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28.方法和初始化器 Methods and Initializers

When you are on the dancefloor, there is nothing to do but dance.

​ —— Umberto Eco, The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana


It is time for our virtual machine to bring its nascent objects to life with behavior. That means methods and method calls. And, since they are a special kind of method, initializers too.


All of this is familiar territory from our previous jlox interpreter. What’s new in this second trip is an important optimization we’ll implement to make method calls over seven times faster than our baseline performance. But before we get to that fun, we gotta get the basic stuff working.


28 . 1 Method Declarations

28.1 方法声明

We can’t optimize method calls before we have method calls, and we can’t call methods without having methods to call, so we’ll start with declarations.


28 . 1 . 1 Representing methods

28.1.1 表示方法

We usually start in the compiler, but let’s knock the object model out first this time. The runtime representation for methods in clox is similar to that of jlox. Each class stores a hash table of methods. Keys are method names, and each value is an ObjClosure for the body of the method.



typedef struct {
  Obj obj;
  ObjString* name;
  // 新增部分开始
  Table methods;
  // 新增部分结束
} ObjClass;

A brand new class begins with an empty method table.



  klass->name = name;
  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束
  return klass;

The ObjClass struct owns the memory for this table, so when the memory manager deallocates a class, the table should be freed too.

ObjClass 结构体拥有该表的内存,因此当内存管理器释放某个类时,该表也应该被释放。


    case OBJ_CLASS: {
      // 新增部分开始
      ObjClass* klass = (ObjClass*)object;
      // 新增部分结束
      FREE(ObjClass, object);

Speaking of memory managers, the GC needs to trace through classes into the method table. If a class is still reachable (likely through some instance), then all of its methods certainly need to stick around too.



      // 新增部分开始
      // 新增部分结束

We use the existing markTable() function, which traces through the key string and value in each table entry.


Storing a class’s methods is pretty familiar coming from jlox. The different part is how that table gets populated. Our previous interpreter had access to the entire AST node for the class declaration and all of the methods it contained. At runtime, the interpreter simply walked that list of declarations.


Now every piece of information the compiler wants to shunt over to the runtime has to squeeze through the interface of a flat series of bytecode instructions. How do we take a class declaration, which can contain an arbitrarily large set of methods, and represent it as bytecode? Let’s hop over to the compiler and find out.


28 . 1 . 2 Compiling method declarations

28.1.2 编译方法声明

The last chapter left us with a compiler that parses classes but allows only an empty body. Now we insert a little code to compile a series of method declarations between the braces.



  consume(TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE, "Expect '{' before class body.");
  // 新增部分开始
  while (!check(TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE) && !check(TOKEN_EOF)) {
  // 新增部分结束
  consume(TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE, "Expect '}' after class body.");

Lox doesn’t have field declarations, so anything before the closing brace at the end of the class body must be a method. We stop compiling methods when we hit that final curly or if we reach the end of the file. The latter check ensures our compiler doesn’t get stuck in an infinite loop if the user accidentally forgets the closing brace.


The tricky part with compiling a class declaration is that a class may declare any number of methods. Somehow the runtime needs to look up and bind all of them. That would be a lot to pack into a single OP_CLASS instruction. Instead, the bytecode we generate for a class declaration will split the process into a series of instructions. The compiler already emits an OP_CLASS instruction that creates a new empty ObjClass object. Then it emits instructions to store the class in a variable with its name.


Now, for each method declaration, we emit a new OP_METHOD instruction that adds a single method to that class. When all of the OP_METHOD instructions have executed, we’re left with a fully formed class. While the user sees a class declaration as a single atomic operation, the VM implements it as a series of mutations.


To define a new method, the VM needs three things:


  1. The name of the method.
  2. The closure for the method body.
  3. The class to bind the method to.
  1. 方法名称。
  2. 方法主体的闭包。
  3. 绑定该方法的类。

We’ll incrementally write the compiler code to see how those all get through to the runtime, starting here:



static void method() {
  consume(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expect method name.");
  uint8_t constant = identifierConstant(&parser.previous);
  emitBytes(OP_METHOD, constant);

Like OP_GET_PROPERTY and other instructions that need names at runtime, the compiler adds the method name token’s lexeme to the constant table, getting back a table index. Then we emit an OP_METHOD instruction with that index as the operand. That’s the name. Next is the method body:



  uint8_t constant = identifierConstant(&parser.previous);
  // 新增部分开始
  FunctionType type = TYPE_FUNCTION;
  // 新增部分结束
  emitBytes(OP_METHOD, constant);

We use the same function() helper that we wrote for compiling function declarations. That utility function compiles the subsequent parameter list and function body. Then it emits the code to create an ObjClosure and leave it on top of the stack. At runtime, the VM will find the closure there.


Last is the class to bind the method to. Where can the VM find that? Unfortunately, by the time we reach the OP_METHOD instruction, we don’t know where it is. It could be on the stack, if the user declared the class in a local scope. But a top-level class declaration ends up with the ObjClass in the global variable table.


Fear not. The compiler does know the name of the class. We can capture it right after we consume its token.



  consume(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, "Expect class name.");
  // 新增部分开始
  Token className = parser.previous;
  // 新增部分结束
  uint8_t nameConstant = identifierConstant(&parser.previous);

And we know that no other declaration with that name could possibly shadow the class. So we do the easy fix. Before we start binding methods, we emit whatever code is necessary to load the class back on top of the stack.



  // 新增部分开始
  namedVariable(className, false);
  // 新增部分结束
  consume(TOKEN_LEFT_BRACE, "Expect '{' before class body.");

Right before compiling the class body, we call namedVariable(). That helper function generates code to load a variable with the given name onto the stack. Then we compile the methods.


This means that when we execute each OP_METHOD instruction, the stack has the method’s closure on top with the class right under it. Once we’ve reached the end of the methods, we no longer need the class and tell the VM to pop it off the stack.



  consume(TOKEN_RIGHT_BRACE, "Expect '}' after class body.");
  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束

Putting all of that together, here is an example class declaration to throw at the compiler:


class Brunch {
  bacon() {}
  eggs() {}

Given that, here is what the compiler generates and how those instructions affect the stack at runtime:


The series of bytecode instructions for a class declaration with two methods.

