[Documentation is work in progress]
Currently this is a header-only library containing classes for TCP and UDP
network connections. There are also classes for TLS encrypted TCP sockets, which requires to link
against OpenSSL (use the compile flags -lssl -lcrypto
) and some other utility
The only requirements are a C++17 compliant compiler (make sure to compile with
this version!), and pthreads
(you need to link with lpthread
) and OpenSSL
(but only if you use the tls.hpp
There are some examples for all socket/connection types in the examples
TODO Describe the design of the asynchronous system
All of the following classes and enum classes live in the namespace net
Socket/connection classes all are not copyable but moveable and templated to distinguish between IPv4 and IPv6 by using a enum class:
enum class ip_version
enum class socket_type : uint8_t
unspecified = AF_UNSPEC,
stream = SOCK_STREAM,
datagram = SOCK_DGRAM
enum class option_level : int
socket = SOL_SOCKET,
#include "socketwrapper/span.hpp" (also included by all socket headers)
Non owning abstraction of a view to memory used to generalize the interface to the reading and sending methods of the socket classes. Can be created from all container types that can be represented by a pointer and a length. The interface of the span class is the same as for most std container classes (providing begin(), end(), front(), back(), empty(), size(), get(), data()). Methods:
- Constructor:
span(T* start, size_t length) noexcept; span(T* start, T* end) noexcept; span(T (&buffer)[S]) noexcept; // Create a span from a start and an end iterator. span(ITER start, ITER end) noexcept; // Create a span from a class that provides the same interface as the std container classes. span(CONTAINER&& con) noexcept;
#include "socketwrapper/endpoint.hpp"
Represents a endpoint of a IP/socket connection. Methods:
- Constructor:
// Constructs an endpoint from a string representation of a IP address, a port and the type of the connection (stream or datagram) endpoint(std::string_view address_string, uint16_t port, socket_type connection_type); // Constructs an endpoint<ip_version::v4> from a POSIX struct sockaddr_in endpoint(const sockaddr_in& address); // Constructs an endpoint<ip_version::v6> from a POSIX struct sockaddr_in6 endpoint(const sockaddr_in6& address);
- Accessor:
// Returns the IP address of the represented endpoint in string representation const std::string& get_addr_string() const; // Returns the port of the represented endpoint as a uint16_t uint16_t get_port() const; // Returns information of the endpoint represented by a const reference to a POSIX struct sockaddr const sockaddr& get_addr() const; // Returns information of the endpoint represented by a reference to a POSIX struct sockaddr sockaddr& get_addr();
This class is used in the methods base_socket::get_option
, base_socket::get_option_value
and base_socket::set_option
to set and get socket options.
It is included implicitly with the class base_socket
- Constructors:
option() = default; option(int value);
- Accessors/Modifiers:
size_t size() const; int name() const; option_level level() const; int level_native() const; const int* value() const; int* value();
Valid template specializations for parameter T are:
- int
- bool
- linger
- sockaddr
This class is implicitly included with every socket class that inherits from the class base_socket
Represents the basic functionalities of the native socket handle. The other high-level socket abstractions are all dervived from this class. Methods:
- Set/get socket options:
// Set a socket option where the option is represented by a valid template specialization of net::option<net::option_level LEVEL, int NAME, typename T> template <typename OPTION_TYPE, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::is_template_of<OPTION_TYPE, option>::value, bool>> void set_option(OPTION_TYPE&& opt_val); // Get a current socket option where the option type needs to be a valid template specialization of net::option<net::option_level LEVEL, int NAME, typename T> template <typename OPTION_TYPE, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::is_template_of<OPTION_TYPE, option>::value, bool>> OPTION_TYPE get_option() const // Get the current value of a socket option where the option type needs to be a valid template specialization of net::option<net::option_level LEVEL, int NAME, typename T> template <typename OPTION_TYPE, typename = std::enable_if_t<detail::is_template_of<OPTION_TYPE, option>::value, bool>> typename OPTION_TYPE::value_type get_option_value() const
- Other:
// Get the underlying socket handle int get() const; // Get the ip version of the represented socket ip_version family() const;
#include "socketwrapper/tcp.hpp"
Represents a TCP connection that can either be constructed with the IP address and port of the remote host or by a tcp_acceptor<IP_VER>
s accept method.
