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t9md edited this page Feb 28, 2017 · 24 revisions

Term and Roles

  • narrow-editor or narrow-ui: handles user input and update item list.
  • narrow-provider: Provide items to narrow and action to jump to item selected.

Flow of startup

  1. User invoke narrow:scan
  2. Instantiate Scan provider and instantiate Ui to use for this provider.
  3. Open narrow-editor( Ui hold narrow-editor and control-bar etc..).

Narrow query

Text you input on first line of narrow-editor.

  • Items in narrow-editor are filtered by query.
  • Basically query is mached as-is( No regular expression support currently ).
  • Can chain multiple query separating by whilte-space.
    • e.g. foo bar means, select items matches foo and bar.
  • * is treated as wildcard, internally converted to .* regular expression.
  • ! is treated as nagate, !foo means 'not matching foo'.
    • If config negateNarrowQueryByEndingExclamation set to true, you can also use foo!.
  • Query case sensitivity is configurable with config caseSensitivityForNarrowQuery.
    • Can override global setting on each provider if you want.
  • See also this issue

Built-in provider


  • Scan current editor( use editor.scan under the hood )
  • It use first narrow query as search term( first word separated by white-spaces on query text ).
  • Rest of include and exclude(! starting word) queries are treated as normal filter query.
  • To make this exceptional query handling obvious by eye, use different syntax grammar highlight for first query(= scan term).


  • Search by ag( you need to install ag by yourself).
  • Need to install ag by yourself.


  • Similar to search but use Atom's atom.workspace.scan.


  • Provide fold-starting rows as item.
  • Can change fold level to show up on narrow-editor by
    • narrow-ui:fold:increase-fold-level
    • narrow-ui:fold:decrease-fold-level


  • Show git-diff for current active-editor. Info source is core git-diff package.


  • Show all modified state file across project.
  • If you are comfortable with this provider, you don't need git-diff at all( like me ).


  • Info source is core bookmarks package
  • This is toy, I don't use bookmarks feature heavily.


  • Provide symbols for current file.
  • Useful to quick previewing function definition on same file.


  • Provide project-wide symbols information by reading tags file.


  • Use message provided by linter package.
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