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CS33: Introduction to Computer Architecture
Professor Reinman
Thilan Tran
Spring 2019
Libertinus Serif
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CS33: Introduction to Computer Architecture


  • data representation: ints, floats, bit manipulation, casting, structs/unions
  • machine level programming: x86, bomb-lab, attack-lab, MIPS, RISC vs. CISC
  • memory hierarchy: caching, locality (temporal and spatial), VM, stack vs. heap
  • program optimization: blockers, optimizations, false-sharing
  • parallelism: OpenMP, problems (races, deadlocks), solutions (synchronization, critical sections)
  • system: linking/compile process, traps/exceptions
  • final format:
    1. fill in the blank
    2. MIPS <-> x86
    3. OpenMP
    4. structs/unions
    5. code optimization
    6. attack lab
    7. boss question

Bits and Bytes

  • looking under the abstraction layer of the machine:
    • ISA - instruction set architecture (eg. x86-64)
      • communicates higher level languages into the underlying machine / architecture
  • compilation steps:
    1. pre-processor directives
    2. compiler creates machine language code, code generator phase (still text readable)
    3. assembler creates object file (machine readable)
    4. linker creates an executable or binary
  • looking at how data is handled and represented:
  • based on representing information as bits
    • every bit is either a 0 or a 1
    • encoding/interpreting bits in a certain way:
      • instructions for the computer
      • represent and manipulate numbers, sets, string, etc.
      • why bits? Due to their electronic implementation...
        • easy to store bistable elements (voltage), and reliably transmitted on wires
  • can store/organize 8 bits in a byte
    • memory is usually byte-addressable
    • ranges from 8 0's (0) to 8 1's (255) (256 unique values)
    • also convenient look at bits using base 16, hexadecimal
      • uses 0 through 9 and A through F
      • written in C as 0x..., eg. 0xFA1D37B
      • one hex digit represents four binary bits, one byte is encoded in two hex characters (more convenient to visualize)
      • memory dumps show the address and the contents there, usually with hex-pairs (for one byte)
        • (formed in hex, but really actually stored in binary)
  • ASCII:
    • interpreting numeric values as characters
    • what matters is how data (just a pattern of bits) is interpreted
C Data Type Typical 32-Bit Typical 64-Bit x86-64
char 1 1 1
short 2 2 2
int 4 4 4
long 4 8 8
float 4 4 4
double 8 8 8
long double - - 10/16
pointer 4 8 8

Table: Example Data Representations

Bit-Level Manipulations

  • boolean algebra - algebraic representation of logic, applied at a bit level
    • encode 1 as true, 0 as false
    • A & B == 1 when both A == 1 and B == 1
    • A | B == 1 when either A == 1 or B == 1
    • ~ A == 1 when A == 0 (complementary operator)
    • A ^ B == 1 when either A == 1 or B == 1, but not both (exclusive-or (Xor))
  • when operated on bit vectors, operations are applied bitwise
    • eg. in an 8-bit operation, individual bits are paired off
  • can represent and manipulate sets using bits:
    • a bit would be set to 1 if it is contained in some range
    • eg. 01101001 (corresponding to the range 76543210) would indicate the set { 0, 3, 5, 6 }
    • could use bit manipulation on multiple sets to find their intersection, union, symmetric difference, and complement...
    • operations could be cheaper and more efficient, but:
      • may have to process the data to interpret it
      • mapping is implicitly only tied to position of the bits
  • all of these operations are available in C and can be applied to any built-in data type
    • arguments are viewed as a bit vector and are applied bit-wise
  • examples:
    • ~0x41 == 0xBE (~01000001 == 10111110)
    • 0x69 & 0x55 == 0x41 (01101001 & 01010101 == 01000001)
    • 0x69 | 0x55 == 0x7D (01101001 | 01010101 == 01111101)
    • can use the complementary operator to quickly find the negative of a signed:
      • x + ~x == -1 (all 1's)
      • so, ~x + 1 == -x
  • these are in contrast to logical operators!
    • view 0 as false, all nonzero as 1
    • always return 0 or 1
    • early termination / short-circuiting!
    • examples:
      • !0x41 == 0x00
      • !0x00 == 0x01
      • 0x69 && 0x55 == 0x01
      • p && !p (avoids null pointer access)
  • shift operations move bits so that they are of a higher or lower significance
    • left shift ( << ) - throw away extra bits on the left, fill with 0's on the right
      • eg. 01100010 << 3 == 00010000
    • right shift ( >>) - throw away extra bits on the right
      • fill with either 0's (logical shift) or replicate most significant bit (arithmetic shift)
      • logical 01100010 >> 2 == 00011000
      • arithmetic 01100010 >> 2 == 00011000
      • logical 10100010 >> 2 == 00101000
      • arithmetic 10100010 >> == 11101000


Integers can be unsigned or signed.

Unsigned integers represent positive values 0 or greater. Mathematical representation (where w is the width of the integer and i is the index from the right of the integer): \begin{equation} B2U(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{w-1}x_i\cdot2^i \end{equation}

Signed integers represent all integers, positive and negative. This form is called Two's Complement. \begin{equation} B2T(X) = -x_{w-1}\cdot2^w-1 + \sum_{i=0}^{w-2}x_i\cdot2^i \end{equation}

Decimal Hex Binary
x 15213 3B 6D 00111011 01101101
y -15213 C4 93 11000100 10010011

Table: Examples of C's short (two bytes long)

In Two's Complement form, the most significant bit indicates the sign: 0 for nonnegative, 1 for negative.

Unsigned values have a discrete, numeric range from $0$ (UMin, all 0's) to $2^w-1$ (UMax, all 1's).

Two's Complement values also have a discrete, numeric range from $-2^{w-1}$ (TMin, all 0's except for 1 as the sign bit) to $2^{w-1}-1$ (TMax, all 1's except for 0 as the sign bit).

Note that this range is asymmetrical ($|Tmin| = Tmax+1$) and less than the range for unsigned integers ($UMax = 2*TMax+1$).

Interesting value: $-1$ in Two's Complement form is represented as all 1's.

To get the negative of a value in signed form, flip all the bits and add 1.

\captionof{lstlisting}{Integer Ranges in C}

#include <limits.h>
int a = ULONG_MAX;
int b = LONG_MAX;
int c = LONG_MIN;
// note that these are platform specific!

More properties of unsigned and signed values:

  • equivalence: same encodings for nonnegative values
  • uniqueness: every bit pattern represents a unique integer value, and every representable integer has a unique bit pattern
    • some inverting of mappings are possible

Conversion and Casting

Mapping in either direction between unsigned and Two's Complement maintains the same bit pattern. The bit representation is kept the same and is reinterpreted, depending on the lens of either unsigned or signed (due to the difference in the highest order weighting, essentially adding or subtracting $2^w$). For example, 1000 in Two's Complement is -8, 1001 is -7...and 1111 is -1. This is unlike floating point casting, in which case the bit pattern does change.

Positive integers are equivalent between the two representations (0 in the most significant bit position). However, for negative integers, the large negative weight becomes a large positive weight. This leads to an ordering inversion, where negative values become large positive values.

Bits Signed Unsigned Notes
0000 0 0 equivalent for positive values...
0001 1 1
0010 2 2
0011 3 3
0100 4 4
0101 5 5
0110 6 6
0111 7 7 TMax $\Rightarrow$ TMax
1000 -8 8 TMin $\Rightarrow$ TMax+1, $\pm$ 16
1001 -7 9
1010 -6 10
1011 -5 11
1100 -4 12
1101 -3 13
1110 -2 14 -2 $\Rightarrow$ UMax-1
1111 -1 15 -1 $\Rightarrow$ UMax

Table: Casting between Signed and Unsigned

\captionof{lstlisting}{Casting in C}

// constants by default considered to be signed integers.
// need a U suffix for unsigned, eg. 1234567U

// Explicit Casting:
int tx, ty; // two's complement
unsigned ux, uy;
tx = (int) ux;
uy = (unsigned) ty;

// Implicit Casting: (occurs via assignment and procedure calls)
// if mix of types, signed (int) implicitly casts to unsigned
tx = ux;
uy = ty;
Constant1 Constant2 Relation Evaluation
0 0U == unsigned
-1 0 < signed
-1 (treated as UMAX, in bit, all 1's) 0U > unsigned
2147483647 (TMAX) -2147483647-1 (TMIN) > signed
2147483647U (0 followed by all 1's) -2147483647-1 (1 followed by all 0's) < unsigned
-1 -2 > signed
(unsigned)-1 (all 1's) -2 (all 1's followed by one 0) > unsigned
2147483647 2147483648U < unsigned
2147483647 (int)2147483648U (TMIN when casted, 1 followed by all 0's) > signed

Table: Some Casting Surprises

Sign Extension

Given a w-bit signed integer, how do we convert it to a w + k-bit integer with the same value? (eg. converting from a short to an int)

Make k copies of the sign bit to fill the k new bits that are being added.

