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1360 lines (973 loc) · 45.7 KB

File metadata and controls

1360 lines (973 loc) · 45.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.



  • Fixes NullPointerException in user search API


  • Fixes slow queries for account linking


CREATE INDEX emailpassword_users_email_index ON emailpassword_users (app_id, email);
CREATE INDEX emailpassword_user_to_tenant_email_index ON emailpassword_user_to_tenant (app_id, tenant_id, email);

CREATE INDEX passwordless_users_email_index ON passwordless_users (app_id, email);
CREATE INDEX passwordless_users_phone_number_index ON passwordless_users (app_id, phone_number);
CREATE INDEX passwordless_user_to_tenant_email_index ON passwordless_user_to_tenant (app_id, tenant_id, email);
CREATE INDEX passwordless_user_to_tenant_phone_number_index ON passwordless_user_to_tenant (app_id, tenant_id, phone_number);

CREATE INDEX thirdparty_user_to_tenant_third_party_user_id_index ON thirdparty_user_to_tenant (app_id, tenant_id, third_party_id, third_party_user_id);


  • Adds queries for Bulk Import
  • Adds support for multithreaded bulk import
  • Optimize getUserIdMappingWithEitherSuperTokensUserIdOrExternalUserId query
  • Adds indexing on session_info table for user_id, app_id columns


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bulk_import_users (
                id CHAR(36),
                app_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
                primary_user_id VARCHAR(36),
                raw_data TEXT NOT NULL,
                status VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT 'NEW',
                error_msg TEXT,
                created_at BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, 
                updated_at BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, 
                PRIMARY KEY (app_id, id),
                FOREIGN KEY(app_id) REFERENCES apps(app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX bulk_import_users_status_updated_at_index ON bulk_import_users (app_id, status, updated_at);

CREATE INDEX bulk_import_users_pagination_index1 ON bulk_import_users (app_id, status, created_at DESC,
 id DESC);
CREATE INDEX bulk_import_users_pagination_index2 ON bulk_import_users (app_id, created_at DESC, id DESC);

CREATE INDEX session_info_user_id_app_id_index ON session_info (user_id, app_id);

[7.2.0] - 2024-10-03

  • Compatible with plugin interface version 6.3
  • Adds support for OAuthStorage


  app_id VARCHAR(64),
  client_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  is_client_credentials_only BOOLEAN NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (app_id, client_id),

  gid VARCHAR(255),
  app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
  client_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  session_handle VARCHAR(128),
  external_refresh_token VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE,
  internal_refresh_token VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE,
  PRIMARY KEY (gid),
  FOREIGN KEY(app_id, client_id) REFERENCES oauth_clients(app_id, client_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX oauth_session_exp_index ON oauth_sessions(exp DESC);
CREATE INDEX oauth_session_external_refresh_token_index ON oauth_sessions(app_id, external_refresh_token DESC);

CREATE TABLE oauth_m2m_tokens (
  app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
  client_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (app_id, client_id, iat),
  FOREIGN KEY(app_id, client_id) REFERENCES oauth_clients(app_id, client_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX oauth_m2m_token_iat_index ON oauth_m2m_tokens(iat DESC, app_id DESC);
CREATE INDEX oauth_m2m_token_exp_index ON oauth_m2m_tokens(exp DESC);

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_logout_challenges (
  app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
  challenge VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
  client_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  post_logout_redirect_uri VARCHAR(1024),
  session_handle VARCHAR(128),
  state VARCHAR(128),
  PRIMARY KEY (app_id, challenge),
  FOREIGN KEY(app_id, client_id) REFERENCES oauth_clients(app_id, client_id) ON DELETE CASCADE

CREATE INDEX oauth_logout_challenges_time_created_index ON oauth_logout_challenges(time_created ASC, app_id ASC);

[7.1.3] - 2024-09-04

  • Adds index on last_active_time for user_last_active table to improve the performance of MAU computation.