- Constructor:
// Default constructor of a not connected tcp connection tcp_connection(); // Construct a tcp connection from a net::endpoint<IP_VER> tcp_connection(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint);
- Config:
// Connect a default constructed socket to a given endpoint void connect(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint);
- Reading:
// Read as much bytes as fit into buffer and block until the read operation finishes. size_t read(net::span<T>buffer) const; // Read as much bytes as fit into buffer and block until the read operation finishes or the delay is over. size_t read(net::span<T> buffer, const std::chrono::duration<int64_t, std::milli>& delay) const; // Immediately return and call the callback function after there is data available. void async_read(net::span<T> buffer, CALLBACK_TYPE&& callback) const; // Immediately returns an awaitable that can be co_awaited in a C++20 coroutine // Only available when compiling with C++20 or higher net::op_awaitable<size_t, net::tcp_connection::stream_read_operation<T>> async_read(net::span<T> buffer) const; // Immediately return and get a future to get the number of elements received at a later timepoint std::future<size_t> promised_read(net::span<T> buffer) const;
- Sending:
// Sends all data that is stored in the given buffer and blocks until all data is sent. size_t send(net::span<T> buffer) const; // Immediately returns and invokes the callback after all in the given buffer is send. Caller is responsible to keep the data the span shows alive. void async_send(net::span<T> buffer, CALLBACK_TYPE&& callback) const; // Immediately returns an awaitable that can be co_awaited in a C++20 coroutine // Only available when compiling with C++20 or higher net::op_awaitable<size_t, net::tcp_connection::stream_write_operation<T>> async_send(net::span<T> buffer) const; // Immediately return and get a future to get the number of elements written at a later point in time std::future<size_t> promised_send(net::span<T> buffer) const;
- Shorthand identifier:
using tcp_connection_v4 = tcp_connection<net::ip_version::v4>; using tcp_connection_v6 = tcp_connection<net::ip_version::v6>;
#include "socketwrapper/tcp.hpp"
Represents a listening TCP socket that accepts incoming connections. Returns a tcp_connection<IP_VER>
for each accepted connection.
- Constructor:
// Default constructor of a non-bound tcp acceptor tcp_acceptor(); // Immediately creates a socket that listens on the given address and port with a connection backlog of `backlog` tcp_acceptor(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint, const size_t backlog = 5);
- Config:
// Bind a non-bound acceptor to a internal endpoint and set the socket in listening state void activate(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint, const size_t backlog = 5);
- Accepting:
// Blocks until a connection request is available and returns a constructed and connected tcp_connection instance tcp_connection<IP_VER> accept() const; // Blocks until a connection request is available or the delay is over and returns a constructed and connected tcp_connection instance or std::nullopt(if no connection was established) std::optional<tcp_connection<IP_VER>> accept(const std::chrono::duration<int64_t, std::milli>& delay) const; // Immediately returns and invokes the callback when a new connection is established void async_accept(CALLBACK_TYPE&& callback) const; // Immediately returns an awaitable that can be co_awaited in a C++20 coroutine // Only available when compiling with C++20 or higher net::op_awaitable<net::tcp_connection<IP_VER>, net::tcp_acceptor::stream_accept_operation> async_accept() const; // Immediately return and get a future to access the accepted socket at a later point in time std::future<net::tcp_connection<IP_VER>> promised_accept() const;
- Shorthand identifier:
using tcp_acceptor_v4 = tcp_acceptor<net::ip_version::v4>; using tcp_acceptor_v6 = tcp_acceptor<net::ip_version::v6>;
#include "socketwrapper/tls.hpp"
Represents a TLS encrypted TCP connection that can either be constructed with the IP address and port of the remote host or by a tcp_acceptor<IP_VER>
s accept method.
