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File metadata and controls

86 lines (79 loc) · 2.49 KB


This is an example monorepo consisting of tools named

  • ji written in bash to deploy/manage application on kubernetes cluster (look in ji folder) and
  • consul_pyconfig written in python to allow python application to manange config using Consul key-value pairs (look in consul_pyconfig folder)

And example applications in python (example-app) and javascript (react-example-app) to show how to integrate with these tools.


Local Setup

Run command to setup: ./ji/libexec/ji-setup

Then enable kubernetes cluster on docker:

Open Docker menu
-> Preferences

Enable Kubernetes on Docker's preferences menu.

-> Kubernetes tab
-> Enable Kubernetes
-> Click "Apply"

Wait for it to start and then install helm tiller in this cluster

# verify that kubernetes cluster is ready
kubectl get pods -n kube-system
# Install tiller
helm init

Trying Out

  • deploying
# first start consul and make sure that it is accessible at default port 8500
# for example-app
# first generate database
export CONDUIT_SECRET='something-really-secret' \
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
# then deploy it, it will use same above generated dev.db as mounting of codebase has been done while deploying to local kubernetes cluster
ji up local react-example-app dev
# for react-example-app
ji up local example-app dev

# OR both ji up command can be combined as (here application name is passed from .ji-all-component file's content)
ji up local all dev
# OR both ji up command can be combined as (here application name passed as comma separated)
ji up local react-example-app,example-app dev
  • checking status
ji info local react-example-app dev
ji info local example-app dev
# OR combined into one
ji info local all dev
ji info local react-example-app,example-app dev
  • try out by connecting to shown url
  • tailing logs
ji logs local react-example-app dev
ji logs local example-app dev --since 1h
  • restarting/reload
ji restart local react-example-app,example-app dev
ji reload local example-app,react-example-app dev
  • connecting to bash terminal inside application container
ji attach local react-example-app dev
ji attach local example-app dev
  • delete deployed application
ji down local example-app,react-example-app dev
# OR combined into one
ji down local all dev
  • etc.