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Bootstrapping LuaBundler

You can bundle luabundler using luabundler. This article describes how to bundle luabundler with or without bundled luabundler executable. By saying "bundled" executable, we mean a executable statically including all its requirements to run on a operating sytstem, including libc.

This article sets the target platform as Linux on x86_64. The procedure is similar for other platforms.


We are building the bundle on a Linux machine.

Which bundler you can use

LuaBundler is just a regular program and can be run without bundling. Saying that, you can simply run luabundler/init.lua by a standalone Lua executable (with corrected dependencies). You don't need another executable or package to bundle your own LuaBundler executable.

Of cause, you can still use a bundled LuaBundler.

Download Lua 5.4 source

We need an archive object to bundle Lua. Most distro does not provide the static archive, we must do it ourselves.

Download the source here:

Exact to native_deps/lua under the project root, just a recommendation. The native_deps is already added to .gitignore.

The makefile of Lua using gcc by default. You can modifiy it to zig cc or something, and it's fine to ignore it if you are not doing corss compiling.

# In native_deps/lua/
make && make local

The production will be placed at install. Assume your source is at native_deps/lua, the production will be at native_deps/lua/install. We need to copy include and lib to lua_modules

mkdir -p lua_modules/include lua_modules/lib # Create the directories
cp -a native_deps/lua/install/include/ lua_modules/include/
cp -a native_deps/lua/install/lib/ lua_modules/lib/

Note: the lua_modules directory is also used by luarocks. Just copy the files if it's exists.

Build stringy

luabundler uses stringy, we must build an archive to bundle it.

Download the source here:

We wll exact to native_deps/stringy.

Just build the stringy.o:

# In native_deps/stringy
make stringy.o

For a lua C library, we place it to lua_modules/lib/lua/<lua version>/

cp stringy.o lua_modules/lib/lua/5.4/

Install dependencies to run luabundler

Use luarocks to install dependencies and the luabundler code.

luarocks build

To use depdencies from lua_modules, we must apply LUA_PATH and LUA_CPATH changes:

eval `luarocks path`

See if all packages can be resolved

Use <luabundler> resolved-paks bundle-recipe.lua --prefix ./lua_modules/ to see if all packages can be resolved by luabundler.

# In project root
$ lua luabundler/init.lua resolved-paks bundle-recipe.lua --prefix ./lua_modules/
FileType Kind   Name                     Path                                    
──────── ────── ──────────────────────── ────────────────────────────────────────
         src    argparse                 ./lua_modules/share/lua/5.4/argparse.lua
         src    tprint                   ./lua_modules/share/lua/5.4/tprint.lua  
archive  native stringy                  ./lua_modules/lib/lua/5.4/stringy.o     
         src    luabundler.cli           ./luabundler/cli.lua                    
         src    luabundler.template_prog ./luabundler/template_prog.lua          
         src    luabundler.searchers     ./luabundler/searchers.lua              
         src    luabundler.bundler       ./luabundler/bundler.lua                
         src    luabundler.cookbook      ./luabundler/cookbook.lua               
         src    luabundler.utils         ./luabundler/utils.lua                  
         src    luabundler.pathlib       ./luabundler/pathlib.lua                
         std    *                                                                
archive  native lua                      ./lua_modules/lib/liblua.a              

Run bootstrap script

Run bootstrap bundling script to bundle luabundler. The first argument is the luabundler, the second is the output executable name, the third is the compiler. You can supply options to the compiler.

./scripts/ "lua luabundler/init.lua" luabundler-x86_64-linux "zig cc -target x86_64-linux-musl"