# TheComments base
gem 'the_comments', "~> 2.0"
gem 'haml' # or gem 'slim'
gem 'awesome_nested_set' # or same gem
# TheComments Admin UI gems
# pagination
gem 'kaminari'
# bootstrap 3
gem 'bootstrap-sass', github: 'thomas-mcdonald/bootstrap-sass'
*= require bootstrap
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require bootstrap
//= require the_comments_manage
You can use following yields to insert TheComments management tools in your Layout.
= yield :comments_sidebar
= yield :comments_main
For example:
!!! 5
%meta(http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1")
%meta(name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0")
%title= content_for?(:title) ? yield(:title) : "Admin Panel"
%link(href="favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon")
= stylesheet_link_tag :admin_ui
= javascript_include_tag :admin_ui
= csrf_meta_tags
%h3= content_for?(:title) ? yield(:title) : "Admin Panel"
.col-md-3= yield :comments_sidebar
.col-md-9= yield :comments_main
= stylesheet_link_tag "//"
by default your comments controller looks like this:
class CommentsController < ApplicationController
# layout 'admin'
# Define your restrict methods and use them like this:
# before_action :user_required, except: %w[index create]
# before_action :owner_required, except: %w[index create]
# before_action :admin_required, only: %w[total_draft total_published total_deleted total_spam]
include TheComments::Controller
# >>> include TheComments::Controller <<<
# (!) Almost all methods based on *current_user* method
# 1. Controller's public methods list:
# You can redifine it for your purposes
# public
# %w[ manage index create edit update ]
# %w[ my_comments my_draft my_published ]
# %w[ draft published deleted spam ]
# %w[ to_draft to_published to_deleted to_spam ]
# %w[ total_draft total_published total_deleted total_spam ]
# 2. Controller's private methods list:
# You can redifine it for your purposes
# private
# %w[ comment_template comment_partial ]
# %w[ denormalized_fields request_data_for_comment define_commentable ]
# %w[ comment_params patch_comment_params ]
# %w[ ajax_requests_required cookies_required ]
# %w[ empty_trap_required tolerance_time_required ]
# KAMINARI pagination:
# following methods based on gem "kaminari"
# You should redefine them if you use something else
# public
# %w[ manage index edit ]
# %w[ draft published deleted spam ]
# %w[ my_comments my_draft my_published ]
# %w[ total_draft total_published total_deleted total_spam ]
You must define protection methods to restrict access to Admin UI for regular users.