CREATE INDEX user_last_active_last_active_time_index ON user_last_active (last_active_time DESC, app_id DESC);

[7.1.2] - 2024-08-08

  • Fixes tests that check for Internal Error in 500 status responses

[7.1.1] - 2024-06-29

  • Fixes issue where is_third_party_providers_null is added to the tenant_configs table.


ALTER TABLE tenant_configs DROP COLUMN is_third_party_providers_null;

[7.1.0] - 2024-05-24

  • Compatible with plugin interface version 6.2
  • Adds implementation for a new method getConfigFieldsInfo to fetch the plugin config fields.
  • Adds DashboardInfo annotations to the config properties in PostgreSQLConfig
  • Adds null state for firstFactors by adding is_first_factors_null field in tenant_configs table. The value of this column is only applicable when there are no entries in the tenant_first_factors table for the tenant.


ALTER TABLE tenant_configs ADD COLUMN is_first_factors_null BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE;
ALTER TABLE tenant_configs ADD COLUMN is_third_party_providers_null BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE;

ALTER TABLE tenant_configs ALTER COLUMN is_first_factors_null DROP DEFAULT;
ALTER TABLE tenant_configs ALTER COLUMN is_third_party_providers_null DROP DEFAULT;

[7.0.1] - 2024-04-17

  • Fixes issues with partial failures during tenant creation

[7.0.0] - 2024-03-13

  • Replace TotpNotEnabledError with UnknownUserIdTotpError.
  • Support for MFA recipe
  • Adds firstFactors and requiredSecondaryFactors for tenant config.
  • Adds a new useStaticKey param to updateSessionInfo_Transaction
    • This enables smooth switching between useDynamicAccessTokenSigningKey settings by allowing refresh calls to change the signing key type of a session
  • Fixes performance issue with user pagination


Make sure the core is already upgraded to version 8.0.0 before migrating

ALTER TABLE totp_user_devices ADD COLUMN created_at BIGINT UNSIGNED default 0;
ALTER TABLE totp_user_devices 
DROP INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index2 ON all_auth_recipe_users;
DROP INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index4 ON all_auth_recipe_users;

[6.0.0] - 2024-03-05

  • Implements deleteAllUserRoleAssociationsForRole
  • Drops (app_id, role) foreign key constraint on user_roles table


ALTER TABLE user_roles DROP FOREIGN KEY user_roles_ibfk_1;
ALTER TABLE user_roles DROP FOREIGN KEY user_roles_ibfk_2;
ALTER TABLE user_roles
  ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
    REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;

[5.0.7] - 2024-02-19

  • Fixes vulnerabilities in dependencies

[5.0.6] - 2024-01-25

  • Fixes the issue where passwords were inadvertently logged in the logs.
  • Adds tests to check connection pool behaviour.
  • Adds mysql_idle_connection_timeout and mysql_minimum_idle_connections configs to control active connections to the database.

[5.0.5] - 2023-12-06

  • Validates db config types in canBeUsed function

[5.0.4] - 2023-11-10

  • Adds index on app_id_to_user_id table to improve performance of get user by id queries
  • Fixes call to getPrimaryUserInfoForUserIds_Transaction in listPrimaryUsersByThirdPartyInfo_Transaction


Run the following SQL script:

CREATE INDEX app_id_to_user_id_primary_user_id_index ON app_id_to_user_id (primary_or_recipe_user_id);
CREATE INDEX app_id_to_user_id_user_id_index ON app_id_to_user_id (user_id);

[5.0.3] - 2023-11-10

  • Fixes issue with email verification with user id mapping

[5.0.2] - 2023-11-01

  • Fixes verified in loginMethods for users with userId mapping

[5.0.1] - 2023-10-12

  • Fixes user info from primary user id query
  • Fixes deviceIdHash issue

[5.0.0] - 2023-09-19


  • Support for Account Linking
    • Adds columns primary_or_recipe_user_id, is_linked_or_is_a_primary_user and primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined to all_auth_recipe_users table
    • Adds columns primary_or_recipe_user_id and is_linked_or_is_a_primary_user to app_id_to_user_id table
    • Removes index all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index and addes all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index1, all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index2, all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index3 and all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index4 indexes instead on all_auth_recipe_users table
    • Adds all_auth_recipe_users_recipe_id_index on all_auth_recipe_users table
    • Adds all_auth_recipe_users_primary_user_id_index on all_auth_recipe_users table
    • Adds email column to emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens table
    • Changes user_id foreign key constraint on emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens to app_id_to_user_id table


  1. Ensure that the core is already upgraded to the version 6.0.13 (CDI version 3.0)
  2. Stop the core instance(s)
  3. Run the migration script
     ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
       ADD primary_or_recipe_user_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('0');
     ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
       ADD is_linked_or_is_a_primary_user BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE;
     ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
       ADD primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
     UPDATE all_auth_recipe_users
       SET primary_or_recipe_user_id = user_id
       WHERE primary_or_recipe_user_id = '0';
     UPDATE all_auth_recipe_users
       SET primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined = time_joined
       WHERE primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined = 0;
     ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
       ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, primary_or_recipe_user_id)
       REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
     ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
       ALTER primary_or_recipe_user_id DROP DEFAULT;
     ALTER TABLE app_id_to_user_id
       ADD primary_or_recipe_user_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('0');
     ALTER TABLE app_id_to_user_id
       ADD is_linked_or_is_a_primary_user BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE;
     UPDATE app_id_to_user_id
       SET primary_or_recipe_user_id = user_id
       WHERE primary_or_recipe_user_id = '0';
     ALTER TABLE app_id_to_user_id
       ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, primary_or_recipe_user_id)
       REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
     ALTER TABLE app_id_to_user_id
       ALTER primary_or_recipe_user_id DROP DEFAULT;
     DROP INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index ON all_auth_recipe_users;
     CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index1 ON all_auth_recipe_users (
       app_id, tenant_id, primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined DESC, primary_or_recipe_user_id DESC);
     CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index2 ON all_auth_recipe_users (
       app_id, tenant_id, primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined ASC, primary_or_recipe_user_id DESC);
     CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index3 ON all_auth_recipe_users (
       recipe_id, app_id, tenant_id, primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined DESC, primary_or_recipe_user_id DESC);
     CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index4 ON all_auth_recipe_users (
       recipe_id, app_id, tenant_id, primary_or_recipe_user_time_joined ASC, primary_or_recipe_user_id DESC);
     CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_primary_user_id_index ON all_auth_recipe_users (primary_or_recipe_user_id, app_id);
     CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_recipe_id_index ON all_auth_recipe_users (app_id, recipe_id, tenant_id);
     ALTER TABLE emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens 
       DROP FOREIGN KEY emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens_ibfk_1;
     ALTER TABLE emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens
       ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id) REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
     ALTER TABLE emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens ADD email VARCHAR(256);
  4. Run the new instance(s) of the core (version 7.0.0)


  • Fixes null pointer issue when user belongs to no tenant.

[4.0.1] - 2023-07-11

  • Fixes duplicate users in users search queries when user is associated to multiple tenants

[4.0.0] - 2023-06-02


  • Support for multitenancy
    • New tables apps and tenants have been added.
    • Schema of tables have been changed, adding app_id and tenant_id columns in tables and constraints & indexes have been modified to include this columns.
    • New user tables have been added to map users to apps and tenants.
    • New tables for multitenancy have been added.
  • Increased transaction retry count to 50 from 20.


