This repository holds a fully functional Symfony2 application with pre-configured Admingenerator dependencies and demo bundles acting as a showcase of Admingenerator features.
Note: These demo's depend on Admingenerator v2.0, which are not yet stable, and so, this repo is also not yet stable.
Note: The demos for Doctrine ODM and Propel ORM will be added, as soon as Doctrine ORM will be stable.
Note: Old (legacy) repositories and packagist names:
AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle github:
[email protected]:symfony2admingenerator/AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle.git
packagist: "cedriclombardot/admingenerator-generator-bundle"AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle github:
[email protected]:symfony2admingenerator/AvocodeFormExtensionsBundle.git
packagist: "avocode/form-extensions-bundle"Warning: These repositories are left for legacy users and are NOT COMPATIBLE with this demo.
Note: I'm aware that the documentation needs much improvement, please be patient, as soon as I get v2.0 stable I'll rewrite the whole docs.
- Download and install composer
- Clone GeneratorBundle from github:
git clone
- Configure your webserver to point to the web directory (or run
vagrant up
) - install dependencies:
composer install
- install and dumping assets:
bin/console assetic:dump
andbin/console assets:install
- install schemas to database:
bin/console doctrine:schema:create
- install fixtures:
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load