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Adopting App with SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS

The App protocol

One of the most exciting additions to the SwiftUI development experience in iOS 14 is the App protocol. The App interface looks similar to that of the View, but instead of returning a View body, it returns a Scene. Thus, the developer has a 1st-class SwiftUI declaration at the root of their application, having a role similar in practice to that played by Xcode-generated AppDelegate implementations, but now formalized in the framework.

struct MyApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            Text("Hello, world!")

The AppDelegate in the wild has always been plagued by mediocrity of convention. Rather than implementations focusing purely on the lifecycle management it's designed for, AppDelegates have tended to accumulate unrelated model properties... CoreData stubs contributed to this... which then have terrible consumption patterns throughout the app. Quite a few code bases have lines like (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate).managedObjectContext or worse scattered throughout the UIViewController files. But what were the alternatives? Injection, which doesn't work well with Storyboards, non-type-safe prepareForSeque(:) implementations everywhere, singletons...

With the new App interface, developers can implement the concrete struct root of their application, which has the same model functionality as any SwiftUI View. Specifically, developers can use the @Environment as the storage for their model objects, and bind to the model objects either in the App, or in any child Scenes or Views. Through this binding, the App.body implementation can respond to Combine-based model changes in the same way as any View. And, as a result of using the @Environment and/or @Binding property wrappers, developers should never need to pass a reference to the delegate itself.

struct Mail: App {
    @StateObject private var model = MailModel()

    @SceneBuilder var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
                .environmentObject(model) // Passed through the environment.
        Settings {
            SettingsView(model: model) // Passed as an observed object.

Adapting the Assistant-generated AppDelegate

This is all terrifically exciting, but can we use it with the SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS? Yes, but we'll need to make some modifications to the Assistant-generated app template. What I'll share today is an example of how to modify a generated app with Assistant version 5.1 to use the App protocol. This is a moving target, but right now, it looks like the integration is full-featured. There are definitely some changes/enhancements which need to be made to SAPFioriFlows to fully take advantage of this new pattern, and we'll be sharing more of these throughout the summer during development with the betas.

The source for this application is hosted here: To replicate from scratch, generate a new Master-Detail application with SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS Assistant version 5.1. Delete the contents of the 'View Controllers' group, and remove AppDelegate.swift, OnboardingErrorHandler.swift, and ApplicationUIManager.swift from the app target.

Let's start with our simple App. The first thing you'll notice is that there's no delegate. Quite a lot of the boilerplate generated by the Assistant template is related to handling the app going to-and-from the background, with respect to the offline store, passcode challenges, etc. In an ideal world, we want to know how to plug-in our SAPFioriFlow onboarding and restore sequences. But how?

In addition to the App protocol, there is also a new @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor property wrapper, which creates an instance of the provided delegate, manages its lifetime, and invokes it when appropriate. We can add this to our App declaration. But, the Assistant-generated AppDelegate crashes at runtime... too many modal presentations & trying to access the window, if I had to bet. So, let's declare a new ReferenceAppDelegate: AppDelegate, and use that instead.

struct ReferenceApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(ReferenceAppDelegate.self) private var appDelegate
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            Text("Hello, world!")

The ReferenceAppDelegate should do the same thing as the generated AppDelegate, but we should minimize it as much as possible, especially reducing the references to the view hierarchy. Also, we ought to try to move model state out of the delegate, and into the environment. Let's see what that looks like.

Here's a simplified implementation of the AppDelegate (excluding the notification registration and connectivity handlers, which can be moved to extension files).

class ReferenceAppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
    @Environment(\.onboardingSessionManager) var onboardingSessionManager
    let logger = Logger.shared(named: "ReferenceAppDelegate")
    func application(_: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions _: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        do {
            try SAPcpmsLogUploader.attachToRootLogger()
            try UsageBroker.shared.start()
        } catch {
        Logger.root.logLevel = .warn
        { [self] error in
            // setup notifications
        return true
    func applicationDidEnterBackground(_: UIApplication) {
        onboardingSessionManager.lock { error in
            print("error: \(error)")

    func applicationWillEnterForeground(_: UIApplication) {
        // Triggers to show the passcode screen
        onboardingSessionManager.unlock { error in
            print("error: \(error)")

Note that the main model object which was stored on the AppDelegate: var sessionManager: OnboardingSessionManager<ApplicationOnboardingSession> is now moved to the @Environment. This is accomplished by adding an EnvironmentKey, and a default instance of the session manager. This has the really interesting effect of making the session manager available anywhere in the application. Furthermore, as we refine this template, we can certainly make OnboardingSessionManager implement ObservableObject, and enable application components to subscribe to changes on the session.

struct OnboardingSessionManagerKey: EnvironmentKey {
    static let defaultValue: OnboardingSessionManager<OnboardingSession> = 
    OnboardingSessionManager(presentationDelegate: ReferenceApplicationUIManager.shared, 
                                     flowProvider: OnboardingFlowProvider())

extension EnvironmentValues {
    var onboardingSessionManager: OnboardingSessionManager<OnboardingSession> {
        get { return self[OnboardingSessionManagerKey.self] }
        set { self[OnboardingSessionManagerKey.self] = newValue }

Managing the UI Lifecycle

So, now we have an UIApplicationDelegate implementation, and the session manager in the environment. If we run in this state, the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) callback will be invoked, and the onboardingSessionManager will trigger the onboarding flow. In fact, if we exit and re-enter the app after onboarding, we'll be challenged for our app passcode for the restore flow as well. Great!

