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Development guidelines

Please refer to this guide for development guidelines and instructions.


  • Install poetry
  • run poetry install to install all dependencies, including for development
  • run poetry shell to activate the virtual environment

Test Suite

Mopidy-Tidal has a test suite which currently has 100% coverage. Ideally contributions would come with tests to keep this coverage up, but we can help in writing them if need be.

Install using poetry, and then run:

pytest tests/ -k "not gt_3_10" --cov=mopidy_tidal --cov-report=html
--cov-report=term-missing --cov-branch

substituting the correct python version (e.g. -k "not gt_3.8"). This is unlikely to be necessary beyond 3.9 as the python language has become very standard. It's only really needed to exclude a few tests which check that dict-like objects behave the way modern dicts do, with |.

If you are on *nix, you can simply run:

make test

Currently the code is not very heavily documented. The easiest way to see how something is supposed to work is probably to have a look at the tests.

Code Style

Code should be formatted with isort and black:

isort --profile=black mopidy_tidal tests
black mopidy_tidal tests

if you are on *nix you can run:

make format

The CI workflow will fail on linting as well as test failures.

Installing a development version system-wide

rm -rf dist
poetry build
pip install dist/*.whl

This installs the built package, without any of the development dependencies. If you are on *nix you can just run:

make install

Running mopidy against development code

Mopidy can be run against a local (development) version of Mopidy-Tidal. There are two ways to do this: using the system mopidy installation to provide audio support, or installing PyGObject inside the virtualenv. The former is recommended by Mopidy; the latter is used in our integration tests for two reasons:

  • at the time of writing, poetry system-site-packages support is broken
  • when integration testing, the version of PyGObject should be pinned (reproducible builds)

To install a completely isolated mopidy inside the virtualenv with PyGObject, mopidy-local and mopidy-iris run

poetry install --with complete

This will compile a shim for gobject. On any system other than a Raspberry pi this will not take more than a minute, and is a once off.

Alternatively you can use a virtualenv which can see system-site-packages (which still needs mopidy installed locally, as plugins use pip to register themselves). Until #6035 is resolved this requires a hack:

python -m venv .venv --system-site-packages
source ".venv/bin/activate" #or activate.csh or or activate.ps1 as required
poetry install

*nix users can just run

make system-venv
source ".venv/bin/activate" #or activate.csh or

(Make runs in a subshell and cannot modify the parent shell, so there's no way by design of entering the venv permanently from within the makefile.)

In either case, run mopidy inside the virtualenv to launch mopidy with your development version of Mopidy-Tidal.