- Includes a feature to run on multiple operating systems
- Retains all features from v5.0
- d3624cb Add additional flag to failOnError
- d3624cb Set debug flag based on debug mode on GH actions
- 67dfbc2 Write errors to step summary along with hyperlinks to markdown files and exit gracefully
- Onboard command line interface creation kit in none-shall-pass-rustic
- Onboard none-shall-pass-rustic
- Remove Dockerfile and python dependencies
- Run scans via executable directly to reduce runtime
- Improves speed and accuracy
- Release v2.0
- Update docs
- Includes option to allow users to specify the hostnames to be excluded despite broken links
- Includes bug fix for empty home page in GitHub wiki
- Move argument assignment to main method
- Get exclude hostnames as user input
- Handle an edge case scenario in subprocess errors
- Update README.md
- Set commit message to prerelease notes
- Create steps for dedicated action in workflow
- Use a token identifier for exit code
- Bump version
- Includes minor updates to prerelease
- Adds clear description on prerelease notes
- Creating a pre-release [v1.0.7-prerelease-1698176010] for 1.0.7
- Split validator into multiple modules
- Setup automatic prerelease
- Improve logging
- Includes bug fix for failing
scans - Stability improvements by using
- Suppress warnings from pip when run as root in Dockerfile
- Use requests module to avoid
errors - Upgrade
and installrequests
module inDockerfile
- Install git in docker to run clone wiki pages successfully
- Get owner and repo information via GitHub env
- Run action without any mandatory args
- Fix order of fail and debug flags during runtime
- Scan for hyperlinks in markdown files and wiki pages
- Fail the action when hyperlink is unreachable
- Ignore hyperlinks that are amazon pages and localhost