard and Jan Mayen |
-| `SK` | Slovakia |
-| `SL` | Sierra Leone |
-| `SM` | San Marino |
-| `SN` | Senegal |
-| `SO` | Somalia |
-| `SR` | Suriname |
-| `SS` | South Sudan |
-| `ST` | Sao Tome and Principe |
-| `SV` | El Salvador |
-| `SX` | Sint Maarten |
-| `SY` | Syrian Arab Republic |
-| `SZ` | Eswatini |
-| `TC` | Turks and Caicos Islands |
-| `TD` | Chad |
-| `TF` | French Southern Territories |
-| `TG` | Togo |
-| `TH` | Thailand |
-| `TJ` | Tajikistan |
-| `TK` | Tokelau |
-| `TL` | Timor-Leste |
-| `TM` | Turkmenistan |
-| `TN` | Tunisia |
-| `TO` | Tonga |
-| `TR` | Turkey |
-| `TT` | Trinidad and Tobago |
-| `TV` | Tuvalu |
-| `TW` | Taiwan |
-| `TZ` | Tanzania |
-| `UA` | Ukraine |
-| `UG` | Uganda |
-| `UM` | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
-| `US` | United States of America |
-| `UY` | Uruguay |
-| `UZ` | Uzbekistan |
-| `VA` | Vatican City |
-| `VC` | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
-| `VE` | Venezuela |
-| `VG` | British Virgin Islands |
-| `VI` | U.S. Virgin Islands |
-| `VN` | Vietnam |
-| `VU` | Vanuatu |
-| `WF` | Wallis and Futuna |
-| `WS` | Samoa |
-| `YE` | Yemen |
-| `YT` | Mayotte |
-| `ZA` | South Africa |
-| `ZM` | Zambia |
-| `ZW` | Zimbabwe |
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-# Create Booking Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#create-booking-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "key": "key2",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name2",
- "description": "description8",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
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-# Create Booking Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#create-booking-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "The favorite shampoo of the customer.",
- "key": "favoriteShampoo",
- "name": "Favorite Shampoo",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T15:27:30Z",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Create Booking Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique key to make this request an idempotent operation.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `booking` | [`Booking`](../../doc/models/booking.md) | Required | Represents a booking as a time-bound service contract for a seller's staff member to provide a specified service
at a given location to a requesting customer in one or more appointment segments. | getBooking(): Booking | setBooking(Booking booking): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "booking": {
- "id": "id4",
- "version": 156,
- "status": "CANCELLED_BY_SELLER",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
- }
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-# Create Booking Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `booking` | [`?Booking`](../../doc/models/booking.md) | Optional | Represents a booking as a time-bound service contract for a seller's staff member to provide a specified service
at a given location to a requesting customer in one or more appointment segments. | getBooking(): ?Booking | setBooking(?Booking booking): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking": {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2020-10-28T15:47:41Z",
- "customer_id": "EX2QSVGTZN4K1E5QE1CBFNVQ8M",
- "customer_note": "",
- "id": "zkras0xv0xwswx",
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "seller_note": "",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T13:00:00Z",
- "status": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2020-10-28T15:47:41Z",
- "version": 0
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Create Break Type Request
-A request to create a new `BreakType`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string value to ensure the idempotency of the operation.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `breakType` | [`BreakType`](../../doc/models/break-type.md) | Required | A defined break template that sets an expectation for possible `Break`
instances on a `Shift`. | getBreakType(): BreakType | setBreakType(BreakType breakType): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "break_type": {
- "break_name": "Lunch Break",
- "expected_duration": "PT30M",
- "is_paid": true,
- "location_id": "CGJN03P1D08GF",
- "id": "id8",
- "version": 132,
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "PAD3NG5KSN2GL"
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-# Create Break Type Response
-The response to the request to create a `BreakType`. The response contains
-the created `BreakType` object and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `breakType` | [`?BreakType`](../../doc/models/break-type.md) | Optional | A defined break template that sets an expectation for possible `Break`
instances on a `Shift`. | getBreakType(): ?BreakType | setBreakType(?BreakType breakType): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "break_type": {
- "break_name": "Lunch Break",
- "created_at": "2019-02-26T22:42:54Z",
- "expected_duration": "PT30M",
- "id": "49SSVDJG76WF3",
- "is_paid": true,
- "location_id": "CGJN03P1D08GF",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-26T22:42:54Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Card Request
-Creates a card from the source (payment token or payment id). Accessible via
-HTTP requests at POST https://connect.squareup.com/v2/cards
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this CreateCard request. Keys can be
any valid string and must be unique for every request.
Max: 45 characters
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `sourceId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the source which represents the card information to be stored. This can be a card nonce or a payment id.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `16384` | getSourceId(): string | setSourceId(string sourceId): void |
-| `verificationToken` | `?string` | Optional | An identifying token generated by [Payments.verifyBuyer()](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/sdks/web/payments/objects/Payments#Payments.verifyBuyer).
Verification tokens encapsulate customer device information and 3-D Secure
challenge results to indicate that Square has verified the buyer identity.
See the [SCA Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/sca-overview). | getVerificationToken(): ?string | setVerificationToken(?string verificationToken): void |
-| `card` | [`Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Required | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): Card | setCard(Card card): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card": {
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "cardholder_name": "Amelia Earhart",
- "customer_id": "VDKXEEKPJN48QDG3BGGFAK05P8",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1",
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "idempotency_key": "4935a656-a929-4792-b97c-8848be85c27c",
- "source_id": "cnon:uIbfJXhXETSP197M3GB",
- "verification_token": "verification_token4"
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-# Create Card Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [CreateCard](../../doc/apis/cards.md#create-card) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the card field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors resulting from the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `card` | [`?Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): ?Card | setCard(?Card card): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card": {
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "cardholder_name": "Amelia Earhart",
- "customer_id": "VDKXEEKPJN48QDG3BGGFAK05P8",
- "enabled": true,
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "ex-p-cs80EK9Flz7LsCMv-szbptQ_ssAGrhemzSTsPFgt9nzyE6t7okiLIQc-qw_quqKX4Q",
- "id": "ccof:uIbfJXhXETSP197M3GB",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "merchant_id": "6SSW7HV8K2ST5",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Catalog Image Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this CreateCatalogImage request.
Keys can be any valid string but must be unique for every CreateCatalogImage request.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `objectId` | `?string` | Optional | Unique ID of the `CatalogObject` to attach this `CatalogImage` object to. Leave this
field empty to create unattached images, for example if you are building an integration
where an image can be attached to catalog items at a later time. | getObjectId(): ?string | setObjectId(?string objectId): void |
-| `image` | [`CatalogObject`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Required | The wrapper object for the catalog entries of a given object type.
Depending on the `type` attribute value, a `CatalogObject` instance assumes a type-specific data to yield the corresponding type of catalog object.
For example, if `type=ITEM`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ITEM-specific data set on the `item_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `CatalogItem` instance.
In general, if `type=`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ``-specific data set on the `_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `Catalog` instance.
For a more detailed discussion of the Catalog data model, please see the
[Design a Catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/design-a-catalog) guide. | getImage(): CatalogObject | setImage(CatalogObject image): void |
-| `isPrimary` | `?bool` | Optional | If this is set to `true`, the image created will be the primary, or first image of the object referenced by `object_id`.
If the `CatalogObject` already has a primary `CatalogImage`, setting this field to `true` will replace the primary image.
If this is set to `false` and you use the Square API version 2021-12-15 or later, the image id will be appended to the list of `image_ids` on the object.
With Square API version 2021-12-15 or later, the default value is `false`. Otherwise, the effective default value is `true`. | getIsPrimary(): ?bool | setIsPrimary(?bool isPrimary): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "528dea59-7bfb-43c1-bd48-4a6bba7dd61f86",
- "image": {
- "id": "#TEMP_ID",
- "image_data": {
- "caption": "A picture of a cup of coffee"
- },
- "type": "IMAGE",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 100,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "object_id": "ND6EA5AAJEO5WL3JNNIAQA32",
- "is_primary": false
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-# Create Catalog Image Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `image` | [`?CatalogObject`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The wrapper object for the catalog entries of a given object type.
Depending on the `type` attribute value, a `CatalogObject` instance assumes a type-specific data to yield the corresponding type of catalog object.
For example, if `type=ITEM`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ITEM-specific data set on the `item_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `CatalogItem` instance.
In general, if `type=`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ``-specific data set on the `_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `Catalog` instance.
For a more detailed discussion of the Catalog data model, please see the
[Design a Catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/design-a-catalog) guide. | getImage(): ?CatalogObject | setImage(?CatalogObject image): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "image": {
- "image_data": {
- "caption": "A picture of a cup of coffee",
- "url": "https://..."
- },
- "type": "IMAGE",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 100,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Checkout Request
-Defines the parameters that can be included in the body of
-a request to the `CreateCheckout` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this checkout among others you have created. It can be
any valid string but must be unique for every order sent to Square Checkout for a given location ID.
The idempotency key is used to avoid processing the same order more than once. If you are
unsure whether a particular checkout was created successfully, you can attempt it again with
the same idempotency key and all the same other parameters without worrying about creating duplicates.
You should use a random number/string generator native to the language
you are working in to generate strings for your idempotency keys.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `192` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `order` | [`CreateOrderRequest`](../../doc/models/create-order-request.md) | Required | - | getOrder(): CreateOrderRequest | setOrder(CreateOrderRequest order): void |
-| `askForShippingAddress` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, Square Checkout collects shipping information on your behalf and stores
that information with the transaction information in the Square Seller Dashboard.
Default: `false`. | getAskForShippingAddress(): ?bool | setAskForShippingAddress(?bool askForShippingAddress): void |
-| `merchantSupportEmail` | `?string` | Optional | The email address to display on the Square Checkout confirmation page
and confirmation email that the buyer can use to contact the seller.
If this value is not set, the confirmation page and email display the
primary email address associated with the seller's Square account.
Default: none; only exists if explicitly set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `254` | getMerchantSupportEmail(): ?string | setMerchantSupportEmail(?string merchantSupportEmail): void |
-| `prePopulateBuyerEmail` | `?string` | Optional | If provided, the buyer's email is prepopulated on the checkout page
as an editable text field.
Default: none; only exists if explicitly set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `254` | getPrePopulateBuyerEmail(): ?string | setPrePopulateBuyerEmail(?string prePopulateBuyerEmail): void |
-| `prePopulateShippingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getPrePopulateShippingAddress(): ?Address | setPrePopulateShippingAddress(?Address prePopulateShippingAddress): void |
-| `redirectUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL to redirect to after the checkout is completed with `checkoutId`,
`transactionId`, and `referenceId` appended as URL parameters. For example,
if the provided redirect URL is `http://www.example.com/order-complete`, a
successful transaction redirects the customer to:
If you do not provide a redirect URL, Square Checkout displays an order
confirmation page on your behalf; however, it is strongly recommended that
you provide a redirect URL so you can verify the transaction results and
finalize the order through your existing/normal confirmation workflow.
Default: none; only exists if explicitly set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `800` | getRedirectUrl(): ?string | setRedirectUrl(?string redirectUrl): void |
-| `additionalRecipients` | [`?(ChargeRequestAdditionalRecipient[])`](../../doc/models/charge-request-additional-recipient.md) | Optional | The basic primitive of a multi-party transaction. The value is optional.
The transaction facilitated by you can be split from here.
If you provide this value, the `amount_money` value in your `additional_recipients` field
cannot be more than 90% of the `total_money` calculated by Square for your order.
The `location_id` must be a valid seller location where the checkout is occurring.
This field requires `PAYMENTS_WRITE_ADDITIONAL_RECIPIENTS` OAuth permission.
This field is currently not supported in the Square Sandbox. | getAdditionalRecipients(): ?array | setAdditionalRecipients(?array additionalRecipients): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note to associate with the `checkout` object.
This value cannot exceed 60 characters.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 60,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1"
- }
- ],
- "ask_for_shipping_address": true,
- "idempotency_key": "86ae1696-b1e3-4328-af6d-f1e04d947ad6",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant+support@website.com",
- "order": {
- "idempotency_key": "12ae1696-z1e3-4328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4",
- "order": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id",
- "discounts": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "scope": "LINE_ITEM",
- "type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "uid": "56ae1696-z1e3-9328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4"
- }
- ],
- "line_items": [
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "discount_uid": "56ae1696-z1e3-9328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4"
- }
- ],
- "applied_taxes": [
- {
- "tax_uid": "38ze1696-z1e3-5628-af6d-f1e04d947fg3"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Printed T Shirt",
- "quantity": "2",
- "uid": "uid8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Slim Jeans",
- "quantity": "1",
- "uid": "uid8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 3500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Woven Sweater",
- "quantity": "3",
- "uid": "uid8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "location_id",
- "reference_id": "reference_id",
- "taxes": [
- {
- "percentage": "7.75",
- "scope": "LINE_ITEM",
- "type": "INCLUSIVE",
- "uid": "38ze1696-z1e3-5628-af6d-f1e04d947fg3"
- }
- ],
- "id": "id6",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- }
- }
- },
- "pre_populate_buyer_email": "example@email.com",
- "pre_populate_shipping_address": {
- "address_line_1": "1455 Market St.",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "CA",
- "country": "US",
- "first_name": "Jane",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "postal_code": "94103",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "redirect_url": "https://merchant.website.com/order-confirm"
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-# Create Checkout Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `CreateCheckout` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `checkout` | [`?Checkout`](../../doc/models/checkout.md) | Optional | Square Checkout lets merchants accept online payments for supported
payment types using a checkout workflow hosted on squareup.com. | getCheckout(): ?Checkout | setCheckout(?Checkout checkout): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "checkout": {
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 60,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1"
- }
- ],
- "ask_for_shipping_address": true,
- "checkout_page_url": "https://connect.squareup.com/v2/checkout?c=CAISEHGimXh-C3RIT4og1a6u1qw&l=CYTKRM7R7JMV8",
- "created_at": "2017-06-16T22:25:35Z",
- "id": "CAISEHGimXh-C3RIT4og1a6u1qw",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant+support@website.com",
- "order": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id",
- "discounts": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "scope": "LINE_ITEM",
- "type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "uid": "56ae1696-z1e3-9328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4"
- }
- ],
- "line_items": [
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "56ae1696-z1e3-9328-af6d-f1e04d947gd4"
- }
- ],
- "applied_taxes": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 103,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_uid": "38ze1696-z1e3-5628-af6d-f1e04d947fg3"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Printed T Shirt",
- "quantity": "2",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1503,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 103,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Slim Jeans",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 3500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Woven Sweater",
- "quantity": "3",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 10500,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "location_id",
- "reference_id": "reference_id",
- "taxes": [
- {
- "percentage": "7.75",
- "scope": "LINE_ITEM",
- "type": "INCLUSIVE",
- "uid": "38ze1696-z1e3-5628-af6d-f1e04d947fg3"
- }
- ],
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 14503,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 103,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "pre_populate_buyer_email": "example@email.com",
- "pre_populate_shipping_address": {
- "address_line_1": "1455 Market St.",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "CA",
- "country": "US",
- "first_name": "Jane",
- "last_name": "Doe",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "postal_code": "94103"
- },
- "redirect_url": "https://merchant.website.com/order-confirm",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Customer Card Request
-Defines the fields that are included in the request body of a request
-to the `CreateCustomerCard` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cardNonce` | `string` | Required | A card nonce representing the credit card to link to the customer.
Card nonces are generated by the Square payment form when customers enter
their card information. For more information, see
[Walkthrough: Integrate Square Payments in a Website](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/web-payments/take-card-payment).
__NOTE:__ Card nonces generated by digital wallets (such as Apple Pay)
cannot be used to create a customer card. | getCardNonce(): string | setCardNonce(string cardNonce): void |
-| `billingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getBillingAddress(): ?Address | setBillingAddress(?Address billingAddress): void |
-| `cardholderName` | `?string` | Optional | The full name printed on the credit card. | getCardholderName(): ?string | setCardholderName(?string cardholderName): void |
-| `verificationToken` | `?string` | Optional | An identifying token generated by [Payments.verifyBuyer()](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/sdks/web/payments/objects/Payments#Payments.verifyBuyer).
Verification tokens encapsulate customer device information and 3-D Secure
challenge results to indicate that Square has verified the buyer identity. | getVerificationToken(): ?string | setVerificationToken(?string verificationToken): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_34",
- "sublocality": "sublocality8"
- },
- "card_nonce": "YOUR_CARD_NONCE",
- "cardholder_name": "Amelia Earhart",
- "verification_token": "verification_token0"
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-# Create Customer Card Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `CreateCustomerCard` endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `card` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `card` | [`?Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): ?Card | setCard(?Card card): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card": {
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "cardholder_name": "Amelia Earhart",
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2018,
- "id": "icard-card_id",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Customer Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#create-customer-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "description": "The favorite movie of the customer.",
- "key": "favoritemovie",
- "name": "Favorite Movie",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
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-# Create Customer Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#create-customer-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "The favorite movie of the customer.",
- "key": "favoritemovie",
- "name": "Favorite Movie",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-04-26T15:27:30Z",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Customer Group Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in a request to the
-[CreateCustomerGroup](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#create-customer-group) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | The idempotency key for the request. For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency). | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `group` | [`CustomerGroup`](../../doc/models/customer-group.md) | Required | Represents a group of customer profiles.
Customer groups can be created, be modified, and have their membership defined using
the Customers API or within the Customer Directory in the Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale. | getGroup(): CustomerGroup | setGroup(CustomerGroup group): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "group": {
- "name": "Loyal Customers",
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key0"
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-# Create Customer Group Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [CreateCustomerGroup](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#create-customer-group) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `group` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `group` | [`?CustomerGroup`](../../doc/models/customer-group.md) | Optional | Represents a group of customer profiles.
Customer groups can be created, be modified, and have their membership defined using
the Customers API or within the Customer Directory in the Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale. | getGroup(): ?CustomerGroup | setGroup(?CustomerGroup group): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "group": {
- "created_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:57.863Z",
- "id": "2TAT3CMH4Q0A9M87XJZED0WMR3",
- "name": "Loyal Customers",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:58Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Customer Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in a request to the
-`CreateCustomer` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | The idempotency key for the request. For more information, see
[Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency). | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `givenName` | `?string` | Optional | The given name (that is, the first name) associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 300 characters. | getGivenName(): ?string | setGivenName(?string givenName): void |
-| `familyName` | `?string` | Optional | The family name (that is, the last name) associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 300 characters. | getFamilyName(): ?string | setFamilyName(?string familyName): void |
-| `companyName` | `?string` | Optional | A business name associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 500 characters. | getCompanyName(): ?string | setCompanyName(?string companyName): void |
-| `nickname` | `?string` | Optional | A nickname for the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 100 characters. | getNickname(): ?string | setNickname(?string nickname): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 254 characters. | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number associated with the customer profile. The phone number must be valid and can contain
9–16 digits, with an optional `+` prefix and country code. For more information, see
[Customer phone numbers](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#phone-number). | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional second ID used to associate the customer profile with an
entity in another system.
The maximum length for this value is 100 characters. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | A custom note associated with the customer profile. | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `birthday` | `?string` | Optional | The birthday associated with the customer profile, in `YYYY-MM-DD` or `MM-DD` format. For example,
specify `1998-09-21` for September 21, 1998, or `09-21` for September 21. Birthdays are returned in `YYYY-MM-DD`
format, where `YYYY` is the specified birth year or `0000` if a birth year is not specified. | getBirthday(): ?string | setBirthday(?string birthday): void |
-| `taxIds` | [`?CustomerTaxIds`](../../doc/models/customer-tax-ids.md) | Optional | Represents the tax ID associated with a [customer profile](../../doc/models/customer.md). The corresponding `tax_ids` field is available only for customers of sellers in EU countries or the United Kingdom.
For more information, see [Customer tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-tax-ids). | getTaxIds(): ?CustomerTaxIds | setTaxIds(?CustomerTaxIds taxIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "note": "a customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-4240",
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "company_name": "company_name4",
- "nickname": "nickname4"
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-# Create Customer Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [CreateCustomer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#create-customer) or
-[BulkCreateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-create-customers) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `customer` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `customer` | [`?Customer`](../../doc/models/customer.md) | Optional | Represents a Square customer profile in the Customer Directory of a Square seller. | getCustomer(): ?Customer | setCustomer(?Customer customer): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "note": "a customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-4240",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "updated_at": "2016-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "version": 0,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Device Code Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this CreateDeviceCode request. Keys can
be any valid string but must be unique for every CreateDeviceCode request.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `deviceCode` | [`DeviceCode`](../../doc/models/device-code.md) | Required | - | getDeviceCode(): DeviceCode | setDeviceCode(DeviceCode deviceCode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_code": {
- "location_id": "B5E4484SHHNYH",
- "name": "Counter 1",
- "product_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "id": "id4",
- "code": "code2",
- "device_id": "device_id0"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "01bb00a6-0c86-4770-94ed-f5fca973cd56"
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-# Create Device Code Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `deviceCode` | [`?DeviceCode`](../../doc/models/device-code.md) | Optional | - | getDeviceCode(): ?DeviceCode | setDeviceCode(?DeviceCode deviceCode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_code": {
- "code": "EBCARJ",
- "created_at": "2020-02-06T18:44:33.000Z",
- "id": "B3Z6NAMYQSMTM",
- "location_id": "B5E4484SHHNYH",
- "name": "Counter 1",
- "pair_by": "2020-02-06T18:49:33.000Z",
- "product_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "status": "UNPAIRED",
- "status_changed_at": "2020-02-06T18:44:33.000Z",
- "device_id": "device_id0"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Dispute Evidence File Request
-Defines the parameters for a `CreateDisputeEvidenceFile` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique key identifying the request. For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `evidenceType` | [`?string(DisputeEvidenceType)`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence-type.md) | Optional | The type of the dispute evidence. | getEvidenceType(): ?string | setEvidenceType(?string evidenceType): void |
-| `contentType` | `?string` | Optional | The MIME type of the uploaded file.
The type can be image/heic, image/heif, image/jpeg, application/pdf, image/png, or image/tiff.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getContentType(): ?string | setContentType(?string contentType): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key8",
- "evidence_type": "REBUTTAL_EXPLANATION",
- "content_type": "content_type6"
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-# Create Dispute Evidence File Response
-Defines the fields in a `CreateDisputeEvidenceFile` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `evidence` | [`?DisputeEvidence`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence.md) | Optional | - | getEvidence(): ?DisputeEvidence | setEvidence(?DisputeEvidence evidence): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence": {
- "dispute_id": "bVTprrwk0gygTLZ96VX1oB",
- "evidence_file": {
- "filename": "customer-interaction.jpg",
- "filetype": "image/jpeg"
- },
- "id": "TOomLInj6iWmP3N8qfCXrB",
- "uploaded_at": "2022-05-18T16:01:10.000Z",
- "evidence_id": "evidence_id0",
- "evidence_text": "evidence_text6"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Dispute Evidence Text Request
-Defines the parameters for a `CreateDisputeEvidenceText` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique key identifying the request. For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `evidenceType` | [`?string(DisputeEvidenceType)`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence-type.md) | Optional | The type of the dispute evidence. | getEvidenceType(): ?string | setEvidenceType(?string evidenceType): void |
-| `evidenceText` | `string` | Required | The evidence string.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `500` | getEvidenceText(): string | setEvidenceText(string evidenceText): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence_text": "1Z8888888888888888",
- "evidence_type": "TRACKING_NUMBER",
- "idempotency_key": "ed3ee3933d946f1514d505d173c82648"
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-# Create Dispute Evidence Text Response
-Defines the fields in a `CreateDisputeEvidenceText` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `evidence` | [`?DisputeEvidence`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence.md) | Optional | - | getEvidence(): ?DisputeEvidence | setEvidence(?DisputeEvidence evidence): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence": {
- "dispute_id": "bVTprrwk0gygTLZ96VX1oB",
- "evidence_text": "The customer purchased the item twice, on April 11 and April 28.",
- "evidence_type": "REBUTTAL_EXPLANATION",
- "id": "TOomLInj6iWmP3N8qfCXrB",
- "uploaded_at": "2022-05-18T16:01:10.000Z",
- "evidence_id": "evidence_id0",
- "evidence_file": {
- "filename": "filename8",
- "filetype": "filetype8"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Gift Card Activity Request
-A request to create a gift card activity.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies the `CreateGiftCardActivity` request.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `giftCardActivity` | [`GiftCardActivity`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity.md) | Required | Represents an action performed on a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) that affects its state or balance.
A gift card activity contains information about a specific activity type. For example, a `REDEEM` activity
includes a `redeem_activity_details` field that contains information about the redemption. | getGiftCardActivity(): GiftCardActivity | setGiftCardActivity(GiftCardActivity giftCardActivity): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card_activity": {
- "activate_activity_details": {
- "line_item_uid": "eIWl7X0nMuO9Ewbh0ChIx",
- "order_id": "jJNGHm4gLI6XkFbwtiSLqK72KkAZY"
- },
- "gift_card_id": "gftc:6d55a72470d940c6ba09c0ab8ad08d20",
- "location_id": "81FN9BNFZTKS4",
- "type": "ACTIVATE",
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "gift_card_gan": "gift_card_gan2",
- "gift_card_balance_money": {
- "amount": 82,
- "currency": "IRR"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "U16kfr-kA70er-q4Rsym-7U7NnY"
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-# Create Gift Card Activity Response
-A response that contains a `GiftCardActivity` that was created.
-The response might contain a set of `Error` objects if the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCardActivity` | [`?GiftCardActivity`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity.md) | Optional | Represents an action performed on a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) that affects its state or balance.
A gift card activity contains information about a specific activity type. For example, a `REDEEM` activity
includes a `redeem_activity_details` field that contains information about the redemption. | getGiftCardActivity(): ?GiftCardActivity | setGiftCardActivity(?GiftCardActivity giftCardActivity): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card_activity": {
- "activate_activity_details": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "line_item_uid": "eIWl7X0nMuO9Ewbh0ChIx",
- "order_id": "jJNGHm4gLI6XkFbwtiSLqK72KkAZY"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-05-20T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gift_card_balance_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gift_card_gan": "7783320002929081",
- "gift_card_id": "gftc:6d55a72470d940c6ba09c0ab8ad08d20",
- "id": "gcact_c8f8cbf1f24b448d8ecf39ed03f97864",
- "location_id": "81FN9BNFZTKS4",
- "type": "ACTIVATE"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Gift Card Request
-Represents a [CreateGiftCard](../../doc/apis/gift-cards.md#create-gift-card) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [location](entity:Location) where the gift card should be registered for
reporting purposes. Gift cards can be redeemed at any of the seller's locations.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `giftCard` | [`GiftCard`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Required | Represents a Square gift card. | getGiftCard(): GiftCard | setGiftCard(GiftCard giftCard): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card": {
- "type": "DIGITAL",
- "id": "id0",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 146,
- "currency": "BBD"
- },
- "gan": "gan6"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "NC9Tm69EjbjtConu",
- "location_id": "81FN9BNFZTKS4"
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-# Create Gift Card Response
-A response that contains a `GiftCard`. The response might contain a set of `Error` objects if the request
-resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCard` | [`?GiftCard`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Optional | Represents a Square gift card. | getGiftCard(): ?GiftCard | setGiftCard(?GiftCard giftCard): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card": {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-05-20T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gan": "7783320006753271",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:6cbacbb64cf54e2ca9f573d619038059",
- "state": "PENDING",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Invoice Attachment Request
-Represents a [CreateInvoiceAttachment](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#create-invoice-attachment) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies the `CreateInvoiceAttachment` request.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the attachment to display on the invoice.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "description": "Service contract",
- "idempotency_key": "ae5e84f9-4742-4fc1-ba12-a3ce3748f1c3"
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-# Create Invoice Attachment Response
-Represents a [CreateInvoiceAttachment](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#create-invoice-attachment) response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `attachment` | [`?InvoiceAttachment`](../../doc/models/invoice-attachment.md) | Optional | Represents a file attached to an [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md). | getAttachment(): ?InvoiceAttachment | setAttachment(?InvoiceAttachment attachment): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "attachment": {
- "description": "Service contract",
- "filename": "file.jpg",
- "filesize": 102705,
- "hash": "273ee02cb6f5f8a3a8ca23604930dd53",
- "id": "inva:0-3bB9ZuDHiziThQhuC4fwWt",
- "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
- "uploaded_at": "2023-02-03T20:28:14Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Invoice Request
-Describes a `CreateInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoice` | [`Invoice`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Required | Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview). | getInvoice(): Invoice | setInvoice(Invoice invoice): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies the `CreateInvoice` request. If you do not
provide `idempotency_key` (or provide an empty string as the value), the endpoint
treats each request as independent.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "ce3748f9-5fc1-4762-aa12-aae5e843f1f4",
- "invoice": {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "reminders": [
- {
- "message": "Your invoice is due tomorrow",
- "relative_scheduled_days": -1
- }
- ],
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": true
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "given_name": "given_name6",
- "family_name": "family_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address2",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "id": "id6",
- "version": 118
- }
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-# Create Invoice Response
-The response returned by the `CreateInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoice` | [`?Invoice`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Optional | Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview). | getInvoice(): ?Invoice | setInvoice(?Invoice invoice): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "invoice": {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "created_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "id": "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "reminders": [
- {
- "message": "Your invoice is due tomorrow",
- "relative_scheduled_days": -1,
- "status": "PENDING",
- "uid": "beebd363-e47f-4075-8785-c235aaa7df11"
- }
- ],
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": true,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "version": 0
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Job Request
-Represents a [CreateJob](../../doc/apis/team.md#create-job) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `job` | [`Job`](../../doc/models/job.md) | Required | Represents a job that can be assigned to [team members](../../doc/models/team-member.md). This object defines the
job's title and tip eligibility. Compensation is defined in a [job assignment](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md)
in a team member's wage setting. | getJob(): Job | setJob(Job job): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique identifier for the `CreateJob` request. Keys can be any valid string,
but must be unique for each request. For more information, see
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency-key-0",
- "job": {
- "is_tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier",
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at8"
- }
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-# Create Job Response
-Represents a [CreateJob](../../doc/apis/team.md#create-job) response. Either `job` or `errors`
-is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `job` | [`?Job`](../../doc/models/job.md) | Optional | Represents a job that can be assigned to [team members](../../doc/models/team-member.md). This object defines the
job's title and tip eligibility. Compensation is defined in a [job assignment](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md)
in a team member's wage setting. | getJob(): ?Job | setJob(?Job job): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "job": {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "is_tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Location Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#create-location-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "description": "Bestselling item at location",
- "key": "bestseller",
- "name": "Bestseller",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
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-# Create Location Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#create-location-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-12-02T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "Bestselling item at location",
- "key": "bestseller",
- "name": "Bestseller",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-12-02T19:06:36.559Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Location Request
-The request object for the [CreateLocation](../../doc/apis/locations.md#create-location) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `location` | [`?Location`](../../doc/models/location.md) | Optional | Represents one of a business' [locations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api). | getLocation(): ?Location | setLocation(?Location location): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "1234 Peachtree St. NE",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "GA",
- "locality": "Atlanta",
- "postal_code": "30309",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "description": "Midtown Atlanta store",
- "name": "Midtown",
- "id": "id4",
- "timezone": "timezone6",
- "capabilities": [
- ]
- }
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-# Create Location Response
-The response object returned by the [CreateLocation](../../doc/apis/locations.md#create-location) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about [errors](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/handling-errors) encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `location` | [`?Location`](../../doc/models/location.md) | Optional | Represents one of a business' [locations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api). | getLocation(): ?Location | setLocation(?Location location): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "1234 Peachtree St. NE",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "GA",
- "locality": "Atlanta",
- "postal_code": "30309",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "business_name": "Jet Fuel Coffee",
- "capabilities": [
- ],
- "coordinates": {
- "latitude": 33.7889,
- "longitude": -84.3841
- },
- "country": "US",
- "created_at": "2022-02-19T17:58:25Z",
- "currency": "USD",
- "description": "Midtown Atlanta store",
- "id": "3Z4V4WHQK64X9",
- "language_code": "en-US",
- "mcc": "7299",
- "merchant_id": "3MYCJG5GVYQ8Q",
- "name": "Midtown",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "type": "PHYSICAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Loyalty Account Request
-A request to create a new loyalty account.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyAccount` | [`LoyaltyAccount`](../../doc/models/loyalty-account.md) | Required | Describes a loyalty account in a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). For more information, see
[Create and Retrieve Loyalty Accounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-accounts). | getLoyaltyAccount(): LoyaltyAccount | setLoyaltyAccount(LoyaltyAccount loyaltyAccount): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `CreateLoyaltyAccount` request.
Keys can be any valid string, but must be unique for every request.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "ec78c477-b1c3-4899-a209-a4e71337c996",
- "loyalty_account": {
- "mapping": {
- "phone_number": "+14155551234"
- },
- "program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "id": "id6",
- "balance": 6,
- "lifetime_points": 30,
- "customer_id": "customer_id4",
- "enrolled_at": "enrolled_at6"
- }
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-# Create Loyalty Account Response
-A response that includes loyalty account created.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `loyaltyAccount` | [`?LoyaltyAccount`](../../doc/models/loyalty-account.md) | Optional | Describes a loyalty account in a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). For more information, see
[Create and Retrieve Loyalty Accounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-accounts). | getLoyaltyAccount(): ?LoyaltyAccount | setLoyaltyAccount(?LoyaltyAccount loyaltyAccount): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_account": {
- "balance": 0,
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "customer_id": "QPTXM8PQNX3Q726ZYHPMNP46XC",
- "id": "79b807d2-d786-46a9-933b-918028d7a8c5",
- "lifetime_points": 0,
- "mapping": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "id": "66aaab3f-da99-49ed-8b19-b87f851c844f",
- "phone_number": "+14155551234"
- },
- "program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "enrolled_at": "enrolled_at6"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Loyalty Promotion Request
-Represents a [CreateLoyaltyPromotion](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#create-loyalty-promotion) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyPromotion` | [`LoyaltyPromotion`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md) | Required | Represents a promotion for a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). Loyalty promotions enable buyers
to earn extra points on top of those earned from the base program.
A loyalty program can have a maximum of 10 loyalty promotions with an `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status. | getLoyaltyPromotion(): LoyaltyPromotion | setLoyaltyPromotion(LoyaltyPromotion loyaltyPromotion): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique identifier for this request, which is used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "ec78c477-b1c3-4899-a209-a4e71337c996",
- "loyalty_promotion": {
- "available_time": {
- "time_periods": [
- ],
- "start_date": "start_date4",
- "end_date": "end_date8"
- },
- "incentive": {
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "multiplier": "3.0",
- "points_multiplier": 134
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
- },
- "minimum_spend_amount_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Tuesday Happy Hour Promo",
- "qualifying_category_ids": [
- ],
- "trigger_limit": {
- "interval": "DAY",
- "times": 1
- },
- "id": "id4",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "canceled_at": "canceled_at0"
- }
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-# Create Loyalty Promotion Response
-Represents a [CreateLoyaltyPromotion](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#create-loyalty-promotion) response.
-Either `loyalty_promotion` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `loyaltyPromotion` | [`?LoyaltyPromotion`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md) | Optional | Represents a promotion for a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). Loyalty promotions enable buyers
to earn extra points on top of those earned from the base program.
A loyalty program can have a maximum of 10 loyalty promotions with an `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status. | getLoyaltyPromotion(): ?LoyaltyPromotion | setLoyaltyPromotion(?LoyaltyPromotion loyaltyPromotion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_promotion": {
- "available_time": {
- "start_date": "2022-08-16",
- "time_periods": [
- ],
- "end_date": "end_date8"
- },
- "created_at": "2022-08-16T08:38:54Z",
- "id": "loypromo_f0f9b849-725e-378d-b810-511237e07b67",
- "incentive": {
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "multiplier": "3.000",
- "points_multiplier": 3
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
- },
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "minimum_spend_amount_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Tuesday Happy Hour Promo",
- "qualifying_category_ids": [
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "trigger_limit": {
- "interval": "DAY",
- "times": 1
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-08-16T08:38:54Z",
- "canceled_at": "canceled_at0"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Loyalty Reward Request
-A request to create a loyalty reward.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `reward` | [`LoyaltyReward`](../../doc/models/loyalty-reward.md) | Required | Represents a contract to redeem loyalty points for a [reward tier](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-tier.md) discount. Loyalty rewards can be in an ISSUED, REDEEMED, or DELETED state.
For more information, see [Manage loyalty rewards](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards). | getReward(): LoyaltyReward | setReward(LoyaltyReward reward): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `CreateLoyaltyReward` request.
Keys can be any valid string, but must be unique for every request.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "18c2e5ea-a620-4b1f-ad60-7b167285e451",
- "reward": {
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "order_id": "RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY",
- "reward_tier_id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "id": "id0",
- "status": "ISSUED",
- "points": 222,
- "created_at": "created_at8"
- }
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-# Create Loyalty Reward Response
-A response that includes the loyalty reward created.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `reward` | [`?LoyaltyReward`](../../doc/models/loyalty-reward.md) | Optional | Represents a contract to redeem loyalty points for a [reward tier](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-tier.md) discount. Loyalty rewards can be in an ISSUED, REDEEMED, or DELETED state.
For more information, see [Manage loyalty rewards](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards). | getReward(): ?LoyaltyReward | setReward(?LoyaltyReward reward): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "reward": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-01T21:49:54Z",
- "id": "a8f43ebe-2ad6-3001-bdd5-7d7c2da08943",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "order_id": "RFZfrdtm3mhO1oGzf5Cx7fEMsmGZY",
- "points": 10,
- "reward_tier_id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "status": "ISSUED",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-01T21:49:54Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Merchant Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#create-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "description": "This is the other name this merchant goes by.",
- "key": "alternative_seller_name",
- "name": "Alternative Merchant Name",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
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-# Create Merchant Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#create-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2023-05-05T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "This is the other name this merchant goes by.",
- "key": "alternative_seller_name",
- "name": "Alternative Merchant Name",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T19:06:36.559Z",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Mobile Authorization Code Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be provided in a request to the
-`CreateMobileAuthorizationCode` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square location ID that the authorization code should be tied to.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `191` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "YOUR_LOCATION_ID"
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-# Create Mobile Authorization Code Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `CreateMobileAuthorizationCode` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `authorizationCode` | `?string` | Optional | The generated authorization code that connects a mobile application instance
to a Square account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getAuthorizationCode(): ?string | setAuthorizationCode(?string authorizationCode): void |
-| `expiresAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when `authorization_code` expires, in
[RFC 3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339) format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z").
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `20`, *Maximum Length*: `48` | getExpiresAt(): ?string | setExpiresAt(?string expiresAt): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "authorization_code": "YOUR_MOBILE_AUTHORIZATION_CODE",
- "expires_at": "2019-01-10T19:42:08Z",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Order Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a create request for an order custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "description": "The number of people seated at a table",
- "key": "cover-count",
- "name": "Cover count",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- },
- "idempotency_key": "IDEMPOTENCY_KEY"
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-# Create Order Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a response from creating an order custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-10-06T16:53:23.141Z",
- "description": "The number of people seated at a table",
- "key": "cover-count",
- "name": "Cover count",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-10-06T16:53:23.141Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Order Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this
order among orders you have created.
If you are unsure whether a particular order was created successfully,
you can try it again with the same idempotency key without
worrying about creating duplicate orders.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "8193148c-9586-11e6-99f9-28cfe92138cf",
- "order": {
- "discounts": [
- {
- "name": "Labor Day Sale",
- "percentage": "5",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "labor-day-sale"
- },
- {
- "catalog_object_id": "DB7L55ZH2BGWI4H23ULIWOQ7",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "membership-discount"
- },
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Sale - $1.00 off",
- "scope": "LINE_ITEM",
- "uid": "one-dollar-off"
- }
- ],
- "line_items": [
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "New York Strip Steak",
- "quantity": "1",
- "uid": "uid8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "discount_uid": "one-dollar-off"
- }
- ],
- "catalog_object_id": "BEMYCSMIJL46OCDV4KYIKXIB",
- "modifiers": [
- {
- "catalog_object_id": "CHQX7Y4KY6N5KINJKZCFURPZ"
- }
- ],
- "quantity": "2",
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "reference_id": "my-order-001",
- "taxes": [
- {
- "name": "State Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "9",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "state-sales-tax"
- }
- ],
- "id": "id6",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- }
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-# Create Order Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `CreateOrder` endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `order` is present in a given response, but never both.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": {
- "created_at": "2020-01-17T20:47:53.293Z",
- "discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 30,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "catalog_object_id": "DB7L55ZH2BGWI4H23ULIWOQ7",
- "name": "Membership Discount",
- "percentage": "0.5",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "membership-discount"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 303,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Labor Day Sale",
- "percentage": "5",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "labor-day-sale"
- },
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Sale - $1.00 off",
- "scope": "LINE_ITEM",
- "type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "uid": "one-dollar-off"
- }
- ],
- "id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 8,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "membership-discount",
- "uid": "jWdgP1TpHPFBuVrz81mXVC"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 79,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "labor-day-sale",
- "uid": "jnZOjjVY57eRcQAVgEwFuC"
- }
- ],
- "applied_taxes": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 136,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_uid": "state-sales-tax",
- "uid": "aKG87ArnDpvMLSZJHxWUl"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "New York Strip Steak",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 87,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1648,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 136,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "8uSwfzvUImn3IRrvciqlXC",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 1599,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 22,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "membership-discount",
- "uid": "nUXvdsIItfKko0dbYtY58C"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 224,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "labor-day-sale",
- "uid": "qSdkOOOernlVQqsJ94SPjB"
- },
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "one-dollar-off",
- "uid": "y7bVl4njrWAnfDwmz19izB"
- }
- ],
- "applied_taxes": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 374,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_uid": "state-sales-tax",
- "uid": "v1dAgrfUVUPTnVTf9sRPz"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 2200,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "catalog_object_id": "BEMYCSMIJL46OCDV4KYIKXIB",
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 4500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "modifiers": [
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 50,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "catalog_object_id": "CHQX7Y4KY6N5KINJKZCFURPZ",
- "name": "Well",
- "total_price_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "Lo3qMMckDluu9Qsb58d4CC"
- }
- ],
- "name": "New York Steak",
- "quantity": "2",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 346,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 4528,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 374,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "v8ZuEXpOJpb0bazLuvrLDB",
- "variation_name": "Larger",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 4400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "net_amounts": {
- "discount_money": {
- "amount": 433,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_money": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 6176,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "reference_id": "my-order-001",
- "source": {
- "name": "My App"
- },
- "state": "OPEN",
- "taxes": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "State Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "9",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "type": "ADDITIVE",
- "uid": "state-sales-tax"
- }
- ],
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 433,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 6176,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 510,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2020-01-17T20:47:53.293Z",
- "version": 1,
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Payment Link Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies this `CreatePaymentLinkRequest` request.
If you do not provide a unique string (or provide an empty string as the value),
the endpoint treats each request as independent.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | A description of the payment link. You provide this optional description that is useful in your
application context. It is not used anywhere.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4096` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `quickPay` | [`?QuickPay`](../../doc/models/quick-pay.md) | Optional | Describes an ad hoc item and price to generate a quick pay checkout link.
For more information,
see [Quick Pay Checkout](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api/quick-pay-checkout). | getQuickPay(): ?QuickPay | setQuickPay(?QuickPay quickPay): void |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `checkoutOptions` | [`?CheckoutOptions`](../../doc/models/checkout-options.md) | Optional | - | getCheckoutOptions(): ?CheckoutOptions | setCheckoutOptions(?CheckoutOptions checkoutOptions): void |
-| `prePopulatedData` | [`?PrePopulatedData`](../../doc/models/pre-populated-data.md) | Optional | Describes buyer data to prepopulate in the payment form.
For more information,
see [Optional Checkout Configurations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api/optional-checkout-configurations). | getPrePopulatedData(): ?PrePopulatedData | setPrePopulatedData(?PrePopulatedData prePopulatedData): void |
-| `paymentNote` | `?string` | Optional | A note for the payment. After processing the payment, Square adds this note to the resulting `Payment`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getPaymentNote(): ?string | setPaymentNote(?string paymentNote): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "cd9e25dc-d9f2-4430-aedb-61605070e95f",
- "quick_pay": {
- "location_id": "A9Y43N9ABXZBP",
- "name": "Auto Detailing",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "description": "description6",
- "order": {
- "id": "id6",
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id4",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- },
- "checkout_options": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- }
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-# Create Payment Link Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `paymentLink` | [`?PaymentLink`](../../doc/models/payment-link.md) | Optional | - | getPaymentLink(): ?PaymentLink | setPaymentLink(?PaymentLink paymentLink): void |
-| `relatedResources` | [`?PaymentLinkRelatedResources`](../../doc/models/payment-link-related-resources.md) | Optional | - | getRelatedResources(): ?PaymentLinkRelatedResources | setRelatedResources(?PaymentLinkRelatedResources relatedResources): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "payment_link": {
- "id": "id2",
- "version": 184,
- "description": "description2",
- "order_id": "order_id6",
- "checkout_options": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- },
- "pre_populated_data": {
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
- }
- },
- "related_resources": {
- "orders": [
- {
- "id": "id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "type": "ITEM_OPTION",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 112,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "ITEM_OPTION",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 112,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "ITEM_OPTION",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 112,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
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-# Create Payment Request
-Describes a request to create a payment using
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sourceId` | `string` | Required | The ID for the source of funds for this payment.
This could be a payment token generated by the Web Payments SDK for any of its
[supported methods](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/web-payments/overview#explore-payment-methods),
including cards, bank transfers, Afterpay or Cash App Pay. If recording a payment
that the seller received outside of Square, specify either "CASH" or "EXTERNAL".
For more information, see
[Take Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getSourceId(): string | setSourceId(string sourceId): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `CreatePayment` request. Keys can be any valid string
but must be unique for every `CreatePayment` request.
Note: The number of allowed characters might be less than the stated maximum, if multi-byte
characters are used.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `tipMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTipMoney(): ?Money | setTipMoney(?Money tipMoney): void |
-| `appFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppFeeMoney(): ?Money | setAppFeeMoney(?Money appFeeMoney): void |
-| `delayDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time after the payment's creation when Square automatically
either completes or cancels the payment depending on the `delay_action` field value.
For more information, see
[Time threshold](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/card-payments/delayed-capture#time-threshold).
This parameter should be specified as a time duration, in RFC 3339 format.
Note: This feature is only supported for card payments. This parameter can only be set for a delayed
capture payment (`autocomplete=false`).
- Card-present payments: "PT36H" (36 hours) from the creation time.
- Card-not-present payments: "P7D" (7 days) from the creation time. | getDelayDuration(): ?string | setDelayDuration(?string delayDuration): void |
-| `delayAction` | `?string` | Optional | The action to be applied to the payment when the `delay_duration` has elapsed. The action must be
CANCEL or COMPLETE. For more information, see
[Time Threshold](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/card-payments/delayed-capture#time-threshold).
Default: CANCEL | getDelayAction(): ?string | setDelayAction(?string delayAction): void |
-| `autocomplete` | `?bool` | Optional | If set to `true`, this payment will be completed when possible. If
set to `false`, this payment is held in an approved state until either
explicitly completed (captured) or canceled (voided). For more information, see
[Delayed capture](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/card-payments#delayed-capture-of-a-card-payment).
Default: true | getAutocomplete(): ?bool | setAutocomplete(?bool autocomplete): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | Associates a previously created order with this payment. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The [Customer](entity:Customer) ID of the customer associated with the payment.
This is required if the `source_id` refers to a card on file created using the Cards API. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location ID to associate with the payment. If not specified, the [main location](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api#about-the-main-location) is
used. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional [TeamMember](entity:TeamMember) ID to associate with
this payment. | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A user-defined ID to associate with the payment.
You can use this field to associate the payment to an entity in an external system
(for example, you might specify an order ID that is generated by a third-party shopping cart).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `verificationToken` | `?string` | Optional | An identifying token generated by [payments.verifyBuyer()](https://developer.squareup.com/reference/sdks/web/payments/objects/Payments#Payments.verifyBuyer).
Verification tokens encapsulate customer device information and 3-D Secure
challenge results to indicate that Square has verified the buyer identity.
For more information, see [SCA Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/sca-overview). | getVerificationToken(): ?string | setVerificationToken(?string verificationToken): void |
-| `acceptPartialAuthorization` | `?bool` | Optional | If set to `true` and charging a Square Gift Card, a payment might be returned with
`amount_money` equal to less than what was requested. For example, a request for $20 when charging
a Square Gift Card with a balance of $5 results in an APPROVED payment of $5. You might choose
to prompt the buyer for an additional payment to cover the remainder or cancel the Gift Card
payment. This field cannot be `true` when `autocomplete = true`.
For more information, see
[Partial amount with Square Gift Cards](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments#partial-payment-gift-card).
Default: false | getAcceptPartialAuthorization(): ?bool | setAcceptPartialAuthorization(?bool acceptPartialAuthorization): void |
-| `buyerEmailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The buyer's email address.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getBuyerEmailAddress(): ?string | setBuyerEmailAddress(?string buyerEmailAddress): void |
-| `buyerPhoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The buyer's phone number.
Must follow the following format:
1. A leading + symbol (followed by a country code)
2. The phone number can contain spaces and the special characters `(` , `)` , `-` , and `.`.
Alphabetical characters aren't allowed.
3. The phone number must contain between 9 and 16 digits. | getBuyerPhoneNumber(): ?string | setBuyerPhoneNumber(?string buyerPhoneNumber): void |
-| `billingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getBillingAddress(): ?Address | setBillingAddress(?Address billingAddress): void |
-| `shippingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getShippingAddress(): ?Address | setShippingAddress(?Address shippingAddress): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note to be entered by the developer when creating a payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `statementDescriptionIdentifier` | `?string` | Optional | Optional additional payment information to include on the customer's card statement
as part of the statement description. This can be, for example, an invoice number, ticket number,
or short description that uniquely identifies the purchase.
Note that the `statement_description_identifier` might get truncated on the statement description
to fit the required information including the Square identifier (SQ *) and name of the
seller taking the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `20` | getStatementDescriptionIdentifier(): ?string | setStatementDescriptionIdentifier(?string statementDescriptionIdentifier): void |
-| `cashDetails` | [`?CashPaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/cash-payment-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about a cash payment. Contains only non-confidential information. For more information, see
[Take Cash Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/cash-payments). | getCashDetails(): ?CashPaymentDetails | setCashDetails(?CashPaymentDetails cashDetails): void |
-| `externalDetails` | [`?ExternalPaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/external-payment-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about an external payment. Contains only non-confidential information.
For more information, see
[Take External Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/external-payments). | getExternalDetails(): ?ExternalPaymentDetails | setExternalDetails(?ExternalPaymentDetails externalDetails): void |
-| `customerDetails` | [`?CustomerDetails`](../../doc/models/customer-details.md) | Optional | Details about the customer making the payment. | getCustomerDetails(): ?CustomerDetails | setCustomerDetails(?CustomerDetails customerDetails): void |
-| `offlinePaymentDetails` | [`?OfflinePaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/offline-payment-details.md) | Optional | Details specific to offline payments. | getOfflinePaymentDetails(): ?OfflinePaymentDetails | setOfflinePaymentDetails(?OfflinePaymentDetails offlinePaymentDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_fee_money": {
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "autocomplete": true,
- "customer_id": "W92WH6P11H4Z77CTET0RNTGFW8",
- "idempotency_key": "7b0f3ec5-086a-4871-8f13-3c81b3875218",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "note": "Brief description",
- "reference_id": "123456",
- "source_id": "ccof:GaJGNaZa8x4OgDJn4GB",
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 190,
- "currency": "TWD"
- },
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration6",
- "delay_action": "delay_action6"
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-# Create Payment Response
-Defines the response returned by [CreatePayment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#create-payment).
-If there are errors processing the request, the `payment` field might not be
-present, or it might be present with a status of `FAILED`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `payment` | [`?Payment`](../../doc/models/payment.md) | Optional | Represents a payment processed by the Square API. | getPayment(): ?Payment | setPayment(?Payment payment): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_fee_money": {
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_id": "sq0ids-TcgftTEtKxJTRF1lCFJ9TA",
- "square_product": "ECOMMERCE_API"
- },
- "approved_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "auth_result_code": "vNEn2f",
- "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-Hxim77tbdcbGejOejnoAklBVJed2YFLTmirfl8Q5XZzObTc8qY_U8RkwzoNL8dCEcQ",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_payment_timeline": {
- "authorized_at": "2021-10-13T21:14:29.732Z",
- "captured_at": "2021-10-13T21:14:30.504Z"
- },
- "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
- "entry_method": "ON_FILE",
- "statement_description": "SQ *EXAMPLE TEST GOSQ.C",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T21:14:29.577Z",
- "customer_id": "W92WH6P11H4Z77CTET0RNTGFW8",
- "delay_action": "CANCEL",
- "delay_duration": "PT168H",
- "delayed_until": "2021-10-20T21:14:29.577Z",
- "id": "R2B3Z8WMVt3EAmzYWLZvz7Y69EbZY",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "note": "Brief Description",
- "order_id": "pRsjRTgFWATl7so6DxdKBJa7ssbZY",
- "receipt_number": "R2B3",
- "receipt_url": "https://squareup.com/receipt/preview/EXAMPLE_RECEIPT_ID",
- "reference_id": "123456",
- "risk_evaluation": {
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T21:14:30.423Z",
- "risk_level": "NORMAL"
- },
- "source_type": "CARD",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T21:14:30.504Z",
- "version_token": "TPtNEOBOa6Qq6E3C3IjckSVOM6b3hMbfhjvTxHBQUsB6o",
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 190,
- "currency": "TWD"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Refund Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in
-a request to the [CreateRefund](api-endpoint:Transactions-CreateRefund) endpoint.
-Deprecated - recommend using [RefundPayment](api-endpoint:Refunds-RefundPayment)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this
refund among refunds you've created for the tender.
If you're unsure whether a particular refund succeeded,
you can reattempt it with the same idempotency key without
worrying about duplicating the refund.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `192` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `tenderId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the tender to refund.
A [`Transaction`](entity:Transaction) has one or more `tenders` (i.e., methods
of payment) associated with it, and you refund each tender separately with
the Connect API.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTenderId(): string | setTenderId(string tenderId): void |
-| `reason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of the reason for the refund.
Default value: `Refund via API`
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getReason(): ?string | setReason(?string reason): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "86ae1696-b1e3-4328-af6d-f1e04d947ad2",
- "reason": "a reason",
- "tender_id": "MtZRYYdDrYNQbOvV7nbuBvMF"
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-# Create Refund Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [CreateRefund](api-endpoint:Transactions-CreateRefund) endpoint.
-One of `errors` or `refund` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refund` | [`?Refund`](../../doc/models/refund.md) | Optional | Represents a refund processed for a Square transaction. | getRefund(): ?Refund | setRefund(?Refund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refund": {
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "receivable_id": "ISu5xwxJ5v0CMJTQq7RvqyMF"
- }
- ],
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-02-12T00:28:18Z",
- "id": "b27436d1-7f8e-5610-45c6-417ef71434b4-SW",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "reason": "some reason",
- "status": "PENDING",
- "tender_id": "MtZRYYdDrYNQbOvV7nbuBvMF",
- "transaction_id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Shift Request
-Represents a request to create a `Shift`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string value to ensure the idempotency of the operation.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `shift` | [`Shift`](../../doc/models/shift.md) | Required | A record of the hourly rate, start, and end times for a single work shift
for an employee. This might include a record of the start and end times for breaks
taken during the shift. | getShift(): Shift | setShift(Shift shift): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "HIDSNG5KS478L",
- "shift": {
- "breaks": [
- {
- "break_type_id": "REGS1EQR1TPZ5",
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T06:16:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT5M",
- "is_paid": true,
- "name": "Tea Break",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T06:11:00-05:00"
- }
- ],
- "declared_cash_tip_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T13:11:00-05:00",
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T03:11:00-05:00",
- "team_member_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Barista",
- "job_id": "job_id0"
- },
- "id": "id4",
- "employee_id": "employee_id4",
- "timezone": "timezone4"
- }
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-# Create Shift Response
-The response to a request to create a `Shift`. The response contains
-the created `Shift` object and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `shift` | [`?Shift`](../../doc/models/shift.md) | Optional | A record of the hourly rate, start, and end times for a single work shift
for an employee. This might include a record of the start and end times for breaks
taken during the shift. | getShift(): ?Shift | setShift(?Shift shift): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "shift": {
- "breaks": [
- {
- "break_type_id": "REGS1EQR1TPZ5",
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T06:16:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT5M",
- "id": "X7GAQYVVRRG6P",
- "is_paid": true,
- "name": "Tea Break",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T06:11:00-05:00"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2019-02-28T00:39:02Z",
- "declared_cash_tip_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "employee_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T13:11:00-05:00",
- "id": "K0YH4CV5462JB",
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T03:11:00-05:00",
- "status": "CLOSED",
- "team_member_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-28T00:39:02Z",
- "version": 1,
- "wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FzbJAtt9qEWncK1BWgVCxQ6M",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Barista"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Subscription Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-[CreateSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#create-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies this `CreateSubscription` request.
If you do not provide a unique string (or provide an empty string as the value),
the endpoint treats each request as independent.
For more information, see [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency). | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location the subscription is associated with.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `planVariationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [subscription plan variation](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/plans-and-variations#plan-variations) created using the Catalog API. | getPlanVariationId(): ?string | setPlanVariationId(?string planVariationId): void |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [customer](entity:Customer) subscribing to the subscription plan variation.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCustomerId(): string | setCustomerId(string customerId): void |
-| `startDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date to start the subscription.
If it is unspecified, the subscription starts immediately. | getStartDate(): ?string | setStartDate(?string startDate): void |
-| `canceledDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date when the newly created subscription is scheduled for cancellation.
This date overrides the cancellation date set in the plan variation configuration.
If the cancellation date is earlier than the end date of a subscription cycle, the subscription stops
at the canceled date and the subscriber is sent a prorated invoice at the beginning of the canceled cycle.
When the subscription plan of the newly created subscription has a fixed number of cycles and the `canceled_date`
occurs before the subscription plan expires, the specified `canceled_date` sets the date when the subscription
stops through the end of the last cycle. | getCanceledDate(): ?string | setCanceledDate(?string canceledDate): void |
-| `taxPercentage` | `?string` | Optional | The tax to add when billing the subscription.
The percentage is expressed in decimal form, using a `'.'` as the decimal
separator and without a `'%'` sign. For example, a value of 7.5
corresponds to 7.5%.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getTaxPercentage(): ?string | setTaxPercentage(?string taxPercentage): void |
-| `priceOverrideMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceOverrideMoney(): ?Money | setPriceOverrideMoney(?Money priceOverrideMoney): void |
-| `cardId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [subscriber's](entity:Customer) [card](entity:Card) to charge.
If it is not specified, the subscriber receives an invoice via email with a link to pay for their subscription. | getCardId(): ?string | setCardId(?string cardId): void |
-| `timezone` | `?string` | Optional | The timezone that is used in date calculations for the subscription. If unset, defaults to
the location timezone. If a timezone is not configured for the location, defaults to "America/New_York".
Format: the IANA Timezone Database identifier for the location timezone. For
a list of time zones, see [List of tz database time zones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones). | getTimezone(): ?string | setTimezone(?string timezone): void |
-| `source` | [`?SubscriptionSource`](../../doc/models/subscription-source.md) | Optional | The origination details of the subscription. | getSource(): ?SubscriptionSource | setSource(?SubscriptionSource source): void |
-| `monthlyBillingAnchorDate` | `?int` | Optional | The day-of-the-month to change the billing date to.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 31` | getMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(): ?int | setMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(?int monthlyBillingAnchorDate): void |
-| `phases` | [`?(Phase[])`](../../doc/models/phase.md) | Optional | array of phases for this subscription | getPhases(): ?array | setPhases(?array phases): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card_id": "ccof:qy5x8hHGYsgLrp4Q4GB",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "idempotency_key": "8193148c-9586-11e6-99f9-28cfe92138cf",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "U2NaowWxzXwpsZU697x7ZHOAnCNZY",
- "ordinal": 0
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2023-06-20",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "canceled_date": "canceled_date6",
- "tax_percentage": "tax_percentage6"
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-# Create Subscription Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-[CreateSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#create-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "card_id": "ccof:qy5x8hHGYsgLrp4Q4GB",
- "created_at": "2023-06-20T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "56214fb2-cc85-47a1-93bc-44f3766bb56f",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "U2NaowWxzXwpsZU697x7ZHOAnCNZY",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "plan_phase_uid": "X2Q2AONPB3RB64Y27S25QCZP",
- "uid": "873451e0-745b-4e87-ab0b-c574933fe616"
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2023-06-20",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Team Member Request
-Represents a create request for a `TeamMember` object.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies this `CreateTeamMember` request.
Keys can be any valid string, but must be unique for every request.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
The minimum length is 1 and the maximum length is 45. | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `teamMember` | [`?TeamMember`](../../doc/models/team-member.md) | Optional | A record representing an individual team member for a business. | getTeamMember(): ?TeamMember | setTeamMember(?TeamMember teamMember): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency-key-0",
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "email_address": "joe_doe@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "wage_setting": {
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ]
- },
- "id": "id6",
- "is_owner": false
- }
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-# Create Team Member Response
-Represents a response from a create request containing the created `TeamMember` object or error messages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMember` | [`?TeamMember`](../../doc/models/team-member.md) | Optional | A record representing an individual team member for a business. | getTeamMember(): ?TeamMember | setTeamMember(?TeamMember teamMember): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "email_address": "joe_doe@example.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1443,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P",
- "job_title": "Manager",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 1
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Terminal Action Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `CreateAction` request. Keys can be any valid string
but must be unique for every `CreateAction` request.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `64` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `action` | [`TerminalAction`](../../doc/models/terminal-action.md) | Required | Represents an action processed by the Square Terminal. | getAction(): TerminalAction | setAction(TerminalAction action): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": {
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "{{DEVICE_ID}}",
- "save_card_options": {
- "customer_id": "{{CUSTOMER_ID}}",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1"
- },
- "type": "SAVE_CARD",
- "id": "id2",
- "status": "status4",
- "cancel_reason": "TIMED_OUT"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "thahn-70e75c10-47f7-4ab6-88cc-aaa4076d065e"
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-# Create Terminal Action Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `action` | [`?TerminalAction`](../../doc/models/terminal-action.md) | Optional | Represents an action processed by the Square Terminal. | getAction(): ?TerminalAction | setAction(?TerminalAction action): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": {
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:07.476Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
- "id": "termapia:jveJIAkkAjILHkdCE",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "save_card_options": {
- "customer_id": "CUSTOMER_ID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "type": "SAVE_CARD",
- "updated_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:07.476Z",
- "cancel_reason": "TIMED_OUT"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Terminal Checkout Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `CreateCheckout` request. Keys can be any valid string but
must be unique for every `CreateCheckout` request.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `64` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `checkout` | [`TerminalCheckout`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout.md) | Required | Represents a checkout processed by the Square Terminal. | getCheckout(): TerminalCheckout | setCheckout(TerminalCheckout checkout): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "checkout": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2610,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "device_options": {
- "device_id": "dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
- "skip_receipt_screen": false,
- "collect_signature": false,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- },
- "note": "A brief note",
- "reference_id": "id11572",
- "id": "id2",
- "order_id": "order_id6",
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "28a0c3bc-7839-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003"
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-# Create Terminal Checkout Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `checkout` | [`?TerminalCheckout`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout.md) | Optional | Represents a checkout processed by the Square Terminal. | getCheckout(): ?TerminalCheckout | setCheckout(?TerminalCheckout checkout): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "checkout": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2610,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2020-04-06T16:39:32.545Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_options": {
- "device_id": "dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
- "skip_receipt_screen": false,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "collect_signature": false,
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- },
- "id": "08YceKh7B3ZqO",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "note": "A brief note",
- "payment_type": "CARD_PRESENT",
- "reference_id": "id11572",
- "status": "PENDING",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-06T16:39:32.545Z",
- "order_id": "order_id6",
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Terminal Refund Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `CreateRefund` request. Keys can be any valid string but
must be unique for every `CreateRefund` request.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `64` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `refund` | [`?TerminalRefund`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund.md) | Optional | Represents a payment refund processed by the Square Terminal. Only supports Interac (Canadian debit network) payment refunds. | getRefund(): ?TerminalRefund | setRefund(?TerminalRefund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "402a640b-b26f-401f-b406-46f839590c04",
- "refund": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 111,
- "currency": "CAD"
- },
- "device_id": "f72dfb8e-4d65-4e56-aade-ec3fb8d33291",
- "payment_id": "5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "reason": "Returning items",
- "id": "id8",
- "refund_id": "refund_id2",
- "order_id": "order_id2",
- "deadline_duration": "deadline_duration0",
- "status": "status0"
- }
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-# Create Terminal Refund Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refund` | [`?TerminalRefund`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund.md) | Optional | Represents a payment refund processed by the Square Terminal. Only supports Interac (Canadian debit network) payment refunds. | getRefund(): ?TerminalRefund | setRefund(?TerminalRefund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refund": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 111,
- "currency": "CAD"
- },
- "app_id": "sandbox-sq0idb-c2OuYt13YaCAeJq_2cd8OQ",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "INTERAC",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-B1fP9MNNmZgVVaPKRND6oDKYbz25S2cTvg9Mzwg3RMTK1zT1PiGRT-AE3nTA8vSmmw",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "created_at": "2020-09-29T15:21:46.771Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "f72dfb8e-4d65-4e56-aade-ec3fb8d33291",
- "id": "009DP5HD-5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "location_id": "76C9W6K8CNNQ5",
- "order_id": "kcuKDKreRaI4gF4TjmEgZjHk8Z7YY",
- "payment_id": "5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "reason": "Returning items",
- "status": "PENDING",
- "updated_at": "2020-09-29T15:21:46.771Z",
- "refund_id": "refund_id2"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Create Vendor Request
-Represents an input to a call to [CreateVendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#create-vendor).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A client-supplied, universally unique identifier (UUID) to make this [CreateVendor](api-endpoint:Vendors-CreateVendor) call idempotent.
See [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) in the
[API Development 101](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/buildbasics) section for more
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `vendor` | [`?Vendor`](../../doc/models/vendor.md) | Optional | Represents a supplier to a seller. | getVendor(): ?Vendor | setVendor(?Vendor vendor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6",
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Create Vendor Response
-Represents an output from a call to [CreateVendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#create-vendor).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered when the request fails. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `vendor` | [`?Vendor`](../../doc/models/vendor.md) | Optional | Represents a supplier to a seller. | getVendor(): ?Vendor | setVendor(?Vendor vendor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
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-# Create Webhook Subscription Request
-Creates a [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies the [CreateWebhookSubscription](api-endpoint:WebhookSubscriptions-CreateWebhookSubscription) request.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `subscription` | [`WebhookSubscription`](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) | Required | Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
event types, and signature key. | getSubscription(): WebhookSubscription | setSubscription(WebhookSubscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "63f84c6c-2200-4c99-846c-2670a1311fbf",
- "subscription": {
- "api_version": "2021-12-15",
- "event_types": [
- "payment.created",
- "payment.updated"
- ],
- "name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
- "notification_url": "https://example-webhook-url.com",
- "id": "id4",
- "enabled": false
- }
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-# Create Webhook Subscription Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [CreateWebhookSubscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#create-webhook-subscription) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?WebhookSubscription`](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
event types, and signature key. | getSubscription(): ?WebhookSubscription | setSubscription(?WebhookSubscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "api_version": "2021-12-15",
- "created_at": "2022-01-10 23:29:48 +0000 UTC",
- "enabled": true,
- "event_types": [
- "payment.created",
- "payment.updated"
- ],
- "id": "wbhk_b35f6b3145074cf9ad513610786c19d5",
- "name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
- "notification_url": "https://example-webhook-url.com",
- "signature_key": "1k9bIJKCeTmSQwyagtNRLg",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-10 23:29:48 +0000 UTC"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Currency
-Indicates the associated currency for an amount of money. Values correspond
-to [ISO 4217](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `UNKNOWN_CURRENCY` | Unknown currency |
-| `AED` | United Arab Emirates dirham |
-| `AFN` | Afghan afghani |
-| `ALL` | Albanian lek |
-| `AMD` | Armenian dram |
-| `ANG` | Netherlands Antillean guilder |
-| `AOA` | Angolan kwanza |
-| `ARS` | Argentine peso |
-| `AUD` | Australian dollar |
-| `AWG` | Aruban florin |
-| `AZN` | Azerbaijani manat |
-| `BAM` | Bosnia and Herzegovina convertible mark |
-| `BBD` | Barbados dollar |
-| `BDT` | Bangladeshi taka |
-| `BGN` | Bulgarian lev |
-| `BHD` | Bahraini dinar |
-| `BIF` | Burundian franc |
-| `BMD` | Bermudian dollar |
-| `BND` | Brunei dollar |
-| `BOB` | Boliviano |
-| `BOV` | Bolivian Mvdol |
-| `BRL` | Brazilian real |
-| `BSD` | Bahamian dollar |
-| `BTN` | Bhutanese ngultrum |
-| `BWP` | Botswana pula |
-| `BYR` | Belarusian ruble |
-| `BZD` | Belize dollar |
-| `CAD` | Canadian dollar |
-| `CDF` | Congolese franc |
-| `CHE` | WIR Euro |
-| `CHF` | Swiss franc |
-| `CHW` | WIR Franc |
-| `CLF` | Unidad de Fomento |
-| `CLP` | Chilean peso |
-| `CNY` | Chinese yuan |
-| `COP` | Colombian peso |
-| `COU` | Unidad de Valor Real |
-| `CRC` | Costa Rican colon |
-| `CUC` | Cuban convertible peso |
-| `CUP` | Cuban peso |
-| `CVE` | Cape Verdean escudo |
-| `CZK` | Czech koruna |
-| `DJF` | Djiboutian franc |
-| `DKK` | Danish krone |
-| `DOP` | Dominican peso |
-| `DZD` | Algerian dinar |
-| `EGP` | Egyptian pound |
-| `ERN` | Eritrean nakfa |
-| `ETB` | Ethiopian birr |
-| `EUR` | Euro |
-| `FJD` | Fiji dollar |
-| `FKP` | Falkland Islands pound |
-| `GBP` | Pound sterling |
-| `GEL` | Georgian lari |
-| `GHS` | Ghanaian cedi |
-| `GIP` | Gibraltar pound |
-| `GMD` | Gambian dalasi |
-| `GNF` | Guinean franc |
-| `GTQ` | Guatemalan quetzal |
-| `GYD` | Guyanese dollar |
-| `HKD` | Hong Kong dollar |
-| `HNL` | Honduran lempira |
-| `HRK` | Croatian kuna |
-| `HTG` | Haitian gourde |
-| `HUF` | Hungarian forint |
-| `IDR` | Indonesian rupiah |
-| `ILS` | Israeli new shekel |
-| `INR` | Indian rupee |
-| `IQD` | Iraqi dinar |
-| `IRR` | Iranian rial |
-| `ISK` | Icelandic króna |
-| `JMD` | Jamaican dollar |
-| `JOD` | Jordanian dinar |
-| `JPY` | Japanese yen |
-| `KES` | Kenyan shilling |
-| `KGS` | Kyrgyzstani som |
-| `KHR` | Cambodian riel |
-| `KMF` | Comoro franc |
-| `KPW` | North Korean won |
-| `KRW` | South Korean won |
-| `KWD` | Kuwaiti dinar |
-| `KYD` | Cayman Islands dollar |
-| `KZT` | Kazakhstani tenge |
-| `LAK` | Lao kip |
-| `LBP` | Lebanese pound |
-| `LKR` | Sri Lankan rupee |
-| `LRD` | Liberian dollar |
-| `LSL` | Lesotho loti |
-| `LTL` | Lithuanian litas |
-| `LVL` | Latvian lats |
-| `LYD` | Libyan dinar |
-| `MAD` | Moroccan dirham |
-| `MDL` | Moldovan leu |
-| `MGA` | Malagasy ariary |
-| `MKD` | Macedonian denar |
-| `MMK` | Myanmar kyat |
-| `MNT` | Mongolian tögrög |
-| `MOP` | Macanese pataca |
-| `MRO` | Mauritanian ouguiya |
-| `MUR` | Mauritian rupee |
-| `MVR` | Maldivian rufiyaa |
-| `MWK` | Malawian kwacha |
-| `MXN` | Mexican peso |
-| `MXV` | Mexican Unidad de Inversion |
-| `MYR` | Malaysian ringgit |
-| `MZN` | Mozambican metical |
-| `NAD` | Namibian dollar |
-| `NGN` | Nigerian naira |
-| `NIO` | Nicaraguan córdoba |
-| `NOK` | Norwegian krone |
-| `NPR` | Nepalese rupee |
-| `NZD` | New Zealand dollar |
-| `OMR` | Omani rial |
-| `PAB` | Panamanian balboa |
-| `PEN` | Peruvian sol |
-| `PGK` | Papua New Guinean kina |
-| `PHP` | Philippine peso |
-| `PKR` | Pakistani rupee |
-| `PLN` | Polish złoty |
-| `PYG` | Paraguayan guaraní |
-| `QAR` | Qatari riyal |
-| `RON` | Romanian leu |
-| `RSD` | Serbian dinar |
-| `RUB` | Russian ruble |
-| `RWF` | Rwandan franc |
-| `SAR` | Saudi riyal |
-| `SBD` | Solomon Islands dollar |
-| `SCR` | Seychelles rupee |
-| `SDG` | Sudanese pound |
-| `SEK` | Swedish krona |
-| `SGD` | Singapore dollar |
-| `SHP` | Saint Helena pound |
-| `SLL` | Sierra Leonean first leone |
-| `SLE` | Sierra Leonean second leone |
-| `SOS` | Somali shilling |
-| `SRD` | Surinamese dollar |
-| `SSP` | South Sudanese pound |
-| `STD` | São Tomé and Príncipe dobra |
-| `SVC` | Salvadoran colón |
-| `SYP` | Syrian pound |
-| `SZL` | Swazi lilangeni |
-| `THB` | Thai baht |
-| `TJS` | Tajikstani somoni |
-| `TMT` | Turkmenistan manat |
-| `TND` | Tunisian dinar |
-| `TOP` | Tongan pa'anga |
-| `TRY` | Turkish lira |
-| `TTD` | Trinidad and Tobago dollar |
-| `TWD` | New Taiwan dollar |
-| `TZS` | Tanzanian shilling |
-| `UAH` | Ukrainian hryvnia |
-| `UGX` | Ugandan shilling |
-| `USD` | United States dollar |
-| `USN` | United States dollar (next day) |
-| `USS` | United States dollar (same day) |
-| `UYI` | Uruguay Peso en Unidedades Indexadas |
-| `UYU` | Uruguyan peso |
-| `UZS` | Uzbekistan som |
-| `VEF` | Venezuelan bolívar soberano |
-| `VND` | Vietnamese đồng |
-| `VUV` | Vanuatu vatu |
-| `WST` | Samoan tala |
-| `XAF` | CFA franc BEAC |
-| `XAG` | Silver |
-| `XAU` | Gold |
-| `XBA` | European Composite Unit |
-| `XBB` | European Monetary Unit |
-| `XBC` | European Unit of Account 9 |
-| `XBD` | European Unit of Account 17 |
-| `XCD` | East Caribbean dollar |
-| `XDR` | Special drawing rights (International Monetary Fund) |
-| `XOF` | CFA franc BCEAO |
-| `XPD` | Palladium |
-| `XPF` | CFP franc |
-| `XPT` | Platinum |
-| `XTS` | Code reserved for testing |
-| `XXX` | No currency |
-| `YER` | Yemeni rial |
-| `ZAR` | South African rand |
-| `ZMK` | Zambian kwacha |
-| `ZMW` | Zambian kwacha |
-| `BTC` | Bitcoin |
-| `XUS` | USD Coin |
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-# Custom Attribute Definition Visibility
-The level of permission that a seller or other applications requires to
-view this custom attribute definition.
-The `Visibility` field controls who can read and write the custom attribute values
-and custom attribute definition.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `VISIBILITY_HIDDEN` | The custom attribute definition and values are hidden from the seller (except on export
of all seller data) and other developers. |
-| `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` | The seller and other developers can read the custom attribute definition and values
on resources. |
-| `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES` | The seller and other developers can read the custom attribute definition,
and can read and write values on resources. A custom attribute definition
can only be edited or deleted by the application that created it. |
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-# Custom Attribute Definition
-Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
-specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | The identifier
of the custom attribute definition and its corresponding custom attributes. This value
can be a simple key, which is the key that is provided when the custom attribute definition
is created, or a qualified key, if the requesting
application is not the definition owner. The qualified key consists of the application ID
of the custom attribute definition owner
followed by the simple key that was provided when the definition was created. It has the
format application_id:simple key.
The value for a simple key can contain up to 60 alphanumeric characters, periods (.),
underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
This field can not be changed
after the custom attribute definition is created. This field is required when creating
a definition and must be unique per application, seller, and resource type.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Pattern*: `^([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+:)?[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]{1,60}$` | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-| `schema` | `mixed` | Optional | The JSON schema for the custom attribute definition, which determines the data type of the corresponding custom attributes. For more information,
see [Custom Attributes Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/devtools/customattributes/overview). This field is required when creating a definition. | getSchema(): | setSchema( schema): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the custom attribute definition for API and seller-facing UI purposes. The name must
be unique within the seller and application pair. This field is required if the
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | Seller-oriented description of the custom attribute definition, including any constraints
that the seller should observe. May be displayed as a tooltip in Square UIs. This field is
required if the `visibility` field is `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `visibility` | [`?string(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility)`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition-visibility.md) | Optional | The level of permission that a seller or other applications requires to
view this custom attribute definition.
The `Visibility` field controls who can read and write the custom attribute values
and custom attribute definition. | getVisibility(): ?string | setVisibility(?string visibility): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | Read only. The current version of the custom attribute definition.
The value is incremented each time the custom attribute definition is updated.
When updating a custom attribute definition, you can provide this field
and specify the current version of the custom attribute definition to enable
[optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency).
On writes, this field must be set to the latest version. Stale writes are rejected.
This field can also be used to enforce strong consistency for reads. For more information about strong consistency for reads,
see [Custom Attributes Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/devtools/customattributes/overview). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp that indicates when the custom attribute definition was created or most recently updated,
in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp that indicates when the custom attribute definition was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "key": "key8",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name8",
- "description": "description2",
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-# Custom Attribute Filter
-Supported custom attribute query expressions for calling the
-endpoint to search for items or item variations.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinitionId` | `?string` | Optional | A query expression to filter items or item variations by matching their custom attributes'
`custom_attribute_definition_id` property value against the the specified id.
Exactly one of `custom_attribute_definition_id` or `key` must be specified. | getCustomAttributeDefinitionId(): ?string | setCustomAttributeDefinitionId(?string customAttributeDefinitionId): void |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | A query expression to filter items or item variations by matching their custom attributes'
`key` property value against the specified key.
Exactly one of `custom_attribute_definition_id` or `key` must be specified. | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-| `stringFilter` | `?string` | Optional | A query expression to filter items or item variations by matching their custom attributes'
`string_value` property value against the specified text.
Exactly one of `string_filter`, `number_filter`, `selection_uids_filter`, or `bool_filter` must be specified. | getStringFilter(): ?string | setStringFilter(?string stringFilter): void |
-| `numberFilter` | [`?Range`](../../doc/models/range.md) | Optional | The range of a number value between the specified lower and upper bounds. | getNumberFilter(): ?Range | setNumberFilter(?Range numberFilter): void |
-| `selectionUidsFilter` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A query expression to filter items or item variations by matching their custom attributes'
`selection_uid_values` values against the specified selection uids.
Exactly one of `string_filter`, `number_filter`, `selection_uids_filter`, or `bool_filter` must be specified. | getSelectionUidsFilter(): ?array | setSelectionUidsFilter(?array selectionUidsFilter): void |
-| `boolFilter` | `?bool` | Optional | A query expression to filter items or item variations by matching their custom attributes'
`boolean_value` property values against the specified Boolean expression.
Exactly one of `string_filter`, `number_filter`, `selection_uids_filter`, or `bool_filter` must be specified. | getBoolFilter(): ?bool | setBoolFilter(?bool boolFilter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id0",
- "key": "key2",
- "string_filter": "string_filter4",
- "number_filter": {
- "min": "min8",
- "max": "max4"
- },
- "selection_uids_filter": [
- "selection_uids_filter0",
- "selection_uids_filter9",
- "selection_uids_filter8"
- ]
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-# Custom Attribute
-A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
-`CustomAttributeDefinition` object.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `?string` | Optional | The identifier
of the custom attribute definition and its corresponding custom attributes. This value
can be a simple key, which is the key that is provided when the custom attribute definition
is created, or a qualified key, if the requesting
application is not the definition owner. The qualified key consists of the application ID
of the custom attribute definition owner
followed by the simple key that was provided when the definition was created. It has the
format application_id:simple key.
The value for a simple key can contain up to 60 alphanumeric characters, periods (.),
underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Pattern*: `^([a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+:)?[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]{1,60}$` | getKey(): ?string | setKey(?string key): void |
-| `value` | `mixed` | Optional | The value assigned to the custom attribute. It is validated against the custom
attribute definition's schema on write operations. For more information about custom
attribute values,
see [Custom Attributes Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/devtools/customattributes/overview). | getValue(): | setValue( value): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | Read only. The current version of the custom attribute. This field is incremented when the custom attribute is changed.
When updating an existing custom attribute value, you can provide this field
and specify the current version of the custom attribute to enable
[optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency).
This field can also be used to enforce strong consistency for reads. For more information about strong consistency for reads,
see [Custom Attributes Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/devtools/customattributes/overview). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `visibility` | [`?string(CustomAttributeDefinitionVisibility)`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition-visibility.md) | Optional | The level of permission that a seller or other applications requires to
view this custom attribute definition.
The `Visibility` field controls who can read and write the custom attribute values
and custom attribute definition. | getVisibility(): ?string | setVisibility(?string visibility): void |
-| `definition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition definition): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp that indicates when the custom attribute was created or was most recently
updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp that indicates when the custom attribute was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "key": "key0",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 20,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
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-# Custom Field
-Describes a custom form field to add to the checkout page to collect more information from buyers during checkout.
-For more information,
-see [Specify checkout options](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api/optional-checkout-configurations#specify-checkout-options-1).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `title` | `string` | Required | The title of the custom field.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `50` | getTitle(): string | setTitle(string title): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "title": "title4"
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-# Customer Address Filter
-The customer address filter. This filter is used in a [CustomerCustomAttributeFilterValue](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filter-value.md) filter when
-searching by an `Address`-type custom attribute.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `postalCode` | [`?CustomerTextFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-text-filter.md) | Optional | A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both. | getPostalCode(): ?CustomerTextFilter | setPostalCode(?CustomerTextFilter postalCode): void |
-| `country` | [`?string(Country)`](../../doc/models/country.md) | Optional | Indicates the country associated with another entity, such as a business.
Values are in [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm). | getCountry(): ?string | setCountry(?string country): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "postal_code": {
- "exact": "exact2",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy2"
- },
- "country": "ZM"
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-# Customer Creation Source Filter
-The creation source filter.
-If one or more creation sources are set, customer profiles are included in,
-or excluded from, the result if they match at least one of the filter criteria.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `values` | [`?(string(CustomerCreationSource)[])`](../../doc/models/customer-creation-source.md) | Optional | The list of creation sources used as filtering criteria.
See [CustomerCreationSource](#type-customercreationsource) for possible values | getValues(): ?array | setValues(?array values): void |
-| `rule` | [`?string(CustomerInclusionExclusion)`](../../doc/models/customer-inclusion-exclusion.md) | Optional | Indicates whether customers should be included in, or excluded from,
the result set when they match the filtering criteria. | getRule(): ?string | setRule(?string rule): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "values": [
- ],
- "rule": "INCLUDE"
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-# Customer Creation Source
-Indicates the method used to create the customer profile.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OTHER` | The default creation source. This source is typically used for backward/future
compatibility when the original source of a customer profile is
unrecognized. For example, when older clients do not support newer
source types. |
-| `APPOINTMENTS` | The customer profile was created automatically when an appointment
was scheduled. |
-| `COUPON` | The customer profile was created automatically when a coupon was issued
using Square Point of Sale. |
-| `DELETION_RECOVERY` | The customer profile was restored through Square's deletion recovery
process. |
-| `DIRECTORY` | The customer profile was created manually through Square Seller Dashboard or the
Point of Sale application. |
-| `EGIFTING` | The customer profile was created automatically when a gift card was
issued using Square Point of Sale. Customer profiles are created for
both the buyer and the recipient of the gift card. |
-| `EMAIL_COLLECTION` | The customer profile was created through Square Point of Sale when
signing up for marketing emails during checkout. |
-| `FEEDBACK` | The customer profile was created automatically when providing feedback
through a digital receipt. |
-| `IMPORT` | The customer profile was created automatically when importing customer
data through Square Seller Dashboard. |
-| `INVOICES` | The customer profile was created automatically during an invoice payment. |
-| `LOYALTY` | The customer profile was created automatically when customers provide a
phone number for loyalty reward programs during checkout. |
-| `MARKETING` | The customer profile was created as the result of a campaign managed
through Square’s Facebook integration. |
-| `MERGE` | The customer profile was created as the result of explicitly merging
multiple customer profiles through the Square Seller Dashboard or the Point of
Sale application. |
-| `ONLINE_STORE` | The customer profile was created through Square's Online Store solution
(legacy service). |
-| `INSTANT_PROFILE` | The customer profile was created automatically as the result of a successful
transaction that did not explicitly link to an existing customer profile. |
-| `TERMINAL` | The customer profile was created through Square's Virtual Terminal. |
-| `THIRD_PARTY` | The customer profile was created through a Square API call. |
-| `THIRD_PARTY_IMPORT` | The customer profile was created by a third-party product and imported
through an official integration. |
-| `UNMERGE_RECOVERY` | The customer profile was restored through Square's unmerge recovery
process. |
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-# Customer Custom Attribute Filter Value
-A type-specific filter used in a [custom attribute filter](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filter.md) to search based on the value
-of a customer-related [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `email` | [`?CustomerTextFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-text-filter.md) | Optional | A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both. | getEmail(): ?CustomerTextFilter | setEmail(?CustomerTextFilter email): void |
-| `phone` | [`?CustomerTextFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-text-filter.md) | Optional | A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both. | getPhone(): ?CustomerTextFilter | setPhone(?CustomerTextFilter phone): void |
-| `text` | [`?CustomerTextFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-text-filter.md) | Optional | A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both. | getText(): ?CustomerTextFilter | setText(?CustomerTextFilter text): void |
-| `selection` | [`?FilterValue`](../../doc/models/filter-value.md) | Optional | A filter to select resources based on an exact field value. For any given
value, the value can only be in one property. Depending on the field, either
all properties can be set or only a subset will be available.
Refer to the documentation of the field. | getSelection(): ?FilterValue | setSelection(?FilterValue selection): void |
-| `date` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getDate(): ?TimeRange | setDate(?TimeRange date): void |
-| `number` | [`?FloatNumberRange`](../../doc/models/float-number-range.md) | Optional | Specifies a decimal number range. | getNumber(): ?FloatNumberRange | setNumber(?FloatNumberRange number): void |
-| `boolean` | `?bool` | Optional | A filter for a query based on the value of a `Boolean`-type custom attribute. | getBoolean(): ?bool | setBoolean(?bool boolean): void |
-| `address` | [`?CustomerAddressFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-address-filter.md) | Optional | The customer address filter. This filter is used in a [CustomerCustomAttributeFilterValue](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filter-value.md) filter when
searching by an `Address`-type custom attribute. | getAddress(): ?CustomerAddressFilter | setAddress(?CustomerAddressFilter address): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "email": {
- "exact": "exact6",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy2"
- },
- "phone": {
- "exact": "exact0",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy6"
- },
- "text": {
- "exact": "exact0",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy6"
- },
- "selection": {
- "all": [
- "all1"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any8",
- "any9"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none3"
- ]
- },
- "date": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- }
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-# Customer Custom Attribute Filter
-The custom attribute filter. Use this filter in a set of [custom attribute filters](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filters.md) to search
-based on the value or last updated date of a customer-related [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `key` | `string` | Required | The `key` of the [custom attribute](entity:CustomAttribute) to filter by. The key is the identifier of the custom attribute
(and the corresponding custom attribute definition) and can be retrieved using the [Customer Custom Attributes API](api:CustomerCustomAttributes). | getKey(): string | setKey(string key): void |
-| `filter` | [`?CustomerCustomAttributeFilterValue`](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filter-value.md) | Optional | A type-specific filter used in a [custom attribute filter](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filter.md) to search based on the value
of a customer-related [custom attribute](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md). | getFilter(): ?CustomerCustomAttributeFilterValue | setFilter(?CustomerCustomAttributeFilterValue filter): void |
-| `updatedAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getUpdatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setUpdatedAt(?TimeRange updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "key": "key6",
- "filter": {
- "email": {
- "exact": "exact6",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy2"
- },
- "phone": {
- "exact": "exact0",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy6"
- },
- "text": {
- "exact": "exact0",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy6"
- },
- "selection": {
- "all": [
- "all1"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any8",
- "any9"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none3"
- ]
- },
- "date": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- }
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- }
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-# Customer Custom Attribute Filters
-The custom attribute filters in a set of [customer filters](../../doc/models/customer-filter.md) used in a search query. Use this filter
-to search based on [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) that are assigned to customer profiles. For more information, see
-[Search by custom attribute](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/search-customers#search-by-custom-attribute).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filters` | [`?(CustomerCustomAttributeFilter[])`](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filter.md) | Optional | The custom attribute filters. Each filter must specify `key` and include the `filter` field with a type-specific filter,
the `updated_at` field, or both. The provided keys must be unique within the list of custom attribute filters. | getFilters(): ?array | setFilters(?array filters): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filters": [
- {
- "key": "key0",
- "filter": {
- "email": {
- "exact": "exact6",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy2"
- },
- "phone": {
- "exact": "exact0",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy6"
- },
- "text": {
- "exact": "exact0",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy6"
- },
- "selection": {
- "all": [
- "all1"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any8",
- "any9"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none3"
- ]
- },
- "date": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- }
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- }
- }
- ]
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-# Customer Details
-Details about the customer making the payment.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerInitiated` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the customer initiated the payment. | getCustomerInitiated(): ?bool | setCustomerInitiated(?bool customerInitiated): void |
-| `sellerKeyedIn` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates that the seller keyed in payment details on behalf of the customer.
This is used to flag a payment as Mail Order / Telephone Order (MOTO). | getSellerKeyedIn(): ?bool | setSellerKeyedIn(?bool sellerKeyedIn): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_initiated": false,
- "seller_keyed_in": false
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-# Customer Filter
-Represents the filtering criteria in a [search query](../../doc/models/customer-query.md) that defines how to filter
-customer profiles returned in [SearchCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#search-customers) results.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `creationSource` | [`?CustomerCreationSourceFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-creation-source-filter.md) | Optional | The creation source filter.
If one or more creation sources are set, customer profiles are included in,
or excluded from, the result if they match at least one of the filter criteria. | getCreationSource(): ?CustomerCreationSourceFilter | setCreationSource(?CustomerCreationSourceFilter creationSource): void |
-| `createdAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getCreatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setCreatedAt(?TimeRange createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getUpdatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setUpdatedAt(?TimeRange updatedAt): void |
-| `emailAddress` | [`?CustomerTextFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-text-filter.md) | Optional | A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both. | getEmailAddress(): ?CustomerTextFilter | setEmailAddress(?CustomerTextFilter emailAddress): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | [`?CustomerTextFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-text-filter.md) | Optional | A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both. | getPhoneNumber(): ?CustomerTextFilter | setPhoneNumber(?CustomerTextFilter phoneNumber): void |
-| `referenceId` | [`?CustomerTextFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-text-filter.md) | Optional | A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both. | getReferenceId(): ?CustomerTextFilter | setReferenceId(?CustomerTextFilter referenceId): void |
-| `groupIds` | [`?FilterValue`](../../doc/models/filter-value.md) | Optional | A filter to select resources based on an exact field value. For any given
value, the value can only be in one property. Depending on the field, either
all properties can be set or only a subset will be available.
Refer to the documentation of the field. | getGroupIds(): ?FilterValue | setGroupIds(?FilterValue groupIds): void |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomerCustomAttributeFilters`](../../doc/models/customer-custom-attribute-filters.md) | Optional | The custom attribute filters in a set of [customer filters](../../doc/models/customer-filter.md) used in a search query. Use this filter
to search based on [custom attributes](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) that are assigned to customer profiles. For more information, see
[Search by custom attribute](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/search-customers#search-by-custom-attribute). | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomerCustomAttributeFilters | setCustomAttribute(?CustomerCustomAttributeFilters customAttribute): void |
-| `segmentIds` | [`?FilterValue`](../../doc/models/filter-value.md) | Optional | A filter to select resources based on an exact field value. For any given
value, the value can only be in one property. Depending on the field, either
all properties can be set or only a subset will be available.
Refer to the documentation of the field. | getSegmentIds(): ?FilterValue | setSegmentIds(?FilterValue segmentIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "creation_source": {
- "values": [
- ],
- "rule": "INCLUDE"
- },
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "email_address": {
- "exact": "exact2",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy8"
- },
- "phone_number": {
- "exact": "exact2",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy8"
- }
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-# Customer Group
-Represents a group of customer profiles.
-Customer groups can be created, be modified, and have their membership defined using
-the Customers API or within the Customer Directory in the Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique Square-generated ID for the customer group.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The name of the customer group. | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the customer group was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the customer group was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "name": "name0",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6"
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-# Customer Inclusion Exclusion
-Indicates whether customers should be included in, or excluded from,
-the result set when they match the filtering criteria.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `INCLUDE` | Customers should be included in the result set when they match the
filtering criteria. |
-| `EXCLUDE` | Customers should be excluded from the result set when they match
the filtering criteria. |
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-# Customer Preferences
-Represents communication preferences for the customer profile.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `emailUnsubscribed` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the customer has unsubscribed from marketing campaign emails. A value of `true` means that the customer chose to opt out of email marketing from the current Square seller or from all Square sellers. This value is read-only from the Customers API. | getEmailUnsubscribed(): ?bool | setEmailUnsubscribed(?bool emailUnsubscribed): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "email_unsubscribed": false
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-# Customer Query
-Represents filtering and sorting criteria for a [SearchCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#search-customers) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?CustomerFilter`](../../doc/models/customer-filter.md) | Optional | Represents the filtering criteria in a [search query](../../doc/models/customer-query.md) that defines how to filter
customer profiles returned in [SearchCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#search-customers) results. | getFilter(): ?CustomerFilter | setFilter(?CustomerFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?CustomerSort`](../../doc/models/customer-sort.md) | Optional | Represents the sorting criteria in a [search query](../../doc/models/customer-query.md) that defines how to sort
customer profiles returned in [SearchCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#search-customers) results. | getSort(): ?CustomerSort | setSort(?CustomerSort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "creation_source": {
- "values": [
- ],
- "rule": "INCLUDE"
- },
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "email_address": {
- "exact": "exact2",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy8"
- },
- "phone_number": {
- "exact": "exact2",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy8"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "DEFAULT",
- "order": "DESC"
- }
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-# Customer Segment
-Represents a group of customer profiles that match one or more predefined filter criteria.
-Segments (also known as Smart Groups) are defined and created within the Customer Directory in the
-Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique Square-generated ID for the segment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The name of the segment. | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the segment was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the segment was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "name": "name0",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6"
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-# Customer Sort Field
-Specifies customer attributes as the sort key to customer profiles returned from a search.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `DEFAULT` | Use the default sort key. By default, customers are sorted
alphanumerically by concatenating their `given_name` and `family_name`. If
neither name field is set, string comparison is performed using one of the
remaining fields in the following order: `company_name`, `email`,
`phone_number`. |
-| `CREATED_AT` | Use the creation date attribute (`created_at`) of customer profiles as the sort key. |
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-# Customer Sort
-Represents the sorting criteria in a [search query](../../doc/models/customer-query.md) that defines how to sort
-customer profiles returned in [SearchCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#search-customers) results.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `field` | [`?string(CustomerSortField)`](../../doc/models/customer-sort-field.md) | Optional | Specifies customer attributes as the sort key to customer profiles returned from a search. | getField(): ?string | setField(?string field): void |
-| `order` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getOrder(): ?string | setOrder(?string order): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "field": "DEFAULT",
- "order": "DESC"
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-# Customer Tax Ids
-Represents the tax ID associated with a [customer profile](../../doc/models/customer.md). The corresponding `tax_ids` field is available only for customers of sellers in EU countries or the United Kingdom.
-For more information, see [Customer tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-tax-ids).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `euVat` | `?string` | Optional | The EU VAT identification number for the customer. For example, `IE3426675K`. The ID can contain alphanumeric characters only.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `20` | getEuVat(): ?string | setEuVat(?string euVat): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "eu_vat": "eu_vat6"
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-# Customer Text Filter
-A filter to select customers based on exact or fuzzy matching of
-customer attributes against a specified query. Depending on the customer attributes,
-the filter can be case-sensitive. This filter can be exact or fuzzy, but it cannot be both.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `exact` | `?string` | Optional | Use the exact filter to select customers whose attributes match exactly the specified query. | getExact(): ?string | setExact(?string exact): void |
-| `fuzzy` | `?string` | Optional | Use the fuzzy filter to select customers whose attributes match the specified query
in a fuzzy manner. When the fuzzy option is used, search queries are tokenized, and then
each query token must be matched somewhere in the searched attribute. For single token queries,
this is effectively the same behavior as a partial match operation. | getFuzzy(): ?string | setFuzzy(?string fuzzy): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "exact": "exact4",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy0"
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-# Customer
-Represents a Square customer profile in the Customer Directory of a Square seller.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique Square-assigned ID for the customer profile.
If you need this ID for an API request, use the ID returned when you created the customer profile or call the [SearchCustomers](api-endpoint:Customers-SearchCustomers)
or [ListCustomers](api-endpoint:Customers-ListCustomers) endpoint. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the customer profile was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the customer profile was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `cards` | [`?(Card[])`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Payment details of the credit, debit, and gift cards stored on file for the customer profile.
DEPRECATED at version 2021-06-16 and will be RETIRED at version 2024-12-18. Replaced by calling [ListCards](api-endpoint:Cards-ListCards) (for credit and debit cards on file)
or [ListGiftCards](api-endpoint:GiftCards-ListGiftCards) (for gift cards on file) and including the `customer_id` query parameter.
For more information, see [Migration notes](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#migrate-customer-cards). | getCards(): ?array | setCards(?array cards): void |
-| `givenName` | `?string` | Optional | The given name (that is, the first name) associated with the customer profile. | getGivenName(): ?string | setGivenName(?string givenName): void |
-| `familyName` | `?string` | Optional | The family name (that is, the last name) associated with the customer profile. | getFamilyName(): ?string | setFamilyName(?string familyName): void |
-| `nickname` | `?string` | Optional | A nickname for the customer profile. | getNickname(): ?string | setNickname(?string nickname): void |
-| `companyName` | `?string` | Optional | A business name associated with the customer profile. | getCompanyName(): ?string | setCompanyName(?string companyName): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address associated with the customer profile. | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number associated with the customer profile. | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `birthday` | `?string` | Optional | The birthday associated with the customer profile, in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. For example, `1998-09-21`
represents September 21, 1998, and `0000-09-21` represents September 21 (without a birth year). | getBirthday(): ?string | setBirthday(?string birthday): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional second ID used to associate the customer profile with an
entity in another system. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | A custom note associated with the customer profile. | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `preferences` | [`?CustomerPreferences`](../../doc/models/customer-preferences.md) | Optional | Represents communication preferences for the customer profile. | getPreferences(): ?CustomerPreferences | setPreferences(?CustomerPreferences preferences): void |
-| `creationSource` | [`?string(CustomerCreationSource)`](../../doc/models/customer-creation-source.md) | Optional | Indicates the method used to create the customer profile. | getCreationSource(): ?string | setCreationSource(?string creationSource): void |
-| `groupIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of [customer groups](entity:CustomerGroup) the customer belongs to. | getGroupIds(): ?array | setGroupIds(?array groupIds): void |
-| `segmentIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of [customer segments](entity:CustomerSegment) the customer belongs to. | getSegmentIds(): ?array | setSegmentIds(?array segmentIds): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The Square-assigned version number of the customer profile. The version number is incremented each time an update is committed to the customer profile, except for changes to customer segment membership and cards on file. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `taxIds` | [`?CustomerTaxIds`](../../doc/models/customer-tax-ids.md) | Optional | Represents the tax ID associated with a [customer profile](../../doc/models/customer.md). The corresponding `tax_ids` field is available only for customers of sellers in EU countries or the United Kingdom.
For more information, see [Customer tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-tax-ids). | getTaxIds(): ?CustomerTaxIds | setTaxIds(?CustomerTaxIds taxIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6",
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ],
- "given_name": "given_name0"
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-# Data Collection Options Input Type
-Describes the input type of the data.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `EMAIL` | This value is used to represent an input text that contains a email validation on the
client. |
-| `PHONE_NUMBER` | This value is used to represent an input text that contains a phone number validation on
the client. |
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-# Data Collection Options
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `title` | `string` | Required | The title text to display in the data collection flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getTitle(): string | setTitle(string title): void |
-| `body` | `string` | Required | The body text to display under the title in the data collection screen flow on the
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `10000` | getBody(): string | setBody(string body): void |
-| `inputType` | [`string(DataCollectionOptionsInputType)`](../../doc/models/data-collection-options-input-type.md) | Required | Describes the input type of the data. | getInputType(): string | setInputType(string inputType): void |
-| `collectedData` | [`?CollectedData`](../../doc/models/collected-data.md) | Optional | - | getCollectedData(): ?CollectedData | setCollectedData(?CollectedData collectedData): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "title": "title4",
- "body": "body4",
- "input_type": "EMAIL",
- "collected_data": {
- "input_text": "input_text0"
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/date-range.md b/doc/models/date-range.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7239b395..00000000
--- a/doc/models/date-range.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Date Range
-A range defined by two dates. Used for filtering a query for Connect v2
-objects that have date properties.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `startDate` | `?string` | Optional | A string in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, such as `2017-10-31`, per the ISO 8601
extended format for calendar dates.
The beginning of a date range (inclusive). | getStartDate(): ?string | setStartDate(?string startDate): void |
-| `endDate` | `?string` | Optional | A string in `YYYY-MM-DD` format, such as `2017-10-31`, per the ISO 8601
extended format for calendar dates.
The end of a date range (inclusive). | getEndDate(): ?string | setEndDate(?string endDate): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "start_date": "start_date0",
- "end_date": "end_date6"
diff --git a/doc/models/day-of-week.md b/doc/models/day-of-week.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ce16311..00000000
--- a/doc/models/day-of-week.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Day of Week
-Indicates the specific day of the week.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SUN` | Sunday |
-| `MON` | Monday |
-| `TUE` | Tuesday |
-| `WED` | Wednesday |
-| `THU` | Thursday |
-| `FRI` | Friday |
-| `SAT` | Saturday |
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/delete-booking-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Booking Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [DeleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#delete-booking-custom-attribute-definition) response
-containing error messages when errors occurred during the request. The successful response does not contain any payload.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": []
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-booking-custom-attribute-response.md b/doc/models/delete-booking-custom-attribute-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/delete-booking-custom-attribute-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Booking Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [DeleteBookingCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#delete-booking-custom-attribute) response.
-Either an empty object `{}` (for a successful deletion) or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": []
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-break-type-response.md b/doc/models/delete-break-type-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/delete-break-type-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Break Type Response
-The response to a request to delete a `BreakType`. The response might contain a set
-of `Error` objects if the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-catalog-object-response.md b/doc/models/delete-catalog-object-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 003853d9..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-catalog-object-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Catalog Object Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `deletedObjectIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of all catalog objects deleted by this request.
Multiple IDs may be returned when associated objects are also deleted, for example
a catalog item variation will be deleted (and its ID included in this field)
when its parent catalog item is deleted. | getDeletedObjectIds(): ?array | setDeletedObjectIds(?array deletedObjectIds): void |
-| `deletedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The database [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
of this deletion in RFC 3339 format, e.g., `2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z`. | getDeletedAt(): ?string | setDeletedAt(?string deletedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "deleted_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "deleted_object_ids": [
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-customer-card-response.md b/doc/models/delete-customer-card-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e2b96019..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-customer-card-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Customer Card Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `DeleteCustomerCard` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-definition-response.md b/doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5840837e..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Customer Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a response from a delete request containing error messages if there are any.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-response.md b/doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9999692f..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-customer-custom-attribute-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Customer Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [DeleteCustomerCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#delete-customer-custom-attribute) response.
-Either an empty object `{}` (for a successful deletion) or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-customer-group-response.md b/doc/models/delete-customer-group-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ec3f237e..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-customer-group-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Customer Group Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [DeleteCustomerGroup](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#delete-customer-group) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-customer-request.md b/doc/models/delete-customer-request.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f421988..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-customer-request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Customer Request
-Defines the fields that are included in a request to the `DeleteCustomer`
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the customer profile.
As a best practice, you should include this parameter to enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency) control. For more information, see [Delete a customer profile](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#delete-customer-profile). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 222
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-customer-response.md b/doc/models/delete-customer-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/delete-customer-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Customer Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `DeleteCustomer` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-dispute-evidence-response.md b/doc/models/delete-dispute-evidence-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 716903ed..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-dispute-evidence-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Dispute Evidence Response
-Defines the fields in a `DeleteDisputeEvidence` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-invoice-attachment-response.md b/doc/models/delete-invoice-attachment-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a062d42..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-invoice-attachment-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Invoice Attachment Response
-Represents a [DeleteInvoiceAttachment](../../doc/apis/invoices.md#delete-invoice-attachment) response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-invoice-request.md b/doc/models/delete-invoice-request.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 976b5622..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-invoice-request.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Invoice Request
-Describes a `DeleteInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to delete.
If you do not know the version, you can call [GetInvoice](api-endpoint:Invoices-GetInvoice) or
[ListInvoices](api-endpoint:Invoices-ListInvoices). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 26
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-invoice-response.md b/doc/models/delete-invoice-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/delete-invoice-response.md
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Invoice Response
-Describes a `DeleteInvoice` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-definition-response.md b/doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Location Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a response from a delete request containing error messages if there are any.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-response.md b/doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1108feb7..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-location-custom-attribute-response.md
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Location Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [DeleteLocationCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#delete-location-custom-attribute) response.
-Either an empty object `{}` (for a successful deletion) or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-loyalty-reward-response.md b/doc/models/delete-loyalty-reward-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index c8fdb995..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-loyalty-reward-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Loyalty Reward Response
-A response returned by the API call.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-response.md b/doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e1e57f3..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Merchant Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a response from a delete request containing error messages if there are any.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-response.md b/doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/delete-merchant-custom-attribute-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Merchant Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [DeleteMerchantCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#delete-merchant-custom-attribute) response.
-Either an empty object `{}` (for a successful deletion) or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-definition-response.md b/doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf45866..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-definition-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Order Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a response from deleting an order custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-response.md b/doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2e368a..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-order-custom-attribute-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Order Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a response from deleting an order custom attribute.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-payment-link-response.md b/doc/models/delete-payment-link-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b8dbd0..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-payment-link-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Payment Link Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | - | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the link that is deleted. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `cancelledOrderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the order that is canceled. When a payment link is deleted, Square updates the
the `state` (of the order that the checkout link created) to CANCELED. | getCancelledOrderId(): ?string | setCancelledOrderId(?string cancelledOrderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cancelled_order_id": "asx8LgZ6MRzD0fObfkJ6obBmSh4F",
- "id": "MQASNYL6QB6DFCJ3",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-shift-response.md b/doc/models/delete-shift-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de5690a..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-shift-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Shift Response
-The response to a request to delete a `Shift`. The response might contain a set of
-`Error` objects if the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/delete-snippet-response.md b/doc/models/delete-snippet-response.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 588e6c3d..00000000
--- a/doc/models/delete-snippet-response.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Delete Snippet Response
-Represents a `DeleteSnippet` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Delete Subscription Action Response
-Defines output parameters in a response of the [DeleteSubscriptionAction](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#delete-subscription-action)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "card_id": "ccof:IkWfpLj4tNHMyFii3GB",
- "charged_through_date": "2023-11-20",
- "created_at": "2022-07-27T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "id": "8151fc89-da15-4eb9-a685-1a70883cebfc",
- "invoice_ids": [
- "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "inv:0-ChrcX_i3sNmfsHTGKhI4Wg2mceA"
- ],
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "paid_until_date": "2024-08-01",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "price_override_money": {
- "amount": 25000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2022-07-27",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Delete Webhook Subscription Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [DeleteWebhookSubscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#delete-webhook-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Deprecated Create Dispute Evidence File Request
-Defines the parameters for a `DeprecatedCreateDisputeEvidenceFile` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | The Unique ID. For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `evidenceType` | [`?string(DisputeEvidenceType)`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence-type.md) | Optional | The type of the dispute evidence. | getEvidenceType(): ?string | setEvidenceType(?string evidenceType): void |
-| `contentType` | `?string` | Optional | The MIME type of the uploaded file.
The type can be image/heic, image/heif, image/jpeg, application/pdf, image/png, or image/tiff.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getContentType(): ?string | setContentType(?string contentType): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "evidence_type": "ONLINE_OR_APP_ACCESS_LOG",
- "content_type": "content_type2"
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-# Deprecated Create Dispute Evidence File Response
-Defines the fields in a `DeprecatedCreateDisputeEvidenceFile` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `evidence` | [`?DisputeEvidence`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence.md) | Optional | - | getEvidence(): ?DisputeEvidence | setEvidence(?DisputeEvidence evidence): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence": {
- "dispute_id": "bVTprrwk0gygTLZ96VX1oB",
- "evidence_file": {
- "filename": "evidence.tiff",
- "filetype": "image/tiff"
- },
- "evidence_id": "TOomLInj6iWmP3N8qfCXrB",
- "evidence_type": "GENERIC_EVIDENCE",
- "uploaded_at": "2018-10-18T16:01:10.000Z",
- "id": "id2",
- "evidence_text": "evidence_text6"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Deprecated Create Dispute Evidence Text Request
-Defines the parameters for a `DeprecatedCreateDisputeEvidenceText` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | The Unique ID. For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `evidenceType` | [`?string(DisputeEvidenceType)`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence-type.md) | Optional | The type of the dispute evidence. | getEvidenceType(): ?string | setEvidenceType(?string evidenceType): void |
-| `evidenceText` | `string` | Required | The evidence string.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `500` | getEvidenceText(): string | setEvidenceText(string evidenceText): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence_text": "1Z8888888888888888",
- "evidence_type": "TRACKING_NUMBER",
- "idempotency_key": "ed3ee3933d946f1514d505d173c82648"
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-# Deprecated Create Dispute Evidence Text Response
-Defines the fields in a `DeprecatedCreateDisputeEvidenceText` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `evidence` | [`?DisputeEvidence`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence.md) | Optional | - | getEvidence(): ?DisputeEvidence | setEvidence(?DisputeEvidence evidence): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence": {
- "dispute_id": "bVTprrwk0gygTLZ96VX1oB",
- "evidence_text": "The customer purchased the item twice, on April 11 and April 28.",
- "evidence_type": "REBUTTAL_EXPLANATION",
- "id": "TOomLInj6iWmP3N8qfCXrB",
- "uploaded_at": "2022-05-18T16:01:10.000Z",
- "evidence_id": "evidence_id0",
- "evidence_file": {
- "filename": "filename8",
- "filetype": "filetype8"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Destination Details Card Refund Details
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `card` | [`?Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): ?Card | setCard(?Card card): void |
-| `entryMethod` | `?string` | Optional | The method used to enter the card's details for the refund. The method can be
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getEntryMethod(): ?string | setEntryMethod(?string entryMethod): void |
-| `authResultCode` | `?string` | Optional | The authorization code provided by the issuer when a refund is approved.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getAuthResultCode(): ?string | setAuthResultCode(?string authResultCode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "entry_method4",
- "auth_result_code": "auth_result_code6"
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-# Destination Details Cash Refund Details
-Stores details about a cash refund. Contains only non-confidential information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sellerSuppliedMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getSellerSuppliedMoney(): Money | setSellerSuppliedMoney(Money sellerSuppliedMoney): void |
-| `changeBackMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getChangeBackMoney(): ?Money | setChangeBackMoney(?Money changeBackMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "seller_supplied_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "MKD"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
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-# Destination Details External Refund Details
-Stores details about an external refund. Contains only non-confidential information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | `string` | Required | The type of external refund the seller paid to the buyer. It can be one of the
- CHECK - Refunded using a physical check.
- BANK_TRANSFER - Refunded using external bank transfer.
- OTHER\_GIFT\_CARD - Refunded using a non-Square gift card.
- CRYPTO - Refunded using a crypto currency.
- SQUARE_CASH - Refunded using Square Cash App.
- SOCIAL - Refunded using peer-to-peer payment applications.
- EXTERNAL - A third-party application gathered this refund outside of Square.
- EMONEY - Refunded using an E-money provider.
- CARD - A credit or debit card that Square does not support.
- STORED_BALANCE - Use for house accounts, store credit, and so forth.
- FOOD_VOUCHER - Restaurant voucher provided by employers to employees to pay for meals
- OTHER - A type not listed here.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `source` | `string` | Required | A description of the external refund source. For example,
"Food Delivery Service".
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getSource(): string | setSource(string source): void |
-| `sourceId` | `?string` | Optional | An ID to associate the refund to its originating source.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getSourceId(): ?string | setSourceId(?string sourceId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "type4",
- "source": "source2",
- "source_id": "source_id0"
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-# Destination Details
-Details about a refund's destination.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cardDetails` | [`?DestinationDetailsCardRefundDetails`](../../doc/models/destination-details-card-refund-details.md) | Optional | - | getCardDetails(): ?DestinationDetailsCardRefundDetails | setCardDetails(?DestinationDetailsCardRefundDetails cardDetails): void |
-| `cashDetails` | [`?DestinationDetailsCashRefundDetails`](../../doc/models/destination-details-cash-refund-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about a cash refund. Contains only non-confidential information. | getCashDetails(): ?DestinationDetailsCashRefundDetails | setCashDetails(?DestinationDetailsCashRefundDetails cashDetails): void |
-| `externalDetails` | [`?DestinationDetailsExternalRefundDetails`](../../doc/models/destination-details-external-refund-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about an external refund. Contains only non-confidential information. | getExternalDetails(): ?DestinationDetailsExternalRefundDetails | setExternalDetails(?DestinationDetailsExternalRefundDetails externalDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "entry_method8",
- "auth_result_code": "auth_result_code0"
- },
- "cash_details": {
- "seller_supplied_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "MKD"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
- },
- "external_details": {
- "type": "type6",
- "source": "source0",
- "source_id": "source_id8"
- }
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-# Destination Type
-List of possible destinations against which a payout can be made.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `BANK_ACCOUNT` | An external bank account outside of Square. |
-| `CARD` | An external card outside of Square used for the transfer. |
-| `SQUARE_STORED_BALANCE` | Square Checking or Savings account (US), Square Card (CA) |
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-# Destination
-Information about the destination against which the payout was made.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`?string(DestinationType)`](../../doc/models/destination-type.md) | Optional | List of possible destinations against which a payout can be made. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | Square issued unique ID (also known as the instrument ID) associated with this destination. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "SQUARE_BALANCE",
- "id": "id6"
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-# Device Attributes Device Type
-An enum identifier of the device type.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
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-# Device Attributes
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | `string` | Required, Constant | An enum identifier of the device type.