Decimal Hex Binary
short int x; 15213 3B 6D 00111011 01101101
int ix = (int) x; 15213 00 00 3B 6D 00000000 0000000 00111011 01101101
short int y; -15213 C4 93 11000100 10010011
int iy = (int) y; -15213 FF FF C4 93 11111111 1111111 11000100 10010011

Table: Sign-extending short to int


  • unsigned: zeros added
  • signed: sign extension
  • both yield expected results


  • unsigned/signed: bits are truncated
  • result reinterpreted
  • unsigned: equivalent to a mod operation (throwing away higher bits)
  • signed: similar to mod operation
  • for small numbers yields expected behavior


Unsigned Addition: If the operands are integers of w bits, the true sum to account for all possible additions would be w+1 bits (to account for adding some of the largest possible values). If we discard the carry, the sum would be w bits. In standard addition, the carry is ignored, and this operation is the same as the operation $UAdd_w(u, v) = (u + v) mod 2^w$ (a modular sum). That is, the value is too large and overflows/wraps around (will only wrap around at most once).

Two's Complement Addition: Signed addition works in the same way as unsigned at the bit level (casting to unsigned yields the same result). However, the difference is that the overflow can be both positive and negative. A value that becomes too negative becomes a positive value at most once, while a value too large becomes a negative value at most once. Only values in the middle area follow the true sum.


Exact results (true product) of product of two w-bit numbers can be bigger than w bits: up to 2w bits for unsigned, 2w-1 bits for signed negative (min), and 2w bits for signed positive (max).

  • to maintain exact results, we would have to keep expanding the word size with every product.
  • in unsigned multiplication in C, w bits are discarded, so high order w bits are ignored. Similar to operation $UMult_w(u, v) = (u * v) mod 2^w$.

Multiplication is an expensive operation made up of numerous additions and shifts. When applicable, the compiler replaces some multiplication operations with simpler ones, eg. u << k gives $u * 2^k$, as long as the values aren't too large. Therefore, u << 3 == u * 8. However, we can still use this technique to calculate multiplication involving non-powers of two: (u << 5) - (u << 3) == u * 24. This shift/add operation is generally faster than multiply so, compilers will automatically generate this new code in a process called strength-reduction (but can only happen at runtime, not compile-time).


Has a similar strength-reduction where quotient of unsigned by power of 2 can be simplified (floor-function, however). For example, u >> k gives the floor of $u / 2^k$.

\captionof{lstlisting}{Mistakes with Unsigned}

unsigned i;
for (i = cnt-2; i >= 0; i--)
  // if cnt is small, cnt-2 is a negative value, and will be casted to a very large unsigned value...
  // leads to an array access out of bounds!
  a[i] += a[i+1];

// instead:
unsigned i;
for (i = cnt-2; i < cnt; i--)
  // comparison is done relative to an unsigned value, so array indices are now bound properly

// even better:
size_t i; // size_t is defined as an unsigned value where length = word size
for (i = cnt-2; i < cnt; i--)

// another example:
#define DELTA sizeof(int)
int i;
for (i = cnt; i-DELTA >= 0; i -= DELTA)
  // since sizeof() returns an unsigned, we are essentially doing an unsigned operation, may decrement to a large unsigned value
  // will never not be greater than 0 in this loop

When to use Unsigned?

  • do use when performing modular arithmetic (no negatives)
  • do use when using bits to represent sets (logical right shift, no sign extension)

Representation in Memory

  • programs refer to data by address
    • can envision memory as a very large array of bytes
    • address in index into an array
    • pointers store those addresses
  • private address spaces for a single process, virtual memory is where memory can be shared between processes
    • illusion of more memory
  • any computer has a word size - nominal size of integer-valued data / addresses
    • eg. 32 or 64-bit word size
    • storage is different for data types in different word sizes
  • addresses specify byte locations, usually first byte in a word
  • for the actual ordering of multi-word bytes in memory, there are two conventions:
    • big endian: least significant byte has highest address (left to right)
      • eg. 0x100: 01 23 45 67
    • little endian: least significant byte has lowest address (right to left)
      • eg. 0x100: 67 45 23 01 (ordering of bits remains in order within a byte)
  • note: endian applies to integral types, not arrays
    • eg. strings in C are simply array of characters:
      • allocating a C-string is not a multi-byte type, still an integral type of char
      • so, the C-string is still stored in order, regardless of endian, ie. there is no byte ordering
    • for all arrays: arr[0] always at the lowest address, arr[len-1] always at the highest address
      • but each element in the array is still stored according to its endian

Integer C Puzzles


int x = foo();
int y = bar();
unsigned ux = x;
unsigned uy = y;
Statements Solution Explanation
x < 0 $\xrightarrow{?}$ (x*2) < 0 false Negative value could overflow and become positive.
ux >= 0 true Unsigned comparison is always greater than 0.
x & 7 == 7 $\xrightarrow{?}$ (x<<30) < 0 true 7 in binary is ...111, so x ends in 111.
ux > -1 false -1 in unsigned comparison is UMax.
(3-5U) > 0 true Unsigned comparison is always greater than 0.
(3-5) > 0 false
x > y $\xrightarrow{?}$ -x < -y false If we attempt to invert TMin, we would get itself.
x * x >= 0 false Could overflow and become negative.
x > 0 && y > 0 $\xrightarrow{?}$ x + y > 0 false Could overflow and become negative.
x >= 0 $\xrightarrow{?}$ -x <= 0 true
x <= 0 $\xrightarrow{?}$ -x >= 0 false If we attempt to invert TMin, we would get itself.
`(x -x) >> 31 == -1` false
ux >> 3 == ux/8 true Property of strength reduction.
x >> 3 == x/8 false Negative division doesn't work properly.
x & x-1 != 0 false Not when x is 1.

Table: Integer Puzzles

Floating Point

  • overal form: $(-1)^{S} M 2^E$
  • numerical form includes:
    • a sign bit
    • exponent that weights the value by power of 2 (encoded in exp field)
      • increasing bits for E increases the range
    • a significand or mantissa (encoded in frac field, usually fractional value between 1 and 2)
      • increasing bits for M increases the precision
  • note that in floating point, there is no overflow, instead values saturate at +-infinity
    • no asymmetry in floating point notation either
  • trade off: larger exp field means a longer range, while larger frac field means more precision
  • normalized values: when exp is not all 0's or all 1's
    • exp is coded as a biased value, or $E = Exp - Bias$ -depending on sign bit allows for positive and negative exponents
      • bias is calculated as $2^{k-1}-1$, where k is the number of exponent bits
      • this bias calculation allows for easy comparisons, because the exp field can be interpreted as unsigned
    • significand is coded with an implied leading 1, eg. 1.xxxx
      • each field correspondes to $2^{-k}$, where k is the field from the left
        • ie. fractional powers of 2
      • minimum when frac is all 0's (1)
      • maximum when frac is all 1's (~2)
      • similar to an extra bit
  • denormalized values: only when exp is all 0's
    • exp is interpreted as $1 - Bias$ instead of $0 - Bias$
    • significand is coded with implied leading 0, eg 0.xxxx
    • creates a more continuous spectrum
    • all 0's can represent both +-0 (depending on sign bit)
    • otherwise, represents the numbers closest to 0, equispaced
      • distribution gets denser towards 0
  • special values: only when exp is all 1's
    • if frac is all 0's, represents infinity
      • can be positive and negative
      • operation that overflows
      • eg. 1.0/0.0, -1.0/-0.0, 1.0/-0.0
    • if frac is nonzero, represents NaN
      • no numeric value can be determined
      • eg. sqrt(-1), inf - inf, inf * 0
  • for a float, M takes 23 bits, E takes 8 bits
  • for a double, M takes 52 bits, E takes 11 bits
s exp frac E Value
0 0000 000 -6 0, closest to zero
0 0000 001 -6 1/8 * 2^-6^
0 0000 010 -6 1/4 * 2^-6^
0 0000 111 -6 7/8 * 2^-6^, largest denorm
0 0001 000 -6 8/8 * 2^-6^, smallest norm
0 0001 001 -6 9/8 * 2^-6^
0 0110 111 -1 15/8 * 2^-1^, closest to 1 below
0 0111 000 0 8/8 * 1
0 0111 001 0 9/8 * 1, closest to 1 above
0 1110 111 7 15/8 * 128, largest norm
0 1111 000 na infinity


