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File metadata and controls

113 lines (80 loc) · 4.55 KB


This is KMP port of a date picker library written using Jetpack Compose for Android. A big thanks to Kiran Gyawali for this awesome library

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How to use

Add common library as dependency in common build.gradle:

repositories {

dependencies {

Using Date Picker

Android iOS
var showDialog by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }

if (showDialog) {
        onDateSelected = { date ->
            // selected date
        onDismiss = {
            showDialog = false

NepaliDate is a data class used to hold the value of year, month, day, and weekday in date converters and in callbacks of the date picker.

  • onDismiss is mandatory for the callback on the dismiss of the picker dialog.
  • onDateSelected is mandatory for the callback on the date selected. Returns selectedNepaliDate.

Picker Options

NepaliDatePicker can take additional arguments to customize the picker to your needs:

  • startDate of type NepaliDate for the date you want to start with in the picker. Its default value is the current instance.
  • showYearPickerFirst of type Boolean to show the year picker first when the picker is displayed. It is true by default; set it to false if you want the month view as the default view, especially if you have a limited date for selection in the picker.
  • minDate of type NepaliDate to set the lower limit of the date in the picker.
  • maxDate of type NepaliDate to set the upper limit of the date in the picker.
  • highlightDays of type List<NepaliDate>. This will highlight the given list of dates in the picker.
  • disableDays of type List<NepaliDate>. This will disable the selection of the given dates in the picker.

Using Date Converter

Value when passed beyond the conversion range throws an IllegalArgumentException. Make sure you catch them.

Converting English Date to Nepali date (i.e., A.D to B.S):

NepaliDateUtils.adToBs(engYY, engMM, engDD)

You can also pass the Calendar instance as an argument.

Converting Nepali Date to English date (i.e., B.S to A.D):

NepaliDateUtils.bsToAd(nepYY, nepMM, nepDD)

You can also pass NepaliDate as an argument.

Additional Options

Accessible from NepaliDateUtils:

  • NepaliDateUtils.isEngDateInRange(int yy, int mm, int dd) returns true if the English date is within the range of conversion.
  • NepaliDateUtils.isNepDateInRange(int yy, int mm, int dd) returns true if the Nepali date is within the range of conversion.
  • NepaliDateUtils.getInstance() returns the current instance of the Nepali date.
  • NepaliDateUtils.fillMissingWeekDayValue(nepaliDate: NepaliDate) will add the missing dayOfWeek for a given NepaliDate.



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If you want to contact me you can reach me at [email protected].


This project uses the following license: MIT License.