**Default**: `'TERMINAL'` | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `manufacturer` | `string` | Required | The maker of the device. | getManufacturer(): string | setManufacturer(string manufacturer): void |
-| `model` | `?string` | Optional | The specific model of the device. | getModel(): ?string | setModel(?string model): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | A seller-specified name for the device. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `manufacturersId` | `?string` | Optional | The manufacturer-supplied identifier for the device (where available). In many cases,
this identifier will be a serial number. | getManufacturersId(): ?string | setManufacturersId(?string manufacturersId): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339-formatted value of the most recent update to the device information.
(Could represent any field update on the device.) | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `version` | `?string` | Optional | The current version of software installed on the device. | getVersion(): ?string | setVersion(?string version): void |
-| `merchantToken` | `?string` | Optional | The merchant_token identifying the merchant controlling the device. | getMerchantToken(): ?string | setMerchantToken(?string merchantToken): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "TERMINAL",
- "manufacturer": "manufacturer0",
- "model": "model4",
- "name": "name6",
- "manufacturers_id": "manufacturers_id2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": "version2"
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-# Device Checkout Options
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `deviceId` | `string` | Required | The unique ID of the device intended for this `TerminalCheckout`.
A list of `DeviceCode` objects can be retrieved from the /v2/devices/codes endpoint.
Match a `DeviceCode.device_id` value with `device_id` to get the associated device code. | getDeviceId(): string | setDeviceId(string deviceId): void |
-| `skipReceiptScreen` | `?bool` | Optional | Instructs the device to skip the receipt screen. Defaults to false. | getSkipReceiptScreen(): ?bool | setSkipReceiptScreen(?bool skipReceiptScreen): void |
-| `collectSignature` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates that signature collection is desired during checkout. Defaults to false. | getCollectSignature(): ?bool | setCollectSignature(?bool collectSignature): void |
-| `tipSettings` | [`?TipSettings`](../../doc/models/tip-settings.md) | Optional | - | getTipSettings(): ?TipSettings | setTipSettings(?TipSettings tipSettings): void |
-| `showItemizedCart` | `?bool` | Optional | Show the itemization screen prior to taking a payment. This field is only meaningful when the
checkout includes an order ID. Defaults to true. | getShowItemizedCart(): ?bool | setShowItemizedCart(?bool showItemizedCart): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_id": "device_id4",
- "skip_receipt_screen": false,
- "collect_signature": false,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "show_itemized_cart": false
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-# Device Code Status
-DeviceCode.Status enum.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `UNKNOWN` | The status cannot be determined or does not exist. |
-| `UNPAIRED` | The device code is just created and unpaired. |
-| `PAIRED` | The device code has been signed in and paired to a device. |
-| `EXPIRED` | The device code was unpaired and expired before it was paired. |
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-# Device Code
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The unique id for this device code. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | An optional user-defined name for the device code.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `code` | `?string` | Optional | The unique code that can be used to login. | getCode(): ?string | setCode(?string code): void |
-| `deviceId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique id of the device that used this code. Populated when the device is paired up. | getDeviceId(): ?string | setDeviceId(?string deviceId): void |
-| `productType` | `string` | Required, Constant | **Default**: `'TERMINAL_API'` | getProductType(): string | setProductType(string productType): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location assigned to this code.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(DeviceCodeStatus)`](../../doc/models/device-code-status.md) | Optional | DeviceCode.Status enum. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `pairBy` | `?string` | Optional | When this DeviceCode will expire and no longer login. Timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getPairBy(): ?string | setPairBy(?string pairBy): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | When this DeviceCode was created. Timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `statusChangedAt` | `?string` | Optional | When this DeviceCode's status was last changed. Timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getStatusChangedAt(): ?string | setStatusChangedAt(?string statusChangedAt): void |
-| `pairedAt` | `?string` | Optional | When this DeviceCode was paired. Timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getPairedAt(): ?string | setPairedAt(?string pairedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "product_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "id": "id4",
- "name": "name4",
- "code": "code2",
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "location_id": "location_id8"
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-# Device Component Details Application Details
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `applicationType` | [`?string(ApplicationType)`](../../doc/models/application-type.md) | Optional | - | getApplicationType(): ?string | setApplicationType(?string applicationType): void |
-| `version` | `?string` | Optional | The version of the application. | getVersion(): ?string | setVersion(?string version): void |
-| `sessionLocation` | `?string` | Optional | The location_id of the session for the application. | getSessionLocation(): ?string | setSessionLocation(?string sessionLocation): void |
-| `deviceCodeId` | `?string` | Optional | The id of the device code that was used to log in to the device. | getDeviceCodeId(): ?string | setDeviceCodeId(?string deviceCodeId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
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-# Device Component Details Battery Details
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visiblePercent` | `?int` | Optional | The battery charge percentage as displayed on the device. | getVisiblePercent(): ?int | setVisiblePercent(?int visiblePercent): void |
-| `externalPower` | [`?string(DeviceComponentDetailsExternalPower)`](../../doc/models/device-component-details-external-power.md) | Optional | An enum for ExternalPower. | getExternalPower(): ?string | setExternalPower(?string externalPower): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "visible_percent": 48,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
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-# Device Component Details Card Reader Details
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?string` | Optional | The version of the card reader. | getVersion(): ?string | setVersion(?string version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": "version8"
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-# Device Component Details Ethernet Details
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `active` | `?bool` | Optional | A boolean to represent whether the Ethernet interface is currently active. | getActive(): ?bool | setActive(?bool active): void |
-| `ipAddressV4` | `?string` | Optional | The string representation of the device’s IPv4 address. | getIpAddressV4(): ?string | setIpAddressV4(?string ipAddressV4): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v46"
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-# Device Component Details External Power
-An enum for ExternalPower.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `AVAILABLE_CHARGING` | Plugged in and charging. |
-| `AVAILABLE_NOT_IN_USE` | Fully charged. |
-| `UNAVAILABLE` | On battery power. |
-| `AVAILABLE_INSUFFICIENT` | Not providing enough power for the device. |
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-# Device Component Details Measurement
-A value qualified by unit of measure.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `value` | `?int` | Optional | - | getValue(): ?int | setValue(?int value): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "value": 132
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-# Device Component Details Network Interface Details
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `ipAddressV4` | `?string` | Optional | The string representation of the device’s IPv4 address. | getIpAddressV4(): ?string | setIpAddressV4(?string ipAddressV4): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v46"
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-# Device Component Details Wi Fi Details
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `active` | `?bool` | Optional | A boolean to represent whether the WiFI interface is currently active. | getActive(): ?bool | setActive(?bool active): void |
-| `ssid` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the connected WIFI network. | getSsid(): ?string | setSsid(?string ssid): void |
-| `ipAddressV4` | `?string` | Optional | The string representation of the device’s IPv4 address. | getIpAddressV4(): ?string | setIpAddressV4(?string ipAddressV4): void |
-| `secureConnection` | `?string` | Optional | The security protocol for a secure connection (e.g. WPA2). None provided if the connection
is unsecured. | getSecureConnection(): ?string | setSecureConnection(?string secureConnection): void |
-| `signalStrength` | [`?DeviceComponentDetailsMeasurement`](../../doc/models/device-component-details-measurement.md) | Optional | A value qualified by unit of measure. | getSignalStrength(): ?DeviceComponentDetailsMeasurement | setSignalStrength(?DeviceComponentDetailsMeasurement signalStrength): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid6",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v40",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection6",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
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-# Device Details
-Details about the device that took the payment.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `deviceId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-issued ID of the device.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDeviceId(): ?string | setDeviceId(?string deviceId): void |
-| `deviceInstallationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-issued installation ID for the device.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDeviceInstallationId(): ?string | setDeviceInstallationId(?string deviceInstallationId): void |
-| `deviceName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the device set by the seller.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDeviceName(): ?string | setDeviceName(?string deviceName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "device_installation_id": "device_installation_id2",
- "device_name": "device_name2"
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-# Device Metadata
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `batteryPercentage` | `?string` | Optional | The Terminal’s remaining battery percentage, between 1-100. | getBatteryPercentage(): ?string | setBatteryPercentage(?string batteryPercentage): void |
-| `chargingState` | `?string` | Optional | The current charging state of the Terminal.
Options: `CHARGING`, `NOT_CHARGING` | getChargingState(): ?string | setChargingState(?string chargingState): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the Square seller business location associated with the Terminal. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the Square merchant account that is currently signed-in to the Terminal. | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `networkConnectionType` | `?string` | Optional | The Terminal’s current network connection type.
Options: `WIFI`, `ETHERNET` | getNetworkConnectionType(): ?string | setNetworkConnectionType(?string networkConnectionType): void |
-| `paymentRegion` | `?string` | Optional | The country in which the Terminal is authorized to take payments. | getPaymentRegion(): ?string | setPaymentRegion(?string paymentRegion): void |
-| `serialNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The unique identifier assigned to the Terminal, which can be found on the lower back
of the device. | getSerialNumber(): ?string | setSerialNumber(?string serialNumber): void |
-| `osVersion` | `?string` | Optional | The current version of the Terminal’s operating system. | getOsVersion(): ?string | setOsVersion(?string osVersion): void |
-| `appVersion` | `?string` | Optional | The current version of the application running on the Terminal. | getAppVersion(): ?string | setAppVersion(?string appVersion): void |
-| `wifiNetworkName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the Wi-Fi network to which the Terminal is connected. | getWifiNetworkName(): ?string | setWifiNetworkName(?string wifiNetworkName): void |
-| `wifiNetworkStrength` | `?string` | Optional | The signal strength of the Wi-FI network connection.
Options: `POOR`, `FAIR`, `GOOD`, `EXCELLENT` | getWifiNetworkStrength(): ?string | setWifiNetworkStrength(?string wifiNetworkStrength): void |
-| `ipAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The IP address of the Terminal. | getIpAddress(): ?string | setIpAddress(?string ipAddress): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "battery_percentage": "battery_percentage4",
- "charging_state": "charging_state6",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id8",
- "network_connection_type": "network_connection_type8"
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-# Device Status Category
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `OFFLINE` |
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-# Device Status
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `category` | [`?string(DeviceStatusCategory)`](../../doc/models/device-status-category.md) | Optional | - | getCategory(): ?string | setCategory(?string category): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "category": "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
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-# Device
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A synthetic identifier for the device. The identifier includes a standardized prefix and
is otherwise an opaque id generated from key device fields. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `attributes` | [`DeviceAttributes`](../../doc/models/device-attributes.md) | Required | - | getAttributes(): DeviceAttributes | setAttributes(DeviceAttributes attributes): void |
-| `components` | [`?(Component[])`](../../doc/models/component.md) | Optional | A list of components applicable to the device. | getComponents(): ?array | setComponents(?array components): void |
-| `status` | [`?DeviceStatus`](../../doc/models/device-status.md) | Optional | - | getStatus(): ?DeviceStatus | setStatus(?DeviceStatus status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "attributes": {
- "type": "TERMINAL",
- "manufacturer": "manufacturer2",
- "model": "model2",
- "name": "name4",
- "manufacturers_id": "manufacturers_id0",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "id": "id0",
- "components": [
- {
- "type": "BATTERY",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "BATTERY",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "BATTERY",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- }
- ],
- "status": {
- "category": "AVAILABLE"
- }
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-# Digital Wallet Details
-Additional details about `WALLET` type payments. Contains only non-confidential information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | The status of the `WALLET` payment. The status can be `AUTHORIZED`, `CAPTURED`, `VOIDED`, or
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `brand` | `?string` | Optional | The brand used for the `WALLET` payment. The brand can be `CASH_APP`, `PAYPAY`, `ALIPAY`,
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getBrand(): ?string | setBrand(?string brand): void |
-| `cashAppDetails` | [`?CashAppDetails`](../../doc/models/cash-app-details.md) | Optional | Additional details about `WALLET` type payments with the `brand` of `CASH_APP`. | getCashAppDetails(): ?CashAppDetails | setCashAppDetails(?CashAppDetails cashAppDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "status": "status4",
- "brand": "brand8",
- "cash_app_details": {
- "buyer_full_name": "buyer_full_name2",
- "buyer_country_code": "buyer_country_code8",
- "buyer_cashtag": "buyer_cashtag4"
- }
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-# Disable Card Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [DisableCard](../../doc/apis/cards.md#disable-card) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the card field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `card` | [`?Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): ?Card | setCard(?Card card): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card": {
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "cardholder_name": "Amelia Earhart",
- "customer_id": "VDKXEEKPJN48QDG3BGGFAK05P8",
- "enabled": false,
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "ex-p-cs80EK9Flz7LsCMv-szbptQ_ssAGrhemzSTsPFgt9nzyE6t7okiLIQc-qw_quqKX4Q",
- "id": "ccof:uIbfJXhXETSP197M3GB",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "merchant_id": "6SSW7HV8K2ST5",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1",
- "version": 2
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Disable Events Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [DisableEvents](../../doc/apis/events.md#disable-events) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the events field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Dismiss Terminal Action Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `action` | [`?TerminalAction`](../../doc/models/terminal-action.md) | Optional | Represents an action processed by the Square Terminal. | getAction(): ?TerminalAction | setAction(?TerminalAction action): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": {
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "await_next_action": true,
- "await_next_action_duration": "PT5M",
- "confirmation_options": {
- "agree_button_text": "Agree",
- "body": "I agree to receive promotional emails about future events and activities.",
- "decision": {
- "has_agreed": true
- },
- "disagree_button_text": "Decline",
- "title": "Marketing communications"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:07.476Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
- "id": "termapia:abcdefg1234567",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "type": "CONFIRMATION",
- "updated_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:29.511Z",
- "cancel_reason": "TIMED_OUT"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Dismiss Terminal Checkout Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `checkout` | [`?TerminalCheckout`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout.md) | Optional | Represents a checkout processed by the Square Terminal. | getCheckout(): ?TerminalCheckout | setCheckout(?TerminalCheckout checkout): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "checkout": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2610,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2023-11-29T14:59:50.682Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_options": {
- "collect_signature": true,
- "device_id": "dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
- "loyalty_settings": {
- "loyalty_screen_max_display_duration": "PT60S",
- "show_card_linked_reward_redemption_screen": false,
- "show_loyalty_screen": false,
- "show_non_qualifying_loyalty_screen": false
- },
- "skip_receipt_screen": false,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": true,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": true,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- },
- "id": "LmZEKbo3SBfqO",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "payment_ids": [
- "D7vLJqMkvSoAlX4yyFzUitOy4EPZY"
- ],
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": true,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- },
- "payment_type": "CARD_PRESENT",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-29T15:00:18.936Z",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "note": "note8",
- "order_id": "order_id6"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Dismiss Terminal Refund Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refund` | [`?TerminalRefund`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund.md) | Optional | Represents a payment refund processed by the Square Terminal. Only supports Interac (Canadian debit network) payment refunds. | getRefund(): ?TerminalRefund | setRefund(?TerminalRefund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refund": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 111,
- "currency": "CAD"
- },
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 12,
- "exp_year": 2024,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-ElNeDpZZqUBNDI7yNghyKO-o0yLXASp4qQDGIPtxnFvTTWoqdfdP6TV8gLsSxoztXA",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "auth_result_code": "RNy6Lf",
- "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 12,
- "exp_year": 2024,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-ElNeDpZZqUBNDI7yNghyKO-o0yLXASp3qQDGIPtxnFvTTWoqdfdP6TV9gLsSxoztXA",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_payment_timeline": {
- "authorized_at": "2023-11-30T16:15:06.645Z",
- "captured_at": "2023-11-30T16:15:13.272Z"
- },
- "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
- "device_details": {
- "device_credential": {
- "name": "Terminal API Device created on Nov 2, 2023",
- "token": "9BFDXEYKB7H8Y"
- },
- "device_id": "f72dfb8e-4d65-4e56-aade-ec3fb8d33291",
- "device_installation_id": "0ef67d8e-61a3-4418-a0be-c143bfe6108d"
- },
- "entry_method": "SWIPED",
- "statement_description": "SQ TREATS",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2023-11-30T16:16:39.299Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "47776348fd8b32b9",
- "id": "vjkNb2HD-xq5kiWWiJ7RhwrQnkxIn2N0l1nPZY",
- "order_id": "s8OMhQcpEp1b61YywlccSHWqUaQZY",
- "payment_id": "xq5kiWWiJ7RhwrQnkxIn2N0l1nPZY",
- "reason": "Returning item",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "updated_at": "2023-11-30T16:16:57.863Z",
- "refund_id": "refund_id2"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Dispute Evidence File
-A file to be uploaded as dispute evidence.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filename` | `?string` | Optional | The file name including the file extension. For example: "receipt.tiff".
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getFilename(): ?string | setFilename(?string filename): void |
-| `filetype` | `?string` | Optional | Dispute evidence files must be application/pdf, image/heic, image/heif, image/jpeg, image/png, or image/tiff formats.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getFiletype(): ?string | setFiletype(?string filetype): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filename": "filename0",
- "filetype": "filetype0"
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-# Dispute Evidence Type
-The type of the dispute evidence.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `GENERIC_EVIDENCE` | Square assumes this evidence type if you do not provide a type when uploading evidence.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `ONLINE_OR_APP_ACCESS_LOG` | Server or activity logs that show proof of the cardholder’s identity and that the
cardholder successfully ordered and received the goods (digitally or otherwise).
Example evidence includes IP addresses, corresponding timestamps/dates, cardholder’s name and email
address linked to a cardholder profile held by the seller, proof the same device and card (used
in dispute) were previously used in prior undisputed transaction, and any related detailed activity.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `AUTHORIZATION_DOCUMENTATION` | Evidence that the cardholder did provide authorization for the charge.
Example evidence includes a signed credit card authorization.
Use when uploading evidence as a file. |
-| `CANCELLATION_OR_REFUND_DOCUMENTATION` | Evidence that the cardholder acknowledged your refund or cancellation policy.
Example evidence includes a signature or checkbox showing the cardholder’s acknowledgement of your
refund or cancellation policy.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `CARDHOLDER_COMMUNICATION` | Evidence that shows relevant communication with the cardholder.
Example evidence includes emails or texts that show the cardholder received goods/services or
demonstrate cardholder satisfaction.
Use when uploading evidence as a file. |
-| `CARDHOLDER_INFORMATION` | Evidence that validates the customer's identity.
Example evidence includes personally identifiable details such as name, email address, purchaser IP
address, and a copy of the cardholder ID.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `PURCHASE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT` | Evidence that shows proof of the sale/transaction.
Example evidence includes an invoice, contract, or other item showing the customer’s acknowledgement
of the purchase and your terms.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `DUPLICATE_CHARGE_DOCUMENTATION` | Evidence that shows the charges in question are valid and distinct from one another.
Example evidence includes receipts, shipping labels, and invoices along with their distinct payment IDs.
Use when uploading evidence as a file. |
-| `PRODUCT_OR_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION` | A description of the product or service sold.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `RECEIPT` | A receipt or message sent to the cardholder detailing the charge.
Note: You do not need to upload the Square receipt; Square submits the receipt on your behalf.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `SERVICE_RECEIVED_DOCUMENTATION` | Evidence that the service was provided to the cardholder or the expected date that services will be rendered.
Example evidence includes a signed delivery form, work order, expected delivery date, or other written agreements.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `PROOF_OF_DELIVERY_DOCUMENTATION` | Evidence that shows the product was provided to the cardholder or the expected date of delivery.
Example evidence includes a signed delivery form or written agreement acknowledging receipt of the goods or services.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `RELATED_TRANSACTION_DOCUMENTATION` | Evidence that shows the cardholder previously processed transactions on the same card and did not dispute them.
Note: Square automatically provides up to five distinct Square receipts for related transactions, when available.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `REBUTTAL_EXPLANATION` | An explanation of why the cardholder’s claim is invalid.
Example evidence includes an explanation of why each distinct charge is a legitimate purchase, why the cardholder’s claim
for credit owed due to their attempt to cancel, return, or refund is invalid per your stated policy and cardholder
agreement, or an explanation of how the cardholder did not attempt to remedy the issue with you first to receive credit.
Use when uploading evidence as a file or string. |
-| `TRACKING_NUMBER` | The tracking number for the order provided by the shipping carrier. If you have multiple numbers, they need to be
submitted individually as separate pieces of evidence.
Use when uploading evidence as a string. |
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-# Dispute Evidence
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `evidenceId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the evidence.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getEvidenceId(): ?string | setEvidenceId(?string evidenceId): void |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the evidence.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `disputeId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the dispute the evidence is associated with.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getDisputeId(): ?string | setDisputeId(?string disputeId): void |
-| `evidenceFile` | [`?DisputeEvidenceFile`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence-file.md) | Optional | A file to be uploaded as dispute evidence. | getEvidenceFile(): ?DisputeEvidenceFile | setEvidenceFile(?DisputeEvidenceFile evidenceFile): void |
-| `evidenceText` | `?string` | Optional | Raw text
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `500` | getEvidenceText(): ?string | setEvidenceText(?string evidenceText): void |
-| `uploadedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the evidence was uploaded, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getUploadedAt(): ?string | setUploadedAt(?string uploadedAt): void |
-| `evidenceType` | [`?string(DisputeEvidenceType)`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence-type.md) | Optional | The type of the dispute evidence. | getEvidenceType(): ?string | setEvidenceType(?string evidenceType): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence_id": "evidence_id0",
- "id": "id2",
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id4",
- "evidence_file": {
- "filename": "filename8",
- "filetype": "filetype8"
- },
- "evidence_text": "evidence_text6"
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-# Dispute Reason
-The list of possible reasons why a cardholder might initiate a
-dispute with their bank.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `AMOUNT_DIFFERS` | The cardholder claims that they were charged the wrong amount for the purchase.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence that the cardholder agreed
to the amount charged. |
-| `CANCELLED` | The cardholder claims that they attempted to return the goods or cancel the service.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence to prove that the cardholder
is not due a refund and that the cardholder acknowledged your cancellation policy. |
-| `DUPLICATE` | The cardholder claims that they were charged twice for the same purchase.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence that shows both charges are
legitimate and independent of one another. |
-| `NO_KNOWLEDGE` | The cardholder claims that they did not make this purchase nor authorized the charge.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence that proves that the cardholder
identity was verified at the time of purchase and that the purchase was authorized. |
-| `NOT_AS_DESCRIBED` | The cardholder claims the product or service was provided, but the quality of the deliverable
did not align with the expectations of the cardholder based on the description.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence that shows the cardholder is in
possession of the product as described or received the service as described and agreed on. |
-| `NOT_RECEIVED` | The cardholder claims the product or service was not received by the cardholder within the
stated time frame.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence to prove that the cardholder is
in possession of or received the product or service sold. |
-| `PAID_BY_OTHER_MEANS` | The cardholder claims that they previously paid for this purchase.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence that shows both charges are
legitimate and independent of one another or proof that you already provided a credit for the charge. |
-| `CUSTOMER_REQUESTS_CREDIT` | The cardholder claims that the purchase was canceled or returned, but they have not yet received
the credit.
To challenge this dispute, provide specific and concrete evidence to prove that the cardholder is not
due a refund and that they acknowledged your cancellation and/or refund policy. |
-| `EMV_LIABILITY_SHIFT` | A chip-enabled card was not processed through a compliant chip-card reader (for example, it was swiped
instead of dipped into a chip-card reader).
You cannot challenge this dispute because the payment did not comply with EMV security requirements.
For more information, see [What Is EMV?](https://squareup.com/emv) |
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-# Dispute State
-The list of possible dispute states.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `INQUIRY_EVIDENCE_REQUIRED` | The initial state of an inquiry with evidence required |
-| `INQUIRY_PROCESSING` | Inquiry evidence has been submitted and the bank is processing the inquiry |
-| `INQUIRY_CLOSED` | The inquiry is complete |
-| `EVIDENCE_REQUIRED` | The initial state of a dispute with evidence required |
-| `PROCESSING` | Dispute evidence has been submitted and the bank is processing the dispute |
-| `WON` | The bank has completed processing the dispute and the seller has won |
-| `LOST` | The bank has completed processing the dispute and the seller has lost |
-| `ACCEPTED` | The seller has accepted the dispute |
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-# Dispute
-Represents a [dispute](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/disputes-api/overview) a cardholder initiated with their bank.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `disputeId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique ID for this `Dispute`, generated by Square.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getDisputeId(): ?string | setDisputeId(?string disputeId): void |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The unique ID for this `Dispute`, generated by Square.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `reason` | [`?string(DisputeReason)`](../../doc/models/dispute-reason.md) | Optional | The list of possible reasons why a cardholder might initiate a
dispute with their bank. | getReason(): ?string | setReason(?string reason): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(DisputeState)`](../../doc/models/dispute-state.md) | Optional | The list of possible dispute states. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `dueAt` | `?string` | Optional | The deadline by which the seller must respond to the dispute, in [RFC 3339 format](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-data-types/working-with-dates).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getDueAt(): ?string | setDueAt(?string dueAt): void |
-| `disputedPayment` | [`?DisputedPayment`](../../doc/models/disputed-payment.md) | Optional | The payment the cardholder disputed. | getDisputedPayment(): ?DisputedPayment | setDisputedPayment(?DisputedPayment disputedPayment): void |
-| `evidenceIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the evidence associated with the dispute. | getEvidenceIds(): ?array | setEvidenceIds(?array evidenceIds): void |
-| `cardBrand` | [`?string(CardBrand)`](../../doc/models/card-brand.md) | Optional | Indicates a card's brand, such as `VISA` or `MASTERCARD`. | getCardBrand(): ?string | setCardBrand(?string cardBrand): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the dispute was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the dispute was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `brandDisputeId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the dispute in the card brand system, generated by the card brand.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getBrandDisputeId(): ?string | setBrandDisputeId(?string brandDisputeId): void |
-| `reportedDate` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the dispute was reported, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReportedDate(): ?string | setReportedDate(?string reportedDate): void |
-| `reportedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the dispute was reported, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReportedAt(): ?string | setReportedAt(?string reportedAt): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the `Dispute`. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location where the dispute originated.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id2",
- "id": "id0",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "reason": "NOT_AS_DESCRIBED",
- "state": "LOST"
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-# Disputed Payment
-The payment the cardholder disputed.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | Square-generated unique ID of the payment being disputed.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `192` | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id8"
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-# Ecom Visibility
-Determines item visibility in Ecom (Online Store) and Online Checkout.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `UNINDEXED` | Item is not synced with Ecom (Weebly). This is the default state |
-| `UNAVAILABLE` | Item is synced but is unavailable within Ecom (Weebly) and Online Checkout |
-| `HIDDEN` | Option for seller to choose manually created Quick Amounts. |
-| `VISIBLE` | Item is synced but available within Ecom (Weebly) and Online Checkout but is hidden from Ecom Store. |
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-# Employee Status
-The status of the Employee being retrieved.
-DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Replaced by [TeamMemberStatus](entity:TeamMemberStatus).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVE` | Specifies that the employee is in the Active state. |
-| `INACTIVE` | Specifies that the employee is in the Inactive state. |
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-# Employee Wage
-The hourly wage rate that an employee earns on a `Shift` for doing the job specified by the `title` property of this object. Deprecated at version 2020-08-26. Use [TeamMemberWage](entity:TeamMemberWage).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The UUID for this object. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | The `Employee` that this wage is assigned to. | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `title` | `?string` | Optional | The job title that this wage relates to. | getTitle(): ?string | setTitle(?string title): void |
-| `hourlyRate` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getHourlyRate(): ?Money | setHourlyRate(?Money hourlyRate): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "employee_id": "employee_id0",
- "title": "title6",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- }
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-# Employee
-An employee object that is used by the external API.
-DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Replaced by [TeamMember](entity:TeamMember).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | UUID for this object. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `firstName` | `?string` | Optional | The employee's first name. | getFirstName(): ?string | setFirstName(?string firstName): void |
-| `lastName` | `?string` | Optional | The employee's last name. | getLastName(): ?string | setLastName(?string lastName): void |
-| `email` | `?string` | Optional | The employee's email address | getEmail(): ?string | setEmail(?string email): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The employee's phone number in E.164 format, i.e. "+12125554250" | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of location IDs where this employee has access to. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(EmployeeStatus)`](../../doc/models/employee-status.md) | Optional | The status of the Employee being retrieved.
DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Replaced by [TeamMemberStatus](entity:TeamMemberStatus). | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `isOwner` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether this employee is the owner of the merchant. Each merchant
has one owner employee, and that employee has full authority over
the account. | getIsOwner(): ?bool | setIsOwner(?bool isOwner): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "first_name": "first_name6",
- "last_name": "last_name4",
- "email": "email0",
- "phone_number": "phone_number6"
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-# Enable Events Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [EnableEvents](../../doc/apis/events.md#enable-events) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the events field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Error Category
-Indicates which high-level category of error has occurred during a
-request to the Connect API.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `API_ERROR` | An error occurred with the Connect API itself. |
-| `AUTHENTICATION_ERROR` | An authentication error occurred. Most commonly, the request had
a missing, malformed, or otherwise invalid `Authorization` header. |
-| `INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR` | The request was invalid. Most commonly, a required parameter was
missing, or a provided parameter had an invalid value. |
-| `RATE_LIMIT_ERROR` | Your application reached the Square API rate limit. You might receive this error if your application sends a high number of requests
to Square APIs in a short period of time.
Your application should monitor responses for `429 RATE_LIMITED` errors and use a retry mechanism with an [exponential backoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_backoff)
schedule to resend the requests at an increasingly slower rate. It is also a good practice to use a randomized delay (jitter) in your retry schedule. |
-| `PAYMENT_METHOD_ERROR` | An error occurred while processing a payment method. Most commonly,
the details of the payment method were invalid (such as a card's CVV
or expiration date). |
-| `REFUND_ERROR` | An error occurred while attempting to process a refund. |
-| `MERCHANT_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR` | An error occurred when checking a merchant subscription status |
-| `EXTERNAL_VENDOR_ERROR` | An error that is returned from an external vendor's API |
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-# Error Code
-Indicates the specific error that occurred during a request to a
-Square API.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` | A general server error occurred. |
-| `UNAUTHORIZED` | A general authorization error occurred. |
-| `ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED` | The provided access token has expired. |
-| `ACCESS_TOKEN_REVOKED` | The provided access token has been revoked. |
-| `CLIENT_DISABLED` | The provided client has been disabled. |
-| `FORBIDDEN` | A general access error occurred. |
-| `INSUFFICIENT_SCOPES` | The provided access token does not have permission
to execute the requested action. |
-| `APPLICATION_DISABLED` | The calling application was disabled. |
-| `V1_APPLICATION` | The calling application was created prior to
2016-03-30 and is not compatible with v2 Square API calls. |
-| `V1_ACCESS_TOKEN` | The calling application is using an access token
created prior to 2016-03-30 and is not compatible with v2 Square API
calls. |
-| `CARD_PROCESSING_NOT_ENABLED` | The location provided in the API call is not
enabled for credit card processing. |
-| `MERCHANT_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND` | A required subscription was not found for the merchant |
-| `BAD_REQUEST` | A general error occurred with the request. |
-| `MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER` | The request is missing a required path, query, or
body parameter. |
-| `INCORRECT_TYPE` | The value provided in the request is the wrong
type. For example, a string instead of an integer. |
-| `INVALID_TIME` | Formatting for the provided time value is
incorrect. |
-| `INVALID_TIME_RANGE` | The time range provided in the request is invalid.
For example, the end time is before the start time. |
-| `INVALID_VALUE` | The provided value is invalid. For example,
including `%` in a phone number. |
-| `INVALID_CURSOR` | The pagination cursor included in the request is
invalid. |
-| `UNKNOWN_QUERY_PARAMETER` | The query parameters provided is invalid for the
requested endpoint. |
-| `CONFLICTING_PARAMETERS` | One or more of the request parameters conflict with
each other. |
-| `EXPECTED_JSON_BODY` | The request body is not a JSON object. |
-| `INVALID_SORT_ORDER` | The provided sort order is not a valid key.
Currently, sort order must be `ASC` or `DESC`. |
-| `VALUE_REGEX_MISMATCH` | The provided value does not match an expected
regular expression. |
-| `VALUE_TOO_SHORT` | The provided string value is shorter than the
minimum length allowed. |
-| `VALUE_TOO_LONG` | The provided string value is longer than the
maximum length allowed. |
-| `VALUE_TOO_LOW` | The provided value is less than the supported
minimum. |
-| `VALUE_TOO_HIGH` | The provided value is greater than the supported
maximum. |
-| `VALUE_EMPTY` | The provided value has a default (empty) value
such as a blank string. |
-| `ARRAY_LENGTH_TOO_LONG` | The provided array has too many elements. |
-| `ARRAY_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT` | The provided array has too few elements. |
-| `ARRAY_EMPTY` | The provided array is empty. |
-| `EXPECTED_BOOLEAN` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be a
boolean. |
-| `EXPECTED_INTEGER` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be an
integer. |
-| `EXPECTED_FLOAT` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be a
float. |
-| `EXPECTED_STRING` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be a
string. |
-| `EXPECTED_OBJECT` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be a
JSON object. |
-| `EXPECTED_ARRAY` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be an
array or list. |
-| `EXPECTED_MAP` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be a
map or associative array. |
-| `EXPECTED_BASE64_ENCODED_BYTE_ARRAY` | The endpoint expected the provided value to be an
array encoded in base64. |
-| `INVALID_ARRAY_VALUE` | One or more objects in the array does not match the
array type. |
-| `INVALID_ENUM_VALUE` | The provided static string is not valid for the
field. |
-| `INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE` | Invalid content type header. |
-| `INVALID_FORM_VALUE` | Only relevant for applications created prior to
2016-03-30. Indicates there was an error while parsing form values. |
-| `CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND` | The provided customer id can't be found in the merchant's customers list. |
-| `ONE_INSTRUMENT_EXPECTED` | A general error occurred. |
-| `NO_FIELDS_SET` | A general error occurred. |
-| `TOO_MANY_MAP_ENTRIES` | Too many entries in the map field. |
-| `MAP_KEY_LENGTH_TOO_SHORT` | The length of one of the provided keys in the map is too short. |
-| `MAP_KEY_LENGTH_TOO_LONG` | The length of one of the provided keys in the map is too long. |
-| `CUSTOMER_MISSING_NAME` | The provided customer does not have a recorded name. |
-| `CUSTOMER_MISSING_EMAIL` | The provided customer does not have a recorded email. |
-| `INVALID_PAUSE_LENGTH` | The subscription cannot be paused longer than the duration of the current phase. |
-| `INVALID_DATE` | The subscription cannot be paused/resumed on the given date. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_COUNTRY` | The API request references an unsupported country. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_CURRENCY` | The API request references an unsupported currency. |
-| `APPLE_TTP_PIN_TOKEN` | The payment was declined by the card issuer during an Apple Tap to Pay (TTP)
transaction with a request for the card's PIN. This code will be returned alongside
`CARD_DECLINED_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED` as a supplemental error, and will include an
issuer-provided token in the `details` field that is needed to initiate the PIN
collection flow on the iOS device. |
-| `CARD_EXPIRED` | The card issuer declined the request because the card is expired. |
-| `INVALID_EXPIRATION` | The expiration date for the payment card is invalid. For example,
it indicates a date in the past. |
-| `INVALID_EXPIRATION_YEAR` | The expiration year for the payment card is invalid. For example,
it indicates a year in the past or contains invalid characters. |
-| `INVALID_EXPIRATION_DATE` | The expiration date for the payment card is invalid. For example,
it contains invalid characters. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_CARD_BRAND` | The credit card provided is not from a supported issuer. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_ENTRY_METHOD` | The entry method for the credit card (swipe, dip, tap) is not supported. |
-| `INVALID_ENCRYPTED_CARD` | The encrypted card information is invalid. |
-| `INVALID_CARD` | The credit card cannot be validated based on the provided details. |
-| `PAYMENT_AMOUNT_MISMATCH` | The payment was declined because there was a payment amount mismatch.
The money amount Square was expecting does not match the amount provided. |
-| `GENERIC_DECLINE` | Square received a decline without any additional information.
If the payment information seems correct, the buyer can contact their
issuer to ask for more information. |
-| `CVV_FAILURE` | The card issuer declined the request because the CVV value is invalid. |
-| `ADDRESS_VERIFICATION_FAILURE` | The card issuer declined the request because the postal code is invalid. |
-| `INVALID_ACCOUNT` | The issuer was not able to locate the account on record. |
-| `CURRENCY_MISMATCH` | The currency associated with the payment is not valid for the provided
funding source. For example, a gift card funded in USD cannot be used to process
payments in GBP. |
-| `INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS` | The funding source has insufficient funds to cover the payment. |
-| `INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS` | The Square account does not have the permissions to accept
this payment. For example, Square may limit which merchants are
allowed to receive gift card payments. |
-| `CARDHOLDER_INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS` | The card issuer has declined the transaction due to restrictions on where the card can be used.
For example, a gift card is limited to a single merchant. |
-| `INVALID_LOCATION` | The Square account cannot take payments in the specified region.
A Square account can take payments only from the region where the account was created. |
-| `TRANSACTION_LIMIT` | The card issuer has determined the payment amount is either too high or too low.
The API returns the error code mostly for credit cards (for example, the card reached
the credit limit). However, sometimes the issuer bank can indicate the error for debit
or prepaid cards (for example, card has insufficient funds). |
-| `VOICE_FAILURE` | The card issuer declined the request because the issuer requires voice authorization from the cardholder. The seller should ask the customer to contact the card issuing bank to authorize the payment. |
-| `PAN_FAILURE` | The specified card number is invalid. For example, it is of
incorrect length or is incorrectly formatted. |
-| `EXPIRATION_FAILURE` | The card expiration date is either invalid or indicates that the
card is expired. |
-| `CARD_NOT_SUPPORTED` | The card is not supported either in the geographic region or by
the [merchant category code](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api#initialize-a-merchant-category-code) (MCC). |
-| `INVALID_PIN` | The card issuer declined the request because the PIN is invalid. |
-| `MISSING_PIN` | The payment is missing a required PIN. |
-| `MISSING_ACCOUNT_TYPE` | The payment is missing a required ACCOUNT_TYPE parameter. |
-| `INVALID_POSTAL_CODE` | The postal code is incorrectly formatted. |
-| `INVALID_FEES` | The app_fee_money on a payment is too high. |
-| `MANUALLY_ENTERED_PAYMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED` | The card must be swiped, tapped, or dipped. Payments attempted by manually entering the card number are declined. |
-| `PAYMENT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED` | Square declined the request because the payment amount exceeded the processing limit for this merchant. |
-| `GIFT_CARD_AVAILABLE_AMOUNT` | When a Gift Card is a payment source, you can allow taking a partial payment
by adding the `accept_partial_authorization` parameter in the request.
However, taking such a partial payment does not work if your request also includes
`tip_money`, `app_fee_money`, or both. Square declines such payments and returns
For more information, see
[CreatePayment errors (additional information)](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/error-codes#createpayment-errors-additional-information). |
-| `ACCOUNT_UNUSABLE` | The account provided cannot carry out transactions. |
-| `BUYER_REFUSED_PAYMENT` | Bank account rejected or was not authorized for the payment. |
-| `DELAYED_TRANSACTION_EXPIRED` | The application tried to update a delayed-capture payment that has expired. |
-| `DELAYED_TRANSACTION_CANCELED` | The application tried to cancel a delayed-capture payment that was already cancelled. |
-| `DELAYED_TRANSACTION_CAPTURED` | The application tried to capture a delayed-capture payment that was already captured. |
-| `DELAYED_TRANSACTION_FAILED` | The application tried to update a delayed-capture payment that failed. |
-| `CARD_TOKEN_EXPIRED` | The provided card token (nonce) has expired. |
-| `CARD_TOKEN_USED` | The provided card token (nonce) was already used to process the payment or refund. |
-| `AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH` | The requested payment amount is too high for the provided payment source. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_INSTRUMENT_TYPE` | The API request references an unsupported instrument type. |
-| `REFUND_AMOUNT_INVALID` | The requested refund amount exceeds the amount available to refund. |
-| `REFUND_ALREADY_PENDING` | The payment already has a pending refund. |
-| `PAYMENT_NOT_REFUNDABLE` | The payment is not refundable. For example, the payment is too old to be refunded. |
-| `PAYMENT_NOT_REFUNDABLE_DUE_TO_DISPUTE` | The payment is not refundable because it has been disputed. |
-| `REFUND_DECLINED` | Request failed - The card issuer declined the refund. |
-| `INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS_FOR_REFUND` | The Square account does not have the permissions to process this refund. |
-| `INVALID_CARD_DATA` | Generic error - the provided card data is invalid. |
-| `SOURCE_USED` | The provided source id was already used to create a card. |
-| `SOURCE_EXPIRED` | The provided source id has expired. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_LOYALTY_REWARD_TIER` | The referenced loyalty program reward tier is not supported.
This could happen if the reward tier created in a first party
application is incompatible with the Loyalty API. |
-| `LOCATION_MISMATCH` | Generic error - the given location does not matching what is expected. |
-| `IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_REUSED` | The provided idempotency key has already been used. |
-| `UNEXPECTED_VALUE` | General error - the value provided was unexpected. |
-| `SANDBOX_NOT_SUPPORTED` | The API request is not supported in sandbox. |
-| `INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS` | The provided email address is invalid. |
-| `INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER` | The provided phone number is invalid. |
-| `CHECKOUT_EXPIRED` | The provided checkout URL has expired. |
-| `BAD_CERTIFICATE` | Bad certificate. |
-| `INVALID_SQUARE_VERSION_FORMAT` | The provided Square-Version is incorrectly formatted. |
-| `API_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE` | The provided Square-Version is incompatible with the requested action. |
-| `CARD_PRESENCE_REQUIRED` | The transaction requires that a card be present. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_SOURCE_TYPE` | The API request references an unsupported source type. |
-| `CARD_MISMATCH` | The provided card does not match what is expected. |
-| `PLAID_ERROR` | Generic plaid error |
-| `CARD_DECLINED` | The card was declined. |
-| `VERIFY_CVV_FAILURE` | The CVV could not be verified. |
-| `VERIFY_AVS_FAILURE` | The AVS could not be verified. |
-| `CARD_DECLINED_CALL_ISSUER` | The payment card was declined with a request
for the card holder to call the issuer. |
-| `CARD_DECLINED_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED` | The payment card was declined with a request
for additional verification. |
-| `BAD_EXPIRATION` | The card expiration date is either missing or
incorrectly formatted. |
-| `CHIP_INSERTION_REQUIRED` | The card issuer requires that the card be read
using a chip reader. |
-| `ALLOWABLE_PIN_TRIES_EXCEEDED` | The card has exhausted its available pin entry
retries set by the card issuer. Resolving the error typically requires the
card holder to contact the card issuer. |
-| `RESERVATION_DECLINED` | The card issuer declined the refund. |
-| `UNKNOWN_BODY_PARAMETER` | The body parameter is not recognized by the requested endpoint. |
-| `NOT_FOUND` | Not Found - a general error occurred. |
-| `APPLE_PAYMENT_PROCESSING_CERTIFICATE_HASH_NOT_FOUND` | Square could not find the associated Apple Pay certificate. |
-| `METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED` | Method Not Allowed - a general error occurred. |
-| `NOT_ACCEPTABLE` | Not Acceptable - a general error occurred. |
-| `REQUEST_TIMEOUT` | Request Timeout - a general error occurred. |
-| `CONFLICT` | Conflict - a general error occurred. |
-| `GONE` | The target resource is no longer available and this
condition is likely to be permanent. |
-| `REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE` | Request Entity Too Large - a general error occurred. |
-| `UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE` | Unsupported Media Type - a general error occurred. |
-| `UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY` | Unprocessable Entity - a general error occurred. |
-| `RATE_LIMITED` | Rate Limited - a general error occurred. |
-| `NOT_IMPLEMENTED` | Not Implemented - a general error occurred. |
-| `BAD_GATEWAY` | Bad Gateway - a general error occurred. |
-| `SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE` | Service Unavailable - a general error occurred. |
-| `TEMPORARY_ERROR` | A temporary internal error occurred. You can safely retry your call
using the same idempotency key. |
-| `GATEWAY_TIMEOUT` | Gateway Timeout - a general error occurred. |
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-# Error
-Represents an error encountered during a request to the Connect API.
-See [Handling errors](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/handling-errors) for more information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `category` | [`string(ErrorCategory)`](../../doc/models/error-category.md) | Required | Indicates which high-level category of error has occurred during a
request to the Connect API. | getCategory(): string | setCategory(string category): void |
-| `code` | [`string(ErrorCode)`](../../doc/models/error-code.md) | Required | Indicates the specific error that occurred during a request to a
Square API. | getCode(): string | setCode(string code): void |
-| `detail` | `?string` | Optional | A human-readable description of the error for debugging purposes. | getDetail(): ?string | setDetail(?string detail): void |
-| `field` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the field provided in the original request (if any) that
the error pertains to. | getField(): ?string | setField(?string field): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "category": "API_ERROR",
- "detail": "detail0",
- "field": "field8"
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-# Event Data
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the affected object’s type. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the affected object. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `deleted` | `?bool` | Optional | This is true if the affected object has been deleted; otherwise, it's absent. | getDeleted(): ?bool | setDeleted(?bool deleted): void |
-| `object` | `mixed` | Optional | An object containing fields and values relevant to the event. It is absent if the affected object has been deleted. | getObject(): | setObject( object): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "type2",
- "id": "id8",
- "deleted": false,
- "object": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- }
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-# Event Metadata
-Contains metadata about a particular [Event](../../doc/models/event.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `eventId` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for the event. | getEventId(): ?string | setEventId(?string eventId): void |
-| `apiVersion` | `?string` | Optional | The API version of the event. This corresponds to the default API version of the developer application at the time when the event was created. | getApiVersion(): ?string | setApiVersion(?string apiVersion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event_id": "event_id0",
- "api_version": "api_version6"
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-# Event Type Metadata
-Contains the metadata of a webhook event type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `eventType` | `?string` | Optional | The event type. | getEventType(): ?string | setEventType(?string eventType): void |
-| `apiVersionIntroduced` | `?string` | Optional | The API version at which the event type was introduced. | getApiVersionIntroduced(): ?string | setApiVersionIntroduced(?string apiVersionIntroduced): void |
-| `releaseStatus` | `?string` | Optional | The release status of the event type. | getReleaseStatus(): ?string | setReleaseStatus(?string releaseStatus): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event_type": "event_type0",
- "api_version_introduced": "api_version_introduced0",
- "release_status": "release_status4"
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-# Event
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the target merchant associated with the event. | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the target location associated with the event. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `type` | `?string` | Optional | The type of event this represents. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `eventId` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for the event. | getEventId(): ?string | setEventId(?string eventId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | Timestamp of when the event was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `data` | [`?EventData`](../../doc/models/event-data.md) | Optional | - | getData(): ?EventData | setData(?EventData data): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "type": "type8",
- "event_id": "event_id8",
- "created_at": "created_at0"
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-# Exclude Strategy
-Indicates which products matched by a CatalogPricingRule
-will be excluded if the pricing rule uses an exclude set.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `LEAST_EXPENSIVE` | The least expensive matched products are excluded from the pricing. If
the pricing rule is set to exclude one product and multiple products in the
match set qualify as least expensive, then one will be excluded at random.
Excluding the least expensive product gives the best discount value to the buyer. |
-| `MOST_EXPENSIVE` | The most expensive matched product is excluded from the pricing rule.
If multiple products have the same price and all qualify as least expensive,
one will be excluded at random.
This guarantees that the most expensive product is purchased at full price. |
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-# External Payment Details
-Stores details about an external payment. Contains only non-confidential information.
-For more information, see
-[Take External Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/external-payments).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | `string` | Required | The type of external payment the seller received. It can be one of the following:
- CHECK - Paid using a physical check.
- BANK_TRANSFER - Paid using external bank transfer.
- OTHER\_GIFT\_CARD - Paid using a non-Square gift card.
- CRYPTO - Paid using a crypto currency.
- SQUARE_CASH - Paid using Square Cash App.
- SOCIAL - Paid using peer-to-peer payment applications.
- EXTERNAL - A third-party application gathered this payment outside of Square.
- EMONEY - Paid using an E-money provider.
- CARD - A credit or debit card that Square does not support.
- STORED_BALANCE - Use for house accounts, store credit, and so forth.
- FOOD_VOUCHER - Restaurant voucher provided by employers to employees to pay for meals
- OTHER - A type not listed here.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `source` | `string` | Required | A description of the external payment source. For example,
"Food Delivery Service".
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getSource(): string | setSource(string source): void |
-| `sourceId` | `?string` | Optional | An ID to associate the payment to its originating source.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getSourceId(): ?string | setSourceId(?string sourceId): void |
-| `sourceFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getSourceFeeMoney(): ?Money | setSourceFeeMoney(?Money sourceFeeMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "type8",
- "source": "source8",
- "source_id": "source_id6",
- "source_fee_money": {
- "amount": 130,
- "currency": "NIO"
- }
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-# Filter Value
-A filter to select resources based on an exact field value. For any given
-value, the value can only be in one property. Depending on the field, either
-all properties can be set or only a subset will be available.
-Refer to the documentation of the field.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `all` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of terms that must be present on the field of the resource. | getAll(): ?array | setAll(?array all): void |
-| `any` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of terms where at least one of them must be present on the
field of the resource. | getAny(): ?array | setAny(?array any): void |
-| `none` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of terms that must not be present on the field the resource | getNone(): ?array | setNone(?array none): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "all": [
- "all9",
- "all0",
- "all1"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any8",
- "any9",
- "any0"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none3",
- "none4"
- ]
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-# Float Number Range
-Specifies a decimal number range.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `startAt` | `?string` | Optional | A decimal value indicating where the range starts. | getStartAt(): ?string | setStartAt(?string startAt): void |
-| `endAt` | `?string` | Optional | A decimal value indicating where the range ends. | getEndAt(): ?string | setEndAt(?string endAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "start_at": "start_at0",
- "end_at": "end_at2"
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-# Fulfillment Delivery Details Order Fulfillment Delivery Details Schedule Type
-The schedule type of the delivery fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SCHEDULED` | Indicates the fulfillment to deliver at a scheduled deliver time. |
-| `ASAP` | Indicates that the fulfillment to deliver as soon as possible and should be prepared
immediately. |
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-# Fulfillment Delivery Details
-Describes delivery details of an order fulfillment.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `recipient` | [`?FulfillmentRecipient`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-recipient.md) | Optional | Information about the fulfillment recipient. | getRecipient(): ?FulfillmentRecipient | setRecipient(?FulfillmentRecipient recipient): void |
-| `scheduleType` | [`?string(FulfillmentDeliveryDetailsOrderFulfillmentDeliveryDetailsScheduleType)`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-delivery-details-order-fulfillment-delivery-details-schedule-type.md) | Optional | The schedule type of the delivery fulfillment. | getScheduleType(): ?string | setScheduleType(?string scheduleType): void |
-| `placedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was placed.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z").
Must be in RFC 3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | getPlacedAt(): ?string | setPlacedAt(?string placedAt): void |
-| `deliverAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
that represents the start of the delivery period.
When the fulfillment `schedule_type` is `ASAP`, the field is automatically
set to the current time plus the `prep_time_duration`.
Otherwise, the application can set this field while the fulfillment `state` is
`PROPOSED`, `RESERVED`, or `PREPARED` (any time before the
terminal state such as `COMPLETED`, `CANCELED`, and `FAILED`).
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getDeliverAt(): ?string | setDeliverAt(?string deliverAt): void |
-| `prepTimeDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time it takes to prepare and deliver this fulfillment.
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getPrepTimeDuration(): ?string | setPrepTimeDuration(?string prepTimeDuration): void |
-| `deliveryWindowDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The time period after `deliver_at` in which to deliver the order.
Applications can set this field when the fulfillment `state` is
`PROPOSED`, `RESERVED`, or `PREPARED` (any time before the terminal state
such as `COMPLETED`, `CANCELED`, and `FAILED`).
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getDeliveryWindowDuration(): ?string | setDeliveryWindowDuration(?string deliveryWindowDuration): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | Provides additional instructions about the delivery fulfillment.
It is displayed in the Square Point of Sale application and set by the API.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `550` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `completedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicates when the seller completed the fulfillment.
This field is automatically set when fulfillment `state` changes to `COMPLETED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCompletedAt(): ?string | setCompletedAt(?string completedAt): void |
-| `inProgressAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicates when the seller started processing the fulfillment.
This field is automatically set when the fulfillment `state` changes to `RESERVED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getInProgressAt(): ?string | setInProgressAt(?string inProgressAt): void |
-| `rejectedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was rejected. This field is
automatically set when the fulfillment `state` changes to `FAILED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getRejectedAt(): ?string | setRejectedAt(?string rejectedAt): void |
-| `readyAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the seller marked the fulfillment as ready for
courier pickup. This field is automatically set when the fulfillment `state` changes
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getReadyAt(): ?string | setReadyAt(?string readyAt): void |
-| `deliveredAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was delivered to the recipient.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getDeliveredAt(): ?string | setDeliveredAt(?string deliveredAt): void |
-| `canceledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was canceled. This field is automatically
set when the fulfillment `state` changes to `CANCELED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCanceledAt(): ?string | setCanceledAt(?string canceledAt): void |
-| `cancelReason` | `?string` | Optional | The delivery cancellation reason. Max length: 100 characters.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `courierPickupAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when an order can be picked up by the courier for delivery.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCourierPickupAt(): ?string | setCourierPickupAt(?string courierPickupAt): void |
-| `courierPickupWindowDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The time period after `courier_pickup_at` in which the courier should pick up the order.
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getCourierPickupWindowDuration(): ?string | setCourierPickupWindowDuration(?string courierPickupWindowDuration): void |
-| `isNoContactDelivery` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the delivery is preferred to be no contact. | getIsNoContactDelivery(): ?bool | setIsNoContactDelivery(?bool isNoContactDelivery): void |
-| `dropoffNotes` | `?string` | Optional | A note to provide additional instructions about how to deliver the order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `550` | getDropoffNotes(): ?string | setDropoffNotes(?string dropoffNotes): void |
-| `courierProviderName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the courier provider.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getCourierProviderName(): ?string | setCourierProviderName(?string courierProviderName): void |
-| `courierSupportPhoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The support phone number of the courier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `17` | getCourierSupportPhoneNumber(): ?string | setCourierSupportPhoneNumber(?string courierSupportPhoneNumber): void |
-| `squareDeliveryId` | `?string` | Optional | The identifier for the delivery created by Square.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getSquareDeliveryId(): ?string | setSquareDeliveryId(?string squareDeliveryId): void |
-| `externalDeliveryId` | `?string` | Optional | The identifier for the delivery created by the third-party courier service.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getExternalDeliveryId(): ?string | setExternalDeliveryId(?string externalDeliveryId): void |
-| `managedDelivery` | `?bool` | Optional | The flag to indicate the delivery is managed by a third party (ie DoorDash), which means
we may not receive all recipient information for PII purposes. | getManagedDelivery(): ?bool | setManagedDelivery(?bool managedDelivery): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id6",
- "display_name": "display_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address4",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "schedule_type": "SCHEDULED",
- "placed_at": "placed_at6",
- "deliver_at": "deliver_at2",
- "prep_time_duration": "prep_time_duration6"
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-# Fulfillment Fulfillment Entry
-Links an order line item to a fulfillment. Each entry must reference
-a valid `uid` for an order line item in the `line_item_uid` field, as well as a `quantity` to
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the fulfillment entry only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `lineItemUid` | `string` | Required | The `uid` from the order line item.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLineItemUid(): string | setLineItemUid(string lineItemUid): void |
-| `quantity` | `string` | Required | The quantity of the line item being fulfilled, formatted as a decimal number.
For example, `"3"`.
Fulfillments for line items with a `quantity_unit` can have non-integer quantities.
For example, `"1.70000"`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `12` | getQuantity(): string | setQuantity(string quantity): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this fulfillment entry. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid0",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid0",
- "quantity": "quantity6",
- "metadata": {
- "key0": "metadata3",
- "key1": "metadata4"
- }
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-# Fulfillment Fulfillment Line Item Application
-The `line_item_application` describes what order line items this fulfillment applies
-to. It can be `ALL` or `ENTRY_LIST` with a supplied list of fulfillment entries.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ALL` | If `ALL`, `entries` must be unset. |
-| `ENTRY_LIST` | If `ENTRY_LIST`, supply a list of `entries`. |
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-# Fulfillment Pickup Details Curbside Pickup Details
-Specific details for curbside pickup.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `curbsideDetails` | `?string` | Optional | Specific details for curbside pickup, such as parking number and vehicle model.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `250` | getCurbsideDetails(): ?string | setCurbsideDetails(?string curbsideDetails): void |
-| `buyerArrivedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the buyer arrived and is waiting for pickup. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getBuyerArrivedAt(): ?string | setBuyerArrivedAt(?string buyerArrivedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "curbside_details": "curbside_details0",
- "buyer_arrived_at": "buyer_arrived_at6"
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-# Fulfillment Pickup Details Schedule Type
-The schedule type of the pickup fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SCHEDULED` | Indicates that the fulfillment will be picked up at a scheduled pickup time. |
-| `ASAP` | Indicates that the fulfillment will be picked up as soon as possible and
should be prepared immediately. |
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-# Fulfillment Pickup Details
-Contains details necessary to fulfill a pickup order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `recipient` | [`?FulfillmentRecipient`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-recipient.md) | Optional | Information about the fulfillment recipient. | getRecipient(): ?FulfillmentRecipient | setRecipient(?FulfillmentRecipient recipient): void |
-| `expiresAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment expires if it is not marked in progress. The timestamp must be
in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). The expiration time can only be set
up to 7 days in the future. If `expires_at` is not set, any new payments attached to the order
are automatically completed. | getExpiresAt(): ?string | setExpiresAt(?string expiresAt): void |
-| `autoCompleteDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time after which an in progress pickup fulfillment is automatically moved
to the `COMPLETED` state. The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D").
If not set, this pickup fulfillment remains in progress until it is canceled or completed. | getAutoCompleteDuration(): ?string | setAutoCompleteDuration(?string autoCompleteDuration): void |
-| `scheduleType` | [`?string(FulfillmentPickupDetailsScheduleType)`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-pickup-details-schedule-type.md) | Optional | The schedule type of the pickup fulfillment. | getScheduleType(): ?string | setScheduleType(?string scheduleType): void |
-| `pickupAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
that represents the start of the pickup window. Must be in RFC 3339 timestamp format, e.g.,
For fulfillments with the schedule type `ASAP`, this is automatically set
to the current time plus the expected duration to prepare the fulfillment. | getPickupAt(): ?string | setPickupAt(?string pickupAt): void |
-| `pickupWindowDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The window of time in which the order should be picked up after the `pickup_at` timestamp.
Must be in RFC 3339 duration format, e.g., "P1W3D". Can be used as an
informational guideline for merchants. | getPickupWindowDuration(): ?string | setPickupWindowDuration(?string pickupWindowDuration): void |
-| `prepTimeDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time it takes to prepare this fulfillment.
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getPrepTimeDuration(): ?string | setPrepTimeDuration(?string prepTimeDuration): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | A note to provide additional instructions about the pickup
fulfillment displayed in the Square Point of Sale application and set by the API.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `placedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was placed. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPlacedAt(): ?string | setPlacedAt(?string placedAt): void |
-| `acceptedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was marked in progress. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getAcceptedAt(): ?string | setAcceptedAt(?string acceptedAt): void |
-| `rejectedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was rejected. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getRejectedAt(): ?string | setRejectedAt(?string rejectedAt): void |
-| `readyAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment is marked as ready for pickup. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getReadyAt(): ?string | setReadyAt(?string readyAt): void |
-| `expiredAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment expired. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getExpiredAt(): ?string | setExpiredAt(?string expiredAt): void |
-| `pickedUpAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was picked up by the recipient. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPickedUpAt(): ?string | setPickedUpAt(?string pickedUpAt): void |
-| `canceledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was canceled. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCanceledAt(): ?string | setCanceledAt(?string canceledAt): void |
-| `cancelReason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of why the pickup was canceled. The maximum length: 100 characters.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `isCurbsidePickup` | `?bool` | Optional | If set to `true`, indicates that this pickup order is for curbside pickup, not in-store pickup. | getIsCurbsidePickup(): ?bool | setIsCurbsidePickup(?bool isCurbsidePickup): void |
-| `curbsidePickupDetails` | [`?FulfillmentPickupDetailsCurbsidePickupDetails`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-pickup-details-curbside-pickup-details.md) | Optional | Specific details for curbside pickup. | getCurbsidePickupDetails(): ?FulfillmentPickupDetailsCurbsidePickupDetails | setCurbsidePickupDetails(?FulfillmentPickupDetailsCurbsidePickupDetails curbsidePickupDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id6",
- "display_name": "display_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address4",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "expires_at": "expires_at0",
- "auto_complete_duration": "auto_complete_duration0",
- "schedule_type": "SCHEDULED",
- "pickup_at": "pickup_at8"
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-# Fulfillment Recipient
-Information about the fulfillment recipient.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer associated with the fulfillment.
If `customer_id` is provided, the fulfillment recipient's `display_name`,
`email_address`, and `phone_number` are automatically populated from the
targeted customer profile. If these fields are set in the request, the request
values override the information from the customer profile. If the
targeted customer profile does not contain the necessary information and
these fields are left unset, the request results in an error.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `displayName` | `?string` | Optional | The display name of the fulfillment recipient. This field is required.
If provided, the display name overrides the corresponding customer profile value
indicated by `customer_id`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDisplayName(): ?string | setDisplayName(?string displayName): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address of the fulfillment recipient.
If provided, the email address overrides the corresponding customer profile value
indicated by `customer_id`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number of the fulfillment recipient. This field is required.
If provided, the phone number overrides the corresponding customer profile value
indicated by `customer_id`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `17` | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "customer_id2",
- "display_name": "display_name4",
- "email_address": "email_address2",
- "phone_number": "phone_number2",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
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-# Fulfillment Shipment Details
-Contains the details necessary to fulfill a shipment order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `recipient` | [`?FulfillmentRecipient`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-recipient.md) | Optional | Information about the fulfillment recipient. | getRecipient(): ?FulfillmentRecipient | setRecipient(?FulfillmentRecipient recipient): void |
-| `carrier` | `?string` | Optional | The shipping carrier being used to ship this fulfillment (such as UPS, FedEx, or USPS).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getCarrier(): ?string | setCarrier(?string carrier): void |
-| `shippingNote` | `?string` | Optional | A note with additional information for the shipping carrier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getShippingNote(): ?string | setShippingNote(?string shippingNote): void |
-| `shippingType` | `?string` | Optional | A description of the type of shipping product purchased from the carrier
(such as First Class, Priority, or Express).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getShippingType(): ?string | setShippingType(?string shippingType): void |
-| `trackingNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The reference number provided by the carrier to track the shipment's progress.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getTrackingNumber(): ?string | setTrackingNumber(?string trackingNumber): void |
-| `trackingUrl` | `?string` | Optional | A link to the tracking webpage on the carrier's website.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2000` | getTrackingUrl(): ?string | setTrackingUrl(?string trackingUrl): void |
-| `placedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the shipment was requested. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPlacedAt(): ?string | setPlacedAt(?string placedAt): void |
-| `inProgressAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `RESERVED` state, which indicates that preparation
of this shipment has begun. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getInProgressAt(): ?string | setInProgressAt(?string inProgressAt): void |
-| `packagedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `PREPARED` state, which indicates that the
fulfillment is packaged. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPackagedAt(): ?string | setPackagedAt(?string packagedAt): void |
-| `expectedShippedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the shipment is expected to be delivered to the shipping carrier.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getExpectedShippedAt(): ?string | setExpectedShippedAt(?string expectedShippedAt): void |
-| `shippedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `COMPLETED` state, which indicates that
the fulfillment has been given to the shipping carrier. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getShippedAt(): ?string | setShippedAt(?string shippedAt): void |
-| `canceledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating the shipment was canceled.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCanceledAt(): ?string | setCanceledAt(?string canceledAt): void |
-| `cancelReason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of why the shipment was canceled.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `failedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the shipment failed to be completed. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getFailedAt(): ?string | setFailedAt(?string failedAt): void |
-| `failureReason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of why the shipment failed to be completed.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getFailureReason(): ?string | setFailureReason(?string failureReason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id6",
- "display_name": "display_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address4",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "carrier": "carrier6",
- "shipping_note": "shipping_note0",
- "shipping_type": "shipping_type2",
- "tracking_number": "tracking_number2"
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-# Fulfillment State
-The current state of this fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PROPOSED` | Indicates that the fulfillment has been proposed. |
-| `RESERVED` | Indicates that the fulfillment has been reserved. |
-| `PREPARED` | Indicates that the fulfillment has been prepared. |
-| `COMPLETED` | Indicates that the fulfillment was successfully completed. |
-| `CANCELED` | Indicates that the fulfillment was canceled. |
-| `FAILED` | Indicates that the fulfillment failed to be completed, but was not explicitly
canceled. |
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-# Fulfillment Type
-The type of fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PICKUP` | A recipient to pick up the fulfillment from a physical [location](../../doc/models/location.md). |
-| `SHIPMENT` | A shipping carrier to ship the fulfillment. |
-| `DELIVERY` | A courier to deliver the fulfillment. |
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-# Fulfillment
-Contains details about how to fulfill this order.
-Orders can only be created with at most one fulfillment using the API.
-However, orders returned by the Orders API might contain multiple fulfillments because sellers can create multiple fulfillments using Square products such as Square Online.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the fulfillment only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(FulfillmentType)`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-type.md) | Optional | The type of fulfillment. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(FulfillmentState)`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-state.md) | Optional | The current state of this fulfillment. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `lineItemApplication` | [`?string(FulfillmentFulfillmentLineItemApplication)`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-fulfillment-line-item-application.md) | Optional | The `line_item_application` describes what order line items this fulfillment applies
to. It can be `ALL` or `ENTRY_LIST` with a supplied list of fulfillment entries. | getLineItemApplication(): ?string | setLineItemApplication(?string lineItemApplication): void |
-| `entries` | [`?(FulfillmentFulfillmentEntry[])`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-fulfillment-entry.md) | Optional | A list of entries pertaining to the fulfillment of an order. Each entry must reference
a valid `uid` for an order line item in the `line_item_uid` field, as well as a `quantity` to
Multiple entries can reference the same line item `uid`, as long as the total quantity among
all fulfillment entries referencing a single line item does not exceed the quantity of the
order's line item itself.
An order cannot be marked as `COMPLETED` before all fulfillments are `COMPLETED`,
`CANCELED`, or `FAILED`. Fulfillments can be created and completed independently
before order completion. | getEntries(): ?array | setEntries(?array entries): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this fulfillment. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `pickupDetails` | [`?FulfillmentPickupDetails`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-pickup-details.md) | Optional | Contains details necessary to fulfill a pickup order. | getPickupDetails(): ?FulfillmentPickupDetails | setPickupDetails(?FulfillmentPickupDetails pickupDetails): void |
-| `shipmentDetails` | [`?FulfillmentShipmentDetails`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-shipment-details.md) | Optional | Contains the details necessary to fulfill a shipment order. | getShipmentDetails(): ?FulfillmentShipmentDetails | setShipmentDetails(?FulfillmentShipmentDetails shipmentDetails): void |
-| `deliveryDetails` | [`?FulfillmentDeliveryDetails`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-delivery-details.md) | Optional | Describes delivery details of an order fulfillment. | getDeliveryDetails(): ?FulfillmentDeliveryDetails | setDeliveryDetails(?FulfillmentDeliveryDetails deliveryDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid0",
- "type": "DELIVERY",
- "state": "CANCELED",
- "line_item_application": "ALL",
- "entries": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid0",
- "quantity": "quantity6",
- "metadata": {
- "key0": "metadata3",
- "key1": "metadata4",
- "key2": "metadata5"
- }
- }
- ]
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-# Get Bank Account by V1 Id Response
-Response object returned by GetBankAccountByV1Id.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `bankAccount` | [`?BankAccount`](../../doc/models/bank-account.md) | Optional | Represents a bank account. For more information about
linking a bank account to a Square account, see
[Bank Accounts API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bank-accounts-api). | getBankAccount(): ?BankAccount | setBankAccount(?BankAccount bankAccount): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "bank_account": {
- "account_number_suffix": "971",
- "account_type": "CHECKING",
- "bank_name": "Bank Name",
- "country": "US",
- "creditable": false,
- "currency": "USD",
- "debitable": false,
- "holder_name": "Jane Doe",
- "id": "w3yRgCGYQnwmdl0R3GB",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5example",
- "primary_bank_identification_number": "112200303",
- "version": 5,
- "secondary_bank_identification_number": "secondary_bank_identification_number4",
- "debit_mandate_reference_id": "debit_mandate_reference_id0",
- "reference_id": "reference_id2",
- "fingerprint": "fingerprint0"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Get Bank Account Response
-Response object returned by `GetBankAccount`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `bankAccount` | [`?BankAccount`](../../doc/models/bank-account.md) | Optional | Represents a bank account. For more information about
linking a bank account to a Square account, see
[Bank Accounts API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/bank-accounts-api). | getBankAccount(): ?BankAccount | setBankAccount(?BankAccount bankAccount): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "bank_account": {
- "account_number_suffix": "971",
- "account_type": "CHECKING",
- "bank_name": "Bank Name",
- "country": "US",
- "creditable": false,
- "currency": "USD",
- "debitable": false,
- "holder_name": "Jane Doe",
- "id": "w3yRgCGYQnwmdl0R3GB",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5example",
- "primary_bank_identification_number": "112200303",
- "version": 5,
- "secondary_bank_identification_number": "secondary_bank_identification_number4",
- "debit_mandate_reference_id": "debit_mandate_reference_id0",
- "reference_id": "reference_id2",
- "fingerprint": "fingerprint0"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Get Break Type Response
-The response to a request to get a `BreakType`. The response contains
-the requested `BreakType` objects and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `breakType` | [`?BreakType`](../../doc/models/break-type.md) | Optional | A defined break template that sets an expectation for possible `Break`
instances on a `Shift`. | getBreakType(): ?BreakType | setBreakType(?BreakType breakType): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "break_type": {
- "break_name": "Lunch Break",
- "created_at": "2019-02-21T17:50:00Z",
- "expected_duration": "PT30M",
- "id": "lA0mj_RSOprNPwMUXdYp",
- "is_paid": true,
- "location_id": "059SB0E0WCNWS",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-21T17:50:00Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Get Device Code Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `deviceCode` | [`?DeviceCode`](../../doc/models/device-code.md) | Optional | - | getDeviceCode(): ?DeviceCode | setDeviceCode(?DeviceCode deviceCode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_code": {
- "code": "EBCARJ",
- "created_at": "2020-02-06T18:44:33.000Z",
- "device_id": "907CS13101300122",
- "id": "B3Z6NAMYQSMTM",
- "location_id": "B5E4484SHHNYH",
- "name": "Counter 1",
- "pair_by": "2020-02-06T18:49:33.000Z",
- "product_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "status": "PAIRED",
- "status_changed_at": "2020-02-06T18:47:28.000Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Get Device Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `device` | [`?Device`](../../doc/models/device.md) | Optional | - | getDevice(): ?Device | setDevice(?Device device): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device": {
- "attributes": {
- "manufacturer": "Square",
- "manufacturers_id": "995CS397A6475287",
- "merchant_token": "MLCHXZCBWFGDW",
- "model": "T2",
- "name": "Square Terminal 995",
- "type": "TERMINAL",
- "updated_at": "2023-09-29T13:12:22.365049321Z",
- "version": "5.41.0085"
- },
- "components": [
- {
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "session_location": "LMN2K7S3RTOU3",
- "version": "6.25",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "type": "APPLICATION",
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "3.53.70"
- },
- "type": "CARD_READER",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "battery_details": {
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING",
- "visible_percent": 5
- },
- "type": "BATTERY",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "WIFI",
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": true,
- "ip_address_v4": "",
- "secure_connection": "WPA/WPA2 PSK",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 2
- },
- "ssid": "Staff Network"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false
- },
- "type": "ETHERNET",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "id": "device:995CS397A6475287",
- "status": {
- "category": "AVAILABLE"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Get Employee Wage Response
-A response to a request to get an `EmployeeWage`. The response contains
-the requested `EmployeeWage` objects and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `employeeWage` | [`?EmployeeWage`](../../doc/models/employee-wage.md) | Optional | The hourly wage rate that an employee earns on a `Shift` for doing the job specified by the `title` property of this object. Deprecated at version 2020-08-26. Use [TeamMemberWage](entity:TeamMemberWage). | getEmployeeWage(): ?EmployeeWage | setEmployeeWage(?EmployeeWage employeeWage): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "employee_wage": {
- "employee_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "pXS3qCv7BERPnEGedM4S8mhm",
- "title": "Manager"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/get-invoice-response.md b/doc/models/get-invoice-response.md
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@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Get Invoice Response
-Describes a `GetInvoice` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoice` | [`?Invoice`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Optional | Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview). | getInvoice(): ?Invoice | setInvoice(?Invoice invoice): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "invoice": {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "created_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "id": "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "reminders": [
- {
- "message": "Your invoice is due tomorrow",
- "relative_scheduled_days": -1,
- "status": "PENDING",
- "uid": "beebd363-e47f-4075-8785-c235aaa7df11"
- }
- ],
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": true,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "version": 0
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Get Payment Refund Response
-Defines the response returned by [GetRefund](../../doc/apis/refunds.md#get-payment-refund).
-Note: If there are errors processing the request, the refund field might not be
-present or it might be present in a FAILED state.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refund` | [`?PaymentRefund`](../../doc/models/payment-refund.md) | Optional | Represents a refund of a payment made using Square. Contains information about
the original payment and the amount of money refunded. | getRefund(): ?PaymentRefund | setRefund(?PaymentRefund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refund": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T19:59:05.073Z",
- "id": "bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY_69MmgHubkLqx9wGhnmenRUHOaKitE6llfZuxcWYjGxd",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "order_id": "9ltv0bx5PuvGXUYHYHxYSKEqC3IZY",
- "payment_id": "bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "processing_fee": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": -34,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "effective_at": "2021-10-13T21:34:35.000Z",
- "type": "INITIAL"
- }
- ],
- "reason": "Example Refund",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T20:00:02.442Z",
- "unlinked": false,
- "destination_type": "destination_type2",
- "destination_details": {
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "entry_method8",
- "auth_result_code": "auth_result_code0"
- },
- "cash_details": {
- "seller_supplied_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "MKD"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
- },
- "external_details": {
- "type": "type6",
- "source": "source0",
- "source_id": "source_id8"
- }
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Get Payment Response
-Defines the response returned by [GetPayment](../../doc/apis/payments.md#get-payment).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `payment` | [`?Payment`](../../doc/models/payment.md) | Optional | Represents a payment processed by the Square API. | getPayment(): ?Payment | setPayment(?Payment payment): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_id": "sq0ids-Pw67AZAlLVB7hsRmwlJPuA",
- "square_product": "VIRTUAL_TERMINAL"
- },
- "approved_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "auth_result_code": "2Nkw7q",
- "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-Hxim77tbdcbGejOejnoAklBVJed2YFLTmirfl8Q5XZzObTc8qY_U8RkwzoNL8dCEcQ",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_payment_timeline": {
- "authorized_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:33.680Z",
- "captured_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:34.340Z"
- },
- "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "statement_description": "SQ *EXAMPLE TEST GOSQ.C",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:33.524Z",
- "delay_action": "CANCEL",
- "delay_duration": "PT168H",
- "delayed_until": "2021-10-20T19:34:33.524Z",
- "employee_id": "TMoK_ogh6rH1o4dV",
- "id": "bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "note": "Test Note",
- "order_id": "d7eKah653Z579f3gVtjlxpSlmUcZY",
- "processing_fee": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "effective_at": "2021-10-13T21:34:35.000Z",
- "type": "INITIAL"
- }
- ],
- "receipt_number": "bP9m",
- "receipt_url": "https://squareup.com/receipt/preview/bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "source_type": "CARD",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "team_member_id": "TMoK_ogh6rH1o4dV",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:34.339Z",
- "version_token": "56pRkL3slrzet2iQrTp9n0bdJVYTB9YEWdTNjQfZOPV6o",
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 190,
- "currency": "TWD"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/get-payout-response.md b/doc/models/get-payout-response.md
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-# Get Payout Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payout` | [`?Payout`](../../doc/models/payout.md) | Optional | An accounting of the amount owed the seller and record of the actual transfer to their
external bank account or to the Square balance. | getPayout(): ?Payout | setPayout(?Payout payout): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payout": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": -103,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "arrival_date": "2022-03-24",
- "created_at": "2022-03-24T03:07:09Z",
- "destination": {
- "id": "bact:ZPp3oedR3AeEUNd3z7",
- "type": "BANK_ACCOUNT"
- },
- "id": "po_f3c0fb38-a5ce-427d-b858-52b925b72e45",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "status": "PAID",
- "type": "BATCH",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-24T03:07:09Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Get Shift Response
-A response to a request to get a `Shift`. The response contains
-the requested `Shift` object and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `shift` | [`?Shift`](../../doc/models/shift.md) | Optional | A record of the hourly rate, start, and end times for a single work shift
for an employee. This might include a record of the start and end times for breaks
taken during the shift. | getShift(): ?Shift | setShift(?Shift shift): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "shift": {
- "breaks": [
- {
- "break_type_id": "92EPDRQKJ5088",
- "end_at": "2019-02-23T20:00:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT1H",
- "id": "M9BBKEPQAQD2T",
- "is_paid": true,
- "name": "Lunch Break",
- "start_at": "2019-02-23T19:00:00-05:00"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2019-02-27T00:12:12Z",
- "declared_cash_tip_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "employee_id": "D71KRMQof6cXGUW0aAv7",
- "end_at": "2019-02-23T21:00:00-05:00",
- "id": "T35HMQSN89SV4",
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "start_at": "2019-02-23T18:00:00-05:00",
- "status": "CLOSED",
- "team_member_id": "D71KRMQof6cXGUW0aAv7",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-27T00:12:12Z",
- "version": 1,
- "wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1457,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "N4YKVLzFj3oGtNocqoYHYpW3",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Get Team Member Wage Response
-A response to a request to get a `TeamMemberWage`. The response contains
-the requested `TeamMemberWage` objects and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberWage` | [`?TeamMemberWage`](../../doc/models/team-member-wage.md) | Optional | The hourly wage rate that a team member earns on a `Shift` for doing the job
specified by the `title` property of this object. | getTeamMemberWage(): ?TeamMemberWage | setTeamMemberWage(?TeamMemberWage teamMemberWage): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member_wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "pXS3qCv7BERPnEGedM4S8mhm",
- "job_id": "jxJNN6eCJsLrhg5UFJrDWDGE",
- "team_member_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "tip_eligible": false,
- "title": "Manager"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/get-terminal-action-response.md b/doc/models/get-terminal-action-response.md
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-# Get Terminal Action Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `action` | [`?TerminalAction`](../../doc/models/terminal-action.md) | Optional | Represents an action processed by the Square Terminal. | getAction(): ?TerminalAction | setAction(?TerminalAction action): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": {
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:07.476Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
- "id": "termapia:jveJIAkkAjILHkdCE",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "save_card_options": {
- "customer_id": "CUSTOMER_ID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1"
- },
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "type": "SAVE_CARD",
- "updated_at": "2021-07-28T23:22:08.301Z",
- "cancel_reason": "TIMED_OUT"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/get-terminal-checkout-response.md b/doc/models/get-terminal-checkout-response.md
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@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Get Terminal Checkout Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `checkout` | [`?TerminalCheckout`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout.md) | Optional | Represents a checkout processed by the Square Terminal. | getCheckout(): ?TerminalCheckout | setCheckout(?TerminalCheckout checkout): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "checkout": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2610,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2020-04-06T16:39:32.545Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_options": {
- "device_id": "dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
- "skip_receipt_screen": false,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "collect_signature": false,
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- },
- "id": "08YceKh7B3ZqO",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "note": "A brief note",
- "reference_id": "id11572",
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-06T16:39:323.001Z",
- "order_id": "order_id6",
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/get-terminal-refund-response.md b/doc/models/get-terminal-refund-response.md
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-# Get Terminal Refund Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refund` | [`?TerminalRefund`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund.md) | Optional | Represents a payment refund processed by the Square Terminal. Only supports Interac (Canadian debit network) payment refunds. | getRefund(): ?TerminalRefund | setRefund(?TerminalRefund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refund": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 111,
- "currency": "CAD"
- },
- "app_id": "sandbox-sq0idb-c2OuYt13YaCAeJq_2cd8OQ",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "INTERAC",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-B1fP9MNNmZgVVaPKRND6oDKYbz25S2cTvg9Mzwg3RMTK1zT1PiGRT-AE3nTA8vSmmw",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "created_at": "2020-09-29T15:21:46.771Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "f72dfb8e-4d65-4e56-aade-ec3fb8d33291",
- "id": "009DP5HD-5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "location_id": "76C9W6K8CNNQ5",
- "order_id": "kcuKDKreRaI4gF4TjmEgZjHk8Z7YY",
- "payment_id": "5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "reason": "Returning item",
- "refund_id": "5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY_43Q4iGp7sNeATiWrUruA1EYeMRUXaddXXlDDJ1EQLvb",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updated_at": "2020-09-29T15:21:48.675Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-activate.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-activate.md
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-activate.md
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@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Activate
-Represents details about an `ACTIVATE` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [order](entity:Order) that contains the `GIFT_CARD` line item.
Applications that use the Square Orders API to process orders must specify the order ID
[CreateGiftCardActivity](api-endpoint:GiftCardActivities-CreateGiftCardActivity) request. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `lineItemUid` | `?string` | Optional | The UID of the `GIFT_CARD` line item in the order that represents the gift card purchase.
Applications that use the Square Orders API to process orders must specify the line item UID
in the [CreateGiftCardActivity](api-endpoint:GiftCardActivities-CreateGiftCardActivity) request. | getLineItemUid(): ?string | setLineItemUid(?string lineItemUid): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A client-specified ID that associates the gift card activity with an entity in another system.
Applications that use a custom order processing system can use this field to track information
related to an order or payment. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `buyerPaymentInstrumentIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The payment instrument IDs used to process the gift card purchase, such as a credit card ID
or bank account ID.
Applications that use a custom order processing system must specify payment instrument IDs in
the [CreateGiftCardActivity](api-endpoint:GiftCardActivities-CreateGiftCardActivity) request.
Square uses this information to perform compliance checks.
For applications that use the Square Orders API to process payments, Square has the necessary
instrument IDs to perform compliance checks.
Each buyer payment instrument ID can contain a maximum of 255 characters. | getBuyerPaymentInstrumentIds(): ?array | setBuyerPaymentInstrumentIds(?array buyerPaymentInstrumentIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "order_id": "order_id2",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "buyer_payment_instrument_ids": [
- "buyer_payment_instrument_ids0"
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-decrement-reason.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-decrement-reason.md
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-decrement-reason.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Adjust Decrement Reason
-Indicates the reason for deducting money from a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITY` | The balance was decreased because the seller detected suspicious or fraudulent activity
on the gift card. |
-| `BALANCE_ACCIDENTALLY_INCREASED` | The balance was decreased to reverse an unintentional balance increase. |
-| `SUPPORT_ISSUE` | The balance was decreased to accommodate support issues. |
-| `PURCHASE_WAS_REFUNDED` | The balance was decreased because the order used to purchase or reload the
gift card was refunded. |
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-decrement.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Adjust Decrement
-Represents details about an `ADJUST_DECREMENT` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `reason` | [`string(GiftCardActivityAdjustDecrementReason)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-decrement-reason.md) | Required | Indicates the reason for deducting money from a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md). | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "reason": "SUPPORT_ISSUE"
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-increment-reason.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-increment-reason.md
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-increment-reason.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Adjust Increment Reason
-Indicates the reason for adding money to a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `COMPLIMENTARY` | The seller gifted a complimentary gift card balance increase. |
-| `SUPPORT_ISSUE` | The seller increased the gift card balance
to accommodate support issues. |
-| `TRANSACTION_VOIDED` | The transaction is voided. |
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-increment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Adjust Increment
-Represents details about an `ADJUST_INCREMENT` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `reason` | [`string(GiftCardActivityAdjustIncrementReason)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-increment-reason.md) | Required | Indicates the reason for adding money to a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md). | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "reason": "COMPLIMENTARY"
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-block-reason.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-block-reason.md
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index 6bf54c74..00000000
--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-block-reason.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Block Reason
-Indicates the reason for blocking a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CHARGEBACK_BLOCK` | The gift card is blocked because the buyer initiated a chargeback on the gift card purchase. |
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Block
-Represents details about a `BLOCK` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `reason` | `string` | Required, Constant | Indicates the reason for blocking a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
**Default**: `'CHARGEBACK_BLOCK'` | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "reason": "CHARGEBACK_BLOCK"
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-clear-balance-reason.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-clear-balance-reason.md
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@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Clear Balance Reason
-Indicates the reason for clearing the balance of a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITY` | The seller suspects suspicious activity. |
-| `REUSE_GIFTCARD` | The seller cleared the balance to reuse the gift card. |
-| `UNKNOWN_REASON` | The gift card balance was cleared for an unknown reason.
This reason is read-only and cannot be used to create a `CLEAR_BALANCE` activity using the Gift Card Activities API. |
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Clear Balance
-Represents details about a `CLEAR_BALANCE` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `reason` | [`string(GiftCardActivityClearBalanceReason)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-clear-balance-reason.md) | Required | Indicates the reason for clearing the balance of a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md). | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-deactivate-reason.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-deactivate-reason.md
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-deactivate-reason.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Deactivate Reason
-Indicates the reason for deactivating a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SUSPICIOUS_ACTIVITY` | The seller suspects suspicious activity. |
-| `UNKNOWN_REASON` | The gift card was deactivated for an unknown reason.
This reason is read-only and cannot be used to create a `DEACTIVATE` activity using the Gift Card Activities API. |
-| `CHARGEBACK_DEACTIVATE` | A chargeback on the gift card purchase (or the gift card load) was ruled in favor of the buyer.
This reason is read-only and cannot be used to create a `DEACTIVATE` activity using the Gift Card Activities API. |
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-deactivate.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-deactivate.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Deactivate
-Represents details about a `DEACTIVATE` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `reason` | [`string(GiftCardActivityDeactivateReason)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-deactivate-reason.md) | Required | Indicates the reason for deactivating a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md). | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-import-reversal.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-import-reversal.md
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@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Import Reversal
-Represents details about an `IMPORT_REVERSAL` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-import.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-import.md
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Import
-Represents details about an `IMPORT` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-This activity type is used when Square imports a third-party gift card, in which case the
-`gan_source` of the gift card is set to `OTHER`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-load.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-load.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a010ef31..00000000
--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-load.md
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@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Load
-Represents details about a `LOAD` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [order](entity:Order) that contains the `GIFT_CARD` line item.
Applications that use the Square Orders API to process orders must specify the order ID in the
[CreateGiftCardActivity](api-endpoint:GiftCardActivities-CreateGiftCardActivity) request. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `lineItemUid` | `?string` | Optional | The UID of the `GIFT_CARD` line item in the order that represents the additional funds for the gift card.
Applications that use the Square Orders API to process orders must specify the line item UID
in the [CreateGiftCardActivity](api-endpoint:GiftCardActivities-CreateGiftCardActivity) request. | getLineItemUid(): ?string | setLineItemUid(?string lineItemUid): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A client-specified ID that associates the gift card activity with an entity in another system.
Applications that use a custom order processing system can use this field to track information related to
an order or payment. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `buyerPaymentInstrumentIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The payment instrument IDs used to process the order for the additional funds, such as a credit card ID
or bank account ID.
Applications that use a custom order processing system must specify payment instrument IDs in
the [CreateGiftCardActivity](api-endpoint:GiftCardActivities-CreateGiftCardActivity) request.
Square uses this information to perform compliance checks.
For applications that use the Square Orders API to process payments, Square has the necessary
instrument IDs to perform compliance checks.
Each buyer payment instrument ID can contain a maximum of 255 characters. | getBuyerPaymentInstrumentIds(): ?array | setBuyerPaymentInstrumentIds(?array buyerPaymentInstrumentIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "order_id": "order_id2",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "buyer_payment_instrument_ids": [
- "buyer_payment_instrument_ids4",
- "buyer_payment_instrument_ids5"
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-redeem-status.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-redeem-status.md
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-redeem-status.md
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@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Redeem Status
-Indicates the status of a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) redemption. This status is relevant only for
-redemptions made from Square products (such as Square Point of Sale) because Square products use a
-two-state process. Gift cards redeemed using the Gift Card Activities API always have a `COMPLETED` status.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | The gift card redemption is pending. `PENDING` is a temporary status that applies when a
gift card is redeemed from Square Point of Sale or another Square product. A `PENDING` status is updated to
`COMPLETED` if the payment is captured or `CANCELED` if the authorization is voided. |
-| `COMPLETED` | The gift card redemption is completed. |
-| `CANCELED` | The gift card redemption is canceled. A redemption is canceled if the authorization
on the gift card is voided. |
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-redeem.md
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Redeem
-Represents details about a `REDEEM` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment that represents the gift card redemption. Square populates this field
if the payment was processed by Square. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A client-specified ID that associates the gift card activity with an entity in another system.
Applications that use a custom payment processing system can use this field to track information
related to an order or payment. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(GiftCardActivityRedeemStatus)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-redeem-status.md) | Optional | Indicates the status of a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) redemption. This status is relevant only for
redemptions made from Square products (such as Square Point of Sale) because Square products use a
two-state process. Gift cards redeemed using the Gift Card Activities API always have a `COMPLETED` status. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "payment_id": "payment_id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id2",
- "status": "COMPLETED"
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-refund.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-refund.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eb9ed00..00000000
--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-refund.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Refund
-Represents details about a `REFUND` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `redeemActivityId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the refunded `REDEEM` gift card activity. Square populates this field if the
`payment_id` in the corresponding [RefundPayment](api-endpoint:Refunds-RefundPayment) request
represents a gift card redemption.
For applications that use a custom payment processing system, this field is required when creating
a `REFUND` activity. The provided `REDEEM` activity ID must be linked to the same gift card. | getRedeemActivityId(): ?string | setRedeemActivityId(?string redeemActivityId): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A client-specified ID that associates the gift card activity with an entity in another system. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the refunded payment. Square populates this field if the refund is for a
payment processed by Square. This field matches the `payment_id` in the corresponding
[RefundPayment](api-endpoint:Refunds-RefundPayment) request. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "redeem_activity_id": "redeem_activity_id4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "payment_id": "payment_id4"
diff --git a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-transfer-balance-from.md b/doc/models/gift-card-activity-transfer-balance-from.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/doc/models/gift-card-activity-transfer-balance-from.md
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Gift Card Activity Transfer Balance From
-Represents details about a `TRANSFER_BALANCE_FROM` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `transferToGiftCardId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the gift card to which the specified amount was transferred. | getTransferToGiftCardId(): string | setTransferToGiftCardId(string transferToGiftCardId): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "transfer_to_gift_card_id": "transfer_to_gift_card_id0",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
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-# Gift Card Activity Transfer Balance To
-Represents details about a `TRANSFER_BALANCE_TO` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `transferFromGiftCardId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the gift card from which the specified amount was transferred. | getTransferFromGiftCardId(): string | setTransferFromGiftCardId(string transferFromGiftCardId): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "transfer_from_gift_card_id": "transfer_from_gift_card_id6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
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-# Gift Card Activity Type
-Indicates the type of [gift card activity](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVATE` | Activated a gift card with a balance. When a gift card is activated, Square changes
the gift card state from `PENDING` to `ACTIVE`. A gift card must be in the `ACTIVE` state
to be used for other balance-changing activities. |
-| `LOAD` | Loaded a gift card with additional funds. |
-| `REDEEM` | Redeemed a gift card for a purchase. |
-| `CLEAR_BALANCE` | Set the balance of a gift card to zero. |
-| `DEACTIVATE` | Permanently blocked a gift card from balance-changing activities. |
-| `ADJUST_INCREMENT` | Added money to a gift card outside of a typical `ACTIVATE`, `LOAD`, or `REFUND` activity flow. |
-| `ADJUST_DECREMENT` | Deducted money from a gift card outside of a typical `REDEEM` activity flow. |
-| `REFUND` | Added money to a gift card from a refunded transaction. A `REFUND` activity might be linked to
a Square payment, depending on how the payment and refund are processed. For example:
- A payment processed by Square can be refunded to a `PENDING` or `ACTIVE` gift card using the Square
Seller Dashboard, Square Point of Sale, or Refunds API.
- A payment processed using a custom processing system can be refunded to the same gift card. |
-| `UNLINKED_ACTIVITY_REFUND` | Added money to a gift card from a refunded transaction that was processed using a custom payment
processing system and not linked to the gift card. |
-| `IMPORT` | Imported a third-party gift card with a balance. `IMPORT` activities are managed
by Square and cannot be created using the Gift Card Activities API. |
-| `BLOCK` | Temporarily blocked a gift card from balance-changing activities. `BLOCK` activities
are managed by Square and cannot be created using the Gift Card Activities API. |
-| `UNBLOCK` | Unblocked a gift card, which enables it to resume balance-changing activities. `UNBLOCK`
activities are managed by Square and cannot be created using the Gift Card Activities API. |
-| `IMPORT_REVERSAL` | Reversed the import of a third-party gift card, which sets the gift card state to
`PENDING` and clears the balance. `IMPORT_REVERSAL` activities are managed by Square and
cannot be created using the Gift Card Activities API. |
-| `TRANSFER_BALANCE_FROM` | Deducted money from a gift card as the result of a transfer to the balance of another gift card.
`TRANSFER_BALANCE_FROM` activities are managed by Square and cannot be created using the Gift Card Activities API. |
-| `TRANSFER_BALANCE_TO` | Added money to a gift card as the result of a transfer from the balance of another gift card.
`TRANSFER_BALANCE_TO` activities are managed by Square and cannot be created using the Gift Card Activities API. |
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-# Gift Card Activity Unblock Reason
-Indicates the reason for unblocking a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CHARGEBACK_UNBLOCK` | The gift card is unblocked because a chargeback was ruled in favor of the seller. |
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-# Gift Card Activity Unblock
-Represents details about an `UNBLOCK` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `reason` | `string` | Required, Constant | Indicates the reason for unblocking a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md).
**Default**: `'CHARGEBACK_UNBLOCK'` | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
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-# Gift Card Activity Unlinked Activity Refund
-Represents details about an `UNLINKED_ACTIVITY_REFUND` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A client-specified ID that associates the gift card activity with an entity in another system. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the refunded payment. This field is not used starting in Square version 2022-06-16. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "payment_id": "payment_id0"
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-# Gift Card Activity
-Represents an action performed on a [gift card](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) that affects its state or balance.
-A gift card activity contains information about a specific activity type. For example, a `REDEEM` activity
-includes a `redeem_activity_details` field that contains information about the redemption.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the gift card activity. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `type` | [`string(GiftCardActivityType)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md) | Required | Indicates the type of [gift card activity](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity.md). | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [business location](entity:Location) where the activity occurred. | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the gift card activity was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `giftCardId` | `?string` | Optional | The gift card ID. When creating a gift card activity, `gift_card_id` is not required if
`gift_card_gan` is specified. | getGiftCardId(): ?string | setGiftCardId(?string giftCardId): void |
-| `giftCardGan` | `?string` | Optional | The gift card account number (GAN). When creating a gift card activity, `gift_card_gan`
is not required if `gift_card_id` is specified. | getGiftCardGan(): ?string | setGiftCardGan(?string giftCardGan): void |
-| `giftCardBalanceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getGiftCardBalanceMoney(): ?Money | setGiftCardBalanceMoney(?Money giftCardBalanceMoney): void |
-| `loadActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityLoad`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-load.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `LOAD` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getLoadActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityLoad | setLoadActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityLoad loadActivityDetails): void |
-| `activateActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityActivate`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-activate.md) | Optional | Represents details about an `ACTIVATE` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getActivateActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityActivate | setActivateActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityActivate activateActivityDetails): void |
-| `redeemActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityRedeem`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-redeem.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `REDEEM` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getRedeemActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityRedeem | setRedeemActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityRedeem redeemActivityDetails): void |
-| `clearBalanceActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityClearBalance`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-clear-balance.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `CLEAR_BALANCE` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getClearBalanceActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityClearBalance | setClearBalanceActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityClearBalance clearBalanceActivityDetails): void |
-| `deactivateActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityDeactivate`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-deactivate.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `DEACTIVATE` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getDeactivateActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityDeactivate | setDeactivateActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityDeactivate deactivateActivityDetails): void |
-| `adjustIncrementActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityAdjustIncrement`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-increment.md) | Optional | Represents details about an `ADJUST_INCREMENT` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getAdjustIncrementActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityAdjustIncrement | setAdjustIncrementActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityAdjustIncrement adjustIncrementActivityDetails): void |
-| `adjustDecrementActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityAdjustDecrement`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-adjust-decrement.md) | Optional | Represents details about an `ADJUST_DECREMENT` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getAdjustDecrementActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityAdjustDecrement | setAdjustDecrementActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityAdjustDecrement adjustDecrementActivityDetails): void |
-| `refundActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityRefund`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-refund.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `REFUND` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getRefundActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityRefund | setRefundActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityRefund refundActivityDetails): void |
-| `unlinkedActivityRefundActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityUnlinkedActivityRefund`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-unlinked-activity-refund.md) | Optional | Represents details about an `UNLINKED_ACTIVITY_REFUND` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getUnlinkedActivityRefundActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityUnlinkedActivityRefund | setUnlinkedActivityRefundActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityUnlinkedActivityRefund unlinkedActivityRefundActivityDetails): void |
-| `importActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityImport`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-import.md) | Optional | Represents details about an `IMPORT` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md).
This activity type is used when Square imports a third-party gift card, in which case the
`gan_source` of the gift card is set to `OTHER`. | getImportActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityImport | setImportActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityImport importActivityDetails): void |
-| `blockActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityBlock`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-block.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `BLOCK` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getBlockActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityBlock | setBlockActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityBlock blockActivityDetails): void |
-| `unblockActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityUnblock`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-unblock.md) | Optional | Represents details about an `UNBLOCK` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getUnblockActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityUnblock | setUnblockActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityUnblock unblockActivityDetails): void |
-| `importReversalActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityImportReversal`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-import-reversal.md) | Optional | Represents details about an `IMPORT_REVERSAL` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getImportReversalActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityImportReversal | setImportReversalActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityImportReversal importReversalActivityDetails): void |
-| `transferBalanceToActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityTransferBalanceTo`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-transfer-balance-to.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `TRANSFER_BALANCE_TO` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getTransferBalanceToActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityTransferBalanceTo | setTransferBalanceToActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityTransferBalanceTo transferBalanceToActivityDetails): void |
-| `transferBalanceFromActivityDetails` | [`?GiftCardActivityTransferBalanceFrom`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-transfer-balance-from.md) | Optional | Represents details about a `TRANSFER_BALANCE_FROM` [gift card activity type](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity-type.md). | getTransferBalanceFromActivityDetails(): ?GiftCardActivityTransferBalanceFrom | setTransferBalanceFromActivityDetails(?GiftCardActivityTransferBalanceFrom transferBalanceFromActivityDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "type": "REDEEM",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "gift_card_id": "gift_card_id6",
- "gift_card_gan": "gift_card_gan4",
- "gift_card_balance_money": {
- "amount": 82,
- "currency": "IRR"
- }
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-# Gift Card GAN Source
-Indicates the source that generated the gift card
-account number (GAN).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SQUARE` | The GAN is generated by Square. |
-| `OTHER` | The GAN is provided by a non-Square system. For more information, see
[Custom GANs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/gift-cards/using-gift-cards-api#custom-gans) or
[Third-party gift cards](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/gift-cards/using-gift-cards-api#third-party-gift-cards). |
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-# Gift Card Status
-Indicates the gift card state.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVE` | The gift card is active and can be used as a payment source. |
-| `DEACTIVATED` | Any activity that changes the gift card balance is permanently forbidden. |
-| `BLOCKED` | Any activity that changes the gift card balance is temporarily forbidden. |
-| `PENDING` | The gift card is pending activation.
This is the initial state when a gift card is created. Typically, you'll call
[CreateGiftCardActivity](../../doc/apis/gift-card-activities.md#create-gift-card-activity) to create an
`ACTIVATE` activity that activates the gift card with an initial balance before first use. |
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-# Gift Card Type
-Indicates the gift card type.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PHYSICAL` | A plastic gift card. |
-| `DIGITAL` | A digital gift card. |
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-# Gift Card
-Represents a Square gift card.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the gift card. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `type` | [`string(GiftCardType)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-type.md) | Required | Indicates the gift card type. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `ganSource` | [`?string(GiftCardGANSource)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-gan-source.md) | Optional | Indicates the source that generated the gift card
account number (GAN). | getGanSource(): ?string | setGanSource(?string ganSource): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(GiftCardStatus)`](../../doc/models/gift-card-status.md) | Optional | Indicates the gift card state. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `balanceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getBalanceMoney(): ?Money | setBalanceMoney(?Money balanceMoney): void |
-| `gan` | `?string` | Optional | The gift card account number (GAN). Buyers can use the GAN to make purchases or check
the gift card balance. | getGan(): ?string | setGan(?string gan): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the gift card was created, in RFC 3339 format.
In the case of a digital gift card, it is the time when you create a card
(using the Square Point of Sale application, Seller Dashboard, or Gift Cards API).
In the case of a plastic gift card, it is the time when Square associates the card with the
seller at the time of activation. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `customerIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the [customer profiles](entity:Customer) to whom this gift card is linked. | getCustomerIds(): ?array | setCustomerIds(?array customerIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "type": "PHYSICAL",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 146,
- "currency": "BBD"
- },
- "gan": "gan6"
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-# Inventory Adjustment Group
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID generated by Square for the
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `rootAdjustmentId` | `?string` | Optional | The inventory adjustment of the composed variation.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getRootAdjustmentId(): ?string | setRootAdjustmentId(?string rootAdjustmentId): void |
-| `fromState` | [`?string(InventoryState)`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods. | getFromState(): ?string | setFromState(?string fromState): void |
-| `toState` | [`?string(InventoryState)`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods. | getToState(): ?string | setToState(?string toState): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "root_adjustment_id": "root_adjustment_id4",
- "from_state": "WASTE",
- "to_state": "RESERVED_FOR_SALE"
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-# Inventory Adjustment
-Represents a change in state or quantity of product inventory at a
-particular time and location.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID generated by Square for the
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID provided by the application to tie the
`InventoryAdjustment` to an external
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `fromState` | [`?string(InventoryState)`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods. | getFromState(): ?string | setFromState(?string fromState): void |
-| `toState` | [`?string(InventoryState)`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods. | getToState(): ?string | setToState(?string toState): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Location](entity:Location) where the related
quantity of items is being tracked.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the
[CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogObjectType` | `?string` | Optional | The [type](entity:CatalogObjectType) of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
The Inventory API supports setting and reading the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION"` field value.
In addition, it can also read the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM"` field value that is set by the Square Restaurants app.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `14` | getCatalogObjectType(): ?string | setCatalogObjectType(?string catalogObjectType): void |
-| `quantity` | `?string` | Optional | The number of items affected by the adjustment as a decimal string.
Can support up to 5 digits after the decimal point.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `26` | getQuantity(): ?string | setQuantity(?string quantity): void |
-| `totalPriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalPriceMoney(): ?Money | setTotalPriceMoney(?Money totalPriceMoney): void |
-| `occurredAt` | `?string` | Optional | A client-generated RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when
the inventory adjustment took place. For inventory adjustment updates, the `occurred_at`
timestamp cannot be older than 24 hours or in the future relative to the
time of the request.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getOccurredAt(): ?string | setOccurredAt(?string occurredAt): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | An RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when the inventory adjustment is received.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `source` | [`?SourceApplication`](../../doc/models/source-application.md) | Optional | Represents information about the application used to generate a change. | getSource(): ?SourceApplication | setSource(?SourceApplication source): void |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Employee](entity:Employee) responsible for the
inventory adjustment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Team Member](entity:TeamMember) responsible for the
inventory adjustment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `transactionId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Transaction](entity:Transaction) that
caused the adjustment. Only relevant for payment-related state
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getTransactionId(): ?string | setTransactionId(?string transactionId): void |
-| `refundId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Refund](entity:Refund) that
caused the adjustment. Only relevant for refund-related state
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getRefundId(): ?string | setRefundId(?string refundId): void |
-| `purchaseOrderId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the purchase order that caused the
adjustment. Only relevant for state transitions from the Square for Retail
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getPurchaseOrderId(): ?string | setPurchaseOrderId(?string purchaseOrderId): void |
-| `goodsReceiptId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the goods receipt that caused the
adjustment. Only relevant for state transitions from the Square for Retail
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getGoodsReceiptId(): ?string | setGoodsReceiptId(?string goodsReceiptId): void |
-| `adjustmentGroup` | [`?InventoryAdjustmentGroup`](../../doc/models/inventory-adjustment-group.md) | Optional | - | getAdjustmentGroup(): ?InventoryAdjustmentGroup | setAdjustmentGroup(?InventoryAdjustmentGroup adjustmentGroup): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "from_state": "WASTE",
- "to_state": "RESERVED_FOR_SALE",
- "location_id": "location_id0"
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-# Inventory Alert Type
-Indicates whether Square should alert the merchant when the inventory quantity of a CatalogItemVariation is low.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `NONE` | The variation does not display an alert. |
-| `LOW_QUANTITY` | The variation generates an alert when its quantity is low. |
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-# Inventory Change Type
-Indicates how the inventory change was applied to a tracked product quantity.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PHYSICAL_COUNT` | The change occurred as part of a physical count update. |
-| `ADJUSTMENT` | The change occurred as part of the normal lifecycle of goods
(e.g., as an inventory adjustment). |
-| `TRANSFER` | The change occurred as part of an inventory transfer. |
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-# Inventory Change
-Represents a single physical count, inventory, adjustment, or transfer
-that is part of the history of inventory changes for a particular
-[CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) instance.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`?string(InventoryChangeType)`](../../doc/models/inventory-change-type.md) | Optional | Indicates how the inventory change was applied to a tracked product quantity. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `physicalCount` | [`?InventoryPhysicalCount`](../../doc/models/inventory-physical-count.md) | Optional | Represents the quantity of an item variation that is physically present
at a specific location, verified by a seller or a seller's employee. For example,
a physical count might come from an employee counting the item variations on
hand or from syncing with an external system. | getPhysicalCount(): ?InventoryPhysicalCount | setPhysicalCount(?InventoryPhysicalCount physicalCount): void |
-| `adjustment` | [`?InventoryAdjustment`](../../doc/models/inventory-adjustment.md) | Optional | Represents a change in state or quantity of product inventory at a
particular time and location. | getAdjustment(): ?InventoryAdjustment | setAdjustment(?InventoryAdjustment adjustment): void |
-| `transfer` | [`?InventoryTransfer`](../../doc/models/inventory-transfer.md) | Optional | Represents the transfer of a quantity of product inventory at a
particular time from one location to another. | getTransfer(): ?InventoryTransfer | setTransfer(?InventoryTransfer transfer): void |
-| `measurementUnit` | [`?CatalogMeasurementUnit`](../../doc/models/catalog-measurement-unit.md) | Optional | Represents the unit used to measure a `CatalogItemVariation` and
specifies the precision for decimal quantities. | getMeasurementUnit(): ?CatalogMeasurementUnit | setMeasurementUnit(?CatalogMeasurementUnit measurementUnit): void |
-| `measurementUnitId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [CatalogMeasurementUnit](entity:CatalogMeasurementUnit) object representing the catalog measurement unit associated with the inventory change. | getMeasurementUnitId(): ?string | setMeasurementUnitId(?string measurementUnitId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "ADJUSTMENT",
- "physical_count": {
- "id": "id2",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id6",
- "catalog_object_type": "catalog_object_type6",
- },
- "adjustment": {
- "id": "id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id2",
- "from_state": "IN_TRANSIT_TO",
- "to_state": "SOLD",
- "location_id": "location_id8"
- },
- "transfer": {
- "id": "id8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "state": "RESERVED_FOR_SALE",
- "from_location_id": "from_location_id0",
- "to_location_id": "to_location_id0"
- },
- "measurement_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 184
- }
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-# Inventory Count
-Represents Square-estimated quantity of items in a particular state at a
-particular seller location based on the known history of physical counts and
-inventory adjustments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the
[CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogObjectType` | `?string` | Optional | The [type](entity:CatalogObjectType) of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
The Inventory API supports setting and reading the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION"` field value.
In addition, it can also read the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM"` field value that is set by the Square Restaurants app.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `14` | getCatalogObjectType(): ?string | setCatalogObjectType(?string catalogObjectType): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(InventoryState)`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Location](entity:Location) where the related
quantity of items is being tracked.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `quantity` | `?string` | Optional | The number of items affected by the estimated count as a decimal string.
Can support up to 5 digits after the decimal point.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `26` | getQuantity(): ?string | setQuantity(?string quantity): void |
-| `calculatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | An RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when the most recent physical count or adjustment affecting
the estimated count is received.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getCalculatedAt(): ?string | setCalculatedAt(?string calculatedAt): void |
-| `isEstimated` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the inventory count is for composed variation (TRUE) or not (FALSE). If true, the inventory count will not be present in the response of
any of these endpoints: [BatchChangeInventory](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#batch-change-inventory),
[BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#batch-retrieve-inventory-counts), and
[RetrieveInventoryChanges](../../doc/apis/inventory.md#retrieve-inventory-changes). | getIsEstimated(): ?bool | setIsEstimated(?bool isEstimated): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id4",
- "catalog_object_type": "catalog_object_type4",
- "state": "SOLD",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "quantity": "quantity8"
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-# Inventory Physical Count
-Represents the quantity of an item variation that is physically present
-at a specific location, verified by a seller or a seller's employee. For example,
-a physical count might come from an employee counting the item variations on
-hand or from syncing with an external system.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique Square-generated ID for the
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID provided by the application to tie the
[InventoryPhysicalCount](entity:InventoryPhysicalCount) to an external
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the
[CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogObjectType` | `?string` | Optional | The [type](entity:CatalogObjectType) of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
The Inventory API supports setting and reading the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION"` field value.
In addition, it can also read the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM"` field value that is set by the Square Restaurants app.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `14` | getCatalogObjectType(): ?string | setCatalogObjectType(?string catalogObjectType): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(InventoryState)`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Location](entity:Location) where the related
quantity of items is being tracked.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `quantity` | `?string` | Optional | The number of items affected by the physical count as a decimal string.
The number can support up to 5 digits after the decimal point.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `26` | getQuantity(): ?string | setQuantity(?string quantity): void |
-| `source` | [`?SourceApplication`](../../doc/models/source-application.md) | Optional | Represents information about the application used to generate a change. | getSource(): ?SourceApplication | setSource(?SourceApplication source): void |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Employee](entity:Employee) responsible for the
physical count.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Team Member](entity:TeamMember) responsible for the
physical count.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `occurredAt` | `?string` | Optional | A client-generated RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when
the physical count was examined. For physical count updates, the `occurred_at`
timestamp cannot be older than 24 hours or in the future relative to the
time of the request.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getOccurredAt(): ?string | setOccurredAt(?string occurredAt): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | An RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when the physical count is received.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id4",
- "catalog_object_type": "catalog_object_type4",
- "state": "COMPOSED"
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-# Inventory State
-Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CUSTOM` | The related quantity of items are in a custom state. **READ-ONLY**:
the Inventory API cannot move quantities to or from this state. |
-| `IN_STOCK` | The related quantity of items are on hand and available for sale. |
-| `SOLD` | The related quantity of items were sold as part of an itemized
transaction. Quantities in the `SOLD` state are no longer tracked. |
-| `RETURNED_BY_CUSTOMER` | The related quantity of items were returned through the Square Point
of Sale application, but are not yet available for sale. **READ-ONLY**:
the Inventory API cannot move quantities to or from this state. |
-| `RESERVED_FOR_SALE` | The related quantity of items are on hand, but not currently
available for sale. **READ-ONLY**: the Inventory API cannot move
quantities to or from this state. |
-| `SOLD_ONLINE` | The related quantity of items were sold online. **READ-ONLY**: the
Inventory API cannot move quantities to or from this state. |
-| `ORDERED_FROM_VENDOR` | The related quantity of items were ordered from a vendor but not yet
received. **READ-ONLY**: the Inventory API cannot move quantities to or
from this state. |
-| `RECEIVED_FROM_VENDOR` | The related quantity of items were received from a vendor but are
not yet available for sale. **READ-ONLY**: the Inventory API cannot move
quantities to or from this state. |
-| `IN_TRANSIT_TO` | Replaced by `IN_TRANSIT` to represent quantities
of items that are in transit between locations. |
-| `NONE` | A placeholder indicating that the related quantity of items are not
currently tracked in Square. Transferring quantities from the `NONE` state
to a tracked state (e.g., `IN_STOCK`) introduces stock into the system. |
-| `WASTE` | The related quantity of items are lost or damaged and cannot be
sold. |
-| `UNLINKED_RETURN` | The related quantity of items were returned but not linked to a
previous transaction. Unlinked returns are not tracked in Square.
Transferring a quantity from `UNLINKED_RETURN` to a tracked state (e.g.,
`IN_STOCK`) introduces new stock into the system. |
-| `COMPOSED` | The related quantity of items that are part of a composition consisting one or more components. |
-| `DECOMPOSED` | The related quantity of items that are part of a component. |
-| `SUPPORTED_BY_NEWER_VERSION` | This state is not supported by this version of the Square API. We recommend that you upgrade the client to use the appropriate version of the Square API supporting this state. |
-| `IN_TRANSIT` | The related quantity of items are in transit between locations. **READ-ONLY:** the Inventory API cannot currently be used to move quantities to or from this inventory state. |
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-# Inventory Transfer
-Represents the transfer of a quantity of product inventory at a
-particular time from one location to another.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID generated by Square for the
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID provided by the application to tie the
`InventoryTransfer` to an external system.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(InventoryState)`](../../doc/models/inventory-state.md) | Optional | Indicates the state of a tracked item quantity in the lifecycle of goods. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `fromLocationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Location](entity:Location) where the related
quantity of items was tracked before the transfer.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getFromLocationId(): ?string | setFromLocationId(?string fromLocationId): void |
-| `toLocationId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Location](entity:Location) where the related
quantity of items was tracked after the transfer.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getToLocationId(): ?string | setToLocationId(?string toLocationId): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the
[CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogObjectType` | `?string` | Optional | The [type](entity:CatalogObjectType) of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) being tracked.
The Inventory API supports setting and reading the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION"` field value.
In addition, it can also read the `"catalog_object_type": "ITEM"` field value that is set by the Square Restaurants app.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `14` | getCatalogObjectType(): ?string | setCatalogObjectType(?string catalogObjectType): void |
-| `quantity` | `?string` | Optional | The number of items affected by the transfer as a decimal string.
Can support up to 5 digits after the decimal point.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `26` | getQuantity(): ?string | setQuantity(?string quantity): void |
-| `occurredAt` | `?string` | Optional | A client-generated RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when
the transfer took place. For write actions, the `occurred_at` timestamp
cannot be older than 24 hours or in the future relative to the time of the
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getOccurredAt(): ?string | setOccurredAt(?string occurredAt): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | An RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when Square
received the transfer request.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `source` | [`?SourceApplication`](../../doc/models/source-application.md) | Optional | Represents information about the application used to generate a change. | getSource(): ?SourceApplication | setSource(?SourceApplication source): void |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Employee](entity:Employee) responsible for the
inventory transfer.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the [Team Member](entity:TeamMember) responsible for the
inventory transfer.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "from_location_id": "from_location_id0",
- "to_location_id": "to_location_id0"
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-# Invoice Accepted Payment Methods
-The payment methods that customers can use to pay an [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md) on the Square-hosted invoice payment page.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `card` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether credit card or debit card payments are accepted. The default value is `false`. | getCard(): ?bool | setCard(?bool card): void |
-| `squareGiftCard` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether Square gift card payments are accepted. The default value is `false`. | getSquareGiftCard(): ?bool | setSquareGiftCard(?bool squareGiftCard): void |
-| `bankAccount` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether ACH bank transfer payments are accepted. The default value is `false`. | getBankAccount(): ?bool | setBankAccount(?bool bankAccount): void |
-| `buyNowPayLater` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether Afterpay (also known as Clearpay) payments are accepted. The default value is `false`.
This option is allowed only for invoices that have a single payment request of the `BALANCE` type. This payment method is
supported if the seller account accepts Afterpay payments and the seller location is in a country where Afterpay
invoice payments are supported. As a best practice, consider enabling an additional payment method when allowing
`buy_now_pay_later` payments. For more information, including detailed requirements and processing limits, see
[Buy Now Pay Later payments with Afterpay](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#buy-now-pay-later). | getBuyNowPayLater(): ?bool | setBuyNowPayLater(?bool buyNowPayLater): void |
-| `cashAppPay` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether Cash App payments are accepted. The default value is `false`.
This payment method is supported only for seller [locations](entity:Location) in the United States. | getCashAppPay(): ?bool | setCashAppPay(?bool cashAppPay): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card": false,
- "square_gift_card": false,
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "cash_app_pay": false
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-# Invoice Attachment
-Represents a file attached to an [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the attachment. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `filename` | `?string` | Optional | The file name of the attachment, which is displayed on the invoice. | getFilename(): ?string | setFilename(?string filename): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the attachment, which is displayed on the invoice.
This field maps to the seller-defined **Message** field. | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `filesize` | `?int` | Optional | The file size of the attachment in bytes. | getFilesize(): ?int | setFilesize(?int filesize): void |
-| `hash` | `?string` | Optional | The MD5 hash that was generated from the file contents. | getHash(): ?string | setHash(?string hash): void |
-| `mimeType` | `?string` | Optional | The mime type of the attachment.
The following mime types are supported:
image/gif, image/jpeg, image/png, image/tiff, image/bmp, application/pdf. | getMimeType(): ?string | setMimeType(?string mimeType): void |
-| `uploadedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the attachment was uploaded, in RFC 3339 format. | getUploadedAt(): ?string | setUploadedAt(?string uploadedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "filename": "filename6",
- "description": "description6",
- "filesize": 164,
- "hash": "hash0"
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-# Invoice Automatic Payment Source
-Indicates the automatic payment method for an [invoice payment request](../../doc/models/invoice-payment-request.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `NONE` | An automatic payment is not configured for the payment request. |
-| `CARD_ON_FILE` | Use a card on file as the automatic payment method. On the due date, Square charges the card
for the amount of the payment request.
For `CARD_ON_FILE` payments, the invoice delivery method must be `EMAIL` and `card_id` must be
specified for the payment request before the invoice can be published. |
-| `BANK_ON_FILE` | Use a bank account on file as the automatic payment method. On the due date, Square charges the bank
account for the amount of the payment request if the buyer has approved the payment. The buyer receives a
request to approve the payment when the invoice is sent or the invoice is updated.
This payment method applies only to invoices that sellers create in the Seller Dashboard or other
Square product. The bank account is provided by the customer during the payment flow.
You cannot set `BANK_ON_FILE` as a payment method using the Invoices API, but you can change a `BANK_ON_FILE`
payment method to `NONE` or `CARD_ON_FILE`. For `BANK_ON_FILE` payments, the invoice delivery method must be `EMAIL`. |
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-# Invoice Custom Field Placement
-Indicates where to render a custom field on the Square-hosted invoice page and in emailed or PDF
-copies of the invoice.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS` | Render the custom field above the invoice line items. |
-| `BELOW_LINE_ITEMS` | Render the custom field below the invoice line items. |
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-# Invoice Custom Field
-An additional seller-defined and customer-facing field to include on the invoice. For more information,
-see [Custom fields](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#custom-fields).
-Adding custom fields to an invoice requires an
-[Invoices Plus subscription](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#invoices-plus-subscription).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `label` | `?string` | Optional | The label or title of the custom field. This field is required for a custom field.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `30` | getLabel(): ?string | setLabel(?string label): void |
-| `value` | `?string` | Optional | The text of the custom field. If omitted, only the label is rendered.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2000` | getValue(): ?string | setValue(?string value): void |
-| `placement` | [`?string(InvoiceCustomFieldPlacement)`](../../doc/models/invoice-custom-field-placement.md) | Optional | Indicates where to render a custom field on the Square-hosted invoice page and in emailed or PDF
copies of the invoice. | getPlacement(): ?string | setPlacement(?string placement): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "label": "label6",
- "value": "value8",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS"
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-# Invoice Delivery Method
-Indicates how Square delivers the [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md) to the customer.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `EMAIL` | Directs Square to send invoices, reminders, and receipts to the customer using email. |
-| `SHARE_MANUALLY` | Directs Square to take no action on the invoice. In this case, the seller
or application developer follows up with the customer for payment. For example,
a seller might collect a payment in the Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale (POS) application.
The seller might also share the URL of the Square-hosted invoice page (`public_url`) with the customer to request payment. |
-| `SMS` | Directs Square to send invoices and receipts to the customer using SMS (text message).
You cannot set `SMS` as a delivery method using the Invoices API, but you can change an `SMS` delivery method to `EMAIL` or `SHARE_MANUALLY`. |
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-# Invoice Filter
-Describes query filters to apply.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationIds` | `string[]` | Required | Limits the search to the specified locations. A location is required.
In the current implementation, only one location can be specified. | getLocationIds(): array | setLocationIds(array locationIds): void |
-| `customerIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Limits the search to the specified customers, within the specified locations.
Specifying a customer is optional. In the current implementation,
a maximum of one customer can be specified. | getCustomerIds(): ?array | setCustomerIds(?array customerIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids0",
- "location_ids1",
- "location_ids2"
- ],
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids3",
- "customer_ids2"
- ]
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-# Invoice Payment Reminder Status
-The status of a payment request reminder.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | The reminder will be sent on the `relative_scheduled_date` (if the invoice is published). |
-| `NOT_APPLICABLE` | The reminder is not applicable and is not sent. The following are examples
of when reminders are not applicable and are not sent:
- You schedule a reminder to be sent before the invoice is published.
- The invoice is configured with multiple payment requests and a payment request reminder
is configured to be sent after the next payment request `due_date`.
- Two reminders (for different payment requests) are configured to be sent on the
same date. Therefore, only one reminder is sent.
- You configure a reminder to be sent on the date that the invoice is scheduled to be sent.
- The payment request is already paid.
- The invoice status is `CANCELED` or `FAILED`. |
-| `SENT` | The reminder is sent. |
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-# Invoice Payment Reminder
-Describes a payment request reminder (automatic notification) that Square sends
-to the customer. You configure a reminder relative to the payment request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A Square-assigned ID that uniquely identifies the reminder within the
`InvoicePaymentRequest`. | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `relativeScheduledDays` | `?int` | Optional | The number of days before (a negative number) or after (a positive number)
the payment request `due_date` when the reminder is sent. For example, -3 indicates that
the reminder should be sent 3 days before the payment request `due_date`.
**Constraints**: `>= -32767`, `<= 32767` | getRelativeScheduledDays(): ?int | setRelativeScheduledDays(?int relativeScheduledDays): void |
-| `message` | `?string` | Optional | The reminder message.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `1000` | getMessage(): ?string | setMessage(?string message): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(InvoicePaymentReminderStatus)`](../../doc/models/invoice-payment-reminder-status.md) | Optional | The status of a payment request reminder. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `sentAt` | `?string` | Optional | If sent, the timestamp when the reminder was sent, in RFC 3339 format. | getSentAt(): ?string | setSentAt(?string sentAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid6",
- "relative_scheduled_days": 198,
- "message": "message4",
- "status": "SENT",
- "sent_at": "sent_at6"
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-# Invoice Payment Request
-Represents a payment request for an [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md). Invoices can specify a maximum
-of 13 payment requests, with up to 12 `INSTALLMENT` request types. For more information,
-see [Configuring payment requests](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/create-publish-invoices#payment-requests).
-Adding `INSTALLMENT` payment requests to an invoice requires an
-[Invoices Plus subscription](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#invoices-plus-subscription).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated ID of the payment request in an [invoice](entity:Invoice).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `requestMethod` | [`?string(InvoiceRequestMethod)`](../../doc/models/invoice-request-method.md) | Optional | Specifies the action for Square to take for processing the invoice. For example,
email the invoice, charge a customer's card on file, or do nothing. DEPRECATED at
version 2021-01-21. The corresponding `request_method` field is replaced by the
`Invoice.delivery_method` and `InvoicePaymentRequest.automatic_payment_source` fields. | getRequestMethod(): ?string | setRequestMethod(?string requestMethod): void |
-| `requestType` | [`?string(InvoiceRequestType)`](../../doc/models/invoice-request-type.md) | Optional | Indicates the type of the payment request. For more information, see
[Configuring payment requests](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/create-publish-invoices#payment-requests). | getRequestType(): ?string | setRequestType(?string requestType): void |
-| `dueDate` | `?string` | Optional | The due date (in the invoice's time zone) for the payment request, in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. This field
is required to create a payment request. If an `automatic_payment_source` is defined for the request, Square
charges the payment source on this date.
After this date, the invoice becomes overdue. For example, a payment `due_date` of 2021-03-09 with a `timezone`
of America/Los\_Angeles becomes overdue at midnight on March 9 in America/Los\_Angeles (which equals a UTC
timestamp of 2021-03-10T08:00:00Z). | getDueDate(): ?string | setDueDate(?string dueDate): void |
-| `fixedAmountRequestedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getFixedAmountRequestedMoney(): ?Money | setFixedAmountRequestedMoney(?Money fixedAmountRequestedMoney): void |
-| `percentageRequested` | `?string` | Optional | Specifies the amount for the payment request in percentage:
- When the payment `request_type` is `DEPOSIT`, it is the percentage of the order's total amount.
- When the payment `request_type` is `INSTALLMENT`, it is the percentage of the order's total less
the deposit, if requested. The sum of the `percentage_requested` in all installment
payment requests must be equal to 100.
You cannot specify this when the payment `request_type` is `BALANCE` or when the
payment request specifies the `fixed_amount_requested_money` field. | getPercentageRequested(): ?string | setPercentageRequested(?string percentageRequested): void |
-| `tippingEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | If set to true, the Square-hosted invoice page (the `public_url` field of the invoice)
provides a place for the customer to pay a tip.
This field is allowed only on the final payment request
and the payment `request_type` must be `BALANCE` or `INSTALLMENT`. | getTippingEnabled(): ?bool | setTippingEnabled(?bool tippingEnabled): void |
-| `automaticPaymentSource` | [`?string(InvoiceAutomaticPaymentSource)`](../../doc/models/invoice-automatic-payment-source.md) | Optional | Indicates the automatic payment method for an [invoice payment request](../../doc/models/invoice-payment-request.md). | getAutomaticPaymentSource(): ?string | setAutomaticPaymentSource(?string automaticPaymentSource): void |
-| `cardId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the credit or debit card on file to charge for the payment request. To get the cards on file for a customer,
call [ListCards](api-endpoint:Cards-ListCards) and include the `customer_id` of the invoice recipient.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getCardId(): ?string | setCardId(?string cardId): void |
-| `reminders` | [`?(InvoicePaymentReminder[])`](../../doc/models/invoice-payment-reminder.md) | Optional | A list of one or more reminders to send for the payment request. | getReminders(): ?array | setReminders(?array reminders): void |
-| `computedAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getComputedAmountMoney(): ?Money | setComputedAmountMoney(?Money computedAmountMoney): void |
-| `totalCompletedAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalCompletedAmountMoney(): ?Money | setTotalCompletedAmountMoney(?Money totalCompletedAmountMoney): void |
-| `roundingAdjustmentIncludedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getRoundingAdjustmentIncludedMoney(): ?Money | setRoundingAdjustmentIncludedMoney(?Money roundingAdjustmentIncludedMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid0",
- "request_method": "SHARE_MANUALLY",
- "request_type": "DEPOSIT",
- "due_date": "due_date8",
- "fixed_amount_requested_money": {
- "amount": 162,
- "currency": "JOD"
- }
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-# Invoice Query
-Describes query criteria for searching invoices.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`InvoiceFilter`](../../doc/models/invoice-filter.md) | Required | Describes query filters to apply. | getFilter(): InvoiceFilter | setFilter(InvoiceFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?InvoiceSort`](../../doc/models/invoice-sort.md) | Optional | Identifies the sort field and sort order. | getSort(): ?InvoiceSort | setSort(?InvoiceSort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4"
- ],
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids3",
- "customer_ids2"
- ]
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "field2",
- "order": "DESC"
- }
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-# Invoice Recipient Tax Ids
-Represents the tax IDs for an invoice recipient. The country of the seller account determines
-whether the corresponding `tax_ids` field is available for the customer. For more information,
-see [Invoice recipient tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#recipient-tax-ids).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `euVat` | `?string` | Optional | The EU VAT identification number for the invoice recipient. For example, `IE3426675K`. | getEuVat(): ?string | setEuVat(?string euVat): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "eu_vat": "eu_vat8"
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-# Invoice Recipient
-Represents a snapshot of customer data. This object stores customer data that is displayed on the invoice
-and that Square uses to deliver the invoice.
-When you provide a customer ID for a draft invoice, Square retrieves the associated customer profile and populates
-the remaining `InvoiceRecipient` fields. You cannot update these fields after the invoice is published.
-Square updates the customer ID in response to a merge operation, but does not update other fields.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer. This is the customer profile ID that
you provide when creating a draft invoice.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `givenName` | `?string` | Optional | The recipient's given (that is, first) name. | getGivenName(): ?string | setGivenName(?string givenName): void |
-| `familyName` | `?string` | Optional | The recipient's family (that is, last) name. | getFamilyName(): ?string | setFamilyName(?string familyName): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The recipient's email address. | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The recipient's phone number. | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `companyName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the recipient's company. | getCompanyName(): ?string | setCompanyName(?string companyName): void |
-| `taxIds` | [`?InvoiceRecipientTaxIds`](../../doc/models/invoice-recipient-tax-ids.md) | Optional | Represents the tax IDs for an invoice recipient. The country of the seller account determines
whether the corresponding `tax_ids` field is available for the customer. For more information,
see [Invoice recipient tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#recipient-tax-ids). | getTaxIds(): ?InvoiceRecipientTaxIds | setTaxIds(?InvoiceRecipientTaxIds taxIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "customer_id8",
- "given_name": "given_name2",
- "family_name": "family_name4",
- "email_address": "email_address8",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
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-# Invoice Request Method
-Specifies the action for Square to take for processing the invoice. For example,
-email the invoice, charge a customer's card on file, or do nothing. DEPRECATED at
-version 2021-01-21. The corresponding `request_method` field is replaced by the
-`Invoice.delivery_method` and `InvoicePaymentRequest.automatic_payment_source` fields.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `EMAIL` | Directs Square to send invoices, reminders, and receipts to the customer using email.
Square sends the invoice after it is published (either immediately or at the `scheduled_at`
time, if specified in the [invoice](entity:Invoice)). |
-| `CHARGE_CARD_ON_FILE` | Directs Square to charge the card on file on the `due_date` specified in the payment request
and to use email to send invoices, reminders, and receipts. |
-| `SHARE_MANUALLY` | Directs Square to take no specific action on the invoice. In this case, the seller
(or the application developer) follows up with the customer for payment. For example,
a seller might collect a payment in the Seller Dashboard or use the Point of Sale (POS) application.
The seller might also share the URL of the Square-hosted invoice page (`public_url`) with the customer requesting payment. |
-| `CHARGE_BANK_ON_FILE` | Directs Square to charge the customer's bank account on file and to use email to send invoices, reminders, and receipts.
The customer must approve the payment.
The bank on file payment method applies only to invoices that sellers create in the Seller Dashboard or other
Square product. The bank account is provided by the customer during the payment flow. You
cannot set `CHARGE_BANK_ON_FILE` as a request method using the Invoices API. |
-| `SMS` | Directs Square to send invoices and receipts to the customer using SMS (text message). Square sends the invoice
after it is published (either immediately or at the `scheduled_at` time, if specified in the [invoice](entity:Invoice)).
You cannot set `SMS` as a request method using the Invoices API. |
-| `SMS_CHARGE_CARD_ON_FILE` | Directs Square to charge the card on file on the `due_date` specified in the payment request and to
use SMS (text message) to send invoices and receipts.
You cannot set `SMS_CHARGE_CARD_ON_FILE` as a request method using the Invoices API. |
-| `SMS_CHARGE_BANK_ON_FILE` | Directs Square to charge the customer's bank account on file and to use SMS (text message) to send invoices and receipts.
The customer must approve the payment.
The bank on file payment method applies only to invoices that sellers create in the Seller Dashboard
or other Square product. The bank account is provided by the customer during the payment flow.
You cannot set `SMS_CHARGE_BANK_ON_FILE` as a request method using the Invoices API. |
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-# Invoice Request Type
-Indicates the type of the payment request. For more information, see
-[Configuring payment requests](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/create-publish-invoices#payment-requests).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `BALANCE` | A request for a balance payment. The balance amount is computed as follows:
- If the invoice specifies only a balance payment request, the balance amount is the
total amount of the associated order.
- If the invoice also specifies a deposit request, the balance amount is the amount
remaining after the deposit.
`INSTALLMENT` and `BALANCE` payment requests are not allowed in the same invoice. |
-| `DEPOSIT` | A request for a deposit payment. You have the option of specifying
an exact amount or a percentage of the total order amount. If you request a deposit,
it must be due before any other payment requests. |
-| `INSTALLMENT` | A request for an installment payment. Installments allow buyers to pay the invoice over time. Installments can optionally be combined with a deposit.
Adding `INSTALLMENT` payment requests to an invoice requires an
[Invoices Plus subscription](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#invoices-plus-subscription). |
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-# Invoice Sort Field
-The field to use for sorting.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `INVOICE_SORT_DATE` | The field works as follows:
- If the invoice is a draft, it uses the invoice `created_at` date.
- If the invoice is scheduled for publication, it uses the `scheduled_at` date.
- If the invoice is published, it uses the invoice publication date. |
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-# Invoice Sort
-Identifies the sort field and sort order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `field` | `string` | Required, Constant | The field to use for sorting.
**Default**: `'INVOICE_SORT_DATE'` | getField(): string | setField(string field): void |
-| `order` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getOrder(): ?string | setOrder(?string order): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "field": "INVOICE_SORT_DATE",
- "order": "DESC"
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-# Invoice Status
-Indicates the status of an invoice.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `DRAFT` | The invoice is a draft. You must publish a draft invoice before Square can process it.
A draft invoice has no `public_url`, so it is not available to customers. |
-| `UNPAID` | The invoice is published but not yet paid. |
-| `SCHEDULED` | The invoice is scheduled to be processed. On the scheduled date,
Square sends the invoice, initiates an automatic payment, or takes no action, depending on
the delivery method and payment request settings. Square also sets the invoice status to the
appropriate state: `UNPAID`, `PAID`, `PARTIALLY_PAID`, or `PAYMENT_PENDING`. |
-| `PARTIALLY_PAID` | A partial payment is received for the invoice. |
-| `PAID` | The customer paid the invoice in full. |
-| `PARTIALLY_REFUNDED` | The invoice is paid (or partially paid) and some but not all the amount paid is
refunded. |
-| `REFUNDED` | The full amount that the customer paid for the invoice is refunded. |
-| `CANCELED` | The invoice is canceled. Square no longer requests payments from the customer.
The `public_url` page remains and is accessible, but it displays the invoice
as canceled and does not accept payment. |
-| `FAILED` | Square canceled the invoice due to suspicious activity. |
-| `PAYMENT_PENDING` | A payment on the invoice was initiated but has not yet been processed.
When in this state, invoices cannot be updated and other payments cannot be initiated. |
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-# Invoice
-Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
-invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the invoice. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The Square-assigned version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the invoice. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location that this invoice is associated with.
If specified in a `CreateInvoice` request, the value must match the `location_id` of the associated order.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [order](entity:Order) for which the invoice is created.
This field is required when creating an invoice, and the order must be in the `OPEN` state.
To view the line items and other information for the associated order, call the
[RetrieveOrder](api-endpoint:Orders-RetrieveOrder) endpoint using the order ID.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `primaryRecipient` | [`?InvoiceRecipient`](../../doc/models/invoice-recipient.md) | Optional | Represents a snapshot of customer data. This object stores customer data that is displayed on the invoice
and that Square uses to deliver the invoice.
When you provide a customer ID for a draft invoice, Square retrieves the associated customer profile and populates
the remaining `InvoiceRecipient` fields. You cannot update these fields after the invoice is published.
Square updates the customer ID in response to a merge operation, but does not update other fields. | getPrimaryRecipient(): ?InvoiceRecipient | setPrimaryRecipient(?InvoiceRecipient primaryRecipient): void |
-| `paymentRequests` | [`?(InvoicePaymentRequest[])`](../../doc/models/invoice-payment-request.md) | Optional | The payment schedule for the invoice, represented by one or more payment requests that
define payment settings, such as amount due and due date. An invoice supports the following payment request combinations:
- One balance
- One deposit with one balance
- 2–12 installments
- One deposit with 2–12 installments
This field is required when creating an invoice. It must contain at least one payment request.
All payment requests for the invoice must equal the total order amount. For more information, see
[Configuring payment requests](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/create-publish-invoices#payment-requests).
Adding `INSTALLMENT` payment requests to an invoice requires an
[Invoices Plus subscription](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#invoices-plus-subscription). | getPaymentRequests(): ?array | setPaymentRequests(?array paymentRequests): void |
-| `deliveryMethod` | [`?string(InvoiceDeliveryMethod)`](../../doc/models/invoice-delivery-method.md) | Optional | Indicates how Square delivers the [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md) to the customer. | getDeliveryMethod(): ?string | setDeliveryMethod(?string deliveryMethod): void |
-| `invoiceNumber` | `?string` | Optional | A user-friendly invoice number that is displayed on the invoice. The value is unique within a location.
If not provided when creating an invoice, Square assigns a value.
It increments from 1 and is padded with zeros making it 7 characters long
(for example, 0000001 and 0000002).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `191` | getInvoiceNumber(): ?string | setInvoiceNumber(?string invoiceNumber): void |
-| `title` | `?string` | Optional | The title of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getTitle(): ?string | setTitle(?string title): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the invoice, which is displayed on the invoice.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `scheduledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the invoice is scheduled for processing, in RFC 3339 format.
After the invoice is published, Square processes the invoice on the specified date,
according to the delivery method and payment request settings.
If the field is not set, Square processes the invoice immediately after it is published. | getScheduledAt(): ?string | setScheduledAt(?string scheduledAt): void |
-| `publicUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL of the Square-hosted invoice page.
After you publish the invoice using the `PublishInvoice` endpoint, Square hosts the invoice
page and returns the page URL in the response. | getPublicUrl(): ?string | setPublicUrl(?string publicUrl): void |
-| `nextPaymentAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getNextPaymentAmountMoney(): ?Money | setNextPaymentAmountMoney(?Money nextPaymentAmountMoney): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(InvoiceStatus)`](../../doc/models/invoice-status.md) | Optional | Indicates the status of an invoice. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `timezone` | `?string` | Optional | The time zone used to interpret calendar dates on the invoice, such as `due_date`.
When an invoice is created, this field is set to the `timezone` specified for the seller
location. The value cannot be changed.
For example, a payment `due_date` of 2021-03-09 with a `timezone` of America/Los\_Angeles
becomes overdue at midnight on March 9 in America/Los\_Angeles (which equals a UTC timestamp
of 2021-03-10T08:00:00Z). | getTimezone(): ?string | setTimezone(?string timezone): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the invoice was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the invoice was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `acceptedPaymentMethods` | [`?InvoiceAcceptedPaymentMethods`](../../doc/models/invoice-accepted-payment-methods.md) | Optional | The payment methods that customers can use to pay an [invoice](../../doc/models/invoice.md) on the Square-hosted invoice payment page. | getAcceptedPaymentMethods(): ?InvoiceAcceptedPaymentMethods | setAcceptedPaymentMethods(?InvoiceAcceptedPaymentMethods acceptedPaymentMethods): void |
-| `customFields` | [`?(InvoiceCustomField[])`](../../doc/models/invoice-custom-field.md) | Optional | Additional seller-defined fields that are displayed on the invoice. For more information, see
[Custom fields](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#custom-fields).
Adding custom fields to an invoice requires an
[Invoices Plus subscription](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#invoices-plus-subscription).
Max: 2 custom fields | getCustomFields(): ?array | setCustomFields(?array customFields): void |
-| `subscriptionId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [subscription](entity:Subscription) associated with the invoice.
This field is present only on subscription billing invoices. | getSubscriptionId(): ?string | setSubscriptionId(?string subscriptionId): void |
-| `saleOrServiceDate` | `?string` | Optional | The date of the sale or the date that the service is rendered, in `YYYY-MM-DD` format.
This field can be used to specify a past or future date which is displayed on the invoice. | getSaleOrServiceDate(): ?string | setSaleOrServiceDate(?string saleOrServiceDate): void |
-| `paymentConditions` | `?string` | Optional | **France only.** The payment terms and conditions that are displayed on the invoice. For more information,
see [Payment conditions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview#payment-conditions).
For countries other than France, Square returns an `INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR` with a `BAD_REQUEST` code and
"Payment conditions are not supported for this location's country" detail if this field is included in `CreateInvoice` or `UpdateInvoice` requests.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `2000` | getPaymentConditions(): ?string | setPaymentConditions(?string paymentConditions): void |
-| `storePaymentMethodEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to allow a customer to save a credit or debit card as a card on file or a bank transfer as a
bank account on file. If `true`, Square displays a __Save my card on file__ or __Save my bank on file__ checkbox on the
invoice payment page. Stored payment information can be used for future automatic payments. The default value is `false`. | getStorePaymentMethodEnabled(): ?bool | setStorePaymentMethodEnabled(?bool storePaymentMethodEnabled): void |
-| `attachments` | [`?(InvoiceAttachment[])`](../../doc/models/invoice-attachment.md) | Optional | Metadata about the attachments on the invoice. Invoice attachments are managed using the
[CreateInvoiceAttachment](api-endpoint:Invoices-CreateInvoiceAttachment) and [DeleteInvoiceAttachment](api-endpoint:Invoices-DeleteInvoiceAttachment) endpoints. | getAttachments(): ?array | setAttachments(?array attachments): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "version": 224,
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "order_id": "order_id4",
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id2",
- "given_name": "given_name6",
- "family_name": "family_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address2",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
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-# Item Variation Location Overrides
-Price and inventory alerting overrides for a `CatalogItemVariation` at a specific `Location`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the `Location`. This can include locations that are deactivated. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `priceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceMoney(): ?Money | setPriceMoney(?Money priceMoney): void |
-| `pricingType` | [`?string(CatalogPricingType)`](../../doc/models/catalog-pricing-type.md) | Optional | Indicates whether the price of a CatalogItemVariation should be entered manually at the time of sale. | getPricingType(): ?string | setPricingType(?string pricingType): void |
-| `trackInventory` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, inventory tracking is active for the `CatalogItemVariation` at this `Location`. | getTrackInventory(): ?bool | setTrackInventory(?bool trackInventory): void |
-| `inventoryAlertType` | [`?string(InventoryAlertType)`](../../doc/models/inventory-alert-type.md) | Optional | Indicates whether Square should alert the merchant when the inventory quantity of a CatalogItemVariation is low. | getInventoryAlertType(): ?string | setInventoryAlertType(?string inventoryAlertType): void |
-| `inventoryAlertThreshold` | `?int` | Optional | If the inventory quantity for the variation is less than or equal to this value and `inventory_alert_type`
is `LOW_QUANTITY`, the variation displays an alert in the merchant dashboard.
This value is always an integer. | getInventoryAlertThreshold(): ?int | setInventoryAlertThreshold(?int inventoryAlertThreshold): void |
-| `soldOut` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the overridden item variation is sold out at the specified location.
When inventory tracking is enabled on the item variation either globally or at the specified location,
the item variation is automatically marked as sold out when its inventory count reaches zero. The seller
can manually set the item variation as sold out even when the inventory count is greater than zero.
Attempts by an application to set this attribute are ignored. Regardless how the sold-out status is set,
applications should treat its inventory count as zero when this attribute value is `true`. | getSoldOut(): ?bool | setSoldOut(?bool soldOut): void |
-| `soldOutValidUntil` | `?string` | Optional | The seller-assigned timestamp, of the RFC 3339 format, to indicate when this sold-out variation
becomes available again at the specified location. Attempts by an application to set this attribute are ignored.
When the current time is later than this attribute value, the affected item variation is no longer sold out. | getSoldOutValidUntil(): ?string | setSoldOutValidUntil(?string soldOutValidUntil): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
- "track_inventory": false,
- "inventory_alert_type": "NONE"
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-# Job Assignment Pay Type
-Enumerates the possible pay types that a job can be assigned.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `NONE` | The job does not have a defined pay type. |
-| `HOURLY` | The job pays an hourly rate. |
-| `SALARY` | The job pays an annual salary. |
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-# Job Assignment
-Represents a job assigned to a [team member](../../doc/models/team-member.md), including the compensation the team
-member earns for the job. Job assignments are listed in the team member's [wage setting](../../doc/models/wage-setting.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `jobTitle` | `?string` | Optional | The title of the job. | getJobTitle(): ?string | setJobTitle(?string jobTitle): void |
-| `payType` | [`string(JobAssignmentPayType)`](../../doc/models/job-assignment-pay-type.md) | Required | Enumerates the possible pay types that a job can be assigned. | getPayType(): string | setPayType(string payType): void |
-| `hourlyRate` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getHourlyRate(): ?Money | setHourlyRate(?Money hourlyRate): void |
-| `annualRate` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAnnualRate(): ?Money | setAnnualRate(?Money annualRate): void |
-| `weeklyHours` | `?int` | Optional | The planned hours per week for the job. Set if the job `PayType` is `SALARY`. | getWeeklyHours(): ?int | setWeeklyHours(?int weeklyHours): void |
-| `jobId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [job](../../doc/models/job.md). | getJobId(): ?string | setJobId(?string jobId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "job_title": "job_title6",
- "pay_type": "NONE",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 232,
- "currency": "NIO"
- },
- "weekly_hours": 120,
- "job_id": "job_id8"
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-# Job
-Represents a job that can be assigned to [team members](../../doc/models/team-member.md). This object defines the
-job's title and tip eligibility. Compensation is defined in a [job assignment](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md)
-in a team member's wage setting.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | **Read only** The unique Square-assigned ID of the job. If you need a job ID for an API request,
call [ListJobs](api-endpoint:Team-ListJobs) or use the ID returned when you created the job.
You can also get job IDs from a team member's wage setting. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `title` | `?string` | Optional | The title of the job.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `150` | getTitle(): ?string | setTitle(?string title): void |
-| `isTipEligible` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether team members can earn tips for the job. | getIsTipEligible(): ?bool | setIsTipEligible(?bool isTipEligible): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the job was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the job was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | **Read only** The current version of the job. Include this field in `UpdateJob` requests to enable
[optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/optimistic-concurrency)
control and avoid overwrites from concurrent requests. Requests fail if the provided version doesn't
match the server version at the time of the request. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "title": "title2",
- "is_tip_eligible": false,
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2"
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-# Link Customer to Gift Card Request
-A request to link a customer to a gift card.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the customer to link to the gift card.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): string | setCustomerId(string customerId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "GKY0FZ3V717AH8Q2D821PNT2ZW"
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-# Link Customer to Gift Card Response
-A response that contains the linked `GiftCard` object. If the request resulted in errors,
-the response contains a set of `Error` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCard` | [`?GiftCard`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Optional | Represents a Square gift card. | getGiftCard(): ?GiftCard | setGiftCard(?GiftCard giftCard): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card": {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-03-25T05:13:01Z",
- "customer_ids": [
- "GKY0FZ3V717AH8Q2D821PNT2ZW"
- ],
- "gan": "7783320005440920",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:71ea002277a34f8a945e284b04822edb",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Bank Accounts Request
-Request object for fetching all `BankAccount`
-objects linked to a account.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Use it in the next `ListBankAccounts` request to retrieve the next set
of results.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | Upper limit on the number of bank accounts to return in the response.
Currently, 1000 is the largest supported limit. You can specify a limit
of up to 1000 bank accounts. This is also the default limit. | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | Location ID. You can specify this optional filter
to retrieve only the linked bank accounts belonging to a specific location. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "limit": 182,
- "location_id": "location_id2"
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-# List Bank Accounts Response
-Response object returned by ListBankAccounts.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `bankAccounts` | [`?(BankAccount[])`](../../doc/models/bank-account.md) | Optional | List of BankAccounts associated with this account. | getBankAccounts(): ?array | setBankAccounts(?array bankAccounts): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When a response is truncated, it includes a cursor that you can
use in a subsequent request to fetch next set of bank accounts.
If empty, this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "bank_accounts": [
- {
- "account_number_suffix": "971",
- "account_type": "CHECKING",
- "bank_name": "Bank Name",
- "country": "US",
- "creditable": false,
- "currency": "USD",
- "debitable": false,
- "holder_name": "Jane Doe",
- "id": "ao6iaQ9vhDiaQD7n3GB",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5example",
- "primary_bank_identification_number": "112200303",
- "version": 5,
- "secondary_bank_identification_number": "secondary_bank_identification_number0",
- "debit_mandate_reference_id": "debit_mandate_reference_id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "fingerprint": "fingerprint6"
- },
- {
- "account_number_suffix": "972",
- "account_type": "CHECKING",
- "bank_name": "Bank Name",
- "country": "US",
- "creditable": false,
- "currency": "USD",
- "debitable": false,
- "holder_name": "Jane Doe",
- "id": "4x7WXuaxrkQkVlka3GB",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5example",
- "primary_bank_identification_number": "112200303",
- "version": 5,
- "secondary_bank_identification_number": "secondary_bank_identification_number0",
- "debit_mandate_reference_id": "debit_mandate_reference_id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "fingerprint": "fingerprint6"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# List Booking Custom Attribute Definitions Request
-Represents a [ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#list-booking-custom-attribute-definitions) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 98,
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Booking Custom Attribute Definitions Response
-Represents a [ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#list-booking-custom-attribute-definitions) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definitions`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response.
-If additional results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attribute_definitions`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinitions` | [`?(CustomAttributeDefinition[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attribute definitions. If no custom attribute definitions are found,
Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributeDefinitions(): ?array | setCustomAttributeDefinitions(?array customAttributeDefinitions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to provide in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of
results for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and
additional results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "YEk4UPbUEsu8MUV0xouO5hCiFcD9T5ztB6UWEJq5vZnqBFmoBEi0j1j6HWYTFGMRre4p7T5wAQBj3Th1NX3XgBFcQVEVsIxUQ2NsbwjRitfoEZDml9uxxQXepowyRvCuSThHPbJSn7M7wInl3x8XypQF9ahVVQXegJ0CxEKc0SBH",
- "custom_attribute_definitions": [
- {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "key": "favoriteShampoo",
- "name": "Favorite shampoo",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T15:39:38Z",
- "version": 3,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T15:49:05Z",
- "description": "Number of people in the party for dine-in",
- "key": "partySize",
- "name": "Party size",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T15:49:05Z",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- ],
- "errors": []
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-# List Booking Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [ListBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#list-booking-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinitions(): ?bool | setWithDefinitions(?bool withDefinitions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 254,
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "with_definitions": false
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-# List Booking Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [ListBookingCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#list-booking-custom-attributes) response.
-Either `custom_attributes`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response. If additional
-results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attributes`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributes` | [`?(CustomAttribute[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attributes. If `with_definitions` was set to `true` in the request,
the custom attribute definition is returned in the `definition` field of each custom attribute.
If no custom attributes are found, Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributes(): ?array | setCustomAttributes(?array customAttributes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to use in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of results
for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and additional
results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attributes": [
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor0",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Bookings Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results per page to return in a paged response.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 10000` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the results.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The [customer](entity:Customer) for whom to retrieve bookings. If this is not set, bookings for all customers are retrieved.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The team member for whom to retrieve bookings. If this is not set, bookings of all members are retrieved.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location for which to retrieve bookings. If this is not set, all locations' bookings are retrieved.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `startAtMin` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the earliest of the start time. If this is not set, the current time is used. | getStartAtMin(): ?string | setStartAtMin(?string startAtMin): void |
-| `startAtMax` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 timestamp specifying the latest of the start time. If this is not set, the time of 31 days after `start_at_min` is used. | getStartAtMax(): ?string | setStartAtMax(?string startAtMax): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 34,
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6"
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-# List Bookings Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookings` | [`?(Booking[])`](../../doc/models/booking.md) | Optional | The list of targeted bookings. | getBookings(): ?array | setBookings(?array bookings): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in the subsequent request to get the next page of the results. Stop retrieving the next page of the results when the cursor is not set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "bookings": [
- {
- "id": "id4",
- "version": 218,
- "status": "ACCEPTED",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Break Types Request
-A request for a filtered set of `BreakType` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | Filter the returned `BreakType` results to only those that are associated with the
specified location. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of `BreakType` results to return per page. The number can range between 1
and 200. The default is 200.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 200` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pointer to the next page of `BreakType` results to fetch. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "limit": 244,
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# List Break Types Response
-The response to a request for a set of `BreakType` objects. The response contains
-the requested `BreakType` objects and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `breakTypes` | [`?(BreakType[])`](../../doc/models/break-type.md) | Optional | A page of `BreakType` results. | getBreakTypes(): ?array | setBreakTypes(?array breakTypes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The value supplied in the subsequent request to fetch the next page
of `BreakType` results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "break_types": [
- {
- "break_name": "Coffee Break",
- "created_at": "2019-01-22T20:47:37Z",
- "expected_duration": "PT5M",
- "id": "REGS1EQR1TPZ5",
- "is_paid": false,
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "updated_at": "2019-01-22T20:47:37Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- {
- "break_name": "Lunch Break",
- "created_at": "2019-01-25T19:26:30Z",
- "expected_duration": "PT1H",
- "id": "92EPDRQKJ5088",
- "is_paid": true,
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "updated_at": "2019-01-25T19:26:30Z",
- "version": 3
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "2fofTniCgT0yIPAq26kmk0YyFQJZfbWkh73OOnlTHmTAx13NgED",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Cards Request
-Retrieves details for a specific Card. Accessible via
-HTTP requests at GET https://connect.squareup.com/v2/cards
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `256` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | Limit results to cards associated with the customer supplied.
By default, all cards owned by the merchant are returned. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `includeDisabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Includes disabled cards.
By default, all enabled cards owned by the merchant are returned. | getIncludeDisabled(): ?bool | setIncludeDisabled(?bool includeDisabled): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | Limit results to cards associated with the reference_id supplied. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "customer_id": "customer_id8",
- "include_disabled": false,
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "sort_order": "DESC"
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-# List Cards Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [ListCards](../../doc/apis/cards.md#list-cards) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the card field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `cards` | [`?(Card[])`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | The requested list of `Card`s. | getCards(): ?array | setCards(?array cards): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cards": [
- {
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "cardholder_name": "Amelia Earhart",
- "customer_id": "VDKXEEKPJN48QDG3BGGFAK05P8",
- "enabled": true,
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "ex-p-cs80EK9Flz7LsCMv-szbptQ_ssAGrhemzSTsPFgt9nzyE6t7okiLIQc-qw_quqKX4Q",
- "id": "ccof:uIbfJXhXETSP197M3GB",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "merchant_id": "6SSW7HV8K2ST5",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1",
- "version": 1
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Cash Drawer Shift Events Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location to list cash drawer shifts for.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | Number of resources to be returned in a page of results (200 by
default, 1000 max).
**Constraints**: `<= 1000` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | Opaque cursor for fetching the next page of results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "limit": 24,
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# List Cash Drawer Shift Events Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | Opaque cursor for fetching the next page. Cursor is not present in
the last page of results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `cashDrawerShiftEvents` | [`?(CashDrawerShiftEvent[])`](../../doc/models/cash-drawer-shift-event.md) | Optional | All of the events (payments, refunds, etc.) for a cash drawer during
the shift. | getCashDrawerShiftEvents(): ?array | setCashDrawerShiftEvents(?array cashDrawerShiftEvents): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cash_drawer_shift_events": [
- {
- "created_at": "2019-11-22T00:43:02.000Z",
- "description": "",
- "event_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "event_type": "CASH_TENDER_PAYMENT",
- "id": "9F07DB01-D85A-4B77-88C3-D5C64CEB5155",
- "team_member_id": ""
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2019-11-22T00:43:12.000Z",
- "description": "",
- "event_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "event_type": "CASH_TENDER_PAYMENT",
- "id": "B2854CEA-A781-49B3-8F31-C64558231F48",
- "team_member_id": ""
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2019-11-22T00:43:23.000Z",
- "description": "",
- "event_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "B5FB7F72-95CD-44A3-974D-26C41064D042",
- "team_member_id": ""
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2019-11-22T00:43:46.000Z",
- "description": "",
- "event_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "event_type": "CASH_TENDER_REFUND",
- "id": "0B425480-8504-40B4-A867-37B23543931B",
- "team_member_id": ""
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2019-11-22T00:44:18.000Z",
- "description": "Transfer from another drawer",
- "event_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "event_type": "PAID_IN",
- "id": "8C66E60E-FDCF-4EEF-A98D-3B14B7ED5CBE",
- "team_member_id": ""
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2019-11-22T00:44:29.000Z",
- "description": "Transfer out to another drawer",
- "event_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "event_type": "PAID_OUT",
- "id": "D5ACA7FE-C64D-4ADA-8BC8-82118A2DAE4F",
- "team_member_id": ""
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Cash Drawer Shifts Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location to query for a list of cash drawer shifts.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | The inclusive start time of the query on opened_at, in ISO 8601 format. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Optional | The exclusive end date of the query on opened_at, in ISO 8601 format. | getEndTime(): ?string | setEndTime(?string endTime): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | Number of cash drawer shift events in a page of results (200 by
default, 1000 max).
**Constraints**: `<= 1000` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | Opaque cursor for fetching the next page of results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "begin_time": "begin_time0",
- "end_time": "end_time4",
- "limit": 154,
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# List Cash Drawer Shifts Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | Opaque cursor for fetching the next page of results. Cursor is not
present in the last page of results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `cashDrawerShifts` | [`?(CashDrawerShiftSummary[])`](../../doc/models/cash-drawer-shift-summary.md) | Optional | A collection of CashDrawerShiftSummary objects for shifts that match
the query. | getCashDrawerShifts(): ?array | setCashDrawerShifts(?array cashDrawerShifts): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cash_drawer_shifts": [
- {
- "closed_at": "2019-11-22T00:44:49.000Z",
- "closed_cash_money": {
- "amount": 9970,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Misplaced some change",
- "ended_at": "2019-11-22T00:44:49.000Z",
- "expected_cash_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "DCC99978-09A6-4926-849F-300BE9C5793A",
- "opened_at": "2019-11-22T00:42:54.000Z",
- "opened_cash_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "state": "CLOSED"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Catalog Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor returned in the previous response. Leave unset for an initial request.
The page size is currently set to be 100.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `types` | `?string` | Optional | An optional case-insensitive, comma-separated list of object types to retrieve.
The valid values are defined in the [CatalogObjectType](entity:CatalogObjectType) enum, for example,
If this is unspecified, the operation returns objects of all the top level types at the version
of the Square API used to make the request. Object types that are nested onto other object types
are not included in the defaults.
At the current API version the default object types are:
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The specific version of the catalog objects to be included in the response.
This allows you to retrieve historical versions of objects. The specified version value is matched against
the [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md)s' `version` attribute. If not included, results will be from the
current version of the catalog. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "types": "types0",
- "catalog_version": 254
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-# List Catalog Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset, this is the final response.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `objects` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The CatalogObjects returned. | getObjects(): ?array | setObjects(?array objects): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "objects": [
- {
- "category_data": {
- "name": "Beverages"
- },
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY",
- "updated_at": "2017-02-21T14:50:26.495Z",
- "version": 1487688626495,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX",
- "updated_at": "2017-02-21T14:50:26.495Z",
- "version": 1487688626495,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Customer Custom Attribute Definitions Request
-Represents a [ListCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#list-customer-custom-attribute-definitions) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 198,
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Customer Custom Attribute Definitions Response
-Represents a [ListCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#list-customer-custom-attribute-definitions) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definitions`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response.
-If additional results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attribute_definitions`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinitions` | [`?(CustomAttributeDefinition[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attribute definitions. If no custom attribute definitions are found,
Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributeDefinitions(): ?array | setCustomAttributeDefinitions(?array customAttributeDefinitions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to provide in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of
results for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and
additional results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "YEk4UPbUEsu8MUV0xouO5hCiFcD9T5ztB6UWEJq5vZnqBFmoBEi0j1j6HWYTFGMRre4p7T5wAQBj3Th1NX3XgBFcQVEVsIxUQ2NsbwjRitfoEZDml9uxxQXepowyRvCuSThHPbJSn7M7wInl3x8XypQF9ahVVQXegJ0CxEKc0SBH",
- "custom_attribute_definitions": [
- {
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "key": "favoritemovie",
- "name": "Favorite Movie",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-04-26T15:39:38Z",
- "version": 3,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T15:49:05Z",
- "description": "Customer owns movie.",
- "key": "ownsmovie",
- "name": "Owns Movie",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-04-26T15:49:05Z",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Customer Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [ListCustomerCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#list-customer-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinitions(): ?bool | setWithDefinitions(?bool withDefinitions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 224,
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "with_definitions": false
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-# List Customer Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [ListCustomerCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#list-customer-custom-attributes) response.
-Either `custom_attributes`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response. If additional
-results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attributes`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributes` | [`?(CustomAttribute[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attributes. If `with_definitions` was set to `true` in the request,
the custom attribute definition is returned in the `definition` field of each custom attribute.
If no custom attributes are found, Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributes(): ?array | setCustomAttributes(?array customAttributes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to use in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of results
for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and additional
results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attributes": [
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Customer Groups Request
-Defines the query parameters that can be included in a request to the
-[ListCustomerGroups](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#list-customer-groups) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the limit is less than 1 or greater than 50, Square returns a `400 VALUE_TOO_LOW` or `400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH` error. The default value is 50.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 50` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "limit": 104
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-# List Customer Groups Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [ListCustomerGroups](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#list-customer-groups) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `groups` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `groups` | [`?(CustomerGroup[])`](../../doc/models/customer-group.md) | Optional | A list of customer groups belonging to the current seller. | getGroups(): ?array | setGroups(?array groups): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your
original query to the endpoint. This value is present only if the request
succeeded and additional results are available.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "groups": [
- {
- "created_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:57.863Z",
- "id": "2TAT3CMH4Q0A9M87XJZED0WMR3",
- "name": "Loyal Customers",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:58Z"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-04-13T21:55:18.795Z",
- "name": "Super Loyal Customers",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:55:19Z"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor0"
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-# List Customer Segments Request
-Defines the valid parameters for requests to the `ListCustomerSegments` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by previous calls to `ListCustomerSegments`.
This cursor is used to retrieve the next set of query results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the specified limit is less than 1 or greater than 50, Square returns a `400 VALUE_TOO_LOW` or `400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH` error. The default value is 50.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 50` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "limit": 4
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-# List Customer Segments Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body for requests to the `ListCustomerSegments` endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `segments` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `segments` | [`?(CustomerSegment[])`](../../doc/models/customer-segment.md) | Optional | The list of customer segments belonging to the associated Square account. | getSegments(): ?array | setSegments(?array segments): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor to be used in subsequent calls to `ListCustomerSegments`
to retrieve the next set of query results. The cursor is only present if the request succeeded and
additional results are available.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "segments": [
- {
- "created_at": "2020-01-09T19:33:24.469Z",
- "name": "Lapsed",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:47:04Z"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-01-09T19:33:24.486Z",
- "name": "Regulars",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:47:04Z"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-01-09T19:33:21.813Z",
- "name": "Reachable",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:47:04Z"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-01-09T19:33:25Z",
- "id": "gv2:KF92J19VXN5FK30GX2E8HSGQ20",
- "name": "Instant Profile",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T23:01:03Z"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# List Customers Request
-Defines the query parameters that can be included in a request to the
-`ListCustomers` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the specified limit is less than 1 or greater than 100, Square returns a `400 VALUE_TOO_LOW` or `400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH` error. The default value is 100.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `sortField` | [`?string(CustomerSortField)`](../../doc/models/customer-sort-field.md) | Optional | Specifies customer attributes as the sort key to customer profiles returned from a search. | getSortField(): ?string | setSortField(?string sortField): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `count` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the total count of customers in the `count` field of the response.
The default value is `false`. | getCount(): ?bool | setCount(?bool count): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "limit": 96,
- "sort_field": "DEFAULT",
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "count": false
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-# List Customers Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `ListCustomers` endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `customers` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `customers` | [`?(Customer[])`](../../doc/models/customer.md) | Optional | The customer profiles associated with the Square account or an empty object (`{}`) if none are found.
Only customer profiles with public information (`given_name`, `family_name`, `company_name`, `email_address`, or
`phone_number`) are included in the response. | getCustomers(): ?array | setCustomers(?array customers): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the
original query. A cursor is only present if the request succeeded and additional results
are available.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `count` | `?int` | Optional | The total count of customers associated with the Square account. Only customer profiles with public information
(`given_name`, `family_name`, `company_name`, `email_address`, or `phone_number`) are counted. This field is present
only if `count` is set to `true` in the request. | getCount(): ?int | setCount(?int count): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customers": [
- {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "group_ids": [
- ],
- "note": "a customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-4240",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "segment_ids": [
- ],
- "updated_at": "2016-03-23T20:21:55Z",
- "version": 1,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "count": 184
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-# List Device Codes Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | If specified, only returns DeviceCodes of the specified location.
Returns DeviceCodes of all locations if empty. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `productType` | [`?string(ProductType)`](../../doc/models/product-type.md) | Optional | - | getProductType(): ?string | setProductType(?string productType): void |
-| `status` | [`?(string(DeviceCodeStatus)[])`](../../doc/models/device-code-status.md) | Optional | If specified, returns DeviceCodes with the specified statuses.
Returns DeviceCodes of status `PAIRED` and `UNPAIRED` if empty.
See [DeviceCodeStatus](#type-devicecodestatus) for possible values | getStatus(): ?array | setStatus(?array status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "product_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "status": [
- ]
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-# List Device Codes Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `deviceCodes` | [`?(DeviceCode[])`](../../doc/models/device-code.md) | Optional | The queried DeviceCode. | getDeviceCodes(): ?array | setDeviceCodes(?array deviceCodes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your
original query to the endpoint. This value is present only if the request
succeeded and additional results are available.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_codes": [
- {
- "code": "EBCARJ",
- "created_at": "2020-02-06T18:44:33.000Z",
- "device_id": "907CS13101300122",
- "id": "B3Z6NAMYQSMTM",
- "location_id": "B5E4484SHHNYH",
- "name": "Counter 1",
- "pair_by": "2020-02-06T18:49:33.000Z",
- "product_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "status": "PAIRED",
- "status_changed_at": "2020-02-06T18:47:28.000Z"
- },
- {
- "code": "GVXNYN",
- "created_at": "2020-02-07T19:55:04.000Z",
- "id": "YKGMJMYK8H4PQ",
- "location_id": "A6SYFRSV4WAFW",
- "name": "Unused device code",
- "pair_by": "2020-02-07T20:00:04.000Z",
- "product_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "status": "UNPAIRED",
- "status_changed_at": "2020-02-07T19:55:04.000Z",
- "device_id": "device_id4"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Devices Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The number of results to return in a single page.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | If present, only returns devices at the target location. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor0",
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "limit": 164,
- "location_id": "location_id0"
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-# List Devices Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `devices` | [`?(Device[])`](../../doc/models/device.md) | Optional | The requested list of `Device` objects. | getDevices(): ?array | setDevices(?array devices): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "GcXjlV2iaizH7R0fMT6wUDbw6l4otigjzx8XOOspUKHo9EPLRByM",
- "devices": [
- {
- "attributes": {
- "manufacturer": "Square",
- "manufacturers_id": "995CS397A6475287",
- "merchant_token": "MLCHNZCBWFDZB",
- "model": "T2",
- "name": "Square Terminal 995",
- "type": "TERMINAL",
- "updated_at": "2023-09-29T13:04:56.335762883Z",
- "version": "5.41.0085"
- },
- "components": [
- {
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "session_location": "LMN2K7S3RTOU3",
- "version": "6.25",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "type": "APPLICATION",
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "3.53.70"
- },
- "type": "CARD_READER",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "battery_details": {
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING",
- "visible_percent": 5
- },
- "type": "BATTERY",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "WIFI",
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": true,
- "ip_address_v4": "",
- "secure_connection": "WPA/WPA2 PSK",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 2
- },
- "ssid": "Staff Network"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false
- },
- "type": "ETHERNET",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "id": "device:995CS397A6475287",
- "status": {
- "category": "AVAILABLE"
- }
- },
- {
- "attributes": {
- "manufacturer": "Square",
- "manufacturers_id": "995CS234B5493559",
- "merchant_token": "MLCHXZCBWFGDW",
- "model": "T2",
- "name": "Square Terminal 995",
- "type": "TERMINAL",
- "updated_at": "2023-09-29T12:39:56.335742073Z",
- "version": "5.41.0085"
- },
- "components": [
- {
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "session_location": "LMN2K7S3RTOU3",
- "version": "6.25"
- },
- "type": "APPLICATION",
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "3.53.70"
- },
- "type": "CARD_READER",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "battery_details": {
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING",
- "visible_percent": 24
- },
- "type": "BATTERY",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "type": "WIFI",
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": true,
- "ip_address_v4": "",
- "secure_connection": "WPA/WPA2 PSK",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 2
- },
- "ssid": "Staff Network"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42"
- }
- },
- {
- "ethernet_details": {
- "active": false
- },
- "type": "ETHERNET",
- "application_details": {
- "application_type": "TERMINAL_API",
- "version": "version4",
- "session_location": "session_location0",
- "device_code_id": "device_code_id2"
- },
- "card_reader_details": {
- "version": "version0"
- },
- "battery_details": {
- "visible_percent": 108,
- "external_power": "AVAILABLE_CHARGING"
- },
- "wifi_details": {
- "active": false,
- "ssid": "ssid8",
- "ip_address_v4": "ip_address_v42",
- "secure_connection": "secure_connection8",
- "signal_strength": {
- "value": 222
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "id": "device:995CS234B5493559",
- "status": {
- "category": "NEEDS_ATTENTION"
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Dispute Evidence Request
-Defines the parameters for a `ListDisputeEvidence` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Dispute Evidence Response
-Defines the fields in a `ListDisputeEvidence` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `evidence` | [`?(DisputeEvidence[])`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence.md) | Optional | The list of evidence previously uploaded to the specified dispute. | getEvidence(): ?array | setEvidence(?array evidence): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request.
If unset, this is the final response. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence": [
- {
- "evidence_id": "evidence_id0",
- "id": "id2",
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id4",
- "evidence_file": {
- "filename": "filename8",
- "filetype": "filetype8"
- },
- "evidence_text": "evidence_text6"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Disputes Request
-Defines the request parameters for the `ListDisputes` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `states` | [`?(string(DisputeState)[])`](../../doc/models/dispute-state.md) | Optional | The dispute states used to filter the result. If not specified, the endpoint returns all disputes.
See [DisputeState](#type-disputestate) for possible values | getStates(): ?array | setStates(?array states): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location for which to return a list of disputes.
If not specified, the endpoint returns disputes associated with all locations.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "states": [
- ],
- "location_id": "location_id8"
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-# List Disputes Response
-Defines fields in a `ListDisputes` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `disputes` | [`?(Dispute[])`](../../doc/models/dispute.md) | Optional | The list of disputes. | getDisputes(): ?array | setDisputes(?array disputes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request.
If unset, this is the final response. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "G1aSTRm48CLjJsg6Sg3hQN1b1OMaoVuG",
- "disputes": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "brand_dispute_id": "100000809947",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "created_at": "2022-06-29T18:45:22.265Z",
- "disputed_payment": {
- "payment_id": "zhyh1ch64kRBrrlfVhwjCEjZWzNZY"
- },
- "due_at": "2022-07-13T00:00:00.000Z",
- "id": "XDgyFu7yo1E2S5lQGGpYn",
- "location_id": "L1HN3ZMQK64X9",
- "reason": "NO_KNOWLEDGE",
- "reported_at": "2022-06-29T00:00:00.000Z",
- "state": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2022-07-07T19:14:42.650Z",
- "version": 2,
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id4"
- },
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2209,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "brand_dispute_id": "r5Of6YaGT7AdeRaVoAGCJw",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "created_at": "2022-04-29T18:45:22.265Z",
- "disputed_payment": {
- "payment_id": "zhyh1ch64kRBrrlfVhwjCEjZWzNZY"
- },
- "due_at": "2022-05-13T00:00:00.000Z",
- "id": "jLGg7aXC7lvKPr9PISt0T",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "reason": "NOT_AS_DESCRIBED",
- "reported_at": "2022-04-29T00:00:00.000Z",
- "updated_at": "2022-04-29T18:45:22.265Z",
- "version": 1,
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id4"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Employee Wages Request
-A request for a set of `EmployeeWage` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | Filter the returned wages to only those that are associated with the specified employee. | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of `EmployeeWage` results to return per page. The number can range between
1 and 200. The default is 200.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 200` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pointer to the next page of `EmployeeWage` results to fetch. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "employee_id": "employee_id2",
- "limit": 58,
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# List Employee Wages Response
-The response to a request for a set of `EmployeeWage` objects. The response contains
-a set of `EmployeeWage` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `employeeWages` | [`?(EmployeeWage[])`](../../doc/models/employee-wage.md) | Optional | A page of `EmployeeWage` results. | getEmployeeWages(): ?array | setEmployeeWages(?array employeeWages): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The value supplied in the subsequent request to fetch the next page
of `EmployeeWage` results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "2fofTniCgT0yIPAq26kmk0YyFQJZfbWkh73OOnlTHmTAx13NgED",
- "employee_wages": [
- {
- "employee_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 3250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "pXS3qCv7BERPnEGedM4S8mhm",
- "title": "Manager"
- },
- {
- "employee_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "rZduCkzYDUVL3ovh1sQgbue6",
- "title": "Cook"
- },
- {
- "employee_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "FxLbs5KpPUHa8wyt5ctjubDX",
- "title": "Barista"
- },
- {
- "employee_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1700,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "vD1wCgijMDR3cX5TPnu7VXto",
- "title": "Cashier"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Employees Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | - | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(EmployeeStatus)`](../../doc/models/employee-status.md) | Optional | The status of the Employee being retrieved.
DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Replaced by [TeamMemberStatus](entity:TeamMemberStatus). | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The number of employees to be returned on each page. | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The token required to retrieve the specified page of results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "limit": 18,
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Employees Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `employees` | [`?(Employee[])`](../../doc/models/employee.md) | Optional | - | getEmployees(): ?array | setEmployees(?array employees): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The token to be used to retrieve the next page of results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "employees": [
- {
- "id": "id4",
- "first_name": "first_name4",
- "last_name": "last_name2",
- "email": "email2",
- "phone_number": "phone_number8"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Event Types Request
-Lists all event types that can be subscribed to.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `apiVersion` | `?string` | Optional | The API version for which to list event types. Setting this field overrides the default version used by the application. | getApiVersion(): ?string | setApiVersion(?string apiVersion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "api_version": "api_version0"
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-# List Event Types Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [ListEventTypes](../../doc/apis/events.md#list-event-types) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the event types field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `eventTypes` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The list of event types. | getEventTypes(): ?array | setEventTypes(?array eventTypes): void |
-| `metadata` | [`?(EventTypeMetadata[])`](../../doc/models/event-type-metadata.md) | Optional | Contains the metadata of an event type. For more information, see [EventTypeMetadata](entity:EventTypeMetadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event_types": [
- "inventory.count.updated"
- ],
- "metadata": [
- {
- "api_version_introduced": "2018-07-12",
- "event_type": "inventory.count.updated",
- "release_status": "PUBLIC"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Gift Card Activities Request
-Returns a list of gift card activities. You can optionally specify a filter to retrieve a
-subset of activites.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `giftCardId` | `?string` | Optional | If a gift card ID is provided, the endpoint returns activities related
to the specified gift card. Otherwise, the endpoint returns all gift card activities for
the seller.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getGiftCardId(): ?string | setGiftCardId(?string giftCardId): void |
-| `type` | `?string` | Optional | If a [type](entity:GiftCardActivityType) is provided, the endpoint returns gift card activities of the specified type.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns all types of gift card activities. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | If a location ID is provided, the endpoint returns gift card activities for the specified location.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns gift card activities for all locations. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for the beginning of the reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
This start time is inclusive. The default value is the current time minus one year. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for the end of the reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
This end time is inclusive. The default value is the current time. | getEndTime(): ?string | setEndTime(?string endTime): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | If a limit is provided, the endpoint returns the specified number
of results (or fewer) per page. The maximum value is 100. The default value is 50.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `sortOrder` | `?string` | Optional | The order in which the endpoint returns the activities, based on `created_at`.
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card_id": "gift_card_id6",
- "type": "type8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "begin_time": "begin_time6",
- "end_time": "end_time0"
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-# List Gift Card Activities Response
-A response that contains a list of `GiftCardActivity` objects. If the request resulted in errors,
-the response contains a set of `Error` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCardActivities` | [`?(GiftCardActivity[])`](../../doc/models/gift-card-activity.md) | Optional | The requested gift card activities or an empty object if none are found. | getGiftCardActivities(): ?array | setGiftCardActivities(?array giftCardActivities): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When a response is truncated, it includes a cursor that you can use in a
subsequent request to retrieve the next set of activities. If a cursor is not present, this is
the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card_activities": [
- {
- "created_at": "2021-06-02T22:26:38.000Z",
- "gift_card_balance_money": {
- "amount": 700,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gift_card_gan": "7783320002929081",
- "gift_card_id": "gftc:6d55a72470d940c6ba09c0ab8ad08d20",
- "id": "gcact_897698f894b44b3db46c6147e26a0e19",
- "location_id": "81FN9BNFZTKS4",
- "payment_id": "dEv2eksNPy6GqdYiLe4ZBNk6HqXZY",
- "redeem_activity_details": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "type": "REDEEM"
- },
- {
- "activate_activity_details": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "line_item_uid": "eIWl7X0nMuO9Ewbh0ChIx",
- "order_id": "jJNGHm4gLI6XkFbwtiSLqK72KkAZY"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-05-20T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gift_card_balance_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gift_card_gan": "7783320002929081",
- "gift_card_id": "gftc:6d55a72470d940c6ba09c0ab8ad08d20",
- "id": "gcact_b968ebfc7d46437b945be7b9e09123b4",
- "location_id": "81FN9BNFZTKS4",
- "type": "ACTIVATE"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# List Gift Cards Request
-A request to list gift cards. You can optionally specify a filter to retrieve a subset of
-gift cards.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | `?string` | Optional | If a [type](entity:GiftCardType) is provided, the endpoint returns gift cards of the specified type.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns gift cards of all types. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `state` | `?string` | Optional | If a [state](entity:GiftCardStatus) is provided, the endpoint returns the gift cards in the specified state.
Otherwise, the endpoint returns the gift cards of all states. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | If a limit is provided, the endpoint returns only the specified number of results per page.
The maximum value is 200. The default value is 30.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 200` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | If a customer ID is provided, the endpoint returns only the gift cards linked to the specified customer.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "type0",
- "state": "state6",
- "limit": 162,
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "customer_id": "customer_id8"
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-# List Gift Cards Response
-A response that contains a list of `GiftCard` objects. If the request resulted in errors,
-the response contains a set of `Error` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCards` | [`?(GiftCard[])`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Optional | The requested gift cards or an empty object if none are found. | getGiftCards(): ?array | setGiftCards(?array giftCards): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When a response is truncated, it includes a cursor that you can use in a
subsequent request to retrieve the next set of gift cards. If a cursor is not present, this is
the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "JbFmyvUpaNKsfC1hoLSA4WlqkgkZXTWeKuStajR5BkP7OE0ETAbeWSi6U6u7sH",
- "gift_cards": [
- {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 3900,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-06-09T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gan": "7783320008524605",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:00113070ba5745f0b2377c1b9570cb03",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- },
- {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-05-20T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gan": "7783320002692465",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:00128a12725b41e58e0de1d20497a9dd",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Invoices Request
-Describes a `ListInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location for which to list invoices.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of invoices to return (200 is the maximum `limit`).
If not provided, the server uses a default limit of 100 invoices. | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "limit": 152
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-# List Invoices Response
-Describes a `ListInvoice` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoices` | [`?(Invoice[])`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Optional | The invoices retrieved. | getInvoices(): ?array | setInvoices(?array invoices): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When a response is truncated, it includes a cursor that you can use in a
subsequent request to retrieve the next set of invoices. If empty, this is the final
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "ChoIDhIWVm54ZVRhLXhySFBOejBBM2xJb2daUQoFCI4IGAE",
- "invoices": [
- {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "attachments": [
- {
- "description": "Service contract",
- "filename": "file.jpg",
- "filesize": 102705,
- "hash": "273ee02cb6f5f8a3a8ca23604930dd53",
- "id": "inva:0-3bB9ZuDHiziThQhuC4fwWt",
- "mime_type": "image/jpeg",
- "uploaded_at": "2030-01-13T21:24:10Z"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2030-01-13T17:45:13Z",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "id": "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "reminders": [
- {
- "message": "Your invoice is due tomorrow",
- "relative_scheduled_days": -1,
- "status": "PENDING",
- "uid": "beebd363-e47f-4075-8785-c235aaa7df11"
- }
- ],
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": true,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "updated_at": "2030-01-13T21:24:10Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": true
- },
- "created_at": "2021-01-23T15:29:12Z",
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "id": "inv:0-ChC366qAfskpGrBI_1bozs9mEA3",
- "invoice_number": "inv-455",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "next_payment_amount_money": {
- "amount": 3000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "order_id": "a65jnS8NXbfprvGJzY9F4fQTuaB",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "CARD_ON_FILE",
- "card_id": "ccof:IkWfpLj4tNHMyFii3GB",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2021-01-23",
- "percentage_requested": "25",
- "request_type": "DEPOSIT",
- "tipping_enabled": false,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "66c3bdfd-5090-4ff9-a8a0-c1e1a2ffa176"
- },
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "CARD_ON_FILE",
- "card_id": "ccof:IkWfpLj4tNHMyFii3GB",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 3000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2021-06-15",
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": false,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "120c5e18-4f80-4f6b-b159-774cb9bf8f99"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "public_url": "https://squareup.com/pay-invoice/h9sfsfTGTSnYEhISUDBhEQ",
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "status": "PARTIALLY_PAID",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "updated_at": "2021-01-23T15:29:56Z",
- "version": 3
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Jobs Request
-Represents a [ListJobs](../../doc/apis/team.md#list-jobs) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor returned by the previous call to this endpoint. Provide this
cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more information,
see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# List Jobs Response
-Represents a [ListJobs](../../doc/apis/team.md#list-jobs) response. Either `jobs` or `errors`
-is present in the response. If additional results are available, the `cursor` field is also present.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `jobs` | [`?(Job[])`](../../doc/models/job.md) | Optional | The retrieved jobs. A single paged response contains up to 100 jobs. | getJobs(): ?array | setJobs(?array jobs): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | An opaque cursor used to retrieve the next page of results. This field is present only
if the request succeeded and additional results are available. For more information, see
[Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "jobs": [
- {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "is_tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "id": "FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P",
- "is_tip_eligible": false,
- "title": "Chef",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 1
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Location Booking Profiles Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a paged response.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the results.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 134,
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# List Location Booking Profiles Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationBookingProfiles` | [`?(LocationBookingProfile[])`](../../doc/models/location-booking-profile.md) | Optional | The list of a seller's location booking profiles. | getLocationBookingProfiles(): ?array | setLocationBookingProfiles(?array locationBookingProfiles): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in the subsequent request to get the next page of the results. Stop retrieving the next page of the results when the cursor is not set. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "location_booking_profiles": [
- {
- "booking_site_url": "https://squareup.com/book/LY6WNBPVM6VGV/testbusiness",
- "location_id": "LY6WNBPVM6VGV",
- "online_booking_enabled": true
- },
- {
- "location_id": "PYTRNBPVMJUPV",
- "online_booking_enabled": false,
- "booking_site_url": "booking_site_url2"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Location Custom Attribute Definitions Request
-Represents a [ListLocationCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#list-location-custom-attribute-definitions) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Optional | Enumeration of visibility-filter values used to set the ability to view custom attributes or custom attribute definitions. | getVisibilityFilter(): ?string | setVisibilityFilter(?string visibilityFilter): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "visibility_filter": "ALL",
- "limit": 242,
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Location Custom Attribute Definitions Response
-Represents a [ListLocationCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#list-location-custom-attribute-definitions) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definitions`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response.
-If additional results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attribute_definitions`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinitions` | [`?(CustomAttributeDefinition[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attribute definitions. If no custom attribute definitions are found,
Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributeDefinitions(): ?array | setCustomAttributeDefinitions(?array customAttributeDefinitions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to provide in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of
results for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and
additional results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "ImfNzWVSiAYyiAR4gEcxDJ75KZAOSjX8H2BVHUTR0ofCtp4SdYvrUKbwYY2aCH2WqZ2FsfAuylEVUlTfaINg3ecIlFpP9Y5Ie66w9NSg9nqdI5fCJ6qdH2s0za5m2plFonsjIuFaoN89j78ROUwuSOzD6mFZPcJHhJ0CxEKc0SBH",
- "custom_attribute_definitions": [
- {
- "created_at": "2022-12-02T19:50:21.832Z",
- "description": "Location's phone number",
- "key": "phone-number",
- "name": "phone number",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-12-02T19:50:21.832Z",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2022-12-02T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "Bestselling item at location",
- "key": "bestseller",
- "name": "Bestseller",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-12-03T10:17:52.341Z",
- "version": 4,
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Location Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [ListLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#list-location-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Optional | Enumeration of visibility-filter values used to set the ability to view custom attributes or custom attribute definitions. | getVisibilityFilter(): ?string | setVisibilityFilter(?string visibilityFilter): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinitions(): ?bool | setWithDefinitions(?bool withDefinitions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "visibility_filter": "ALL",
- "limit": 172,
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "with_definitions": false
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-# List Location Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [ListLocationCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#list-location-custom-attributes) response.
-Either `custom_attributes`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response. If additional
-results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attributes`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributes` | [`?(CustomAttribute[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attributes. If `with_definitions` was set to `true` in the request,
the custom attribute definition is returned in the `definition` field of each custom attribute.
If no custom attributes are found, Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributes(): ?array | setCustomAttributes(?array customAttributes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to use in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of results
for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and additional
results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attributes": [
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor0",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Locations Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of a request
-to the [ListLocations](../../doc/apis/locations.md#list-locations) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `locations` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `locations` | [`?(Location[])`](../../doc/models/location.md) | Optional | The business locations. | getLocations(): ?array | setLocations(?array locations): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "locations": [
- {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "123 Main St",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "CA",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "postal_code": "94114",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "business_name": "Jet Fuel Coffee",
- "capabilities": [
- ],
- "country": "US",
- "created_at": "2016-09-19T17:33:12Z",
- "currency": "USD",
- "id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "language_code": "en-US",
- "merchant_id": "3MYCJG5GVYQ8Q",
- "name": "Grant Park",
- "phone_number": "+1 650-354-7217",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- },
- {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "1234 Peachtree St. NE",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "GA",
- "locality": "Atlanta",
- "postal_code": "30309",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "business_name": "Jet Fuel Coffee",
- "capabilities": [
- ],
- "coordinates": {
- "latitude": 33.7889,
- "longitude": -84.3841
- },
- "country": "US",
- "created_at": "2022-02-19T17:58:25Z",
- "currency": "USD",
- "description": "Midtown Atlanta store",
- "id": "3Z4V4WHQK64X9",
- "language_code": "en-US",
- "mcc": "7299",
- "merchant_id": "3MYCJG5GVYQ8Q",
- "name": "Midtown",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "type": "PHYSICAL"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Loyalty Programs Response
-A response that contains all loyalty programs.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `programs` | [`?(LoyaltyProgram[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md) | Optional | A list of `LoyaltyProgram` for the merchant. | getPrograms(): ?array | setPrograms(?array programs): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "programs": [
- {
- "accrual_rules": [
- {
- "accrual_type": "SPEND",
- "points": 1,
- "spend_data": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "excluded_category_ids": [
- ],
- "excluded_item_variation_ids": [
- ],
- "tax_mode": "BEFORE_TAX"
- }
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2020-04-20T16:55:11Z",
- "id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "location_ids": [
- "P034NEENMD09F"
- ],
- "reward_tiers": [
- {
- "created_at": "2020-04-20T16:55:11Z",
- "definition": {
- "discount_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
- "percentage_discount": "10",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- "catalog_object_ids6"
- ],
- "fixed_discount_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "SLL"
- },
- "max_discount_money": {
- "amount": 84,
- "currency": "BOB"
- }
- },
- "id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "name": "10% off entire sale",
- "points": 10,
- "pricing_rule_reference": {
- "catalog_version": 1605486402527,
- "object_id": "74C4JSHESNLTB2A7ITO5HO6F"
- }
- }
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "terminology": {
- "one": "Point",
- "other": "Points"
- },
- "updated_at": "2020-05-01T02:00:02Z",
- "expiration_policy": {
- "expiration_duration": "expiration_duration0"
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Loyalty Promotions Request
-Represents a [ListLoyaltyPromotions](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#list-loyalty-promotions) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `status` | [`?string(LoyaltyPromotionStatus)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-status.md) | Optional | Indicates the status of a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md). | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 30. The default value is 30.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 30` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "limit": 58
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-# List Loyalty Promotions Response
-Represents a [ListLoyaltyPromotions](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#list-loyalty-promotions) response.
-One of `loyalty_promotions`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response.
-If additional results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `loyalty_promotions`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `loyaltyPromotions` | [`?(LoyaltyPromotion[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md) | Optional | The retrieved loyalty promotions. | getLoyaltyPromotions(): ?array | setLoyaltyPromotions(?array loyaltyPromotions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to use in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of results
for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and additional
results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_promotions": [
- {
- "available_time": {
- "start_date": "2022-08-16",
- "time_periods": [
- ],
- "end_date": "end_date8"
- },
- "created_at": "2022-08-16T08:38:54Z",
- "id": "loypromo_f0f9b849-725e-378d-b810-511237e07b67",
- "incentive": {
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "multiplier": "3.000",
- "points_multiplier": 3
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
- },
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "name": "Tuesday Happy Hour Promo",
- "qualifying_item_variation_ids": [
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "trigger_limit": {
- "interval": "DAY",
- "times": 1
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-08-16T08:38:54Z",
- "canceled_at": "canceled_at0"
- },
- {
- "available_time": {
- "end_date": "2022-08-01",
- "start_date": "2022-07-01",
- "time_periods": [
- ]
- },
- "created_at": "2022-06-27T15:37:38Z",
- "id": "loypromo_e696f057-2286-35ff-8108-132241328106",
- "incentive": {
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "multiplier": "2.000",
- "points_multiplier": 2
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
- },
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "minimum_spend_amount_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "July Special",
- "qualifying_category_ids": [
- ],
- "status": "ENDED",
- "trigger_limit": {
- "interval": "ALL_TIME",
- "times": 5
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-06-27T15:37:38Z",
- "canceled_at": "canceled_at0"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Merchant Custom Attribute Definitions Request
-Represents a [ListMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#list-merchant-custom-attribute-definitions) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Optional | Enumeration of visibility-filter values used to set the ability to view custom attributes or custom attribute definitions. | getVisibilityFilter(): ?string | setVisibilityFilter(?string visibilityFilter): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "visibility_filter": "ALL",
- "limit": 48,
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Merchant Custom Attribute Definitions Response
-Represents a [ListMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitions](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#list-merchant-custom-attribute-definitions) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definitions`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response.
-If additional results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attribute_definitions`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinitions` | [`?(CustomAttributeDefinition[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attribute definitions. If no custom attribute definitions are found,
Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributeDefinitions(): ?array | setCustomAttributeDefinitions(?array customAttributeDefinitions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to provide in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of
results for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and
additional results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "ImfNzWVSiAYyiAR4gEcxDJ75KZAOSjX8H2BVHUTR0ofCtp4SdYvrUKbwYY2aCH2WqZ2FsfAuylEVUlTfaINg3ecIlFpP9Y5Ie66w9NSg9nqdI5fCJ6qdH2s0za5m2plFonsjIuFaoN89j78ROUwuSOzD6mFZPcJHhJ0CxEKc0SBH",
- "custom_attribute_definitions": [
- {
- "created_at": "2023-05-05T16:50:21.832Z",
- "description": "Whether the merchant has seen the tutorial screen for using the app.",
- "key": "has_seen_tutorial",
- "name": "NAME",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T16:50:21.832Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2023-05-05T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "This is the other name this merchant goes by.",
- "key": "alternative_seller_name",
- "name": "Alternative Merchant Name",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T10:17:52.341Z",
- "version": 4,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# List Merchant Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a [ListMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#list-merchant-custom-attributes) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Optional | Enumeration of visibility-filter values used to set the ability to view custom attributes or custom attribute definitions. | getVisibilityFilter(): ?string | setVisibilityFilter(?string visibilityFilter): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinitions(): ?bool | setWithDefinitions(?bool withDefinitions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "visibility_filter": "READ_WRITE",
- "limit": 132,
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "with_definitions": false
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-# List Merchant Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a [ListMerchantCustomAttributes](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#list-merchant-custom-attributes) response.
-Either `custom_attributes`, an empty object, or `errors` is present in the response. If additional
-results are available, the `cursor` field is also present along with `custom_attributes`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributes` | [`?(CustomAttribute[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attributes. If `with_definitions` was set to `true` in the request,
the custom attribute definition is returned in the `definition` field of each custom attribute.
If no custom attributes are found, Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributes(): ?array | setCustomAttributes(?array customAttributes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to use in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of results
for your original request. This field is present only if the request succeeded and additional
results are available. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attributes": [
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Merchants Request
-Request object for the [ListMerchant](../../doc/apis/merchants.md#list-merchants) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?int` | Optional | The cursor generated by the previous response. | getCursor(): ?int | setCursor(?int cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": 106
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-# List Merchants Response
-The response object returned by the [ListMerchant](../../doc/apis/merchants.md#list-merchants) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `merchant` | [`?(Merchant[])`](../../doc/models/merchant.md) | Optional | The requested `Merchant` entities. | getMerchant(): ?array | setMerchant(?array merchant): void |
-| `cursor` | `?int` | Optional | If the response is truncated, the cursor to use in next request to fetch next set of objects. | getCursor(): ?int | setCursor(?int cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant": [
- {
- "business_name": "Apple A Day",
- "country": "US",
- "created_at": "2021-12-10T19:25:52.484Z",
- "currency": "USD",
- "id": "DM7VKY8Q63GNP",
- "language_code": "en-US",
- "main_location_id": "9A65CGC72ZQG1",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": 124
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-# List Order Custom Attribute Definitions Request
-Represents a list request for order custom attribute definitions.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Optional | Enumeration of visibility-filter values used to set the ability to view custom attributes or custom attribute definitions. | getVisibilityFilter(): ?string | setVisibilityFilter(?string visibilityFilter): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "visibility_filter": "READ_WRITE",
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "limit": 6
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-# List Order Custom Attribute Definitions Response
-Represents a response from listing order custom attribute definitions.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinitions` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition[]`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | The retrieved custom attribute definitions. If no custom attribute definitions are found, Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributeDefinitions(): array | setCustomAttributeDefinitions(array customAttributeDefinitions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to provide in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
This field is present only if the request succeeded and additional results are available.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definitions": [
- {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T18:03:44.051Z",
- "description": "The number of people seated at a table",
- "key": "cover-count",
- "name": "Cover count",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T18:03:44.051Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T18:04:32.059Z",
- "description": "The identifier for a particular seat",
- "key": "seat-number",
- "name": "Seat number",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T18:04:32.059Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T18:04:21.912Z",
- "description": "The identifier for a particular table",
- "key": "table-number",
- "name": "Table number",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T18:04:21.912Z",
- "version": 1,
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Order Custom Attributes Request
-Represents a list request for order custom attributes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `visibilityFilter` | [`?string(VisibilityFilter)`](../../doc/models/visibility-filter.md) | Optional | Enumeration of visibility-filter values used to set the ability to view custom attributes or custom attribute definitions. | getVisibilityFilter(): ?string | setVisibilityFilter(?string visibilityFilter): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response. This limit is advisory.
The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 100.
The default value is 20.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `withDefinitions` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom attribute,
information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinitions(): ?bool | setWithDefinitions(?bool withDefinitions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "visibility_filter": "READ",
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "limit": 158,
- "with_definitions": false
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-# List Order Custom Attributes Response
-Represents a response from listing order custom attributes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributes` | [`?(CustomAttribute[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | The retrieved custom attributes. If no custom attribute are found, Square returns an empty object (`{}`). | getCustomAttributes(): ?array | setCustomAttributes(?array customAttributes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The cursor to provide in your next call to this endpoint to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
This field is present only if the request succeeded and additional results are available.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attributes": [
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "key8",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 180,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Payment Links Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | A limit on the number of results to return per page. The limit is advisory and
the implementation might return more or less results. If the supplied limit is negative, zero, or
greater than the maximum limit of 1000, it is ignored.
Default value: `100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "limit": 182
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-# List Payment Links Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `paymentLinks` | [`?(PaymentLink[])`](../../doc/models/payment-link.md) | Optional | The list of payment links. | getPaymentLinks(): ?array | setPaymentLinks(?array paymentLinks): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When a response is truncated, it includes a cursor that you can use in a subsequent request
to retrieve the next set of gift cards. If a cursor is not present, this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "MTY1NQ==",
- "payment_links": [
- {
- "checkout_options": {
- "ask_for_shipping_address": true,
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- },
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T00:15:15Z",
- "id": "TN4BWEDJ9AI5MBIV",
- "order_id": "Qqc6yppGvxVwc46Cch4zHTaJqc4F",
- "payment_note": "test",
- "updated_at": "2022-04-26T00:18:24Z",
- "url": "https://square.link/u/EXAMPLE",
- "version": 2,
- "description": "description2",
- "pre_populated_data": {
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2022-04-11T23:14:59Z",
- "description": "",
- "order_id": "EmBmGt3zJD15QeO1dxzBTxMxtwfZY",
- "url": "https://square.link/u/EXAMPLE",
- "version": 1,
- "checkout_options": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- },
- "pre_populated_data": {
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Payment Refunds Request
-Describes a request to list refunds using
-The maximum results per page is 100.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the start of the time range to retrieve each `PaymentRefund` for, in RFC 3339
format. The range is determined using the `created_at` field for each `PaymentRefund`.
Default: The current time minus one year. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the end of the time range to retrieve each `PaymentRefund` for, in RFC 3339
format. The range is determined using the `created_at` field for each `PaymentRefund`.
Default: The current time. | getEndTime(): ?string | setEndTime(?string endTime): void |
-| `sortOrder` | `?string` | Optional | The order in which results are listed by `PaymentRefund.created_at`:
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | Limit results to the location supplied. By default, results are returned
for all locations associated with the seller. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | If provided, only refunds with the given status are returned.
For a list of refund status values, see [PaymentRefund](entity:PaymentRefund).
Default: If omitted, refunds are returned regardless of their status. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `sourceType` | `?string` | Optional | If provided, only returns refunds whose payments have the indicated source type.
Current values include `CARD`, `BANK_ACCOUNT`, `WALLET`, `CASH`, and `EXTERNAL`.
For information about these payment source types, see
[Take Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments).
Default: If omitted, refunds are returned regardless of the source type. | getSourceType(): ?string | setSourceType(?string sourceType): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
If the supplied value is greater than 100, no more than 100 results are returned.
Default: 100 | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "begin_time": "begin_time8",
- "end_time": "end_time2",
- "sort_order": "sort_order0",
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
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-# List Payment Refunds Response
-Defines the response returned by [ListPaymentRefunds](../../doc/apis/refunds.md#list-payment-refunds).
-Either `errors` or `refunds` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refunds` | [`?(PaymentRefund[])`](../../doc/models/payment-refund.md) | Optional | The list of requested refunds. | getRefunds(): ?array | setRefunds(?array refunds): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "5evquW1YswHoT4EoyUhzMmTsCnsSXBU9U0WJ4FU4623nrMQcocH0RGU6Up1YkwfiMcF59ood58EBTEGgzMTGHQJpocic7ExOL0NtrTXCeWcv0UJIJNk8eXb",
- "refunds": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T19:59:05.342Z",
- "id": "bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY_69MmgHubkLqx9wGhnmenRUHOaKitE6llfZuxcWYjGxd",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "order_id": "9ltv0bx5PuvGXUYHYHxYSKEqC3IZY",
- "payment_id": "bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "processing_fee": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": -34,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "effective_at": "2021-10-13T21:34:35.000Z",
- "type": "INITIAL"
- }
- ],
- "reason": "Example Refund",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T20:00:03.497Z",
- "unlinked": false,
- "destination_type": "destination_type2",
- "destination_details": {
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "entry_method8",
- "auth_result_code": "auth_result_code0"
- },
- "cash_details": {
- "seller_supplied_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "MKD"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
- },
- "external_details": {
- "type": "type6",
- "source": "source0",
- "source_id": "source_id8"
- }
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Payments Request
-Describes a request to list payments using
-The maximum results per page is 100.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the start of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format.
The range is determined using the `created_at` field for each Payment.
Inclusive. Default: The current time minus one year. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the end of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format. The
range is determined using the `created_at` field for each Payment.
Default: The current time. | getEndTime(): ?string | setEndTime(?string endTime): void |
-| `sortOrder` | `?string` | Optional | The order in which results are listed by `ListPaymentsRequest.sort_field`:
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | Limit results to the location supplied. By default, results are returned
for the default (main) location associated with the seller. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `total` | `?int` | Optional | The exact amount in the `total_money` for a payment. | getTotal(): ?int | setTotal(?int total): void |
-| `last4` | `?string` | Optional | The last four digits of a payment card. | getLast4(): ?string | setLast4(?string last4): void |
-| `cardBrand` | `?string` | Optional | The brand of the payment card (for example, VISA). | getCardBrand(): ?string | setCardBrand(?string cardBrand): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value. If the provided value is
greater than 100, it is ignored and the default value is used instead.
Default: `100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `isOfflinePayment` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the payment was taken offline or not. | getIsOfflinePayment(): ?bool | setIsOfflinePayment(?bool isOfflinePayment): void |
-| `offlineBeginTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the start of the time range for which to retrieve offline payments, in RFC 3339
format for timestamps. The range is determined using the
`offline_payment_details.client_created_at` field for each Payment. If set, payments without a
value set in `offline_payment_details.client_created_at` will not be returned.
Default: The current time. | getOfflineBeginTime(): ?string | setOfflineBeginTime(?string offlineBeginTime): void |
-| `offlineEndTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the end of the time range for which to retrieve offline payments, in RFC 3339
format for timestamps. The range is determined using the
`offline_payment_details.client_created_at` field for each Payment. If set, payments without a
value set in `offline_payment_details.client_created_at` will not be returned.
Default: The current time. | getOfflineEndTime(): ?string | setOfflineEndTime(?string offlineEndTime): void |
-| `updatedAtBeginTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the start of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format. The
range is determined using the `updated_at` field for each Payment. | getUpdatedAtBeginTime(): ?string | setUpdatedAtBeginTime(?string updatedAtBeginTime): void |
-| `updatedAtEndTime` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates the end of the time range to retrieve payments for, in RFC 3339 format. The
range is determined using the `updated_at` field for each Payment. | getUpdatedAtEndTime(): ?string | setUpdatedAtEndTime(?string updatedAtEndTime): void |
-| `sortField` | [`?string(PaymentSortField)`](../../doc/models/payment-sort-field.md) | Optional | - | getSortField(): ?string | setSortField(?string sortField): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "begin_time": "begin_time0",
- "end_time": "end_time4",
- "sort_order": "sort_order2",
- "cursor": "cursor4",
- "location_id": "location_id6"
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-# List Payments Response
-Defines the response returned by [ListPayments](../../doc/apis/payments.md#list-payments).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `payments` | [`?(Payment[])`](../../doc/models/payment.md) | Optional | The requested list of payments. | getPayments(): ?array | setPayments(?array payments): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payments": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_id": "sq0ids-Pw67AZAlLVB7hsRmwlJPuA",
- "square_product": "VIRTUAL_TERMINAL"
- },
- "approved_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "auth_result_code": "2Nkw7q",
- "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-Hxim77tbdcbGejOejnoAklBVJed2YFLTmirfl8Q5XZzObTc8qY_U8RkwzoNL8dCEcQ",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_payment_timeline": {
- "authorized_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:33.680Z",
- "captured_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:34.340Z"
- },
- "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "statement_description": "SQ *EXAMPLE TEST GOSQ.C",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:33.524Z",
- "delay_action": "CANCEL",
- "delay_duration": "PT168H",
- "delayed_until": "2021-10-20T19:34:33.524Z",
- "employee_id": "TMoK_ogh6rH1o4dV",
- "id": "bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "note": "Test Note",
- "order_id": "d7eKah653Z579f3gVtjlxpSlmUcZY",
- "processing_fee": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "effective_at": "2021-10-13T21:34:35.000Z",
- "type": "INITIAL"
- }
- ],
- "receipt_number": "bP9m",
- "receipt_url": "https://squareup.com/receipt/preview/bP9mAsEMYPUGjjGNaNO5ZDVyLhSZY",
- "source_type": "CARD",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "team_member_id": "TMoK_ogh6rH1o4dV",
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 555,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T19:34:37.261Z",
- "version_token": "vguW2km0KpVCdAXZcNTZ438qg5LlVPTP4HO5OpiHNfa6o",
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 190,
- "currency": "TWD"
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor0"
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-# List Payout Entries Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
If request parameters change between requests, subsequent results may contain duplicates or missing records. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value. If the provided value is
greater than 100, it is ignored and the default value is used instead.
Default: `100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "limit": 194
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-# List Payout Entries Response
-The response to retrieve payout records entries.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payoutEntries` | [`?(PayoutEntry[])`](../../doc/models/payout-entry.md) | Optional | The requested list of payout entries, ordered with the given or default sort order. | getPayoutEntries(): ?array | setPayoutEntries(?array payoutEntries): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty, this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "TbfI80z98Xc2LdApCyZ2NvCYLpkPurYLR16GRIttpMJ55mrSIMzHgtkcRQdT0mOnTtfHO",
- "payout_entries": [
- {
- "effective_at": "2021-12-14T23:31:49Z",
- "fee_amount_money": {
- "amount": -2,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "CHF"
- },
- "gross_amount_money": {
- "amount": -50,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "MNT"
- },
- "id": "poe_ZQWcw41d0SGJS6IWd4cSi8mKHk",
- "net_amount_money": {
- "amount": -48,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "XPT"
- },
- "payout_id": "po_4d28e6c4-7dd5-4de4-8ec9-a059277646a6",
- "type": "REFUND",
- "type_refund_details": {
- "payment_id": "HVdG62HeMlti8YYf94oxrN",
- "refund_id": "HVdG62HeMlti8YYf94oxrN_dR8Nztxg7umf94oxrN12Ji5r2KW14FAY"
- }
- },
- {
- "effective_at": "2021-12-14T23:31:49Z",
- "fee_amount_money": {
- "amount": 19,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "CHF"
- },
- "gross_amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "MNT"
- },
- "id": "poe_EibbY9Ob1d0SGJS6IWd4cSiSi6wkaPk",
- "net_amount_money": {
- "amount": 81,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "XPT"
- },
- "payout_id": "po_4d28e6c4-7dd5-4de4-8ec9-a059277646a6",
- "type": "CHARGE",
- "type_charge_details": {
- "payment_id": "HVdG62H5K3291d0SGJS6IWd4cSi8YY"
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Payouts Request
-A request to retrieve payout records.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location for which to list the payouts.
By default, payouts are returned for the default (main) location associated with the seller.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(PayoutStatus)`](../../doc/models/payout-status.md) | Optional | Payout status types | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for the beginning of the payout creation time, in RFC 3339 format.
Inclusive. Default: The current time minus one year. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for the end of the payout creation time, in RFC 3339 format.
Default: The current time. | getEndTime(): ?string | setEndTime(?string endTime): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
If request parameters change between requests, subsequent results may contain duplicates or missing records. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value. If the provided value is
greater than 100, it is ignored and the default value is used instead.
Default: `100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "status": "SENT",
- "begin_time": "begin_time2",
- "end_time": "end_time2",
- "sort_order": "DESC"
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-# List Payouts Response
-The response to retrieve payout records entries.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payouts` | [`?(Payout[])`](../../doc/models/payout.md) | Optional | The requested list of payouts. | getPayouts(): ?array | setPayouts(?array payouts): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty, this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "EMPCyStibo64hS8wLayZPp3oedR3AeEUNd3z7u6zphi72LQZFIEMbkKVvot9eefpU",
- "payouts": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 6259,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "arrival_date": "2022-03-29",
- "created_at": "2022-03-29T16:12:31Z",
- "destination": {
- "id": "ccof:ZPp3oedR3AeEUNd3z7",
- "type": "CARD"
- },
- "end_to_end_id": "L2100000005",
- "id": "po_b345d2c7-90b3-4f0b-a2aa-df1def7f8afc",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "payout_fee": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 95,
- "currency_code": "USD"
- },
- "effective_at": "2022-03-29T16:12:31Z",
- "type": "TRANSFER_FEE"
- }
- ],
- "status": "PAID",
- "type": "BATCH",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-30T01:07:22.875Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": -103,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "arrival_date": "2022-03-24",
- "created_at": "2022-03-24T03:07:09Z",
- "destination": {
- "id": "bact:ZPp3oedR3AeEUNd3z7",
- "type": "BANK_ACCOUNT"
- },
- "end_to_end_id": "L2100000006",
- "id": "po_f3c0fb38-a5ce-427d-b858-52b925b72e45",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "status": "PAID",
- "type": "BATCH",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-24T03:07:09Z",
- "version": 1
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Refunds Request
-Defines the query parameters that can be included in
-a request to the [ListRefunds](api-endpoint:Transactions-ListRefunds) endpoint.
-Deprecated - recommend using [SearchOrders](api-endpoint:Orders-SearchOrders)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | The beginning of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
See [Date ranges](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity.
Default value: The current time minus one year. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Optional | The end of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
See [Date ranges](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity.
Default value: The current time. | getEndTime(): ?string | setEndTime(?string endTime): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "begin_time": "begin_time6",
- "end_time": "end_time0",
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Refunds Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [ListRefunds](api-endpoint:Transactions-ListRefunds) endpoint.
-One of `errors` or `refunds` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refunds` | [`?(Refund[])`](../../doc/models/refund.md) | Optional | An array of refunds that match your query. | getRefunds(): ?array | setRefunds(?array refunds): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor for retrieving the next set of results,
if any remain. Provide this value as the `cursor` parameter in a subsequent
request to this endpoint.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refunds": [
- {
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ],
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-01-20T00:28:18Z",
- "id": "b27436d1-7f8e-5610-45c6-417ef71434b4-SW",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "reason": "some reason",
- "status": "APPROVED",
- "tender_id": "MtZRYYdDrYNQbOvV7nbuBvMF",
- "transaction_id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Sites Response
-Represents a `ListSites` response. The response can include either `sites` or `errors`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `sites` | [`?(Site[])`](../../doc/models/site.md) | Optional | The sites that belong to the seller. | getSites(): ?array | setSites(?array sites): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "sites": [
- {
- "created_at": "2020-10-28T13:22:51.000000Z",
- "domain": "mysite2.square.site",
- "id": "site_278075276488921835",
- "is_published": false,
- "site_title": "My Second Site",
- "updated_at": "2020-10-28T13:22:51.000000Z"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13.000000Z",
- "domain": "mysite1.square.site",
- "id": "site_102725345836253849",
- "is_published": true,
- "site_title": "My First Site",
- "updated_at": "2020-11-23T02:19:10.000000Z"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Subscription Events Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When the total number of resulting subscription events exceeds the limit of a paged response,
specify the cursor returned from a preceding response here to fetch the next set of results.
If the cursor is unset, the response contains the last page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The upper limit on the number of subscription events to return
in a paged response.
**Constraints**: `>= 1` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "limit": 182
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-# List Subscription Events Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscriptionEvents` | [`?(SubscriptionEvent[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-event.md) | Optional | The retrieved subscription events. | getSubscriptionEvents(): ?array | setSubscriptionEvents(?array subscriptionEvents): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When the total number of resulting subscription events exceeds the limit of a paged response,
the response includes a cursor for you to use in a subsequent request to fetch the next set of events.
If the cursor is unset, the response contains the last page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription_events": [
- {
- "effective_date": "2020-04-24",
- "id": "06809161-3867-4598-8269-8aea5be4f9de",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "subscription_event_type": "START_SUBSCRIPTION",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 16,
- "info": {
- "detail": "detail6",
- },
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "effective_date": "2020-05-01",
- "id": "f2736603-cd2e-47ec-8675-f815fff54f88",
- "info": {
- "code": "CUSTOMER_NO_NAME",
- "detail": "The customer with ID `V74BMG0GPS2KNCWJE1BTYJ37Y0` does not have a name on record."
- },
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "subscription_event_type": "DEACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 16,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "effective_date": "2022-05-01",
- "id": "b426fc85-6859-450b-b0d0-fe3a5d1b565f",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "subscription_event_type": "RESUME_SUBSCRIPTION",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 16,
- "info": {
- "detail": "detail6",
- },
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "effective_date": "2022-09-01",
- "id": "09f14de1-2f53-4dae-9091-49aa53f83d01",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "subscription_event_type": "PAUSE_SUBSCRIPTION",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 16,
- "info": {
- "detail": "detail6",
- },
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "effective_date": "2022-12-01",
- "id": "f28a73ac-1a1b-4b0f-8eeb-709a72945776",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "subscription_event_type": "RESUME_SUBSCRIPTION",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 16,
- "info": {
- "detail": "detail6",
- },
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "effective_date": "2023-04-01",
- "id": "1eee8790-472d-4efe-8c69-8ad84e9cefe0",
- "plan_variation_id": "02CD53CFA4d1498AFAD42",
- "subscription_event_type": "PLAN_CHANGE",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 16,
- "info": {
- "detail": "detail6",
- },
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "effective_date": "2023-06-21",
- "id": "a0c08083-5db0-4800-85c7-d398de4fbb6e",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "subscription_event_type": "STOP_SUBSCRIPTION",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 16,
- "info": {
- "detail": "detail6",
- },
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# List Team Member Booking Profiles Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `bookableOnly` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to include only bookable team members in the returned result (`true`) or not (`false`). | getBookableOnly(): ?bool | setBookableOnly(?bool bookableOnly): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a paged response.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the results.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates whether to include only team members enabled at the given location in the returned result.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "bookable_only": false,
- "limit": 112,
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "location_id": "location_id8"
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-# List Team Member Booking Profiles Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberBookingProfiles` | [`?(TeamMemberBookingProfile[])`](../../doc/models/team-member-booking-profile.md) | Optional | The list of team member booking profiles. The results are returned in the ascending order of the time
when the team member booking profiles were last updated. Multiple booking profiles updated at the same time
are further sorted in the ascending order of their IDs. | getTeamMemberBookingProfiles(): ?array | setTeamMemberBookingProfiles(?array teamMemberBookingProfiles): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in the subsequent request to get the next page of the results. Stop retrieving the next page of the results when the cursor is not set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "team_member_booking_profiles": [
- {
- "display_name": "Sandbox Seller",
- "is_bookable": true,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "description": "description4",
- "profile_image_url": "profile_image_url2"
- },
- {
- "display_name": "Sandbox Staff",
- "is_bookable": true,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "description": "description4",
- "profile_image_url": "profile_image_url2"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor0"
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-# List Team Member Wages Request
-A request for a set of `TeamMemberWage` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | Filter the returned wages to only those that are associated with the
specified team member. | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of `TeamMemberWage` results to return per page. The number can range between
1 and 200. The default is 200.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 200` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pointer to the next page of `EmployeeWage` results to fetch. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id2",
- "limit": 210,
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Team Member Wages Response
-The response to a request for a set of `TeamMemberWage` objects. The response contains
-a set of `TeamMemberWage` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberWages` | [`?(TeamMemberWage[])`](../../doc/models/team-member-wage.md) | Optional | A page of `TeamMemberWage` results. | getTeamMemberWages(): ?array | setTeamMemberWages(?array teamMemberWages): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The value supplied in the subsequent request to fetch the next page
of `TeamMemberWage` results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "2fofTniCgT0yIPAq26kmk0YyFQJZfbWkh73OOnlTHmTAx13NgED",
- "team_member_wages": [
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 3250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "pXS3qCv7BERPnEGedM4S8mhm",
- "job_id": "jxJNN6eCJsLrhg5UFJrDWDGE",
- "team_member_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "tip_eligible": false,
- "title": "Manager"
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "rZduCkzYDUVL3ovh1sQgbue6",
- "job_id": "gcbz15vKGnMKmaWJJ152kjim",
- "team_member_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cook"
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "FxLbs5KpPUHa8wyt5ctjubDX",
- "job_id": "FzbJAtt9qEWncK1BWgVCxQ6M",
- "team_member_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Barista"
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1700,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "vD1wCgijMDR3cX5TPnu7VXto",
- "job_id": "N4YKVLzFj3oGtNocqoYHYpW3",
- "team_member_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Transactions Request
-Defines the query parameters that can be included in
-a request to the [ListTransactions](api-endpoint:Transactions-ListTransactions) endpoint.
-Deprecated - recommend using [SearchOrders](api-endpoint:Orders-SearchOrders)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | The beginning of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
See [Date ranges](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity.
Default value: The current time minus one year. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `endTime` | `?string` | Optional | The end of the requested reporting period, in RFC 3339 format.
See [Date ranges](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) for details on date inclusivity/exclusivity.
Default value: The current time. | getEndTime(): ?string | setEndTime(?string endTime): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "begin_time": "begin_time6",
- "end_time": "end_time0",
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Transactions Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [ListTransactions](api-endpoint:Transactions-ListTransactions) endpoint.
-One of `errors` or `transactions` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `transactions` | [`?(Transaction[])`](../../doc/models/transaction.md) | Optional | An array of transactions that match your query. | getTransactions(): ?array | setTransactions(?array transactions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor for retrieving the next set of results,
if any remain. Provide this value as the `cursor` parameter in a subsequent
request to this endpoint.
See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "transactions": [
- {
- "created_at": "2016-01-20T22:57:56Z",
- "id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "product": "EXTERNAL_API",
- "reference_id": "some optional reference id",
- "refunds": [
- {
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ],
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 5000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-01-20T22:59:20Z",
- "id": "7a5RcVI0CxbOcJ2wMOkE",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 138,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "reason": "some reason why",
- "status": "APPROVED",
- "tender_id": "MtZRYYdDrYNQbOvV7nbuBvMF",
- "transaction_id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF"
- }
- ],
- "tenders": [
- {
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 20,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1"
- }
- ],
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 5000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-01-20T22:57:56Z",
- "id": "MtZRYYdDrYNQbOvV7nbuBvMF",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "note": "some optional note",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 138,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "transaction_id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "type": "CARD"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# List Webhook Event Types Request
-Lists all webhook event types that can be subscribed to.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `apiVersion` | `?string` | Optional | The API version for which to list event types. Setting this field overrides the default version used by the application. | getApiVersion(): ?string | setApiVersion(?string apiVersion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "api_version": "api_version0"
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-# List Webhook Event Types Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [ListWebhookEventTypes](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#list-webhook-event-types) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the event types field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `eventTypes` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The list of event types. | getEventTypes(): ?array | setEventTypes(?array eventTypes): void |
-| `metadata` | [`?(EventTypeMetadata[])`](../../doc/models/event-type-metadata.md) | Optional | Contains the metadata of a webhook event type. For more information, see [EventTypeMetadata](entity:EventTypeMetadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event_types": [
- "inventory.count.updated"
- ],
- "metadata": [
- {
- "api_version_introduced": "2018-07-12",
- "event_type": "inventory.count.updated",
- "release_status": "PUBLIC"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# List Webhook Subscriptions Request
-Lists all [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md)s owned by your application.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `256` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `includeDisabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Includes disabled [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription)s.
By default, all enabled [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription)s are returned. | getIncludeDisabled(): ?bool | setIncludeDisabled(?bool includeDisabled): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
It is possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value.
Default: 100
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "include_disabled": false,
- "sort_order": "DESC",
- "limit": 190
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-# List Webhook Subscriptions Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [ListWebhookSubscriptions](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#list-webhook-subscriptions) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the subscriptions field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscriptions` | [`?(WebhookSubscription[])`](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) | Optional | The requested list of [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription)s. | getSubscriptions(): ?array | setSubscriptions(?array subscriptions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscriptions": [
- {
- "api_version": "2021-12-15",
- "created_at": "2022-01-10 23:29:48 +0000 UTC",
- "enabled": true,
- "event_types": [
- "payment.created",
- "payment.updated"
- ],
- "id": "wbhk_b35f6b3145074cf9ad513610786c19d5",
- "name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
- "notification_url": "https://example-webhook-url.com",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-10 23:29:48 +0000 UTC"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6"
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-# List Workweek Configs Request
-A request for a set of `WorkweekConfig` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of `WorkweekConfigs` results to return per page. | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pointer to the next page of `WorkweekConfig` results to fetch. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 98,
- "cursor": "cursor0"
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-# List Workweek Configs Response
-The response to a request for a set of `WorkweekConfig` objects. The response contains
-the requested `WorkweekConfig` objects and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `workweekConfigs` | [`?(WorkweekConfig[])`](../../doc/models/workweek-config.md) | Optional | A page of `WorkweekConfig` results. | getWorkweekConfigs(): ?array | setWorkweekConfigs(?array workweekConfigs): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The value supplied in the subsequent request to fetch the next page of
`WorkweekConfig` results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "2fofTniCgT0yIPAq26kmk0YyFQJZfbWkh73OOnlTHmTAx13NgED",
- "workweek_configs": [
- {
- "created_at": "2016-02-04T00:58:24Z",
- "id": "FY4VCAQN700GM",
- "start_of_day_local_time": "10:00",
- "start_of_week": "MON",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-28T01:04:35Z",
- "version": 11
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Location Booking Profile
-The booking profile of a seller's location, including the location's ID and whether the location is enabled for online booking.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [location](entity:Location). | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `bookingSiteUrl` | `?string` | Optional | Url for the online booking site for this location. | getBookingSiteUrl(): ?string | setBookingSiteUrl(?string bookingSiteUrl): void |
-| `onlineBookingEnabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the location is enabled for online booking. | getOnlineBookingEnabled(): ?bool | setOnlineBookingEnabled(?bool onlineBookingEnabled): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "booking_site_url": "booking_site_url4",
- "online_booking_enabled": false
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-# Location Capability
-The capabilities a location might have.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CREDIT_CARD_PROCESSING` | The capability to process credit card transactions with Square. |
-| `AUTOMATIC_TRANSFERS` | The capability to receive automatic transfers from Square. |
-| `UNLINKED_REFUNDS` | The capability to process unlinked refunds with Square. |
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-# Location Status
-A location's status.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVE` | A location that is active for business. |
-| `INACTIVE` | A location that is not active for business. Inactive locations provide historical
information. Hide inactive locations unless the user has requested to see them. |
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-# Location Type
-A location's type.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PHYSICAL` | A place of business with a physical location. |
-| `MOBILE` | A place of business that is mobile, such as a food truck or online store. |
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-# Location
-Represents one of a business' [locations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A short generated string of letters and numbers that uniquely identifies this location instance.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the location.
This information appears in the Seller Dashboard as the nickname.
A location name must be unique within a seller account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `timezone` | `?string` | Optional | The [IANA time zone](https://www.iana.org/time-zones) identifier for
the time zone of the location. For example, `America/Los_Angeles`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `30` | getTimezone(): ?string | setTimezone(?string timezone): void |
-| `capabilities` | [`?(string(LocationCapability)[])`](../../doc/models/location-capability.md) | Optional | The Square features that are enabled for the location.
See [LocationCapability](entity:LocationCapability) for possible values.
See [LocationCapability](#type-locationcapability) for possible values | getCapabilities(): ?array | setCapabilities(?array capabilities): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(LocationStatus)`](../../doc/models/location-status.md) | Optional | A location's status. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the location was created, in RFC 3339 format.
For more information, see [Working with Dates](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `20`, *Maximum Length*: `25` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the merchant that owns the location.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `country` | [`?string(Country)`](../../doc/models/country.md) | Optional | Indicates the country associated with another entity, such as a business.
Values are in [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm). | getCountry(): ?string | setCountry(?string country): void |
-| `languageCode` | `?string` | Optional | The language associated with the location, in
[BCP 47 format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47#appendix-A).
For more information, see [Language Preferences](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/general-considerations/language-preferences).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `5` | getLanguageCode(): ?string | setLanguageCode(?string languageCode): void |
-| `currency` | [`?string(Currency)`](../../doc/models/currency.md) | Optional | Indicates the associated currency for an amount of money. Values correspond
to [ISO 4217](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217). | getCurrency(): ?string | setCurrency(?string currency): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number of the location. For example, `+1 855-700-6000`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `17` | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `businessName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the location's overall business. This name is present on receipts and other customer-facing branding, and can be changed no more than three times in a twelve-month period.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getBusinessName(): ?string | setBusinessName(?string businessName): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(LocationType)`](../../doc/models/location-type.md) | Optional | A location's type. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `websiteUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The website URL of the location. For example, `https://squareup.com`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getWebsiteUrl(): ?string | setWebsiteUrl(?string websiteUrl): void |
-| `businessHours` | [`?BusinessHours`](../../doc/models/business-hours.md) | Optional | The hours of operation for a location. | getBusinessHours(): ?BusinessHours | setBusinessHours(?BusinessHours businessHours): void |
-| `businessEmail` | `?string` | Optional | The email address of the location. This can be unique to the location and is not always the email address for the business owner or administrator.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getBusinessEmail(): ?string | setBusinessEmail(?string businessEmail): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the location. For example, `Main Street location`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `twitterUsername` | `?string` | Optional | The Twitter username of the location without the '@' symbol. For example, `Square`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `15` | getTwitterUsername(): ?string | setTwitterUsername(?string twitterUsername): void |
-| `instagramUsername` | `?string` | Optional | The Instagram username of the location without the '@' symbol. For example, `square`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `30` | getInstagramUsername(): ?string | setInstagramUsername(?string instagramUsername): void |
-| `facebookUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The Facebook profile URL of the location. The URL should begin with 'facebook.com/'. For example, `https://www.facebook.com/square`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getFacebookUrl(): ?string | setFacebookUrl(?string facebookUrl): void |
-| `coordinates` | [`?Coordinates`](../../doc/models/coordinates.md) | Optional | Latitude and longitude coordinates. | getCoordinates(): ?Coordinates | setCoordinates(?Coordinates coordinates): void |
-| `logoUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL of the logo image for the location. When configured in the Seller
Dashboard (Receipts section), the logo appears on transactions (such as receipts and invoices) that Square generates on behalf of the seller.
This image should have a roughly square (1:1) aspect ratio and should be at least 200x200 pixels.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getLogoUrl(): ?string | setLogoUrl(?string logoUrl): void |
-| `posBackgroundUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL of the Point of Sale background image for the location.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getPosBackgroundUrl(): ?string | setPosBackgroundUrl(?string posBackgroundUrl): void |
-| `mcc` | `?string` | Optional | A four-digit number that describes the kind of goods or services sold at the location.
The [merchant category code (MCC)](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api#initialize-a-merchant-category-code) of the location as standardized by ISO 18245.
For example, `5045`, for a location that sells computer goods and software.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `4`, *Maximum Length*: `4` | getMcc(): ?string | setMcc(?string mcc): void |
-| `fullFormatLogoUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL of a full-format logo image for the location. When configured in the Seller
Dashboard (Receipts section), the logo appears on transactions (such as receipts and invoices) that Square generates on behalf of the seller.
This image can be wider than it is tall and should be at least 1280x648 pixels. | getFullFormatLogoUrl(): ?string | setFullFormatLogoUrl(?string fullFormatLogoUrl): void |
-| `taxIds` | [`?TaxIds`](../../doc/models/tax-ids.md) | Optional | Identifiers for the location used by various governments for tax purposes. | getTaxIds(): ?TaxIds | setTaxIds(?TaxIds taxIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "name": "name4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "timezone": "timezone4",
- "capabilities": [
- ]
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-# Loyalty Account Expiring Point Deadline
-Represents a set of points for a loyalty account that are scheduled to expire on a specific date.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The number of points scheduled to expire at the `expires_at` timestamp. | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-| `expiresAt` | `string` | Required | The timestamp of when the points are scheduled to expire, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getExpiresAt(): string | setExpiresAt(string expiresAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "points": 104,
- "expires_at": "expires_at6"
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-# Loyalty Account Mapping Type
-The type of mapping.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PHONE` | The loyalty account is mapped by phone. |
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-# Loyalty Account Mapping
-Represents the mapping that associates a loyalty account with a buyer.
-Currently, a loyalty account can only be mapped to a buyer by phone number. For more information, see
-[Loyalty Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the mapping.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the mapping was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number of the buyer, in E.164 format. For example, "+14155551111". | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "created_at": "created_at0",
- "phone_number": "phone_number0"
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-# Loyalty Account
-Describes a loyalty account in a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). For more information, see
-[Create and Retrieve Loyalty Accounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-accounts).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the loyalty account.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `programId` | `string` | Required | The Square-assigned ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram) to which the account belongs.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getProgramId(): string | setProgramId(string programId): void |
-| `balance` | `?int` | Optional | The available point balance in the loyalty account. If points are scheduled to expire, they are listed in the `expiring_point_deadlines` field.
