Managed to get loading into the pack down to ~8GB client side More improvements coming, but it's not perfect yet. Our goal is to reduce consumption further - that being said, in the chase for ultimate optimization we are keeping in mind that the sheer quantity of mods will make this difficult. Expect hotfixes and patches (these should NOT effect world gen, so clients should be safe to update)
Removed Resource Packs that were causing issues These issues were causing performance degredations.
- Almost Unified
- Biome Makeover
- Cull Leaves
- Eldritch Mobs
- Fastload
- Iron Chests: Restocked
- KubeJS
- Moonlight Lib
- No Chat Reports
- Not Enough Crashes (Fabric)
- Polymorph (Fabric)
- Rhino
- Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge (REI)
- Snowy Spirit
- Supplementaries
- The Graveyard Biomes (FABRIC)
- YetAnotherConfigLib