  1. Ensure that the core is already upgraded to version 5.0.0 (CDI version 2.21)

  2. Stop the core instance(s)

  3. Run the migration script

    -- helper stored procedures
    CREATE PROCEDURE st_drop_all_fkeys()
      DECLARE dropCommand VARCHAR(255);
      DECLARE dropCur CURSOR for 
              SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE ', table_schema,'.',table_name,' DROP FOREIGN KEY ', constraint_name, ';') 
              FROM information_schema.table_constraints
              WHERE constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY' 
                  AND table_schema = DATABASE()
                  AND table_name in (
      DECLARE CONTINUE handler for NOT found SET done = true;
        OPEN dropCur;
        read_loop: LOOP
            FETCH dropCur INTO dropCommand;
            IF done THEN
                leave read_loop;
            END IF;
            SET @sdropCommand = dropCommand;
            PREPARE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt FROM @sdropCommand;
            EXECUTE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
            DEALLOCATE prepare dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE dropCur;
    END //
    CREATE PROCEDURE st_drop_all_pkeys()
      DECLARE dropCommand VARCHAR(255);
      DECLARE dropCur CURSOR for 
              SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE ', table_schema,'.',table_name,' DROP PRIMARY KEY ', ';') 
              FROM information_schema.table_constraints
              WHERE constraint_type='PRIMARY KEY' 
                  AND table_schema = DATABASE()
                  AND table_name in (
      DECLARE CONTINUE handler for NOT found SET done = true;
        OPEN dropCur;
        read_loop: LOOP
            FETCH dropCur INTO dropCommand;
            IF done THEN
                leave read_loop;
            END IF;
            SET @sdropCommand = dropCommand;
            PREPARE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt FROM @sdropCommand;
            EXECUTE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
            DEALLOCATE prepare dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE dropCur;
    END //
    CREATE PROCEDURE st_drop_all_keys()
      DECLARE dropCommand VARCHAR(255);
      DECLARE dropCur CURSOR for 
              SELECT concat('ALTER TABLE ', table_schema,'.',table_name,' DROP INDEX ', constraint_name, ';') 
              FROM information_schema.table_constraints
              WHERE constraint_type='UNIQUE' 
                  AND table_schema = DATABASE()
                  AND table_name in (
      DECLARE CONTINUE handler for NOT found SET done = true;
        OPEN dropCur;
        read_loop: LOOP
            FETCH dropCur INTO dropCommand;
            IF done THEN
                leave read_loop;
            END IF;
            SET @sdropCommand = dropCommand;
            PREPARE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt FROM @sdropCommand;
            EXECUTE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
            DEALLOCATE prepare dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE dropCur;
    END //
    CREATE PROCEDURE st_drop_all_indexes()
      DECLARE dropCommand VARCHAR(255);
      DECLARE dropCur CURSOR for 
              SELECT DISTINCT concat('ALTER TABLE ', table_schema, '.', table_name, ' DROP INDEX ', index_name, ';')
              FROM information_schema.statistics
              WHERE NON_UNIQUE = 1 
                AND table_schema = database()
                AND table_name in (
      DECLARE CONTINUE handler for NOT found SET done = true;
        OPEN dropCur;
        read_loop: LOOP
            FETCH dropCur INTO dropCommand;
            IF done THEN
                leave read_loop;
            END IF;
            SET @sdropCommand = dropCommand;
            PREPARE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt FROM @sdropCommand;
            EXECUTE dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
            DEALLOCATE prepare dropClientUpdateKeyStmt;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE dropCur;
    END //
    CREATE PROCEDURE st_add_column_if_not_exists(
    IN p_table_name varchar(50), 
    IN p_column_name varchar(50),
    IN p_column_type varchar(50),
    IN p_additional varchar(100),
    OUT p_status_message varchar(100))
        DECLARE v_count INT;
        # Check wether column exist or not
        SELECT count(*) INTO v_count
        FROM information_schema.columns
        WHERE table_schema = database()
            AND table_name   = p_table_name
            AND column_name  = p_column_name;
        IF v_count > 0 THEN
          # Return column already exists message
          SELECT 'Column already Exists' INTO p_status_message;
            # Add Column and return success message
          set @ddl_addcolumn=CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ',database(),'.',p_table_name,
          ' ADD COLUMN ',p_column_name,' ',p_column_type,' ',p_additional);
        prepare add_column_sql from @ddl_addcolumn;
        execute add_column_sql;
          SELECT 'Column Successfully  Created!' INTO p_status_message;
        END IF;
    END //
    -- Drop constraints and indexes
    CALL st_drop_all_fkeys();
    CALL st_drop_all_keys();
    CALL st_drop_all_pkeys();
    CALL st_drop_all_indexes(); 
    -- General Tables
      app_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
      created_at_time BIGINT UNSIGNED
    ALTER TABLE apps
      ADD PRIMARY KEY(app_id);
    INSERT IGNORE INTO apps (app_id, created_at_time) 
      VALUES ('public', 0);
      app_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
