diff --git a/TcUnit/TcUnit/POUs/FB_Assert.TcPOU b/TcUnit/TcUnit/POUs/FB_Assert.TcPOU
index caa83dd..df7e84d 100644
--- a/TcUnit/TcUnit/POUs/FB_Assert.TcPOU
+++ b/TcUnit/TcUnit/POUs/FB_Assert.TcPOU
@@ -31,6 +31,241 @@ END_VAR]]>
AddTestNameToInstancePath := Tc2_Utilities.CONCAT(STR1 := CompleteTestInstancePath, STR2 := GVL.CurrentTestNameBeingCalled);]]>
+ LOWER_BOUND(Actuals, 1)) OR
+ (UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) <> UPPER_BOUND(Actuals, 1)) THEN
+ SizeOfExpecteds := UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) + 1;
+ SizeOfActuals := UPPER_BOUND(Actuals, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(Actuals, 1) + 1;
+ Equals := FALSE;
+ SizeEquals := FALSE;
+ FOR Index := LOWER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) TO UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) DO
+ IF Expecteds[Index] <> Actuals[Index] THEN
+ Equals := FALSE;
+AssertResults.ReportResult(Expected := Expecteds,
+ Actual := Actuals,
+ Message := Message,
+ TestInstancePath := TestInstancePath,
+ AlreadyReported => AlreadyReported);
+IF NOT AlreadyReported AND NOT Equals THEN
+ SetTestFailed();
+ IF NOT SizeEquals THEN
+ Message := CONCAT(STR1 := Message, STR2 := ', size of arrays not matching.');
+ ExpectedString := 'SIZE = ';
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(SizeOfExpecteds));
+ ActualString := 'SIZE = ';
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(SizeOfActuals));
+ ExpectedString := 'ARRAY[';
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Index));
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := '] = ');
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := BOOL_TO_STRING(Expecteds[Index]));
+ ActualString := 'ARRAY[';
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Index));
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := '] = ');
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := BOOL_TO_STRING(Actuals[Index]));
+ AssertMessageFormatter.LogAssertFailure(Expected := ExpectedString,
+ Actual := ActualString,
+ Message := Message,
+ TestInstancePath := TestInstancePath);
+ LOWER_BOUND(Actuals, 1)) OR
+ (UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) <> UPPER_BOUND(Actuals, 1)) THEN
+ SizeOfExpecteds := UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) + 1;
+ SizeOfActuals := UPPER_BOUND(Actuals, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(Actuals, 1) + 1;
+ Equals := FALSE;
+ SizeEquals := FALSE;
+ FOR Index := LOWER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) TO UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) DO
+ IF Expecteds[Index] <> Actuals[Index] THEN
+ Equals := FALSE;
+AssertResults.ReportResult(Expected := Expecteds,
+ Actual := Actuals,
+ Message := Message,
+ TestInstancePath := TestInstancePath,
+ AlreadyReported => AlreadyReported);
+IF NOT AlreadyReported AND NOT Equals THEN
+ SetTestFailed();
+ IF NOT SizeEquals THEN
+ Message := CONCAT(STR1 := Message, STR2 := ', size of arrays not matching.');
+ ExpectedString := 'SIZE = ';
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(SizeOfExpecteds));
+ ActualString := 'SIZE = ';
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(SizeOfActuals));
+ ExpectedByteString := Tc2_Standard.CONCAT(STR1 := '0x',
+ STR2 := Tc2_Utilities.BYTE_TO_HEXSTR(in := Expecteds[Index],
+ iPrecision := 2,
+ bLoCase := FALSE));
+ ExpectedString := 'ARRAY[';
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Index));
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := '] = ');
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := ExpectedByteString);
+ ActualByteString := Tc2_Standard.CONCAT(STR1 := '0x',
+ STR2 := Tc2_Utilities.BYTE_TO_HEXSTR(in := Actuals[Index],
+ iPrecision := 2,
+ bLoCase := FALSE));
+ ActualString := 'ARRAY[';
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Index));
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := '] = ');
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := ActualByteString);
+ AssertMessageFormatter.LogAssertFailure(Expected := ExpectedString,
+ Actual := ActualString,
+ Message := Message,
+ TestInstancePath := TestInstancePath);
+ LOWER_BOUND(Actuals, 1)) OR
+ (UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) <> UPPER_BOUND(Actuals, 1)) THEN
+ SizeOfExpecteds := UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) + 1;
+ SizeOfActuals := UPPER_BOUND(Actuals, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(Actuals, 1) + 1;
+ Equals := FALSE;
+ SizeEquals := FALSE;
+ FOR Index := LOWER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) TO UPPER_BOUND(Expecteds, 1) DO
+ IF Expecteds[Index] <> Actuals[Index] THEN
+ Equals := FALSE;
+AssertResults.ReportResult(Expected := Expecteds,
+ Actual := Actuals,
+ Message := Message,
+ TestInstancePath := TestInstancePath,
+ AlreadyReported => AlreadyReported);
+IF NOT AlreadyReported AND NOT Equals THEN
+ SetTestFailed();
+ IF NOT SizeEquals THEN
+ Message := CONCAT(STR1 := Message, STR2 := ', size of arrays not matching.');
+ ExpectedString := 'SIZE = ';
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(SizeOfExpecteds));
+ ActualString := 'SIZE = ';
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(SizeOfActuals));
+ ExpectedString := 'ARRAY[';
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Index));
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := '] = ');
+ ExpectedString := CONCAT(STR1 := ExpectedString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Expecteds[Index]));
+ ActualString := 'ARRAY[';
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Index));
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := '] = ');
+ ActualString := CONCAT(STR1 := ActualString, STR2 := DINT_TO_STRING(Actuals[Index]));
+ AssertMessageFormatter.LogAssertFailure(Expected := ExpectedString,
+ Actual := ActualString,
+ Message := Message,
+ TestInstancePath := TestInstancePath);
diff --git a/TcUnit/TcUnit/TcUnit.plcproj b/TcUnit/TcUnit/TcUnit.plcproj
index df4f0f3..f28f7c1 100644
--- a/TcUnit/TcUnit/TcUnit.plcproj
+++ b/TcUnit/TcUnit/TcUnit.plcproj
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Documentation and examples are available at www.tcunit.org
Jakob Sagatowski and other contributors, see AUTHORS file on www.github.com/tcunit/TcUnit
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ Documentation and examples are available at www.tcunit.org
@@ -204,14 +204,14 @@ Documentation and examples are available at www.tcunit.org
- System.Boolean
- System.Collections.Hashtable
- {54dd0eac-a6d8-46f2-8c27-2f43c7e49861}
- System.String
+ System.Boolean
+ System.Collections.Hashtable
+ {54dd0eac-a6d8-46f2-8c27-2f43c7e49861}
+ System.String