diff --git a/resources/calibration/filament_pressure/filament_pressure.html b/resources/calibration/filament_pressure/filament_pressure.html
index 019e9cee723..59389eff0b0 100644
--- a/resources/calibration/filament_pressure/filament_pressure.html
+++ b/resources/calibration/filament_pressure/filament_pressure.html
@@ -23,14 +23,31 @@
Pressure/Linear Advance
-this test is still in development, beta should work "ok" for now though.
your current print settings will need to be saved before clicking "generate" since it uses the saved values to create the model
-note: this test will auto pull all your currently loaded config parameters and generate a model for you to print!
for to help with firmware speed/processing limitations it's reccomended to have most extrusion roles similar set to speeds.
+this test is still in development, beta should work "ok" for now though.this page will be get updated along with it :)
your current print settings will need to be saved before clicking "generate" since it uses the saved values to create the model
+note: this test will auto pull all your currently loaded config parameters and generate a model for you to print!
for to help with firmware speed/processing limitations it's reccomended to have most extrusion roles similar set to speeds.(but you don't have to!)
How to tune your printer for Pressure/Linear Advance
-todo add detaisl here
+to get started
+- select the number of tests to create, if you select more than 1 for now you will have to resize the window manually(click and drag the window from the bottom right)
+- select the start/end/increment/ extrusion role values
+- each row is the config for each base test model, eg; first row = externalPerimeter second row = firstLayer
+- since each model will have it's own config one test model might be faster/slower than the others, this is expected and normal
+- i will reccomend setting 'first_layer_speed' and 'first_layer_min_speed' to the same vales
+what is this "verify" option?
+you may notice there is the "verify" option in the extrusion role dropdown, this feature currently doesn't work.(you can still use it, but any role that has gap fill will be incorrect and the test for that role should be ignored!)
+when i get it working, it's purpose is to make it easy to see what extrusion roles need it's PA values tuned.
+ it will create a model for each ER role, and assign that roles speed/acceleration/widths/spacing to the single model
+you can then manually add the pressure advance command into the "per region g-code" box, slice and print it.
Before doing this test, it's preferable to tune everything else first!
i would reccomended setting XXXX to the same speeds, XXX to a slow speed, and everything else you can send it with.
note: having large variance with ER speeds can reduce print quality/dimensional accuracy this is effect is mainly caused by the inner perimeter getting pulled closer to the external perimeter as it cools down, since each perimeter would be at different temperatues.
+i will reccomend setting 'first_layer_speed' and 'first_layer_min_speed' to the same vales
TODO add things about PA and setting first layer correctly
add notes about fan speed and disabling fan speed for this test, or do i have check box in GUI that would auto change relavent UI tab?
- bullet points
diff --git a/src/libslic3r/BuildVolume.cpp b/src/libslic3r/BuildVolume.cpp
index c580e6f876e..31e853cdb79 100644
--- a/src/libslic3r/BuildVolume.cpp
+++ b/src/libslic3r/BuildVolume.cpp
@@ -238,7 +238,8 @@ BuildVolume::ObjectState object_state_templ(const indexed_triangle_set &its, con
const stl_vertex p2 = trafo * its.vertices[tri(iedge)];
assert(sign(p1) == s[iprev]);
assert(sign(p2) == s[iedge]);
- assert(p1.z() * p2.z() < 0);
+ assert(p1.z() * p2.z() <= 0);
+ assert(std::abs(p2.z() - p1.z()) > EPSILON);
// Edge crosses the z plane. Calculate intersection point with the plane.
const float t = (world_min_z - p1.z()) / (p2.z() - p1.z());
(is_inside(Vec3f(p1.x() + (p2.x() - p1.x()) * t, p1.y() + (p2.y() - p1.y()) * t, world_min_z)) ? inside : outside) = true;
diff --git a/src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.hpp b/src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.hpp
index 96cb13a114b..fa3d003f79b 100644
--- a/src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.hpp
+++ b/src/libslic3r/GCodeWriter.hpp
@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ class GCodeWriter {
std::vector m_extruders;
std::vector m_millers;
std::string m_extrusion_axis = "E";
+ std::string m_current_per_object_gcode;
+ std::string m_last_per_object_gcode;
bool m_single_extruder_multi_material = false;
Tool* m_tool = nullptr;
uint32_t m_last_acceleration = 0;
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.cpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.cpp
index 3f6332e9d46..a090f3b4bc6 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.cpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.cpp
@@ -30,151 +30,7 @@ static wxSize get_screen_size(wxWindow* window)
namespace Slic3r {
namespace GUI {
-void CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_buttons(wxStdDialogButtonSizer* buttons){
- const DynamicPrintConfig* printer_config = this->gui_app->get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)->get_config();
- GCodeFlavor flavor = printer_config->option>("gcode_flavor")->value; //there a better way to only load the flavor ?
- wxString choices_first_layerPA[] = {
- "0.025",
- "0.030",
- "0.035",
- "0.040",
- "0.045",
- "0.050"
- };
- firstPa = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.040" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, choices_first_layerPA);
- firstPa->SetToolTip(_L("Select the first layer PA value to be used for the first layer only."));
- firstPa->SetSelection(3);// starting at 0!
- wxString choices_start_PA[] = {
- "0.0",
- "0.010",
- "0.020",
- "0.030",
- "0.040",
- "0.050"
- };
- startPa = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.0" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, choices_start_PA);
- startPa->SetToolTip(_L("Select the starting PA value to be used."));
- startPa->SetSelection(0);
- wxString choices_end_PA[] = {
- "0.10",
- "0.20",
- "0.30",
- "0.40",
- "0.50",
- "0.60",
- "0.70",
- "0.80",
- "0.90",
- "1.00"
- };
- endPa = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.10" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 10, choices_end_PA);
- endPa->SetToolTip(_L("Select the ending PA value to be used."));
- endPa->SetSelection(0);
- wxString choices_increment_PA[] = {
- "0.0010",///1000 hits
- "0.0025",
- "0.0035",
- "0.005", //200 hits
- "0.006",
- "0.007",
- "0.01",//100 hits
- "0.1"//10 hits
- };
- paIncrement = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.0025" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 8, choices_increment_PA);
- paIncrement->SetToolTip(_L("Select the PA increment amount."));
- paIncrement->SetSelection(1);
- wxString choices_extrusion_role[] = {
- "InternalInfill",
- "BridgeInfill",
- "ExternalPerimeter",
- "GapFill",
- "InternalBridgeInfill",
- "Ironing",
- "OverhangPerimeter",
- "Perimeter",
- "SolidInfill",
- "SupportMaterial",
- "SupportMaterialInterface",
- "ThinWall",
- "TopSolidInfill",
- "FirstLayer",
- // "Verify"//if this selected, disable/hide other buttons?
- // 'verify' this choice will require the user to manually add in the PA numbers with the GUI from their realworld tests.
- // the code will then load a 90_bend for each ER role, and give each bend seperate ER speed/width/ect values
- // when printed and user added in the PA numbers correctly. it should make it easy to spot what ER roles need adjusting.
- //TODO: once the main pressure advance feature is added, this can pull that values and insert here to save the manual adding in the numbers.