      tenant_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
      created_at_time BIGINT UNSIGNED
    ALTER TABLE tenants
      ADD PRIMARY KEY(app_id, tenant_id);
    ALTER TABLE tenants
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    INSERT IGNORE INTO tenants (app_id, tenant_id, created_at_time) 
      VALUES ('public', 'public', 0);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('key_value', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('key_value', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE key_value
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, name);
    ALTER TABLE key_value
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS app_id_to_user_id (
      app_id VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'public',
      user_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
      recipe_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL
    ALTER TABLE app_id_to_user_id
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE app_id_to_user_id
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    INSERT IGNORE INTO app_id_to_user_id (user_id, recipe_id) 
      SELECT user_id, recipe_id
      FROM all_auth_recipe_users;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('all_auth_recipe_users', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('all_auth_recipe_users', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    ALTER TABLE all_auth_recipe_users
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX all_auth_recipe_users_pagination_index ON all_auth_recipe_users (time_joined DESC, user_id DESC, tenant_id DESC, app_id DESC);
    -- Multitenancy
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant_configs (
      connection_uri_domain VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT '',
      app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      core_config TEXT,
      email_password_enabled BOOLEAN,
      passwordless_enabled BOOLEAN,
      third_party_enabled BOOLEAN
    ALTER TABLE tenant_configs
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (connection_uri_domain, app_id, tenant_id);
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant_thirdparty_providers (
      connection_uri_domain VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT '',
      app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      third_party_id VARCHAR(28) NOT NULL,
      name VARCHAR(64),
      authorization_endpoint TEXT,
      authorization_endpoint_query_params TEXT,
      token_endpoint TEXT,
      token_endpoint_body_params TEXT,
      user_info_endpoint TEXT,
      user_info_endpoint_query_params TEXT,
      user_info_endpoint_headers TEXT,
      jwks_uri TEXT,
      oidc_discovery_endpoint TEXT,
      require_email BOOLEAN,
      user_info_map_from_id_token_payload_user_id VARCHAR(64),
      user_info_map_from_id_token_payload_email VARCHAR(64),
      user_info_map_from_id_token_payload_email_verified VARCHAR(64),
      user_info_map_from_user_info_endpoint_user_id VARCHAR(64),
      user_info_map_from_user_info_endpoint_email VARCHAR(64),
      user_info_map_from_user_info_endpoint_email_verified VARCHAR(64)
    ALTER TABLE tenant_thirdparty_providers
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (connection_uri_domain, app_id, tenant_id, third_party_id);
    ALTER TABLE tenant_thirdparty_providers
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (connection_uri_domain, app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenant_configs (connection_uri_domain, app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tenant_thirdparty_provider_clients (
      connection_uri_domain VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT '',
      app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      third_party_id VARCHAR(28) NOT NULL,
      client_type VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
      client_id VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
      client_secret TEXT,
      scope TEXT,
      force_pkce BOOLEAN,
      additional_config TEXT
    ALTER TABLE tenant_thirdparty_provider_clients
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (connection_uri_domain, app_id, tenant_id, third_party_id, client_type);
    ALTER TABLE tenant_thirdparty_provider_clients
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (connection_uri_domain, app_id, tenant_id, third_party_id)
        REFERENCES tenant_thirdparty_providers (connection_uri_domain, app_id, tenant_id, third_party_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    -- Session
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('session_info', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('session_info', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE session_info
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, session_handle);
    ALTER TABLE session_info
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX session_expiry_index ON session_info (expires_at);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('session_access_token_signing_keys', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE session_access_token_signing_keys
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, created_at_time);
    ALTER TABLE session_access_token_signing_keys
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    -- JWT
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('jwt_signing_keys', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE jwt_signing_keys
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, key_id);
    ALTER TABLE jwt_signing_keys
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    -- EmailVerification