All that remains for us is to implement the runtime for that new OP_METHOD instruction.


28 . 1 . 3 Executing method declarations

28.1.3 执行方法声明

First we define the opcode.



  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束
} OpCode;

We disassemble it like other instructions that have string constant operands.



    case OP_CLASS:
      return constantInstruction("OP_CLASS", chunk, offset);
    // 新增部分开始
    case OP_METHOD:
      return constantInstruction("OP_METHOD", chunk, offset);
    // 新增部分结束

And over in the interpreter, we add a new case too.



      // 新增部分开始
      case OP_METHOD:
      // 新增部分结束  

There, we read the method name from the constant table and pass it here:



static void defineMethod(ObjString* name) {
  Value method = peek(0);
  ObjClass* klass = AS_CLASS(peek(1));
  tableSet(&klass->methods, name, method);

The method closure is on top of the stack, above the class it will be bound to. We read those two stack slots and store the closure in the class’s method table. Then we pop the closure since we’re done with it.


Note that we don’t do any runtime type checking on the closure or class object. That AS_CLASS() call is safe because the compiler itself generated the code that causes the class to be in that stack slot. The VM trusts its own compiler.


After the series of OP_METHOD instructions is done and the OP_POP has popped the class, we will have a class with a nicely populated method table, ready to start doing things. The next step is pulling those methods back out and using them.


28 . 2 Method References

28.2 方法引用

Most of the time, methods are accessed and immediately called, leading to this familiar syntax:



But remember, in Lox and some other languages, those two steps are distinct and can be separated.


var closure = instance.method;

Since users can separate the operations, we have to implement them separately. The first step is using our existing dotted property syntax to access a method defined on the instance’s class. That should return some kind of object that the user can then call like a function.


The obvious approach is to look up the method in the class’s method table and return the ObjClosure associated with that name. But we also need to remember that when you access a method, this gets bound to the instance the method was accessed from. Here’s the example from when we added methods to jlox:


class Person {
  sayName() {

var jane = Person(); = "Jane";

var method = jane.sayName;
method(); // ?

This should print “Jane”, so the object returned by .sayName somehow needs to remember the instance it was accessed from when it later gets called. In jlox, we implemented that “memory” using the interpreter’s existing heap-allocated Environment class, which handled all variable storage.


Our bytecode VM has a more complex architecture for storing state. Local variables and temporaries are on the stack, globals are in a hash table, and variables in closures use upvalues. That necessitates a somewhat more complex solution for tracking a method’s receiver in clox, and a new runtime type.


28 . 2 . 1 Bound methods

28.2.1 已绑定方法

When the user executes a method access, we’ll find the closure for that method and wrap it in a new “bound method” object that tracks the instance that the method was accessed from. This bound object can be called later like a function. When invoked, the VM will do some shenanigans to wire up this to point to the receiver inside the method’s body.

当用户执行一个方法访问时,我们会找到该方法的闭包,并将其包装在一个新的“已绑定方法(bound method)”对象中5,该对象会跟踪访问该方法的实例。这个已绑定对象可以像一个函数一样在稍后被调用。当被调用时,虚拟机会做一些小动作,将this连接到方法主体中的接收器。

Here’s the new object type:



} ObjInstance;
// 新增部分开始
typedef struct {
  Obj obj;
  Value receiver;
  ObjClosure* method;
} ObjBoundMethod;
// 新增部分结束
ObjClass* newClass(ObjString* name);

It wraps the receiver and the method closure together. The receiver’s type is Value even though methods can be called only on ObjInstances. Since the VM doesn’t care what kind of receiver it has anyway, using Value means we don’t have to keep converting the pointer back to a Value when it gets passed to more general functions.


The new struct implies the usual boilerplate you’re used to by now. A new case in the object type enum:



typedef enum {  
  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束

A macro to check a value’s type:



#define OBJ_TYPE(value)        (AS_OBJ(value)->type)
// 新增部分开始
#define IS_BOUND_METHOD(value) isObjType(value, OBJ_BOUND_METHOD)
// 新增部分结束
#define IS_CLASS(value)        isObjType(value, OBJ_CLASS)

Another macro to cast the value to an ObjBoundMethod pointer:

另一个将值转换为ObjBoundMethod 指针的宏:


#define IS_STRING(value)       isObjType(value, OBJ_STRING)
// 新增部分开始
#define AS_BOUND_METHOD(value) ((ObjBoundMethod*)AS_OBJ(value))
// 新增部分结束
#define AS_CLASS(value)        ((ObjClass*)AS_OBJ(value))

A function to create a new ObjBoundMethod:



} ObjBoundMethod;
// 新增部分开始
ObjBoundMethod* newBoundMethod(Value receiver,
                               ObjClosure* method);
// 新增部分结束
ObjClass* newClass(ObjString* name);

And an implementation of that function here:



ObjBoundMethod* newBoundMethod(Value receiver,
                               ObjClosure* method) {
  ObjBoundMethod* bound = ALLOCATE_OBJ(ObjBoundMethod,
  bound->receiver = receiver;
  bound->method = method;
  return bound;

The constructor-like function simply stores the given closure and receiver. When the bound method is no longer needed, we free it.



  switch (object->type) {
    // 新增部分开始
      FREE(ObjBoundMethod, object);
    // 新增部分结束
    case OBJ_CLASS: {

The bound method has a couple of references, but it doesn’t own them, so it frees nothing but itself. However, those references do get traced by the garbage collector.



  switch (object->type) {
    // 新增部分开始
    case OBJ_BOUND_METHOD: {
      ObjBoundMethod* bound = (ObjBoundMethod*)object;
    // 新增部分结束
    case OBJ_CLASS: {

This ensures that a handle to a method keeps the receiver around in memory so that this can still find the object when you invoke the handle later. We also trace the method closure.


