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Releases: takuseno/d3rlpy

Release v0.70

18 Feb 10:19
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Command Line Interface

New commands are added in this version.


You can record the video of the evaluation episodes without coding anything.

$ d3rlpy record d3rlpy_logs/CQL_20201224224314/ --env-id HopperBulletEnv-v0

# record wrapped environment
$ d3rlpy record d3rlpy_logs/Discrete_CQL_20201224224314/ \
    --env-header 'import gym; env = d3rlpy.envs.Atari(gym.make("BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4"), is_eval=True)'


You can run the evaluation episodes with rendering images.

# record simple environment
$ d3rlpy play d3rlpy_logs/CQL_20201224224314/ --env-id HopperBulletEnv-v0

# record wrapped environment
$ d3rlpy play d3rlpy_logs/Discrete_CQL_20201224224314/ \
    --env-header 'import gym; env = d3rlpy.envs.Atari(gym.make("BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4"), is_eval=True)'

data-point mask for bootstrapping

Ensemble training for Q-functions has been shown as a powerful method to achieve robust training. Previously, bootstrap option has been available for algorithms. But, the mask for Q-function loss is randomly created every time when the batch is sampled.

In this version, create_mask option is available for MDPDataset and ReplayBuffer, which will create a unique mask at each data-point.

# offline training
dataset = d3rlpy.dataset.MDPDataset(observations, actions, rewards, terminals, create_mask=True, mask_size=5)
cql = d3rlpy.algos.CQL(n_critics=5, bootstrap=True, target_reduction_type='none')

# online training
buffer =, create_mask=True, mask_size=5)
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC(n_critics=5, bootstrap=True, target_reduction_type='none')
sac.fit_online(env, buffer)

As you noticed above, target_reduction_type is newly introduced to specify how to aggregate target Q values. In the standard Soft Actor-Critic, the target_reduction_type='min'. If you choose none, each ensemble Q-function uses its own target value, which is similar to what Bootstrapped DQN does.

better module access

From this version, you can navigate to all modules through d3rlpy.

# previously
from d3rlpy.datasets import get_cartpole
dataset = get_cartpole()

# v0.70
import d3rlpy
dataset = d3rlpy.datasets.get_cartpole()

new logger style

From this version, structlog is internally used to print information instead of raw print function. This allows us to emit more structural information. Furthermore, you can control what to show and what to save to the file if you overwrite logger configuration.



  • soft_q_backup option is added to CQL.
  • Paper Reproduction page has been added to the documentation in order to show the performance with the paper configuration.
  • commit method at D3RLPyLogger returns metrics (thanks, @jamartinh )


  • fix epoch count in offline training.
  • fix total_step count in online training.
  • fix typos at documentation (thanks, @pstansell )

Release v0.61

31 Jan 06:17
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record command is newly introduced in this version. You can record videos of evaluation episodes with the saved model.

$ d3rlpy record d3rlpy_logs/CQL_20210131144357/ --env-id Hopper-v2

You can also use the wrapped environment.

$ d3rlpy record d3rlpy_logs/DQN_online_20210130170041/ \
  --env-header 'import gym; from d3rlpy.envs import Atari; env = Atari(gym.make("BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4"), is_eval=True)'


  • fix saving models every step in fit_online method
  • fix Atari wrapper to reproduce the paper result
  • fix CQL and BEAR algorithms

Release v0.60

27 Jan 15:10
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New logo images are made for d3rlpy 🎉

standard inverted
image d3rlpy_cover_narrow


ActionScaler provides action scaling pre/post-processing for continuous control algorithms. Previously actions must be in between [-1.0, 1.0]. From now on, you don't need to care about the range of actions.

from d3rlpy.cql import CQL

cql = CQL(action_scaler='min_max')  # just pass action_scaler argument

handling timeout episodes

Episodes terminated by timeouts should not be clipped at bootstrapping. From this version, you can specify episode boundaries as well as the terminal flags.

from d3rlpy.dataset import MDPDataset

observations = ...
actions = ...
rewards = ...
terminals = ... # this indicates the environmental termination
episode_terminals = ... # this indicates episode boundaries

datasets = MDPDataset(observations, actions, rewards, terminals, episode_terminals)

