diff --git a/sweepai/agents/modify.py b/sweepai/agents/modify.py
index c7188136f2..dcafefa38d 100644
--- a/sweepai/agents/modify.py
+++ b/sweepai/agents/modify.py
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ def generate_code_suggestions(
         if fcr.filename not in modify_order:
-    code_suggestions = []
+    applied_code_suggestions = []
     for file_path in modify_order:
         if file_path in modify_files_dict:
             file_data = modify_files_dict[file_path]
             if file_data["original_contents"] != file_data["contents"]:
-                code_suggestions.append(StatefulCodeSuggestion(
+                applied_code_suggestions.append(StatefulCodeSuggestion(
@@ -38,26 +38,23 @@ def generate_code_suggestions(
-    current_fcr_index = next((i for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs) if not fcr.is_completed), -1)
-    if current_fcr_index >= 0:
-        for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs):
-            if i < current_fcr_index:
-                continue
-            else:
-                parsed_fcr = parse_fcr(fcr)
-                try:
-                    file_contents = cloned_repo.get_file_contents(fcr.filename)
-                except FileNotFoundError:
-                    file_contents = ""
-                code_suggestions.append(StatefulCodeSuggestion(
-                    file_path=fcr.filename,
-                    original_code=parsed_fcr["original_code"][0] if parsed_fcr["original_code"] else "",
-                    new_code=parsed_fcr["new_code"][0] if parsed_fcr["new_code"] else "",
-                    file_contents=file_contents,
-                    state=("processing" if i == current_fcr_index else "pending"),
-                    error=error_messages_dict.get(i, None)
-                ))
-    return code_suggestions
+    queued_code_suggestions = []
+    current_fcr_index = next((i for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs) if not fcr.is_completed), len(fcrs))
+    for i, fcr in enumerate(fcrs):
+        parsed_fcr = parse_fcr(fcr)
+        try:
+            file_contents = cloned_repo.get_file_contents(fcr.filename)
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            file_contents = ""
+        queued_code_suggestions.append(StatefulCodeSuggestion(
+            file_path=fcr.filename,
+            original_code=parsed_fcr["original_code"][0] if parsed_fcr["original_code"] else "",
+            new_code=parsed_fcr["new_code"][0] if parsed_fcr["new_code"] else "",
+            file_contents=file_contents,
+            state=("processing" if i == current_fcr_index else ("pending" if i > current_fcr_index else "done")),
+            error=error_messages_dict.get(i, None)
+        ))
+    return applied_code_suggestions, queued_code_suggestions
 def modify(
diff --git a/sweepai/chat/api.py b/sweepai/chat/api.py
index e8e0c0214d..6152bd3c31 100644
--- a/sweepai/chat/api.py
+++ b/sweepai/chat/api.py
@@ -825,6 +825,7 @@ def handle_function_call(function_call: AnthropicFunctionCall, repo_name: str, s
 async def autofix(
     repo_name: str = Body(...),
     code_suggestions: list[CodeSuggestion] = Body(...),
+    modify_files_dict: dict = Body({}),
     branch: str = Body(None),
     access_token: str = Depends(get_token_header)
 ):# -> dict[str, Any] | StreamingResponse:
@@ -867,13 +868,17 @@ async def autofix(
     def stream():
-            for stateful_code_suggestions in modify.stream(
+            for applied_code_suggestions, queued_code_suggestions in modify.stream(
                 relevant_filepaths=[code_suggestion.file_path for code_suggestion in code_suggestions],
+                previous_modify_files_dict=modify_files_dict
-                yield json.dumps([stateful_code_suggestion.__dict__ for stateful_code_suggestion in stateful_code_suggestions])
+                yield json.dumps({
+                    "applied_code_suggestions": [stateful_code_suggestion.__dict__ for stateful_code_suggestion in applied_code_suggestions],
+                    "queued_code_suggestions": [stateful_code_suggestion.__dict__ for stateful_code_suggestion in queued_code_suggestions]
+                })
         except Exception as e:
             yield json.dumps({"error": str(e)})
             raise e
@@ -1060,7 +1065,9 @@ async def create_pull_metadata(
 async def validate_pull(
     repo_name: str = Body(...),
+    # branch: str = Body(...),
     pull_request_number: int = Body(...),
+    modify_files_dict: dict = Body({}),
     access_token: str = Depends(get_token_header)
     with Timer() as timer:
@@ -1163,7 +1170,6 @@ async def write_message_to_disk(
     repo_name: str = Body(...),
     messages: list[Message] = Body(...),
     snippets: list[Snippet] = Body(...),
-    original_code_suggestions: list = Body([]),
     code_suggestions: list = Body([]),
     pull_request: dict | None = Body(None),
     pull_request_title: str = Body(""),
@@ -1180,7 +1186,6 @@ async def write_message_to_disk(
             "repo_name": repo_name,
             "messages": [message.model_dump() for message in messages],
             "snippets": [snippet.model_dump() for snippet in snippets],
-            "original_code_suggestions": [code_suggestion.__dict__ if isinstance(code_suggestion, CodeSuggestion) else code_suggestion for code_suggestion in original_code_suggestions],
             "code_suggestions": [code_suggestion.__dict__ if isinstance(code_suggestion, CodeSuggestion) else code_suggestion for code_suggestion in code_suggestions],
             "pull_request": pull_request,
             "user_mentioned_pull_request": user_mentioned_pull_request,
@@ -1191,6 +1196,7 @@ async def write_message_to_disk(
         with open(f"{CACHE_DIRECTORY}/messages/{message_id}.json", "w") as file:
             json.dump(data, file)
+        logger.info(f"Saved {len(messages)} messages to {message_id}.json")
         return {"status": "success", "message": "Message written to disk successfully.", "message_id": message_id}
     except Exception as e:
         logger.error(f"Failed to write message to disk: {str(e)}")
@@ -1203,6 +1209,7 @@ async def read_message_from_disk(
         with open(f"{CACHE_DIRECTORY}/messages/{message_id}.json", "r") as file:
             message_data = json.load(file)
+        logger.info(f"Loaded {len(message_data['messages'])} messages from {message_id}.json")
         return {
             "status": "success",
             "message": "Message read from disk successfully.",