Instructables page:
ESP8266 IoT enabler - Sends temperature/humidity readings from a DHT11 sensor to a MQTT broker and a Thingspeak channel - Listens for MQTT messages and turns on or off a relay connected to ESP8266. - Checks a Thingspeak channel periodically and turns on/off a relay if there is an update.
Connections: - GPIO0 to relay - GPIO2 to data pin of DHT11
Configure ESP8266 build environment:
Update user_config.h and change MQTT host and login details as well as WiFi login details. #define MQTT_HOST "your cloudmqtt instance name" #define MQTT_PORT your cloudmqtt instance port
#define MQTT_USER "your cloudmqtt instance username" #define MQTT_PASS "your cloudmqtt instance password"
#define STA_SSID "your WiFi SSID" #define STA_PASS "your WiFi password"
Update following two global variables in user_main.c to your values: char YOUR_THINGSPEAK_API_KEY[]= "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; char YOUR_THINGSPEAK_CHANNEL[]= "xxxxxxxxx";
Connect GPIO0 to ground by changing the jumper position.
Clean, build and flash the firmware to the ESP8266 module.
Remove jumper and power cycle the ESP8266 module.
Connect GPIO0 to relay input by inserting the jumper.
Thats it. You can now view the readings and control the relay.
Operation: - Connects to a free online MQTT broker ( - Subscribes to three topics - /esp8266/temperature, /esp8266/humidity and /esp8266/relay - Starts a timer that calls a function to periodically: - Send temperature/humidity readings to the MQTT broker - Send temperature and humidity readings to the following Thingspeak Channel: - Read the last value of field1 in the Thingspeak channel that corresponds to the relay state and if there is a change in the value then send appropriate MQTT messages to turn on/off relay.
- Defines a call back routine when MQTT messages are received
- If a message is received on the /esp8266/relay topic, it will then
turn on or off relay by setting GPIO0 high or low.
- Sends relay state to field3 of Thingspeak channel.
Display: - The temperature/humidity readings is available at - The relay state is also available in the Thingspeak channel. A value of -1.0 means the relay is off and 1.0 means it is on. - These readings can also be viewed through any MQTT client connected to the broker.
Control: - The relay can be turned on/off using any MQTT client connected to the same MQTT broker by sending a message, "on" of "off" to /esp8266/relay topic.
- The relay can also be turned on/off by updating field1 of the Thingspeak
channel using the following URLs:
Copy/paste the URL in a broswer. If the response is a non zero integer, it means
the field was successfully updated. If a zero is received back, try the URL again.
References: This project is based mainly on the following two git repos: