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505 lines (367 loc) · 22.3 KB

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505 lines (367 loc) · 22.3 KB

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System Software Project

Course link: 13SS113SS

Table of contents


The project consists of three tasks:

  1. The assembler
  2. The linker
  3. The emulator

The use of non-standard libraries (if they are not closely linked to the core of the project) is allowed



asembler [options] <input_file>


  • -o <output_file> - specifies output name and destination

Source code syntax

General information

  • One line of source code shall contain at most one instruction or directive
  • Comments are completely ignored during the assembly process
  • One line comments, located at the end of a line, begin with the # character
  • A label, which ends with :, must be located at the very beginning of a line of source code
  • A label may exist 'as its own line', without a following assembler instruction or directive, in this case it is equivalent as being at the beginning of the next line of source code which contains an instruction/directive

Assembler directives

  • .global <symbol_list> - Exports all symbols within <symbol_list>. The list may contain one, or more comma separated symbols
  • .extern <symbol_list> - Imports all symbols within <symbol_list>. The list may contain one, or more comma separated symbols
  • .section <section_name> - Starts a new assembler section, which implicitly marks the end of the previous section, with the desired name
  • .word <symbol_or_literal_list> - Allocates a fixed amount of space in 4 byte increments for each initializer (symbol or literal) within the supplied, comma separated list. The directive initializes the space with the value of the initializers
  • .skip <literal> - Allocates space whose size is equal to the literal supplied. The directive initializes the space with zeroes
  • .ascii <string> - Allocates a fixed amount of space 1 byte increments for each character of the supplied string. The directive initializes the space with the value of the supplied string
  • .equ <new_symbol>, <expression> - Defines a new symbol whose value is equal to the supplied expression
  • .end - Ends the process of assembling the input file. The contents of the file following this directive are discarded and are not assembled

Assembler instructions

  • halt - Ceases the execution of instructions
  • int - Causes a software interrupt
  • iret - pop pc; pop status;
  • call operand - push pc; pc <= operand
  • ret - pop pc;
  • jmp operand - pc <= operand
  • beq %gpr1, %gpr2, operand - if (gpr1 == gpr2) pc <= operand
  • bne %gpr1, %gpr2, operand - if (gpr1 != gpr2) pc <= operand
  • bgt %gpr1, %gpr2, operand - if (gpr1 signed > gpr2) pc <= operand
  • push %gpr - sp <= sp -4; mem32[sp] <= gpr
  • pop %gpr - gpr <= mem32[sp]; sp <= sp + 4
  • xchg %gprS, %gprD - temp <= gprD; gprD <= gprS; gprS <= temp
  • add %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD + gprS
  • sub %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD - gprS
  • mul %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD * gprS
  • div %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD / gprS
  • not %gpr - gpr <= ~gpr
  • and %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD & gprS
  • or %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD | gprS
  • xor %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD ^ gprS
  • shl %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD << gprS
  • shr %gprS, %gprD - gprD <= gprD >> gprS
  • ld operand, %gpr - gpr <= operand
  • st %gpr, operand - operand <= gpr
  • csrrd %csr, %gpr - gpr <= csrAcsrwr %gpr, %csrcsr <= gpr

Registers and operands

Above, the label gprX represents one of the programmatically available general purpose registers, which are: r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14/sp, r15/pc The label csrX represents one of the programmatically available control and status registers, which are: status, handler, cause The label operand represents all syntax notations for labeling operands. Syntax notations differ between jump instructions or instructions which deal with data. Data notations:

  • $<literal> - the value <literal>
  • $<symbol> - the value of <symbol>
  • <literal> - the memory value at <literal>
  • <symbol> - the memory value at <symbol>
  • %<reg> - the value inside the register <reg>
  • [%<reg>] - the memory value at address <reg>
  • [%<reg> + <literal>] - the memory value at address <reg> + <literal>
  • [%<reg> + <symbol>] - the memory value at address <reg> + <symbol> Jump and subroutine notations:
  • <literal> - the value of <literal>
  • <symbol> - the value of <symbol>



linker [options] <input_file> ...


ONE and ONLY ONE of the -relocatable,-hex options must be specified when using the linker.

