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Authorino examples

The examples provided in this page show several use cases and how to implement them as Authorino custom resources. Each example presents a feature of Authorino and is independent from the other.

For applications of Authorino into more complex combined real life-like guided examples, see Authorino Tutorials.

Setting up the environment setup for the examples

The simplest way to try the examples in this page is by launching a local test Kubernetes environment included in the Authorino examples.

Run from the root directory of the Authorino repo:

make local-setup SKIP_LOCAL_BUILD=1

The above will setup the local environment, install and deploy Authorino, Envoy and the sample API to be protected called Talker API.

Some of the examples involve having an external identity provider (IdP), such as Keycloak and/or Dex, to support authentication. To launch the local test environment including as well both these IdPs deployed to the cluster, run instead:

make local-setup SKIP_LOCAL_BUILD=1 DEPLOY_IDPS=1

NOTE: You can replace DEPLOY_IDPS above with DEPLOY_KEYCLOAK or DEPLOY_DEX, in case you only want one of these auth servers deployed.

For the examples using Keycloak – Keycloak will reject tokens whose domain name of the issuer ("iss" claim) differs from the domain name of the request to the Keycloak server. In some examples, Authorino reaches the Keycloak server within the cluster, using the Kubernetes Keycloak service host name (i.e. "keycloak"). Therefore, you cannot get a token issued hitting Keycloak on http://localhost:8080, e.g., and later get this token validated through Authorino contacting Keycloak on http://keycloak:8080. To work around this limitation, you may need to either get tokens issued always from requests to Keycloak initiated inside the cluster, or, as assumed in the examples below, by resolving outside the cluster the same domain name assigned to the Keycloak service inside the cluster – i.e. echo " keycloak" >> /etc/hosts.

To finish the setup, forward requests from your local host to the corresponding ports of Envoy, Keycloak, and Dex, running inside the cluster:

kubectl -n authorino port-forward deployment/envoy 8000:8000 &
kubectl -n authorino port-forward deployment/keycloak 8080:8080 & # (if using Keycloak)
kubectl -n authorino port-forward deployment/dex 5556:5556 &      # (if using Dex)

To cleanup, run:

make local-cleanup

For more information on the deployment options and resources included in the local test Kubernetes environment included in Authorino examples, see Deploying Authorino.

Table of examples

Simple API key authentication

Simple authentication with API keys. Each API key is stored in a Kubernetes Secret resource that contains an api_key entry and labels matching the ones specified in the identity config.


  - apiKey:
      labelSelectors: # used to select the matching `Secret`s; resources including these labels will be acepted as valid API keys to authenticate to this service
        group: friends # user-defined

Secrets must contain:

  labels: # must include the `AuthConfig`'s `spec.identity.apiKey.labelSelectors` authorino # required, so the Authorino controller reconciles events related to this secret
    group: friends
  api_key: <random-generated-api-key>

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/simple-api-key.yaml
# created
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 created

Try it out:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY nonono' http://localhost:8000/hello # 401

Alternative credentials location

By default, Authorino expects credentials passed in the HTTP Authorization request header, with value following the default "Bearer" prefix. The example shows how to set up different locations for the credentials.


  - credentials:
      in: authorization_header
      keySelector: Bearer
  - credentials:
      in: authorization_header
      keySelector: CustomPrefix # user-defined
  - credentials:
      in: custom_header
      keySelector: X-API-Key # user-defined
  - credentials:
      in: query
      keySelector: api_key # user-defined
  - credentials:
      in: cookie
      keySelector: API-KEY # user-defined

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/alternative-credentials-location.yaml
# created
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 created

Try it out:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' 'http://localhost:8000/hello?api_key=ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: Foo ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' 'http://localhost:8000/hello' # 403

Forbidden IP

Uses Authorino's JSON pattern matching authorization for block requestes from a given client IP.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/forbidden-ip.yaml
# created
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 created

Try it out:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' -H 'X-Forwarded-For:' http://localhost:8000/hello # 403