  • first compute exact result, then make it fit into desired precision
  • possibly overflow if exponent is too large or round to fit into frac
    • overflowing the precision
  • when casting between int / doubles, bit patterns may change due to rounding
  • uses round even convention to round to the nearest even number if at the halfway point
    • in binary, even when least significant bit is 0
    • half-way when bits to the right of rounding position is 1 followed by all zeros
    • eg. 10.11100 in binary will round to 11.00 (or 3)
    • eg. 10.10100 in binary will round to 10.10 (or 2.5)
  • multiplication:
    • for sign: check S1 ^ S2
    • significand: M1 x M2
    • exponent: E1 + E2
    • don't have to check for overflow, values saturate at infinity
  • still have to fix and round result
    • if M >= 2, shift M right, increment E
    • if E out of range, overflow
    • round M to fit frac precision
  • addition:
    • align up the binary points at E1 - E2, then add
    • similar fixing steps for multiplication
  • casting between int, float, and double does change the bit representation
    • double/float -> int truncates fractional part
    • like rounding towards zero
    • undefined when out of range
  • int -> double exact conversion as long as int has <= 53 word size
  • int -> float will round according to rounding mode

Floating Point Puzzles

  • x == (int)(float) x, false, x may have more bits of precision and become rounded
  • x == (int)(double) x, true, double has more precision than an int
  • f == (float)(double) f, true, double is larger than the float in all cases
  • d == (double)(float) d, false, double holds less space
  • f == -(-f), true, symmetric range
  • 2/3 == 2/3.0, false, rounding restrictions
  • d < 0.0 -> ((d*2) < 0.0), true, values saturate, no overflowing
  • d > f -> -f > -d, true, symmetric range
  • d * d >= 0.0, true, no overflowing
  • (d+f)-d == f, false, there may be a precision issue
    • with very small f, the impact may be rounded away because of the smaller precision
    • finite amount of representable precision

Machine Programming: Basics

Brief History

  • Intel x86 dominates the market (except for mobile computing)
  • maintained backward compatibility
  • CISC or complex instruction set computer (used by Intel)
    • older, more compact code, less memory
    • many different instructions with different formats
  • RISC or reduced instruction set computer
    • generally faster, focuses on parallelism, but Intel has matched performance with CISC
      • parallelism uses less power

Assembly / Machine Code Overview

  • ISA or Instruction Set Architecture
    • eg. Intel x86, x86-64, ARM for mobile phones
    • parts of processor design that links the hardware to software interface
      • what's needed to program machine code / compiler
    • eg. registers in memory, or the instruction set specifications
    • does not include the more fundamental implementations of the hardare (microarchitecture)
  • machine code: programs written in 0's and 1's
  • assembly code: text representation of machine code
  • computer has a cpu and memory
  • in the cpu:
    • PC: program counter, address of next instruction (AKA RIP)
    • register file is for heavily used program data, faster access than normal memory
    • condition codes store status information, used for conditionals
  • memory can be modeled as a byte addressable array
    • holds code, user data, heap of dynamically allocated variables
    • uses a stack for procedures
  • C to object code:
    • gcc compiler takes C program, transforms into another text program called assembly program
      • -Og disables optimization, -S creates Asm program (.s)
      • (fundamental ISA instructions, human readable)
    • assembler makes Asm program into a binary object program
    • linker pulls in library to make a binary executable program (resolves references)
      • also deals with dynamic libraries
  • assembly data types:
    • has an integer type (for data values and addresses) and a floating data type
    • code that holds instructions is stored in various byte sequences of different lengths
    • no aggregate types like arrays / structures
      • does have contiguously allocated bytes in memory
  • assembly operations:
    • perform arithmetic function on register / memory data
    • transfer data between memory and register (loading or storing)
    • transfer control (by changing the program counter)
      • eg. conditional branches or jumps to/from procedures

\captionof{lstlisting}{Machine Instruction Example}

// copy value t into memory address in dest
*dest = t;

// move quad word (8-byte) to memory (really a copy)
movq %rax, (%rbx)
// assume register %rax stores value of variable t
// register %rbx holds 64-bit address stored by dest
// *dest goes to a memory location at M[%rbx]
// parens indicate a dereferencing of a pointer

// instruction generated by assembly is stored in memory here
0x40059e: 48 89 03
// 3-byte instruction
  • can break down / disassemble object code with a dissasembler
    • objdump -d sum where sum is a binary, examines object code
    • gdb sum and disassemble sumstore is another dissasembler
      • x/14xb sumstore examines memory content starting at sumstore for 14 bytes

Assembly Basics

  • register files are the 16 registers / memory built into the cpu
    • registers are much faster than memory
  • historical (IA32) 32-bit registers were incorporated into larger 64-bit registers over time
    • eg. %rax and %r8 refer to 64-bit registers, %eax and %r8d refer to 32-bit registers
      • also has lower 8-bit (%ah and %al)and 16-bit (%ax) registers within 32-bit register (allows for backwards compatibility)
    • can still access these as lower-order bytes within the full registers (overlap)
      • allows for legacy code as well as more grainularity with data types
      • when using a 32-bit register, the rest of the 64 bits are implicitly set to 0's
    • some unique registers, eg. %rsp is a stack pointer
  • register breakdown:
    • %rax, %eax, %ax, %ah, %al
  • move data with movq, takes source and dest operand (quad-word or 64-bit)
    • other suffixes are B for 8 bit, L for 16 bit, W for 32 bit, Q for 64-bit
    • move is more of a copy, doeesn't remove the original source
    • operands can be memory, registers (built-in registers), immediates (constants or literals, with $ prefix)
      • immediates are specified directly inside the instructions (maybe 8 bits)
      • one of the 16 integer registers
      • memory accesses 8 consecutive bytes (q) at address given by register ((%rax))
        • check register, and then memory (so from 8 bits to 64 bits, one level of indirection)
      • other memory addressing modes:
        • normal, (R) --> Mem[Reg[R]], analagous to pointer dereferencing
        • displacement, D(R) --> Mem[Reg[R]+D], D added to register value
        • complete, D(Rb,Ri,S) --> Mem[Reg[Rb]+S*Reg[Ri]+D] (checking the contents of Rb and Ri)
        • eg. (%rdx, %rcx, 4) - R[rdx] + 4 * R[rcx]
        • eg. 0x80(, %rdx, 2) - can skip elements with comma, 2 * R[rdx] + 0x80
        • base register, index register, scale (multiple of two), displacement
        • or some combination of these components of the complete form
    • cannot do a memory-memory transfer in a single instruction
    • other examples, complex because of the CISC ISA:
      • eg. movzbq %al, %rbx moves byte to quad and pad with zeroes
      • eg. movsbq %al, %rbx moves byte to quad and sign-extend
      • eg. cltq is analagous to movslq %eax, %rax, except implicitly dealing with the %rax, less operands
  • % indicates a register, $ indicates a literal
movq Command C Analog
movq $0x4, %rax temp = 0x4;
movq $-147, (%rax) *p = -147;
movq %rax, %rdx temp2 = temp1;
movq %rax, (%rdx) *p = temp;
movq (%rax), %rdx temp = *p;

Table: Some movq Operand Patterns

Arithmetic and Logical Operations

  • leaq src, dest: load effective address
    • where src is some address mode expression, and dest is some location to set to address
    • unlike move, memory is not dereferenced, only an effective address is being computed
      • not using the value of the register as a pointer
    • useful to reduce arithmetic computations, also allows for two sources, where one is not modified
    • movq 8(&rax), %rdx - M[8+R[rax]] => R[rdx]
    • leaq 8(&rax), %rdx - 8+R[rax] => R[rdx], don't use this to go to memory, just compute an effective address
      • eg. calculating a pointer address, or use for simple arithmetic computations (doesn't overwrite original dest)
      • essentially provides 3 address code
      • in this case, parens does not indicate dereferencing
  • two operand instructions are where one of the operands is both a source and a destination (two address code)
    • eg. addq src, dest --> dest = dest + src
      • more space efficient, but overrides the instruction value
    • also subq, imulq (multiplication), salq, sarg (arithmetic right), shrq (logical right), xorgq, andq, orq
  • some single operand instructions:
    • act as both destination and source
    • incq, decq, negq, notq
  • no way to preserve the destination value
  • example invalid mov instructions:
    • movl %eax, %rdx - destination operand doesn't have the right size
    • movb %di, 8(%rdx) - source operand doesn't have the right size (moving 1 byte from 16 bits)
    • movq (%rsi), 8(%rbp) - can't move from memory to memory
    • movw $0xFF, (%eax) - all memory addresses have to be 64 bits, not 32

\captionof{lstlisting}{Understanding Arithmetic Expression}

long arithm (long x, long y, long z)
  long t1 = x + y;
  long t2 = z + t1;
  long t3 = x + 4;
  long t4 = y * 48;
  long t5 = t3 + t4;
  long rval = t2 * t5;
  return rval;

