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RandomJS Generator Documentation

The general outline of the generated program is following:

//1. Strict mode declaration
'use strict';

//private scope
    //2. Definition of global helper functions, constants and variables
    let __depth = 0;
    const __maxDepth = 3;
    let __errorSum=0;
    let __callSum=0;
    function __tstr(_) {
        return _ != null ? __strl(_.toString()) : _;
    function __prnt(_) {

    //3. Definition of randomly generated global variables
    let a = Expression;
    let b = Expression;
    let c = Expression;

    //4. Output statements
    __prnt(__invk(b, Expression, ...));
    __prnt(__invk(c, Expression, ...));
    __prnt(__invk(a, Expression, ...));

    //5. Output program state variables
  • The program runs in strict mode to prevent some problematic behavior of javascript.
  • The code is wrapped in a private code block so that the declarations in the program don't pollute the global scope. This enables a single engine to execute many programs in sequence.
  • The program begins with definitions of helper functions, constants and variables. The order of these helper definitions is pseudo-random (a helper function is attached to the scope upon being first referenced from the main code).
  • The number of global variables is generated at random from a specified interval.
  • Each program prints its global variables in random order.
  • The global scope has no statements apart variable definitions and output. Other statements are restricted inside functions.

Helper functions and variables

These are represented by the Global abstract class. The names of all these global definitions begin with two underscores to prevent collisions with randomly generated variables.

Call depth variables

let __depth = 0;
const __maxDepth = 3;

These variables are used to prevent infinite recursion during program execution. __depth represents the current depth of the call stack and __maxDepth is the maximum value (this is randomly generated from a specified interval). __depth is incremented each time a function is entered and decremented when control leaves the function.

Loop cycles variables

let __cycles = 0;
const __maxCycles = 4530;

These variables are used to limit the number of loop executions (especially for nested loops) and to prevent infinite loops. The maximum number of loop cycles is determined by the __maxCycles constant (generated at random from a specified interval).

Program state variables

let __errorSum = 0;
let __callSum = 0;

These variables collect additional entropy during program execution. __errorSum is incremented each time an error other than a SyntaxError is caught (see INVC function below). __callSum is incremented by the depth of the call stack just before control leaves each function. Both variables are printed at the end after the randomly generated variables.

TRYC function

function __tryc(_, __) {
    try {
        return _();
    } catch (_e) {
        if (!(_e instanceof SyntaxError)) __errorSum++;
        return + __;

This helper function is used for operations which can throw an error. The first parameter is a function which can fail and the second parameter is the default value. In case of an error, the name of the error is prepended to the default value. This is safe because the names of common errors, such as SyntaxError, ReferenceError or TypeError, are part of the language specification (unlike the error message, which is implementation-defined). Additionally, the __errorSum variable is incremented if the caught error is not a SyntaxError.

OTST override

Object.prototype.toString = function() {
    return __tryc(() => JSON.stringify(this), '[Object]');

This overrides the default Object.toString function by converting the object to its JSON representation (the default toString function just returns [object o]). The JSON conversion will throw a TypeError if the object is circular (that's why the __tryc function is used).

FTST override

Function.prototype.toString = function() {
    return '[Function]' +;

This overrides the default Function.toString function, which has implementation-specific output.

INVK function

function __invk(_, ...__) {
    if (typeof _ === 'function') return _(...__);
    return _;

This function is used to 'invoke' a variable. This means the variable is called if it's a function and otherwise just the value of the variable is returned. The function gets a random number of additional arguments to pass to the function call.

INVC function

function __invc(_, ...__) {
    if (typeof _ === 'function') return __tryc(() => _(...__), _.toString());
    return _;

This function is similar to the __invk function except is wraps the function call in __tryc to catch errors. This 'safe' variant is used instead of __invk in cases when invocation may happen outside of a try/catch block.

OVOF override

Object.prototype.valueOf = function() {
    for (const _ in this)
        if (typeof this[_] === 'number') return this[_];
    return this;

This overrides the default Object.valueOf function. The function is called whenever an object has to be converted to a primitive value. In this case, we return the first numeric value among the object's properties. This increases the output variability because an object can be represented either by a JSON string or as a number (if a numeric operation was attempted on the object).

FVOF override

Function.prototype.valueOf = function() {
    if (! {
        const _ = '_fvof';
        (_ in this) || (this[_] = __invc(this));
        if (typeof this[_] !== 'function') return this[_];
    return this.toString();

This overrides the default Object.valueOf for the Function type. For an anonymous function, it returns the result of calling that function without parameters (except if the call returns a function to prevent excessive recursion). The result of the call is cached, so each function is called just once to obtain its 'value' (this is needed for performance reasons). The main reason for this override is to force a call for anonymous functions in expressions such as (123456 + function() { ... }). For named functions, this override simply calls Function.toString.