IP range allow list

Similar to the Forbidden IP example, to show how Authorino's JSON pattern matching authorization can be used to allow requests from a range of IPs only.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/ip-range-allow-list.yaml
# created
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 created

Try it out:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' -H 'X-Forwarded-For:' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' http://localhost:8000/hello # 403

Short-lived API keys (the non-OIDC “beta-testers” use case)

Based on Authorino OPA implementation. The examples uses the creationTimestamp of the secrets (API keys) in a Rego policy to limit the time-span of API keys to 5 days only.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/short-lived-api-keys.yaml
# created
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 created
# secret/beta-tester-1-api-key-1 created

Try it out:

# User of unlimited group "friends" (API key will never expire)
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

# User of limited group "beta-testers" (API key expires after 5 days)
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY 76yh702XoA9GLzFHCuF42fq7lHJz5Etc' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200 (up to 5th day) / 403 (after 5th day)

Read-only outside

It authorizes only GET requests whenever the source IP is not the one of a local secure network; full-access otherwise (inside the secure network).

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/read-only-outside.yaml
# created
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 created

Try it out:

# safe origin
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' -H 'X-Forwarded-For:' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' -H 'X-Forwarded-For:' -X POST http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

# unsafe origin
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' -H 'X-Forwarded-For:' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' -H 'X-Forwarded-For:' -X POST http://localhost:8000/hello # 403

Kubernetes authentication

It demonstrates Authorino authentication based on Kubernetes TokenReview API.


  - kubernetes:
      audiences: # user-defined; it must match the audiences inside the valid Kubernetes token; defaults to hostname of the requested service
        - talker-api

Deploy the example:

sed -e "s/\${AUTHORINO_NAMESPACE}/authorino/g" ./examples/kubernetes-auth.yaml | kubectl -n authorino apply -f -
# created
# serviceaccount/sa-token-issuer created
# created
# serviceaccount/api-consumer created

Try it out:

Get a valid Kubernetes token:

CURRENT_K8S_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r '."current-context"')
CURRENT_K8S_CLUSTER=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r --arg K8S_CONTEXT "${CURRENT_K8S_CONTEXT}"  '.contexts[] | select(.name == $K8S_CONTEXT) | .context.cluster')
export KUBERNETES_API=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r --arg K8S_CLUSTER "${CURRENT_K8S_CLUSTER}" '.clusters[] | select(.name == $K8S_CLUSTER) | .cluster.server')
export TOKEN_ISSUER_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n authorino get secret/$(kubectl -n authorino get sa/sa-token-issuer -o json | jq -r '.secrets[0].name') -o json | jq -r '.data.token' | base64 -d)
export API_CONSUMER_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X "POST" "$KUBERNETES_API/api/v1/namespaces/authorino/serviceaccounts/api-consumer/token" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN_ISSUER_TOKEN" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TokenRequest", "spec": { "audiences": ["talker-api"], "expirationSeconds": 600 } }' | jq -r '.status.token')

Send requests to the API:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_CONSUMER_TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

Kubernetes authorization

It demonstrates Authorino authorization based on Kubernetes SubjectAccessReview API.


  - name: service-accounts
    kubernetes: # You can combine Kubernetes authorization with identity sources other than just Kubernetes authentication too
      audiences: ["talker-api"]

  - name: kubernetes-rbac
      conditions: # Optional. Allows to establish conditions for the policy to be enforced or skipped
        - selector: auth.identity.iss
          operator: eq
          value: https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
        valueFrom: # It can be a fixed value as well, by using `value` instead
          authJSON: auth.identity.metadata.annotations.userid
      resourceAttributes: # Omit it to perform a non-resource `SubjectAccessReview` based on the request's path and method (verb) instead
        namespace: # other supported resource attributes are: group, resource, name, subresource and verb
            authJSON: context.request.http.path.@extract:{"sep":"/","pos":2}

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/kubernetes-authz.yaml
# created
# serviceaccount/api-consumer-1 created
# serviceaccount/api-consumer-2 created
# secret/api-key-1 created
# secret/api-key-2 created
# created
# created
# created
# created
# created
# created