- // supermerill: i don't understand, so I deactivated the feature for now.
- };
- erPa = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "InternalInfill" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 14, choices_extrusion_role);
- erPa->SetToolTip(_L("Select the extrusion role you want to generate a calibration for"));
- erPa->SetSelection(0);
- wxString number_of_runs[] = {"1","2","3","4","5"};
- nbRuns = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "1" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 5, number_of_runs);
- nbRuns->SetToolTip(_L("Select the number of tests to generate, max 2 is reccomended due to bed size limits"));
- nbRuns->SetSelection(0);
- enableST = new wxCheckBox(this, wxID_ANY, _L(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );
- enableST->SetToolTip(_L("generate smooth time values"));
- enableST->SetValue(false);
- // TODO : add another row of boxes for the 2nd/3rd ect of tests to create, user adjust parameters of new row for the 2nd/3rd test
- // this will allow multi plate PA tests to be run
- std::string prefix = (gcfMarlinFirmware == flavor || gcfMarlinLegacy == flavor) ? " LA " : ((gcfKlipper == flavor || gcfRepRap == flavor) ? " PA " : "unsupported firmware type");
- if (prefix != "unsupported firmware type"){
- wxBoxSizer* vertical =new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
- wxBoxSizer* hsizer_common =new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- wxBoxSizer* hsizer_pa =new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- wxBoxSizer* hsizer_speed =new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
- vertical->Add(hsizer_common);
- vertical->Add(hsizer_pa);
- vertical->Add(hsizer_speed);
- hsizer_common->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Number of tests: ")));
- hsizer_common->Add(nbRuns);
- hsizer_pa->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("First Layers" + prefix + "value: ")));
- hsizer_pa->Add(firstPa);
- hsizer_pa->AddSpacer(15);
- hsizer_pa->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Starting" + prefix + "value: ")));
- hsizer_pa->Add(startPa);
- hsizer_pa->AddSpacer(15);
- hsizer_pa->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Ending" + prefix + "value: ")));
- hsizer_pa->Add(endPa);
- hsizer_pa->AddSpacer(15);
- hsizer_pa->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L(prefix + "increments: ")));
- hsizer_pa->Add(paIncrement);
- hsizer_speed->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Extrusion role: ")));
- hsizer_speed->Add(erPa);
- if (gcfKlipper == flavor) {
- hsizer_speed->AddSpacer(15);
- hsizer_speed->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Smooth time: ")));
- hsizer_speed->Add(enableST);
- }
- hsizer_speed->AddSpacer(25);
- wxButton* bt = new wxButton(this, wxID_FILE1, _L("Generate"));
- bt->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_geometry, this);
- vertical->Add(bt);
- buttons->Add(vertical);
- } else {
- buttons->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L(prefix)));
- }
+//BUG: custom gcode ' between extrusion role changes' should that be before or after region gcode?
void CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_geometry(wxCommandEvent& event_args) {
@@ -185,29 +41,7 @@ void CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_geometry(wxCommandEvent& event_args) {
- double first_pa, start_pa, end_pa, pa_increment = 0.01;
- bool smooth_time = enableST->IsChecked();
- size_t nb_runs = nbRuns->GetSelection();
- nb_runs=nb_runs+1;
- first_pa = firstPa->GetValue().ToDouble(&first_pa);
- if (!firstPa->GetValue().ToDouble(&first_pa)) {
- first_pa = 0.025;
- }
- start_pa = startPa->GetValue().ToDouble(&start_pa);
- if (!startPa->GetValue().ToDouble(&start_pa)) {
- start_pa = 0.0;
- }
- end_pa = endPa->GetValue().ToDouble(&end_pa);
- if (!endPa->GetValue().ToDouble(&end_pa)) {
- end_pa = 1.0;
- }
- pa_increment = paIncrement->GetValue().ToDouble(&pa_increment);
- if (!paIncrement->GetValue().ToDouble(&pa_increment)) {
- pa_increment = 0.05;
- }
- std::string extrusion_role = erPa->GetValue().ToStdString();
std::string choice_extrusion_role[] = {
@@ -295,51 +129,7 @@ void CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_geometry(wxCommandEvent& event_args) {
{"FirstLayer", "first_layer_speed"}
-struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
- std::string extrusionWidth;
- std::string acceleration;
- std::string speed;
- std::unordered_map extrusionRoleToOptionKey = {
- {"InternalInfill", {"infill_extrusion_width", "infill_acceleration", "placeholder"}},
- //{"BridgeInfill", {"placeholder", "bridge_acceleration", "placeholder"}},//special calc required
- {"ExternalPerimeter", {"external_perimeter_extrusion_width", "external_perimeter_acceleration"}},
- //{"GapFill", {"placeholder", "gap_fill_acceleration"}},//special calc required
- //{"InternalBridgeInfill", {"placeholder", "internal_bridge_acceleration"}},//special calc required
- {"Ironing", {"top_infill_extrusion_width", "ironing_acceleration"}},
- {"OverhangPerimeter", {"overhangs_width", "overhangs_acceleration"}},
- {"Perimeter", {"perimeter_extrusion_width", "perimeter_acceleration"}},
- {"SolidInfill", {"solid_infill_extrusion_width", "solid_infill_acceleration"}},
- {"SupportMaterial", {"support_material_extrusion_width", "support_material_acceleration"}},
- {"SupportMaterialInterface", {"support_material_extrusion_width", "support_material_interface_acceleration"}},
- {"ThinWall", {"external_perimeter_extrusion_width", "thin_walls_acceleration"}},
- {"TopSolidInfill", {"top_infill_extrusion_width", "top_solid_infill_acceleration"}}
- };*/
- int countincrements = 0;
- int sizeofarray = static_cast((end_pa - start_pa) / pa_increment) + 2;//'+2' needed for odd/even numbers
- std::vector pa_values(sizeofarray);
- std::vector c_pa_values_c(sizeofarray);
- double incremented_pa_value = start_pa;
- while (incremented_pa_value <= end_pa + pa_increment / 2) {//this makes a number to be used to load x number of 90 bend models for the PA test.
- if (incremented_pa_value <= end_pa) {
- double rounded_Pa = std::round(incremented_pa_value * 1000000.0) / 1000000.0;
- pa_values[countincrements] = rounded_Pa;//store PA numbers in array to be used later.
- c_pa_values_c[countincrements] = rounded_Pa;
- countincrements++;
- incremented_pa_value += pa_increment;
- }
- else {
- pa_values[countincrements] = end_pa;
- countincrements++;//failsafe if werid input numbers are provided that can't add the "ending pa" number to the array.
- break; }
- }// is there a limit of how many models SS can load ? might be good to set a failsafe just so it won't load 10k+ models...
