NOTE: the project is now maintained here:
Leiningen plugin to compile SASS/SCSS files with SassC.
You can install the plugin by adding lein-sass to your project.clj
file in the plugins
(defproject example "1.0.0"
:plugins [[lein-sass "0.3.0"]])
SassC needs to be installed manually.
For example on OSX run brew install sassc
Here is an example of project.clj
with all the possible definitions.
(defproject example-project "1.2.3"
:sass {:src "resources/sass"
:output-directory "resources/public/css"
;; other options (provided are default values):
;; :delete-output-dir true
;; :source-maps true
;; :style :nested
To compile your files once:
$ lein sassc once
To keep the compiler running and watch for changes:
$ lein sassc auto
To delete all the files generated by lein-sass
$ lein sassc clean
The following hooks are supported by lein-sass:
$ lein compile
$ lein clean
To enable the hooks, add the following to your project.clj
:hooks [leiningen.sass]
Copyright (C) 2013 Renaud Tircher, 2014 Stephan Behnke
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.