Try it out:

Get the Kubernetes API base endpoint and Kubernetes user that is currently logged in the CLI:

CURRENT_K8S_CONTEXT=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r '."current-context"')
CURRENT_K8S_USER=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r --arg K8S_CONTEXT "${CURRENT_K8S_CONTEXT}"  '.contexts[] | select(.name == $K8S_CONTEXT) | .context.user')
CURRENT_K8S_CLUSTER=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r --arg K8S_CONTEXT "${CURRENT_K8S_CONTEXT}"  '.contexts[] | select(.name == $K8S_CONTEXT) | .context.cluster')
KUBERNETES_API=$(kubectl config view -o json | jq -r --arg K8S_CLUSTER "${CURRENT_K8S_CLUSTER}" '.clusters[] | select(.name == $K8S_CLUSTER) | .cluster.server')

Save the Kubernetes user's TLS certificate and TLS key to authenticate to the Kubernetes API (requires yq):

yq r ~/.kube/config "users(name==$CURRENT_K8S_USER).user.client-certificate-data" | base64 -d > /tmp/kind-cluster-user-cert.pem
yq r ~/.kube/config "users(name==$CURRENT_K8S_USER).user.client-key-data" | base64 -d > /tmp/kind-cluster-user-cert.key

Use the CLI user's TLS certificate to obtain a short-lived for the api-consumer-1 ServiceAccount and consume the protected API as api-consumer-1, which is bound to the talker-api-cm-reader role:

export API_CONSUMER_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X "POST" "$KUBERNETES_API/api/v1/namespaces/authorino/serviceaccounts/api-consumer-1/token" \
     --cert /tmp/kind-cluster-user-cert.pem --key /tmp/kind-cluster-user-cert.key \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TokenRequest", "spec": { "audiences": ["talker-api"], "expirationSeconds": 600 } }' | jq -r '.status.token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_CONSUMER_TOKEN" "http://localhost:8000/v2/authorino/configmaps" # 200

Use the CLI user's TLS certificate to obtain a short-lived for the api-consumer-2 ServiceAccount and consume the protected API as api-consumer-2, which is NOT bound to the talker-api-cm-reader role:

export API_CONSUMER_TOKEN=$(curl -k -X "POST" "$KUBERNETES_API/api/v1/namespaces/authorino/serviceaccounts/api-consumer-2/token" \
     --cert /tmp/kind-cluster-user-cert.pem --key /tmp/kind-cluster-user-cert.key \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
     -d $'{ "apiVersion": "", "kind": "TokenRequest", "spec": { "audiences": ["talker-api"], "expirationSeconds": 600 } }' | jq -r '.status.token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_CONSUMER_TOKEN" "http://localhost:8000/v2/authorino/configmaps" # 403

To try Kubernetes authorization for API keys as well, edit examples/kubernetes-authz.yaml and comment the spec.authorization.kubernetes.condition option. Re-apply the AuthConfig:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/kubernetes-authz.yaml

Send another GET request now authenticating with John's API key, which is bound to talker-api-cm-reader role:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx" "http://localhost:8000/v2/authorino/configmaps" # 200

Send a GET request with Jane's API key, which is NOT bound to talker-api-cm-reader role:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY Vb8Ymt1Y2hWvaKcAcElau81ia2CsAYUn" "http://localhost:8000/v2/authorino/configmaps" # 403

To try non-resource SubjectAccessReview, edit again examples/kubernetes-authz.yaml and comment the spec.authorization.kubernetes.resourceAttributes option. Re-apply the AuthConfig:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/kubernetes-authz.yaml

User John can greet:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

So does Jane:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY Vb8Ymt1Y2hWvaKcAcElau81ia2CsAYUn" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

John can use the /say/* endpoint of the API:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx" http://localhost:8000/say/blah # 200

Whereas Jane cannot:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY Vb8Ymt1Y2hWvaKcAcElau81ia2CsAYUn" http://localhost:8000/say/blah # 403

