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File metadata and controls

385 lines (280 loc) · 11.2 KB



A standardized reality for future of the 3D Web.

Version Downloads Discord Shield · demo · discord



The mission of spacesvr is to organize and implement the standards for experiencing 3D content on the web in the same way that there exists standards for experiencing 2D content with HTML/CSS/JS.

spacesvr is designed to empower the artist. Instead of worrying about file structures or basic functionality like cross-device compatability, artists should spend their time telling their story. As such, consumption is optimized for simplicity, and the organization provides a framework to mediate along.

spacesvr is actively maintained by Muse, a YC-backed startup that provides tooling for visually building worlds. Muse's mission is to accelerate the adoption of 3D websites by increasing their accessibility, both for the end user and for the creator. Muse is completely built on spacesvr.

Quick Start


You could set up the framework in your sleep. Just import the package

yarn add spacesvr #or npm install spacesvr

and copy/paste 9 lines of code

import { StandardReality, LostWorld } from "spacesvr";

function World() {
  return (
      <LostWorld /> // an example world with a floor, skybox, and fog

this is all the code for this demo

From this point, your creations will be built by directly using the following technologies:

Under the hood and mostly abstracted away are the following technologies:

Folder Structure

the following are each a fundamental unit and their own folder at the top level of spacesvr, with the pattern recursively re-appearing throughout the repository

ideas are the fundamental building blocks of your world. They are the 3D the equivalent of HTML Elements. They are implemented as React components.

layers (of reality) offer new functionality to the world. They are implemented using a React container component, a context, and a corresponding hook.

logic offers functions to be used when composing your world. They are implemented as individually exported functions and hooks.

realities define how the player experiences your world. They are comparable in function to a browser. They are implemented as a React container component and composed of an ordering of layers.

tools offer the player affordances in your world. They are implemented as ideas using the Tool modifier, accessed by single keystrokes.

worlds are sets of ideas. They are the actual content of your site. They are implemented as compositions of ideas.


Standard Reality

The Standard Reality defines the standard experiencing the 3D web. The layers provided are the Environment Layer, Physics Layer, Player Layer, and Network Layer. Additionally, it provides an infinite ground to walk on that can be disabled.

    environmentProps={{...}} // props to be passed to the environment layer
    physicsProps={{...}} // props to be passed to the physics layer
    playerProps={{...}} // props to be passed to the player layer
    networkProps={{...}} // props to be passed to network layer
    disableGround={true} // disable ground in case you want your own


Environment Layer

The base layer that abstracts away the DOM, allowing you to think only in 3D

type EnvironmentProps = {
  name?: string; // set the name of your environment, shows up in the pause menu
  pauseMenu?: ReactNode; // for you to provide a custom pause menu
  loadingScreen?: ReactNode; // for you to provide a custom loading screen
  dev?: boolean; // hides the pause menu, useful while switching between world and IDE
  canvasProps?: Partial<ContainerProps>; // to edit the r3f canvas props
const environmentState = useEnvironment();

type EnvironmentState = {
  name: string;
  paused: boolean;
  setPaused: (p: boolean) => void;
  device: DeviceState; // the current device being used by the player: xr, mobile, or desktop
  containerRef: MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement | null>;

Physics Layer

Provides a default physics configuration

import { PhysicsProps as ProviderProps } from "@react-three/cannon";
type PhysicsProps = ProviderProps;

Player Layer

Provides a user-controlled entity with a standardized set of controls that work cross-platform (VR/Mobile/Desktop)

type PlayerProps = {
  pos?: number[]; // initial player position
  rot?: number; // initial player rotation (radians along Y axis)
  speed?: number; // player movement speed
  controls?: {
    disableGyro?: boolean; // used to disable gyroscope prompt on mobile
const playerState = usePlayer();

type PlayerState = {
  position: PlayerVec; //.get() and .set() for position
  velocity: PlayerVec; //.get() and .set() for velocity
  controls: PlayerControls; //.lock() and .unlock() for stopping player movement
  raycaster: Raycaster; // reference to player's raycaster

Network Layer

Provides multiplayer out-of-the-box. Muse provides signalling servers for everyone, but not STUN/TURN servers, which you need for best performance.

type NetworkProps = {
  autoconnect?: boolean; // whether to automatically attempt a p2p connection, false by default
  disableEntities?: boolean; // whether to hide users from seeing each other, in case you want to implement yourself
  iceServers?: RTCIceServer[]; // set of ice servers to use (recommended for production!!)
  host?: string; // signalling host url, uses Muse's servers by default
  sessionId?: string; // if you know the session id you want to use, enter it here
  worldName?: string; // the worldname to hash your signal peers by, by default set to the path name
const networkState = useNetwork();

type NetworkState = {
  connected: boolean; // whether the user has established connection with signalling server
  connect: (config?: ConnectionConfig) => Promise<void>; // when autoconnect is off, use this to manually connect
  connections: Map<string, DataConnection>; // reference to active peer connections
  disconnect: () => void;
  useChannel: <Data = any, State = any>(
    id: string,
    type: ChannelType,
    reducer: Reducer<Data, State>
  ) => Channel<Data, State>; // set up a data channel to standardize communication between peers




An infinite floor styled to the Lost World.

<LostFloor />



Turns its children into a billboard, always facing the camera.

<FacePlayer lockX={false} lockY={false} lockZ={false} />


Lazily floats its children.

<Floating height={0.2} speed={1} />


Makes its children react to onclick and on hover methods

  onClick={() => console.log("Ive been clicked!")}
  onHovered={() => console.log("Ive been hovered!")}
  onUnHovered={() => console.log("Ive been unhovered?")}
  <Stuff />


Makes its children face the player, but with easing.

<LookAtPlayer enabled={true} />


Makes its children spin

<Spinning xSpeed={0} ySpeed={1} zSpeed={0} />


Provides the UX for its children to become a tool, meaning it will show up in camera at all times.

  pos={[0, 0]} // position on screen from [-1, -1] to [1, 1]
  face={true} // whether the tool should face the screen
  distance={1} // how far away to place the item. It will scale as it moves away
  pinY={false} // pin the tool on the y axis



An arrow icon

<Arrow dark={false} />


A positional audio component that will play the passed in audio url. Handles media playback rules for Safari, iOS, etc.

  position={[0, 4, 0]}
  dCone={new Vector3(coneInnerAngle, coneOuterAngle, coneOuterGain)} // defaults should be fine


Set the background color of your space

<Background color="blue" />


Add fog to your scene.

<Fog color="white" near={10} far={100} />


Set the scene background to an hdr file. You can find free hdr files here:

  disableBackground={false} // used to disable visual hdr (skybox)
  disableEnvironment={false} // used to disable environment map


Quickly add an image to your scene

  size={1} // size, default normalized to longest side = 1
  framed // adds a frame
  transparent // enables transparency on the image


Adds an infinite plane to walk on (added by default with the Environment Layer)

  height={-0.0001} // offset a slight amount
  size={[100, 100]}


Add a video file to your space with positional audio. Handles media playback rules for Safari, iOS, etc.

  size={1} // size, default normalized to longest side = 1
  muted // mutes the video
  framed // adds a frame