- bool has_to_arrange = false;
Plater* plat = this->main_frame->plater();
Model& model = plat->model();
if (!plat->new_project(L("Pressure calibration")))
@@ -352,79 +142,62 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
std::vector items;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_runs; i++){
+ //for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_runs; i++){
+ for (int i = 0; i < currentTestCount; i++) {
items.emplace_back((boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "base_plate.3mf").string());
std::vector objs_idx = plat->load_files(items, true, false, false, false);
- assert(objs_idx.size() == nb_runs);
+ //assert(objs_idx.size() == nb_runs);
+ assert(objs_idx.size() == currentTestCount);
const DynamicPrintConfig* print_config = this->gui_app->get_tab(Preset::TYPE_FFF_PRINT)->get_config();
const DynamicPrintConfig* filament_config = this->gui_app->get_tab(Preset::TYPE_FFF_FILAMENT)->get_config();
const DynamicPrintConfig* printer_config = this->gui_app->get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)->get_config();
+ DynamicPrintConfig full_print_config;
+ full_print_config.apply(*print_config);
+ full_print_config.apply(*printer_config);
+ full_print_config.apply(*filament_config);
// --- scale ---
//models is created for nozzles from 0.1-2mm walls should be nozzle_size*4 spaced, scale xy model by widths down is futher
+ GCodeFlavor flavor = printer_config->option>("gcode_flavor")->value;
const ConfigOptionFloats* nozzle_diameter_config = printer_config->option("nozzle_diameter");
assert(nozzle_diameter_config->size() > 0);
double nozzle_diameter = nozzle_diameter_config->get_at(0);//get extruderID too?
- double first_layer_height = print_config->get_abs_value("first_layer_height", nozzle_diameter);
- double base_layer_height = print_config->get_computed_value("layer_height",0);
- GCodeFlavor flavor = printer_config->option>("gcode_flavor")->value;
+ double first_layer_height = full_print_config.get_computed_value("first_layer_height");
+ double base_layer_height = full_print_config.get_computed_value("layer_height");
double er_width = print_config->get_abs_value("solid_infill_extrusion_width", nozzle_diameter);
- double er_accel = print_config->get_abs_value("solid_infill_acceleration", nozzle_diameter);
- double er_speed = print_config->get_abs_value("solid_infill_speed", nozzle_diameter);
+ double er_accel = full_print_config.get_computed_value("solid_infill_acceleration");
+ double er_speed = full_print_config.get_computed_value("solid_infill_speed");
double er_spacing = print_config->get_abs_value("external_perimeter_extrusion_spacing",1.0);
double default_er_width = print_config->get_abs_value("extrusion_width", nozzle_diameter);
- double default_er_speed = print_config->get_abs_value("default_speed", nozzle_diameter);
- double default_er_accel = print_config->get_abs_value("default_acceleration", nozzle_diameter);
+ double default_er_speed = full_print_config.get_computed_value("default_speed");
+ double default_er_accel = full_print_config.get_computed_value("default_acceleration");
double default_er_spacing = print_config->get_abs_value("extrusion_spacing", nozzle_diameter);
- double spacing_ratio = print_config->get_abs_value("perimeter_overlap",1.0);
- double spacing_ratio_external = print_config->get_abs_value("external_perimeter_overlap",1.0);
+ double spacing_ratio = full_print_config.get_computed_value("perimeter_overlap");
+ double spacing_ratio_external = full_print_config.get_computed_value("external_perimeter_overlap");
double filament_max_overlap = filament_config->get_computed_value("filament_max_overlap",0);//maybe check for extruderID ?
- if (extrusion_role == "Verify") {
- countincrements = 13;
- er_width = default_er_width;
- er_spacing = default_er_spacing;
- er_width = er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter;
- er_width = std::round(er_width * 100.0) / 100.0; // Change number to percentage and round
- }
- else{
- for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(choice_extrusion_role) / sizeof(choice_extrusion_role[0]); i++) {
- if (er_width_ToOptionKey.find(extrusion_role) != er_width_ToOptionKey.end()) {
- er_width = print_config->get_abs_value(er_width_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);//look at maps at match speed/width ect to the selecter ER role
- er_speed = print_config->get_abs_value(er_speed_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);//need to load this here??
- er_accel = print_config->get_abs_value(er_accel_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);//need to load this here??
- er_spacing = print_config->get_abs_value(er_spacing_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
- //potential BUG if any of the values are 0 everything else would fail, need to pull the default value too and assign that?
- if(er_width == 0){er_width =default_er_width; }
- if(er_speed == 0){er_speed =default_er_speed; }
- if(er_accel == 0){er_accel =default_er_accel; }
- if(er_spacing == 0){er_spacing = default_er_spacing; }
- er_width = er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter;
- er_width = std::round(er_width * 100.0) / 100.0;
- } else {
- er_width = print_config->get_abs_value("solid_infill_extrusion_width", nozzle_diameter); //used for gapfill_width/bridges selection. TODO: add the bits for this here since gapfill/bridges need special calculations
- er_width = er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter;
- er_width = std::round(er_width * 100.0) / 100.0; // Change number to percentage and round
- }
- }
- }
+ // --- translate ---
+ //bool autocenter = gui_app->app_config->get("autocenter") == "1";
+ bool has_to_arrange = plat->config()->opt_float("init_z_rotate") != 0;
+ has_to_arrange = true;
+ /*if (!autocenter) {
+ const ConfigOptionPoints* bed_shape = printer_config->option("bed_shape");
+ Vec2d bed_size = BoundingBoxf(bed_shape->values).size();
+ Vec2d bed_min = BoundingBoxf(bed_shape->values).min;
+ model.objects[objs_idx[0]]->translate({ bed_min.x() + bed_size.x() / 2, bed_min.y() + bed_size.y() / 2, 5 * xyzScale - 5 });
+ }*/
- //-- magical scaling is done here :)
- //the 90_bend models need to be scaled correctly so there is no 'gapfill' since gapfill will effect results.
- double xyzScale = nozzle_diameter / 0.4;
- double er_width_to_scale = magical_scaling(nozzle_diameter,er_width,filament_max_overlap,spacing_ratio,spacing_ratio_external,base_layer_height,er_spacing);
- //-- magical scaling
std::vector < std::vector> pressure_tower;
+ bool smooth_time = false;
std::string nozzle_diameter_str = std::to_string(nozzle_diameter);
nozzle_diameter_str.erase(nozzle_diameter_str.find_last_not_of('0') + 2, std::string::npos);
@@ -443,9 +216,101 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
std::string bend_90_nozzle_size_3mf = "90_bend_" + nozzle_diameter_str + ".3mf";
+ std::string extrusion_role = dynamicExtrusionRole[0]->GetValue().ToStdString();
+ for (int id_item = 0; id_item < currentTestCount; id_item++) {
+ //need to move this to another function.....
+ wxString firstPaValue = dynamicFirstPa[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString startPaValue = dynamicStartPa[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString endPaValue = dynamicEndPa[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString paIncrementValue = dynamicPaIncrement[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString erPaValue = dynamicExtrusionRole[id_item]->GetValue();
+ smooth_time = dynamicEnableST[id_item]->GetValue();
+ double first_pa = wxAtof(firstPaValue);
+ double start_pa = wxAtof(startPaValue);
+ double end_pa = wxAtof(endPaValue);
+ double pa_increment = wxAtof(paIncrementValue);
+ extrusion_role = dynamicExtrusionRole[id_item]->GetValue().ToStdString();
+ int countincrements = 0;
+ int sizeofarray = static_cast((end_pa - start_pa) / pa_increment) + 2;//'+2' needed for odd/even numbers
+ std::vector pa_values(sizeofarray);
+ std::vector c_pa_values_c(sizeofarray);
+ double incremented_pa_value = start_pa;
+ while (incremented_pa_value <= end_pa + pa_increment / 2) {//this makes a number to be used to load x number of 90 bend models for the PA test.
