feat: support PWR wake-up source selection
feat: support PWR wake-up source selection
Pull request merge
fix(h7): missing regulator state in STOP mode
fix(h7): missing regulator state in STOP mode
Pull request merge
ci(astyle): use astyle-check instead of system one
ci(astyle): use astyle-check instead of system one
chore: bump library version to 1.3.0
chore: bump library version to 1.3.0
feat(u0): add STM32U0xx LowPower support
feat(u0): add STM32U0xx LowPower support
Pull request merge
fix(example): properly end Serial when STOP2 mode is used
fix(example): properly end Serial when STOP2 mode is used
Pull request merge
feat(WBA): add STM32WBAxx support
feat(WBA): add STM32WBAxx support
Pull request merge
chore: bump library version to 1.2.5
chore: bump library version to 1.2.5
chore: enhance shutdown mode
chore: enhance shutdown mode
Pull request merge
doc: update RTC clock source description
doc: update RTC clock source description
Pull request merge
setAlarmTime : fix index in the table nb of days in a monthes
setAlarmTime : fix index in the table nb of days in a monthes
Pull request merge