The last operation all objects support is printing.



  switch (OBJ_TYPE(value)) {
    // 新增部分开始
    // 新增部分结束
    case OBJ_CLASS:

A bound method prints exactly the same way as a function. From the user’s perspective, a bound method is a function. It’s an object they can call. We don’t expose that the VM implements bound methods using a different object type.


Put on your party hat because we just reached a little milestone. ObjBoundMethod is the very last runtime type to add to clox. You’ve written your last IS_ and AS_ macros. We’re only a few chapters from the end of the book, and we’re getting close to a complete VM.


28 . 2 . 2 Accessing methods

28.2.2 访问方法

Let’s get our new object type doing something. Methods are accessed using the same “dot” property syntax we implemented in the last chapter. The compiler already parses the right expressions and emits OP_GET_PROPERTY instructions for them. The only changes we need to make are in the runtime.


When a property access instruction executes, the instance is on top of the stack. The instruction’s job is to find a field or method with the given name and replace the top of the stack with the accessed property.


The interpreter already handles fields, so we simply extend the OP_GET_PROPERTY case with another section.



          pop(); // Instance.
        // 替换部分开始
        if (!bindMethod(instance->klass, name)) {
        // 替换部分结束

We insert this after the code to look up a field on the receiver instance. Fields take priority over and shadow methods, so we look for a field first. If the instance does not have a field with the given property name, then the name may refer to a method.


We take the instance’s class and pass it to a new bindMethod() helper. If that function finds a method, it places the method on the stack and returns true. Otherwise it returns false to indicate a method with that name couldn’t be found. Since the name also wasn’t a field, that means we have a runtime error, which aborts the interpreter.


Here is the good stuff:



static bool bindMethod(ObjClass* klass, ObjString* name) {
  Value method;
  if (!tableGet(&klass->methods, name, &method)) {
    runtimeError("Undefined property '%s'.", name->chars);
    return false;

  ObjBoundMethod* bound = newBoundMethod(peek(0),
  return true;

First we look for a method with the given name in the class’s method table. If we don’t find one, we report a runtime error and bail out. Otherwise, we take the method and wrap it in a new ObjBoundMethod. We grab the receiver from its home on top of the stack. Finally, we pop the instance and replace the top of the stack with the bound method.


For example:


class Brunch {
  eggs() {}

var brunch = Brunch();
var eggs = brunch.eggs;

Here is what happens when the VM executes the bindMethod() call for the brunch.eggs expression:


The stack changes caused by bindMethod().

That’s a lot of machinery under the hood, but from the user’s perspective, they simply get a function that they can call.


28 . 2 . 3 Calling methods

28.2.3 调用方法

Users can declare methods on classes, access them on instances, and get bound methods onto the stack. They just can’t do anything useful with those bound method objects. The operation we’re missing is calling them. Calls are implemented in callValue(), so we add a case there for the new object type.



    switch (OBJ_TYPE(callee)) {  
      // 新增部分开始
      case OBJ_BOUND_METHOD: {
        ObjBoundMethod* bound = AS_BOUND_METHOD(callee);
        return call(bound->method, argCount);
      // 新增部分结束
      case OBJ_CLASS: {

We pull the raw closure back out of the ObjBoundMethod and use the existing call() helper to begin an invocation of that closure by pushing a CallFrame for it onto the call stack. That’s all it takes to be able to run this Lox program:


class Scone {
  topping(first, second) {
    print "scone with " + first + " and " + second;

var scone = Scone();
scone.topping("berries", "cream");

That’s three big steps. We can declare, access, and invoke methods. But something is missing. We went to all that trouble to wrap the method closure in an object that binds the receiver, but when we invoke the method, we don’t use that receiver at all.


28 . 3 This

The reason bound methods need to keep hold of the receiver is so that it can be accessed inside the body of the method. Lox exposes a method’s receiver through this expressions. It’s time for some new syntax. The lexer already treats this as a special token type, so the first step is wiring that token up in the parse table.



  [TOKEN_SUPER]         = {NULL,     NULL,   PREC_NONE},
  // 替换部分开始
  [TOKEN_THIS]          = {this_,    NULL,   PREC_NONE},
  // 替换部分结束
  [TOKEN_TRUE]          = {literal,  NULL,   PREC_NONE},

When the parser encounters a this in prefix position, it dispatches to a new parser function.



static void this_(bool canAssign) {

We’ll apply the same implementation technique for this in clox that we used in jlox. We treat this as a lexically scoped local variable whose value gets magically initialized. Compiling it like a local variable means we get a lot of behavior for free. In particular, closures inside a method that reference this will do the right thing and capture the receiver in an upvalue.


When the parser function is called, the this token has just been consumed and is stored as the previous token. We call our existing variable() function which compiles identifier expressions as variable accesses. It takes a single Boolean parameter for whether the compiler should look for a following = operator and parse a setter. You can’t assign to this, so we pass false to disallow that.


The variable() function doesn’t care that this has its own token type and isn’t an identifier. It is happy to treat the lexeme “this” as if it were a variable name and then look it up using the existing scope resolution machinery. Right now, that lookup will fail because we never declared a variable whose name is “this”. It’s time to think about where the receiver should live in memory.


At least until they get captured by closures, clox stores every local variable on the VM’s stack. The compiler keeps track of which slots in the function’s stack window are owned by which local variables. If you recall, the compiler sets aside stack slot zero by declaring a local variable whose name is an empty string.


For function calls, that slot ends up holding the function being called. Since the slot has no name, the function body never accesses it. You can guess where this is going. For method calls, we can repurpose that slot to store the receiver. Slot zero will store the instance that this is bound to. In order to compile this expressions, the compiler simply needs to give the correct name to that local variable.



  local->isCaptured = false;
  // 替换部分开始
  if (type != TYPE_FUNCTION) {
    local->name.start = "this";
    local->name.length = 4;
  } else {
    local->name.start = "";
    local->name.length = 0;
  // 替换部分结束

We want to do this only for methods. Function declarations don’t have a this. And, in fact, they must not declare a variable named “this”, so that if you write a this expression inside a function declaration which is itself inside a method, the this correctly resolves to the outer method’s receiver.


class Nested {
  method() {
    fun function() {
      print this;



This program should print “Nested instance”. To decide what name to give to local slot zero, the compiler needs to know whether it’s compiling a function or method declaration, so we add a new case to our FunctionType enum to distinguish methods.