+ if (incremented_pa_value <= end_pa) {
+ double rounded_Pa = std::round(incremented_pa_value * 1000000.0) / 1000000.0;
+ pa_values[countincrements] = rounded_Pa;//store PA numbers in array to be used later.
+ c_pa_values_c[countincrements] = rounded_Pa;
+ countincrements++;
+ incremented_pa_value += pa_increment;
+ }
+ else {
+ pa_values[countincrements] = end_pa;
+ countincrements++;//failsafe if werid input numbers are provided that can't add the "ending pa" number to the array.
+ break; }
+ }// is there a limit of how many models SS can load ? might be good to set a failsafe just so it won't load 10k+ models...
+ std::string set_advance_prefix ="";
+ if (gcfKlipper == flavor) {
+ if(smooth_time == false){
+ set_advance_prefix = "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=";
+ }
+ else{
+ set_advance_prefix = "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE SMOOTH_TIME=";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (gcfMarlinFirmware == flavor) {
+ set_advance_prefix = "M900 K";
+ }
+ else if(gcfRepRap == flavor){
+ set_advance_prefix = "M572 S";
+ }
+ if (extrusion_role == "Verify") {
+ countincrements = 13;
+ er_width = default_er_width;
+ er_spacing = default_er_spacing;
+ er_width = er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter;
+ er_width = std::round(er_width * 100.0) / 100.0;
+ }
+ else{
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(choice_extrusion_role) / sizeof(choice_extrusion_role[0]); i++) {
+ if (er_width_ToOptionKey.find(extrusion_role) != er_width_ToOptionKey.end()) {
+ //look at maps to match speed/width ect to the selected ER role
+ er_width = print_config->get_abs_value(er_width_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);//look at maps to match speed/width ect to the selected ER role
+ er_speed = full_print_config.get_computed_value(er_speed_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str());
+ er_accel = full_print_config.get_computed_value(er_accel_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str());
+ er_spacing = print_config->get_abs_value(er_spacing_ToOptionKey[extrusion_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
+ //potential BUG if any of the values are 0 everything else would fail, need to pull the default value too and assign that?
+ if(er_width == 0){er_width =default_er_width; }
+ if(er_speed == 0){er_speed =default_er_speed; }
+ if(er_accel == 0){er_accel =default_er_accel; }
+ if(er_spacing == 0){er_spacing = default_er_spacing; }
+ er_width = er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter;
+ er_width = std::round(er_width * 100.0) / 100.0;
+ } else {
+ er_width = print_config->get_abs_value("solid_infill_extrusion_width", nozzle_diameter); //used for gapfill_width/bridges selection. TODO: add the bits for this here since gapfill/bridges need special calculations
+ er_width = er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter;
+ er_width = std::round(er_width * 100.0) / 100.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //-- magical scaling is done here :)
+ //the 90_bend models need to be scaled correctly so there is no 'gapfill' since gapfill will effect results.
+ double xyzScale = nozzle_diameter / 0.4;
+ double er_width_to_scale = magical_scaling(nozzle_diameter,er_width,filament_max_overlap,spacing_ratio,spacing_ratio_external,base_layer_height,er_spacing);
+ //-- magical scaling
- for (size_t id_item = 0; id_item < nb_runs; id_item++) {
double initial_model_height = 0.2;
@@ -466,7 +331,8 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
double thickness_offset = nozzle_diameter * er_width_to_scale * 2;
- double z_scale_90_bend = xyzScale * 1.8 / initial_model_height;
+ //double z_scale_90_bend = xyzScale * 1.8 / initial_model_height;
+ double z_scale_90_bend = (xyzScale + first_layer_height) / initial_model_height;
double z_scale_factor = 0.0;
double new_z_world_coords = first_layer_height / 2.0 -base_layer_height;
@@ -492,21 +358,21 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
if (er_width_ToOptionKey.find(role) != er_width_ToOptionKey.end()) {
- er_width = std::round((print_config->get_abs_value(er_width_ToOptionKey[role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter) * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0;
- er_spacing = print_config->get_abs_value(er_spacing_ToOptionKey[role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
+ er_width = std::round((full_print_config.get_computed_value(er_width_ToOptionKey[role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter) * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0;
+ er_spacing = full_print_config.get_computed_value(er_spacing_ToOptionKey[role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
er_width_to_scale = magical_scaling(nozzle_diameter, er_width, filament_max_overlap, spacing_ratio, spacing_ratio_external, base_layer_height, er_spacing);
thickness_offset = nozzle_diameter * er_width_to_scale * 2;
(boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "scaled_with_nozzle_size" / bend_90_nozzle_size_3mf).string(),
- Vec3d{ -0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends , xyzScale - base_layer_height }, Vec3d{ er_width_to_scale, er_width_to_scale, z_scale_90_bend });
- pressure_tower.back().push_back(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]);
+ Vec3d{ -0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends , (z_scale_factor/2) }, Vec3d{ er_width_to_scale, er_width_to_scale, z_scale_90_bend });
+ pressure_tower.back().push_back(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]);
- Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(-0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends, xyzScale - base_layer_height );
+ Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(-0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends, (z_scale_factor/2) );
- else{
+ else{//ER role not found in map; ie not currently supported.
er_width = std::round((default_er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0;
er_spacing = default_er_spacing;
er_width_to_scale = magical_scaling(nozzle_diameter, er_width, filament_max_overlap, spacing_ratio, spacing_ratio_external, base_layer_height, er_spacing);
@@ -514,10 +380,10 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
(boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "scaled_with_nozzle_size" / bend_90_nozzle_size_3mf).string(),
- Vec3d{ -0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends , xyzScale - base_layer_height }, Vec3d{ er_width_to_scale, er_width_to_scale, z_scale_90_bend });
- pressure_tower.back().push_back(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]);
+ Vec3d{ -0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends , (z_scale_factor/2) }, Vec3d{ er_width_to_scale, er_width_to_scale, z_scale_90_bend });
+ pressure_tower.back().push_back(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]);
- Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(-0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends, xyzScale - base_layer_height );
+ Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(-0.8, (initial_90_bend_y/2) * nb_bends, (z_scale_factor/2) );
@@ -526,14 +392,15 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
else{//not verify
- for (int nb_bends = 0; nb_bends < countincrements; nb_bends++){
+ for (int nb_bends = 0; nb_bends < countincrements; nb_bends++){//TODO: BUG: need to fix this for the multi test plates. i should be able to have single if statement to change the "verify" role positions and only have a single 'add_part' fr the 90_bend model.