Your application should be able to handle loyalty accounts that have a negative point balance (`balance` is less than 0). This might occur if a seller makes a manual adjustment or as a result of a refund or exchange. | getBalance(): ?int | setBalance(?int balance): void |
-| `lifetimePoints` | `?int` | Optional | The total points accrued during the lifetime of the account. | getLifetimePoints(): ?int | setLifetimePoints(?int lifetimePoints): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the [customer](entity:Customer) that is associated with the account. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `enrolledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the buyer joined the loyalty program, in RFC 3339 format. This field is used to display the **Enrolled On** or **Member Since** date in first-party Square products.
If this field is not set in a `CreateLoyaltyAccount` request, Square populates it after the buyer's first action on their account
(when `AccumulateLoyaltyPoints` or `CreateLoyaltyReward` is called). In first-party flows, Square populates the field when the buyer agrees to the terms of service in Square Point of Sale.
This field is typically specified in a `CreateLoyaltyAccount` request when creating a loyalty account for a buyer who already interacted with their account.
For example, you would set this field when migrating accounts from an external system. The timestamp in the request can represent a current or previous date and time, but it cannot be set for the future. | getEnrolledAt(): ?string | setEnrolledAt(?string enrolledAt): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the loyalty account was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the loyalty account was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `mapping` | [`?LoyaltyAccountMapping`](../../doc/models/loyalty-account-mapping.md) | Optional | Represents the mapping that associates a loyalty account with a buyer.
Currently, a loyalty account can only be mapped to a buyer by phone number. For more information, see
[Loyalty Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview). | getMapping(): ?LoyaltyAccountMapping | setMapping(?LoyaltyAccountMapping mapping): void |
-| `expiringPointDeadlines` | [`?(LoyaltyAccountExpiringPointDeadline[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-account-expiring-point-deadline.md) | Optional | The schedule for when points expire in the loyalty account balance. This field is present only if the account has points that are scheduled to expire.
The total number of points in this field equals the number of points in the `balance` field. | getExpiringPointDeadlines(): ?array | setExpiringPointDeadlines(?array expiringPointDeadlines): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "program_id": "program_id6",
- "balance": 52,
- "lifetime_points": 76,
- "customer_id": "customer_id2",
- "enrolled_at": "enrolled_at4"
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-# Loyalty Event Accumulate Points
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ACCUMULATE_POINTS`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): ?string | setLoyaltyProgramId(?string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `points` | `?int` | Optional | The number of points accumulated by the event.
**Constraints**: `>= 1` | getPoints(): ?int | setPoints(?int points): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [order](entity:Order) for which the buyer accumulated the points.
This field is returned only if the Orders API is used to process orders. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id0",
- "points": 104,
- "order_id": "order_id4"
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-# Loyalty Event Accumulate Promotion Points
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ACCUMULATE_PROMOTION_POINTS`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): ?string | setLoyaltyProgramId(?string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `loyaltyPromotionId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the [loyalty promotion](entity:LoyaltyPromotion).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getLoyaltyPromotionId(): ?string | setLoyaltyPromotionId(?string loyaltyPromotionId): void |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The number of points earned by the event. | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [order](entity:Order) for which the buyer earned the promotion points.
Only applications that use the Orders API to process orders can trigger this event.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getOrderId(): string | setOrderId(string orderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id0",
- "loyalty_promotion_id": "loyalty_promotion_id8",
- "points": 98,
- "order_id": "order_id4"
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-# Loyalty Event Adjust Points
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ADJUST_POINTS`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): ?string | setLoyaltyProgramId(?string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The number of points added or removed. | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-| `reason` | `?string` | Optional | The reason for the adjustment of points. | getReason(): ?string | setReason(?string reason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "points": 98,
- "reason": "reason0"
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-# Loyalty Event Create Reward
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `CREATE_REWARD`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): string | setLoyaltyProgramId(string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `rewardId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the created [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward).
This field is returned only if the event source is `LOYALTY_API`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getRewardId(): ?string | setRewardId(?string rewardId): void |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The loyalty points used to create the reward. | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 198
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-# Loyalty Event Date Time Filter
-Filter events by date time range.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `createdAt` | [`TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Required | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getCreatedAt(): TimeRange | setCreatedAt(TimeRange createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
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-# Loyalty Event Delete Reward
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `DELETE_REWARD`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): string | setLoyaltyProgramId(string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `rewardId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the deleted [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward).
This field is returned only if the event source is `LOYALTY_API`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getRewardId(): ?string | setRewardId(?string rewardId): void |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The number of points returned to the loyalty account. | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 84
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-# Loyalty Event Expire Points
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `EXPIRE_POINTS`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `string` | Required | The Square-assigned ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): string | setLoyaltyProgramId(string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The number of points expired. | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 84
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-# Loyalty Event Filter
-The filtering criteria. If the request specifies multiple filters,
-the endpoint uses a logical AND to evaluate them.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyAccountFilter` | [`?LoyaltyEventLoyaltyAccountFilter`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-loyalty-account-filter.md) | Optional | Filter events by loyalty account. | getLoyaltyAccountFilter(): ?LoyaltyEventLoyaltyAccountFilter | setLoyaltyAccountFilter(?LoyaltyEventLoyaltyAccountFilter loyaltyAccountFilter): void |
-| `typeFilter` | [`?LoyaltyEventTypeFilter`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-type-filter.md) | Optional | Filter events by event type. | getTypeFilter(): ?LoyaltyEventTypeFilter | setTypeFilter(?LoyaltyEventTypeFilter typeFilter): void |
-| `dateTimeFilter` | [`?LoyaltyEventDateTimeFilter`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-date-time-filter.md) | Optional | Filter events by date time range. | getDateTimeFilter(): ?LoyaltyEventDateTimeFilter | setDateTimeFilter(?LoyaltyEventDateTimeFilter dateTimeFilter): void |
-| `locationFilter` | [`?LoyaltyEventLocationFilter`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-location-filter.md) | Optional | Filter events by location. | getLocationFilter(): ?LoyaltyEventLocationFilter | setLocationFilter(?LoyaltyEventLocationFilter locationFilter): void |
-| `orderFilter` | [`?LoyaltyEventOrderFilter`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-order-filter.md) | Optional | Filter events by the order associated with the event. | getOrderFilter(): ?LoyaltyEventOrderFilter | setOrderFilter(?LoyaltyEventOrderFilter orderFilter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_account_filter": {
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id8"
- },
- "type_filter": {
- "types": [
- ]
- },
- "date_time_filter": {
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "location_filter": {
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids0",
- "location_ids1",
- "location_ids2"
- ]
- },
- "order_filter": {
- "order_id": "order_id2"
- }
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-# Loyalty Event Location Filter
-Filter events by location.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationIds` | `string[]` | Required | The [location](entity:Location) IDs for loyalty events to query.
If multiple values are specified, the endpoint uses
a logical OR to combine them. | getLocationIds(): array | setLocationIds(array locationIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids6",
- "location_ids7",
- "location_ids8"
- ]
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-# Loyalty Event Loyalty Account Filter
-Filter events by loyalty account.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyAccountId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount) associated with loyalty events.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLoyaltyAccountId(): string | setLoyaltyAccountId(string loyaltyAccountId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id2"
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-# Loyalty Event Order Filter
-Filter events by the order associated with the event.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [order](entity:Order) associated with the event.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getOrderId(): string | setOrderId(string orderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_id": "order_id4"
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-# Loyalty Event Other
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `OTHER`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `string` | Required | The Square-assigned ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): string | setLoyaltyProgramId(string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The number of points added or removed. | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "points": 94
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-# Loyalty Event Query
-Represents a query used to search for loyalty events.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?LoyaltyEventFilter`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-filter.md) | Optional | The filtering criteria. If the request specifies multiple filters,
the endpoint uses a logical AND to evaluate them. | getFilter(): ?LoyaltyEventFilter | setFilter(?LoyaltyEventFilter filter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "loyalty_account_filter": {
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id8"
- },
- "type_filter": {
- "types": [
- ]
- },
- "date_time_filter": {
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "location_filter": {
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids0",
- "location_ids1",
- "location_ids2"
- ]
- },
- "order_filter": {
- "order_id": "order_id2"
- }
- }
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-# Loyalty Event Redeem Reward
-Provides metadata when the event `type` is `REDEEM_REWARD`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyProgramId(): string | setLoyaltyProgramId(string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `rewardId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the redeemed [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward).
This field is returned only if the event source is `LOYALTY_API`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getRewardId(): ?string | setRewardId(?string rewardId): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [order](entity:Order) that redeemed the reward.
This field is returned only if the Orders API is used to process orders. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
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-# Loyalty Event Source
-Defines whether the event was generated by the Square Point of Sale.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SQUARE` | The event is generated by the Square Point of Sale (POS). |
-| `LOYALTY_API` | The event is generated by something other than the Square Point of Sale that used the Loyalty API. |
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-# Loyalty Event Type Filter
-Filter events by event type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `types` | [`string(LoyaltyEventType)[]`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-type.md) | Required | The loyalty event types used to filter the result.
If multiple values are specified, the endpoint uses a
logical OR to combine them.
See [LoyaltyEventType](#type-loyaltyeventtype) for possible values | getTypes(): array | setTypes(array types): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "types": [
- "OTHER",
- ]
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-# Loyalty Event Type
-The type of the loyalty event.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACCUMULATE_POINTS` | Points are added to a loyalty account for a purchase that
qualified for points based on an [accrual rule](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule.md). |
-| `CREATE_REWARD` | A [loyalty reward](../../doc/models/loyalty-reward.md) is created. |
-| `REDEEM_REWARD` | A loyalty reward is redeemed. |
-| `DELETE_REWARD` | A loyalty reward is deleted. |
-| `ADJUST_POINTS` | Loyalty points are manually adjusted. |
-| `EXPIRE_POINTS` | Loyalty points are expired according to the
expiration policy of the loyalty program. |
-| `OTHER` | Some other loyalty event occurred. |
-| `ACCUMULATE_PROMOTION_POINTS` | Points are added to a loyalty account for a purchase that
qualified for a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md). |
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-# Loyalty Event
-Provides information about a loyalty event.
-For more information, see [Search for Balance-Changing Loyalty Events](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-events).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | The Square-assigned ID of the loyalty event.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `type` | [`string(LoyaltyEventType)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-type.md) | Required | The type of the loyalty event. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `createdAt` | `string` | Required | The timestamp when the event was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCreatedAt(): string | setCreatedAt(string createdAt): void |
-| `accumulatePoints` | [`?LoyaltyEventAccumulatePoints`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-accumulate-points.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ACCUMULATE_POINTS`. | getAccumulatePoints(): ?LoyaltyEventAccumulatePoints | setAccumulatePoints(?LoyaltyEventAccumulatePoints accumulatePoints): void |
-| `createReward` | [`?LoyaltyEventCreateReward`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-create-reward.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `CREATE_REWARD`. | getCreateReward(): ?LoyaltyEventCreateReward | setCreateReward(?LoyaltyEventCreateReward createReward): void |
-| `redeemReward` | [`?LoyaltyEventRedeemReward`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-redeem-reward.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `REDEEM_REWARD`. | getRedeemReward(): ?LoyaltyEventRedeemReward | setRedeemReward(?LoyaltyEventRedeemReward redeemReward): void |
-| `deleteReward` | [`?LoyaltyEventDeleteReward`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-delete-reward.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `DELETE_REWARD`. | getDeleteReward(): ?LoyaltyEventDeleteReward | setDeleteReward(?LoyaltyEventDeleteReward deleteReward): void |
-| `adjustPoints` | [`?LoyaltyEventAdjustPoints`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-adjust-points.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ADJUST_POINTS`. | getAdjustPoints(): ?LoyaltyEventAdjustPoints | setAdjustPoints(?LoyaltyEventAdjustPoints adjustPoints): void |
-| `loyaltyAccountId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount) associated with the event.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyAccountId(): string | setLoyaltyAccountId(string loyaltyAccountId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [location](entity:Location) where the event occurred. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `source` | [`string(LoyaltyEventSource)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-source.md) | Required | Defines whether the event was generated by the Square Point of Sale. | getSource(): string | setSource(string source): void |
-| `expirePoints` | [`?LoyaltyEventExpirePoints`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-expire-points.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `EXPIRE_POINTS`. | getExpirePoints(): ?LoyaltyEventExpirePoints | setExpirePoints(?LoyaltyEventExpirePoints expirePoints): void |
-| `otherEvent` | [`?LoyaltyEventOther`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-other.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `OTHER`. | getOtherEvent(): ?LoyaltyEventOther | setOtherEvent(?LoyaltyEventOther otherEvent): void |
-| `accumulatePromotionPoints` | [`?LoyaltyEventAccumulatePromotionPoints`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-accumulate-promotion-points.md) | Optional | Provides metadata when the event `type` is `ACCUMULATE_PROMOTION_POINTS`. | getAccumulatePromotionPoints(): ?LoyaltyEventAccumulatePromotionPoints | setAccumulatePromotionPoints(?LoyaltyEventAccumulatePromotionPoints accumulatePromotionPoints): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 118,
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 90
- },
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "reward_id": "reward_id2",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- },
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "points": 96,
- "reason": "reason2"
- },
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id0",
- "source": "SQUARE"
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-# Loyalty Program Accrual Rule Category Data
-Represents additional data for rules with the `CATEGORY` accrual type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `categoryId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the `CATEGORY` [catalog object](entity:CatalogObject) that buyers can purchase to earn
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getCategoryId(): string | setCategoryId(string categoryId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "category_id": "category_id6"
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-# Loyalty Program Accrual Rule Item Variation Data
-Represents additional data for rules with the `ITEM_VARIATION` accrual type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemVariationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the `ITEM_VARIATION` [catalog object](entity:CatalogObject) that buyers can purchase to earn
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getItemVariationId(): string | setItemVariationId(string itemVariationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_variation_id": "item_variation_id6"
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-# Loyalty Program Accrual Rule Spend Data
-Represents additional data for rules with the `SPEND` accrual type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `excludedCategoryIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of any `CATEGORY` catalog objects that are excluded from points accrual.
You can use the [BatchRetrieveCatalogObjects](api-endpoint:Catalog-BatchRetrieveCatalogObjects)
endpoint to retrieve information about the excluded categories. | getExcludedCategoryIds(): ?array | setExcludedCategoryIds(?array excludedCategoryIds): void |
-| `excludedItemVariationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of any `ITEM_VARIATION` catalog objects that are excluded from points accrual.
You can use the [BatchRetrieveCatalogObjects](api-endpoint:Catalog-BatchRetrieveCatalogObjects)
endpoint to retrieve information about the excluded item variations. | getExcludedItemVariationIds(): ?array | setExcludedItemVariationIds(?array excludedItemVariationIds): void |
-| `taxMode` | [`string(LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleTaxMode)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule-tax-mode.md) | Required | Indicates how taxes should be treated when calculating the purchase amount used for loyalty points accrual.
This setting applies only to `SPEND` accrual rules or `VISIT` accrual rules that have a minimum spend requirement. | getTaxMode(): string | setTaxMode(string taxMode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "excluded_category_ids": [
- "excluded_category_ids4"
- ],
- "excluded_item_variation_ids": [
- "excluded_item_variation_ids7",
- "excluded_item_variation_ids6"
- ],
- "tax_mode": "BEFORE_TAX"
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-# Loyalty Program Accrual Rule Tax Mode
-Indicates how taxes should be treated when calculating the purchase amount used for loyalty points accrual.
-This setting applies only to `SPEND` accrual rules or `VISIT` accrual rules that have a minimum spend requirement.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `BEFORE_TAX` | Exclude taxes from the purchase amount used for loyalty points accrual. |
-| `AFTER_TAX` | Include taxes in the purchase amount used for loyalty points accrual. |
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-# Loyalty Program Accrual Rule Type
-The type of the accrual rule that defines how buyers can earn points.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `VISIT` | A visit-based accrual rule. A buyer earns points for each visit.
You can specify the minimum purchase required. |
-| `SPEND` | A spend-based accrual rule. A buyer earns points based on the amount
spent. |
-| `ITEM_VARIATION` | An accrual rule based on an item variation. For example, accrue
points for purchasing a coffee. |
-| `CATEGORY` | An accrual rule based on an item category. For example, accrue points
for purchasing any item in the "hot drink" category: coffee, tea, or hot cocoa. |
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-# Loyalty Program Accrual Rule Visit Data
-Represents additional data for rules with the `VISIT` accrual type.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `minimumAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getMinimumAmountMoney(): ?Money | setMinimumAmountMoney(?Money minimumAmountMoney): void |
-| `taxMode` | [`string(LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleTaxMode)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule-tax-mode.md) | Required | Indicates how taxes should be treated when calculating the purchase amount used for loyalty points accrual.
This setting applies only to `SPEND` accrual rules or `VISIT` accrual rules that have a minimum spend requirement. | getTaxMode(): string | setTaxMode(string taxMode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "minimum_amount_money": {
- "amount": 146,
- "currency": "GHS"
- },
- "tax_mode": "BEFORE_TAX"
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-# Loyalty Program Accrual Rule
-Represents an accrual rule, which defines how buyers can earn points from the base [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `accrualType` | [`string(LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleType)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule-type.md) | Required | The type of the accrual rule that defines how buyers can earn points. | getAccrualType(): string | setAccrualType(string accrualType): void |
-| `points` | `?int` | Optional | The number of points that
buyers earn based on the `accrual_type`.
**Constraints**: `>= 1` | getPoints(): ?int | setPoints(?int points): void |
-| `visitData` | [`?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleVisitData`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule-visit-data.md) | Optional | Represents additional data for rules with the `VISIT` accrual type. | getVisitData(): ?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleVisitData | setVisitData(?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleVisitData visitData): void |
-| `spendData` | [`?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleSpendData`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule-spend-data.md) | Optional | Represents additional data for rules with the `SPEND` accrual type. | getSpendData(): ?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleSpendData | setSpendData(?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleSpendData spendData): void |
-| `itemVariationData` | [`?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleItemVariationData`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule-item-variation-data.md) | Optional | Represents additional data for rules with the `ITEM_VARIATION` accrual type. | getItemVariationData(): ?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleItemVariationData | setItemVariationData(?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleItemVariationData itemVariationData): void |
-| `categoryData` | [`?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleCategoryData`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule-category-data.md) | Optional | Represents additional data for rules with the `CATEGORY` accrual type. | getCategoryData(): ?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleCategoryData | setCategoryData(?LoyaltyProgramAccrualRuleCategoryData categoryData): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "accrual_type": "VISIT",
- "points": 86,
- "visit_data": {
- "minimum_amount_money": {
- "amount": 146,
- "currency": "GHS"
- },
- "tax_mode": "BEFORE_TAX"
- },
- "spend_data": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "excluded_category_ids": [
- "excluded_category_ids4"
- ],
- "excluded_item_variation_ids": [
- "excluded_item_variation_ids3",
- "excluded_item_variation_ids4"
- ],
- "tax_mode": "BEFORE_TAX"
- },
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_variation_id": "item_variation_id0"
- },
- "category_data": {
- "category_id": "category_id4"
- }
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-# Loyalty Program Expiration Policy
-Describes when the loyalty program expires.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `expirationDuration` | `string` | Required | The number of months before points expire, in `P[n]M` RFC 3339 duration format. For example, a value of `P12M` represents a duration of 12 months.
Points are valid through the last day of the month in which they are scheduled to expire. For example, with a `P12M` duration, points earned on July 6, 2020 expire on August 1, 2021.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getExpirationDuration(): string | setExpirationDuration(string expirationDuration): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "expiration_duration": "expiration_duration2"
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-# Loyalty Program Reward Definition Scope
-Indicates the scope of the reward tier. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. Discount details
-are now defined using a catalog pricing rule and other catalog objects. For more information, see
-[Getting discount details for a reward tier](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards#get-discount-details).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ORDER` | The discount applies to the entire order. |
-| `ITEM_VARIATION` | The discount applies only to specific item variations. |
-| `CATEGORY` | The discount applies only to items in the given categories. |
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-# Loyalty Program Reward Definition Type
-The type of discount the reward tier offers. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. Discount details
-are now defined using a catalog pricing rule and other catalog objects. For more information, see
-[Getting discount details for a reward tier](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards#get-discount-details).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `FIXED_AMOUNT` | The fixed amount discounted. |
-| `FIXED_PERCENTAGE` | The fixed percentage discounted. |
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-# Loyalty Program Reward Definition
-Provides details about the reward tier discount. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. Discount details
-are now defined using a catalog pricing rule and other catalog objects. For more information, see
-[Getting discount details for a reward tier](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards#get-discount-details).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `scope` | [`string(LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinitionScope)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-definition-scope.md) | Required | Indicates the scope of the reward tier. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. Discount details
are now defined using a catalog pricing rule and other catalog objects. For more information, see
[Getting discount details for a reward tier](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards#get-discount-details). | getScope(): string | setScope(string scope): void |
-| `discountType` | [`string(LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinitionType)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-definition-type.md) | Required | The type of discount the reward tier offers. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. Discount details
are now defined using a catalog pricing rule and other catalog objects. For more information, see
[Getting discount details for a reward tier](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards#get-discount-details). | getDiscountType(): string | setDiscountType(string discountType): void |
-| `percentageDiscount` | `?string` | Optional | The fixed percentage of the discount. Present if `discount_type` is `FIXED_PERCENTAGE`.
For example, a 7.25% off discount will be represented as "7.25". DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this
information in the `discount_data.percentage` field of the `DISCOUNT` catalog object referenced by the pricing rule. | getPercentageDiscount(): ?string | setPercentageDiscount(?string percentageDiscount): void |
-| `catalogObjectIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The list of catalog objects to which this reward can be applied. They are either all item-variation ids or category ids, depending on the `type` field.
DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. You can find this information in the `product_set_data.product_ids_any` field
of the `PRODUCT_SET` catalog object referenced by the pricing rule. | getCatalogObjectIds(): ?array | setCatalogObjectIds(?array catalogObjectIds): void |
-| `fixedDiscountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getFixedDiscountMoney(): ?Money | setFixedDiscountMoney(?Money fixedDiscountMoney): void |
-| `maxDiscountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getMaxDiscountMoney(): ?Money | setMaxDiscountMoney(?Money maxDiscountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "discount_type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "percentage_discount": "percentage_discount0",
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- "catalog_object_ids8"
- ],
- "fixed_discount_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "SLL"
- },
- "max_discount_money": {
- "amount": 84,
- "currency": "BOB"
- }
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-# Loyalty Program Reward Tier
-Represents a reward tier in a loyalty program. A reward tier defines how buyers can redeem points for a reward, such as the number of points required and the value and scope of the discount. A loyalty program can offer multiple reward tiers.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the reward tier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `points` | `int` | Required | The points exchanged for the reward tier.
**Constraints**: `>= 1` | getPoints(): int | setPoints(int points): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the reward tier. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `definition` | [`?LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinition`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-definition.md) | Optional | Provides details about the reward tier discount. DEPRECATED at version 2020-12-16. Discount details
are now defined using a catalog pricing rule and other catalog objects. For more information, see
[Getting discount details for a reward tier](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards#get-discount-details). | getDefinition(): ?LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinition | setDefinition(?LoyaltyProgramRewardDefinition definition): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the reward tier was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `pricingRuleReference` | [`CatalogObjectReference`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-reference.md) | Required | A reference to a Catalog object at a specific version. In general this is
used as an entry point into a graph of catalog objects, where the objects exist
at a specific version. | getPricingRuleReference(): CatalogObjectReference | setPricingRuleReference(CatalogObjectReference pricingRuleReference): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "points": 94,
- "name": "name2",
- "definition": {
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "discount_type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "percentage_discount": "percentage_discount2",
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- "catalog_object_ids6"
- ],
- "fixed_discount_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "SLL"
- },
- "max_discount_money": {
- "amount": 84,
- "currency": "BOB"
- }
- },
- "created_at": "created_at0",
- "pricing_rule_reference": {
- "object_id": "object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 218
- }
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-# Loyalty Program Status
-Indicates whether the program is currently active.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `INACTIVE` | The loyalty program does not have an active subscription.
Loyalty API requests fail. |
-| `ACTIVE` | The program is fully functional. The program has an active subscription. |
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-# Loyalty Program Terminology
-Represents the naming used for loyalty points.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `one` | `string` | Required | A singular unit for a point (for example, 1 point is called 1 star).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getOne(): string | setOne(string one): void |
-| `other` | `string` | Required | A plural unit for point (for example, 10 points is called 10 stars).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getOther(): string | setOther(string other): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "one": "one4",
- "other": "other0"
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-# Loyalty Program
-Represents a Square loyalty program. Loyalty programs define how buyers can earn points and redeem points for rewards.
-Square sellers can have only one loyalty program, which is created and managed from the Seller Dashboard.
-For more information, see [Loyalty Program Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the loyalty program. Updates to
the loyalty program do not modify the identifier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(LoyaltyProgramStatus)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-status.md) | Optional | Indicates whether the program is currently active. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `rewardTiers` | [`?(LoyaltyProgramRewardTier[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-tier.md) | Optional | The list of rewards for buyers, sorted by ascending points. | getRewardTiers(): ?array | setRewardTiers(?array rewardTiers): void |
-| `expirationPolicy` | [`?LoyaltyProgramExpirationPolicy`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-expiration-policy.md) | Optional | Describes when the loyalty program expires. | getExpirationPolicy(): ?LoyaltyProgramExpirationPolicy | setExpirationPolicy(?LoyaltyProgramExpirationPolicy expirationPolicy): void |
-| `terminology` | [`?LoyaltyProgramTerminology`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-terminology.md) | Optional | Represents the naming used for loyalty points. | getTerminology(): ?LoyaltyProgramTerminology | setTerminology(?LoyaltyProgramTerminology terminology): void |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The [locations](entity:Location) at which the program is active. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the program was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the reward was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `accrualRules` | [`?(LoyaltyProgramAccrualRule[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-accrual-rule.md) | Optional | Defines how buyers can earn loyalty points from the base loyalty program.
To check for associated [loyalty promotions](entity:LoyaltyPromotion) that enable
buyers to earn extra points, call [ListLoyaltyPromotions](api-endpoint:Loyalty-ListLoyaltyPromotions). | getAccrualRules(): ?array | setAccrualRules(?array accrualRules): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "status": "INACTIVE",
- "reward_tiers": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "points": 250,
- "name": "name8",
- "definition": {
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "discount_type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "percentage_discount": "percentage_discount2",
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- "catalog_object_ids6"
- ],
- "fixed_discount_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "SLL"
- },
- "max_discount_money": {
- "amount": 84,
- "currency": "BOB"
- }
- },
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "pricing_rule_reference": {
- "object_id": "object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 218
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "points": 250,
- "name": "name8",
- "definition": {
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "discount_type": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
- "percentage_discount": "percentage_discount2",
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- "catalog_object_ids6"
- ],
- "fixed_discount_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "SLL"
- },
- "max_discount_money": {
- "amount": 84,
- "currency": "BOB"
- }
- },
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "pricing_rule_reference": {
- "object_id": "object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 218
- }
- }
- ],
- "expiration_policy": {
- "expiration_duration": "expiration_duration0"
- },
- "terminology": {
- "one": "one0",
- "other": "other6"
- }
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-# Loyalty Promotion Available Time Data
-Represents scheduling information that determines when purchases can qualify to earn points
-from a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `startDate` | `?string` | Optional | The date that the promotion starts, in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Square populates this field
based on the provided `time_periods`. | getStartDate(): ?string | setStartDate(?string startDate): void |
-| `endDate` | `?string` | Optional | The date that the promotion ends, in `YYYY-MM-DD` format. Square populates this field
based on the provided `time_periods`. If an end date is not specified, an `ACTIVE` promotion
remains available until it is canceled. | getEndDate(): ?string | setEndDate(?string endDate): void |
-| `timePeriods` | `string[]` | Required | A list of [iCalendar (RFC 5545) events](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545#section-3.6.1)
(`VEVENT`). Each event represents an available time period per day or days of the week.
A day can have a maximum of one available time period.
Only `DTSTART`, `DURATION`, and `RRULE` are supported. `DTSTART` and `DURATION` are required and
timestamps must be in local (unzoned) time format. Include `RRULE` to specify recurring promotions,
an end date (using the `UNTIL` keyword), or both. For more information, see
[Available time](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-promotions#available-time).
Note that `BEGIN:VEVENT` and `END:VEVENT` are optional in a `CreateLoyaltyPromotion` request
but are always included in the response. | getTimePeriods(): array | setTimePeriods(array timePeriods): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "start_date": "start_date4",
- "end_date": "end_date0",
- "time_periods": [
- "time_periods7",
- "time_periods8",
- "time_periods9"
- ]
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-# Loyalty Promotion Incentive Points Addition Data
-Represents the metadata for a `POINTS_ADDITION` type of [loyalty promotion incentive](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `pointsAddition` | `int` | Required | The number of additional points to earn each time the promotion is triggered. For example,
suppose a purchase qualifies for 5 points from the base loyalty program. If the purchase also
qualifies for a `POINTS_ADDITION` promotion incentive with a `points_addition` of 3, the buyer
earns a total of 8 points (5 program points + 3 promotion points = 8 points).
**Constraints**: `>= 1` | getPointsAddition(): int | setPointsAddition(int pointsAddition): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "points_addition": 88
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-# Loyalty Promotion Incentive Points Multiplier Data
-Represents the metadata for a `POINTS_MULTIPLIER` type of [loyalty promotion incentive](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `pointsMultiplier` | `?int` | Optional | The multiplier used to calculate the number of points earned each time the promotion
is triggered. For example, suppose a purchase qualifies for 5 points from the base loyalty program.
If the purchase also qualifies for a `POINTS_MULTIPLIER` promotion incentive with a `points_multiplier`
of 3, the buyer earns a total of 15 points (5 program points x 3 promotion multiplier = 15 points).
DEPRECATED at version 2023-08-16. Replaced by the `multiplier` field.
One of the following is required when specifying a points multiplier:
- (Recommended) The `multiplier` field.
- This deprecated `points_multiplier` field. If provided in the request, Square also returns `multiplier`
with the equivalent value.
**Constraints**: `>= 2`, `<= 10` | getPointsMultiplier(): ?int | setPointsMultiplier(?int pointsMultiplier): void |
-| `multiplier` | `?string` | Optional | The multiplier used to calculate the number of points earned each time the promotion is triggered,
specified as a string representation of a decimal. Square supports multipliers up to 10x, with three
point precision for decimal multipliers. For example, suppose a purchase qualifies for 4 points from the
base loyalty program. If the purchase also qualifies for a `POINTS_MULTIPLIER` promotion incentive with a
`multiplier` of "1.5", the buyer earns a total of 6 points (4 program points x 1.5 promotion multiplier = 6 points).
Fractional points are dropped.
One of the following is required when specifying a points multiplier:
- (Recommended) This `multiplier` field.
- The deprecated `points_multiplier` field. If provided in the request, Square also returns `multiplier`
with the equivalent value.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `5` | getMultiplier(): ?string | setMultiplier(?string multiplier): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "points_multiplier": 116,
- "multiplier": "multiplier2"
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-# Loyalty Promotion Incentive Type
-Indicates the type of points incentive for a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md),
-which is used to determine how buyers can earn points from the promotion.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `POINTS_MULTIPLIER` | Multiply the number of points earned from the base loyalty program.
For example, "Earn double points." |
-| `POINTS_ADDITION` | Add a specified number of points to those earned from the base loyalty program.
For example, "Earn 10 additional points." |
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-# Loyalty Promotion Incentive
-Represents how points for a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md) are calculated,
-either by multiplying the points earned from the base program or by adding a specified number
-of points to the points earned from the base program.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`string(LoyaltyPromotionIncentiveType)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive-type.md) | Required | Indicates the type of points incentive for a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md),
which is used to determine how buyers can earn points from the promotion. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `pointsMultiplierData` | [`?LoyaltyPromotionIncentivePointsMultiplierData`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive-points-multiplier-data.md) | Optional | Represents the metadata for a `POINTS_MULTIPLIER` type of [loyalty promotion incentive](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive.md). | getPointsMultiplierData(): ?LoyaltyPromotionIncentivePointsMultiplierData | setPointsMultiplierData(?LoyaltyPromotionIncentivePointsMultiplierData pointsMultiplierData): void |
-| `pointsAdditionData` | [`?LoyaltyPromotionIncentivePointsAdditionData`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive-points-addition-data.md) | Optional | Represents the metadata for a `POINTS_ADDITION` type of [loyalty promotion incentive](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive.md). | getPointsAdditionData(): ?LoyaltyPromotionIncentivePointsAdditionData | setPointsAdditionData(?LoyaltyPromotionIncentivePointsAdditionData pointsAdditionData): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "points_multiplier": 134,
- "multiplier": "multiplier4"
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
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-# Loyalty Promotion Status
-Indicates the status of a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVE` | The loyalty promotion is currently active. Buyers can earn points for purchases
that meet the promotion conditions, such as the promotion's `available_time`. |
-| `ENDED` | The loyalty promotion has ended because the specified `end_date` was reached.
`ENDED` is a terminal status. |
-| `CANCELED` | The loyalty promotion was canceled. `CANCELED` is a terminal status. |
-| `SCHEDULED` | The loyalty promotion is scheduled to start in the future. Square changes the
promotion status to `ACTIVE` when the `start_date` is reached. |
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-# Loyalty Promotion Trigger Limit Interval
-Indicates the time period that the [trigger limit](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-trigger-limit.md) applies to,
-which is used to determine the number of times a buyer can earn points for a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ALL_TIME` | The limit applies to the entire time that the promotion is active. For example, if `times`
is set to 1 and `time_period` is set to `ALL_TIME`, a buyer can earn promotion points a maximum
of one time during the promotion. |
-| `DAY` | The limit applies per day, according to the `available_time` schedule specified for the promotion.
For example, if the `times` field of the trigger limit is set to 1, a buyer can trigger the promotion
a maximum of once per day. |
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-# Loyalty Promotion Trigger Limit
-Represents the number of times a buyer can earn points during a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md).
-If this field is not set, buyers can trigger the promotion an unlimited number of times to earn points during
-the time that the promotion is available.
-A purchase that is disqualified from earning points because of this limit might qualify for another active promotion.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `times` | `int` | Required | The maximum number of times a buyer can trigger the promotion during the specified `interval`.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 30` | getTimes(): int | setTimes(int times): void |
-| `interval` | [`?string(LoyaltyPromotionTriggerLimitInterval)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-trigger-limit-interval.md) | Optional | Indicates the time period that the [trigger limit](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-trigger-limit.md) applies to,
which is used to determine the number of times a buyer can earn points for a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md). | getInterval(): ?string | setInterval(?string interval): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "times": 32,
- "interval": "ALL_TIME"
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-# Loyalty Promotion
-Represents a promotion for a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). Loyalty promotions enable buyers
-to earn extra points on top of those earned from the base program.
-A loyalty program can have a maximum of 10 loyalty promotions with an `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the promotion.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The name of the promotion.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `70` | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `incentive` | [`LoyaltyPromotionIncentive`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-incentive.md) | Required | Represents how points for a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md) are calculated,
either by multiplying the points earned from the base program or by adding a specified number
of points to the points earned from the base program. | getIncentive(): LoyaltyPromotionIncentive | setIncentive(LoyaltyPromotionIncentive incentive): void |
-| `availableTime` | [`LoyaltyPromotionAvailableTimeData`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-available-time-data.md) | Required | Represents scheduling information that determines when purchases can qualify to earn points
from a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md). | getAvailableTime(): LoyaltyPromotionAvailableTimeData | setAvailableTime(LoyaltyPromotionAvailableTimeData availableTime): void |
-| `triggerLimit` | [`?LoyaltyPromotionTriggerLimit`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-trigger-limit.md) | Optional | Represents the number of times a buyer can earn points during a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md).
If this field is not set, buyers can trigger the promotion an unlimited number of times to earn points during
the time that the promotion is available.
A purchase that is disqualified from earning points because of this limit might qualify for another active promotion. | getTriggerLimit(): ?LoyaltyPromotionTriggerLimit | setTriggerLimit(?LoyaltyPromotionTriggerLimit triggerLimit): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(LoyaltyPromotionStatus)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion-status.md) | Optional | Indicates the status of a [loyalty promotion](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md). | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the promotion was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `canceledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the promotion was canceled, in RFC 3339 format. | getCanceledAt(): ?string | setCanceledAt(?string canceledAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the promotion was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `loyaltyProgramId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram) associated with the promotion. | getLoyaltyProgramId(): ?string | setLoyaltyProgramId(?string loyaltyProgramId): void |
-| `minimumSpendAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getMinimumSpendAmountMoney(): ?Money | setMinimumSpendAmountMoney(?Money minimumSpendAmountMoney): void |
-| `qualifyingItemVariationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of any qualifying `ITEM_VARIATION` [catalog objects](entity:CatalogObject). If specified,
the purchase must include at least one of these items to qualify for the promotion.
This option is valid only if the base loyalty program uses a `VISIT` or `SPEND` accrual rule.
With `SPEND` accrual rules, make sure that qualifying promotional items are not excluded.
You can specify `qualifying_item_variation_ids` or `qualifying_category_ids` for a given promotion, but not both. | getQualifyingItemVariationIds(): ?array | setQualifyingItemVariationIds(?array qualifyingItemVariationIds): void |
-| `qualifyingCategoryIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of any qualifying `CATEGORY` [catalog objects](entity:CatalogObject). If specified,
the purchase must include at least one item from one of these categories to qualify for the promotion.
This option is valid only if the base loyalty program uses a `VISIT` or `SPEND` accrual rule.
With `SPEND` accrual rules, make sure that qualifying promotional items are not excluded.
You can specify `qualifying_category_ids` or `qualifying_item_variation_ids` for a promotion, but not both. | getQualifyingCategoryIds(): ?array | setQualifyingCategoryIds(?array qualifyingCategoryIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "name": "name4",
- "incentive": {
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "points_multiplier": 134,
- "multiplier": "multiplier4"
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
- },
- "available_time": {
- "start_date": "start_date4",
- "end_date": "end_date8",
- "time_periods": [
- "time_periods9"
- ]
- },
- "trigger_limit": {
- "times": 26,
- "interval": "ALL_TIME"
- },
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "canceled_at": "canceled_at0"
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-# Loyalty Reward Status
-The status of the loyalty reward.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ISSUED` | The reward is issued. |
-| `REDEEMED` | The reward is redeemed. |
-| `DELETED` | The reward is deleted. |
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-# Loyalty Reward
-Represents a contract to redeem loyalty points for a [reward tier](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-tier.md) discount. Loyalty rewards can be in an ISSUED, REDEEMED, or DELETED state.
-For more information, see [Manage loyalty rewards](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the loyalty reward.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(LoyaltyRewardStatus)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-reward-status.md) | Optional | The status of the loyalty reward. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `loyaltyAccountId` | `string` | Required | The Square-assigned ID of the [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount) to which the reward belongs.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getLoyaltyAccountId(): string | setLoyaltyAccountId(string loyaltyAccountId): void |
-| `rewardTierId` | `string` | Required | The Square-assigned ID of the [reward tier](entity:LoyaltyProgramRewardTier) used to create the reward.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getRewardTierId(): string | setRewardTierId(string rewardTierId): void |
-| `points` | `?int` | Optional | The number of loyalty points used for the reward.
**Constraints**: `>= 1` | getPoints(): ?int | setPoints(?int points): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the [order](entity:Order) to which the reward is attached. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the reward was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the reward was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `redeemedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the reward was redeemed, in RFC 3339 format. | getRedeemedAt(): ?string | setRedeemedAt(?string redeemedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "status": "DELETED",
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id4",
- "reward_tier_id": "reward_tier_id2",
- "points": 114,
- "order_id": "order_id0",
- "created_at": "created_at4"
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-# M Break
-A record of an employee's break during a shift.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The UUID for this object. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `startAt` | `string` | Required | RFC 3339; follows the same timezone information as `Shift`. Precision up to
the minute is respected; seconds are truncated.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getStartAt(): string | setStartAt(string startAt): void |
-| `endAt` | `?string` | Optional | RFC 3339; follows the same timezone information as `Shift`. Precision up to
the minute is respected; seconds are truncated. | getEndAt(): ?string | setEndAt(?string endAt): void |
-| `breakTypeId` | `string` | Required | The `BreakType` that this `Break` was templated on.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getBreakTypeId(): string | setBreakTypeId(string breakTypeId): void |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | A human-readable name.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `expectedDuration` | `string` | Required | Format: RFC-3339 P[n]Y[n]M[n]DT[n]H[n]M[n]S. The expected length of
the break.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getExpectedDuration(): string | setExpectedDuration(string expectedDuration): void |
-| `isPaid` | `bool` | Required | Whether this break counts towards time worked for compensation
purposes. | getIsPaid(): bool | setIsPaid(bool isPaid): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "start_at": "start_at8",
- "end_at": "end_at4",
- "break_type_id": "break_type_id2",
- "name": "name6",
- "expected_duration": "expected_duration8",
- "is_paid": false
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-# Measurement Unit Area
-Unit of area used to measure a quantity.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `IMPERIAL_ACRE` | The area is measured in acres. |
-| `IMPERIAL_SQUARE_INCH` | The area is measured in square inches. |
-| `IMPERIAL_SQUARE_FOOT` | The area is measured in square feet. |
-| `IMPERIAL_SQUARE_YARD` | The area is measured in square yards. |
-| `IMPERIAL_SQUARE_MILE` | The area is measured in square miles. |
-| `METRIC_SQUARE_CENTIMETER` | The area is measured in square centimeters. |
-| `METRIC_SQUARE_METER` | The area is measured in square meters. |
-| `METRIC_SQUARE_KILOMETER` | The area is measured in square kilometers. |
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-# Measurement Unit Custom
-The information needed to define a custom unit, provided by the seller.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The name of the custom unit, for example "bushel". | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `abbreviation` | `string` | Required | The abbreviation of the custom unit, such as "bsh" (bushel). This appears
in the cart for the Point of Sale app, and in reports. | getAbbreviation(): string | setAbbreviation(string abbreviation): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name8",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation0"
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-# Measurement Unit Generic
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `UNIT` | The generic unit. |
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-# Measurement Unit Length
-The unit of length used to measure a quantity.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `IMPERIAL_INCH` | The length is measured in inches. |
-| `IMPERIAL_FOOT` | The length is measured in feet. |
-| `IMPERIAL_YARD` | The length is measured in yards. |
-| `IMPERIAL_MILE` | The length is measured in miles. |
-| `METRIC_MILLIMETER` | The length is measured in millimeters. |
-| `METRIC_CENTIMETER` | The length is measured in centimeters. |
-| `METRIC_METER` | The length is measured in meters. |
-| `METRIC_KILOMETER` | The length is measured in kilometers. |
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-# Measurement Unit Time
-Unit of time used to measure a quantity (a duration).
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `GENERIC_MILLISECOND` | The time is measured in milliseconds. |
-| `GENERIC_SECOND` | The time is measured in seconds. |
-| `GENERIC_MINUTE` | The time is measured in minutes. |
-| `GENERIC_HOUR` | The time is measured in hours. |
-| `GENERIC_DAY` | The time is measured in days. |
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-# Measurement Unit Unit Type
-Describes the type of this unit and indicates which field contains the unit information. This is an ‘open’ enum.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `TYPE_CUSTOM` | The unit details are contained in the custom_unit field. |
-| `TYPE_AREA` | The unit details are contained in the area_unit field. |
-| `TYPE_LENGTH` | The unit details are contained in the length_unit field. |
-| `TYPE_VOLUME` | The unit details are contained in the volume_unit field. |
-| `TYPE_WEIGHT` | The unit details are contained in the weight_unit field. |
-| `TYPE_GENERIC` | The unit details are contained in the generic_unit field. |
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-# Measurement Unit Volume
-The unit of volume used to measure a quantity.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `GENERIC_FLUID_OUNCE` | The volume is measured in ounces. |
-| `GENERIC_SHOT` | The volume is measured in shots. |
-| `GENERIC_CUP` | The volume is measured in cups. |
-| `GENERIC_PINT` | The volume is measured in pints. |
-| `GENERIC_QUART` | The volume is measured in quarts. |
-| `GENERIC_GALLON` | The volume is measured in gallons. |
-| `IMPERIAL_CUBIC_INCH` | The volume is measured in cubic inches. |
-| `IMPERIAL_CUBIC_FOOT` | The volume is measured in cubic feet. |
-| `IMPERIAL_CUBIC_YARD` | The volume is measured in cubic yards. |
-| `METRIC_MILLILITER` | The volume is measured in metric milliliters. |
-| `METRIC_LITER` | The volume is measured in metric liters. |
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-# Measurement Unit Weight
-Unit of weight used to measure a quantity.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE` | The weight is measured in ounces. |
-| `IMPERIAL_POUND` | The weight is measured in pounds. |
-| `IMPERIAL_STONE` | The weight is measured in stones. |
-| `METRIC_MILLIGRAM` | The weight is measured in milligrams. |
-| `METRIC_GRAM` | The weight is measured in grams. |
-| `METRIC_KILOGRAM` | The weight is measured in kilograms. |
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-# Measurement Unit
-Represents a unit of measurement to use with a quantity, such as ounces
-or inches. Exactly one of the following fields are required: `custom_unit`,
-`area_unit`, `length_unit`, `volume_unit`, and `weight_unit`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customUnit` | [`?MeasurementUnitCustom`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-custom.md) | Optional | The information needed to define a custom unit, provided by the seller. | getCustomUnit(): ?MeasurementUnitCustom | setCustomUnit(?MeasurementUnitCustom customUnit): void |
-| `areaUnit` | [`?string(MeasurementUnitArea)`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-area.md) | Optional | Unit of area used to measure a quantity. | getAreaUnit(): ?string | setAreaUnit(?string areaUnit): void |
-| `lengthUnit` | [`?string(MeasurementUnitLength)`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-length.md) | Optional | The unit of length used to measure a quantity. | getLengthUnit(): ?string | setLengthUnit(?string lengthUnit): void |
-| `volumeUnit` | [`?string(MeasurementUnitVolume)`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-volume.md) | Optional | The unit of volume used to measure a quantity. | getVolumeUnit(): ?string | setVolumeUnit(?string volumeUnit): void |
-| `weightUnit` | [`?string(MeasurementUnitWeight)`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-weight.md) | Optional | Unit of weight used to measure a quantity. | getWeightUnit(): ?string | setWeightUnit(?string weightUnit): void |
-| `genericUnit` | [`?string(MeasurementUnitGeneric)`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-generic.md) | Optional | - | getGenericUnit(): ?string | setGenericUnit(?string genericUnit): void |
-| `timeUnit` | [`?string(MeasurementUnitTime)`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-time.md) | Optional | Unit of time used to measure a quantity (a duration). | getTimeUnit(): ?string | setTimeUnit(?string timeUnit): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(MeasurementUnitUnitType)`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit-unit-type.md) | Optional | Describes the type of this unit and indicates which field contains the unit information. This is an ‘open’ enum. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_SQUARE_MILE",
- "length_unit": "METRIC_MILLIMETER",
- "volume_unit": "IMPERIAL_CUBIC_INCH",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
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-# Merchant Status
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVE` | A fully operational merchant account. The merchant can interact with Square products and APIs. |
-| `INACTIVE` | A functionally limited merchant account. The merchant can only have limited interaction
via Square APIs. The merchant cannot log in or access the seller dashboard. |
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-# Merchant
-Represents a business that sells with Square.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-issued ID of the merchant. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `businessName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the merchant's overall business. | getBusinessName(): ?string | setBusinessName(?string businessName): void |
-| `country` | [`string(Country)`](../../doc/models/country.md) | Required | Indicates the country associated with another entity, such as a business.
Values are in [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/country_codes.htm). | getCountry(): string | setCountry(string country): void |
-| `languageCode` | `?string` | Optional | The code indicating the [language preferences](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/general-considerations/language-preferences) of the merchant, in [BCP 47 format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47#appendix-A). For example, `en-US` or `fr-CA`. | getLanguageCode(): ?string | setLanguageCode(?string languageCode): void |
-| `currency` | [`?string(Currency)`](../../doc/models/currency.md) | Optional | Indicates the associated currency for an amount of money. Values correspond
to [ISO 4217](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217). | getCurrency(): ?string | setCurrency(?string currency): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(MerchantStatus)`](../../doc/models/merchant-status.md) | Optional | - | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `mainLocationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [main `Location`](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api#about-the-main-location) for this merchant. | getMainLocationId(): ?string | setMainLocationId(?string mainLocationId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the merchant was created, in RFC 3339 format.
For more information, see [Working with Dates](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates). | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "business_name": "business_name6",
- "country": "HM",
- "language_code": "language_code0",
- "currency": "BTC",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
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-# Modifier Location Overrides
-Location-specific overrides for specified properties of a `CatalogModifier` object.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the `Location` object representing the location. This can include a deactivated location. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `priceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceMoney(): ?Money | setPriceMoney(?Money priceMoney): void |
-| `soldOut` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the modifier is sold out at the specified location or not. As an example, for cheese (modifier) burger (item), when the modifier is sold out, it is the cheese, but not the burger, that is sold out.
The seller can manually set this sold out status. Attempts by an application to set this attribute are ignored. | getSoldOut(): ?bool | setSoldOut(?bool soldOut): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- },
- "sold_out": false
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-# Money
-Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
-Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
-considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
-sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
-[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
-for more information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amount` | `?int` | Optional | The amount of money, in the smallest denomination of the currency
indicated by `currency`. For example, when `currency` is `USD`, `amount` is
in cents. Monetary amounts can be positive or negative. See the specific
field description to determine the meaning of the sign in a particular case. | getAmount(): ?int | setAmount(?int amount): void |
-| `currency` | [`?string(Currency)`](../../doc/models/currency.md) | Optional | Indicates the associated currency for an amount of money. Values correspond
to [ISO 4217](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217). | getCurrency(): ?string | setCurrency(?string currency): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "AZN"
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-# Obtain Token Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `clientId` | `string` | Required | The Square-issued ID of your application, which is available on the **OAuth** page in the
[Developer Dashboard](https://developer.squareup.com/apps).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getClientId(): string | setClientId(string clientId): void |
-| `clientSecret` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-issued application secret for your application, which is available on the **OAuth** page
in the [Developer Dashboard](https://developer.squareup.com/apps). This parameter is only required when
you're not using the [OAuth PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) flow](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/oauth-api/overview#pkce-flow).
The PKCE flow requires a `code_verifier` instead of a `client_secret` when `grant_type` is set to `authorization_code`.
If `grant_type` is set to `refresh_token` and the `refresh_token` is obtained uaing PKCE, the PKCE flow only requires `client_id`,
`grant_type`, and `refresh_token`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getClientSecret(): ?string | setClientSecret(?string clientSecret): void |
-| `code` | `?string` | Optional | The authorization code to exchange.
This code is required if `grant_type` is set to `authorization_code` to indicate that
the application wants to exchange an authorization code for an OAuth access token.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCode(): ?string | setCode(?string code): void |
-| `redirectUri` | `?string` | Optional | The redirect URL assigned on the **OAuth** page for your application in the [Developer Dashboard](https://developer.squareup.com/apps).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2048` | getRedirectUri(): ?string | setRedirectUri(?string redirectUri): void |
-| `grantType` | `string` | Required | Specifies the method to request an OAuth access token.
Valid values are `authorization_code`, `refresh_token`, and `migration_token`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `10`, *Maximum Length*: `20` | getGrantType(): string | setGrantType(string grantType): void |
-| `refreshToken` | `?string` | Optional | A valid refresh token for generating a new OAuth access token.
A valid refresh token is required if `grant_type` is set to `refresh_token`
to indicate that the application wants a replacement for an expired OAuth access token.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getRefreshToken(): ?string | setRefreshToken(?string refreshToken): void |
-| `migrationToken` | `?string` | Optional | A legacy OAuth access token obtained using a Connect API version prior
to 2019-03-13. This parameter is required if `grant_type` is set to
`migration_token` to indicate that the application wants to get a replacement
OAuth access token. The response also returns a refresh token.
For more information, see [Migrate to Using Refresh Tokens](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/oauth-api/migrate-to-refresh-tokens).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getMigrationToken(): ?string | setMigrationToken(?string migrationToken): void |
-| `scopes` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A JSON list of strings representing the permissions that the application is requesting.
The access token returned in the response is granted the permissions
that comprise the intersection between the requested list of permissions and those
that belong to the provided refresh token. | getScopes(): ?array | setScopes(?array scopes): void |
-| `shortLived` | `?bool` | Optional | A Boolean indicating a request for a short-lived access token.
The short-lived access token returned in the response expires in 24 hours. | getShortLived(): ?bool | setShortLived(?bool shortLived): void |
-| `codeVerifier` | `?string` | Optional | Must be provided when using the PKCE OAuth flow if `grant_type` is set to `authorization_code`. The `code_verifier` is used to verify against the
`code_challenge` associated with the `authorization_code`. | getCodeVerifier(): ?string | setCodeVerifier(?string codeVerifier): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "client_id": "APPLICATION_ID",
- "client_secret": "APPLICATION_SECRET",
- "grant_type": "authorization_code",
- "redirect_uri": "redirect_uri6",
- "refresh_token": "refresh_token8",
- "migration_token": "migration_token6"
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-# Obtain Token Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `accessToken` | `?string` | Optional | A valid OAuth access token.
Provide the access token in a header with every request to Connect API
endpoints. For more information, see [OAuth API: Walkthrough](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/oauth-api/walkthrough).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getAccessToken(): ?string | setAccessToken(?string accessToken): void |
-| `tokenType` | `?string` | Optional | This value is always _bearer_.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `10` | getTokenType(): ?string | setTokenType(?string tokenType): void |
-| `expiresAt` | `?string` | Optional | The date when the `access_token` expires, in [ISO 8601](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/iso8601.htm) format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `20`, *Maximum Length*: `48` | getExpiresAt(): ?string | setExpiresAt(?string expiresAt): void |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the authorizing merchant's business.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `8`, *Maximum Length*: `191` | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `subscriptionId` | `?string` | Optional | __LEGACY FIELD__. The ID of a subscription plan the merchant signed up
for. The ID is only present if the merchant signed up for a subscription plan during authorization. | getSubscriptionId(): ?string | setSubscriptionId(?string subscriptionId): void |
-| `planId` | `?string` | Optional | __LEGACY FIELD__. The ID of the subscription plan the merchant signed
up for. The ID is only present if the merchant signed up for a subscription plan during
authorization. | getPlanId(): ?string | setPlanId(?string planId): void |
-| `idToken` | `?string` | Optional | The OpenID token belonging to this person. This token is only present if the
OPENID scope is included in the authorization request. | getIdToken(): ?string | setIdToken(?string idToken): void |
-| `refreshToken` | `?string` | Optional | A refresh token.
For more information, see [Refresh, Revoke, and Limit the Scope of OAuth Tokens](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/oauth-api/refresh-revoke-limit-scope).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getRefreshToken(): ?string | setRefreshToken(?string refreshToken): void |
-| `shortLived` | `?bool` | Optional | A Boolean indicating that the access token is a short-lived access token.
The short-lived access token returned in the response expires in 24 hours. | getShortLived(): ?bool | setShortLived(?bool shortLived): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refreshTokenExpiresAt` | `?string` | Optional | The date when the `refresh_token` expires, in [ISO 8601](http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/iso8601.htm) format.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `20`, *Maximum Length*: `48` | getRefreshTokenExpiresAt(): ?string | setRefreshTokenExpiresAt(?string refreshTokenExpiresAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
- "expires_at": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z",
- "merchant_id": "MERCHANT_ID",
- "refresh_token": "REFRESH_TOKEN",
- "token_type": "bearer",
- "subscription_id": "subscription_id8"
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-# Offline Payment Details
-Details specific to offline payments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `clientCreatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The client-side timestamp of when the offline payment was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getClientCreatedAt(): ?string | setClientCreatedAt(?string clientCreatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "client_created_at": "client_created_at6"
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-# Order Created Object
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderCreated` | [`?OrderCreated`](../../doc/models/order-created.md) | Optional | - | getOrderCreated(): ?OrderCreated | setOrderCreated(?OrderCreated orderCreated): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_created": {
- "order_id": "order_id8",
- "version": 170,
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "state": "CANCELED",
- "created_at": "created_at2"
- }
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-# Order Created
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The order's unique ID. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the order.
Orders that were not created through the API do not include a version number and
therefore cannot be updated.
[Read more about working with versions.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders) | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the seller location that this order is associated with. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(OrderState)`](../../doc/models/order-state.md) | Optional | The state of the order. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_id": "order_id8",
- "version": 86,
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "state": "CANCELED",
- "created_at": "created_at2"
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-# Order Entry
-A lightweight description of an [order](../../doc/models/order.md) that is returned when
-`returned_entries` is `true` on a [SearchOrdersRequest](../../doc/apis/orders.md#search-orders).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the order. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the order.
Orders that were not created through the API do not include a version number and
therefore cannot be updated.
[Read more about working with versions.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders) | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location ID the order belongs to. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_id": "order_id0",
- "version": 72,
- "location_id": "location_id0"
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-# Order Fulfillment Delivery Details Schedule Type
-The schedule type of the delivery fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SCHEDULED` | Indicates the fulfillment to deliver at a scheduled deliver time. |
-| `ASAP` | Indicates that the fulfillment to deliver as soon as possible and should be prepared
immediately. |
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-# Order Fulfillment Delivery Details
-Describes delivery details of an order fulfillment.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `recipient` | [`?OrderFulfillmentRecipient`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-recipient.md) | Optional | Information about the fulfillment recipient. | getRecipient(): ?OrderFulfillmentRecipient | setRecipient(?OrderFulfillmentRecipient recipient): void |
-| `scheduleType` | [`?string(OrderFulfillmentDeliveryDetailsScheduleType)`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-delivery-details-schedule-type.md) | Optional | The schedule type of the delivery fulfillment. | getScheduleType(): ?string | setScheduleType(?string scheduleType): void |
-| `placedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was placed.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z").
Must be in RFC 3339 timestamp format, e.g., "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | getPlacedAt(): ?string | setPlacedAt(?string placedAt): void |
-| `deliverAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
that represents the start of the delivery period.
When the fulfillment `schedule_type` is `ASAP`, the field is automatically
set to the current time plus the `prep_time_duration`.
Otherwise, the application can set this field while the fulfillment `state` is
`PROPOSED`, `RESERVED`, or `PREPARED` (any time before the
terminal state such as `COMPLETED`, `CANCELED`, and `FAILED`).
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getDeliverAt(): ?string | setDeliverAt(?string deliverAt): void |
-| `prepTimeDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time it takes to prepare and deliver this fulfillment.
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getPrepTimeDuration(): ?string | setPrepTimeDuration(?string prepTimeDuration): void |
-| `deliveryWindowDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The time period after `deliver_at` in which to deliver the order.
Applications can set this field when the fulfillment `state` is
`PROPOSED`, `RESERVED`, or `PREPARED` (any time before the terminal state
such as `COMPLETED`, `CANCELED`, and `FAILED`).
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getDeliveryWindowDuration(): ?string | setDeliveryWindowDuration(?string deliveryWindowDuration): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | Provides additional instructions about the delivery fulfillment.
It is displayed in the Square Point of Sale application and set by the API.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `550` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `completedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicates when the seller completed the fulfillment.
This field is automatically set when fulfillment `state` changes to `COMPLETED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCompletedAt(): ?string | setCompletedAt(?string completedAt): void |
-| `inProgressAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicates when the seller started processing the fulfillment.
This field is automatically set when the fulfillment `state` changes to `RESERVED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getInProgressAt(): ?string | setInProgressAt(?string inProgressAt): void |
-| `rejectedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was rejected. This field is
automatically set when the fulfillment `state` changes to `FAILED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getRejectedAt(): ?string | setRejectedAt(?string rejectedAt): void |
-| `readyAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the seller marked the fulfillment as ready for
courier pickup. This field is automatically set when the fulfillment `state` changes
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getReadyAt(): ?string | setReadyAt(?string readyAt): void |
-| `deliveredAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was delivered to the recipient.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getDeliveredAt(): ?string | setDeliveredAt(?string deliveredAt): void |
-| `canceledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was canceled. This field is automatically
set when the fulfillment `state` changes to `CANCELED`.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCanceledAt(): ?string | setCanceledAt(?string canceledAt): void |
-| `cancelReason` | `?string` | Optional | The delivery cancellation reason. Max length: 100 characters.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `courierPickupAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when an order can be picked up by the courier for delivery.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCourierPickupAt(): ?string | setCourierPickupAt(?string courierPickupAt): void |
-| `courierPickupWindowDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The time period after `courier_pickup_at` in which the courier should pick up the order.
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getCourierPickupWindowDuration(): ?string | setCourierPickupWindowDuration(?string courierPickupWindowDuration): void |
-| `isNoContactDelivery` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the delivery is preferred to be no contact. | getIsNoContactDelivery(): ?bool | setIsNoContactDelivery(?bool isNoContactDelivery): void |
-| `dropoffNotes` | `?string` | Optional | A note to provide additional instructions about how to deliver the order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `550` | getDropoffNotes(): ?string | setDropoffNotes(?string dropoffNotes): void |
-| `courierProviderName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the courier provider.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getCourierProviderName(): ?string | setCourierProviderName(?string courierProviderName): void |
-| `courierSupportPhoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The support phone number of the courier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `17` | getCourierSupportPhoneNumber(): ?string | setCourierSupportPhoneNumber(?string courierSupportPhoneNumber): void |
-| `squareDeliveryId` | `?string` | Optional | The identifier for the delivery created by Square.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getSquareDeliveryId(): ?string | setSquareDeliveryId(?string squareDeliveryId): void |
-| `externalDeliveryId` | `?string` | Optional | The identifier for the delivery created by the third-party courier service.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getExternalDeliveryId(): ?string | setExternalDeliveryId(?string externalDeliveryId): void |
-| `managedDelivery` | `?bool` | Optional | The flag to indicate the delivery is managed by a third party (ie DoorDash), which means
we may not receive all recipient information for PII purposes. | getManagedDelivery(): ?bool | setManagedDelivery(?bool managedDelivery): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id6",
- "display_name": "display_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address4",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "schedule_type": "SCHEDULED",
- "placed_at": "placed_at6",
- "deliver_at": "deliver_at2",
- "prep_time_duration": "prep_time_duration6"
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-# Order Fulfillment Fulfillment Entry
-Links an order line item to a fulfillment. Each entry must reference
-a valid `uid` for an order line item in the `line_item_uid` field, as well as a `quantity` to
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the fulfillment entry only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `lineItemUid` | `string` | Required | The `uid` from the order line item.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLineItemUid(): string | setLineItemUid(string lineItemUid): void |
-| `quantity` | `string` | Required | The quantity of the line item being fulfilled, formatted as a decimal number.
For example, `"3"`.
Fulfillments for line items with a `quantity_unit` can have non-integer quantities.
For example, `"1.70000"`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `12` | getQuantity(): string | setQuantity(string quantity): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this fulfillment entry. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid6",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid6",
- "quantity": "quantity2",
- "metadata": {
- "key0": "metadata7",
- "key1": "metadata8",
- "key2": "metadata9"
- }
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-# Order Fulfillment Fulfillment Line Item Application
-The `line_item_application` describes what order line items this fulfillment applies
-to. It can be `ALL` or `ENTRY_LIST` with a supplied list of fulfillment entries.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ALL` | If `ALL`, `entries` must be unset. |
-| `ENTRY_LIST` | If `ENTRY_LIST`, supply a list of `entries`. |
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-# Order Fulfillment Pickup Details Curbside Pickup Details
-Specific details for curbside pickup.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `curbsideDetails` | `?string` | Optional | Specific details for curbside pickup, such as parking number and vehicle model.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `250` | getCurbsideDetails(): ?string | setCurbsideDetails(?string curbsideDetails): void |
-| `buyerArrivedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the buyer arrived and is waiting for pickup. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getBuyerArrivedAt(): ?string | setBuyerArrivedAt(?string buyerArrivedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "curbside_details": "curbside_details8",
- "buyer_arrived_at": "buyer_arrived_at4"
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-# Order Fulfillment Pickup Details Schedule Type
-The schedule type of the pickup fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SCHEDULED` | Indicates that the fulfillment will be picked up at a scheduled pickup time. |
-| `ASAP` | Indicates that the fulfillment will be picked up as soon as possible and
should be prepared immediately. |
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-# Order Fulfillment Pickup Details
-Contains details necessary to fulfill a pickup order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `recipient` | [`?OrderFulfillmentRecipient`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-recipient.md) | Optional | Information about the fulfillment recipient. | getRecipient(): ?OrderFulfillmentRecipient | setRecipient(?OrderFulfillmentRecipient recipient): void |
-| `expiresAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment expires if it is not marked in progress. The timestamp must be
in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). The expiration time can only be set
up to 7 days in the future. If `expires_at` is not set, any new payments attached to the order
are automatically completed. | getExpiresAt(): ?string | setExpiresAt(?string expiresAt): void |
-| `autoCompleteDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time after which an in progress pickup fulfillment is automatically moved
to the `COMPLETED` state. The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D").
If not set, this pickup fulfillment remains in progress until it is canceled or completed. | getAutoCompleteDuration(): ?string | setAutoCompleteDuration(?string autoCompleteDuration): void |
-| `scheduleType` | [`?string(OrderFulfillmentPickupDetailsScheduleType)`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-pickup-details-schedule-type.md) | Optional | The schedule type of the pickup fulfillment. | getScheduleType(): ?string | setScheduleType(?string scheduleType): void |
-| `pickupAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
that represents the start of the pickup window. Must be in RFC 3339 timestamp format, e.g.,
For fulfillments with the schedule type `ASAP`, this is automatically set
to the current time plus the expected duration to prepare the fulfillment. | getPickupAt(): ?string | setPickupAt(?string pickupAt): void |
-| `pickupWindowDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The window of time in which the order should be picked up after the `pickup_at` timestamp.
Must be in RFC 3339 duration format, e.g., "P1W3D". Can be used as an
informational guideline for merchants. | getPickupWindowDuration(): ?string | setPickupWindowDuration(?string pickupWindowDuration): void |
-| `prepTimeDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time it takes to prepare this fulfillment.
The duration must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "P1W3D"). | getPrepTimeDuration(): ?string | setPrepTimeDuration(?string prepTimeDuration): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | A note to provide additional instructions about the pickup
fulfillment displayed in the Square Point of Sale application and set by the API.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `placedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was placed. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPlacedAt(): ?string | setPlacedAt(?string placedAt): void |
-| `acceptedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was marked in progress. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getAcceptedAt(): ?string | setAcceptedAt(?string acceptedAt): void |
-| `rejectedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was rejected. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getRejectedAt(): ?string | setRejectedAt(?string rejectedAt): void |
-| `readyAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment is marked as ready for pickup. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getReadyAt(): ?string | setReadyAt(?string readyAt): void |
-| `expiredAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment expired. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getExpiredAt(): ?string | setExpiredAt(?string expiredAt): void |
-| `pickedUpAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was picked up by the recipient. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPickedUpAt(): ?string | setPickedUpAt(?string pickedUpAt): void |
-| `canceledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the fulfillment was canceled. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCanceledAt(): ?string | setCanceledAt(?string canceledAt): void |
-| `cancelReason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of why the pickup was canceled. The maximum length: 100 characters.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `isCurbsidePickup` | `?bool` | Optional | If set to `true`, indicates that this pickup order is for curbside pickup, not in-store pickup. | getIsCurbsidePickup(): ?bool | setIsCurbsidePickup(?bool isCurbsidePickup): void |
-| `curbsidePickupDetails` | [`?OrderFulfillmentPickupDetailsCurbsidePickupDetails`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-pickup-details-curbside-pickup-details.md) | Optional | Specific details for curbside pickup. | getCurbsidePickupDetails(): ?OrderFulfillmentPickupDetailsCurbsidePickupDetails | setCurbsidePickupDetails(?OrderFulfillmentPickupDetailsCurbsidePickupDetails curbsidePickupDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id6",
- "display_name": "display_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address4",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "expires_at": "expires_at0",
- "auto_complete_duration": "auto_complete_duration0",
- "schedule_type": "SCHEDULED",
- "pickup_at": "pickup_at8"
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-# Order Fulfillment Recipient
-Information about the fulfillment recipient.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer associated with the fulfillment.
If `customer_id` is provided, the fulfillment recipient's `display_name`,
`email_address`, and `phone_number` are automatically populated from the
targeted customer profile. If these fields are set in the request, the request
values override the information from the customer profile. If the
targeted customer profile does not contain the necessary information and
these fields are left unset, the request results in an error.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `displayName` | `?string` | Optional | The display name of the fulfillment recipient. This field is required.
If provided, the display name overrides the corresponding customer profile value
indicated by `customer_id`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDisplayName(): ?string | setDisplayName(?string displayName): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address of the fulfillment recipient.
If provided, the email address overrides the corresponding customer profile value
indicated by `customer_id`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number of the fulfillment recipient. This field is required.
If provided, the phone number overrides the corresponding customer profile value
indicated by `customer_id`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `17` | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "display_name": "display_name2",
- "email_address": "email_address0",
- "phone_number": "phone_number0",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
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-# Order Fulfillment Shipment Details
-Contains the details necessary to fulfill a shipment order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `recipient` | [`?OrderFulfillmentRecipient`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-recipient.md) | Optional | Information about the fulfillment recipient. | getRecipient(): ?OrderFulfillmentRecipient | setRecipient(?OrderFulfillmentRecipient recipient): void |
-| `carrier` | `?string` | Optional | The shipping carrier being used to ship this fulfillment (such as UPS, FedEx, or USPS).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getCarrier(): ?string | setCarrier(?string carrier): void |
-| `shippingNote` | `?string` | Optional | A note with additional information for the shipping carrier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getShippingNote(): ?string | setShippingNote(?string shippingNote): void |
-| `shippingType` | `?string` | Optional | A description of the type of shipping product purchased from the carrier
(such as First Class, Priority, or Express).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getShippingType(): ?string | setShippingType(?string shippingType): void |
-| `trackingNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The reference number provided by the carrier to track the shipment's progress.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getTrackingNumber(): ?string | setTrackingNumber(?string trackingNumber): void |
-| `trackingUrl` | `?string` | Optional | A link to the tracking webpage on the carrier's website.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2000` | getTrackingUrl(): ?string | setTrackingUrl(?string trackingUrl): void |
-| `placedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the shipment was requested. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPlacedAt(): ?string | setPlacedAt(?string placedAt): void |
-| `inProgressAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `RESERVED` state, which indicates that preparation
of this shipment has begun. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getInProgressAt(): ?string | setInProgressAt(?string inProgressAt): void |
-| `packagedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `PREPARED` state, which indicates that the
fulfillment is packaged. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getPackagedAt(): ?string | setPackagedAt(?string packagedAt): void |
-| `expectedShippedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the shipment is expected to be delivered to the shipping carrier.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getExpectedShippedAt(): ?string | setExpectedShippedAt(?string expectedShippedAt): void |
-| `shippedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when this fulfillment was moved to the `COMPLETED` state, which indicates that
the fulfillment has been given to the shipping carrier. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getShippedAt(): ?string | setShippedAt(?string shippedAt): void |
-| `canceledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating the shipment was canceled.
The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCanceledAt(): ?string | setCanceledAt(?string canceledAt): void |
-| `cancelReason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of why the shipment was canceled.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `failedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates)
indicating when the shipment failed to be completed. The timestamp must be in RFC 3339 format
(for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getFailedAt(): ?string | setFailedAt(?string failedAt): void |
-| `failureReason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of why the shipment failed to be completed.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getFailureReason(): ?string | setFailureReason(?string failureReason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id6",
- "display_name": "display_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address4",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "carrier": "carrier4",
- "shipping_note": "shipping_note8",
- "shipping_type": "shipping_type4",
- "tracking_number": "tracking_number0"
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-# Order Fulfillment State
-The current state of this fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PROPOSED` | Indicates that the fulfillment has been proposed. |
-| `RESERVED` | Indicates that the fulfillment has been reserved. |
-| `PREPARED` | Indicates that the fulfillment has been prepared. |
-| `COMPLETED` | Indicates that the fulfillment was successfully completed. |
-| `CANCELED` | Indicates that the fulfillment was canceled. |
-| `FAILED` | Indicates that the fulfillment failed to be completed, but was not explicitly
canceled. |
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-# Order Fulfillment Type
-The type of fulfillment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PICKUP` | A recipient to pick up the fulfillment from a physical [location](../../doc/models/location.md). |
-| `SHIPMENT` | A shipping carrier to ship the fulfillment. |
-| `DELIVERY` | A courier to deliver the fulfillment. |
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-# Order Fulfillment Updated Object
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderFulfillmentUpdated` | [`?OrderFulfillmentUpdated`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-updated.md) | Optional | - | getOrderFulfillmentUpdated(): ?OrderFulfillmentUpdated | setOrderFulfillmentUpdated(?OrderFulfillmentUpdated orderFulfillmentUpdated): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_fulfillment_updated": {
- "order_id": "order_id8",
- "version": 174,
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "state": "CANCELED",
- "created_at": "created_at2"
- }
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-# Order Fulfillment Updated Update
-Information about fulfillment updates.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `fulfillmentUid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the fulfillment only within this order. | getFulfillmentUid(): ?string | setFulfillmentUid(?string fulfillmentUid): void |
-| `oldState` | [`?string(FulfillmentState)`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-state.md) | Optional | The current state of this fulfillment. | getOldState(): ?string | setOldState(?string oldState): void |
-| `newState` | [`?string(FulfillmentState)`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-state.md) | Optional | The current state of this fulfillment. | getNewState(): ?string | setNewState(?string newState): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "fulfillment_uid": "fulfillment_uid6",
- "old_state": "CANCELED",
- "new_state": "PREPARED"
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-# Order Fulfillment Updated
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The order's unique ID. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the order.
Orders that were not created through the API do not include a version number and
therefore cannot be updated.
[Read more about working with versions.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders) | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the seller location that this order is associated with. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(OrderState)`](../../doc/models/order-state.md) | Optional | The state of the order. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `fulfillmentUpdate` | [`?(OrderFulfillmentUpdatedUpdate[])`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-updated-update.md) | Optional | The fulfillments that were updated with this version change. | getFulfillmentUpdate(): ?array | setFulfillmentUpdate(?array fulfillmentUpdate): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_id": "order_id0",
- "version": 8,
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "state": "OPEN",
- "created_at": "created_at4"
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-# Order Fulfillment
-Contains details about how to fulfill this order.
-Orders can only be created with at most one fulfillment using the API.
-However, orders returned by the Orders API might contain multiple fulfillments because sellers can create multiple fulfillments using Square products such as Square Online.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the fulfillment only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(OrderFulfillmentType)`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-type.md) | Optional | The type of fulfillment. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(OrderFulfillmentState)`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-state.md) | Optional | The current state of this fulfillment. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `lineItemApplication` | [`?string(OrderFulfillmentFulfillmentLineItemApplication)`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-fulfillment-line-item-application.md) | Optional | The `line_item_application` describes what order line items this fulfillment applies
to. It can be `ALL` or `ENTRY_LIST` with a supplied list of fulfillment entries. | getLineItemApplication(): ?string | setLineItemApplication(?string lineItemApplication): void |
-| `entries` | [`?(OrderFulfillmentFulfillmentEntry[])`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-fulfillment-entry.md) | Optional | A list of entries pertaining to the fulfillment of an order. Each entry must reference
a valid `uid` for an order line item in the `line_item_uid` field, as well as a `quantity` to
Multiple entries can reference the same line item `uid`, as long as the total quantity among
all fulfillment entries referencing a single line item does not exceed the quantity of the
order's line item itself.
An order cannot be marked as `COMPLETED` before all fulfillments are `COMPLETED`,
`CANCELED`, or `FAILED`. Fulfillments can be created and completed independently
before order completion. | getEntries(): ?array | setEntries(?array entries): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this fulfillment. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `pickupDetails` | [`?OrderFulfillmentPickupDetails`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-pickup-details.md) | Optional | Contains details necessary to fulfill a pickup order. | getPickupDetails(): ?OrderFulfillmentPickupDetails | setPickupDetails(?OrderFulfillmentPickupDetails pickupDetails): void |
-| `shipmentDetails` | [`?OrderFulfillmentShipmentDetails`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-shipment-details.md) | Optional | Contains the details necessary to fulfill a shipment order. | getShipmentDetails(): ?OrderFulfillmentShipmentDetails | setShipmentDetails(?OrderFulfillmentShipmentDetails shipmentDetails): void |
-| `deliveryDetails` | [`?OrderFulfillmentDeliveryDetails`](../../doc/models/order-fulfillment-delivery-details.md) | Optional | Describes delivery details of an order fulfillment. | getDeliveryDetails(): ?OrderFulfillmentDeliveryDetails | setDeliveryDetails(?OrderFulfillmentDeliveryDetails deliveryDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid8",
- "type": "PICKUP",
- "state": "PROPOSED",
- "line_item_application": "ALL",
- "entries": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid0",
- "quantity": "quantity6",
- "metadata": {
- "key0": "metadata3",
- "key1": "metadata4",
- "key2": "metadata5"
- }
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid0",
- "quantity": "quantity6",
- "metadata": {
- "key0": "metadata3",
- "key1": "metadata4",
- "key2": "metadata5"
- }
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "line_item_uid": "line_item_uid0",
- "quantity": "quantity6",
- "metadata": {
- "key0": "metadata3",
- "key1": "metadata4",
- "key2": "metadata5"
- }
- }
- ]
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-# Order Line Item Applied Discount
-Represents an applied portion of a discount to a line item in an order.
-Order scoped discounts have automatically applied discounts present for each line item.
-Line-item scoped discounts must have applied discounts added manually for any applicable line
-items. The corresponding applied money is automatically computed based on participating
-line items.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the applied discount only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `discountUid` | `string` | Required | The `uid` of the discount that the applied discount represents. It must
reference a discount present in the `order.discounts` field.
This field is immutable. To change which discounts apply to a line item,
you must delete the discount and re-add it as a new `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `60` | getDiscountUid(): string | setDiscountUid(string discountUid): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid2",
- "discount_uid": "discount_uid2",
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 196,
- "currency": "AMD"
- }
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-# Order Line Item Applied Service Charge
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the applied service charge only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `serviceChargeUid` | `string` | Required | The `uid` of the service charge that the applied service charge represents. It must
reference a service charge present in the `order.service_charges` field.
This field is immutable. To change which service charges apply to a line item,
delete and add a new `OrderLineItemAppliedServiceCharge`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `60` | getServiceChargeUid(): string | setServiceChargeUid(string serviceChargeUid): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid8",
- "service_charge_uid": "service_charge_uid8",
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 196,
- "currency": "AMD"
- }
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-# Order Line Item Applied Tax
-Represents an applied portion of a tax to a line item in an order.
-Order-scoped taxes automatically include the applied taxes in each line item.
-Line item taxes must be referenced from any applicable line items.
-The corresponding applied money is automatically computed, based on the
-set of participating line items.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the applied tax only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `taxUid` | `string` | Required | The `uid` of the tax for which this applied tax represents. It must reference
a tax present in the `order.taxes` field.
This field is immutable. To change which taxes apply to a line item, delete and add a new
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `60` | getTaxUid(): string | setTaxUid(string taxUid): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid8",
- "tax_uid": "tax_uid6",
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 196,
- "currency": "AMD"
- }
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-# Order Line Item Discount Scope
-Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level discount.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OTHER_DISCOUNT_SCOPE` | Used for reporting only.
The original transaction discount scope is currently not supported by the API. |
-| `LINE_ITEM` | The discount should be applied to only line items specified by
`OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` reference records. |
-| `ORDER` | The discount should be applied to the entire order. |
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-# Order Line Item Discount Type
-Indicates how the discount is applied to the associated line item or order.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `UNKNOWN_DISCOUNT` | Used for reporting only.
The original transaction discount type is currently not supported by the API. |
-| `FIXED_PERCENTAGE` | Apply the discount as a fixed percentage (such as 5%) off the item price. |
-| `FIXED_AMOUNT` | Apply the discount as a fixed monetary value (such as $1.00) off the item price. |
-| `VARIABLE_PERCENTAGE` | Apply the discount as a variable percentage based on the item
The specific discount percentage of a `VARIABLE_PERCENTAGE` discount
is assigned at the time of the purchase. |
-| `VARIABLE_AMOUNT` | Apply the discount as a variable amount based on the item price.
The specific discount amount of a `VARIABLE_AMOUNT` discount
is assigned at the time of the purchase. |
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-# Order Line Item Discount
-Represents a discount that applies to one or more line items in an
-Fixed-amount, order-scoped discounts are distributed across all non-zero line item totals.
-The amount distributed to each line item is relative to the
-amount contributed by the item to the order subtotal.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the discount only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing [CatalogDiscount](entity:CatalogDiscount).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this discount references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The discount's name.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(OrderLineItemDiscountType)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-discount-type.md) | Optional | Indicates how the discount is applied to the associated line item or order. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The percentage of the discount, as a string representation of a decimal number.
A value of `7.25` corresponds to a percentage of 7.25%.
`percentage` is not set for amount-based discounts.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this discount. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `scope` | [`?string(OrderLineItemDiscountScope)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-discount-scope.md) | Optional | Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level discount. | getScope(): ?string | setScope(?string scope): void |
-| `rewardIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The reward IDs corresponding to this discount. The application and
specification of discounts that have `reward_ids` are completely controlled by the backing
criteria corresponding to the reward tiers of the rewards that are added to the order
through the Loyalty API. To manually unapply discounts that are the result of added rewards,
the rewards must be removed from the order through the Loyalty API. | getRewardIds(): ?array | setRewardIds(?array rewardIds): void |
-| `pricingRuleId` | `?string` | Optional | The object ID of a [pricing rule](entity:CatalogPricingRule) to be applied
automatically to this discount. The specification and application of the discounts, to
which a `pricing_rule_id` is assigned, are completely controlled by the corresponding
pricing rule. | getPricingRuleId(): ?string | setPricingRuleId(?string pricingRuleId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id8",
- "catalog_version": 54,
- "name": "name4",
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-# Order Line Item Item Type
-Represents the line item type.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ITEM` | Indicates that the line item is an itemized sale. |
-| `CUSTOM_AMOUNT` | Indicates that the line item is a non-itemized sale. |
-| `GIFT_CARD` | Indicates that the line item is a gift card sale. Gift cards sold through
the Orders API are sold in an unactivated state and can be activated through the
Gift Cards API using the line item `uid`. |
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-# Order Line Item Modifier
-A [CatalogModifier](../../doc/models/catalog-modifier.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the modifier only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing [CatalogModifier](entity:CatalogModifier).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this modifier references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the item modifier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `quantity` | `?string` | Optional | The quantity of the line item modifier. The modifier quantity can be 0 or more.
For example, suppose a restaurant offers a cheeseburger on the menu. When a buyer orders
this item, the restaurant records the purchase by creating an `Order` object with a line item
for a burger. The line item includes a line item modifier: the name is cheese and the quantity
is 1. The buyer has the option to order extra cheese (or no cheese). If the buyer chooses
the extra cheese option, the modifier quantity increases to 2. If the buyer does not want
any cheese, the modifier quantity is set to 0. | getQuantity(): ?string | setQuantity(?string quantity): void |
-| `basePriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getBasePriceMoney(): ?Money | setBasePriceMoney(?Money basePriceMoney): void |
-| `totalPriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalPriceMoney(): ?Money | setTotalPriceMoney(?Money totalPriceMoney): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this order. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid2",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id6",
- "catalog_version": 134,
- "name": "name2",
- "quantity": "quantity8"
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-# Order Line Item Pricing Blocklists Blocked Discount
-A discount to block from applying to a line item. The discount must be
-identified by either `discount_uid` or `discount_catalog_object_id`, but not both.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID of the `BlockedDiscount` within the order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `discountUid` | `?string` | Optional | The `uid` of the discount that should be blocked. Use this field to block
ad hoc discounts. For catalog discounts, use the `discount_catalog_object_id` field.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getDiscountUid(): ?string | setDiscountUid(?string discountUid): void |
-| `discountCatalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The `catalog_object_id` of the discount that should be blocked.
Use this field to block catalog discounts. For ad hoc discounts, use the
`discount_uid` field.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getDiscountCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setDiscountCatalogObjectId(?string discountCatalogObjectId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid6",
- "discount_uid": "discount_uid8",
- "discount_catalog_object_id": "discount_catalog_object_id8"
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-# Order Line Item Pricing Blocklists Blocked Tax
-A tax to block from applying to a line item. The tax must be
-identified by either `tax_uid` or `tax_catalog_object_id`, but not both.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID of the `BlockedTax` within the order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `taxUid` | `?string` | Optional | The `uid` of the tax that should be blocked. Use this field to block
ad hoc taxes. For catalog, taxes use the `tax_catalog_object_id` field.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getTaxUid(): ?string | setTaxUid(?string taxUid): void |
-| `taxCatalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The `catalog_object_id` of the tax that should be blocked.
Use this field to block catalog taxes. For ad hoc taxes, use the
`tax_uid` field.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTaxCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setTaxCatalogObjectId(?string taxCatalogObjectId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid8",
- "tax_uid": "tax_uid4",
- "tax_catalog_object_id": "tax_catalog_object_id2"
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-# Order Line Item Pricing Blocklists
-Describes pricing adjustments that are blocked from automatic
-application to a line item. For more information, see
-[Apply Taxes and Discounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/apply-taxes-and-discounts).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `blockedDiscounts` | [`?(OrderLineItemPricingBlocklistsBlockedDiscount[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-pricing-blocklists-blocked-discount.md) | Optional | A list of discounts blocked from applying to the line item.
Discounts can be blocked by the `discount_uid` (for ad hoc discounts) or
the `discount_catalog_object_id` (for catalog discounts). | getBlockedDiscounts(): ?array | setBlockedDiscounts(?array blockedDiscounts): void |
-| `blockedTaxes` | [`?(OrderLineItemPricingBlocklistsBlockedTax[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-pricing-blocklists-blocked-tax.md) | Optional | A list of taxes blocked from applying to the line item.
Taxes can be blocked by the `tax_uid` (for ad hoc taxes) or
the `tax_catalog_object_id` (for catalog taxes). | getBlockedTaxes(): ?array | setBlockedTaxes(?array blockedTaxes): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "blocked_discounts": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "discount_uid": "discount_uid6",
- "discount_catalog_object_id": "discount_catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "discount_uid": "discount_uid6",
- "discount_catalog_object_id": "discount_catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "discount_uid": "discount_uid6",
- "discount_catalog_object_id": "discount_catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "blocked_taxes": [
- {
- "uid": "uid4",
- "tax_uid": "tax_uid0",
- "tax_catalog_object_id": "tax_catalog_object_id8"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid4",
- "tax_uid": "tax_uid0",
- "tax_catalog_object_id": "tax_catalog_object_id8"
- }
- ]
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-# Order Line Item Tax Scope
-Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level tax.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OTHER_TAX_SCOPE` | Used for reporting only.
The original transaction tax scope is currently not supported by the API. |
-| `LINE_ITEM` | The tax should be applied only to line items specified by
the `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` reference records. |
-| `ORDER` | The tax should be applied to the entire order. |
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-# Order Line Item Tax Type
-Indicates how the tax is applied to the associated line item or order.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `UNKNOWN_TAX` | Used for reporting only.
The original transaction tax type is currently not supported by the API. |
-| `ADDITIVE` | The tax is an additive tax. The tax amount is added on top of the price.
For example, an item with a cost of 1.00 USD and a 10% additive tax has a total
cost to the buyer of 1.10 USD. |
-| `INCLUSIVE` | The tax is an inclusive tax. Inclusive taxes are already included
in the line item price or order total. For example, an item with a cost of
1.00 USD and a 10% inclusive tax has a pretax cost of 0.91 USD
(91 cents) and a 0.09 (9 cents) tax for a total cost of 1.00 USD to
the buyer. |
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-# Order Line Item Tax
-Represents a tax that applies to one or more line item in the order.
-Fixed-amount, order-scoped taxes are distributed across all non-zero line item totals.
-The amount distributed to each line item is relative to the amount the item
-contributes to the order subtotal.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the tax only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing [CatalogTax](entity:CatalogTax).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this tax references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The tax's name.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(OrderLineItemTaxType)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-tax-type.md) | Optional | Indicates how the tax is applied to the associated line item or order. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The percentage of the tax, as a string representation of a decimal
number. For example, a value of `"7.25"` corresponds to a percentage of
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this tax. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-| `scope` | [`?string(OrderLineItemTaxScope)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-tax-scope.md) | Optional | Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level tax. | getScope(): ?string | setScope(?string scope): void |
-| `autoApplied` | `?bool` | Optional | Determines whether the tax was automatically applied to the order based on
the catalog configuration. For an example, see
[Automatically Apply Taxes to an Order](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/apply-taxes-and-discounts/auto-apply-taxes). | getAutoApplied(): ?bool | setAutoApplied(?bool autoApplied): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2",
- "catalog_version": 190,
- "name": "name4",
- "type": "ADDITIVE"
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-# Order Line Item
-Represents a line item in an order. Each line item describes a different
-product to purchase, with its own quantity and price details.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the line item only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `512` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `quantity` | `string` | Required | The count, or measurement, of a line item being purchased:
If `quantity` is a whole number, and `quantity_unit` is not specified, then `quantity` denotes an item count. For example: `3` apples.
If `quantity` is a whole or decimal number, and `quantity_unit` is also specified, then `quantity` denotes a measurement. For example: `2.25` pounds of broccoli.
For more information, see [Specify item quantity and measurement unit](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/create-orders#specify-item-quantity-and-measurement-unit).
Line items with a quantity of `0` are automatically removed
when paying for or otherwise completing the order.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `12` | getQuantity(): string | setQuantity(string quantity): void |
-| `quantityUnit` | [`?OrderQuantityUnit`](../../doc/models/order-quantity-unit.md) | Optional | Contains the measurement unit for a quantity and a precision that
specifies the number of digits after the decimal point for decimal quantities. | getQuantityUnit(): ?OrderQuantityUnit | setQuantityUnit(?OrderQuantityUnit quantityUnit): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note associated with the line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2000` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation) ID applied to this line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this line item references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `variationName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the variation applied to this line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `400` | getVariationName(): ?string | setVariationName(?string variationName): void |
-| `itemType` | [`?string(OrderLineItemItemType)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-item-type.md) | Optional | Represents the line item type. | getItemType(): ?string | setItemType(?string itemType): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this line item. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `modifiers` | [`?(OrderLineItemModifier[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-modifier.md) | Optional | The [CatalogModifier](entity:CatalogModifier)s applied to this line item. | getModifiers(): ?array | setModifiers(?array modifiers): void |
-| `appliedTaxes` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedTax[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-tax.md) | Optional | The list of references to taxes applied to this line item. Each
`OrderLineItemAppliedTax` has a `tax_uid` that references the `uid` of a
top-level `OrderLineItemTax` applied to the line item. On reads, the
amount applied is populated.
An `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` is automatically created on every line
item for all `ORDER` scoped taxes added to the order. `OrderLineItemAppliedTax`
records for `LINE_ITEM` scoped taxes must be added in requests for the tax
to apply to any line items.
To change the amount of a tax, modify the referenced top-level tax. | getAppliedTaxes(): ?array | setAppliedTaxes(?array appliedTaxes): void |
-| `appliedDiscounts` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-discount.md) | Optional | The list of references to discounts applied to this line item. Each
`OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` has a `discount_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level
`OrderLineItemDiscounts` applied to the line item. On reads, the amount
applied is populated.
An `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` is automatically created on every line item for all
`ORDER` scoped discounts that are added to the order. `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` records
for `LINE_ITEM` scoped discounts must be added in requests for the discount to apply to any
line items.
To change the amount of a discount, modify the referenced top-level discount. | getAppliedDiscounts(): ?array | setAppliedDiscounts(?array appliedDiscounts): void |
-| `appliedServiceCharges` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedServiceCharge[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-service-charge.md) | Optional | The list of references to service charges applied to this line item. Each
`OrderLineItemAppliedServiceCharge` has a `service_charge_id` that references the `uid` of a
top-level `OrderServiceCharge` applied to the line item. On reads, the amount applied is
To change the amount of a service charge, modify the referenced top-level service charge. | getAppliedServiceCharges(): ?array | setAppliedServiceCharges(?array appliedServiceCharges): void |
-| `basePriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getBasePriceMoney(): ?Money | setBasePriceMoney(?Money basePriceMoney): void |
-| `variationTotalPriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getVariationTotalPriceMoney(): ?Money | setVariationTotalPriceMoney(?Money variationTotalPriceMoney): void |
-| `grossSalesMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getGrossSalesMoney(): ?Money | setGrossSalesMoney(?Money grossSalesMoney): void |
-| `totalTaxMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalTaxMoney(): ?Money | setTotalTaxMoney(?Money totalTaxMoney): void |
-| `totalDiscountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalDiscountMoney(): ?Money | setTotalDiscountMoney(?Money totalDiscountMoney): void |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalMoney(): ?Money | setTotalMoney(?Money totalMoney): void |
-| `pricingBlocklists` | [`?OrderLineItemPricingBlocklists`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-pricing-blocklists.md) | Optional | Describes pricing adjustments that are blocked from automatic
application to a line item. For more information, see
[Apply Taxes and Discounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/apply-taxes-and-discounts). | getPricingBlocklists(): ?OrderLineItemPricingBlocklists | setPricingBlocklists(?OrderLineItemPricingBlocklists pricingBlocklists): void |
-| `totalServiceChargeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalServiceChargeMoney(): ?Money | setTotalServiceChargeMoney(?Money totalServiceChargeMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "name": "name4",
- "quantity": "quantity0",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id8"
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-# Order Money Amounts
-A collection of various money amounts.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalMoney(): ?Money | setTotalMoney(?Money totalMoney): void |
-| `taxMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTaxMoney(): ?Money | setTaxMoney(?Money taxMoney): void |
-| `discountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getDiscountMoney(): ?Money | setDiscountMoney(?Money discountMoney): void |
-| `tipMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTipMoney(): ?Money | setTipMoney(?Money tipMoney): void |
-| `serviceChargeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getServiceChargeMoney(): ?Money | setServiceChargeMoney(?Money serviceChargeMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "UAH"
- },
- "tax_money": {
- "amount": 58,
- "currency": "IRR"
- },
- "discount_money": {
- "amount": 92,
- "currency": "PAB"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 190,
- "currency": "TWD"
- },
- "service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 160,
- "currency": "XCD"
- }
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-# Order Pricing Options
-Pricing options for an order. The options affect how the order's price is calculated.
-They can be used, for example, to apply automatic price adjustments that are based on preconfigured
-[pricing rules](../../doc/models/catalog-pricing-rule.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `autoApplyDiscounts` | `?bool` | Optional | The option to determine whether pricing rule-based
discounts are automatically applied to an order. | getAutoApplyDiscounts(): ?bool | setAutoApplyDiscounts(?bool autoApplyDiscounts): void |
-| `autoApplyTaxes` | `?bool` | Optional | The option to determine whether rule-based taxes are automatically
applied to an order when the criteria of the corresponding rules are met. | getAutoApplyTaxes(): ?bool | setAutoApplyTaxes(?bool autoApplyTaxes): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "auto_apply_discounts": false,
- "auto_apply_taxes": false
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-# Order Quantity Unit
-Contains the measurement unit for a quantity and a precision that
-specifies the number of digits after the decimal point for decimal quantities.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `measurementUnit` | [`?MeasurementUnit`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit.md) | Optional | Represents a unit of measurement to use with a quantity, such as ounces
or inches. Exactly one of the following fields are required: `custom_unit`,
`area_unit`, `length_unit`, `volume_unit`, and `weight_unit`. | getMeasurementUnit(): ?MeasurementUnit | setMeasurementUnit(?MeasurementUnit measurementUnit): void |
-| `precision` | `?int` | Optional | For non-integer quantities, represents the number of digits after the decimal point that are
recorded for this quantity.
For example, a precision of 1 allows quantities such as `"1.0"` and `"1.1"`, but not `"1.01"`.
Min: 0. Max: 5. | getPrecision(): ?int | setPrecision(?int precision): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing the
This field is set when this is a catalog-backed measurement unit. | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this measurement unit references.
This field is set when this is a catalog-backed measurement unit. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 144,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 78
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-# Order Return Discount
-Represents a discount being returned that applies to one or more return line items in an
-Fixed-amount, order-scoped discounts are distributed across all non-zero return line item totals.
-The amount distributed to each return line item is relative to that item’s contribution to the
-order subtotal.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the returned discount only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `sourceDiscountUid` | `?string` | Optional | The discount `uid` from the order that contains the original application of this discount.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getSourceDiscountUid(): ?string | setSourceDiscountUid(?string sourceDiscountUid): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing [CatalogDiscount](entity:CatalogDiscount).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this discount references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The discount's name.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(OrderLineItemDiscountType)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-discount-type.md) | Optional | Indicates how the discount is applied to the associated line item or order. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The percentage of the tax, as a string representation of a decimal number.
A value of `"7.25"` corresponds to a percentage of 7.25%.
`percentage` is not set for amount-based discounts.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-| `scope` | [`?string(OrderLineItemDiscountScope)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-discount-scope.md) | Optional | Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level discount. | getScope(): ?string | setScope(?string scope): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid2",
- "source_discount_uid": "source_discount_uid2",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id4",
- "catalog_version": 188,
- "name": "name2"
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-# Order Return Line Item Modifier
-A line item modifier being returned.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the return modifier only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `sourceModifierUid` | `?string` | Optional | The modifier `uid` from the order's line item that contains the
original sale of this line item modifier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getSourceModifierUid(): ?string | setSourceModifierUid(?string sourceModifierUid): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing [CatalogModifier](entity:CatalogModifier).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this line item modifier references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the item modifier.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `basePriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getBasePriceMoney(): ?Money | setBasePriceMoney(?Money basePriceMoney): void |
-| `totalPriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalPriceMoney(): ?Money | setTotalPriceMoney(?Money totalPriceMoney): void |
-| `quantity` | `?string` | Optional | The quantity of the line item modifier. The modifier quantity can be 0 or more.
For example, suppose a restaurant offers a cheeseburger on the menu. When a buyer orders
this item, the restaurant records the purchase by creating an `Order` object with a line item
for a burger. The line item includes a line item modifier: the name is cheese and the quantity
is 1. The buyer has the option to order extra cheese (or no cheese). If the buyer chooses
the extra cheese option, the modifier quantity increases to 2. If the buyer does not want
any cheese, the modifier quantity is set to 0. | getQuantity(): ?string | setQuantity(?string quantity): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "source_modifier_uid": "source_modifier_uid8",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id8",
- "catalog_version": 46,
- "name": "name4"
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-# Order Return Line Item
-The line item being returned in an order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for this return line-item entry.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `sourceLineItemUid` | `?string` | Optional | The `uid` of the line item in the original sale order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getSourceLineItemUid(): ?string | setSourceLineItemUid(?string sourceLineItemUid): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `512` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `quantity` | `string` | Required | The quantity returned, formatted as a decimal number.
For example, `"3"`.
Line items with a `quantity_unit` can have non-integer quantities.
For example, `"1.70000"`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `12` | getQuantity(): string | setQuantity(string quantity): void |
-| `quantityUnit` | [`?OrderQuantityUnit`](../../doc/models/order-quantity-unit.md) | Optional | Contains the measurement unit for a quantity and a precision that
specifies the number of digits after the decimal point for decimal quantities. | getQuantityUnit(): ?OrderQuantityUnit | setQuantityUnit(?OrderQuantityUnit quantityUnit): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | The note of the return line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2000` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation) ID applied to this return line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this line item references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `variationName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the variation applied to this return line item.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `400` | getVariationName(): ?string | setVariationName(?string variationName): void |
-| `itemType` | [`?string(OrderLineItemItemType)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-item-type.md) | Optional | Represents the line item type. | getItemType(): ?string | setItemType(?string itemType): void |
-| `returnModifiers` | [`?(OrderReturnLineItemModifier[])`](../../doc/models/order-return-line-item-modifier.md) | Optional | The [CatalogModifier](entity:CatalogModifier)s applied to this line item. | getReturnModifiers(): ?array | setReturnModifiers(?array returnModifiers): void |
-| `appliedTaxes` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedTax[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-tax.md) | Optional | The list of references to `OrderReturnTax` entities applied to the return line item. Each
`OrderLineItemAppliedTax` has a `tax_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level
`OrderReturnTax` applied to the return line item. On reads, the applied amount
is populated. | getAppliedTaxes(): ?array | setAppliedTaxes(?array appliedTaxes): void |
-| `appliedDiscounts` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-discount.md) | Optional | The list of references to `OrderReturnDiscount` entities applied to the return line item. Each
`OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` has a `discount_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level
`OrderReturnDiscount` applied to the return line item. On reads, the applied amount
is populated. | getAppliedDiscounts(): ?array | setAppliedDiscounts(?array appliedDiscounts): void |
-| `basePriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getBasePriceMoney(): ?Money | setBasePriceMoney(?Money basePriceMoney): void |
-| `variationTotalPriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getVariationTotalPriceMoney(): ?Money | setVariationTotalPriceMoney(?Money variationTotalPriceMoney): void |
-| `grossReturnMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getGrossReturnMoney(): ?Money | setGrossReturnMoney(?Money grossReturnMoney): void |
-| `totalTaxMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalTaxMoney(): ?Money | setTotalTaxMoney(?Money totalTaxMoney): void |
-| `totalDiscountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalDiscountMoney(): ?Money | setTotalDiscountMoney(?Money totalDiscountMoney): void |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalMoney(): ?Money | setTotalMoney(?Money totalMoney): void |
-| `appliedServiceCharges` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedServiceCharge[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-service-charge.md) | Optional | The list of references to `OrderReturnServiceCharge` entities applied to the return
line item. Each `OrderLineItemAppliedServiceCharge` has a `service_charge_uid` that
references the `uid` of a top-level `OrderReturnServiceCharge` applied to the return line
item. On reads, the applied amount is populated. | getAppliedServiceCharges(): ?array | setAppliedServiceCharges(?array appliedServiceCharges): void |
-| `totalServiceChargeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalServiceChargeMoney(): ?Money | setTotalServiceChargeMoney(?Money totalServiceChargeMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid2",
- "source_line_item_uid": "source_line_item_uid0",
- "name": "name2",
- "quantity": "quantity8",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note8"
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-# Order Return Service Charge
-Represents the service charge applied to the original order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the return service charge only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `sourceServiceChargeUid` | `?string` | Optional | The service charge `uid` from the order containing the original
service charge. `source_service_charge_uid` is `null` for
unlinked returns.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getSourceServiceChargeUid(): ?string | setSourceServiceChargeUid(?string sourceServiceChargeUid): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the service charge.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID of the associated [OrderServiceCharge](entity:OrderServiceCharge).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this service charge references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The percentage of the service charge, as a string representation of
a decimal number. For example, a value of `"7.25"` corresponds to a
percentage of 7.25%.
Either `percentage` or `amount_money` should be set, but not both.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalMoney(): ?Money | setTotalMoney(?Money totalMoney): void |
-| `totalTaxMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalTaxMoney(): ?Money | setTotalTaxMoney(?Money totalTaxMoney): void |
-| `calculationPhase` | [`?string(OrderServiceChargeCalculationPhase)`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge-calculation-phase.md) | Optional | Represents a phase in the process of calculating order totals.
Service charges are applied after the indicated phase.
[Read more about how order totals are calculated.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/how-it-works#how-totals-are-calculated) | getCalculationPhase(): ?string | setCalculationPhase(?string calculationPhase): void |
-| `taxable` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the surcharge can be taxed. Service charges
calculated in the `TOTAL_PHASE` cannot be marked as taxable. | getTaxable(): ?bool | setTaxable(?bool taxable): void |
-| `appliedTaxes` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedTax[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-tax.md) | Optional | The list of references to `OrderReturnTax` entities applied to the
`OrderReturnServiceCharge`. Each `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` has a `tax_uid`
that references the `uid` of a top-level `OrderReturnTax` that is being
applied to the `OrderReturnServiceCharge`. On reads, the applied amount is
populated. | getAppliedTaxes(): ?array | setAppliedTaxes(?array appliedTaxes): void |
-| `treatmentType` | [`?string(OrderServiceChargeTreatmentType)`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge-treatment-type.md) | Optional | Indicates whether the service charge will be treated as a value-holding line item or
apportioned toward a line item. | getTreatmentType(): ?string | setTreatmentType(?string treatmentType): void |
-| `scope` | [`?string(OrderServiceChargeScope)`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge-scope.md) | Optional | Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level apportioned
service charge. | getScope(): ?string | setScope(?string scope): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid0",
- "source_service_charge_uid": "source_service_charge_uid6",
- "name": "name0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id4",
- "catalog_version": 18
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-# Order Return Tax
-Represents a tax being returned that applies to one or more return line items in an order.
-Fixed-amount, order-scoped taxes are distributed across all non-zero return line item totals.
-The amount distributed to each return line item is relative to that item’s contribution to the
-order subtotal.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the returned tax only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `sourceTaxUid` | `?string` | Optional | The tax `uid` from the order that contains the original tax charge.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getSourceTaxUid(): ?string | setSourceTaxUid(?string sourceTaxUid): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing [CatalogTax](entity:CatalogTax).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this tax references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The tax's name.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(OrderLineItemTaxType)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-tax-type.md) | Optional | Indicates how the tax is applied to the associated line item or order. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The percentage of the tax, as a string representation of a decimal number.
For example, a value of `"7.25"` corresponds to a percentage of 7.25%.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-| `scope` | [`?string(OrderLineItemTaxScope)`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-tax-scope.md) | Optional | Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level tax. | getScope(): ?string | setScope(?string scope): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "source_tax_uid": "source_tax_uid2",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id8",
- "catalog_version": 124,
- "name": "name4"
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-# Order Return Tip
-A tip being returned.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the tip only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-| `sourceTenderUid` | `?string` | Optional | The tender `uid` from the order that contains the original application of this tip.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getSourceTenderUid(): ?string | setSourceTenderUid(?string sourceTenderUid): void |
-| `sourceTenderId` | `?string` | Optional | The tender `id` from the order that contains the original application of this tip.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getSourceTenderId(): ?string | setSourceTenderId(?string sourceTenderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 196,
- "currency": "AMD"
- },
- "source_tender_uid": "source_tender_uid6",
- "source_tender_id": "source_tender_id0"
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-# Order Return
-The set of line items, service charges, taxes, discounts, tips, and other items being returned in an order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the return only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `sourceOrderId` | `?string` | Optional | An order that contains the original sale of these return line items. This is unset
for unlinked returns. | getSourceOrderId(): ?string | setSourceOrderId(?string sourceOrderId): void |
-| `returnLineItems` | [`?(OrderReturnLineItem[])`](../../doc/models/order-return-line-item.md) | Optional | A collection of line items that are being returned. | getReturnLineItems(): ?array | setReturnLineItems(?array returnLineItems): void |
-| `returnServiceCharges` | [`?(OrderReturnServiceCharge[])`](../../doc/models/order-return-service-charge.md) | Optional | A collection of service charges that are being returned. | getReturnServiceCharges(): ?array | setReturnServiceCharges(?array returnServiceCharges): void |
-| `returnTaxes` | [`?(OrderReturnTax[])`](../../doc/models/order-return-tax.md) | Optional | A collection of references to taxes being returned for an order, including the total
applied tax amount to be returned. The taxes must reference a top-level tax ID from the source
order. | getReturnTaxes(): ?array | setReturnTaxes(?array returnTaxes): void |
-| `returnDiscounts` | [`?(OrderReturnDiscount[])`](../../doc/models/order-return-discount.md) | Optional | A collection of references to discounts being returned for an order, including the total
applied discount amount to be returned. The discounts must reference a top-level discount ID
from the source order. | getReturnDiscounts(): ?array | setReturnDiscounts(?array returnDiscounts): void |
-| `returnTips` | [`?(OrderReturnTip[])`](../../doc/models/order-return-tip.md) | Optional | A collection of references to tips being returned for an order. | getReturnTips(): ?array | setReturnTips(?array returnTips): void |
-| `roundingAdjustment` | [`?OrderRoundingAdjustment`](../../doc/models/order-rounding-adjustment.md) | Optional | A rounding adjustment of the money being returned. Commonly used to apply cash rounding
when the minimum unit of the account is smaller than the lowest physical denomination of the currency. | getRoundingAdjustment(): ?OrderRoundingAdjustment | setRoundingAdjustment(?OrderRoundingAdjustment roundingAdjustment): void |
-| `returnAmounts` | [`?OrderMoneyAmounts`](../../doc/models/order-money-amounts.md) | Optional | A collection of various money amounts. | getReturnAmounts(): ?OrderMoneyAmounts | setReturnAmounts(?OrderMoneyAmounts returnAmounts): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid2",
- "source_order_id": "source_order_id0",
- "return_line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "source_line_item_uid": "source_line_item_uid2",
- "name": "name0",
- "quantity": "quantity6",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4"
- }
- ],
- "return_service_charges": [
- {
- "uid": "uid6",
- "source_service_charge_uid": "source_service_charge_uid0",
- "name": "name6",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid6",
- "source_service_charge_uid": "source_service_charge_uid0",
- "name": "name6",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- }
- ],
- "return_taxes": [
- {
- "uid": "uid2",
- "source_tax_uid": "source_tax_uid0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id4",
- "catalog_version": 106,
- "name": "name2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid2",
- "source_tax_uid": "source_tax_uid0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id4",
- "catalog_version": 106,
- "name": "name2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid2",
- "source_tax_uid": "source_tax_uid0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id4",
- "catalog_version": 106,
- "name": "name2"
- }
- ]
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-# Order Reward
-Represents a reward that can be applied to an order if the necessary
-reward tier criteria are met. Rewards are created through the Loyalty API.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | The identifier of the reward.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `rewardTierId` | `string` | Required | The identifier of the reward tier corresponding to this reward.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getRewardTierId(): string | setRewardTierId(string rewardTierId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "reward_tier_id": "reward_tier_id6"
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-# Order Rounding Adjustment
-A rounding adjustment of the money being returned. Commonly used to apply cash rounding
-when the minimum unit of the account is smaller than the lowest physical denomination of the currency.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the rounding adjustment only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the rounding adjustment from the original sale order. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid0",
- "name": "name0",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
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-# Order Service Charge Calculation Phase
-Represents a phase in the process of calculating order totals.
-Service charges are applied after the indicated phase.
-[Read more about how order totals are calculated.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/how-it-works#how-totals-are-calculated)
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SUBTOTAL_PHASE` | The service charge is applied after discounts, but before
taxes. |
-| `TOTAL_PHASE` | The service charge is applied after all discounts and taxes
are applied. |
-| `APPORTIONED_PERCENTAGE_PHASE` | The service charge is calculated as a compounding adjustment
after any discounts, but before amount based apportioned service charges
and any tax considerations. |
-| `APPORTIONED_AMOUNT_PHASE` | The service charge is calculated as a compounding adjustment
after any discounts and percentage based apportioned service charges,
but before any tax considerations. |
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-# Order Service Charge Scope
-Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level apportioned
-service charge.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OTHER_SERVICE_CHARGE_SCOPE` | Used for reporting only.
The original transaction service charge scope is currently not supported by the API. |
-| `LINE_ITEM` | The service charge should be applied to only line items specified by
`OrderLineItemAppliedServiceCharge` reference records. |
-| `ORDER` | The service charge should be applied to the entire order. |
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-# Order Service Charge Treatment Type
-Indicates whether the service charge will be treated as a value-holding line item or
-apportioned toward a line item.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
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-# Order Service Charge Type
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `CUSTOM` |
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-# Order Service Charge
-Represents a service charge applied to an order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID that identifies the service charge only within this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `60` | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the service charge.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `512` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `catalogObjectId` | `?string` | Optional | The catalog object ID referencing the service charge [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getCatalogObjectId(): ?string | setCatalogObjectId(?string catalogObjectId): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the catalog object that this service charge references. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `percentage` | `?string` | Optional | The service charge percentage as a string representation of a
decimal number. For example, `"7.25"` indicates a service charge of 7.25%.
Exactly 1 of `percentage` or `amount_money` should be set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `10` | getPercentage(): ?string | setPercentage(?string percentage): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `appliedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppliedMoney(): ?Money | setAppliedMoney(?Money appliedMoney): void |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalMoney(): ?Money | setTotalMoney(?Money totalMoney): void |
-| `totalTaxMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalTaxMoney(): ?Money | setTotalTaxMoney(?Money totalTaxMoney): void |
-| `calculationPhase` | [`?string(OrderServiceChargeCalculationPhase)`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge-calculation-phase.md) | Optional | Represents a phase in the process of calculating order totals.
Service charges are applied after the indicated phase.
[Read more about how order totals are calculated.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/how-it-works#how-totals-are-calculated) | getCalculationPhase(): ?string | setCalculationPhase(?string calculationPhase): void |
-| `taxable` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the service charge can be taxed. If set to `true`,
order-level taxes automatically apply to the service charge. Note that
service charges calculated in the `TOTAL_PHASE` cannot be marked as taxable. | getTaxable(): ?bool | setTaxable(?bool taxable): void |
-| `appliedTaxes` | [`?(OrderLineItemAppliedTax[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-applied-tax.md) | Optional | The list of references to the taxes applied to this service charge. Each
`OrderLineItemAppliedTax` has a `tax_uid` that references the `uid` of a top-level
`OrderLineItemTax` that is being applied to this service charge. On reads, the amount applied
is populated.
An `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` is automatically created on every taxable service charge
for all `ORDER` scoped taxes that are added to the order. `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` records
for `LINE_ITEM` scoped taxes must be added in requests for the tax to apply to any taxable
service charge. Taxable service charges have the `taxable` field set to `true` and calculated
To change the amount of a tax, modify the referenced top-level tax. | getAppliedTaxes(): ?array | setAppliedTaxes(?array appliedTaxes): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this service charge. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(OrderServiceChargeType)`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge-type.md) | Optional | - | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `treatmentType` | [`?string(OrderServiceChargeTreatmentType)`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge-treatment-type.md) | Optional | Indicates whether the service charge will be treated as a value-holding line item or
apportioned toward a line item. | getTreatmentType(): ?string | setTreatmentType(?string treatmentType): void |
-| `scope` | [`?string(OrderServiceChargeScope)`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge-scope.md) | Optional | Indicates whether this is a line-item or order-level apportioned
service charge. | getScope(): ?string | setScope(?string scope): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid2",
- "name": "name2",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id6",
- "catalog_version": 104,
- "percentage": "percentage0"
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-# Order Source
-Represents the origination details of an order.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name used to identify the place (physical or digital) that an order originates.
If unset, the name defaults to the name of the application that created the order. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name2"
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-# Order State
-The state of the order.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OPEN` | Indicates that the order is open. Open orders can be updated. |
-| `COMPLETED` | Indicates that the order is completed. Completed orders are fully paid. This is a terminal state. |
-| `CANCELED` | Indicates that the order is canceled. Canceled orders are not paid. This is a terminal state. |
-| `DRAFT` | Indicates that the order is in a draft state. Draft orders can be updated,
but cannot be paid or fulfilled.
