- service-worker: configure service worker into build (132d8252)
- set build and deploy for docs and and dist to firebase (6d7d6f96)
- components: bracket fix (cc9e8764)
- home: change text size (fc8898c1)
- remove logs and geofire (c95c6321)
- clean code and add default profile image (e93ce27d)
- fix compiling error (336d7cdb)
- first push (41bd6c0f)
- initial commit from @angular/cli (9419490b)
- docs: just some docs man (db1c1582)
- modal: parse and display content in modal (0c8f9e23)
- map: display relevant places on map (9cb4f58a)
- travis: add travis script and clean about tags (5cce5d1a)
- yelp: show yelp restaurants (86e1eac0)
- about:
- apply scss and fade styles (4d7a125e)
- add fade and about details (58aa76b0)
- sneakers: display silver sneakers information (11a7ab35)
- reviews: get reviews and other data from google places api (449a0b79)
- search: add ability to seach for agency and display some base info (6cfacb50)
- updated styles and home component (fe232a84)
- add about component and documentation (6c22e321)
- create pipes and shared module (c012b037)
- directions: fix coordinates for directions in modal (bc266dc4)
- icons: move icons to correct path for manifest (e22da0a8)
- move search to shared module and centers to own route (43c0ad5a)
- about: move about into home module (ebe6870f)