//const double magical_transformation_y_pos = 10.47;
(boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "scaled_with_nozzle_size" / bend_90_nozzle_size_3mf).string(),
- Vec3d{ -0.8, double(nb_bends) * (thickness_offset*2) *2 , xyzScale - base_layer_height }, Vec3d{ er_width_to_scale, er_width_to_scale, z_scale_90_bend });
- pressure_tower.back().push_back(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]);
+ Vec3d{ -0.8, double(nb_bends) * (thickness_offset*2) *2 , (z_scale_factor/2) }, Vec3d{ er_width_to_scale, er_width_to_scale, z_scale_90_bend });
+ pressure_tower.back().push_back(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]);
- Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(-0.8, (double(nb_bends) * (thickness_offset*2) *2) , xyzScale - base_layer_height );
+ Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(-0.8, double(nb_bends) * (thickness_offset*2) *2 , (z_scale_factor/2) );
@@ -545,8 +412,9 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
const double extra_size_y = xy_scaled_90_bend_y / 4;
const double extra_size_x = xy_scaled_number_x;
- const double magical_transformation_x_pos = 20.6;//what is this, and how is this calculated ? >:(
- const double magical_transformation_y_pos = 10.47;//load a model without moving its pos to find see what it is.the number doesn't seem to change regardless of layer heights/nozzle size
+ const double magical_transformation_x_pos = 20.60; //what is this, and how is this calculated ? >:(
+ const double magical_transformation_y_pos = 10.47; //load a model without moving its pos to find see what it is.the number doesn't seem to change regardless of layer heights/nozzle size
+ const double magical_transformation_z_pos = 0.1;
Eigen::Vector3d bend_pos_first = bend_90_positions[0];
Eigen::Vector3d bend_pos_mid = bend_90_positions[countincrements/2];
Eigen::Vector3d bend_pos_last = bend_90_positions[countincrements-1];
@@ -564,41 +432,39 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
double total_height = (bend_pos_last.y() + (xy_scaled_90_bend_y / 2)) - (bend_pos_first.y() - (xy_scaled_90_bend_y / 2));
double scaled_border_y_percentage = ((total_height + extra_size_y) / initial_90_bend_y) * 100;
- double border_scaled_y = (initial_border_x*(xy_scaled_x * 1.5)) / initial_90_bend_y;//need to fix for larger nozzle sizes.
+ double border_scaled_y = (initial_border_x*(xy_scaled_x * 1.5)) / initial_90_bend_y;//TODO: need to adjust scale for larger nozzle sizes
- double right_border_pos_x = number_pos_mid.x();
+ double right_border_x_pos = number_pos_mid.x();
double top_border_x_pos = ((number_pos_last.x() + (xy_scaled_number_x / 2)) + (bend_pos_first.x() - (xy_scaled_90_bend_x / 2))) / 2;
- double left_border_pos_x = bend_pos_first.x() - (xy_scaled_90_bend_x / 2);
+ double left_border_x_pos = bend_pos_first.x() - (xy_scaled_90_bend_x / 2);
(boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "pa_border.3mf").string(),
- Vec3d{ left_border_pos_x + magical_transformation_x_pos, bend_pos_mid.y(), new_z_world_coords }, //need to fix to adjust for nozzle_diameter since it breaks bottom_solid_layers
+ Vec3d{ left_border_x_pos + magical_transformation_x_pos, bend_pos_mid.y(), new_z_world_coords - magical_transformation_z_pos }, //need to fix to adjust for nozzle_diameter since it breaks bottom_solid_layers
/*scale*/Vec3d{ xy_scaled_x * 1.5, scaled_border_y_percentage*0.01, z_scale_factor }); // Left border
add_part(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]], (boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "pa_border.3mf").string(),
- Vec3d{ right_border_pos_x + magical_transformation_x_pos , bend_pos_mid.y(), new_z_world_coords },
- /*scale*/Vec3d{ scaled_r_border_x_percentage*0.01 , scaled_border_y_percentage*0.01 , z_scale_factor });// right border
+ Vec3d{ right_border_x_pos + magical_transformation_x_pos , bend_pos_mid.y(), new_z_world_coords - magical_transformation_z_pos },
+ /*scale*/Vec3d{ scaled_r_border_x_percentage*0.01 , scaled_border_y_percentage*0.01 , z_scale_factor});// right border
bool enable_top_bottom = true;
if(enable_top_bottom == true){//remove later
add_part(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]], (boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "pa_border.3mf").string(),
- Vec3d{ top_border_x_pos + magical_transformation_x_pos , bend_pos_first.y() - (xy_scaled_90_bend_y /1.8), new_z_world_coords }, //need to fix to adjust for nozzle_diameter since it breaks bottom_solid_layers
+ Vec3d{ top_border_x_pos + magical_transformation_x_pos , bend_pos_first.y() - (xy_scaled_90_bend_y /1.8), new_z_world_coords - magical_transformation_z_pos }, //need to fix to adjust for nozzle_diameter since it breaks bottom_solid_layers
/*scale*/Vec3d{ scaled_tb_border_x_percentage*0.01, border_scaled_y, z_scale_factor });//bottom border
add_part(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]], (boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "pa_border.3mf").string(),
- Vec3d{ top_border_x_pos + magical_transformation_x_pos , bend_pos_last.y() + (xy_scaled_90_bend_y /1.8) , new_z_world_coords }, //need to fix to adjust for nozzle_diameter since it breaks bottom_solid_layers
- /*scale*/Vec3d{ scaled_tb_border_x_percentage*0.01, border_scaled_y, z_scale_factor });//top border
+ Vec3d{ top_border_x_pos + magical_transformation_x_pos , bend_pos_last.y() + (xy_scaled_90_bend_y /1.8) , new_z_world_coords - magical_transformation_z_pos }, //need to fix to adjust for nozzle_diameter since it breaks bottom_solid_layers
+ /*scale*/Vec3d{ scaled_tb_border_x_percentage*0.01, border_scaled_y, z_scale_factor});//top border
// position in printer coords are half of scaled size!
// scale model in percentage from original models xy values!
- //----------
- }
- //}
+ }
if (extrusion_role != "Verify") {// possible to load the words for each ER role?
