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Releases: streamdal/plumber

Maintenance release

22 Dec 15:21
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  • Fixing version injection in build process

Shallow Envelope Protobuf Schemas / NATS JetStream

18 Dec 14:14
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Pass additional queue arguments to Rabbit using the --queue-arg flag

15 Dec 16:09
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plumber read rabbit --exchange-name events --queue-name myqueue --binding-key \# --queue-durable --queue-arg x-dead-letter-exchange=mydeadletter


13 Dec 21:37
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Help is now the default behavior when no commands or flags are specified


13 Dec 18:47
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Addressed #206 (--json output), #208 (plumber not buildable from src).

Plumber version 1.0!

06 Dec 21:46
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v1.0.0 Release Notes

This release has a number of breaking changes, be sure to read these release notes fully.

  • Improvements
    • Major code architecture overhaul
    • Improved Kafka lag monitoring
    • Improved read output
    • Improved protobuf flags to remove verbosity
    • Improved CLI flag parsing
    • Rearchitected message bus interface for easier addition of new messaging systems in the future
  • Features
    • Kafka Sampling

New Feature: Kafka Sampling

We've added two new flags for kafka --sample-rate and --sample-interval-seconds
With these flags, you can now sample messages over a time period from a high-traffic kafka topic rather trying to read through a firehose of messages like it's the Matrix!

Command changes

  • plumber azure ... is now plumber azure-service-bus ...
  • plumber azure-eventhub ... is now plumber azure-event-hub ...
  • plumber cdc-mongo ... is now plumber mongo ...
  • plumber cdc-posgres ... is now plumber postgres ...

CLI Flag Changes

Plumber has undergone a major CLI refactor and some flags have changed.

Changed flags

Message Bus Old Flag New Flag Notes
--json --pretty
--follow --continuous
--avro-schema --avro-schema-file
--protobuf-dir --protobuf-dirs
--convert --convert-output
--json-array --input-as-json-array
--skip-verify --tls-skip-verify
--insecure-tls --tls-skip-verify
Azure Service Bus --subscription --subscription-name
GCP PubSub --ack --ack-messages
GCP PubSub --sub-id --subscription-id
Kafka --username --sasl-username
Kafka --password --sasl-Password
Kafka --auth-type --sasl-type
Kafka --rebalance-timeout --rebalance-timeout-seconds
Kafka --commit-interval --commit-interval-seconds
Kafka --group-id --consumer-group-name
MQTT --tls-ca-file -tls-ca-cert Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
MQTT --tls-client-cert-file --tls-client-cert Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
MQTT --tls-client-key-file -tls-client-key Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
MQTT --qos --qos-level
MQTT --timeout --con-timeout-seconds
Nats --creds-file --user-credentials
Nats --tls-ca-file --tls-ca-cert Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
Nats --tls-cert-file --tls-client-cert Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
Nats --tls-key-file --tls-client-key Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
Nats --address --dsn
Nats Streaming --creds-file --user-credentials
Nats Streaming --last --read-last-available
Nats Streaming --all --read-all
Nats Streaming --seq --read-sequence-number
Nats Streaming --since --read-since
NSQ --tls-ca-file --tls-ca-cert Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
NSQ --tls-cert-file --tls-client-cert Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
NSQ --tls-key-file --tls-client-key Now accepts file path or certificate as a string
Postgres CDC --slot --replication-slot
Postgres CDC --publisher --publisher-name
Pulsar --name --subscription-name
Pulsar --type --subscription-type
Pulsar --auth-certificate-file --tls-client-cert
Pulsar --auth-key-file --tls-client-key
RabbitMQ --exchange --exchange-name
RabbitMQ --queue-auto-delete --queue-delete
RabbitMQ --routing-key --binding-key Read mode only. Write mode still uses correct nomenclature of --routing-key
Redis Streams --id --write-id
Redis Streams --start-id --ofset-start Options: oldest, latest

Removed Flags

Message Bus Flag Notes
--thrift Moved to an option under --decode-type

New Flags

Message Bus Flag Description
--decode-type Options: protobuf, avro, thrift
RabbitMQ --exchange-type Exchange type to use when declaring a new exchange. Ex: topic, direct, fanout
RabbitMQ --exchange-delete Whether to remove the exchange at disconnect
RabbitMQ --exhcnage-declare Whether to declare a new exchange when connecting
RabbitMQ --exchange-durable Create exchange as durable when declaring a new exchange
Kafka --include-offset-info Displays consumer offset stats when reading
Kafka --lag-consumer-group What consumer group to lookup lag for (required if --lag is set)

Read/Relay from multiple GCP PubSub subscriptions at once

15 Nov 21:48
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Forgot to remove debugging statement

Read/Relay from multiple GCP PubSub subscriptions at once

15 Nov 17:51
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Merge pull request #186 from batchcorp/blinktag/gcp_multisub

Support for reading/relaying from multiple GCP pubsub subscriptions

Maintenance release

26 Oct 21:29
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Bumping gjson version to v1.10.2 to address CVE

Fix RabbitMQ dynamic mode

14 Oct 16:01
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Fixing rabbit dynamic mode