OBJC function

function __objc(_, ...__) {
    if (typeof _ === 'function') return __tryc(() => new _(...__), _.toString());
    if (typeof _ === 'object') return _;
    return { a: _ };

This function is used to create a new object at runtime. If the first argument is a function, it is used as the constructor. Otherwise either the argument itself is returned (if it's an object) or a new object with property 'a' is created.

OBJD function

function __objd(_) {
    for (const __ in _)
        if (typeof _[__] === 'object') return false;
    return true;

This helper function checks if an object contains another nested object. It is used by the OBJL function.

OBJL function

function __objl(_) {
    if (typeof _ !== 'object' || __objd(_)) return _;

This function is used when creating object literals. It prevents objects from being nested more than one level.

EVAL function

function __eval(_f, _s) {
    return __tryc(() => _f(_s), _s);

This helper function is used by the EvalExpression (see below). The second parameter is the string to be evaluated and at the same time the default value for __tryc.

NUMB function

function __numb(_, __) {
    _ = +_;
    if (!isNaN(_)) return _;
    else return __;

This function is used by UnaryExpression and BinaryExpression in case their operator expects a number. The function tries to convert its first argument to a number and if that fails, provides a default numeric value (second argument). This function is necessary to prevent all mathematical operations from becoming NaN.

STRL function

const __maxStrlen = 38;

function __strl(_) {
    if (typeof _ === 'string' && _.length > __maxStrlen) return _.substring(0, __maxStrlen);
    return _;

This function is used to limit the length of string variables. This is required to prevent out of memory errors if string concatenation happens in a loop. The value of the __maxStrlen constant is generated at random from a specified interval.

NONZ function

function __nonz(_) {
    return _ == 0 ? 1 : _;

This function is used by AssignmentExpression and BinaryExpression in case their operator requires a non-zero value (for division operators).

CALC function

function __calc(_, _f, _d) {
    if (typeof _ === 'number') return _f(_);
    return _d;

This function is used by AssignmentExpression if its operator requires a numeric value (for example the increment operator or *= assinment). The assignment is made only if the left-hand side variable is a number to prevent the operation from becoming NaN. If the variable is not a number, a default numeric value is returned.

OBJS function

function __objs(_, _k, _v) {
    if (Object.isExtensible(_)) _[_k] = _v;
    return _ || _v;

This function is used by the ObjectSetExpression. If the first argument is an extensible object, a new property is defined for that object. The value of the property also serves as a default return value in case the first argument is empty or undefined.

PREC function

const __fpMathPrec = 10;

function __prec(_) {
    return +_.toPrecision(__fpMathPrec);

This function is used whenever a mathematical operation with inexact result is performed (for example Math.exp or other trancendental math functions). The function rounds off the number to a specific number of decimal significant digits given by the __fpMathPrec constant. The value of this constant is generated at random from interval 10-14. It has been determined empirically that the first 14 significant digits match across different platforms (see Issue 3).

This function is currently unused.

NNEG function

function __nneg(_) {
    return _ < 0 ? -_ : _;

This function is used for operations which require a non-negative number (Math.sqrt and Math.log) to prevent NaN results.

TSTR function

function __tstr(_) {
    return _ != null ? __strl(_.toString()) : _;

This function is used to get the string representation of a variable for printing. It calls the argument's toString function which behaves differently depending on the prototype of the argument.

PRNT function

function __prnt(_) {

This function is used to output global variables at the end of the program. The underlying javascript engine should implement a print function that prints its argument followed by a newline character to the standard output.

RandomError class

class RandomError extends Error {
    constructor(_) {
        super(_); = _;
    toString() {
        return +;
    valueOf() {

This class is used by the ThrowStatement to generate a custom error.


All variables in the program are block scoped using the let or const declaration (unlike var declarations which are function scoped). Constant variables are generated with specified probability.

The names of variables follow simple alphabetical order: first variable in a given scope is a, second is b, third c, etc. After z, the sequence continues with aa, ab, ac, etc. Function arguments and variables declared in a for-loop follow the same naming rules. Because all variables are block scoped, the program can have many variables with the same name in different lexical scopes.

Constants and loop counters are never assigned to. Additionally, assignment is forbidden for variables that are initialized with a FunctionExpression. This is done to limit the amount of dead code (functions that can never be called because the reference has been lost).


Expressions in the program are generated at random from the following list:

  • Literal
  • EvalExpression
  • AssignmentExpression
  • VariableInvocationExpression
  • FunctionExpression
  • FunctionInvocationExpression
  • UnaryExpression
  • BinaryExpression
  • TernaryExpression
  • VariableExpression
  • ObjectConstructorExpression
  • ObjectSetExpression

Each experession has a specified probability of being generated. Expressions can be nested up to the specified depth.


