- mrp.bom
- EN:
- field value_overhead was added - it is a percent for indirect expenses
- rouding quantity at BOM explosion in conformity with the definition of measurement units
- RO:
- adaugat campul value_overhead - procent pt cheltuieli indirecte
- rotunjire cantitate la explozia BOM in conformitate cu definitia unitati de masura
- mrp.production
- EN:
- method action_confirm was modified
- date_expected was modified for the movements generated by command of production
- auto generation of a production batch if the product is managed in batches
- RO:
- modificat metoda action_confirm
- modificare date_expected pentru miscarile generate de comanda de productie
- generarea automata a unui lot de productie daca produsul este gestionat in loturi
- mrp.production.product.line
- EN:
- field available quantity was added
- method onchange_product_id was added
- RO:
- adaugat camp cantitate disponibila
- adaugat metoda onchange_product_id
- deltatech.mrp.report
- EN:
- report for analyzing costs of production
- RO:
- raport pt analiza costuri de productie
- Observation:
- at the material cost it must be added a coefficient of 20 % for indirect costs
- Observatie:
- la costul materialelor se adauga si un coeficient de 20 % pentru costurile indirecte.
Table of contents
Bugs are tracked on Terrabit Issues. In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported.
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues.
- Terrabit
- Dorin Hongu
Current maintainer:
This module is part of the dhongu/deltatech project on GitHub.
You are welcome to contribute.