// in assembly:
leaq (%rdi, %rsi), %rax    // effectively adding %rdi and %rsi
addq %rdx, %rax            // could have also written as a leaq, would take more memory
leaq (%rsi, %rsi, 2), %rdx // multiplying %rsi by 3
salq $4, %rdx              // arithmetic left shift by 4, multiplying by 16 (48 = 16*3), strength reduction
leaq 4(%rdi, %rdx), %rcx   // x + 4 + t3
imulq %rcs, %rax           // t2 * t5
// compiler keeps track of what variables are "live" or needed
// can improve performance by limiting live variables
// knows when it can overwrite values

// registers and uses
// %rdi holds argument x
// %rsi holds argument y
// %rdx holds argument z
// %rax holds t1, t2, rval at different times
// (registers get reused often, register coloring, limiting live variables)
// %rdx holds t4
// %rcs holds t5

Machine Programming: Control

  • the register file is a set of registers within the cpu, vs. separate data in memory

  • special registers include the %rsp, or stack top pointer (one of the 16 registers for x86-64)

    • and the %rip instruction pointer: tracks current instruction to execute (is a program counter or pc)
      • can be changed explicitly as a part of control flow
      • any instruction ends up implicitly changing %rip to the next instruction
  • the instructions are held in main memory (place in memory called text)

    • instructions can be fixed length or variable length
    • all instruction have an op code that specifies the operation
    • and then there are operands
      • eg. RET takes 0 operands, ++ takes 1, add takes 2
  • condition codes are CF - carry flag, ZF - zero flag, SF - sign flag, OF - overflow flag

    • allow for more complex operations / comparison
    • are single-bit registers
    • are implicitly set after arithmetic operations (not set by leaq, but set by movq)
    • characterizes the result of an operation
  • CF set when unsigned overflow occurs / carry out of msb

  • ZF set if result is 0

  • SF set if result is < 0 (if most significant bit indicates < 0)

  • OF set when signed overflow occurs (a>0 && b>0 && t<0) || (a<0 && b<0 && t>=0)

    • where t is result of a op b
  • condition codes are also set explicitly when during comparisons or tests

    • only write to condition codes, without setting a destination
    • cmpq b, a, like computing a-b without setting destination
    • testq b, a like computing a&b without setting destination
      • useful for masking
  • reading condition codes:

    • can save into a general register value
    • or, can just jump, like a goto
  • setX sets the 8 lower-order bits of a destination based on combinations of condition codes

    • doesn't overwrite the other bits
    • sete checks ZF, setne check ~ZF, sets checks SF, setns checks ~SF
      • setg check greater for signed, setl check less for signed, seta check above for unsigned
      • setg conditions: ~(SF^OF)&~ZF, setl conditions: SF^OF, seta conditions: ~CF&~ZF
    • usually has to be combined with another command to zero out the bytes
      • eg. can use movzbl to move from lower byte register to the same larger byte register
      • here, byte to a long, zero specified padding with zero
      • also zeroes the upper 32 bits by convention
  • jX jumps to different part of code depending on condition codes

    • branches to different paths, sets the %rip if some condition is true
      • similar to a if or other control statements
      • have to be used in conjunction with another operation that sets the condition codes
    • je checks equal, js check negative, jg and jge check >=, jl and jle check <=
      • ja check above unsigned, jb check below unsigned
      • eg. jle is true when (SF^OF)|ZF, and jg is true when ~(SF^OF)&~ZF
    • eg. jle .L4 checks if comparison just done is less than or equal
      • if it is, jumps to label L4 (labels are converted to actual addresses during linking)
    • jmp is an unconditional jump
      • eg. jmp *.L4(,%rdi,8) dereferences the contents of label + 8*%rdi as an instruction address to pull into the instruction pointer
  • other ways to translate/interpret jump operation

    • could express with goto in C to simulate the jump operation
    • could also express with a ternary to translate the general condition expression:
      • val = x>y ? x-y : y-x;

\captionof{lstlisting}{Assembly Jump}

// if statement in c:
long absdiff(long x, long y)
  long result;
  if (x > y)
    result = x-y;
    result = y-x;
  return result;

// expressed with goto:
long absdiff_j(long x, long y)
  long result;
  int ntest = x <= y;
  if (ntest) goto Else;
  result = x-y;
  goto Done;
  result = y-x;
  return result;

// in assembly:
  cmpq  %rsi, %rdi # x:y
  jle   .L4        # jump if <=
  movq  %rdi, %rax
  subq  %rsi, %rax ret
.L4:    # x <= y
  movq  %rsi, %rax
  subq  %rdi, %rax
  • conditional moves avoids the need to branch an instruction, just checks to do if a move is done
    • instead of passing instruction flow through pipeline, conditional moves do not require a control transfer
    • eg. if (nt) result = eval; no change in instruction flow, just a conditional move
      • only works if there is a single result to be output
    • eg. cmovle %rdx, %rax is a conditional move if result was less than or equal
    • bad cases for conditional move:
      • expensive computations (both values would get computed)
        • eg. val = Test(x) ? Hard1(x) : Hard2(x);
      • risky computation, may have undesired effects, eg. checking for nullptr
        • eg. val = p ? *p : 0;
      • computation with side effects, both values get computed, may override each other
        • eg. val = x > 0 ? x*=7 : x+=3;

\captionof{lstlisting}{Conditional Move in Assembly}

// general conditional move in C:
val = test ? Then_Expr : Else_Expr;
// goto translation:
result = Then_Expr;
eval = Else_Expr;
nt = !Test;
if (nt) result = eval;
return result;

// in assembly:
  movq    %rdi, %rax # x
  subq    %rsi, %rax # result = x-y
  movq    %rsi, %rdx
  subq    %rdi, %rdx # eval = y-x
  cmpq    %rsi, %rdi # x:y
  cmovle  %rdx, %rax # if <=, result = eval
  • loops:
    • in do-while loop, loop is executed at least once
      • can use a go-to version to simulate the assembly version
      • eg. loop label and a goto loop;
      • eg. .L2L: label and a jne .L2 to jump/goto to the loop if not zero (after a logical right shift)

\captionof{lstlisting}{Do-While in Assembly}

// do-while in C, counting number of 1's in bit:
long pcount_do(unsigned long x)
  long result = 0;
  do {
    result += x & 0x1;
    x >>= 1;
  } while (x);
  return result;

// goto version:
long pcount_goto(unsigned long x)
  long result = 0;
  result += x & 0x1;
  x >>= 1;
  if(x) goto loop;
  return result;

// in assembly:
  movl $0, %eax   #result = 0
.L2:              # loop:
  movq %rdi, %rdx
  andl $1, %edx   # t = x & 0x1
  addq %rdx, %rax # result += t
  shrq %rdi       # x >>= 1
  jne .L2         # if (x) goto loop
  rep; ret
  • in a while loop, loop may not be executed at all
    • can use a jump to middle translation to simulate the assembly version
    • basically skips over the body once, and goto the test immediately
    • can also translate to a do-while loop
    • has an initial test to check if skipping the body of the do-while loop

\captionof{lstlisting}{While in Assembly}

// while in C:
long pcount_while(unsigned long x)
  long result = 0;
  while (x) {
    result += x & 0x1;
    x >>= 1;
  return result;

// jump-to-middle translation:
long pcount_goto_jtm(unsigned long x)
  long result = 0;
  goto test;
  result += x & 0x1;
  x >>= 1;
  if(x) goto loop;
  return result;

// do-while translation:
long pcount_goto_dw(unsigned long x)
  long result = 0;
  if (!x) goto done;
  result += x & 0x1;
  x >>= 1;
  if(x) goto loop;
  return result;
  • in a for loop, has an initialization, a test, and an update
    • can be translated into a while loop with init outside, test, and update at the end of the body
    • can also translate into a do-while

\captionof{lstlisting}{For Loop in Assembly}

// for loop in C:
#define WSIZE 8*sizeof(int)
long pcount_for(unsigned long x)
  size_t i;
  long result = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < WSIZE; i++) {
    unsigned bit = (x >> i) & 0x1;
    result += bit;
  return result;
// while translation:
long pcount_for_while(unsigned long x)
  size_t i;
  long result = 0;
  i = 0;
  while (i < WSIZE) {
    unsigned bit = (x >> i) & 0x1;
    result += bit;
  } return result;
// do-while translation:
long pcount_for_goto_dw(unsigned long x)
  size_t i;
  long result = 0;
  i = 0;
  if (!(i < WSIZE))
    goto done; // initial test not necessary, can be optimized away
  unsigned bit = (x >> i) & 0x1;
  result += bit;
  if (i < WSIZE)
    goto loop;
  return result;
  • switch statements:
    • checks multiple case values with possible fall through cases and maybe a default case
    • more complex than the other loops
      • switch_eg:
      • the table has a base address at some label
        • direct jump: jmp .L8
        • indirect jump: jmp *.L4(,%rdi,8), have to scale by 8 to skip different locations in the table
        • no conditional jump, only lots of possibilities of different jumps
        • has a jump ahead in order to deal with the default case label
      • code blocks are then tied to different labels
      • in a fall through block, must goto a merge label depending on which operations are being executed in different cases

