sending a new message = firebase.push('/$appId/$roomId/timeline') get last 20 messages = firebase.get('/$appId/$roomId/timeline', { limit: 20 }) ... you can paginate backend
interface Timeline {
[messageId: string]: Message;
interface Event {
type: "message" | "reaction |
body: string;
actorId: string;
seenByIds: string[];
parentId: string;
App = app developer app (
Firebase User = app developer account ([email protected])
// create the custom token for the app (unsecured mode) with `additionalClaims = { appId }`
// create the custom token (on demand) for the app+endUserId
// How to generate the onDemand secured token:
const appId = 'some-app-id'; // nanoid to generate this
const endUserId = 'some-uid'; // provided by the HTTP request
const mode = 'SECURED' | 'UNSECURED'
const additionalClaims = {
.createCustomToken(appId, additionalClaims)
.then((customToken) => {
// Send token back to client
.catch((error) => {
console.log('Error creating custom token:', error);
"$appId": {
"$roomId": {
"timeline": {
".write": "auth.token.appId === $appId && root.child('apps').child(auth.token.appId).child('mode') === 'UNSECURED'
? true
: newData.child("createdById") === auth.token.endUserId"
Developer API
// Here's your secret key, don't share it with anyone, gives them full access
[] Copy Key
Cancel old keys
// server-side
import { createAccessToken } from '@collabkit/node';
async function authenticateUser() {
// ...
const collabkitUserToken = await createAccessToken({
secretToken: process.env.COLLABKIT_SECRET_TOKEN,
// user info
userId: 'johndoe', // endUserId
displayName: 'John Doe',
email: '[email protected]',
return {
// collabkit server
// 1. Validate and extract the `secretToken`
// 2. Check that the app with the ID from `appId` claim exists
// 3. Create `accessToken`, a custom token with claims `{appId, endUserId}`, respond with status 201 CREATED
import { setup, identify } from '@collabkit/react';
declare function identify(
opts: { userId: string; email: string; displayName: string } | { userToken: string }
identify({ userToken: user.collabkitUserToken });
setup({ publicToken: import.env.VITE_COLLABKIT_PUBLIC_TOKEN });
identify({ userId, displayName, email });
// React components
<CollabKit.Provider token="asdasjdlkjasd"> <CollabKit.Thread id={threadId}> </CollabKit.Provider>
// # Manual signup // Create a user in the Firebase User dashboard // Create an entry in '/apps' for the app, associated with the user (support multiple developers per account from the start in the data model) // Generate an unsecured token manually // Email the appId + token to the email address for the firebase user
// # Self serve signup // How to start using the product as a developer // Sign up on using Firebase Auth // 1.
"content": {
"body": "replying in this thread",
"m.relates_to": {
"event_id": "$o4UfFtmLt_UcDgifa6WzwZXLtuiVWK8nv7D7ize2-CY",
"rel_type": "m.thread"
"msgtype": "m.text"
"room_id": "!",
"sender": "",
"type": "",
"event_id": "$azTcA8EHocLX3MdwnFy0hcP3yBdv_HeSdQ2P3A6DTWQ"
E.g. facepile of people in this conversation
'$roomId': true,
preview: ...
eventId: ...
-aaaa: { <-- $eventId
sender: "<nc endUserId>"
body: hello!
... 100 messages
-bbbb: {
sender: "<ville endUserId>"
body: hello to you too!
parent: "-aaaa"
-cccc: {
body: "lunch anyone?"
<-- this is where everything new gets added
interface Event {
type: "message" | "reaction" | "admin_message"
body: string;
createdBy: string;
seenByIds: string[];
parentId: string;
createdAt: number
rooms: {
'-roomId': {
timestamp: number
preview: {
body: 'hello to you too!',
sender: "<endUserId>"
seen: true/false