这个程序应该打印“Nested instance”。为了决定给局部槽0取什么名字,编译器需要知道它正在编译一个函数还是方法声明,所以我们向FunctionType枚举中增加一个新的类型来区分方法。


  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束

When we compile a method, we use that type.



  uint8_t constant = identifierConstant(&parser.previous);
  // 替换部分开始
  FunctionType type = TYPE_METHOD;
  // 替换部分结束

Now we can correctly compile references to the special “this” variable, and the compiler will emit the right OP_GET_LOCAL instructions to access it. Closures can even capture this and store the receiver in upvalues. Pretty cool.


Except that at runtime, the receiver isn’t actually in slot zero. The interpreter isn’t holding up its end of the bargain yet. Here is the fix:



      case OBJ_BOUND_METHOD: {
        ObjBoundMethod* bound = AS_BOUND_METHOD(callee);
        // 新增部分开始
        vm.stackTop[-argCount - 1] = bound->receiver;
        // 新增部分结束
        return call(bound->method, argCount);

When a method is called, the top of the stack contains all of the arguments, and then just under those is the closure of the called method. That’s where slot zero in the new CallFrame will be. This line of code inserts the receiver into that slot. For example, given a method call like this:


scone.topping("berries", "cream");

We calculate the slot to store the receiver like so:


Skipping over the argument stack slots to find the slot containing the closure.

The -argCount skips past the arguments and the - 1 adjusts for the fact that stackTop points just past the last used stack slot.


28 . 3 . 1 Misusing this

28.3.1 误用this

Our VM now supports users correctly using this, but we also need to make sure it properly handles users misusing this. Lox says it is a compile error for a this expression to appear outside of the body of a method. These two wrong uses should be caught by the compiler:


print this; // At top level.

fun notMethod() {
  print this; // In a function.

So how does the compiler know if it’s inside a method? The obvious answer is to look at the FunctionType of the current Compiler. We did just add an enum case there to treat methods specially. However, that wouldn’t correctly handle code like the earlier example where you are inside a function which is, itself, nested inside a method.


We could try to resolve “this” and then report an error if it wasn’t found in any of the surrounding lexical scopes. That would work, but would require us to shuffle around a bunch of code, since right now the code for resolving a variable implicitly considers it a global access if no declaration is found.


In the next chapter, we will need information about the nearest enclosing class. If we had that, we could use it here to determine if we are inside a method. So we may as well make our future selves’ lives a little easier and put that machinery in place now.



Compiler* current = NULL;
// 新增部分开始
ClassCompiler* currentClass = NULL;
// 新增部分结束
static Chunk* currentChunk() {

This module variable points to a struct representing the current, innermost class being compiled. The new type looks like this:



} Compiler;
// 新增部分开始
typedef struct ClassCompiler {
  struct ClassCompiler* enclosing;
} ClassCompiler;
// 新增部分结束
Parser parser;

Right now we store only a pointer to the ClassCompiler for the enclosing class, if any. Nesting a class declaration inside a method in some other class is an uncommon thing to do, but Lox supports it. Just like the Compiler struct, this means ClassCompiler forms a linked list from the current innermost class being compiled out through all of the enclosing classes.


If we aren’t inside any class declaration at all, the module variable currentClass is NULL. When the compiler begins compiling a class, it pushes a new ClassCompiler onto that implicit linked stack.



  // 新增部分开始
  ClassCompiler classCompiler;
  classCompiler.enclosing = currentClass;
  currentClass = &classCompiler;
  // 新增部分结束
  namedVariable(className, false);

The memory for the ClassCompiler struct lives right on the C stack, a handy capability we get by writing our compiler using recursive descent. At the end of the class body, we pop that compiler off the stack and restore the enclosing one.



  // 新增部分开始
  currentClass = currentClass->enclosing;
  // 新增部分结束

When an outermost class body ends, enclosing will be NULL, so this resets currentClass to NULL. Thus, to see if we are inside a class—and therefore inside a method—we simply check that module variable.



static void this_(bool canAssign) {
  // 新增部分开始
  if (currentClass == NULL) {
    error("Can't use 'this' outside of a class.");
  // 新增部分结束

With that, this outside of a class is correctly forbidden. Now our methods really feel like methods in the object-oriented sense. Accessing the receiver lets them affect the instance you called the method on. We’re getting there!


28 . 4 Instance Initializers

28.4 实例初始化器

The reason object-oriented languages tie state and behavior together—one of the core tenets of the paradigm—is to ensure that objects are always in a valid, meaningful state. When the only way to touch an object’s state is through its methods, the methods can make sure nothing goes awry. But that presumes the object is already in a proper state. What about when it’s first created?


Object-oriented languages ensure that brand new objects are properly set up through constructors, which both produce a new instance and initialize its state. In Lox, the runtime allocates new raw instances, and a class may declare an initializer to set up any fields. Initializers work mostly like normal methods, with a few tweaks:


  1. The runtime automatically invokes the initializer method whenever an instance of a class is created.
  2. The caller that constructs an instance always gets the instance back after the initializer finishes, regardless of what the initializer function itself returns. The initializer method doesn’t need to explicitly return this.
  3. In fact, an initializer is prohibited from returning any value at all since the value would never be seen anyway.
  1. 每当一个类的实例被创建时,运行时会自动调用初始化器方法。
  2. 构建实例的调用方总是在初始化器完成后得到实例,而不管初始化器本身返回什么。初始化器方法不需要显式地返回this10
  3. 事实上,初始化器根本不允许返回任何值,因为这些值无论如何都不会被看到。

Now that we support methods, to add initializers, we merely need to implement those three special rules. We’ll go in order.