\captionof{lstlisting}{Switch in Assembly}

// jumping to parts of the jump table
  movq %rdx, %rcx
  cmpq $6, %rdi     # x:6
  ja .L8            # use default
  jmp *.L4(,%rdi,8) # goto *JTab[x]
// parts in the jump table:
section .rodata
  .align 8
  .quad .L8 # x = 0 etc...
  • switches are implemented with a jump table
    • would appear as an array of pointer with different possible jump targets
    • targets would point to code blocks actually in memory

Machine Programming: Procedures

  • procedures are a form of control that change the %rip
    • some differences:
      • procedures allow for a return to the calling site
      • allow for passing data
        • eg. parameters/arguments or a return value
      • there is an allocation of state during procedure
    • mechanisms are all implemented with machine instructions

The Stack

  • one portion of memory, grows and shrinks
    • accounts for different locations in memory at different times
  • stack bottom stays in place (starts at a higher address)
    • and grows downward towards lower addresses
    • %rsp contains the lowest stack address (top of stack, last value that was stored)
    • can visualize as virtually allocating space (growing or shrinking)
      • but no memory is being created/destroyed
      • stack simply occupies more or less of the memory space
  • some stack operations:
    • pushq src
      • fetch operand at src
      • decrement %rsp by 8 (bytes)
      • write operand to address at %rsp
      • implicitly made up of two commands:
        • eg. sub $0x8, %rsp and mov [val], (%rsp)
    • compiler may also simply do a bulk allocation for the stack, instead of calling push multiple times
      • or modify/access data beyond the stack pointer without modifying it
    • popq dest
      • read value at address given by %rsp
      • increment %rsp by 8 (bytes)
      • store value at dest (must be a register)
      • implicitly made up of two commands:
        • eg. mov (%rsp), [dst] and add $0x8, %rsp

Calling Conventions

Passing Control

  • stack supports procedure call and return
    • procedure call: call label (ie. push and a jump)
      • pushes return address on stack
        • address of next instruction right after call
      • jump to label (or move instruction address into %rip)
        • label will be linked to actual memory later
    • procedure return: ret (ie. pop and a jump)
      • pop address from stack into the %rip
      • thus, jumps to address

Passing Data

  • two places to store parameters to procedures:
    • in the registers themselves, or the stack
    • by convention for x86-64, first 6 arguments are stored in registers
      • rdi, rsi, rdx, rcx, r8, r9 (in order)
    • stack parameters are stored in reverse order
      • only when over 6
    • return value stored in %rax

Managing Local Data

  • has to do with scoping rules / local variables
  • for languages that support recursion, code must be reentrant
    • multiple simultaneous instantiations of a procedure
    • need to store state of each instantiation
      • eg. arguments, local variables, return pointer
  • requires stack discipline:
    • set of constraints in assembly, order to store state, and how to clean up
    • stack is allocated in frames for a single procedure instantiation
  • frames hold:
    • the return information (where to go when done)
    • local storage (if required)
    • temporary space (if required)
      • eg. saved registers
    • another optional argument build (calling another function)
    • ie. the current context of some procedure call
  • %rbp used to point to the beginning of the frame (called fram pointer)
  • "set-up" code is the space allocation upon entry to a procedure
    • includes push by call
  • "finish" code is the space deallocation
    • includes pop by ret
  • register saving convetion:
    • needs to be agreement between which registers can be changed/restored
    • caller saved: the caller saves temporary values in its frames before the call
      • caller must restore temporary values
        • eg. %rax, return value, is caller-saved because callee is free to modify it
        • 6 argument registers (%rdi through %r9) are also caller-saved, callee also uses these
        • %r10 and %r11 also caller saved
    • callee saved: callee saves temporary values in its frames before using
      • callee restores them before returning to caller
        • eg. %rbx, %r12 - %r14
        • also %rbp and %rsp
        • %rsp special form of callee save: must be restored to original value upon exit (must line up return address)
  • observations about recursion:
  • each function call has private storage
    • can save registers / return pointer
    • follows stack discipline

Machine Programming: Data


  • arrays have some data type and a length, T A[L]

    • stored in a contiguously allocated region of length * sizeof(type) bytes in memory
    • Endian type does not affect the overall array layout, just the storage of each individual type
  • can offset to different elements using array subscripts or pointer arithmetic

    • &val[2] gives back address of third position
    • *(val+1) gives back second element
    • C automatically scales pointers by the size of the array type
  • successive arrays not neccessarily allocated in successive blocks

    • but each array is stored contiguously
  • in assembly:

    • could use movl (%rdi, %rsi, 4), %eax to generate desired location in memory
  • multidimensional or nested arrays: T A[R][C]

    • overall size would be R * C * sizeof(T)
    • in memory, has row-major ordering, where array rows are laid out consecutively/contiguously
    • A[i] would be a single array/row with C elements (an address)
    • to get to a particular row: A + (i*C*4)
    • to get to a particular item: A + (i*C*4) + (j*4)
      • Mem[nestedarr + C*4*index + 4*digit]
  • multi-level arrays:

    • every element in the array is a pointer to an array of some data type
    • no necessary relationship between each type arrays in memory
    • same formula in C to find an element: A[R][C]
    • but in assembly:
      • have to dereference another array with some memory offset
      • two memory reads, first pointer to row array, and then access element within array
      • Mem[Mem[multiarr + 8*index] + 4*digit]
  • static vs. dynamic dimensionality:

  • if the array is static (dimensions are known at compile time):

    • compiler can do strength-reductions and optimize operations
  • if the dimensions are variable:

    • in explicit indexing, uses pointer to the array of a whole
    • in implicit indexing, uses listed dimensions in the parameter list
    • usually have to perform actual, more expensive multiply operation


  • a block of contiguous memory that holds different discrete types / variables
  • at least big enough to hold all fields, may be larger for alignment
  • the fields are ordered according to the declaration
  • machine program has no understanding of the structures in the source code
  • alignment: useful when moving memory around so that data will not be spanned across page or block boundaries
    • restrictions on the starting address of different types
    • the primitive types that make up a struct, when aligned, their address must be a multiple of the size of that type (eg. end in 3 0's, 2 0's etc.)
      • the overall structure has to be aligned at the largest k (size for integral type)
      • thus some memory is skipped by the compiler in order to align the elements of the struct
      • since char is 1 byte, has no address restrictions
    • for arrays of structures, has to satisfy alignment for every element
      • have to consider alignment when computing indices
      • to save space, place large data types first

Machine Programming: More Advanced Topics

Memory Layout

  • the memory layout includes:
    • stack grows downward
      • used for local variables and procedure frames
    • heap grows upward
      • dynamically allocated as needed (malloc), used for data
    • global data holds statically allocated data, such as globals / constants
    • text holds instructions, read-only, and shared libraries

Buffer Overflow

  • trying to access memory out of bounds in an array / struct
    • called a buffer overflow
      • could overwrite a return address and lead to:
        • seg fault
        • or branch to some unintended instruction
    • usually caused by unchecked lengths on string input
  • Unix functions gets, strcpy, scanf all have issues with buffer overflow
typedef struct {
  int a[2];
  double d;
} struct_t;

double fun(int i) {
  volatile struct_t s;
  s.d = 3.14;
  s.a[i] = 123456789; // could be out of bounds
  return s.d;

fun(0) // 3.14
fun(1) // 3.14
fun(2) // 2.13999999
fun(3) // 2.00000000
fun(4) // 3.14
fun(6) // seg fault, overwriting a critical address
  • code injection:
    • could write executable code in the input string to exploit something
    • overwrite and force a return to the exploit code instead of the callee
    • stack smashing
    • eg. internet worm (1988), IM war
  • solutions:
    1. avoid overflow vulnerabilities with safer input functions that limit lengths:
    • fgets instead of gets, strncpy instead of strcpy
    1. system level protection:
    • randomize allocation on stack to shift addresses for entire program
    • mark regions of memory as read-only or non-executable
    1. stack canary:
    • special value called a canary just beyond buffer, check for corruption
  • return-oriented programming attacks:
    • no injecting, instead make use of existing code
      • string together fragments of library code to achieve desired outcome
    • still doesn't overcome stack canaries
    • construct a program from gadgets, code would be executable
      • need a return, so utilize the tail end of existing functions
        • don't have to start at beginning of a function either
    • write each address to stack, and chain together the gadgets with one return


