feat: +1 blog post sobre o livro the pragmatic programmer
feat: +1 blog post sobre o livro the pragmatic programmer
refactor: refatorando e traduzindo o meu blog para português
refactor: refatorando e traduzindo o meu blog para português
fix: fixing sidebar hakyll error
fix: fixing sidebar hakyll error
fix: removing compiled file to wrong date post
fix: removing compiled file to wrong date post
fix: adding paragraph on index
fix: adding paragraph on index
fix: removing philosophi and politcs topics
fix: removing philosophi and politcs topics
feat: adding link to new post in other post
feat: adding link to new post in other post
refactor: changing standard icon
refactor: changing standard icon
fix: removing wrongdate post generated
fix: removing wrongdate post generated
feat: adding new paper of lem editor
feat: adding new paper of lem editor