Simple OAuth2 (token introspection)

Introspection of supplied OAuth2 access tokens with Keycloak.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/simple-oauth2.yaml
# created
# secret/oauth2-token-introspection-credentials created

Try it out:

export $(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=john' -d 'password=p' "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '"ACCESS_TOKEN="+.access_token,"REFRESH_TOKEN="+.refresh_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

Revoke access:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN" -d 'token_type_hint=requesting_party_token' -u demo: "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/logout"

Send another request:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/hello # 403

Simple OIDC (with Keycloak)

The example connects Authorino to a Keycloak realm as source of identities via OIDC. It also sets authorization to allow requests only from users with email verified.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/simple-oidc.yaml
# created

Try it out:

Try it out with John

export ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=john' -d 'password=p' "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

Try it out with Peter (email NOT verified)

export ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=peter' -d 'password=p' "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER" http://localhost:8000/hello # 403

OIDC UserInfo

It leverages OIDC UserInfo requests during Authorino metadata phase to validate access tokens beyond timestamps and signature verification. Authorino sends a request to the OIDC issuer's UserInfo endpoint, thus live-checking for previous token revocation.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/oidc-active-tokens-only.yaml
# created

Try it out:

export $(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=john' -d 'password=p' "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '"ACCESS_TOKEN="+.access_token,"REFRESH_TOKEN="+.refresh_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

Revoke access:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "refresh_token=$REFRESH_TOKEN" -d 'token_type_hint=requesting_party_token' -u demo: "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/logout"

Send another request:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" http://localhost:8000/hello # 403

Multiple OIDC providers (Keycloak and Dex)

The example sets two sources of identity to verify OIDC tokens (JWTs) – i.e., the Keycloak server and the Dex server, both running inside the cluster. If any of these providers accepts the token, Authorino succeeds in the identity verification phase.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/oidc-multiple-sources.yaml
# created

Try it out:

Keycloak user:

export ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=john' -d 'password=p' "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

Dex user:

export ACCESS_TOKEN_MARTA=$(curl -k -d 'grant_type=authorization_code' -d "code=<authorization-code>" -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'client_secret=aaf88e0e-d41d-4325-a068-57c4b0d61d8e' -d 'redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/callback' "http://localhost:5556/token" | jq -r '.id_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_MARTA" http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

Invalid token (neither Keycloak, nor Dex will accept it):

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c' http://localhost:8000/hello # 403

Resource-level authorization (with UMA resource registry)

The example uses Keycloak User-Managed Access (UMA) implementation hosting resource data, that is later fetched by Authorino on every request, in metadata phase. See Authorino architecture > User-Managed Access (UMA) for more information.

The Keycloak server also provides identities for OIDC authentication. The identity subject ("sub" claim) must match the owner of the requested resource, identitfied by the URI of the request.

According to the policy, everyone can send either GET or POST requests to /greetings and only the resource owners can send GET, PUT and DELETE requests to /greetings/{resource-id}.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/resource-level-authz.yaml
# created
# secret/talker-api-uma-credentials created

Try it out:

Try out with John (owner of /greetings/1):

export ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=john' -d 'password=p' "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/greetings # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/greetings/1 # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/greetings/1 # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/greetings/2 # 403
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/goodbye # 403

Try out with Jane (owner of /greetings/2):

export ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=jane' -d 'password=p' "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE" http://localhost:8000/greetings # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE" http://localhost:8000/greetings/1 # 403
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE" -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/greetings/1 # 403
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE" http://localhost:8000/greetings/2 # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE" http://localhost:8000/goodbye # 403

Try out with Peter:

export ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=peter' -d 'password=p' "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER" http://localhost:8000/greetings # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER" http://localhost:8000/greetings/1 # 403
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER" -X DELETE http://localhost:8000/greetings/1 # 403
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER" http://localhost:8000/greetings/2 # 403
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_PETER" http://localhost:8000/goodbye # 403

