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Pmod AD1

Contents of Readme

  1. About
  2. Brief information about Pmod AD1
  3. Native Interface Core
    1. Modules
    2. Interface Description
    3. Utilization
    4. Simulation
    5. Test
  4. AXI4-Lite IP Core
    1. Basic Information on IP
    2. Interfaces/Ports
    3. Register Map
    4. Utilization
  5. Status Information
  6. Licence


Simple interface for the Digilent Pmod AD1. This interface uses modified version of my SPI master module.

Brief information about Pmod AD1

The Digilent Pmod AD1 contains two Analog Devices AD7476A 12 bit analog-to-digital converters. Module communicates with the host board via SPI-like protocol.

Native Interface

Native Interface Modules


Gathers data from one of the ADC channels of AD1.


Gathers data from both of the ADC channels of AD1. Active channel can be controlled with activeCH signal.


Generates 16,67 MHz 50% duty cycle SCLK for AD1 serial interface.


Generates 20 MHz 40% duty cycle SCLK for AD1 serial interface.


Generates a SCLK for AD1 serial interface from an external clock.

Native Interface Description

This interface can be used to gather data from Pmod AD1 (or any other AD7476A) easily.

AD1 Modules:

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock (100 MHz)
rst I 1 System Reset
SCLK I 1 Serial Clock
SDATA I 1/2 Serial Data
CS O 1 Chip Select
getData I 1 Initiate a new conversion, hold high for continuous conversion
updatingData O 1 Data registers are being updated, thus not valid
activeCH I 0/2 Activates the reading of corresponding channel
data O 12 Last read conversion results

I: Input O: Output

Clock Generation Modules:

Port Type Width Description
clk I 1 System Clock (100 MHz)
CS I 1 Chip select from AD1 Modules
SCLK O 1 Generated Serial Clock
SCLK_i I 1 External Clock for Serial Clock generation
SCLK_o O 1 Generated Serial Clock

I: Input O: Output

Note: clk should be faster than SCLK_i.

Native Interface Core (Synthesized) Utilization (On Artix-7)

Module Slice LUTs as Logic Slice Registers as FF
ad1 6 19
ad1_dual 7 31
AD1clockGEN_16_67MHz 2 3
AD1clockGEN_20MHz40 2 3
AD1clockEN 1 1

Native Interface Simulation

Module simulated in sim.v. SDATA is connected to a 10 MHz clock signal.

Native Interface Test

Module is tested on Digilent Basys 3 with test_board.v. Module ad1 tested with AD1clockGEN_20MHz40. AD1 connected to JB, and convertion results shown at seven segment display. Arbitary voltage level provided from DC power supply of OpenScope MZ.

AXI4-Lite IP Core

Basic Information on IP

IP core provides a basic interface to AD1 (or any other AD7476A) with AXI4-Lite protocol.

When dual mode disabled, only one of the data channels is active.

When blocking mode enabled, reading from a data register starts a new measurement. Otherwise, writing to a data register starts a new measurement.

When update both enabled, starting a measurement saves the data from both channels. Otherwise, only initiated channels data is updated.


  • AXI4-Lite
    • Following ports are not implemented:
      • Write strobes (WSTRB)
      • Non-secure and Secure accesses (AxPROT)
  • External SPI Clock Input
    • Clock to be used in SPI connection, max 20 MHz.
  • SPI
    • CS: Chip Select
    • SCK: SPI clock
    • D0: Data channel 0 MISO
    • D1: Data channel 1 MISO (Only in dual mode)

Register Map

0x0 Data Channel 0:

Writing starts a new measurement. In blocking mode, reading also starts a new measurement.

0x4 Data Channel 1:

Writing starts a new measurement. In blocking mode, reading also starts a new measurement. Valid only in dual mode.

0x8 Status Register:

31:2 1 0
Reserved Dual Mode Busy
  • Dual Mode: Dual channel implementation.
  • Busy: On going measurement.

0xC Configuration Register:

31:2 1 0
Reserved Update Both Blocking Read
  • Update Both: Any measurement updates both of the data registers.
  • Blocking Read: Read from data registers start a new measurement. Read is done after measurement is complicated.

(Synthesized) Utilization of IP on Artix-7

Dual Channel Mode:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 55
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 54

Single Channel Mode:

  • Slice LUTs as Logic: 40
  • Slice Registers as Flip Flop: 41

Status Information

Native Interface Status

Last simulation: 3 January 2021, with Icarus Verilog.

Last test: 3 January 2021, on Digilent Basys 3.

AXI4-Lite IP Status

Last simulation: 12 December 2021, with Icarus Verilog.

Last test: 12 December 2021, on Digilent Arty A7.


CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal