The accprob project welcomes contributions from everyone.
We use Rye to manage dependencies so you need to install it first.
After installing Rye, you can install the dependencies by running the following command:
$ rye sync --no-lock
Then you can run scripts by activating the virtual environment:
# If you are using Unix-like OS
$ . .venv/bin/activate
# If you are using Windows
$ .venv\Scripts\activate
# Now you can run accprob
$ accprob
If you want to add dependencies, you can add them by running the following command:
$ rye add package1 package2 ... && rye sync
We highly recommend using VSCode because we have included the settings for linting and formatting in the .vscode
If you don't want to use VSCode, you need to run the following commands before committing your changes:
To lint:
$ rye run ruff check && rye run mypy .
To format:
$ rye run ruff check --select I --fix && rye run ruff format