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CS152: Introductory Digital Design Laboratory
Spring 2021
Thilan Tran
Libertinus Serif
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CS152A: Introductory Digital Design Laboratory


  • a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is an integrated circuit:

    • designed to be configured after manufacturing
    • AKA programmable circuit
    • components include:
      • logic blocks for implementing combinational and sequential logic
      • interconnects ie. wires for connecting input blocks to logic blocks
      • I/O blocks forexternal connections
    • many applications, useful for prototyping
  • FPGA design fundamentals:

    1. design:
      • create modules and define interations between modules
      • control logic and state machine drawings
      • define external I/O
    2. implementation:
      • express each module in HDL source code
      • connect modules in a hierarchical manner
    3. simulation:
      • important debugging tool for FPGA
      • fast to quickly simulate
    4. logic synthesis:
      • a logic synthesis tool analyzes the design and generates a netlist with common cells available to FPGA target
      • converting software to hardware
        • netlist should be functionally equivalent to the original source code
      • done by XST from ISE
    5. technology mapping:
      • synthesized netlist is mapped to device-specific libraries
      • creates another netlist closer to the final target device
      • done by NGDBUILD from ISE
    6. cell placement:
      • the cells instantiated by the final netlist are placed in teh FPGA layout
      • can be time-consuming
      • done by MAP from ISE
    7. route:
      • AKA place-and-route in combination with cell placement
      • connecting the cells in the device to match the netlist
      • done by PAR from ISE
    8. bitstream generation:
      • produces a programming file AKA a bitstream to program the FPGA
      • ie. compiling a FPGA design
      • done by BITGEN from ISE


  • Verilog overview:

    • similar to C eg. case sensitive, same comment style and operators
    • two standards Verilog-1995 and Verilog-2001
    • VHDL is another widely used hardware definitiion language (HDL)
  • Verilog has historically served two functions:

    1. create synthesizable code ie. describe your digital logic design in a high-level way instead of using schematics
    2. create behavioral code to model elements that interact with your design
      • ie. testbenches and models
  • data types:

    • main data types are wire and reg
    • must be declared before used
    • the wire type models a basic wire that holds transient values:
      • changing the value on the RHS changes the LHS
      • only wires can be used on the LHS of continuous assign statement
      • default is wire type
    • the reg type is anything that stores a value
      • only regs can be used on the LHS of non-continuous assign statements
  • data values:

    • values include 1, 0, x/X, z/Z
      • x is an unknown value, z represents a high impedance value
    • radices include d, h, o, b
    • format is <size>'<radix><value>:
      • eg. 8'h7B, 'b111_1011, 'd123
      • underscores have no value, purely for readability
  • operators:

    • bitwise operators eg. ~, &, |, ^, ~^
    • reduction operators are bitwise operations on a single operand and produce one bit result
    • logical operators eg. !, &&, ||, ==, !=, ===, !==
      • triple equals also compare x, z
    • arithmetic operators eg. +, -, *, /, %
    • shift operators <<, >>, <<<, >>>
      • << logical, <<< arithmetic
    • conditional operator sel ? a : b
    • concatenation operator {a, b}
    • replication operator {n{m}}
    • assignment operator = <=
      • in a block assignment =, assignment is immediate
      • in a non-blocking assignment <=, assignment are deferred until all right hand sides has been evaluated, closer to actual hardware behavior
  • assignment operator guidelines:

    • for pure sequential logic, use non-blocking
    • for pure combination logic, use blocking
    • do not mix block and non-blocking in the same always block
    • both sequential and combination logic in the same always block, use non-blocking
  • a module is the basic building block:

    1. define input, output, inout ports
    2. signal declarations eg. wire [3:0] a;
    3. concurrent logic blocks:
      • continuous assignments
        • can leave off assign keyword for shorthand
      • always block, either sequential or combinatorial
      • initial blocks, used in behavioral modeling
      • forever blocks, used in behavioral modeling
      • continuous assignments are used for assigning to wires
        • all other blocks are used for assigning to registers
    4. instantiations of sub-modules

Example module:

module top(a, b, ci, s, co);
    input a, b, ci;
    output s, co;

    wire s;
    reg g, p, co;

    assign s = a ^ b ^ ci;
    // combinatorial always block using begin/end
    always @* begin // @* is the sensitivity list
        g = a & b;
        p = a | b;
        co = g | (p & ci);
  • the sensitivity list defines when to enter the function in the begin/end block