# if episode_terminals are omitted, terminals will be used to specify episode boundaries
# datasets = MDPDataset(observations, actions, rewards, terminals) 

In online training, you can specify this option via timelimit_aware flag.

from d3rlpy.sac import SAC

env = gym.make('Hopper-v2') # make sure if the environment is wrapped by gym.wrappers.Timelimit

sac = SAC()
sac.fit_online(env, timelimit_aware=True) # this flag is True by default


batch online training

When training with computationally expensive environments such as robotics simulators or rich 3D games, it will take a long time to finish due to the slow environment steps.
To solve this, d3rlpy supports batch online training.

from d3rlpy.algos import SAC
from d3rlpy.envs import AsyncBatchEnv

if __name__ == '__main__':  # this is necessary if you use AsyncBatchEnv
    env = AsyncBatchEnv([lambda: gym.make('Hopper-v2') for _ in range(10)])  # distributing 10 environments in different processes

    sac = SAC(use_gpu=True)
    sac.fit_batch_online(env) # train with 10 environments concurrently

docker image

Pre-built d3rlpy docker image is available in DockerHub.

$ docker run -it --gpus all --name d3rlpy takuseno/d3rlpy:latest bash


  • BEAR algorithm is updated based on the official implementation
    • new mmd_kernel option is available
  • to_mdp_dataset method is added to ReplayBuffer
  • ConstantEpsilonGreedy explorer is added
  • d3rlpy.envs.ChannelFirst wrapper is added (thanks for reporting, @feyza-droid )
  • new dataset utility function d3rlpy.datasets.get_d4rl is added
    • this is handling timeouts inside the function
  • offline RL paper reproduction codes are added
  • smoothed moving average plot at d3rlpy plot CLI function (thanks, @pstansell )
  • user-friendly messages for assertion errors
  • better memory consumption
  • save_interval argument is added to fit_online


  • core dumps are fixed in Google Colaboratory tutorials
  • typos in some documentations (thanks for reporting, @pstansell )

Release v0.51

10 Jan 01:25
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minor fix

  • add typing-extensions depdency
  • update

Release v0.50

09 Jan 10:48
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Now, d3rlpy is fully type-annotated not only for the better use of this library but also for the better contribution experiences.

  • mypy and pylint check the type consistency and code quality.
  • due to a lot of changes to add type annotations, there might be degradation that is not detected by linters.


v0.50 introduces the new command-line interface, d3rlpy command that helps you to do more without any efforts. For now, d3rlpy provides the following commands.

# plot CSV data
$ d3rlpy plot d3rlpy_logs/XXX/YYY.csv

# plot CSV data
$ d3rlpy plot-all d3rlpy_logs/XXX

# export the save model as inference formats (e.g. ONNX, TorchScript)
$ d3rlpy export d3rlpy_logs/XXX/


  • faster CPU to GPU transfer
    • this change makes online training x2 faster
  • make IQN Q function more precise based on the paper


  • Add doc about SB3 integration ( thanks, @araffin )

Release v0.41

20 Dec 14:13
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Off-Policy Evaluation

Off-policy evaluation (OPE) is a method to evaluate policy performance only with the offline dataset.

# train policy
from d3rlpy.algos import CQL
from d3rlpy.datasets import get_pybullet
dataset, env = get_pybullet('hopper-bullet-mixed-v0')
cql = CQL()

# Off-Policy Evaluation
from d3rlpy.ope import FQE
from d3rlpy.metrics.scorer import soft_opc_scorer
from d3rlpy.metrics.scorer import initial_state_value_estimation_scorer
fqe = FQE(algo=cql),
               'soft_opc': soft_opc_scorer(1000),
               'init_value': initial_state_value_estimation_scorer

Q Function Factory

d3rlpy provides flexible controls over Q functions through Q function factory. Following this change, the previous q_func_type argument was renamed to q_func_factory.

from d3rlpy.algos import DQN
from d3rlpy.q_functions import QRQFunctionFactory

# initialize Q function factory
q_func_factory = QRQFunctionFactory(n_quantiles=32)

# give it to algorithm object
dqn = DQN(q_func_factory=q_func_factory)

You can pass Q function name as string too.

