Phundament is a PHP Application Foundation built upon Yii Framework 2.0, best for rapidly developing web applications. It follows the 12factor specifications on a slim codebase.
- yii2-app-basic directory structure
- minimalistic, environment variables based configuration
- Docker, fig, Vagrant and puPHPet support
- extended database migration support
- fully non-interactive deployment to work on PaaS
- CLI command for application maintenance tasks
- containerized Yii 2.0 Codeception test-suites
- application backend dashboard (screenshots)
- user management
- package browser
- extended model & crud code generators
- Composer installation
- PHP 5.4
or a virtualized setup with
- Docker
- fig
- Vagrant
- git
- hg
yii application CLI
assets/ application assets such as JavaScript and CSS
config/ applications configurations
controllers/ web-controller classes
commands/ console controller classes
models/ application model classes
modules/ application modules (eg. admin)
migrations/ database migrations
views/ view files for the application
web/ document root with entry-script
composer.json application packages
vendor/ dependent 3rd-party packages
codeception.yml test-suite configuration
tests/ various tests for objects that are common among applications
data/ application storage
runtime/ files generated during runtime
Dockerfile docker image build information
fig.yml docker container setup
Vagrantfile Vagrant (docker) container setup
Vagrantfile-dock.. Vagrant (docker) host VM
The Phundament repository contains the following main branches:
- master (development, unstable)
- 4.0 (alpha, beta, RC, stable releases)
- 3.0 (alpha, beta, RC, stable releases)
...go out to qiangxue, samdark, cebe, the yii core-devs, motin, mikehaertl, tonydspainyard, crisu83, thyseus, quexer69, marc7000 and disco-tex77 for their work, feedback and input.
diemeisterei GmbH
Immenhofer Straße 21
D-70180 Stuttgart
- Core developer: Tobias Munk (schmunk42)
- Contributors