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This sample illustrates a common scenario where a user shares a link to a resource with a group of users, and they collaborate to review it in a meeting.
contentType createdDate
03/04/2022 11:00:00 AM

Link unfurling meeting sample


This sample illustrates a common scenario where a user shares a link to a resource (dashboard in this sample) with a group of users, and they collaborate to review it in a meeting.

Unfurl a link to a dashboard

Preview Image

  • User shares a link to a dashboard with a group of users.
  • Teams app unfurls the link to an adaptive card with actions to view it in a stage tab or review it in a meeting.


Review in meeting

Preview Image

  • Other user in the group chooses to review the dashboard in a meeting.
  • Teams app creates a new meeting, adds a tab (that points to the dashboard originally shared) to a meeting.
  • User automatically joins the meeting and reviews the tab.
  • User shares the tab to meeting stage view with other users.




Bot setup
  • Register a bot with Azure.

    • Make sure to copy and save the Azure Bot resource app ID and password.
  • Connect the bot to Microsoft Teams.

  • Run ngrok and point it to port: 3978.

    ngrok http -host-header=rewrite 3978 
    • Make sure to copy and save the https url (it should look like https://<randomsubdomain>
  • Follow steps to setup tab SSO on this page

    • Go to bot application registered in step 1.
    • Follow the steps 1.5 (expose an API) -1.14 (navigate to Authentication) in the Tab SSO link.
      • is ngrok url domain saved earlier. (ex. <
      • appId - is the app ID saved earlier.
      • In step 1.13 (Navigate to API Permissions), add the following delegated graph permissions
        • TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForChat, TeamsTab.ReadWriteForChat, Chat.ReadBasic and OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.
      • In step 1.14 (Navigate to Authentication):
        • Add another re-direct URI (for Bot authentication)
        • Select the Access tokens and ID tokens checkboxes.
  • Follow steps to add OAuth connection setting on this page

    • Use App ID and app secrets saved earlier.
    • Make sure to copy and save OAuth connection name.
    • For Scopes, enter all the delegated graph permissions configured in the app.
  • Update Bot messaging endpoint to ngrok url with messaging endpoint. (ex. https://<randomsubdomain>

Publish AppPackage to App Catalog
  • Update the following in the manifest.json.
    • {Bot App Id} - Replace with app ID saved earlier.
    • {BaseUrl} - Replace with ngrok url saved earlier.
    • {WebsiteUrl} - Replace with ngrok url saved earlier.
    • {domain} - Replace with ngrok domain. (ex. <randomsubdomain>
    • description, developer - Update these fields with relevant information.
  • Zip the manifest and app icons. (say
  • Publish the app package to organization's app store.
    • Make sure to copy and save app's ID in organization's app store.
  • Grant admin conset -{tenant-id}/adminconsent?client_id={client-id} where
    • {client-id} is the app ID saved earlier.
    • {tenant-id} is your organization's tenant ID.
Project setup
  • Clone the repo or download the sample code to your machine.
  • Update the following settings in appsettings.json
    • MicrosoftAppId - App ID saved earlier.
    • ClientId - App ID saved earlier.
    • TeamsBot:AppId - App ID saved earlier.
    • MicrosoftAppPassword - App secret saved earlier.
    • ClientSecret - App secret saved earlier.
    • ConnectionName - Connection name
    • BaseUrl - ngrok url saved earlier.
    • TenantId - Tenant ID where you wll run the Teams application.
    • CatalogAppId - App ID in organization's app store saved earlier.
  • Update the following in .env under ClientApp.
    • REACT_APP_BASE_URL - ngrok url saved earlier.
  • Build and run the sample code in Visual studio / Visual studio code.

Basic Tests

  • You should be able to install the application to personal scope, group chats and Teams.
  • Share a link say https://<randomdomain> and application should prompt the user to sign-in and unfurl it to an adaptive card post sign-in.
  • You should be able to open stage tab view from adaptive card.
  • You should be able to setup a meeting with everything configured.

Project Structure

  • The sample contains 3 projects
    • Web - Exposes REST APIs (including Bot messaging endpoint) for clients to consume and contains ClientApp logic.
    • Domain - Contains the business logic to setup online meetings based on where the resource is shared.
    • Infrastructure - Fulfills Domain's dependencies. Example - resource service, card factory to prepare card etc. If you want to change AC, or connect to a resource service, this is where you would make the changes.


  • If the web application fails to load, run npm install and npm run build under ClientApp folder.
  • If the meeting setup fails with 403 (Not authorized), make sure you grant admin consent on behalf of all the users.
    • Grant admin conset -{tenant-id}/adminconsent?client_id={client-id} where
    • {client-id} is the app ID saved earlier.
    • {tenant-id} is your organization's tenant ID.