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) (with Keycloak realm roles)

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/keycloak-rbac.yaml
# created

Try it out:

Try out with John (member user):

export ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=john' -d 'password=p' "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/greetings # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JOHN" http://localhost:8000/goodbye # 403

Try out with Jane (admin user):

export ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE=$(curl -d 'grant_type=password' -d 'client_id=demo' -d 'username=jane' -d 'password=p' "http://localhost:8080/auth/realms/kuadrant/protocol/openid-connect/token" | jq -r '.access_token')

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE" http://localhost:8000/greetings # 200
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN_JANE" http://localhost:8000/goodbye # 200

External HTTP metadata

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/ext-http-metadata.yaml
# configured
# secret/echo-metadata-shared-auth configured
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 configured

Try it out:

# safe origin
curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' http://localhost:8000/hello # 200

Festival Wristbands

Festival Wristbands are OpenID Connect JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) issued and signed by Authorino at the end of the auth pipeline, and passed back to the client, usually in an added HTTP header. It is an opt-in feature that can be used to implement Edge Authentication Architecture (EAA) and enable token normalization.

In this example, we set an API protection that issues a wristband after a successful authentication via API key. Two sets of API keys are accepted to authenticate: API keys defined as Kubernetes Secrets containing the metadata labels and, and API keys defined as Kubernetes Secrets containing the metadata labels and Each set of API keys represents a distinct group of users of the API.

The issued wristbands include the standard JWT claims iss, iat, exp and sub, plus 3 user-defined custom claims: a static custom claim aud=internal, a dynamic custom claim born whose value (fetched from the authorization JSON) corresponds to the date/time of creation of the Kubernetes Secret that represents the API key used to authenticate, and another dynamic custom claim roles with value statically set as an extended property of each API key identity source (see the extendedProperties option of the Authorino AuthConfig CRD).

As enforced by policy defined in the example, users must first send a request to /auth to obtain a wristband ("edge authentication"). The wristband will be echoed back to the user by the example upstream API in an added HTTP header x-ext-auth-wristband, base64-encoded. /auth is the only path that will accept requests authenticated via API key. Then, consecutive requests to other paths of the example API shall be sent authenticating with the obtained wristband.

To authenticate via API key, use the HTTP header in the format Authorization APIKEY <api-key-value>. To authenticate via wristband, use Authorization: Wristband <wristband-token>.

Requests to /bye path are reserved for users with the role admin.

The wristband tokens are set to expire after 300 seconds. After that, users need to request another wristband by authenticating again to /auth via API key.

Accepting the same wristbands as valid authentication method to consume the API is optional, used in this example to demonstrate the use case for token normalization and edge authentication. Authentication based on wristband tokens relies on Authorino's OIDC identity verification feature. In this example, the issued wristbands are signed using an elliptic curve private key stored in a Kubernetes Secret, whose public key set can be obtained from the OpenID Discovery endpoints (see details below).

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/wristband.yaml
# created
# secret/edge-api-key-1 created
# secret/edge-api-key-2 created
# secret/my-signing-key created
# secret/my-old-signing-key created

Try it out:

Obtain a wristband by successfully authenticating via API key:

export WRISTBAND=$(curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' http://localhost:8000/auth | jq -r '.headers["X-Ext-Auth-Wristband"]')

The payload of the wristband (decoded) shall look like the following:

  "aud": "internal", # custom claim (static value)
  "born": "2021-05-13T15:42:41Z", # custom claim (dynamic value)
  "exp": 1620921395,
  "iat": 1620921095,
  "iss": "https://authorino-oidc.authorino.svc:8083/authorino/talker-api-protection",
  "roles": ["user"],
  "sub": "84d3f3a06f5569e06a050516363f0a65c1789d3433bb4fed5d48801997d5c30e" # SHA256 of the resolved identity in the initial request (based on API key auth)

Send requests to the same API now authenticating with the wristband:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Wristband $WRISTBAND" http://localhost:8000/hello -v # 200

Send another request to an endpoint reserved for users with admin role:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: Wristband $WRISTBAND" http://localhost:8000/bye -v # 403

You can repeat the steps above using the admin API key Vb8Ymt1Y2hWvaKcAcElau81ia2CsAYUn to see the difference.