if (nb_bends % 2 == 1) { // Skip generating every second number
@@ -630,7 +496,7 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
if (pa_values_string[j] == '.') {
add_part(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]], (boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / "point.3mf").string(),
- Vec3d{ xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter , ypos_point, z_scaled_model_height - magical_transformation_z_pos }, Vec3d{ xyzScale * er_width_to_scale, xyzScale+(xyzScale/2), z_scale_factor });
+ Vec3d{ xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter , ypos_point, z_scaled_model_height - magical_transformation_z_pos }, Vec3d{ xyzScale * er_width_to_scale, xyzScale+(xyzScale/2), z_scale_factor*2 });
Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter + magical_transformation_num_x_pos, ypos_point, z_scaled_model_height - magical_transformation_z_pos );
@@ -639,62 +505,67 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
else if (std::isdigit(pa_values_string[j])) {
add_part(model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]], (boost::filesystem::path(Slic3r::resources_dir()) / "calibration" / "filament_pressure" / numered3mfpath).string(),
- Vec3d{ xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter, ypos, z_scaled_model_height - magical_transformation_z_pos }, Vec3d{ xyzScale * er_width_to_scale, xyzScale * er_width_to_scale, z_scale_factor });
+ Vec3d{ xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter /* +magical_transformation_num_x_pos */, ypos, z_scaled_model_height - magical_transformation_z_pos }, Vec3d{ xyzScale * er_width_to_scale, xyzScale * er_width_to_scale, z_scale_factor*2 });
Eigen::Vector3d modelPosition(xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter + magical_transformation_num_x_pos, ypos, z_scaled_model_height - magical_transformation_z_pos );
- xpos = xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter;
+ xpos = xpos + xy_scaled_number_x + nozzle_diameter /* +magical_transformation_num_x_pos */;
- }
- /// --- translate ---
- //bool autocenter = gui_app->app_config->get("autocenter") == "1";
- has_to_arrange = true;
- /*if (!autocenter) {
- const ConfigOptionPoints* bed_shape = printer_config->option("bed_shape");
- Vec2d bed_size = BoundingBoxf(bed_shape->values).size();
- Vec2d bed_min = BoundingBoxf(bed_shape->values).min;
- model.objects[objs_idx[0]]->translate({ bed_min.x() + bed_size.x() / 2, bed_min.y() + bed_size.y() / 2, 5 * xyzScale - 5 });
- }*/
- std::string set_advance_prefix ="";
- if (gcfKlipper == flavor) {
- if(smooth_time == false){
- set_advance_prefix = "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=";
- }
- else{
- set_advance_prefix = "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE SMOOTH_TIME=";
- }
- }
- else if (gcfMarlinFirmware == flavor) {
- set_advance_prefix = "M900 K";
- else if(gcfRepRap == flavor){
- set_advance_prefix = "M572 S";
- }
- /// --- main config, modify object config when possible ---
+ /// --- main config ---
+ // => settings that are for object or region should be added to the model (see below, in the for loop), not here
DynamicPrintConfig new_print_config = *print_config;
DynamicPrintConfig new_printer_config = *printer_config;
- new_print_config.set_key_value("complete_objects", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); //true is required for multi tests on single plate.
- new_print_config.set_key_value("gap_fill_enabled", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); //should be false?, enabled for testing
- new_print_config.set_key_value("top_solid_layers", new ConfigOptionInt(0));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("only_one_perimeter_top", new ConfigOptionBool(false));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("bottom_solid_layers", new ConfigOptionInt(1));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("fill_density", new ConfigOptionPercent(0));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("min_width_top_surface", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0.0,false));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("bottom_fill_pattern", new ConfigOptionEnum(ipMonotonicWGapFill));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("seam_position", new ConfigOptionEnum(spRear));//BUG: should be fixed in 2.7 merge/SS, when this is changed the "perimeters & shell" doesn't turn red indicating a change.
new_print_config.set_key_value("avoid_crossing_perimeters", new ConfigOptionBool(false));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("perimeter_overlap", new ConfigOptionPercent(100));
- new_print_config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_overlap", new ConfigOptionPercent(100));
- new_printer_config.set_key_value("before_layer_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(std::string("{if layer_num == 0} ") + set_advance_prefix + std::to_string(first_pa) + " {endif}"));
+ new_print_config.set_key_value("complete_objects", new ConfigOptionBool(false)); //true is required for multi tests on single plate.
+ //fix this later need to fix the loops
+ //new_printer_config.set_key_value("before_layer_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(std::string("{if layer_num == 0} ") + set_advance_prefix + std::to_string(first_pa) + " {endif}"));
+ //assert(filament_temp_item_name.size() == nb_runs);
+ //assert(model.objects.size() == nb_runs);
+ assert(objs_idx.size() == currentTestCount);
+ for (int id_item = 0; id_item < currentTestCount; id_item++) {
+ wxString firstPaValue = dynamicFirstPa[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString startPaValue = dynamicStartPa[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString endPaValue = dynamicEndPa[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString paIncrementValue = dynamicPaIncrement[id_item]->GetValue();
+ wxString erPaValue = dynamicExtrusionRole[id_item]->GetValue();
+ smooth_time = dynamicEnableST[id_item]->GetValue();
+ double first_pa = wxAtof(firstPaValue);
+ double start_pa = wxAtof(startPaValue);
+ double end_pa = wxAtof(endPaValue);
+ double pa_increment = wxAtof(paIncrementValue);
+ extrusion_role = dynamicExtrusionRole[id_item]->GetValue().ToStdString();
+ int countincrements = 0;
+ int sizeofarray = static_cast((end_pa - start_pa) / pa_increment) + 2;//'+2' needed for odd/even numbers
+ std::vector pa_values(sizeofarray);
+ std::vector c_pa_values_c(sizeofarray);
+ double incremented_pa_value = start_pa;
+ while (incremented_pa_value <= end_pa + pa_increment / 2) {//this makes a number to be used to load x number of 90 bend models for the PA test.
+ if (incremented_pa_value <= end_pa) {
+ double rounded_Pa = std::round(incremented_pa_value * 1000000.0) / 1000000.0;
+ pa_values[countincrements] = rounded_Pa;//store PA numbers in array to be used later.
+ c_pa_values_c[countincrements] = rounded_Pa;
+ countincrements++;
+ incremented_pa_value += pa_increment;
+ }
+ else {
+ pa_values[countincrements] = end_pa;
+ countincrements++;//failsafe if werid input numbers are provided that can't add the "ending pa" number to the array.
+ break; }
+ }// is there a limit of how many models SS can load ? might be good to set a failsafe just so it won't load 10k+ models...
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_runs; i++) {
@@ -711,49 +582,84 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
+ // config for the this model
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("bottom_fill_pattern", new ConfigOptionEnum(ipMonotonicWGapFill));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("bottom_solid_layers", new ConfigOptionInt(1));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("brim_width", new ConfigOptionFloat(0));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_overlap", new ConfigOptionPercent(100));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("fill_density", new ConfigOptionPercent(0));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("gap_fill_enabled", new ConfigOptionBool(true)); //should be false?, enabled for testing
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("min_width_top_surface", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(0.0,false));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("only_one_perimeter_top", new ConfigOptionBool(false));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("only_one_perimeter_first_layer", new ConfigOptionBool(true));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("perimeter_overlap", new ConfigOptionPercent(100));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("seam_position", new ConfigOptionEnum(spRear)); //BUG: should be fixed in 2.7 merge/SS, when this is changed the "perimeters & shell" doesn't turn red indicating a change.