dqn = DQN(q_func_factory='qr')

You can also make your own Q function factory. Currently, these are the supported Q function factory.


from d3rlpy.algos import DQN

dqn = DQN(encoder_factory='dense')

N-step TD calculation

d3rlpy supports N-step TD calculation for ALL algorithms. You can pass n_steps arugment to configure this parameters.

from d3rlpy.algos import DQN

dqn = DQN(n_steps=5) # n_steps=1 by default

Paper reproduction scripts

d3rlpy supports many algorithms including online and offline paradigms. Originally, d3rlpy is designed for industrial practitioners. But, academic research is still important to push deep reinforcement learning forward. Currently, there are online DQN-variant reproduction codes.

The evaluation results will be also available soon.


  • build_with_dataset and build_with_env methods are added to algorithm objects
  • shuffle flag is added to fit method (thanks, @jamartinh )

Release v0.40

26 Nov 15:28
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  • Support the discrete version of Soft Actor-Critic
  • fit_online has n_steps argument instead of n_epochs for the complete reproduction of the papers.


d3rlpy provides more flexible controls for optimizer configuration via OptimizerFactory.

from d3rlpy.optimizers import AdamFactory
from d3rlpy.algos import DQN

dqn = DQN(optim_factory=AdamFactory(weight_decay=1e-4))

See more at .


d3rlpy provides more flexible controls for the neural network architecture via EncoderFactory.

from d3rlpy.algos import DQN
from d3rlpy.encoders import VectorEncoderFactory

# encoder factory
encoder_factory = VectorEncoderFactory(hidden_units=[300, 400], activation='tanh')

# set OptimizerFactory
dqn = DQN(encoder_factory=encoder_factory)

Also you can build your own encoders.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from d3rlpy.encoders import EncoderFactory

# your own neural network
class CustomEncoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, obsevation_shape, feature_size):
        self.feature_size = feature_size
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(observation_shape[0], 64)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(64, feature_size)

    def forward(self, x):
        h = torch.relu(self.fc1(x))
        h = torch.relu(self.fc2(h))
        return h

    def get_feature_size(self):
        return self.feature_size

# your own encoder factory
class CustomEncoderFactory(EncoderFactory):
    TYPE = 'custom' # this is necessary

    def __init__(self, feature_size):
        self.feature_size = feature_size

    def create(self, observation_shape, action_size=None, discrete_action=False):
        return CustomEncoder(observation_shape, self.feature_size)

    def get_params(self, deep=False):
        return {
            'feature_size': self.feature_size

dqn = DQN(encoder_factory=CustomEncoderFactory(feature_size=64))

See more at .

Stable Baselines 3 wrapper


  • fix the memory leak problem at fit_online.
    • Now, you can train online algorithms with the big replay buffer size for the image observation.
  • fix preprocessing at CQL.
  • fix ColorJitter augmentation.



  • From this version, d3rlpy officially supports Windows.
  • The binary packages for each platform are built in GitHub Actions. And they are uploaded, which means that you don't have to install Cython to install this package from PyPi.


  • From previous version, d3rlpy is available in conda-forge.

Release v0.32

31 Oct 07:59
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This version introduces hotfix.

  • ⚠️ Fix the significant bug in the case of online training with image observation.

Release v0.31

28 Oct 14:40
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This version introduces minor changes.

  • Move n_epochs arguments to fit method.
  • Fix scikit-learn compatibility issues.
  • Fix zero-division error during online training.

Release version v0.30

27 Oct 08:38
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  • Support Advantage-Weighted Actor-Critic (AWAC)
  • fit_online method is available as a convenient alias to function.
  • unnormalizing action problem is fixed at AWR.


⚠️ MDPDataset

  • d3rlpy.dataset module is now implemented with Cython in order to speed up memory copies.
  • Following operations are significantly faster than the previous version.
    • creating TransitionMiniBatch object
    • frame stacking via n_frames argument
    • lambda return calculation at AWR algorithms
  • This change approximately makes Atari training 6% faster.