There are predefined devices in the fio configuration files. PLEASE REPLACE THEM WITH YOUR OWN DEVICE.
git clone
git checkout 77c758db876d93022e8f2bb4fd4c1acbbf7e76ac
cd fio
NOTE: Please add fio to $PATH
SPDK setup fio spdk setup manual
git clone
cd spdk
git checkout aed4ece93c659195d4b56399a181f41e00a7a25e
git submodule update --init
sudo scripts/
# Configure with fio
./configure --with-fio=/path/to/fio/repo <other configuration options>
# bind and unbind device
sudo scripts/
sudo scripts/ reset
Make sure there are huge pages on the node where SPDK will be run on. For example:
sudo HUGENODE="nodes_hp[0]=4096,nodes_hp[1]=4096" $SPDK/scripts/
Fully write the devices 10 times before the experiment
cd write_device
sudo ./
- Set the 'SPDK_FIO_PLUGIN' and 'SPDK_SETUP_PATH' before run the script
- Fill your own devices in the fio configurations file before running.
- In fig 7 and fig 8, the script will automatically turn down the CPU 0 using chcpu. Replace it with your cpu id in socket 1, or delete them if there is only one NUMA node on your machine.
Before running the script:
- Set the 'SPDK_SETUP_PATH' environment variable.
- Disable the CPU core that are not in the same socket with the device
Run the script and plot:
cd 2-iops_d1_qd_1
mkdir results
sudo ./
- Set the 'SPDK_SETUP_PATH' environment variable.
- Disable the CPU core that are not in the same socket with the device
Run the script and plot:
cd 2-iops_d1_qd_1
mkdir fio perf_graph perf_list perf_output
sudo ./
The work breakdown of iou-s might not be parsed correctly by the script. The work breakdown needs to be calculated manually for the perf report.
- Parse the perf file with srcline(set your vmlinux path):
perf report --vmlinux $VMLINUX -n -m --stdio --full-source-path --source -s symbol,srcline -i perf_output/spdk_fio.perf.out >> spdk_srcline.txt;
- Delete all the lines that does not contain the actual data
- Get the number of instructions and instructions taken by SPDK
# all
cat spdk_srcline.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }'
# spdk
grep $YOUR_SPDK_PATH spdk_srcline.txt | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3 | awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }'
- fill the overhead of spdk and fio in
Before running the script:
- Disable the CPU core that are not in the same socket with the device
Run the script and plot:
cd 4-micro_arch_qd1
mkdir results_global results_local
sudo ./
Before running the script:
- Set the 'SPDK_SETUP_PATH' and 'SPDK_FIO_PLUGIN' environment variable.
- Disable the CPU core that are not in the same socket with the device
Run the script and plot:
sudo ./
mkdir results
see figure 3
see figure 4
Before running the script:
- Set the 'SPDK_SETUP_PATH', 'SPDK_FIO_PLUGIN' environment variable.
Run the script and plot:
cd 7-multi_thread
sudo ./
mkdir results
Before running the script:
- Set the 'SPDK_SETUP_PATH' environment variable.
Run the script and plot:
cd 8-scheduler_multi_thread
mkdir results
sudo ./