  • similar to structs
  • allocated according to the largest integral element (or strictest alignment rule)
  • can only use one field at a time
    • less memory
  • can be set only once
    • thus, reading the values may result in undesired results



  • fundamental constraint that cannot change program behavior
  • behavior that may be obvious to the programmer can be obfuscated to the machine
  • most analysis is performed only within procedures
    • and based only on static information
    • when in doubt, compiler must be conservative
  • compiler should be designed to optimize, instead of the underlying hardware
    • but dynamic architecture can also be optimized
  • latency is the amount of time to process an instruction through a pipe
  • throughput is the amount of time to finish a parallelized instruction

Types of Optimization Blockers

  • CPE: cycles to process an element
  • procedures, branches, and memory aliasing are areas that can be optimized
    • dynamic branching, "guessing"
    • taking advantage of parallelism
  • common types of optimizations:
    • code motions
    • strength reduction
    • sharing common subexpressions
    • loop unrolling
  • common types of optimization blockers:
    • procedure calls
      • compiler treats procedure calls as a black box
    • memory aliasing
      • using temporary accumulator (registers), instead of dereferencing memory
  • common types of hardware optimizations:
    • superscaling
  • code motion:
    • reduce frequency with which a computation is performed
    • essentially moving code out of a loop;
    • compiler cannot optimize code motion in a procedure call
      • can move procedure call into block;
      • or inline code so that it is inserted
        • but increases instruction size in memory
        • and cannot inline dynamic libraries
  • compiler will reuse portions of expensive expressions (memoization)
    • but can also code to reuse expressions
  • instruction level parallelism:
    • improve latency of overlapping, independent instructions
    • eg. try unrolling a loop
      • avoid sequential dependence, use reassociation
      • less checks in a loop, can parallelize operations
      • there is a lower bound on unrolling loops
    • compared to thread level parallelism
      • numerous functional units
  • reordering code or code hoisting:
    • pros: reduce latency time, better parallelization
    • cons: limitation on registers, ie. register pressure
      • hard for compiler to know how to optimize branching
      • can't tell which branch will be taken
  • multiple points in memory get aliased:
    • hard to tell if there is a dependency in memory, one value reads another
    • thus, compiler can't reorder those load and store commands to optimize
      • (load and store are high latency instructions)
    • can accumulate in a temp variable
      • avoid pointer arithmetic

Memory Hierarchy

Technologies and Trends

  • RAM: random-access-memory
    • packaged as a chip
    • basic storage unit is a cell (one bit per cell)
    • can be static (faster, more expensive, more power) or dynamic (better capacity)
      • these are volatile memories that lose information without power
  • nonvolatile memories don't depend on power:
    • read-only memory (ROM)
    • programmable memory (PROM)
    • large scale drives: disks and flash drives
  • bus interface includes wires that carry data and signals
    • system bus to I/O bridge
    • memory bus to main memory
    • eg. interface process to read from memory:
      • CPU places address A on memory bus
      • main memory reads A from memory bus
      • retrieves data word x, and places it on the bus
  • I/O bridge can also connect to different components
    • eg. USB devices, a disk controller
    • disk controller links between disk and memory
      • provides an interrupt or message upon completion
  • SSD has no moving parts compared to conventional rotational disks
    • significantly faster
    • not as high capacity
    • has potential to wear out that must be spread out evenly
  • important notes for memory hierarchy:
    • sequential access is faster than random access
    • the gap continues to widen between DRAM, disk, and CPU speeds
      • latency has not scaled well
    • avoid going to slower storages often in programs
      • well-written programs tend to exhibit good locality

Locality of Reference

  • locality: programs tends to use data and instructions with addresses near or equal to those used recently
    • recently referenced items likely to be referenced again (temporal)
    • items with nearby addresses tend to be referenced close together (spatial)
  • for example, in a loop iteration:
    • references array elements in succession (nearby, spatial)
    • references a sum variable each iteration (frequent, temporal)
    • instructions are referenced in sequence (spatial), and cycled (temporal)
  • can exploit by iterating loops in row-first order, instead of column-first order
    • larger strides if going by column
  • these properties lead to memory being organized in a hierarchy depending on their locality:
    • L0 - registers, least space, fastest, most costly
    • L1-3 - SRAM, L1-3 caches
    • L4 - DRAM, main memory, more latency, more storage, cheaper
    • L5 - local secondary storage
    • L6 - remote secondary storage
  • cache is a smaller faster storage device, acts as a staging area for a subset of data
    • physical, separate structures, usually handled by hardware, not software
    • organized and partitioned by blocks
      • blocks are kept consistent to avoid overlap
    • each block has an identification tag
      • tag tells system what addresses are currently cached
    • can have hits or misses, depending on what blocks are required from memory
      • hits are where desired blocks are currently loaded into the cache
      • memory is loaded on a miss, on a block size granularity
        • ie. go to the next level of the memory hierarchy
    • different types of caches, including registers (but managed by software)
      • TLB cache on-chip for virtual memory
      • L1 and L2 caches are on-chip
      • virtual memory, buffer cache in main memory

Cache Memories

  • small, fast DRAM-based memory handled in hardware
  • holds frequently accessed blocks of main memory
  • CPU looks first in data in cache (pulls in more memory in case of miss)
    • block size is the grainularity at which data is moved on a miss
  • cache organization:
    • similar to a hash table, with buckets
    • cache size: Sets * Elements * Bytes
  • types of caches: associative (block can go anywhere, more locations to check), direct map (block goes in one location)
    • hybrid / set associative (mix of both)
    • increasing flexibility with more locations, but more time consuming
    • also changes the eviction policy
  • cache organization is made out of sets with lines
    • lines composed of: valid bit, tag, and the actual cache block
      • valid bit unset when cache memory is invalidated by writing into memory
    • two-way associative: 2 lines per set, four-way associative, etc.
  • addressing of a word in a cache block
    • address composed of: tag, set index, block offset
    • not actual address, but physical address translation of the address
  • each core has a private L1 (i and d) and L2 cache
    • cores share an L3 unified cache
    • but block size is homogeneous
  • some performance metrics: miss rate, hit time, miss penalty
    • huge difference in cycles between a hit and a miss
  • some cores have unified caches
    • more resources to share, but easier to communicate
  • caches have an eviction policy to determine how to clear / replace data in the cache
    • eg. LRU (least recently used) or LFU (least frequently used)

Writing Cache Friendly Code

  • focus on the innermost loops on core function
  • to minimize misses, look for locality
    • repeated variable references
    • stride-1 reference patterns
  • memory mountain measures read throughput as a function of spatial and temporal locality
    • number of elements influences temporal locality
    • stride influences spatial locality
    • has certain ridges in the graph
      • represent L1, L2, L3, and Memory caches (temporal locality)
      • past a certain memory size for each cache, have to go down the memory hierarchy
        • leads to a throughput drop
    • slopes in graph represent spatial locality
      • stride length
    • aggressive prefetching allows for even higher throughput
  • eg. when optimizing matrix multiplication:
    • lowest miss rate occurs by reading sequentially with stride-1
    • that is, read both matrices row-wise in the innermost loop
  • can also break up loops or matrices even further into tiles or blocks
  • want largest possible tile size
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
  for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
    sum = 0;
    for (k=0; k<n; k++)
      sum += a[i][k] * b[k][j];
    c[i][j] = sum;
} // a row-wise, b column-wise, c fixed
  // 0.25 + 1 misses per iteration

for (k=0; k<n; k++) {
  for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
      r = a[i][k];
    for (j=0; j<n; j++)
      c[i][j] += r * b[k][j];
} // a fixed, b row-wise, c row-wise
  // 0.25 + 0.25 misses per iteration

for (j=0; j<n; j++) {
  for (k=0; k<n; k++) {
      r = b[k][j];
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      c[i][j] += a[i][k] * r;
} // a column-wise, b fixed, c column-wise
  // 1 + 1 misses per iteration

// Tiling Example:
for (i=0; i<n; i+=B)
  for (j=0; j<n; j+=B)
    for (k=0; k<n; k+=B)
      for (i1=i, i1<i+b; i1++)
        for (j1=j, j1<j+b; j1++)
          for (k1=k, k1<k+b; k1++)
            c[i1*n+j1] = a[i1*n+k1] * b[k1*n+j1];