    1. when level sensitive, changes to any signals in the list will invoke the always block, used in combinational circuits
      • eg. always @ (a or b), always @*
    2. when edge sensitive, invoke always block on specified signal edges, used in sequential circuits
      • eg. always @ (posedge clk or posedge reset)
  • always blocks:

    • an if/else or case statement may fail to cover all cases
      • add a default statement or put statement before case
    • can loop with while, for, repeat

Example modulo 64 counter:

module counter(clk, rst, out);
    input clk, rst;
    output [5:0] out;

    reg [5:0] out;
    always @(posedge clk or posedge rst)
        if (rst)
            out <= 6'b000000;
            out <= out + 1;
  • module instantiation:
    • using other modules within one module
    • restrictions:
      • port order doesn't matter
      • unused output port allowed
      • name must be unique
    • eg. counter counter1(.clk(test_clk), .rst(test_rst), .out(out));

Full-adder example using module instantiation:

module half_adder(a, b, x, y);
    input a, b;
    output x, y;
    assign x = a & b;
    assign y = a ^ b;

module full_adder(a, b, ci, s, co);
    input a, b, ci;
    output s, co;
    wire g, p, pc;
    half_adder(h1(.a(a), .b(b), .x(g), .y(p));
    half_adder(h2(.a(p), .b(ci), .x(pc), .y(s));
    assign co = pc | g;
  • testbench:
    1. instantiate unit under test AKA uut
    2. provide inputs
    3. simulate and verify behavior

Testbench example:

reg clk, rst;
wire out;
counter uut(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .out(out));

initial begin
    // assign inputs
always begin
    // alternatively, initial with forever block
    #5 clk = ~clk; // every 5 ms, update clk


CS152B: Digital Design Project Laboratory

FPGA Implementation

  • programmable logic devices (PLDs) are the larger family of devices that contain FPGAs:

    • alternative to custom application specific integrated circuits (ASICs)
    • pros:
      • designs can be rapidly loaded onto PLDs, unlike slow and expensive ASIC development process
    • cons:
      • the hidden programmable logic for connecting logic blocks are slower, more expensive, and consume more power
      • when high clock frequencies and very dense logic gates are required, only ASICs can be used
        • on the other hand, when logic is not very dense, the chip may have a minimum area determined by the number of I/O pads ie. pad limited, so PLD may still even be cheaper
  • generic array logic (GAL) devices:

    • any logical expression can be represented as a sum of products
    • GALs provide a programmable array of AND and OR gates
      • every input and inverted input is pulled into AND gates, and groups of these products are fed into separate OR gates
    • modern GALs use EEPROM technology and CMOS switches to allow for reprogrammability
      • past technology used fuses that could only be "blown" ie. programmed once
    • in the AND array, connections can be programmed so that the input term is disconnected from the AND input
      • then, the OR connections can be hardwired since the AND array is fully programmable
    • a structure called a macrocell performs other configurations such as OR / NOR polarities and selecting flip-flops
      • ie. determines how the boolean expression is handled and how the associated pins operate
    • to implement a GAL, HDL is converted into a netlist that is then fitted to a target device to create a fuse map
    • pros:
      • simplicity
    • cons:
      • rigidity, with respect to timing or design size
      • very high scaling in cost vs. logic density
        • AND matrix increases in square function of I/O terms
  • complex PLDs (CPLDs) are the more common macrocell-based PLDs in the industry today:

    • CPLDs have a linear scaling of connectivity to logic density by using a segmented architecture with multipled fixed-size GAL-style logic blocks
    • more scalable because the logic blocks are fixed in size and small enough:
      • sometimes just 5 product terms per macrocell
        • product term sharing allows a macrocell to borrow terms from neighboring cells
      • switch matrix does become more complicated with more pins
    • best for control paths that only require small number of flip-flops
      • eg. small state machines, small registers, control logic
    • pros:
      • simplicity
      • better scaling than GALs
    • cons:
      • more complex fitting process than GALs due to hierarchical structure and macrocell sharing
      • still limited to simpler control path applications
  • field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are devices that address data path applications:

    • consists of an array of small logic cells, each with a flip-flop, lookup table (LUT), and supporting logic for multiplexing and arithmetic carries
      • boolean expressions can be evaluated through the LUTs, which are implemented as small SRAM arrays
    • cells are arranged on a grid of routing resources that can make connections between arbitrary cells to build logic paths
      • I/O cells are located around the edges of the chip
    • very high logic densities are achieved by scaling the cell array
    • routing now becomes the limiting factor due to the grid interconnect system:
      • routing can an especially long amount of time
      • large, fast designs require iterative routing and placement algorithms
    • a new issue is with skew across the large system:
      • most FPGAs support several global clocks
      • phase or delay locked loops can be used to intentionally de-skew clock signals
    • other FPGA considerations:
      • RAM blocks that can be used in arbitrary width and depth configurations for different purposes
        • also, using logic cells as RAM
      • third-party logic cores
      • I/O cell architecture

FPGA Performance

  • the FPGA is a general-purpose device with digital logic building blocks:
    • basic building block is a logic cell or element (LC/LE) which contains a look-up table and flip-flop
    • dedicated logic blocks, internal memory, buses, peripherals, controllers, and even processors can be constructed form this general-purpose FPGA logic
      • a processor built with LCs is called a soft processor, and must be synthesized and placed
    • pros:
      • high level of customization
        • any custom combination of peripherals and controllers
      • soft processors allow for obsolescence mitigation since the processor HDL code is permanent
      • FPGA component versatility allows larger systems to be reduced into a single FPGA
        • reduced components and cost
      • option for hardware acceleration for any software bottlenecks
        • FPGA design tools allow C code to be easily adapted into hardware
    • cons:
      • requires additional design by the embedded programmer compared to a traditional off-the-shelf processor
      • design tools are more complex
      • FPGA is more expensive than equivalent processor
        • but can take advantage of FPGA already in the system at no additional cost

Performance Enhancing Techniques

Non-FPGA Specific

  • the first set of techniques are code manipulation strategies:

    1. compiler optimization levels:
      • optimizations include jump and pop, loop unrolling, function in-lining, etc.
      • level 2 is standard, performs all optimizations that do not increase code size
      • level 3 is the highest level that includes all optimizations that can increase code size
    2. manufacturers provide some optimized instructions for FPGAs, eg. xil_printf which is 5% the size of the standard printf, with some limitations
    3. assembly and in-line assembly is supported
    4. other optimizations such as locality of reference, small data sections, loop length, minimal recursion
  • the remaining techniques deal with different memory usages:

    • the fastest option is to put everything in local memory called BlockRAM (BRAM):
      • essentially L1 or L2 cache of the system
      • usually between 32-64 KB
    • the slowest option is to put everything in external memory only:
      • eg. SRAM, SDRAM, or DDR SDRAM
      • incurs memory access time as well as peripheral bus latency
    • if the entire program cannot fit in local memory, we can consider caching external memory:
      • for some systems, such as MicroBlaze architectures, the cache memory is not dedicated silicon but instead constructed from BRAM and LCs
        • this reduces the system frequency since the cache controller adds additional logic and complexity
      • thus, enabling the MicroBlaze cache may improve performance, even with a slower system clock, but can also detract from performance
        • multiple cache misses make it so cached external memory performances even worse than external memory without cache
    • thus, the best performance solution in terms of memory for MicroBlaze systems usually involves partitioning code:
      • critical data, instructions, and stack are placed in local memory, with everything else in external memory
      • data cache is not used, allowing for a larger local memory
      • instruction cache can be used if instructions cannot fit in local memory

FPGA Specific

  • one class of techniques deal with increasing the FPGA operating frequency:

    1. only connecting utilized peripherals and buses
      • eg. disabling debug logic modules, using trimmed address buses, simpler GPIO pin version, etc.
    2. specifying area and timing constraints so that the FPGA place and route tools perform better
  • the remaining techniques deal with hardware acceleration:

    • hardware acceleration consumes additional FPGA resources, but allows some software limitations to be overcome
    1. modules such as dividers and barrel-shifters can be customized to be done in hardware instead of software
      • this consumes more logic but improves performance
    2. arbitrary software bottlenecks can be converted to hardware:
      • custom hardware logic can be designed to offload an FPGA embedded processor
      • usually facilitated by low-latency access points onto the processor
      • tools exist that generate FPGA hardware directly from C code
      • eg. FFT, DES and AES encryption, matrix manipulation, etc.