  • -o <output_file> - Specifies output file of the command.
  • -place=<name_of_section>@<address> - Explicitly defines the start address of a section. Can be used multiple times to set the addresses of multiple sections. All sections for which this option is not used are placed using the default placement method.
  • -hex - Tells the linker to generate a hex representation of the program, for purposes of memory initialization. The contents of this hex dump represent the machine code paired to its address in the program. Data is only generated for addresses with defined starting values. The format is as follows:
    0000: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
    0008: 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
    0010: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

-relocatable - Tells the linker to output a relocatable object file, of the same format as the output of the assembler in which all sections are placed at the NULL address and all -place options are completely ignored. The resulting relocatable program may later be used as input for the linker.

Linking is only possible when:

  1. There exists no symbol with multiple definitions
  2. Unresolved symbols
  3. Overlap between sections (when -place options are taken into consideration)


An example of the command used to link object files in1.o and in2.o, with the sections data and text placed at addresses 0x4000F000 and 0x40000000 respectively, with the output of the command being hex code for memory initialization purposes.

  ./linker -hex
  -place=data@0x4000F000 -place=text@40000000
  -o mem_content.hex
  in1.o in2.o



./emulator <input_file>


The input file is a hex file used for memory initialization, the output of the linker with the -hex option set (see linker options for more details).


The emulator does not output anything while the user program is working, that is to say until the halt command is executed. After the halt command the emulated processors state is printed to standard output in the following format:

Emulated processor executed halt instruction
Emulated processor state:
 r0=0x00000000    r1=0x00000000    r2=0x00000000    r3=0x00000000
 r4=0x00000000    r5=0x00000000    r6=0x00000000    r7=0x00000000
 r8=0x00000000    r9=0x00000000   r10=0x00000000   r11=0x00000000
r12=0x00000000   r13=0x00000000   r14=0x00000000   r15=0x00000000

Computer system description


The abstract computer system consists of:

  • A processor (CPU)
  • Operating memory (MEM)
  • A timer (TIM)
  • A terminal (TERM) All of the components mentioned above are interconnected via a system bus. Aside from this system bus the timer and the terminal are directly connected to the processor via interrupt causing lines.

The processor

The processor is a simple 32-bit Von-Neuman architecture based processor. The addressable unit is 1 byte (8 bits), and the byte order is little-endian. The size of the physical memory space is $2^32$ bytes or $4$ gigabytes. After both a cold and warm restart the processor starts executing instructions beginning at address 0x40000000.

Processor registers

The processor possesses sixteen 32-bit general purpose registers named r<num> where <num> is a number from $0$ to $15$. The r0 register is wired to zero, r14 is used as the stack pointer (sp), and r15 is the program counter register (pc). The stack pointer (sp or r14) contains the address of the taken address at the top of the stack (the stack grows down towards lower addresses). Besides the sixteen mentioned general purpose registers, the processor also has the following status and control 32-bit registers:

  • status - the processor status word
  • handler - the address of the interrupt routine
  • cause - the cause of the interrupt The status register contains flags which provide the ability to configure the interrupt mechanism, these flags are:
  • status[0] $=&gt;$ Tr - Timer, masks the timer interrupts ($0$ - enabled, $1$ - masked)
  • status[1] $=&gt;$ Tl - Terminal, masks the terminal interrupts ($0$ - enabled, $1$ - masked)
  • status[2] $=&gt;$ I - Interrupt, globally masks external interrupts ($0$ - enabled, $1$ - masked)

Memory mapped registers

Memory mapped registers are registers which are accessed via memory instructions. Starting at address 0xFFFFFF00 of the physical address space there exists a space of $256$ bytes reserved for memory mapped registers. These registers are used for work with peripherals in the computer system.

Interrupt mechanism

The system possesses only one interrupt routine whose address is defined by the value of the handler register. The cause for entering the given interrupt routine is defined by the value of the cause register. The possible values of cause are:

  • $1$ - Incorrect instruction
  • $2$ - Timer interrupt
  • $3$ - Terminal interrupt
  • $4$ - Software interrupt Each instruction is atomic. The interrupt request is handled only after the current instruction is atomically finished. When the processor enters the interrupt handler, it saves the status and pc registers to the stack and then masks all interrupts globally.