Parallel Computing

  • an attempt to speed a task by dividing into subtasks
    • execute them simultaneously on multiple processors
  • domain decomposition approach:
    • divide data elements among processors
    • decide which tasks each processor should be doing
    • eg. for finding max of an array, break array into pieces
      • distribute segments among different CPUs
  • task/functional decomposition approach:
    • divide tasks among processors
      • leads to different communication chains
    • decide which data elements are going to be accessed
  • pipelining approach:
    • assembly line parallelism
    • overlapping stages in the assembly line
  • dependence graph:
    • nodes for constants, operators or function calls
    • arrows for use of variables or constants
      • ie. data and conditional flow
    • if there is no cross-iteration dependence (no overlapping)
      • can use domain decomposition (discrete, independent regions)
    • often will have some dependence that requires a rejoining across processors
  • for parallel portions of program, master thread forks additional threads
  • at join, extra threads are suspended or die
  • forking allows for incremental parallelization
    • transform sequential code when possible into parallel code
  • threads often share memory in order to communicate with each other
    • also would have private variables
    • must somehow synchronize shared variables
    • can lead to race condition where threads can write to shared memory


  • OpenMP is an API for parallel programming
    • provides library functions, environment variable, compiler directives
      • compiler directive in C is called a pragma
      • appear before relevant construct
      • has form #pragma omp <...>
    • used with C, C++, Fortran
    • based on fork/join model
    • mainly suited for domain decomposition
  • types of breakdown/partitioning:
    • static, dynamic, guided
    • with dynamic, using a finer grain breakdown
      • more work can be done by another thread if one thread is taking a while
      • allows for more load balancing
    • with guided, starts with large partitions that get smaller
  • #pragma omp parallel for
    • a forking and worksharing construct
      • eg. in a loop running 100 times, static breakdown/decomposition of 50 iterations into two processors
    • tells the compiler loop immediately following can be executed in parallel
    • number of loop iterations must be computable at runtime
    • thus, no break, return, exit, goto
    • has an overhead:
      • want to maximize the amount of work done for each fork/join
      • ie. the grain size
    • automatically makes the loop index a private variable
      • use private clause
      • private variables are undefined at loop entry and exit
        • can not assign new value to "other" private variable (in shared memory)
    • use firstprivate clause
      • private variable should inherit value of shared one on entry
      • once per thread, not per iteration
    • use lastprivate clause
      • value of private variable after sequentially lsat loop should be assigned to shared one on exit
      • remember, different threads can complete at different times
  • parallel pragma used when a block of code should be execued in parallel (forking construct)
    • forking and joining inherently has a nowait clause
  • for pragma used inside parallel block of code (worksharing construct)
  • single pragma used inside parallel block of code (worksharing construct)
    • only a single thread should execute the statement or block following
  • nowait clause says there is no need for synchronization at end of for or single
    • ie. should we wait for all the threads to finish before continuing?
  • omp_get_num_procs() returns number of physical processors/cores
  • omp_set_num_threads(int) sets number of threads should be active when in parallel
for (k = 0; k < N; k++)     /* has loop-carried dependencies */

  /* don't want too fine-grained, so parallelize middle loop */
  #pragma omp parallel for private(j) /* private clause */
  /* i is automatically a private variable */
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)   /* can be parallelized */

    /* j is a SHARED variable, will NOT work unless made private */
    for (j = 0; j < N; j++) /* can be parallelized */

#pragma omp parallel for private(tmp)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
  tmp = a[i] / b[i];
  c[i] = tmp * tmp;

Examples with private clauses:

/* firstprivate example: */
for (i = 1; i < N; i++)
  a[i] = alpha(i, a[i-1]);
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(a)
/* copies values of the existing a into all private copies of a */
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
  b[i] = beta(a[i]);
  b[i] = gamma(a[i]);
  b[i] = delta(a[i]);
/* lastprivate example: */
#pragma omp parallel for lastprivate(x)
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
  x = foo(i);
  y[i] = bar(i, x);
last_x = x;

Example with for and single pragmas:

#pragma omp parallel        /* forking */
  #pragma omp for nowait    /* worksharing */
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    a[i] = alpha(i);
  #pragma omp single nowait /* only one of the threads will print */
  if (delta < 0.0) printf (...);
  #pragma omp for           /* worksharing */
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
    b[i] = beta(...);
  /* inherent synchronization barrier here */

Extended example:

for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
  low = a[i];
  high = b[i];
  if (low > high)
    break; /* cannot workshare this loop! */
  #pragma omp parallel for
  for (j = low; j < high; j++)
    c[j] += alpha(...);

Even better:

#pragma omp parallel private(i, j, low, high)
/* private(j) is redundant */
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
  low = a[i];
  high = b[i];
  if (low > high)
    #pragma omp single nowait
  #pragma omp for nowait
  /* removes the overhead of forking on every iteration! */
  for (j = low; j < high; j++)
    c[j] += alpha(...);

Race Conditions

  • prevalant pitfall with parallel computing
  • occur when there are shared memory accesses / read and writes
    • may lead to errors when one thread is reading memory before the other has written to it
    • exhibit nondeterministic behavior, influenced by timing, unpredictable
  • threads are racing each other
  • need to have mutual exclusion, a type of synchronization where only a single thread or process can access a shared resource
  • could we manually solve by having a flag that is set when only one thread should be running?
    • no, what if two threads still read the flag at the same time and both execute
    • need an atomic test-and-set operation that is indivisible
  • #pragma omp critical tells compiler next block of code can only be executed by one thread at a time
    • similar to single, but all threads end up executing the code
    • drawback is the code block is executed sequentially
    • can hoist code to help deter this
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  x = (i + 0.5) / n;
  area += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
  /* accumulator variables can't simply be private,
     want to eventually combine them.
     We need a check for this. */
pi = area / n;

Fix with critical pragma:

#pragma omp parallel for private(x)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  x = (i + 0.5) / n;
#pragma omp critical
  area += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
pi = area / n;

Reduce time in critical section with hoist:

#pragma omp parallel for private(x, tmp)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  x = (i + 0.5) / n;
  tmp = 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
#pragma omp critical
  area += tmp;
pi = area / n;

Even less time in critical section:

#pragma omp parallel private(tmp)
  tmp = 0.0;
#pragma omp for private(x)
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
    x = (i + 0.5) / n;
    tmp = 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
#pragma omp critical
    /* only occurs once */
    area += tmp;
pi = area / n;
  • common pattern of parallelism called a reduction
    • using some associate binary operator to accumulate
  • reduction clause
    • eliminates overhead for private variable and dividing computations
#pragma omp parallel for private(x) reduction(+:area)
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  x = (i + 0.5) / n;
  area += 4.0 / (1.0 + x * x);
pi = area / n;
  • specify operator in clause
  • automatically optimizes and creates an accumulator


  • in general, even more efficient to lock data, instead of the code
  • for example, in a hash table, race condition invalid if writing into different buckets
    • but with critical pragma, every write would be done synchronously
    • need a finer-grain solution
  • can use a lock table for each element in the table
    • omp_set_lock() is an atomic operation to check AND set
      • at the grainularity of the indices of the table
    • omp_unset_lock() unsets
  • however, can lead to an issue with deadlock
    • both threads waiting for each other to unlock locked data, forever
    • cyclic resource allocation lock
    • also nondeterministic
  • deadlock only occurs under four conditions:
    • mutually exclusive access to shared resource, lock
    • threads hold onto resources they have while waiting
    • resources cannot taken away from threads
    • cycle in resource allocation graph
  • can solve by ranking resources
    • always must acquire one lock before the other
      • only necessary when threads are locking multiple resources
    • every lock needs an unlock


  • want to handle system state instead of simply the program state
    • eg. data from disk, divide by zero, ctrl-c
  • mechanisms for exceptional control flow
    • low level: exceptions
    • higher level: process switching, signals between processes, nonlocal jumps
  • exception: transfer of control to the OS kernel in response to some event
    • kernel has higher-level privileges
    • after processing with exception handler, can:
      • return to current instruction to execute
      • return to next instruction
      • abort
    • exception table, similar to a jump table
      • unique indices for different events and their handlers
  • different types of exceptions, async and sync
  • asynchronous exceptions include system interrupts
    • events external to the processor
    • indicated by processor's interrupt pin
    • returns to next instruction
    • eg. timer interrupt, I/O interrupt
  • synchronous exceptions include:
    • result of executing an instruction
    • traps: intentional, recoverable
      • calling OS for assistance, higher permissions
      • returns to next instruction
      • eg. a sys call, breakpoints
    • faults: unintentional, possibly recoverable
      • either re-executes or aborts
      • eg. page faults, segmentation faults, floating point exceptions
        • could re-execute move command after loading from disk
    • aborts: completely unexpected, not recoverable
      • abort program
      • eg. parity error, machine check, illegal instruction
  • system calls:
    • user needs higher permissions to perform file operations, etc.
    • eg. read, write, open, close, stat, fork, etc.


