- Did you know you can put an extremely long location name here? No? Well you can! That's a rather interesting thing don't you think? Perhaps you'd like some Lorem Ipsum? No? Okay then. Go check the rest of my profile instead! It has some cool things on it!
(UTC) - https://lylythii.com
- https://git.lylythii.com/lily
- https://discord.gg/lily
- https://curseforge.com/members/lily
- @Lylythii
A fancy resource pack that adds 3D models to TFC:TNG 1.12 and supports some TFC addons
Merging Thaumcraft and Terrafirmacraft gameplay
Addon for TFC:TNG which is much like a backpack mod based around TFC and balanced for it.
Terrafirmacraft Seed maker / analyzer. Now with support for TNG (1.12)
Fork of TFC Drying Racks for usage in TFC:TFF
A mod framework to streamline TFC add-on development
Minecraft TFC Addon | Automating Bellows, Pottery Kilns, Water Filters, Shields, Shepherd Staffs
Port of TFC: Automated Bellows to TFC+.
Provides Minetweaker support for Terrafirmacraftplus
A small selection of mods for the Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft+ (TFC+) mod
A full-featured TerraFirmaCraft experience with focus on TFC addons refined with low-tech complements!