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Reloader Helm Chart

If you have configured helm on your cluster, you can add Reloader to helm from our public chart repository and deploy it via helm using below-mentioned commands. Follow the Helm2 to Helm3 guide, in case you have trouble migrating Reloader from Helm2 to Helm3.


helm repo add stakater

helm repo update

helm install stakater/reloader # For helm3 add --generate-name flag or set the release name

helm install {{RELEASE_NAME}} stakater/reloader -n {{NAMESPACE}} --set reloader.watchGlobally=false # By default, Reloader watches in all namespaces. To watch in single namespace, set watchGlobally=false

helm install stakater/reloader --set reloader.watchGlobally=false --namespace test --generate-name # Install Reloader in `test` namespace which will only watch `Deployments`, `Daemonsets` `Statefulsets` and `Rollouts` in `test` namespace.


helm uninstall {{RELEASE_NAME}} -n {{NAMESPACE}}


Global Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
global.imagePullSecrets Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images array []

Common Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
nameOverride replace the name of the chart string ""
fullnameOverride replace the generated name string ""
image Set container image name, tag and policy map see values.yaml

Core Reloader Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
reloader.autoReloadAll boolean false
reloader.isArgoRollouts Enable Argo Rollouts. Valid value are either true or false boolean false
reloader.isOpenshift Enable OpenShift DeploymentConfigs. Valid value are either true or false boolean false
reloader.ignoreSecrets To ignore secrets. Valid value are either true or false. Either ignoreSecrets or ignoreConfigMaps can be ignored, not both at the same time boolean false
reloader.ignoreConfigMaps To ignore configmaps. Valid value are either true or false boolean false
reloader.reloadOnCreate Enable reload on create events. Valid value are either true or false boolean false
reloader.reloadOnDelete Enable reload on delete events. Valid value are either true or false boolean false
reloader.syncAfterRestart Enable sync after Reloader restarts for Add events, works only when reloadOnCreate is true. Valid value are either true or false boolean false
reloader.reloadStrategy Strategy to trigger resource restart, set to either default, env-vars or annotations enumeration default
reloader.ignoreNamespaces List of comma separated namespaces to ignore, if multiple are provided, they are combined with the AND operator string ""
reloader.namespaceSelector List of comma separated namespaces to select, if multiple are provided, they are combined with the AND operator string ""
reloader.resourceLabelSelector List of comma separated label selectors, if multiple are provided they are combined with the AND operator string ""
reloader.logFormat Set type of log format. Value could be either json or "" string ""
reloader.watchGlobally Allow Reloader to watch in all namespaces (true) or just in a single namespace (false) boolean true
reloader.enableHA Enable leadership election allowing you to run multiple replicas boolean false
reloader.readOnlyRootFileSystem Enforce readOnlyRootFilesystem boolean false
reloader.legacy.rbac boolean false
reloader.matchLabels Pod labels to match map {}
reloader.enableMetricsByNamespace Expose an additional Prometheus counter of reloads by namespace (this metric may have high cardinality in clusters with many namespaces) boolean false

Deployment Reloader Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
reloader.deployment.replicas Number of replicas, if you wish to run multiple replicas set reloader.enableHA = true. The replicas will be limited to 1 when reloader.enableHA = false int 1
reloader.deployment.revisionHistoryLimit Limit the number of revisions retained in the revision history int 2
reloader.deployment.nodeSelector Scheduling pod to a specific node based on set labels map {}
reloader.deployment.affinity Set affinity rules on pod map {}
reloader.deployment.securityContext Set pod security context map {}
reloader.deployment.containerSecurityContext Set container security context map {}
reloader.deployment.tolerations A list of tolerations to be applied to the deployment array []
reloader.deployment.topologySpreadConstraints Topology spread constraints for pod assignment array []
reloader.deployment.annotations Set deployment annotations map {}
reloader.deployment.labels Set deployment labels, default to Stakater settings array see values.yaml
reloader.deployment.env Support for extra environment variables array []
reloader.deployment.livenessProbe Set liveness probe timeout values map {}
reloader.deployment.readinessProbe Set readiness probe timeout values map {}
reloader.deployment.resources Set container requests and limits (e.g. CPU or memory) map {}
reloader.deployment.pod.annotations Set annotations for pod map {}
reloader.deployment.priorityClassName Set priority class for pod in cluster string ""

Other Reloader Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
reloader.service map {}
reloader.rbac.enabled Specifies whether a role based access control should be created boolean true
reloader.serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created boolean true
reloader.custom_annotations Add custom annotations map {}
reloader.serviceMonitor.enabled Enable to scrape Reloader's Prometheus metrics (legacy) boolean false
reloader.podMonitor.enabled Enable to scrape Reloader's Prometheus metrics boolean false
reloader.podDisruptionBudget.enabled Limit the number of pods of a replicated application boolean false
reloader.netpol.enabled boolean false
reloader.volumeMounts Mount volume array []
reloader.volumes Add volume to a pod array []
reloader.webhookUrl Add webhook to Reloader string ""

Release Process

Helm chart versioning: The Reloader Helm chart is maintained in this repository. The Helm chart has its own semantic versioning. Helm charts and code releases are separate artifacts and separately versioned. Manifest making strategy relies on Kustomize. The Reloader Helm chart manages the two artifacts with these two fields:

Helm chart will be released to the chart registry whenever files in deployments/kubernetes/chart/reloader/** change on the main branch.

Helm Chart will be released by the maintainers, on labelling a PR with release/helm-chart and pre-maturely updating the version field in Chart.yaml file.