There are three types of literals:

  1. String literal
  2. Numeric literal
  3. Object literal


String literals are generated from printable ASCII characters. Strings are either single-quoted or double-quoted (chosen randomly) and the length of the literal is generated at random from the specified interval.


There are 8 types of numeric literals. Each numeric literal is generated as a string of random digits (the binary representation is not known to the generator). Except for Boolean, each number can be positive or negative.

  • Boolean (true or false)
  • SmallInteger (2 decimal digits, e.g. -73)
  • BinaryInteger (32 binary digits, e.g. 0b11101010000100010110010111000101)
  • DecimalInteger (9 decimal digits, e.g. -260285545)
  • OctalInteger (10 octal digits, e.g. 0o4523110006)
  • HexInteger (8 hex digits, e.g. -0x63c49603)
  • FixedFloat (5 decimal digits before decimal point, 5 digits after, e.g. 29834.94312)
  • ExpFloat (one decimal digit before decimal point, 5 digits after and 2 digit exponent, e.g. 9.23234e32)


Object literals are generated in the form { a: Expression, b: Expression, c: Expression, ... }, where Expression can be either a Literal or __objl(Variable). The number of properties is generated at random from the specified interval. Object literals can be nested up to the specified depth (e.g. { a: { a: true } }).


One of the features of the javascript language is the possiblity of evaluating code at runtime. The EvalExpression evaluates a random string literal in the current scope using the EVAL helper function (see above). The evaluated string contains 10 random characters from the following character set: /cb1/|=`+-a2+e84. It has been empirically determined that this character set produces relatively low number of syntax errors, while exploring many features of the language. Two characters are included twice (/ and +) so they have a double chance of occuring. Thus, there are 14 unique characters, giving 1410 total possibilities (~290 billion). This is sufficiently high to prevent dictionary lookup and forces all implementations to include a javascript parser.

The result of EvalExpression has approximately the following distribution:

  • Slightly over 5% chance of being a valid javascript expression.
  • Around 18% chance of producing an error other than SyntaxError (most common are ReferenceError and TypeError).
  • The remaining ~77% is a SyntaxError.

The following table lists some examples of EvalExpression:

Expression Result
__eval(_ => eval(_), 'ab=e28|/-c') SyntaxErrorab=e28|/-c (invalid character)
__eval(_ => eval(_), '++/e+=|12/') ReferenceError++/e+=|12/ (attempt to increment a regular expression)
__eval(_ => eval(_), 'e//42/b+e2') value of the e variable in the current scope (assuming it's declared)
__eval(_ => eval(_), '+1+4//2-|-') 5
__eval(_ => eval(_), '//++||4/c2') undefined (the expression is a comment)
__eval(_ => eval(_), 'a`|/=2-=2`') assuming variable a is a function, this evaluates a tagged template


The generator supports the following assignment operators:

Operator Symbol Attributes
Basic =
Add += StringLengthLimit
Sub -= NumericOnly
Mul *= NumericOnly
Div /= NumericOnly, NonzeroRHS
Mod %= NumericOnly, NonzeroRHS
PreInc ++ NumericOnly, Prefix, WithoutRHS
PostInc ++ NumericOnly, WithoutRHS
PreDec -- NumericOnly, Prefix, WithoutRHS
PostDec -- NumericOnly, WithoutRHS

Explanation of operator attributes:

  • StringLengthLimit - the result must be wrapped in a call to the STRL helper function
  • NumericOnly - the assignment must be wrapped in a call to the CALC helper function (to make sure the assignment takes place only if the left-hand side is numeric)
  • NonzeroRHS - the right-hand side must be wrapped in a call to the NONZ hellper function (to prevent division by zero)
  • Prefix - the operator comes before the variable name
  • WithoutRHS - the operator doesn't have a right-hand side

Examples of assignment expressions:

  • __calc(i, () => (i++), 73195.53799)
  • (n = "Bl0t;=0$wy")
  • ((m += b), m = __strl(m))
  • (s /= __nonz(3.65278e18))


This expression is a substitute of a call to a function variable. Since the generator doesn't know if a variable is a function or not, the INVK helper function is used. A random number of expressions is passed to the INVK function.


  • __invk(m, __calc(m, () => (m--), 83))
  • __invk(i, g, '\n')
  • __invk(h, __calc(c, () => (c -= 7), false), true)


This defines a new function. The function takes a random number of arguments. The body of each function is a try/catch/finally or try/finally block:

function(Parameter, Parameter, ...) {
  try {
      if (++__depth > __maxDepth) return Expression;
      const Variable = this;
      //Declaration of local variables
      let Variable = Expression;
      let Variable = Expression;
  } catch(__error) { //optional
      return __error;
  } finally {
      __callSum += __depth;

The first statement of the TryBlock is the call depth protection. The second statement const Variable = this; captures this object (for constructor calls). After these two statements, a random number of local variables can be defined and a random number of statements is executed. Each function ends with a ReturnStatement or ThrowStatement. The catch block is optional and can be generated with a specified probability.