For more information, see [Create Orders](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/create-orders). |
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-# Order Updated Object
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderUpdated` | [`?OrderUpdated`](../../doc/models/order-updated.md) | Optional | - | getOrderUpdated(): ?OrderUpdated | setOrderUpdated(?OrderUpdated orderUpdated): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_updated": {
- "order_id": "order_id6",
- "version": 176,
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "state": "OPEN",
- "created_at": "created_at2"
- }
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-# Order Updated
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The order's unique ID. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the order.
Orders that were not created through the API do not include a version number and
therefore cannot be updated.
[Read more about working with versions.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders) | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the seller location that this order is associated with. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(OrderState)`](../../doc/models/order-state.md) | Optional | The state of the order. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_id": "order_id2",
- "version": 162,
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "state": "CANCELED",
- "created_at": "created_at6"
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-# Order
-Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
-including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
-include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
-All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
-itemization data.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The order's unique ID. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the seller location that this order is associated with.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A client-specified ID to associate an entity in another system
with this order.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `source` | [`?OrderSource`](../../doc/models/order-source.md) | Optional | Represents the origination details of an order. | getSource(): ?OrderSource | setSource(?OrderSource source): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [customer](../../doc/models/customer.md) associated with the order.
You should specify a `customer_id` on the order (or the payment) to ensure that transactions
are reliably linked to customers. Omitting this field might result in the creation of new
[instant profiles](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#instant-profiles).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `lineItems` | [`?(OrderLineItem[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item.md) | Optional | The line items included in the order. | getLineItems(): ?array | setLineItems(?array lineItems): void |
-| `taxes` | [`?(OrderLineItemTax[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-tax.md) | Optional | The list of all taxes associated with the order.
Taxes can be scoped to either `ORDER` or `LINE_ITEM`. For taxes with `LINE_ITEM` scope, an
`OrderLineItemAppliedTax` must be added to each line item that the tax applies to. For taxes
with `ORDER` scope, the server generates an `OrderLineItemAppliedTax` for every line item.
On reads, each tax in the list includes the total amount of that tax applied to the order.
__IMPORTANT__: If `LINE_ITEM` scope is set on any taxes in this field, using the deprecated
`line_items.taxes` field results in an error. Use `line_items.applied_taxes`
instead. | getTaxes(): ?array | setTaxes(?array taxes): void |
-| `discounts` | [`?(OrderLineItemDiscount[])`](../../doc/models/order-line-item-discount.md) | Optional | The list of all discounts associated with the order.
Discounts can be scoped to either `ORDER` or `LINE_ITEM`. For discounts scoped to `LINE_ITEM`,
an `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount` must be added to each line item that the discount applies to.
For discounts with `ORDER` scope, the server generates an `OrderLineItemAppliedDiscount`
for every line item.
__IMPORTANT__: If `LINE_ITEM` scope is set on any discounts in this field, using the deprecated
`line_items.discounts` field results in an error. Use `line_items.applied_discounts`
instead. | getDiscounts(): ?array | setDiscounts(?array discounts): void |
-| `serviceCharges` | [`?(OrderServiceCharge[])`](../../doc/models/order-service-charge.md) | Optional | A list of service charges applied to the order. | getServiceCharges(): ?array | setServiceCharges(?array serviceCharges): void |
-| `fulfillments` | [`?(Fulfillment[])`](../../doc/models/fulfillment.md) | Optional | Details about order fulfillment.
Orders can only be created with at most one fulfillment. However, orders returned
by the API might contain multiple fulfillments. | getFulfillments(): ?array | setFulfillments(?array fulfillments): void |
-| `returns` | [`?(OrderReturn[])`](../../doc/models/order-return.md) | Optional | A collection of items from sale orders being returned in this one. Normally part of an
itemized return or exchange. There is exactly one `Return` object per sale `Order` being
referenced. | getReturns(): ?array | setReturns(?array returns): void |
-| `returnAmounts` | [`?OrderMoneyAmounts`](../../doc/models/order-money-amounts.md) | Optional | A collection of various money amounts. | getReturnAmounts(): ?OrderMoneyAmounts | setReturnAmounts(?OrderMoneyAmounts returnAmounts): void |
-| `netAmounts` | [`?OrderMoneyAmounts`](../../doc/models/order-money-amounts.md) | Optional | A collection of various money amounts. | getNetAmounts(): ?OrderMoneyAmounts | setNetAmounts(?OrderMoneyAmounts netAmounts): void |
-| `roundingAdjustment` | [`?OrderRoundingAdjustment`](../../doc/models/order-rounding-adjustment.md) | Optional | A rounding adjustment of the money being returned. Commonly used to apply cash rounding
when the minimum unit of the account is smaller than the lowest physical denomination of the currency. | getRoundingAdjustment(): ?OrderRoundingAdjustment | setRoundingAdjustment(?OrderRoundingAdjustment roundingAdjustment): void |
-| `tenders` | [`?(Tender[])`](../../doc/models/tender.md) | Optional | The tenders that were used to pay for the order. | getTenders(): ?array | setTenders(?array tenders): void |
-| `refunds` | [`?(Refund[])`](../../doc/models/refund.md) | Optional | The refunds that are part of this order. | getRefunds(): ?array | setRefunds(?array refunds): void |
-| `metadata` | `?array` | Optional | Application-defined data attached to this order. Metadata fields are intended
to store descriptive references or associations with an entity in another system or store brief
information about the object. Square does not process this field; it only stores and returns it
in relevant API calls. Do not use metadata to store any sensitive information (such as personally
identifiable information or card details).
Keys written by applications must be 60 characters or less and must be in the character set
`[a-zA-Z0-9_-]`. Entries can also include metadata generated by Square. These keys are prefixed
with a namespace, separated from the key with a ':' character.
Values have a maximum length of 255 characters.
An application can have up to 10 entries per metadata field.
Entries written by applications are private and can only be read or modified by the same
For more information, see [Metadata](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/metadata). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order was created, at server side, in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order was last updated, at server side, in RFC 3339 format (for example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `closedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the order reached a terminal [state](entity:OrderState), in RFC 3339 format (for example "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z"). | getClosedAt(): ?string | setClosedAt(?string closedAt): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(OrderState)`](../../doc/models/order-state.md) | Optional | The state of the order. | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the order.
Orders not created through the API do not include a version number and
therefore cannot be updated.
[Read more about working with versions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalMoney(): ?Money | setTotalMoney(?Money totalMoney): void |
-| `totalTaxMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalTaxMoney(): ?Money | setTotalTaxMoney(?Money totalTaxMoney): void |
-| `totalDiscountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalDiscountMoney(): ?Money | setTotalDiscountMoney(?Money totalDiscountMoney): void |
-| `totalTipMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalTipMoney(): ?Money | setTotalTipMoney(?Money totalTipMoney): void |
-| `totalServiceChargeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalServiceChargeMoney(): ?Money | setTotalServiceChargeMoney(?Money totalServiceChargeMoney): void |
-| `ticketName` | `?string` | Optional | A short-term identifier for the order (such as a customer first name,
table number, or auto-generated order number that resets daily).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `30` | getTicketName(): ?string | setTicketName(?string ticketName): void |
-| `pricingOptions` | [`?OrderPricingOptions`](../../doc/models/order-pricing-options.md) | Optional | Pricing options for an order. The options affect how the order's price is calculated.
They can be used, for example, to apply automatic price adjustments that are based on preconfigured
[pricing rules](../../doc/models/catalog-pricing-rule.md). | getPricingOptions(): ?OrderPricingOptions | setPricingOptions(?OrderPricingOptions pricingOptions): void |
-| `rewards` | [`?(OrderReward[])`](../../doc/models/order-reward.md) | Optional | A set-like list of Rewards that have been added to the Order. | getRewards(): ?array | setRewards(?array rewards): void |
-| `netAmountDueMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getNetAmountDueMoney(): ?Money | setNetAmountDueMoney(?Money netAmountDueMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
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-# Pagination Cursor
-Used *internally* to encapsulate pagination details. The resulting proto will be base62 encoded
-in order to produce a cursor that can be used externally.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderValue` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the last resource in the current page. The page can be in an ascending or
descending order | getOrderValue(): ?string | setOrderValue(?string orderValue): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order_value": "order_value4"
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Pause Subscription Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-[PauseSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#pause-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `pauseEffectiveDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date when the scheduled `PAUSE` action takes place on the subscription.
When this date is unspecified or falls within the current billing cycle, the subscription is paused
on the starting date of the next billing cycle. | getPauseEffectiveDate(): ?string | setPauseEffectiveDate(?string pauseEffectiveDate): void |
-| `pauseCycleDuration` | `?int` | Optional | The number of billing cycles the subscription will be paused before it is reactivated.
When this is set, a `RESUME` action is also scheduled to take place on the subscription at
the end of the specified pause cycle duration. In this case, neither `resume_effective_date`
nor `resume_change_timing` may be specified. | getPauseCycleDuration(): ?int | setPauseCycleDuration(?int pauseCycleDuration): void |
-| `resumeEffectiveDate` | `?string` | Optional | The date when the subscription is reactivated by a scheduled `RESUME` action.
This date must be at least one billing cycle ahead of `pause_effective_date`. | getResumeEffectiveDate(): ?string | setResumeEffectiveDate(?string resumeEffectiveDate): void |
-| `resumeChangeTiming` | [`?string(ChangeTiming)`](../../doc/models/change-timing.md) | Optional | Supported timings when a pending change, as an action, takes place to a subscription. | getResumeChangeTiming(): ?string | setResumeChangeTiming(?string resumeChangeTiming): void |
-| `pauseReason` | `?string` | Optional | The user-provided reason to pause the subscription.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getPauseReason(): ?string | setPauseReason(?string pauseReason): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "pause_effective_date": "pause_effective_date2",
- "pause_cycle_duration": 98,
- "resume_effective_date": "resume_effective_date0",
- "resume_change_timing": "IMMEDIATE",
- "pause_reason": "pause_reason6"
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@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Pause Subscription Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-[PauseSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#pause-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-| `actions` | [`?(SubscriptionAction[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-action.md) | Optional | The list of a `PAUSE` action and a possible `RESUME` action created by the request. | getActions(): ?array | setActions(?array actions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "actions": [
- {
- "effective_date": "2023-11-17",
- "id": "99b2439e-63f7-3ad5-95f7-ab2447a80673",
- "type": "PAUSE",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 186,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "subscription": {
- "card_id": "ccof:qy5x8hHGYsgLrp4Q4GB",
- "created_at": "2023-06-20T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "56214fb2-cc85-47a1-93bc-44f3766bb56f",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "U2NaowWxzXwpsZU697x7ZHOAnCNZY",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "plan_phase_uid": "X2Q2AONPB3RB64Y27S25QCZP",
- "uid": "873451e0-745b-4e87-ab0b-c574933fe616"
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2023-06-20",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Pay Order Request
-Defines the fields that are included in requests to the
-[PayOrder](../../doc/apis/orders.md#pay-order) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this request among requests you have sent. If
you are unsure whether a particular payment request was completed successfully, you can reattempt
it with the same idempotency key without worrying about duplicate payments.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `192` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `orderVersion` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the order being paid. If not supplied, the latest version will be paid. | getOrderVersion(): ?int | setOrderVersion(?int orderVersion): void |
-| `paymentIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the [payments](entity:Payment) to collect.
The payment total must match the order total. | getPaymentIds(): ?array | setPaymentIds(?array paymentIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "c043a359-7ad9-4136-82a9-c3f1d66dcbff",
- "payment_ids": [
- "EnZdNAlWCmfh6Mt5FMNST1o7taB",
- "0LRiVlbXVwe8ozu4KbZxd12mvaB"
- ],
- "order_version": 102
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-# Pay Order Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of a request to the
-[PayOrder](../../doc/apis/orders.md#pay-order) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": {
- "closed_at": "2019-08-06T02:47:37.140Z",
- "created_at": "2019-08-06T02:47:35.693Z",
- "id": "lgwOlEityYPJtcuvKTVKT1pA986YY",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 1",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "QW6kofLHJK7JEKMjlSVP5C",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 750,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 2",
- "quantity": "2",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "zhw8MNfRGdFQMI2WE1UBJD",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "P3CCK6HSNDAS7",
- "net_amounts": {
- "discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "Source Name"
- },
- "state": "COMPLETED",
- "tenders": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "exp_month": 2,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-n_BL15KP87ClDa4-h2nXOI0fp5VnxNH6hfhzqhptTfAgxgLuGFcg6jIPngDz4IkkTQ",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2019-08-06T02:47:36.293Z",
- "id": "EnZdNAlWCmfh6Mt5FMNST1o7taB",
- "location_id": "P3CCK6HSNDAS7",
- "payment_id": "EnZdNAlWCmfh6Mt5FMNST1o7taB",
- "transaction_id": "lgwOlEityYPJtcuvKTVKT1pA986YY",
- "type": "CARD"
- },
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "exp_month": 2,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-n_BL15KP87ClDa4-h2nXOI0fp5VnxNH6hfhzqhptTfAgxgLuGFcg6jIPngDz4IkkTQ",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2019-08-06T02:47:36.809Z",
- "id": "0LRiVlbXVwe8ozu4KbZxd12mvaB",
- "location_id": "P3CCK6HSNDAS7",
- "payment_id": "0LRiVlbXVwe8ozu4KbZxd12mvaB",
- "transaction_id": "lgwOlEityYPJtcuvKTVKT1pA986YY",
- "type": "CARD"
- }
- ],
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2019-08-06T02:47:37.140Z",
- "version": 4,
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-refund-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-refund-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-refund-detail.md
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@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity App Fee Refund Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `refundId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the refund associated with this activity. | getRefundId(): ?string | setRefundId(?string refundId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location of the merchant associated with the payment refund activity | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id4",
- "refund_id": "refund_id8",
- "location_id": "location_id8"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-revenue-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-revenue-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-revenue-detail.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity App Fee Revenue Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location of the merchant associated with the payment activity | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id0",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-detail.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Automatic Savings Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `payoutId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payout associated with this activity. | getPayoutId(): ?string | setPayoutId(?string payoutId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id4",
- "payout_id": "payout_id0"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-reversed-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-reversed-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-reversed-detail.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Automatic Savings Reversed Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `payoutId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payout associated with this activity. | getPayoutId(): ?string | setPayoutId(?string payoutId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6",
- "payout_id": "payout_id2"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-charge-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-charge-detail.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5243ab7c..00000000
--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-charge-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Charge Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id2"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Deposit Fee Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payoutId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payout that triggered this deposit fee activity. | getPayoutId(): ?string | setPayoutId(?string payoutId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payout_id": "payout_id2"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-reversed-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-reversed-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-reversed-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Deposit Fee Reversed Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payoutId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payout that triggered this deposit fee activity. | getPayoutId(): ?string | setPayoutId(?string payoutId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payout_id": "payout_id6"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-dispute-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-dispute-detail.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 43851703..00000000
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Dispute Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `disputeId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the dispute associated with this activity. | getDisputeId(): ?string | setDisputeId(?string disputeId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id2",
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id4"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-fee-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-fee-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-fee-detail.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Fee Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity
This will only be populated when a principal LedgerEntryToken is also populated.
If the fee is independent (there is no principal LedgerEntryToken) then this will likely not
be populated. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id2"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-free-processing-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-free-processing-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-free-processing-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Free Processing Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id8"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-hold-adjustment-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-hold-adjustment-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-hold-adjustment-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Hold Adjustment Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-open-dispute-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-open-dispute-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-open-dispute-detail.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Open Dispute Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `disputeId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the dispute associated with this activity. | getDisputeId(): ?string | setDisputeId(?string disputeId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6",
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id8"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-adjustment-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-adjustment-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-adjustment-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Other Adjustment Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id4"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Other Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id4"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-refund-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-refund-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-refund-detail.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Refund Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `refundId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the refund associated with this activity. | getRefundId(): ?string | setRefundId(?string refundId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6",
- "refund_id": "refund_id0"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-release-adjustment-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-release-adjustment-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-release-adjustment-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Release Adjustment Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id0"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-reserve-hold-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-reserve-hold-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-reserve-hold-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Reserve Hold Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id8"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-reserve-release-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-reserve-release-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Reserve Release Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-payment-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-payment-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-payment-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Square Capital Payment Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-reversed-payment-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-reversed-payment-detail.md
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index 1e40f55b..00000000
--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-reversed-payment-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Square Capital Reversed Payment Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id8"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-detail.md
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index c4d55c6f..00000000
--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Square Payroll Transfer Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id0"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-reversed-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-reversed-detail.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 52f46119..00000000
--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-reversed-detail.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Square Payroll Transfer Reversed Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-tax-on-fee-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-tax-on-fee-detail.md
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--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-tax-on-fee-detail.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Tax on Fee Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `taxRateDescription` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the tax rate being applied. For example: "GST", "HST". | getTaxRateDescription(): ?string | setTaxRateDescription(?string taxRateDescription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id0",
- "tax_rate_description": "tax_rate_description8"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-detail.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e737f813..00000000
--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-detail.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Third Party Fee Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id8"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-refund-detail.md b/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-refund-detail.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 776313fc..00000000
--- a/doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-refund-detail.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Balance Activity Third Party Fee Refund Detail
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this activity. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `refundId` | `?string` | Optional | The public refund id associated with this activity. | getRefundId(): ?string | setRefundId(?string refundId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6",
- "refund_id": "refund_id0"
diff --git a/doc/models/payment-link-related-resources.md b/doc/models/payment-link-related-resources.md
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# Payment Link Related Resources
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orders` | [`?(Order[])`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | The order associated with the payment link. | getOrders(): ?array | setOrders(?array orders): void |
-| `subscriptionPlans` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The subscription plan associated with the payment link. | getSubscriptionPlans(): ?array | setSubscriptionPlans(?array subscriptionPlans): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "orders": [
- {
- "id": "id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plans": [
- {
- "type": "ITEM_OPTION",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 112,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "type": "ITEM_OPTION",
- "id": "id4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "version": 112,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
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-# Payment Link
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the payment link. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `version` | `int` | Required | The Square-assigned version number, which is incremented each time an update is committed to the payment link.
**Constraints**: `<= 65535` | getVersion(): int | setVersion(int version): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The optional description of the `payment_link` object.
It is primarily for use by your application and is not used anywhere.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4096` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the order associated with the payment link.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `checkoutOptions` | [`?CheckoutOptions`](../../doc/models/checkout-options.md) | Optional | - | getCheckoutOptions(): ?CheckoutOptions | setCheckoutOptions(?CheckoutOptions checkoutOptions): void |
-| `prePopulatedData` | [`?PrePopulatedData`](../../doc/models/pre-populated-data.md) | Optional | Describes buyer data to prepopulate in the payment form.
For more information,
see [Optional Checkout Configurations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api/optional-checkout-configurations). | getPrePopulatedData(): ?PrePopulatedData | setPrePopulatedData(?PrePopulatedData prePopulatedData): void |
-| `url` | `?string` | Optional | The shortened URL of the payment link.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getUrl(): ?string | setUrl(?string url): void |
-| `longUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The long URL of the payment link.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getLongUrl(): ?string | setLongUrl(?string longUrl): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the payment link was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the payment link was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `paymentNote` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note. After Square processes the payment, this note is added to the
resulting `Payment`.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getPaymentNote(): ?string | setPaymentNote(?string paymentNote): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "version": 64,
- "description": "description8",
- "order_id": "order_id4",
- "checkout_options": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- },
- "pre_populated_data": {
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
- }
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-# Payment Options Delay Action
-Describes the action to be applied to a delayed capture payment when the delay_duration
-has elapsed.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CANCEL` | Indicates that the payment should be automatically canceled when the delay duration
elapses. |
-| `COMPLETE` | Indicates that the payment should be automatically completed when the delay duration
elapses. |
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-# Payment Options
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `autocomplete` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the `Payment` objects created from this `TerminalCheckout` are automatically
`COMPLETED` or left in an `APPROVED` state for later modification. | getAutocomplete(): ?bool | setAutocomplete(?bool autocomplete): void |
-| `delayDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time after the payment's creation when Square automatically cancels the
payment. This automatic cancellation applies only to payments that do not reach a terminal state
(COMPLETED or CANCELED) before the `delay_duration` time period.
This parameter should be specified as a time duration, in RFC 3339 format, with a minimum value
of 1 minute.
Note: This feature is only supported for card payments. This parameter can only be set for a delayed
capture payment (`autocomplete=false`).
- Card-present payments: "PT36H" (36 hours) from the creation time.
- Card-not-present payments: "P7D" (7 days) from the creation time. | getDelayDuration(): ?string | setDelayDuration(?string delayDuration): void |
-| `acceptPartialAuthorization` | `?bool` | Optional | If set to `true` and charging a Square Gift Card, a payment might be returned with
`amount_money` equal to less than what was requested. For example, a request for $20 when charging
a Square Gift Card with a balance of $5 results in an APPROVED payment of $5. You might choose
to prompt the buyer for an additional payment to cover the remainder or cancel the Gift Card
This field cannot be `true` when `autocomplete = true`.
This field cannot be `true` when an `order_id` isn't specified.
For more information, see
[Take Partial Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/card-payments/partial-payments-with-gift-cards).
Default: false | getAcceptPartialAuthorization(): ?bool | setAcceptPartialAuthorization(?bool acceptPartialAuthorization): void |
-| `delayAction` | [`?string(PaymentOptionsDelayAction)`](../../doc/models/payment-options-delay-action.md) | Optional | Describes the action to be applied to a delayed capture payment when the delay_duration
has elapsed. | getDelayAction(): ?string | setDelayAction(?string delayAction): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration8",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
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-# Payment Refund
-Represents a refund of a payment made using Square. Contains information about
-the original payment and the amount of money refunded.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | The unique ID for this refund, generated by Square.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | The refund's status:
- `PENDING` - Awaiting approval.
- `COMPLETED` - Successfully completed.
- `REJECTED` - The refund was rejected.
- `FAILED` - An error occurred.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location ID associated with the payment this refund is attached to.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `unlinked` | `?bool` | Optional | Flag indicating whether or not the refund is linked to an existing payment in Square. | getUnlinked(): ?bool | setUnlinked(?bool unlinked): void |
-| `destinationType` | `?string` | Optional | The destination type for this refund.
Current values include `CARD`, `BANK_ACCOUNT`, `WALLET`, `BUY_NOW_PAY_LATER`, `CASH`,
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getDestinationType(): ?string | setDestinationType(?string destinationType): void |
-| `destinationDetails` | [`?DestinationDetails`](../../doc/models/destination-details.md) | Optional | Details about a refund's destination. | getDestinationDetails(): ?DestinationDetails | setDestinationDetails(?DestinationDetails destinationDetails): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `appFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppFeeMoney(): ?Money | setAppFeeMoney(?Money appFeeMoney): void |
-| `processingFee` | [`?(ProcessingFee[])`](../../doc/models/processing-fee.md) | Optional | Processing fees and fee adjustments assessed by Square for this refund. | getProcessingFee(): ?array | setProcessingFee(?array processingFee): void |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the payment associated with this refund.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the order associated with the refund.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `reason` | `?string` | Optional | The reason for the refund.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getReason(): ?string | setReason(?string reason): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the refund was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the refund was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID of the team member associated with taking the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `terminalRefundId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID for a Terminal refund. | getTerminalRefundId(): ?string | setTerminalRefundId(?string terminalRefundId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "status": "status6",
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "unlinked": false,
- "destination_type": "destination_type8",
- "destination_details": {
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "entry_method8",
- "auth_result_code": "auth_result_code0"
- },
- "cash_details": {
- "seller_supplied_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "MKD"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
- },
- "external_details": {
- "type": "type6",
- "source": "source0",
- "source_id": "source_id8"
- }
- },
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
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-# Payment Sort Field
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
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-# Payment
-Represents a payment processed by the Square API.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the payment was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the payment was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `tipMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTipMoney(): ?Money | setTipMoney(?Money tipMoney): void |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTotalMoney(): ?Money | setTotalMoney(?Money totalMoney): void |
-| `appFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppFeeMoney(): ?Money | setAppFeeMoney(?Money appFeeMoney): void |
-| `approvedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getApprovedMoney(): ?Money | setApprovedMoney(?Money approvedMoney): void |
-| `processingFee` | [`?(ProcessingFee[])`](../../doc/models/processing-fee.md) | Optional | The processing fees and fee adjustments assessed by Square for this payment. | getProcessingFee(): ?array | setProcessingFee(?array processingFee): void |
-| `refundedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getRefundedMoney(): ?Money | setRefundedMoney(?Money refundedMoney): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | Indicates whether the payment is APPROVED, PENDING, COMPLETED, CANCELED, or FAILED.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `delayDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration of time after the payment's creation when Square automatically applies the
`delay_action` to the payment. This automatic `delay_action` applies only to payments that
do not reach a terminal state (COMPLETED, CANCELED, or FAILED) before the `delay_duration`
time period.
This field is specified as a time duration, in RFC 3339 format.
This feature is only supported for card payments.
- Card-present payments: "PT36H" (36 hours) from the creation time.
- Card-not-present payments: "P7D" (7 days) from the creation time. | getDelayDuration(): ?string | setDelayDuration(?string delayDuration): void |
-| `delayAction` | `?string` | Optional | The action to be applied to the payment when the `delay_duration` has elapsed.
Current values include `CANCEL` and `COMPLETE`. | getDelayAction(): ?string | setDelayAction(?string delayAction): void |
-| `delayedUntil` | `?string` | Optional | The read-only timestamp of when the `delay_action` is automatically applied,
in RFC 3339 format.
Note that this field is calculated by summing the payment's `delay_duration` and `created_at`
fields. The `created_at` field is generated by Square and might not exactly match the
time on your local machine. | getDelayedUntil(): ?string | setDelayedUntil(?string delayedUntil): void |
-| `sourceType` | `?string` | Optional | The source type for this payment.
`CASH` and `EXTERNAL`. For information about these payment source types,
see [Take Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getSourceType(): ?string | setSourceType(?string sourceType): void |
-| `cardDetails` | [`?CardPaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/card-payment-details.md) | Optional | Reflects the current status of a card payment. Contains only non-confidential information. | getCardDetails(): ?CardPaymentDetails | setCardDetails(?CardPaymentDetails cardDetails): void |
-| `cashDetails` | [`?CashPaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/cash-payment-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about a cash payment. Contains only non-confidential information. For more information, see
[Take Cash Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/cash-payments). | getCashDetails(): ?CashPaymentDetails | setCashDetails(?CashPaymentDetails cashDetails): void |
-| `bankAccountDetails` | [`?BankAccountPaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/bank-account-payment-details.md) | Optional | Additional details about BANK_ACCOUNT type payments. | getBankAccountDetails(): ?BankAccountPaymentDetails | setBankAccountDetails(?BankAccountPaymentDetails bankAccountDetails): void |
-| `externalDetails` | [`?ExternalPaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/external-payment-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about an external payment. Contains only non-confidential information.
For more information, see
[Take External Payments](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-payments/external-payments). | getExternalDetails(): ?ExternalPaymentDetails | setExternalDetails(?ExternalPaymentDetails externalDetails): void |
-| `walletDetails` | [`?DigitalWalletDetails`](../../doc/models/digital-wallet-details.md) | Optional | Additional details about `WALLET` type payments. Contains only non-confidential information. | getWalletDetails(): ?DigitalWalletDetails | setWalletDetails(?DigitalWalletDetails walletDetails): void |
-| `buyNowPayLaterDetails` | [`?BuyNowPayLaterDetails`](../../doc/models/buy-now-pay-later-details.md) | Optional | Additional details about a Buy Now Pay Later payment type. | getBuyNowPayLaterDetails(): ?BuyNowPayLaterDetails | setBuyNowPayLaterDetails(?BuyNowPayLaterDetails buyNowPayLaterDetails): void |
-| `squareAccountDetails` | [`?SquareAccountDetails`](../../doc/models/square-account-details.md) | Optional | Additional details about Square Account payments. | getSquareAccountDetails(): ?SquareAccountDetails | setSquareAccountDetails(?SquareAccountDetails squareAccountDetails): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location associated with the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the order associated with the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID that associates the payment with an entity in
another system.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the customer associated with the payment. If the ID is
not provided in the `CreatePayment` request that was used to create the `Payment`,
Square may use information in the request
(such as the billing and shipping address, email address, and payment source)
to identify a matching customer profile in the Customer Directory.
If found, the profile ID is used. If a profile is not found, the
API attempts to create an
[instant profile](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#instant-profiles).
If the API cannot create an
instant profile (either because the seller has disabled it or the
seller's region prevents creating it), this field remains unset. Note that
this process is asynchronous and it may take some time before a
customer ID is added to the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | __Deprecated__: Use `Payment.team_member_id` instead.
An optional ID of the employee associated with taking the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID of the [TeamMember](entity:TeamMember) associated with taking the payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `refundIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of `refund_id`s identifying refunds for the payment. | getRefundIds(): ?array | setRefundIds(?array refundIds): void |
-| `riskEvaluation` | [`?RiskEvaluation`](../../doc/models/risk-evaluation.md) | Optional | Represents fraud risk information for the associated payment.
When you take a payment through Square's Payments API (using the `CreatePayment`
endpoint), Square evaluates it and assigns a risk level to the payment. Sellers
can use this information to determine the course of action (for example,
provide the goods/services or refund the payment). | getRiskEvaluation(): ?RiskEvaluation | setRiskEvaluation(?RiskEvaluation riskEvaluation): void |
-| `terminalCheckoutId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID for a Terminal checkout that is associated with the payment. | getTerminalCheckoutId(): ?string | setTerminalCheckoutId(?string terminalCheckoutId): void |
-| `buyerEmailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The buyer's email address.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getBuyerEmailAddress(): ?string | setBuyerEmailAddress(?string buyerEmailAddress): void |
-| `billingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getBillingAddress(): ?Address | setBillingAddress(?Address billingAddress): void |
-| `shippingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getShippingAddress(): ?Address | setShippingAddress(?Address shippingAddress): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note to include when creating a payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `statementDescriptionIdentifier` | `?string` | Optional | Additional payment information that gets added to the customer's card statement
as part of the statement description.
Note that the `statement_description_identifier` might get truncated on the statement description
to fit the required information including the Square identifier (SQ *) and the name of the
seller taking the payment. | getStatementDescriptionIdentifier(): ?string | setStatementDescriptionIdentifier(?string statementDescriptionIdentifier): void |
-| `capabilities` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Actions that can be performed on this payment:
- `EDIT_AMOUNT_UP` - The payment amount can be edited up.
- `EDIT_AMOUNT_DOWN` - The payment amount can be edited down.
- `EDIT_TIP_AMOUNT_UP` - The tip amount can be edited up.
- `EDIT_TIP_AMOUNT_DOWN` - The tip amount can be edited down.
- `EDIT_DELAY_ACTION` - The delay_action can be edited. | getCapabilities(): ?array | setCapabilities(?array capabilities): void |
-| `receiptNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The payment's receipt number.
The field is missing if a payment is canceled.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4` | getReceiptNumber(): ?string | setReceiptNumber(?string receiptNumber): void |
-| `receiptUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL for the payment's receipt.
The field is only populated for COMPLETED payments.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getReceiptUrl(): ?string | setReceiptUrl(?string receiptUrl): void |
-| `deviceDetails` | [`?DeviceDetails`](../../doc/models/device-details.md) | Optional | Details about the device that took the payment. | getDeviceDetails(): ?DeviceDetails | setDeviceDetails(?DeviceDetails deviceDetails): void |
-| `applicationDetails` | [`?ApplicationDetails`](../../doc/models/application-details.md) | Optional | Details about the application that took the payment. | getApplicationDetails(): ?ApplicationDetails | setApplicationDetails(?ApplicationDetails applicationDetails): void |
-| `isOfflinePayment` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether or not this payment was taken offline. | getIsOfflinePayment(): ?bool | setIsOfflinePayment(?bool isOfflinePayment): void |
-| `offlinePaymentDetails` | [`?OfflinePaymentDetails`](../../doc/models/offline-payment-details.md) | Optional | Details specific to offline payments. | getOfflinePaymentDetails(): ?OfflinePaymentDetails | setOfflinePaymentDetails(?OfflinePaymentDetails offlinePaymentDetails): void |
-| `versionToken` | `?string` | Optional | Used for optimistic concurrency. This opaque token identifies a specific version of the
`Payment` object. | getVersionToken(): ?string | setVersionToken(?string versionToken): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 190,
- "currency": "TWD"
- }
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-# Payout Entry
-One or more PayoutEntries that make up a Payout. Each one has a date, amount, and type of activity.
-The total amount of the payout will equal the sum of the payout entries for a batch payout
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | A unique ID for the payout entry.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `payoutId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the payout entries’ associated payout.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getPayoutId(): string | setPayoutId(string payoutId): void |
-| `effectiveAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the payout entry affected the balance, in RFC 3339 format. | getEffectiveAt(): ?string | setEffectiveAt(?string effectiveAt): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(ActivityType)`](../../doc/models/activity-type.md) | Optional | - | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `grossAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getGrossAmountMoney(): ?Money | setGrossAmountMoney(?Money grossAmountMoney): void |
-| `feeAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getFeeAmountMoney(): ?Money | setFeeAmountMoney(?Money feeAmountMoney): void |
-| `netAmountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getNetAmountMoney(): ?Money | setNetAmountMoney(?Money netAmountMoney): void |
-| `typeAppFeeRevenueDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityAppFeeRevenueDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-revenue-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeAppFeeRevenueDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityAppFeeRevenueDetail | setTypeAppFeeRevenueDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityAppFeeRevenueDetail typeAppFeeRevenueDetails): void |
-| `typeAppFeeRefundDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityAppFeeRefundDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-app-fee-refund-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeAppFeeRefundDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityAppFeeRefundDetail | setTypeAppFeeRefundDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityAppFeeRefundDetail typeAppFeeRefundDetails): void |
-| `typeAutomaticSavingsDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityAutomaticSavingsDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeAutomaticSavingsDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityAutomaticSavingsDetail | setTypeAutomaticSavingsDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityAutomaticSavingsDetail typeAutomaticSavingsDetails): void |
-| `typeAutomaticSavingsReversedDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityAutomaticSavingsReversedDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-automatic-savings-reversed-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeAutomaticSavingsReversedDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityAutomaticSavingsReversedDetail | setTypeAutomaticSavingsReversedDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityAutomaticSavingsReversedDetail typeAutomaticSavingsReversedDetails): void |
-| `typeChargeDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityChargeDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-charge-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeChargeDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityChargeDetail | setTypeChargeDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityChargeDetail typeChargeDetails): void |
-| `typeDepositFeeDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityDepositFeeDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeDepositFeeDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityDepositFeeDetail | setTypeDepositFeeDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityDepositFeeDetail typeDepositFeeDetails): void |
-| `typeDepositFeeReversedDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityDepositFeeReversedDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-deposit-fee-reversed-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeDepositFeeReversedDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityDepositFeeReversedDetail | setTypeDepositFeeReversedDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityDepositFeeReversedDetail typeDepositFeeReversedDetails): void |
-| `typeDisputeDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityDisputeDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-dispute-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeDisputeDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityDisputeDetail | setTypeDisputeDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityDisputeDetail typeDisputeDetails): void |
-| `typeFeeDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityFeeDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-fee-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeFeeDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityFeeDetail | setTypeFeeDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityFeeDetail typeFeeDetails): void |
-| `typeFreeProcessingDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityFreeProcessingDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-free-processing-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeFreeProcessingDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityFreeProcessingDetail | setTypeFreeProcessingDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityFreeProcessingDetail typeFreeProcessingDetails): void |
-| `typeHoldAdjustmentDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityHoldAdjustmentDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-hold-adjustment-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeHoldAdjustmentDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityHoldAdjustmentDetail | setTypeHoldAdjustmentDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityHoldAdjustmentDetail typeHoldAdjustmentDetails): void |
-| `typeOpenDisputeDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityOpenDisputeDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-open-dispute-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeOpenDisputeDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityOpenDisputeDetail | setTypeOpenDisputeDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityOpenDisputeDetail typeOpenDisputeDetails): void |
-| `typeOtherDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityOtherDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeOtherDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityOtherDetail | setTypeOtherDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityOtherDetail typeOtherDetails): void |
-| `typeOtherAdjustmentDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityOtherAdjustmentDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-other-adjustment-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeOtherAdjustmentDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityOtherAdjustmentDetail | setTypeOtherAdjustmentDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityOtherAdjustmentDetail typeOtherAdjustmentDetails): void |
-| `typeRefundDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityRefundDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-refund-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeRefundDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityRefundDetail | setTypeRefundDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityRefundDetail typeRefundDetails): void |
-| `typeReleaseAdjustmentDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityReleaseAdjustmentDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-release-adjustment-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeReleaseAdjustmentDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityReleaseAdjustmentDetail | setTypeReleaseAdjustmentDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityReleaseAdjustmentDetail typeReleaseAdjustmentDetails): void |
-| `typeReserveHoldDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityReserveHoldDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-reserve-hold-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeReserveHoldDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityReserveHoldDetail | setTypeReserveHoldDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityReserveHoldDetail typeReserveHoldDetails): void |
-| `typeReserveReleaseDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityReserveReleaseDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-reserve-release-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeReserveReleaseDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityReserveReleaseDetail | setTypeReserveReleaseDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityReserveReleaseDetail typeReserveReleaseDetails): void |
-| `typeSquareCapitalPaymentDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivitySquareCapitalPaymentDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-payment-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeSquareCapitalPaymentDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivitySquareCapitalPaymentDetail | setTypeSquareCapitalPaymentDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivitySquareCapitalPaymentDetail typeSquareCapitalPaymentDetails): void |
-| `typeSquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivitySquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-capital-reversed-payment-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeSquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivitySquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetail | setTypeSquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivitySquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetail typeSquareCapitalReversedPaymentDetails): void |
-| `typeTaxOnFeeDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityTaxOnFeeDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-tax-on-fee-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeTaxOnFeeDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityTaxOnFeeDetail | setTypeTaxOnFeeDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityTaxOnFeeDetail typeTaxOnFeeDetails): void |
-| `typeThirdPartyFeeDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityThirdPartyFeeDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeThirdPartyFeeDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityThirdPartyFeeDetail | setTypeThirdPartyFeeDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityThirdPartyFeeDetail typeThirdPartyFeeDetails): void |
-| `typeThirdPartyFeeRefundDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivityThirdPartyFeeRefundDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-third-party-fee-refund-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeThirdPartyFeeRefundDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivityThirdPartyFeeRefundDetail | setTypeThirdPartyFeeRefundDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivityThirdPartyFeeRefundDetail typeThirdPartyFeeRefundDetails): void |
-| `typeSquarePayrollTransferDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivitySquarePayrollTransferDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeSquarePayrollTransferDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivitySquarePayrollTransferDetail | setTypeSquarePayrollTransferDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivitySquarePayrollTransferDetail typeSquarePayrollTransferDetails): void |
-| `typeSquarePayrollTransferReversedDetails` | [`?PaymentBalanceActivitySquarePayrollTransferReversedDetail`](../../doc/models/payment-balance-activity-square-payroll-transfer-reversed-detail.md) | Optional | - | getTypeSquarePayrollTransferReversedDetails(): ?PaymentBalanceActivitySquarePayrollTransferReversedDetail | setTypeSquarePayrollTransferReversedDetails(?PaymentBalanceActivitySquarePayrollTransferReversedDetail typeSquarePayrollTransferReversedDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "payout_id": "payout_id4",
- "effective_at": "effective_at8",
- "gross_amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "MNT"
- },
- "fee_amount_money": {
- "amount": 126,
- "currency": "CHF"
- },
- "net_amount_money": {
- "amount": 6,
- "currency": "XPT"
- }
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-# Payout Fee Type
-Represents the type of payout fee that can incur as part of a payout.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `TRANSFER_FEE` | Fee type associated with transfers. |
-| `TAX_ON_TRANSFER_FEE` | Taxes associated with the transfer fee. |
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-# Payout Fee
-Represents a payout fee that can incur as part of a payout.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `effectiveAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the fee takes effect, in RFC 3339 format. | getEffectiveAt(): ?string | setEffectiveAt(?string effectiveAt): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(PayoutFeeType)`](../../doc/models/payout-fee-type.md) | Optional | Represents the type of payout fee that can incur as part of a payout. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "effective_at": "effective_at0",
- "type": "TRANSFER_FEE"
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-# Payout Status
-Payout status types
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SENT` | Indicates that the payout was successfully sent to the banking destination. |
-| `FAILED` | Indicates that the payout was rejected by the banking destination. |
-| `PAID` | Indicates that the payout has successfully completed. |
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-# Payout Type
-The type of payout: “BATCH” or “SIMPLE”.
-BATCH payouts include a list of payout entries that can be considered settled.
-SIMPLE payouts do not have any payout entries associated with them
-and will show up as one of the payout entries in a future BATCH payout.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `BATCH` | Payouts that include a list of payout entries that can be considered settled. |
-| `SIMPLE` | Payouts that do not have any payout entries associated with them and will
show up as one of the payout entries in a future BATCH payout. |
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-# Payout
-An accounting of the amount owed the seller and record of the actual transfer to their
-external bank account or to the Square balance.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | A unique ID for the payout.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(PayoutStatus)`](../../doc/models/payout-status.md) | Optional | Payout status types | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location associated with the payout.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the payout was created and submitted for deposit to the seller's banking destination, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the payout was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `destination` | [`?Destination`](../../doc/models/destination.md) | Optional | Information about the destination against which the payout was made. | getDestination(): ?Destination | setDestination(?Destination destination): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version number, which is incremented each time an update is made to this payout record.
The version number helps developers receive event notifications or feeds out of order. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(PayoutType)`](../../doc/models/payout-type.md) | Optional | The type of payout: “BATCH” or “SIMPLE”.
BATCH payouts include a list of payout entries that can be considered settled.
SIMPLE payouts do not have any payout entries associated with them
and will show up as one of the payout entries in a future BATCH payout. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `payoutFee` | [`?(PayoutFee[])`](../../doc/models/payout-fee.md) | Optional | A list of transfer fees and any taxes on the fees assessed by Square for this payout. | getPayoutFee(): ?array | setPayoutFee(?array payoutFee): void |
-| `arrivalDate` | `?string` | Optional | The calendar date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD), when the payout is due to arrive in the seller’s banking destination. | getArrivalDate(): ?string | setArrivalDate(?string arrivalDate): void |
-| `endToEndId` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for each `Payout` object that might also appear on the seller’s bank statement. You can use this ID to automate the process of reconciling each payout with the corresponding line item on the bank statement. | getEndToEndId(): ?string | setEndToEndId(?string endToEndId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "status": "SENT",
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "destination": {
- "type": "BANK_ACCOUNT",
- "id": "id4"
- }
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-# Phase Input
-Represents the arguments used to construct a new phase.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `ordinal` | `int` | Required | index of phase in total subscription plan | getOrdinal(): int | setOrdinal(int ordinal): void |
-| `orderTemplateId` | `?string` | Optional | id of order to be used in billing | getOrderTemplateId(): ?string | setOrderTemplateId(?string orderTemplateId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "ordinal": 234,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id4"
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-# Phase
-Represents a phase, which can override subscription phases as defined by plan_id
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | id of subscription phase | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | index of phase in total subscription plan | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-| `orderTemplateId` | `?string` | Optional | id of order to be used in billing | getOrderTemplateId(): ?string | setOrderTemplateId(?string orderTemplateId): void |
-| `planPhaseUid` | `?string` | Optional | the uid from the plan's phase in catalog | getPlanPhaseUid(): ?string | setPlanPhaseUid(?string planPhaseUid): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid4",
- "ordinal": 12,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id6",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid0"
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-# Pre Populated Data
-Describes buyer data to prepopulate in the payment form.
-For more information,
-see [Optional Checkout Configurations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api/optional-checkout-configurations).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `buyerEmail` | `?string` | Optional | The buyer email to prepopulate in the payment form.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `256` | getBuyerEmail(): ?string | setBuyerEmail(?string buyerEmail): void |
-| `buyerPhoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The buyer phone number to prepopulate in the payment form.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `17` | getBuyerPhoneNumber(): ?string | setBuyerPhoneNumber(?string buyerPhoneNumber): void |
-| `buyerAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getBuyerAddress(): ?Address | setBuyerAddress(?Address buyerAddress): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
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-# Processing Fee
-Represents the Square processing fee.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `effectiveAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the fee takes effect, in RFC 3339 format. | getEffectiveAt(): ?string | setEffectiveAt(?string effectiveAt): void |
-| `type` | `?string` | Optional | The type of fee assessed or adjusted. The fee type can be `INITIAL` or `ADJUSTMENT`. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "effective_at": "effective_at2",
- "type": "type8",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- }
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-# Product Type
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
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-# Product
-Indicates the Square product used to generate a change.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SQUARE_POS` | Square Point of Sale application. |
-| `EXTERNAL_API` | Square Connect APIs (for example, Orders API or Checkout API). |
-| `BILLING` | A Square subscription (various products). |
-| `APPOINTMENTS` | Square Appointments. |
-| `INVOICES` | Square Invoices. |
-| `ONLINE_STORE` | Square Online Store. |
-| `PAYROLL` | Square Payroll. |
-| `DASHBOARD` | Square Dashboard. |
-| `ITEM_LIBRARY_IMPORT` | Item Library Import. |
-| `OTHER` | A Square product that does not match any other value. |
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-# Publish Invoice Request
-Describes a `PublishInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `int` | Required | The version of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to publish.
This must match the current version of the invoice; otherwise, the request is rejected. | getVersion(): int | setVersion(int version): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies the `PublishInvoice` request. If you do not
provide `idempotency_key` (or provide an empty string as the value), the endpoint
treats each request as independent.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "32da42d0-1997-41b0-826b-f09464fc2c2e",
- "version": 1
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-# Publish Invoice Response
-Describes a `PublishInvoice` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoice` | [`?Invoice`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Optional | Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview). | getInvoice(): ?Invoice | setInvoice(?Invoice invoice): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "invoice": {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "created_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "id": "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "reminders": [
- {
- "message": "Your invoice is due tomorrow",
- "relative_scheduled_days": -1,
- "status": "PENDING",
- "uid": "beebd363-e47f-4075-8785-c235aaa7df11"
- }
- ],
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": true,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "public_url": "https://squareup.com/pay-invoice/inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "status": "SCHEDULED",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-18T18:23:11Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Qr Code Options
-Fields to describe the action that displays QR-Codes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `title` | `string` | Required | The title text to display in the QR code flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getTitle(): string | setTitle(string title): void |
-| `body` | `string` | Required | The body text to display in the QR code flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `10000` | getBody(): string | setBody(string body): void |
-| `barcodeContents` | `string` | Required | The text representation of the data to show in the QR code
as UTF8-encoded data.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getBarcodeContents(): string | setBarcodeContents(string barcodeContents): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "title": "title8",
- "body": "body8",
- "barcode_contents": "barcode_contents4"
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-# Quantity Ratio
-A whole number or unreduced fractional ratio.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `quantity` | `?int` | Optional | The whole or fractional quantity as the numerator. | getQuantity(): ?int | setQuantity(?int quantity): void |
-| `quantityDenominator` | `?int` | Optional | The whole or fractional quantity as the denominator.
With fractional quantity this field is the denominator and quantity is the numerator.
The default value is `1`. For example, when `quantity=3` and `quantity_denominator` is unspecified,
the quantity ratio is `3` or `3/1`. | getQuantityDenominator(): ?int | setQuantityDenominator(?int quantityDenominator): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "quantity": 86,
- "quantity_denominator": 18
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-# Quick Pay
-Describes an ad hoc item and price to generate a quick pay checkout link.
-For more information,
-see [Quick Pay Checkout](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/checkout-api/quick-pay-checkout).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `string` | Required | The ad hoc item name. In the resulting `Order`, this name appears as the line item name.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): string | setName(string name): void |
-| `priceMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceMoney(): Money | setPriceMoney(Money priceMoney): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the business location the checkout is associated with. | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name8",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- },
- "location_id": "location_id2"
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-# Range
-The range of a number value between the specified lower and upper bounds.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `min` | `?string` | Optional | The lower bound of the number range. At least one of `min` or `max` must be specified.
If unspecified, the results will have no minimum value. | getMin(): ?string | setMin(?string min): void |
-| `max` | `?string` | Optional | The upper bound of the number range. At least one of `min` or `max` must be specified.
If unspecified, the results will have no maximum value. | getMax(): ?string | setMax(?string max): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "min": "min8",
- "max": "max0"
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-# Receipt Options
-Describes receipt action fields.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentId` | `string` | Required | The reference to the Square payment ID for the receipt. | getPaymentId(): string | setPaymentId(string paymentId): void |
-| `printOnly` | `?bool` | Optional | Instructs the device to print the receipt without displaying the receipt selection screen.
Requires `printer_enabled` set to true.
Defaults to false. | getPrintOnly(): ?bool | setPrintOnly(?bool printOnly): void |
-| `isDuplicate` | `?bool` | Optional | Identify the receipt as a reprint rather than an original receipt.
Defaults to false. | getIsDuplicate(): ?bool | setIsDuplicate(?bool isDuplicate): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_id": "payment_id6",
- "print_only": false,
- "is_duplicate": false
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-# Redeem Loyalty Reward Request
-A request to redeem a loyalty reward.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `RedeemLoyaltyReward` request.
Keys can be any valid string, but must be unique for every request.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [location](entity:Location) where the reward is redeemed.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "98adc7f7-6963-473b-b29c-f3c9cdd7d994",
- "location_id": "P034NEENMD09F"
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-# Redeem Loyalty Reward Response
-A response that includes the `LoyaltyEvent` published for redeeming the reward.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `event` | [`?LoyaltyEvent`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event.md) | Optional | Provides information about a loyalty event.
For more information, see [Search for Balance-Changing Loyalty Events](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-events). | getEvent(): ?LoyaltyEvent | setEvent(?LoyaltyEvent event): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:56:00Z",
- "id": "67377a6e-dbdc-369d-aa16-2e7ed422e71f",
- "location_id": "P034NEENMD09F",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "reward_id": "9f18ac21-233a-31c3-be77-b45840f5a810",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "source": "LOYALTY_API",
- "type": "REDEEM_REWARD",
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 118,
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 90
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- },
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "points": 96,
- "reason": "reason2"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Refund Payment Request
-Describes a request to refund a payment using [RefundPayment](../../doc/apis/refunds.md#refund-payment).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `RefundPayment` request. The key can be any valid string
but must be unique for every `RefundPayment` request.
Keys are limited to a max of 45 characters - however, the number of allowed characters might be
less than 45, if multi-byte characters are used.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `appFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppFeeMoney(): ?Money | setAppFeeMoney(?Money appFeeMoney): void |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique ID of the payment being refunded.
Required when unlinked=false, otherwise must not be set. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `destinationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID indicating where funds will be refunded to. Required for unlinked refunds. For more
information, see [Process an Unlinked Refund](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/refunds-api/unlinked-refunds).
For refunds linked to Square payments, `destination_id` is usually omitted; in this case, funds
will be returned to the original payment source. The field may be specified in order to request
a cross-method refund to a gift card. For more information,
see [Cross-method refunds to gift cards](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/refund-payments#cross-method-refunds-to-gift-cards). | getDestinationId(): ?string | setDestinationId(?string destinationId): void |
-| `unlinked` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates that the refund is not linked to a Square payment.
If set to true, `destination_id` and `location_id` must be supplied while `payment_id` must not
be provided. | getUnlinked(): ?bool | setUnlinked(?bool unlinked): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location ID associated with the unlinked refund.
Required for requests specifying `unlinked=true`.
Otherwise, if included when `unlinked=false`, will throw an error.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The [Customer](entity:Customer) ID of the customer associated with the refund.
This is required if the `destination_id` refers to a card on file created using the Cards
API. Only allowed when `unlinked=true`. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `reason` | `?string` | Optional | A description of the reason for the refund.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getReason(): ?string | setReason(?string reason): void |
-| `paymentVersionToken` | `?string` | Optional | Used for optimistic concurrency. This opaque token identifies the current `Payment`
version that the caller expects. If the server has a different version of the Payment,
the update fails and a response with a VERSION_MISMATCH error is returned.
If the versions match, or the field is not provided, the refund proceeds as normal. | getPaymentVersionToken(): ?string | setPaymentVersionToken(?string paymentVersionToken): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional [TeamMember](entity:TeamMember) ID to associate with this refund.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `cashDetails` | [`?DestinationDetailsCashRefundDetails`](../../doc/models/destination-details-cash-refund-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about a cash refund. Contains only non-confidential information. | getCashDetails(): ?DestinationDetailsCashRefundDetails | setCashDetails(?DestinationDetailsCashRefundDetails cashDetails): void |
-| `externalDetails` | [`?DestinationDetailsExternalRefundDetails`](../../doc/models/destination-details-external-refund-details.md) | Optional | Stores details about an external refund. Contains only non-confidential information. | getExternalDetails(): ?DestinationDetailsExternalRefundDetails | setExternalDetails(?DestinationDetailsExternalRefundDetails externalDetails): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_fee_money": {
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "9b7f2dcf-49da-4411-b23e-a2d6af21333a",
- "payment_id": "R2B3Z8WMVt3EAmzYWLZvz7Y69EbZY",
- "reason": "Example",
- "destination_id": "destination_id6",
- "unlinked": false,
- "location_id": "location_id8"
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-# Refund Payment Response
-Defines the response returned by
-If there are errors processing the request, the `refund` field might not be
-present, or it might be present with a status of `FAILED`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refund` | [`?PaymentRefund`](../../doc/models/payment-refund.md) | Optional | Represents a refund of a payment made using Square. Contains information about
the original payment and the amount of money refunded. | getRefund(): ?PaymentRefund | setRefund(?PaymentRefund refund): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refund": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_fee_money": {
- "amount": 10,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T21:23:19.116Z",
- "id": "R2B3Z8WMVt3EAmzYWLZvz7Y69EbZY_KlWP8IC1557ddwc9QWTKrCVU6m0JXDz15R2Qym5eQfR",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "order_id": "1JLEUZeEooAIX8HMqm9kvWd69aQZY",
- "payment_id": "R2B3Z8WMVt3EAmzYWLZvz7Y69EbZY",
- "reason": "Example",
- "status": "PENDING",
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T21:23:19.508Z",
- "unlinked": false,
- "destination_type": "destination_type2",
- "destination_details": {
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "entry_method8",
- "auth_result_code": "auth_result_code0"
- },
- "cash_details": {
- "seller_supplied_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "MKD"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
- },
- "external_details": {
- "type": "type6",
- "source": "source0",
- "source_id": "source_id8"
- }
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Refund Status
-Indicates a refund's current status.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | The refund is pending. |
-| `APPROVED` | The refund has been approved by Square. |
-| `REJECTED` | The refund has been rejected by Square. |
-| `FAILED` | The refund failed. |
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-# Refund
-Represents a refund processed for a Square transaction.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | The refund's unique ID.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the refund's associated location.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `transactionId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the transaction that the refunded tender is part of.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTransactionId(): ?string | setTransactionId(?string transactionId): void |
-| `tenderId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the refunded tender.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTenderId(): string | setTenderId(string tenderId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the refund was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `reason` | `string` | Required | The reason for the refund being issued.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `status` | [`string(RefundStatus)`](../../doc/models/refund-status.md) | Required | Indicates a refund's current status. | getStatus(): string | setStatus(string status): void |
-| `processingFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getProcessingFeeMoney(): ?Money | setProcessingFeeMoney(?Money processingFeeMoney): void |
-| `additionalRecipients` | [`?(AdditionalRecipient[])`](../../doc/models/additional-recipient.md) | Optional | Additional recipients (other than the merchant) receiving a portion of this refund.
For example, fees assessed on a refund of a purchase by a third party integration. | getAdditionalRecipients(): ?array | setAdditionalRecipients(?array additionalRecipients): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id4",
- "tender_id": "tender_id4",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason8",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
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-# Register Domain Request
-Defines the parameters that can be included in the body of
-a request to the [RegisterDomain](../../doc/apis/apple-pay.md#register-domain) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `domainName` | `string` | Required | A domain name as described in RFC-1034 that will be registered with ApplePay.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getDomainName(): string | setDomainName(string domainName): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "domain_name": "example.com"
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-# Register Domain Response Status
-The status of the domain registration.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | The domain is added, but not verified. |
-| `VERIFIED` | The domain is added and verified. It can be used to accept Apple Pay transactions. |
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-# Register Domain Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [RegisterDomain](../../doc/apis/apple-pay.md#register-domain) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `status` are present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(RegisterDomainResponseStatus)`](../../doc/models/register-domain-response-status.md) | Optional | The status of the domain registration. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "status": "VERIFIED",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Remove Group From Customer Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [RemoveGroupFromCustomer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#remove-group-from-customer)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Resume Subscription Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-[ResumeSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#resume-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `resumeEffectiveDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date when the subscription reactivated. | getResumeEffectiveDate(): ?string | setResumeEffectiveDate(?string resumeEffectiveDate): void |
-| `resumeChangeTiming` | [`?string(ChangeTiming)`](../../doc/models/change-timing.md) | Optional | Supported timings when a pending change, as an action, takes place to a subscription. | getResumeChangeTiming(): ?string | setResumeChangeTiming(?string resumeChangeTiming): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "resume_effective_date": "resume_effective_date8",
- "resume_change_timing": "IMMEDIATE"
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-# Resume Subscription Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-[ResumeSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#resume-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-| `actions` | [`?(SubscriptionAction[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-action.md) | Optional | A list of `RESUME` actions created by the request and scheduled for the subscription. | getActions(): ?array | setActions(?array actions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "actions": [
- {
- "effective_date": "2023-09-01",
- "id": "18ff74f4-3da4-30c5-929f-7d6fca84f115",
- "type": "RESUME",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 186,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "subscription": {
- "card_id": "ccof:qy5x8hHGYsgLrp4Q4GB",
- "created_at": "2023-06-20T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "56214fb2-cc85-47a1-93bc-44f3766bb56f",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "U2NaowWxzXwpsZU697x7ZHOAnCNZY",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "plan_phase_uid": "X2Q2AONPB3RB64Y27S25QCZP",
- "uid": "873451e0-745b-4e87-ab0b-c574933fe616"
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2023-06-20",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-booking-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 70
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-# Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-booking-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "The favorite shampoo of the customer.",
- "key": "favoriteShampoo",
- "name": "Favorite shampoo",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T15:27:30Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute Request
-Represents a [RetrieveBookingCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-booking-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinition(): ?bool | setWithDefinition(?bool withDefinition): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "with_definition": false,
- "version": 186
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-# Retrieve Booking Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [RetrieveBookingCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-booking-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Booking Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `booking` | [`?Booking`](../../doc/models/booking.md) | Optional | Represents a booking as a time-bound service contract for a seller's staff member to provide a specified service
at a given location to a requesting customer in one or more appointment segments. | getBooking(): ?Booking | setBooking(?Booking booking): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking": {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2020-10-28T15:47:41Z",
- "customer_id": "EX2QSVGTZN4K1E5QE1CBFNVQ8M",
- "customer_note": "",
- "id": "zkras0xv0xwswx",
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "seller_note": "",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T13:00:00Z",
- "status": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2020-10-28T15:49:25Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Retrieve Business Booking Profile Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `businessBookingProfile` | [`?BusinessBookingProfile`](../../doc/models/business-booking-profile.md) | Optional | A seller's business booking profile, including booking policy, appointment settings, etc. | getBusinessBookingProfile(): ?BusinessBookingProfile | setBusinessBookingProfile(?BusinessBookingProfile businessBookingProfile): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "business_booking_profile": {
- "allow_user_cancel": true,
- "booking_enabled": true,
- "booking_policy": "ACCEPT_ALL",
- "business_appointment_settings": {
- "alignment_time": "HALF_HOURLY",
- "any_team_member_booking_enabled": true,
- "cancellation_fee_money": {
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "cancellation_policy": "CUSTOM_POLICY",
- "location_types": [
- ],
- "max_booking_lead_time_seconds": 31536000,
- "min_booking_lead_time_seconds": 0,
- "multiple_service_booking_enabled": true,
- "skip_booking_flow_staff_selection": false
- },
- "created_at": "2020-09-10T21:40:38Z",
- "customer_timezone_choice": "CUSTOMER_CHOICE",
- "seller_id": "MLJQYZZRM0D3Y"
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Retrieve Card Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [RetrieveCard](../../doc/apis/cards.md#retrieve-card) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the card field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `card` | [`?Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): ?Card | setCard(?Card card): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "card": {
- "billing_address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "cardholder_name": "Amelia Earhart",
- "customer_id": "VDKXEEKPJN48QDG3BGGFAK05P8",
- "enabled": true,
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "ex-p-cs80EK9Flz7LsCMv-szbptQ_ssAGrhemzSTsPFgt9nzyE6t7okiLIQc-qw_quqKX4Q",
- "id": "ccof:uIbfJXhXETSP197M3GB",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "merchant_id": "6SSW7HV8K2ST5",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Cash Drawer Shift Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location to retrieve cash drawer shifts from.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_id": "location_id6"
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-# Retrieve Cash Drawer Shift Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cashDrawerShift` | [`?CashDrawerShift`](../../doc/models/cash-drawer-shift.md) | Optional | This model gives the details of a cash drawer shift.
The cash_payment_money, cash_refund_money, cash_paid_in_money,
and cash_paid_out_money fields are all computed by summing their respective
event types. | getCashDrawerShift(): ?CashDrawerShift | setCashDrawerShift(?CashDrawerShift cashDrawerShift): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cash_drawer_shift": {
- "cash_paid_in_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "cash_paid_out_money": {
- "amount": -10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "cash_payment_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "cash_refunds_money": {
- "amount": -100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "closed_at": "2019-11-22T00:44:49.000Z",
- "closed_cash_money": {
- "amount": 9970,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "closing_team_member_id": "",
- "description": "Misplaced some change",
- "device": {
- "name": "My iPad"
- },
- "ended_at": "2019-11-22T00:44:49.000Z",
- "ending_team_member_id": "",
- "expected_cash_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "id": "DCC99978-09A6-4926-849F-300BE9C5793A",
- "opened_at": "2019-11-22T00:42:54.000Z",
- "opened_cash_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "opening_team_member_id": "",
- "state": "CLOSED"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Catalog Object Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `includeRelatedObjects` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the response will include additional objects that are related to the
requested objects. Related objects are defined as any objects referenced by ID by the results in the `objects` field
of the response. These objects are put in the `related_objects` field. Setting this to `true` is
helpful when the objects are needed for immediate display to a user.
This process only goes one level deep. Objects referenced by the related objects will not be included. For example,
if the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItem, its associated
CatalogCategory objects, CatalogTax objects, CatalogImage objects and
CatalogModifierLists will be returned in the `related_objects` field of the
response. If the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItemVariation,
its parent CatalogItem will be returned in the `related_objects` field of
the response.
Default value: `false` | getIncludeRelatedObjects(): ?bool | setIncludeRelatedObjects(?bool includeRelatedObjects): void |
-| `catalogVersion` | `?int` | Optional | Requests objects as of a specific version of the catalog. This allows you to retrieve historical
versions of objects. The value to retrieve a specific version of an object can be found
in the version field of [CatalogObject](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md)s. If not included, results will
be from the current version of the catalog. | getCatalogVersion(): ?int | setCatalogVersion(?int catalogVersion): void |
-| `includeCategoryPathToRoot` | `?bool` | Optional | Specifies whether or not to include the `path_to_root` list for each returned category instance. The `path_to_root` list consists
of `CategoryPathToRootNode` objects and specifies the path that starts with the immediate parent category of the returned category
and ends with its root category. If the returned category is a top-level category, the `path_to_root` list is empty and is not returned
in the response payload. | getIncludeCategoryPathToRoot(): ?bool | setIncludeCategoryPathToRoot(?bool includeCategoryPathToRoot): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "include_related_objects": false,
- "catalog_version": 224,
- "include_category_path_to_root": false
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-# Retrieve Catalog Object Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `object` | [`?CatalogObject`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The wrapper object for the catalog entries of a given object type.
Depending on the `type` attribute value, a `CatalogObject` instance assumes a type-specific data to yield the corresponding type of catalog object.
For example, if `type=ITEM`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ITEM-specific data set on the `item_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `CatalogItem` instance.
In general, if `type=`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ``-specific data set on the `_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `Catalog` instance.
For a more detailed discussion of the Catalog data model, please see the
[Design a Catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/design-a-catalog) guide. | getObject(): ?CatalogObject | setObject(?CatalogObject object): void |
-| `relatedObjects` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | A list of `CatalogObject`s referenced by the object in the `object` field. | getRelatedObjects(): ?array | setRelatedObjects(?array relatedObjects): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "object": {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "ordinal": 0
- }
- ],
- "description": "Hot Leaf Juice",
- "name": "Tea",
- "tax_ids": [
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "name": "Mug",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 150,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "related_objects": [
- {
- "category_data": {
- "name": "Beverages"
- },
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "CATEGORY",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "tax_data": {
- "calculation_phase": "TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE",
- "enabled": true,
- "inclusion_type": "ADDITIVE",
- "name": "Sales Tax",
- "percentage": "5.0"
- },
- "type": "TAX",
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "version": 1479335124878,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [RetrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-customer-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 38
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-# Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [RetrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-customer-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "The favorite movie of the customer.",
- "key": "favoritemovie",
- "name": "Favorite Movie",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-04-26T15:27:30Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute Request
-Represents a [RetrieveCustomerCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-customer-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinition(): ?bool | setWithDefinition(?bool withDefinition): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "with_definition": false,
- "version": 232
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-# Retrieve Customer Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [RetrieveCustomerCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-customer-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Customer Group Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [RetrieveCustomerGroup](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#retrieve-customer-group) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `group` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `group` | [`?CustomerGroup`](../../doc/models/customer-group.md) | Optional | Represents a group of customer profiles.
Customer groups can be created, be modified, and have their membership defined using
the Customers API or within the Customer Directory in the Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale. | getGroup(): ?CustomerGroup | setGroup(?CustomerGroup group): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "group": {
- "created_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:57.863Z",
- "id": "2TAT3CMH4Q0A9M87XJZED0WMR3",
- "name": "Loyal Customers",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:58Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Customer Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `RetrieveCustomer` endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `customer` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `customer` | [`?Customer`](../../doc/models/customer.md) | Optional | Represents a Square customer profile in the Customer Directory of a Square seller. | getCustomer(): ?Customer | setCustomer(?Customer customer): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "group_ids": [
- ],
- "note": "a customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-4240",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "segment_ids": [
- ],
- "updated_at": "2016-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "version": 1,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Customer Segment Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body for requests to the `RetrieveCustomerSegment` endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `segment` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `segment` | [`?CustomerSegment`](../../doc/models/customer-segment.md) | Optional | Represents a group of customer profiles that match one or more predefined filter criteria.
Segments (also known as Smart Groups) are defined and created within the Customer Directory in the
Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale. | getSegment(): ?CustomerSegment | setSegment(?CustomerSegment segment): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "segment": {
- "created_at": "2020-01-09T19:33:24.469Z",
- "name": "Lapsed",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T23:01:13Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Dispute Evidence Response
-Defines the fields in a `RetrieveDisputeEvidence` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `evidence` | [`?DisputeEvidence`](../../doc/models/dispute-evidence.md) | Optional | - | getEvidence(): ?DisputeEvidence | setEvidence(?DisputeEvidence evidence): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "evidence": {
- "dispute_id": "bVTprrwk0gygTLZ96VX1oB",
- "evidence_file": {
- "filename": "customer-interaction.jpg",
- "filetype": "image/jpeg"
- },
- "evidence_type": "CARDHOLDER_COMMUNICATION",
- "id": "TOomLInj6iWmP3N8qfCXrB",
- "uploaded_at": "2022-05-18T16:01:10.000Z",
- "evidence_id": "evidence_id0",
- "evidence_text": "evidence_text6"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Dispute Response
-Defines fields in a `RetrieveDispute` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `dispute` | [`?Dispute`](../../doc/models/dispute.md) | Optional | Represents a [dispute](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/disputes-api/overview) a cardholder initiated with their bank. | getDispute(): ?Dispute | setDispute(?Dispute dispute): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "dispute": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "brand_dispute_id": "100000809947",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "created_at": "2022-06-29T18:45:22.265Z",
- "disputed_payment": {
- "payment_id": "zhyh1ch64kRBrrlfVhwjCEjZWzNZY"
- },
- "due_at": "2022-07-13T00:00:00.000Z",
- "id": "XDgyFu7yo1E2S5lQGGpYn",
- "location_id": "L1HN3ZMQK64X9",
- "reason": "NO_KNOWLEDGE",
- "reported_at": "2022-06-29T00:00:00.000Z",
- "state": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2022-07-07T19:14:42.650Z",
- "version": 2,
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id8"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Employee Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `employee` | [`?Employee`](../../doc/models/employee.md) | Optional | An employee object that is used by the external API.
DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Replaced by [TeamMember](entity:TeamMember). | getEmployee(): ?Employee | setEmployee(?Employee employee): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "employee": {
- "id": "id8",
- "first_name": "first_name8",
- "last_name": "last_name6",
- "email": "email8",
- "phone_number": "phone_number6"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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--- a/doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-gan-request.md
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-# Retrieve Gift Card From GAN Request
-A request to retrieve gift cards by their GANs.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `gan` | `string` | Required | The gift card account number (GAN) of the gift card to retrieve.
The maximum length of a GAN is 255 digits to account for third-party GANs that have been imported.
Square-issued gift cards have 16-digit GANs.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getGan(): string | setGan(string gan): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gan": "7783320001001635"
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-# Retrieve Gift Card From GAN Response
-A response that contains a `GiftCard`. This response might contain a set of `Error` objects
-if the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCard` | [`?GiftCard`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Optional | Represents a Square gift card. | getGiftCard(): ?GiftCard | setGiftCard(?GiftCard giftCard): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card": {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 5000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-05-20T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gan": "7783320001001635",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:6944163553804e439d89adb47caf806a",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-nonce-request.md b/doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-nonce-request.md
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--- a/doc/models/retrieve-gift-card-from-nonce-request.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Retrieve Gift Card From Nonce Request
-A request to retrieve a gift card by using a payment token.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `nonce` | `string` | Required | The payment token of the gift card to retrieve. Payment tokens are generated by the
Web Payments SDK or In-App Payments SDK.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getNonce(): string | setNonce(string nonce): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "nonce": "cnon:7783322135245171"
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Retrieve Gift Card From Nonce Response
-A response that contains a `GiftCard` object. If the request resulted in errors,
-the response contains a set of `Error` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCard` | [`?GiftCard`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Optional | Represents a Square gift card. | getGiftCard(): ?GiftCard | setGiftCard(?GiftCard giftCard): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card": {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 5000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-05-20T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gan": "7783320001001635",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:6944163553804e439d89adb47caf806a",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Retrieve Gift Card Response
-A response that contains a `GiftCard`. The response might contain a set of `Error` objects
-if the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCard` | [`?GiftCard`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Optional | Represents a Square gift card. | getGiftCard(): ?GiftCard | setGiftCard(?GiftCard giftCard): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card": {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-05-20T22:26:54.000Z",
- "gan": "7783320001001635",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:00113070ba5745f0b2377c1b9570cb03",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Inventory Adjustment Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `adjustment` | [`?InventoryAdjustment`](../../doc/models/inventory-adjustment.md) | Optional | Represents a change in state or quantity of product inventory at a
particular time and location. | getAdjustment(): ?InventoryAdjustment | setAdjustment(?InventoryAdjustment adjustment): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "adjustment": {
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "created_at": "2016-11-17T13:02:15.142Z",
- "from_state": "IN_STOCK",
- "location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "occurred_at": "2016-11-16T25:44:22.837Z",
- "quantity": "7",
- "reference_id": "4a366069-4096-47a2-99a5-0084ac879509",
- "source": {
- "application_id": "416ff29c-86c4-4feb-b58c-9705f21f3ea0",
- "name": "Square Point of Sale 4.37",
- "product": "SQUARE_POS"
- },
- "team_member_id": "LRK57NSQ5X7PUD05",
- "to_state": "SOLD",
- "total_price_money": {
- "amount": 4550,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "errors": []
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--- a/doc/models/retrieve-inventory-changes-request.md
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Retrieve Inventory Changes Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationIds` | `?string` | Optional | The [Location](entity:Location) IDs to look up as a comma-separated
list. An empty list queries all locations. | getLocationIds(): ?string | setLocationIds(?string locationIds): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_ids": "location_ids2",
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Retrieve Inventory Changes Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `changes` | [`?(InventoryChange[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-change.md) | Optional | The set of inventory changes for the requested object and locations. | getChanges(): ?array | setChanges(?array changes): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset,
this is the final response.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "changes": [
- {
- "adjustment": {
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "created_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "from_state": "IN_STOCK",
- "location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "occurred_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "quantity": "3",
- "reference_id": "d8207693-168f-4b44-a2fd-a7ff533ddd26",
- "source": {
- "application_id": "416ff29c-86c4-4feb-b58c-9705f21f3ea0",
- "name": "Square Point of Sale 4.37",
- "product": "SQUARE_POS"
- },
- "team_member_id": "AV7YRCGI2H1J5NQ8E1XIZCNA",
- "to_state": "SOLD",
- "total_price_money": {
- "amount": 5000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "transaction_id": "5APV6JYK1SNCZD11AND2RX1Z"
- },
- "type": "ADJUSTMENT",
- "physical_count": {
- "id": "id2",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id6",
- "catalog_object_type": "catalog_object_type6",
- },
- "transfer": {
- "id": "id8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "state": "RESERVED_FOR_SALE",
- "from_location_id": "from_location_id0",
- "to_location_id": "to_location_id0"
- },
- "measurement_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 184
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [],
- "cursor": "cursor0"
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-# Retrieve Inventory Count Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationIds` | `?string` | Optional | The [Location](entity:Location) IDs to look up as a comma-separated
list. An empty list queries all locations. | getLocationIds(): ?string | setLocationIds(?string locationIds): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_ids": "location_ids4",
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# Retrieve Inventory Count Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `counts` | [`?(InventoryCount[])`](../../doc/models/inventory-count.md) | Optional | The current calculated inventory counts for the requested object and
locations. | getCounts(): ?array | setCounts(?array counts): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset,
this is the final response.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "counts": [
- {
- "calculated_at": "2016-11-16T22:28:01.223Z",
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "quantity": "22",
- "state": "IN_STOCK"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [],
- "cursor": "cursor2"
diff --git a/doc/models/retrieve-inventory-physical-count-response.md b/doc/models/retrieve-inventory-physical-count-response.md
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--- a/doc/models/retrieve-inventory-physical-count-response.md
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Retrieve Inventory Physical Count Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `count` | [`?InventoryPhysicalCount`](../../doc/models/inventory-physical-count.md) | Optional | Represents the quantity of an item variation that is physically present
at a specific location, verified by a seller or a seller's employee. For example,
a physical count might come from an employee counting the item variations on
hand or from syncing with an external system. | getCount(): ?InventoryPhysicalCount | setCount(?InventoryPhysicalCount count): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "count": {
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "created_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "occurred_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "quantity": "15",
- "reference_id": "f857ec37-f9a0-4458-8e23-5b5e0bea4e53",
- "source": {
- "application_id": "416ff29c-86c4-4feb-b58c-9705f21f3ea0",
- "name": "Square Point of Sale 4.37",
- "product": "SQUARE_POS"
- },
- "state": "IN_STOCK",
- "team_member_id": "LRK57NSQ5X7PUD05"
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Retrieve Inventory Transfer Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `transfer` | [`?InventoryTransfer`](../../doc/models/inventory-transfer.md) | Optional | Represents the transfer of a quantity of product inventory at a
particular time from one location to another. | getTransfer(): ?InventoryTransfer | setTransfer(?InventoryTransfer transfer): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "transfer": {
- "catalog_object_id": "W62UWFY35CWMYGVWK6TWJDNI",
- "catalog_object_type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "created_at": "2016-11-17T13:02:15.142Z",
- "from_location_id": "C6W5YS5QM06F5",
- "occurred_at": "2016-11-16T25:44:22.837Z",
- "quantity": "7",
- "reference_id": "4a366069-4096-47a2-99a5-0084ac879509",
- "source": {
- "application_id": "416ff29c-86c4-4feb-b58c-9705f21f3ea0",
- "name": "Square Point of Sale 4.37",
- "product": "SQUARE_POS"
- },
- "state": "IN_STOCK",
- "team_member_id": "LRK57NSQ5X7PUD05",
- "to_location_id": "59TNP9SA8VGDA"
- }
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-# Retrieve Job Response
-Represents a [RetrieveJob](../../doc/apis/team.md#retrieve-job) response. Either `job` or `errors`
-is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `job` | [`?Job`](../../doc/models/job.md) | Optional | Represents a job that can be assigned to [team members](../../doc/models/team-member.md). This object defines the
job's title and tip eligibility. Compensation is defined in a [job assignment](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md)
in a team member's wage setting. | getJob(): ?Job | setJob(?Job job): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "job": {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "is_tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier 1",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/retrieve-location-booking-profile-response.md b/doc/models/retrieve-location-booking-profile-response.md
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--- a/doc/models/retrieve-location-booking-profile-response.md
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Retrieve Location Booking Profile Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationBookingProfile` | [`?LocationBookingProfile`](../../doc/models/location-booking-profile.md) | Optional | The booking profile of a seller's location, including the location's ID and whether the location is enabled for online booking. | getLocationBookingProfile(): ?LocationBookingProfile | setLocationBookingProfile(?LocationBookingProfile locationBookingProfile): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "location_booking_profile": {
- "booking_enabled": true,
- "booking_site_url": "https://square.site/book/L3HETDGYQ4A2C/prod-business",
- "location_id": "L3HETDGYQ4A2C",
- "online_booking_enabled": false
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/retrieve-location-custom-attribute-definition-request.md b/doc/models/retrieve-location-custom-attribute-definition-request.md
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-# Retrieve Location Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [RetrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-location-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 50
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-# Retrieve Location Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [RetrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-location-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-12-02T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "Bestselling item at location",
- "key": "bestseller",
- "name": "Bestseller",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-12-02T19:06:36.559Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Location Custom Attribute Request
-Represents a [RetrieveLocationCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-location-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinition(): ?bool | setWithDefinition(?bool withDefinition): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "with_definition": false,
- "version": 84
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-# Retrieve Location Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [RetrieveLocationCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-location-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Location Response
-Defines the fields that the [RetrieveLocation](../../doc/apis/locations.md#retrieve-location)
-endpoint returns in a response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `location` | [`?Location`](../../doc/models/location.md) | Optional | Represents one of a business' [locations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api). | getLocation(): ?Location | setLocation(?Location location): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "123 Main St",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "CA",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "San Francisco",
- "postal_code": "94114",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "business_name": "Jet Fuel Coffee",
- "capabilities": [
- ],
- "country": "US",
- "created_at": "2016-09-19T17:33:12Z",
- "currency": "USD",
- "id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "language_code": "en-US",
- "merchant_id": "3MYCJG5GVYQ8Q",
- "name": "Grant Park",
- "phone_number": "+1 650-354-7217",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Location Settings Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `locationSettings` | [`?CheckoutLocationSettings`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings.md) | Optional | - | getLocationSettings(): ?CheckoutLocationSettings | setLocationSettings(?CheckoutLocationSettings locationSettings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_settings": {
- "branding": {
- "button_color": "#ffffff",
- "button_shape": "ROUNDED",
- "header_type": "FRAMED_LOGO"
- },
- "customer_notes_enabled": true,
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID_1",
- "policies": [
- {
- "description": "This is my Return Policy",
- "title": "Return Policy",
- "uid": "POLICY_ID_1"
- }
- ],
- "tipping": {
- "default_percent": 15,
- "default_whole_amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "percentages": [
- 10,
- 15,
- 20
- ],
- "smart_tipping_enabled": true,
- "whole_amounts": [
- {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- ],
- "smart_tips": [
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- },
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- }
- ],
- "default_smart_tip": {
- "amount": 58,
- "currency": "KWD"
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-06-16T22:25:35Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Loyalty Account Response
-A response that includes the loyalty account.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `loyaltyAccount` | [`?LoyaltyAccount`](../../doc/models/loyalty-account.md) | Optional | Describes a loyalty account in a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). For more information, see
[Create and Retrieve Loyalty Accounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-accounts). | getLoyaltyAccount(): ?LoyaltyAccount | setLoyaltyAccount(?LoyaltyAccount loyaltyAccount): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_account": {
- "balance": 10,
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "customer_id": "Q8002FAM9V1EZ0ADB2T5609X6NET1H0",
- "id": "79b807d2-d786-46a9-933b-918028d7a8c5",
- "lifetime_points": 20,
- "mapping": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "id": "66aaab3f-da99-49ed-8b19-b87f851c844f",
- "phone_number": "+14155551234"
- },
- "program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "enrolled_at": "enrolled_at6"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Loyalty Program Response
-A response that contains the loyalty program.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `program` | [`?LoyaltyProgram`](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md) | Optional | Represents a Square loyalty program. Loyalty programs define how buyers can earn points and redeem points for rewards.
Square sellers can have only one loyalty program, which is created and managed from the Seller Dashboard.
For more information, see [Loyalty Program Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview). | getProgram(): ?LoyaltyProgram | setProgram(?LoyaltyProgram program): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "program": {
- "accrual_rules": [
- {
- "accrual_type": "SPEND",
- "points": 1,
- "spend_data": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "excluded_category_ids": [
- ],
- "excluded_item_variation_ids": [
- ],
- "tax_mode": "BEFORE_TAX"
- }
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2020-04-20T16:55:11Z",
- "id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "location_ids": [
- "P034NEENMD09F"
- ],
- "reward_tiers": [
- {
- "created_at": "2020-04-20T16:55:11Z",
- "definition": {
- "discount_type": "FIXED_PERCENTAGE",
- "percentage_discount": "10",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "catalog_object_ids": [
- "catalog_object_ids6"
- ],
- "fixed_discount_money": {
- "amount": 36,
- "currency": "SLL"
- },
- "max_discount_money": {
- "amount": 84,
- "currency": "BOB"
- }
- },
- "id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "name": "10% off entire sale",
- "points": 10,
- "pricing_rule_reference": {
- "catalog_version": 1605486402527,
- "object_id": "74C4JSHESNLTB2A7ITO5HO6F"
- }
- }
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "terminology": {
- "one": "Point",
- "other": "Points"
- },
- "updated_at": "2020-05-01T02:00:02Z",
- "expiration_policy": {
- "expiration_duration": "expiration_duration0"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Loyalty Promotion Response
-Represents a [RetrieveLoyaltyPromotionPromotions](../../doc/apis/loyalty.md#retrieve-loyalty-promotion) response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `loyaltyPromotion` | [`?LoyaltyPromotion`](../../doc/models/loyalty-promotion.md) | Optional | Represents a promotion for a [loyalty program](../../doc/models/loyalty-program.md). Loyalty promotions enable buyers
to earn extra points on top of those earned from the base program.
A loyalty program can have a maximum of 10 loyalty promotions with an `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status. | getLoyaltyPromotion(): ?LoyaltyPromotion | setLoyaltyPromotion(?LoyaltyPromotion loyaltyPromotion): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_promotion": {
- "available_time": {
- "start_date": "2022-08-16",
- "time_periods": [
- ],
- "end_date": "end_date8"
- },
- "created_at": "2022-08-16T08:38:54Z",
- "id": "loypromo_f0f9b849-725e-378d-b810-511237e07b67",
- "incentive": {
- "points_multiplier_data": {
- "multiplier": "3.000",
- "points_multiplier": 3
- },
- "points_addition_data": {
- "points_addition": 218
- }
- },
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "minimum_spend_amount_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Tuesday Happy Hour Promo",
- "qualifying_item_variation_ids": [
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "trigger_limit": {
- "interval": "DAY",
- "times": 1
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-08-16T08:38:54Z",
- "canceled_at": "canceled_at0"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Loyalty Reward Response
-A response that includes the loyalty reward.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `reward` | [`?LoyaltyReward`](../../doc/models/loyalty-reward.md) | Optional | Represents a contract to redeem loyalty points for a [reward tier](../../doc/models/loyalty-program-reward-tier.md) discount. Loyalty rewards can be in an ISSUED, REDEEMED, or DELETED state.
For more information, see [Manage loyalty rewards](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-rewards). | getReward(): ?LoyaltyReward | setReward(?LoyaltyReward reward): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "reward": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:55:42Z",
- "id": "9f18ac21-233a-31c3-be77-b45840f5a810",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "points": 10,
- "redeemed_at": "2020-05-08T21:56:00Z",
- "reward_tier_id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "status": "REDEEMED",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:56:00Z",
- "order_id": "order_id4"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a [RetrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is used for strongly consistent
reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version
is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 162
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-# Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a [RetrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2023-05-05T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "This is the other name this merchant goes by.",
- "key": "alternative_seller_name",
- "name": "Alternative Merchant Name",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T19:06:36.559Z",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute Request
-Represents a [RetrieveMerchantCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of the custom
attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinition(): ?bool | setWithDefinition(?bool withDefinition): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for strongly consistent reads to
guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request, Square
returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified version is
higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "with_definition": false,
- "version": 52
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-# Retrieve Merchant Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a [RetrieveMerchantCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#retrieve-merchant-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Merchant Response
-The response object returned by the [RetrieveMerchant](../../doc/apis/merchants.md#retrieve-merchant) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `merchant` | [`?Merchant`](../../doc/models/merchant.md) | Optional | Represents a business that sells with Square. | getMerchant(): ?Merchant | setMerchant(?Merchant merchant): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant": {
- "business_name": "Apple A Day",
- "country": "US",
- "created_at": "2021-12-10T19:25:52.484Z",
- "currency": "USD",
- "id": "DM7VKY8Q63GNP",
- "language_code": "en-US",
- "main_location_id": "9A65CGC72ZQG1",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Merchant Settings Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `merchantSettings` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettings`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings.md) | Optional | - | getMerchantSettings(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettings | setMerchantSettings(?CheckoutMerchantSettings merchantSettings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant_settings": {
- "merchant_id": "MERCHANT_ID",
- "payment_methods": {
- "afterpay_clearpay": {
- "enabled": true,
- "item_eligibility_range": {
- "max": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "min": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "order_eligibility_range": {
- "max": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "min": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- }
- },
- "apple_pay": {
- "enabled": true
- },
- "cash_app_pay": {
- "enabled": true
- },
- "google_pay": {
- "enabled": true
- },
- "cash_app": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-06-16T22:25:35Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Order Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents a get request for an order custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | To enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency)
control, include this optional field and specify the current version of the custom attribute. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 142
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-# Retrieve Order Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a response from getting an order custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-10-06T16:53:23.141Z",
- "description": "The number of people seated at a table",
- "key": "cover-count",
- "name": "Cover count",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-10-06T16:53:23.141Z",
- "version": 1,
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Order Custom Attribute Request
-Represents a get request for an order custom attribute.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | To enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency)
control, include this optional field and specify the current version of the custom attribute. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `withDefinition` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of each custom attribute,
information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is `false`. | getWithDefinition(): ?bool | setWithDefinition(?bool withDefinition): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "version": 110,
- "with_definition": false
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-# Retrieve Order Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a response from getting an order custom attribute.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Order Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-18T16:30:49.614Z",
- "discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "50% Off",
- "percentage": "50",
- "scope": "ORDER",
- "uid": "zGsRZP69aqSSR9lq9euSPB"
- }
- ],
- "id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "zGsRZP69aqSSR9lq9euSPB",
- "uid": "9zr9S4dxvPAixvn0lpa1VC"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 1",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 250,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "ULkg0tQTRK2bkU9fNv3IJD",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "applied_discounts": [
- {
- "applied_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "discount_uid": "zGsRZP69aqSSR9lq9euSPB",
- "uid": "qa8LwwZK82FgSEkQc2HYVC"
- }
- ],
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Item 2",
- "quantity": "2",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 300,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "mumY8Nun4BC5aKe2yyx5a",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "D7AVYMEAPJ3A3",
- "net_amounts": {
- "discount_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "state": "OPEN",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 550,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2020-05-18T16:30:49.614Z",
- "version": 1,
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Payment Link Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `paymentLink` | [`?PaymentLink`](../../doc/models/payment-link.md) | Optional | - | getPaymentLink(): ?PaymentLink | setPaymentLink(?PaymentLink paymentLink): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_link": {
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T00:10:29Z",
- "id": "LLO5Q3FRCFICDB4B",
- "long_url": "https://checkout.square.site/EXAMPLE",
- "order_id": "4uKASDATqSd1QQ9jV86sPhMdVEbSJc4F",
- "url": "https://square.link/u/EXAMPLE",
- "version": 1,
- "description": "description2",
- "checkout_options": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- },
- "pre_populated_data": {
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Snippet Response
-Represents a `RetrieveSnippet` response. The response can include either `snippet` or `errors`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `snippet` | [`?Snippet`](../../doc/models/snippet.md) | Optional | Represents the snippet that is added to a Square Online site. The snippet code is injected into the `head` element of all pages on the site, except for checkout pages. | getSnippet(): ?Snippet | setSnippet(?Snippet snippet): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "snippet": {
- "content": "",
- "created_at": "2021-03-11T25:40:09.000000Z",
- "id": "snippet_5d178150-a6c0-11eb-a9f1-437e6a2881e7",
- "site_id": "site_278075276488921835",
- "updated_at": "2021-03-11T25:40:09.000000Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Subscription Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-[RetrieveSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#retrieve-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `include` | `?string` | Optional | A query parameter to specify related information to be included in the response.
The supported query parameter values are:
- `actions`: to include scheduled actions on the targeted subscription. | getInclude(): ?string | setInclude(?string include): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "include": "include2"
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-# Retrieve Subscription Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-[RetrieveSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#retrieve-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "card_id": "ccof:IkWfpLj4tNHMyFii3GB",
- "charged_through_date": "2023-11-20",
- "created_at": "2022-07-27T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "id": "8151fc89-da15-4eb9-a685-1a70883cebfc",
- "invoice_ids": [
- "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "inv:0-ChrcX_i3sNmfsHTGKhI4Wg2mceA"
- ],
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "paid_until_date": "2024-08-01",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "price_override_money": {
- "amount": 25000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2022-07-27",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Team Member Booking Profile Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberBookingProfile` | [`?TeamMemberBookingProfile`](../../doc/models/team-member-booking-profile.md) | Optional | The booking profile of a seller's team member, including the team member's ID, display name, description and whether the team member can be booked as a service provider. | getTeamMemberBookingProfile(): ?TeamMemberBookingProfile | setTeamMemberBookingProfile(?TeamMemberBookingProfile teamMemberBookingProfile): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [],
- "team_member_booking_profile": {
- "display_name": "Sandbox Staff",
- "is_bookable": true,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "description": "description2",
- "profile_image_url": "profile_image_url8"
- }
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-# Retrieve Team Member Response
-Represents a response from a retrieve request containing a `TeamMember` object or error messages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMember` | [`?TeamMember`](../../doc/models/team-member.md) | Optional | A record representing an individual team member for a business. | getTeamMember(): ?TeamMember | setTeamMember(?TeamMember teamMember): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "email_address": "joe_doe@example.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-15T17:38:05Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1443,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P",
- "job_title": "Manager",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 1
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Token Status Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `RetrieveTokenStatus` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `scopes` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The list of scopes associated with an access token. | getScopes(): ?array | setScopes(?array scopes): void |
-| `expiresAt` | `?string` | Optional | The date and time when the `access_token` expires, in RFC 3339 format. Empty if the token never expires. | getExpiresAt(): ?string | setExpiresAt(?string expiresAt): void |
-| `clientId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-issued application ID associated with the access token. This is the same application ID used to obtain the token.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getClientId(): ?string | setClientId(?string clientId): void |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the authorizing merchant's business.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `8`, *Maximum Length*: `191` | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
- "expires_at": "2022-10-14T14:44:00Z",
- "merchant_id": "MERCHANT_ID",
- "scopes": [
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Transaction Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [RetrieveTransaction](api-endpoint:Transactions-RetrieveTransaction) endpoint.
-One of `errors` or `transaction` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `transaction` | [`?Transaction`](../../doc/models/transaction.md) | Optional | Represents a transaction processed with Square, either with the
Connect API or with Square Point of Sale.
The `tenders` field of this object lists all methods of payment used to pay in
the transaction. | getTransaction(): ?Transaction | setTransaction(?Transaction transaction): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "transaction": {
- "created_at": "2016-03-10T22:57:56Z",
- "id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "product": "EXTERNAL_API",
- "reference_id": "some optional reference id",
- "tenders": [
- {
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 20,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "description": "Application fees",
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1"
- }
- ],
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 5000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "card_details": {
- "card": {
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "entry_method": "KEYED",
- "status": "CAPTURED"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-03-10T22:57:56Z",
- "id": "MtZRYYdDrYNQbOvV7nbuBvMF",
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "note": "some optional note",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 138,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "transaction_id": "KnL67ZIwXCPtzOrqj0HrkxMF",
- "type": "CARD"
- }
- ],
- "refunds": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Vendor Response
-Represents an output from a call to [RetrieveVendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#retrieve-vendor).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered when the request fails. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `vendor` | [`?Vendor`](../../doc/models/vendor.md) | Optional | Represents a supplier to a seller. | getVendor(): ?Vendor | setVendor(?Vendor vendor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "vendor": {
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "name": "name6",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
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-# Retrieve Wage Setting Response
-Represents a response from a retrieve request containing the specified `WageSetting` object or error messages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `wageSetting` | [`?WageSetting`](../../doc/models/wage-setting.md) | Optional | Represents information about the overtime exemption status, job assignments, and compensation
for a [team member](../../doc/models/team-member.md). | getWageSetting(): ?WageSetting | setWageSetting(?WageSetting wageSetting): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2020-06-11T23:01:21+00:00",
- "is_overtime_exempt": false,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 4500000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2164,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_title": "Manager",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40,
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-11T23:01:21+00:00",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Retrieve Webhook Subscription Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [RetrieveWebhookSubscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#retrieve-webhook-subscription) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?WebhookSubscription`](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
event types, and signature key. | getSubscription(): ?WebhookSubscription | setSubscription(?WebhookSubscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "api_version": "2021-12-15",
- "created_at": "2022-01-10 23:29:48 +0000 UTC",
- "enabled": true,
- "event_types": [
- "payment.created",
- "payment.updated"
- ],
- "id": "wbhk_b35f6b3145074cf9ad513610786c19d5",
- "name": "Example Webhook Subscription",
- "notification_url": "https://example-webhook-url.com",
- "signature_key": "1k9bIJKCeTmSQwyagtNRLg",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-10 23:29:48 +0000 UTC"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Revoke Token Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `clientId` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-issued ID for your application, which is available on the **OAuth** page in the
[Developer Dashboard](https://developer.squareup.com/apps).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getClientId(): ?string | setClientId(?string clientId): void |
-| `accessToken` | `?string` | Optional | The access token of the merchant whose token you want to revoke.
Do not provide a value for `merchant_id` if you provide this parameter.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `2`, *Maximum Length*: `1024` | getAccessToken(): ?string | setAccessToken(?string accessToken): void |
-| `merchantId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the merchant whose token you want to revoke.
Do not provide a value for `access_token` if you provide this parameter. | getMerchantId(): ?string | setMerchantId(?string merchantId): void |
-| `revokeOnlyAccessToken` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, terminate the given single access token, but do not
terminate the entire authorization.
Default: `false` | getRevokeOnlyAccessToken(): ?bool | setRevokeOnlyAccessToken(?bool revokeOnlyAccessToken): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "access_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN",
- "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
- "merchant_id": "merchant_id8",
- "revoke_only_access_token": false
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-# Revoke Token Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `success` | `?bool` | Optional | If the request is successful, this is `true`. | getSuccess(): ?bool | setSuccess(?bool success): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "success": true,
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Risk Evaluation Risk Level
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | Indicates Square is still evaluating the payment. |
-| `NORMAL` | Indicates payment risk is within the normal range. |
-| `MODERATE` | Indicates elevated risk level associated with the payment. |
-| `HIGH` | Indicates significantly elevated risk level with the payment. |
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-# Risk Evaluation
-Represents fraud risk information for the associated payment.
-When you take a payment through Square's Payments API (using the `CreatePayment`
-endpoint), Square evaluates it and assigns a risk level to the payment. Sellers
-can use this information to determine the course of action (for example,
-provide the goods/services or refund the payment).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when payment risk was evaluated, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `riskLevel` | [`?string(RiskEvaluationRiskLevel)`](../../doc/models/risk-evaluation-risk-level.md) | Optional | - | getRiskLevel(): ?string | setRiskLevel(?string riskLevel): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "created_at": "created_at0",
- "risk_level": "MODERATE"
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-# Save Card Options
-Describes save-card action fields.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Required | The square-assigned ID of the customer linked to the saved card. | getCustomerId(): string | setCustomerId(string customerId): void |
-| `cardId` | `?string` | Optional | The id of the created card-on-file.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getCardId(): ?string | setCardId(?string cardId): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional user-defined reference ID that can be used to associate
this `Card` to another entity in an external system. For example, a customer
ID generated by a third-party system.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "customer_id4",
- "card_id": "card_id8",
- "reference_id": "reference_id6"
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-# Search Availability Filter
-A query filter to search for buyer-accessible availabilities by.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `startAtRange` | [`TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Required | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getStartAtRange(): TimeRange | setStartAtRange(TimeRange startAtRange): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The query expression to search for buyer-accessible availabilities with their location IDs matching the specified location ID.
This query expression cannot be set if `booking_id` is set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `segmentFilters` | [`?(SegmentFilter[])`](../../doc/models/segment-filter.md) | Optional | The query expression to search for buyer-accessible availabilities matching the specified list of segment filters.
If the size of the `segment_filters` list is `n`, the search returns availabilities with `n` segments per availability.
This query expression cannot be set if `booking_id` is set. | getSegmentFilters(): ?array | setSegmentFilters(?array segmentFilters): void |
-| `bookingId` | `?string` | Optional | The query expression to search for buyer-accessible availabilities for an existing booking by matching the specified `booking_id` value.
This is commonly used to reschedule an appointment.
If this expression is set, the `location_id` and `segment_filters` expressions cannot be set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `36` | getBookingId(): ?string | setBookingId(?string bookingId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "start_at_range": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "segment_filters": [
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- }
- ],
- "booking_id": "booking_id8"
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-# Search Availability Query
-The query used to search for buyer-accessible availabilities of bookings.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`SearchAvailabilityFilter`](../../doc/models/search-availability-filter.md) | Required | A query filter to search for buyer-accessible availabilities by. | getFilter(): SearchAvailabilityFilter | setFilter(SearchAvailabilityFilter filter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "start_at_range": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "segment_filters": [
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- }
- ],
- "booking_id": "booking_id8"
- }
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-# Search Availability Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`SearchAvailabilityQuery`](../../doc/models/search-availability-query.md) | Required | The query used to search for buyer-accessible availabilities of bookings. | getQuery(): SearchAvailabilityQuery | setQuery(SearchAvailabilityQuery query): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "start_at_range": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "segment_filters": [
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id4",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
- }
- ],
- "booking_id": "booking_id8"
- }
- }
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-# Search Availability Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `availabilities` | [`?(Availability[])`](../../doc/models/availability.md) | Optional | List of appointment slots available for booking. | getAvailabilities(): ?array | setAvailabilities(?array availabilities): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "availabilities": [
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T13:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T13:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T14:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T14:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T15:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T15:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T16:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T09:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T09:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T10:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T10:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T11:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T11:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T12:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T12:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T13:00:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T13:30:00Z"
- },
- {
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMaJcbiRqPIGZuS9",
- "intermission_minutes": 54,
- "any_team_member": false
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "start_at": "2020-11-27T14:00:00Z"
- }
- ],
- "errors": []
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-# Search Catalog Items Request Stock Level
-Defines supported stock levels of the item inventory.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OUT` | The item inventory is empty. |
-| `LOW` | The item inventory is low. |
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-# Search Catalog Items Request
-Defines the request body for the [SearchCatalogItems](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-items) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `textFilter` | `?string` | Optional | The text filter expression to return items or item variations containing specified text in
the `name`, `description`, or `abbreviation` attribute value of an item, or in
the `name`, `sku`, or `upc` attribute value of an item variation. | getTextFilter(): ?string | setTextFilter(?string textFilter): void |
-| `categoryIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The category id query expression to return items containing the specified category IDs. | getCategoryIds(): ?array | setCategoryIds(?array categoryIds): void |
-| `stockLevels` | [`?(string(SearchCatalogItemsRequestStockLevel)[])`](../../doc/models/search-catalog-items-request-stock-level.md) | Optional | The stock-level query expression to return item variations with the specified stock levels.
See [SearchCatalogItemsRequestStockLevel](#type-searchcatalogitemsrequeststocklevel) for possible values | getStockLevels(): ?array | setStockLevels(?array stockLevels): void |
-| `enabledLocationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The enabled-location query expression to return items and item variations having specified enabled locations. | getEnabledLocationIds(): ?array | setEnabledLocationIds(?array enabledLocationIds): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination token, returned in the previous response, used to fetch the next batch of pending results. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return per page. The default value is 100.
**Constraints**: `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-| `productTypes` | [`?(string(CatalogItemProductType)[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-item-product-type.md) | Optional | The product types query expression to return items or item variations having the specified product types. | getProductTypes(): ?array | setProductTypes(?array productTypes): void |
-| `customAttributeFilters` | [`?(CustomAttributeFilter[])`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-filter.md) | Optional | The customer-attribute filter to return items or item variations matching the specified
custom attribute expressions. A maximum number of 10 custom attribute expressions are supported in
a single call to the [SearchCatalogItems](api-endpoint:Catalog-SearchCatalogItems) endpoint. | getCustomAttributeFilters(): ?array | setCustomAttributeFilters(?array customAttributeFilters): void |
-| `archivedState` | [`?string(ArchivedState)`](../../doc/models/archived-state.md) | Optional | Defines the values for the `archived_state` query expression
used in [SearchCatalogItems](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-items)
to return the archived, not archived or either type of catalog items. | getArchivedState(): ?string | setArchivedState(?string archivedState): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "category_ids": [
- ],
- "custom_attribute_filters": [
- {
- "bool_filter": true,
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "VEGAN_DEFINITION_ID"
- },
- {
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "BRAND_DEFINITION_ID",
- "string_filter": "Dark Horse"
- },
- {
- "key": "VINTAGE",
- "number_filter": {
- "max": "2018",
- "min": "2017"
- }
- },
- {
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "VARIETAL_DEFINITION_ID",
- "selection_ids_filter": "MERLOT_SELECTION_ID"
- }
- ],
- "enabled_location_ids": [
- ],
- "limit": 100,
- "product_types": [
- ],
- "sort_order": "ASC",
- "stock_levels": [
- "OUT",
- "LOW"
- ],
- "text_filter": "red",
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Catalog Items Response
-Defines the response body returned from the [SearchCatalogItems](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-items) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `items` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | Returned items matching the specified query expressions. | getItems(): ?array | setItems(?array items): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | Pagination token used in the next request to return more of the search result. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `matchedVariationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Ids of returned item variations matching the specified query expression. | getMatchedVariationIds(): ?array | setMatchedVariationIds(?array matchedVariationIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "items": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6",
- "version": 38,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "matched_variation_ids": [
- "matched_variation_ids3"
- ]
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-# Search Catalog Objects Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor returned in the previous response. Leave unset for an initial request.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `objectTypes` | [`?(string(CatalogObjectType)[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object-type.md) | Optional | The desired set of object types to appear in the search results.
If this is unspecified, the operation returns objects of all the top level types at the version
of the Square API used to make the request. Object types that are nested onto other object types
are not included in the defaults.
At the current API version the default object types are:
Note that if you wish for the query to return objects belonging to nested types (i.e., COMPONENT, IMAGE,
ITEM_OPTION_VAL, ITEM_VARIATION, or MODIFIER), you must explicitly include all the types of interest
in this field. | getObjectTypes(): ?array | setObjectTypes(?array objectTypes): void |
-| `includeDeletedObjects` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, deleted objects will be included in the results. Deleted objects will have their
`is_deleted` field set to `true`. | getIncludeDeletedObjects(): ?bool | setIncludeDeletedObjects(?bool includeDeletedObjects): void |
-| `includeRelatedObjects` | `?bool` | Optional | If `true`, the response will include additional objects that are related to the
requested objects. Related objects are objects that are referenced by object ID by the objects
in the response. This is helpful if the objects are being fetched for immediate display to a user.
This process only goes one level deep. Objects referenced by the related objects will not be included.
For example:
If the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItem, its associated
CatalogCategory objects, CatalogTax objects, CatalogImage objects and
CatalogModifierLists will be returned in the `related_objects` field of the
response. If the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItemVariation,
its parent CatalogItem will be returned in the `related_objects` field of
the response.
Default value: `false` | getIncludeRelatedObjects(): ?bool | setIncludeRelatedObjects(?bool includeRelatedObjects): void |
-| `beginTime` | `?string` | Optional | Return objects modified after this [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates), in RFC 3339
format, e.g., `2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z`. The timestamp is exclusive - objects with a
timestamp equal to `begin_time` will not be included in the response. | getBeginTime(): ?string | setBeginTime(?string beginTime): void |
-| `query` | [`?CatalogQuery`](../../doc/models/catalog-query.md) | Optional | A query composed of one or more different types of filters to narrow the scope of targeted objects when calling the `SearchCatalogObjects` endpoint.
Although a query can have multiple filters, only certain query types can be combined per call to [SearchCatalogObjects](../../doc/apis/catalog.md#search-catalog-objects).
Any combination of the following types may be used together:
- [exact_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-exact.md)
- [prefix_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-prefix.md)
- [range_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-range.md)
- [sorted_attribute_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-sorted-attribute.md)
- [text_query](../../doc/models/catalog-query-text.md)
All other query types cannot be combined with any others.
When a query filter is based on an attribute, the attribute must be searchable.
Searchable attributes are listed as follows, along their parent types that can be searched for with applicable query filters.
Searchable attribute and objects queryable by searchable attributes:
- `name`: `CatalogItem`, `CatalogItemVariation`, `CatalogCategory`, `CatalogTax`, `CatalogDiscount`, `CatalogModifier`, `CatalogModifierList`, `CatalogItemOption`, `CatalogItemOptionValue`
- `description`: `CatalogItem`, `CatalogItemOptionValue`
- `abbreviation`: `CatalogItem`
- `upc`: `CatalogItemVariation`
- `sku`: `CatalogItemVariation`
- `caption`: `CatalogImage`
- `display_name`: `CatalogItemOption`
For example, to search for [CatalogItem](../../doc/models/catalog-item.md) objects by searchable attributes, you can use
the `"name"`, `"description"`, or `"abbreviation"` attribute in an applicable query filter. | getQuery(): ?CatalogQuery | setQuery(?CatalogQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | A limit on the number of results to be returned in a single page. The limit is advisory -
the implementation may return more or fewer results. If the supplied limit is negative, zero, or
is higher than the maximum limit of 1,000, it will be ignored. | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `includeCategoryPathToRoot` | `?bool` | Optional | Specifies whether or not to include the `path_to_root` list for each returned category instance. The `path_to_root` list consists
of `CategoryPathToRootNode` objects and specifies the path that starts with the immediate parent category of the returned category
and ends with its root category. If the returned category is a top-level category, the `path_to_root` list is empty and is not returned
in the response payload. | getIncludeCategoryPathToRoot(): ?bool | setIncludeCategoryPathToRoot(?bool includeCategoryPathToRoot): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 100,
- "object_types": [
- "ITEM"
- ],
- "query": {
- "prefix_query": {
- "attribute_name": "name",
- "attribute_prefix": "tea"
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor2",
- "include_deleted_objects": false,
- "include_related_objects": false,
- "begin_time": "begin_time2"
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-# Search Catalog Objects Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset, this is the final response.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `objects` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The CatalogObjects returned. | getObjects(): ?array | setObjects(?array objects): void |
-| `relatedObjects` | [`?(CatalogObject[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | A list of CatalogObjects referenced by the objects in the `objects` field. | getRelatedObjects(): ?array | setRelatedObjects(?array relatedObjects): void |
-| `latestTime` | `?string` | Optional | When the associated product catalog was last updated. Will
match the value for `end_time` or `cursor` if either field is included in the `SearchCatalog` request. | getLatestTime(): ?string | setLatestTime(?string latestTime): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "objects": [
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "ordinal": 0
- }
- ],
- "description": "A delicious blend of black tea.",
- "name": "Tea - Black",
- "product_type": "REGULAR",
- "tax_ids": [
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "id": "5GSZPX6EU7MM75S57OONG3V5",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "X5DZ5NWWAQ44CKBLKIFQGOWK",
- "name": "Regular",
- "ordinal": 1,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 150,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2017-10-26T15:27:31.626Z",
- "version": 1509031651626
- },
- {
- "id": "XVLBN7DU6JTWHJTG5F265B43",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "X5DZ5NWWAQ44CKBLKIFQGOWK",
- "name": "Large",
- "ordinal": 2,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 225,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2017-10-26T15:27:31.626Z",
- "version": 1509031651626
- }
- ],
- "visibility": "PRIVATE"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2017-10-26T15:41:32.337Z",
- "version": 1509032492337,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "NNNEM3LA656Q46NXLWCNI7S5",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "categories": [
- {
- "ordinal": 0
- }
- ],
- "description": "Relaxing green herbal tea.",
- "name": "Tea - Green",
- "product_type": "REGULAR",
- "tax_ids": [
- ],
- "variations": [
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "NNNEM3LA656Q46NXLWCNI7S5",
- "name": "Regular",
- "ordinal": 1,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 150,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2017-10-26T15:29:00.524Z",
- "version": 1509031740524
- }
- ],
- "visibility": "PRIVATE"
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2017-10-26T15:41:23.232Z",
- "version": 1509032483232,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "related_objects": [
- {
- "id": "id2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 0,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "latest_time": "latest_time2"
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-# Search Customers Request
-Defines the fields that are included in the request body of a request to the
-`SearchCustomers` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | Include the pagination cursor in subsequent calls to this endpoint to retrieve
the next set of results associated with the original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in a single page. This limit is advisory. The response might contain more or fewer results.
If the specified limit is invalid, Square returns a `400 VALUE_TOO_LOW` or `400 VALUE_TOO_HIGH` error. The default value is 100.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `query` | [`?CustomerQuery`](../../doc/models/customer-query.md) | Optional | Represents filtering and sorting criteria for a [SearchCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#search-customers) request. | getQuery(): ?CustomerQuery | setQuery(?CustomerQuery query): void |
-| `count` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether to return the total count of matching customers in the `count` field of the response.
The default value is `false`. | getCount(): ?bool | setCount(?bool count): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 2,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "created_at": {
- "end_at": "2018-02-01T00:00:00-00:00",
- "start_at": "2018-01-01T00:00:00-00:00"
- },
- "creation_source": {
- "rule": "INCLUDE",
- "values": [
- ]
- },
- "email_address": {
- "fuzzy": "example.com",
- "exact": "exact2"
- },
- "group_ids": {
- "all": [
- ]
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "phone_number": {
- "exact": "exact2",
- "fuzzy": "fuzzy8"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "CREATED_AT",
- "order": "ASC"
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor0",
- "count": false
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-# Search Customers Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the `SearchCustomers` endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `customers` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `customers` | [`?(Customer[])`](../../doc/models/customer.md) | Optional | The customer profiles that match the search query. If any search condition is not met, the result is an empty object (`{}`).
Only customer profiles with public information (`given_name`, `family_name`, `company_name`, `email_address`, or `phone_number`)
are included in the response. | getCustomers(): ?array | setCustomers(?array customers): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor that can be used during subsequent calls
to `SearchCustomers` to retrieve the next set of results associated
with the original query. Pagination cursors are only present when
a request succeeds and additional results are available.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `count` | `?int` | Optional | The total count of customers associated with the Square account that match the search query. Only customer profiles with
public information (`given_name`, `family_name`, `company_name`, `email_address`, or `phone_number`) are counted. This field is
present only if `count` is set to `true` in the request. | getCount(): ?int | setCount(?int count): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "9dpS093Uy12AzeE",
- "customers": [
- {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "505 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2018-01-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "DIRECTORY",
- "email_address": "james.bond@example.com",
- "family_name": "Bond",
- "given_name": "James",
- "group_ids": [
- ],
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-4250",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID_2",
- "segment_ids": [
- ],
- "updated_at": "2020-04-20T10:02:43.083Z",
- "version": 7,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2018-01-30T14:10:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "amelia.earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "group_ids": [
- ],
- "id": "A9641GZW2H7Z56YYSD41Q12HDW",
- "note": "a customer",
- "phone_number": "+1-212-555-9238",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID_1",
- "segment_ids": [
- ],
- "updated_at": "2018-03-08T18:25:21.342Z",
- "version": 1,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "count": 90
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-# Search Events Filter
-Criteria to filter events by.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `eventTypes` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Filter events by event types. | getEventTypes(): ?array | setEventTypes(?array eventTypes): void |
-| `merchantIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Filter events by merchant. | getMerchantIds(): ?array | setMerchantIds(?array merchantIds): void |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Filter events by location. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `createdAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getCreatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setCreatedAt(?TimeRange createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event_types": [
- "event_types6",
- "event_types7",
- "event_types8"
- ],
- "merchant_ids": [
- "merchant_ids5",
- "merchant_ids6",
- "merchant_ids7"
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids8",
- "location_ids9"
- ],
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
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-# Search Events Query
-Contains query criteria for the search.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?SearchEventsFilter`](../../doc/models/search-events-filter.md) | Optional | Criteria to filter events by. | getFilter(): ?SearchEventsFilter | setFilter(?SearchEventsFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?SearchEventsSort`](../../doc/models/search-events-sort.md) | Optional | Criteria to sort events by. | getSort(): ?SearchEventsSort | setSort(?SearchEventsSort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "event_types": [
- "event_types2",
- "event_types3"
- ],
- "merchant_ids": [
- "merchant_ids1",
- "merchant_ids2"
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4"
- ],
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "DEFAULT",
- "order": "DESC"
- }
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-# Search Events Request
-Searches [Event](../../doc/models/event.md)s for your application.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint. Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of events for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `256` | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of events to return in a single page. The response might contain fewer events. The default value is 100, which is also the maximum allowed value.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
Default: 100
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `query` | [`?SearchEventsQuery`](../../doc/models/search-events-query.md) | Optional | Contains query criteria for the search. | getQuery(): ?SearchEventsQuery | setQuery(?SearchEventsQuery query): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "limit": 176,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "event_types": [
- "event_types2",
- "event_types3"
- ],
- "merchant_ids": [
- "merchant_ids1",
- "merchant_ids2"
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4"
- ],
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "DEFAULT",
- "order": "DESC"
- }
- }
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-# Search Events Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [SearchEvents](../../doc/apis/events.md#search-events) endpoint.
-Note: if there are errors processing the request, the events field will not be
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `events` | [`?(Event[])`](../../doc/models/event.md) | Optional | The list of [Event](entity:Event)s returned by the search. | getEvents(): ?array | setEvents(?array events): void |
-| `metadata` | [`?(EventMetadata[])`](../../doc/models/event-metadata.md) | Optional | Contains the metadata of an event. For more information, see [Event](entity:Event). | getMetadata(): ?array | setMetadata(?array metadata): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When a response is truncated, it includes a cursor that you can use in a subsequent request to fetch the next set of events. If empty, this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "6b571fc9773647f=",
- "events": [
- {
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T10:08:40.454726",
- "data": {
- "id": "ORSEVtZAJxb37RA1EiGw",
- "object": {
- "dispute": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 8801,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "brand_dispute_id": "r9rKGSBBQbywBNnWWIiGFg",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "created_at": "2020-02-19T21:24:53.258Z",
- "disputed_payment": {
- "payment_id": "fbmsaEOpoARDKxiSGH1fqPuqoqFZY"
- },
- "due_at": "2020-03-04T00:00:00.000Z",
- "id": "ORSEVtZAJxb37RA1EiGw",
- "location_id": "VJDQQP3CG14EY",
- "reason": "AMOUNT_DIFFERS",
- "reported_at": "2020-02-19T00:00:00.000Z",
- "state": "WON",
- "updated_at": "2020-02-19T21:34:41.851Z",
- "version": 6
- }
- },
- "type": "dispute"
- },
- "event_id": "73ecd468-0aba-424f-b862-583d44efe7c8",
- "location_id": "VJDQQP3CG14EY",
- "merchant_id": "0HPGX5JYE6EE1",
- "type": "dispute.state.updated"
- }
- ],
- "metadata": [
- {
- "api_version": "2022-12-13",
- "event_id": "73ecd468-0aba-424f-b862-583d44efe7c8"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Search Events Sort Field
-Specifies the sort key for events returned from a search.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `DEFAULT` | Use the default sort key. The default behavior is to sort events by when they were created (`created_at`). |
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-# Search Events Sort
-Criteria to sort events by.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `field` | [`?string(SearchEventsSortField)`](../../doc/models/search-events-sort-field.md) | Optional | Specifies the sort key for events returned from a search. | getField(): ?string | setField(?string field): void |
-| `order` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getOrder(): ?string | setOrder(?string order): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "field": "DEFAULT",
- "order": "DESC"
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-# Search Invoices Request
-Describes a `SearchInvoices` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`InvoiceQuery`](../../doc/models/invoice-query.md) | Required | Describes query criteria for searching invoices. | getQuery(): InvoiceQuery | setQuery(InvoiceQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of invoices to return (200 is the maximum `limit`).
If not provided, the server uses a default limit of 100 invoices. | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "customer_ids": [
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "limit": 100,
- "sort": {
- "field": "INVOICE_SORT_DATE",
- "order": "DESC"
- }
- },
- "limit": 26,
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Invoices Response
-Describes a `SearchInvoices` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoices` | [`?(Invoice[])`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Optional | The list of invoices returned by the search. | getInvoices(): ?array | setInvoices(?array invoices): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When a response is truncated, it includes a cursor that you can use in a
subsequent request to fetch the next set of invoices. If empty, this is the final
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "ChoIDhIWVm54ZVRhLXhySFBOejBBM2xJb2daUQoFCI4IGAE",
- "invoices": [
- {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "created_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "id": "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "reminders": [
- {
- "message": "Your invoice is due tomorrow",
- "relative_scheduled_days": -1,
- "status": "PENDING",
- "uid": "beebd363-e47f-4075-8785-c235aaa7df11"
- }
- ],
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": true,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "status": "DRAFT",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "version": 0
- },
- {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": true
- },
- "created_at": "2021-01-23T15:29:12Z",
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "id": "inv:0-ChC366qAfskpGrBI_1bozs9mEA3",
- "invoice_number": "inv-455",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "next_payment_amount_money": {
- "amount": 3000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "order_id": "a65jnS8NXbfprvGJzY9F4fQTuaB",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "CARD_ON_FILE",
- "card_id": "ccof:IkWfpLj4tNHMyFii3GB",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2021-01-23",
- "percentage_requested": "25",
- "request_type": "DEPOSIT",
- "tipping_enabled": false,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "66c3bdfd-5090-4ff9-a8a0-c1e1a2ffa176"
- },
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "CARD_ON_FILE",
- "card_id": "ccof:IkWfpLj4tNHMyFii3GB",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 3000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2021-06-15",
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": false,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "120c5e18-4f80-4f6b-b159-774cb9bf8f99"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "public_url": "https://squareup.com/pay-invoice/h9sfsfTGTSnYEhISUDBhEQ",
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "status": "PARTIALLY_PAID",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "updated_at": "2021-01-23T15:29:56Z",
- "version": 3
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Search Loyalty Accounts Request Loyalty Account Query
-The search criteria for the loyalty accounts.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `mappings` | [`?(LoyaltyAccountMapping[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-account-mapping.md) | Optional | The set of mappings to use in the loyalty account search.
This cannot be combined with `customer_ids`.
Max: 30 mappings | getMappings(): ?array | setMappings(?array mappings): void |
-| `customerIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The set of customer IDs to use in the loyalty account search.
This cannot be combined with `mappings`.
Max: 30 customer IDs | getCustomerIds(): ?array | setCustomerIds(?array customerIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "mappings": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4"
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4"
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "phone_number": "phone_number4"
- }
- ],
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids5",
- "customer_ids4",
- "customer_ids3"
- ]
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-# Search Loyalty Accounts Request
-A request to search for loyalty accounts.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequestLoyaltyAccountQuery`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-accounts-request-loyalty-account-query.md) | Optional | The search criteria for the loyalty accounts. | getQuery(): ?SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequestLoyaltyAccountQuery | setQuery(?SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequestLoyaltyAccountQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to include in the response. The default value is 30.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 200` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to
this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the next set of
results for the original query.
For more information,
see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 10,
- "query": {
- "mappings": [
- {
- "phone_number": "+14155551234",
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6"
- }
- ],
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids1",
- "customer_ids2",
- "customer_ids3"
- ]
- },
- "cursor": "cursor0"
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-# Search Loyalty Accounts Response
-A response that includes loyalty accounts that satisfy the search criteria.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `loyaltyAccounts` | [`?(LoyaltyAccount[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-account.md) | Optional | The loyalty accounts that met the search criteria,
in order of creation date. | getLoyaltyAccounts(): ?array | setLoyaltyAccounts(?array loyaltyAccounts): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to use in a subsequent
request. If empty, this is the final response.
For more information,
see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_accounts": [
- {
- "balance": 10,
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "customer_id": "Q8002FAM9V1EZ0ADB2T5609X6NET1H0",
- "id": "79b807d2-d786-46a9-933b-918028d7a8c5",
- "lifetime_points": 20,
- "mapping": {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "id": "66aaab3f-da99-49ed-8b19-b87f851c844f",
- "phone_number": "+14155551234"
- },
- "program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:44:32Z",
- "enrolled_at": "enrolled_at4"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# Search Loyalty Events Request
-A request to search for loyalty events.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?LoyaltyEventQuery`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event-query.md) | Optional | Represents a query used to search for loyalty events. | getQuery(): ?LoyaltyEventQuery | setQuery(?LoyaltyEventQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to include in the response.
The last page might contain fewer events.
The default is 30 events.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 30` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 30,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "order_filter": {
- "order_id": "PyATxhYLfsMqpVkcKJITPydgEYfZY"
- },
- "loyalty_account_filter": {
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id8"
- },
- "type_filter": {
- "types": [
- ]
- },
- "date_time_filter": {
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "location_filter": {
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids0",
- "location_ids1",
- "location_ids2"
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# Search Loyalty Events Response
-A response that contains loyalty events that satisfy the search
-criteria, in order by the `created_at` date.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `events` | [`?(LoyaltyEvent[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-event.md) | Optional | The loyalty events that satisfy the search criteria. | getEvents(): ?array | setEvents(?array events): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent
request. If empty, this is the final response.
For more information,
see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "events": [
- {
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "order_id": "PyATxhYLfsMqpVkcKJITPydgEYfZY",
- "points": 5
- },
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T22:01:30Z",
- "id": "c27c8465-806e-36f2-b4b3-71f5887b5ba8",
- "location_id": "P034NEENMD09F",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "source": "LOYALTY_API",
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 90
- },
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "reward_id": "reward_id2",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- },
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "points": 96,
- "reason": "reason2"
- }
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T22:01:15Z",
- "id": "e4a5cbc3-a4d0-3779-98e9-e578885d9430",
- "location_id": "P034NEENMD09F",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "order_id": "PyATxhYLfsMqpVkcKJITPydgEYfZY",
- "reward_id": "d03f79f4-815f-3500-b851-cc1e68a457f9"
- },
- "source": "LOYALTY_API",
- "type": "REDEEM_REWARD",
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 118,
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "reward_id": "reward_id6",
- "points": 90
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- },
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "points": 96,
- "reason": "reason2"
- }
- },
- {
- "create_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "d619f755-2d17-41f3-990d-c04ecedd64dd",
- "points": -10,
- "reward_id": "d03f79f4-815f-3500-b851-cc1e68a457f9"
- },
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T22:00:44Z",
- "id": "5e127479-0b03-3671-ab1e-15faea8b7188",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "source": "LOYALTY_API",
- "type": "CREATE_REWARD",
- "accumulate_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "points": 118,
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "redeem_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id8",
- "reward_id": "reward_id2",
- "order_id": "order_id8"
- },
- "delete_reward": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id4",
- "reward_id": "reward_id8",
- "points": 104
- },
- "adjust_points": {
- "loyalty_program_id": "loyalty_program_id2",
- "points": 96,
- "reason": "reason2"
- }
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Loyalty Rewards Request Loyalty Reward Query
-The set of search requirements.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `loyaltyAccountId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount) to which the loyalty reward belongs.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLoyaltyAccountId(): string | setLoyaltyAccountId(string loyaltyAccountId): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(LoyaltyRewardStatus)`](../../doc/models/loyalty-reward-status.md) | Optional | The status of the loyalty reward. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "loyalty_account_id": "loyalty_account_id2",
- "status": "DELETED"
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-# Search Loyalty Rewards Request
-A request to search for loyalty rewards.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequestLoyaltyRewardQuery`](../../doc/models/search-loyalty-rewards-request-loyalty-reward-query.md) | Optional | The set of search requirements. | getQuery(): ?SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequestLoyaltyRewardQuery | setQuery(?SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequestLoyaltyRewardQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to return in the response. The default value is 30.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 30` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to
this endpoint. Provide this to retrieve the next set of
results for the original query.
For more information,
see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 10,
- "query": {
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "status": "ISSUED"
- },
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Loyalty Rewards Response
-A response that includes the loyalty rewards satisfying the search criteria.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `rewards` | [`?(LoyaltyReward[])`](../../doc/models/loyalty-reward.md) | Optional | The loyalty rewards that satisfy the search criteria.
These are returned in descending order by `updated_at`. | getRewards(): ?array | setRewards(?array rewards): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent
request. If empty, this is the final response. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "rewards": [
- {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T22:00:44Z",
- "id": "d03f79f4-815f-3500-b851-cc1e68a457f9",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "order_id": "PyATxhYLfsMqpVkcKJITPydgEYfZY",
- "points": 10,
- "redeemed_at": "2020-05-08T22:01:17Z",
- "reward_tier_id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "status": "REDEEMED",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-08T22:01:17Z"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-05-08T21:55:42Z",
- "id": "9f18ac21-233a-31c3-be77-b45840f5a810",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "points": 10,
- "redeemed_at": "2020-05-08T21:56:00Z",
- "reward_tier_id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "status": "REDEEMED",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:56:00Z",
- "order_id": "order_id4"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-05-01T21:49:54Z",
- "id": "a8f43ebe-2ad6-3001-bdd5-7d7c2da08943",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "order_id": "5NB69ZNh3FbsOs1ox43bh1xrli6YY",
- "points": 10,
- "reward_tier_id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "status": "DELETED",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:55:10Z"
- },
- {
- "created_at": "2020-05-01T20:20:37Z",
- "id": "a051254c-f840-3b45-8cf1-50bcd38ff92a",
- "loyalty_account_id": "5adcb100-07f1-4ee7-b8c6-6bb9ebc474bd",
- "order_id": "LQQ16znvi2VIUKPVhUfJefzr1eEZY",
- "points": 10,
- "reward_tier_id": "e1b39225-9da5-43d1-a5db-782cdd8ad94f",
- "status": "ISSUED",
- "updated_at": "2020-05-01T20:20:40Z"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Orders Customer Filter
-A filter based on the order `customer_id` and any tender `customer_id`
-associated with the order. It does not filter based on the
-[FulfillmentRecipient](../../doc/models/fulfillment-recipient.md) `customer_id`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of customer IDs to filter by.
Max: 10 customer ids. | getCustomerIds(): ?array | setCustomerIds(?array customerIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids9",
- "customer_ids0",
- "customer_ids1"
- ]
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-# Search Orders Date Time Filter
-Filter for `Order` objects based on whether their `CREATED_AT`,
-`CLOSED_AT`, or `UPDATED_AT` timestamps fall within a specified time range.
-You can specify the time range and which timestamp to filter for. You can filter
-for only one time range at a time.
-For each time range, the start time and end time are inclusive. If the end time
-is absent, it defaults to the time of the first request for the cursor.
-__Important:__ If you use the `DateTimeFilter` in a `SearchOrders` query,
-you must set the `sort_field` in [OrdersSort](../../doc/models/search-orders-sort.md)
-to the same field you filter for. For example, if you set the `CLOSED_AT` field
-in `DateTimeFilter`, you must set the `sort_field` in `SearchOrdersSort` to
-`CLOSED_AT`. Otherwise, `SearchOrders` throws an error.
-[Learn more about filtering orders by time range.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/search-orders#important-note-about-filtering-orders-by-time-range)
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `createdAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getCreatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setCreatedAt(?TimeRange createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getUpdatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setUpdatedAt(?TimeRange updatedAt): void |
-| `closedAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getClosedAt(): ?TimeRange | setClosedAt(?TimeRange closedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "closed_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
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-# Search Orders Filter
-Filtering criteria to use for a `SearchOrders` request. Multiple filters
-are ANDed together.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `stateFilter` | [`?SearchOrdersStateFilter`](../../doc/models/search-orders-state-filter.md) | Optional | Filter by the current order `state`. | getStateFilter(): ?SearchOrdersStateFilter | setStateFilter(?SearchOrdersStateFilter stateFilter): void |
-| `dateTimeFilter` | [`?SearchOrdersDateTimeFilter`](../../doc/models/search-orders-date-time-filter.md) | Optional | Filter for `Order` objects based on whether their `CREATED_AT`,
`CLOSED_AT`, or `UPDATED_AT` timestamps fall within a specified time range.
You can specify the time range and which timestamp to filter for. You can filter
for only one time range at a time.
For each time range, the start time and end time are inclusive. If the end time
is absent, it defaults to the time of the first request for the cursor.
__Important:__ If you use the `DateTimeFilter` in a `SearchOrders` query,
you must set the `sort_field` in [OrdersSort](../../doc/models/search-orders-sort.md)
to the same field you filter for. For example, if you set the `CLOSED_AT` field
in `DateTimeFilter`, you must set the `sort_field` in `SearchOrdersSort` to
`CLOSED_AT`. Otherwise, `SearchOrders` throws an error.
[Learn more about filtering orders by time range.](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/search-orders#important-note-about-filtering-orders-by-time-range) | getDateTimeFilter(): ?SearchOrdersDateTimeFilter | setDateTimeFilter(?SearchOrdersDateTimeFilter dateTimeFilter): void |
-| `fulfillmentFilter` | [`?SearchOrdersFulfillmentFilter`](../../doc/models/search-orders-fulfillment-filter.md) | Optional | Filter based on [order fulfillment](../../doc/models/fulfillment.md) information. | getFulfillmentFilter(): ?SearchOrdersFulfillmentFilter | setFulfillmentFilter(?SearchOrdersFulfillmentFilter fulfillmentFilter): void |
-| `sourceFilter` | [`?SearchOrdersSourceFilter`](../../doc/models/search-orders-source-filter.md) | Optional | A filter based on order `source` information. | getSourceFilter(): ?SearchOrdersSourceFilter | setSourceFilter(?SearchOrdersSourceFilter sourceFilter): void |
-| `customerFilter` | [`?SearchOrdersCustomerFilter`](../../doc/models/search-orders-customer-filter.md) | Optional | A filter based on the order `customer_id` and any tender `customer_id`
associated with the order. It does not filter based on the
[FulfillmentRecipient](../../doc/models/fulfillment-recipient.md) `customer_id`. | getCustomerFilter(): ?SearchOrdersCustomerFilter | setCustomerFilter(?SearchOrdersCustomerFilter customerFilter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "state_filter": {
- "states": [
- ]
- },
- "date_time_filter": {
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "closed_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "fulfillment_filter": {
- "fulfillment_types": [
- ],
- "fulfillment_states": [
- ]
- },
- "source_filter": {
- "source_names": [
- "source_names6"
- ]
- },
- "customer_filter": {
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids3",
- "customer_ids4"
- ]
- }
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-# Search Orders Fulfillment Filter
-Filter based on [order fulfillment](../../doc/models/fulfillment.md) information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `fulfillmentTypes` | [`?(string(FulfillmentType)[])`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-type.md) | Optional | A list of [fulfillment types](entity:FulfillmentType) to filter
for. The list returns orders if any of its fulfillments match any of the fulfillment types
listed in this field.
See [FulfillmentType](#type-fulfillmenttype) for possible values | getFulfillmentTypes(): ?array | setFulfillmentTypes(?array fulfillmentTypes): void |
-| `fulfillmentStates` | [`?(string(FulfillmentState)[])`](../../doc/models/fulfillment-state.md) | Optional | A list of [fulfillment states](entity:FulfillmentState) to filter
for. The list returns orders if any of its fulfillments match any of the
fulfillment states listed in this field.
See [FulfillmentState](#type-fulfillmentstate) for possible values | getFulfillmentStates(): ?array | setFulfillmentStates(?array fulfillmentStates): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "fulfillment_types": [
- ],
- "fulfillment_states": [
- ]
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-# Search Orders Query
-Contains query criteria for the search.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?SearchOrdersFilter`](../../doc/models/search-orders-filter.md) | Optional | Filtering criteria to use for a `SearchOrders` request. Multiple filters
are ANDed together. | getFilter(): ?SearchOrdersFilter | setFilter(?SearchOrdersFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?SearchOrdersSort`](../../doc/models/search-orders-sort.md) | Optional | Sorting criteria for a `SearchOrders` request. Results can only be sorted
by a timestamp field. | getSort(): ?SearchOrdersSort | setSort(?SearchOrdersSort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "state_filter": {
- "states": [
- ]
- },
- "date_time_filter": {
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "closed_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "fulfillment_filter": {
- "fulfillment_types": [
- ],
- "fulfillment_states": [
- ]
- },
- "source_filter": {
- "source_names": [
- "source_names6"
- ]
- },
- "customer_filter": {
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids3",
- "customer_ids4"
- ]
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_field": "UPDATED_AT",
- "sort_order": "DESC"
- }
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-# Search Orders Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The location IDs for the orders to query. All locations must belong to
the same merchant.
Max: 10 location IDs. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `query` | [`?SearchOrdersQuery`](../../doc/models/search-orders-query.md) | Optional | Contains query criteria for the search. | getQuery(): ?SearchOrdersQuery | setQuery(?SearchOrdersQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page.
Default: `500`
Max: `1000` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `returnEntries` | `?bool` | Optional | A Boolean that controls the format of the search results. If `true`,
`SearchOrders` returns [OrderEntry](entity:OrderEntry) objects. If `false`, `SearchOrders`
returns complete order objects.
Default: `false`. | getReturnEntries(): ?bool | setReturnEntries(?bool returnEntries): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 3,
- "location_ids": [
- "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "18YC4JDH91E1H"
- ],
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "date_time_filter": {
- "closed_at": {
- "end_at": "2019-03-04T21:54:45+00:00",
- "start_at": "2018-03-03T20:00:00+00:00"
- },
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "updated_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- }
- },
- "state_filter": {
- "states": [
- ]
- },
- "fulfillment_filter": {
- "fulfillment_types": [
- ],
- "fulfillment_states": [
- ]
- },
- "source_filter": {
- "source_names": [
- "source_names6"
- ]
- },
- "customer_filter": {
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids3",
- "customer_ids4"
- ]
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_field": "CLOSED_AT",
- "sort_order": "DESC"
- }
- },
- "return_entries": true,
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Orders Response
-Either the `order_entries` or `orders` field is set, depending on whether
-`return_entries` is set on the [SearchOrdersRequest](../../doc/apis/orders.md#search-orders).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `orderEntries` | [`?(OrderEntry[])`](../../doc/models/order-entry.md) | Optional | A list of [OrderEntries](entity:OrderEntry) that fit the query
conditions. The list is populated only if `return_entries` is set to `true` in the request. | getOrderEntries(): ?array | setOrderEntries(?array orderEntries): void |
-| `orders` | [`?(Order[])`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | A list of
[Order](entity:Order) objects that match the query conditions. The list is populated only if
`return_entries` is set to `false` in the request. | getOrders(): ?array | setOrders(?array orders): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset,
this is the final response.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | [Errors](entity:Error) encountered during the search. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "123",
- "order_entries": [
- {
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "order_id": "CAISEM82RcpmcFBM0TfOyiHV3es",
- "version": 1
- },
- {
- "location_id": "18YC4JDH91E1H",
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "version": 182
- },
- {
- "location_id": "057P5VYJ4A5X1",
- "order_id": "CAISEM52YcpmcWAzERDOyiWS3ty",
- "version": 182
- }
- ],
- "orders": [
- {
- "id": "id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id2",
- "location_id": "location_id6",
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id0",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Search Orders Sort Field
-Specifies which timestamp to use to sort `SearchOrder` results.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CREATED_AT` | The time when the order was created, in RFC-3339 format. If you are also
filtering for a time range in this query, you must set the `CREATED_AT`
field in your `DateTimeFilter`. |
-| `UPDATED_AT` | The time when the order last updated, in RFC-3339 format. If you are also
filtering for a time range in this query, you must set the `UPDATED_AT`
field in your `DateTimeFilter`. |
-| `CLOSED_AT` | The time when the order was closed, in RFC-3339 format. If you use this
value, you must also set a `StateFilter` with closed states. If you are also
filtering for a time range in this query, you must set the `CLOSED_AT`
field in your `DateTimeFilter`. |
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-# Search Orders Sort
-Sorting criteria for a `SearchOrders` request. Results can only be sorted
-by a timestamp field.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sortField` | [`string(SearchOrdersSortField)`](../../doc/models/search-orders-sort-field.md) | Required | Specifies which timestamp to use to sort `SearchOrder` results. | getSortField(): string | setSortField(string sortField): void |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "sort_field": "CREATED_AT",
- "sort_order": "DESC"
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-# Search Orders Source Filter
-A filter based on order `source` information.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sourceNames` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Filters by the [Source](entity:OrderSource) `name`. The filter returns any orders
with a `source.name` that matches any of the listed source names.
Max: 10 source names. | getSourceNames(): ?array | setSourceNames(?array sourceNames): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "source_names": [
- "source_names4",
- "source_names5",
- "source_names6"
- ]
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-# Search Orders State Filter
-Filter by the current order `state`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `states` | [`string(OrderState)[]`](../../doc/models/order-state.md) | Required | States to filter for.
See [OrderState](#type-orderstate) for possible values | getStates(): array | setStates(array states): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "states": [
- "DRAFT",
- "OPEN"
- ]
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-# Search Shifts Request
-A request for a filtered and sorted set of `Shift` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?ShiftQuery`](../../doc/models/shift-query.md) | Optional | The parameters of a `Shift` search query, which includes filter and sort options. | getQuery(): ?ShiftQuery | setQuery(?ShiftQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The number of resources in a page (200 by default).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 200` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | An opaque cursor for fetching the next page. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 100,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "workday": {
- "date_range": {
- "end_date": "2019-02-03",
- "start_date": "2019-01-20"
- },
- "default_timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "match_shifts_by": "START_AT"
- },
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4"
- ],
- "employee_ids": [
- "employee_ids9"
- ],
- "status": "OPEN",
- "start": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "end": {
- "start_at": "start_at0",
- "end_at": "end_at2"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "START_AT",
- "order": "DESC"
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# Search Shifts Response
-The response to a request for `Shift` objects. The response contains
-the requested `Shift` objects and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `shifts` | [`?(Shift[])`](../../doc/models/shift.md) | Optional | Shifts. | getShifts(): ?array | setShifts(?array shifts): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | An opaque cursor for fetching the next page. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "shifts": [
- {
- "breaks": [
- {
- "break_type_id": "REGS1EQR1TPZ5",
- "end_at": "2019-01-21T06:11:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT10M",
- "id": "SJW7X6AKEJQ65",
- "is_paid": true,
- "name": "Tea Break",
- "start_at": "2019-01-21T06:11:00-05:00"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2019-01-24T01:12:03Z",
- "declared_cash_tip_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "employee_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "end_at": "2019-01-21T13:11:00-05:00",
- "id": "X714F3HA6D1PT",
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "start_at": "2019-01-21T03:11:00-05:00",
- "status": "CLOSED",
- "team_member_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-07T22:21:08Z",
- "version": 6,
- "wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FzbJAtt9qEWncK1BWgVCxQ6M",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Barista"
- }
- },
- {
- "breaks": [
- {
- "break_type_id": "WQX00VR99F53J",
- "end_at": "2019-01-23T14:40:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT10M",
- "id": "BKS6VR7WR748A",
- "is_paid": true,
- "name": "Tea Break",
- "start_at": "2019-01-23T14:30:00-05:00"
- },
- {
- "break_type_id": "P6Q468ZFRN1AC",
- "end_at": "2019-01-22T12:44:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT15M",
- "id": "BQFEZSHFZSC51",
- "is_paid": false,
- "name": "Coffee Break",
- "start_at": "2019-01-22T12:30:00-05:00"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2019-01-23T23:32:45Z",
- "declared_cash_tip_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "employee_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "end_at": "2019-01-22T13:02:00-05:00",
- "id": "GDHYBZYWK0P2V",
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "start_at": "2019-01-22T12:02:00-05:00",
- "status": "CLOSED",
- "team_member_id": "33fJchumvVdJwxV0H6L9",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "updated_at": "2019-01-24T00:56:25Z",
- "version": 16,
- "wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1600,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "gcbz15vKGnMKmaWJJ152kjim",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cook"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Search Subscriptions Filter
-Represents a set of query expressions (filters) to narrow the scope of targeted subscriptions returned by
-the [SearchSubscriptions](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#search-subscriptions) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A filter to select subscriptions based on the subscribing customer IDs. | getCustomerIds(): ?array | setCustomerIds(?array customerIds): void |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A filter to select subscriptions based on the location. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `sourceNames` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A filter to select subscriptions based on the source application. | getSourceNames(): ?array | setSourceNames(?array sourceNames): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids1",
- "customer_ids2"
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4",
- "location_ids5",
- "location_ids6"
- ],
- "source_names": [
- "source_names2",
- "source_names3",
- "source_names4"
- ]
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-# Search Subscriptions Query
-Represents a query, consisting of specified query expressions, used to search for subscriptions.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?SearchSubscriptionsFilter`](../../doc/models/search-subscriptions-filter.md) | Optional | Represents a set of query expressions (filters) to narrow the scope of targeted subscriptions returned by
the [SearchSubscriptions](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#search-subscriptions) endpoint. | getFilter(): ?SearchSubscriptionsFilter | setFilter(?SearchSubscriptionsFilter filter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "customer_ids": [
- "customer_ids3",
- "customer_ids2"
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4"
- ],
- "source_names": [
- "source_names2"
- ]
- }
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-# Search Subscriptions Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-[SearchSubscriptions](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#search-subscriptions) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When the total number of resulting subscriptions exceeds the limit of a paged response,
specify the cursor returned from a preceding response here to fetch the next set of results.
If the cursor is unset, the response contains the last page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The upper limit on the number of subscriptions to return
in a paged response.
**Constraints**: `>= 1` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `query` | [`?SearchSubscriptionsQuery`](../../doc/models/search-subscriptions-query.md) | Optional | Represents a query, consisting of specified query expressions, used to search for subscriptions. | getQuery(): ?SearchSubscriptionsQuery | setQuery(?SearchSubscriptionsQuery query): void |
-| `include` | `?(string[])` | Optional | An option to include related information in the response.
The supported values are:
- `actions`: to include scheduled actions on the targeted subscriptions. | getInclude(): ?array | setInclude(?array include): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "customer_ids": [
- ],
- "location_ids": [
- "S8GWD5R9QB376"
- ],
- "source_names": [
- "My App"
- ]
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor6",
- "limit": 230,
- "include": [
- "include8"
- ]
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-# Search Subscriptions Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-[SearchSubscriptions](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#search-subscriptions) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscriptions` | [`?(Subscription[])`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | The subscriptions matching the specified query expressions. | getSubscriptions(): ?array | setSubscriptions(?array subscriptions): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | When the total number of resulting subscription exceeds the limit of a paged response,
the response includes a cursor for you to use in a subsequent request to fetch the next set of results.
If the cursor is unset, the response contains the last page of the results.
For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscriptions": [
- {
- "canceled_date": "2021-10-30",
- "card_id": "ccof:mueUsvgajChmjEbp4GB",
- "charged_through_date": "2021-11-20",
- "created_at": "2021-10-20T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "de86fc96-8664-474b-af1a-abbe59cacf0e",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "paid_until_date": "2021-11-20",
- "plan_variation_id": "L3TJVDHVBEQEGQDEZL2JJM7R",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2021-10-20",
- "status": "CANCELED",
- "timezone": "UTC"
- },
- {
- "charged_through_date": "2022-08-19",
- "created_at": "2022-01-19T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "56214fb2-cc85-47a1-93bc-44f3766bb56f",
- "invoice_ids": [
- "grebK0Q_l8H4fqoMMVvt-Q",
- "rcX_i3sNmHTGKhI4W2mceA"
- ],
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "price_override_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2022-01-19",
- "status": "PAUSED",
- "tax_percentage": "5",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 2
- },
- {
- "card_id": "ccof:qy5x8hHGYsgLrp4Q4GB",
- "created_at": "2023-06-20T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "56214fb2-cc85-47a1-93bc-44f3766bb56f",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "U2NaowWxzXwpsZU697x7ZHOAnCNZY",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "plan_phase_uid": "X2Q2AONPB3RB64Y27S25QCZP",
- "uid": "873451e0-745b-4e87-ab0b-c574933fe616"
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "6JHXF3B2CW3YKHDV4XEM674H",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2023-06-20",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 1
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor2"
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-# Search Team Members Filter
-Represents a filter used in a search for `TeamMember` objects. `AND` logic is applied
-between the individual fields, and `OR` logic is applied within list-based fields.
-For example, setting this filter value:
-filter = (locations_ids = ["A", "B"], status = ACTIVE)
-returns only active team members assigned to either location "A" or "B".
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | When present, filters by team members assigned to the specified locations.
When empty, includes team members assigned to any location. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(TeamMemberStatus)`](../../doc/models/team-member-status.md) | Optional | Enumerates the possible statuses the team member can have within a business. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `isOwner` | `?bool` | Optional | When present and set to true, returns the team member who is the owner of the Square account. | getIsOwner(): ?bool | setIsOwner(?bool isOwner): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids6"
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "is_owner": false
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-# Search Team Members Query
-Represents the parameters in a search for `TeamMember` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?SearchTeamMembersFilter`](../../doc/models/search-team-members-filter.md) | Optional | Represents a filter used in a search for `TeamMember` objects. `AND` logic is applied
between the individual fields, and `OR` logic is applied within list-based fields.
For example, setting this filter value:
filter = (locations_ids = ["A", "B"], status = ACTIVE)
returns only active team members assigned to either location "A" or "B". | getFilter(): ?SearchTeamMembersFilter | setFilter(?SearchTeamMembersFilter filter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4"
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "is_owner": false
- }
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-# Search Team Members Request
-Represents a search request for a filtered list of `TeamMember` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?SearchTeamMembersQuery`](../../doc/models/search-team-members-query.md) | Optional | Represents the parameters in a search for `TeamMember` objects. | getQuery(): ?SearchTeamMembersQuery | setQuery(?SearchTeamMembersQuery query): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of `TeamMember` objects in a page (100 by default).
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 200` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The opaque cursor for fetching the next page. For more information, see
[pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 10,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "location_ids": [
- ],
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "is_owner": false
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# Search Team Members Response
-Represents a response from a search request containing a filtered list of `TeamMember` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMembers` | [`?(TeamMember[])`](../../doc/models/team-member.md) | Optional | The filtered list of `TeamMember` objects. | getTeamMembers(): ?array | setTeamMembers(?array teamMembers): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The opaque cursor for fetching the next page. For more information, see
[pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination). | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "cursor": "N:9UglUjOXQ13-hMFypCft",
- "team_members": [
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2019-07-10T17:26:48Z",
- "email_address": "johnny_cash@squareup.com",
- "family_name": "Cash",
- "given_name": "Johnny",
- "id": "-3oZQKPKVk6gUXU_V5Qa",
- "is_owner": false,
- "reference_id": "12345678",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-28T21:49:28Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1443,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P",
- "job_title": "Manager",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "-3oZQKPKVk6gUXU_V5Qa",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 1
- }
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:01Z",
- "family_name": "Smith",
- "given_name": "Lombard",
- "id": "1AVJj0DjkzbmbJw5r4KK",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14155552671",
- "reference_id": "abcded",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-09T17:38:05Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:01Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "1AVJj0DjkzbmbJw5r4KK",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-09T17:38:05Z",
- "version": 2
- }
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T01:09:25Z",
- "family_name": "Sway",
- "given_name": "Monica",
- "id": "2JCmiJol_KKFs9z2Evim",
- "is_owner": false,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T01:11:25Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T01:09:25Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "2JCmiJol_KKFs9z2Evim",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T01:09:25Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T01:09:23Z",
- "family_name": "Ipsum",
- "given_name": "Elton",
- "id": "4uXcJQSLtbk3F0UQHFNQ",
- "is_owner": false,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T01:15:23Z",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T01:09:23Z",
- "family_name": "Lo",
- "given_name": "Steven",
- "id": "5CoUpyrw1YwGWcRd-eDL",
- "is_owner": false,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T01:19:23Z",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:03Z",
- "family_name": "Steward",
- "given_name": "Patrick",
- "id": "5MRPTTp8MMBLVSmzrGha",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14155552671",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:18:03Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:03Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "5MRPTTp8MMBLVSmzrGha",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:03Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T01:09:25Z",
- "family_name": "Manny",
- "given_name": "Ivy",
- "id": "7F5ZxsfRnkexhu1PTbfh",
- "is_owner": false,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T01:09:25Z",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:02Z",
- "email_address": "john_smith@example.com",
- "family_name": "Smith",
- "given_name": "John",
- "id": "808X9HR72yKvVaigQXf4",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14155552671",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:02Z",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:00Z",
- "email_address": "r_wen@example.com",
- "family_name": "Wen",
- "given_name": "Robert",
- "id": "9MVDVoY4hazkWKGo_OuZ",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14155552671",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:00Z",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- },
- {
- "assigned_locations": {
- },
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:00Z",
- "email_address": "asimpson@example.com",
- "family_name": "Simpson",
- "given_name": "Ashley",
- "id": "9UglUjOXQ13-hMFypCft",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14155552671",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:18:00Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:00Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "9UglUjOXQ13-hMFypCft",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-24T18:14:03Z",
- "version": 1
- },
- "reference_id": "reference_id4"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Search Terminal Actions Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?TerminalActionQuery`](../../doc/models/terminal-action-query.md) | Optional | - | getQuery(): ?TerminalActionQuery | setQuery(?TerminalActionQuery query): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more
information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | Limit the number of results returned for a single request.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 2,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "2022-04-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "status": "status6",
- "type": "SAVE_CARD"
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_order": "DESC"
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Terminal Actions Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `action` | [`?(TerminalAction[])`](../../doc/models/terminal-action.md) | Optional | The requested search result of `TerminalAction`s. | getAction(): ?array | setAction(?array action): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more
information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": [
- {
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2022-04-08T15:14:04.895Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
- "id": "termapia:oBGWlAats8xWCiCE",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "save_card_options": {
- "customer_id": "CUSTOMER_ID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1"
- },
- "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
- "type": "SAVE_CARD",
- "updated_at": "2022-04-08T15:14:05.446Z",
- "cancel_reason": "TIMED_OUT"
- },
- {
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2022-04-08T15:14:01.210Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "DEVICE_ID",
- "id": "termapia:K2NY2YSSml3lTiCE",
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID",
- "save_card_options": {
- "card_id": "ccof:CARD_ID",
- "customer_id": "CUSTOMER_ID",
- "reference_id": "user-id-1"
- },
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "type": "SAVE_CARD",
- "updated_at": "2022-04-08T15:14:09.861Z",
- "cancel_reason": "TIMED_OUT"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "CURSOR",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Search Terminal Checkouts Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?TerminalCheckoutQuery`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout-query.md) | Optional | - | getQuery(): ?TerminalCheckoutQuery | setQuery(?TerminalCheckoutQuery query): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | Limits the number of results returned for a single request.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 2,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_order": "DESC"
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Terminal Checkouts Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `checkouts` | [`?(TerminalCheckout[])`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout.md) | Optional | The requested search result of `TerminalCheckout` objects. | getCheckouts(): ?array | setCheckouts(?array checkouts): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "checkouts": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2610,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2020-03-31T18:13:15.921Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_options": {
- "device_id": "dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
- "skip_receipt_screen": false,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "collect_signature": false,
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- },
- "id": "tsQPvzwBpMqqO",
- "note": "A brief note",
- "payment_ids": [
- "rXnhZzywrEk4vR6pw76fPZfgvaB"
- ],
- "reference_id": "id14467",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-31T18:13:52.725Z",
- "order_id": "order_id2",
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- }
- },
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 2610,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "app_id": "APP_ID",
- "created_at": "2020-03-31T18:08:31.882Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_options": {
- "device_id": "dbb5d83a-7838-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
- "skip_receipt_screen": true,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "collect_signature": false,
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- },
- "id": "XlOPTgcEhrbqO",
- "note": "A brief note",
- "payment_ids": [
- "VYBF861PaoKPP7Pih0TlbZiNvaB"
- ],
- "reference_id": "id41623",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updated_at": "2020-03-31T18:08:41.635Z",
- "order_id": "order_id2",
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "RiTJqBoTuXlbLmmrPvEkX9iG7XnQ4W4RjGnH",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Search Terminal Refunds Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `query` | [`?TerminalRefundQuery`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund-query.md) | Optional | - | getQuery(): ?TerminalRefundQuery | setQuery(?TerminalRefundQuery query): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | Limits the number of results returned for a single request.
**Constraints**: `>= 1`, `<= 100` | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "limit": 1,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_order": "sort_order8"
- }
- },
- "cursor": "cursor4"
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-# Search Terminal Refunds Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `refunds` | [`?(TerminalRefund[])`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund.md) | Optional | The requested search result of `TerminalRefund` objects. | getRefunds(): ?array | setRefunds(?array refunds): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If empty,
this is the final response.
See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination) for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "refunds": [
- {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 111,
- "currency": "CAD"
- },
- "app_id": "sandbox-sq0idb-c2OuYt13YaCAeJq_2cd8OQ",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "INTERAC",
- "card_type": "CREDIT",
- "exp_month": 1,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-B1fP9MNNmZgVVaPKRND6oDKYbz25S2cTvg9Mzwg3RMTK1zT1PiGRT-AE3nTA8vSmmw",
- "last_4": "1111"
- },
- "created_at": "2020-09-29T15:21:46.771Z",
- "deadline_duration": "PT5M",
- "device_id": "f72dfb8e-4d65-4e56-aade-ec3fb8d33291",
- "id": "009DP5HD-5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "location_id": "76C9W6K8CNNQ5",
- "order_id": "kcuKDKreRaI4gF4TjmEgZjHk8Z7YY",
- "payment_id": "5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY",
- "reason": "Returning item",
- "refund_id": "5O5OvgkcNUhl7JBuINflcjKqUzXZY_43Q4iGp7sNeATiWrUruA1EYeMRUXaddXXlDDJ1EQLvb",
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "updated_at": "2020-09-29T15:21:48.675Z"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# Search Vendors Request Filter
-Defines supported query expressions to search for vendors by.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The names of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor) objects to retrieve. | getName(): ?array | setName(?array name): void |
-| `status` | [`?(string(VendorStatus)[])`](../../doc/models/vendor-status.md) | Optional | The statuses of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor) objects to retrieve.
See [VendorStatus](#type-vendorstatus) for possible values | getStatus(): ?array | setStatus(?array status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": [
- "name4",
- "name5",
- "name6"
- ],
- "status": [
- ]
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-# Search Vendors Request Sort Field
-The field to sort the returned [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) objects by.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `NAME` | To sort the result by the name of the [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) objects. |
-| `CREATED_AT` | To sort the result by the creation time of the [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) objects. |
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-# Search Vendors Request Sort
-Defines a sorter used to sort results from [SearchVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#search-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `field` | [`?string(SearchVendorsRequestSortField)`](../../doc/models/search-vendors-request-sort-field.md) | Optional | The field to sort the returned [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) objects by. | getField(): ?string | setField(?string field): void |
-| `order` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getOrder(): ?string | setOrder(?string order): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "field": "NAME",
- "order": "DESC"
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-# Search Vendors Request
-Represents an input into a call to [SearchVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#search-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?SearchVendorsRequestFilter`](../../doc/models/search-vendors-request-filter.md) | Optional | Defines supported query expressions to search for vendors by. | getFilter(): ?SearchVendorsRequestFilter | setFilter(?SearchVendorsRequestFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?SearchVendorsRequestSort`](../../doc/models/search-vendors-request-sort.md) | Optional | Defines a sorter used to sort results from [SearchVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#search-vendors). | getSort(): ?SearchVendorsRequestSort | setSort(?SearchVendorsRequestSort sort): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "name": [
- "Joe's Fresh Seafood",
- "Hannah's Bakery"
- ],
- "status": [
- ]
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "CREATED_AT",
- "order": "ASC"
- }
- },
- "filter": {
- "name": [
- "name4",
- "name5",
- "name6"
- ],
- "status": [
- ]
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "NAME",
- "order": "DESC"
- },
- "cursor": "cursor0"
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-# Search Vendors Response
-Represents an output from a call to [SearchVendors](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#search-vendors).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered when the request fails. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `vendors` | [`?(Vendor[])`](../../doc/models/vendor.md) | Optional | The [Vendor](entity:Vendor) objects matching the specified search filter. | getVendors(): ?array | setVendors(?array vendors): void |
-| `cursor` | `?string` | Optional | The pagination cursor to be used in a subsequent request. If unset,
this is the final response.
See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/pagination) guide for more information. | getCursor(): ?string | setCursor(?string cursor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "vendors": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4",
- "name": "name8",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4",
- "name": "name8",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- ],
- "cursor": "cursor8"
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-# Segment Filter
-A query filter to search for buyer-accessible appointment segments by.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `serviceVariationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation) object representing the service booked in this segment.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `36` | getServiceVariationId(): string | setServiceVariationId(string serviceVariationId): void |
-| `teamMemberIdFilter` | [`?FilterValue`](../../doc/models/filter-value.md) | Optional | A filter to select resources based on an exact field value. For any given
value, the value can only be in one property. Depending on the field, either
all properties can be set or only a subset will be available.
Refer to the documentation of the field. | getTeamMemberIdFilter(): ?FilterValue | setTeamMemberIdFilter(?FilterValue teamMemberIdFilter): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "service_variation_id": "service_variation_id0",
- "team_member_id_filter": {
- "all": [
- "all5",
- "all6",
- "all7"
- ],
- "any": [
- "any2",
- "any3",
- "any4"
- ],
- "none": [
- "none7",
- "none8"
- ]
- }
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-# Select Option
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `referenceId` | `string` | Required | The reference id for the option.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReferenceId(): string | setReferenceId(string referenceId): void |
-| `title` | `string` | Required | The title text that displays in the select option button.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getTitle(): string | setTitle(string title): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "title": "title8"
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-# Select Options
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `title` | `string` | Required | The title text to display in the select flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getTitle(): string | setTitle(string title): void |
-| `body` | `string` | Required | The body text to display in the select flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `10000` | getBody(): string | setBody(string body): void |
-| `options` | [`SelectOption[]`](../../doc/models/select-option.md) | Required | Represents the buttons/options that should be displayed in the select flow on the Terminal. | getOptions(): array | setOptions(array options): void |
-| `selectedOption` | [`?SelectOption`](../../doc/models/select-option.md) | Optional | - | getSelectedOption(): ?SelectOption | setSelectedOption(?SelectOption selectedOption): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "title": "title0",
- "body": "body0",
- "options": [
- {
- "reference_id": "reference_id0",
- "title": "title2"
- }
- ],
- "selected_option": {
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "title": "title8"
- }
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-# Shift Filter Status
-Specifies the `status` of `Shift` records to be returned.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OPEN` | Shifts that have been started and not ended. |
-| `CLOSED` | Shifts that have been started and ended. |
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-# Shift Filter
-Defines a filter used in a search for `Shift` records. `AND` logic is
-used by Square's servers to apply each filter property specified.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Fetch shifts for the specified location. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-| `employeeIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Fetch shifts for the specified employees. DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Use `team_member_ids` instead. | getEmployeeIds(): ?array | setEmployeeIds(?array employeeIds): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(ShiftFilterStatus)`](../../doc/models/shift-filter-status.md) | Optional | Specifies the `status` of `Shift` records to be returned. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `start` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getStart(): ?TimeRange | setStart(?TimeRange start): void |
-| `end` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getEnd(): ?TimeRange | setEnd(?TimeRange end): void |
-| `workday` | [`?ShiftWorkday`](../../doc/models/shift-workday.md) | Optional | A `Shift` search query filter parameter that sets a range of days that
a `Shift` must start or end in before passing the filter condition. | getWorkday(): ?ShiftWorkday | setWorkday(?ShiftWorkday workday): void |
-| `teamMemberIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | Fetch shifts for the specified team members. Replaced `employee_ids` at version "2020-08-26". | getTeamMemberIds(): ?array | setTeamMemberIds(?array teamMemberIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids8",
- "location_ids9",
- "location_ids0"
- ],
- "employee_ids": [
- "employee_ids3",
- "employee_ids4",
- "employee_ids5"
- ],
- "status": "OPEN",
- "start": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "end": {
- "start_at": "start_at0",
- "end_at": "end_at2"
- }
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-# Shift Query
-The parameters of a `Shift` search query, which includes filter and sort options.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?ShiftFilter`](../../doc/models/shift-filter.md) | Optional | Defines a filter used in a search for `Shift` records. `AND` logic is
used by Square's servers to apply each filter property specified. | getFilter(): ?ShiftFilter | setFilter(?ShiftFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?ShiftSort`](../../doc/models/shift-sort.md) | Optional | Sets the sort order of search results. | getSort(): ?ShiftSort | setSort(?ShiftSort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4"
- ],
- "employee_ids": [
- "employee_ids9"
- ],
- "status": "OPEN",
- "start": {
- "start_at": "start_at6",
- "end_at": "end_at6"
- },
- "end": {
- "start_at": "start_at0",
- "end_at": "end_at2"
- }
- },
- "sort": {
- "field": "START_AT",
- "order": "DESC"
- }
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-# Shift Sort Field
-Enumerates the `Shift` fields to sort on.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `START_AT` | The start date/time of a `Shift` |
-| `END_AT` | The end date/time of a `Shift` |
-| `CREATED_AT` | The date/time that a `Shift` is created |
-| `UPDATED_AT` | The most recent date/time that a `Shift` is updated |
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-# Shift Sort
-Sets the sort order of search results.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `field` | [`?string(ShiftSortField)`](../../doc/models/shift-sort-field.md) | Optional | Enumerates the `Shift` fields to sort on. | getField(): ?string | setField(?string field): void |
-| `order` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getOrder(): ?string | setOrder(?string order): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "field": "START_AT",
- "order": "DESC"
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-# Shift Status
-Enumerates the possible status of a `Shift`.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `OPEN` | Employee started a work shift and the shift is not complete |
-| `CLOSED` | Employee started and ended a work shift. |
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-# Shift Wage
-The hourly wage rate used to compensate an employee for this shift.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `title` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the job performed during this shift. | getTitle(): ?string | setTitle(?string title): void |
-| `hourlyRate` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getHourlyRate(): ?Money | setHourlyRate(?Money hourlyRate): void |
-| `jobId` | `?string` | Optional | The id of the job performed during this shift. Square
labor-reporting UIs might group shifts together by id. This cannot be used to retrieve the job. | getJobId(): ?string | setJobId(?string jobId): void |
-| `tipEligible` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether team members are eligible for tips when working this job. | getTipEligible(): ?bool | setTipEligible(?bool tipEligible): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "title": "title6",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "job_id": "job_id2",
- "tip_eligible": false
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-# Shift Workday Matcher
-Defines the logic used to apply a workday filter.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `START_AT` | All shifts that start on or after the specified workday |
-| `END_AT` | All shifts that end on or before the specified workday |
-| `INTERSECTION` | All shifts that start between the start and end workdays (inclusive) |
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-# Shift Workday
-A `Shift` search query filter parameter that sets a range of days that
-a `Shift` must start or end in before passing the filter condition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `dateRange` | [`?DateRange`](../../doc/models/date-range.md) | Optional | A range defined by two dates. Used for filtering a query for Connect v2
objects that have date properties. | getDateRange(): ?DateRange | setDateRange(?DateRange dateRange): void |
-| `matchShiftsBy` | [`?string(ShiftWorkdayMatcher)`](../../doc/models/shift-workday-matcher.md) | Optional | Defines the logic used to apply a workday filter. | getMatchShiftsBy(): ?string | setMatchShiftsBy(?string matchShiftsBy): void |
-| `defaultTimezone` | `?string` | Optional | Location-specific timezones convert workdays to datetime filters.
Every location included in the query must have a timezone or this field
must be provided as a fallback. Format: the IANA timezone database
identifier for the relevant timezone. | getDefaultTimezone(): ?string | setDefaultTimezone(?string defaultTimezone): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "date_range": {
- "start_date": "start_date6",
- "end_date": "end_date2"
- },
- "match_shifts_by": "END_AT",
- "default_timezone": "default_timezone2"
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-# Shift
-A record of the hourly rate, start, and end times for a single work shift
-for an employee. This might include a record of the start and end times for breaks
-taken during the shift.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The UUID for this object.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the employee this shift belongs to. DEPRECATED at version 2020-08-26. Use `team_member_id` instead. | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `locationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the location this shift occurred at. The location should be based on
where the employee clocked in.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getLocationId(): string | setLocationId(string locationId): void |
-| `timezone` | `?string` | Optional | The read-only convenience value that is calculated from the location based
on the `location_id`. Format: the IANA timezone database identifier for the
location timezone. | getTimezone(): ?string | setTimezone(?string timezone): void |
-| `startAt` | `string` | Required | RFC 3339; shifted to the location timezone + offset. Precision up to the
minute is respected; seconds are truncated.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getStartAt(): string | setStartAt(string startAt): void |
-| `endAt` | `?string` | Optional | RFC 3339; shifted to the timezone + offset. Precision up to the minute is
respected; seconds are truncated. | getEndAt(): ?string | setEndAt(?string endAt): void |
-| `wage` | [`?ShiftWage`](../../doc/models/shift-wage.md) | Optional | The hourly wage rate used to compensate an employee for this shift. | getWage(): ?ShiftWage | setWage(?ShiftWage wage): void |
-| `breaks` | [`?(MBreak[])`](../../doc/models/m-break.md) | Optional | A list of all the paid or unpaid breaks that were taken during this shift. | getBreaks(): ?array | setBreaks(?array breaks): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(ShiftStatus)`](../../doc/models/shift-status.md) | Optional | Enumerates the possible status of a `Shift`. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | Used for resolving concurrency issues. The request fails if the version
provided does not match the server version at the time of the request. If not provided,
Square executes a blind write; potentially overwriting data from another
write. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format; presented in UTC. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format; presented in UTC. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the team member this shift belongs to. Replaced `employee_id` at version "2020-08-26". | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `declaredCashTipMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getDeclaredCashTipMoney(): ?Money | setDeclaredCashTipMoney(?Money declaredCashTipMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "employee_id": "employee_id0",
- "location_id": "location_id4",
- "timezone": "timezone0",
- "start_at": "start_at2",
- "end_at": "end_at0",
- "wage": {
- "title": "title8",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "job_id": "job_id0",
- "tip_eligible": false
- }
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-# Shipping Fee
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name for the shipping fee. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `charge` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getCharge(): Money | setCharge(Money charge): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name6",
- "charge": {
- "amount": 80,
- "currency": "TTD"
- }
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-# Signature Image
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `imageType` | `?string` | Optional | The mime/type of the image data.
Use `image/png;base64` for png. | getImageType(): ?string | setImageType(?string imageType): void |
-| `data` | `?string` | Optional | The base64 representation of the image. | getData(): ?string | setData(?string data): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "image_type": "image_type4",
- "data": "data8"
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-# Signature Options
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `title` | `string` | Required | The title text to display in the signature capture flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `250` | getTitle(): string | setTitle(string title): void |
-| `body` | `string` | Required | The body text to display in the signature capture flow on the Terminal.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `10000` | getBody(): string | setBody(string body): void |
-| `signature` | [`?(SignatureImage[])`](../../doc/models/signature-image.md) | Optional | An image representation of the collected signature. | getSignature(): ?array | setSignature(?array signature): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "title": "title2",
- "body": "body8",
- "signature": [
- {
- "image_type": "image_type4",
- "data": "data8"
- },
- {
- "image_type": "image_type4",
- "data": "data8"
- },
- {
- "image_type": "image_type4",
- "data": "data8"
- }
- ]
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-# Site
-Represents a Square Online site, which is an online store for a Square seller.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the site.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `siteTitle` | `?string` | Optional | The title of the site. | getSiteTitle(): ?string | setSiteTitle(?string siteTitle): void |
-| `domain` | `?string` | Optional | The domain of the site (without the protocol). For example, `mysite1.square.site`. | getDomain(): ?string | setDomain(?string domain): void |
-| `isPublished` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the site is published. | getIsPublished(): ?bool | setIsPublished(?bool isPublished): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the site was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the site was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "site_title": "site_title6",
- "domain": "domain6",
- "is_published": false,
- "created_at": "created_at8"
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-# Snippet Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `snippet` | [`?Snippet`](../../doc/models/snippet.md) | Optional | Represents the snippet that is added to a Square Online site. The snippet code is injected into the `head` element of all pages on the site, except for checkout pages. | getSnippet(): ?Snippet | setSnippet(?Snippet snippet): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "snippet": {
- "id": "id0",
- "site_id": "site_id6",
- "content": "content4",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4"
- }
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-# Snippet
-Represents the snippet that is added to a Square Online site. The snippet code is injected into the `head` element of all pages on the site, except for checkout pages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID for the snippet.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `48` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `siteId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the site that contains the snippet. | getSiteId(): ?string | setSiteId(?string siteId): void |
-| `content` | `string` | Required | The snippet code, which can contain valid HTML, JavaScript, or both.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `65535` | getContent(): string | setContent(string content): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the snippet was initially added to the site, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the snippet was last updated on the site, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "site_id": "site_id8",
- "content": "content6",
- "created_at": "created_at0",
- "updated_at": "updated_at8"
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-# Sort Order
-The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `DESC` | The results are returned in descending (e.g., newest-first or Z-A) order. |
-| `ASC` | The results are returned in ascending (e.g., oldest-first or A-Z) order. |
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-# Source Application
-Represents information about the application used to generate a change.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `product` | [`?string(Product)`](../../doc/models/product.md) | Optional | Indicates the Square product used to generate a change. | getProduct(): ?string | setProduct(?string product): void |
-| `applicationId` | `?string` | Optional | __Read only__ The Square-assigned ID of the application. This field is used only if the
[product](entity:Product) type is `EXTERNAL_API`. | getApplicationId(): ?string | setApplicationId(?string applicationId): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | __Read only__ The display name of the application
(for example, `"Custom Application"` or `"Square POS 4.74 for Android"`). | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "product": "INVOICES",
- "application_id": "application_id0",
- "name": "name4"
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-# Square Account Details
-Additional details about Square Account payments.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentSourceToken` | `?string` | Optional | Unique identifier for the payment source used for this payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getPaymentSourceToken(): ?string | setPaymentSourceToken(?string paymentSourceToken): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_source_token": "payment_source_token8",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Standard Unit Description Group
-Group of standard measurement units.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `standardUnitDescriptions` | [`?(StandardUnitDescription[])`](../../doc/models/standard-unit-description.md) | Optional | List of standard (non-custom) measurement units in this description group. | getStandardUnitDescriptions(): ?array | setStandardUnitDescriptions(?array standardUnitDescriptions): void |
-| `languageCode` | `?string` | Optional | IETF language tag. | getLanguageCode(): ?string | setLanguageCode(?string languageCode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "standard_unit_descriptions": [
- {
- "unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_MILLILITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_STONE"
- },
- "name": "name4",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation6"
- },
- {
- "unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_MILLILITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_STONE"
- },
- "name": "name4",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation6"
- },
- {
- "unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_MILLILITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_STONE"
- },
- "name": "name4",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation6"
- }
- ],
- "language_code": "language_code4"
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-# Standard Unit Description
-Contains the name and abbreviation for standard measurement unit.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `unit` | [`?MeasurementUnit`](../../doc/models/measurement-unit.md) | Optional | Represents a unit of measurement to use with a quantity, such as ounces
or inches. Exactly one of the following fields are required: `custom_unit`,
`area_unit`, `length_unit`, `volume_unit`, and `weight_unit`. | getUnit(): ?MeasurementUnit | setUnit(?MeasurementUnit unit): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | UI display name of the measurement unit. For example, 'Pound'. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `abbreviation` | `?string` | Optional | UI display abbreviation for the measurement unit. For example, 'lb'. | getAbbreviation(): ?string | setAbbreviation(?string abbreviation): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_MILLILITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_STONE"
- },
- "name": "name4",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation6"
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-# Submit Evidence Response
-Defines the fields in a `SubmitEvidence` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `dispute` | [`?Dispute`](../../doc/models/dispute.md) | Optional | Represents a [dispute](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/disputes-api/overview) a cardholder initiated with their bank. | getDispute(): ?Dispute | setDispute(?Dispute dispute): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "dispute": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 4350,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "brand_dispute_id": "100000399240",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "created_at": "2022-05-18T16:02:15.313Z",
- "disputed_payment": {
- "payment_id": "2yeBUWJzllJTpmnSqtMRAL19taB"
- },
- "due_at": "2022-06-01T00:00:00.000Z",
- "id": "EAZoK70gX3fyvibecLwIGB",
- "location_id": "LSY8XKGSMMX94",
- "reported_at": "2022-05-18T00:00:00.000Z",
- "state": "PROCESSING",
- "updated_at": "2022-05-18T16:02:15.313Z",
- "version": 4,
- "dispute_id": "dispute_id8"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Subscription Action Type
-Supported types of an action as a pending change to a subscription.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CANCEL` | The action to execute a scheduled cancellation of a subscription. |
-| `PAUSE` | The action to execute a scheduled pause of a subscription. |
-| `RESUME` | The action to execute a scheduled resumption of a subscription. |
-| `SWAP_PLAN` | The action to execute a scheduled swap of a subscription plan in a subscription. |
-| `CHANGE_BILLING_ANCHOR_DATE` | A billing anchor date change action. |
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-# Subscription Action
-Represents an action as a pending change to a subscription.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of an action scoped to a subscription. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(SubscriptionActionType)`](../../doc/models/subscription-action-type.md) | Optional | Supported types of an action as a pending change to a subscription. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `effectiveDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date when the action occurs on the subscription. | getEffectiveDate(): ?string | setEffectiveDate(?string effectiveDate): void |
-| `monthlyBillingAnchorDate` | `?int` | Optional | The new billing anchor day value, for a `CHANGE_BILLING_ANCHOR_DATE` action. | getMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(): ?int | setMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(?int monthlyBillingAnchorDate): void |
-| `phases` | [`?(Phase[])`](../../doc/models/phase.md) | Optional | A list of Phases, to pass phase-specific information used in the swap. | getPhases(): ?array | setPhases(?array phases): void |
-| `newPlanVariationId` | `?string` | Optional | The target subscription plan variation that a subscription switches to, for a `SWAP_PLAN` action. | getNewPlanVariationId(): ?string | setNewPlanVariationId(?string newPlanVariationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "type": "SWAP_PLAN",
- "effective_date": "effective_date2",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 18,
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ]
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-# Subscription Cadence
-Determines the billing cadence of a [Subscription](../../doc/models/subscription.md)
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `DAILY` | Once per day |
-| `WEEKLY` | Once per week |
-| `EVERY_TWO_WEEKS` | Every two weeks |
-| `THIRTY_DAYS` | Once every 30 days |
-| `SIXTY_DAYS` | Once every 60 days |
-| `NINETY_DAYS` | Once every 90 days |
-| `MONTHLY` | Once per month |
-| `EVERY_TWO_MONTHS` | Once every two months |
-| `QUARTERLY` | Once every three months |
-| `EVERY_FOUR_MONTHS` | Once every four months |
-| `EVERY_SIX_MONTHS` | Once every six months |
-| `ANNUAL` | Once per year |
-| `EVERY_TWO_YEARS` | Once every two years |
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-# Subscription Event Info Code
-Supported info codes of a subscription event.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `LOCATION_NOT_ACTIVE` | The location is not active. |
-| `LOCATION_CANNOT_ACCEPT_PAYMENT` | The location cannot accept payments. |
-| `CUSTOMER_DELETED` | The subscribing customer profile has been deleted. |
-| `CUSTOMER_NO_EMAIL` | The subscribing customer does not have an email. |
-| `CUSTOMER_NO_NAME` | The subscribing customer does not have a name. |
-| `USER_PROVIDED` | User-provided detail. |
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-# Subscription Event Info
-Provides information about the subscription event.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `detail` | `?string` | Optional | A human-readable explanation for the event. | getDetail(): ?string | setDetail(?string detail): void |
-| `code` | [`?string(SubscriptionEventInfoCode)`](../../doc/models/subscription-event-info-code.md) | Optional | Supported info codes of a subscription event. | getCode(): ?string | setCode(?string code): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "detail": "detail8",
- "code": "CUSTOMER_NO_NAME"
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-# Subscription Event Subscription Event Type
-Supported types of an event occurred to a subscription.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `START_SUBSCRIPTION` | The subscription was started. |
-| `PLAN_CHANGE` | The subscription plan was changed. |
-| `STOP_SUBSCRIPTION` | The subscription was stopped. |
-| `DEACTIVATE_SUBSCRIPTION` | The subscription was deactivated |
-| `RESUME_SUBSCRIPTION` | The subscription was resumed. |
-| `PAUSE_SUBSCRIPTION` | The subscription was paused. |
-| `BILLING_ANCHOR_DATE_CHANGED` | The billing anchor date was changed. |
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-# Subscription Event
-Describes changes to a subscription and the subscription status.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `string` | Required | The ID of the subscription event. | getId(): string | setId(string id): void |
-| `subscriptionEventType` | [`string(SubscriptionEventSubscriptionEventType)`](../../doc/models/subscription-event-subscription-event-type.md) | Required | Supported types of an event occurred to a subscription. | getSubscriptionEventType(): string | setSubscriptionEventType(string subscriptionEventType): void |
-| `effectiveDate` | `string` | Required | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date (for example, 2013-01-15) when the subscription event occurred. | getEffectiveDate(): string | setEffectiveDate(string effectiveDate): void |
-| `monthlyBillingAnchorDate` | `?int` | Optional | The day-of-the-month the billing anchor date was changed to, if applicable. | getMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(): ?int | setMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(?int monthlyBillingAnchorDate): void |
-| `info` | [`?SubscriptionEventInfo`](../../doc/models/subscription-event-info.md) | Optional | Provides information about the subscription event. | getInfo(): ?SubscriptionEventInfo | setInfo(?SubscriptionEventInfo info): void |
-| `phases` | [`?(Phase[])`](../../doc/models/phase.md) | Optional | A list of Phases, to pass phase-specific information used in the swap. | getPhases(): ?array | setPhases(?array phases): void |
-| `planVariationId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the subscription plan variation associated with the subscription. | getPlanVariationId(): string | setPlanVariationId(string planVariationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "subscription_event_type": "RESUME_SUBSCRIPTION",
- "effective_date": "effective_date4",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 54,
- "info": {
- "detail": "detail6",
- },
- "phases": [
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid0",
- "ordinal": 78,
- "order_template_id": "order_template_id2",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "plan_variation_id0"
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-# Subscription Phase
-Describes a phase in a subscription plan variation. For more information, see [Subscription Plans and Variations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/plans-and-variations).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `uid` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the subscription phase. This field cannot be changed after a `SubscriptionPhase` is created. | getUid(): ?string | setUid(?string uid): void |
-| `cadence` | [`string(SubscriptionCadence)`](../../doc/models/subscription-cadence.md) | Required | Determines the billing cadence of a [Subscription](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | getCadence(): string | setCadence(string cadence): void |
-| `periods` | `?int` | Optional | The number of `cadence`s the phase lasts. If not set, the phase never ends. Only the last phase can be indefinite. This field cannot be changed after a `SubscriptionPhase` is created. | getPeriods(): ?int | setPeriods(?int periods): void |
-| `recurringPriceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getRecurringPriceMoney(): ?Money | setRecurringPriceMoney(?Money recurringPriceMoney): void |
-| `ordinal` | `?int` | Optional | The position this phase appears in the sequence of phases defined for the plan, indexed from 0. This field cannot be changed after a `SubscriptionPhase` is created. | getOrdinal(): ?int | setOrdinal(?int ordinal): void |
-| `pricing` | [`?SubscriptionPricing`](../../doc/models/subscription-pricing.md) | Optional | Describes the pricing for the subscription. | getPricing(): ?SubscriptionPricing | setPricing(?SubscriptionPricing pricing): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "uid": "uid2",
- "cadence": "EVERY_SIX_MONTHS",
- "periods": 36,
- "recurring_price_money": {
- "amount": 66,
- "currency": "ZMW"
- },
- "ordinal": 2,
- "pricing": {
- "type": "STATIC",
- "discount_ids": [
- "discount_ids5",
- "discount_ids6"
- ],
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- }
- }
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-# Subscription Pricing Type
-Determines the pricing of a [Subscription](../../doc/models/subscription.md)
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `STATIC` | Static pricing |
-| `RELATIVE` | Relative pricing |
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-# Subscription Pricing
-Describes the pricing for the subscription.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `type` | [`?string(SubscriptionPricingType)`](../../doc/models/subscription-pricing-type.md) | Optional | Determines the pricing of a [Subscription](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `discountIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The ids of the discount catalog objects | getDiscountIds(): ?array | setDiscountIds(?array discountIds): void |
-| `priceMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceMoney(): ?Money | setPriceMoney(?Money priceMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "type": "STATIC",
- "discount_ids": [
- "discount_ids9",
- "discount_ids0"
- ],
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 202,
- "currency": "GTQ"
- }
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-# Subscription Source
-The origination details of the subscription.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name used to identify the place (physical or digital) that
a subscription originates. If unset, the name defaults to the name
of the application that created the subscription.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "name": "name0"
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-# Subscription Status
-Supported subscription statuses.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | The subscription is pending to start in the future. |
-| `ACTIVE` | The subscription is active. |
-| `CANCELED` | The subscription is canceled. |
-| `DEACTIVATED` | The subscription is deactivated. |
-| `PAUSED` | The subscription is paused. |
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-# Subscription Test Result
-Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
-event types, and signature key.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A Square-generated unique ID for the subscription test result.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `statusCode` | `?int` | Optional | The status code returned by the subscription notification URL. | getStatusCode(): ?int | setStatusCode(?int statusCode): void |
-| `payload` | `?string` | Optional | An object containing the payload of the test event. For example, a `payment.created` event. | getPayload(): ?string | setPayload(?string payload): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the subscription was created, in RFC 3339 format.
For example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the subscription was updated, in RFC 3339 format. For example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z".
Because a subscription test result is unique, this field is the same as the `created_at` field. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "status_code": 208,
- "payload": "payload6",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4"
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-# Subscription
-Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
-For more information, see
-[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-assigned ID of the subscription.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the location associated with the subscription. | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `planVariationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the subscribed-to [subscription plan variation](entity:CatalogSubscriptionPlanVariation). | getPlanVariationId(): ?string | setPlanVariationId(?string planVariationId): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the subscribing [customer](entity:Customer) profile. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `startDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date (for example, 2013-01-15) to start the subscription. | getStartDate(): ?string | setStartDate(?string startDate): void |
-| `canceledDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date (for example, 2013-01-15) to cancel the subscription,
when the subscription status changes to `CANCELED` and the subscription billing stops.
If this field is not set, the subscription ends according its subscription plan.
This field cannot be updated, other than being cleared. | getCanceledDate(): ?string | setCanceledDate(?string canceledDate): void |
-| `chargedThroughDate` | `?string` | Optional | The `YYYY-MM-DD`-formatted date up to when the subscriber is invoiced for the
After the invoice is sent for a given billing period,
this date will be the last day of the billing period.
For example,
suppose for the month of May a subscriber gets an invoice
(or charged the card) on May 1. For the monthly billing scenario,
this date is then set to May 31. | getChargedThroughDate(): ?string | setChargedThroughDate(?string chargedThroughDate): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(SubscriptionStatus)`](../../doc/models/subscription-status.md) | Optional | Supported subscription statuses. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `taxPercentage` | `?string` | Optional | The tax amount applied when billing the subscription. The
percentage is expressed in decimal form, using a `'.'` as the decimal
separator and without a `'%'` sign. For example, a value of `7.5`
corresponds to 7.5%. | getTaxPercentage(): ?string | setTaxPercentage(?string taxPercentage): void |
-| `invoiceIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the [invoices](entity:Invoice) created for the
subscription, listed in order when the invoices were created
(newest invoices appear first). | getInvoiceIds(): ?array | setInvoiceIds(?array invoiceIds): void |
-| `priceOverrideMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getPriceOverrideMoney(): ?Money | setPriceOverrideMoney(?Money priceOverrideMoney): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the object. When updating an object, the version
supplied must match the version in the database, otherwise the write will
be rejected as conflicting. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the subscription was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `cardId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [subscriber's](entity:Customer) [card](entity:Card)
used to charge for the subscription. | getCardId(): ?string | setCardId(?string cardId): void |
-| `timezone` | `?string` | Optional | Timezone that will be used in date calculations for the subscription.
Defaults to the timezone of the location based on `location_id`.
Format: the IANA Timezone Database identifier for the location timezone (for example, `America/Los_Angeles`). | getTimezone(): ?string | setTimezone(?string timezone): void |
-| `source` | [`?SubscriptionSource`](../../doc/models/subscription-source.md) | Optional | The origination details of the subscription. | getSource(): ?SubscriptionSource | setSource(?SubscriptionSource source): void |
-| `actions` | [`?(SubscriptionAction[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-action.md) | Optional | The list of scheduled actions on this subscription. It is set only in the response from
[RetrieveSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#retrieve-subscription) with the query parameter
of `include=actions` or from
[SearchSubscriptions](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#search-subscriptions) with the input parameter
of `include:["actions"]`. | getActions(): ?array | setActions(?array actions): void |
-| `monthlyBillingAnchorDate` | `?int` | Optional | The day of the month on which the subscription will issue invoices and publish orders. | getMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(): ?int | setMonthlyBillingAnchorDate(?int monthlyBillingAnchorDate): void |
-| `phases` | [`?(Phase[])`](../../doc/models/phase.md) | Optional | array of phases for this subscription | getPhases(): ?array | setPhases(?array phases): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "plan_variation_id": "plan_variation_id8",
- "customer_id": "customer_id2",
- "start_date": "start_date8"
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-# Swap Plan Request
-Defines input parameters in a call to the
-[SwapPlan](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#swap-plan) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `newPlanVariationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the new subscription plan variation.
This field is required. | getNewPlanVariationId(): ?string | setNewPlanVariationId(?string newPlanVariationId): void |
-| `phases` | [`?(PhaseInput[])`](../../doc/models/phase-input.md) | Optional | A list of PhaseInputs, to pass phase-specific information used in the swap. | getPhases(): ?array | setPhases(?array phases): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "new_plan_variation_id": "FQ7CDXXWSLUJRPM3GFJSJGZ7",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "uhhnjH9osVv3shUADwaC0b3hNxQZY",
- "ordinal": 0
- }
- ]
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-# Swap Plan Response
-Defines output parameters in a response of the
-[SwapPlan](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#swap-plan) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-| `actions` | [`?(SubscriptionAction[])`](../../doc/models/subscription-action.md) | Optional | A list of a `SWAP_PLAN` action created by the request. | getActions(): ?array | setActions(?array actions): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "actions": [
- {
- "effective_date": "2023-11-17",
- "id": "f0a1dfdc-675b-3a14-a640-99f7ac1cee83",
- "new_plan_variation_id": "FQ7CDXXWSLUJRPM3GFJSJGZ7",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "uhhnjH9osVv3shUADwaC0b3hNxQZY",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "uid": "uid0",
- "plan_phase_uid": "plan_phase_uid6"
- }
- ],
- "type": "SWAP_PLAN",
- "monthly_billing_anchor_date": 186
- }
- ],
- "subscription": {
- "created_at": "2023-06-20T21:53:10Z",
- "customer_id": "CHFGVKYY8RSV93M5KCYTG4PN0G",
- "id": "9ba40961-995a-4a3d-8c53-048c40cafc13",
- "location_id": "S8GWD5R9QB376",
- "phases": [
- {
- "order_template_id": "E6oBY5WfQ2eN4pkYZwq4ka6n7KeZY",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "plan_phase_uid": "C66BKH3ASTDYGJJCEZXQQSS7",
- "uid": "98d6f53b-40e1-4714-8827-032fd923be25"
- }
- ],
- "plan_variation_id": "FQ7CDXXWSLUJRPM3GFJSJGZ7",
- "price_override_money": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "version": 3,
- "start_date": "start_date8"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Tax Calculation Phase
-When to calculate the taxes due on a cart.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `TAX_SUBTOTAL_PHASE` | The fee is calculated based on the payment's subtotal. |
-| `TAX_TOTAL_PHASE` | The fee is calculated based on the payment's total. |
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-# Tax Ids
-Identifiers for the location used by various governments for tax purposes.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `euVat` | `?string` | Optional | The EU VAT number for this location. For example, `IE3426675K`.
If the EU VAT number is present, it is well-formed and has been
validated with VIES, the VAT Information Exchange System. | getEuVat(): ?string | setEuVat(?string euVat): void |
-| `frSiret` | `?string` | Optional | The SIRET (Système d'Identification du Répertoire des Entreprises et de leurs Etablissements)
number is a 14-digit code issued by the French INSEE. For example, `39922799000021`. | getFrSiret(): ?string | setFrSiret(?string frSiret): void |
-| `frNaf` | `?string` | Optional | The French government uses the NAF (Nomenclature des Activités Françaises) to display and
track economic statistical data. This is also called the APE (Activite Principale de l’Entreprise) code.
For example, `6910Z`. | getFrNaf(): ?string | setFrNaf(?string frNaf): void |
-| `esNif` | `?string` | Optional | The NIF (Numero de Identificacion Fiscal) number is a nine-character tax identifier used in Spain.
If it is present, it has been validated. For example, `73628495A`. | getEsNif(): ?string | setEsNif(?string esNif): void |
-| `jpQii` | `?string` | Optional | The QII (Qualified Invoice Issuer) number is a 14-character tax identifier used in Japan.
For example, `T1234567890123`. | getJpQii(): ?string | setJpQii(?string jpQii): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "eu_vat": "eu_vat8",
- "fr_siret": "fr_siret0",
- "fr_naf": "fr_naf0",
- "es_nif": "es_nif4",
- "jp_qii": "jp_qii0"
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-# Tax Inclusion Type
-Whether to the tax amount should be additional to or included in the CatalogItem price.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ADDITIVE` | The tax is an additive tax. The tax amount is added on top of the
CatalogItemVariation price. For example, a $1.00 item with a 10% additive
tax would have a total cost to the buyer of $1.10. |
-| `INCLUSIVE` | The tax is an inclusive tax. The tax amount is included in the
CatalogItemVariation price. For example, a $1.00 item with a 10% inclusive
tax would have a total cost to the buyer of $1.00, with $0.91 (91 cents) of
that total being the cost of the item and $0.09 (9 cents) being tax. |
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-# Team Member Assigned Locations Assignment Type
-Enumerates the possible assignment types that the team member can have.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ALL_CURRENT_AND_FUTURE_LOCATIONS` | The team member is assigned to all current and future locations. The `location_ids` field
is empty if the team member has this assignment type. |
-| `EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS` | The team member is assigned to an explicit subset of locations. The `location_ids` field
is the list of locations that the team member is assigned to. |
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-# Team Member Assigned Locations
-An object that represents a team member's assignment to locations.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `assignmentType` | [`?string(TeamMemberAssignedLocationsAssignmentType)`](../../doc/models/team-member-assigned-locations-assignment-type.md) | Optional | Enumerates the possible assignment types that the team member can have. | getAssignmentType(): ?string | setAssignmentType(?string assignmentType): void |
-| `locationIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The explicit locations that the team member is assigned to. | getLocationIds(): ?array | setLocationIds(?array locationIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "assignment_type": "ALL_CURRENT_AND_FUTURE_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- "location_ids4",
- "location_ids5"
- ]
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-# Team Member Booking Profile
-The booking profile of a seller's team member, including the team member's ID, display name, description and whether the team member can be booked as a service provider.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [TeamMember](entity:TeamMember) object for the team member associated with the booking profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `description` | `?string` | Optional | The description of the team member.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `65536` | getDescription(): ?string | setDescription(?string description): void |
-| `displayName` | `?string` | Optional | The display name of the team member.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `512` | getDisplayName(): ?string | setDisplayName(?string displayName): void |
-| `isBookable` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the team member can be booked through the Bookings API or the seller's online booking channel or site (`true`) or not (`false`). | getIsBookable(): ?bool | setIsBookable(?bool isBookable): void |
-| `profileImageUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL of the team member's image for the bookings profile.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `2048` | getProfileImageUrl(): ?string | setProfileImageUrl(?string profileImageUrl): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id0",
- "description": "description0",
- "display_name": "display_name0",
- "is_bookable": false,
- "profile_image_url": "profile_image_url6"
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-# Team Member Invitation Status
-Enumerates the possible invitation statuses the team member can have within a business.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `UNINVITED` | The team member has not received an invitation. |
-| `PENDING` | The team member has received an invitation, but had not accepted it. |
-| `ACCEPTED` | The team member has both received and accepted an invitation. |
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-# Team Member Status
-Enumerates the possible statuses the team member can have within a business.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVE` | The team member can sign in to Point of Sale and the Seller Dashboard. |
-| `INACTIVE` | The team member can no longer sign in to Point of Sale or the Seller Dashboard,
but the team member's sales reports remain available. |
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-# Team Member Wage
-The hourly wage rate that a team member earns on a `Shift` for doing the job
-specified by the `title` property of this object.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The UUID for this object. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The `TeamMember` that this wage is assigned to. | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `title` | `?string` | Optional | The job title that this wage relates to. | getTitle(): ?string | setTitle(?string title): void |
-| `hourlyRate` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getHourlyRate(): ?Money | setHourlyRate(?Money hourlyRate): void |
-| `jobId` | `?string` | Optional | An identifier for the job that this wage relates to. This cannot be
used to retrieve the job. | getJobId(): ?string | setJobId(?string jobId): void |
-| `tipEligible` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether team members are eligible for tips when working this job. | getTipEligible(): ?bool | setTipEligible(?bool tipEligible): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id2",
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id2",
- "title": "title8",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "job_id": "job_id0"
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-# Team Member
-A record representing an individual team member for a business.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The unique ID for the team member. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | A second ID used to associate the team member with an entity in another system. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `isOwner` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the team member is the owner of the Square account. | getIsOwner(): ?bool | setIsOwner(?bool isOwner): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(TeamMemberStatus)`](../../doc/models/team-member-status.md) | Optional | Enumerates the possible statuses the team member can have within a business. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `givenName` | `?string` | Optional | The given name (that is, the first name) associated with the team member. | getGivenName(): ?string | setGivenName(?string givenName): void |
-| `familyName` | `?string` | Optional | The family name (that is, the last name) associated with the team member. | getFamilyName(): ?string | setFamilyName(?string familyName): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address associated with the team member. After accepting the invitation
from Square, only the team member can change this value. | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The team member's phone number, in E.164 format. For example:
+14155552671 - the country code is 1 for US
+551155256325 - the country code is 55 for BR | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the team member was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the team member was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `assignedLocations` | [`?TeamMemberAssignedLocations`](../../doc/models/team-member-assigned-locations.md) | Optional | An object that represents a team member's assignment to locations. | getAssignedLocations(): ?TeamMemberAssignedLocations | setAssignedLocations(?TeamMemberAssignedLocations assignedLocations): void |
-| `wageSetting` | [`?WageSetting`](../../doc/models/wage-setting.md) | Optional | Represents information about the overtime exemption status, job assignments, and compensation
for a [team member](../../doc/models/team-member.md). | getWageSetting(): ?WageSetting | setWageSetting(?WageSetting wageSetting): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "reference_id": "reference_id8",
- "is_owner": false,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "given_name": "given_name6"
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-# Tender Bank Account Details Status
-Indicates the bank account payment's current status.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `PENDING` | The bank account payment is in progress. |
-| `COMPLETED` | The bank account payment has been completed. |
-| `FAILED` | The bank account payment failed. |
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-# Tender Bank Account Details
-Represents the details of a tender with `type` `BANK_ACCOUNT`.
-See [BankAccountPaymentDetails](../../doc/models/bank-account-payment-details.md)
-for more exposed details of a bank account payment.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `status` | [`?string(TenderBankAccountDetailsStatus)`](../../doc/models/tender-bank-account-details-status.md) | Optional | Indicates the bank account payment's current status. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "status": "FAILED"
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-# Tender Buy Now Pay Later Details Brand
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
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-# Tender Buy Now Pay Later Details Status
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `AUTHORIZED` | The buy now pay later payment has been authorized but not yet captured. |
-| `CAPTURED` | The buy now pay later payment was authorized and subsequently captured (i.e., completed). |
-| `VOIDED` | The buy now pay later payment was authorized and subsequently voided (i.e., canceled). |
-| `FAILED` | The buy now pay later payment failed. |
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-# Tender Buy Now Pay Later Details
-Represents the details of a tender with `type` `BUY_NOW_PAY_LATER`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `buyNowPayLaterBrand` | [`?string(TenderBuyNowPayLaterDetailsBrand)`](../../doc/models/tender-buy-now-pay-later-details-brand.md) | Optional | - | getBuyNowPayLaterBrand(): ?string | setBuyNowPayLaterBrand(?string buyNowPayLaterBrand): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(TenderBuyNowPayLaterDetailsStatus)`](../../doc/models/tender-buy-now-pay-later-details-status.md) | Optional | - | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "buy_now_pay_later_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "status": "AUTHORIZED"
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-# Tender Card Details Entry Method
-Indicates the method used to enter the card's details.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `SWIPED` | The card was swiped through a Square reader or Square stand. |
-| `KEYED` | The card information was keyed manually into Square Point of Sale or a
Square-hosted web form. |
-| `EMV` | The card was processed via EMV with a Square reader. |
-| `ON_FILE` | The buyer's card details were already on file with Square. |
-| `CONTACTLESS` | The card was processed via a contactless (i.e., NFC) transaction
with a Square reader. |
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-# Tender Card Details Status
-Indicates the card transaction's current status.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `AUTHORIZED` | The card transaction has been authorized but not yet captured. |
-| `CAPTURED` | The card transaction was authorized and subsequently captured (i.e., completed). |
-| `VOIDED` | The card transaction was authorized and subsequently voided (i.e., canceled). |
-| `FAILED` | The card transaction failed. |
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-# Tender Card Details
-Represents additional details of a tender with `type` `CARD` or `SQUARE_GIFT_CARD`
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `status` | [`?string(TenderCardDetailsStatus)`](../../doc/models/tender-card-details-status.md) | Optional | Indicates the card transaction's current status. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `card` | [`?Card`](../../doc/models/card.md) | Optional | Represents the payment details of a card to be used for payments. These
details are determined by the payment token generated by Web Payments SDK. | getCard(): ?Card | setCard(?Card card): void |
-| `entryMethod` | [`?string(TenderCardDetailsEntryMethod)`](../../doc/models/tender-card-details-entry-method.md) | Optional | Indicates the method used to enter the card's details. | getEntryMethod(): ?string | setEntryMethod(?string entryMethod): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "status": "VOIDED",
- "card": {
- "id": "id6",
- "card_brand": "OTHER_BRAND",
- "last_4": "last_48",
- "exp_month": 228,
- "exp_year": 68
- },
- "entry_method": "CONTACTLESS"
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-# Tender Cash Details
-Represents the details of a tender with `type` `CASH`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `buyerTenderedMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getBuyerTenderedMoney(): ?Money | setBuyerTenderedMoney(?Money buyerTenderedMoney): void |
-| `changeBackMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getChangeBackMoney(): ?Money | setChangeBackMoney(?Money changeBackMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "buyer_tendered_money": {
- "amount": 238,
- "currency": "XOF"
- },
- "change_back_money": {
- "amount": 78,
- "currency": "XBD"
- }
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-# Tender Square Account Details Status
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `AUTHORIZED` | The Square Account payment has been authorized but not yet captured. |
-| `CAPTURED` | The Square Account payment was authorized and subsequently captured (i.e., completed). |
-| `VOIDED` | The Square Account payment was authorized and subsequently voided (i.e., canceled). |
-| `FAILED` | The Square Account payment failed. |
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-# Tender Square Account Details
-Represents the details of a tender with `type` `SQUARE_ACCOUNT`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `status` | [`?string(TenderSquareAccountDetailsStatus)`](../../doc/models/tender-square-account-details-status.md) | Optional | - | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "status": "AUTHORIZED"
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-# Tender Type
-Indicates a tender's type.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `CARD` | A credit card. |
-| `CASH` | Cash. |
-| `THIRD_PARTY_CARD` | A credit card processed with a card processor other than Square.
This value applies only to merchants in countries where Square does not
yet provide card processing. |
-| `SQUARE_GIFT_CARD` | A Square gift card. |
-| `NO_SALE` | This tender represents the register being opened for a "no sale" event. |
-| `BANK_ACCOUNT` | A bank account payment. |
-| `WALLET` | A payment from a digital wallet, e.g. Cash App, Paypay, Rakuten Pay,
Au Pay, D Barai, Merpay, Wechat Pay, Alipay.
Note: Some "digital wallets", including Google Pay and Apple Pay, facilitate
card payments. Those payments have the `CARD` type. |
-| `BUY_NOW_PAY_LATER` | A Buy Now Pay Later payment. |
-| `SQUARE_ACCOUNT` | A Square House Account payment. |
-| `OTHER` | A form of tender that does not match any other value. |
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-# Tender
-Represents a tender (i.e., a method of payment) used in a Square transaction.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The tender's unique ID. It is the associated payment ID.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the transaction's associated location.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `transactionId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the tender's associated transaction.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getTransactionId(): ?string | setTransactionId(?string transactionId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the tender was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note associated with the tender at the time of payment.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): ?Money | setAmountMoney(?Money amountMoney): void |
-| `tipMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTipMoney(): ?Money | setTipMoney(?Money tipMoney): void |
-| `processingFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getProcessingFeeMoney(): ?Money | setProcessingFeeMoney(?Money processingFeeMoney): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | If the tender is associated with a customer or represents a customer's card on file,
this is the ID of the associated customer.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `type` | [`string(TenderType)`](../../doc/models/tender-type.md) | Required | Indicates a tender's type. | getType(): string | setType(string type): void |
-| `cardDetails` | [`?TenderCardDetails`](../../doc/models/tender-card-details.md) | Optional | Represents additional details of a tender with `type` `CARD` or `SQUARE_GIFT_CARD` | getCardDetails(): ?TenderCardDetails | setCardDetails(?TenderCardDetails cardDetails): void |
-| `cashDetails` | [`?TenderCashDetails`](../../doc/models/tender-cash-details.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a tender with `type` `CASH`. | getCashDetails(): ?TenderCashDetails | setCashDetails(?TenderCashDetails cashDetails): void |
-| `bankAccountDetails` | [`?TenderBankAccountDetails`](../../doc/models/tender-bank-account-details.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a tender with `type` `BANK_ACCOUNT`.
See [BankAccountPaymentDetails](../../doc/models/bank-account-payment-details.md)
for more exposed details of a bank account payment. | getBankAccountDetails(): ?TenderBankAccountDetails | setBankAccountDetails(?TenderBankAccountDetails bankAccountDetails): void |
-| `buyNowPayLaterDetails` | [`?TenderBuyNowPayLaterDetails`](../../doc/models/tender-buy-now-pay-later-details.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a tender with `type` `BUY_NOW_PAY_LATER`. | getBuyNowPayLaterDetails(): ?TenderBuyNowPayLaterDetails | setBuyNowPayLaterDetails(?TenderBuyNowPayLaterDetails buyNowPayLaterDetails): void |
-| `squareAccountDetails` | [`?TenderSquareAccountDetails`](../../doc/models/tender-square-account-details.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a tender with `type` `SQUARE_ACCOUNT`. | getSquareAccountDetails(): ?TenderSquareAccountDetails | setSquareAccountDetails(?TenderSquareAccountDetails squareAccountDetails): void |
-| `additionalRecipients` | [`?(AdditionalRecipient[])`](../../doc/models/additional-recipient.md) | Optional | Additional recipients (other than the merchant) receiving a portion of this tender.
For example, fees assessed on the purchase by a third party integration. | getAdditionalRecipients(): ?array | setAdditionalRecipients(?array additionalRecipients): void |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the [Payment](entity:Payment) that corresponds to this tender.
This value is only present for payments created with the v2 Payments API.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "note": "note4",
- "type": "SQUARE_ACCOUNT"
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-# Terminal Action Action Type
-Describes the type of this unit and indicates which field contains the unit information. This is an ‘open’ enum.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `QR_CODE` | The action represents a request to display a QR code. Details are contained in
the `qr_code_options` object. |
-| `PING` | The action represents a request to check if the specific device is
online or currently active with the merchant in question. Does not require an action options value. |
-| `SAVE_CARD` | Represents a request to save a card for future card-on-file use. Details are contained
in the `save_card_options` object. |
-| `SIGNATURE` | The action represents a request to capture a buyer's signature. Details are contained
in the `signature_options` object. |
-| `CONFIRMATION` | The action represents a request to collect a buyer's confirmation decision to the
displayed terms. Details are contained in the `confirmation_options` object. |
-| `RECEIPT` | The action represents a request to display the receipt screen options. Details are
contained in the `receipt_options` object. |
-| `DATA_COLLECTION` | The action represents a request to collect a buyer's text data. Details
are contained in the `data_collection_options` object. |
-| `SELECT` | The action represents a request to allow the buyer to select from provided options.
Details are contained in the `select_options` object. |
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-# Terminal Action Query Filter
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `deviceId` | `?string` | Optional | `TerminalAction`s associated with a specific device. If no device is specified then all
`TerminalAction`s for the merchant will be displayed. | getDeviceId(): ?string | setDeviceId(?string deviceId): void |
-| `createdAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getCreatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setCreatedAt(?TimeRange createdAt): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | Filter results with the desired status of the `TerminalAction`
Options: `PENDING`, `IN_PROGRESS`, `CANCEL_REQUESTED`, `CANCELED`, `COMPLETED` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(TerminalActionActionType)`](../../doc/models/terminal-action-action-type.md) | Optional | Describes the type of this unit and indicates which field contains the unit information. This is an ‘open’ enum. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_id": "device_id4",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "status": "status0",
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-# Terminal Action Query Sort
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "sort_order": "DESC"
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-# Terminal Action Query
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?TerminalActionQueryFilter`](../../doc/models/terminal-action-query-filter.md) | Optional | - | getFilter(): ?TerminalActionQueryFilter | setFilter(?TerminalActionQueryFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?TerminalActionQuerySort`](../../doc/models/terminal-action-query-sort.md) | Optional | - | getSort(): ?TerminalActionQuerySort | setSort(?TerminalActionQuerySort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "include": [
- ],
- "limit": 2,
- "query": {
- "filter": {
- "status": "COMPLETED"
- }
- },
- "filter": {
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "status": "status6",
- "type": "SAVE_CARD"
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_order": "DESC"
- }
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-# Terminal Action
-Represents an action processed by the Square Terminal.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for this `TerminalAction`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `10`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `deviceId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique Id of the device intended for this `TerminalAction`.
The Id can be retrieved from /v2/devices api. | getDeviceId(): ?string | setDeviceId(?string deviceId): void |
-| `deadlineDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The duration as an RFC 3339 duration, after which the action will be automatically canceled.
TerminalActions that are `PENDING` will be automatically `CANCELED` and have a cancellation reason
Default: 5 minutes from creation
Maximum: 5 minutes | getDeadlineDuration(): ?string | setDeadlineDuration(?string deadlineDuration): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | The status of the `TerminalAction`.
Options: `PENDING`, `IN_PROGRESS`, `CANCEL_REQUESTED`, `CANCELED`, `COMPLETED` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `cancelReason` | [`?string(ActionCancelReason)`](../../doc/models/action-cancel-reason.md) | Optional | - | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the `TerminalAction` was created as an RFC 3339 timestamp. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the `TerminalAction` was last updated as an RFC 3339 timestamp. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `appId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the application that created the action. | getAppId(): ?string | setAppId(?string appId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location id the action is attached to, if a link can be made.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(TerminalActionActionType)`](../../doc/models/terminal-action-action-type.md) | Optional | Describes the type of this unit and indicates which field contains the unit information. This is an ‘open’ enum. | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `qrCodeOptions` | [`?QrCodeOptions`](../../doc/models/qr-code-options.md) | Optional | Fields to describe the action that displays QR-Codes. | getQrCodeOptions(): ?QrCodeOptions | setQrCodeOptions(?QrCodeOptions qrCodeOptions): void |
-| `saveCardOptions` | [`?SaveCardOptions`](../../doc/models/save-card-options.md) | Optional | Describes save-card action fields. | getSaveCardOptions(): ?SaveCardOptions | setSaveCardOptions(?SaveCardOptions saveCardOptions): void |
-| `signatureOptions` | [`?SignatureOptions`](../../doc/models/signature-options.md) | Optional | - | getSignatureOptions(): ?SignatureOptions | setSignatureOptions(?SignatureOptions signatureOptions): void |
-| `confirmationOptions` | [`?ConfirmationOptions`](../../doc/models/confirmation-options.md) | Optional | - | getConfirmationOptions(): ?ConfirmationOptions | setConfirmationOptions(?ConfirmationOptions confirmationOptions): void |
-| `receiptOptions` | [`?ReceiptOptions`](../../doc/models/receipt-options.md) | Optional | Describes receipt action fields. | getReceiptOptions(): ?ReceiptOptions | setReceiptOptions(?ReceiptOptions receiptOptions): void |
-| `dataCollectionOptions` | [`?DataCollectionOptions`](../../doc/models/data-collection-options.md) | Optional | - | getDataCollectionOptions(): ?DataCollectionOptions | setDataCollectionOptions(?DataCollectionOptions dataCollectionOptions): void |
-| `selectOptions` | [`?SelectOptions`](../../doc/models/select-options.md) | Optional | - | getSelectOptions(): ?SelectOptions | setSelectOptions(?SelectOptions selectOptions): void |
-| `deviceMetadata` | [`?DeviceMetadata`](../../doc/models/device-metadata.md) | Optional | - | getDeviceMetadata(): ?DeviceMetadata | setDeviceMetadata(?DeviceMetadata deviceMetadata): void |
-| `awaitNextAction` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates the action will be linked to another action and requires a waiting dialog to be
displayed instead of returning to the idle screen on completion of the action.
Only supported on SIGNATURE, CONFIRMATION, DATA_COLLECTION, and SELECT types. | getAwaitNextAction(): ?bool | setAwaitNextAction(?bool awaitNextAction): void |
-| `awaitNextActionDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The timeout duration of the waiting dialog as an RFC 3339 duration, after which the
waiting dialog will no longer be displayed and the Terminal will return to the idle screen.
Default: 5 minutes from when the waiting dialog is displayed
Maximum: 5 minutes | getAwaitNextActionDuration(): ?string | setAwaitNextActionDuration(?string awaitNextActionDuration): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "device_id": "device_id4",
- "deadline_duration": "deadline_duration0",
- "status": "status0",
- "cancel_reason": "TIMED_OUT"
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-# Terminal Checkout Query Filter
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `deviceId` | `?string` | Optional | The `TerminalCheckout` objects associated with a specific device. If no device is specified, then all
`TerminalCheckout` objects for the merchant are displayed. | getDeviceId(): ?string | setDeviceId(?string deviceId): void |
-| `createdAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getCreatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setCreatedAt(?TimeRange createdAt): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | Filtered results with the desired status of the `TerminalCheckout`.
Options: `PENDING`, `IN_PROGRESS`, `CANCEL_REQUESTED`, `CANCELED`, `COMPLETED` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_id": "device_id4",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "status": "status0"
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-# Terminal Checkout Query Sort
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sortOrder` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "sort_order": "DESC"
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-# Terminal Checkout Query
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?TerminalCheckoutQueryFilter`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout-query-filter.md) | Optional | - | getFilter(): ?TerminalCheckoutQueryFilter | setFilter(?TerminalCheckoutQueryFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?TerminalCheckoutQuerySort`](../../doc/models/terminal-checkout-query-sort.md) | Optional | - | getSort(): ?TerminalCheckoutQuerySort | setSort(?TerminalCheckoutQuerySort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "status": "status6"
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_order": "DESC"
- }
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-# Terminal Checkout
-Represents a checkout processed by the Square Terminal.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for this `TerminalCheckout`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `10`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional user-defined reference ID that can be used to associate
this `TerminalCheckout` to another entity in an external system. For example, an order
ID generated by a third-party shopping cart. The ID is also associated with any payments
used to complete the checkout.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | An optional note to associate with the checkout, as well as with any payments used to complete the checkout.
Note: maximum 500 characters
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `500` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The reference to the Square order ID for the checkout request. Supported only in the US. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `paymentOptions` | [`?PaymentOptions`](../../doc/models/payment-options.md) | Optional | - | getPaymentOptions(): ?PaymentOptions | setPaymentOptions(?PaymentOptions paymentOptions): void |
-| `deviceOptions` | [`DeviceCheckoutOptions`](../../doc/models/device-checkout-options.md) | Required | - | getDeviceOptions(): DeviceCheckoutOptions | setDeviceOptions(DeviceCheckoutOptions deviceOptions): void |
-| `deadlineDuration` | `?string` | Optional | An RFC 3339 duration, after which the checkout is automatically canceled.
A `TerminalCheckout` that is `PENDING` is automatically `CANCELED` and has a cancellation reason
Default: 5 minutes from creation
Maximum: 5 minutes | getDeadlineDuration(): ?string | setDeadlineDuration(?string deadlineDuration): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | The status of the `TerminalCheckout`.
Options: `PENDING`, `IN_PROGRESS`, `CANCEL_REQUESTED`, `CANCELED`, `COMPLETED` | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `cancelReason` | [`?string(ActionCancelReason)`](../../doc/models/action-cancel-reason.md) | Optional | - | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `paymentIds` | `?(string[])` | Optional | A list of IDs for payments created by this `TerminalCheckout`. | getPaymentIds(): ?array | setPaymentIds(?array paymentIds): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the `TerminalCheckout` was created, as an RFC 3339 timestamp. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the `TerminalCheckout` was last updated, as an RFC 3339 timestamp. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `appId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the application that created the checkout. | getAppId(): ?string | setAppId(?string appId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location of the device where the `TerminalCheckout` was directed.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `paymentType` | [`?string(CheckoutOptionsPaymentType)`](../../doc/models/checkout-options-payment-type.md) | Optional | - | getPaymentType(): ?string | setPaymentType(?string paymentType): void |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID of the team member associated with creating the checkout. | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `customerId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional ID of the customer associated with the checkout. | getCustomerId(): ?string | setCustomerId(?string customerId): void |
-| `appFeeMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAppFeeMoney(): ?Money | setAppFeeMoney(?Money appFeeMoney): void |
-| `statementDescriptionIdentifier` | `?string` | Optional | Optional additional payment information to include on the customer's card statement as
part of the statement description. This can be, for example, an invoice number, ticket number,
or short description that uniquely identifies the purchase. Supported only in the US.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `20` | getStatementDescriptionIdentifier(): ?string | setStatementDescriptionIdentifier(?string statementDescriptionIdentifier): void |
-| `tipMoney` | [`?Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Optional | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getTipMoney(): ?Money | setTipMoney(?Money tipMoney): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "reference_id": "reference_id6",
- "note": "note8",
- "order_id": "order_id0",
- "payment_options": {
- "autocomplete": false,
- "delay_duration": "delay_duration2",
- "accept_partial_authorization": false,
- "delay_action": "CANCEL"
- },
- "device_options": {
- "device_id": "device_id6",
- "skip_receipt_screen": false,
- "collect_signature": false,
- "tip_settings": {
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 48
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
- },
- "show_itemized_cart": false
- }
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-# Terminal Refund Query Filter
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `deviceId` | `?string` | Optional | `TerminalRefund` objects associated with a specific device. If no device is specified, then all
`TerminalRefund` objects for the signed-in account are displayed. | getDeviceId(): ?string | setDeviceId(?string deviceId): void |
-| `createdAt` | [`?TimeRange`](../../doc/models/time-range.md) | Optional | Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
how time ranges are handled. | getCreatedAt(): ?TimeRange | setCreatedAt(?TimeRange createdAt): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | Filtered results with the desired status of the `TerminalRefund`.
Options: `PENDING`, `IN_PROGRESS`, `CANCEL_REQUESTED`, `CANCELED`, or `COMPLETED`. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "device_id": "device_id4",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "status": "status0"
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-# Terminal Refund Query Sort
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `sortOrder` | `?string` | Optional | The order in which results are listed.
- `ASC` - Oldest to newest.
- `DESC` - Newest to oldest (default). | getSortOrder(): ?string | setSortOrder(?string sortOrder): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "sort_order": "sort_order0"
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-# Terminal Refund Query
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `filter` | [`?TerminalRefundQueryFilter`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund-query-filter.md) | Optional | - | getFilter(): ?TerminalRefundQueryFilter | setFilter(?TerminalRefundQueryFilter filter): void |
-| `sort` | [`?TerminalRefundQuerySort`](../../doc/models/terminal-refund-query-sort.md) | Optional | - | getSort(): ?TerminalRefundQuerySort | setSort(?TerminalRefundQuerySort sort): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "filter": {
- "device_id": "device_id0",
- "created_at": {
- "start_at": "start_at4",
- "end_at": "end_at8"
- },
- "status": "status6"
- },
- "sort": {
- "sort_order": "sort_order8"
- }
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-# Terminal Refund
-Represents a payment refund processed by the Square Terminal. Only supports Interac (Canadian debit network) payment refunds.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique ID for this `TerminalRefund`.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `10`, *Maximum Length*: `255` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `refundId` | `?string` | Optional | The reference to the payment refund created by completing this `TerminalRefund`. | getRefundId(): ?string | setRefundId(?string refundId): void |
-| `paymentId` | `string` | Required | The unique ID of the payment being refunded.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getPaymentId(): string | setPaymentId(string paymentId): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The reference to the Square order ID for the payment identified by the `payment_id`. | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-| `amountMoney` | [`Money`](../../doc/models/money.md) | Required | Represents an amount of money. `Money` fields can be signed or unsigned.
Fields that do not explicitly define whether they are signed or unsigned are
considered unsigned and can only hold positive amounts. For signed fields, the
sign of the value indicates the purpose of the money transfer. See
[Working with Monetary Amounts](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-monetary-amounts)
for more information. | getAmountMoney(): Money | setAmountMoney(Money amountMoney): void |
-| `reason` | `string` | Required | A description of the reason for the refund.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getReason(): string | setReason(string reason): void |
-| `deviceId` | `string` | Required | The unique ID of the device intended for this `TerminalRefund`.
The Id can be retrieved from /v2/devices api. | getDeviceId(): string | setDeviceId(string deviceId): void |
-| `deadlineDuration` | `?string` | Optional | The RFC 3339 duration, after which the refund is automatically canceled.
A `TerminalRefund` that is `PENDING` is automatically `CANCELED` and has a cancellation reason
Default: 5 minutes from creation.
Maximum: 5 minutes | getDeadlineDuration(): ?string | setDeadlineDuration(?string deadlineDuration): void |
-| `status` | `?string` | Optional | The status of the `TerminalRefund`.
Options: `PENDING`, `IN_PROGRESS`, `CANCEL_REQUESTED`, `CANCELED`, or `COMPLETED`. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-| `cancelReason` | [`?string(ActionCancelReason)`](../../doc/models/action-cancel-reason.md) | Optional | - | getCancelReason(): ?string | setCancelReason(?string cancelReason): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the `TerminalRefund` was created, as an RFC 3339 timestamp. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the `TerminalRefund` was last updated, as an RFC 3339 timestamp. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `appId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the application that created the refund. | getAppId(): ?string | setAppId(?string appId): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The location of the device where the `TerminalRefund` was directed.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "refund_id": "refund_id2",
- "payment_id": "payment_id8",
- "order_id": "order_id2",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "reason": "reason6",
- "device_id": "device_id4",
- "deadline_duration": "deadline_duration0",
- "status": "status0"
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-# Test Webhook Subscription Request
-Tests a [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) by sending a test event to its notification URL.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `eventType` | `?string` | Optional | The event type that will be used to test the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription). The event type must be
contained in the list of event types in the [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription). | getEventType(): ?string | setEventType(?string eventType): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "event_type": "payment.created"
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-# Test Webhook Subscription Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [TestWebhookSubscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#test-webhook-subscription) endpoint.
-Note: If there are errors processing the request, the [SubscriptionTestResult](../../doc/models/subscription-test-result.md) field is not
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscriptionTestResult` | [`?SubscriptionTestResult`](../../doc/models/subscription-test-result.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
event types, and signature key. | getSubscriptionTestResult(): ?SubscriptionTestResult | setSubscriptionTestResult(?SubscriptionTestResult subscriptionTestResult): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription_test_result": {
- "created_at": "2022-01-11 00:06:48.322945116 +0000 UTC m=+3863.054453746",
- "id": "23eed5a9-2b12-403e-b212-7e2889aea0f6",
- "payload": "{\"merchant_id\":\"1ZYMKZY1YFGBW\",\"type\":\"payment.created\",\"event_id\":\"23eed5a9-2b12-403e-b212-7e2889aea0f6\",\"created_at\":\"2022-01-11T00:06:48.322945116Z\",\"data\":{\"type\":\"payment\",\"id\":\"KkAkhdMsgzn59SM8A89WgKwekxLZY\",\"object\":{\"payment\":{\"amount_money\":{\"amount\":100,\"currency\":\"USD\"},\"approved_money\":{\"amount\":100,\"currency\":\"USD\"},\"capabilities\":[\"EDIT_TIP_AMOUNT\",\"EDIT_TIP_AMOUNT_UP\",\"EDIT_TIP_AMOUNT_DOWN\"],\"card_details\":{\"avs_status\":\"AVS_ACCEPTED\",\"card\":{\"bin\":\"540988\",\"card_brand\":\"MASTERCARD\",\"card_type\":\"CREDIT\",\"exp_month\":11,\"exp_year\":2022,\"fingerprint\":\"sq-1-Tvruf3vPQxlvI6n0IcKYfBukrcv6IqWr8UyBdViWXU2yzGn5VMJvrsHMKpINMhPmVg\",\"last_4\":\"9029\",\"prepaid_type\":\"NOT_PREPAID\"},\"card_payment_timeline\":{\"authorized_at\":\"2020-11-22T21:16:51.198Z\"},\"cvv_status\":\"CVV_ACCEPTED\",\"entry_method\":\"KEYED\",\"statement_description\":\"SQ *DEFAULT TEST ACCOUNT\",\"status\":\"AUTHORIZED\"},\"created_at\":\"2020-11-22T21:16:51.086Z\",\"delay_action\":\"CANCEL\",\"delay_duration\":\"PT168H\",\"delayed_until\":\"2020-11-29T21:16:51.086Z\",\"id\":\"hYy9pRFVxpDsO1FB05SunFWUe9JZY\",\"location_id\":\"S8GWD5R9QB376\",\"order_id\":\"03O3USaPaAaFnI6kkwB1JxGgBsUZY\",\"receipt_number\":\"hYy9\",\"risk_evaluation\":{\"created_at\":\"2020-11-22T21:16:51.198Z\",\"risk_level\":\"NORMAL\"},\"source_type\":\"CARD\",\"status\":\"APPROVED\",\"total_money\":{\"amount\":100,\"currency\":\"USD\"},\"updated_at\":\"2020-11-22T21:16:51.198Z\",\"version_token\":\"FfQhQJf9r3VSQIgyWBk1oqhIwiznLwVwJbVVA0bdyEv6o\"}}}}",
- "status_code": 404,
- "updated_at": "2022-01-11 00:06:48.322945116 +0000 UTC m=+3863.054453746"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Time Range
-Represents a generic time range. The start and end values are
-represented in RFC 3339 format. Time ranges are customized to be
-inclusive or exclusive based on the needs of a particular endpoint.
-Refer to the relevant endpoint-specific documentation to determine
-how time ranges are handled.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `startAt` | `?string` | Optional | A datetime value in RFC 3339 format indicating when the time range
starts. | getStartAt(): ?string | setStartAt(?string startAt): void |
-| `endAt` | `?string` | Optional | A datetime value in RFC 3339 format indicating when the time range
ends. | getEndAt(): ?string | setEndAt(?string endAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "start_at": "start_at2",
- "end_at": "end_at0"
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-# Tip Settings
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `allowTipping` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether tipping is enabled for this checkout. Defaults to false. | getAllowTipping(): ?bool | setAllowTipping(?bool allowTipping): void |
-| `separateTipScreen` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether tip options should be presented on the screen before presenting
the signature screen during card payment. Defaults to false. | getSeparateTipScreen(): ?bool | setSeparateTipScreen(?bool separateTipScreen): void |
-| `customTipField` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether custom tip amounts are allowed during the checkout flow. Defaults to false. | getCustomTipField(): ?bool | setCustomTipField(?bool customTipField): void |
-| `tipPercentages` | `?(int[])` | Optional | A list of tip percentages that should be presented during the checkout flow, specified as
up to 3 non-negative integers from 0 to 100 (inclusive). Defaults to 15, 20, and 25. | getTipPercentages(): ?array | setTipPercentages(?array tipPercentages): void |
-| `smartTipping` | `?bool` | Optional | Enables the "Smart Tip Amounts" behavior.
Exact tipping options depend on the region in which the Square seller is active.
For payments under 10.00, in the Australia, Canada, Ireland, United Kingdom, and United States, tipping options are presented as no tip, .50, 1.00 or 2.00.
For payment amounts of 10.00 or greater, tipping options are presented as the following percentages: 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%.
If set to true, the `tip_percentages` settings is ignored.
Defaults to false.
To learn more about smart tipping, see [Accept Tips with the Square App](https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5069-accept-tips-with-the-square-app). | getSmartTipping(): ?bool | setSmartTipping(?bool smartTipping): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "separate_tip_screen": false,
- "custom_tip_field": false,
- "tip_percentages": [
- 66,
- 67,
- 68
- ],
- "smart_tipping": false
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-# Transaction Product
-Indicates the Square product used to process a transaction.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `REGISTER` | Square Point of Sale. |
-| `EXTERNAL_API` | The Square Connect API. |
-| `BILLING` | A Square subscription for one of multiple products. |
-| `APPOINTMENTS` | Square Appointments. |
-| `INVOICES` | Square Invoices. |
-| `ONLINE_STORE` | Square Online Store. |
-| `PAYROLL` | Square Payroll. |
-| `OTHER` | A Square product that does not match any other value. |
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-# Transaction Type
-The transaction type used in the disputed payment.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `DEBIT` |
-| `CREDIT` |
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-# Transaction
-Represents a transaction processed with Square, either with the
-Connect API or with Square Point of Sale.
-The `tenders` field of this object lists all methods of payment used to pay in
-the transaction.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The transaction's unique ID, issued by Square payments servers.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `locationId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the transaction's associated location.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `50` | getLocationId(): ?string | setLocationId(?string locationId): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp for when the transaction was created, in RFC 3339 format.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `32` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `tenders` | [`?(Tender[])`](../../doc/models/tender.md) | Optional | The tenders used to pay in the transaction. | getTenders(): ?array | setTenders(?array tenders): void |
-| `refunds` | [`?(Refund[])`](../../doc/models/refund.md) | Optional | Refunds that have been applied to any tender in the transaction. | getRefunds(): ?array | setRefunds(?array refunds): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | If the transaction was created with the [Charge](api-endpoint:Transactions-Charge)
endpoint, this value is the same as the value provided for the `reference_id`
parameter in the request to that endpoint. Otherwise, it is not set.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `40` | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `product` | [`?string(TransactionProduct)`](../../doc/models/transaction-product.md) | Optional | Indicates the Square product used to process a transaction. | getProduct(): ?string | setProduct(?string product): void |
-| `clientId` | `?string` | Optional | If the transaction was created in the Square Point of Sale app, this value
is the ID generated for the transaction by Square Point of Sale.
This ID has no relationship to the transaction's canonical `id`, which is
generated by Square's backend servers. This value is generated for bookkeeping
purposes, in case the transaction cannot immediately be completed (for example,
if the transaction is processed in offline mode).