Instruction format

Each instruction is 4 bytes long. The format of each instruction is as follows:

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0
OC MOD RegA RegB RegC Disp Disp Disp

The OC field represents the opcode of the instruction. The MOD field represents the instruction modifier, it says exactly what the OC[3..0] instruction ought to do. The field RegX represents one used register. For general purpose registers the value of Xis self explanatory, $X=0$ for r0, $X=1$ for r1, ... The status and control registers have the following values:

status handler cause
0 1 2

The Disp field represents a signed displacement value.

Processor instruction overview

All combinations of instructions and operands for which there does not exist a reasonable interpretation are treated as errors.


31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Stops the processor as well as further instruction execution


31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0
0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Generates a software interrupt.

push status; push pc; cause <= 4; status <= status & (~ 0x1); pc <= handle;

subroutine calls

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0

Calls the subroutine, before which it saves the return address on the stack. Dependent on the modifier the jump address is calculated in the following way

MMMM $==$ 0b0000 : push pc; pc <= gpr[A] + gpr[B] + D > MMMM $==$ 0b0001 : push pc; pc <= mem32[gpr[A] + gpr[B] + D]

jump instructions

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0

MMMM $==$ 0b0000 : pc <= gpr[A] + D > MMMM $==$ 0b0001 : if(gpr[B] == gpr[C]) pc <= gpr[A] + D > MMMM $==$ 0b0010 : if(gpr[B] != gpr[C]) pc <= gpr[A] + D > MMMM $==$ 0b0011 : if(gpr[B] signed> gpr[C]) pc <= gpr[A] + D > MMMM $==$ 0b1000 : pc <= mem32[gpr[A] + D] > MMMM $==$ 0b1001 : if(gpr[B] == gpr[C]) pc <= mem32[gpr[A] + D] > MMMM $==$ 0b1010 : if(gpr[B] != gpr[C]) pc <= mem32[gpr[A] + D] > MMMM $==$ 0b1011 : if(gpr[B] signed> gpr[C]) pc <= mem32[gpr[A] + D]

atomic swap

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0
0100 0000 0000 BBBB CCCC 0000 0000 0000

Atomically swaps the values of two registers atomically (cannot be interrupted by asynchronous interrupt requests)

temp <= gpr[B]; gpr[B] <= gpr[A]; gpr[A] <= tmp

arithmetic operations

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0
0101 MMMM AAAA BBBB CCCC 0000 0000 0000

Executes the specified arithmetic operation, in accordance to the instruction modifier, on values contained within the given registers.

MMMM $==$ 0b0000 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] + gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0001 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] - gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0010 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] * gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0011 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] / gpr[C]

logic instructions

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0
0110 MMMM AAAA BBBB CCCC 0000 0000 0000

Executes the specified logic operation, in accordance to the instruction modifier, on values contained within the given registers.

MMMM $==$ 0b0000 : gpr[A] <= ~gpr[B] > MMMM $==$ 0b0001 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] & gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0010 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] | gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0011 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] ^ gpr[C]

shift instructions

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0
0111 MMMM AAAA BBBB CCCC 0000 0000 0000

Executes the specified shifting operation, in accordance to the instruction modifier, on values contained within the given registers. > MMMM $==$ 0b0000 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] << gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0001 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] >> gpr[C]

data storing instructions

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0

Stores data into memory.

MMMM $==$ 0b0000 : mem32[gpr[A] + gpr[B] + D] = gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0010 : mem32[mem32[gpr[A] + gpr[B] + D]] = gpr[C] > MMMM $==$ 0b0001 : gpr[A] <= gpr[A] + D; mem32[gpr[A]] <= gpr[C]

data loading instructions

31...28 27...24 23...20 19...16 15...12 11...8 7...4 3...0

Loads data into a register.