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->config.set_key_value("top_solid_layers", new ConfigOptionInt(0));
size_t num_part = 0;
const int extra_vol = 1;
- for (ModelObject* part : pressure_tower[i]) {//loop though each part/volume and assign the modifers
+ for (ModelObject* part : pressure_tower[id_item]) {//loop though each part/volume and assign the modifers
std::string er_role ="";
if (extrusion_role == "Verify") {
er_role = choice_extrusion_role[num_part];
- if (er_width_ToOptionKey.find(er_role) != er_width_ToOptionKey.end()) {
+ }
+ else{
+ er_role = extrusion_role;
+ }
+ if (er_width_ToOptionKey.find(er_role) != er_width_ToOptionKey.end()) {
+ er_width = std::round((full_print_config.get_computed_value(er_width_ToOptionKey[er_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter) * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0;
+ er_speed = full_print_config.get_computed_value(er_speed_ToOptionKey[er_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
+ er_accel = full_print_config.get_computed_value(er_accel_ToOptionKey[er_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
+ }
+ else{
+ er_width = std::round((default_er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0;
+ er_speed = default_er_speed;
+ er_accel = default_er_accel;
+ }
- er_width = std::round((print_config->get_abs_value(er_width_ToOptionKey[er_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter) * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0;
- er_speed = print_config->get_abs_value(er_speed_ToOptionKey[er_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
- er_accel = print_config->get_abs_value(er_accel_ToOptionKey[er_role].c_str(), nozzle_diameter);
+ std::string set_advance_prefix ="";
+ if (gcfKlipper == flavor) {
+ if(smooth_time == false){
+ set_advance_prefix = "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE ADVANCE=";
- er_width = std::round((default_er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0;
- er_speed = default_er_speed;
- er_accel = default_er_accel;
+ set_advance_prefix = "SET_PRESSURE_ADVANCE SMOOTH_TIME=";
+ else if (gcfMarlinFirmware == flavor) {
+ set_advance_prefix = "M900 K";
+ }
+ else if(gcfRepRap == flavor){
+ set_advance_prefix = "M572 S";
+ }
er_width = (er_width == 0) ? std::round((default_er_width * 100 / nozzle_diameter) * 100.0) / 100.0 : er_width;
er_speed = (er_speed == 0) ? default_er_speed : er_speed;
er_accel = (er_accel == 0) ? default_er_accel : er_accel;
/// --- custom config --- // this is for forcing each model to have x print modifiers
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("perimeter_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_width, true));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_width, true));//TODO: check widths and ect breaks if any values are in mm/percentage
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("perimeter_speed", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_speed, false));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_speed", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_speed, false));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("gap_fill_speed", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_speed, false));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("perimeter_acceleration", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_accel, false));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_acceleration", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_accel, false));
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("gap_fill_acceleration", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_accel, false));
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("perimeter_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_width, true));
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_extrusion_width", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_width, true));//TODO: check widths and ect breaks if any values are in mm/percentage
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("perimeter_speed", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_speed, false));
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_speed", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_speed, false));
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("gap_fill_speed", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_speed, false));
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("perimeter_acceleration", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_accel, false));
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("external_perimeter_acceleration", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_accel, false));
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("gap_fill_acceleration", new ConfigOptionFloatOrPercent(er_accel, false));
if (extrusion_role == "Verify") {
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("region_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(set_advance_prefix + " ; " + er_role ));//user manual type in values
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("region_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(set_advance_prefix + " ; " + er_role ));//user manual type in values
+ new_printer_config.set_key_value("before_layer_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(std::string("{if layer_num == 0} ") + set_advance_prefix + std::to_string(first_pa) + " {endif}"));
- else{//add '\n' in? answer: you can, not mandatory as it's verified.
- model.objects[objs_idx[i]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("region_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(set_advance_prefix + std::to_string(pa_values[num_part]) + " ; " + extrusion_role ));
+ else{//add '\n' in?
+ model.objects[objs_idx[id_item]]->volumes[num_part + extra_vol]->config.set_key_value("region_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(set_advance_prefix + std::to_string(pa_values[num_part]) + " ; " + er_role ));
+ new_printer_config.set_key_value("before_layer_gcode", new ConfigOptionString(std::string("{if layer_num == 0} ") + set_advance_prefix + std::to_string(first_pa) + " {endif}"));
//update plater
@@ -761,6 +667,7 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
+ for (size_t obj_idx : objs_idx) { model.objects[obj_idx]->ensure_on_bed(); } // put at the correct z (kind of arrange-z))
@@ -769,7 +676,6 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
ObjectList* obj = this->gui_app->obj_list();
// arrange if needed, after new settings, to take them into account
if (has_to_arrange) {
//update print config (done at reslice but we need it here)
@@ -782,9 +688,8 @@ struct ExtrusionSettings {// think a struct is better instead of all the maps ?
if (extrusion_role != "Verify") {//don't auto slice so user can manual add PA values
- //plat->reslice(); //forces a slice of plater.
+ plat->reslice(); //forces a slice of plater.
if (autocenter) {
@@ -818,6 +723,153 @@ double CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::magical_scaling(double nozzle_diameter, dou
return er_width_to_scale;
+void CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_buttons(wxStdDialogButtonSizer* buttons){
+ const DynamicPrintConfig* printer_config = this->gui_app->get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)->get_config();
+ GCodeFlavor flavor = printer_config->option>("gcode_flavor")->value;
+ std::string prefix = (gcfMarlinFirmware == flavor) ? " LA " : ((gcfKlipper == flavor || gcfRepRap == flavor) ? " PA " : "unsupported firmware type");
+ if (prefix != "unsupported firmware type") {
+ wxString number_of_runs[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" };
+ nbRuns = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "1" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 5, number_of_runs);
+ nbRuns->SetToolTip(_L("Select the number of tests to generate, max 2 is recommended due to bed size limits"));
+ nbRuns->SetSelection(0);
+ nbRuns->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::on_row_change, this);
+ dynamicSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ buttons->Add(dynamicSizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5);
+ wxBoxSizer* commonSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ commonSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Number of tests: ")));