It is not currently possible with the Connect API to perform a transaction
lookup by this value.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getClientId(): ?string | setClientId(?string clientId): void |
-| `shippingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getShippingAddress(): ?Address | setShippingAddress(?Address shippingAddress): void |
-| `orderId` | `?string` | Optional | The order_id is an identifier for the order associated with this transaction, if any.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getOrderId(): ?string | setOrderId(?string orderId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "tenders": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "note": "note4",
- "type": "THIRD_PARTY_CARD"
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "note": "note4",
- "type": "THIRD_PARTY_CARD"
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "note": "note4",
- "type": "THIRD_PARTY_CARD"
- }
- ],
- "refunds": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "location_id": "location_id2",
- "transaction_id": "transaction_id6",
- "tender_id": "tender_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "reason": "reason4",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "status": "PENDING",
- "processing_fee_money": {
- "amount": 112,
- "currency": "DJF"
- },
- "additional_recipients": [
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- },
- {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "description": "description6",
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 186,
- "currency": "AUD"
- },
- "receivable_id": "receivable_id6"
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
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-# Unlink Customer From Gift Card Request
-A request to unlink a customer from a gift card.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customerId` | `string` | Required | The ID of the customer to unlink from the gift card.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `191` | getCustomerId(): string | setCustomerId(string customerId): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer_id": "GKY0FZ3V717AH8Q2D821PNT2ZW"
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-# Unlink Customer From Gift Card Response
-A response that contains the unlinked `GiftCard` object. If the request resulted in errors,
-the response contains a set of `Error` objects.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `giftCard` | [`?GiftCard`](../../doc/models/gift-card.md) | Optional | Represents a Square gift card. | getGiftCard(): ?GiftCard | setGiftCard(?GiftCard giftCard): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "gift_card": {
- "balance_money": {
- "amount": 2500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-03-25T05:13:01Z",
- "gan": "7783320005440920",
- "gan_source": "SQUARE",
- "id": "gftc:71ea002277a34f8a945e284b04822edb",
- "state": "ACTIVE",
- "type": "DIGITAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Booking Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents an [UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#update-booking-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "key": "key2",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name2",
- "description": "description8",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key2"
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-# Update Booking Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents an [UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#update-booking-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "key": "favoriteShampoo",
- "name": "Favorite shampoo",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T15:39:38Z",
- "version": 2,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Update Booking Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique key to make this request an idempotent operation.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `booking` | [`Booking`](../../doc/models/booking.md) | Required | Represents a booking as a time-bound service contract for a seller's staff member to provide a specified service
at a given location to a requesting customer in one or more appointment segments. | getBooking(): Booking | setBooking(Booking booking): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4",
- "booking": {
- "id": "id4",
- "version": 156,
- "status": "CANCELLED_BY_SELLER",
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
- }
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-# Update Booking Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `booking` | [`?Booking`](../../doc/models/booking.md) | Optional | Represents a booking as a time-bound service contract for a seller's staff member to provide a specified service
at a given location to a requesting customer in one or more appointment segments. | getBooking(): ?Booking | setBooking(?Booking booking): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "booking": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "1955 Broadway",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "CA",
- "locality": "Oakland",
- "postal_code": "94612"
- },
- "appointment_segments": [
- {
- "duration_minutes": 60,
- "service_variation_id": "RU3PBTZTK7DXZDQFCJHOK2MC",
- "service_variation_version": 1599775456731,
- "team_member_id": "TMXUrsBWWcHTt79t"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2020-10-28T15:47:41Z",
- "customer_id": "EX2QSVGTZN4K1E5QE1CBFNVQ8M",
- "customer_note": "I would like to sit near the window please",
- "id": "zkras0xv0xwswx",
- "location_id": "LEQHH0YY8B42M",
- "location_type": "CUSTOMER_LOCATION",
- "seller_note": "",
- "start_at": "2020-11-26T13:00:00Z",
- "status": "ACCEPTED",
- "updated_at": "2020-10-28T15:49:25Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- "errors": []
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-# Update Break Type Request
-A request to update a `BreakType`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `breakType` | [`BreakType`](../../doc/models/break-type.md) | Required | A defined break template that sets an expectation for possible `Break`
instances on a `Shift`. | getBreakType(): BreakType | setBreakType(BreakType breakType): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "break_type": {
- "break_name": "Lunch",
- "expected_duration": "PT50M",
- "is_paid": true,
- "location_id": "26M7H24AZ9N6R",
- "version": 1,
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4"
- }
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-# Update Break Type Response
-A response to a request to update a `BreakType`. The response contains
-the requested `BreakType` objects and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `breakType` | [`?BreakType`](../../doc/models/break-type.md) | Optional | A defined break template that sets an expectation for possible `Break`
instances on a `Shift`. | getBreakType(): ?BreakType | setBreakType(?BreakType breakType): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "break_type": {
- "break_name": "Lunch",
- "created_at": "2018-06-12T20:19:12Z",
- "expected_duration": "PT50M",
- "id": "Q6JSJS6D4DBCH",
- "is_paid": true,
- "location_id": "26M7H24AZ9N6R",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-26T23:12:59Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Catalog Image Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this UpdateCatalogImage request.
Keys can be any valid string but must be unique for every UpdateCatalogImage request.
See [Idempotency keys](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "528dea59-7bfb-43c1-bd48-4a6bba7dd61f86",
- "image": {
- "image_data": {
- "caption": "A picture of a cup of coffee",
- "name": "Coffee"
- },
- "type": "IMAGE"
- },
- "object_id": "ND6EA5AAJEO5WL3JNNIAQA32"
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-# Update Catalog Image Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `image` | [`?CatalogObject`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The wrapper object for the catalog entries of a given object type.
Depending on the `type` attribute value, a `CatalogObject` instance assumes a type-specific data to yield the corresponding type of catalog object.
For example, if `type=ITEM`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ITEM-specific data set on the `item_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `CatalogItem` instance.
In general, if `type=`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ``-specific data set on the `_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `Catalog` instance.
For a more detailed discussion of the Catalog data model, please see the
[Design a Catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/design-a-catalog) guide. | getImage(): ?CatalogObject | setImage(?CatalogObject image): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "image": {
- "image_data": {
- "caption": "A picture of a cup of coffee",
- "name": "Coffee",
- "url": "https://..."
- },
- "type": "IMAGE",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "version": 100,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Customer Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents an [UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#update-customer-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "key": "key2",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name2"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key2"
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-# Update Customer Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents an [UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#update-customer-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T15:27:30Z",
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "key": "favoritemovie",
- "name": "Favorite Movie",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-04-26T15:39:38Z",
- "version": 2,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Customer Group Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in a request to the
-[UpdateCustomerGroup](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#update-customer-group) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `group` | [`CustomerGroup`](../../doc/models/customer-group.md) | Required | Represents a group of customer profiles.
Customer groups can be created, be modified, and have their membership defined using
the Customers API or within the Customer Directory in the Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale. | getGroup(): CustomerGroup | setGroup(CustomerGroup group): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "group": {
- "name": "Loyal Customers",
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6"
- }
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-# Update Customer Group Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [UpdateCustomerGroup](../../doc/apis/customer-groups.md#update-customer-group) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `group` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `group` | [`?CustomerGroup`](../../doc/models/customer-group.md) | Optional | Represents a group of customer profiles.
Customer groups can be created, be modified, and have their membership defined using
the Customers API or within the Customer Directory in the Square Seller Dashboard or Point of Sale. | getGroup(): ?CustomerGroup | setGroup(?CustomerGroup group): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "group": {
- "created_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:57.863Z",
- "id": "2TAT3CMH4Q0A9M87XJZED0WMR3",
- "name": "Loyal Customers",
- "updated_at": "2020-04-13T21:54:58Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Customer Request
-Defines the body parameters that can be included in a request to the
-`UpdateCustomer` endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `givenName` | `?string` | Optional | The given name (that is, the first name) associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 300 characters. | getGivenName(): ?string | setGivenName(?string givenName): void |
-| `familyName` | `?string` | Optional | The family name (that is, the last name) associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 300 characters. | getFamilyName(): ?string | setFamilyName(?string familyName): void |
-| `companyName` | `?string` | Optional | A business name associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 500 characters. | getCompanyName(): ?string | setCompanyName(?string companyName): void |
-| `nickname` | `?string` | Optional | A nickname for the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 100 characters. | getNickname(): ?string | setNickname(?string nickname): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address associated with the customer profile.
The maximum length for this value is 254 characters. | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number associated with the customer profile. The phone number must be valid and can contain
9–16 digits, with an optional `+` prefix and country code. For more information, see
[Customer phone numbers](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#phone-number). | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `referenceId` | `?string` | Optional | An optional second ID used to associate the customer profile with an
entity in another system.
The maximum length for this value is 100 characters. | getReferenceId(): ?string | setReferenceId(?string referenceId): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | A custom note associated with the customer profile. | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `birthday` | `?string` | Optional | The birthday associated with the customer profile, in `YYYY-MM-DD` or `MM-DD` format. For example,
specify `1998-09-21` for September 21, 1998, or `09-21` for September 21. Birthdays are returned in `YYYY-MM-DD`
format, where `YYYY` is the specified birth year or `0000` if a birth year is not specified. | getBirthday(): ?string | setBirthday(?string birthday): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The current version of the customer profile.
As a best practice, you should include this field to enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency) control. For more information, see [Update a customer profile](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#update-a-customer-profile). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `taxIds` | [`?CustomerTaxIds`](../../doc/models/customer-tax-ids.md) | Optional | Represents the tax ID associated with a [customer profile](../../doc/models/customer.md). The corresponding `tax_ids` field is available only for customers of sellers in EU countries or the United Kingdom.
For more information, see [Customer tax IDs](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/customers-api/what-it-does#customer-tax-ids). | getTaxIds(): ?CustomerTaxIds | setTaxIds(?CustomerTaxIds taxIds): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "email_address": "New.Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "note": "updated customer note",
- "phone_number": null,
- "version": 2,
- "given_name": "given_name0",
- "family_name": "family_name8",
- "company_name": "company_name4",
- "nickname": "nickname4"
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-# Update Customer Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [UpdateCustomer](../../doc/apis/customers.md#update-customer) or
-[BulkUpdateCustomers](../../doc/apis/customers.md#bulk-update-customers) endpoint.
-Either `errors` or `customer` is present in a given response (never both).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `customer` | [`?Customer`](../../doc/models/customer.md) | Optional | Represents a Square customer profile in the Customer Directory of a Square seller. | getCustomer(): ?Customer | setCustomer(?Customer customer): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "customer": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "500 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003"
- },
- "created_at": "2016-03-23T20:21:54.859Z",
- "creation_source": "THIRD_PARTY",
- "email_address": "New.Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "note": "updated customer note",
- "preferences": {
- "email_unsubscribed": false
- },
- "reference_id": "YOUR_REFERENCE_ID",
- "updated_at": "2016-05-15T20:21:55Z",
- "version": 3,
- "cards": [
- {
- "id": "id8",
- "card_brand": "DISCOVER",
- "last_4": "last_40",
- "exp_month": 152,
- "exp_year": 144
- }
- ]
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Invoice Request
-Describes a `UpdateInvoice` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoice` | [`Invoice`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Required | Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview). | getInvoice(): Invoice | setInvoice(Invoice invoice): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies the `UpdateInvoice` request. If you do not
provide `idempotency_key` (or provide an empty string as the value), the endpoint
treats each request as independent.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `fieldsToClear` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The list of fields to clear. Although this field is currently supported, we
recommend using null values or the `remove` field when possible. For examples, see
[Update an Invoice](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/update-invoices). | getFieldsToClear(): ?array | setFieldsToClear(?array fieldsToClear): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "4ee82288-0910-499e-ab4c-5d0071dad1be",
- "invoice": {
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "reminders": null,
- "tipping_enabled": false,
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "version": 1,
- "id": "id6",
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "order_id": "order_id0",
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "customer_id2",
- "given_name": "given_name6",
- "family_name": "family_name8",
- "email_address": "email_address2",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
- },
- "fields_to_clear": [
- "fields_to_clear1",
- "fields_to_clear2",
- "fields_to_clear3"
- ]
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-# Update Invoice Response
-Describes a `UpdateInvoice` response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `invoice` | [`?Invoice`](../../doc/models/invoice.md) | Optional | Stores information about an invoice. You use the Invoices API to create and manage
invoices. For more information, see [Invoices API Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/invoices-api/overview). | getInvoice(): ?Invoice | setInvoice(?Invoice invoice): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "invoice": {
- "accepted_payment_methods": {
- "bank_account": false,
- "buy_now_pay_later": false,
- "card": true,
- "cash_app_pay": false,
- "square_gift_card": false
- },
- "created_at": "2020-06-18T17:45:13Z",
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "label": "Event Reference Number",
- "placement": "ABOVE_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "Ref. #1234"
- },
- {
- "label": "Terms of Service",
- "placement": "BELOW_LINE_ITEMS",
- "value": "The terms of service are..."
- }
- ],
- "delivery_method": "EMAIL",
- "description": "We appreciate your business!",
- "id": "inv:0-ChCHu2mZEabLeeHahQnXDjZQECY",
- "invoice_number": "inv-100",
- "location_id": "ES0RJRZYEC39A",
- "next_payment_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "order_id": "CAISENgvlJ6jLWAzERDzjyHVybY",
- "payment_requests": [
- {
- "automatic_payment_source": "NONE",
- "computed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "due_date": "2030-01-24",
- "request_type": "BALANCE",
- "tipping_enabled": false,
- "total_completed_amount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "2da7964f-f3d2-4f43-81e8-5aa220bf3355"
- }
- ],
- "primary_recipient": {
- "customer_id": "JDKYHBWT1D4F8MFH63DBMEN8Y4",
- "email_address": "Amelia.Earhart@example.com",
- "family_name": "Earhart",
- "given_name": "Amelia",
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4240",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- },
- "sale_or_service_date": "2030-01-24",
- "scheduled_at": "2030-01-13T10:00:00Z",
- "status": "UNPAID",
- "store_payment_method_enabled": false,
- "timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
- "title": "Event Planning Services",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-18T18:23:11Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Item Modifier Lists Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemIds` | `string[]` | Required | The IDs of the catalog items associated with the CatalogModifierList objects being updated. | getItemIds(): array | setItemIds(array itemIds): void |
-| `modifierListsToEnable` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the CatalogModifierList objects to enable for the CatalogItem.
At least one of `modifier_lists_to_enable` or `modifier_lists_to_disable` must be specified. | getModifierListsToEnable(): ?array | setModifierListsToEnable(?array modifierListsToEnable): void |
-| `modifierListsToDisable` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The IDs of the CatalogModifierList objects to disable for the CatalogItem.
At least one of `modifier_lists_to_enable` or `modifier_lists_to_disable` must be specified. | getModifierListsToDisable(): ?array | setModifierListsToDisable(?array modifierListsToDisable): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_ids": [
- ],
- "modifier_lists_to_disable": [
- ],
- "modifier_lists_to_enable": [
- ]
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-# Update Item Modifier Lists Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The database [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-data-types/working-with-dates) of this update in RFC 3339 format, e.g., `2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z`. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Update Item Taxes Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `itemIds` | `string[]` | Required | IDs for the CatalogItems associated with the CatalogTax objects being updated.
No more than 1,000 IDs may be provided. | getItemIds(): array | setItemIds(array itemIds): void |
-| `taxesToEnable` | `?(string[])` | Optional | IDs of the CatalogTax objects to enable.
At least one of `taxes_to_enable` or `taxes_to_disable` must be specified. | getTaxesToEnable(): ?array | setTaxesToEnable(?array taxesToEnable): void |
-| `taxesToDisable` | `?(string[])` | Optional | IDs of the CatalogTax objects to disable.
At least one of `taxes_to_enable` or `taxes_to_disable` must be specified. | getTaxesToDisable(): ?array | setTaxesToDisable(?array taxesToDisable): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "item_ids": [
- ],
- "taxes_to_disable": [
- ],
- "taxes_to_enable": [
- ]
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-# Update Item Taxes Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The database [timestamp](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-dates) of this update in RFC 3339 format, e.g., `2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z`. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "updated_at": "2016-11-16T22:25:24.878Z",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Job Request
-Represents an [UpdateJob](../../doc/apis/team.md#update-job) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `job` | [`Job`](../../doc/models/job.md) | Required | Represents a job that can be assigned to [team members](../../doc/models/team-member.md). This object defines the
job's title and tip eligibility. Compensation is defined in a [job assignment](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md)
in a team member's wage setting. | getJob(): Job | setJob(Job job): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "job": {
- "is_tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier 1",
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at8"
- }
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-# Update Job Response
-Represents an [UpdateJob](../../doc/apis/team.md#update-job) response. Either `job` or `errors`
-is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `job` | [`?Job`](../../doc/models/job.md) | Optional | Represents a job that can be assigned to [team members](../../doc/models/team-member.md). This object defines the
job's title and tip eligibility. Compensation is defined in a [job assignment](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md)
in a team member's wage setting. | getJob(): ?Job | setJob(?Job job): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "job": {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "is_tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Cashier 1",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-13T12:55:45Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Update Location Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents an [UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#update-location-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "key": "key2",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name2"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key2"
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-# Update Location Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents an [UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#update-location-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-12-02T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "key": "bestseller",
- "name": "Bestseller",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-12-02T19:34:10.181Z",
- "version": 2,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Location Request
-The request object for the [UpdateLocation](../../doc/apis/locations.md#update-location) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `location` | [`?Location`](../../doc/models/location.md) | Optional | Represents one of a business' [locations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api). | getLocation(): ?Location | setLocation(?Location location): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location": {
- "business_hours": {
- "periods": [
- {
- "day_of_week": "FRI",
- "end_local_time": "18:00",
- "start_local_time": "07:00"
- },
- {
- "day_of_week": "SAT",
- "end_local_time": "18:00",
- "start_local_time": "07:00"
- },
- {
- "day_of_week": "SUN",
- "end_local_time": "15:00",
- "start_local_time": "09:00"
- }
- ]
- },
- "description": "Midtown Atlanta store - Open weekends",
- "id": "id4",
- "name": "name4",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "timezone": "timezone6",
- "capabilities": [
- ]
- }
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-# Update Location Response
-The response object returned by the [UpdateLocation](../../doc/apis/locations.md#update-location) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information about errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `location` | [`?Location`](../../doc/models/location.md) | Optional | Represents one of a business' [locations](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api). | getLocation(): ?Location | setLocation(?Location location): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location": {
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "1234 Peachtree St. NE",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "GA",
- "locality": "Atlanta",
- "postal_code": "30309",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "business_hours": {
- "periods": [
- {
- "day_of_week": "FRI",
- "end_local_time": "18:00",
- "start_local_time": "07:00"
- },
- {
- "day_of_week": "SAT",
- "end_local_time": "18:00",
- "start_local_time": "07:00"
- },
- {
- "day_of_week": "SUN",
- "end_local_time": "15:00",
- "start_local_time": "09:00"
- }
- ]
- },
- "business_name": "Jet Fuel Coffee",
- "capabilities": [
- ],
- "coordinates": {
- "latitude": 33.7889,
- "longitude": -84.3841
- },
- "country": "US",
- "created_at": "2022-02-19T17:58:25Z",
- "currency": "USD",
- "description": "Midtown Atlanta store - Open weekends",
- "id": "3Z4V4WHQK64X9",
- "language_code": "en-US",
- "mcc": "7299",
- "merchant_id": "3MYCJG5GVYQ8Q",
- "name": "Midtown",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "type": "PHYSICAL"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Location Settings Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `locationSettings` | [`CheckoutLocationSettings`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings.md) | Required | - | getLocationSettings(): CheckoutLocationSettings | setLocationSettings(CheckoutLocationSettings locationSettings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_settings": {
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "customer_notes_enabled": false,
- "policies": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "title": "title4",
- "description": "description8"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "title": "title4",
- "description": "description8"
- },
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "title": "title4",
- "description": "description8"
- }
- ],
- "branding": {
- "header_type": "FULL_WIDTH_LOGO",
- "button_color": "button_color2",
- "button_shape": "PILL"
- },
- "tipping": {
- "percentages": [
- 246,
- 247
- ],
- "smart_tipping_enabled": false,
- "default_percent": 46,
- "smart_tips": [
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- },
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- }
- ],
- "default_smart_tip": {
- "amount": 58,
- "currency": "KWD"
- }
- }
- }
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-# Update Location Settings Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred when updating the location settings. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `locationSettings` | [`?CheckoutLocationSettings`](../../doc/models/checkout-location-settings.md) | Optional | - | getLocationSettings(): ?CheckoutLocationSettings | setLocationSettings(?CheckoutLocationSettings locationSettings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "location_settings": {
- "branding": {
- "button_color": "#00b23b",
- "button_shape": "ROUNDED",
- "header_type": "FRAMED_LOGO"
- },
- "customer_notes_enabled": false,
- "location_id": "LOCATION_ID_1",
- "policies": [
- {
- "description": "This is my Return Policy",
- "title": "Return Policy",
- "uid": "POLICY_ID_1"
- },
- {
- "description": "Items may be returned within 30 days of purchase.",
- "title": "Return Policy",
- "uid": "POLICY_ID_2"
- }
- ],
- "tipping": {
- "default_percent": 20,
- "default_whole_amount_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "percentages": [
- 15,
- 20,
- 25
- ],
- "smart_tipping_enabled": true,
- "whole_amounts": [
- {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- ],
- "smart_tips": [
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- },
- {
- "amount": 152,
- "currency": "GEL"
- }
- ],
- "default_smart_tip": {
- "amount": 58,
- "currency": "KWD"
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-06-16T22:25:35Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Merchant Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents an [UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#update-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "key": "key2",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name2"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
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-# Update Merchant Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents an [UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#update-merchant-custom-attribute-definition) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2023-05-05T19:06:36.559Z",
- "description": "Update the description as desired.",
- "key": "alternative_seller_name",
- "name": "Alternative Merchant Name",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2023-05-05T19:34:10.181Z",
- "version": 2,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Merchant Settings Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `merchantSettings` | [`CheckoutMerchantSettings`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings.md) | Required | - | getMerchantSettings(): CheckoutMerchantSettings | setMerchantSettings(CheckoutMerchantSettings merchantSettings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant_settings": {
- "payment_methods": {
- "apple_pay": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "google_pay": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "cash_app": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "afterpay_clearpay": {
- "order_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "item_eligibility_range": {
- "min": {
- "amount": 34,
- "currency": "OMR"
- },
- "max": {
- "amount": 140,
- "currency": "JPY"
- }
- },
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "updated_at6"
- }
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-# Update Merchant Settings Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred when updating the merchant settings. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `merchantSettings` | [`?CheckoutMerchantSettings`](../../doc/models/checkout-merchant-settings.md) | Optional | - | getMerchantSettings(): ?CheckoutMerchantSettings | setMerchantSettings(?CheckoutMerchantSettings merchantSettings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "merchant_settings": {
- "merchant_id": "MERCHANT_ID",
- "payment_methods": {
- "afterpay_clearpay": {
- "enabled": true,
- "item_eligibility_range": {
- "max": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "min": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "order_eligibility_range": {
- "max": {
- "amount": 10000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "min": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- }
- },
- "apple_pay": {
- "enabled": false
- },
- "cash_app_pay": {
- "enabled": true
- },
- "google_pay": {
- "enabled": true
- },
- "cash_app": {
- "enabled": false
- }
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-06-16T22:25:35Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Order Custom Attribute Definition Request
-Represents an update request for an order custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Required | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "key": "cover-count",
- "version": 1,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name2",
- "description": "description8"
- },
- "idempotency_key": "IDEMPOTENCY_KEY"
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-# Update Order Custom Attribute Definition Response
-Represents a response from updating an order custom attribute definition.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttributeDefinition` | [`?CustomAttributeDefinition`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute-definition.md) | Optional | Represents a definition for custom attribute values. A custom attribute definition
specifies the key, visibility, schema, and other properties for a custom attribute. | getCustomAttributeDefinition(): ?CustomAttributeDefinition | setCustomAttributeDefinition(?CustomAttributeDefinition customAttributeDefinition): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute_definition": {
- "created_at": "2022-11-16T16:53:23.141Z",
- "description": "The number of people seated at a table",
- "key": "cover-count",
- "name": "Cover count",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "updated_at": "2022-11-16T17:44:11.436Z",
- "version": 2,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Order Request
-Defines the fields that are included in requests to the
-[UpdateOrder](../../doc/apis/orders.md#update-order) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `fieldsToClear` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The [dot notation paths](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders#identifying-fields-to-delete)
fields to clear. For example, `line_items[uid].note`.
For more information, see [Deleting fields](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-orders#deleting-fields). | getFieldsToClear(): ?array | setFieldsToClear(?array fieldsToClear): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this update request.
If you are unsure whether a particular update was applied to an order successfully,
you can reattempt it with the same idempotency key without
worrying about creating duplicate updates to the order.
The latest order version is returned.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `192` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": {
- "id": "id6",
- "location_id": "location_id0",
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "source": {
- "name": "name4"
- },
- "customer_id": "customer_id4",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "uid": "uid8",
- "name": "name8",
- "quantity": "quantity4",
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ]
- },
- "fields_to_clear": [
- "fields_to_clear7",
- "fields_to_clear8",
- "fields_to_clear9"
- ],
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key2"
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-# Update Order Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [UpdateOrder](../../doc/apis/orders.md#update-order) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?Order`](../../doc/models/order.md) | Optional | Contains all information related to a single order to process with Square,
including line items that specify the products to purchase. `Order` objects also
include information about any associated tenders, refunds, and returns.
All Connect V2 Transactions have all been converted to Orders including all associated
itemization data. | getOrder(): ?Order | setOrder(?Order order): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": {
- "created_at": "2019-08-23T18:26:18.243Z",
- "id": "DREk7wJcyXNHqULq8JJ2iPAsluJZY",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "Small Coffee",
- "quantity": "1",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "EuYkakhmu3ksHIds5Hiot",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- },
- {
- "base_price_money": {
- "amount": 200,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "gross_sales_money": {
- "amount": 400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "name": "COOKIE",
- "quantity": "2",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "uid": "cookie_uid",
- "variation_total_price_money": {
- "amount": 400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "quantity_unit": {
- "measurement_unit": {
- "custom_unit": {
- "name": "name2",
- "abbreviation": "abbreviation4"
- },
- "area_unit": "IMPERIAL_ACRE",
- "length_unit": "IMPERIAL_INCH",
- "volume_unit": "METRIC_LITER",
- "weight_unit": "IMPERIAL_WEIGHT_OUNCE"
- },
- "precision": 54,
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id0",
- "catalog_version": 12
- },
- "note": "note4",
- "catalog_object_id": "catalog_object_id2"
- }
- ],
- "location_id": "MXVQSVNDGN3C8",
- "net_amounts": {
- "discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 900,
- "currency": "USD"
- }
- },
- "source": {
- "name": "Cookies"
- },
- "state": "OPEN",
- "total_discount_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 900,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_service_charge_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_tax_money": {
- "amount": 0,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2019-08-23T18:33:47.523Z",
- "version": 2,
- "reference_id": "reference_id4",
- "customer_id": "customer_id4"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Payment Link Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `paymentLink` | [`PaymentLink`](../../doc/models/payment-link.md) | Required | - | getPaymentLink(): PaymentLink | setPaymentLink(PaymentLink paymentLink): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_link": {
- "checkout_options": {
- "ask_for_shipping_address": true,
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- },
- "version": 1,
- "id": "id2",
- "description": "description2",
- "order_id": "order_id6",
- "pre_populated_data": {
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
- }
- }
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-# Update Payment Link Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred when updating the payment link. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `paymentLink` | [`?PaymentLink`](../../doc/models/payment-link.md) | Optional | - | getPaymentLink(): ?PaymentLink | setPaymentLink(?PaymentLink paymentLink): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment_link": {
- "checkout_options": {
- "ask_for_shipping_address": true,
- "allow_tipping": false,
- "custom_fields": [
- {
- "title": "title8"
- },
- {
- "title": "title8"
- }
- ],
- "subscription_plan_id": "subscription_plan_id8",
- "redirect_url": "redirect_url2",
- "merchant_support_email": "merchant_support_email8"
- },
- "created_at": "2022-04-26T00:15:15Z",
- "id": "TY4BWEDJ6AI5MBIV",
- "long_url": "https://checkout.square.site/EXAMPLE",
- "order_id": "Qqc8ypQGvxVwc46Cch4zHTaJqc4F",
- "payment_note": "test",
- "updated_at": "2022-04-26T00:18:24Z",
- "url": "https://square.link/u/EXAMPLE",
- "version": 2,
- "description": "description2",
- "pre_populated_data": {
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "buyer_phone_number": "buyer_phone_number0",
- "buyer_address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_12",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_22",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_38",
- "locality": "locality2",
- "sublocality": "sublocality2"
- }
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Payment Request
-Describes a request to update a payment using
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `payment` | [`?Payment`](../../doc/models/payment.md) | Optional | Represents a payment processed by the Square API. | getPayment(): ?Payment | setPayment(?Payment payment): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A unique string that identifies this `UpdatePayment` request. Keys can be any valid string
but must be unique for every `UpdatePayment` request.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "956f8b13-e4ec-45d6-85e8-d1d95ef0c5de",
- "payment": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "version_token": "ODhwVQ35xwlzRuoZEwKXucfu7583sPTzK48c5zoGd0g6o",
- "id": "id6",
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2"
- }
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-# Update Payment Response
-Defines the response returned by
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `payment` | [`?Payment`](../../doc/models/payment.md) | Optional | Represents a payment processed by the Square API. | getPayment(): ?Payment | setPayment(?Payment payment): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "payment": {
- "amount_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "application_details": {
- "application_id": "sq0ids-TcgftTEtKxJTRF1lCFJ9TA",
- "square_product": "ECOMMERCE_API"
- },
- "approved_money": {
- "amount": 1000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "capabilities": [
- ],
- "card_details": {
- "auth_result_code": "68aLBM",
- "avs_status": "AVS_ACCEPTED",
- "card": {
- "bin": "411111",
- "card_brand": "VISA",
- "card_type": "DEBIT",
- "exp_month": 11,
- "exp_year": 2022,
- "fingerprint": "sq-1-Hxim77tbdcbGejOejnoAklBVJed2YFLTmirfl8Q5XZzObTc8qY_U8RkwzoNL8dCEcQ",
- "last_4": "1111",
- "prepaid_type": "NOT_PREPAID"
- },
- "card_payment_timeline": {
- "authorized_at": "2021-10-13T20:26:44.364Z"
- },
- "cvv_status": "CVV_ACCEPTED",
- "entry_method": "ON_FILE",
- "statement_description": "SQ *EXAMPLE TEST GOSQ.C",
- "status": "AUTHORIZED"
- },
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T20:26:44.191Z",
- "customer_id": "W92WH6P11H4Z77CTET0RNTGFW8",
- "delay_action": "CANCEL",
- "delay_duration": "PT168H",
- "delayed_until": "2021-10-20T20:26:44.191Z",
- "id": "1QjqpBVyrI9S4H9sTGDWU9JeiWdZY",
- "location_id": "L88917AVBK2S5",
- "note": "Example Note",
- "order_id": "nUSN9TdxpiK3SrQg3wzmf6r8LP9YY",
- "receipt_number": "1Qjq",
- "risk_evaluation": {
- "created_at": "2021-10-13T20:26:45.271Z",
- "risk_level": "NORMAL"
- },
- "source_type": "CARD",
- "status": "APPROVED",
- "tip_money": {
- "amount": 100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "total_money": {
- "amount": 1100,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "updated_at": "2021-10-13T20:26:44.364Z",
- "version_token": "rDrXnqiS7fJgexccgdpzmwqTiXui1aIKCp9EchZ7trE6o"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/update-shift-request.md b/doc/models/update-shift-request.md
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--- a/doc/models/update-shift-request.md
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@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-# Update Shift Request
-A request to update a `Shift` object.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `shift` | [`Shift`](../../doc/models/shift.md) | Required | A record of the hourly rate, start, and end times for a single work shift
for an employee. This might include a record of the start and end times for breaks
taken during the shift. | getShift(): Shift | setShift(Shift shift): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "shift": {
- "breaks": [
- {
- "break_type_id": "REGS1EQR1TPZ5",
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T06:16:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT5M",
- "id": "X7GAQYVVRRG6P",
- "is_paid": true,
- "name": "Tea Break",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T06:11:00-05:00"
- }
- ],
- "declared_cash_tip_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T13:11:00-05:00",
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T03:11:00-05:00",
- "team_member_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "version": 1,
- "wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Bartender",
- "job_id": "job_id0"
- },
- "id": "id4",
- "employee_id": "employee_id4",
- "timezone": "timezone4"
- }
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Update Shift Response
-The response to a request to update a `Shift`. The response contains
-the updated `Shift` object and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `shift` | [`?Shift`](../../doc/models/shift.md) | Optional | A record of the hourly rate, start, and end times for a single work shift
for an employee. This might include a record of the start and end times for breaks
taken during the shift. | getShift(): ?Shift | setShift(?Shift shift): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "shift": {
- "breaks": [
- {
- "break_type_id": "REGS1EQR1TPZ5",
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T06:16:00-05:00",
- "expected_duration": "PT5M",
- "id": "X7GAQYVVRRG6P",
- "is_paid": true,
- "name": "Tea Break",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T06:11:00-05:00"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2019-02-28T00:39:02Z",
- "declared_cash_tip_money": {
- "amount": 500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "employee_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "end_at": "2019-01-25T13:11:00-05:00",
- "id": "K0YH4CV5462JB",
- "location_id": "PAA1RJZZKXBFG",
- "start_at": "2019-01-25T03:11:00-05:00",
- "status": "CLOSED",
- "team_member_id": "ormj0jJJZ5OZIzxrZYJI",
- "timezone": "America/New_York",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-28T00:42:41Z",
- "version": 2,
- "wage": {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1500,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "dZtrPh5GSDGugyXGByesVp51",
- "tip_eligible": true,
- "title": "Bartender"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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--- a/doc/models/update-subscription-request.md
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Update Subscription Request
-Defines input parameters in a request to the
-[UpdateSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#update-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "canceled_date": null,
- "card_id": "{NEW CARD ID}",
- "id": "id4",
- "location_id": "location_id8",
- "plan_variation_id": "plan_variation_id8",
- "customer_id": "customer_id2",
- "start_date": "start_date8"
- }
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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Update Subscription Response
-Defines output parameters in a response from the
-[UpdateSubscription](../../doc/apis/subscriptions.md#update-subscription) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?Subscription`](../../doc/models/subscription.md) | Optional | Represents a subscription purchased by a customer.
For more information, see
[Manage Subscriptions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/manage-subscriptions). | getSubscription(): ?Subscription | setSubscription(?Subscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "card_id": "{NEW CARD ID}",
- "charged_through_date": "2023-03-13",
- "created_at": "2023-01-30T19:27:32Z",
- "customer_id": "AM69AB81FT4479YH9HGWS1HZY8",
- "id": "7217d8ca-1fee-4446-a9e5-8540b5d8c9bb",
- "invoice_ids": [
- "inv:0-ChAPSfVYvNewckgf3x4iigN_ENMM",
- "inv:0-ChBQaCCLfjcm9WEUBGxvuydJENMM"
- ],
- "location_id": "LPJKHYR7WFDKN",
- "plan_variation_id": "XOUNEKCE6NSXQW5NTSQ73MMX",
- "source": {
- "name": "My Application"
- },
- "start_date": "2023-01-30",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "timezone": "UTC",
- "version": 3
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# Update Team Member Request
-Represents an update request for a `TeamMember` object.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMember` | [`?TeamMember`](../../doc/models/team-member.md) | Optional | A record representing an individual team member for a business. | getTeamMember(): ?TeamMember | setTeamMember(?TeamMember teamMember): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ],
- "wage_setting": {
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1200,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- "email_address": "joe_doe@gmail.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "id": "id6",
- "is_owner": false
- }
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Update Team Member Response
-Represents a response from an update request containing the updated `TeamMember` object or error messages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMember` | [`?TeamMember`](../../doc/models/team-member.md) | Optional | A record representing an individual team member for a business. | getTeamMember(): ?TeamMember | setTeamMember(?TeamMember teamMember): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member": {
- "assigned_locations": {
- "assignment_type": "EXPLICIT_LOCATIONS",
- "location_ids": [
- ]
- },
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "email_address": "joe_doe@example.com",
- "family_name": "Doe",
- "given_name": "Joe",
- "id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "is_owner": false,
- "phone_number": "+14159283333",
- "reference_id": "reference_id_1",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-15T17:38:05Z",
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1443,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "FjS8x95cqHiMenw4f1NAUH4P",
- "job_title": "Manager",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1200,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_id": "VDNpRv8da51NU8qZFC5zDWpF",
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "1yJlHapkseYnNPETIU1B",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-11T22:55:45Z",
- "version": 1
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/update-vendor-request.md b/doc/models/update-vendor-request.md
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Update Vendor Request
-Represents an input to a call to [UpdateVendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#update-vendor).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A client-supplied, universally unique identifier (UUID) for the
See [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) in the
[API Development 101](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/buildbasics) section for more
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `128` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `vendor` | [`Vendor`](../../doc/models/vendor.md) | Required | Represents a supplier to a seller. | getVendor(): Vendor | setVendor(Vendor vendor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "8fc6a5b0-9fe8-4b46-b46b-2ef95793abbe",
- "vendor": {
- "name": "Jack's Chicken Shack",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "version": 1,
- "created_at": "created_at4",
- "updated_at": "updated_at2",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
- }
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@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Update Vendor Response
-Represents an output from a call to [UpdateVendor](../../doc/apis/vendors.md#update-vendor).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Errors occurred when the request fails. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `vendor` | [`?Vendor`](../../doc/models/vendor.md) | Optional | Represents a supplier to a seller. | getVendor(): ?Vendor | setVendor(?Vendor vendor): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "vendor": {
- "account_number": "4025391",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "505 Electric Ave",
- "address_line_2": "Suite 600",
- "administrative_district_level_1": "NY",
- "country": "US",
- "locality": "New York",
- "postal_code": "10003",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- },
- "contacts": [
- {
- "email_address": "joe@joesfreshseafood.com",
- "name": "Joe Burrow",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "phone_number": "1-212-555-4250"
- }
- ],
- "created_at": "2022-03-16T10:21:54.859Z",
- "name": "Jack's Chicken Shack",
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "updated_at": "2022-03-16T20:21:54.859Z",
- "version": 2
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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--- a/doc/models/update-wage-setting-request.md
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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Update Wage Setting Request
-Represents an update request for the `WageSetting` object describing a `TeamMember`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `wageSetting` | [`WageSetting`](../../doc/models/wage-setting.md) | Required | Represents information about the overtime exemption status, job assignments, and compensation
for a [team member](../../doc/models/team-member.md). | getWageSetting(): WageSetting | setWageSetting(WageSetting wageSetting): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "wage_setting": {
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_title": "Manager",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40,
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY",
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 232,
- "currency": "NIO"
- },
- "weekly_hours": 98,
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id8",
- "version": 130,
- "created_at": "created_at6"
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/update-wage-setting-response.md b/doc/models/update-wage-setting-response.md
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@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Update Wage Setting Response
-Represents a response from an update request containing the updated `WageSetting` object
-or error messages.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `wageSetting` | [`?WageSetting`](../../doc/models/wage-setting.md) | Optional | Represents information about the overtime exemption status, job assignments, and compensation
for a [team member](../../doc/models/team-member.md). | getWageSetting(): ?WageSetting | setWageSetting(?WageSetting wageSetting): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | The errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "wage_setting": {
- "created_at": "2019-07-10T17:26:48+00:00",
- "is_overtime_exempt": true,
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 3000000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 1443,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_title": "Manager",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "weekly_hours": 40,
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- },
- {
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 2000,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "job_title": "Cashier",
- "pay_type": "HOURLY",
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 232,
- "currency": "NIO"
- },
- "weekly_hours": 98,
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- }
- ],
- "team_member_id": "-3oZQKPKVk6gUXU_V5Qa",
- "updated_at": "2020-06-11T23:12:04+00:00",
- "version": 1
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/update-webhook-subscription-request.md b/doc/models/update-webhook-subscription-request.md
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-# Update Webhook Subscription Request
-Updates a [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `subscription` | [`?WebhookSubscription`](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
event types, and signature key. | getSubscription(): ?WebhookSubscription | setSubscription(?WebhookSubscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "enabled": false,
- "name": "Updated Example Webhook Subscription",
- "id": "id4",
- "event_types": [
- "event_types2",
- "event_types3"
- ],
- "notification_url": "notification_url8"
- }
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-# Update Webhook Subscription Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [UpdateWebhookSubscription](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#update-webhook-subscription) endpoint.
-Note: If there are errors processing the request, the [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) is not
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `subscription` | [`?WebhookSubscription`](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) | Optional | Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
event types, and signature key. | getSubscription(): ?WebhookSubscription | setSubscription(?WebhookSubscription subscription): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "subscription": {
- "api_version": "2021-12-15",
- "created_at": "2022-01-10 23:29:48 +0000 UTC",
- "enabled": false,
- "event_types": [
- "payment.created",
- "payment.updated"
- ],
- "id": "wbhk_b35f6b3145074cf9ad513610786c19d5",
- "name": "Updated Example Webhook Subscription",
- "notification_url": "https://example-webhook-url.com",
- "updated_at": "2022-01-10 23:45:51 +0000 UTC"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Webhook Subscription Signature Key Request
-Updates a [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) by replacing the existing signature key with a new one.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique string that identifies the [UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKey](api-endpoint:WebhookSubscriptions-UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKey) request.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "ed80ae6b-0654-473b-bbab-a39aee89a60d"
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-# Update Webhook Subscription Signature Key Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKey](../../doc/apis/webhook-subscriptions.md#update-webhook-subscription-signature-key) endpoint.
-Note: If there are errors processing the request, the [Subscription](../../doc/models/webhook-subscription.md) is not
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Information on errors encountered during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `signatureKey` | `?string` | Optional | The new Square-generated signature key used to validate the origin of the webhook event. | getSignatureKey(): ?string | setSignatureKey(?string signatureKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "signature_key": "1k9bIJKCeTmSQwyagtNRLg",
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Update Workweek Config Request
-A request to update a `WorkweekConfig` object.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `workweekConfig` | [`WorkweekConfig`](../../doc/models/workweek-config.md) | Required | Sets the day of the week and hour of the day that a business starts a
workweek. This is used to calculate overtime pay. | getWorkweekConfig(): WorkweekConfig | setWorkweekConfig(WorkweekConfig workweekConfig): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "workweek_config": {
- "start_of_day_local_time": "10:00",
- "start_of_week": "MON",
- "version": 10,
- "id": "id0",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at6"
- }
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-# Update Workweek Config Response
-The response to a request to update a `WorkweekConfig` object. The response contains
-the updated `WorkweekConfig` object and might contain a set of `Error` objects if
-the request resulted in errors.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `workweekConfig` | [`?WorkweekConfig`](../../doc/models/workweek-config.md) | Optional | Sets the day of the week and hour of the day that a business starts a
workweek. This is used to calculate overtime pay. | getWorkweekConfig(): ?WorkweekConfig | setWorkweekConfig(?WorkweekConfig workweekConfig): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "workweek_config": {
- "created_at": "2016-02-04T00:58:24Z",
- "id": "FY4VCAQN700GM",
- "start_of_day_local_time": "10:00",
- "start_of_week": "MON",
- "updated_at": "2019-02-28T01:04:35Z",
- "version": 11
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Upsert Booking Custom Attribute Request
-Represents an [UpsertBookingCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#upsert-booking-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
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-# Upsert Booking Custom Attribute Response
-Represents an [UpsertBookingCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/booking-custom-attributes.md#upsert-booking-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Upsert Catalog Object Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `string` | Required | A value you specify that uniquely identifies this
request among all your requests. A common way to create
a valid idempotency key is to use a Universally unique
identifier (UUID).
If you're unsure whether a particular request was successful,
you can reattempt it with the same idempotency key without
worrying about creating duplicate objects.
See [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency) for more information.
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getIdempotencyKey(): string | setIdempotencyKey(string idempotencyKey): void |
-| `object` | [`CatalogObject`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Required | The wrapper object for the catalog entries of a given object type.
Depending on the `type` attribute value, a `CatalogObject` instance assumes a type-specific data to yield the corresponding type of catalog object.
For example, if `type=ITEM`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ITEM-specific data set on the `item_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `CatalogItem` instance.
In general, if `type=`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ``-specific data set on the `_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `Catalog` instance.
For a more detailed discussion of the Catalog data model, please see the
[Design a Catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/design-a-catalog) guide. | getObject(): CatalogObject | setObject(CatalogObject object): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "idempotency_key": "af3d1afc-7212-4300-b463-0bfc5314a5ae",
- "object": {
- "id": "#Cocoa",
- "item_data": {
- "abbreviation": "Ch",
- "description_html": "Hot Chocolate
- "name": "Cocoa",
- "variations": [
- {
- "id": "#Small",
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "#Cocoa",
- "name": "Small",
- "pricing_type": "VARIABLE_PRICING"
- },
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION"
- },
- {
- "id": "#Large",
- "item_variation_data": {
- "item_id": "#Cocoa",
- "name": "Large",
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING"
- },
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION"
- }
- ]
- },
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "updated_at8",
- "version": 4,
- "is_deleted": false,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- }
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-# Upsert Catalog Object Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `catalogObject` | [`?CatalogObject`](../../doc/models/catalog-object.md) | Optional | The wrapper object for the catalog entries of a given object type.
Depending on the `type` attribute value, a `CatalogObject` instance assumes a type-specific data to yield the corresponding type of catalog object.
For example, if `type=ITEM`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ITEM-specific data set on the `item_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `CatalogItem` instance.
In general, if `type=`, the `CatalogObject` instance must have the ``-specific data set on the `_data` attribute. The resulting `CatalogObject` instance is also a `Catalog` instance.
For a more detailed discussion of the Catalog data model, please see the
[Design a Catalog](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/catalog-api/design-a-catalog) guide. | getCatalogObject(): ?CatalogObject | setCatalogObject(?CatalogObject catalogObject): void |
-| `idMappings` | [`?(CatalogIdMapping[])`](../../doc/models/catalog-id-mapping.md) | Optional | The mapping between client and server IDs for this upsert. | getIdMappings(): ?array | setIdMappings(?array idMappings): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "catalog_object": {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_data": {
- "abbreviation": "Ch",
- "description": "Hot Chocolate",
- "description_html": "Hot Chocolate
- "description_plaintext": "Hot Chocolate",
- "name": "Cocoa",
- "product_type": "REGULAR",
- "variations": [
- {
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "name": "Small",
- "ordinal": 0,
- "pricing_type": "VARIABLE_PRICING",
- "stockable": true
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-14T15:51:39.021Z",
- "version": 1623685899021
- },
- {
- "id": "NS77DKEIQ3AEQTCP727DSA7U",
- "is_deleted": false,
- "item_variation_data": {
- "name": "Large",
- "ordinal": 1,
- "price_money": {
- "amount": 400,
- "currency": "USD"
- },
- "pricing_type": "FIXED_PRICING",
- "stockable": true
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM_VARIATION",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-14T15:51:39.021Z",
- "version": 1623685899021
- }
- ]
- },
- "present_at_all_locations": true,
- "type": "ITEM",
- "updated_at": "2021-06-14T15:51:39.021Z",
- "version": 1623685899021,
- "custom_attribute_values": {
- "key0": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key1": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- },
- "key2": {
- "name": "name8",
- "string_value": "string_value2",
- "custom_attribute_definition_id": "custom_attribute_definition_id4",
- "type": "STRING",
- "number_value": "number_value8"
- }
- },
- "catalog_v1_ids": [
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- },
- {
- "catalog_v1_id": "catalog_v1_id4",
- "location_id": "location_id4"
- }
- ]
- },
- "id_mappings": [
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Cocoa",
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Small",
- "object_id": "QRT53UP4LITLWGOGBZCUWP63"
- },
- {
- "client_object_id": "#Large",
- "object_id": "NS77DKEIQ3AEQTCP727DSA7U"
- }
- ],
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Upsert Customer Custom Attribute Request
-Represents an [UpsertCustomerCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#upsert-customer-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
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-# Upsert Customer Custom Attribute Response
-Represents an [UpsertCustomerCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/customer-custom-attributes.md#upsert-customer-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Upsert Location Custom Attribute Request
-Represents an [UpsertLocationCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#upsert-location-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key8"
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-# Upsert Location Custom Attribute Response
-Represents an [UpsertLocationCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/location-custom-attributes.md#upsert-location-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Upsert Merchant Custom Attribute Request
-Represents an [UpsertMerchantCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#upsert-merchant-custom-attribute) request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency. For more information,
see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key6"
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-# Upsert Merchant Custom Attribute Response
-Represents an [UpsertMerchantCustomAttribute](../../doc/apis/merchant-custom-attributes.md#upsert-merchant-custom-attribute) response.
-Either `custom_attribute_definition` or `errors` is present in the response.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Upsert Order Custom Attribute Request
-Represents an upsert request for an order custom attribute.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Required | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `idempotencyKey` | `?string` | Optional | A unique identifier for this request, used to ensure idempotency.
For more information, see [Idempotency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/idempotency).
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1`, *Maximum Length*: `45` | getIdempotencyKey(): ?string | setIdempotencyKey(?string idempotencyKey): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "idempotency_key": "idempotency_key4"
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-# Upsert Order Custom Attribute Response
-Represents a response from upserting order custom attribute definitions.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `customAttribute` | [`?CustomAttribute`](../../doc/models/custom-attribute.md) | Optional | A custom attribute value. Each custom attribute value has a corresponding
`CustomAttributeDefinition` object. | getCustomAttribute(): ?CustomAttribute | setCustomAttribute(?CustomAttribute customAttribute): void |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "custom_attribute": {
- "key": "key2",
- "value": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "version": 102,
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY",
- "definition": {
- "key": "key0",
- "schema": {
- "key1": "val1",
- "key2": "val2"
- },
- "name": "name0",
- "description": "description0",
- "visibility": "VISIBILITY_HIDDEN"
- }
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# Upsert Snippet Request
-Represents an `UpsertSnippet` request.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `snippet` | [`Snippet`](../../doc/models/snippet.md) | Required | Represents the snippet that is added to a Square Online site. The snippet code is injected into the `head` element of all pages on the site, except for checkout pages. | getSnippet(): Snippet | setSnippet(Snippet snippet): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "snippet": {
- "content": "",
- "id": "id0",
- "site_id": "site_id6",
- "created_at": "created_at8",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4"
- }
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-# Upsert Snippet Response
-Represents an `UpsertSnippet` response. The response can include either `snippet` or `errors`.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `snippet` | [`?Snippet`](../../doc/models/snippet.md) | Optional | Represents the snippet that is added to a Square Online site. The snippet code is injected into the `head` element of all pages on the site, except for checkout pages. | getSnippet(): ?Snippet | setSnippet(?Snippet snippet): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "snippet": {
- "content": "",
- "created_at": "2021-03-11T25:40:09.000000Z",
- "id": "snippet_5d178150-a6c0-11eb-a9f1-437e6a2881e7",
- "site_id": "site_278075276488921835",
- "updated_at": "2021-03-11T25:40:09.000000Z"
- },
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
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-# V1 Device
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The device's Square-issued ID. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The device's merchant-specified name. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "name": "name6"
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-# V1 List Orders Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `order` | [`?string(SortOrder)`](../../doc/models/sort-order.md) | Optional | The order (e.g., chronological or alphabetical) in which results from a request are returned. | getOrder(): ?string | setOrder(?string order): void |
-| `limit` | `?int` | Optional | The maximum number of payments to return in a single response. This value cannot exceed 200. | getLimit(): ?int | setLimit(?int limit): void |
-| `batchToken` | `?string` | Optional | A pagination cursor to retrieve the next set of results for your
original query to the endpoint. | getBatchToken(): ?string | setBatchToken(?string batchToken): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "order": "DESC",
- "limit": 24,
- "batch_token": "batch_token4"
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-# V1 List Orders Response
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `items` | [`?(V1Order[])`](../../doc/models/v1-order.md) | Optional | - | getItems(): ?array | setItems(?array items): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "items": [
- {
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "id": "id8",
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email0",
- "recipient_name": "recipient_name6",
- "recipient_phone_number": "recipient_phone_number6"
- },
- {
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "id": "id8",
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email0",
- "recipient_name": "recipient_name6",
- "recipient_phone_number": "recipient_phone_number6"
- }
- ]
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-# V1 Money
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `amount` | `?int` | Optional | Amount in the lowest denominated value of this Currency. E.g. in USD
these are cents, in JPY they are Yen (which do not have a 'cent' concept). | getAmount(): ?int | setAmount(?int amount): void |
-| `currencyCode` | [`?string(Currency)`](../../doc/models/currency.md) | Optional | Indicates the associated currency for an amount of money. Values correspond
to [ISO 4217](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217). | getCurrencyCode(): ?string | setCurrencyCode(?string currencyCode): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "amount": 24,
- "currency_code": "XPT"
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-# V1 Order History Entry Action
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `EXPIRED` |
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-# V1 Order History Entry
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `action` | [`?string(V1OrderHistoryEntryAction)`](../../doc/models/v1-order-history-entry-action.md) | Optional | - | getAction(): ?string | setAction(?string action): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the action was performed, in ISO 8601 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": "EXPIRED",
- "created_at": "created_at8"
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-# V1 Order State
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `PENDING` |
-| `OPEN` |
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-# V1 Order
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The order's unique identifier. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `buyerEmail` | `?string` | Optional | The email address of the order's buyer. | getBuyerEmail(): ?string | setBuyerEmail(?string buyerEmail): void |
-| `recipientName` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the order's buyer. | getRecipientName(): ?string | setRecipientName(?string recipientName): void |
-| `recipientPhoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number to use for the order's delivery. | getRecipientPhoneNumber(): ?string | setRecipientPhoneNumber(?string recipientPhoneNumber): void |
-| `state` | [`?string(V1OrderState)`](../../doc/models/v1-order-state.md) | Optional | - | getState(): ?string | setState(?string state): void |
-| `shippingAddress` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getShippingAddress(): ?Address | setShippingAddress(?Address shippingAddress): void |
-| `subtotalMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getSubtotalMoney(): ?V1Money | setSubtotalMoney(?V1Money subtotalMoney): void |
-| `totalShippingMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getTotalShippingMoney(): ?V1Money | setTotalShippingMoney(?V1Money totalShippingMoney): void |
-| `totalTaxMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getTotalTaxMoney(): ?V1Money | setTotalTaxMoney(?V1Money totalTaxMoney): void |
-| `totalPriceMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getTotalPriceMoney(): ?V1Money | setTotalPriceMoney(?V1Money totalPriceMoney): void |
-| `totalDiscountMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getTotalDiscountMoney(): ?V1Money | setTotalDiscountMoney(?V1Money totalDiscountMoney): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the order was created, in ISO 8601 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the order was last modified, in ISO 8601 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `expiresAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the order expires if no action is taken, in ISO 8601 format. | getExpiresAt(): ?string | setExpiresAt(?string expiresAt): void |
-| `paymentId` | `?string` | Optional | The unique identifier of the payment associated with the order. | getPaymentId(): ?string | setPaymentId(?string paymentId): void |
-| `buyerNote` | `?string` | Optional | A note provided by the buyer when the order was created, if any. | getBuyerNote(): ?string | setBuyerNote(?string buyerNote): void |
-| `completedNote` | `?string` | Optional | A note provided by the merchant when the order's state was set to COMPLETED, if any | getCompletedNote(): ?string | setCompletedNote(?string completedNote): void |
-| `refundedNote` | `?string` | Optional | A note provided by the merchant when the order's state was set to REFUNDED, if any. | getRefundedNote(): ?string | setRefundedNote(?string refundedNote): void |
-| `canceledNote` | `?string` | Optional | A note provided by the merchant when the order's state was set to CANCELED, if any. | getCanceledNote(): ?string | setCanceledNote(?string canceledNote): void |
-| `tender` | [`?V1Tender`](../../doc/models/v1-tender.md) | Optional | A tender represents a discrete monetary exchange. Square represents this
exchange as a money object with a specific currency and amount, where the
amount is given in the smallest denomination of the given currency.
Square POS can accept more than one form of tender for a single payment (such
as by splitting a bill between a credit card and a gift card). The `tender`
field of the Payment object lists all forms of tender used for the payment.
Split tender payments behave slightly differently from single tender payments:
The receipt_url for a split tender corresponds only to the first tender listed
in the tender field. To get the receipt URLs for the remaining tenders, use
the receipt_url fields of the corresponding Tender objects.
*A note on gift cards**: when a customer purchases a Square gift card from a
merchant, the merchant receives the full amount of the gift card in the
associated payment.
When that gift card is used as a tender, the balance of the gift card is
reduced and the merchant receives no funds. A `Tender` object with a type of
`SQUARE_GIFT_CARD` indicates a gift card was used for some or all of the
associated payment. | getTender(): ?V1Tender | setTender(?V1Tender tender): void |
-| `orderHistory` | [`?(V1OrderHistoryEntry[])`](../../doc/models/v1-order-history-entry.md) | Optional | The history of actions associated with the order. | getOrderHistory(): ?array | setOrderHistory(?array orderHistory): void |
-| `promoCode` | `?string` | Optional | The promo code provided by the buyer, if any. | getPromoCode(): ?string | setPromoCode(?string promoCode): void |
-| `btcReceiveAddress` | `?string` | Optional | For Bitcoin transactions, the address that the buyer sent Bitcoin to. | getBtcReceiveAddress(): ?string | setBtcReceiveAddress(?string btcReceiveAddress): void |
-| `btcPriceSatoshi` | `?float` | Optional | For Bitcoin transactions, the price of the buyer's order in satoshi (100 million satoshi equals 1 BTC). | getBtcPriceSatoshi(): ?float | setBtcPriceSatoshi(?float btcPriceSatoshi): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ],
- "id": "id0",
- "buyer_email": "buyer_email8",
- "recipient_name": "recipient_name8",
- "recipient_phone_number": "recipient_phone_number4"
diff --git a/doc/models/v1-phone-number.md b/doc/models/v1-phone-number.md
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-# V1 Phone Number
-Represents a phone number.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `callingCode` | `string` | Required | The phone number's international calling code. For US phone numbers, this value is +1. | getCallingCode(): string | setCallingCode(string callingCode): void |
-| `number` | `string` | Required | The phone number. | getNumber(): string | setNumber(string number): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "calling_code": "calling_code0",
- "number": "number4"
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-# V1 Tender Card Brand
-The brand of a credit card.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `VISA` |
-| `JCB` |
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-# V1 Tender Entry Method
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `MANUAL` |
-| `SCANNED` |
-| `SWIPED` |
-| `WEB_FORM` |
-| `OTHER` |
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-# V1 Tender Type
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `CASH` |
-| `NO_SALE` |
-| `UNKNOWN` |
-| `OTHER` |
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-# V1 Tender
-A tender represents a discrete monetary exchange. Square represents this
-exchange as a money object with a specific currency and amount, where the
-amount is given in the smallest denomination of the given currency.
-Square POS can accept more than one form of tender for a single payment (such
-as by splitting a bill between a credit card and a gift card). The `tender`
-field of the Payment object lists all forms of tender used for the payment.
-Split tender payments behave slightly differently from single tender payments:
-The receipt_url for a split tender corresponds only to the first tender listed
-in the tender field. To get the receipt URLs for the remaining tenders, use
-the receipt_url fields of the corresponding Tender objects.
-*A note on gift cards**: when a customer purchases a Square gift card from a
-merchant, the merchant receives the full amount of the gift card in the
-associated payment.
-When that gift card is used as a tender, the balance of the gift card is
-reduced and the merchant receives no funds. A `Tender` object with a type of
-`SQUARE_GIFT_CARD` indicates a gift card was used for some or all of the
-associated payment.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The tender's unique ID. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `type` | [`?string(V1TenderType)`](../../doc/models/v1-tender-type.md) | Optional | - | getType(): ?string | setType(?string type): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | A human-readable description of the tender. | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `employeeId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the employee that processed the tender. | getEmployeeId(): ?string | setEmployeeId(?string employeeId): void |
-| `receiptUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL of the receipt for the tender. | getReceiptUrl(): ?string | setReceiptUrl(?string receiptUrl): void |
-| `cardBrand` | [`?string(V1TenderCardBrand)`](../../doc/models/v1-tender-card-brand.md) | Optional | The brand of a credit card. | getCardBrand(): ?string | setCardBrand(?string cardBrand): void |
-| `panSuffix` | `?string` | Optional | The last four digits of the provided credit card's account number. | getPanSuffix(): ?string | setPanSuffix(?string panSuffix): void |
-| `entryMethod` | [`?string(V1TenderEntryMethod)`](../../doc/models/v1-tender-entry-method.md) | Optional | - | getEntryMethod(): ?string | setEntryMethod(?string entryMethod): void |
-| `paymentNote` | `?string` | Optional | Notes entered by the merchant about the tender at the time of payment, if any. Typically only present for tender with the type: OTHER. | getPaymentNote(): ?string | setPaymentNote(?string paymentNote): void |
-| `totalMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getTotalMoney(): ?V1Money | setTotalMoney(?V1Money totalMoney): void |
-| `tenderedMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getTenderedMoney(): ?V1Money | setTenderedMoney(?V1Money tenderedMoney): void |
-| `tenderedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the tender was created, in ISO 8601 format. | getTenderedAt(): ?string | setTenderedAt(?string tenderedAt): void |
-| `settledAt` | `?string` | Optional | The time when the tender was settled, in ISO 8601 format. | getSettledAt(): ?string | setSettledAt(?string settledAt): void |
-| `changeBackMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getChangeBackMoney(): ?V1Money | setChangeBackMoney(?V1Money changeBackMoney): void |
-| `refundedMoney` | [`?V1Money`](../../doc/models/v1-money.md) | Optional | - | getRefundedMoney(): ?V1Money | setRefundedMoney(?V1Money refundedMoney): void |
-| `isExchange` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether or not the tender is associated with an exchange. If is_exchange is true, the tender represents the value of goods returned in an exchange not the actual money paid. The exchange value reduces the tender amounts needed to pay for items purchased in the exchange. | getIsExchange(): ?bool | setIsExchange(?bool isExchange): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id6",
- "type": "SQUARE_WALLET",
- "name": "name6",
- "employee_id": "employee_id4",
- "receipt_url": "receipt_url2"
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-# V1 Update Order Request Action
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name |
-| --- |
-| `CANCEL` |
-| `REFUND` |
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-# V1 Update Order Request
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `action` | [`string(V1UpdateOrderRequestAction)`](../../doc/models/v1-update-order-request-action.md) | Required | - | getAction(): string | setAction(string action): void |
-| `shippedTrackingNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The tracking number of the shipment associated with the order. Only valid if action is COMPLETE. | getShippedTrackingNumber(): ?string | setShippedTrackingNumber(?string shippedTrackingNumber): void |
-| `completedNote` | `?string` | Optional | A merchant-specified note about the completion of the order. Only valid if action is COMPLETE. | getCompletedNote(): ?string | setCompletedNote(?string completedNote): void |
-| `refundedNote` | `?string` | Optional | A merchant-specified note about the refunding of the order. Only valid if action is REFUND. | getRefundedNote(): ?string | setRefundedNote(?string refundedNote): void |
-| `canceledNote` | `?string` | Optional | A merchant-specified note about the canceling of the order. Only valid if action is CANCEL. | getCanceledNote(): ?string | setCanceledNote(?string canceledNote): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "action": "COMPLETE",
- "shipped_tracking_number": "shipped_tracking_number4",
- "completed_note": "completed_note4",
- "refunded_note": "refunded_note8",
- "canceled_note": "canceled_note6"
diff --git a/doc/models/vendor-contact.md b/doc/models/vendor-contact.md
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-# Vendor Contact
-Represents a contact of a [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique Square-generated ID for the [VendorContact](entity:VendorContact).
This field is required when attempting to update a [VendorContact](entity:VendorContact).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the [VendorContact](entity:VendorContact).
This field is required when attempting to create a [Vendor](entity:Vendor).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `emailAddress` | `?string` | Optional | The email address of the [VendorContact](entity:VendorContact).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getEmailAddress(): ?string | setEmailAddress(?string emailAddress): void |
-| `phoneNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The phone number of the [VendorContact](entity:VendorContact).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `255` | getPhoneNumber(): ?string | setPhoneNumber(?string phoneNumber): void |
-| `removed` | `?bool` | Optional | The state of the [VendorContact](entity:VendorContact). | getRemoved(): ?bool | setRemoved(?bool removed): void |
-| `ordinal` | `int` | Required | The ordinal of the [VendorContact](entity:VendorContact). | getOrdinal(): int | setOrdinal(int ordinal): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id0",
- "name": "name0",
- "email_address": "email_address8",
- "phone_number": "phone_number8",
- "removed": false,
- "ordinal": 244
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-# Vendor Status
-The status of the [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md),
-whether a [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) is active or inactive.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ACTIVE` | Vendor is active and can receive purchase orders. |
-| `INACTIVE` | Vendor is inactive and cannot receive purchase orders. |
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-# Vendor
-Represents a supplier to a seller.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A unique Square-generated ID for the [Vendor](entity:Vendor).
This field is required when attempting to update a [Vendor](entity:Vendor).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | An RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when the
[Vendor](entity:Vendor) was created.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | An RFC 3339-formatted timestamp that indicates when the
[Vendor](entity:Vendor) was last updated.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `34` | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor).
This field is required when attempting to create or update a [Vendor](entity:Vendor).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `address` | [`?Address`](../../doc/models/address.md) | Optional | Represents a postal address in a country.
For more information, see [Working with Addresses](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/working-with-addresses). | getAddress(): ?Address | setAddress(?Address address): void |
-| `contacts` | [`?(VendorContact[])`](../../doc/models/vendor-contact.md) | Optional | The contacts of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor). | getContacts(): ?array | setContacts(?array contacts): void |
-| `accountNumber` | `?string` | Optional | The account number of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `100` | getAccountNumber(): ?string | setAccountNumber(?string accountNumber): void |
-| `note` | `?string` | Optional | A note detailing information about the [Vendor](entity:Vendor).
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `4096` | getNote(): ?string | setNote(?string note): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | The version of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `status` | [`?string(VendorStatus)`](../../doc/models/vendor-status.md) | Optional | The status of the [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md),
whether a [Vendor](../../doc/models/vendor.md) is active or inactive. | getStatus(): ?string | setStatus(?string status): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "created_at": "created_at6",
- "updated_at": "updated_at4",
- "name": "name8",
- "address": {
- "address_line_1": "address_line_16",
- "address_line_2": "address_line_26",
- "address_line_3": "address_line_32",
- "locality": "locality6",
- "sublocality": "sublocality6"
- }
diff --git a/doc/models/visibility-filter.md b/doc/models/visibility-filter.md
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-# Visibility Filter
-Enumeration of visibility-filter values used to set the ability to view custom attributes or custom attribute definitions.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `ALL` | All custom attributes or custom attribute definitions. |
-| `READ` | All custom attributes or custom attribute definitions with the `visibility` field set to `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. |
-| `READ_WRITE` | All custom attributes or custom attribute definitions with the `visibility` field set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. |
diff --git a/doc/models/void-transaction-response.md b/doc/models/void-transaction-response.md
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-# Void Transaction Response
-Defines the fields that are included in the response body of
-a request to the [VoidTransaction](api-endpoint:Transactions-VoidTransaction) endpoint.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `errors` | [`?(Error[])`](../../doc/models/error.md) | Optional | Any errors that occurred during the request. | getErrors(): ?array | setErrors(?array errors): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "errors": [
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- },
- {
- "detail": "detail6",
- "field": "field4"
- }
- ]
diff --git a/doc/models/wage-setting.md b/doc/models/wage-setting.md
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-# Wage Setting
-Represents information about the overtime exemption status, job assignments, and compensation
-for a [team member](../../doc/models/team-member.md).
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `teamMemberId` | `?string` | Optional | The ID of the team member associated with the wage setting. | getTeamMemberId(): ?string | setTeamMemberId(?string teamMemberId): void |
-| `jobAssignments` | [`?(JobAssignment[])`](../../doc/models/job-assignment.md) | Optional | **Required** The ordered list of jobs that the team member is assigned to.
The first job assignment is considered the team member's primary job. | getJobAssignments(): ?array | setJobAssignments(?array jobAssignments): void |
-| `isOvertimeExempt` | `?bool` | Optional | Whether the team member is exempt from the overtime rules of the seller's country. | getIsOvertimeExempt(): ?bool | setIsOvertimeExempt(?bool isOvertimeExempt): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | **Read only** Used for resolving concurrency issues. The request fails if the version
provided does not match the server version at the time of the request. If not provided,
Square executes a blind write, potentially overwriting data from another write. For more information,
see [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-apis/optimistic-concurrency). | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the wage setting was created, in RFC 3339 format. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp when the wage setting was last updated, in RFC 3339 format. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "team_member_id": "team_member_id2",
- "job_assignments": [
- {
- "job_title": "job_title6",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 232,
- "currency": "NIO"
- },
- "weekly_hours": 98,
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- },
- {
- "job_title": "job_title6",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 232,
- "currency": "NIO"
- },
- "weekly_hours": 98,
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- },
- {
- "job_title": "job_title6",
- "pay_type": "SALARY",
- "hourly_rate": {
- "amount": 172,
- "currency": "LAK"
- },
- "annual_rate": {
- "amount": 232,
- "currency": "NIO"
- },
- "weekly_hours": 98,
- "job_id": "job_id2"
- }
- ],
- "is_overtime_exempt": false,
- "version": 140,
- "created_at": "created_at0"
diff --git a/doc/models/webhook-subscription.md b/doc/models/webhook-subscription.md
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-# Webhook Subscription
-Represents the details of a webhook subscription, including notification URL,
-event types, and signature key.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | A Square-generated unique ID for the subscription.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `name` | `?string` | Optional | The name of this subscription.
**Constraints**: *Maximum Length*: `64` | getName(): ?string | setName(?string name): void |
-| `enabled` | `?bool` | Optional | Indicates whether the subscription is enabled (`true`) or not (`false`). | getEnabled(): ?bool | setEnabled(?bool enabled): void |
-| `eventTypes` | `?(string[])` | Optional | The event types associated with this subscription. | getEventTypes(): ?array | setEventTypes(?array eventTypes): void |
-| `notificationUrl` | `?string` | Optional | The URL to which webhooks are sent. | getNotificationUrl(): ?string | setNotificationUrl(?string notificationUrl): void |
-| `apiVersion` | `?string` | Optional | The API version of the subscription.
This field is optional for `CreateWebhookSubscription`.
The value defaults to the API version used by the application. | getApiVersion(): ?string | setApiVersion(?string apiVersion): void |
-| `signatureKey` | `?string` | Optional | The Square-generated signature key used to validate the origin of the webhook event. | getSignatureKey(): ?string | setSignatureKey(?string signatureKey): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the subscription was created, in RFC 3339 format. For example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | The timestamp of when the subscription was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
For example, "2016-09-04T23:59:33.123Z". | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id8",
- "name": "name8",
- "enabled": false,
- "event_types": [
- "event_types6"
- ],
- "notification_url": "notification_url2"
diff --git a/doc/models/weekday.md b/doc/models/weekday.md
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@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Weekday
-The days of the week.
-## Enumeration
-## Fields
-| Name | Description |
-| --- | --- |
-| `MON` | Monday |
-| `TUE` | Tuesday |
-| `WED` | Wednesday |
-| `THU` | Thursday |
-| `FRI` | Friday |
-| `SAT` | Saturday |
-| `SUN` | Sunday |
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Workweek Config
-Sets the day of the week and hour of the day that a business starts a
-workweek. This is used to calculate overtime pay.
-## Structure
-## Fields
-| Name | Type | Tags | Description | Getter | Setter |
-| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
-| `id` | `?string` | Optional | The UUID for this object. | getId(): ?string | setId(?string id): void |
-| `startOfWeek` | [`string(Weekday)`](../../doc/models/weekday.md) | Required | The days of the week. | getStartOfWeek(): string | setStartOfWeek(string startOfWeek): void |
-| `startOfDayLocalTime` | `string` | Required | The local time at which a business week starts. Represented as a
string in `HH:MM` format (`HH:MM:SS` is also accepted, but seconds are
**Constraints**: *Minimum Length*: `1` | getStartOfDayLocalTime(): string | setStartOfDayLocalTime(string startOfDayLocalTime): void |
-| `version` | `?int` | Optional | Used for resolving concurrency issues. The request fails if the version
provided does not match the server version at the time of the request. If not provided,
Square executes a blind write; potentially overwriting data from another
write. | getVersion(): ?int | setVersion(?int version): void |
-| `createdAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format; presented in UTC. | getCreatedAt(): ?string | setCreatedAt(?string createdAt): void |
-| `updatedAt` | `?string` | Optional | A read-only timestamp in RFC 3339 format; presented in UTC. | getUpdatedAt(): ?string | setUpdatedAt(?string updatedAt): void |
-## Example (as JSON)
- "id": "id4",
- "start_of_week": "SUN",
- "start_of_day_local_time": "start_of_day_local_time0",
- "version": 104,
- "created_at": "created_at2",
- "updated_at": "updated_at0"
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-# Utility Classes Documentation
-## FileWrapper
-Wraps file with mime-type and filename to be sent as part of an HTTP request.
-## Constructor Args
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| $realFilePath | string | The path of the file to wrap. |
-| $mimeType | ?mimeType | The mime-type to be sent with the file. |
-| $filename | ?string | The name to be used when sending the file. |
-## Methods
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-| getFilename() | ?string | Get name of the file to be used in the upload data. |
-| getMimeType() | ?string | Get the mime-type to be sent with the file. |
diff --git a/example-autoload.php b/example-autoload.php
deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- "/square-php-sdk/src/",
- "apimatic\\jsonmapper\\" => "/jsonmapper/src/",
- "Unirest\\" => "/unirest-php/src/",
- "Core\\" => "/core-lib-php/src/",
- "CoreInterfaces\\" => "/core-interfaces-php/src/",
- ];
- $matchingPrefix;
- foreach ($prefixToLocation as $prefix => $location) {
- $len = strlen($prefix);
- if (strncmp($prefix, $class, $len) !== 0) {
- // no, move to the next registered autoloader
- continue;
- } else {
- $matchingPrefix = $prefix;
- }
- }
- if (!$matchingPrefix) return; // ClassPrefix was not found return
- // base directory for the namespace prefix
- $base_dir = (__DIR__ . $prefixToLocation[$matchingPrefix]);
- // get the relative class name
- $relative_class = substr($class, strlen($matchingPrefix));
- // replace the namespace prefix with the base directory, replace namespace
- // separators with directory separators in the relative class name, append
- // with .php
- $file = $base_dir . str_replace('\\', '/', $relative_class) . '.php';
- // if the file exists, require it
- if (file_exists($file)) {
- require $file;
- }else {
- echo("Error loading: " . $file . "\r\n");
- }
diff --git a/phpcs-ruleset.xml b/phpcs-ruleset.xml
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..780706b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/phpstan.neon
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ level: max
+ reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false
+ paths:
+ - src
+ - tests
\ No newline at end of file
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index 8a72c924..54630a51 100644
--- a/phpunit.xml
+++ b/phpunit.xml
@@ -1,25 +1,7 @@
- ./tests
+ tests
- src
\ No newline at end of file
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- $val) {
- $headerKeys[\strtolower($headerName)] = $headerName;
- }
- // Override headers with new values
- foreach ($newHeaders as $headerName => $headerValue) {
- $lowerCasedName = \strtolower($headerName);
- if (isset($headerKeys[$lowerCasedName])) {
- unset($headers[$headerKeys[$lowerCasedName]]);
- }
- $headerKeys[$lowerCasedName] = $headerName;
- $headers[$headerName] = $headerValue;
- }
- return $headers;
- }
- /**
- * Assert if headers array is valid.
- *
- * @throws InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public static function assertHeaders(array $headers): void
- {
- foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
- // Validate header name (must be string, must use allowed chars)
- // Ref: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2
- if (!is_string($header)) {
- throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
- 'Header name must be a string but %s provided.',
- is_object($header) ? get_class($header) : gettype($header)
- ));
- }
- if (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9\'`#$%&*+.^_|~!-]+$/', $header) !== 1) {
- throw new InvalidArgumentException(
- sprintf(
- '"%s" is not a valid header name.',
- $header
- )
- );
- }
- // Validate value (must be scalar)
- if (!is_scalar($value) || null === $value) {
- throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
- 'Header value must be scalar but %s provided for header "%s".',
- is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : gettype($value),
- $header
- ));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Decodes a valid json string into an array to send in Api calls.
- *
- * @param mixed $json Must be null or array or a valid string json to be translated into a php array.
- * @param string $name Name of the argument whose value is being validated in $json parameter.
- * @param bool $associative Should check for associative? Default: true.
- *
- * @return array|null Returns an array made up of key-value pairs in the provided json string
- * or throws exception, if the provided json is not valid.
- * @throws InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public static function decodeJson($json, string $name, bool $associative = true): ?array
- {
- if (is_null($json) || (is_array($json) && (!$associative || CoreHelper::isAssociative($json)))) {
- return $json;
- }
- if ($json instanceof stdClass) {
- $json = json_encode($json);
- }
- if (is_string($json)) {
- $decoded = json_decode($json, true);
- if (is_array($decoded) && (!$associative || CoreHelper::isAssociative($decoded))) {
- return $decoded;
- }
- }
- throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid json value for argument: '$name'");
- }
- /**
- * Decodes a valid jsonArray string into an array to send in Api calls.
- *
- * @param mixed $json Must be null or array or a valid string jsonArray to be translated into a php array.
- * @param string $name Name of the argument whose value is being validated in $json parameter.
- * @param bool $asMap Should decode as map? Default: false.
- *
- * @return array|null Returns an array made up of key-value pairs in the provided jsonArray string
- * or throws exception, if the provided json is not valid.
- * @throws InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public static function decodeJsonArray($json, string $name, bool $asMap = false): ?array
- {
- $decoded = self::decodeJson($json, $name, false);
- if (is_null($decoded)) {
- return null;
- }
- $isAssociative = CoreHelper::isAssociative($decoded);
- if (($asMap && $isAssociative) || (!$asMap && !$isAssociative)) {
- return array_map(function ($v) use ($name) {
- return self::decodeJson($v, $name);
- }, $decoded);
- }
- $type = $asMap ? 'map' : 'array';
- throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid json $type value for argument: '$name'");
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/ApplePayApi.php b/src/Apis/ApplePayApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 232fd833..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/ApplePayApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/apple-pay/domains')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RegisterDomainResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/BankAccountsApi.php b/src/Apis/BankAccountsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 837c1800..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/BankAccountsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bank-accounts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListBankAccountsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns details of a [BankAccount]($m/BankAccount) identified by V1 bank account ID.
- *
- * @param string $v1BankAccountId Connect V1 ID of the desired `BankAccount`. For more
- * information, see
- * [Retrieve a bank account by using an ID issued by V1 Bank Accounts API](https:
- * //developer.squareup.com/docs/bank-accounts-api#retrieve-a-bank-account-by-using-an-
- * id-issued-by-v1-bank-accounts-api).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getBankAccountByV1Id(string $v1BankAccountId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bank-accounts/by-v1-id/{v1_bank_account_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('v1_bank_account_id', $v1BankAccountId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetBankAccountByV1IdResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns details of a [BankAccount]($m/BankAccount)
- * linked to a Square account.
- *
- * @param string $bankAccountId Square-issued ID of the desired `BankAccount`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getBankAccount(string $bankAccountId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bank-accounts/{bank_account_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('bank_account_id', $bankAccountId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetBankAccountResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/BaseApi.php b/src/Apis/BaseApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a39f912e..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/BaseApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-client = $client;
- }
- protected function execute(RequestBuilder $requestBuilder, ?ResponseHandler $responseHandler = null)
- {
- return (new ApiCall($this->client))
- ->requestBuilder($requestBuilder)
- ->responseHandler($responseHandler ?? $this->responseHandler())
- ->execute();
- }
- protected function requestBuilder(string $requestMethod, string $path): RequestBuilder
- {
- return new RequestBuilder($requestMethod, $path);
- }
- protected function responseHandler(): ResponseHandler
- {
- return $this->client->getGlobalResponseHandler();
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/BookingCustomAttributesApi.php b/src/Apis/BookingCustomAttributesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 33ddddee..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/BookingCustomAttributesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('limit', $limit), QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a bookings custom attribute definition.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a bookings custom attribute definition.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a bookings custom attribute definition.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting
- * application
- * is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is
- * used for strongly consistent
- * reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the
- * request,
- * Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the
- * specified version
- * is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key), QueryParam::init('version', $version));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a bookings custom attribute definition.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to update.
- * @param UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateBookingCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Bulk deletes bookings custom attributes.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST
- * for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/bookings/custom-attributes/bulk-delete')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Bulk upserts bookings custom attributes.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST
- * for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/bookings/custom-attributes/bulk-upsert')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists a booking's custom attributes.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param string $bookingId The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking).
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
- * This limit is advisory.
- * The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the
- * maximum value is 100.
- * The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.
- * squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param string|null $cursor The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call
- * to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
- * For more
- * information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param bool|null $withDefinitions Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
- * custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of
- * each custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listBookingCustomAttributes(
- string $bookingId,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings/{booking_id}/custom-attributes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('booking_id', $bookingId),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('with_definitions', $withDefinitions)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListBookingCustomAttributesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a bookings custom attribute.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param string $bookingId The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteBookingCustomAttribute(string $bookingId, string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/bookings/{booking_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('booking_id', $bookingId), TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteBookingCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a bookings custom attribute.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param string $bookingId The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param bool|null $withDefinition Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
- * the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description
- * of the custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for
- * strongly consistent reads to
- * guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
- * Square
- * returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified
- * version is
- * higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveBookingCustomAttribute(
- string $bookingId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/bookings/{booking_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('booking_id', $bookingId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- QueryParam::init('with_definition', $withDefinition),
- QueryParam::init('version', $version)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Upserts a bookings custom attribute.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param string $bookingId The ID of the target [booking](entity:Booking).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match
- * the `key` of a
- * custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting
- * application is not
- * the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function upsertBookingCustomAttribute(
- string $bookingId,
- string $key,
- UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::PUT,
- '/v2/bookings/{booking_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('booking_id', $bookingId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpsertBookingCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/BookingsApi.php b/src/Apis/BookingsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 58a2c90a..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/BookingsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- QueryParam::init('team_member_id', $teamMemberId),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('start_at_min', $startAtMin),
- QueryParam::init('start_at_max', $startAtMax)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListBookingsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a booking.
- *
- * The required input must include the following:
- * - `Booking.location_id`
- * - `Booking.start_at`
- * - `Booking.AppointmentSegment.team_member_id`
- * - `Booking.AppointmentSegment.service_variation_id`
- * - `Booking.AppointmentSegment.service_variation_version`
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param CreateBookingRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createBooking(CreateBookingRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/bookings')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateBookingResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for availabilities for booking.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param SearchAvailabilityRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchAvailability(SearchAvailabilityRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/bookings/availability/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchAvailabilityResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Bulk-Retrieves a list of bookings by booking IDs.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkRetrieveBookings(BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/bookings/bulk-retrieve')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkRetrieveBookingsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a seller's booking profile.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveBusinessBookingProfile(): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings/business-booking-profile')
- ->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveBusinessBookingProfileResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists location booking profiles of a seller.
- *
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a paged response.
- * @param string|null $cursor The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the
- * next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the
- * results.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listLocationBookingProfiles(?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings/location-booking-profiles')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('limit', $limit), QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListLocationBookingProfilesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a seller's location booking profile.
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the location to retrieve the booking profile.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLocationBookingProfile(string $locationId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/bookings/location-booking-profiles/{location_id}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveLocationBookingProfileResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists booking profiles for team members.
- *
- * @param bool|null $bookableOnly Indicates whether to include only bookable team members in the
- * returned result (`true`) or not (`false`).
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a paged response.
- * @param string|null $cursor The pagination cursor from the preceding response to return the
- * next page of the results. Do not set this when retrieving the first page of the
- * results.
- * @param string|null $locationId Indicates whether to include only team members enabled at the
- * given location in the returned result.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listTeamMemberBookingProfiles(
- ?bool $bookableOnly = false,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $locationId = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings/team-member-booking-profiles')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('bookable_only', $bookableOnly),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves one or more team members' booking profiles.
- *
- * @param BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfiles(
- BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/bookings/team-member-booking-profiles/bulk-retrieve'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a team member's booking profile.
- *
- * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveTeamMemberBookingProfile(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/bookings/team-member-booking-profiles/{team_member_id}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('team_member_id', $teamMemberId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfileResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a booking.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param string $bookingId The ID of the [Booking](entity:Booking) object representing the
- * to-be-retrieved booking.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveBooking(string $bookingId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/bookings/{booking_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('booking_id', $bookingId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveBookingResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a booking.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param string $bookingId The ID of the [Booking](entity:Booking) object representing the
- * to-be-updated booking.
- * @param UpdateBookingRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateBooking(string $bookingId, UpdateBookingRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/bookings/{booking_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('booking_id', $bookingId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateBookingResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels an existing booking.
- *
- * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and
- * `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed
- * to *Appointments Plus*
- * or *Appointments Premium*.
- *
- * @param string $bookingId The ID of the [Booking](entity:Booking) object representing the
- * to-be-cancelled booking.
- * @param CancelBookingRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelBooking(string $bookingId, CancelBookingRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/bookings/{booking_id}/cancel')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('booking_id', $bookingId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelBookingResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CardsApi.php b/src/Apis/CardsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 9541c23c..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CardsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/cards')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- QueryParam::init('include_disabled', $includeDisabled),
- QueryParam::init('reference_id', $referenceId),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListCardsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a card on file to an existing merchant.
- *
- * @param CreateCardRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createCard(CreateCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/cards')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves details for a specific Card.
- *
- * @param string $cardId Unique ID for the desired Card.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCard(string $cardId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/cards/{card_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('card_id', $cardId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Disables the card, preventing any further updates or charges.
- * Disabling an already disabled card is allowed but has no effect.
- *
- * @param string $cardId Unique ID for the desired Card.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function disableCard(string $cardId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/cards/{card_id}/disable')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('card_id', $cardId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DisableCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CashDrawersApi.php b/src/Apis/CashDrawersApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index dca7f87b..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CashDrawersApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/cash-drawers/shifts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('begin_time', $beginTime),
- QueryParam::init('end_time', $endTime),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Provides the summary details for a single cash drawer shift. See
- * [ListCashDrawerShiftEvents]($e/CashDrawers/ListCashDrawerShiftEvents) for a list of cash drawer
- * shift events.
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the location to retrieve cash drawer shifts from.
- * @param string $shiftId The shift ID.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCashDrawerShift(string $locationId, string $shiftId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/cash-drawers/shifts/{shift_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId), TemplateParam::init('shift_id', $shiftId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveCashDrawerShiftResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Provides a paginated list of events for a single cash drawer shift.
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the location to list cash drawer shifts for.
- * @param string $shiftId The shift ID.
- * @param int|null $limit Number of resources to be returned in a page of results (200 by
- * default, 1000 max).
- * @param string|null $cursor Opaque cursor for fetching the next page of results.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listCashDrawerShiftEvents(
- string $locationId,
- string $shiftId,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/cash-drawers/shifts/{shift_id}/events')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('shift_id', $shiftId),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CatalogApi.php b/src/Apis/CatalogApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index acd80812..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CatalogApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,516 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/batch-delete')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a set of objects based on the provided ID.
- * Each [CatalogItem]($m/CatalogItem) returned in the set includes all of its
- * child information including: all of its
- * [CatalogItemVariation]($m/CatalogItemVariation) objects, references to
- * its [CatalogModifierList]($m/CatalogModifierList) objects, and the ids of
- * any [CatalogTax]($m/CatalogTax) objects that apply to it.
- *
- * @param BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function batchRetrieveCatalogObjects(BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/batch-retrieve')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BatchRetrieveCatalogObjectsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates up to 10,000 target objects based on the provided
- * list of objects. The target objects are grouped into batches and each batch is
- * inserted/updated in an all-or-nothing manner. If an object within a batch is
- * malformed in some way, or violates a database constraint, the entire batch
- * containing that item will be disregarded. However, other batches in the same
- * request may still succeed. Each batch may contain up to 1,000 objects, and
- * batches will be processed in order as long as the total object count for the
- * request (items, variations, modifier lists, discounts, and taxes) is no more
- * than 10,000.
- *
- * To ensure consistency, only one update request is processed at a time per seller account.
- * While one (batch or non-batch) update request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
- * update requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
- *
- * @param BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function batchUpsertCatalogObjects(BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/batch-upsert')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Uploads an image file to be represented by a [CatalogImage]($m/CatalogImage) object that can be
- * linked to an existing
- * [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject) instance. The resulting `CatalogImage` is unattached to any
- * `CatalogObject` if the `object_id`
- * is not specified.
- *
- * This `CreateCatalogImage` endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data requests with a JSON part and an
- * image file part in
- * JPEG, PJPEG, PNG, or GIF format. The maximum file size is 15MB.
- *
- * @param CreateCatalogImageRequest|null $request
- * @param FileWrapper|null $imageFile
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createCatalogImage(
- ?CreateCatalogImageRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/images')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- FormParam::init('request', $request)
- ->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'),
- FormParam::init('image_file', $imageFile)->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateCatalogImageResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Uploads a new image file to replace the existing one in the specified
- * [CatalogImage]($m/CatalogImage) object.
- *
- * This `UpdateCatalogImage` endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data requests with a JSON part and an
- * image file part in
- * JPEG, PJPEG, PNG, or GIF format. The maximum file size is 15MB.
- *
- * @param string $imageId The ID of the `CatalogImage` object to update the encapsulated image
- * file.
- * @param UpdateCatalogImageRequest|null $request
- * @param FileWrapper|null $imageFile
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateCatalogImage(
- string $imageId,
- ?UpdateCatalogImageRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/catalog/images/{image_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('image_id', $imageId),
- FormParam::init('request', $request)
- ->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'),
- FormParam::init('image_file', $imageFile)->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateCatalogImageResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves information about the Square Catalog API, such as batch size
- * limits that can be used by the `BatchUpsertCatalogObjects` endpoint.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function catalogInfo(): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/catalog/info')->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CatalogInfoResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of all [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject)s of the specified types in the catalog.
- *
- * The `types` parameter is specified as a comma-separated list of the
- * [CatalogObjectType]($m/CatalogObjectType) values,
- * `IMAGE`".
- *
- * __Important:__ ListCatalog does not return deleted catalog items. To retrieve
- * deleted catalog items, use [SearchCatalogObjects]($e/Catalog/SearchCatalogObjects)
- * and set the `include_deleted_objects` attribute value to `true`.
- *
- * @param string|null $cursor The pagination cursor returned in the previous response. Leave
- * unset for an initial request.
- * The page size is currently set to be 100.
- * See [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-
- * patterns/pagination) for more information.
- * @param string|null $types An optional case-insensitive, comma-separated list of object types
- * to retrieve.
- *
- * The valid values are defined in the [CatalogObjectType](entity:CatalogObjectType)
- * enum, for example,
- *
- * If this is unspecified, the operation returns objects of all the top level types at
- * the version
- * of the Square API used to make the request. Object types that are nested onto other
- * object types
- * are not included in the defaults.
- *
- * At the current API version the default object types are:
- * @param int|null $catalogVersion The specific version of the catalog objects to be included in
- * the response.
- * This allows you to retrieve historical versions of objects. The specified version
- * value is matched against
- * the [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject)s' `version` attribute. If not included,
- * results will be from the
- * current version of the catalog.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listCatalog(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $types = null,
- ?int $catalogVersion = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/catalog/list')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('types', $types),
- QueryParam::init('catalog_version', $catalogVersion)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListCatalogResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new or updates the specified [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject).
- *
- * To ensure consistency, only one update request is processed at a time per seller account.
- * While one (batch or non-batch) update request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
- * update requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
- *
- * @param UpsertCatalogObjectRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function upsertCatalogObject(UpsertCatalogObjectRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/object')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpsertCatalogObjectResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a single [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject) based on the
- * provided ID and returns the set of successfully deleted IDs in the response.
- * Deletion is a cascading event such that all children of the targeted object
- * are also deleted. For example, deleting a [CatalogItem]($m/CatalogItem)
- * will also delete all of its
- * [CatalogItemVariation]($m/CatalogItemVariation) children.
- *
- * To ensure consistency, only one delete request is processed at a time per seller account.
- * While one (batch or non-batch) delete request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
- * delete requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
- *
- * @param string $objectId The ID of the catalog object to be deleted. When an object is
- * deleted, other
- * objects in the graph that depend on that object will be deleted as well (for example,
- * deleting a
- * catalog item will delete its catalog item variations).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteCatalogObject(string $objectId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/catalog/object/{object_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('object_id', $objectId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteCatalogObjectResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a single [CatalogItem]($m/CatalogItem) as a
- * [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject) based on the provided ID. The returned
- * object includes all of the relevant [CatalogItem]($m/CatalogItem)
- * information including: [CatalogItemVariation]($m/CatalogItemVariation)
- * children, references to its
- * [CatalogModifierList]($m/CatalogModifierList) objects, and the ids of
- * any [CatalogTax]($m/CatalogTax) objects that apply to it.
- *
- * @param string $objectId The object ID of any type of catalog objects to be retrieved.
- * @param bool|null $includeRelatedObjects If `true`, the response will include additional
- * objects that are related to the
- * requested objects. Related objects are defined as any objects referenced by ID by
- * the results in the `objects` field
- * of the response. These objects are put in the `related_objects` field. Setting this
- * to `true` is
- * helpful when the objects are needed for immediate display to a user.
- * This process only goes one level deep. Objects referenced by the related objects
- * will not be included. For example,
- *
- * if the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItem, its associated
- * CatalogCategory objects, CatalogTax objects, CatalogImage objects and
- * CatalogModifierLists will be returned in the `related_objects` field of the
- * response. If the `objects` field of the response contains a CatalogItemVariation,
- * its parent CatalogItem will be returned in the `related_objects` field of
- * the response.
- *
- * Default value: `false`
- * @param int|null $catalogVersion Requests objects as of a specific version of the catalog.
- * This allows you to retrieve historical
- * versions of objects. The value to retrieve a specific version of an object can be
- * found
- * in the version field of [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject)s. If not included, results
- * will
- * be from the current version of the catalog.
- * @param bool|null $includeCategoryPathToRoot Specifies whether or not to include the
- * `path_to_root` list for each returned category instance. The `path_to_root` list
- * consists
- * of `CategoryPathToRootNode` objects and specifies the path that starts with the
- * immediate parent category of the returned category
- * and ends with its root category. If the returned category is a top-level category,
- * the `path_to_root` list is empty and is not returned
- * in the response payload.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCatalogObject(
- string $objectId,
- ?bool $includeRelatedObjects = false,
- ?int $catalogVersion = null,
- ?bool $includeCategoryPathToRoot = false
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/catalog/object/{object_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('object_id', $objectId),
- QueryParam::init('include_related_objects', $includeRelatedObjects),
- QueryParam::init('catalog_version', $catalogVersion),
- QueryParam::init('include_category_path_to_root', $includeCategoryPathToRoot)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveCatalogObjectResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject) of any type by matching supported search attribute
- * values,
- * excluding custom attribute values on items or item variations, against one or more of the specified
- * query filters.
- *
- * This (`SearchCatalogObjects`) endpoint differs from the
- * [SearchCatalogItems]($e/Catalog/SearchCatalogItems)
- * endpoint in the following aspects:
- *
- * - `SearchCatalogItems` can only search for items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects`
- * can search for any type of catalog objects.
- * - `SearchCatalogItems` supports the custom attribute query filters to return items or item
- * variations that contain custom attribute values, where `SearchCatalogObjects` does not.
- * - `SearchCatalogItems` does not support the `include_deleted_objects` filter to search for deleted
- * items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects` does.
- * - The both endpoints have different call conventions, including the query filter formats.
- *
- * @param SearchCatalogObjectsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchCatalogObjects(SearchCatalogObjectsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchCatalogObjectsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for catalog items or item variations by matching supported search attribute values,
- * including
- * custom attribute values, against one or more of the specified query filters.
- *
- * This (`SearchCatalogItems`) endpoint differs from the
- * [SearchCatalogObjects]($e/Catalog/SearchCatalogObjects)
- * endpoint in the following aspects:
- *
- * - `SearchCatalogItems` can only search for items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects`
- * can search for any type of catalog objects.
- * - `SearchCatalogItems` supports the custom attribute query filters to return items or item
- * variations that contain custom attribute values, where `SearchCatalogObjects` does not.
- * - `SearchCatalogItems` does not support the `include_deleted_objects` filter to search for deleted
- * items or item variations, whereas `SearchCatalogObjects` does.
- * - The both endpoints use different call conventions, including the query filter formats.
- *
- * @param SearchCatalogItemsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchCatalogItems(SearchCatalogItemsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/search-catalog-items')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchCatalogItemsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the [CatalogModifierList]($m/CatalogModifierList) objects
- * that apply to the targeted [CatalogItem]($m/CatalogItem) without having
- * to perform an upsert on the entire item.
- *
- * @param UpdateItemModifierListsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateItemModifierLists(UpdateItemModifierListsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/update-item-modifier-lists')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateItemModifierListsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the [CatalogTax]($m/CatalogTax) objects that apply to the
- * targeted [CatalogItem]($m/CatalogItem) without having to perform an
- * upsert on the entire item.
- *
- * @param UpdateItemTaxesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateItemTaxes(UpdateItemTaxesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/catalog/update-item-taxes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateItemTaxesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CheckoutApi.php b/src/Apis/CheckoutApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 42cc2ab7..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CheckoutApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/locations/{location_id}/checkouts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateCheckoutResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the location-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the location for which to retrieve settings.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLocationSettings(string $locationId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/online-checkout/location-settings/{location_id}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveLocationSettingsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the location-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the location for which to retrieve settings.
- * @param UpdateLocationSettingsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateLocationSettings(string $locationId, UpdateLocationSettingsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::PUT,
- '/v2/online-checkout/location-settings/{location_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateLocationSettingsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the merchant-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveMerchantSettings(): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/online-checkout/merchant-settings')
- ->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveMerchantSettingsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the merchant-level settings for a Square-hosted checkout page.
- *
- * @param UpdateMerchantSettingsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateMerchantSettings(UpdateMerchantSettingsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/online-checkout/merchant-settings')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateMerchantSettingsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists all payment links.
- *
- * @param string|null $cursor A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
- * If a cursor is not provided, the endpoint returns the first page of the results.
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param int|null $limit A limit on the number of results to return per page. The limit is
- * advisory and
- * the implementation might return more or less results. If the supplied limit is
- * negative, zero, or
- * greater than the maximum limit of 1000, it is ignored.
- *
- * Default value: `100`
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listPaymentLinks(?string $cursor = null, ?int $limit = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/online-checkout/payment-links')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor), QueryParam::init('limit', $limit));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListPaymentLinksResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a Square-hosted checkout page. Applications can share the resulting payment link with their
- * buyer to pay for goods and services.
- *
- * @param CreatePaymentLinkRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createPaymentLink(CreatePaymentLinkRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/online-checkout/payment-links')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreatePaymentLinkResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a payment link.
- *
- * @param string $id The ID of the payment link to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deletePaymentLink(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/online-checkout/payment-links/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeletePaymentLinkResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a payment link.
- *
- * @param string $id The ID of link to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrievePaymentLink(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/online-checkout/payment-links/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrievePaymentLinkResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a payment link. You can update the `payment_link` fields such as
- * `description`, `checkout_options`, and `pre_populated_data`.
- * You cannot update other fields such as the `order_id`, `version`, `URL`, or `timestamp` field.
- *
- * @param string $id The ID of the payment link to update.
- * @param UpdatePaymentLinkRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updatePaymentLink(string $id, UpdatePaymentLinkRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/online-checkout/payment-links/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('id', $id),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdatePaymentLinkResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CustomerCustomAttributesApi.php b/src/Apis/CustomerCustomAttributesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a60662..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CustomerCustomAttributesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('limit', $limit), QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a customer-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) for a Square
- * seller account.
- * Use this endpoint to define a custom attribute that can be associated with customer profiles.
- *
- * A custom attribute definition specifies the `key`, `visibility`, `schema`, and other properties
- * for a custom attribute. After the definition is created, you can call
- * [UpsertCustomerCustomAttribute]($e/CustomerCustomAttributes/UpsertCustomerCustomAttribute) or
- * [BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes]($e/CustomerCustomAttributes/BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes)
- * to set the custom attribute for customer profiles in the seller's Customer Directory.
- *
- * Sellers can view all custom attributes in exported customer data, including those set to
- *
- * @param CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields
- * to POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a customer-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a Square
- * seller account.
- *
- * Deleting a custom attribute definition also deletes the corresponding custom attribute from
- * all customer profiles in the seller's Customer Directory.
- *
- * Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/customers/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a customer-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a
- * Square seller account.
- *
- * To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
- * setting must be `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined
- * custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting
- * application
- * is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is
- * used for strongly consistent
- * reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the
- * request,
- * Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the
- * specified version
- * is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/customers/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key), QueryParam::init('version', $version));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a customer-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) for a Square
- * seller account.
- *
- * Use this endpoint to update the following fields: `name`, `description`, `visibility`, or the
- * `schema` for a `Selection` data type.
- *
- * Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition. Note that sellers can view
- * all custom attributes in exported customer data, including those set to `VISIBILITY_HIDDEN`.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to update.
- * @param UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields
- * to POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::PUT,
- '/v2/customers/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpdateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) for customer profiles as a bulk operation.
- *
- * Use this endpoint to set the value of one or more custom attributes for one or more customer
- * profiles.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which is
- * created using the
- * [CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/CustomerCustomAttributes/CreateCustomerCustomAttributeD
- * efinition) endpoint.
- *
- * This `BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
- * requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
- * and provides a customer ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
- * of the corresponding request.
- *
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- * must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/custom-attributes/bulk-upsert')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkUpsertCustomerCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists the [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a customer profile.
- *
- * You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
- * in the same call.
- *
- * When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
- * visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer).
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
- * This limit is advisory.
- * The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the
- * maximum value is 100.
- * The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.
- * squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param string|null $cursor The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call
- * to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
- * For more
- * information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param bool|null $withDefinitions Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
- * custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of
- * each custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listCustomerCustomAttributes(
- string $customerId,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/custom-attributes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('with_definitions', $withDefinitions)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListCustomerCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a customer profile.
- *
- * To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- * `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteCustomerCustomAttribute(string $customerId, string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId), TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteCustomerCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a customer profile.
- *
- * You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
- * in the same call.
- *
- * To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- * `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom
- * attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param bool|null $withDefinition Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
- * the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description
- * of the custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for
- * strongly consistent reads to
- * guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
- * Square
- * returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified
- * version is
- * higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCustomerCustomAttribute(
- string $customerId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- QueryParam::init('with_definition', $withDefinition),
- QueryParam::init('version', $version)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveCustomerCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) for a customer profile.
- *
- * Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specified customer profile.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which
- * is created using the
- * [CreateCustomerCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/CustomerCustomAttributes/CreateCustomerCustomAttributeD
- * efinition) endpoint.
- *
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- * must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the target [customer profile](entity:Customer).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match
- * the `key` of a
- * custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting
- * application is not
- * the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param UpsertCustomerCustomAttributeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function upsertCustomerCustomAttribute(
- string $customerId,
- string $key,
- UpsertCustomerCustomAttributeRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpsertCustomerCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CustomerGroupsApi.php b/src/Apis/CustomerGroupsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f100096d..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CustomerGroupsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers/groups')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor), QueryParam::init('limit', $limit));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListCustomerGroupsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new customer group for a business.
- *
- * The request must include the `name` value of the group.
- *
- * @param CreateCustomerGroupRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createCustomerGroup(CreateCustomerGroupRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/groups')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateCustomerGroupResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a customer group as identified by the `group_id` value.
- *
- * @param string $groupId The ID of the customer group to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteCustomerGroup(string $groupId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/customers/groups/{group_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('group_id', $groupId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteCustomerGroupResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a specific customer group as identified by the `group_id` value.
- *
- * @param string $groupId The ID of the customer group to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCustomerGroup(string $groupId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers/groups/{group_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('group_id', $groupId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveCustomerGroupResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a customer group as identified by the `group_id` value.
- *
- * @param string $groupId The ID of the customer group to update.
- * @param UpdateCustomerGroupRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateCustomerGroup(string $groupId, UpdateCustomerGroupRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/customers/groups/{group_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('group_id', $groupId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateCustomerGroupResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CustomerSegmentsApi.php b/src/Apis/CustomerSegmentsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7670e969..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CustomerSegmentsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers/segments')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor), QueryParam::init('limit', $limit));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListCustomerSegmentsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a specific customer segment as identified by the `segment_id` value.
- *
- * @param string $segmentId The Square-issued ID of the customer segment.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCustomerSegment(string $segmentId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers/segments/{segment_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('segment_id', $segmentId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveCustomerSegmentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/CustomersApi.php b/src/Apis/CustomersApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c91549dd..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/CustomersApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('sort_field', $sortField),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('count', $count)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListCustomersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new customer for a business.
- *
- * You must provide at least one of the following values in your request to this
- * endpoint:
- *
- * - `given_name`
- * - `family_name`
- * - `company_name`
- * - `email_address`
- * - `phone_number`
- *
- * @param CreateCustomerRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createCustomer(CreateCustomerRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateCustomerResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates multiple [customer profiles]($m/Customer) for a business.
- *
- * This endpoint takes a map of individual create requests and returns a map of responses.
- *
- * You must provide at least one of the following values in each create request:
- *
- * - `given_name`
- * - `family_name`
- * - `company_name`
- * - `email_address`
- * - `phone_number`
- *
- * @param BulkCreateCustomersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkCreateCustomers(BulkCreateCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/bulk-create')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkCreateCustomersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes multiple customer profiles.
- *
- * The endpoint takes a list of customer IDs and returns a map of responses.
- *
- * @param BulkDeleteCustomersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkDeleteCustomers(BulkDeleteCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/bulk-delete')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkDeleteCustomersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves multiple customer profiles.
- *
- * This endpoint takes a list of customer IDs and returns a map of responses.
- *
- * @param BulkRetrieveCustomersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkRetrieveCustomers(BulkRetrieveCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/bulk-retrieve')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkRetrieveCustomersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates multiple customer profiles.
- *
- * This endpoint takes a map of individual update requests and returns a map of responses.
- *
- * You cannot use this endpoint to change cards on file. To make changes, use the [Cards API]($e/Cards)
- * or [Gift Cards API]($e/GiftCards).
- *
- * @param BulkUpdateCustomersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpdateCustomers(BulkUpdateCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/bulk-update')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkUpdateCustomersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches the customer profiles associated with a Square account using one or more supported query
- * filters.
- *
- * Calling `SearchCustomers` without any explicit query filter returns all
- * customer profiles ordered alphabetically based on `given_name` and
- * `family_name`.
- *
- * Under normal operating conditions, newly created or updated customer profiles become available
- * for the search operation in well under 30 seconds. Occasionally, propagation of the new or updated
- * profiles can take closer to one minute or longer, especially during network incidents and outages.
- *
- * @param SearchCustomersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchCustomers(SearchCustomersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchCustomersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a customer profile from a business. This operation also unlinks any associated cards on file.
- *
- * To delete a customer profile that was created by merging existing profiles, you must use the ID of
- * the newly created profile.
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the customer to delete.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the customer profile. As a best practice, you
- * should include this parameter to enable [optimistic concurrency](https://developer.
- * squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/optimistic-concurrency) control.
- * For more information, see [Delete a customer profile](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/customers-api/use-the-api/keep-records#delete-customer-profile).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteCustomer(string $customerId, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/customers/{customer_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId), QueryParam::init('version', $version));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteCustomerResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns details for a single customer.
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the customer to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveCustomer(string $customerId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/customers/{customer_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveCustomerResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a customer profile. This endpoint supports sparse updates, so only new or changed fields are
- * required in the request.
- * To add or update a field, specify the new value. To remove a field, specify `null`.
- *
- * To update a customer profile that was created by merging existing profiles, you must use the ID of
- * the newly created profile.
- *
- * You cannot use this endpoint to change cards on file. To make changes, use the [Cards API]($e/Cards)
- * or [Gift Cards API]($e/GiftCards).
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the customer to update.
- * @param UpdateCustomerRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateCustomer(string $customerId, UpdateCustomerRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/customers/{customer_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateCustomerResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a card on file to an existing customer.
- *
- * As with charges, calls to `CreateCustomerCard` are idempotent. Multiple
- * calls with the same card nonce return the same card record that was created
- * with the provided nonce during the _first_ call.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $customerId The Square ID of the customer profile the card is linked to.
- * @param CreateCustomerCardRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createCustomerCard(string $customerId, CreateCustomerCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/cards')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateCustomerCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Removes a card on file from a customer.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the customer that the card on file belongs to.
- * @param string $cardId The ID of the card on file to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteCustomerCard(string $customerId, string $cardId): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/cards/{card_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId), TemplateParam::init('card_id', $cardId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteCustomerCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Removes a group membership from a customer.
- *
- * The customer is identified by the `customer_id` value
- * and the customer group is identified by the `group_id` value.
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the customer to remove from the group.
- * @param string $groupId The ID of the customer group to remove the customer from.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function removeGroupFromCustomer(string $customerId, string $groupId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/groups/{group_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- TemplateParam::init('group_id', $groupId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RemoveGroupFromCustomerResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a group membership to a customer.
- *
- * The customer is identified by the `customer_id` value
- * and the customer group is identified by the `group_id` value.
- *
- * @param string $customerId The ID of the customer to add to a group.
- * @param string $groupId The ID of the customer group to add the customer to.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function addGroupToCustomer(string $customerId, string $groupId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/customers/{customer_id}/groups/{group_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('customer_id', $customerId),
- TemplateParam::init('group_id', $groupId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(AddGroupToCustomerResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/DevicesApi.php b/src/Apis/DevicesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 69c81748..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/DevicesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/devices')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListDevicesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists all DeviceCodes associated with the merchant.
- *
- * @param string|null $cursor A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
- * Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
- *
- * See [Paginating results](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-
- * apis/pagination) for more information.
- * @param string|null $locationId If specified, only returns DeviceCodes of the specified
- * location.
- * Returns DeviceCodes of all locations if empty.
- * @param string|null $productType If specified, only returns DeviceCodes targeting the
- * specified product type.
- * Returns DeviceCodes of all product types if empty.
- * @param string|null $status If specified, returns DeviceCodes with the specified statuses.
- * Returns DeviceCodes of status `PAIRED` and `UNPAIRED` if empty.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listDeviceCodes(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?string $locationId = null,
- ?string $productType = null,
- ?string $status = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/devices/codes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('product_type', $productType),
- QueryParam::init('status', $status)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListDeviceCodesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a DeviceCode that can be used to login to a Square Terminal device to enter the connected
- * terminal mode.
- *
- * @param CreateDeviceCodeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createDeviceCode(CreateDeviceCodeRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/devices/codes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateDeviceCodeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves DeviceCode with the associated ID.
- *
- * @param string $id The unique identifier for the device code.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getDeviceCode(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/devices/codes/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetDeviceCodeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves Device with the associated `device_id`.
- *
- * @param string $deviceId The unique ID for the desired `Device`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getDevice(string $deviceId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/devices/{device_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('device_id', $deviceId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetDeviceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/DisputesApi.php b/src/Apis/DisputesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 382c8c9c..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/DisputesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/disputes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('states', $states),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListDisputesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns details about a specific dispute.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute you want more details about.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveDispute(string $disputeId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveDisputeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Accepts the loss on a dispute. Square returns the disputed amount to the cardholder and
- * updates the dispute state to ACCEPTED.
- *
- * Square debits the disputed amount from the seller’s Square account. If the Square account
- * does not have sufficient funds, Square debits the associated bank account.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute you want to accept.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function acceptDispute(string $disputeId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/accept')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(AcceptDisputeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of evidence associated with a dispute.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute.
- * @param string|null $cursor A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listDisputeEvidence(string $disputeId, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId), QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListDisputeEvidenceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Uploads a file to use as evidence in a dispute challenge. The endpoint accepts HTTP
- * multipart/form-data file uploads in HEIC, HEIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, and TIFF formats.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute for which you want to upload evidence.
- * @param CreateDisputeEvidenceFileRequest|null $request Defines the parameters for a
- * `CreateDisputeEvidenceFile` request.
- * @param FileWrapper|null $imageFile
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createDisputeEvidenceFile(
- string $disputeId,
- ?CreateDisputeEvidenceFileRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence-files')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId),
- FormParam::init('request', $request)
- ->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'),
- FormParam::init('image_file', $imageFile)->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateDisputeEvidenceFileResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Uploads text to use as evidence for a dispute challenge.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute for which you want to upload evidence.
- * @param CreateDisputeEvidenceTextRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createDisputeEvidenceText(string $disputeId, CreateDisputeEvidenceTextRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence-text')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateDisputeEvidenceTextResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Removes specified evidence from a dispute.
- * Square does not send the bank any evidence that is removed.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute from which you want to remove evidence.
- * @param string $evidenceId The ID of the evidence you want to remove.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteDisputeEvidence(string $disputeId, string $evidenceId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence/{evidence_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId),
- TemplateParam::init('evidence_id', $evidenceId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteDisputeEvidenceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the metadata for the evidence specified in the request URL path.
- *
- * You must maintain a copy of any evidence uploaded if you want to reference it later. Evidence cannot
- * be downloaded after you upload it.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute from which you want to retrieve evidence
- * metadata.
- * @param string $evidenceId The ID of the evidence to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveDisputeEvidence(string $disputeId, string $evidenceId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/evidence/{evidence_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId),
- TemplateParam::init('evidence_id', $evidenceId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveDisputeEvidenceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Submits evidence to the cardholder's bank.
- *
- * The evidence submitted by this endpoint includes evidence uploaded
- * using the [CreateDisputeEvidenceFile]($e/Disputes/CreateDisputeEvidenceFile) and
- * [CreateDisputeEvidenceText]($e/Disputes/CreateDisputeEvidenceText) endpoints and
- * evidence automatically provided by Square, when available. Evidence cannot be removed from
- * a dispute after submission.
- *
- * @param string $disputeId The ID of the dispute for which you want to submit evidence.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function submitEvidence(string $disputeId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/disputes/{dispute_id}/submit-evidence')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('dispute_id', $disputeId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SubmitEvidenceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/EmployeesApi.php b/src/Apis/EmployeesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a41602bf..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/EmployeesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/employees')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('status', $status),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListEmployeesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $id UUID for the employee that was requested.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveEmployee(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/employees/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveEmployeeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/EventsApi.php b/src/Apis/EventsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index eefb48a0..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/EventsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/events')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchEventsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Disables events to prevent them from being searchable.
- * All events are disabled by default. You must enable events to make them searchable.
- * Disabling events for a specific time period prevents them from being searchable, even if you re-
- * enable them later.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function disableEvents(): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/events/disable')->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DisableEventsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Enables events to make them searchable. Only events that occur while in the enabled state are
- * searchable.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function enableEvents(): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/events/enable')->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(EnableEventsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists all event types that you can subscribe to as webhooks or query using the Events API.
- *
- * @param string|null $apiVersion The API version for which to list event types. Setting this
- * field overrides the default version used by the application.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listEventTypes(?string $apiVersion = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/events/types')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('api_version', $apiVersion));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListEventTypesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/GiftCardActivitiesApi.php b/src/Apis/GiftCardActivitiesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 718247e4..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/GiftCardActivitiesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/gift-cards/activities')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('gift_card_id', $giftCardId),
- QueryParam::init('type', $type),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('begin_time', $beginTime),
- QueryParam::init('end_time', $endTime),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListGiftCardActivitiesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a gift card activity to manage the balance or state of a [gift card]($m/GiftCard).
- * For example, create an `ACTIVATE` activity to activate a gift card with an initial balance before
- * first use.
- *
- * @param CreateGiftCardActivityRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createGiftCardActivity(CreateGiftCardActivityRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/gift-cards/activities')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateGiftCardActivityResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/GiftCardsApi.php b/src/Apis/GiftCardsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c689a91e..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/GiftCardsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/gift-cards')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('type', $type),
- QueryParam::init('state', $state),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('customer_id', $customerId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListGiftCardsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a digital gift card or registers a physical (plastic) gift card. The resulting gift card
- * has a `PENDING` state. To activate a gift card so that it can be redeemed for purchases, call
- * [CreateGiftCardActivity]($e/GiftCardActivities/CreateGiftCardActivity) and create an `ACTIVATE`
- * activity with the initial balance. Alternatively, you can use
- * [RefundPayment]($e/Refunds/RefundPayment)
- * to refund a payment to the new gift card.