We're not done yet. The FlowStep screens don't have a splash screen behind them, so you can see the Text("Hello, world!") in-between modals. That's problematic for a few reasons, so let's see how this is handled in the Assistant-generated template: The ApplicationUIManager is responsible for handling calls from the OnboardingSessionManager, and swapping appropriate UIViewControllers in and out. There are three flavors: 1) application screen should be showing, 2) splash screen should be showing, 3) a 'blur' screen should be shown, to prevent business data from being screen-captured by the iOS multi-tasker. The ApplicationUIManager maintains references to the respective view hierarchies, and manually sets the correct hierarchy to the window.rootViewController. But, now we're in SwiftUI, and we shouldn't be operating on the state of the view hierarchy ourselves. We should be able to declare what ought to be, and let the framework manage the views.

To do this, let's invent a View which will serve as the view hierarchy of sorts for the regular application: ESPMViewer. It's not doing anything special until we bind our data, but let's substitute that in for the Text we're displaying now. And, while we can't use the generated ApplicationUIManager, we do want an implementation of ApplicationUIManaging that can be invoked by the session manager. So, this is where SwiftUI and Combine come into play (this is important): instead of touching the view hierarchy when the UI manager is invoked, let's create a @Published state property, which is updated on invocations instead. By making our ApplicationUIManaging implementation also implement ObservableObject, we can subscribe to changes on that state in our App, and dictate which View should be displayed in the WindowGroup.

struct ReferenceApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(ReferenceAppDelegate.self) private var appDelegate
    @ObservedObject private var uiLifecycleManager = AppUILifecycleManager.shared

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            switch uiLifecycleManager.screen {
                case .app:
                case .onboarding:
                case .screenshot:
                    Text("Capture screenshot for background")

final class AppUILifecycleManager: ObservableObject, ApplicationUIManaging {
    static let shared = AppUILifecycleManager()
    private init() {}
    @Published var screen: Screen = .onboarding
    enum Screen: String {
        case app, onboarding, screenshot
    func hideApplicationScreen(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.screen = .screenshot
    func showSplashScreenForOnboarding(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.screen = .onboarding
    func showApplicationScreen(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.screen = .app

I love this... it's incredibly powerful. Because we're eliminating all the stateful access to the view hierarchy, we're eliminating all of those opportunities for introducing app logic bugs. Instead, the role of the application logic (and the SAPFioriFlows logic) is to ensure that the state property value is correct; the view hierarchy will be recomputed accordingly, by the framework. There's a lot less code, and it's a lot cleaner. 🔥🔥🔥.

Incorporating OfflineODataProvider status

Lastly, we need to bring the OData model back in. Specifically, we want to take advantage of the new OfflineODataProviderDelegate in SDK version 5.1, which gives us granular info on the status & progress of the offline odata layer. Today we'll make some minor tweaks to the generated <Destination>OfflineODataController from the Assistant; in a follow-up post, we'll wrap/re-write some of the controller methods for Combine-style API's, which gives us a really responsive user and programming experience.

Make these changes to the head of <Destination>OfflineODataController:

  1. import Combine
  2. Declare conformance to ObservableObject
  3. Make the init() private
  4. Declare static let shared = <Destination>OfflineODataProvider()
  5. Add a @Published dictionary, which handles the progress event records from the delegate.
import Combine

public class <Destination>OfflineODataController: ODataControlling, ObservableObject {
    /* ... */
    @Published var steps = [String: OfflineODataProviderProgressReporting]() {
        didSet {
    static let shared = <Destination>OfflineODataController()
    private init() {}

You'll also need to update the delegate at the bottom of the file. Delete the generated <Destination>OfflineODataDelegateSample, and replace it with this extension implementation. The only difference between the two is that the new version updates the @Published var steps property on each invocation.

You should also pass self to the delegate: parameter in OfflineODataProvider(serviceRoot:parameters:sapURLSession:delegate) instead of the sample.

extension <Destination>OfflineODataController: OfflineODataProviderDelegate {
    public func offlineODataProvider(_ provider: OfflineODataProvider, didUpdateOpenProgress progress: OfflineODataProviderOperationProgress) {
        updateModel(for: progress)
    public func offlineODataProvider(_ provider: OfflineODataProvider, didUpdateDownloadProgress progress: OfflineODataProviderDownloadProgress) {
        updateModel(for: progress)
    public func offlineODataProvider(_ provider: OfflineODataProvider, didUpdateUploadProgress progress: OfflineODataProviderOperationProgress) {
        updateModel(for: progress)
    public func offlineODataProvider(_ provider: OfflineODataProvider, requestDidFail request: OfflineODataFailedRequest) {
    logger.error("requestFailed: \(request.httpStatusCode)")
    public func offlineODataProvider(_ provider: OfflineODataProvider, didUpdateSendStoreProgress progress: OfflineODataProviderOperationProgress) {
        updateModel(for: progress)
    private func updateModel(for progress: OfflineODataProviderProgressReporting) {
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            self.steps[progress.operationId] = progress

With this accomplished, we can now subscribe to changes on the steps dictionary in the App, and determine whether we should show a regular SplashScreen, or a custom ODataProgressView (or the new ProgressView).

struct ReferenceApp: App {
    @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(ReferenceAppDelegate.self) private var appDelegate
    @ObservedObject private var uiLifecycleManager = AppUILifecycleManager.shared
    @ObservedObject private var odataController = <Destination>OfflineODataController.shared
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            switch uiLifecycleManager.screen {
                case .app:
                case .onboarding:
                    if odataController.steps.isEmpty {
                    } else {
                        ODataProgressViewContainer(steps: odataController.steps)
                case .screenshot:
                    Text("Capture screenshot for background")

There we have it. Realistically, we have a lot of work to do to perfectly adapt the SAPFioriFlows to modern SwiftUI, but I hope this sample both shows that the integration can work, even in the current state, and that we have a clear path to evolving to deliver a really fantastic developer experience in this new App based pattern.