To discover the OpenID Connect configuration and JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) to verify and validate wristbands issued on requests to this protected API:

kubectl -n authorino port-forward service/authorino-oidc 8083:8083

OpenID Connect configuration well-known endpoint:

JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) well-known endpoint:

Dynamic JSON response

This example defines a JSON object response to be generated by Authorino after the authorization phase, and supplied back to the user in an added HTTP header x-ext-auth-data. The JSON includes 2 properties: a static value authorized=true and a dynamic value request-time, fetched in the authorization JSON from Envoy-supplied contextual data, with the JSON pattern context.request.time.seconds.

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/dynamic-response.yaml
# created
# secret/edge-api-key-1 created
# secret/edge-api-key-2 created
# secret/wristband-signing-key created

Try it out:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx" http://localhost:8000/hello -v # 200

Notice that the response returned by the API includes the HTTP header added by Authorino and Envoy:

  "method": "GET",
  "path": "/hello",
  "query_string": null,
  "body": "",
  "headers": {
    "X-Ext-Auth-Data": "{\"authorized\":\"true\",\"geeting-message\":\"Hello, John Doe!\",\"request-time\":\"1628097734\"}",

Envoy Dynamic Metadata

Authorino can wrap dynamic JSON responses as Envoy Well Known Dynamic Metadata.

This example defines a simple JSON object response that wraps a dynamic value fetched from the resolved user identity object, e.g. {"ext_auth_data": {"username": "consumer-1"}}. The JSON object is emitted back to Envoy as Dynamic Metadata and piped to a rate limit filter based on Limitador. Limitador then enforces, for each user, a limit of 5 requests per minute.

Deploy the Limitador app:

make limitador
# deployment.apps/limitador created
# service/limitador created
# configmap/limitador created

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/dynamic-response.yaml
# created
# secret/edge-api-key-1 created
# secret/edge-api-key-2 created
# secret/wristband-signing-key created

Try it out:

Send request up to 5 requests per minute with user consumer-1:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx" http://localhost:8000/hello -v # 200

After the 5th request with user consumer-1 within a 60-second time span, any consecutive request fails, rejected by the rate limiter:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx" http://localhost:8000/hello -v # 429 Too Many Requests

Though requests with user consumer-2 should still work:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H "Authorization: APIKEY orVKflEHd5Udtu8iFzmvQQTqN7Em7tRu" http://localhost:8000/hello -v # 200

Custom Denial Status Messages

Deploy the example:

kubectl -n authorino apply -f ./examples/deny-with.yaml
# created
# secret/friend-1-api-key-1 created

Try it out:

Send a request missing the API key to authenticate:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' http://localhost:8000/hello -i
# HTTP/1.1 302 Found
# location:
# x-ext-auth-reason: Login required
# date: Tue, 05 Oct 2021 22:45:45 GMT
# server: envoy
# content-length: 0

Without the customization, the response status code would be 401 Unauthorized, the x-ext-auth-reason header "credential not found", and the WWW-Authenticate challenge headers would be present. Instead, status 302 Found and the Location response header are returned.

Send a request forcing an authorization failure:

curl -H 'Host: talker-api' -H 'Authorization: APIKEY ndyBzreUzF4zqDQsqSPMHkRhriEOtcRx' -H 'X-Mock-Unauthorized: 1' http://localhost:8000/hello -i
# HTTP/1.1 302 Found
# location:
# x-requested-path: /hello
# x-ext-auth-reason: Unauthorized
# date: Tue, 05 Oct 2021 22:46:16 GMT
# server: envoy
# content-length: 0

Without the customization, the response status code would be 403 Forbidden. Instead, status 302 Found and the Location response header are returned.

Notice as well the presence of a custom HTTP header x-requested-path, with value dynamically set to the path of the original request.