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('emailverification_verified_emails', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE emailverification_verified_emails
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id, email);
    ALTER TABLE emailverification_verified_emails
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('emailverification_tokens', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('emailverification_tokens', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE emailverification_tokens
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id, email, token);
    ALTER TABLE emailverification_tokens
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    ALTER TABLE emailverification_tokens
      ADD CONSTRAINT token UNIQUE (token);
    CREATE INDEX emailverification_tokens_index ON emailverification_tokens(token_expiry);
    -- EmailPassword
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('emailpassword_users', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_users
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_users
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    -- --
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS emailpassword_user_to_tenant (
      app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      user_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
      email VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_user_to_tenant
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_user_to_tenant
      ADD CONSTRAINT email UNIQUE (app_id, tenant_id, email);
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_user_to_tenant
      ADD CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES all_auth_recipe_users (app_id, tenant_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    INSERT IGNORE INTO emailpassword_user_to_tenant (user_id, email)
      SELECT user_id, email FROM emailpassword_users;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id, token);
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES emailpassword_users (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    ALTER TABLE emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens
      ADD CONSTRAINT token UNIQUE (token);
    CREATE INDEX emailpassword_password_reset_token_expiry_index ON emailpassword_pswd_reset_tokens (token_expiry);
    -- Passwordless
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('passwordless_users', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_users
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_users
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS passwordless_user_to_tenant (
      app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      user_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
      email VARCHAR(256),
      phone_number VARCHAR(256)
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_user_to_tenant
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_user_to_tenant
      ADD CONSTRAINT email UNIQUE (app_id, tenant_id, email);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_user_to_tenant
      ADD CONSTRAINT phone_number UNIQUE (app_id, tenant_id, phone_number);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_user_to_tenant
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES all_auth_recipe_users (app_id, tenant_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    INSERT IGNORE INTO passwordless_user_to_tenant (user_id, email, phone_number)
      SELECT user_id, email, phone_number FROM passwordless_users;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('passwordless_devices', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('passwordless_devices', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_devices
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, device_id_hash);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_devices
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX passwordless_devices_email_index ON passwordless_devices (app_id, tenant_id, email);
    CREATE INDEX passwordless_devices_phone_number_index ON passwordless_devices (app_id, tenant_id, phone_number);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('passwordless_codes', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('passwordless_codes', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_codes
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, code_id);
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_codes
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id, device_id_hash)
        REFERENCES passwordless_devices (app_id, tenant_id, device_id_hash) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    ALTER TABLE passwordless_codes
      ADD CONSTRAINT link_code_hash
        UNIQUE (app_id, tenant_id, link_code_hash);
    CREATE INDEX passwordless_codes_created_at_index ON passwordless_codes (app_id, tenant_id, created_at);
    -- ThirdParty
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('thirdparty_users', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE thirdparty_users
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE thirdparty_users
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX thirdparty_users_thirdparty_user_id_index ON thirdparty_users (app_id, third_party_id, third_party_user_id);
    CREATE INDEX thirdparty_users_email_index ON thirdparty_users (app_id, email);
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS thirdparty_user_to_tenant (
      app_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      tenant_id VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT 'public',
      user_id CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
      third_party_id VARCHAR(28) NOT NULL,
