- all errors case bug fix and test
- readme update and example fix
- fake isolate fix
- onNext remove
- null safety
- added Cancelable.fromFuture constructor
- fixed onNext value null calling
- static mergeAll method
- added mergeAll method
- readme fix
- readme update with explanation of how to use onValue and onNext callback and why.
- edited cancelable more like then callback
- added fake execute method
- added "next" method to chain result with next Cancelable
- Reverted value
- Removed value from Cancelable
- Cancelable implements Future
- Changed cancelableOperation to Cancelable
- warm up required
- readme update and removed unnecessary wrappers
- added cancelable operation
- changed return type in addTask. (Still possible to wrap as Stream from future)
- added runnable
- optimized removing task
- added task types
- readme update and dependencies
- fifo adding
- clean up
- removed ghost connection
- removed ports hell
- fixed bugs with removing same task twice
- resolved deleting task bug
- fixed timeout
- added cash
- added 1 thread constructor for fake fifo and threadPoolSize setter
- code clean up
- changed readme
- added examples and readme
- added canceling functionality
- correct timeouts (canceling coming soon)