Releases: sys27/xFunc
xFunc 3.2.1
#170 'simplify(x)' throws exception
#95 Refactor unit tests
#147 Support Complex Numbers
#149 inverse() and det() throw exception when parameter is vector
#150 Review ResultType properties with complicated logic
#152 Recursive user function returns complex number instead of number
#153 Support Modulo-Operator
#155 Remove unused references
#156 Support abs for vectors
#157 xFunc crashes when you try to assign complex number, vector or matrix to variable
#161 Min/Max/Avg functions
#162 Add third parameter to deriv() function to find numerical deriv in specified point
#163 Implement Equals in DifferentParametersExpression
#164 Rework ExpressionFactory.CreateFunction to set Parameter Count only once
#165 Rework sum() and product() function
xFunc 3.2.0
#95 Refactor unit tests
#147 Support Complex Numbers
#149 inverse() and det() throw exception when parameter is vector
#150 Review ResultType properties with complicated logic
#152 Recursive user function returns complex number instead of number
#153 Support Modulo-Operator
#155 Remove unused references
#156 Support abs for vectors
#157 xFunc crashes when you try to assign complex number, vector or matrix to variable
#161 Min/Max/Avg functions
#162 Add third parameter to deriv() function to find numerical deriv in specified point
#163 Implement Equals in DifferentParametersExpression
#164 Rework ExpressionFactory.CreateFunction to set Parameter Count only once
#165 Rework sum() and product() function
xFunc 3.1.0
#148 Variable window doesn't show group name
#145 Remove duplicates of code in Argument/Left/Right properties
#144 The Equal/NotEqual statement throws NotSupportedException
#143 The 'if' statement should ignore missing 'else' part
#142 Add support of variable names with numbers
#141 Add/Sub of vector/matrix throws an exception.
#140 Review child classes of DifferentParametersExpression (constructors)
#139 Add differentiation of 'lb' function.
#138 Create Dependency Resolver to inject ISimplifier and IDifferentiator implementations
#137 Update XML documentation
#136 Rename "parameters" to "variables"
#135 Rework expressions
#134 Remove brackets from mul if parent is mul.
#133 Add simplification of negative param of mul.
#132 def/undef throws wrong exception
#130 Refactor parser, remove dependency on lexer.
#129 'if' operator doesn't work.
#128 Add support of pinch-zoom gesture to chart control
#127 Use vector text instead of icons
#126 Speed up call of 'StartsWith' method.
#125 \t, \n, \r throws an axception
#83 Laplace and Nabla-Operator
xFunc 3
#61 Combine logic and math libraries.
#79 Ability to change a number output format.
#89 ParameterCollection doesn't work with logic parameters.
#91 Use the 'up arrow' key to insert previous value (like in console).
#95 Refactor unit tests
#99 Add button "Copy result value to input" in Unit Converter Window
#100 The "==" operator doesn't work with bool values
#101 Add crash dump file generation
#102 Check performance of the "HasFlag" method
#105 Fix not equal operation for numeric values (!=)
#106 Add support of exponential notation
#107 Create Expression Builder
#108 Add simplification for variables
#109 Supports the wrong format
#110 The expression that doesn't contain 'x' should not be added.
#112 And, Or operations throw an exception in graphs
#113 Check usage of Func.cs and Lazy.cs (try to remove)
#114 Add binary logarithm
#115 Create option for optional saving of dump file.
#117 The 'Functions' window throws ParameterTypeMismatchException exception
#118 The 'Truth Table' doesn't work.
#120 Fix cm size in charts (check on different DPI).
#122 "Clipboard" Buttons don't work.
#123 Logic operation priority issue.
#124 String expressions are not trimmed.
xFunc Beta 3
#95 Refactor unit tests
#99 Add button "Copy result value to input" in Unit Converter Window
#106 Add support of exponential notation
#107 Create Expression Builder
#108 Add simplification for variables
#109 Supports the wrong format
#110 The expression that doesn't contain 'x' should not be added.
#112 And, Or operations throw an exception in graphs
#113 Check usage of Func.cs and Lazy.cs (try to remove)
#114 Add binary logarithm
#115 Create option for optional saving of dump file.
xFunc 3 Beta 2
xFunc 3 Beta
xFunc 2.16.2
xFunc 2.16.1
Added #79.
Merging math and logic libraries are not completed.
xFunc 2.15.16
Fixed #85.