      third_party_user_id VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL
    ALTER TABLE thirdparty_user_to_tenant
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE thirdparty_user_to_tenant
      ADD CONSTRAINT third_party_user_id
        UNIQUE (app_id, tenant_id, third_party_id, third_party_user_id);
    ALTER TABLE thirdparty_user_to_tenant
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES all_auth_recipe_users (app_id, tenant_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    INSERT IGNORE INTO thirdparty_user_to_tenant (user_id, third_party_id, third_party_user_id)
      SELECT user_id, third_party_id, third_party_user_id FROM thirdparty_users;
    -- UserIdMapping
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('userid_mapping', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE userid_mapping
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, supertokens_user_id, external_user_id);
    ALTER TABLE userid_mapping
      ADD CONSTRAINT supertokens_user_id
        UNIQUE (app_id, supertokens_user_id);
    ALTER TABLE userid_mapping
      ADD CONSTRAINT external_user_id
        UNIQUE (app_id, external_user_id);
    ALTER TABLE userid_mapping
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, supertokens_user_id)
        REFERENCES app_id_to_user_id (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    -- UserRoles
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('roles', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE roles
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, role);
    ALTER TABLE roles
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('role_permissions', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE role_permissions
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, role, permission);
    ALTER TABLE role_permissions
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, role)
        REFERENCES roles (app_id, role) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX role_permissions_permission_index ON role_permissions (app_id, permission);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('user_roles', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('user_roles', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE user_roles
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id, role);
    ALTER TABLE user_roles
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, role)
        REFERENCES roles (app_id, role) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    ALTER TABLE user_roles
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX user_roles_role_index ON user_roles (app_id, tenant_id, role);
    -- UserMetadata
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('user_metadata', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE user_metadata
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE user_metadata
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    -- Dashboard
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('dashboard_users', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE dashboard_users
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE dashboard_users
      ADD CONSTRAINT email
        UNIQUE (app_id, email);
    ALTER TABLE dashboard_users
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('dashboard_user_sessions', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE dashboard_user_sessions
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, session_id);
    ALTER TABLE dashboard_user_sessions
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES dashboard_users (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX dashboard_user_sessions_expiry_index ON dashboard_user_sessions (expiry);
    -- TOTP
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('totp_users', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE totp_users
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE totp_users
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('totp_user_devices', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE totp_user_devices
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id, device_name);
    ALTER TABLE totp_user_devices
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES totp_users (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('totp_used_codes', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('totp_used_codes', 'tenant_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE totp_used_codes
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, tenant_id, user_id, created_time_ms);
    ALTER TABLE totp_used_codes
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, user_id)
        REFERENCES totp_users (app_id, user_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    ALTER TABLE totp_used_codes
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id, tenant_id)
        REFERENCES tenants (app_id, tenant_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    CREATE INDEX totp_used_codes_expiry_time_ms_index ON totp_used_codes (app_id, tenant_id, expiry_time_ms);
    -- ActiveUsers
    CALL st_add_column_if_not_exists('user_last_active', 'app_id', 'VARCHAR(64)', 'NOT NULL DEFAULT \'public\'', @status_message);
    ALTER TABLE user_last_active
      ADD PRIMARY KEY (app_id, user_id);
    ALTER TABLE user_last_active
      ADD FOREIGN KEY (app_id)
        REFERENCES apps (app_id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
    -- Drop procedures
    DROP PROCEDURE st_drop_all_fkeys;
    DROP PROCEDURE st_drop_all_keys;
    DROP PROCEDURE st_drop_all_pkeys;
    DROP PROCEDURE st_drop_all_indexes;
    DROP PROCEDURE st_add_column_if_not_exists;
  4. Start the new instance(s) of the core (version 6.0.0)