28 . 4 . 1 Invoking initializers

28.4.1 调用初始化器

First, automatically calling init() on new instances:



        vm.stackTop[-argCount - 1] = OBJ_VAL(newInstance(klass));
        // 新增部分开始
        Value initializer;
        if (tableGet(&klass->methods, vm.initString,
                     &initializer)) {
          return call(AS_CLOSURE(initializer), argCount);
        // 新增部分结束
        return true;

After the runtime allocates the new instance, we look for an init() method on the class. If we find one, we initiate a call to it. This pushes a new CallFrame for the initializer’s closure. Say we run this program:


class Brunch {
  init(food, drink) {}

Brunch("eggs", "coffee");

When the VM executes the call to Brunch(), it goes like this:


The aligned stack windows for the Brunch() call and the corresponding init() method it forwards to.

Any arguments passed to the class when we called it are still sitting on the stack above the instance. The new CallFrame for the init() method shares that stack window, so those arguments implicitly get forwarded to the initializer.


Lox doesn’t require a class to define an initializer. If omitted, the runtime simply returns the new uninitialized instance. However, if there is no init() method, then it doesn’t make any sense to pass arguments to the class when creating the instance. We make that an error.



          return call(AS_CLOSURE(initializer), argCount);
        // 新增部分开始  
        } else if (argCount != 0) {
          runtimeError("Expected 0 arguments but got %d.",
          return false;
        // 新增部分结束

When the class does provide an initializer, we also need to ensure that the number of arguments passed matches the initializer’s arity. Fortunately, the call() helper does that for us already.


To call the initializer, the runtime looks up the init() method by name. We want that to be fast since it happens every time an instance is constructed. That means it would be good to take advantage of the string interning we’ve already implemented. To do that, the VM creates an ObjString for “init” and reuses it. The string lives right in the VM struct.



  Table strings;
  // 新增部分开始
  ObjString* initString;
  // 新增部分结束
  ObjUpvalue* openUpvalues;

We create and intern the string when the VM boots up.



  // 新增部分开始
  vm.initString = copyString("init", 4);
  // 新增部分结束
  defineNative("clock", clockNative);

We want it to stick around, so the GC considers it a root.



  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束

Look carefully. See any bug waiting to happen? No? It’s a subtle one. The garbage collector now reads vm.initString. That field is initialized from the result of calling copyString(). But copying a string allocates memory, which can trigger a GC. If the collector ran at just the wrong time, it would read vm.initString before it had been initialized. So, first we zero the field out.



  // 新增部分开始
  vm.initString = NULL;
  // 新增部分结束
  vm.initString = copyString("init", 4);

We clear the pointer when the VM shuts down since the next line will free it.



  // 新增部分开始
  vm.initString = NULL;
  // 新增部分结束

OK, that lets us call initializers.


28 . 4 . 2 Initializer return values

28.4.2 返回值的初始化器

The next step is ensuring that constructing an instance of a class with an initializer always returns the new instance, and not nil or whatever the body of the initializer returns. Right now, if a class defines an initializer, then when an instance is constructed, the VM pushes a call to that initializer onto the CallFrame stack. Then it just keeps on trucking.


The user’s invocation on the class to create the instance will complete whenever that initializer method returns, and will leave on the stack whatever value the initializer puts there. That means that unless the user takes care to put return this; at the end of the initializer, no instance will come out. Not very helpful.

只要初始化器方法返回,用户对类的创建实例的调用就会结束,并把初始化器方法放入栈中的值遗留在那里。这意味着,除非用户特意在初始化器的末尾写上return this;,否则不会出现任何实例。不太有用。

To fix this, whenever the front end compiles an initializer method, it will emit different bytecode at the end of the body to return this from the method instead of the usual implicit nil most functions return. In order to do that, the compiler needs to actually know when it is compiling an initializer. We detect that by checking to see if the name of the method we’re compiling is “init”.



  FunctionType type = TYPE_METHOD;
  // 新增部分开始
  if (parser.previous.length == 4 &&
      memcmp(parser.previous.start, "init", 4) == 0) {
  // 新增部分结束

We define a new function type to distinguish initializers from other methods.



  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束

Whenever the compiler emits the implicit return at the end of a body, we check the type to decide whether to insert the initializer-specific behavior.



static void emitReturn() {
  // 新增部分开始
  if (current->type == TYPE_INITIALIZER) {
    emitBytes(OP_GET_LOCAL, 0);
  } else {
  // 新增部分结束

In an initializer, instead of pushing nil onto the stack before returning, we load slot zero, which contains the instance. This emitReturn() function is also called when compiling a return statement without a value, so this also correctly handles cases where the user does an early return inside the initializer.


28 . 4 . 3 Incorrect returns in initializers

28.4.3 初始化器中的错误返回

The last step, the last item in our list of special features of initializers, is making it an error to try to return anything else from an initializer. Now that the compiler tracks the method type, this is straightforward.



  if (match(TOKEN_SEMICOLON)) {
  } else {
    // 新增部分开始
    if (current->type == TYPE_INITIALIZER) {
      error("Can't return a value from an initializer.");
    // 新增部分结束

We report an error if a return statement in an initializer has a value. We still go ahead and compile the value afterwards so that the compiler doesn’t get confused by the trailing expression and report a bunch of cascaded errors.


Aside from inheritance, which we’ll get to soon, we now have a fairly full-featured class system working in clox.


class CoffeeMaker {
  init(coffee) { = coffee;

  brew() {
    print "Enjoy your cup of " +;

    // No reusing the grounds! = nil;

var maker = CoffeeMaker("coffee and chicory");

Pretty fancy for a C program that would fit on an old floppy disk.


28 . 5 Optimized Invocations

28.5 优化调用

Our VM correctly implements the language’s semantics for method calls and initializers. We could stop here. But the main reason we are building an entire second implementation of Lox from scratch is to execute faster than our old Java interpreter. Right now, method calls even in clox are slow.


