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Mustache Templates

PML Version  mustache Version 

Custom mustache templates to generate useful snippets by extracting PML info via the PML_meta_data.json file generated by the PML Converter (Git-ignored in the repository).

IMPORTANT — We've switched from mustache.js to mustache Ruby!

Future versions of the templates might not work with mustache implementations other than Ruby, i.e. if we start to exploit Ruby-specific features. Unless otherwise specified, all mustache templates are assumed to be implementation-agnostic.

Templates List

Each <filename>__<ext>.mustache source template is converted to <filename>.<ext>, allowing to generate files with any extension from *.mustache templates.

mustache output file format description
tags-all__txt.mustache tags-all.txt plain text List of all PML tags.
tags-block__txt.mustache tags-block.txt plain text List of PML block-node tags.
tags-children__txt.mustache tags-children.txt plain text List of PML tags that allow children.
tags-info__md.mustache Markdown PML Tags Reference document.
tags-inline__txt.mustache tags-inline.txt plain text List of PML inline-node tags.
tags-no-children__txt.mustache tags-no-children.txt plain text List of PML tags that don't allow children.
tags-raw__txt.mustache tags-raw.txt plain text List of PML raw text block tags.
tags-ref__asciidoc.mustache tags-ref.asciidoc AsciiDoc PML Tags Reference document.

Auto-generated Documents