[3.0.0] - 2023-04-05

  • Adds use_static_key BOOLEAN column into session_info
  • Adds support for plugin inteface version 2.23


  • If using access_token_signing_key_dynamic false in the core:
    ALTER TABLE session_info ADD COLUMN use_static_key BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT true; ALTER TABLE session_info ALTER COLUMN use_static_key DROP DEFAULT;
    - ```sql
    INSERT INTO jwt_signing_keys(key_id, key_string, algorithm, created_at)
      select CONCAT('s-', created_at_time) as key_id, value as key_string, 'RS256' as algorithm, created_at_time as created_at
      from session_access_token_signing_keys;
  • If using access_token_signing_key_dynamic true (or not set) in the core:
    ALTER TABLE session_info ADD COLUMN use_static_key BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE session_info ALTER COLUMN use_static_key DROP DEFAULT;

[2.4.0] - 2023-03-30

  • Support for Dashboard Search

[2.3.0] - 2023-03-27

  • Support for TOTP recipe
  • Support for active users

Database changes

  • Add new tables for TOTP recipe:
    • totp_users that stores the users that have enabled TOTP
    • totp_user_devices that stores devices (each device has its own secret) for each user
    • totp_used_codes that stores used codes for each user. This is to implement rate limiting and prevent replay attacks.
  • Add user_last_active table to store the last active time of a user.

[2.2.0] - 2023-02-21

  • Support for Dashboard Recipe

[2.1.0] - 2022-11-07

[2.0.0] - 2022-09-19

  • Updates the third_party_user_id column in the thirdparty_users table from VARCHAR(128) to VARCHAR(256) to resolve supertokens/supertokens-core#306

  • Adds support for user migration

    • Updates the password_hash column in the emailpassword_users table from VARCHAR(128) to VARCHAR(256) to support more types of password hashes.
  • For legacy users who are self hosting the SuperTokens core run the following command to update your database with the changes: ALTER TABLE thirdparty_users MODIFY third_party_user_id VARCHAR(256); ALTER TABLE emailpassword_users MODIFY password_hash VARCHAR(256);

[1.19.0] - 2022-08-18

  • Adds log level feature and compatibility with plugin interface 2.18

[1.18.0] - 2022-08-10

  • Adds compatibility with plugin interface 2.17

[1.17.0] - 2022-07-07

  • Support for UserIdMapping

[1.16.0] - 2022-06-07

  • Compatibility with plugin interface 2.15 - returns only non expired session handles for a user

[1.15.0] - 2022-05-05

  • Support for User Roles



  • Support for usermetadata
  • Fixes issue #31

[1.13.0] - 2022-02-23


  • Using lower transaction isolation level while creating passwordless device with code
  • Fixed ResultSet instances to avoid Memory Leaks

[1.12.1] - 2022-02-16

  • Fixed supertokens/supertokens-core#373: Catching StorageTransactionLogicException in transaction helper function for retries
  • add workflow to verify if pr title follows conventional commits

[1.12.0] - 2022-01-14


  • passwordless support

[1.11.0] - 2021-12-19


  • Delete user functionality

[1.10.0] - 2021-09-10


  • Updated to match 2.9 plugin interface to support multiple access token signing keys: supertokens/supertokens-core#305
  • Added functions and other changes for the JWT recipe

[1.9.0] - 2021-06-20



[1.8.0] - 2021-04-20


[1.7.0] - 2021-02-16


  • Extracted email verification as its own recipe
  • ThirdParty queries

[1.6.0] - 2021-01-14


  • Used rowmapper ineterface
  • Adds email verificaiton queries and tables
  • Adds user pagination queries

[1.5.0] - 2020-11-06


  • Support for emailpassword recipe
  • Refactoring of queries to put them per recipe
  • Changes base interface as per plugin interface 2.4

[1.3.0] - 2020-05-21


  • Adds check to know if in memory db should be used.

[1.2.2] - 2020-05-14


  • Updated MariaDB driver to support other authentication types