- feat: make release usable from github
- fix: move recompose-build to build dir
- feat: add dependabot checks
- chore: update ci-runs (actions, node, react)
- chore: update recompose
- fix: package.json version and license
- chore: remove peer react v14, add v18
- chore: update node-dependencies
- @babel/runtime -> ^7.20.7
- hoist-non-react-statics -> ^3.3.2
- symbol-observable -> ^4.0.0
- chore: update recompose-build
- chore: update babel, eslint and flow
- @babel and packages
- babel-eslint -> @babel/eslint-parser
- eslint and plugins (fix new eslint-errors)
- prettier and plugins (reformat code)
- flow-bin (fix new flow-errors)
- chore: major updates
- chalk -> ^4.1.2
- change-case -> ^4.1.2
- codecov -> ^3.8.3
- cross-env -> ^7.0.3
- husky -> ^8.0.3
- lint-staged -> ^13.1.0
- shelljs -> ^0.8.5
- sinon -> ^15.0.1
- xstream -> ^11.14.0
- fix: breaking updates
- rollup -> ^3.10.0
- rollup-plugins -> @rollup
- jest -> ^29.3.1
- baconjs -> ^3.0.17
- fix: holdback updates
- chalk of v5 (pure ESM)
- enzyme-adapter-react-18 (react 18)
- react and react-dom of v18 (createRoot)
- rxjs of v6 and v7 (Rx.Observable.from)
- fix: require react v16.3 or newer
- chore: update node and npm versions
- security: update peer-dependencies
- chore: update babel, eslint and flow
- chore: update flow-example
- fix: package.json name
- chore: update node-dependencies
- glamor -> ^2.20.40
- react -> ^18.2.0
- react-dom -> ^18.2.0
- recompose -> ^0.30.0
- react-scripts -> 5.0.1
- chore: update flow and fix errors
- security: update peer-dependencies
- fix: update dependencies
- @babel/runtime -> ^7.16.3
- hoist-non-react-statics -> ^2.5.5
- react-lifecycles-compat -> ^3.0.4
- symbol-observable -> ^1.2.0
- build: update devDependencies, yarn.lock & size snapshot
- updates and modernizes many devDependencies, as originally proposed in:
- completely removes dev dependency on fbjs from yarn.lock ref:
- should resolve other reported vulnerability warnings from dev dependencies ref:
- resolves a large number of other Yarn dev audit warnings
- Clarify API docs about Relay classic
- PR: acdlite/recompose#753
- issue: acdlite/recompose#743
- Add links to HOC criticism
- original source: acdlite/recompose#531
- include the correct README.md for react-recompose in the npm package build
based on: recompose v0.30.0
- replace use of React.createFactory
- PR: acdlite/recompose#795
- issue: acdlite/recompose#806
- support React 17
- PR: acdlite/recompose#821
- issue: acdlite/recompose#827
- documentation updates from these PRs:
- refactor: enable prefer-destructuring rule & update src
- sort recompose-relay peerDependencies
- remove lodash from recompose-relay (not needed)
- docs: add licenses of dependencies bundled in dist
- post-v0.30.0 updates from master branch of https://github.com/acdlite/recompose
- remove fbjs from recompose dependencies
- PR: acdlite/recompose#744
- issue: acdlite/recompose#742
- enable flow strict in index.js.flow
- documentation updates from these PRs:
- remove fbjs from recompose dependencies