This file documents which tests pass and fail on heliage.
Some of these tests will always fail due to currently unimplemented features, like sound or CGB support.
Test | Result |
01-registers | Failed (NR10-NR51 wave RAM write/read) |
02-len ctr | Failed (Length becoming 0 should clear status) |
03-trigger | Failed (Enabling in second half of length period shouldn't clock length) |
04-sweep | Failed (If shift=0, doesn't calculate on trigger) |
05-sweep details | Failed (Timer treats period 0 as 8) |
06-overflow on trigger | Failed (7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 8D7112A4) |
07-len sweep period sync | Failed (Length period is wrong) |
08-len ctr during power | Failed (00 00 00 00 2144DF1C) |
09-wave read while on | Failed (00 (62x) 7A75E7B6) |
10-wave trigger while on | Passed |
11-regs after power | Failed (Powering off should clear NR13) |
12-wave | Failed (Timer period or phase resetting is wrong) |
Test | Result |
01-special | Passed |
02-interrupts | Passed |
03-op sp,hl | Passed |
04-op r,imm | Passed |
05-op rp | Passed |
06-ld r,r | Passed |
07-jr,jp,call,ret,rst | Passed |
08-misc instrs | Passed |
09-op r,r | Passed |
10-bit ops | Passed |
11-op a,(hl) | Passed |
Test | Result |
01-registers | Failed (NR10-NR51 and wave RAM write/read) |
02-len ctr | Failed (Length becoming 0 should clear status) |
03-trigger | Failed (Enabling in second half of length period shouldn't clock length) |
04-sweep | Failed (If shift=0, doesn't calculate on trigger) |
05-sweep details | Failed (Timer treats period 0 as 8) |
06-overflow on trigger | Failed (7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 7FFF 8D7112A4) |
07-len sweep period sync | Failed (Length period is wrong) |
08-len ctr during power | Failed (00 00 00 00 2144DF1C) |
09-wave read while on | Failed (00 (62x) 7A75E7B6) |
10-wave trigger while on | Failed |
11-regs after power | Failed (Powering off should clear NR13) |
12-wave write while on | Failed (Timer period or phase resetting is wrong) |
Failed (2A6CE34B)
Test | Result |
01-read_timing | Passed |
02-write_timing | Passed |
03-modify_timing | Passed |
Test | Result |
01-read_timing | Passed |
02-write_timing | Passed |
03-modify_timing | Passed |
Test | Result |
1-lcd_sync | Failed (Turning LCD on starts too late in scanline) |
2-causes | Failed (LD DE,$FE00 : INC DE) |
3-non_causes | Passed |
4-scanline_timing | Failed (INC DE at first corruption) |
5-timing_bug | Failed (Should corrupt at beginning of first scanline) |
6-timing_no_bug | Passed |
7-timing_effect | Failed (00000000) |
8-instr_effect | Failed (00000000 INC/DEC rp pattern is wrong) |
Test | Result |
add_sp_e_timing | Failed |
bits/mem_oam | Passed |
bits/reg_f | Passed |
bits/unused_hwio-GS | Passed |
boot_div2-S | Failed |
boot_div-dmg0 | Failed |
boot_div-dmgABCmgb | Failed |
boot_div-S | Failed |
boot_hwio-dmg0 | Failed |
boot_hwio-dmgABCmgb | Failed |
boot_hwio-S | Failed |
boot_regs-dmg0 | Passed |
boot_regs-dmgABC | Passed |
boot_regs-mgb | Passed |
boot_regs-sgb2 | Passed |
boot_regs-sgb | Passed |
call_cc_timing2 | Failed |
call_cc_timing | Failed (Round 1) |
call_timing2 | Failed |
call_timing | Failed (Round 1) |
di_timing-GS | Failed (Round 1) |
div_timing | Passed |
ei_sequence | Passed |
ei_timing | Passed |
halt_ime0_ei | Passed |
halt_ime0_nointr_timing | Failed |
halt_ime1_timing2-GS | Failed (Round 1) |
halt_ime1_timing | Passed |
if_ie_registers | Passed |
instr/daa | Passed |
interrupts/ie_push | Failed (Round 1: not cancelled) |
intr_timing | Failed |
jp_cc_timing | Failed (Round 1) |
jp_timing | Failed (Round 1) |
ld_hl_sp_e_timing | Failed |
oam_dma/basic | Passed |
oam_dma/reg_read | Passed |
oam_dma_restart | Failed |
oam_dma/sources-GS | Failed ($A000) |
oam_dma_start | Failed |
oam_dma_timing | Failed |
pop_timing | Passed |
ppu/hblank_ly_scx_timing-GS | Failed |
ppu/intr_1_2_timing-GS | Failed |
ppu/intr_2_0_timing | Failed |
ppu/intr_2_mode0_timing | Failed |
ppu/intr_2_mode0_timing_sprites | Failed |
ppu/intr_2_mode3_timing | Failed |
ppu/intr_2_oam_ok_timing | Failed |
ppu/lcdon_timing-GS | Failed |
ppu/lcdon_write_timing-GS | Failed |
ppu/stat_irq_blocking | Failed (Mode=1 intr) |
ppu/stat_lyc_onoff | Failed (Round 1 step 1) |
ppu/vblank_stat_intr-GS | Failed |
push_timing | Failed |
rapid_di_ei | Passed |
ret_cc_timing | Failed (Round 1) |
reti_intr_timing | Passed |
reti_timing | Failed (Round 1) |
ret_timing | Failed (Round 1) |
rst_timing | Failed |
serial/boot_sclk_align-dmgABCmgb | Failed (No serial intr) |
timer/div_write | Failed (intr) |
timer/rapid_toggle | Failed |
timer/tim00_div_trigger | Passed |
timer/tim00 | Failed |
timer/tim01_div_trigger | Failed |
timer/tim01 | Passed |
timer/tim10_div_trigger | Failed |
timer/tim10 | Failed |
timer/tim11_div_trigger | Passed |
timer/tim11 | Failed |
timer/tima_reload | Failed |
timer/tima_write_reloading | Failed |
timer/tma_write_reloading | Failed |
Test | Result |
mbc1/bits_bank1 | Passed |
mbc1/bits_bank2 | Failed (Round 1: initial BANK2) |
mbc1/bits_mode | Passed |
mbc1/bits_ramg | Passed |
mbc1/multicart_rom_8Mb | Failed |
mbc1/ram_256kb | Failed (just messed up) |
mbc1/ram_64kb | Failed (just messed up) |
mbc1/rom_16Mb | Failed |
mbc1/rom_1Mb | Failed |
mbc1/rom_2Mb | Failed |
mbc1/rom_4Mb | Failed |
mbc1/rom_512kb | Failed |
mbc1/rom_8Mb | Failed |
mbc2/bits_ramg | Failed (Round 1: 3EFF; RAM not enabled) |
mbc2/bits_romb | Failed (Round 2: 3FFF) |
mbc2/bits_unused | Passed |
mbc2/ram | Failed (Round 3) |
mbc2/rom_1Mb | Failed |
mbc2/rom_2Mb | Failed |
mbc2/rom_512kb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_16Mb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_1Mb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_2Mb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_32Mb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_4Mb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_512kb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_64Mb | Failed |
mbc5/rom_8Mb | Failed |
Test | Result |
sprite_priority | Failed |
Test | Result |
mgb_oam_dma_halt_sprites | Failed |