- FRC Software manual: https://docs.wpilib.org/en/stable/index.html
- Are there WPI updates https://github.com/wpilibsuite/allwpilib/releases ?
- Game manual: https://www.firstinspires.org/resource-library/frc/competition-manual-qa-system
- Forum: https://www.chiefdelphi.com/, https://www.projectb.net.au/resources/robot-mechanisms
- Camera: Basic April tags demo
- https://docs.wpilib.org/en/latest/docs/software/vision-processing/apriltag/apriltag-intro.html
- https://docs.photonvision.org/en/latest/docs/getting-started/description.html
- https://github.com/Tigerbotics7125/AprilTag16h5
- https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/wpilib-apriltagdetector-sample-code
- https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/list-of-apriltag-3d-positions
- 3rd party libraries for CTRE, Vec, ...
Events, https://frc-events.firstinspires.org/2023/Events/EventList:
- Week 1, March 1, 2023: Searcy, AR
- Week 5, March 29, 2023: Knoxville, TN
WPILib documentation describes how to flash the micro-SD card on a laptop. Next, connect the RoboRIO via USB and use the roboRIO Imaging Tool go to Edit Startup Settings, fill out the Team Number box and hit Apply. This failed on the first attempt, and simply worked the second time around.
'VisualVM', available from https://visualvm.github.io, allows you to see how much CPU and memory the code is using on the RoboRIO, and where it spends its time.
Assuming you unpacked it to \Users\Public\wpilib, start it from a command prompt to pass the JDK location like this:
cd \Users\Public\wpilib\visualvm\bin
visualvm --jdkhome \Users\Public\wpilib\2022\jdk
In build.gradle
, this addition to the FRCJavaArtifact section
allows VisualVM to access the JVM running on the robot:
frcJava(getArtifactTypeClass('FRCJavaArtifact')) {
// Enable VisualVM connection
To connect to the program running on the robot:
- File, Add JMX Connection
- 'Connection:' respectively
- Check 'Do not require SSL connection'
- A new entry with a 'pid' should appear under the 'Remote' list. Double-click, then check 'Monitor', 'Sample.. CPU' etc.
The AprilTagPoseEstimator
needs "focal lengths" and "center" values.
To get them via PhotonVision:
- Get PhotonVision for the PC from https://github.com/PhotonVision/photonvision/releases
- Plug USB camera into laptop
- Run in cmd window (using JDK 11 from 2022, not 2023 wpilib!):
\Users\Public\wpilib\2022\jdk\bin\java -jar Downloads\photonvision-v2023.1.2-winx64.jar
- Open web browser to http://localhost:5800
- Settings: Configure team number
- Cameras: Select camera, download calibration target, ... See https://docs.photonvision.org/en/latest/docs/getting-started/pipeline-tuning/calibration.html
- Settings: Export Settings, then find the camera config.json, look for calibration values, compare with https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/wpilib-apriltagdetector-sample-code/421411/23
Initially, access as http://limelight.local:5801/
"Front" Camera: Set team 2393. Set IP address to static,, allowing access as, and change name to "limelight-front".
Example pipelines are in camera folder: Pipeline 0: Tags (and make that the default)
Initial adjustments of exposure and gain had no effect until toggling the "limelight-front/camMode" entry to 1 and back to 0?!