This document walks you through the basics of using ppx_spice. You can try with examples in the /examples
The following example shows how to use ppx_spice to encode and decode a JSON value.
let data = %raw(`
"id": 1,
"nickname": "bob"
type user = {
id: int,
nickname?: string,
let user: Belt.Result.t<user, Spice.decodeError> = data->user_decode // user_decode is generated by ppx_spice
let json: Js.Json.t = user->Belt.Result.getExn->user_encode // user_encode is generated by ppx_spice
The following example shows how to use ppx_spice to encode and decode a variant.
let data = %raw(`
"id": 1,
"nickname": "bob",
"language": "ReScript"
type language =
|"ReScript") ReScript
|"OCaml") OCaml
|"TypeScript") TypeScript
|"JavaScript") JavaScript
type user = {
id: int,
nickname?: string,
language: language,
let user: Belt.Result.t<user, Spice.decodeError> = json->user_decode
let json: Js.Json.t = user->Result.getExn->user_encode"...")
is used to specify the JSON value of the variant. Without it, the variant name is also used as the JSON value, but the JSON value should be formed as an array to be parsed as a variant. The second example shows how to use it for the case of variant with argument.
type language =
| ReScript(string) // <- with the argument
| OCaml
| TypeScript
| JavaScript
type user = {
id: int,
nickname?: string,
language: language,
let data = %raw(`
"id": 1,
"nickname": "bob",
"language": ["ReScript", "awesome"] // <- This is the array
The following example shows how to use ppx_spice to encode and decode a JSON value with a custom codec.
let encoderStatus = v =>
switch v {
| WAITING => "waiting"
| PROCESSING => "processing"
| SUCCESS => "success"
| FAIL => "fail"
let decoderStatus = json => {
switch json |> Js.Json.classify {
| Js.Json.JSONString(str) =>
switch str {
| "waiting" => WAITING->Ok
| "processing" => PROCESSING->Ok
| "success" => SUCCESS->Ok
| "fail" => FAIL->Ok
| _ => Error({Spice.path: "", message: "Expected JSONString", value: json})
| _ => Error({Spice.path: "", message: "Expected JSONString", value: json})
let codecStatus: Spice.codec<status> = (encoderStatus, decoderStatus)
type data = {
status: @spice.codec(codecStatus) status,
let data = %raw(`
"status": "success"
let data = data->data_decode
let json = data->Result.getExn->data_encode