- Constructor:
// Construct a non connected tls connection tls_connection(std::string_view cert_path, std::string_view key_path); // Construct a tls connection from an endpoint and immediately connect it tls_connection(std::string_view cert_path, std::string_view key_path, const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint);
- Reading:
Same interface as
- Writing:
Same interface as
- Shorthand identifier:
using tls_connection_v4 = tls_connection<net::ip_version::v4>; using tls_connection_v6 = tls_connection<net::ip_version::v6>;
#include "socketwrapper/tls.hpp" Represents a listening TCP socket with TLS encryption that accepts incoming connections. Returns a
for each accepted connection. Methods:
- Constructor:
// Construct a non-bound tls_acceptor tls_acceptor(std::string_view cert_path, std::string_view key_path); // Construct a tls acceptor from an endpoint and set it into listening state tls_acceptor(std::string_view cert_path, std::string_view key_path, const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint);
- Accepting:
Same interface as
- Shorthand identifier:
using tls_acceptor_v4 = tls_acceptor<net::ip_version::v4>; using tls_acceptor_v6 = tls_acceptor<net::ip_version::v6>;
#include "socketwrapper/udp.hpp"
Represents an UDP socket that can either be in "server" or "client" position. Methods:
- Constructor:
// Creates a non-bound UDP socket that is ready to send data but can not receive data. udp_socket(); // Creates a UDP socket that is bound to a given endpoint so it can send and receive data directly after construction udp_socket(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint);
- Config:
// Bind a non-bound udp socket to a given endpoint so that it is able to receive data afterwards void bind(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint);
- Reading:
// Block until data is read into the given buffer. Reads max the amount of elements that fits into the buffer. std::pair<size_t, endpoint<IP_VER>> read(span<T> buffer) const; // Block until data is read into the given buffer or the delay is over. Reads max the amount of elements that fits into the buffer. std::pair<size_t, std::optional<endpoint<IP_VER>>> read(span<T> buffer, const std::chrono::duration<int64_t, std::milli>& delay) const; // Immediately return and invoke the callback when data is read into the buffer. Caller is responsible to keep the underlying buffer alive. void async_read(span<T> buffer, CALLBACK_TYPE&& callback) const; // Immediately returns an awaitable that can be co_awaited in a C++20 coroutine // Only available when compiling with C++20 or higher net::op_awaitable<std::pair<size_t, std::optional<endpoint<IP_VER>>>, net::udp_socket::dgram_read_operation<T>> async_read(span<T> buffer) const; // Immediately return and get a future to get the number of elements read and the connection info of the sender at a later point in time std::future<std::pair<size_t, endpoint<IP_VER>>> promised_read(span<T> buffer) const;
- Writing:
// Send all data in the given buffer to a remote endpoint. size_t send(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint_to, span<T> buffer) const; // Immediately return and invoke the callback after the data is sent to a remote represented by the given address and port parameter. void async_send(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint_to, span<T> buffer, CALLBACK_TYPE&& callback) const; // Immediately returns an awaitable that can be co_awaited in a C++20 coroutine // Only available when compiling with C++20 or higher net::op_awaitable<size_t, net::udp_socket::dgram_write_operation<T>> async_write(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint_to, span<T> buffer) const; // Immediately return and get a future to get the number of elements written at a later point in time std::future<size_t> promised_send(const endpoint<IP_VER>& endpoint_to, span<T> buffer) const;
- Shorthand identifier:
using udp_socket_v4 = udp_socket<net::ip_version::v4>; using udp_socket_v6 = udp_socket<net::ip_version::v6>;
#include "socketwrapper/task.hpp"
Representation of a lazily evaluated coroutine without any special functionality that holds a std::coroutine_handle
of the parent coroutine frame.
It defines a promise_type
and implements the awaitable
which allows awaiting this type.
To start execution, this type needs to be awaited by a parent coroutine.
User can use net::block_on()
or net::to_future()
to transform a coroutine that returns a net::task
into a synchronous function.
This is a helper class to give a user a coroutine class to utilize the networking functions that return an net::op_awaitable
This class is only available when compiling with C++20 or higher
Example of a coroutine that returns net::task
net::task<size_t> example(size_t input)
co_return input * 2;
net::task<void> example_two()
auto number = co_await example(5);
#include "socketwrapper/utility.hpp"
All of the following functions live in the namespace net
- Change byte order:
// Change byte order from little-endian to big-endian template <typename T> inline constexpr T to_big_endian(T little); // Change byte order from big-endian to little-endian template <typename T> inline constexpr T to_little_endian(T big); // Change byteorder from host byte order to network byte order if they differ template <typename T> inline constexpr T host_to_network(T in); // Change byteorder from network byte order to host byte order if they differ template <typename T> inline constexpr T network_to_host(T in);
This functions are implicitly included with every socket header file.
- Run the asynchronous context until all callbacks are handled:
// Blocks until all registered async operations are handled and all completion handlers finished execution. void async_run();
- Block the current thread until the coroutine represented by the
parameter is completely evaluated. Only available when compiling with C++20 or highertemplate <typename return_type> return_type block_on(net::task<return_type> awaitable_task);
- Convert a lazily evaluated coroutine that is represented by
into an eagerly evaluated future. By performing this conversion the task starts execution right away until it reaches its first suspension point while the task itself would normally be suspended right away and only starts execution if it is awaited. Only available when compiling with C++20 or highertemplate <typename return_type> std::future<return_type> spawn(net::task<return_type> awaitable_task);