#Change Log This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
This CHANGELOG follows the format listed at Keep A Changelog
0.1.2 - 2016-02-05
- new certs
- Added a payload_template to allow for a customized JSON payload
0.1.1 - 2015-12-09
- Slack handler posts JSON content type and format to slack.
- Slack config supports icon_url and icon_emoji
- add arguments to specify proxy settings
0.1.0 - 2015-11-12
- New handler-slack-multichannel.rb handler for more complex multi-channel alerting to Slack
- Allow the client to set the channel
- updated sensu-plugin gem to 1.2.0
- Fixed exception caused by missing field
0.0.4 - 2015-07-13
- put gemspec deps in alpha order
- remove cruft from sensu-plugins-slack.rb
- Remove JSON gem dep that is not longer needed with Ruby 1.9+
- Put Rakfile deps in alpha order
- update documentation links in the README and CONTRIBUTING
- remove the Vagrantfile
0.0.3 - 2015-06-03
- additional functionality to slack hander to improve generated output
0.0.2 - 2015-06-03
- added binstubs
- removed cruft from /lib
- initial release