  • compilation steps: compilation (cpp), translation (cc1), assembler(as), linker(ld)

  • once program compiled into .o file, becomes a relocatable object file

    • memory addresses not solidified yet, contains memory labels
    • each .o file produces from a single sources file
  • linking combines together these relocatable object files into executable

    • allows for modularity of files
    • allows libraries to be easily used in programs
      • optimized, specialized, common code/tools
    • allows for separate compilation and relinking
    • efficiency in time and space
    • ELF format (ELF binaries) is a standard format for object files
      • unified format for .o, a.out, .so
  • symbols are keywords that can be defined and referenced to

    • functions, variables, etc.
    • eg. void swap() {...} defines a symbol
      • swap(); is a reference to a symbol
    • can be global, external (defined in another module), or local
  • linkers use a symbol table to keep track of symbols and their definitions

    • array of structs with name, size, and location of a symbol
    • associates reference with definition during symbol resolution step
  • relocatable object files have a text segment (instructions) and a data segment (globals)

  • linker merges separate code sections

    • then, relocates relative symbol locations into final absolute locations
    • finally, updates all symbol references
  • static linking links together code at compile-time

    • larger executable
      • less overhead, portable
      • can embed a specific library version
    • archive/static libraries: .a archive file
      • concatenation of related object files
      • linker can distinguish between different object files within the archive
        • searches the library for unresolved external references
        • linker scans files in the command line order (libraries at the end)
        • only links specific necessary object files
  • dynamic linking links together code at load-time or runtime

    • avoids duplication of code, and easy updating of libraries without relinking
    • when run, there is an expected path to find libraries
    • executables are only partially-linked, does not contain actual code for the libraries
    • can link at load-time:
      • handled automatically by linker
      • C library is usually dynamically linked
    • can link at runtime:
      • dynamically loading
      • allows for inter-positioning
    • some extra latency
      • only pull in what is needed from libraries
        • pulled into memory, not disk
    • shared libraries: .so files on Linux, .dll files on Windows
  • library interpositioning: allows programmers to intercept calls to functions

    • could occur at compile, link, load, and run-time
    • wrap shared libraries in extra auxiliary code
    • provide an extra layer of indirection, programmer freedom
  • applications:

    • confinement, security measures
    • behind-the-scenes encryption
    • debugging
    • monitoring and profiling
      • malloc tracing
      • detecting memory leaks or generating address traces

Virtual Memory

  • when CPU's are shared between processes (eg. parallelism):

    • use a memory management unit to map virtual address to a physical one
    • don't have to compile programs with every possible memory location
    • allows programs to have the illusion of having full virtual address space
  • simplifies memory management, each process gets the same uniform linear address space

  • isolates address spaces

    • programs can't access each others memory
    • protection and sharing of data
  • use DRAM as cache for parts of virtual address space

  • virtual memory is an array of contiguous bytes on disk

    • contents of the array on disk are cached in physical memory (DRAM cache)
    • cache blocks are called pages
      • since disk is slow, page blocks are large
      • large granularity
  • page table is an array of page table entries that maps virtual pages to physical pages

    • memory resident structure
    • different page tables for different processes
    • valid bit and physical page number or address
      • PTE's can also be extended with permission bits
    • page hit: reference that is in physical memory, cache hit
    • page fault: reference that is not in physical memory, cache miss
      • page fault handler must evict a block from DRAM cache and bring in new block from disk
      • instruction is then rerun
  • works because of locality:

    • if working set size is less than main memory size, good performance
    • otherwise, leads to thrashing: pages are swapped in and out continuously
  • virtual memory allows each process has its own virtual address space:

    • memory is viewed as a simple linear array
    • compile programs can be run in any machine and memory locations
    • then, can map those virtual addresses into the same, shared pool of physical memory
      • allows for sharing of data between processes
  • simplifies linking and loading:

    • each program has similar virtual address space
    • code, data, and heap always start at the same addresses

Address Translation

  • virtual addresses are either invalid and stored on disk, or stored in memory

  • virtual address (handled by the MMU):

    • page number: index into the page table
    • page offset: offset from start of the page
  • page table base register points to the beginning of the page table

    • page table stored in memory
    • made up of PTE's
      • valid bit
      • physical page number
  • if valid bit in PTE is 1,

    • can take physical page number and append to the original page offset
    • forms overall physical address
    • can go to physical address in memory immediately
  • otherwise, page fault

    • page fault handled by kernel
    • the instruction is restarted after page on disk is brought into physical memory
  • CPU communicates with MMU

    • two requests from memory for one memory request: PTE and actual data
  • Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB):

    • small hardware cache in MMU
      • usually more associative
    • caches PTE's
    • TLB itself has a valid bit and tag for associating PTE's
    • VPN of the PTE is split up into a TLB tag and TLB index for looking up line in set
    • TLB hit: still need to go to cache/memory hierarchy with physical address after translation
    • TLB miss: incurs an additional memory access to find the PTE in actual page table
    • can be multiple TLB's for different cores, similar to L1/L2 caches
  • page tables can be very large

    • solution is to have extra level of indirection
    • level 1 table is memory resident
    • each PTE in level 1 table is indexed and points to another page table in disk
      • other higher level pages can be paged in and out of physical memory


  • reduced instruction vs. complex instruction sets

    • fewer registers and only one register classes
    • can only operate on registers, not memories + registers
    • utilizes 3-address instructions, instead of 2
    • only one addressing mode (base-offset)
    • fixed instruction length (32 bits)
  • CISC determined at a time where memory was expensive

    • RISC promotes more granular, can more easily be parallelize or pipelined
  • MIPS is a RISC

    • all arithmetic operations have the form $Rd &lt;- Rs op Rt$
    • MIPS is a load-store architecture, ALU only operates on registers
    • basic operations:
      • arithmetic
      • logical
      • comparison
      • control
      • memory access (load and store)
  • MIPS registers:

    • 32, 32-bit registers name $0 - $31 for general use
    • 32-bit program counter (PC), equivalent to $rip
    • special registers for multiply, division, and floating point
  • register conventions:

    • zero register always 0
    • $v0-v1 used for function return / sys. calls
    • $a0-a3 used for function parameters
    • $t0-t7 and $t8-t9 not saved on call (callee saved)
    • $s0-s7 are saved on call (caller saved)
    • $gp global pointer
    • $sp stack pointer
    • $fp frame pointer
    • $ra return address
  • register notation:

    • rd: destination
    • rs: source
    • rt: source/destination (read+modified)
    • immed: 16-bit immediate
  • load/store:

    • LW rt, offset(base) loads word from memory into register
      • base register + literal offset
    • SW rt, offset(base) stores word into memory from register
    • LB load byte and sign-extend
    • LBU load byte and zero-extend
    • SB store byte
  • arithmetic instructions:

    • ADD rd, rs, rt : rd = rs + rt
    • ADDI rt, rs, immed : rd = rs + immed
    • SUB rd, rs, rt : rd = rs - rt
  • control flow:

    • BEQ rs, rt, target branches if registers are equal
      • target is a PC-relative address (4, next instruction + offset)
    • BNE rs, rt, target branches if registers are not equal
    • comparison between registers:
      • SLT rd, rs, rt sets rd to 1 if rs < rt, otherwise 0
      • SLTU rd, rs, rt similar, but unsigned
      • allows for branch if var1 < var2
  • jumping: (uses 26-bit immediates that are appended onto PC to calculate PC-relative address)

    • J target jumps to target
    • JR rs jumps to address in register
    • JAL target jumps to target, ra = PC + 4
    • JALR rs, rd jumps to rs, rd = PC + 4
  • logic instructions:

    • AND rd, rs, rt : rd = AND(rs, rt)
    • ANDI rd, rs, immed : rt = AND(rs, immed)
    • OR, ORI, XOR, XORI
    • LUI rt, immed loads upper immediate into upper 16 bits of register
  • pseudo-instructions:

    • not real machine instruction
    • assembly instructions that are broken down by compiler
    • MOVE $t, $s -> ADDIU $t, $s, 0 (t = s)
    • CLEAR $t -> ADDU $t, $zero, $zero (t = 0)
    • LI $t, immed -> ADDIU $t, $zero, immed_lo (t = immed)
      • load 16-bit immediate
    • LI $t, immed
      • load 32-bit immediate (or a label address with LA)
      • load upper immediate: LUI $t, immed_hi
      • or lower immediate: ORI $t, $t, immed_lo
  • system calls:

    • each have their own code to distinguish
    • print integers (1) or strings (4)
    • read integers (5) or strings (8)
    • exit (10)
  • MIPS code sample:

A:  .word 5
B:  .word 10

    .globl foo
    lw $t0, 0($a0)
    lw $t1, 0($a1)
    sw $t0, 0($a1)
    sw $t1, 0($a0)
    jr $ra

    .globl main
    addu $s7, $0, $ra
    la $a0, A
    la $a1, B
    jal foo

    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, A
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, B

    addu $ra, $0, $s7
    jr $ra
    add $0, $0, $0