- *
- * @param CreateGiftCardRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createGiftCard(CreateGiftCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/gift-cards')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateGiftCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a gift card using the gift card account number (GAN).
- *
- * @param RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveGiftCardFromGAN(RetrieveGiftCardFromGANRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/gift-cards/from-gan')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveGiftCardFromGANResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a gift card using a secure payment token that represents the gift card.
- *
- * @param RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveGiftCardFromNonce(RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/gift-cards/from-nonce')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveGiftCardFromNonceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Links a customer to a gift card, which is also referred to as adding a card on file.
- *
- * @param string $giftCardId The ID of the gift card to be linked.
- * @param LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function linkCustomerToGiftCard(string $giftCardId, LinkCustomerToGiftCardRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/gift-cards/{gift_card_id}/link-customer')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('gift_card_id', $giftCardId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(LinkCustomerToGiftCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Unlinks a customer from a gift card, which is also referred to as removing a card on file.
- *
- * @param string $giftCardId The ID of the gift card to be unlinked.
- * @param UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function unlinkCustomerFromGiftCard(
- string $giftCardId,
- UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/gift-cards/{gift_card_id}/unlink-customer')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('gift_card_id', $giftCardId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UnlinkCustomerFromGiftCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a gift card using the gift card ID.
- *
- * @param string $id The ID of the gift card to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveGiftCard(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/gift-cards/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveGiftCardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/InventoryApi.php b/src/Apis/InventoryApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 38ec18b7..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/InventoryApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/inventory/adjustment/{adjustment_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('adjustment_id', $adjustmentId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveInventoryAdjustmentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the [InventoryAdjustment]($m/InventoryAdjustment) object
- * with the provided `adjustment_id`.
- *
- * @param string $adjustmentId ID of the [InventoryAdjustment](entity:InventoryAdjustment) to
- * retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveInventoryAdjustment(string $adjustmentId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/inventory/adjustments/{adjustment_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('adjustment_id', $adjustmentId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveInventoryAdjustmentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deprecated version of [BatchChangeInventory](api-endpoint:Inventory-BatchChangeInventory) after the
- * endpoint URL
- * is updated to conform to the standard convention.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param BatchChangeInventoryRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deprecatedBatchChangeInventory(BatchChangeInventoryRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/inventory/batch-change')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BatchChangeInventoryResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deprecated version of [BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges](api-endpoint:Inventory-
- * BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges) after the endpoint URL
- * is updated to conform to the standard convention.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deprecatedBatchRetrieveInventoryChanges(BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/inventory/batch-retrieve-changes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deprecated version of [BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts](api-endpoint:Inventory-
- * BatchRetrieveInventoryCounts) after the endpoint URL
- * is updated to conform to the standard convention.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deprecatedBatchRetrieveInventoryCounts(BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/inventory/batch-retrieve-counts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Applies adjustments and counts to the provided item quantities.
- *
- * On success: returns the current calculated counts for all objects
- * referenced in the request.
- * On failure: returns a list of related errors.
- *
- * @param BatchChangeInventoryRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function batchChangeInventory(BatchChangeInventoryRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/inventory/changes/batch-create')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BatchChangeInventoryResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns historical physical counts and adjustments based on the
- * provided filter criteria.
- *
- * Results are paginated and sorted in ascending order according their
- * `occurred_at` timestamp (oldest first).
- *
- * BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges is a catch-all query endpoint for queries
- * that cannot be handled by other, simpler endpoints.
- *
- * @param BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function batchRetrieveInventoryChanges(BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/inventory/changes/batch-retrieve')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BatchRetrieveInventoryChangesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns current counts for the provided
- * [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject)s at the requested
- * [Location]($m/Location)s.
- *
- * Results are paginated and sorted in descending order according to their
- * `calculated_at` timestamp (newest first).
- *
- * When `updated_after` is specified, only counts that have changed since that
- * time (based on the server timestamp for the most recent change) are
- * returned. This allows clients to perform a "sync" operation, for example
- * in response to receiving a Webhook notification.
- *
- * @param BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function batchRetrieveInventoryCounts(BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/inventory/counts/batch-retrieve')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BatchRetrieveInventoryCountsResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deprecated version of [RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount](api-endpoint:Inventory-
- * RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount) after the endpoint URL
- * is updated to conform to the standard convention.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $physicalCountId ID of the
- * [InventoryPhysicalCount](entity:InventoryPhysicalCount) to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deprecatedRetrieveInventoryPhysicalCount(string $physicalCountId): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/inventory/physical-count/{physical_count_id}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('physical_count_id', $physicalCountId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCountResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the [InventoryPhysicalCount]($m/InventoryPhysicalCount)
- * object with the provided `physical_count_id`.
- *
- * @param string $physicalCountId ID of the
- * [InventoryPhysicalCount](entity:InventoryPhysicalCount) to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveInventoryPhysicalCount(string $physicalCountId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/inventory/physical-counts/{physical_count_id}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('physical_count_id', $physicalCountId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveInventoryPhysicalCountResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the [InventoryTransfer]($m/InventoryTransfer) object
- * with the provided `transfer_id`.
- *
- * @param string $transferId ID of the [InventoryTransfer](entity:InventoryTransfer) to
- * retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveInventoryTransfer(string $transferId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/inventory/transfers/{transfer_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('transfer_id', $transferId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveInventoryTransferResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the current calculated stock count for a given
- * [CatalogObject]($m/CatalogObject) at a given set of
- * [Location]($m/Location)s. Responses are paginated and unsorted.
- * For more sophisticated queries, use a batch endpoint.
- *
- * @param string $catalogObjectId ID of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) to retrieve.
- * @param string|null $locationIds The [Location](entity:Location) IDs to look up as a
- * comma-separated
- * list. An empty list queries all locations.
- * @param string|null $cursor A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
- * Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
- *
- * See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-
- * apis/pagination) guide for more information.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveInventoryCount(
- string $catalogObjectId,
- ?string $locationIds = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('catalog_object_id', $catalogObjectId),
- QueryParam::init('location_ids', $locationIds),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveInventoryCountResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a set of physical counts and inventory adjustments for the
- * provided [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) at the requested
- * [Location](entity:Location)s.
- *
- * You can achieve the same result by calling [BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges](api-endpoint:Inventory-
- * BatchRetrieveInventoryChanges)
- * and having the `catalog_object_ids` list contain a single element of the `CatalogObject` ID.
- *
- * Results are paginated and sorted in descending order according to their
- * `occurred_at` timestamp (newest first).
- *
- * There are no limits on how far back the caller can page. This endpoint can be
- * used to display recent changes for a specific item. For more
- * sophisticated queries, use a batch endpoint.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $catalogObjectId ID of the [CatalogObject](entity:CatalogObject) to retrieve.
- * @param string|null $locationIds The [Location](entity:Location) IDs to look up as a
- * comma-separated
- * list. An empty list queries all locations.
- * @param string|null $cursor A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
- * Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
- *
- * See the [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-with-
- * apis/pagination) guide for more information.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveInventoryChanges(
- string $catalogObjectId,
- ?string $locationIds = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/inventory/{catalog_object_id}/changes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('catalog_object_id', $catalogObjectId),
- QueryParam::init('location_ids', $locationIds),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveInventoryChangesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/InvoicesApi.php b/src/Apis/InvoicesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 085fc1e6..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/InvoicesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/invoices')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListInvoicesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a draft [invoice]($m/Invoice)
- * for an order created using the Orders API.
- *
- * A draft invoice remains in your account and no action is taken.
- * You must publish the invoice before Square can process it (send it to the customer's email address
- * or charge the customer’s card on file).
- *
- * @param CreateInvoiceRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createInvoice(CreateInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/invoices')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateInvoiceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for invoices from a location specified in
- * the filter. You can optionally specify customers in the filter for whom to
- * retrieve invoices. In the current implementation, you can only specify one location and
- * optionally one customer.
- *
- * The response is paginated. If truncated, the response includes a `cursor`
- * that you use in a subsequent request to retrieve the next set of invoices.
- *
- * @param SearchInvoicesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchInvoices(SearchInvoicesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/invoices/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchInvoicesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes the specified invoice. When an invoice is deleted, the
- * associated order status changes to CANCELED. You can only delete a draft
- * invoice (you cannot delete a published invoice, including one that is scheduled for processing).
- *
- * @param string $invoiceId The ID of the invoice to delete.
- * @param int|null $version The version of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to delete. If you do
- * not know the version, you can call [GetInvoice](api-endpoint:Invoices-GetInvoice) or
- * [ListInvoices](api-endpoint:Invoices-ListInvoices).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteInvoice(string $invoiceId, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('invoice_id', $invoiceId), QueryParam::init('version', $version));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteInvoiceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves an invoice by invoice ID.
- *
- * @param string $invoiceId The ID of the invoice to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getInvoice(string $invoiceId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('invoice_id', $invoiceId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetInvoiceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an invoice. This endpoint supports sparse updates, so you only need
- * to specify the fields you want to change along with the required `version` field.
- * Some restrictions apply to updating invoices. For example, you cannot change the
- * `order_id` or `location_id` field.
- *
- * @param string $invoiceId The ID of the invoice to update.
- * @param UpdateInvoiceRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateInvoice(string $invoiceId, UpdateInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('invoice_id', $invoiceId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateInvoiceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Uploads a file and attaches it to an invoice. This endpoint accepts HTTP multipart/form-data file
- * uploads
- * with a JSON `request` part and a `file` part. The `file` part must be a `readable stream` that
- * contains a file
- * in a supported format: GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, or PDF.
- *
- * Invoices can have up to 10 attachments with a total file size of 25 MB. Attachments can be added
- * only to invoices
- * in the `DRAFT`, `SCHEDULED`, `UNPAID`, or `PARTIALLY_PAID` state.
- *
- * @param string $invoiceId The ID of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to attach the file to.
- * @param CreateInvoiceAttachmentRequest|null $request Represents a
- * [CreateInvoiceAttachment]($e/Invoices/CreateInvoiceAttachment) request.
- * @param FileWrapper|null $imageFile
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createInvoiceAttachment(
- string $invoiceId,
- ?CreateInvoiceAttachmentRequest $request = null,
- ?FileWrapper $imageFile = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}/attachments')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('invoice_id', $invoiceId),
- FormParam::init('request', $request)
- ->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'),
- FormParam::init('image_file', $imageFile)->encodingHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateInvoiceAttachmentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Removes an attachment from an invoice and permanently deletes the file. Attachments can be removed
- * only
- * from invoices in the `DRAFT`, `SCHEDULED`, `UNPAID`, or `PARTIALLY_PAID` state.
- *
- * @param string $invoiceId The ID of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to delete the attachment
- * from.
- * @param string $attachmentId The ID of the [attachment](entity:InvoiceAttachment) to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteInvoiceAttachment(string $invoiceId, string $attachmentId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('invoice_id', $invoiceId),
- TemplateParam::init('attachment_id', $attachmentId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteInvoiceAttachmentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels an invoice. The seller cannot collect payments for
- * the canceled invoice.
- *
- * You cannot cancel an invoice in the `DRAFT` state or in a terminal state: `PAID`, `REFUNDED`,
- * `CANCELED`, or `FAILED`.
- *
- * @param string $invoiceId The ID of the [invoice](entity:Invoice) to cancel.
- * @param CancelInvoiceRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelInvoice(string $invoiceId, CancelInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}/cancel')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('invoice_id', $invoiceId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelInvoiceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Publishes the specified draft invoice.
- *
- * After an invoice is published, Square
- * follows up based on the invoice configuration. For example, Square
- * sends the invoice to the customer's email address, charges the customer's card on file, or does
- * nothing. Square also makes the invoice available on a Square-hosted invoice page.
- *
- * The invoice `status` also changes from `DRAFT` to a status
- * based on the invoice configuration. For example, the status changes to `UNPAID` if
- * Square emails the invoice or `PARTIALLY_PAID` if Square charges a card on file for a portion of the
- * invoice amount.
- *
- * In addition to the required `ORDERS_WRITE` and `INVOICES_WRITE` permissions, `CUSTOMERS_READ`
- * and `PAYMENTS_WRITE` are required when publishing invoices configured for card-on-file payments.
- *
- * @param string $invoiceId The ID of the invoice to publish.
- * @param PublishInvoiceRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function publishInvoice(string $invoiceId, PublishInvoiceRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/invoices/{invoice_id}/publish')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('invoice_id', $invoiceId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(PublishInvoiceResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/LaborApi.php b/src/Apis/LaborApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 05e232e8..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/LaborApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/break-types')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListBreakTypesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new `BreakType`.
- *
- * A `BreakType` is a template for creating `Break` objects.
- * You must provide the following values in your request to this
- * endpoint:
- *
- * - `location_id`
- * - `break_name`
- * - `expected_duration`
- * - `is_paid`
- *
- * You can only have three `BreakType` instances per location. If you attempt to add a fourth
- * `BreakType` for a location, an `INVALID_REQUEST_ERROR` "Exceeded limit of 3 breaks per location."
- * is returned.
- *
- * @param CreateBreakTypeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createBreakType(CreateBreakTypeRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/labor/break-types')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateBreakTypeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an existing `BreakType`.
- *
- * A `BreakType` can be deleted even if it is referenced from a `Shift`.
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `BreakType` being deleted.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteBreakType(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/labor/break-types/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteBreakTypeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a single `BreakType` specified by `id`.
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `BreakType` being retrieved.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getBreakType(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/break-types/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetBreakTypeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing `BreakType`.
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `BreakType` being updated.
- * @param UpdateBreakTypeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateBreakType(string $id, UpdateBreakTypeRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/labor/break-types/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('id', $id),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateBreakTypeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a paginated list of `EmployeeWage` instances for a business.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string|null $employeeId Filter the returned wages to only those that are associated
- * with the specified employee.
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of `EmployeeWage` results to return per page. The
- * number can range between
- * 1 and 200. The default is 200.
- * @param string|null $cursor A pointer to the next page of `EmployeeWage` results to fetch.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listEmployeeWages(
- ?string $employeeId = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/employee-wages')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('employee_id', $employeeId),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListEmployeeWagesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a single `EmployeeWage` specified by `id`.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `EmployeeWage` being retrieved.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getEmployeeWage(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/employee-wages/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetEmployeeWageResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new `Shift`.
- *
- * A `Shift` represents a complete workday for a single team member.
- * You must provide the following values in your request to this
- * endpoint:
- *
- * - `location_id`
- * - `team_member_id`
- * - `start_at`
- *
- * An attempt to create a new `Shift` can result in a `BAD_REQUEST` error when:
- * - The `status` of the new `Shift` is `OPEN` and the team member has another
- * shift with an `OPEN` status.
- * - The `start_at` date is in the future.
- * - The `start_at` or `end_at` date overlaps another shift for the same team member.
- * - The `Break` instances are set in the request and a break `start_at`
- * is before the `Shift.start_at`, a break `end_at` is after
- * the `Shift.end_at`, or both.
- *
- * @param CreateShiftRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createShift(CreateShiftRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/labor/shifts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateShiftResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a paginated list of `Shift` records for a business.
- * The list to be returned can be filtered by:
- * - Location IDs
- * - Team member IDs
- * - Shift status (`OPEN` or `CLOSED`)
- * - Shift start
- * - Shift end
- * - Workday details
- *
- * The list can be sorted by:
- * - `START_AT`
- * - `END_AT`
- * - `CREATED_AT`
- * - `UPDATED_AT`
- *
- * @param SearchShiftsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchShifts(SearchShiftsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/labor/shifts/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchShiftsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a `Shift`.
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `Shift` being deleted.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteShift(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/labor/shifts/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteShiftResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a single `Shift` specified by `id`.
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `Shift` being retrieved.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getShift(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/shifts/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetShiftResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing `Shift`.
- *
- * When adding a `Break` to a `Shift`, any earlier `Break` instances in the `Shift` have
- * the `end_at` property set to a valid RFC-3339 datetime string.
- *
- * When closing a `Shift`, all `Break` instances in the `Shift` must be complete with `end_at`
- * set on each `Break`.
- *
- * @param string $id The ID of the object being updated.
- * @param UpdateShiftRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateShift(string $id, UpdateShiftRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/labor/shifts/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('id', $id),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateShiftResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a paginated list of `TeamMemberWage` instances for a business.
- *
- * @param string|null $teamMemberId Filter the returned wages to only those that are associated
- * with the
- * specified team member.
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of `TeamMemberWage` results to return per page. The
- * number can range between
- * 1 and 200. The default is 200.
- * @param string|null $cursor A pointer to the next page of `EmployeeWage` results to fetch.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listTeamMemberWages(
- ?string $teamMemberId = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/team-member-wages')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('team_member_id', $teamMemberId),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListTeamMemberWagesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a single `TeamMemberWage` specified by `id`.
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `TeamMemberWage` being retrieved.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getTeamMemberWage(string $id): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/team-member-wages/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('id', $id));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetTeamMemberWageResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of `WorkweekConfig` instances for a business.
- *
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of `WorkweekConfigs` results to return per page.
- * @param string|null $cursor A pointer to the next page of `WorkweekConfig` results to fetch.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listWorkweekConfigs(?int $limit = null, ?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/labor/workweek-configs')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('limit', $limit), QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListWorkweekConfigsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a `WorkweekConfig`.
- *
- * @param string $id The UUID for the `WorkweekConfig` object being updated.
- * @param UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateWorkweekConfig(string $id, UpdateWorkweekConfigRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/labor/workweek-configs/{id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('id', $id),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateWorkweekConfigResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/LocationCustomAttributesApi.php b/src/Apis/LocationCustomAttributesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c1d6d4a6..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/LocationCustomAttributesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/locations/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('visibility_filter', $visibilityFilter),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a location-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) for a Square
- * seller account.
- * Use this endpoint to define a custom attribute that can be associated with locations.
- * A custom attribute definition specifies the `key`, `visibility`, `schema`, and other properties
- * for a custom attribute. After the definition is created, you can call
- * [UpsertLocationCustomAttribute]($e/LocationCustomAttributes/UpsertLocationCustomAttribute) or
- * [BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes]($e/LocationCustomAttributes/BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes)
- * to set the custom attribute for locations.
- *
- * @param CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields
- * to POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/locations/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a location-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a Square
- * seller account.
- * Deleting a custom attribute definition also deletes the corresponding custom attribute from
- * all locations.
- * Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/locations/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a location-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a
- * Square seller account.
- * To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting
- * application
- * is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is
- * used for strongly consistent
- * reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the
- * request,
- * Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the
- * specified version
- * is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/locations/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key), QueryParam::init('version', $version));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a location-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) for a Square
- * seller account.
- * Use this endpoint to update the following fields: `name`, `description`, `visibility`, or the
- * `schema` for a `Selection` data type.
- * Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to update.
- * @param UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields
- * to POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::PUT,
- '/v2/locations/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpdateLocationCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) for locations as a bulk operation.
- * To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- *
- * @param BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/locations/custom-attributes/bulk-delete')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkDeleteLocationCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) for locations as a bulk operation.
- * Use this endpoint to set the value of one or more custom attributes for one or more locations.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which is
- * created using the
- * [CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/LocationCustomAttributes/CreateLocationCustomAttributeD
- * efinition) endpoint.
- * This `BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
- * requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
- * and provides a location ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
- * of the corresponding request.
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- *
- * @param BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/locations/custom-attributes/bulk-upsert')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkUpsertLocationCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists the [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a location.
- * You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
- * in the same call.
- * When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
- * visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the target [location](entity:Location).
- * @param string|null $visibilityFilter Filters the `CustomAttributeDefinition` results by their
- * `visibility` values.
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
- * This limit is advisory.
- * The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the
- * maximum value is 100.
- * The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.
- * squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param string|null $cursor The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call
- * to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
- * For more
- * information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param bool|null $withDefinitions Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
- * custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of
- * each custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listLocationCustomAttributes(
- string $locationId,
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/locations/{location_id}/custom-attributes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('visibility_filter', $visibilityFilter),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('with_definitions', $withDefinitions)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListLocationCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a location.
- * To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the target [location](entity:Location).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteLocationCustomAttribute(string $locationId, string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/locations/{location_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId), TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteLocationCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a location.
- * You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
- * in the same call.
- * To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the target [location](entity:Location).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param bool|null $withDefinition Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
- * the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description
- * of the custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for
- * strongly consistent reads to
- * guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
- * Square
- * returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified
- * version is
- * higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLocationCustomAttribute(
- string $locationId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/locations/{location_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- QueryParam::init('with_definition', $withDefinition),
- QueryParam::init('version', $version)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveLocationCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) for a location.
- * Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specified location.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which
- * is created using the
- * [CreateLocationCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/LocationCustomAttributes/CreateLocationCustomAttributeD
- * efinition) endpoint.
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the target [location](entity:Location).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match
- * the `key` of a
- * custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting
- * application is not
- * the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param UpsertLocationCustomAttributeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function upsertLocationCustomAttribute(
- string $locationId,
- string $key,
- UpsertLocationCustomAttributeRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/locations/{location_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpsertLocationCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/LocationsApi.php b/src/Apis/LocationsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index f87dda87..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/LocationsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/locations')->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListLocationsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a [location](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api).
- * Creating new locations allows for separate configuration of receipt layouts, item prices,
- * and sales reports. Developers can use locations to separate sales activity through applications
- * that integrate with Square from sales activity elsewhere in a seller's account.
- * Locations created programmatically with the Locations API last forever and
- * are visible to the seller for their own management. Therefore, ensure that
- * each location has a sensible and unique name.
- *
- * @param CreateLocationRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createLocation(CreateLocationRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/locations')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateLocationResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves details of a single location. Specify "main"
- * as the location ID to retrieve details of the [main location](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/locations-api#about-the-main-location).
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the location to retrieve. Specify the string "main" to
- * return the main location.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLocation(string $locationId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/locations/{location_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveLocationResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a [location](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/locations-api).
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the location to update.
- * @param UpdateLocationRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateLocation(string $locationId, UpdateLocationRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/locations/{location_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateLocationResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/LoyaltyApi.php b/src/Apis/LoyaltyApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd75cae..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/LoyaltyApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/accounts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateLoyaltyAccountResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for loyalty accounts in a loyalty program.
- *
- * You can search for a loyalty account using the phone number or customer ID associated with the
- * account. To return all loyalty accounts, specify an empty `query` object or omit it entirely.
- *
- * Search results are sorted by `created_at` in ascending order.
- *
- * @param SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchLoyaltyAccounts(SearchLoyaltyAccountsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/accounts/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchLoyaltyAccountsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a loyalty account.
- *
- * @param string $accountId The ID of the [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount) to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLoyaltyAccount(string $accountId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/loyalty/accounts/{account_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('account_id', $accountId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveLoyaltyAccountResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Adds points earned from a purchase to a [loyalty account]($m/LoyaltyAccount).
- *
- * - If you are using the Orders API to manage orders, provide the `order_id`. Square reads the order
- * to compute the points earned from both the base loyalty program and an associated
- * [loyalty promotion]($m/LoyaltyPromotion). For purchases that qualify for multiple accrual
- * rules, Square computes points based on the accrual rule that grants the most points.
- * For purchases that qualify for multiple promotions, Square computes points based on the most
- * recently created promotion. A purchase must first qualify for program points to be eligible for
- * promotion points.
- *
- * - If you are not using the Orders API to manage orders, provide `points` with the number of points
- * to add.
- * You must first perform a client-side computation of the points earned from the loyalty program and
- * loyalty promotion. For spend-based and visit-based programs, you can call
- * [CalculateLoyaltyPoints]($e/Loyalty/CalculateLoyaltyPoints)
- * to compute the points earned from the base loyalty program. For information about computing points
- * earned from a loyalty promotion, see
- * [Calculating promotion points](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-
- * promotions#calculate-promotion-points).
- *
- * @param string $accountId The ID of the target [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount).
- * @param AccumulateLoyaltyPointsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function accumulateLoyaltyPoints(string $accountId, AccumulateLoyaltyPointsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/accounts/{account_id}/accumulate')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('account_id', $accountId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(AccumulateLoyaltyPointsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Adds points to or subtracts points from a buyer's account.
- *
- * Use this endpoint only when you need to manually adjust points. Otherwise, in your application flow,
- * you call
- * [AccumulateLoyaltyPoints]($e/Loyalty/AccumulateLoyaltyPoints)
- * to add points when a buyer pays for the purchase.
- *
- * @param string $accountId The ID of the target [loyalty account](entity:LoyaltyAccount).
- * @param AdjustLoyaltyPointsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function adjustLoyaltyPoints(string $accountId, AdjustLoyaltyPointsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/accounts/{account_id}/adjust')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('account_id', $accountId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(AdjustLoyaltyPointsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for loyalty events.
- *
- * A Square loyalty program maintains a ledger of events that occur during the lifetime of a
- * buyer's loyalty account. Each change in the point balance
- * (for example, points earned, points redeemed, and points expired) is
- * recorded in the ledger. Using this endpoint, you can search the ledger for events.
- *
- * Search results are sorted by `created_at` in descending order.
- *
- * @param SearchLoyaltyEventsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchLoyaltyEvents(SearchLoyaltyEventsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/events/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchLoyaltyEventsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of loyalty programs in the seller's account.
- * Loyalty programs define how buyers can earn points and redeem points for rewards. Square sellers can
- * have only one loyalty program, which is created and managed from the Seller Dashboard. For more
- * information, see [Loyalty Program Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview).
- *
- *
- * Replaced with [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-RetrieveLoyaltyProgram) when used with
- * the keyword `main`.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listLoyaltyPrograms(): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/loyalty/programs')->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListLoyaltyProgramsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the loyalty program in a seller's account, specified by the program ID or the keyword
- * `main`.
- *
- * Loyalty programs define how buyers can earn points and redeem points for rewards. Square sellers can
- * have only one loyalty program, which is created and managed from the Seller Dashboard. For more
- * information, see [Loyalty Program Overview](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty/overview).
- *
- * @param string $programId The ID of the loyalty program or the keyword `main`. Either value
- * can be used to retrieve the single loyalty program that belongs to the seller.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLoyaltyProgram(string $programId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/loyalty/programs/{program_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('program_id', $programId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveLoyaltyProgramResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Calculates the number of points a buyer can earn from a purchase. Applications might call this
- * endpoint
- * to display the points to the buyer.
- *
- * - If you are using the Orders API to manage orders, provide the `order_id` and (optional)
- * `loyalty_account_id`.
- * Square reads the order to compute the points earned from the base loyalty program and an associated
- * [loyalty promotion]($m/LoyaltyPromotion).
- *
- * - If you are not using the Orders API to manage orders, provide `transaction_amount_money` with the
- * purchase amount. Square uses this amount to calculate the points earned from the base loyalty
- * program,
- * but not points earned from a loyalty promotion. For spend-based and visit-based programs, the
- * `tax_mode`
- * setting of the accrual rule indicates how taxes should be treated for loyalty points accrual.
- * If the purchase qualifies for program points, call
- * [ListLoyaltyPromotions]($e/Loyalty/ListLoyaltyPromotions) and perform a client-side computation
- * to calculate whether the purchase also qualifies for promotion points. For more information, see
- * [Calculating promotion points](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/loyalty-api/loyalty-
- * promotions#calculate-promotion-points).
- *
- * @param string $programId The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram), which
- * defines the rules for accruing points.
- * @param CalculateLoyaltyPointsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function calculateLoyaltyPoints(string $programId, CalculateLoyaltyPointsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/programs/{program_id}/calculate')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('program_id', $programId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CalculateLoyaltyPointsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists the loyalty promotions associated with a [loyalty program]($m/LoyaltyProgram).
- * Results are sorted by the `created_at` date in descending order (newest to oldest).
- *
- * @param string $programId The ID of the base [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram). To get
- * the program ID,
- * call [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-RetrieveLoyaltyProgram) using the
- * `main` keyword.
- * @param string|null $status The status to filter the results by. If a status is provided, only
- * loyalty promotions
- * with the specified status are returned. Otherwise, all loyalty promotions associated
- * with
- * the loyalty program are returned.
- * @param string|null $cursor The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call
- * to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
- * The minimum value is 1 and the maximum value is 30. The default value is 30.
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listLoyaltyPromotions(
- string $programId,
- ?string $status = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/loyalty/programs/{program_id}/promotions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('program_id', $programId),
- QueryParam::init('status', $status),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListLoyaltyPromotionsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a loyalty promotion for a [loyalty program]($m/LoyaltyProgram). A loyalty promotion
- * enables buyers to earn points in addition to those earned from the base loyalty program.
- *
- * This endpoint sets the loyalty promotion to the `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status, depending on the
- * `available_time` setting. A loyalty program can have a maximum of 10 loyalty promotions with an
- * `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status.
- *
- * @param string $programId The ID of the [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram) to associate
- * with the promotion.
- * To get the program ID, call [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-
- * RetrieveLoyaltyProgram)
- * using the `main` keyword.
- * @param CreateLoyaltyPromotionRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createLoyaltyPromotion(string $programId, CreateLoyaltyPromotionRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/programs/{program_id}/promotions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('program_id', $programId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateLoyaltyPromotionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a loyalty promotion.
- *
- * @param string $promotionId The ID of the [loyalty promotion](entity:LoyaltyPromotion) to
- * retrieve.
- * @param string $programId The ID of the base [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram). To get
- * the program ID,
- * call [RetrieveLoyaltyProgram](api-endpoint:Loyalty-RetrieveLoyaltyProgram) using the
- * `main` keyword.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLoyaltyPromotion(string $promotionId, string $programId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/loyalty/programs/{program_id}/promotions/{promotion_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('promotion_id', $promotionId),
- TemplateParam::init('program_id', $programId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveLoyaltyPromotionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels a loyalty promotion. Use this endpoint to cancel an `ACTIVE` promotion earlier than the
- * end date, cancel an `ACTIVE` promotion when an end date is not specified, or cancel a `SCHEDULED`
- * promotion.
- * Because updating a promotion is not supported, you can also use this endpoint to cancel a promotion
- * before
- * you create a new one.
- *
- * This endpoint sets the loyalty promotion to the `CANCELED` state
- *
- * @param string $promotionId The ID of the [loyalty promotion](entity:LoyaltyPromotion) to
- * cancel. You can cancel a
- * promotion that has an `ACTIVE` or `SCHEDULED` status.
- * @param string $programId The ID of the base [loyalty program](entity:LoyaltyProgram).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelLoyaltyPromotion(string $promotionId, string $programId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/loyalty/programs/{program_id}/promotions/{promotion_id}/cancel'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('promotion_id', $promotionId),
- TemplateParam::init('program_id', $programId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelLoyaltyPromotionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a loyalty reward. In the process, the endpoint does following:
- *
- * - Uses the `reward_tier_id` in the request to determine the number of points
- * to lock for this reward.
- * - If the request includes `order_id`, it adds the reward and related discount to the order.
- *
- * After a reward is created, the points are locked and
- * not available for the buyer to redeem another reward.
- *
- * @param CreateLoyaltyRewardRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createLoyaltyReward(CreateLoyaltyRewardRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/rewards')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateLoyaltyRewardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for loyalty rewards. This endpoint accepts a request with no query filters and returns
- * results for all loyalty accounts.
- * If you include a `query` object, `loyalty_account_id` is required and `status` is optional.
- *
- * If you know a reward ID, use the
- * [RetrieveLoyaltyReward]($e/Loyalty/RetrieveLoyaltyReward) endpoint.
- *
- * Search results are sorted by `updated_at` in descending order.
- *
- * @param SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchLoyaltyRewards(SearchLoyaltyRewardsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/rewards/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchLoyaltyRewardsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a loyalty reward by doing the following:
- *
- * - Returns the loyalty points back to the loyalty account.
- * - If an order ID was specified when the reward was created
- * (see [CreateLoyaltyReward]($e/Loyalty/CreateLoyaltyReward)),
- * it updates the order by removing the reward and related
- * discounts.
- *
- * You cannot delete a reward that has reached the terminal state (REDEEMED).
- *
- * @param string $rewardId The ID of the [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward) to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteLoyaltyReward(string $rewardId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/loyalty/rewards/{reward_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('reward_id', $rewardId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteLoyaltyRewardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a loyalty reward.
- *
- * @param string $rewardId The ID of the [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward) to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveLoyaltyReward(string $rewardId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/loyalty/rewards/{reward_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('reward_id', $rewardId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveLoyaltyRewardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Redeems a loyalty reward.
- *
- * The endpoint sets the reward to the `REDEEMED` terminal state.
- *
- * If you are using your own order processing system (not using the
- * Orders API), you call this endpoint after the buyer paid for the
- * purchase.
- *
- * After the reward reaches the terminal state, it cannot be deleted.
- * In other words, points used for the reward cannot be returned
- * to the account.
- *
- * @param string $rewardId The ID of the [loyalty reward](entity:LoyaltyReward) to redeem.
- * @param RedeemLoyaltyRewardRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function redeemLoyaltyReward(string $rewardId, RedeemLoyaltyRewardRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/loyalty/rewards/{reward_id}/redeem')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('reward_id', $rewardId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RedeemLoyaltyRewardResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/MerchantCustomAttributesApi.php b/src/Apis/MerchantCustomAttributesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bd4474f..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/MerchantCustomAttributesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/merchants/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('visibility_filter', $visibilityFilter),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a merchant-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) for a Square
- * seller account.
- * Use this endpoint to define a custom attribute that can be associated with a merchant connecting to
- * your application.
- * A custom attribute definition specifies the `key`, `visibility`, `schema`, and other properties
- * for a custom attribute. After the definition is created, you can call
- * [UpsertMerchantCustomAttribute]($e/MerchantCustomAttributes/UpsertMerchantCustomAttribute) or
- * [BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes]($e/MerchantCustomAttributes/BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes)
- * to set the custom attribute for a merchant.
- *
- * @param CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields
- * to POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/merchants/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a merchant-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a Square
- * seller account.
- * Deleting a custom attribute definition also deletes the corresponding custom attribute from
- * the merchant.
- * Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/merchants/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a merchant-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a
- * Square seller account.
- * To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve. If the requesting
- * application
- * is not the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute definition, which is
- * used for strongly consistent
- * reads to guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the
- * request,
- * Square returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the
- * specified version
- * is higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/merchants/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key), QueryParam::init('version', $version));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a merchant-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) for a Square
- * seller account.
- * Use this endpoint to update the following fields: `name`, `description`, `visibility`, or the
- * `schema` for a `Selection` data type.
- * Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to update.
- * @param UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields
- * to POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::PUT,
- '/v2/merchants/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpdateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) for a merchant as a bulk operation.
- * To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- *
- * @param BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/merchants/custom-attributes/bulk-delete')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkDeleteMerchantCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) for a merchant as a bulk operation.
- * Use this endpoint to set the value of one or more custom attributes for a merchant.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which is
- * created using the
- * [CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/MerchantCustomAttributes/CreateMerchantCustomAttributeD
- * efinition) endpoint.
- * This `BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
- * requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
- * and provides a merchant ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
- * of the corresponding request.
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- *
- * @param BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/merchants/custom-attributes/bulk-upsert')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkUpsertMerchantCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists the [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a merchant.
- * You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
- * in the same call.
- * When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
- * visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
- *
- * @param string $merchantId The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant).
- * @param string|null $visibilityFilter Filters the `CustomAttributeDefinition` results by their
- * `visibility` values.
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
- * This limit is advisory.
- * The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the
- * maximum value is 100.
- * The default value is 20. For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.
- * squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param string|null $cursor The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call
- * to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
- * For more
- * information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param bool|null $withDefinitions Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
- * custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of
- * each custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listMerchantCustomAttributes(
- string $merchantId,
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/merchants/{merchant_id}/custom-attributes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('merchant_id', $merchantId),
- QueryParam::init('visibility_filter', $visibilityFilter),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('with_definitions', $withDefinitions)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListMerchantCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a merchant.
- * To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- *
- * @param string $merchantId The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteMerchantCustomAttribute(string $merchantId, string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/merchants/{merchant_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('merchant_id', $merchantId), TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteMerchantCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a merchant.
- * You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
- * in the same call.
- * To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- *
- * @param string $merchantId The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must match the `key`
- * of a custom
- * attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting application is
- * not the
- * definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param bool|null $withDefinition Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of
- * the custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description
- * of the custom
- * attribute, information about the data type, or other definition details. The default
- * value is `false`.
- * @param int|null $version The current version of the custom attribute, which is used for
- * strongly consistent reads to
- * guarantee that you receive the most up-to-date data. When included in the request,
- * Square
- * returns the specified version or a higher version if one exists. If the specified
- * version is
- * higher than the current version, Square returns a `BAD_REQUEST` error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveMerchantCustomAttribute(
- string $merchantId,
- string $key,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false,
- ?int $version = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/merchants/{merchant_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('merchant_id', $merchantId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- QueryParam::init('with_definition', $withDefinition),
- QueryParam::init('version', $version)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveMerchantCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) for a merchant.
- * Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specified merchant.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account, which
- * is created using the
- * [CreateMerchantCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/MerchantCustomAttributes/CreateMerchantCustomAttributeD
- * efinition) endpoint.
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- *
- * @param string $merchantId The ID of the target [merchant](entity:Merchant).
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This key must match
- * the `key` of a
- * custom attribute definition in the Square seller account. If the requesting
- * application is not
- * the definition owner, you must use the qualified key.
- * @param UpsertMerchantCustomAttributeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function upsertMerchantCustomAttribute(
- string $merchantId,
- string $key,
- UpsertMerchantCustomAttributeRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/merchants/{merchant_id}/custom-attributes/{key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('merchant_id', $merchantId),
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpsertMerchantCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/MerchantsApi.php b/src/Apis/MerchantsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 584d586d..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/MerchantsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/merchants')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListMerchantsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the `Merchant` object for the given `merchant_id`.
- *
- * @param string $merchantId The ID of the merchant to retrieve. If the string "me" is supplied
- * as the ID,
- * then retrieve the merchant that is currently accessible to this call.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveMerchant(string $merchantId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/merchants/{merchant_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('merchant_id', $merchantId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveMerchantResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/MobileAuthorizationApi.php b/src/Apis/MobileAuthorizationApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 76539c99..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/MobileAuthorizationApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/mobile/authorization-code')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(CreateMobileAuthorizationCodeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/OAuthApi.php b/src/Apis/OAuthApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d32d3658..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/OAuthApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/oauth2/revoke')
- ->parameters(
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body),
- HeaderParam::init('Authorization', $authorization)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RevokeTokenResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns an OAuth access token and a refresh token unless the
- * `short_lived` parameter is set to `true`, in which case the endpoint
- * returns only an access token.
- *
- * The `grant_type` parameter specifies the type of OAuth request. If
- * `grant_type` is `authorization_code`, you must include the authorization
- * code you received when a seller granted you authorization. If `grant_type`
- * is `refresh_token`, you must provide a valid refresh token. If you're using
- * an old version of the Square APIs (prior to March 13, 2019), `grant_type`
- * can be `migration_token` and you must provide a valid migration token.
- *
- * You can use the `scopes` parameter to limit the set of permissions granted
- * to the access token and refresh token. You can use the `short_lived` parameter
- * to create an access token that expires in 24 hours.
- *
- * __Note:__ OAuth tokens should be encrypted and stored on a secure server.
- * Application clients should never interact directly with OAuth tokens.
- *
- * @param ObtainTokenRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function obtainToken(ObtainTokenRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/oauth2/token')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ObtainTokenResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns information about an [OAuth access token](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/access-tokens#get-an-oauth-access-token) or an application’s [personal access token](https:
- * //developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/access-tokens#get-a-personal-access-token).
- *
- * Add the access token to the Authorization header of the request.
- *
- * __Important:__ The `Authorization` header you provide to this endpoint must have the following
- * format:
- *
- * ```
- * Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN
- * ```
- *
- * where `ACCESS_TOKEN` is a
- * [valid production authorization credential](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/access-
- * tokens).
- *
- * If the access token is expired or not a valid access token, the endpoint returns an `UNAUTHORIZED`
- * error.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveTokenStatus(): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/oauth2/token/status')->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveTokenStatusResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/OrderCustomAttributesApi.php b/src/Apis/OrderCustomAttributesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 45ffb534..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/OrderCustomAttributesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/orders/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('visibility_filter', $visibilityFilter),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(ListOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates an order-related custom attribute definition. Use this endpoint to
- * define a custom attribute that can be associated with orders.
- *
- * After creating a custom attribute definition, you can set the custom attribute for orders
- * in the Square seller account.
- *
- * @param CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(
- CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/custom-attribute-definitions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes an order-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a Square
- * seller account.
- *
- * Only the definition owner can delete a custom attribute definition.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/orders/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(DeleteOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves an order-related [custom attribute definition]($m/CustomAttributeDefinition) from a Square
- * seller account.
- *
- * To retrieve a custom attribute definition created by another application, the `visibility`
- * setting must be `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined
- * custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to retrieve.
- * @param int|null $version To enable [optimistic
- * concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-
- * patterns/optimistic-concurrency)
- * control, include this optional field and specify the current version of the custom
- * attribute.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(string $key, ?int $version = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/orders/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('key', $key), QueryParam::init('version', $version));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an order-related custom attribute definition for a Square seller account.
- *
- * Only the definition owner can update a custom attribute definition. Note that sellers can view all
- * custom attributes in exported customer data, including those set to `VISIBILITY_HIDDEN`.
- *
- * @param string $key The key of the custom attribute definition to update.
- * @param UpdateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition(
- string $key,
- UpdateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/orders/custom-attribute-definitions/{key}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('key', $key),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpdateOrderCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes order [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) as a bulk operation.
- *
- * Use this endpoint to delete one or more custom attributes from one or more orders.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account. (To create
- * a
- * custom attribute definition, use the
- * [CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/OrderCustomAttributes/CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition
- * ) endpoint.)
- *
- * This `BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual delete
- * requests and returns a map of individual delete responses. Each delete request has a unique ID
- * and provides an order ID and custom attribute. Each delete response is returned with the ID
- * of the corresponding request.
- *
- * To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- * must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST
- * for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributes(BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/custom-attributes/bulk-delete')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkDeleteOrderCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates order [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) as a bulk operation.
- *
- * Use this endpoint to delete one or more custom attributes from one or more orders.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account. (To create
- * a
- * custom attribute definition, use the
- * [CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/OrderCustomAttributes/CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition
- * ) endpoint.)
- *
- * This `BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributes` endpoint accepts a map of 1 to 25 individual upsert
- * requests and returns a map of individual upsert responses. Each upsert request has a unique ID
- * and provides an order ID and custom attribute. Each upsert response is returned with the ID
- * of the corresponding request.
- *
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- * must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST
- * for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributes(BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/custom-attributes/bulk-upsert')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(BulkUpsertOrderCustomAttributesResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists the [custom attributes]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with an order.
- *
- * You can use the `with_definitions` query parameter to also retrieve custom attribute definitions
- * in the same call.
- *
- * When all response pages are retrieved, the results include all custom attributes that are
- * visible to the requesting application, including those that are owned by other applications
- *
- * @param string $orderId The ID of the target [order](entity:Order).
- * @param string|null $visibilityFilter Requests that all of the custom attributes be returned,
- * or only those that are read-only or read-write.
- * @param string|null $cursor The cursor returned in the paged response from the previous call
- * to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request.
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-
- * with-apis/pagination).
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to return in a single paged response.
- * This limit is advisory.
- * The response might contain more or fewer results. The minimum value is 1 and the
- * maximum value is 100.
- * The default value is 20.
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/working-
- * with-apis/pagination).
- * @param bool|null $withDefinitions Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
- * custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of
- * each custom attribute,
- * information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is
- * `false`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listOrderCustomAttributes(
- string $orderId,
- ?string $visibilityFilter = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null,
- ?bool $withDefinitions = false
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/orders/{order_id}/custom-attributes')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId),
- QueryParam::init('visibility_filter', $visibilityFilter),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('with_definitions', $withDefinitions)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListOrderCustomAttributesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with a customer profile.
- *
- * To delete a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- * `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $orderId The ID of the target [order](entity:Order).
- * @param string $customAttributeKey The key of the custom attribute to delete. This key must
- * match the key of an
- * existing custom attribute definition.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteOrderCustomAttribute(string $orderId, string $customAttributeKey): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/orders/{order_id}/custom-attributes/{custom_attribute_key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId),
- TemplateParam::init('custom_attribute_key', $customAttributeKey)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteOrderCustomAttributeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) associated with an order.
- *
- * You can use the `with_definition` query parameter to also retrieve the custom attribute definition
- * in the same call.
- *
- * To retrieve a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting must be
- * `VISIBILITY_READ_ONLY` or `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom
- * attributes
- * also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $orderId The ID of the target [order](entity:Order).
- * @param string $customAttributeKey The key of the custom attribute to retrieve. This key must
- * match the key of an
- * existing custom attribute definition.
- * @param int|null $version To enable [optimistic
- * concurrency](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-
- * patterns/optimistic-concurrency)
- * control, include this optional field and specify the current version of the custom
- * attribute.
- * @param bool|null $withDefinition Indicates whether to return the [custom attribute
- * definition](entity:CustomAttributeDefinition) in the `definition` field of each
- * custom attribute. Set this parameter to `true` to get the name and description of
- * each custom attribute,
- * information about the data type, or other definition details. The default value is
- * `false`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveOrderCustomAttribute(
- string $orderId,
- string $customAttributeKey,
- ?int $version = null,
- ?bool $withDefinition = false
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/orders/{order_id}/custom-attributes/{custom_attribute_key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId),
- TemplateParam::init('custom_attribute_key', $customAttributeKey),
- QueryParam::init('version', $version),
- QueryParam::init('with_definition', $withDefinition)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(RetrieveOrderCustomAttributeResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates a [custom attribute]($m/CustomAttribute) for an order.
- *
- * Use this endpoint to set the value of a custom attribute for a specific order.
- * A custom attribute is based on a custom attribute definition in a Square seller account. (To create
- * a
- * custom attribute definition, use the
- * [CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition]($e/OrderCustomAttributes/CreateOrderCustomAttributeDefinition
- * ) endpoint.)
- *
- * To create or update a custom attribute owned by another application, the `visibility` setting
- * must be `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`. Note that seller-defined custom attributes
- * (also known as custom fields) are always set to `VISIBILITY_READ_WRITE_VALUES`.
- *
- * @param string $orderId The ID of the target [order](entity:Order).
- * @param string $customAttributeKey The key of the custom attribute to create or update. This
- * key must match the key
- * of an existing custom attribute definition.
- * @param UpsertOrderCustomAttributeRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function upsertOrderCustomAttribute(
- string $orderId,
- string $customAttributeKey,
- UpsertOrderCustomAttributeRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/orders/{order_id}/custom-attributes/{custom_attribute_key}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId),
- TemplateParam::init('custom_attribute_key', $customAttributeKey),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpsertOrderCustomAttributeResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/OrdersApi.php b/src/Apis/OrdersApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d7b28b64..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/OrdersApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateOrderResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a set of [orders]($m/Order) by their IDs.
- *
- * If a given order ID does not exist, the ID is ignored instead of generating an error.
- *
- * @param BatchRetrieveOrdersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function batchRetrieveOrders(BatchRetrieveOrdersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/batch-retrieve')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BatchRetrieveOrdersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Enables applications to preview order pricing without creating an order.
- *
- * @param CalculateOrderRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function calculateOrder(CalculateOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/calculate')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CalculateOrderResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new order, in the `DRAFT` state, by duplicating an existing order. The newly created order
- * has
- * only the core fields (such as line items, taxes, and discounts) copied from the original order.
- *
- * @param CloneOrderRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cloneOrder(CloneOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/clone')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CloneOrderResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Search all orders for one or more locations. Orders include all sales,
- * returns, and exchanges regardless of how or when they entered the Square
- * ecosystem (such as Point of Sale, Invoices, and Connect APIs).
- *
- * `SearchOrders` requests need to specify which locations to search and define a
- * [SearchOrdersQuery]($m/SearchOrdersQuery) object that controls
- * how to sort or filter the results. Your `SearchOrdersQuery` can:
- *
- * Set filter criteria.
- * Set the sort order.
- * Determine whether to return results as complete `Order` objects or as
- * [OrderEntry]($m/OrderEntry) objects.
- *
- * Note that details for orders processed with Square Point of Sale while in
- * offline mode might not be transmitted to Square for up to 72 hours. Offline
- * orders have a `created_at` value that reflects the time the order was created,
- * not the time it was subsequently transmitted to Square.
- *
- * @param SearchOrdersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchOrders(SearchOrdersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchOrdersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves an [Order]($m/Order) by ID.
- *
- * @param string $orderId The ID of the order to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveOrder(string $orderId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/orders/{order_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveOrderResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an open [order]($m/Order) by adding, replacing, or deleting
- * fields. Orders with a `COMPLETED` or `CANCELED` state cannot be updated.
- *
- * An `UpdateOrder` request requires the following:
- *
- * - The `order_id` in the endpoint path, identifying the order to update.
- * - The latest `version` of the order to update.
- * - The [sparse order](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-orders/update-
- * orders#sparse-order-objects)
- * containing only the fields to update and the version to which the update is
- * being applied.
- * - If deleting fields, the [dot notation paths](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/manage-
- * orders/update-orders#identifying-fields-to-delete)
- * identifying the fields to clear.
- *
- * To pay for an order, see
- * [Pay for Orders](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/orders-api/pay-for-orders).
- *
- * @param string $orderId The ID of the order to update.
- * @param UpdateOrderRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateOrder(string $orderId, UpdateOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/orders/{order_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateOrderResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Pay for an [order]($m/Order) using one or more approved [payments]($m/Payment)
- * or settle an order with a total of `0`.
- *
- * The total of the `payment_ids` listed in the request must be equal to the order
- * total. Orders with a total amount of `0` can be marked as paid by specifying an empty
- * array of `payment_ids` in the request.
- *
- * To be used with `PayOrder`, a payment must:
- *
- * - Reference the order by specifying the `order_id` when [creating the
- * payment]($e/Payments/CreatePayment).
- * Any approved payments that reference the same `order_id` not specified in the
- * `payment_ids` is canceled.
- * - Be approved with [delayed capture](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/take-
- * payments/card-payments/delayed-capture).
- * Using a delayed capture payment with `PayOrder` completes the approved payment.
- *
- * @param string $orderId The ID of the order being paid.
- * @param PayOrderRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See the
- * corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function payOrder(string $orderId, PayOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/orders/{order_id}/pay')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(PayOrderResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/PaymentsApi.php b/src/Apis/PaymentsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 51bfa4fe..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/PaymentsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/payments')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('begin_time', $beginTime),
- QueryParam::init('end_time', $endTime),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('total', $total),
- QueryParam::init('last_4', $last4),
- QueryParam::init('card_brand', $cardBrand),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('is_offline_payment', $isOfflinePayment),
- QueryParam::init('offline_begin_time', $offlineBeginTime),
- QueryParam::init('offline_end_time', $offlineEndTime),
- QueryParam::init('updated_at_begin_time', $updatedAtBeginTime),
- QueryParam::init('updated_at_end_time', $updatedAtEndTime),
- QueryParam::init('sort_field', $sortField)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListPaymentsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a payment using the provided source. You can use this endpoint
- * to charge a card (credit/debit card or
- * Square gift card) or record a payment that the seller received outside of Square
- * (cash payment from a buyer or a payment that an external entity
- * processed on behalf of the seller).
- *
- * The endpoint creates a
- * `Payment` object and returns it in the response.
- *
- * @param CreatePaymentRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createPayment(CreatePaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/payments')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreatePaymentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels (voids) a payment identified by the idempotency key that is specified in the
- * request.
- *
- * Use this method when the status of a `CreatePayment` request is unknown (for example, after you send
- * a
- * `CreatePayment` request, a network error occurs and you do not get a response). In this case, you
- * can
- * direct Square to cancel the payment using this endpoint. In the request, you provide the same
- * idempotency key that you provided in your `CreatePayment` request that you want to cancel. After
- * canceling the payment, you can submit your `CreatePayment` request again.
- *
- * Note that if no payment with the specified idempotency key is found, no action is taken and the
- * endpoint
- * returns successfully.
- *
- * @param CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for
- * the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelPaymentByIdempotencyKey(CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/payments/cancel')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(CancelPaymentByIdempotencyKeyResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves details for a specific payment.
- *
- * @param string $paymentId A unique ID for the desired payment.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getPayment(string $paymentId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/payments/{payment_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('payment_id', $paymentId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetPaymentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a payment with the APPROVED status.
- * You can update the `amount_money` and `tip_money` using this endpoint.
- *
- * @param string $paymentId The ID of the payment to update.
- * @param UpdatePaymentRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updatePayment(string $paymentId, UpdatePaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/payments/{payment_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('payment_id', $paymentId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdatePaymentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels (voids) a payment. You can use this endpoint to cancel a payment with
- * the APPROVED `status`.
- *
- * @param string $paymentId The ID of the payment to cancel.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelPayment(string $paymentId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/payments/{payment_id}/cancel')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('payment_id', $paymentId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelPaymentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Completes (captures) a payment.
- * By default, payments are set to complete immediately after they are created.
- *
- * You can use this endpoint to complete a payment with the APPROVED `status`.
- *
- * @param string $paymentId The unique ID identifying the payment to be completed.
- * @param CompletePaymentRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function completePayment(string $paymentId, CompletePaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/payments/{payment_id}/complete')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('payment_id', $paymentId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CompletePaymentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/PayoutsApi.php b/src/Apis/PayoutsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5ba11e..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/PayoutsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/payouts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('status', $status),
- QueryParam::init('begin_time', $beginTime),
- QueryParam::init('end_time', $endTime),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListPayoutsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves details of a specific payout identified by a payout ID.
- * To call this endpoint, set `PAYOUTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param string $payoutId The ID of the payout to retrieve the information for.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getPayout(string $payoutId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/payouts/{payout_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('payout_id', $payoutId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetPayoutResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a list of all payout entries for a specific payout.
- * To call this endpoint, set `PAYOUTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
- *
- * @param string $payoutId The ID of the payout to retrieve the information for.
- * @param string|null $sortOrder The order in which payout entries are listed.
- * @param string|null $cursor A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
- * Provide this cursor to retrieve the next set of results for the original query.
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * If request parameters change between requests, subsequent results may contain
- * duplicates or missing records.
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page. It is
- * possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
- * The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value. If the provided value
- * is
- * greater than 100, it is ignored and the default value is used instead.
- * Default: `100`
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listPayoutEntries(
- string $payoutId,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/payouts/{payout_id}/payout-entries')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('payout_id', $payoutId),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListPayoutEntriesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/RefundsApi.php b/src/Apis/RefundsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 32a2b851..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/RefundsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/refunds')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('begin_time', $beginTime),
- QueryParam::init('end_time', $endTime),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('status', $status),
- QueryParam::init('source_type', $sourceType),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListPaymentRefundsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Refunds a payment. You can refund the entire payment amount or a
- * portion of it. You can use this endpoint to refund a card payment or record a
- * refund of a cash or external payment. For more information, see
- * [Refund Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/payments-api/refund-payments).
- *
- * @param RefundPaymentRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function refundPayment(RefundPaymentRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/refunds')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RefundPaymentResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a specific refund using the `refund_id`.
- *
- * @param string $refundId The unique ID for the desired `PaymentRefund`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getPaymentRefund(string $refundId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/refunds/{refund_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('refund_id', $refundId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetPaymentRefundResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/SitesApi.php b/src/Apis/SitesApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 29487c1f..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/SitesApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/sites')->auth('global');
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListSitesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/SnippetsApi.php b/src/Apis/SnippetsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dd87866..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/SnippetsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/sites/{site_id}/snippet')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('site_id', $siteId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteSnippetResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves your snippet from a Square Online site. A site can contain snippets from multiple snippet
- * applications, but you can retrieve only the snippet that was added by your application.
- *
- * You can call [ListSites]($e/Sites/ListSites) to get the IDs of the sites that belong to a seller.
- *
- *
- * __Note:__ Square Online APIs are publicly available as part of an early access program. For more
- * information, see [Early access program for Square Online APIs](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/online-api#early-access-program-for-square-online-apis).
- *
- * @param string $siteId The ID of the site that contains the snippet.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveSnippet(string $siteId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/sites/{site_id}/snippet')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('site_id', $siteId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveSnippetResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a snippet to a Square Online site or updates the existing snippet on the site.
- * The snippet code is appended to the end of the `head` element on every page of the site, except
- * checkout pages. A snippet application can add one snippet to a given site.
- *
- * You can call [ListSites]($e/Sites/ListSites) to get the IDs of the sites that belong to a seller.
- *
- *
- * __Note:__ Square Online APIs are publicly available as part of an early access program. For more
- * information, see [Early access program for Square Online APIs](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/online-api#early-access-program-for-square-online-apis).
- *
- * @param string $siteId The ID of the site where you want to add or update the snippet.
- * @param UpsertSnippetRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function upsertSnippet(string $siteId, UpsertSnippetRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/sites/{site_id}/snippet')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('site_id', $siteId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpsertSnippetResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/SubscriptionsApi.php b/src/Apis/SubscriptionsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 04507e74..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/SubscriptionsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/subscriptions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Schedules a plan variation change for all active subscriptions under a given plan
- * variation. For more information, see [Swap Subscription Plan Variations](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/subscriptions-api/swap-plan-variations).
- *
- * @param BulkSwapPlanRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkSwapPlan(BulkSwapPlanRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/subscriptions/bulk-swap-plan')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkSwapPlanResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for subscriptions.
- *
- * Results are ordered chronologically by subscription creation date. If
- * the request specifies more than one location ID,
- * the endpoint orders the result
- * by location ID, and then by creation date within each location. If no locations are given
- * in the query, all locations are searched.
- *
- * You can also optionally specify `customer_ids` to search by customer.
- * If left unset, all customers
- * associated with the specified locations are returned.
- * If the request specifies customer IDs, the endpoint orders results
- * first by location, within location by customer ID, and within
- * customer by subscription creation date.
- *
- * @param SearchSubscriptionsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchSubscriptions(SearchSubscriptionsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/subscriptions/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchSubscriptionsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a specific subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to retrieve.
- * @param string|null $mInclude A query parameter to specify related information to be included
- * in the response.
- *
- * The supported query parameter values are:
- *
- * - `actions`: to include scheduled actions on the targeted subscription.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveSubscription(string $subscriptionId, ?string $mInclude = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- QueryParam::init('include', $mInclude)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a subscription by modifying or clearing `subscription` field values.
- * To clear a field, set its value to `null`.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to update.
- * @param UpdateSubscriptionRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateSubscription(string $subscriptionId, UpdateSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a scheduled action for a subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription the targeted action is to act upon.
- * @param string $actionId The ID of the targeted action to be deleted.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteSubscriptionAction(string $subscriptionId, string $actionId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::DELETE,
- '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/actions/{action_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- TemplateParam::init('action_id', $actionId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteSubscriptionActionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Changes the [billing anchor date](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/subscription-
- * billing#billing-dates)
- * for a subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to update the billing anchor date.
- * @param ChangeBillingAnchorDateRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function changeBillingAnchorDate(string $subscriptionId, ChangeBillingAnchorDateRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/billing-anchor'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ChangeBillingAnchorDateResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Schedules a `CANCEL` action to cancel an active subscription. This
- * sets the `canceled_date` field to the end of the active billing period. After this date,
- * the subscription status changes from ACTIVE to CANCELED.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to cancel.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelSubscription(string $subscriptionId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/cancel')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists all [events](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/subscriptions-api/actions-events) for a
- * specific subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to retrieve the events for.
- * @param string|null $cursor When the total number of resulting subscription events exceeds the
- * limit of a paged response,
- * specify the cursor returned from a preceding response here to fetch the next set of
- * results.
- * If the cursor is unset, the response contains the last page of the results.
- *
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param int|null $limit The upper limit on the number of subscription events to return in a
- * paged response.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listSubscriptionEvents(
- string $subscriptionId,
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?int $limit = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/events')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListSubscriptionEventsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Schedules a `PAUSE` action to pause an active subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to pause.
- * @param PauseSubscriptionRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function pauseSubscription(string $subscriptionId, PauseSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/pause')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(PauseSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Schedules a `RESUME` action to resume a paused or a deactivated subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to resume.
- * @param ResumeSubscriptionRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function resumeSubscription(string $subscriptionId, ResumeSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/resume')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ResumeSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Schedules a `SWAP_PLAN` action to swap a subscription plan variation in an existing subscription.
- * For more information, see [Swap Subscription Plan Variations](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/subscriptions-api/swap-plan-variations).
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId The ID of the subscription to swap the subscription plan for.
- * @param SwapPlanRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See the
- * corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function swapPlan(string $subscriptionId, SwapPlanRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/swap-plan')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SwapPlanResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/TeamApi.php b/src/Apis/TeamApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 50c9893a..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/TeamApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/team-members')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateTeamMemberResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates multiple `TeamMember` objects. The created `TeamMember` objects are returned on successful
- * creates.
- * This process is non-transactional and processes as much of the request as possible. If one of the
- * creates in
- * the request cannot be successfully processed, the request is not marked as failed, but the body of
- * the response
- * contains explicit error information for the failed create.
- *
- * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#bulk-create-team-members).
- *
- * @param BulkCreateTeamMembersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkCreateTeamMembers(BulkCreateTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/team-members/bulk-create')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkCreateTeamMembersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates multiple `TeamMember` objects. The updated `TeamMember` objects are returned on successful
- * updates.
- * This process is non-transactional and processes as much of the request as possible. If one of the
- * updates in
- * the request cannot be successfully processed, the request is not marked as failed, but the body of
- * the response
- * contains explicit error information for the failed update.
- * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#bulk-update-team-members).
- *
- * @param BulkUpdateTeamMembersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpdateTeamMembers(BulkUpdateTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/team-members/bulk-update')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkUpdateTeamMembersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists jobs in a seller account. Results are sorted by title in ascending order.
- *
- * @param string|null $cursor The pagination cursor returned by the previous call to this
- * endpoint. Provide this
- * cursor to retrieve the next page of results for your original request. For more
- * information,
- * see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-basics/common-api-
- * patterns/pagination).
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listJobs(?string $cursor = null): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/team-members/jobs')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListJobsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a job in a seller account. A job defines a title and tip eligibility. Note that
- * compensation is defined in a [job assignment]($m/JobAssignment) in a team member's wage setting.
- *
- * @param CreateJobRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createJob(CreateJobRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/team-members/jobs')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateJobResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a specified job.
- *
- * @param string $jobId The ID of the job to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveJob(string $jobId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/team-members/jobs/{job_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('job_id', $jobId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveJobResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the title or tip eligibility of a job. Changes to the title propagate to all
- * `JobAssignment`, `Shift`, and `TeamMemberWage` objects that reference the job ID. Changes to
- * tip eligibility propagate to all `TeamMemberWage` objects that reference the job ID.
- *
- * @param string $jobId The ID of the job to update.
- * @param UpdateJobRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateJob(string $jobId, UpdateJobRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/team-members/jobs/{job_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('job_id', $jobId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateJobResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a paginated list of `TeamMember` objects for a business.
- * The list can be filtered by location IDs, `ACTIVE` or `INACTIVE` status, or whether
- * the team member is the Square account owner.
- *
- * @param SearchTeamMembersRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchTeamMembers(SearchTeamMembersRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/team-members/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchTeamMembersResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a `TeamMember` object for the given `TeamMember.id`.
- * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#retrieve-a-team-member).
- *
- * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveTeamMember(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('team_member_id', $teamMemberId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveTeamMemberResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a single `TeamMember` object. The `TeamMember` object is returned on successful updates.
- * Learn about [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#update-a-team-member).
- *
- * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member to update.
- * @param UpdateTeamMemberRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateTeamMember(string $teamMemberId, UpdateTeamMemberRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('team_member_id', $teamMemberId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateTeamMemberResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a `WageSetting` object for a team member specified
- * by `TeamMember.id`. For more information, see
- * [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/team/troubleshooting#retrievewagesetting).
- *
- * Square recommends using [RetrieveTeamMember]($e/Team/RetrieveTeamMember) or
- * [SearchTeamMembers]($e/Team/SearchTeamMembers)
- * to get this information directly from the `TeamMember.wage_setting` field.
- *
- * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member for which to retrieve the wage setting.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveWageSetting(string $teamMemberId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}/wage-setting')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('team_member_id', $teamMemberId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveWageSettingResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates or updates a `WageSetting` object. The object is created if a
- * `WageSetting` with the specified `team_member_id` doesn't exist. Otherwise,
- * it fully replaces the `WageSetting` object for the team member.
- * The `WageSetting` is returned on a successful update. For more information, see
- * [Troubleshooting the Team API](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/team/troubleshooting#create-or-
- * update-a-wage-setting).
- *
- * Square recommends using [CreateTeamMember]($e/Team/CreateTeamMember) or
- * [UpdateTeamMember]($e/Team/UpdateTeamMember)
- * to manage the `TeamMember.wage_setting` field directly.
- *
- * @param string $teamMemberId The ID of the team member for which to update the `WageSetting`
- * object.
- * @param UpdateWageSettingRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateWageSetting(string $teamMemberId, UpdateWageSettingRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/team-members/{team_member_id}/wage-setting')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('team_member_id', $teamMemberId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateWageSettingResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/TerminalApi.php b/src/Apis/TerminalApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 620e1a87..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/TerminalApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/actions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateTerminalActionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a filtered list of Terminal action requests created by the account making the request.
- * Terminal action requests are available for 30 days.
- *
- * @param SearchTerminalActionsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchTerminalActions(SearchTerminalActionsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/actions/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchTerminalActionsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a Terminal action request by `action_id`. Terminal action requests are available for 30
- * days.
- *
- * @param string $actionId Unique ID for the desired `TerminalAction`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getTerminalAction(string $actionId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/terminals/actions/{action_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('action_id', $actionId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetTerminalActionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels a Terminal action request if the status of the request permits it.
- *
- * @param string $actionId Unique ID for the desired `TerminalAction`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelTerminalAction(string $actionId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/actions/{action_id}/cancel')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('action_id', $actionId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelTerminalActionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Dismisses a Terminal action request if the status and type of the request permits it.
- *
- * See [Link and Dismiss Actions](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/terminal-api/advanced-
- * features/custom-workflows/link-and-dismiss-actions) for more details.
- *
- * @param string $actionId Unique ID for the `TerminalAction` associated with the action to be
- * dismissed.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function dismissTerminalAction(string $actionId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/actions/{action_id}/dismiss')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('action_id', $actionId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DismissTerminalActionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a Terminal checkout request and sends it to the specified device to take a payment
- * for the requested amount.
- *
- * @param CreateTerminalCheckoutRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createTerminalCheckout(CreateTerminalCheckoutRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/checkouts')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateTerminalCheckoutResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a filtered list of Terminal checkout requests created by the application making the request.
- * Only Terminal checkout requests created for the merchant scoped to the OAuth token are returned.
- * Terminal checkout requests are available for 30 days.
- *
- * @param SearchTerminalCheckoutsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchTerminalCheckouts(SearchTerminalCheckoutsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/checkouts/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchTerminalCheckoutsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a Terminal checkout request by `checkout_id`. Terminal checkout requests are available for
- * 30 days.
- *
- * @param string $checkoutId The unique ID for the desired `TerminalCheckout`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getTerminalCheckout(string $checkoutId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/terminals/checkouts/{checkout_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('checkout_id', $checkoutId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetTerminalCheckoutResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels a Terminal checkout request if the status of the request permits it.
- *
- * @param string $checkoutId The unique ID for the desired `TerminalCheckout`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelTerminalCheckout(string $checkoutId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/checkouts/{checkout_id}/cancel')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('checkout_id', $checkoutId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelTerminalCheckoutResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Dismisses a Terminal checkout request if the status and type of the request permits it.
- *
- * @param string $checkoutId Unique ID for the `TerminalCheckout` associated with the checkout
- * to be dismissed.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function dismissTerminalCheckout(string $checkoutId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/checkouts/{checkout_id}/dismiss')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('checkout_id', $checkoutId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DismissTerminalCheckoutResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a request to refund an Interac payment completed on a Square Terminal. Refunds for Interac
- * payments on a Square Terminal are supported only for Interac debit cards in Canada. Other refunds
- * for Terminal payments should use the Refunds API. For more information, see [Refunds
- * API]($e/Refunds).
- *
- * @param CreateTerminalRefundRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createTerminalRefund(CreateTerminalRefundRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/refunds')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateTerminalRefundResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a filtered list of Interac Terminal refund requests created by the seller making the
- * request. Terminal refund requests are available for 30 days.
- *
- * @param SearchTerminalRefundsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchTerminalRefunds(SearchTerminalRefundsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/terminals/refunds/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchTerminalRefundsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves an Interac Terminal refund object by ID. Terminal refund objects are available for 30 days.
- *
- * @param string $terminalRefundId The unique ID for the desired `TerminalRefund`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function getTerminalRefund(string $terminalRefundId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/terminals/refunds/{terminal_refund_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('terminal_refund_id', $terminalRefundId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(GetTerminalRefundResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels an Interac Terminal refund request by refund request ID if the status of the request permits
- * it.
- *
- * @param string $terminalRefundId The unique ID for the desired `TerminalRefund`.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function cancelTerminalRefund(string $terminalRefundId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/terminals/refunds/{terminal_refund_id}/cancel'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('terminal_refund_id', $terminalRefundId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CancelTerminalRefundResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Dismisses a Terminal refund request if the status and type of the request permits it.
- *
- * @param string $terminalRefundId Unique ID for the `TerminalRefund` associated with the refund
- * to be dismissed.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function dismissTerminalRefund(string $terminalRefundId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/terminals/refunds/{terminal_refund_id}/dismiss'
- )->auth('global')->parameters(TemplateParam::init('terminal_refund_id', $terminalRefundId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DismissTerminalRefundResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/TransactionsApi.php b/src/Apis/TransactionsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b59687c..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/TransactionsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('begin_time', $beginTime),
- QueryParam::init('end_time', $endTime),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListTransactionsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves details for a single transaction.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the transaction's associated location.
- * @param string $transactionId The ID of the transaction to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveTransaction(string $locationId, string $transactionId): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::GET,
- '/v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('transaction_id', $transactionId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveTransactionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Captures a transaction that was created with the [Charge](api-endpoint:Transactions-Charge)
- * endpoint with a `delay_capture` value of `true`.
- *
- *
- * See [Delayed capture transactions](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/payments/transactions/overview#delayed-capture)
- * for more information.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $locationId
- * @param string $transactionId
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function captureTransaction(string $locationId, string $transactionId): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}/capture'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('transaction_id', $transactionId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CaptureTransactionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Cancels a transaction that was created with the [Charge](api-endpoint:Transactions-Charge)
- * endpoint with a `delay_capture` value of `true`.
- *
- *
- * See [Delayed capture transactions](https://developer.squareup.
- * com/docs/payments/transactions/overview#delayed-capture)
- * for more information.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $locationId
- * @param string $transactionId
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function voidTransaction(string $locationId, string $transactionId): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/locations/{location_id}/transactions/{transaction_id}/void'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('transaction_id', $transactionId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(VoidTransactionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/V1TransactionsApi.php b/src/Apis/V1TransactionsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f099029..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/V1TransactionsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v1/{location_id}/orders')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- QueryParam::init('order', $order),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit),
- QueryParam::init('batch_token', $batchToken)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(V1Order::class, 1)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Provides comprehensive information for a single online store order, including the order's history.
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the order's associated location.
- * @param string $orderId The order's Square-issued ID. You obtain this value from Order objects
- * returned by the List Orders endpoint
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function v1RetrieveOrder(string $locationId, string $orderId): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v1/{location_id}/orders/{order_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(V1Order::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates the details of an online store order. Every update you perform on an order corresponds to
- * one of three actions:
- *
- * @deprecated
- *
- * @param string $locationId The ID of the order's associated location.
- * @param string $orderId The order's Square-issued ID. You obtain this value from Order objects
- * returned by the List Orders endpoint
- * @param V1UpdateOrderRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function v1UpdateOrder(string $locationId, string $orderId, V1UpdateOrderRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- trigger_error('Method ' . __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v1/{location_id}/orders/{order_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('location_id', $locationId),
- TemplateParam::init('order_id', $orderId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(V1Order::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/VendorsApi.php b/src/Apis/VendorsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0b6fa4..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/VendorsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/vendors/bulk-create')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkCreateVendorsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves one or more vendors of specified [Vendor]($m/Vendor) IDs.
- *
- * @param BulkRetrieveVendorsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkRetrieveVendors(BulkRetrieveVendorsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/vendors/bulk-retrieve')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkRetrieveVendorsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates one or more of existing [Vendor]($m/Vendor) objects as suppliers to a seller.
- *
- * @param BulkUpdateVendorsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function bulkUpdateVendors(BulkUpdateVendorsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/vendors/bulk-update')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(BulkUpdateVendorsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a single [Vendor]($m/Vendor) object to represent a supplier to a seller.
- *
- * @param CreateVendorRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createVendor(CreateVendorRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/vendors/create')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateVendorResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Searches for vendors using a filter against supported [Vendor]($m/Vendor) properties and a supported
- * sorter.
- *
- * @param SearchVendorsRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request.
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function searchVendors(SearchVendorsRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/vendors/search')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(SearchVendorsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the vendor of a specified [Vendor]($m/Vendor) ID.
- *
- * @param string $vendorId ID of the [Vendor](entity:Vendor) to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveVendor(string $vendorId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/vendors/{vendor_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('vendor_id', $vendorId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveVendorResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates an existing [Vendor]($m/Vendor) object as a supplier to a seller.
- *
- * @param UpdateVendorRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the request. See
- * the corresponding object definition for field details.
- * @param string $vendorId
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateVendor(UpdateVendorRequest $body, string $vendorId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/vendors/{vendor_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body),
- TemplateParam::init('vendor_id', $vendorId)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateVendorResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/Apis/WebhookSubscriptionsApi.php b/src/Apis/WebhookSubscriptionsApi.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b0ae6787..00000000
--- a/src/Apis/WebhookSubscriptionsApi.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/webhooks/event-types')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(QueryParam::init('api_version', $apiVersion));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListWebhookEventTypesResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Lists all webhook subscriptions owned by your application.
- *
- * @param string|null $cursor A pagination cursor returned by a previous call to this endpoint.
- * Provide this to retrieve the next set of results for your original query.
- *
- * For more information, see [Pagination](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/build-
- * basics/common-api-patterns/pagination).
- * @param bool|null $includeDisabled Includes disabled
- * [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription)s.
- * By default, all enabled [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription)s are returned.
- * @param string|null $sortOrder Sorts the returned list by when the
- * [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) was created with the specified order.
- * This field defaults to ASC.
- * @param int|null $limit The maximum number of results to be returned in a single page. It is
- * possible to receive fewer results than the specified limit on a given page.
- * The default value of 100 is also the maximum allowed value.
- *
- * Default: 100
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function listWebhookSubscriptions(
- ?string $cursor = null,
- ?bool $includeDisabled = false,
- ?string $sortOrder = null,
- ?int $limit = null
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/webhooks/subscriptions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- QueryParam::init('cursor', $cursor),
- QueryParam::init('include_disabled', $includeDisabled),
- QueryParam::init('sort_order', $sortOrder),
- QueryParam::init('limit', $limit)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(ListWebhookSubscriptionsResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a webhook subscription.
- *
- * @param CreateWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function createWebhookSubscription(CreateWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::POST, '/v2/webhooks/subscriptions')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'), BodyParam::init($body));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(CreateWebhookSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a webhook subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId [REQUIRED] The ID of the
- * [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to delete.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function deleteWebhookSubscription(string $subscriptionId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::DELETE, '/v2/webhooks/subscriptions/{subscription_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(DeleteWebhookSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a webhook subscription identified by its ID.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId [REQUIRED] The ID of the
- * [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to retrieve.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function retrieveWebhookSubscription(string $subscriptionId): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::GET, '/v2/webhooks/subscriptions/{subscription_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId));
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(RetrieveWebhookSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a webhook subscription.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId [REQUIRED] The ID of the
- * [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to update.
- * @param UpdateWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateWebhookSubscription(
- string $subscriptionId,
- UpdateWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(RequestMethod::PUT, '/v2/webhooks/subscriptions/{subscription_id}')
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(UpdateWebhookSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Updates a webhook subscription by replacing the existing signature key with a new one.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId [REQUIRED] The ID of the
- * [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to update.
- * @param UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyRequest $body An object containing the fields to
- * POST for the request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function updateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKey(
- string $subscriptionId,
- UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyRequest $body
- ): ApiResponse {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/webhooks/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/signature-key'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()
- ->type(UpdateWebhookSubscriptionSignatureKeyResponse::class)
- ->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
- /**
- * Tests a webhook subscription by sending a test event to the notification URL.
- *
- * @param string $subscriptionId [REQUIRED] The ID of the
- * [Subscription](entity:WebhookSubscription) to test.
- * @param TestWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body An object containing the fields to POST for the
- * request.
- *
- * See the corresponding object definition for field details.
- *
- * @return ApiResponse Response from the API call
- */
- public function testWebhookSubscription(string $subscriptionId, TestWebhookSubscriptionRequest $body): ApiResponse
- {
- $_reqBuilder = $this->requestBuilder(
- RequestMethod::POST,
- '/v2/webhooks/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/test'
- )
- ->auth('global')
- ->parameters(
- TemplateParam::init('subscription_id', $subscriptionId),
- HeaderParam::init('Content-Type', 'application/json'),
- BodyParam::init($body)
- );
- $_resHandler = $this->responseHandler()->type(TestWebhookSubscriptionResponse::class)->returnApiResponse();
- return $this->execute($_reqBuilder, $_resHandler);
- }
diff --git a/src/ApplePay/ApplePayClient.php b/src/ApplePay/ApplePayClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9baba06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ApplePay/ApplePayClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Activates a domain for use with Apple Pay on the Web and Square. A validation
+ * is performed on this domain by Apple to ensure that it is properly set up as
+ * an Apple Pay enabled domain.
+ *
+ * This endpoint provides an easy way for platform developers to bulk activate
+ * Apple Pay on the Web with Square for merchants using their platform.
+ *
+ * Note: You will need to host a valid domain verification file on your domain to support Apple Pay. The
+ * current version of this file is always available at https://app.squareup.com/digital-wallets/apple-pay/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association,
+ * and should be hosted at `.well_known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association` on your
+ * domain. This file is subject to change; we strongly recommend checking for updates regularly and avoiding
+ * long-lived caches that might not keep in sync with the correct file version.
+ *
+ * To learn more about the Web Payments SDK and how to add Apple Pay, see [Take an Apple Pay Payment](https://developer.squareup.com/docs/web-payments/apple-pay).
+ *
+ * @param RegisterDomainRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return RegisterDomainResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function registerDomain(RegisterDomainRequest $request, ?array $options = null): RegisterDomainResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/apple-pay/domains",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return RegisterDomainResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/ApplePay/Requests/RegisterDomainRequest.php b/src/ApplePay/Requests/RegisterDomainRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..420f29ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ApplePay/Requests/RegisterDomainRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+domainName = $values['domainName'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getDomainName(): string
+ {
+ return $this->domainName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setDomainName(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->domainName = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Authentication/BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder.php b/src/Authentication/BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 38c8b1ca..00000000
--- a/src/Authentication/BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-config = $config;
- }
- /**
- * Initializer for BearerAuthCredentialsBuilder
- *
- * @param string $accessToken
- */
- public static function init(string $accessToken): self
- {
- return new self(['accessToken' => $accessToken]);
- }
- /**
- * Setter for AccessToken.
- *
- * @param string $accessToken
- *
- * @return $this
- */
- public function accessToken(string $accessToken): self
- {
- $this->config['accessToken'] = $accessToken;
- return $this;
- }
- public function getConfiguration(): array
- {
- return CoreHelper::clone($this->config);
- }
diff --git a/src/Authentication/BearerAuthManager.php b/src/Authentication/BearerAuthManager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 0416449d..00000000
--- a/src/Authentication/BearerAuthManager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-config = $config;
- parent::__construct(
- HeaderParam::init('Authorization', CoreHelper::getBearerAuthString($this->getAccessToken()))
- ->requiredNonEmpty()
- );
- }
- /**
- * String value for accessToken.
- */
- public function getAccessToken(): string
- {
- return $this->config['accessToken'] ?? ConfigurationDefaults::ACCESS_TOKEN;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if provided credentials match with existing ones.
- *
- * @param string $accessToken The OAuth 2.0 Access Token to use for API requests.
- */
- public function equals(string $accessToken): bool
- {
- return $accessToken == $this->getAccessToken();
- }
diff --git a/src/BankAccounts/BankAccountsClient.php b/src/BankAccounts/BankAccountsClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b050feba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BankAccounts/BankAccountsClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of [BankAccount](entity:BankAccount) objects linked to a Square account.
+ *
+ * @param ListBankAccountsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListBankAccountsRequest $request = new ListBankAccountsRequest(), ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListBankAccountsRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListBankAccountsRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListBankAccountsResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListBankAccountsResponse $response) => $response?->getBankAccounts() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns details of a [BankAccount](entity:BankAccount) identified by V1 bank account ID.
+ *
+ * @param GetByV1IdBankAccountsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return GetBankAccountByV1IdResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function getByV1Id(GetByV1IdBankAccountsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): GetBankAccountByV1IdResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bank-accounts/by-v1-id/{$request->getV1BankAccountId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return GetBankAccountByV1IdResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns details of a [BankAccount](entity:BankAccount)
+ * linked to a Square account.
+ *
+ * @param GetBankAccountsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return GetBankAccountResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function get(GetBankAccountsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): GetBankAccountResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bank-accounts/{$request->getBankAccountId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return GetBankAccountResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of [BankAccount](entity:BankAccount) objects linked to a Square account.
+ *
+ * @param ListBankAccountsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListBankAccountsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListBankAccountsRequest $request = new ListBankAccountsRequest(), ?array $options = null): ListBankAccountsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getLocationId() != null) {
+ $query['location_id'] = $request->getLocationId();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bank-accounts",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListBankAccountsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/BankAccounts/Requests/GetBankAccountsRequest.php b/src/BankAccounts/Requests/GetBankAccountsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e74007da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BankAccounts/Requests/GetBankAccountsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+bankAccountId = $values['bankAccountId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBankAccountId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bankAccountId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBankAccountId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bankAccountId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/BankAccounts/Requests/GetByV1IdBankAccountsRequest.php b/src/BankAccounts/Requests/GetByV1IdBankAccountsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b5e020b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BankAccounts/Requests/GetByV1IdBankAccountsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+v1BankAccountId = $values['v1BankAccountId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getV1BankAccountId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->v1BankAccountId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setV1BankAccountId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->v1BankAccountId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/BankAccounts/Requests/ListBankAccountsRequest.php b/src/BankAccounts/Requests/ListBankAccountsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a627afdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/BankAccounts/Requests/ListBankAccountsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ $this->limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->locationId = $values['locationId'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getLocationId(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->locationId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setLocationId(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->locationId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/BearerAuthCredentials.php b/src/BearerAuthCredentials.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 29045785..00000000
--- a/src/BearerAuthCredentials.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ $this->customAttributeDefinitions = new CustomAttributeDefinitionsClient($this->client, $this->options);
+ $this->customAttributes = new CustomAttributesClient($this->client, $this->options);
+ $this->locationProfiles = new LocationProfilesClient($this->client, $this->options);
+ $this->teamMemberProfiles = new TeamMemberProfilesClient($this->client, $this->options);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve a collection of bookings.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param ListBookingsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListBookingsRequest $request = new ListBookingsRequest(), ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListBookingsRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListBookingsRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListBookingsResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListBookingsResponse $response) => $response?->getBookings() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a booking.
+ *
+ * The required input must include the following:
+ * - `Booking.location_id`
+ * - `Booking.start_at`
+ * - `Booking.AppointmentSegment.team_member_id`
+ * - `Booking.AppointmentSegment.service_variation_id`
+ * - `Booking.AppointmentSegment.service_variation_version`
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param CreateBookingRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return CreateBookingResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function create(CreateBookingRequest $request, ?array $options = null): CreateBookingResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return CreateBookingResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Searches for availabilities for booking.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param SearchAvailabilityRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return SearchAvailabilityResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function searchAvailability(SearchAvailabilityRequest $request, ?array $options = null): SearchAvailabilityResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/availability/search",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return SearchAvailabilityResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bulk-Retrieves a list of bookings by booking IDs.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return BulkRetrieveBookingsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function bulkRetrieveBookings(BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): BulkRetrieveBookingsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/bulk-retrieve",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return BulkRetrieveBookingsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a seller's booking profile.
+ *
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return GetBusinessBookingProfileResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function getBusinessProfile(?array $options = null): GetBusinessBookingProfileResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/business-booking-profile",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return GetBusinessBookingProfileResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a seller's location booking profile.
+ *
+ * @param RetrieveLocationBookingProfileRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return RetrieveLocationBookingProfileResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function retrieveLocationBookingProfile(RetrieveLocationBookingProfileRequest $request, ?array $options = null): RetrieveLocationBookingProfileResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/location-booking-profiles/{$request->getLocationId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return RetrieveLocationBookingProfileResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves one or more team members' booking profiles.
+ *
+ * @param BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function bulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfiles(BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/team-member-booking-profiles/bulk-retrieve",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a booking.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param GetBookingsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return GetBookingResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function get(GetBookingsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): GetBookingResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/{$request->getBookingId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return GetBookingResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates a booking.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param UpdateBookingRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return UpdateBookingResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function update(UpdateBookingRequest $request, ?array $options = null): UpdateBookingResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/{$request->getBookingId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::PUT,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return UpdateBookingResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cancels an existing booking.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param CancelBookingRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return CancelBookingResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function cancel(CancelBookingRequest $request, ?array $options = null): CancelBookingResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/{$request->getBookingId()}/cancel",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return CancelBookingResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieve a collection of bookings.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param ListBookingsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListBookingsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListBookingsRequest $request = new ListBookingsRequest(), ?array $options = null): ListBookingsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCustomerId() != null) {
+ $query['customer_id'] = $request->getCustomerId();
+ }
+ if ($request->getTeamMemberId() != null) {
+ $query['team_member_id'] = $request->getTeamMemberId();
+ }
+ if ($request->getLocationId() != null) {
+ $query['location_id'] = $request->getLocationId();
+ }
+ if ($request->getStartAtMin() != null) {
+ $query['start_at_min'] = $request->getStartAtMin();
+ }
+ if ($request->getStartAtMax() != null) {
+ $query['start_at_max'] = $request->getStartAtMax();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListBookingsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/CustomAttributeDefinitionsClient.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/CustomAttributeDefinitionsClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2cf45bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/CustomAttributeDefinitionsClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all bookings custom attribute definitions.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request = new ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest(), ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse $response) => $response?->getCustomAttributeDefinitions() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a bookings custom attribute definition.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function create(CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $request, ?array $options = null): CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a bookings custom attribute definition.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param GetCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function get(GetCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getVersion() != null) {
+ $query['version'] = $request->getVersion();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions/{$request->getKey()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates a bookings custom attribute definition.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function update(UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest $request, ?array $options = null): UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions/{$request->getKey()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::PUT,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a bookings custom attribute definition.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param DeleteCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return DeleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function delete(DeleteCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): DeleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions/{$request->getKey()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::DELETE,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return DeleteBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get all bookings custom attribute definitions.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest $request = new ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest(), ?array $options = null): ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/custom-attribute-definitions",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..09760d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/CreateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+customAttributeDefinition = $values['customAttributeDefinition'];
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $values['idempotencyKey'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return CustomAttributeDefinition
+ */
+ public function getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition
+ {
+ return $this->customAttributeDefinition;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param CustomAttributeDefinition $value
+ */
+ public function setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition $value): self
+ {
+ $this->customAttributeDefinition = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getIdempotencyKey(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->idempotencyKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setIdempotencyKey(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/DeleteCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/DeleteCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3e8c7754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/DeleteCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+key = $values['key'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getKey(): string
+ {
+ return $this->key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setKey(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->key = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/GetCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/GetCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5040e4d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/GetCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+key = $values['key'];
+ $this->version = $values['version'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getKey(): string
+ {
+ return $this->key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setKey(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->key = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getVersion(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->version;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setVersion(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->version = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59c44c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/ListCustomAttributeDefinitionsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66edb7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributeDefinitions/Requests/UpdateBookingCustomAttributeDefinitionRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+key = $values['key'];
+ $this->customAttributeDefinition = $values['customAttributeDefinition'];
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $values['idempotencyKey'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getKey(): string
+ {
+ return $this->key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setKey(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->key = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return CustomAttributeDefinition
+ */
+ public function getCustomAttributeDefinition(): CustomAttributeDefinition
+ {
+ return $this->customAttributeDefinition;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param CustomAttributeDefinition $value
+ */
+ public function setCustomAttributeDefinition(CustomAttributeDefinition $value): self
+ {
+ $this->customAttributeDefinition = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getIdempotencyKey(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->idempotencyKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setIdempotencyKey(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/CustomAttributesClient.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/CustomAttributesClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c5fbacb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/CustomAttributesClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bulk deletes bookings custom attributes.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function batchDelete(BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/custom-attributes/bulk-delete",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Bulk upserts bookings custom attributes.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function batchUpsert(BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/custom-attributes/bulk-upsert",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lists a booking's custom attributes.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param ListCustomAttributesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListCustomAttributesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListCustomAttributesRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListCustomAttributesRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListBookingCustomAttributesResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListBookingCustomAttributesResponse $response) => $response?->getCustomAttributes() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a bookings custom attribute.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param GetCustomAttributesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function get(GetCustomAttributesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getWithDefinition() != null) {
+ $query['with_definition'] = $request->getWithDefinition();
+ }
+ if ($request->getVersion() != null) {
+ $query['version'] = $request->getVersion();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/{$request->getBookingId()}/custom-attributes/{$request->getKey()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return RetrieveBookingCustomAttributeResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Upserts a bookings custom attribute.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return UpsertBookingCustomAttributeResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function upsert(UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest $request, ?array $options = null): UpsertBookingCustomAttributeResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/{$request->getBookingId()}/custom-attributes/{$request->getKey()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::PUT,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return UpsertBookingCustomAttributeResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a bookings custom attribute.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_WRITE` and `APPOINTMENTS_WRITE` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * For calls to this endpoint with seller-level permissions to succeed, the seller must have subscribed to *Appointments Plus*
+ * or *Appointments Premium*.
+ *
+ * @param DeleteCustomAttributesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return DeleteBookingCustomAttributeResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function delete(DeleteCustomAttributesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): DeleteBookingCustomAttributeResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/{$request->getBookingId()}/custom-attributes/{$request->getKey()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::DELETE,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return DeleteBookingCustomAttributeResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lists a booking's custom attributes.
+ *
+ * To call this endpoint with buyer-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ * To call this endpoint with seller-level permissions, set `APPOINTMENTS_ALL_READ` and `APPOINTMENTS_READ` for the OAuth scope.
+ *
+ * @param ListCustomAttributesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListBookingCustomAttributesResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListCustomAttributesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): ListBookingCustomAttributesResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ if ($request->getWithDefinitions() != null) {
+ $query['with_definitions'] = $request->getWithDefinitions();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/{$request->getBookingId()}/custom-attributes",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListBookingCustomAttributesResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c07711d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/BulkDeleteBookingCustomAttributesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ $values
+ */
+ #[JsonProperty('values'), ArrayType(['string' => BookingCustomAttributeDeleteRequest::class])]
+ private array $values;
+ /**
+ * @param array{
+ * values: array,
+ * } $values
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ array $values,
+ ) {
+ $this->values = $values['values'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getValues(): array
+ {
+ return $this->values;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $value
+ */
+ public function setValues(array $value): self
+ {
+ $this->values = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..524a8e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/BulkUpsertBookingCustomAttributesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ $values
+ */
+ #[JsonProperty('values'), ArrayType(['string' => BookingCustomAttributeUpsertRequest::class])]
+ private array $values;
+ /**
+ * @param array{
+ * values: array,
+ * } $values
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ array $values,
+ ) {
+ $this->values = $values['values'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getValues(): array
+ {
+ return $this->values;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $value
+ */
+ public function setValues(array $value): self
+ {
+ $this->values = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/DeleteCustomAttributesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/DeleteCustomAttributesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3568a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/DeleteCustomAttributesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+bookingId = $values['bookingId'];
+ $this->key = $values['key'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBookingId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bookingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getKey(): string
+ {
+ return $this->key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setKey(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->key = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/GetCustomAttributesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/GetCustomAttributesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3fe3f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/GetCustomAttributesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+bookingId = $values['bookingId'];
+ $this->key = $values['key'];
+ $this->withDefinition = $values['withDefinition'] ?? null;
+ $this->version = $values['version'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBookingId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bookingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getKey(): string
+ {
+ return $this->key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setKey(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->key = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?bool
+ */
+ public function getWithDefinition(): ?bool
+ {
+ return $this->withDefinition;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?bool $value
+ */
+ public function setWithDefinition(?bool $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->withDefinition = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getVersion(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->version;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setVersion(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->version = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/ListCustomAttributesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/ListCustomAttributesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e514c4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/ListCustomAttributesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+bookingId = $values['bookingId'];
+ $this->limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ $this->withDefinitions = $values['withDefinitions'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBookingId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bookingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?bool
+ */
+ public function getWithDefinitions(): ?bool
+ {
+ return $this->withDefinitions;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?bool $value
+ */
+ public function setWithDefinitions(?bool $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->withDefinitions = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest.php b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d2a4941
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/CustomAttributes/Requests/UpsertBookingCustomAttributeRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+bookingId = $values['bookingId'];
+ $this->key = $values['key'];
+ $this->customAttribute = $values['customAttribute'];
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $values['idempotencyKey'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBookingId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bookingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getKey(): string
+ {
+ return $this->key;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setKey(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->key = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return CustomAttribute
+ */
+ public function getCustomAttribute(): CustomAttribute
+ {
+ return $this->customAttribute;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param CustomAttribute $value
+ */
+ public function setCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute $value): self
+ {
+ $this->customAttribute = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getIdempotencyKey(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->idempotencyKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setIdempotencyKey(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/LocationProfiles/LocationProfilesClient.php b/src/Bookings/LocationProfiles/LocationProfilesClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec6a8366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/LocationProfiles/LocationProfilesClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lists location booking profiles of a seller.
+ *
+ * @param ListLocationProfilesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListLocationProfilesRequest $request = new ListLocationProfilesRequest(), ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListLocationProfilesRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListLocationProfilesRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListLocationBookingProfilesResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListLocationBookingProfilesResponse $response) => $response?->getLocationBookingProfiles() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lists location booking profiles of a seller.
+ *
+ * @param ListLocationProfilesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListLocationBookingProfilesResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListLocationProfilesRequest $request = new ListLocationProfilesRequest(), ?array $options = null): ListLocationBookingProfilesResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/location-booking-profiles",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListLocationBookingProfilesResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/LocationProfiles/Requests/ListLocationProfilesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/LocationProfiles/Requests/ListLocationProfilesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..560c67af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/LocationProfiles/Requests/ListLocationProfilesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d60b3ad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/BulkRetrieveBookingsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ $bookingIds A non-empty list of [Booking](entity:Booking) IDs specifying bookings to retrieve.
+ */
+ #[JsonProperty('booking_ids'), ArrayType(['string'])]
+ private array $bookingIds;
+ /**
+ * @param array{
+ * bookingIds: array,
+ * } $values
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ array $values,
+ ) {
+ $this->bookingIds = $values['bookingIds'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getBookingIds(): array
+ {
+ return $this->bookingIds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingIds(array $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingIds = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e953cda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/BulkRetrieveTeamMemberBookingProfilesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ $teamMemberIds A non-empty list of IDs of team members whose booking profiles you want to retrieve.
+ */
+ #[JsonProperty('team_member_ids'), ArrayType(['string'])]
+ private array $teamMemberIds;
+ /**
+ * @param array{
+ * teamMemberIds: array,
+ * } $values
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ array $values,
+ ) {
+ $this->teamMemberIds = $values['teamMemberIds'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getTeamMemberIds(): array
+ {
+ return $this->teamMemberIds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param array $value
+ */
+ public function setTeamMemberIds(array $value): self
+ {
+ $this->teamMemberIds = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/CancelBookingRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/CancelBookingRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62c29d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/CancelBookingRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+bookingId = $values['bookingId'];
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $values['idempotencyKey'] ?? null;
+ $this->bookingVersion = $values['bookingVersion'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBookingId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bookingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getIdempotencyKey(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->idempotencyKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setIdempotencyKey(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getBookingVersion(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->bookingVersion;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingVersion(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingVersion = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/CreateBookingRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/CreateBookingRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b17d6fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/CreateBookingRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+idempotencyKey = $values['idempotencyKey'] ?? null;
+ $this->booking = $values['booking'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getIdempotencyKey(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->idempotencyKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setIdempotencyKey(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Booking
+ */
+ public function getBooking(): Booking
+ {
+ return $this->booking;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param Booking $value
+ */
+ public function setBooking(Booking $value): self
+ {
+ $this->booking = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/GetBookingsRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/GetBookingsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95634c1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/GetBookingsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+bookingId = $values['bookingId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBookingId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bookingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/ListBookingsRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/ListBookingsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a585b3ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/ListBookingsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ $this->customerId = $values['customerId'] ?? null;
+ $this->teamMemberId = $values['teamMemberId'] ?? null;
+ $this->locationId = $values['locationId'] ?? null;
+ $this->startAtMin = $values['startAtMin'] ?? null;
+ $this->startAtMax = $values['startAtMax'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCustomerId(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->customerId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCustomerId(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->customerId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getTeamMemberId(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->teamMemberId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setTeamMemberId(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->teamMemberId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getLocationId(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->locationId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setLocationId(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->locationId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getStartAtMin(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->startAtMin;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setStartAtMin(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->startAtMin = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getStartAtMax(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->startAtMax;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setStartAtMax(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->startAtMax = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/RetrieveLocationBookingProfileRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/RetrieveLocationBookingProfileRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea45b46b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/RetrieveLocationBookingProfileRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+locationId = $values['locationId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getLocationId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->locationId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setLocationId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->locationId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/SearchAvailabilityRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/SearchAvailabilityRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9fba8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/SearchAvailabilityRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+query = $values['query'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return SearchAvailabilityQuery
+ */
+ public function getQuery(): SearchAvailabilityQuery
+ {
+ return $this->query;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param SearchAvailabilityQuery $value
+ */
+ public function setQuery(SearchAvailabilityQuery $value): self
+ {
+ $this->query = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/Requests/UpdateBookingRequest.php b/src/Bookings/Requests/UpdateBookingRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e76b01e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/Requests/UpdateBookingRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+bookingId = $values['bookingId'];
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $values['idempotencyKey'] ?? null;
+ $this->booking = $values['booking'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getBookingId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->bookingId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setBookingId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->bookingId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getIdempotencyKey(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->idempotencyKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setIdempotencyKey(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Booking
+ */
+ public function getBooking(): Booking
+ {
+ return $this->booking;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param Booking $value
+ */
+ public function setBooking(Booking $value): self
+ {
+ $this->booking = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/Requests/GetTeamMemberProfilesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/Requests/GetTeamMemberProfilesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0525133f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/Requests/GetTeamMemberProfilesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+teamMemberId = $values['teamMemberId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getTeamMemberId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->teamMemberId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setTeamMemberId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->teamMemberId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/Requests/ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest.php b/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/Requests/ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..012c1f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/Requests/ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+bookableOnly = $values['bookableOnly'] ?? null;
+ $this->limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ $this->locationId = $values['locationId'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?bool
+ */
+ public function getBookableOnly(): ?bool
+ {
+ return $this->bookableOnly;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?bool $value
+ */
+ public function setBookableOnly(?bool $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->bookableOnly = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getLocationId(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->locationId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setLocationId(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->locationId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/TeamMemberProfilesClient.php b/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/TeamMemberProfilesClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0d68dae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Bookings/TeamMemberProfiles/TeamMemberProfilesClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lists booking profiles for team members.
+ *
+ * @param ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request = new ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest(), ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse $response) => $response?->getTeamMemberBookingProfiles() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a team member's booking profile.
+ *
+ * @param GetTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return GetTeamMemberBookingProfileResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function get(GetTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request, ?array $options = null): GetTeamMemberBookingProfileResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/team-member-booking-profiles/{$request->getTeamMemberId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return GetTeamMemberBookingProfileResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Lists booking profiles for team members.
+ *
+ * @param ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest $request = new ListTeamMemberProfilesRequest(), ?array $options = null): ListTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getBookableOnly() != null) {
+ $query['bookable_only'] = $request->getBookableOnly();
+ }
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ if ($request->getLocationId() != null) {
+ $query['location_id'] = $request->getLocationId();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/bookings/team-member-booking-profiles",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListTeamMemberBookingProfilesResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Cards/CardsClient.php b/src/Cards/CardsClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..215833dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cards/CardsClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a list of cards owned by the account making the request.
+ * A max of 25 cards will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param ListCardsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListCardsRequest $request = new ListCardsRequest(), ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListCardsRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListCardsRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListCardsResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListCardsResponse $response) => $response?->getCards() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a card on file to an existing merchant.
+ *
+ * @param CreateCardRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return CreateCardResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function create(CreateCardRequest $request, ?array $options = null): CreateCardResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/cards",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return CreateCardResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves details for a specific Card.
+ *
+ * @param GetCardsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return GetCardResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function get(GetCardsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): GetCardResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/cards/{$request->getCardId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return GetCardResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Disables the card, preventing any further updates or charges.
+ * Disabling an already disabled card is allowed but has no effect.
+ *
+ * @param DisableCardsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return DisableCardResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function disable(DisableCardsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): DisableCardResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/cards/{$request->getCardId()}/disable",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return DisableCardResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves a list of cards owned by the account making the request.
+ * A max of 25 cards will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param ListCardsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListCardsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListCardsRequest $request = new ListCardsRequest(), ?array $options = null): ListCardsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCustomerId() != null) {
+ $query['customer_id'] = $request->getCustomerId();
+ }
+ if ($request->getIncludeDisabled() != null) {
+ $query['include_disabled'] = $request->getIncludeDisabled();
+ }
+ if ($request->getReferenceId() != null) {
+ $query['reference_id'] = $request->getReferenceId();
+ }
+ if ($request->getSortOrder() != null) {
+ $query['sort_order'] = $request->getSortOrder();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/cards",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListCardsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Cards/Requests/CreateCardRequest.php b/src/Cards/Requests/CreateCardRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..835af530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cards/Requests/CreateCardRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+idempotencyKey = $values['idempotencyKey'];
+ $this->sourceId = $values['sourceId'];
+ $this->verificationToken = $values['verificationToken'] ?? null;
+ $this->card = $values['card'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getIdempotencyKey(): string
+ {
+ return $this->idempotencyKey;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setIdempotencyKey(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->idempotencyKey = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getSourceId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->sourceId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setSourceId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->sourceId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getVerificationToken(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->verificationToken;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setVerificationToken(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->verificationToken = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Card
+ */
+ public function getCard(): Card
+ {
+ return $this->card;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param Card $value
+ */
+ public function setCard(Card $value): self
+ {
+ $this->card = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Cards/Requests/DisableCardsRequest.php b/src/Cards/Requests/DisableCardsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7e29f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cards/Requests/DisableCardsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+cardId = $values['cardId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getCardId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->cardId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setCardId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->cardId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Cards/Requests/GetCardsRequest.php b/src/Cards/Requests/GetCardsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61110c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cards/Requests/GetCardsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+cardId = $values['cardId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getCardId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->cardId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setCardId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->cardId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Cards/Requests/ListCardsRequest.php b/src/Cards/Requests/ListCardsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..692747d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Cards/Requests/ListCardsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ $sortOrder
+ */
+ private ?string $sortOrder;
+ /**
+ * @param array{
+ * cursor?: ?string,
+ * customerId?: ?string,
+ * includeDisabled?: ?bool,
+ * referenceId?: ?string,
+ * sortOrder?: ?value-of,
+ * } $values
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ array $values = [],
+ ) {
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ $this->customerId = $values['customerId'] ?? null;
+ $this->includeDisabled = $values['includeDisabled'] ?? null;
+ $this->referenceId = $values['referenceId'] ?? null;
+ $this->sortOrder = $values['sortOrder'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCustomerId(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->customerId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCustomerId(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->customerId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?bool
+ */
+ public function getIncludeDisabled(): ?bool
+ {
+ return $this->includeDisabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?bool $value
+ */
+ public function setIncludeDisabled(?bool $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->includeDisabled = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getReferenceId(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->referenceId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setReferenceId(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->referenceId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?value-of
+ */
+ public function getSortOrder(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->sortOrder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?value-of $value
+ */
+ public function setSortOrder(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->sortOrder = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/CashDrawers/CashDrawersClient.php b/src/CashDrawers/CashDrawersClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1e06b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CashDrawers/CashDrawersClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ $this->shifts = new ShiftsClient($this->client, $this->options);
+ }
diff --git a/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/GetShiftsRequest.php b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/GetShiftsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..104cd72e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/GetShiftsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+shiftId = $values['shiftId'];
+ $this->locationId = $values['locationId'];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getShiftId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->shiftId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setShiftId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->shiftId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getLocationId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->locationId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setLocationId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->locationId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/ListEventsShiftsRequest.php b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/ListEventsShiftsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b971e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/ListEventsShiftsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+shiftId = $values['shiftId'];
+ $this->locationId = $values['locationId'];
+ $this->limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getShiftId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->shiftId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setShiftId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->shiftId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getLocationId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->locationId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setLocationId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->locationId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/ListShiftsRequest.php b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/ListShiftsRequest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d37a85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/Requests/ListShiftsRequest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+ $sortOrder
+ */
+ private ?string $sortOrder;
+ /**
+ * @var ?string $beginTime The inclusive start time of the query on opened_at, in ISO 8601 format.
+ */
+ private ?string $beginTime;
+ /**
+ * @var ?string $endTime The exclusive end date of the query on opened_at, in ISO 8601 format.
+ */
+ private ?string $endTime;
+ /**
+ * Number of cash drawer shift events in a page of results (200 by
+ * default, 1000 max).
+ *
+ * @var ?int $limit
+ */
+ private ?int $limit;
+ /**
+ * @var ?string $cursor Opaque cursor for fetching the next page of results.
+ */
+ private ?string $cursor;
+ /**
+ * @param array{
+ * locationId: string,
+ * sortOrder?: ?value-of,
+ * beginTime?: ?string,
+ * endTime?: ?string,
+ * limit?: ?int,
+ * cursor?: ?string,
+ * } $values
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ array $values,
+ ) {
+ $this->locationId = $values['locationId'];
+ $this->sortOrder = $values['sortOrder'] ?? null;
+ $this->beginTime = $values['beginTime'] ?? null;
+ $this->endTime = $values['endTime'] ?? null;
+ $this->limit = $values['limit'] ?? null;
+ $this->cursor = $values['cursor'] ?? null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getLocationId(): string
+ {
+ return $this->locationId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $value
+ */
+ public function setLocationId(string $value): self
+ {
+ $this->locationId = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?value-of
+ */
+ public function getSortOrder(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->sortOrder;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?value-of $value
+ */
+ public function setSortOrder(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->sortOrder = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getBeginTime(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->beginTime;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setBeginTime(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->beginTime = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getEndTime(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->endTime;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setEndTime(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->endTime = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?int
+ */
+ public function getLimit(): ?int
+ {
+ return $this->limit;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?int $value
+ */
+ public function setLimit(?int $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->limit = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return ?string
+ */
+ public function getCursor(): ?string
+ {
+ return $this->cursor;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param ?string $value
+ */
+ public function setCursor(?string $value = null): self
+ {
+ $this->cursor = $value;
+ return $this;
+ }
diff --git a/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/ShiftsClient.php b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/ShiftsClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea978aa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CashDrawers/Shifts/ShiftsClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides the details for all of the cash drawer shifts for a location
+ * in a date range.
+ *
+ * @param ListShiftsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function list(ListShiftsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListShiftsRequest $request) => $this->_list($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListShiftsRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse $response) => $response?->getCashDrawerShifts() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides the summary details for a single cash drawer shift. See
+ * [ListCashDrawerShiftEvents](api-endpoint:CashDrawers-ListCashDrawerShiftEvents) for a list of cash drawer shift events.
+ *
+ * @param GetShiftsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return GetCashDrawerShiftResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function get(GetShiftsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): GetCashDrawerShiftResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ $query['location_id'] = $request->getLocationId();
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/cash-drawers/shifts/{$request->getShiftId()}",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return GetCashDrawerShiftResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides a paginated list of events for a single cash drawer shift.
+ *
+ * @param ListEventsShiftsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return Pager
+ */
+ public function listEvents(ListEventsShiftsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): Pager
+ {
+ return new CursorPager(
+ request: $request,
+ getNextPage: fn (ListEventsShiftsRequest $request) => $this->_listEvents($request, $options),
+ setCursor: function (ListEventsShiftsRequest $request, ?string $cursor) {
+ $request->setCursor($cursor);
+ },
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getNextCursor: fn (ListCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse $response) => $response?->getCursor() ?? null,
+ /* @phpstan-ignore-next-line */
+ getItems: fn (ListCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse $response) => $response?->getCashDrawerShiftEvents() ?? [],
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides the details for all of the cash drawer shifts for a location
+ * in a date range.
+ *
+ * @param ListShiftsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _list(ListShiftsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ $query['location_id'] = $request->getLocationId();
+ if ($request->getSortOrder() != null) {
+ $query['sort_order'] = $request->getSortOrder();
+ }
+ if ($request->getBeginTime() != null) {
+ $query['begin_time'] = $request->getBeginTime();
+ }
+ if ($request->getEndTime() != null) {
+ $query['end_time'] = $request->getEndTime();
+ }
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/cash-drawers/shifts",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListCashDrawerShiftsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Provides a paginated list of events for a single cash drawer shift.
+ *
+ * @param ListEventsShiftsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return ListCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ private function _listEvents(ListEventsShiftsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): ListCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ $query = [];
+ $query['location_id'] = $request->getLocationId();
+ if ($request->getLimit() != null) {
+ $query['limit'] = $request->getLimit();
+ }
+ if ($request->getCursor() != null) {
+ $query['cursor'] = $request->getCursor();
+ }
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/cash-drawers/shifts/{$request->getShiftId()}/events",
+ method: HttpMethod::GET,
+ query: $query,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return ListCashDrawerShiftEventsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/src/Catalog/CatalogClient.php b/src/Catalog/CatalogClient.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68119489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Catalog/CatalogClient.php
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+ * } $options
+ */
+ private array $options;
+ /**
+ * @var RawClient $client
+ */
+ private RawClient $client;
+ /**
+ * @param RawClient $client
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * client?: ClientInterface,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * } $options
+ */
+ public function __construct(
+ RawClient $client,
+ ?array $options = null,
+ ) {
+ $this->client = $client;
+ $this->options = $options ?? [];
+ $this->images = new ImagesClient($this->client, $this->options);
+ $this->object = new ObjectClient($this->client, $this->options);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes a set of [CatalogItem](entity:CatalogItem)s based on the
+ * provided list of target IDs and returns a set of successfully deleted IDs in
+ * the response. Deletion is a cascading event such that all children of the
+ * targeted object are also deleted. For example, deleting a CatalogItem will
+ * also delete all of its [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation)
+ * children.
+ *
+ * `BatchDeleteCatalogObjects` succeeds even if only a portion of the targeted
+ * IDs can be deleted. The response will only include IDs that were
+ * actually deleted.
+ *
+ * To ensure consistency, only one delete request is processed at a time per seller account.
+ * While one (batch or non-batch) delete request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
+ * delete requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
+ *
+ * @param BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function batchDelete(BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest $request = new BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsRequest(), ?array $options = null): BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/catalog/batch-delete",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return BatchDeleteCatalogObjectsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a set of objects based on the provided ID.
+ * Each [CatalogItem](entity:CatalogItem) returned in the set includes all of its
+ * child information including: all of its
+ * [CatalogItemVariation](entity:CatalogItemVariation) objects, references to
+ * its [CatalogModifierList](entity:CatalogModifierList) objects, and the ids of
+ * any [CatalogTax](entity:CatalogTax) objects that apply to it.
+ *
+ * @param BatchGetCatalogObjectsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return BatchGetCatalogObjectsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function batchGet(BatchGetCatalogObjectsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): BatchGetCatalogObjectsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/catalog/batch-retrieve",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return BatchGetCatalogObjectsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates or updates up to 10,000 target objects based on the provided
+ * list of objects. The target objects are grouped into batches and each batch is
+ * inserted/updated in an all-or-nothing manner. If an object within a batch is
+ * malformed in some way, or violates a database constraint, the entire batch
+ * containing that item will be disregarded. However, other batches in the same
+ * request may still succeed. Each batch may contain up to 1,000 objects, and
+ * batches will be processed in order as long as the total object count for the
+ * request (items, variations, modifier lists, discounts, and taxes) is no more
+ * than 10,000.
+ *
+ * To ensure consistency, only one update request is processed at a time per seller account.
+ * While one (batch or non-batch) update request is being processed, other (batched and non-batched)
+ * update requests are rejected with the `429` error code.
+ *
+ * @param BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest $request
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array,
+ * queryParameters?: array,
+ * bodyProperties?: array,
+ * } $options
+ * @return BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse
+ * @throws SquareException
+ * @throws SquareApiException
+ */
+ public function batchUpsert(BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsRequest $request, ?array $options = null): BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse
+ {
+ $options = array_merge($this->options, $options ?? []);
+ try {
+ $response = $this->client->sendRequest(
+ new JsonApiRequest(
+ baseUrl: $options['baseUrl'] ?? $this->client->options['baseUrl'] ?? Environments::Production->value,
+ path: "v2/catalog/batch-upsert",
+ method: HttpMethod::POST,
+ body: $request,
+ ),
+ $options,
+ );
+ $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
+ if ($statusCode >= 200 && $statusCode < 400) {
+ $json = $response->getBody()->getContents();
+ return BatchUpsertCatalogObjectsResponse::fromJson($json);
+ }
+ } catch (JsonException $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: "Failed to deserialize response: {$e->getMessage()}", previous: $e);
+ } catch (RequestException $e) {
+ $response = $e->getResponse();
+ if ($response === null) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: "API request failed",
+ statusCode: $response->getStatusCode(),
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ } catch (ClientExceptionInterface $e) {
+ throw new SquareException(message: $e->getMessage(), previous: $e);
+ }
+ throw new SquareApiException(
+ message: 'API request failed',
+ statusCode: $statusCode,
+ body: $response->getBody()->getContents(),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves information about the Square Catalog API, such as batch size
+ * limits that can be used by the `BatchUpsertCatalogObjects` endpoint.
+ *
+ * @param ?array{
+ * baseUrl?: string,
+ * maxRetries?: int,
+ * timeout?: float,
+ * headers?: array