Lox’s semantics define a method invocation as two operations—accessing the method and then calling the result. Our VM must support those as separate operations because the user can separate them. You can access a method without calling it and then invoke the bound method later. Nothing we’ve implemented so far is unnecessary.


But always executing those as separate operations has a significant cost. Every single time a Lox program accesses and invokes a method, the runtime heap allocates a new ObjBoundMethod, initializes its fields, then pulls them right back out. Later, the GC has to spend time freeing all of those ephemeral bound methods.


Most of the time, a Lox program accesses a method and then immediately calls it. The bound method is created by one bytecode instruction and then consumed by the very next one. In fact, it’s so immediate that the compiler can even textually see that it’s happening—a dotted property access followed by an opening parenthesis is most likely a method call.


Since we can recognize this pair of operations at compile time, we have the opportunity to emit a new, special instruction that performs an optimized method call.


We start in the function that compiles dotted property expressions.



  if (canAssign && match(TOKEN_EQUAL)) {
    emitBytes(OP_SET_PROPERTY, name);
  // 新增部分开始  
  } else if (match(TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN)) {
    uint8_t argCount = argumentList();
    emitBytes(OP_INVOKE, name);
  // 新增部分结束  
  } else {

After the compiler has parsed the property name, we look for a left parenthesis. If we match one, we switch to a new code path. There, we compile the argument list exactly like we do when compiling a call expression. Then we emit a single new OP_INVOKE instruction. It takes two operands:


  1. The index of the property name in the constant table.
  2. The number of arguments passed to the method.
  1. 属性名称在常量表中的索引。
  2. 传递给方法的参数数量。

In other words, this single instruction combines the operands of the OP_GET_PROPERTY and OP_CALL instructions it replaces, in that order. It really is a fusion of those two instructions. Let’s define it.



  // 新增部分开始
  // 新增部分结束

And add it to the disassembler:



    case OP_CALL:
      return byteInstruction("OP_CALL", chunk, offset);
    // 新增部分开始
    case OP_INVOKE:
      return invokeInstruction("OP_INVOKE", chunk, offset);
    // 新增部分结束
    case OP_CLOSURE: {

This is a new, special instruction format, so it needs a little custom disassembly logic.



static int invokeInstruction(const char* name, Chunk* chunk,
                                int offset) {
  uint8_t constant = chunk->code[offset + 1];
  uint8_t argCount = chunk->code[offset + 2];
  printf("%-16s (%d args) %4d '", name, argCount, constant);
  return offset + 3;

We read the two operands and then print out both the method name and the argument count. Over in the interpreter’s bytecode dispatch loop is where the real action begins.



      // 新增部分开始
      case OP_INVOKE: {
        ObjString* method = READ_STRING();
        int argCount = READ_BYTE();
        if (!invoke(method, argCount)) {
        frame = &vm.frames[vm.frameCount - 1];
      // 新增部分结束
      case OP_CLOSURE: {

Most of the work happens in invoke(), which we’ll get to. Here, we look up the method name from the first operand and then read the argument count operand. Then we hand off to invoke() to do the heavy lifting. That function returns true if the invocation succeeds. As usual, a false return means a runtime error occurred. We check for that here and abort the interpreter if disaster has struck.


Finally, assuming the invocation succeeded, then there is a new CallFrame on the stack, so we refresh our cached copy of the current frame in frame.


The interesting work happens here:



static bool invoke(ObjString* name, int argCount) {
  Value receiver = peek(argCount);
  ObjInstance* instance = AS_INSTANCE(receiver);
  return invokeFromClass(instance->klass, name, argCount);

First we grab the receiver off the stack. The arguments passed to the method are above it on the stack, so we peek that many slots down. Then it’s a simple matter to cast the object to an instance and invoke the method on it.


That does assume the object is an instance. As with OP_GET_PROPERTY instructions, we also need to handle the case where a user incorrectly tries to call a method on a value of the wrong type.



  Value receiver = peek(argCount);
  // 新增部分开始
  if (!IS_INSTANCE(receiver)) {
    runtimeError("Only instances have methods.");
    return false;
  // 新增部分结束
  ObjInstance* instance = AS_INSTANCE(receiver);

That’s a runtime error, so we report that and bail out. Otherwise, we get the instance’s class and jump over to this other new utility function:



static bool invokeFromClass(ObjClass* klass, ObjString* name,
                            int argCount) {
  Value method;
  if (!tableGet(&klass->methods, name, &method)) {
    runtimeError("Undefined property '%s'.", name->chars);
    return false;
  return call(AS_CLOSURE(method), argCount);

This function combines the logic of how the VM implements OP_GET_PROPERTY and OP_CALL instructions, in that order. First we look up the method by name in the class’s method table. If we don’t find one, we report that runtime error and exit.


Otherwise, we take the method’s closure and push a call to it onto the CallFrame stack. We don’t need to heap allocate and initialize an ObjBoundMethod. In fact, we don’t even need to juggle anything on the stack. The receiver and method arguments are already right where they need to be.


If you fire up the VM and run a little program that calls methods now, you should see the exact same behavior as before. But, if we did our job right, the performance should be much improved. I wrote a little microbenchmark that does a batch of 10,000 method calls. Then it tests how many of these batches it can execute in 10 seconds. On my computer, without the new OP_INVOKE instruction, it got through 1,089 batches. With this new optimization, it finished 8,324 batches in the same time. That’s 7.6 times faster, which is a huge improvement when it comes to programming language optimization.


Bar chart comparing the two benchmark results.

28 . 5 . 1 Invoking fields

28.5.1 调用字段

The fundamental creed of optimization is: “Thou shalt not break correctness.” Users like it when a language implementation gives them an answer faster, but only if it’s the right answer. Alas, our implementation of faster method invocations fails to uphold that principle:


class Oops {
  init() {
    fun f() {
      print "not a method";

    this.field = f;

var oops = Oops();

The last line looks like a method call. The compiler thinks that it is and dutifully emits an OP_INVOKE instruction for it. However, it’s not. What is actually happening is a field access that returns a function which then gets called. Right now, instead of executing that correctly, our VM reports a runtime error when it can’t find a method named “field”.