MMMM $==$ 0b0000 : gpr[A] <= csr[B] > MMMM $==$ 0b0001 : gpr[A] <= gpr[B] + D > MMMM $==$ 0b0010 : gpr[A] <= mem32[gpr[B] + gpr[C] + D] > MMMM $==$ 0b0011 : gpr[A] <= mem32[gpr[B]]; gpr[B] <= gpr[B] + D] > MMMM $==$ 0b0100 : csr[A] <= csr[B] > MMMM $==$ 0b0101 : csr[A] <= gpr[B] + D > MMMM $==$ 0b0110 : csr[A] <= mem32[gpr[B] + gpr[C] + D] > MMMM $==$ 0b0111 : csr[A] <= mem32[gpr[B]]; gpr[B] <= gpr[B] + D]

The peripherals

The system contains two peripherals, namely the terminal and the timer.

The terminal

The terminal represents an input/output peripheral which consists of a display (output) and a keyboard (output). The terminal possesses two programmatically accessible registers term_out and term_int which are memory mapped. They are mapped in the following way:

Register Address range
term_out 0xFFFFFF00 ... 0xFFFFFF03
term_int 0xFFFFFF04 ... 0xFFFFFF07


This register represents the output register. The terminal keeps track of writes to this register and whenever it detects one, it writes the character on the display. The shown character is determined by the contents of the ASCII table for the value written to the term_out register.


This register represents the input register. The terminal performs two actions on every keystroke:

  1. Writes the ASCII code of the pressed key to the term_in register so that bz reading its value the pressed key may be inferred.
  2. Generates an interrupt request. The two actions described are executed by the terminal whenever any key is pressed. The terminal does not echo the pressed key, which means that it is not shown on the display. If the user program does not read the value of term_in on time (before the next key press is detected) the previous value of term_in is irreversibly lost. Buffering of the input stream is not to be done. The processor is to be considered fast enough to guarantee (if the user program is well written) the ability to read the value of term_in on time in the interrupt handler before it is overwritten.

The timer

The timer represents a peripheral which will periodically generate an interrupt request. The timer possesses one memory mapped register timer_cfg which is used to configure the timer.

Register Address range
timer_cfg 0xFFFFFF10 ... 0xFFFFFF13


This register represents the configuration register of the timer peripheral. The timer period is defined using the value of timer_cfg in the following way:

  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x0 $=&gt;$ $500ms$
  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x1 $=&gt;$ $1000ms$
  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x2 $=&gt;$ $1500ms$
  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x3 $=&gt;$ $2000ms$
  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x4 $=&gt;$ $5000ms$
  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x5 $=&gt;$ $10s$
  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x6 $=&gt;$ $30s$
  • timer_cfg $==$ 0x7 $=&gt;$ $60s$

The default value of timer_cfg, that is to say its value after power-on / reset is 0x0

Example of a user program

# file: handler.s
.equ term_out, 0xFFFFFF00
.equ term_in, 0xFFFFFF04
.equ ascii_code, 84 # ascii(’T’)
.extern my_counter
.global handler
.section my_code_handler
handler:          push %r1
                  push %r2
                  csrrd %cause, %r1
                  ld $2, %r2
                  beq %r1, %r2, my_isr_timer
                  ld $3, %r2
                  beq %r1, %r2, my_isr_terminal
# timer interrupt handling
my_isr_timer:     ld $ascii_code , %r1
                  st %r1, term_out
                  jmp finish
# terminal interrupt handling
my_isr_terminal:  ld term_in, %r1
                  st %r1, term_out
                  ld my_counter, %r1
                  ld $1, %r2
                  add %r2, %r1
                  st %r1, my_counter
                  finish:pop %r2
                  pop %r1
# file: main.s
.equ tim_cfg, 0xFFFFFF10
.equ init_sp, 0xFFFFFF00
.extern handler
.section my_code_main
                  ld $init_sp, %sp
                  ld $handler, %r1
                  csrwr %r1, %handler
                  ld $0x1, %r1
                  st %r1, tim_cfg
wait:             ld my_counter, %r1
                  ld $5, %r2
                  bne %r1, %r2, wait
.global my_counter
.section my_data
                  .word 0

Commands to assemble, link and emulate this example are: ./asembler -o handler.o handler.s ./asembler -o main.o main.s

./linker -hex
      -o program.hex handler.o main.o

./emulator program.hex