The generator will not generate a FunctionExpression if the maximum function depth has been reached (to limit function nesting).


__invc(FunctionExpression, Expression, Expression, ...)

FunctionInvocationExpression is like a FunctionExpression, but the function is immediately called with a random set of arguments.


The generator uses the following unary operators:

Operator Symbol Attributes
Not !
Plus +
Minus - NumericOnly
Typeof typeof

Additionally, the following mathematical function calls can be generated as a UnaryExpression:

Operator Function Attributes
Sqrt Math.sqrt NumericOnly, NonnegativeRHS
Abs Math.abs NumericOnly
Ceil Math.ceil NumericOnly
Trunc Math.trunc NumericOnly
Floor Math.floor NumericOnly
Sin Math.sin NumericOnly, LimitedPrecision
Cos Math.cos NumericOnly, LimitedPrecision
Exp Math.exp NumericOnly, LimitedPrecision
Log Math.log NumericOnly, LimitedPrecision, NonnegativeRHS
Atan Math.atan NumericOnly, LimitedPrecision

Explanation of operator attributes:

  • NumericOnly - the right-hand side expression (argument) must be wrapped in a call to the NUMB helper function to ensure numeric input
  • NonnegativeRHS - the right-hand side must be wrapped in a call to the NNEG helper function
  • LimitedPrecision - the result of the operation must be wrapped in the PREC helper function to ensure consistency across platforms


  • __prec(Math.sqrt(__nneg(__numb((a=(-10)), 81711.92057))))
  • (typeof __invk(d,{a:(-200362066),b:"r75",}))
  • Math.floor(__numb(b, 76952.72820))


The generator uses the following binary operators:

Operator Symbol Attributes
Add + StringLengthLimit
Comma ,
Sub - NumericOnly
Mul * NumericOnly
Div / NumericOnly, NonzeroRHS
Mod % NumericOnly, NonzeroRHS
Less <
Greater >
Equal ==
NotEqual !=
And &&
Or ||
BitAnd & NumericOnly
BitOr | NumericOnly
Xor ^ NumericOnly
ShLeft << NumericOnly
ShRight >> NumericOnly
UnShRight >>> NumericOnly

Additionally, the following mathematical function calls can be generated as a BinaryExpression:

Operator Function Attributes
Min Math.min NumericOnly
Max Math.max NumericOnly

Explanation of operator attributes:

  • StringLengthLimit - the result must be wrapped in a call to the STRL helper function
  • NumericOnly - both arguments must be wrapped in a call to the NUMB helper function to ensure numeric input
  • NonzeroRHS - the right-hand side must be wrapped in a call to the NONZ helper function (to prevent division by zero)


Generated in the form Expression ? Expression : Expression.


This expression is simply a name of a random variable, e.g. a.


This expression uses the OBJC helper function in the form __objc(Constructor, Argument1, Argument2, ...). The Constructor is either a VariableExpression (if any variable exists in the current scope) or a newly generated FunctionExpression.


This expression uses the OBJS helper function in the form __objs(Target, Property, Expression). The Target can be either a VariableExpression or an ObjectLiteral. The Property is a random string label, which follows the same rules as variable names ('a', 'b', 'c', ..., 'z', 'aa', 'ab', ...).


The following statements can be generated:

  • AssignmentStatement
  • BlockStatement
  • BreakStatement
  • ForLoopStatement
  • IfElseStatement
  • ObjectSetStatement
  • ReturnStatement
  • VariableInvocationStatement
  • ThrowStatement

Each statement has a specified probability of being generated. Statements can be nested up to the specified depth.


The statement has the form of AssignmentExpression;.


BlockStatement is a code block, which encapsulates multiple statements:


BlockStatement cannot contain another BlockStatement directly.


break; This is statement can be generated only inside a ForLoopStatement.


The statement has the form of:

for(let loopCounter = SmallInteger; Condition && (__cycles++<__maxCycles); IteratorExpression) 

The Condition has the form of loopCounter < BoundExpression or loopCounter > BoundExpression (chosen at random). BoundExpression is either a NumericLiteral or a VariableExpression. IteratorExpression is a random AssignmentExpression involving the loopCounter. 'NumericOnly' assignment operators are used.


The statement has the form of: if(Expression) Statement or if(Expression) Statement else Statement (the version with else has a specified probability).


The statement has the form of ObjectSetExpression;.


The statement has the form of return Expression;. Only expressions with zero depth can be returned: Literal or VariableExpression. If the expression is not a literal, then it has a form of Expression || Literal to prevent returning an empty value.


The statement has the form of VariableInvocationExpression;.


The statement has the form of throw new RandomError(Expression);.