Earlier, when we implemented OP_GET_PROPERTY, we handled both field and method accesses. To squash this new bug, we need to do the same thing for OP_INVOKE.



  ObjInstance* instance = AS_INSTANCE(receiver);
  // 新增部分开始
  Value value;
  if (tableGet(&instance->fields, name, &value)) {
    vm.stackTop[-argCount - 1] = value;
    return callValue(value, argCount);
  // 新增部分结束
  return invokeFromClass(instance->klass, name, argCount);

Pretty simple fix. Before looking up a method on the instance’s class, we look for a field with the same name. If we find a field, then we store it on the stack in place of the receiver, under the argument list. This is how OP_GET_PROPERTY behaves since the latter instruction executes before a subsequent parenthesized list of arguments has been evaluated.


Then we try to call that field’s value like the callable that it hopefully is. The callValue() helper will check the value’s type and call it as appropriate or report a runtime error if the field’s value isn’t a callable type like a closure.


That’s all it takes to make our optimization fully safe. We do sacrifice a little performance, unfortunately. But that’s the price you have to pay sometimes. You occasionally get frustrated by optimizations you could do if only the language wouldn’t allow some annoying corner case. But, as language implementers, we have to play the game we’re given.


The code we wrote here follows a typical pattern in optimization:


  1. Recognize a common operation or sequence of operations that is performance critical. In this case, it is a method access followed by a call.
  2. Add an optimized implementation of that pattern. That’s our OP_INVOKE instruction.
  3. Guard the optimized code with some conditional logic that validates that the pattern actually applies. If it does, stay on the fast path. Otherwise, fall back to a slower but more robust unoptimized behavior. Here, that means checking that we are actually calling a method and not accessing a field.
  1. 识别出对性能至关重要的常见操作或操作序列。在本例中,它是一个方法访问后跟一个调用。
  2. 添加该模式的优化实现。也就是我们的OP_INVOKE指令。
  3. 用一些条件逻辑来验收是否适用该模式,从而保护优化后的代码。如果适用,就走捷径。否则,就退回到较慢但更稳健的非优化行为。在这里,意味着要检查我们是否真的在调用一个方法而不是访问一个字段。

As your language work moves from getting the implementation working at all to getting it to work faster, you will find yourself spending more and more time looking for patterns like this and adding guarded optimizations for them. Full-time VM engineers spend much of their careers in this loop.


But we can stop here for now. With this, clox now supports most of the features of an object-oriented programming language, and with respectable performance.



  1. The hash table lookup to find a class’s init() method is constant time, but still fairly slow. Implement something faster. Write a benchmark and measure the performance difference.


  2. In a dynamically typed language like Lox, a single callsite may invoke a variety of methods on a number of classes throughout a program’s execution. Even so, in practice, most of the time a callsite ends up calling the exact same method on the exact same class for the duration of the run. Most calls are actually not polymorphic even if the language says they can be.

    How do advanced language implementations optimize based on that observation?



  3. When interpreting an OP_INVOKE instruction, the VM has to do two hash table lookups. First, it looks for a field that could shadow a method, and only if that fails does it look for a method. The former check is rarely useful—most fields do not contain functions. But it is necessary because the language says fields and methods are accessed using the same syntax, and fields shadow methods.

    That is a language choice that affects the performance of our implementation. Was it the right choice? If Lox were your language, what would you do?




I still remember the first time I wrote a tiny BASIC program on a TRS-80 and made a computer do something it hadn’t done before. It felt like a superpower. The first time I cobbled together just enough of a parser and interpreter to let me write a tiny program in my own language that made a computer do a thing was like some sort of higher-order meta-superpower. It was and remains a wonderful feeling.


I realized I could design a language that looked and behaved however I chose. It was like I’d been going to a private school that required uniforms my whole life and then one day transferred to a public school where I could wear whatever I wanted. I don’t need to use curly braces for blocks? I can use something other than an equals sign for assignment? I can do objects without classes? Multiple inheritance and multimethods? A dynamic language that overloads statically, by arity?


Naturally, I took that freedom and ran with it. I made the weirdest, most arbitrary language design decisions. Apostrophes for generics. No commas between arguments. Overload resolution that can fail at runtime. I did things differently just for difference’s sake.


This is a very fun experience that I highly recommend. We need more weird, avant-garde programming languages. I want to see more art languages. I still make oddball toy languages for fun sometimes.


However, if your goal is success where “success” is defined as a large number of users, then your priorities must be different. In that case, your primary goal is to have your language loaded into the brains of as many people as possible. That’s really hard. It takes a lot of human effort to move a language’s syntax and semantics from a computer into trillions of neurons.


Programmers are naturally conservative with their time and cautious about what languages are worth uploading into their wetware. They don’t want to waste their time on a language that ends up not being useful to them. As a language designer, your goal is thus to give them as much language power as you can with as little required learning as possible.


One natural approach is simplicity. The fewer concepts and features your language has, the less total volume of stuff there is to learn. This is one of the reasons minimal scripting languages often find success even though they aren’t as powerful as the big industrial languages—they are easier to get started with, and once they are in someone’s brain, the user wants to keep using them.


The problem with simplicity is that simply cutting features often sacrifices power and expressiveness. There is an art to finding features that punch above their weight, but often minimal languages simply do less.


There is another path that avoids much of that problem. The trick is to realize that a user doesn’t have to load your entire language into their head, just the part they don’t already have in there. As I mentioned in an earlier design note, learning is about transferring the delta between what they already know and what they need to know.


Many potential users of your language already know some other programming language. Any features your language shares with that language are essentially “free” when it comes to learning. It’s already in their head, they just have to recognize that your language does the same thing.


In other words, familiarity is another key tool to lower the adoption cost of your language. Of course, if you fully maximize that attribute, the end result is a language that is completely identical to some existing one. That’s not a recipe for success, because at that point there’s no incentive for users to switch to your language at all.