+ commonSizer->Add(nbRuns);
+ dynamicSizer->Add(commonSizer, 0, wxALL, 5);
+ currentTestCount = wxAtoi(nbRuns->GetValue());
+ wxButton* bt = new wxButton(this, wxID_FILE1, _L("Generate"));
+ bt->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_geometry, this);
+ dynamicSizer->Add(bt, 0, wxALL, 5);
+ create_row_controls(dynamicSizer, currentTestCount);
+ } else {
+ buttons->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L(prefix)));
+ }
+ //this->SetSizerAndFit(dynamicSizer);
+void CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::create_row_controls(wxBoxSizer* parent_sizer, int row_count) {
+ wxString choices_first_layerPA[] = { "0.025", "0.030", "0.035", "0.040", "0.045", "0.050" };
+ wxString choices_start_PA[] = { "0.0", "0.010", "0.020", "0.030", "0.040", "0.050" };
+ wxString choices_end_PA[] = { "0.10", "0.20", "0.30", "0.40", "0.50", "0.60", "0.70", "0.80", "0.90", "1.00" };
+ wxString choices_increment_PA[] = { "0.0010", "0.0025", "0.0035", "0.005", "0.006", "0.007", "0.01", "0.1" };
+ wxString choices_extrusion_role[] = {
+ "InternalInfill", "BridgeInfill", "ExternalPerimeter", "GapFill", "InternalBridgeInfill",
+ "Ironing", "OverhangPerimeter", "Perimeter", "SolidInfill", "SupportMaterial",
+ "SupportMaterialInterface", "ThinWall", "TopSolidInfill", "FirstLayer", "Verify"
+ };
+ const DynamicPrintConfig* printer_config = this->gui_app->get_tab(Preset::TYPE_PRINTER)->get_config();
+ GCodeFlavor flavor = printer_config->option>("gcode_flavor")->value;
+ std::string prefix = (gcfMarlinFirmware == flavor) ? " LA " : ((gcfKlipper == flavor || gcfRepRap == flavor) ? " PA " : "unsupported firmware type");
+ for (int i = 0; i < row_count; i++) {
+ wxBoxSizer* rowSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ wxComboBox* firstPaCombo = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.040" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, choices_first_layerPA);
+ //rowSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L( prefix + " Test " + std::to_string(i) + ": " ))); rowSizer->AddSpacer(5);
+ rowSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("First Layers" + prefix + "value: ")));
+ firstPaCombo->SetToolTip(_L("Select the first layer" + prefix +" value to be used for the first layer only."));
+ firstPaCombo->SetSelection(3);
+ rowSizer->Add(firstPaCombo);
+ dynamicFirstPa.push_back(firstPaCombo);
+ rowSizer->AddSpacer(15);
+ wxComboBox* startPaCombo = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.0" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 6, choices_start_PA);
+ rowSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Starting" + prefix + "value: ")));
+ startPaCombo->SetToolTip(_L("Select the starting " + prefix + " value to be used."));
+ startPaCombo->SetSelection(0);
+ rowSizer->Add(startPaCombo);
+ dynamicStartPa.push_back(startPaCombo);
+ rowSizer->AddSpacer(15);
+ wxComboBox* endPaCombo = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.10" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 10, choices_end_PA);
+ rowSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Ending" + prefix + "value: ")));
+ endPaCombo->SetToolTip(_L("Select the ending " + prefix + " value to be used."));
+ endPaCombo->SetSelection(0);
+ rowSizer->Add(endPaCombo);
+ dynamicEndPa.push_back(endPaCombo);
+ rowSizer->AddSpacer(15);
+ wxComboBox* paIncrementCombo = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "0.005" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 8, choices_increment_PA);
+ rowSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L(prefix + "increments: ")));
+ paIncrementCombo->SetToolTip(_L("Select the " + prefix + " increment amount."));
+ paIncrementCombo->SetSelection(3);
+ rowSizer->Add(paIncrementCombo);
+ dynamicPaIncrement.push_back(paIncrementCombo);
+ rowSizer->AddSpacer(15);
+ wxComboBox* erPaCombo = new wxComboBox(this, wxID_ANY, wxString{ "InternalInfill" }, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 15, choices_extrusion_role);
+ rowSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Extrusion role: ")));
+ erPaCombo->SetToolTip(_L("Select the extrusion role you want to generate a calibration for"));
+ erPaCombo->SetSelection(0);
+ rowSizer->Add(erPaCombo);
+ dynamicExtrusionRole.push_back(erPaCombo);
+ if (prefix == " PA ") {//klipper only feature ?
+ rowSizer->AddSpacer(15);
+ wxCheckBox* enableST = new wxCheckBox(this, wxID_ANY, _L(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize);
+ enableST->SetToolTip(_L("Generate smooth time values"));
+ enableST->SetValue(false);
+ rowSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this, wxID_ANY, _L("Smooth time: ")));
+ rowSizer->Add(enableST);
+ dynamicEnableST.push_back(enableST);
+ }
+ parent_sizer->Add(rowSizer, 0, wxALL, 5);
+ dynamicRowcount.push_back(rowSizer);
+ }
+void CalibrationPressureAdvDialog::on_row_change(wxCommandEvent& event) {
+ int new_test_count = wxAtoi(nbRuns->GetValue());
+ wxSize auto_size = GetSize();
+ //wxSize auto_size = DoGetBestSize();
+ if (new_test_count > currentTestCount) {
+ create_row_controls(dynamicSizer, new_test_count - currentTestCount);
+ } else if (new_test_count < currentTestCount) {
+ for (int i = currentTestCount - 1; i >= new_test_count; --i) {
+ wxBoxSizer* row = dynamicRowcount.back();
+ dynamicSizer->Detach(row);
+ row->Clear(true);
+ delete row;
+ dynamicRowcount.pop_back();
+ dynamicFirstPa.pop_back();
+ dynamicStartPa.pop_back();
+ dynamicEndPa.pop_back();
+ dynamicPaIncrement.pop_back();
+ dynamicExtrusionRole.pop_back();
+ dynamicEnableST.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
+ currentTestCount = new_test_count;
+ dynamicSizer->Layout();
+ this->Fit();
+ //this->SetSize(1600,600);
+ this->SetSize(auto_size); //makes GUI flash on updating
} // namespace GUI
} // namespace Slic3r
#pragma optimize("", on)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.hpp b/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.hpp
index 4521e07daba..2516661a104 100644
--- a/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.hpp
+++ b/src/slic3r/GUI/CalibrationPressureAdvDialog.hpp
@@ -11,24 +11,31 @@ class CalibrationPressureAdvDialog : public CalibrationAbstractDialog
CalibrationPressureAdvDialog(GUI_App* app, MainFrame* mainframe) : CalibrationAbstractDialog(app, mainframe, "Pressure calibration")
- { create(boost::filesystem::path("calibration") / "filament_pressure", "filament_pressure.html", wxSize(1600, 600)); Centre(wxBOTH);}
+ { create(boost::filesystem::path("calibration") / "filament_pressure", "filament_pressure.html", wxSize(1600, 600)); Centre(wxBOTH); currentTestCount = 1; }
virtual ~CalibrationPressureAdvDialog(){ }
void create_buttons(wxStdDialogButtonSizer* sizer) override;
+ void create_row_controls(wxBoxSizer* parent_sizer, int row_count);
void create_geometry(wxCommandEvent& event_args);
+ void on_row_change(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ double calc_PA_values(double, double, double);
double magical_scaling(double, double, double, double, double, double, double );
//i've set choice boxes for now just to save me typing numbers in when i want to test it :)
- wxComboBox* firstPa; //first layer PA -user manual entry
- wxComboBox* startPa; //starting PA value -user manual entry
- //wxTextCtrl* firstPa; //edit to suit for manual data entry,
- wxComboBox* endPa; //ending PA value -user manual entry
- wxComboBox* paIncrement;//increment PA by this value -user manual entry~~ or have drop down box ?
- wxComboBox* erPa; //extrusion role Pressure/Linear Advance -user choice select
wxComboBox* nbRuns;
- wxCheckBox* enableST; // checkbox for "smooth_time" - klipper only feature?
+ std::vector dynamicFirstPa; //first layer PA -user manual entry
+ std::vector dynamicStartPa; //starting PA value -user manual entry
+ std::vector dynamicEndPa; //ending PA value -user manual entry
+ std::vector dynamicPaIncrement; //increment PA by this value -user manual entry~~ or have drop down box ?
+ std::vector dynamicExtrusionRole;//extrusion role Pressure/Linear Advance -user choice select
+ std::vector dynamicEnableST; // checkbox for "smooth_time" - klipper only feature?
+ std::vector dynamicRowcount; // To keep track of dynamically created rows
+ wxBoxSizer* dynamicSizer;
+ int currentTestCount;
} // namespace GUI