So you do need to provide some compelling differences. Some things your language can do that other languages can’t, or at least can’t do as well. I believe this is one of the fundamental balancing acts of language design: similarity to other languages lowers learning cost, while divergence raises the compelling advantages.


I think of this balancing act in terms of a novelty budget, or as Steve Klabnik calls it, a “strangeness budget”. Users have a low threshold for the total amount of new stuff they are willing to accept to learn a new language. Exceed that, and they won’t show up.

我认为这种平衡就像是新奇性预算,或者像Steve Klabnik所说,是一种“陌生感预算19。用户对于学习新语言时愿意接受的新知识的总量有一个较低的阈值。如果超过这个值,他们就不会来学习了。

Anytime you add something new to your language that other languages don’t have, or anytime your language does something other languages do in a different way, you spend some of that budget. That’s OK—you need to spend it to make your language compelling. But your goal is to spend it wisely. For each feature or difference, ask yourself how much compelling power it adds to your language and then evaluate critically whether it pays its way. Is the change so valuable that it is worth blowing some of your novelty budget?


In practice, I find this means that you end up being pretty conservative with syntax and more adventurous with semantics. As fun as it is to put on a new change of clothes, swapping out curly braces with some other block delimiter is very unlikely to add much real power to the language, but it does spend some novelty. It’s hard for syntax differences to carry their weight.


On the other hand, new semantics can significantly increase the power of the language. Multimethods, mixins, traits, reflection, dependent types, runtime metaprogramming, etc. can radically level up what a user can do with the language.


Alas, being conservative like this is not as fun as just changing everything. But it’s up to you to decide whether you want to chase mainstream success or not in the first place. We don’t all need to be radio-friendly pop bands. If you want your language to be like free jazz or drone metal and are happy with the proportionally smaller (but likely more devoted) audience size, go for it.



  1. 我们对闭包做了类似的操作。OP_CLOSURE指令需要知道每个捕获的上值的类型和索引。我们在主OP_CLOSURE指令之后使用一系列伪指令对其进行编码——基本上是一个可变数量的操作数。VM在解释OP_CLOSURE指令时立即处理所有这些额外的字节。

  2. 如果Lox只支持在顶层声明类,那么虚拟机就可以假定任何类都可以直接从全局变量表中查找出来。然而,由于我们支持局部类,所以我们也需要处理这种情况。

  3. 前面对defineVariable()的调用将类弹出栈,因此调用namedVariable()将其加载会栈中似乎有点愚蠢。为什么不一开始就把它留在栈上呢?我们可以这样做,但在下一章中,我们将在这两个调用之间插入代码,以支持继承。到那时,如果类不在栈上会更容易。

  4. 虚拟机相信它执行的指令是有效的,因为将代码送到字节码解释器的唯一途径是通过clox自己的编译器。许多字节码虚拟机,如JVM和CPython,支持执行单独编译好的字节码。这就导致了一个不同的安全问题。恶意编写的字节码可能会导致虚拟机崩溃,甚至更糟。

  5. 我从CPython中借鉴了“bound method”这个名字。Python跟Lox这里的行为很类似,我通过它的实现获得灵感。

  6. 跟踪方法的闭包实际上是没有必要的。接收器是一个ObjInstance,它有一个指向其ObjClass的指针,而ObjClass有一个存储所有方法的表。但让ObjBoundMethod依赖于它,我觉得在某种程度上是值得怀疑的。

  7. 已绑定方法是第一类值,所以他们可以把它存储在变量中,传递给函数,以及用它做“值”可做的事情。

  8. 解析器函数名称后面的下划线是因为this是C++中的一个保留字,我们支持将clox编译为C++。

  9. 当然,Lox确实允许外部代码之间访问和修改一个实例的字段,而不需要通过实例的方法。这与Ruby和Smalltalk不同,后者将状态完全封装在对象中。我们的玩具式脚本语言,唉,不那么有原则。

  10. 就好像初始化器被隐式地包装在这样的一段代码中:

  11. 我承认,“软盘”对于当前一代程序员来说,可能不再是一个有用的大小参考。也许我应该说“几条推特”之类的。

  12. 如果你花足够的时间观察字节码虚拟机的运行,你会发现它经常一次次地执行同一系列的字节码指令。一个经典的优化技术是定义新的单条指令,称为超级指令,它将这些指令融合到具有与整个序列相同行为的单一指令。

  13. 你应该可以猜到,我们将这段代码拆分成一个单独的函数,是因为我们稍后会复用它——super调用中。

  14. 这就是我们使用栈槽0来存储接收器的一个主要原因——调用方就是这样组织方法调用栈的。高效的调用约定是字节码虚拟机性能故事的重要组成部分。

  15. 我们不应该过于自信。这种性能优化是相对于我们自己未优化的方法调用实现而言的,而那种方法调用实现相当缓慢。为每个方法调用都进行堆分配不会赢得任何比赛。

  16. 在有些情况下,当程序偶尔返回错误的答案,以换取显著加快的运行速度或更好的性能边界,用户可能也是满意的。这些就是**蒙特卡洛算法**的领域。对于某些用例来说,这是一个很好的权衡。

  17. 作为语言设计者,我们的角色非常不同。如果我们确实控制了语言本身,我们有时可能会选择限制或改变语言的方式来实现优化。用户想要有表达力的语言,但他们也想要快速实现。有时,如果牺牲一点功能来获得完美回报是很好的语言设计。

  18. 特别的,这是动态类型语言的一大优势。静态语言需要你学习两种语言——运行时语义和静态类型系统,然后才能让计算机做一些事情。动态语言只要求你学习前者。

  19. 心理学中的一个相关概念是性格信用,即社会上的其他人会给予你有限的与社会规范的偏离。你通过融入并做群体内的事情来获得信用,然后你可以把这些信用花费在那些可能会引人侧目的古怪活动上。换句话说,证明你是“好人之一”,让你有资格展示自己怪异的一面,但只能到此为止。